The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 15, 1883, Image 2
mm? hat nvrnT a t JLI11U VjULsUlUDliUN. J. K, Blttoabinior.,1 EdItors BLOOMSliUKG, PA. FRIDAY, JtTNK 15, 188.1. Speaker Fnuitco U receiving high pralso from the press, irrespective of jmrly, for tlio very nblo mid satiafno tory in miner in which ho performed his arduous duties, lie never lost con trol of tho House, nnit his decisions wero fair and generally right, lie tie Rervoi nil that is said of him. Ht-Sonator Simon Cameron visited Governor I'attisou recently, and among other thing spoken of, commended him for the success of his ndminislration nnd the discretion employed in the exorciso oi tho veto power. To tho credit of tho prccnt legisla ture bo it said, that the last hours of its session wero not spent in a drunken debauch, which is more than can bo Baid cf many past legislatures. No li quor was allowed in tho retiring rooms of either branch, and tho last breath of the legular session was a sober one. An enterprising railroad in Ohio, the Cleveland, Akron nnd Columbus rail way, has made n new departure in its timetables, by adopting a system which hn.s been approved of, but not ventured upon by many railway companies in tho country. On its time cards tho hours are numbered from one up to twenty four, the latter being midnight. The coufusion which so often exists between the A. 1H. and P.M. hours is thus avoid ed. Thus one train arrives in Cleve land at !:!I0 and one departs from Columbus at 17 o'clock. Tliisroad also carries upon its morning trains wcitlier signals, devised and set by tho Ohio Meteorological, from predic tions furnished by tho United States Weather Service. It is believed to be the first railroad in tho country, if not in tho world, to adopt either of these schemes. Republican organs are criticising the Governor for calling an extra session of the Legislature, on tho ground of the great expenso to tho State. They forget that the Governor is simply per forming his duty in compelling the Legislature to do" that which is clearly pointed out by tho constitution, name ly, that once in ten years the State shall bo apportioned into legislative, congressional and judicial districts. Tho failure to do this at tho regular session was not tho fault of tho Dem ocrats, but of tho Republican Senate which would not agree thai fair appor tionments should be made, based on tho vote of tho State, and preferred tho present apportionment which is more favorablo to theiu than a new ouo will probably bo. If tho Gover nor had not called an extra session these same organs would now bo mak ing capital out of his failure to do bo. So it goes. Tho divorce busineso has received a sovero shock at tho hands of Judge Thayer of Philadelphia, who has just set aside a decree in tho case of Major Nickerson on tho ground that ho ob tained a divorce by fraud and imposi tion on the court. The laws of Penn sylvania permit an application for di vorce when either a husband or wife wilfully deserts the other for a period of two years. In this ease Nickerson sent his wife to Europe, wroto to her for a time and sent her money. When ho ceased writing to her he "continued to send money to tho daughter who was with her mother. At the expira tion of two years he applied for a di vorce, alleging that his wife had deserted him. He wont through tho usual form before a commissioner to tako testimony! proved that his wife had not lived with him for tho two years, and obtained a decree of separa tion. It was not until this stage of the case was reached that Mrs. Nickerson had any knowledge of tho proceedings, nnd she" was greatly shocked to learn that she was no longer tho wife of her husband. Tn tho mean fund, Nicker son had married another woman. The friends of Mrs. Nickerson took tho matter up, nnd after a full investigation tho court has set aside the proceedings and annulled tho decree. This puts Nickerson in a very undesirable plight and at latest reports ho has skipped to Canada with No. 2. When tho laws of tho state aro in such a condition that such a fraud can bo perpetrated under the eyes of the court, it is high tirao for a revision. Judge Thayer points out tho defects of tho law and makes some wholesome suggestions. Tho next legislature should overhaul tho subject and enact a law that will pre vent such frauds in tho future. THAT $75,00. Tho C.itawissa Item in commenting upon our u'luurk on tho payment of $7 J.UJ) oiit of the county treasury for paving the ui.d'oal the Paper mill from ftiv. save, it is "informed by lion. K. I.. iimin that the money (?7.,U'J was 111 J t j him, and less $1-1,00 (i.'i.UJ lur ! la-.'.iuicnts furnished the men on tiie cvoMiuir of tho lire, and 89,00 iu ha'j-U of William Ueikheimer for fuitiu-r lufroshments, which have not been furnished and which he has been ordered to refund for deposit with the halauce) placed to tho credit of tho Catawissa Fire Department in the Ca tawissa Deposit Rank." Wo have no special objection to Catawissa's taking all she can get out of tho county for tho bonelit of her fire department, but tho payment of this monoy is a bad precedent to estab lish, and ought not to boallowed. If the county pay $75 for saving abridge worth perhaps $1000, from lire, how much would it bo expected to pay tho Uloomsburg lire department for saving cither tho Court House or jail in caso of liro'f Uloomsbnrg has a ro. gularly organized iiro department of three chartered companies, and tliu town has invested several thousand dol lars in apparatus, without asking tho county to contribute a cent towards tho protection of its property. If Catawissa has a lire department whsn was it organized, and who is an. thorized to expend this money for tho benefit of that department f It seems however that all tho money was not appropriated to the "fire department." fourteen dollars of it was placed in the hands of a saloon keeper, for "refresh, inonts" furnished tho men. As the fire occurred just after supper time these "refreshments" were undoubtedly of a liquid form, but tho appropriation was too largo for the occassion, nnd so a portion of it is to bo refunded. The explanation given by the Item furnish es no oxcuso for this unwarranted pay. incut by tho county, and tho commis sioners should be held' accountable for it. DUKES KILLED. James Nutt, son of Captain Nutt who wns shot by N. L. Dukes in Unlontowii, shot and killed Dukes on the street in that town on Wednesday evening. It is said Nutt has been brooding over his father's death, nnd had fully determined to slay his fath er's murderer. Dukes died "immediate' ly,four shots taking effect. An honest jury on Dukes' trial would have pre vented this tragedy by hanging the villain. Randall and the Speakership. The Pittsburg I'ost, one of tho stuunchest advocates of Samuel J. Randall's candidacy for tho speaker ship, recently published tho following editorial : Now wo venture the statement on good authority, careful observation nnd extended inquiry, that Mr. Knu dall has, at tins time, in the Southern States from thirty to forty supporters for the speakership among tliu mem bers elect, and in the Northern States from sixty to seventy supporters. Were tlio caucus held to day ho would go into it with not less than 100 votes, and this is ample to nominate. I', will bo increased between this timo and tho first Monday of Decem ber by tho sound sense ol tho peoplo operating on their representatives. Nothing is said to bo Bure in love, war nnd politics, but the re-election ol Samuel J, Randall as Speaker is one of those things that come mighty close to certainty about as close as any future event can be reckoned. The Extra Session The following is tho Governor's mes sage convening the Legislature in extra session : IlAiiitisiiriiii, June (!. To the ak and the I'ouse of Rtpresentuticta of the Conwiowcnltt of I'ennvjlt'a iiki ( u:if.s : iy v'uliie of the authority vested in mc by (he constitu tion, 1 hereby convene you iu extraor dinary session ou Thursday, theseveuth day of June, Anno Domini ono thous and eight hundred and eighty-three, at twelve o'clock noon of that day. In the judgment of the executive such an extraordinary occasion has arisen as to require tho e'xerciso of this power. Tho constitution commands tho general ns semblp immediately after each United States decennial census to apportion the state into senatorial and represen tative districts. This imperative man date has not been obeyed. Uy tho joint rules of your houses tho time has gone by when any bills disclosing a purposo to perform this duty can be presented to mo for approval. The obligation is imposed upon tho governor to "takocaro that the laws bo faithfully executed,'' I deem it my duty, therefore, to exhaust my lawful author ity to correct tho grave default of tho legislature. Equally important and necessary, though not so specifically commanded by law, is tho duty of the assembly to apportion the Htato into congressional and judicial districts. I, therefore, designate tho apportionment of tho state into senatorial, representa tive, congressional aud judicial dis tricts as subjects for legislative consi deration. " Tho right of the people to fair, just and lawful representation iu the legis lative councils of the state aud Union is secured by the constitution, aud must not bo denied. Tho importance of tho right cannot bo over-estimated. It is tho essential principle of our form of government. It underlies all our politi cal rights. It is to bo jealously guard ed, carefully conserved and faithfully carried out. The time is peculiarly fitting for the passago of bills to secure a fair, just, equitable and non-partisan apportion ment of the state. "Tho two houses of tho assembly are composed of majori ties of different party alliliations. A greater degree of fairness is to be ex pected from such a condition of tho legislative body than if it was domi nated in both branches by majorities of the samo party convictions. Each house will prove a check upon the other in any attempt to obtain unfair advan tages. Mutual concessions and a spirit of conciliation ought to result in an ad justment of tho differences of the two houses and the prompt passage of bills fair in spirit, giving just representation to tho people in all sections of the state. In addressing ourselves to these sub jects, we must keep constantly in view tho guide provided iu the constitution directing that tho legislative districts shall bo "composed of compact nnd con tiguous distreits as nearly equal in population as may be." This is a plain nnd simple rule, established for our guidanco by tho fundamental law. To follow it in its spirit will result in just conclusions. Thero ought not to be any doubt of tho legislature speedily agreeing upon the subjects designated for their consideration. Itis their duty to agree. A further delay in this mat ter will result in at least six years of tho decade elapsing without the appor tionment required by law being made. To prevent Biich an indefensible condi tion of affairs I havo dcomed it obliga tory upon mo to proclaim this call for an extraordinary session. I have selected a tirao for your assembling immediately succeeding tho day of adjournment of your regular session, so as not to neoes siato your recall after you had dispersed to your homes. In this way the ox penso of the session will be lessoned as tho machinery for tho conduct of busi ness of tho assembly is ready for use. I reluctantly convene tho legislature at this season of tho year. Nothing but a sense of imperativoduty impels mo to adopt this course. I hope, however, in a few days you will have concluded your labors to tho satisfaction of the people, aud having disohaiged your constitutional duties will bo able to re turn again to your families and homes. Roiii'.itr E. PA-rnsox. In obedience to tho call tho legisla ture met on Thursday at 12 o'clock, and after tho introduction of several apportionment bills adjourned until Juno 10th. There wa'i