THE COLUMBIAN AND DIMOQBfAfl,! B LOOMSIi U RG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A Talk With a Dude. a ni:v york nr.i-oHTKit iktkhviuws tih; r.ll'.AK WHAT A IHJDi; IS ANYWAY AN INTI.IIKSTIMI TALK. From tlm New York sun. At high noon n youth emerged from tliu lJrutmwlck nuil stood for n moment in tho brilliant lilnzo of tliu Mny mm listlessly buttoning his clovo. llo was languid, sombre nnd Inert. Up nntl down Fifth avenuostacs rum bled nnd i oared, nnd carriages whirled Tlio doors of tho hotels slammed inces santly, brightly dressed women tripped by, men strodu briskly to nnd fro, laugh ing nurso maids led groops of frolic some children toward the park, and even tho cabmen whistled nnd sang as they went about their work. It was n cheerful scene. Tlio youth did not seem interested in nnythiug. Men who passed glanced nt him Homewliat contemptuously, or with palpable sneers j women looked admir ingly, llo was nnnow-chestcd, nnd bis legs were lank and wavering. On h:s head was a bell crowned English beaver, with a morning band two inches wide, and around his neok ho wore a collar of preposterous height. A drab covert coat, such as Englishmen wear when they go to "meet," was buttoned closely around his far from robust fig ure. Tlio garment was so short that the end of his spike tail coat tail fell far below it, producing a wierd nnd worn effect. Ills trousers was so tight that tho uneven contour of his legs excited iiity, and his feet were squeezed into long nnd narrow shoes. Over his vest dangled a single glass, nnd ho woro English dogskin gloves, tho color of ripo brick dust Ho had a silver tipped cane under his left arm nnd stood with one foot far in advance of tho other. His hat was tipped back on his head, and bis hair brushed furward at tho sides, and ho displayed evidence of a vapid mustache. Hut the most notice ablo thing about him was tho expres sion of his face. He meant to appear haughty. Instead be looked insolent. llo was a dude. Presently another youth swung around the comer. Ho was a counterpart of the first, and their attiro was precisely similar, even to tho brick-dust gloves. They approached each other solemnly, and then tho new-comer drawled : "How aro you, my bravo boy!" "Eh f Oil, I cawnt say as I'm too brisk, don't you knowl I'm freakish to day." "You look a bit queer." "Ynas. I'vo been in tho eating houses hero trying to worry down a bit of chop with soino shandygaff. How aro you!'' "Oh, I'm fine you know. I took a tub this mawning, then tooled mo new cart up the avenue, and had a good np petoit for breakfast." "llathah decent fun;" "Yaas." "See you nt the club later." Upon which tho new-comer, with a faco expressive of great exhaustion, am bled away. The first youth still stood in front of tho hotel' and gazed indif ferently about mm, For a long time ho stood there, while the Hun reporter remained in tlio back grouuu regarding him with reverential awe, and reHecting that the dudo was the only thine in tho world that had not been interviewed. A little time passed and then 'I beg your pardon," said tho repor tcr. "Ow!" asked tho 'youth slowly. "I beg vour pardon." "Ah," said tho youth, and after HlanciiiR casually at tho reporter, ho continued placidly : "I don't remember to havo met you. "No," said the reporter thoughtfully, while the youth gazed upon him with immense contempt, "but I wish to ask you a question or two about a matter of great importance." "Oh, you don't say 1 rather an artful idea, 1 m sure. What do you wish to ask about!" "The dude." Tho vouth started, sharply at the re porter for an instant, and then resumed the air of indifference as ho said "Well." "There is a widespread rumor down town that a cat chased a dude up .Fifth nvonuu vesterdav at sundown." "Oil, I say I" said tho youth with a tranquil smile, "its quite too uau, don't chew know, to put it upon tho cr aw dude, y'know; loike that. Tho dude's nothawf so bad as painted Chas ed by a cat nawr "No truth in it at all !" "Wlioy, I'd lad a quid to a bob any toimo that it'snuro cuv."said tho voutu with soino animation j "and I tell you what, ho continued, "the aw dude, don't chow know, is wretchedly mis understood. " "What is a dude?" "A dude,"answered tho vouth slowly, "is a icntlpnian. A cad can never bo a dude. He must not bo in trade, but must have money. I daro say thoro aro dudes who havo very little money. but they havo blood y'know, But tho point of tho thing is that the dude is tho embodiment or ot the ah tn umph of tho gentleman over tho cad ion tako what was once known as a swell, or a fop, or a dandy, and it was not absolutely necessary 'for him to bo a gentleman. Tho pet, particular god ot swelldom was Jinan liruinmel, don'i chew know, and yet ho was not a gen tlcman according to our English accep tation of tho term. Still hosuuhbed tho Prince of Wales." "Would ho not havo been iiiuto as