The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 01, 1883, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PiL TUB COLUMBIAN. 0. E, Ehrall, I J. K. Dittsnbjnlor.J Eil"" B LOO M6 BURG, PA. FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1833. Governor Pattison lias vetoed twelvo' bills thus far. 'Wu havo baeii obliged to discotitln. no thu publication of legislative jiro cccdlnjjs, beoausu nono of thu dailies publish them in full Tho Patriot gave tlioin for a time, but forsomo rca son bat dijootiiiniicd. As soon as tho Pamphlet lawa aro printed wu will pub lish all aota of general interest, in full. ExGovornor A. G. Curtiii nays that only three of tho eighteen war Gover nors who assembled at the Altootia con ference in 18G2 now survive. IIo is ono of them, Spr.iguc, of Khodo Island, and Kirkwood, of Iowa, completing tho trio. Governor Curtin, in person, coin muniuatcd to President Lincoln tho ob ject of tho conference. Tho Democratic State Executive Committee held a meeting at Harris bitrp; last week to make arrangements for the State Convention whioh will bo held lu that city on tho first Wednes day in August. Harry E. Packer of . Mauch Chunk was elected a member of tho committee to fill tho vacancy caus ed by the death of his brother, "U. A. Packer. The skeleton of a man has been dis covered in tho woods near Tatnaqua. Tim remains arc believed to be thoso of Jus. Campbell, a Brooklyn lawyer, who - wandered from homo in a state of men tal alteration in April, 1882, aud was seen in, Tatnaqua, whoro his wife, who had come on in search or her husband lost all traco of him. Campbell's friends have been notified. The shoo manufacturers and shoe operators of Cincinnati havo come to an understanding aud terminated the lock out which m kept twenty;fivu hund red . men idle for a foitnight. The workmen retract their refusal to finish goods commenced by iion-iuiion men, aud all hands havo resumed work in all tho shops and will leave the settlement of the difficulty to a committee of arbi tration. Messrs. Vanderslice and Uryson aro both reported as not voting on the act to repeal the lloss railway act, on third reading. The bill was defeated This Was, a reform measuioon which every ' member should have had an opinion and bbldly expressed it one way or tho other. Sometimes a failure to vote at ' all is equivalent to voting the wrong way. Tho great bridge between New York and Brooklyn was formally opened with imposing ceremonies on luiday last. President Arthur aud Cabinet were present. Speeches were made by Mayors Edson and Lowo of tho respec tive ciUu, Hon. Abraham S. Hewitt, ahd Ilev. Dr. Storrs. About 0000 peo- ilo crossed the bridge duriii" the tirst lour after it was open to tho public. The structure is one of the greatest triumphs of engineering of the world. It is evident that the Republican sen ate does not intend to permit tho pas sago of tho apportionment bills if thoy can help it. This is apparent from tho fact that though the Houso promptly messaged its nou concurrence in tho soiiato amendments to tho Legislative bill last week Wednesday, President protein Reyburn did not appoint a com ference committeo until this week. When asked by Seuator King for in formation on tho matter, lloyourn's only roply was that the Senate's action . bad not yet been messaged in the House. Such delays within a few days of the close of, tho session cannot bo misunder stood. DEATH OF JUDGE SHARSW00D. Ex-Chiel Justice George Sharswood died at his resideuco in Philadelphia on Monday morning last, aged 73 years. IIo graduated with distinguish ed honors .at the University of Penn sylvania, at eighteen, and was admit ted to the Bar in 1831. At twenty six he was elected a member of the Legislature, and was appointed a Judcre for Philadelphia at thirty-five. ..Id 1850 ho was chosen Professor of .Law in tho University, and in 1851 elected Judge under tho new constitu tion, which position he held until 1808 when ho was elected by the Democrat ic party to the' Supremo Bench. He became Chief Justicu in 1878 and con tinued as such until last December when his term expired. His ability at grasping a subtle legal point, and his logical muauiuii iiiuuu nun unu ui mu ablest jurists ot tno State. lie was the author of several law books which are recognized all over tho country as works ot great value to tho profession, The Congressional Bill- The Senate passed tho McCraekcn Congressional apportionment hill cm Tuesday, and defeated Stewart's. Tho former makes 19 Republican districts and 0 Democratic, the latter would give the Republicans 17 and tho Demo crats 11. 1 no iiouso already passed a bill making 15 Republican and 13 Democratic districts. Thero will now be a committeo of conferencoappointed, ami tuu possibilities are tuat no minor tionmenl will bo made. In the disous- Hio.n on tho MoCraoken bill Senator Wolverlon showed the unfairness of tho Republican party. He thought that if tho uarhcld voto is the lair basis then it 'Is a mere matter of arithmetical calou lation. "The bill as reported by tho committeo is unfair and unjust, and cannot' bo defended oxoept it bo that they reward party duty hiidier than tho constitution and requirements. Neither can tho senator from mupliin ucjoml ins worK on inn gruunu oi imiusuiai re fiuireinents. Tho industries of Penn sylvania aro fostered and oared for by tho democratic party, but wo nro not propose to discuss protection. In 1880 tho total voto was 871,739, Hiving congressional ratio of 31,211. Tho Garfield voto was 4 1 1,701 and tho Han cook voto 107,128. By a moru system ''of calculation, on a fair basi, this ratio gives fourteen republicans and an ex 'oestf voto of 7,330, and thirteen demo oralH