considerable discussion nbout tho pay during tho vacation, but thero is no doubt thai. every member will draw his ten dollars a day from tho stato whilo ho is at homo attending to his private affairs. Lynoh Law in the West. The Uarber Brothers wero taken from jail by a mob last Friday night at Wavcrly, Iowa, and hung to a tree. The mob was composed of mon from Fayetto county, and was led by a brothor of Deputy Sheriff Sheppard, who was killed by the Uarber brothers last fall at Wost Union. Tho Sheriff refused to give up the keys of tho jail, whereupon tho mob battered down tho doors with sledgo hammers. After a short delay Inside, thelynohers brought tho criminals out, with ropes tied around their necks. Neither of them flinched a particle and thoy did not even plead for meroy nt any stage of tlio proceedings. THE COLUMBIAN AND Judno Forakcr has been nomlnnted by tho Republicans for Governor of Ohio A Union ofOoal Companies A dispatch from Philadelphia an nounces that an agrecmeutbctwooii tho nmadelpliia ami Heading, tho JNow Jersey Central, nnd tho Delnwaro Lack- awaiuia and Weitcrn .Railroads regard ing the coal combinations has been made.' It is said that these roads con trol more than one-half of the entire anthracite coal production, and that the Lehigh Valley and Pennsylvania coal companies nave agreed to enter tho combination. Under this agree ment it is claimed that more than ill),- 000,000 tons of coal will bo mined nnd marketed nt circular rates this year. A meeting of representatives of tho roads interested iu tho combination will be held, it is said, some timo next mouth to determine tliu winter schedulo of prices. The dispatch also says s "The agreement between tho Reading Rail road Company, as lessee of tho Jersey Central Railroad Company, nnd the Lehigh Nnvigation Company has beou signed by tho presidents of both these companies, and is now in New l ork awaiting the signature of the Jersoy Cential Railroad President. An Important Bill. sakkty in cask or nun roil i;iii'i.iivr..s AND OTIICUS. All important bill for safety in case of Iiro of persons employed iu factories and oilier i)iiiluiii"s ueediim lire es capes lias been signed by tho governor, it having passed both branches of the legislature. Tho bill prescribes that nil buildings needing fire escapes shall, in addition, have securely fastened to six window heads chains ten feet long, to which shall be attached l hick ropes of Htillicient length to roach to the ground. The ropes are to be placed on the wind w tilK and must be ac cessible to an) body iu the building. Motels must provide everv room above the second story with such chains and ropes. Failure to comply with these regulations renders the oltemler liable to a fine of $300, and to damages aris ing troin loss ot life or limb in caso ot fire. The third section of the act pre scribes that "tenants or lessees of any building used for tho purposo of manufac turing, hotel, boarding house, seminary or other building which is required by law to havo fire escapes attached, and to which such lire escapes havo not been erected, after giving tho landlord or his agent thirty days notice to erect suitable tire escapes, and on his refusal or neglect to erect tho same within the timo specified and in said notice, may erect and maintain suitable and legal firo escapes, and collcctthc cost of crec tiou and tnalutninauco from the land lord or his agent in an action the same as Tor debt, or may set oil the cost thereof against rent then due or theio- after coming due." Biot at Wilkesbarre Races While the race between Tnukott. Echo and Thorn was in progress at L;c l'arK, last a riday atternoon, a distur bance occurred at a gambling booth, on tho grounds winch camo very near ending in a general riot. Constable Tammany, assisted by three other men, made an attempt to arrest tho gamblers ana seize the money m their possession, when a fierce riot ensued. The constables used their clubs with terrible effect over the heads of tho gamblers and beat them in a shameful manner. As a matter of self-defenso tho gamblers pulled out their revolvers and threatened to shoot tho constables if they did not desist. In tho meantime the large number of spectators who crowded the main stand left their seats and hastened to the scene of the disturbance, aud a scene of the wildest coufusion ensued. Ladies cried with fear , and the men, who now formed a howling mob, cried out at tho lop of their voices that Tammany and his followers should bo lynched. in tho midst ot the confusion a revol ver was discharged, and tho crowd, thinking it was the work of tho con stables, called loudly "Ropes to hang them 1" and ono man actually went in pursuit of a piece of hemp. Tho offi cers of the law put iu an appearance and the crowd began' to scatter, those having revolvers in their hands placing them back in their pockets, but still swearing vengeance against the Tam manyites. The authorities nt oneo ordered the arrest of the constable:: for attempting to create a riot and making arrests for which they had no legal authority. The gamblers wero released and tho races proceeded. Had not the olhcers of the law put in an appearance just when they did it is behoved that Tammany wouiu havo been shot, as tho crowd wero in sympathy with the gam blers, whose names aro John S. Morrison, II. Mitchell, A. II. Uecker, II. Uauser and Harry Hamil ton. Uauscr was terribly boatcn over tho head with a club in the hands of Tammany while defeuding his money bags. Twelve hundred dollars nt the money Is said to be missing. Tammany and his party wero arraigned before Alderman Parsons. Abdication of the Queen. muioits riiATiiKit MAJusrv wu.t. vauati: Tin; uiirnsuTiiiioNi:. For soino timo thero havo been re- ports in circulation as to tho precarious condition of tho health of Queen Vio- tonn, but some of them hnve been de nied. It would appear, however, thero must bo soino truth iu them. Tho Washington Sunday Jferald says : A representative of ono of tho