effective as a dudo V "By no means," said tho youth hasti ly. "JJoiit chow seoi llo, was gor geotis and overdressed, while wo or that is, tho dudo is tho acmo of pro prietv and good taste. Ho wore loud colors, padded shoulders, corsets, wigs, snuff-box and unlimited jewelry, while tho dudo wears no jewelry other than a ring, nnd uivnriauly dresses in dark and quiet colors v. "Is there any fun in being a dudot "lo tho vulcraw a dude is not nn pressive. Tho gorgeous swell took tho oyc, Tlio, women worshipped him for tho .rlclincsj' of his dress, nnd the waitahs in eating houses woro over powered ; but tho dudo is essentially negative. Ho is not a spoctaolot ho is a quiet, self-contained gentleman. Ho is refined, nnd ho Is distinguished from the common peoplo by his good man ners. In England wo havo n landed aristocracy; In' America tho aristocracy aro popularly known as dudes, y'know. A. fellah .dressed properly nnd walking qqiuily.oiUhtiiSlraud or in Pell Moll is kjwwji. simply as an English gentle inaui but when ha appears in tliu samo nttlrCjpn Wlty ay'iioo hp al.oneo bo compf iv.du'do.r ,'i -.lilaylI ask how long you havo been away from England t" "I aw eawu't my, tho fact is, I Iiavo novah been In England." "Ah! good day," accenting tho "good." "Good doy," accenting tho "doy." Tho man who thinks that his boy can liooiua garden while a circus proces eion is'passing is always tho man who has a frqiltpcat when, tho performance begin. Dressed Beef. HOW CATTI.r. AUK IIUl'tSKI) AND lNJURKK IN TDK TRANSIT FKOtf THE WKST. The St. Louis Railway Register snvs ! "Tho business of rnislnir cattlo on tho great plains of the West has grown enormously durinir tlio Inst ten vears. yet tho supply of beof for tho markets i uiu r.:isi una iiui. kui iniuu wuii uiu einnnd. Tho tniei' line steadily ad anccd until this necessary article of food is nlmosl beyond tho mentis of tho poorer classes. Thero havo been evils connected with tho transportation of cattle from the West lo tho East which are great and havu attracted the atten ion ot humanitarians and consumers. herd of cattlo which arrives nt New York front Texns or Montana is icceiv ed in bad condition. Tho poor ani mals tnkeii from their native quiet ran ges and crowded into closo cars to ho allied and jolted lora weekor tell days over railroads, exposed lo strnngu noises, bruised by sudden hulls mid starts, tor rilled by their proximity and unusual mir- windings, whin they reach their jour ney s end nro sick, laino nnd lovcrish. In this condition they nro slaughteied for food. Tho idea of killing tho cat tlo near tho placo of their growth and transporting the dressed meat to mar ket in refrigerator cars was a bright ono and has steadily grown in favor. Tho advantages of the plan are obvi ous, tor it is open to none nt the objec tions urged against the old method. It understood however, or at least It is claimed, that tho firms ami companies, who havu largo capital invested in tho live stock business, and the railroads which have provided cars and yards for its accommodation, nro oppposcd to an innovation and proposo to "fight'' all attempts to revolutionize the old way. Uommcnttng on tho above the liar- risburg Telegraph says : "There are reasons why beet slnui-htered in the West will never be permitted aiuouop oly of the Eastern markets. It wo.dd place us nt tho mercy ot n tow gignnlio firms or corporations who would, when their monopoly wns confirmed by the extirpation of the Eastern butcher, and the total destruction of the East ern 'plants' engaged in the business, supply our market with an inferior ar ticle, charge what they pleased, and so be secure not only against competi tion but ngairst our criminal laws, as to bo entirely regardless of consequen ces. It would bo the greatest and most dangerous monopoly ever estab lished on this continent. But there aro other economical reasons, too nu morons to mention here, why tho dressed beef business will never bo a com pie to success. The truth is, the dressed beef experiment, now in the hands of a very few men, nud supply lug only a second class article, is only ono expression of tho natural protest against tho present barbarous, cruel and wasteful methods of live stock transportation, and the consequent high nice ot beet, mutton and pork. Tho osses by shrinkage, by death and by bruising amount to many millions of dollars in a year's business, nnd tho tor ments ot the dumb animals aie terrible beyond bolief by thoso who havo never given the subject attention. Beef brought forward m this way cannot bo reliable ; it is, in fact, often unfit to iced to a dot;. Besides the shameful extortion of tho cattlo yards, swindles for feed, yardage and handling, a pro cess gone through with several times between Chicago and Now York adds enormously to the value of tho ar ticle on tho butchers' stalls. It is quite probable, as the Railway