! ILILU3JKZ! THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT; BLOOMFTUlRG, COlUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TheSquelto a Dream. "Ono ot llio most icmnrknUu occur roncos I over licnrdof wns re.itiiM. to mo recently," ronnrknl a StatoPtiLi;t biokur. I wns told by a lending City Hall ofli elnl, whoso trust, worthiness is undoubted, that a daughter of ,tlio lato lTnrvcv .Towell (who was ho'wcII and favorably known In Hoston in leonl and business circles, and was a brother of tlio into Marshall Jewell) had recently a very queer and unusual experience, and ono calculated to mako a deep impresslou upon tlio strongest mind. Soino weoks ngo alio had a dream in which she dis tinctly saw an undertaker drivo up to her residence witlui .161.130. Ho Was a peculiar-looking man. His quuGrly shaped nose, which looked as if it had been bioken and was twisted to ono side, gave his countenance an expres sion wldch would havo niadoindentifiea lion easy and certain. He camudircut ly toward her, and lie said : 'Aro you ready 1' she suddenly nwoke. Tlio dream seemed a peculiar one, 'but did not attract much attention in the house hold until, a fow days or i "week Inter it was repeated with exactly the same characteristic?, down to tlio Aro you ready V and tho awakening. And now comes tho strangeJt part of tho story. Somo liltlo time afterward the young lady was visiting in Cincinnati and wont to an apartment hotel to call upon a friend. She stepped into tho elava tor with tho others, and was stai tied to hear 'Aro you rcadyl'from tho man in charge. She was still more Htartlcd on looking around and boholding the ox net picture of tho man of tho dream, oven to tho misshapen nose. It mado such an impression upon her mind that she requested to bo let out of tho ele vator at tho first lauding. She stepped out, and tho other occupants went out at tho next landing, and the man re mained. The elevator machinery gave out ; suddenly tho car went up and down, and tho man was instantly killed. Boston Globe. Budding. Building of trees is very simple and much less troublo than grafting, but it can scarcely bo described how to do it sufficiently well to enable ono to per form it successfully. Tho season for tho purposo is Juno and July, when tho new buds aro fully developed. With a sharp kuifo removo a b'ld carefully by inserting tho knife about an inch above tho bud and passing it down about an inoh below tho bud, taking' at the bud a little of tho wood. Removo it with an ivory, horn, or very smoothly pre pared wooden knife, from tho stock without injury. Then make a cut in tho stock where tho bud is desired to grow, about threo fourths tho length of tho removed bud, mako a cross slit near tho top of tho other slit, thus, f. then raise carefully up the bark at the sides, and less at the top and bottom, placo tho bud in it, and wrap round it closely somo hrasswood or suitable paper will answer, tied with cotton yarn, and it is done. Tho stock from which tho bud is taken and tho one on wfiich it is placed, should bo from threo fourth to an inch and a half in diameter, and both noirly tho same size. A half column directions, as wo no tice in some journals, as to how budd ing is to be done, is only confusing and will not servo to impart tho informa tion so well as this brief account. It is better, however, to see it done, and two minutes ought to be long enough to teach ouo all about it. Planting by Signs. Cabbago seed should bo sown when tlio sign is in tho head Plant potatoes in a down sign toward the leet. Plant beet and radish seed when tho sign is in tho leg, and onions when tho sign in the light of the moon, and peas when tho moon is full. Plant melon and cu cumber seed when the sign is in tho arms, but not in tho blossom. Plant corn and sow wheat in the light of tho moon. Sow cloyer seed in a down sign. Mako soap in tho light of tho March moon. Kill hogs on tho increase of tho moon ; if on tho decrease tho meat cooks away. Many say that a light feed before butchering will prevent this. Thero is always frost when the moon changes with the sign in the head. This is called superstition, but that charge will not rofuto tho arguments of astrologers. They ask. if tho moon has an influenco on inorganic bodies, why not on organic ? If on tho tides, why not not on vegetablo growth t Tho fact that most vegetables that grow down should bo planted in tho down sign, and thoso that grow- ni in an up sign looks as if tho time for plant ing were mado to correspond with tho signs. Exchange, Hints for Husbindmen. Germantown Telegraph. A gentleman told us tho other day that last year ho had constantly forsov eral months green peas upon his tablo of his own raising, and that they lost nothing of their deliciousuess. There is no difficulty in this, if gardeners aro instructed to go steadily on with their plantings through tho season ; but few will do it on their own account, as it adds to their labor. The way, how ever, to raiso tho finest quality