pro minent European powers tolls us that a verv serious event isimixmilinrrin V.nn. laud, which is the abdication of tho Queen, lho reasons given for this most unexpected course aro Her Majes ty's fast failing health and I increasing unwillingness and sometimes nu inabi lity on her part to perform tho duties incident to government. For somo years tho Queen has been a mild bo liover in Spiritualism. Shu thought tho spirit of her dead husband used to assist her in working out tho questions which perplexed nnd sometimes annoy ed her. Since tho death of her fnvnritn nor. v.tnt, John Rrown, she has been very much depressed, and ti natty it was nec essary to removu her to Ualmoral, where soino of her lmnniiat. Anv worn spent with tho lover nnd husband of 1 .1. T .11.1. uer youui. i am vom ttini some very pitiiiciiu scenes iook piaco ill ncr last visit there. Hho seemed to fn-1 dm n. tual presence p( her dead Princo, and .1 i. ,. . , .i iiuKt-ii us inuugii nu were uy ncr sine, This and other occurrences frighten ed her daujjlitei Ueatrico very greatly, and she insisted that somo of tho other members of tho family should come down at unco. It was telegraphed from London, by tho embassador of a great power, to his sovereign that thoabdloa tiou of the Qneen of England was im pending, and would probably occur DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBDRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. very soon. From any other than this j roltable sourco I should doubt It. the Queen has clung to tho vis'tblo endow- j incuts of tho throne with such tenacity that she must havo greatly changed beforo tho thought wns bearable, nt tlio breakdown of her health has been followed by iiiclnnoholta of tho most I pronounced type. It seems not be generally known that tho troublo of tho Queen's knee comes from n largo ulcer, of u scrofulous nnd cancerous nature, that has formed under tho kneo mint, nnd in spite of nil that enn bo done, is eating its way through sinew and nerve to tho bone, and her condition is very serious indeed. Council lroci!ClliiKrt. lli.oiiM.iiu'iiu June, 0th 183:), The regular meeting of Council nt 7J 1'. M. the president nnd nil members were present. Mr. lliirtmim reported Unit the nuuuii Inspection of the lire department look pl.ic It. the afternoon of tlio ilOtlt ot May. The tire npparatus was examined and found In good condition hut recommended the purchase of nn oiler and oil for oiling tho hose. Oa motion the Secretary whs In structed lo correspond with dlllerent par ties In reference to purchasing nn oiler and oil. The committee appointed to exnmlue the location of the proposed new street from I'hst Street to Light Street road reported that It was not n proper place for n street. The same committee reported In fnvor of crossing on Second Street on the Kant side of Iron Street. On motion n crossing was directed lo he laid on Second Street from Kvans' block to the Episcopal Church. Messrs. Mttlu and Fiiiistou appeared In behalf of Water Company and asked for location of a nut-iber ot tire plugs. On motion Mcssts Sterling, ltubl, and liurtiniin were appointed to lix location of lire plugs. Tliu committee on sewerage reported that according to the n-ccsscd valuation for the law gives upwards ol l 1,000, that could he used for extra expense foi the town. On motion the committee was continued. On motion the following resolution wns passed : Rtiolud, That Main Street, between Market Square and Centre street, be cover, cd with lime stono nnd that the nmotint of filling required bo determined by President Solicitor utid Street Commissioner. That specifications be furnished by said parties and a letting made for completing the same after public notice. The work to be paid for when tlio same is accepted by the Town Council. The Council reserving the right to reject any or nil bids. On motion the appeal day from the nssess ment of taxes was fixed for Juno 20th at 2 1'. M. Ou motion the Treasurers bond was ap proved. Ou motion the Secretary was Instructed to prepare a book to be used by the Com missioner as a check roll. Mr. Ilnrtman moved and Mr. Waller seconded that the following bills be ac cepted and the Secretary Instructed to draw orders for their several amounts. Tho motion passed nnd it whs so ordered. BTItCET COMMISSIONER'S MIX. C. It. Housel Street Commission er, for May, 40 25 John Qlllespy for labor on high way in May, 14 Oil Oliver Fornwald, for same, 17 18 Clark Vents, " " 11 50 Elijah Sliutt, " " 14 25 Henry Hassert, " " 1H 43 John Caldwell, horse nnd wagon on highway in May, 12 50 Samuel Trump, labor on high, way iu May, 11 60 Fred. Schwin, for Bame, 0 00 M. K. Applemnn " " (50 Nathan liomboy " " 1 25 Joseph Townsend " " 13 80 William Wirt " " a 75 II, U. Housel " " 8 37 lleorgo Savcry " " 3 12 Henry Yost, horse nnd wagon on highway, 11 00 Lafayette Fuller, labor on high way in May, 87 John iteinard for same, 1 00 Wesley Oross, " " 1 00 Total S188 00 HI I.I. I)V 1IK-.CUK HOOK AND I.ADDEl: CO. Orders were directed to be drawn to the following named persons by agreement between tliu Town of lllooinsburg and tho Iteseue Hook & Ladder Company, llelng tho purchase money In full of truck, lad ders, &c, as per resolution of Council of March 14, 1883, and statement of liabilities of said company filed among I he papers of said town : lllooinsburg Hanking Co., for bill against Rescue H. & L. Co., $ 70 25 I. W. Hartman, for same, 20 00 Uloomsburg Haml " " 20 00 O. M. & J. K. Lockard " " 1 25 William Habb " " tl 77 William Kramer " " 4 80 William Krlckbaum " " 80 00 Klwell & Ulttenbender " " 2 50 Total $107 57 MISCELLANEOUS HILLS. M. C. Woodward, for constable and police service in May $10 83 S. W. Sliutt and Daniel Leacock police servlco In May 0 00 Hcuben Hess hauling 30 loads clnder35c 12 00 Daniel Hryfogle hauling 18 loads cinder on river bank32'c 4 85 Samuel Trump, witness fee in No. 1 FebV. T. 1833, In equity 1 50 James C. Drown, for publishing annual statement 15 00 llloonubiirg