with an excess voto of 1,205.'' Tho Benator showed whoro in twelvo districts under thu McCrackun apportionment tho Voto was 113,831 short, nearly enough for a congressional district. IIo showed how in Philadelphia It took 70, 000 votes to elect ono democrat to con gress and only 19,000 votes to elect a republican, and where it took 23,000 voles in tuu Htuto to elect a republican to 13,000 to elect a democrat. Party necossitv uluiiu can brlni! ubout n justi fication," was tho conclusion of tl'OBCDii- tor, The Czar's Coronation. A SUCCKSS IK EVl'.UV l'AUTIIJf I.AII. Tho coronation of of Russia took placo at Moscow on May 27th without tno sllKlicst liilcn. ilioccro mony was most brilliant. Tho ceremon ies wcio announced nt 7 o'clock by thci'inging of hundreds of bells and tho thunder ot nruilcry. Every availablo space along tho routo of tho tho procession was occupied and windows woro let for fabulous sums. Shortly before 0 o'clock great bodies of military woro stationed along tho route of the procession and occupied tho streets on either side, keeping tho people back on thu walk. Tho digni taries bf tho i calm who wero to tako part in tho actual ceremony entered tho Cathedral nt 7:30 ft. m. followed by Princes of foreign governments, the nobilltv of Russia, and tho special and regular Ambassadors of foreign count ries. Tho utmost .care was oxercised to provent tho admission of authorized persons. As the royal pair appeared at thu doors of tho palace tho immense multitudo uncovered their beads and burst into loud acclamations. When tho procession reached tho palace it was met by tho Emperor, wearinir tho uniform of a Colonol of the Imperial Guard, and by tho Em press, dressed in tho Russian national cosluuioof black velvoUricliiy embroid ered with diamonds and precious stones. Tho Empress leaned on the arm of her royal consort and the pair placed them selves beneath a canopy richly wrought in silk and gold and borno by thirty two generals of high military rank. Upon entering the portals of the Ca thedral tho Emperor aud Empress knelt before the sacred images which flanked the doors and were then conducted to thu ancient thrones of ivory and silver. After their majesties had been seated tho Metropolitan of Novgorod asked thu Emperor : "Aro you a true bo Hover!" The Emperor falling on his knees, read in reply the Lord's prayer and the Apostles Creed of the Greek Church. Tho Metropolitan rciponding! "May the Graco of the Holy Ghost re main with thee." Tho customary summons, "If there be any of you hero piesent who knows any impediment for which Alexander, son of Alexander,shouldnot bo crowned by tho graco ofGod, Emperor aud au tocrat of all thu Russias, of Moscow, of Kciff, etc , etc., let him como forward now in tho name of tho Holy lnnity and show what tho impediment is, or let him remain dumb, forover, "was read three times by tho Bishop. After readinir selections from the Gospel tho Metropolitan ascended tho dais, and in vested tho Emperor with thu imperial mantle ot ermine, the Metro politan cf Moscow saying, "cover and protect thy people as this robo protects and covers thee." Tho Emperor responded : "I will : I will : I will : God keeping." Tho Metropolitan then invoked the blessing of Almighty God upon him and his reign and delivered to Alexan der the III the crown of Russia, and he placed it upon his head. The Empress then knelt before him and was formally crowned. After tho Empress had been duly invested with the Imperial mantle, thu Archdoacon intoned tho Imperial titles and sang Dominie Salvum Fan Imjwrotorem, which was taken up and turioo repeated by the choir. , Directly after this part of tho .cere mony was finished bells in all churches rang out and a soluto of 101 guns was fired. After congratulations tho Emperor knelt aud recited a prayer. Tho Bish op of Moscow said aloud in behalf of the nation, a fervent prayer for happi ness ot their iUaicsties. snouts ot "Lotig Live tho Emperor,'' then rent tho Cathedral and wero takon up by the multitudo and were carried to the remotest parts of tho city where it was speedily known that another Czar of tho Russias had been crowned. Tho Czar's manifesto was issued in the evening and caused great lejoiciug. Tho Czar has addressed tho followiug to the Minister of Foreign affairs, upon whom ho has conferred tho order of St. Alex andria Newski; Great power and glory by Russia! Thanks to Divino Provi dence the extent of her empire and her numerous population leave no room for any idea of further conquests. My solicitude is eexclusioely to tho peace able development of tho country and its prosperity, to tho preservation of friendly relations with foreign powers on the basis of existing treaties to tho maintenance of tho dignity ot the tin pire. Tho Emperor and Empress then pro ceeded to the gate of tho sanctuary whero they wero anointed and both partook of the sacrament and then left thu cathedral. Upon entering the pal ace the Emperor turned and saluted the people who immediately uncovered their beads, cheering enthusiastically and blessing tho Czar. An Imperial banquet was given in tho nfternoon at which tho itmperor and impress, wuar ing their crowns, wero present. Murder in Lycoming County- Last Friday ev!ningabout six o'clock says tho Williamsporl Gazette u llul letin, tho dead body of Charles Hank er was found hanging by tho neck dead in a barn in Nippenoso township, near Jcrsoy hhoro fetation. Michael Uurts, Esq , empaneled a jury and proceedod to examine tho body of deceased. It ,vas found that tho neck was broken aud that there were other suspicious marks and bruises on thu body, whiuh led tho jury to believe that thu crime of murder had been committed and that Samuel