of peas is, after tho first sowings, Xoplantthem deep and mulch them, so that the soil thy root in is always cool and moist. In tho careless manner in which peas aro frequently cultivated, they havo very little ilavor apd delicacy. It is so with raising what is called the snapshort. They aro seldom plant ed deep enough, and ns a consequence have no more ilavor than a piooc of In dian rubbor, and about ns tough. Hut tho beans planted in September, mid in duo time aro for sale In our markets, aro really doliiious'irl Javor and fairly melt in tho mouth. This is tho result of cool soil. But were- theso beans planted thrco or four inches deep, as wo havo jnoro thai onco suggested, tin ough'outj tho tjeasan.iantl mulched in tlio hottest portion of it, wo 'could havo, ns with tho pons, theso vegetables at all times up to November in pcrfeo tion. Ono of tho best protected clascn in this country nro thu minors. Gamo is reserved for thorn Cy natural right, and tho robin, powit, partridge, wren, blue bird, woodpecker or humming bird anythlugithatihas. feathers must hang lifejcsyjjr tho'sidq of tho sportsman as evidence of"his' skill. In tho mean tiinofjmqjrOjgskjng better methods o,.dQalJpy1y insects, and wonder why thoy aro more numerous than formerly. It is all wrong, this matter of allowing our gamo birds to breed at ouo period tnorely-to l mercilessly slaughtered at nnother. TJio birds aro not loo many nt any time. To remove thu stains of French shoe polish, tither from woolen or cotton goods, wnh tlio spot with tallow soan and let il'M nid an houror so then wash in eleaii'wa j'j'niid aftorwaidpioceed as with any solid article, A Malarial Victim, Till". 1UV1NU nxi'F.ltlGNCK OKA I'ROMI NliNT MlNISri'.U IN TUB TUOPICS AND AT tiii: noiitii. TO TUB MlITOU 1 Tho following oirouniHance, drawn from my personal experience, lire so important and really remnrknule that i linvo iclt called upon to mako them ....i.ii- in... ...i. i i.. ..;...!. intuitu, xnu mull uuti uu iiuiiy vuu fled : In 187") I moved from Canton, St Lawrence county. N. Y., to Floridn, which statu 1 intended to mako my fu ture residence. I purchased a homo on tho banks of tho St. John's river and settled down ns I thought, for life, Tho summer following tho llrsl winter I was conscious of a most peculiar sen sations which seemed to ho tho accom paniment of a change of climate. I Iclt a sinkini; at tho nit of my stomach nccompanicd by occasional dizziness and nausea. iUy head ached. My nmus pained mo and 1 nad nn oppress ive sonso of weariness. 1 had a thirst for acids and my appetite was weak ana uncertain. My digestion was im paired and my food did not assimilate. At first I imagined it was the effort of nature to becomo acclimated and so I thought little of it. But my troubles increased until 1 ueeanio restless and feverish and tlio physicians informed mo I was suffering from malarial fovor. This continued in spito of all tho best physicians could do so and I kept grow ing steadily worse. In the year 1880 my physicians infoimed mo a chance of climate was absolutely necessary wi.it, i uutiiti mui survive summer sum mer iii the south. I determined to re turn north, but not to tho cxtremo portion, so I took up my rcsidenco in Upper Sandusky in Central Ohio. The change did not work tho desired cure and I again consulted physicians. I found they wero unable to effect a per manent cure, and when tho cxtremo warm weather of summer camo on I grow so much worse that I gavo up all hope. At that lime I was suffering terribly. How badly, only thosp who can appreciate who havo contracted malarial disease in tropical regions. It seemed ns if death would ho a relief greater than any other blessing. But notwithstanding all this, I am happy to slato that I am to-day a perfectly well and healthy man. How I camo to re cover so remarkably can be understood from tho following card voluntarily puuiisuco uy mo in me oanausKy, v. Republican, entitled : HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUB. kditoks RKi'unucAN : During my re cent visit to Upper Sandusky, so many inquiries wero made relative to what medicine, or courso rf treatment had brought such a marked chance in inv system, I feel it to bo duo to tho pro prietors and to tho public to stato that Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure accomplished for me what other medi cines and physicians had failed to do. The malarial poison which had worked its way ao thoroughly through my sys tem during my five years, residence in Florida had brought mo to the verge of tho grave, and physicians, had pro nounced my case incurable ; but that is not to bo wondered at, as it was un doubtedly one of tho worst on record. Hough Brothers, of your city induced mo to try a fow bottles. So marked was tho change after four week's trial that I continued its use, and now, after threo month's, tho euro is complete. This is not written for tho benefit of Warner & Co., but for tho public, and especially for any person troubled with malaria