Register as serts, that tho railroads do not intend the proposed dressed beet monopoly to bo established and they have sound reasons for that determination. But they must improvo their own methods j they must suppress the cattle yards ex tortion : they must abate the suffer ings of the animals ; they must deliver stock fit for slaughter ; they must save to the shipper shrinkage, death and bruising ; and they must give tho pub lio a reasonable guarantco of sound meat. This can be done only by tho introduction of a car in which cattlo can bo fed and watered in transit, and can bo car ied at any rnto of speed without being thrown down to bo trampled to death, or hurled against the side of the car, to contract bruises and uloers whereby many pounds of tho best portions of tho beet nro ren dered unlit for use, nnd must bo cut from the carcass and cast nway. Such cars could bo run through in one third tho tiuio now required : they would so far clear tho tracks of tho roads for other business j they would destroy tho cattle ynrd .windlo ; they would save in every direction : they would secure the dumb beast from suffering ; nnd they would give the consumer sound beof. This is the method of tho future. It is inevitable. It must come, nnd the sooner tho raihoads get ready for it tho better it will bo tor all concerned. New Postal Eegulations. The Postmaster General has issued nn order that after tho first of July, whenever a letter prepaid at loss than ono full rate of postage, or any narcol of third or fourth class matter is not fully prepaid, and being otherwise mailable, is deposited nt the postoflice of tho first second or third class, and consigned to any other postoflico with in tho United Stales, it bIkiII bo tho duty of tho postmaster to sond to tho address a poslal card containieg a no ticu of tho detention, and a request to remit the proper amount of postage to entitlo the letter or parcel to bo for warded to its destination. This provis ion applies only to matter not bearing a card or address ot tho sender of sucl card, nud as a ma tier must bo returned immediately to tho party mailing it Tho law mini res that matter not lullv prepaid shall bo scut to the dead letter office, but under this order, where tho sender is not known, tho address is to bo givon an opportunity of paying do ficient postage. This plan has been tried for a year at the letter carrier oil! ces, and over eighty per cent of tho ad dresses notilieu responded with tlio pos tage. To Cuitis Malaria. In tho Sanitary Engineer a correspondent recommends garlic nnd onions a preventives ot ma laria, which ho claims is otten tho fore runner of diphtheria, small-pox, tyiihon fever and other zymotic diseases. Tlio editor in reply remarks facetiously that such n siinplo universal panacea ns is proposed "lias long been sought for, and a number of peoplo believo they havo toiiuil it, Tlio majorii'iy ot theso peoplo at present nro cared for in insti tutions especially provided by the State for that purpose, and nro happy In their faith, which wu havo no dtsire to dis turb. Diphtheria, pneumonia and ty phoid nourish wnero inero nro no sew ers and no malaria. And our friend in Arizona and New moxico, who or familiar with tho sight (and smell) of Mexican, reeking with onions nnd gar lic, nnd shivering with nguo at the same time, will havo their doubts as to tho theory propounded. A Successful Year. Tho Managers of tho Aiuerican 111- bio Society havo just presented their xty-scventh Annual Report, Durini! no previous voar of tho Inn of the Society havo so many pages of the snend word been issued t nnd only Bitmlu year tho last of tho great civ il war lanks tho ono just closed In the number of volumes disttibhled. In tho United Stated I ho Vourtli Goner nl Supply has been auspiciously inaugu rated, nnd tn loreigii lands tho society Ins entered now fields while in coun tries where tho woik hail In on prev ious established it has b en pronculid ilh remarkable vigour and success, Three hundred andt'lovoneolpoiteurs nvc laboured in, tins count! v, and two hundred and scvl nty-six in for- igti lauds. ilio receipts for tho year for general imposes were isfiUB, (Jtl ill. ut tins amount, $283,01)8 fio were reccned for ooks nnd on Purchaso account i $184, 7!) '20 from legacies t (), 1)07 .'13 ill lunations from auxiliary sooiclies, churches, and individuals ; $:12,L"J1 17 from rentals, nud the bal.mce from in terest and other sources. Besides which, 823, havo been added to tho trust fund, the interest of which alone is applicable for general purposes. Tho disbursements tor inanutactur- ng nnd tor nil other general purposes vere S599.200 89. For tho foreign work of the Soaiety, to bo expended during tho coming year, tho amount of $104,980 85 has been appropriated. tho number ot copies ot tho scrip tures issued during tho year is 1,GG0, 532. The issues of tlio Society