Cook was tho guilty party. A, .verdict to that effect was rendered, when Cook was at onco ar rested and held on tho ohargo. Hanker was a Swiss by birth and had been in this country for somo time, aud was in tho employ ot Cook, who works a small farm on the road leading to Jersey Shore. Cook claims that hu missed Hanker all day, and then found him hanging by tho neck in the stable II... .1 f L II.. I. ..I! 1 iut mis Hiury in nut ueiiei.uiy uuuuvuu Cook lias for a long flint! beon the ter ror of that part of thu country, and was regarded as au outlaw. IIo had been on spree for a week beforo this affair, audit is siispicionedlhal homiir dored Hanker and then hung him Smith did Miller, for thu purposu of hiding his crime. Tho people of that township boliovo that ho is capablo of committing thu crimu mat nu is cnarg ed with, and are not surprised at tho turn affairs havo taken. A ctoso tnves tigation of thu nlfair will at onco lin nnide. nnil ovcrv clrcumstauco beniing on tho crimu will bo noted, so that it murder been commuted m that county again, tho perpetrator of It may bo punished. Jefferson Davis expresses tho opinion that Genorals JHctJJullaii and jueade wero tho ablest military men in tho Union service during tho great rebel-lion. The Defeat of the Labor Bills- Tho republican Norrlstown Herald, intent on making a llttln capital for its party, oharges that tho democratio Iiouso of representatives has neglected tho interests of labor and dufcatcd tho measures boforo that body designed to protect and benefit tho working classes. The editor of that sheet must bo a cross eyed fellow whoso strabismus causes him to mUtake one political party for another. Tho fact Is just tho opposito of what is oharged by that unscrupulous repub lican sheet. Tho democratio house of representatives passed the Hineseniiiloy era' liability bill and thu bill requiring thu payment of employers fortnightly Instead of monthly. Thesu bills havu both been killed by tho republican sen ate. Tho workingmen of tho statu were peculiarly interested in tho pas sago of theso measures and they can thank the republican party for their de feat. Legislation for tho amelioration of tho condition bf tho working olasscs is too serious a matter to bo made the play thing of demagogues. Tho pecu liar representatives of tho labor element in tho houso of representatives gave their earnest and unremitting attention to tho preparation and perfection of measures calculated to meet the wauls of that element. Such measures wore presented and passed in tho house as boforo stated. But tho republican sen ate, controlled by politicians whose own election as well as tho aucceos of their party has 'been brought about by the lavish expenditure of campaign funds collected in part at least from the em ployers of labor, dared not piss tho bills sent to that body by the house. Thu stalwait bosses will again require tho cash of thu moneyed aristocrats who have moio than once como to their rescuo aud they could not afford to of fend them by passing bills in thu inter est of labor. Ilenoo the defeat of thu Hines liability bill and tho fortnightly pay bill bv tho republican senate. In vluw of this record tho republican poli ticians will find it rather difficult to play tho demagoguo on tho labor question. Patriot. Cctitralln imiipciilugn. The two following dispatches were sent from Ashland to thu Philadelphia 1'imo, nnd nppcarud in that paper on Saturday last. The dispatches are each dated May 20th !, Two months ago a Pole, named Jacob Merlwlsky, came to Ccntralia and opened a saloon, Ho was patronized by his count, rymen nnd the roughest of the other nation alities. Being unable to read or write English he requested thu English-speaking linbltues to charge themselves with tho amounts they were Indebted. Thoy did so and all the prominent business men were startled by tho presentation of bills for li quor nt Polish Jake's. Tlicy indignant ly refused to pay, Buying thoy had never entered the saloon nnd that other parties had used their names. An Investigation ot Polish Jake's books showed this to bo true. Henry AVard Ikcclicr, according to the book, owes -f 42 ; John B. dough, 35 ; It'oscoo Conkling, if 30 ; Freddy Gebhard, $17 i Mrs. Lnrtgtry, $30 ; and Mace and Blade, 40. The loss to the saloon-keep er is $700. Ccntralia nnd the adlolning towns are ox- cited over a desperate idlray that occurred there last night. Two chlckcn-fanciers, named Mike deary and Edward Dillon had arranged for a cocking-mnin, to be fought nt nine o'clock. A largo crowd had gath ered. At half-past nine they opened the main. By this time tho crowd had grown noisy nnd turbulent. As soon as deary's bird was put into tho pit Dillon's bird struck It a terrific blow, killing it instantly. Enraged, deary sprang out and said lie could whip any man In the house. No one auswering him, he sprang towards Dillon nnd struck him a tcrrltlc blow in the fuee. This was the signal for a general row, nnd some one in the crowd extinguished tho lights. In tho fight that followed knives nnd pistols wero freely used. At last the snloon-kecpcr nnd a number of friends got the scuttling crowd out. dea ry went to his homo nnd was followed by Dillon, who asked him why he hud struck him. deary made no answer, but struck him again. Both men then grappled nnd wero struggling In each other's embrace when deary's wife nnd two men entered nnd went to his assistance. The four then beat Dillon unmercifully nnd would proba bly have killed hira but for thu opportuuo arrival of two of his friends, who after a desperate struggle succeeded in saving him. Wliilo carrying him homo deary's wife crept up behind them and struck the insensible man n terrible