or bilious attacks." Such is tho statement I made, with out solicitation, after my recovery, and such I stand by at tho present moment. I am convinced that Warner's Safe Cure is all it is claimed to be, and as such deserves tho great favor it has ro- ccived. A remedy which can euro tho severest case of tropical malaria of five year's standing certainly cannot fail to cure thoso minor malarial troubles which aro so provalent and yet so serious. Ai.frgd Day. Pumpkins Among Corn. Although somo farmers reiect tho long and well-sustained practieo of planting pumpkin seed among tho corn, on tho ground that it detracts as much from tho corn product as in tho profits it adds to tho stock of proven der, still it is the general method pur sued to get a crop of pumpkins. Bo sides, from our own experience and ob servation wo havo had and seen as good crops of corn with as without the pumpkins. It may appear at first thought as if the land could not sus tain two full crops of anything ; but this is not so in all cases, ns in thoso wliero tlio two crops do not requiro tho samo manurial stimulants, inasmuch as a portion at least that ono will take up wil not bo required by tho other. Of courso it requires very good land to raiso pumpkins ; hut even in this case, though an extra crop of manure raav bo needed to bo applied to the corn ground where pumpkins aro to bo plan ted, thero will bo a saving in tho ele ment of time, and instead of one crop from tlio land in a year, wo gather two. The objection that somo make, that tho vines shade thoground whilothoground requires all theheat it can get, is not well founded, astho corn itself furnishes perfect shade without the vines, which really canadd little more to injure tho crop. It is far more probable that thoob. jfctors to this double crop who fail in getting all thoy want, o wo their lack of success to poor land, or negligent cultiva tion, and we suggost that thoy should change their system by manuring and cultivating moro, and then wait and see. Oermantoicn Telegraph, "Bum, Tobacco and the Young. Tho excessive uso of tobacco by immature- youth, especially in tho form of tho scduclivo cigarette, is a growing evil. Kven those who beliovu that a moderato uso of tobacco, so far from being an ovil, is beneficial, or nt tho wost, harmless, havo no hesitation in oondo inning the habit of sapping their brains and their vitality by thoso addict ed to tho almost constant consumption of cigarettes. Moreover, tlio disgust ing practices connected with tlio uso of tobacco smoking whon it is inoffen sivo to those who do not liko it, and making pig styes of pavements, iloors, cars, theatres and other public places, by indecent spitting, ought to bo taken in hand aud corrected by n wholesome publio opinion and by law wherever practicable. On theso points thero is a nearly agreement among largo num bers of tho consumers of tobacco, as well as those who abstain from it. J)etroit Free J'rss. Tramps are giving Lock Haven a wide berth since tho city authorities linvo begun to put them to work break ing stone. Kggs may bo kept in good order for six months by dipping them into warm tnllow, and after they cool packing them in saw dust i cover with saw dust and make as nearly air-tight us possi. bio, and put away in a dry, cool place. AUG AkCUUUJIMUU auuvtiiiuciinuuu us ubuuipo. etc- The commissioners of internal reve nue hriday, June 1st, issued n o.rculnr supplementary to cinculnr lNo. 2o!) In regard to tho redemption and cancella tion of stamps impriuted on checks, drafts, etc. It provides that Impriuted checks mul drafts may be font to the internal revenue bureau at once instead of from July noxf, as ortgihnlly intend Oil. Snoli ns arc received will bo can celled and returned if possible by July first. Thev mav 'bo Presented in sheets or bound in books and will ho returned in the same condition. Blanks which havo been commo-HOil into blocks or pads must bo separated beforu pro-ton-1 tnlioii. Tho cancelled stamps will be designed by' tho imprinted words "stnmt) redeomi!Uini'd." Unntn-st fur cancellation in any other form or nt any place except tho olheo of thu conns- sioner of internal revenue will nut ,bo considered. Ulaims should be made' On a form eighty-ono copies of wliich will bo furnished upon anniicaiion. and thu cases will bo taken up in the order of their receipt. If tho claim in any case js complete tho stamps accompanying it will bo cancelled nt once. If it is not complete, the stamps will ho laid asido until nil and additional satisfac tory uvidenco is aucoived. For the Family Scrap Book. Ripe tomatoes will remove ink or other stains from tho hands. Kcresono will soften leatlierhardencd by water, ami tender it as pliable as new. To heal cut fingers with rapidity wrap them in a cloth saturated with rlum-water. To keep tinware nice aud bright scour it ovory two or threo weeks with finely-sifted coal ashes. To clean willow furnituro uso salt and water, aud apply with n course brush, and dry