during sixtv-seven v.irs amount to forty two millions, eighty-tin eo thousand, eight hundred and sixteen. (42,083,810.) GOOD NEWS for the upper end. The Largest Stock of Ooods opened In llcnton, In many years, lias just been received by III" undersigned. It 12tti!raccM DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, QUEEN8WARE, And overythlng found In n general mercantile bu Iness, nt tuo very lowest prices. Several hundred thousand feet off dressed Lumber, Shingles, &c constantly on hand. tir- purchasers will nnd It to their advantage t call on mo before buying elsewhere. J. J. Mclnry, Benton, Pa. Uaj 4 2m -iSIIJilY srpoiftGji jo dons ojaiiAiosio .miiKctioiud ojojoq ziiiiieo ui lyoid put) oSuiuuapg Jioqj.oi 1! PulJ U!M 3"! ".tidal .10 Sui pinq sojijud ye puc OMOTE f oj o3 '-ojo 'truputMQ 'snmcjj AvopujAV puu Joorj 3lJ0AV ll-10S PIM! la10BJH 'Suuoojjj 'Suippioj 'Suipig 'qscg 'spmi 'sjooq SXNVM OHM IT A T T C VEGETABLE XI l I ill O SICILIAN Hair Eenewer. The Bit U the Chapot, Bafetyl Economy 1 1 Certainty of Good Itesultilll ThMe qultUei ue of prlmo Importance In k Selection of a preparation for the hair. Do L't experiment with new remedlea which may do harm rather than good ; but profit by the ex perience of others, liny and use with pei.'"et confidence an article which ererybody linowa to bo good. Hall's HiiBliKMEWEU will not disappoint you. FRErXBIC OT' It. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, K.n. Sold by all DrtijglitJ. 28th Ycar-55th Season -von Standard Fertilizers. mm They have stood the Test and cati be relied upon. OltllEUS SHOULD UK SENT IN KAMA' To Secure, our Cheap nnd Itellablo I! AX Oil'S 25-Dollar PHOSPHATE, A Tried and Valuable Fertilizer. I'MCK ta l'Klt"rO.N 01' SftJO MIS, on Cars or lloat In Philadelphia. . Qu&ranteol An&lyia Printed on' eaeh.BJg- SK.SU l'Oll CIUCulAlt. AllDUKSS BAUGH & SONS,, SOLK JIANUKAOTDHKUB, 20 South Delaware Avu. June Mm Philadx ittncAMOMTIIiml HOAltl) for thrfe lire ODD Young men or ladles In each county, Address, P. W. ZEIULKH CO., Philadelphia, Pa. a .May, mil iw, OLDIERS HO! LOO m Ktnd for our new drfultri containing matter, ot ctmokt Imporuiicvloall txoldlfr or lltrlr uelrf. ciuiiu.UouitUe,riUulKAn4 Claluu, IfsrMClttluis. mid all oibra atfaliut tba Uovern. mectprooipUy "itl'l''il' VlIHiMiS? Vllb etaiup W-ltnUJ-nnvaS. l!itit llOK 4HM WMliluKlon, 11. C Wanted? Umliaulca lu abopi, UcUr. 1, luuituriea, luiii.. aiwa all traJea l (ha LAbor World telle where work can U bad. price, paid, aud ,11111 reading for old and younKi ealabllebed 4 y"l week (reel w-nd o Aceuie (o pay for inallloK, and ""will ieud llw. llr World a (rial vttU free). Iwol New JorK MaM. w pU my in lm all toe newii tuowa oow iu,, iw iuiuui,uu,,i (be poor 1 bow li(llaiuree and polllhleue are con. (rolM bycapllal(ei Iww puWlc lauie art eloltn lr rallroadel UJciioumea child labor, pruwa con. 1.1.. .rA .11 form of uoDrv.aiutiMl contalaa crtlHliif; UliurtlN ! 1 "It bus Ihtoiiik so common In wrlto 1 1 hi beginning of nn article, In an clegim!, In -tercstlng manner, j "Tlu'ii vim H Into some ndveltlseiniiit tiint Wo,vouM avoid nil sueli, I "And olinply rail nlteiitlnii to the mollis of Hop Hitters In iih plain, honest terms (is possible, "I'd hultlconfiiplo I ''To clfe UieM one trial, which so proves their value Hint they will never use any. thine else." "Tim llKMKnv so favorably noticed n all tliu papers, "llt'llploiis nnd secular, Is "Having a largo sale, and Is supplanting all other medicines, "There Is no denying the vhtucs of tlio Hop plant, ami the proprietors nf Hop Hitters have shown great shrewdness "And nbillty " "In compounding a intdlclne wbok virtues are so palpable to every one's oh. serrntlou. lllil Hlio Illu? "No! "Sliu lingered and sultefed dong, plnliig nwav all the time for years," "The iloclois doing her no good i" "And at last was cured by this Hop Hit ters tlio papers say no much abonl." "Indeed I Indeed 1" "How thankful we should be for that inotllelne."' .v miiiulitcr'M Mlnery. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery, I , "From a complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble nnd Nervous debility, t Under the caru of tbu best physicians "Who gave her dlseasu various names, "Hut no relief. "And now she Is teslorcd to us In good health by hs simple a remedy as Hop Hit tcrs, that we had shunned for years before using It." Tint 1'aiiknts. 