Water Company, water rent for May (10 07 Secretary's salary for May, 18S3 15 00 Total Qrnnd Total is 130 45 f 400 01 Court IroceelliiKH. Court convened pursuant to adjourn ment. His honor Win. Klwell on tliu bench. Associates, Shuiuau nnd Lake came iu after court opened, Mclteynolds vs, ICaue. Judgment for want of appearance on aulas scire fa cias, On petition Matthias Kindt appointed guardian of Mary Kindt, a minor. Annlo Mill vs. Alfred Mill. Petition for divorce. Subpiena awarded. Hello Johnson vs. It. ltruce Johnson. Pe tition for divorce. Subpoena awarded. Clias. O, Darkley appointed auditor In estate of .Mary F. Tremhley. Henry Yohe et al. vs. Samuel W. Hetler. Opinion filed. Judgment for 300 nnd costs. lthonu vs. Itlione. Opinion filed and motion overruled. F. P. Taylor, vs. Mnggle 11, Taylor, petition for divorce Subptena awarded. Petitions of O. ICrcssler aud wife on Juo. II Scott, to satisfy mortgage filed. Klljnli Yocum, est. Hulu for order to re-sell made absolute. On petltbn Court appointed J. P. Fritz guardian of Delia, Uracc, nnd Francis Fritz, minor children of Henry Fritz. Iu tho matter of tho road In Heaver and Hoarlngcreek twps. Itoport set nslde. Pe. Hon for fourth view dismissed and David 6. Drown, Hum'uel Snyder and John Hetler ' appoluted reviewers and opinion filed, In the matter of Esther Evan's will con test. Court ordered a feigned Issue nnd dl reel tho samo (o he certified to the Com hunt Pleas Court. In the matter of the application for spec ial lax for Sugarloaf twp, Couit ordered n tax of 0 mills. In the inntter Jacob Swank vs. N. & W. H. H. 11. Co. Petition for special Jury to try case filed. Petition for viewers lo nssess damages to I. , T, Thompson of llcrwlck In change of grade, &o. II. C. llarton, T. 0. ltagen. bueh, Edward Hnttinnn, Lafayette Creasy, and A, 11. Croop are appointed viewers. Petition for appointment of appraisers In est. of II. Delghmlllcr. Win. Mostcller, Con rnd Krennier, Isanc Whipple appointed. Petition of tho Uloomsburg Iron Compa ny to nssess damages against the lllooms burg Wnter Company. Jno. Kressler, Jnn. O. Quick, John Meusch, John Unit .nan nnd Luther Eyer, appointed vleweis. Deiich warrant allowed to bring In Sam uel Scwepponhelser, and Ellas digger In two cases In which they were severally or. dered to pay costs. Petition &c to vacate a private alley In Greenwood twp. The court decreed the mime vacated, Now Juno 12, 1883, emergencies having arisen requiring a traverse Jury In the Court of Oyer & Terminer for tho next ses sion of said court It is ordered that venires be Issued hi satd court and also In Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas for forty-eight traverse jurors tor each of said courts for lho first week of tliu term com mencing on the fourth Monday of Septem ber next one nnd the same panel to bu an nexed to each of said writs. Tho venires heretofore Issued for said term and sessions are hereby withdrawn and these now or dered are substituted in their place. Uy tiii: Coenl. Daniel Hess, Jus. II. Sliuman, and Ste phen (ienihardappoliiled viewers on road In Scott township near Iteeee F.-ilrman. Mlflllll IttMIIN. The s-htpplng of props and inlii tioui lid' 'Inllon 1- incu niiur. Miss Jennie Poll-, ol SIicimuiIoiiIi, mid Miss Emma Uennett, of Plttston, are vis. itlng the hitter's sister .Mrs. Sonn and nth. ers nt Hetlervllle. The young peoplo are expecting a Jublleo on Saturday at the Malnville band festival. Some of tliu finest timber ever shipped from this part of tho country was taken from Henry Creasy's woods anil sawed at tliu Heichart mills at Malnville. I he cherry and berry crops promise to bu the largest for many years. A child of Dr. Sliunum's of Wapwallo pen was buried at this place on the 2nd inst. Mr. in. Lomasney of Catawissa and Miss Minerva Harman of this place, were married on Thursday last. They were serenaded by the Milllln band. We wish them Joy and happiness through "three thirds" of their life. A Sunday school was organized at West Milllln on last Sunday, Hudy Seybcrt being the Superintendent, nnd ns he is a person of wide experience In tliu work, the school will no doubt succeed. Miss Jennie Smith is learning the mill! ner business with Mrs. Ellle Hess. Our Hand will hold a strawberry and ice cream festival on Saturday evenin June 23rd. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hrlttaln of Her- wick spent Sunday witli Mrs. llrittaln's parents of West Milllln. .ainny iiiousanu cabbage plants were shipped from our town for the past ten days. The cold nights gave many farmers the pleasure of replanting corn. PlNArollK. Songs Never Sung. "How does verso run? Something like this, Isn't It : There are who touch tho maitlo string, Ami noisy fame Is proud to win them ; Alas I forthosowho never sing. Hut (llo with all their music In them. " "Yes, that's beautiful, pathetic nnd true," said your representative. 'Tho poet alludes to peoplo who are somehow suppressed, and never get their full allowance of Joy and air. Which reminds mo of a letter shown mo tho other day hylllscoxA Co,, of New York, signed by .Mr. K. C. Williams, ot Chapman, Snyder Co., Pa., a prominent business man of that place. Ho writes : "I have suffered with asthma foroverfnrlv years, and hail a terrllilo attack in December and -tanuary, IKS.'. I hardly know what prompted mo to lakel'Aiiiktsiis' Tonic. I did so. ami the tirst. dm- I took four doses. The effect astonished ine. That iiikiiu niepi n.sunoining was me matter with ine, and havo ever hlnce. 