thoroughly. Machino grease may be removed from wash goods by dipping tho fabric in cold rain-water and soda. To removo tar rub thoroughly with clean lard, aud then wash with soap and warm water. This mavbo applied to either the hands or clothing. Kitchen tables may bo mado as white as snow if washed with hard soap and wood ashes. Floors look best scrubbed with cold water, soap and wood ashes. fea stains and many fruit stains mav bo removed with boiling water : pour tho water through tho stain in ordor to prevent it from spreading through tho material. To mako good starch, mix with cold water and add boiling water until it thickens ; then add a desert spoon of sugar and a small piece of butter. This makes a stilt and glossy tinish equal to new. A fow drops of hartshorn put into a ittlo water will clean a hair brush nice ly. If very dirty, use a little soap also. After cleaning rinse in clean water, tie a string around tho handle, and hang it up to dry. A La.Modk Bkef. Hero is tho most sensiblo lecipe for beef a la mode it has been my good tortuno to uso. Tako three pounds of Irish beef, removo all tlio fat and gristle : mix some cloves. mace, allspice, black pepper, mid a lit- tlo cayenne with a ltttlo less than a pint of vinegar, tho quantity of spice to bo determined by your taste a tablespoon ful of each, witli tlio exception of the cayeuno is sufficient. Put tho meat in a porcelain kettlo, aud pour vinegar and spices over it, and a pint of sour stock. It is considered by somo cooks a great addition to cut thin slices of bacon and lay them over the meat. Cover tho kettle, and let tho beef cook slowly till perfectly tender. This may bo served cold, or hot, and witli vegetablo or without. nun lining I'Mjiit vLi;i vino 13 published in Brooklyn. If there is any placo in this country where there is a Hupeniuiuy oi mat arucie it is me iiiy of Churches. A New York man who sued a rail road for killing his cow has lost his case. llio railroad company proved by seven teen witnesses that tho schedule of tho road was pasted on tho fenco right where the cow could see it. and, besides. that the engineer winked four times at it, but the reckless animal would not tako tho hint. Pittsburg Telegraph. TIRED OUT. ThodUtresA- Ing focllng of weariness, of exhaustion without effort, whlen makes Ufa a burden to so many people, Is due to tlio fact that tho blood Is poor, and the vitality consequently feeble. If you aro suffering from such feeling?, Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is ut what you need, and will do yon Incal culable good, No other preparation so concentrate and combines blood-purlfylng, vitalizing, enrich ing, and InTijoratlng qualities as AYElt'U SAIlSAPAtllLLA. rnxrABiD iir Dp. J.C.Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by aU Drnggttts ; It, six bottles for S. MSlUdV OJJI.ttOB0 3(UBUl0 mil o.iojoq Sujipjo in luo-id puu oHupiUApu JI01 0J It puij ujAV Jiuuiudoj ao Hni pijuq sojiaud jjti puu 'OMOT A3AHVH T oi oS '-oja 'supiauY soiucij .Hoping puu JOOQ 'i10A. llOJ0S Puu lajpuJJI 'Suuooi ,i 'Sujppioj 'Sujpig 'qsug 'fpujm sjoofj SINVW OHM 28U1 Ycnr-sstli Season -VOH- BAUBH'S Standard Fertilizers. Thoy havo stood the Test and can bo relied upon. OIIPKHS SHOULD UK BK.NT I.N JIAltLV To Secure our Cheap and UcllaUlo BAUGIPS 25-Oollnr PHOSPHATE, A Tried aud Valiiablo jvrtliuer. WICK 111 I'KB TON Of 8000 LIIS, Ou Cars or lkxit lu l'lillaUelphhi. Qnar&nteei Anilyils Printed on e&en Beg- MINI) KOU CIHOuLaII. AUDHES8 KAUGH & SONS, BOLK MANUKACTUHEUS, 20 South Delaware Ave, Philada, Juuul-liu ArivcrllMln C'llotltN i ! "It lins becomo so common to wrllollio beginning of nu nrtlck1, in un ulrgmit, In tcrcMliuf innnnvr. "Tlicn run It Into somo lulvcrtlsciucnl tlmt Wo Would nvold nil smicIi. "And .-Imply call attention to tlio merits of 1 lop Hitters In us plnln, lionest terms as )0."lll osMblr, "lMliiilHipbx "To glvo tlieiu o'n'o trial, w Iclt o nroves ineir value thai tltey will never uso any- iiiiiur else." "Tim Hk.mkiiv so favorably noticed In all tlio papers, "Uelltrlous and secular. Is "Having it largu sale, and Is supplanting all other medicines, "Thero Is no denying tho virtues of tho Hop plant, mid the proprietors of Hop imicrs linvo shown great slirewtltiess "And ability1 "In compounding u medicine whose virtues nro so palpable to every one's ou serration. llld Hlie lc? "No I ".Slut lingered nnd suffered Jdong, pining awav nu uiu time lor years," "Tlio iloctois doing her no good i" "And at last was cured by this Hop Hit ters tho papers say so much about." "Indeed: Indeed !" "How thankful wo ihotild bo for that medicine." - A Wiiiiirlilor'H MlHerv. "Kleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery, "f rom a complication oi Kidney, liver, riioumatlc trounio nmt iNervous debility, Under tho euro of tho best physicians, "Who gavo her disease various names, "Hut no relief. "Ami now sho Is reptored to us In good health bv as slninlO'- a reinedv as Hon Hit ters, that wo had shunned for years before HSlllg 11." -THE TAltCSTS. I-'iitlicr In CvttliiK Well. .lit l' it-,ll!.htf.ra am- . 