1'atlicr 1h CettlUK Well. "My daughter my t "How much better father H since, he used lloj) Bitters." "llo Is getting well nfter hH long sutrcrlng from n dl-fonso declared Incurable" . "And wo nro m glad that he ud your Hitters," AUulyotUIIca, N. Y. mmsssm FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTBPATIOW. Ma other diMtuo li bo crovalont la thU ooun- I try 03 Constipation, and no remedy bu ever equalled tfco1 celebrated Kidney-Wort u a euro. Whatever thociuao, ho wo ver obstinate iitho case, ,tma remeny wm overcomes. I" 11 Eit? a nUInt is vcrr net to be k rKJ xilus autrcflaicir com- jloompUcAtcd'wllh.oonatlpaUon. ZUdney-Wort ijatronjjthena tho) weakened parte and quickly cs ailKinasoi J.'uea even tv uau pnysicians I medicines navoceioroiauea. tWlT you havo either of thcaa trouble c PRICE SI. E I DruRgltts Sell SPBER'S Usod In' tlio prlaclpilCliurchc3 tor Communion purposes: Excellent for Ladies and Weakly Perr sons and, tho Agod.J Speer's Port Grape Wine I FOUR YEARS OLD. U1S OELEUHATED JiATlVE WINE U made from the lutce or the oporto Urape, raised In this country. Its Invaluable. 1 Tcnlc and Strengthening Properties are unsurpassed bj any'otlier Native Wlno. llo lng the pure juice ot the (trope, proauced under Mr. wpeer s own personal Hupervisiuu, ua puiuy and eenulneneu'9. aro guaranteed. Tliu youngest child 'nay putako ot its cenerous qualities, and the weakost invalid usolt to advantage. 11 is par. tlculaily benellclal to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that niTect tlio weaker sex. it 13 in every respect a. niaitiu BBHKMKDOX. SPEER'S IP. Sherry. The P. .1. SIIEltllY Is a wlno ot Superior Char acter, and partakes' ot tlio Hcl; qualities or tlio erapo from which It U male. For l'urlty, lllcli. ness, Flavor and 'Medicinal Properties, It will bu found unexcelled. - SHEER'S TP. Thts UKANl) Y stands unrivalled In this Country being far superior tor medicinal purposes. IT it) I'UltK distillation from tlio urape.nnd con tains valuado medicinal properties. It has a delicate 'flavor, to that ot tho grapes, from which It H distilled, and Is In great favor ainoni; tlrsuclaas families. Sco that tho signature of ALI'ltEl) SPEUtt, I'as aalc N. J. Is over tho cork of cacli bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. and iiy mtuomsrs EVErt vueue, sept. 82, vj, i-y J I CTHEXGREflTJ (CONQliERORQ A SPECIFIC FOR EPILEPSY, SPASMS, COHYULSIOHS, FlLlfiG SICKNESS, ST. VITUS DillCE, aLOIIOHOLISM, OPIUM EATING, SYPHILLIS, SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL, UGLY BLOOD DISEASES, DYSPEPSIA, I1ERY0USKESS, SICK HEADACHE, r,HUILTI3M, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, ' DRAIN WORRY; DLOODSORES, DILIOUSNESS, COSTIYENESS, KIDNEY TROUBLES AND IRREGULARITIES. rmF-St.SO pcrtottje at dugglsti.-jwa Hi Dr; S. A, RickDid M WJjpetors; , Ccrrcipoodcnrefnclrnaercdbjr Hijilcln. C. N, CntTTCNTON, Agent, New yrk. man i . vr rt . . nA 1 tr t d.ll Curvataru. Hip I1bOS(, Whlto bwf lUo of tho Knoa ad Ctubi-Wt, without cutUupeord(oriAla, or con-, nnomeut. Kf try caia tueceiiiul. Oniecv i Now Yorlc J83 W.4lst Kt.tWfry Moudayi Jh8ton,&o lieach 81, rwy Wvdaciiluy i fcjrwujw, if, V., urcry TtturstUy, mayiMw r THE SUN ONH MILLION A VKHIC iKHldixi nidiiloiH In luiiiriiiige that can li undernlOiHli the proinpliit, luleitaiid most accurate imt-iuireiii-u ui nguii-u-r 111 i ttliutevi-r In Th.ll u Sv tho wi world Is uilh iitlcnt Ion. T i.ll i hat hit. UxlyUburutu llml lit uny nHim d c-iiiiiou ui 'iiii; llll huUyrlptlon i luily d piigem, by inall&5 cts. a moiith.ori.Ma('.iri huuday wiugt-w, II.Wie, year mrair in ei i jeai. I. w. KNiuNii, t'ubiUhcr, New York City, may imw r i itJi. tail J.SALTZER'S Gelioral Sowing Mucliino Dopot, Fifth Stom Below Harbst Et , ' BI.OOMSBUIia, PA. CeleliraleJ White Sewing MacMoe, New Davis Vertical Feed Sew ing Machine, New Home Sewing fuacliine, Household Sewing Machine, Estey Sewing Machine, Genuine Singer Sewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, beat Scwlntr Machine oil, nnd Nee dles far nil sewing miciiliira. Nenini; .Machines sold on monthly pAym'-nts- Liberal discount made tor costi. Every mnclitno purchased from me H WHrranterttobo Vopt In good rnnntiip; oMer for tlve years freo ot ciianre, and tuoruuju in structions given by tho best lady operator In this part ot tho utato free of charge. Examine my stock of mnchlnos before purchasing. Nc and jf phtc Victoml Hlitory of the (treat Sea fightl ol li World. Iiv J.C. McCVRoy & Co., j Chen nut St, Juneao-iy aui Ity Menicai uirecior nHirmN, u. . rt. Arldre&t rhiUdelphia, Pa. LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE. Hoted Men ! Dr. John F. Hancock, .vtc l'rc&idcnt of the National 1'har maccutical Association of the United .States, says: " Drown' i Iron Hitters hit heavy sale. It conceded to be a fine Ionic; tha character of the manu lecturers li a voucher for Its purity wnd uicJIcioal excellence Dr. Joseph Roberts, I'residcnt Baltimore Pharmaceutical College, says: "I Indorse It as a fine medicine, rclial!3 at a strengthening tonic, free from alcoholic jJoions." Dr. J. Faris Moore, Ph. P., Professor of Pharmacy, Balti more Pharmaceutical College, says: "Brown's Iron Hitters It a lafe nd reliable medicine, positively free from alcoholic poisons, and can be recommended as a tonic for use anions those who oppose alcohol," Dr. Edward Earickson, Secretary Baltimore