blow on tho back of tho head with n large btonc, weighing about twelve pounds. The back of his head was split open and there is very little hopes of his' recovery. No effort has yet been made to arrest the assailants. All tho men aro miners, liv ing at Centralln, and have heretofore borne good reputations. j" Mimlll XtVlllH. A great improvement was made lu our cemetery on Saturday. Llllic, Laura nnd Mrs. Croll of Falls Hun, spent Sunday with friends nt tills place. Tho ponies ore being sold briskly. Call on O. B. Swank for n Shoningcr organ. Hiram Eckroth has bought the Wil liams' timber truct nnd is slapping props, tics, Ac. Wash Michael erected the new wall under H. Crcasy'a barn, ussisted by J. C. Nuss. Lnulmch, of Forks, Columbia county, put hi a new pump for E. L. ICIkendall, of lletlervllle, on Saturday. Win. Keller is moving his barn from tho railroad. J. ,11. Aten raised his now )mrn on Sat unlay. Pinavoiir. MIINSUMMKR NORMAL SCHOOL Will begin Juno 85tli, nnd continue 6 weeks. who defelro to refresh their memories and tx'comu more Mmlllar than ever wim all lug l)nineh tnuijlit In our public schools will Hail lull nu excellent opportunity. In blruetlon will be by tuu lecture, nys tern. Joliiwton'H rrlnclples ot Teaching- will bo useU as a text book In readinir. It wlUbubuptilemeniud and explained by the 1'rluclpul. There will be n bl-ww-kly written examination nuiing mo term upon wnav iiuhuocii jmsoeu o er. Prominent educators from this nnd nelithbortnif count un win iiiuruci, t-oineuineiiurinn uie icrni, on uie rniicipittl UI leaciiiuy. Xext regular trm begins August tith, Hern urn liroimlit within tho moans of ovcrv one. tho tidvntnges or u fciiiwlor ucliuoL Scud fur irruia. Faucis HECK K Vn Orangey llle.l'a. 81 PltlNCIl'AL DMINISTUATHI.VS KOTIOE. KBTATK or C. K. UlHOmi, PSCKA8CU. Interact administration In tho estatoof ('. H, deveased, havo been granted by thu RegUterot said eouuty to Mrs, a A. Harder. AU person linv. iniM'InimH niralnsL H.ld decedent aro reuuesied to iir,-H.,nt them for settlement, nudtho! Indebkxl Ilo the same to make payment to thu undersigned administratis without delay. MRS. 8. A. IIARDKR, pr-ow AdmluUtrtttrlx. UDlTOIl'8 NOTICE. MTAT or JOHN SANDS SXCXASRD. The underntgnod auditor Appointed bytho or phan's court of Columbia county to make illitrl button ot the funds In tho hands ot tho accountant nnd to piua upon nnd decide tho exceptions to said account will nil for the purposes of hi? ap pointment nt his onico In IiloomsLurif, on Satur day tho twenty-third day of June, A. 1). IBM, nt 10 o'clock n. in., where nil persons Interested In tald fund or In tho exceptions to said account aro required to present their claims or bo debarred from coining In for n shnro ot said ossetts. -May 81, 183. HAMUCL KNOllIt, Jim 1 Auditor. A L'DITOU'S NOTICE. XSTATK OK rAHVJN KVXS, PECKASKl). Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or phnn's Court ot Columbia county to mako distri bution of l ho funds in tho hands of tho administra tor In nnd among tho parties entitled thereto, will Rtt nt tho onico of IS. It. Ikeler, Ilni., In Illoomslmrg, on Wednesday Juno STth, 188.1, nt 10 o'clock n. in., when and where nil persons having claims ngnlnstBatd cstatoinust nppearnnd pro sent tho same or bo forever debarred from receiv ing any sunru oi saiu iunu, O. C. l'HACOCK, Auditor. Jim l .UDITOIVS NOTICE. KSTATK OF IIANIRI. KlIEtAII, DBCRASRI). The undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or- Elian's court of Columbia county to make dlstrl utlon ot bnlanco in the hands of tho executor among thoso entitled to tho same, will sit at the oniceot John c. Yocum, kwj., catnwlssa, l'n., on Monday, Juno tstli, lssi), at 10 o'clock a. in., when nnd whero all persons ha Ing claims against said estate must appearand present thonamo or bo forever debarred from iccelvlng any shnro of said fund. C. W. MIM.KH, Auditor. Jun IX Till: COURT OF COMMON l'LKAS OP CO! IIMIIIA COUNTY. N'Otlco Is hereby given that an application will bo made to said court on Monday Juno 11th isx.1 under net of Assembly of tho commonwealth of remisjlvnnu entitled "nn act to provldo for tho Incorporation and regulation ot certain corpora tlons'' approved April iwth 1871, and the supple ments thereto, for the charter of an Intended cor poration, to bo called "Tho Young .Men's christian Assoclatlouof Ilerwlck, l'a."tho objects ot which Is ror tho Improvement ottha spiritual, mental, social, and physical condition of young men, ami for theso purposes to havo possess nndcnloy all the rights, benefits nnd prlvilegesnf thesald act of as sembly nnd Us supplements. A. K. Oswald, solicitor. OTICE. About tho 5th otAnrll. 1883. wo L-avn Peter A. Kllno three notes for tho respectlso sums of forty twodollars, lltty-fmir dollars and slxtv-four dol. lars. Tho notes wero obtained fraudulently ; wo have received no value for them, and wo hereby warn nil persons not to negotlato for them. Jun t K, 11. A; K. A. BEI8IIMXK. H1DGE LETTING. A'ltl 1)0 let at tho CommtsMnnprOnnlpn nn Mnt,. day the 11th day of Juur. A. 1).. lssa. nt. ono o'clock p. m., a new bridge to bo erected over CntnwKsa creek near John llrel-th's In Heaver township; to be a wooden brace covered bridge 110 feer long be tween abutments, 16 feet wide from out to out; abutments to bo built by contractor as to ad mit of skewback tlnvo feet from top of wall plate, nnd 10 feet high abovo low water mark to lop of wall plate, wing walls aud nillng to In) done by contractor. Mans nnd specifications can bo seen at the onico Of the County Commissioners, lllooins burg, Pa. JOSHUA VHTTKItMAN, f, CHAItl.KS IIKICIIAUT, 1 II, P. K1M1AK, Attest .