'ilowinuch lipttrr'r.lthor 1-t allien lm imp.1 Ifnn Hitters." "llo H irettlns well artor hU lonj surferlng from u uik-.uvu uiT.-mR-u mcurauie -"And wo aro so unit! thai ho tiseil vour isittoix A Lady of I'tlci, N. Y. II I I I ! II 111 I I MINI GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM Aa it it for U tho painful dlaooaoa of tho! KiDNEYSiLIVER AND BOWELS. Xt eleamea tho h vitam1 rif th ncrtd tvitnn Uwt canacs tho dreadful aulTcrinfr which vuiy uo ci lintram&tista ean realize. TlimiR AtJn.Q nc pr.co of tho worst forma of thla ternbia dlaptup havo been quickly relieved, and in ohort time PERFECTLY CURED. rn:cr. jt. iionnoii imv. nolii iit dkiccwts. 14 Jry can ho neat bv mall. WELM, ItlCHAUnsOH' f Co., UurUnaHfin Vt The only known tpcctjle for Epileptic Fltj.-Ea 03-Also for Spasnn and Falling blckness.ua Nt rvous Weakness qnlckly relieved and cured. Equalled by none lu delirium of levcr.'jro Ci-Ncntrallzra gem of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blolchea nnd stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates tolls, Carbuncles nnd Scalds.-ss S"l'ermane ntly nnd promptly enrcs paralysis, yes, It Is a charming aud healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula nnd Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, removing cnnc. t-f"ltouti biliousness nnd clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless lnxatlYc."(t$ It drives tick Headache like the wlnd.'E? tW Contains no dratlc cathartic or opiates. I'romptly tures Rheumatism by routing It.-Sft Restores Ufc-gh Ing properties to tho blood. 3 Is guaranteed to cure all ncrvom dlsordcre.S9, tSrltdiablo when all opiates fall.- Refreshes the mind and InTlgontcs tho body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. "51 tJCEndorscd In writing by over fifty thousand Leading physicians in U. 8, and Europe. -io. Leading clergymen In V. S. and Europe. -sa Diseases of tho blood own It a conqueror. -a For salo by all leading druggists. jl.W.-TJo Tho Dr. B. A. Richmond Medical Co., I'rops., St. Joseph, Mo. (2) Chas. N. Crlttcnton, Agent, New York City. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Usid In tho prlaclpilChurihe3 for Communion purposes! Escollont for Ladies and Woakly Per- S3ii5 ana xno Agea., Speer's Port Grape Wine I FOUR Y&'JRS OLD. THIS (lELEIMATED NATIVE WINE U made from tlio Julcootlhu Oporto drape, raised In tula country, its invaluable TonI: and Stren3t5ien!ns Properties are unsurpassed by any other Native Wlno. lie- lngruu puru juice oiiuuurupe, pruuucuo uuuer Mr. spevr'a own personal supoivlslon. Its puilty and eenulnciicH, nro gmraut-sed, I'he youngest child inny partako of its peui-rous qualities, uhd the wenkvt invalid use it to ndvaniago. It ts par tlculailybenincl.il to the ugt-d nul debilitated, and suited w the various ailments tuatniTectthe weaki-rsex. it is in every respect. WINKTO 11 B itKLlEl) ON, SPEEll'S I. J. $hcBry. The I'. J. HIirmitYlsn wlno of Hup'rlor Char acter, and partakrs of ths rich qualities of the grap-s from which It Is male. For Purity, inch, uess, Flavor und Medicinal Properties, It will be found unexcelled. SPEEll'S P. .1. ISa'aiKly. s t This lilt ANDY stands unrivalled In this Country being far superior for medicinal purposes. IT is PUllK distillation from the grape,and con tains valuaolo medicinal properties. It has u delicate llayor, ttiullar to. that of the grapes, from which It Is distilled, and la Id great favor among nrst-class families. ? ' 1 4 Hue that tho slgnatuto of AhFRBH SPEKlt, Pas salo N, .1. Is over the cork or each bottle, SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. AND I1Y UHUCiaiSTtf EVKItVVlIKltB. Sept, !, Vi, 1-y s 0LD1ERS HO! LOO K 3F?. 353 J rr ?S Send for our new clrcultri rontaftilnsr matter 0 tmo lmiruiireti.ill PX-nKilert or thflr helri, luloiia,1luuulIva,InIuU,LandriMluia. l!orat'lalui, aiut 1 1 oilri ayahm the Govern went promptly and fnltlifatlv attiMnle.l to, AddrcM Willi itamp Vi. II. U IM.W CO.. uu"'" Iofk Hon 11 Unalilutftuii, 11. C. Wanted & Mt-tlmmtft t tboptj, factor lei, fmtidrlei, mint, and In all trade 1 lls i-atmr World UUi where work can t bid. price paid, and all ttie niwii ibowi liow banks and cornoratlooiruti tb pnori bowliflUtureiand iolltklani ar cou trolkd by capttalbtai law puMlo landaara stolen by rallroadst U druoume cblM labor, pruon cou tract labor, iraci lauur, ohm iiiiiuiuip hi uyinv muu 11 cuuuiua readluK tot old and yuunrfi istubll-bid i years) aud wb will heiMltbv ltur WurU io trjil C wuks I reks frit u, u itt to unV ful malli ti ir. reel Hie 1 ixevi new inrn n I.AIIOH y OUhU, l UtadelpUla, V. uU May, uiu jui J. SALTZER'S Goneral Sowing Machino Dopot, Firth Stor.) Bslow Harht i , BLOOMSBURG, PA. Celebrated White Sewing Blade, Now Davis Vortical lecd Sow ing Mnoliino, New Homo Sowing .Siuoliinc, Household Sewing Mnclnno, Estey Sowing Machine, QenuitiC Singer Sewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, bost