College of Phar macy, says "I Indorse It as an excellent medicine, a good digestive agent, and a non.ntoxicant in the fullest sense.' Dr. Richard Sapington, one of Baltimore's oldest and most reliable physicians, says : " All who have used It praise Its standard virtues, and the well, known character of the house which ma Vet It is a sufficient guarantee of lu be in j all that Is claimed, for they are men who could not be In duced to offer anything else but a reliable medicine fur public use." A Druggist Cured. Boonsboro, Md., Oct. is, 1880. Gentlemen; Brown's Iron Bit tcrs cured me of a bad attack of Indigestion and fullness in the stom ach, Uavlngtestedit.I take pleas ure in recommending it to my cus torn ers, and am glad to say it fiives entire satisfaction to all." Cio. W. Hoffman, lncit. Aslc your Druggist for Uxown's Iron Bitters, and take no other. One trial will convince you that It is just what you need "THE BEST IB CHEAPEST." mm TUOCCUCPCSAW.JIILLS. EmePowtn iruPonn I 1 1 1 1- I M I C0i(r Hnllwi fSaltAd to & uvtluni. ) WrlIflfurafti:U lllui.l.tnnh1na auutraeeatoTt.AultmajiATojIorCa, UjuuHld ubux , MAKE HENS LAY An Bnellsh Veterinary Sureeon and Chemist now traTellntr In this country, Bays Hi it most of ma uorso anu utuuo rowaera aim uero aro worm less trasli. llo aiys tint Rlierlilin's Condition 1'owdfirn are absolutely nurn and Immensely valu able. Notimsrou eirtli will makn U-n? lay like Hherldan'B Coudltlon rowders. Dose. I tfasnoon rui to l pint rovi. oia evcrywnere or sent uy man lur leiwr-mamii's i o. uhiinsdn .o.. uuaivi, jtiac!s. uiu juiiu WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS Ton TUB LIVE And oil Bilious Complaints. fcilfo to ak., Imlna purely vrcctablu ! Iioi;tLIl. 7lo M hij, fit) urUKUia. MayiB-w ive MAKE NUW UIOII BLOOD, An4 will completely chaugo tho blood In thocn; tiro gybtem lu tlirw) inontlia. Any iwrwm wlio will tiA-n nun ntn eurti niLht. from onu to twelvu weeka. may uu reauruu w nuuuu ncanu, n dui.ii iuiuk i IXMS LS1UIO. tOT Cunilu ri'lliuto Vliuiiuaiiua vi.Q lliu linvn nn ivillAI. J" I'hysldans use Uicm In tliel prilcuM. BfllJ everywhere, or sent by mall tori cents In htaiiu. itoqil for painnlilet, I. 8. JOHN' bON & CO, lionuju, Mi,ii. upr o Alu-7 mo9. REST i not, life U sweoplni; Dy, (,' ' and dare before you dl nomeiolm.' muuty and au llmu leavu behind to conpucr time." ii a week you own town, V outtlt tree, Nn rink. KrurvtlitDir new. Oat 1'ul not renulred. We will f urnlali you everyUiluir, Many uru maklni fortune, Laaiea make an inuuu aa men, auu uuyi and Klrla make creat pay. Ituader, If you warn reai pay, ituauer, li yuu wauv t you can make great pay all Uia irtlculara to 11. iullxtt Co. Deo. 8, 'ea-lv, ' ouuuesa ui, wuiuu ; time, wrltn for par rortiaau, hiiuo , DPMOinMCK'11 f-'OMH lilts ON any dl i liiUlUnU iw.wouuu, or injury, Ailda-bS, K. BCIIAt.I., court Iloube, Norrlatowrii, To. inayll-4w r AGENTS Wanted K&Jr'tti iMk.t iclllnf hv, Bt'tdrdtvclywlili fSttiiihb1, t-n4Hj. Mrn uatwni-w,iiuu., cmiauriw, ra. June KMy mo ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. TllltllIUllIKlrcO., Manual, Mich,, wl.l netid lilt. liYK'S (JKt.KIIIIATKI) KI.K 'TKO-VOI TAIO llKl.T-1 and KI.KUritlU Ali'UANUKS ml trlnl for J il ij A to men (voutitf cr o il) who aro nl flloted Willi NrrvoiH Iiohlllty, Vltalltv, end kindred (luunln", guaraiitc'-iiig nin-.-.l viinil crun pictiiipstoriit'nn .nicallhiind liiimv (Irf r. Ad iliejs as hImvu -N, H --Nn nik Incurred, uh :nl ilijh' Isnlluwnl- KetJ.tHli-lyr r WANTE H.i.Ylt.DtATEl.Y! TV h y una mti fa w i. i i i.i.tjit.iriiv. (.! fcl II MM l-ltlir. ftil(fr-il. ll Ullll I .till! I.I biii:iiu. s . l.ti:()llAl 1. Mh.dl.rrliM.O, aid Every Estey Organ Sold is made jj throughout with I Equal fidelity, and " Yields unrivaled tones. m 'urn Bend for Illxtttraltd Catalogue, Melbratedl Clliiidlriiig, Imm Mm Mud FiaEdDS. And other first class Pianos, and a large lot of -MUSIC VIOLINS, ACCOEDEONS, B All! JO Si, MUSICAL (DMOTHITTE, VIOLIN STRINGS, laid! eyeu'vtlfiBBGLjir Iqq USae Music line. J". SALTZER, MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG. PA. mm MAIM WB AM MeMy TJa Bq Tike Might SUPEEIOBITY OP STYLE. Excellence of Material. PERFECTION OF FIT. Unrivalled Stock ! of Spring Clothing Manufaeltiieil Ex jiri'Ssly for mo. We gnttimitou Style, Qiiiil'uv, Ps and WorkiiittiiHliip, to lie llu HKST. Also a Very Suporior Lino of Gents FURNISHING GOODS for Spring and Summer. THE LATEST AND NEWEST Sl'UINU STYLES OP HATS, Just Received, at the Popular Clothing Store of I). LO WEN BERG. WEBIKRH PIAlsTOS, ! INLAID FRENCH WALNUT CASE ORGAN, 1) STOPS, $90 (JAS1I. EiiNy Terms. SutiNluctloii Guaranteed. IB A. COUNT'S FIA.lSrO "WARE ROOMS, MUSI0 HALL HLOOK, WIT,1THS.BA KKTl va r $72 A w.'ek mado nt homo i y tno industri ous. Ileal, uuftjness now beforo the public. LMpllM hoi iiL-eoed. Wo will start you. en, women, uoys and glris 30. women, uovs and elrik wanted ovorj where to work for us. N6wlJl)Io time. You cm work In spare tlmo, or glvo yodr whole tune to tlio business. No other business will pay yuu nearly as well. No one can fall to make cuormoux uy, by engaging at once, Costly ouillt and ternm fr. e. ilorniy marjo fast, easily, ar,d honorably, Addtesg TiiPR At Cq. A urruata. Maine. ' )eo, 8, WAy, ' NAVAL BATTLES OF 'II IF. W0RI.1I By EDWARD BHIl'PEN. Medical Director, II, a N. A Thrilling Pictorial lllStory of the Woild's great Sua Fights, with specimens of Naval Architecture ofalluges. Arceordot WondTlul Exploits mora Inteivstlngthuu llclloii. 