1 havo had colds slnco, but no asthma. .My liroathlni: Is now ns nerfect ni If I had never known that disease. If you know o t aiij onu woo uasiuiiimaicii nun 111 my nuiin i AKKKii h iunio win cure 11 3ven alter rorty years, There was a w ho escaped the fate of those whom tho poet laments. This preparation, which has therefora been known ns I'ahkek'b nis-OKH Tonio. win iii-re.irrpr 1m ndvertlsed nnd sold under tho name of l'AUKmi'n ionic, inasinmen as ginger Is really an unimpor tant IngredlHut, and uuprlnclpted dealers are con stant ly deceiving their customers by substituting Inferior preparations under tho name of ginger, we dron the mfslendliifr wonl. There Is no change, however, In the preparation Itself, anil all bottles remaining In 1 lit, h mlu nf dealers, wrapped under the na-no of I'ahkkii'h (Sin. oik Tonio contain the genutno medicine If tlio fae- simile signature or mscox s uo., is nt the bottom ui inv uuibmu wrapper. June 15 lui d IT LEADS ALL. No other blood-purlfjtng medicine In made, or has ever been prepared, which no com pletely meets the wauls of phytlcluu aud the general public as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It IcvIa tlio lift as a truly rctcutiflc prepara tion for all blood disewes. If there It u lurk Qnnnntl K '"3 Ulnt of Scrofula ubout you, ObnUrULfl Avmi's Sui-su-mulla will dlilndgo It and cipel It from your syatom. Fur coiittltutioiiiil or scrofulous Catarrh, PltTADDU -tYKIt'K SHSAI'AI1ILLA I the UHlHIinn true remedy. It has curod uumberiuM c-iatR. It will stop the nauseous catarrhal, and remove tho sicken ing odor of tliu breath, uhlch aro indications of scrofulous origin. Ill PCDtillQ ""u"o.TM-.Sept.28,!8e2. ULbtntlUO "At thoage ot two years one of OnOEQ my children was terribly ulltlcted uUntO wfiii ulcerous running sores on Its faco aud neck. At tlio same time Its oyca wero swollen, much lull iiiied, aud rery sore, QflDtr PVCO I'lO'lcl Histoid usthatnpow OUhX UICo orfuUltcratlroinedlcluernust be employed. They uultod In recommending A V Kit's Sausu-uiii.l. A few dotes pro duced a iierceptlble Improvement, width, by an adherence lo your directions, was coiuln uM to a complete and permanent cure. No eridence hs tiuee appeared of the exlstcnco c; any scrofulous tendencies; aud uo treat ment of any ditorder was ever attended by mora prompt or elfectual results. Yours truly, 11. F. Johnson." fllKI-AREI) UV Dr.J.C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. Fhid by all Dru.-uUtij $1, tlx bottles for 5. 1ST TOTIOK. As James A. I-'nrvor u minor u years old. who was bound out to mo by tho overseers ot tho poor of l-'lslilug creek township In nwi. has run uwuy from mo und refuses to return, I hereby caution nny person against harboring him, or furnishing lilmunjihlngouiiiy account, as I will pay no bills vt his contraction. IIKNKY II. K KM. Kit, May IS 3t' r lining crecK lownsuip. "M OT1CK. AlKiut tho St AlKiut tho sth ofAnrll. 188:1. wo iiavo l'etorA. Kline three nutes for the resucctlvo sums of forty. twoUoll.irs, ntty.four dollars and sIMv.four dol. tars, 'ihu notes wero obtained fraudulently i we havo received no value for them, and wo hereby warn all persons not to negotiate for them. Jun 1 K. II. K. A. llKISllMNK. ninai: lkttjng. Ill bo let ut the Commissioners' onico on Mon. UllJlU-Jlllillluj i'.W IIU, i J'., inn,, UUU U tllK H p. in., anew bridge to bo erected oter t'atawlsmi creek near John lfretsh'H In lieaertnwushlpi to bo a wooden braeo covered bridge till feer long lw. twirn abutments, in feet wldo from out to out; abutments to lw built by contruetorho as to ad mit of skew-back threo feet from top of wall plate, nnd 10 feet high above low watermark to Input wall plate, wing walls and lining to lie done by contractor. Plans unit Kiiecltlcutlons can l seen at the onico ot the county comuiUslonein, lllooius biirg, I'a. JOSIIl'A KCTTKHMAN, ClIAltl.KS llHIt'HAIIT. II. 1'. KIHIA1L ' ; Attest I John II. Ciskv, Clerk. Commissioners. Couiwlnjlonciu' onice, uloouisburg, Maysu,'ta POWDER Absolutely Pure. BtreiiKth and wboit'Sum-nesi. M:ro economical competition vmn tlio multitude of low test, stiort weight, alum or phosphate powders, .sold only r nuirif.i v. A UMTOK'S XOTIC'K. KSTATE OKMAItm l.f.NHKIt IlKCK.tSKIl. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Or ilimi's I'niirl ot Columbia county to make ilbtrt- .,,,,,,1(11- ,,, iii,-ii,iii,i,,i my iioiuimsira tor among those entitled to thesuine, will nttend ism. at l l lo clock a, in., when and here nil persons .. .. ... ...,,-, n.,, Wiiin- iiui-i iimtt-ur nun present thosameor lie forever delnrred from re. celling any share of said fund. Jons a ritKi:zt:, Auditor. -tune sth-lt JXKCL'TOII'S NOIK'i:. rSTlTKOCIOIISOIlllOV, HKCKASKII. Letters ll'stallienlan- In theesl-iln or .Iiilni fill-. ton, late of Hemlock township, coliiinlil i eoiinly, I'a.. deceased, have been ti.intiiritv rim if,.trui,r ot said county to Daniel Yocuni. All persons hav- ins Lituiu- 1IS.IIUSL sain esiaieme icipiesiou to ntviii iiiviii mi -iiiruiriii, nun iiiuse inueoieii lolhHsatnotoM.iko pajnu-nt to the undersigned without il"lav. )MHI, YIKT.M, luii" I hk executor, llloniil-huig, I'll, WHUTlECRtSS PHOSPHATE $25 Per Ton. Tli is is ;i real aininoniiitcd Bone siipor-phosphiite which wo alone produce by menus of special advantages in inamifact unng. $25. GO ssgr IVr Ton of 1,000 Pounds. (Mi t'.irsor lloat In 1'hltailelphl.i. (HJAItANTIIKll ANALYSIS IMHXTKII ON KACII IIAIl. Scud for circular. Address 8AUGH & SONS, SOLK .MAXlTAt'TUItintS 20 So. Delaware Avenue, Jim 13-lin l'HILAllKLPHIA, I'A. GOOD NEWS FOR Tllli UPPER END. The Largest Stuck of Goods opened iu llentnn, In many years, has just been received by tliu uiiderslj'iied. It Ivtiiliracvs DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, B0QT3, SHOES, NOTIONS, (tUEKXSWAKK, And everything found In a general ineieautlle bus iness, an ne cry lowest prices. tf a Several hundred thousand feet of dressed Lumber, Shingles, &c constantly on hand. iff purchasers will Unit It to their advantage to call on ine before biilng elsewhere. Benton, Pa. Itay l-'.'m DROWNED IN BEER. concerning this popular beverage two men express "The tact Is sir, and you may stick a phi there, that the people of this country lire likely to lie drowned In a ilood ot lager beer," shouted nn en thuslastlo teetotaler tlio other day Into the ear nf j our cornered correspondent. Tlio (leriil.ui drink hasstruek ushard. It Is tho second deluge." "Yes, and tho worst of this lwr