Scwlnc Machino Oil. nnd Nee dles tor nil sowlne miontn'-s. Sowlnir Machines Bold on monthly paym-jnts- Liberal discount inauo ior i-.usn. ivcry inacutne purcuaseu iroin me Is warrantedtooe kept In good runnlni; oMcr for five years free of charge, and thorouirh In structions given by the best lady operator In this dwv, ui ui-iuuiut-s uctuiu uui milium.. MAlfll teffiffiRITTI F. New and graphic I'tctoTlallilitoryodheireat Sea fiphtiofti 9 World. By Medicl Director SlllPPPN, U. S. N. Addrtsi Juno l(My Il'U LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE. OhJyBack! That's a common expres sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering h summed up in it. The singular thing about it is, that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease, liver com plaint, consumption, cold, rhcu mat ism,dyspepsia,over v.'ork, nervous debility, &c. Whatever the cause, don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Brown's Ikon Bitters, and it docs this by commencing at the foundation, and mak ing the blood pure and rich. Logansport, Ind. Dec. I, 1880. For a lone llnie 1 have been a sndcrer frDi-i itomach and kidney disease. My appetite was very poor rnd the very small amount 1 did eat d.sagreed v.ith me. 1 was annoyed very muih from nou-retentlon of urine. 1 tried many remedies with no success, until I used Droun'l Iron l'itters. faince 1 used that my stomach does rot bother me any, Myappetitc Isslmply Immense. My UJncy trouble Is no more, and my renerat health li such, that 1 feci like a new man. After the use of Ihown's iron Hitters for one month, 1 tue gained twenty pounds lu neiht. 0. 1J. Sahckht. Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend Brown's Iron Bit ters. It has cured others suffering as you are, and it will cure you. "THE BEST 18 CHEAPEST." IMKM. THRPQUCRQ SAW-MILLS. HiritPoKtri .ISH1.WIIS.IIW CloTerUalleri (Buitnl to all ai-ctloni. ) IVrlto ror Hi 1:1: lliui. I'amplJrl suidrrlcvflW The AulttnandE Taylor Co., kUuuJMu, Ohio, inir '.'3-.')m MAKE HENS LAY An EnsIWi Veterinary Surseon nnd Chemist now travelling tn this country, sivs tint most of ma itorso unit u.iuiu t-owusrs som nere are worth less trah. lie svs tint sherUHn's Condition l'owders are atnolu'.-lvnurrt and lrnmonm'iv vain. aWe. Notu nsou omit will make li-ns lav like nuenuao s (juuiitiort t'awij's. uose, 1 leitSDOOU ful to 1 pint foid. sold everywhere, or sent by m&ll for 8 letter-stamps, 1. s, J-ms-ios Un Hoston, Miss. aU Jau a 'SJ-ly, WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PELS ron tub LIVER And all Bilious Complaints. Bao lo taWe, being purely egetablcs noL-rbln". l'rlca S tcuu. AUDrusUts. May 1ft-Iff pARSOXVT3 purgative MAKi; NEW lildll 1M.0UI), And will oomnlelf ly clinnire tho blood In thorn tire system In three months. Any ix-inou who w til tako one pill each nUrht from one to twelv o weeks, may bo it-stured to sound health, If buch n lUliitfls iiosslhle. Var rurinir IVmulo Comnhilnts theso l'llls have nn equal. Vhyskhins usd them In their practice. Hold every where, or sent by mull for ss cents in tsiniiiu-s. ri'uii tur ihiiunuK-i, 1, n. tiiiii. W).N ic I'd, lloston, Mass. npr 13 Ald-T mos. REST uot, life is sweeplnir by, co and dsro before ou die sometniui; niiL'hry aoj su b lime leave behind to connuLi lime." Ml a week you own town. J5 outfit free. No risk. Kverythlnif now, CaiUul not ietiilreJ. Wo will furnish you everything. Many nro insklnir fortunes. Ladles m iko as much us men, And boys ana Bins mine frcm pay, tteaaer, it von waul business at which yen csn mako t'riat pay All the time, writnforputlcularito II, Hiukit Co., I'ortland, Maine li-.u, 6, Vi-lv, ARPMTR Mnnril f.r..i....ni..ir.t.4.u.4. June 80-ly uiu HlfciTsriA MON'Tlland lioAlll) for (turn live vpfjpuYYoiiimurnnr ladles In each county, Andreas, I". W. ZlUUI.iat 4 CO., I'hlludcjphla, I'd. d Jiay.lHhtiv, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. 7I1K VoLTAtO HKtiTUO,, Marshall, Mich., nld Bind 1)11. llYnTS OKhHllltA'lKU KMC TltO.VOt TAIO Ilhl.TS and KLKUTItlC A I'I'I.IANUIW on trial for sU ij-i lj m.n ( uutiu or out) ho nre af flicted wllh Norvmi IlLblllty, lA)st Vlinllty, niid kludrttt iroubiu-, Ktiaiana-eUi; sneedyuhd com. pieto restorullon it iieallh and manly vlir r. Ad dicss as abote. .. ll No risk Incurred, ns 80 (lujs' trial Is idlowed' Feb. uth-lyr. r WANl'Lii - r iff! t.o mm mrii In Irani TDI.l tilt It'll Y. Ifll.l.ll llll.llnt.. fttltf(l. AililrM.. nllh .tmiiii. shim Im. iwt. t.l BUU11UAN TKI.EtmAI'll CO., Oliprllll, O, aid Every Estey Organ a voia t$ mauc throughout with Equal fidelity, and w Xiclds unrivaled tones. &tul for Illuttralcd Catalogue, UdliBlbraibedl jlni6JveiLi.iiiig Imm 4 ?mi9 mii Mew limg teiiidl. Fiami'DS, Ami other first class Pianos, mul a large lot of -MUSIC BOOKS, VIOLINS, ACCOR.DEONS, BAM JOS, HUSICUL (IIMjUOTETTE, VIOLIN STRINGS, And cvcrj liiliitf sns the Hai.xic line. J". SALTZER, FIFTH STOIiG BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG Pa. mm Meadiy T'a Ba The ElgM Tmmm wmm wws