1'ileo only .l. It Bells a I ' i, MilVowywhere. Mako rioo,oc) per Aulvn I motlL AddrcusJ. c. Mcouitov 4: CI., Va WW, 1, Thoro is no Baking mm Its qualities, Medicinal and Culinary, guarantee Health and Luxury. Every buyer should Select an Organ That guarantcca good Every dag work and Years of service. J, ESTEY & CO., Brnttlcljoro.Tt. dl lew Em! ro. &l Mast BOOKS ARDIVIAlVr June! WTSEi ople aro always on tho ooKuut ior cuances to in 'reae f hlr earnlncrH.anil in who do not Improvo tUeif unpoitunltles remain In poverty. Wo oirer a great chanco to make money. We want briny men.' women, b .ygiand iflrla tn woik fcruSrlfhtln th own lootlllle". Anyone can ao I he work profwt jrfrom (.he first fctrt. Tho uuBiurs wui par moro y an ten umes ord nary. moro y an' ten wairi'U. Ennenelvo out ieps vo nut l lurnlH bed frea, Nn oim JW ";. Nil OI(( I ft) rnnhpv rnnfrl v Vnn who engages falls mm pan devote yuurulio'o maktotho work or only your spam moments, Ftluio'l InfQrraatlmandai that Is needed ssut froe, Allrni sn kson Co Portland, Maine, l)eo, , ' lenced men can hoon le.irn the business. Address J. 1', I.KCMRE, HRIllllTON. N. Y.. (0110 mile cast I tit 1 mil. out tr v 1 -i V 4kWiV9VJ 41 tij il May, 1BIU4W, Powdor equal to ilio pvr RAILROAD TIME TABLE flSlaBainBl KaKnffifl I PENNSYLVANIA KAILHOAD. 1'HII,. L AIIKU'IIIA lIHIKll, it. D1VIHION AND ItlltTllKIlNfKNTltAI, ItAH.WAV. TIMK TAIILU. In cffccl Slav 14Ui, 1SS3, Trains lcaoKun. bury. KASTWAItl), 9.85ft. m Hea Shoro Kxprcsa for Ilarrlsbure and Inicrmrdlalo Btntlona, I.ancoster, I'luiadeP puiu, nuw iuihi Kuiuiiiuiuuuu i nMiiiiirion, ar riving at riilladclphta p, m. ; Now York, o.w P. ill. ; imiiuuuiu, o.uj u in, , tTuaiiiution e.4l p. . maklnir cloao connections nt mr m all eea sliore points. 1.63 p. in, ,. uay express tor unrrlsburir and In- termcdlatu stal ions, uineasier, rniiadclpliin, New York, imiumoro ana Washington. nrrlvm? nt. Philadelphia i.'JJ p. tn. llaltlmoro, p. m.; Washlnirton, 8.40 p, tn. 1-ull. man l'arlor car throuRli to i'lilladclphlu and pas- 4' U IT 1UIK, p. m, : scngcr coaches through to rhlladolphlaand llaltl. more. p. m. Wllllamsport Accornmodallon for llarrlsuurg and nil Intel mcdlato stations, tjui caster, l'hlladolpula and Now York, arriving at Philadelphia if.r.5 n, m.s Now York a. in. Weeping car accommodations can bo fccured at llarrlsburg for Philadelphia and Now York. I'hlla dolphlapasscngcrscanicmaln In bleeiwr undls turbed until 7 a. in. 1.03 a. in. Krio Mall for llarrlsburg nnd Inter mediate mnttons, Lancaster, Philadelphia, New York, llaltlmoro and Washington, arming at Philadelphia a. in. t New York, ll.vo a, m, : llaltlmoro 7.40 a. in.; Washington, o.iu a. in. Through Pullman sleeping cars nro run on this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmoro and ashlngton, and through passenger coaches to Philadelphia and lialtlmorc. WEiTWAUD, CM a. m. Erlo Mall for Eric nnd nil Intermediate stations with through Pullman Palace car mid through tiasscnger coaches to Krlo, and through Pullman I'alaco cxrs to llullalo tU Kmporlum, For Cauandalgua and lutcrmedlato stations, Hochostor, llurialo and Niagara Falls, will! through Pullman I'alaco car lo Cauandalgua and through passenger coaches to Rochester 1.05 p. in. Niagara Express for Kano nnd Inter medial stations with through passenger coaches to Kane. For Canandalgua nud principal inter medial stations, Rochester, liunalo and Niagara Falls with through parlor car to Watklns and through passenger coaches to Rochester. 6.S5 p. ui., Fast lino for Lock Haven nnd interme diate stations, and Elmlra, Walklns nnd Interme diate stations, with through passenger coaches to Lock Haven and Walklns. TUUOUCW TRAINS FOlt SUNHUIIY FROM THE EAbT ANU SOUTH. . . Nlarira Ktnron toivos Philadelphia, a. m.; llaltlmoro 7.80 a. m ar riving at Huubury, 1.03 p. in., with through I'ull man Parlor car from J-hlladelphla and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia nnd Balti more. Fast Lino loares Now York s.oo a.m.; Philadel phia, 11.03 a.m.; Washington, s.30 a.m.; lialu moro. 10.43 n.m.. arrlvlnff at Sunimrv. n ,n mm luruugu pjuager uoacnes rrom Phlla nhlaand llaltlmoro. illadcl- Erie Mall loaves New York S.00 p. m.; Philadel phia, ll. so p. m.; Washington, o-rso p. in.; llaitl more, 