- .Joint II. cabkv, Clerk. commissioners, commissioners' onico, llloomsburg, .May so, 'At. DMINISTltATOR'S NOTICE. K3TATE OK AMANDA W0UK1IK19RR, DKCKISKP. letters of administration In tho estate of Aman. da Woikhelser, late of Hloomsburg, Columbia county, l'u., deceased, havo been granted by the Register of said county to William WorkhcW-r nnd Annlo Krcsslcr. All penons having claims against said estate arc requested to present them for set tlement, nnd thoso Indebted to tho same to mnk payment! to tho undersigned administrators Mth out delay. w.m. woKKHKIsiIlt, Apr20 ANN1K KltKNHLKH, Administrators. DMINISTlt ATOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE Of WILLIAM ICNNCII, DKCKA8KD. Letters of administration tnthe estate ot Wil liam Mc.Nlneh, lato of .Madison township, Colum bia county, l'a., deceased, have been granted by tho Register of said county to William .McNuich. All persons having claims against said estate nro requested to present them for. settlement, and those Indebted to the sarao to make payment to tho undersigned administrator without delay. W.M. McNINOII, 4-S7.GW Administrator, Orovanla, col. Co., 134 M TEHCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. TAst of Dealers in Columbia County, l'a. I hereby certify the following list of dealors tak en, returned and clnssined by mo In accordance with the several Acts ot Assembly, In nnd for tho year 18SJ, Is correct to the best of my knowledge.' HKAVEIt TOWNSHIP. NAMES. BUSINESS. CLASS. II (I V DrelibaCli Cien. Store I 7 00 50 00 7 Oil 7 00 7 Oil SO 00 7 00 10 00 fiO 00 7 00 10 1X1 7 00 7 (II) 7 00 40 00 10 on 7 Oil 10 00 60 00 JO ou 7 01) 7 01) 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 50 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 7 (0 10 00 7 00 40 (JO SO (II) 10 no 7 III) 7 (10 7 (X) 7 on 7 00 diaries Appieman Hotel 5 ji l. &ingiey More 14 1" II h'human " 14 OAShuman " H J 1' smith Hotel n Levi Michael htoro it JIEXTOX. c 11 Meyers rat. Medicines 3 Uram liess Hotel r II K Kvcrett flen. store 14 J j Mciicnry store 1,1 A A- II Mcllenry More 11 .mci enry KricKoauni turn ir. storo 14 J K Udson storo 14 HL'ltWICK. (leorgo Smith a billiard tables 8 r 1. iniienursi iunmuru sioru la It II Little drugstore it " rat. medicines 3 TFDerger bottler s 11 iierger lesiauram, a i:Vlirubakcr hardware storo 14 Til Bradford shoe store 14 M A !eb clothing sloro 14 u I) l ovvier stoves a; tlnvvaro 1 1 J I) Creasy grocery 14 J II Dleterlch stationery 14 it 11 sivnyzo s Co.. oen. sioro 14 J V KeUer bottler 0 II m nocktnnn confectionery 14 I K Vnnatta jeweller 14 Reagan & MeCrea drug storo 14 " pat. medicine, 3 Kreaa mothers gen. storo 11 K K Adams gen. store 13 llowman A; Crispin storo 11 11 n iiuwer ' id A K Clark notions 14 t'reas brothers lumber dealers 13 F Drelsbach organs A; machines 14 Samuel K Heller a nool tables 8 Jacksou A; Woodln int'g Co. gen. store 4 pat. meuicines .1 O A Buckingham stovesiluvvnro 14 WIIYetter organs A; machines 11 Casper Frantz butcher 1 1 Pit Jackson A: Co., " 14 Moses A Merklo cigars A; tobacco 1 1 llRIARCRKKK. O E I'rieo store 1 1 Ash A; Brothers distillery Wllllaiii dtrton grocery 11 7 on 15 (10 7 (W BLOOMSIIUIin. JbOlrton restaurant 5 so 00 50 (X) JO (U 7 00 7 00 10 (10 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 () 7 (I) 7 III) 7 00 7 00 I'WMeKelvy gen. mom u I W llartman .t Son " 10 J O Lcldy A: CocnriotH,bootR1shoes Ac 14 nmger iurg. co, sowing macuiues, &c 14 WJCorrellA; Co., furniture 13 JKL'jer geu. storo 14 vvmiiauD grocery 14 I. KWhary stoves 11 ,1 vYsaiuer organs s machines it J 8 Reltz butcher 4 Hartmau A; Bro grocery 1 1 l'H.Moycr stoves X tluvvaro 11 OWlleitsch merchant tailor 11 KARawllngs butcher H4 7 00 7 (U 7 00 40 00 :iwen x iiiiienuenuer stationery 14 -'Dbentlcr Itoots A shoes 14 W O McKlnney i billiard tables K James Rellly s " " s 40 (ID neorgo a tiark uoons & stationery Vi V It Tubbs hotel 5 Jane Scott confectionery 11 12 50 50 00 7 (11) n htoliuer restaurant & Frank I' Illllmever trrocerv 13 SO 00 10 (10 A II Neyhart flour x feed 1 1 7 K) uuuauignan stoves Ac 11 KuhnA:Rlce butchers II 11 J Clark & Hon dry goods,notlons Ac 11 HA Wilson confectionery II Iwis Bernhard Jeweller 14 OKSavago " 14 Iiavld Iivvenberg clothing 13 KliCadmau furniture 11 Holmes A' Schuyler liardvvare 11 Layton Runyan A- Co., " ,3 Klnport A Bro grocery 13 J J) Wilson leal her, Ac., 14 Joseph iieker confectionery 14 o c Mnrr utoro 14 Kvans A F.yer clothing 14 WJKlndlg boots A; shoos 14 I) A Creasy gen. storo 11 David Mroup grocery store 14 Andrew Solleder bout ti snoo llndlngs 14 II II Vanattu, agent, wallpaper, Ac 14 IK Miller btoro 11 JUhkeer " 14 K 11 Drawer stoves A tinware 11 J Klnpoil drugs 14 " nat. medicines 1:1 WORIchnrt Hour A-reed 11 II V Klelin grocury 1 1 " pat. medicines 4 II Klelin drugs 14 0 M A J K Lockard coal dealers 14 William (ilger hotel a 0 V Keal A Bro coal dealers 14 Harmau A llasscrt 14 OAJacoby grocery II " liquor storo 5 " coal dealer 14 Farmers' produce Kx., gen. store M June i: Brown hotel i Farmers' produce Kx., coal dealer 1 1 II 1 lielbler, vender ot pat, medicines a l'ettr dross bonier 5 Simon u Mil v oh, ogr'l. Implements 14 Hloomsburg Iron co gun, storo 10 V II Rohblns llipMorstorti 13 Wolf A lllttenhouso ugr'l linplem'uts 14 r m iiUmiiie restaurant 5 W II (lllmniu 11 n 'i bottler 6 11 bllllaid A pool table S tl M J K lKkanl; gen. storo II I.uu A Moan dry goods A notions 13 N J llendershott drugs II 11 pat. medicine a U'wls Dross clothing 14 J K Caldwell confectionery 14 J J Brow cr carpet store 11 C A Klelin drugstore II " pat. medicines 3 V II Yetler organs A machines 1 1 (' S k'lll ni.lll tlllllkH. Ao 11 7 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 m 10 (10 7 () 15 00 10 00 10 01 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 Ol) 7 00 7 '00 7,00 7 OU 7 l 7 00 7 01 7 00 7 no 10 0 7 00 7 Ml 5 (ti 7 00 7 (0 W.OO 7 00 7, (10 7 00 B5 00 7 00 Vi 50 50 (II) 7 00 10.