drinking busl. lness is It gels up kidney troubles, as a heavy wind raises the waves" added nelly physician, who had a knowledge of the times and a tendency to metaphor. "The midnight 'schooner' le.nes behind It ii wukrof furred tongues, headaches torpid livers, n nisei, and all, and Liys the foundation nt llrUht's Disease." This melancholy fact accounts In part for the Increasing sales n( IIKNSOX'S CAl'tiNi: I'OItOUH I'l.AS'l'Kli, which at once mitigates those syinp. tonis. Price Mcents. Ask) our physician about It. heabury .V Johnson, Chemists, Now York, June 16-lw d Tho Wonderful Efficacy of DRn SCHENCK'S jDRAKE PELLS nibn ro frwpioat: mi! stlfictortljr rrown tUd It tcoms uliuM bupcrfluous to say aintulnir more In t'leir favor. Tlio liuiiu-uuo nd oonatuiUy Iscmudns-djuinnd for them, tmtli hi Uils and (orclira cvniDtrlus, Is tho bo-t ciido iu vt tlitlr value. Their t-.oto.Jay la tlin I'ultcd Sides U far greater than icy oth r c .tli.rtlj lunUclno. ThU domind la L t riuum ) a -, r. U xe fuUr tnd tkaj,-. It is not i tday or yesterday, It U on lucraiso that has boon l!oadtlycr3iiufort!iola tthlrly-flieyiurs. What c-J Viu ruuwus for tuts Kroat uid grow lug demand i Dr.Hcliencli's.iraiHlrnlicrillscontalnrjonitr. t "y, "id 'it tiey act .h wonderful effort uiiou Uu uer. They cloauso tho stomach and towtU ot ui trrltatlur matter, hlih. If allowed to remain, I i!intuo Lla 1, sad I: iif on Malaria, ChlUs and 1 ner, and luanyotbcr iMaeasca, They iriio health (a 1 ttiuiuth U t!i dliro,tlio onran. They croato trioUuuudgiloilifurtJ tho vholaeyituu. They i.-ofclfactcjijwdVni if in others uhfch should bo i taken lutiauu L.ot'jo ire cut, when malarial and, ls lacy reparo tho sya. Um U lultt tttaelin cf Ujcao U ctiry character. l)r. hclienrli's Mnnitrulio Tills r sold by all uruflruu ut u Je. ir box, or itst by tnaU. )tild, c-a receipt ef price, I)r. , fielimeli'u Itiieli on Consumption, Ur tr lomplul-.t c A, in tnt-hih or (icraian. Is uit fico ia alL Addrvss lr. J, II. uh'iJimIwi iii--V' l'haJt'l'"' '" Juuoi-iw u J. J. Mclloiiry, HARD FACTS and PLENTY. Oak Hall is simply a great retail I Clothintr Hoiiscthc crcatcst of its kind in the country. Our Clothing is made upon honor. Wo would be worse than fools to uxpect to build and hold a business upon other than honest goods at the least prices. We neither hold nor buy the remains of whole sale stocks to run off at retail, but make every garment to sell direct to the wearer, under our cast-iron guarantee , a bond of good faith original with us and perfectly well known to everybody in the vicinity. NO PRICES REDUCED. We are not advertising reduced prices, but we are in position to offer the best bargains in Spring Clothing of every sort and upon many items very great bargains. In a very true sense all our ' PRICKS ARE REDUCED. Nliii-lecn lull lines of Men's Hulls., Ono full llnui.f .Men's mi U. One full line ol Men's Hulls Two full Hues or Men's , Hulls......... Nine mil lines of Youths' Unit MIk filll lines or Youths' Hulls One full lino of Youths Hull" One lull line of iJirgo Hoys' Hulls. Two mil lines ol Ijirgo Hoys' Hu Is Two lull lines of Largo Hoys' Hu ts Two Hill iini soi loiuns i-oi'" l-'lvo full lines or uirgo iioys r"i" Two mil 1 1 lies of Hin ill Hoys' Hutts r..l I ll.w.s nf Knmll Itovs' Hulls lino lull lino of Hmiill Hoys' Suits.. 'I hroo lull lines oi Hiiiau iioys nous This small list represents nearly five thousand suits of Clothing. If we told the whole story we would need the whole newspaper. ... . , , ,. Twenty-two years Oak Hall has been serving the public, and in all that time has never offered a stronger inducement for trade than this. WANAMAKER 8c BROWN, Oti; II m.i., S. K. Cu. vm M vkkki Sis., I'iiii.a. " X TE purpose making it and pleasant, and i way as satisfactory to as in person at our counters. XlfK take all possible care to avoid v errors, and when any occur they are corrected at once. 712 are always willing to exchange goodi which do not please after being received, provided, they are returned to us in perfect condition and within reasonable time. Samples of Dry Goods of all kinds even the most expensive, sent free of charge on application, T7 VERY lady who shops by mail should send for a specimen copy of our Fashion Quarterly. Strawbridge & Clothier, EiRhth & Market Sts., Philadelphia. SHERIFFS "SALE." " Ilylrlucotnwrltof l-'terl 1'aelus, issued uut of the court of Common 1'ie.m of Columbia county, ami tome dlrcetoil. will bo exposed to public sale nt tliu Court House in the town of lilonmsuurj;, nt '.'o'clock p. in., ou SATURDAY, JUNE 16. '83, Alt that certain tract of land situate In Mount l'leasant township, Columbia county, 1M bound ed nnd described as follows, to-wlt s llCKlnnliift at a past la the line of land of llannan Cramer nnd rumilns thence by said lands south forty-one do Krcos west llfty-ono perches to n post In lino of lands of Jacob Johnson, thenco by said lands feouth twenty-elKht degrees east thlrty.eljjht and one halt perches to a pine, thenco by tho same wrath twenty degrcca east one hundred nnd seventeen perches to n white oak, thence by tho same feoutb thirty-seven degras forty-one perches to a black oak stump, corner ot lauds of William Ap pleman, thenco by satd lands north forty-seven and ono-hnlf degrees east one hundred and twenty, seven and one-hall perches to a post, thenco by lauds ot Samuel McK.irrm north forty degrees west thirty-two nnd seven-tenth perches to a pine, thenco by the samo north forty-nlno degrees west ono hundred and slxty-one perches to tho placo ot beginning, containing ono hundred and four acres and clghty.llvo perches of land and allowance, on which arc erected a two-story brick duelling house, frame bank baru, wagon shed nnd out buildings. AT.SO, All that certain tract of land situate In said township of Mount Pleasant, bounded and dc scribed ns follows, lo-wlt: Iteglnnlng nt a whlto oak, thenco by lands of John Johnson, north thirty seven and oue.lmlf degrees west thirty-three and scvcn-tentti