11.15 p. m., arriving at Sunburn, o.ii a. m. with tlirough Pullman Paiaco sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington nnd llaltlmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. SUNUUIIV. IIA7LKTOH WtLKKj-UAHIIB RAILH01D anu North & Wkst Bkakcii hailwav. Man nasi leaves Hunoury 0.45 n. m.. nrrHlnir at Uloom Furry 7.41 n. m., Wilkes-barro 9 so a. m. Kxnress Kastlcates Stinhnrv s.n.i n m nrrt.Hnn at liloom Ferry c.31 p. m., Wilkes-barro 8 lo p. m. Mall esv leaves Wilkes-barro io.eo a. m., arriv ing at liloom Ferry 12.WI p. rn.,Sunbury p. m. Express West leaves W'likes-larro 6 so p. ra. ar. riving nt liloom Ferry 7 07 p. m , bunbury 8.05 p m, VI1A9. JJ. t'Ulill, J.K.WOOD, Oen. Manager. den. Passenger Agent. pHILADELPHAAND READING BOA t ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno 20, 18S2, TKAINS LEAVE KDPKKT AS F0LL0W8(6CNDAT EXOSrTED. For Now York,Phlladclpbla,Keadlng,rottaylUo Tamaqua, c, 11,45 a, m, For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 4 to and 7,30 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 0,15 s,50 a, m. and 4,o p. m. TUAIHSFOK nnPEBT LEAVE A8 FOLLOWS, (SUNDAY EXCEPTED.) Loavo Now Y'ork, via. Tamanend 9,oo a. ta. and via. Bound Brook Routo 7,45 a, m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m, Leavo Heading, ll.ta a. m., 1'ottsvllle, ia,88 p. a and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leavo Catawlssa, 0,10 B,40a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Loavo Wllllamsport,9,45 a.m,v,oo p. m. and 4,30 p. a Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through vlthout cliango of cars. J, E. WOOTTEN, CO. HANCOCK, noral Managerl General Passenger and Ticket Agent., lssi tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN JtAILHOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NORTH, STATIONS. Scran ton.... Dcllevuo. , Taylorvllle.. ...Lackawanna. 1'lttston.... souTn p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.ra 9 15 9 V) i 43 9 45 9 80 n JO 6 17 22 6 27 S 34 (I 41 40 0 51 C 15 S68 7 OJ 1 10 7 It 7 22 7 80 7 87 8 00 8 US 8 40 8 60 9 00 S 00 8 OS 8 10 8 18 8 25 8 30 8 3b 8 62 9 09 9 04 U 20 9 03 8 64 8 4S 8 4 '2 8 37 9 37 9 30 9 43 9 t2 9 63 10 03 10 OH 9 21 9 19 .. West Plttston 9 14 Wyoming. Maltby. , Vennctt.. 8 ?5 8 V5 0,1 1 60 1 4'J 1 95 1 23 1 18 1 03 9 04 9 04 Kingston,... 10 18 10 IB 10 ill M 2 61 3 02 3 00 Klntrflton... Plymouth Juno ....Plymouth.., ...... Avondalo ... Nanllnokn.. 8 93 8 07 8 47 8 39 8 23 8 17 8 12 8 01) 7 6d 7 62 7 41 7 33 7 33 10 S4 10 42 10 tn 11 07 11 18 11 20 3 10 3 18 3 33 3 45 8 61 8 67 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 27 4 33 4 83 4 60 5 CO 5 23 S UU Uunlock'B creek 7 40 12 42 7 33 12 25 7 20 12 15 7 21) 12 00 7 13 11 47 T 09 11 411 7 05 11 32 67 11 10 0 CI 10 CS 0 43 10 60 6 37 10 44 IS 10 22 0 10 10 OS 0 04 10 45 9 p.m. a.m. ..Hiuckahinny. ..Hick's Ferry, ..Beach Haven Lerwick . ...Briar Creek.. wiuow urovo. ,..,Llme Rldgu., Espy . .Illoomsburg,. IlUDcrt 11 89 11 45 11 69 11 65 7 29 CatawPa lirldgo 7 11 .UUUVlUU.,,. .Chulosky,,. .Cameron... 12 IS e 45Northumberl'd H.,m. 12 45 p.m. p.m. a.m , . . . W. F. HALSTBAI), Sunt. 8iperlntenrtpnt's onice, scranton, Feb. 1st, S6f, 0FAUL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, ,t rwn uuiiviHlto, wo are tho nwont mruicr, largest need Br. rr and luvebt need ileiilers auyttheret hencq Imo uriatobt f adllllca for jiroducliuj Hot Seeiln .11 our Se4li art inttil, and only tho boat f cut out. Ojr .lnnualCiidlorju. and iVfetZljl brings Till! li.K.I.!.-Vri:sT w.r.u KToni: in tiiii Ultl.ll TO YOUIt OWN DOOlt. It In. cluilea all ths dcairablo new and etandard varietlCH r.f Flower, Vrertablo, Field and Treo Secda, and PlatiU Sent l'lti:i; to any address. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. Soodsmon llo&ealcr, N. Y. uud Clilcago, IIL Afp yppp.iy T PAYNE'S I O Hnrnn Rn.Trlr.Arrostlnc j'li'rlablo Eu.'jinu ha cut 10,000 ft. of Michigan Vine Jloiml in ill umr, burnliijj eluba from (119 saw u Our to Tlorte in Ouarantu to'fumlah powtr to sow 8,000 foi t of Hemlock Jlo.irda In 10 hour. Our IS Uoiuuilt cut lO.VOOfitt In ajuie time. wur r.nginea ure ouahantkeu iu furnl.h a bonc-K)wvr on H le fuil and water tlmn any other En pine not tilled with an Automatic uuiuu. j you want a nuiiiouv nr Porlalili ilu Jugli glne, jjoncr, i-ircu. lar Snw.MIlt, bliortinr or l'iiuc)J, i-li icr cut or iiddiirt:a J'aiini rt'roitfM lrou l'illliy, m'ud fur ouf lllrt.lrutnl ratalngue, No. lururmfltluii aim price. 1 ' lUy. TAYNR & HONS. , a " Jau.ts, 83lyt ulllyliuc hi't'4HiHleiltit iftii.ita, iwtAH( I WIM, rUAiit, IITvIM, w . tJHNIOHiul'huaDUPlijjl, IjOTTA.H U it. l..t tJ.r1iio. fur tUfwf iLu I rvrruJ,I u UMiaoaiiir Tuwutt I dil ioj wm lu tb tit I of q.HOJMy SIBLEY' eedO It VlcO IKS 0 i ,it-liuiii.ti:AKLhw.r.,i,.jlr 'IaILHTV v it? All I fM'Tti 141 ltruauu k fitfunwrt, 7 ,T' --tj'llA"M1'Mf'':ilJr j-VMr-'ry