(10 50 IdO 7 00 1 0) MOO 7 00 M 00 a mo 50 01) 411.10 15 (11 10 (Ml 7 00 10 (0 7 00 7 (X) 7 (III 7 ( 10 (III 7 00 7 00 CO, 111 eo mi 60 Oil 7 no 30 W 1 Jacob Keller u Jiolosalo noUonjj 10 1 Alexander A Bro wh'lsale tobacco Ae 10 Moyer Bros wholes.tle druggists 6 " drug ht ore 11 " pal. medicines i! CKNTRAMA. 1) F Curry hotel B 14 It to 00 7 00 7 00 B till 7 00 SO 00 7 01) Vi 60 SO 00 so 00 so 00 S3 01) 7 00 25 00 50 00 ,7 00 ,r 00 in on to 00 30 00 to 00 so 00 7 00 7 W 7 00 7 00 B 00 13 60 7 00 51 00 SO 01) 7 00 K 00 SO Oil 7 00 60 (Kl IS B'l 60 00 7 00 7 01) 60 00 7 00 10 OC B (0 7 00 7 00 .losepn stauoenmeire r conreciioncry J FMelllngton druit storo pat. medicines grocery Btnro restaurant levveller I II B II n n A 0 13 11 13 B It t 1:1 5 8 0 8 14 14 14 14 4 12 II 13 5 II V 1 B 14 B 11! S M W tlrcntian James Kuno Adam Mensch 0 1) Millard Mnrr Channmn gen. storo restaurant Theopholls Uvnns .inmes uranv Owen 1' Kane liquor storo A 11 Former stoves A llnwnro JohnNurtney liquor storo Michael J Ryan restaurant Irvin Brothers gen. storo " pat. medicines Johanna O'Conner liquor storo llllza loldsworlhy hotel " pool tablo Wm relfTer hotel " billiards David C Black grocery David K Keller stoves A t Inwnro Andrew Inahan grocery 0 W Davis drug storo " pnt. medicines 0 O Murphy gen. store ncury k ivnnier uuicner rnomas coiuns Robert Fnrrcll Richard Irvln LA Riley A CO quor store reslaurnnt furnlturo gen. Btoro CONYNOIIAM. restaurant storo hotel gen. storo hotel CENTRE. storo 11 hotel grocery grain dealer auctioneer Ktore Mary Monroe William Herbert Daniel K Kchrcs A 11 church John I. Kllno Ixjvv Bros A Co Jacob sponslcr J H Mann Thomas Brobst 'A T Fowler David Dayman II (l Mart A M Bcldlcman 14 II B It 13 1 II 14 II B II 14 14 B 11 5 B 8 14 14 14 K II 11 13 OATAWISSA. M A Swntik store William Uerkhelmer restaurant 11 1' Former A son storo Charles 1 lays clothing A books IHSeosholtz gen. storo David Uollngshtad restaurant William ounther butcher Hester KIstler hotel A Truckenmlller restaurant " 2 billiard tables I.o Wllman clothing, shoes, Ac., s 11 Rhawn stoves A tluvvaro J K Rhawn cigars A tobacco D B Frederick pool tablo " cigars A tobacco 7 01 SO 00 7 00 7 HO 7.00 so on 7,00 to Oil so on 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 3) 00 7 00 15 01 10 CO 10 00 7 00 7 (11) 85 (X) 10 (10 7 W 7 (11) is to b m 7 00 10 on 81 on 7 00 5 00 to 01) 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 tl) 00 7 00 7.00 nu'pm-ll u.llllj' store J0I111 It llelnier gen. store ocorgo Jlanhart boots A shoes Truckenmlller A Keller books A music T 1) Bernlngcr liirnlturo storo J K Sharpless Son gen. storo TK Harder furnlturo storo I' B'Lnvln confectionery William John stoves A tlnwaro J M smith drugs A hardware . " pat. medicines s I) Rlnard gen. store 0 V Relfsnyder A Co gen. skire Albert Yetter 1 billiard tablo Osmiin A Wllllts drug store , " pat. medicines (iordon A Haycock bottlers AB Cleaver stoves A tlnwaio deary A (illleu coal M A Blbby coal J B Knlttle O I. Kostenbauder hotel Catnwlssa I'aper Co coal ,KM Tevvksbury mcrchaiiillso FISIIIXOCUEEIC ) J M Ammermnn store W N Hosier Alfred chapln fuvnllure store Huff nnd Savngo store o M Ilo well M Mcllenry A Bro ' JFMcllciiry 11 II F Fdgar auctioneer 14 II' ' 14 ' 14 14 14 I I It 14 7 on 7 eo 7 00 7 ill 7 Oil 7 UI 7 01) B (0 7 00 7 00 7 00 B 1 0 10 tl) 7 01 5110 111 IX) IS (III Iff! 7 00 7'eO 7 00 60 OJ VKANRMN gen. storo I.ovl (leorgo lMnsyl A Kllnlo GREENWOOD, gen. store auctioneer gen..storo gen. storo pat. .Medicines A J Derr Irani lx-rr 1' D Black W F Hess Samuel Nagle r (I W Terklns II 1 -ISi. 14 4 3' 11 IS II II 14 14 5 !?!!?. ,:vw I,ro Sfn. stoi 0 wiuiam .Masters " X i'.Si)' furniture Wilson M liv cs gen. store -I L Wol liver store Samuel llazledlne hotel HEMLOCK, hotel store 11 JACKSON, store I.OCl'hT. store restaurant hotel store hotel store hotel auctioneer C II Delterlch II N A J i: Whlto A B Vanlle.vv II II Iluileman 5 II 4 50 (10 7 (X) 7 ro (10 Yocum Bros Aaron Yoder T l' cherlugton David stlne M seaborn D 11 Daniels Daniel Knorr C S How er Robert Watklns 7110 J I (19 tiro 7 10 B'l ro 7 00' 50 (X) B (a) 5 00 7 (X) 60 10 SO 00 7.10 14 5 1 1 14 5 jw i.itaup Wellington Yeager Itudolpli Y'cager butcher hotel restaurant uticuu ifager store MADISON. storo store hotel MAIN. store hotel William (llnirle 13 13 10 IX) 10 It) 50 00 7 00 50 tlO 7 00 7 00 50 00 7 00 C Kramer A K smith J F. Bishop ii 11 letter J I) Bodtno store 14 14 B 14 14 5 14 14 14 14 S 14 1 IlltS 14 14 U J Campbell, ngent. JE Longenberger hotel manes iiiciiart- storo MIFFLIN. A W Sn v der irpn. kt nra 7 00 SO 00 7 CO 7 00 7 00 7 Oi) SO (10 7 (X) 5 00 7 (X) 7 00 A W Hess hotel " coal dealer N 11 Creasy gen. storo A O Millard stoves A tinware R.I Bernlngcr furniture Henry drover pool tablo I Hess Strauss coal ilcilpr J o Wlntersteen auctioneer J II Heller A Son store A agrTImpl' SvveppenheHer A Snyder store Mt. l'LKAS ANT, storo J 1' Sands 7 00 7 no to 00 7 (X) 50 0!) 7 (10 10 00 7 00 '7 01) 10 It) tO (X) 10 no 7 () 7 W MONTOUR, store hotel merchandise ORANOE. hotel butcher o 11 nosier 14 5 14 II T Leaeock l'axton A llarman ocorgo Ileckman c Me.irs 14 13 14 14 13 6 13 14 14 I) K stnan A Son gen. storo Fleckenstluo A Demott store (IN Smith stoves A tinware A II btu.u t store s Hagenbucli hotel i.iuy a sieppy store 1 11 iaiw lumoer ueaier T U Conner fuintttue store VINE, store dWIller stoie It W Lynns 14 0 14 7 00 15 (X) 7 00 J R Fowler 0 R Parker ROARlNOUr.EKK cw aldington sloro 14 700 SL'OAULOAF. Norman Colo Htnre 14 7 00 lsekiei 14 7 00 Andrew Laubach " 14 7 00 J W Ferry hotel 5 50 () Aipneus Kline pat. medicines 4 5 (X) SCOTT, coal storo hotel store store J O Morehead 1 14 13 1 f 7 (X) ' 10 CO Mooreneau A Kline Jacob Miller N Rlchart W i: Deltrlck S .511 I (1 II 7(0 14 7 00 14 7 1X1 11 d creveum butcher Forsvth A Rockafellovv-L-en. Mora 1:1 in no S A Wormaii store w ? no John droll " 14 7 00 (i M uaker pool table s so DO JDWorkhelser store 14 700 (l V Crevtllng 13 10 00 num.