SUPERIOSITY OF style;. Excellence of Material PERFECTION OF FIT. Unrivalled IHtock of Spring Clothing Miiiiiifiit-liiii-il llx prosly ior mo. '. giiaiiiiiti'o Stylo, Quality, and Woikiiiaiisliip, to hu thu 1JKST. Also a Very Superior Line of Gents' FURNISHING GOO JS for Spring and Summer. THK LATEST AND NHWEST SPUING STYLES OF HATS, Just Ucoi'ived, at the Popular Clothing Store of D. LOWENBERG. PIA1TOS, EINK INLAID KKENOIl WALNUT GASH OIlflAN, ) STOPS, $00 CASH. V.xxsy Turin. SnlUlnctlon Gunrniilcoil. -jJA.oonxj-'s ia-sto ware rooms SILWC HALL HLOOK, HTT.nti.T) S72: A w--ck made at homo nv mo tndiistri. ous. Hist busluess now before tho public. Capital not noedod. Wo will Start vou. .Men. u-nmpn. hnva ami trlrld wanted overs whoro to work fnma. Nnw iliim time, u can wo'k In spare time, or glvo jour whole I'mn to tho buslusss. No other business will pay jou nearly as well. No one can fall to make enormous pay, by engaging at onco, Costly outut and term, frfl. Mouoy mado fast, oajlly, ai.d honorably, Address TiifS ; Co , Augusts Maine. ' n i J.ii- ' NAVAL BATTLES,',:,'; lly KDW.Utl) HIIIPPKN, .Medical Mreelnr, it, k N. A Thrllllui; Pli-lnrlal II Mori- of ilm Vi,ii,iu irrnnt Sea l'lghts, wlm spfelUH-ns of Nuval Aiihllettuiu ofulliigi's. Aiecordof Wnndeuul Hxplults moio liiteresl lug than union. Price only ia. It tells I ' It' V 'liy every wit re ji.iki iimu) per A u I i ll I rmonth. Addrens J, v, .Mcci'HUY n CO,, PhtUdcipiua, Pu, nor, itiii ivy Thoro is no Baking SIMON Its qualities, Motlicinal and Culinary, guarantoo Health and Luxury. Every buyer should Select an Organ tVhat guarantees good Every day xvtrk and Years of service. J, ESTEY & CO.. Urattlcboro, Yt. Jilhel - .,., a I iS M lookout for chances to H Lr-J Vj '''"'oth-lrearnltjgs.nni: tlin to In ,nnd In Who .In nnt M"" "ffjmWin0M CPTOV. Wo "" a Br,)at "'anM t0 inako money. Wo want inmy mou. women. li,v .,n.i ,iV rmfrt,!V)lla..r).l;!!ll1L'Un,w"1??all!ll'1' Auyoim llllslm-flH 11111 nnv 7.S ' L" ' "9 wages." ttpttvi'out fhurn ed f eo ffi "s.i" 'a"? to" ' to money rapidly, via can devoto your who'o mak to tho work ' or only your spare moments. Ptlmell lutorrjiatlon and M Portland, .Maine, i)ec, H fr . ' 1 w'".1'11'1 H't OB, drupe Vni b in bs. 1 uwm. Ac. n ,l.,i-i- iu.,1 i ,'.. in, ii,ti u-.,iuun Kllt ll, M) lUC.Xt.er- hu, filini-n can sonn leuiii the buslnins. Add ess l iUl'.i?. yT' V" l0"U '""e Va" u siny, ibthlvr, Powder cqtlal io llio nu RAILROAD TIME TABLE low ENNSYLVANU ItAIMlOAD. 1'IIJL. ADKM'IIIA KIIIEIt.lt. DIVISION ANIi UTilllllNCKNTUAI, 1IA1I,VAY. TIMK TADLU. In clTcct May 14th, 1SS3. Trains lcae Hun bury, KASTWAItl), 0.85 a. m Sea Shore Express for Ilarrlsburir and Intermediate stations, Lancaster, rhlladcl phla, New Yoil:, llaltlinoro nnd Wnshlnu'ton, nr rlvlug nt Philadelphia 8.15 p. m.j Now York, o.so p. in. ; Ilalliinore, 5.oj p. in. ; Washington MO P. in., mnklnir closo connections at l'hlladclnhla for oil pea shore points. 1.6a p. m.l)ay express tor Ilnrrlsbtirj; nnd In termediate stations, Lancaster, l'ldladelphin, Now York, llaltlmoru nnd Washington, arrlvlne nt Philadelphia 7.SJ p. m. ; New York, lo.M p. m. : llaltlmore, 7.15 p. in.; Washington, mo p, m. I'ull man l'arlorcnrtbrouch to rhlladclphia nnd pas eonccr coaches through to Philadelphia nnd llultl. more, 8.!0 p. m. Wllllainsport Accoinmotlatlon for IldrrtsburB nnd ull lntcimedlato stations, Lan caster, Philadelphia and New York, arriving nt Philadelphia !i.55 a. in.; New York o.su a. in. Sleeping car accommodations can bo secured at Ilnrrlsburg for Philadelphia nnd New Y'ork. Phila delphia passengers can lemnln In (deeper untlls turbetl until a. m. i.tua. m. Krio .Mall for ltnrrlsburg nnd Inter mediate stations, Lancaster, Philadelphia, New York, llaltlinoro und Washington, arriving at Philadelphia r.w n. m. : New York, n.so arm. : llaltlinoro 7.4') u. m. j Washington, o.lu a. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars nro run on tills train to Philadelphia, lialilmora nnd Washington, and through passenger coaches to Philadelphia and llaltlmore. W12STWAKD, C.S5 n, m. Krlo Mall lor Hrlo nud nil Intermediate stations with through Pullmnn l'nlaco car and through passenger eo iclies to Krle, nnd through Pullman l'alaco e trs to lliillalo via liinporlum, Por Cauandalgua nnd Intermediate btntlons, ltochester, lluiralo und Niagara Palls, with through Pullman Palace car to Canandalgua and through passenger coaches to ltochester. 1.03 p. m. Niagara Kxpress for Kano nnd Inter medlaio stations with through passenger coaches to Kano. For Canandalgua and principal inter mediate stations, Hochcsier, nurfalo and Niagara Palls with through parlor car to Watklns and through passenger coaches lo ltochester. b.ss p. m., Fast lino for Lock lluven and Interme diate stations, nnd Llmira, Watklns and Interme diate stations, with through passenger coaches to Lock Haven and Watklns. TllltOUail TltAINS roll SUNIIUHY FItOJt THE KAUT AND SOUTH. ,,,,, . Niagara Exprosi huvo3 Philadelphia, 7.40 a. in.; Ualtlmoro ".so n. m., ar riving at sunbury, 1.05 p. m., with through Pun man Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia nnd Uaitt mure. Fast Ltno learsa Now York s.oo a. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.03 a.m.; Washington, .3ij a. m.: Ualll morc, 10.43 a.m., arriving at Hunbury, 5.8.) p. m with through passenger coaches rrora Plilladel phla und Ilnltlmore. Krlo Mall loaves New York s.oo p. m.j Phtladel billa. ll.y-) n. m.: VYashloL'ton. 9-ft,i n. m unitt. moro, 11.15 p.m., arriving at Suuburv, 0.2) a. in.. I with through Pullman Puiaco sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington nnd llaltlinoro and tliroU''h n issensrer coaches from Phti.irh'inhfn miUKY. UA7.I.K1U.N WIMtKS-nAHKE ItAlLUOiU NONOKTII WKST UlliNCII ItAII.WAY. Jtall Hast leaves Sunbury 0.45 n. in., arriving at Uloom Ferry 7.41 a. in., Wllkes-barro u 20 a. ni. Kxpress East leaves Sunbury 6.33 p. m., nrrlvljiK at Uloom Perry o.3l p. m., Wllkes-barro 8 lo p. m, Jlall West leaves Wllkes-barre lo.so a. tn urrlv lng at Uloom Ferry ls.eii.p. m,, Sunbury 12.65 n. m. Kxpress West leaves Wllkes-barro b.3) p. m. ar riving nt Uloom Ferry 7 07 p. m , sunbury e.05 p L'HAS. E. PUGII, J. 11. WOOD, (Jen. Manager. Uen. Passenger Agent. iVDEIjPUA and KEADINO KOA t ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGEB TRAINS. Juno 20, 1S32. TltAINS LKATK llOrKKT AS rOLLOWS(SCNOAT EXCXPTKO. For New York.Phlladelphla.ltiadlng.PottBVUlo Tatnaq.ua, &c, 11,43 a, mj For Catawlssa, 11,43 a. in. i to and 7,so p. m. For Wllllamsport.o.is s,60 a. m, aud 4,oii p. m. tkaims you ucrsnr lsavji as follows, behdat XSCKPTED.) Leavo Now York, Ua. Tumaneud o,oo n, ra. and via. liound Urook Itouto 7,45 n, m, Leavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. in. Leave Heading, 11,65 a, m PottBvlllo, U,39 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leavo Catawls3a, 0,10 b,40 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Loavo Wtlllamsport ,9,45 a.m,2,oo p.m. and 4,30 p, m Passengers to aud from Now York, via, Tama uend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change ot cars. J. Jt. WOOTTKN, C fl. HANCOCK, General uanterj General Passenger and Ticket Agett. Jan, io, lssi tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WKsTKItN HAILltOAD, I3LOOM8BURG DIVISION. NOUTU, p.m. p.m. a. 9 15 2 45 9 9 09 9 0J 6 69 9 8 43 9 8 12 9 8 37 9 STATIONS. scranton.... Uellevuo. , Taylorvllle.. ..Lackawanna- Ptttstnti SOUTH I a.m. p.m. cm. 9 80 A 10 17 6 22 SO 6 27 27 0 84 34 (I 41 t9 R 40 -14 0 61 9 45 9 t2 9 6S 10 03 10 1'8 . West Pltt3ton Wyoming... Maltby Pennett ....Kingston... Ktni.fltAfi 8 85 S 25 8 1C 8 07 8 00 0.1 1 50 1 42 1 85 1 25 1 IS 1 03 9 01 9 01 0 68 10 18 10 18 .Plymouth June 2 64 8 55 7 17 ...riymouLn. .. Avondalo ... TJaiiMnnVn 10 EG 8 02 7 22 7 Pll S 47 8 89 8 S3 00 8 10 7 37 7 40 13 42 llunlock's Creek 10 84 10 42 10 66 U 07 11 13 11 20 3 IS 8 00 8 25 8 40 8 60 7 83 VI 23 7 BO 12 16 7 20 12 00 7 13 11 47 7 09 11 41) 7 05 11 82 6 67 11 10 6 CI 10 63 C 45 10 60 fi 37 10 41 6 13 10 U 0 10 10 03 6 04 10 45 9 17 12 Oi) ... nnicKBninny.. 3 83 3 43 S 61 ....Heach llaven. ucrwick , Ttrlnp 3 67 9 00 ...Willow Orovo. Llmo Uldgo,, 8 00 4 07 8 05 4 12 i.dpy Uloomsburg,, ttllnf-rt 11 0 4 20 4 87 i 18 11 4S 8 20 Catawl'a lirldge 11 61) 4 83 8 30 1 OS 8 5b 4 60 8 62 11 6S 12 19 12 45 ....i-'UUVlllO,,.. ....Chulosky... 9 00 i3(NorthumUcrl'd" 6 (9 6 25 9 04 U 2(1 p.m. a.m. n m. p.m. p.m. a.m. Suterlntcnaent's omeefs "aV& 8BLEY s OF ALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, Wo aro tho laivost fiirini-rB, larirett seed row ith and larirest seed dealer anywhorot honeo lmo groatot facUitloj ifor rrodufinu rkt Weil, A ll our Set h art i,i(,J, and ouly tlio Uct sent out. Ournii,wlt?-italo-)u and l'ric, Li,t brings Till! JiltHATCST 8HKII KTOItM IN Till! clndoa aU tho doslrablo new and standard varieties llanu. bcntl'ltUlitoanynddreea, HIRAM SIBLEY. & CO. Soodsmcn WuchciUr, N. V. und Clilcuuo, III. A & a Feb 9-1 y PAYNE'S I O Horao Spnrk-Arrostlng J'ortabio Knilno Iiiu rut 10,(100 fl. of Michigan Pino iloard-i lit 10 hums, burning eUbs from thu HW lu tight-foot Kuglhs. Our 10 riorie wi Guarantu to furnish powrr to saw 8,000 to -t of Hemlock lloird. In 10 hours. Our HJIoiHullt cut la.iooat in samatlina. yur r.iigiiin aro iiUAItANiritu to furnhh a hore-iowt-r on )j less fail and water limit any other Kn glno nut llttcd with an Aulomatlo Cut Oil, If you want a Stationary or Portahle Ihiglne, Holler, Circa- I... Un... Villi 11. -.. ,., u.,,, 4iiii, linn, ill, K ui i uui-jr, '-Ithcr iat or .MoiiJarl' Patent Wroasht-lron Pulley, nnd for our illii.ttut'-d cutalngue, No, U, for liifunuatlon and prices. H. W, 1'AYNR & SONS, Corning, N.V. Box 1187. Jan. 6, 83-iy, f Yht?ul U..M. ,WIH ,40. f ' i,i-isu.-, ui- hortii uuil if, ; , " w'! mi" H i MS if. ' irflkyi I i"alotuikimTr...'i r X mZTMml I 1, ,UNl-l-iwJivMM.WIllt,IUllt.w 1) J it1"" w4rwii,-ltiuiHiii,,,iiii y Tyiff? r h" T',.'fwiyui.uu4iiii.tutMUi irr " I. - -r- ""'Hfirri ii i i, v I Oct CSMy