perches to a post, thence by tlio Kaino north nvo degrees cast twenty perches to a white oak, thence by the same north forty-eight degrees east two and llto-tenth perches to a post, thenco by tlio first desi-rllied tract south nineteen degrees cast nrty-ono and four-tenth perches to the placo of beginning, containing one acre niul ono hundred and twenty-six perches ot land strict measure, bo the same more or less, whereon are erected n barn ami outbultdlngs, Seined, taken lulu execution and to lm sold us tho property of John Osinun. JOHN Jloi'ltKV, sheriff. May 18, ts. MID-SUMJIKK NORMAL SCHOOL, Will begin Juno sstli, and coutlnuo ti weeks. Those w ho deslro torcfresh their memories and become more familiar than eter with all tho br.'Jl"i1";i t'night Iu our publio schools wilt find tills an excellent opportunity. In st ruction w 111 lw by tlio lecture sys tein. Johonnot's Principles of Tf.ichlng wlllbeiiseil us a text book In reading. It will be supplemented nnd explained by tho Principal. i,?3'.l'rl:w1."'oa W-weckly written examination durliig tho term upon what hasbmi passed over. .J!r.',ni"l'')F,(;',uP',,or,i from tills and neighboring counties win Instruct, sometime during the tern? on tho Principles of Teaching. ' Next regular term logins August Cth. Hero are brought within tho means ot eiery one, "advantages ot a smwrlor school. Bend for Fwcis Heck. A. M., o-l PIIINCIPAI. SIOOO HKWAW) Pe,rd '''V "uliTslgned for tho apprehension, fr'"! and conviction or tlio, murderer Or liiunleivrs tW Comm'ra. Of Culumliln ('mint v rf( A UWTOU'S KOTIOK. KSWTK OK JAMKS 1. 1'IIKMON, IUCKASBI). Tho undersigned auditor apiiolnted by the Or. lonftlhi'? wii m tii t .A" VrV".1 y,i"'" nir saldcou ity ou Monday ' June s' 1,'a.U ikS" ,? iffi,.yif W U.aJ'.' .wl,"! 'J wheYo' all tor-... . - i I reiuiu iiiusi uueuii or uo lorei er debarred from uny slime of said fund. ,. I. K. WAI.Uilt, Auditor. JIO.M II.IW K.IO 7.00 10.00 11.09 7.00 0.00 4.(111 8.() 0.UU 7.00 3.80 too iM 5.00 J" ' V. a as safe in every shop by mail ORPHANS' COURT SALE Ol" VAMMIIMC Real Esiatc! llytlrtuo of nn order Issued out of lho Orphan's Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned ap pointed trustee to mukosnleof tho rent estate of William Webb, late ot the Town of lllooinsburg, deceased, will expose to public sale upon thu premises, on SATURDAY, June 23, 1883. At 3 o'clock p. in., tho following described real es tate, the propel ty of said decedent, situated in tho TOWN OF BL00JISBUKU, PA. LOT No. 1 lleglniilng nt the northeast corner of Market and Fourth streets In said town, thenco northwardly along said Mar ket ft. nnd fronting thereon fifty feel to a point thence by n lino parallel with Fourth street about two hundred feet to Whitman's alley, thenco by Whitman's alley southwardly fifty feet to said Fourth street, thence by said Fourth about two hundred feet to the placo ot beginning. U)TNO.s. lleglunlng at a point on Market street fifty feet north ot tho northeast corner of Market and Fourth streets In said town of Ulooms burg, thenco northwardly along satd Market street and fronting thereon about forty-six feet to tho lot owned by John Fry, now occupied by O. Mat thew Quick, thenco by lot of John Fry ou tlio north to Whitman's alley, thenco by Whitman's alley southwardly tlioiit forty-six feet to n point on Whitman's alley fifty feet north of northwest comer ot Whitman's alley and Fourth Mrcet, west wardly about two hundred feet to tho placo of bo glnulng. Whereon nre erected a DwELLIMq I-odSE, stable and outbuildings and fronting on said Mar ket street HI feet, moio or less. TIMtMH AND CONDITIONS OF BAI.K.-One third of tho purchase money to bo payablo upon the deatli of tlio widow of William Webb, deceas ed, to tho parties entitled thereto, the Interest thereof to bo paid annually to said widow. The payment to bo property secured upon tliepremlseH: Ten per cent, of one fourth of tho balance of pur chaso money to bo paid ut tlio striking down ot the proptrty, the ono fourth of satd two-thlrds loss tho tea per cent, at tho confirmation of sale, nnd tho remaining part of tho purchase money In ono year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation if (. 1. K. EYk-K, Auctloner. WILLIAM IIAHT, lllooinsburg, Pa., May 81. Trustee. A UMTOH'S NOTICE. KSTATE Of JOHN HANI'S IUCKaSED. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or- !' !m,'5 WV V'.lumb,a tcui"' ,0 uiako distri bution of tho funds In tlio hands of tho accountant and to pass upon and decide tlio exceptions to said account will sit lor tho purjiosesof his np point ment at his onico In Uloomsburg, onuatur day t ho twcuty.thlrdday of June, A. I). 1883, nt V,",11!' "'. wliere all iwrsons interested In laid fund or in the exceptions to mild account aro required to present their claims or bo debarred from coming In for u share of said nshc-tts. May 31, 1M. HAM l!KI. KNOltlt, Ju"l Auditor. UDITOH'.S NOTICE. ESTATE OK VAIIVIN KVES, HKCKASKD. The undersigned auditor appointed by lho Or plum's court ot Columbia county to mako distri bution of tho funds In tho hands of tho administra tor to and among tho parties entitled thereto, will sit at tho onico ot K. It. Ikeler, llrfi., In lllooinsburg, on Wednesday Juno K7th, IBM, at 10 o'clock a. in., when and w hero all persons having claims against said estate must appearand pre sent tho samo or bo foiwr debarred from rccelv lug any sliaro of said fund. C, O. PKAC'OC'K, Jun l Auditor. UDITOIl'S NOTICE. KSTATE OF DANIKL KlltlUlI, 1IKCEA8IU. The umlerslgned auditor appointed by tho or phan's court of Columbia county to miikodlstrl-. butlou of balunco lutho hands of tho executor among those cntli led to tho same, will sit nt the on cool John O. Yocum, lixi.,, Pa., on (Saturday, Juno aoth, 'si ut iu o'clock a. in., when and where till persons tn lug claims against said estate must appear and present lho same or bo foreter debarred from receding any share of said nt it nt nt nt nt at ut --.iujr r 0 Jun 1 O, W. MILI.EIt, Auditor.