- t ursei auctioneer 1 5 ou Harvey E Ilarcoek storo 14 rni Silas Young 13 10 00 i recman rreuncia noiei 5 to 00 A I' Howell Morn 11 7 on Jacob Tervvllllger furniture stoic 14 7 00' A II White storo 11 7 no J I, Crawford grocery 14 7 00 John McKainy merchandlso 11 7 (X) Appeals will -bo heard at the commissioners' Oniee In Hloomsburg on tho ith day of June, A. D. 1883, between tho hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. in., whero you can attend If you think proper. A. W. HESS, '" Mercantile Appraiser, Th Wonderful Efftctoy ef ., DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Uu beo o trequenUy sad uUsfsotorlly prena ttut u seoms slmost superfluous to wy soythuir taenia their ft vor. Tho Immraise sod oomUcUy loonuuv dsaund (0 Uiem, both la this ud foretira COQDtrlM, Is the best eildoaoocf their isine. Their MletoJsyluthe TJnllod BUtes U fv trader Una nay other esthirUo medldse. This ileniind Is Cot sresmodle, It Is regulsr 111 stetdy, It tl pot ( to-diy or yestfrdsy, It Is sa Ineresse tlut hu beea tedUr MTOwtmr lor U10 lut Uilrty-BTt yeirs. Wlut sro the reuons tor this etui unlrnwlsgdenuiidr Dr. Hchenck's Slsinilrake PllUoonUlanoiner oury, tud yot they set wlut wonderful effect upon theurer. Thsy cletcsa Uvestamsoh udbomttof sll lrriutuur msMer. hlch, U slloved to ransln. roliais the Wood, sad Ulan on lUUrU, chuls n 4 jreter, sad msny other dlsetM. They fire hetltas mid ttrengih to the dhresUTo omu Tlu-ycmta sppeUte end sire rUror to the whole system. They ro in ftct the medicine ot sll othennhlch shoulJ 1 Ulon InUmes Uksthe present, whoa msUrlsl tad ether epldemlos rttinr, ss thtr tetre the sys tem to resist stttUs ot (Usetee U eiery cuutaVer. Dr.Sehenek'e Mandrake 1111 art told by til dnwrUU tt use. per box, or tool by mill, loaadJ, ca rooJpt of nice. Dr. Rcheork'e nook on Consamptlon, IJr r Couvlalut snd lljspeptla. la ai(Utlt or Oermtn, Is seat free to tu. Addnet Dr. J, II UUlHiNUlC da HON, l'hlladeluhla, Pa. 4 J 11 no I -4 w il The rlchut, creimy uttu tirtr quineo. I Purifies thi blood. CURESDispepili, UerandKlda,dlt- hull. Stntby Mali WJOTBtt? lonrietiptolzncli, Additui DEAN & RAPE, Whole tilt firuggliti, ). Net. 47 A 40 N. 2d St., PUIaMlflphU. JiuwMvr r,ij IS POWPER Absolutely Pure. This pjvvdor never varies. A mvrvol ofpurltv strength nnd wholesomncss. More economical Hi in (I11 ordinary k n is. and cannot tw sold In competition with tho multitudo of low test, short wMfht, alum or phosphato powders. Sold only In 01ns. RovAii Hakino FovvtutK Co , ion Wa!l-st., N. Y. augll-lr. AHOM DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. Popularity at homo U not nlwajs the bent test of merit, but wo Jwlnt pruiully to tho fact that no other incdiclno ha won (or ttsl( Bucli unlvernal approbation In Its own city, ttate, nn,l country, and among all people, as A.yer's Sarsaparilla. Hie following loiter from one of our hcnt known .Massachusetts Druggists should be ol Interest to every sulTerer: RHEUMATISM, vflw IIILUIIIHI lUIUl iii,P,1nmtlsm,sot. Tero that I could not inovo from tho bed, or drcs, without help. 1 tried several reme dies without much If any relief, until I took Avi u'.s S.vusAi'.Mtiu.A, by the use of two bottles of vrhlch 1 was completely cured. Havo sold largo quantities of jour Sausa I'.unu.A, and It still retains lu wonderful pomihtiltv. Tho many notablo cures It has tlfrcted In this vicinity convince mo that It litho best blood medicine cveroircrcd to the public. 11. F. HAIilin." River St., Euckland, Mass., May 13, 1S82. SAIT RHFilM overrsoerfnlnTllIovTc"l UMLI IIIIUUIIli carpet Corporation, was for over twenty ears beforo his rcmornl to Iiwell alllleted vtlth Salt Itlirnm lu Its worst form. Its ulcerations actually covrcd moro than half tho surfaco of his body and limbs. He was entirely cttrod by Avini's Sco ccrtlucato In Aycr's Aluianao lor 16S3. MirrAitti) n v pr.J.C.Ayor&Co.,Lowoll,Mass.' "Sold by nil Druggistj; ?1, six bottles for T5. ORPHANS' COURT SALE Ist.i . VAr.riii.K' Ity virtue of an order- Issued out of the Orphan's Court of Coluuibla county, the undersigned ap. pointed trustee to makcsJloot the leal estatool William Webb, late of. the Tovvn.of Hloomsburg, deceased, .will c.pi-)0 to public sale iiikSii tho premises, ou SATURDAY, June 23, 1883. At 3 o'clock p. in., the following described leal es tate, the property or said decedent, situated In the TOWN OF IiLOOJISMIMi, PA. LOT NO. 1 liegjuidug at tho iioi' corner of Market d M In said town, thence northwardly nlong said Mdr- ket W. anil fronting thereon tlfty feci to n point thenco by a lino parallel with Fourth street ijbout two hundred fee't to Whltman'8 ulloy. thenco bv "Whlt'mafi's alley sou Hi wardly fifty feet to 'said Fourth street, thenco by said Fourth about two hundred feet to the place of beginning. LOT No. a. Ueglnnlng nt a point on .Market stieet titty feet north of tho noitlieasl corner , of Market and Fouith streets In bald town of Iilooios burgi thenco noilhvv ardly along said Market stieet and fronting thereon about forty-sK feet to the lot owned by John Fry, now occupied by (1. Mat thew Quick, thence by lot of John Fiy on the north to Whitman's alley, thence by Vldtnian's alley southwardly about forty-nix fect ton point on Whitman's atey.HIty feet north ot northwest corner of Whitman's alley and Foui th street, west- wardly about tvvj hundred feet to the place of be ginning. Whereon arc erected a DwELLiNq -qiIse, stable and outbuildings and fronting on said Mar ket street 10 feet, moro or less. TERMS AM) CONDITIONS OF S.U.F.-Ono third of tho purchase money to bop.iyablo upon the death ot tho widow ot William Webb, deceas cd. totho parties entitled thereto, tho lntcri&t thereof lo bepnld annually to said w idow. Tho payment to bo property iwcured upon the premlsos: Ten per cent, ot ono fourth of tho balanco of pur chase money (U be paid nt tho striking down of tho property, tho ono fourth of said two-thlrds less the teu percent, at tho continuation of sale, and tho remaining pu t ot tho purchase money In one year theieafter, with Interest from combination it si. 3. K. Kvnn, Auctloncr. WltUAM HART, Hloomsburg, l'a., May s.i. ' Trustee. , SHERIFF'S SALE.T1 -1 llv vlrtuobf a writ nf l'lcrl l-'nelfm. Usnoil out Of the Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia county, and to,modifeeted..vvlll be exposed to public sale otftnojcouit House lu the lovvu if Bldomsliui'g, at 'i o'clock p. id., ou c SATURDAY, JUNE 16, '83, AU that certain tract ot land tltunto In Mount Pleasant .tQwnsldp, Columbia county; P.i.,-liouiul. od nnd.diji'rlbod us: foll6ws, to-w l(, : Eeglnnlng at a post la Jibe Uno of land of llarman Cramer nnd running thenco by said lands south fnrty-ono de grees west llfty.ono perches to a post In lino of lands of Jacob Johnson, thence by said lauds south tvvcnty.elght degiees east thirty-eight and ono half perches to n pine, thence by the samo south twenty degrees east ono hundred and seventeen perches to u white oak, thenco by tho samo south thirty-seven degrees ent foity-ono perches to a black oak stump, comer of lands of William Ar plcmau, thenco by said lands noith lortyovpu und one-halt degiees cast ono hundred'anii tvventj' seven and ono half perches to a post, thenco by' lands of Samuel Mcb'arrm north forty degrees vvst thlrty.tvvo nnd sovvn-Unth pcrclies to n pine, thenco by tho same north forty.nlno degrees west one hundred and slxty-onu perches to the placo ot beginning, containing ono hundred nnd four acres and eighty-tiro peichesof land and allowance, on which nro erected a two-story brick dwelling house, framo bank bam, wagon shed and out buildings. ALSO, All that ceitnln tract of land situate Inbjld township ot Mount Pleasant, lmuuded, nnd do scribed ns follows, to-vvlt: Ileghmlng at a whto oak, thenco by lands of John Johnson, not th thirty seven nnd one-half degrees west lhlrt,y-thre9 and men-tenth perches to apost, thence by tho samo. north llv o degrees east twenty porches toauhlto oak, theneo by tho samo north forty-elght dogios cast two and live-tenth peichos to a, post, thence" by tho ilrst doscrlbcd tract south nineteen degrees cast llfty.ono and four-tenth perches to tho place of bcglunlug, contalulug one. acre aud oue hundred and twenty-six perches (1f fond strict measure, bo tho samo moro or less, whereon nro erected a barn and outbuildings. Seled, taken Into execution nnd In bo sold us the piopvityof Jolm Osmuu. . 5. . JOHN MOURBY, Pheriff. May IK, ti- r SIOOO Offered by tho undei-hlrnedfortho apprehension, trial and conviction 01 the murderer or mordeiers of John Vunllew, at Light Street, Columbia county. P.U,ln lT. i' CflAUl.ES llKlOIIAUT, ' .loslll'A FIl'ITRIt.MAN, II. F. RDOAR, ' ( 6-S3 t'oiuiii'm. of Columbia County. At nm'Tunf james 1. l-REsroN, dbckassh. ' 1 he. undersigned auditor appointed bytlio 6r iilnin's Court uf culiimhu county to make distribu tion of the fund In the li.inil, ol the admliiMrator will sit at Ids (illleoluiholoHh of lUnouisbiiiv in sal I county, 011 Monday, JunolKtli, A. 1). IK-Cl 'at 10 o'clock a. 111., of said day, when and where hll parties Interested 111 said dstato must attend or bo forev er debarred (iviu any shiuo of suld fund, , , I- ii WAl.LUU, . I-3 Audiior. MS rs Agents wanted r Vnr our Hniilil Helllna Hook - iy alum riniiiiun PROFESSIONAL 1 ' 1U(1 ' u,u,u f1 with hit etc ti of hU )it. niAowin i AHD DETECTIVES. WSTiS JJR'SZSS Kren Imdjr will lm H. iliuiy ot uur uttvut are null, luff .riUivrutk, JUcluMVBtvmliny. Htl-nni. U, Wt Varli lou iV Co.i rublUW, Ww ywk. OMEN'S G SHOWS ! HANDENBERGER'S IN COMIJ1NATION WITH ri Asll'ey's .ILwsBdona Mhbsbiibbb nml w IWfl'w 3 ei of icute Bek 3g jMdrc Wild Aniinalf, Minis anil Rojitiles than Yelo ever exhibited before ut once since old Noah's Time. ff THE ELECTIUC LIOUT tHJHNS THE GOLIATH MSEtfiT TEMPLElj A DOUBLE CIRCUS PERFORMANCEX v WORLD-WIDE AND FAMOUS CELEBRITIES f , Every fialiiulili mU FIVE ORCAT PL'LT-CnOV.TJCD CLOWNS 1 MOST BRILLIANT, AUTISTIC, GRACEFUL AND MAJESTIC. 0 coiiDTXTUTXifo j. on Aim ooirci mtm or talbwtud Equestrians,- Gymnastic, Acrobatic, Startling, Gomic and Amusing HO.raXXm-V OP ENTEnTAlNMElNTH I OYPTlaH PRODICIES OP ART! INTRICATE CYMNASTIO FEAT31 VELOCIPEDAL PROPUL8ION3I PLANETARY EVOLUTIONS I EKSrThoviMnds cf Curious East:, GIANTS, DWARFS, CANNIBALB. biiihi ufcna, OBim Ar.u Pr, lrii) Cotjt till fl.vl, (iitaln NO, CHANCE OF DAVE I iVC Tho $n Ktv ow ion nrr- rrs ra, A CS-iasit S Toss Rhinoceros Tho Sacred Camel of , Arabia. A Giant Black Camel front tho Sahara Desert. jjcua uj rcrformtng 1,10ns, Tigers ana Jrcnas. THIS FOUR BABY FAMILIES, Bahij Lions, Bahtj Hijcims, Baby Monkeys and Babi Camels. ! I All tlio world iiiuU'i' tiibuto lor ntt ructions. 5 Beautiful Lady Eousslrisnnes, Led by thu jieorlcss littlu lady, Ainer. jji's jiet and only foinalo soinursnult ridur on envth. Miss Mollic Brown. G HIiilo llidcrs, 27 Graceful Gymnasts as Champion Lcaper, C Great Clowns, lod by old Sain I.oiil' and tho wittv Jus.' Ward. .1 Military liandi. 3 Wo PostMiiCDucaBi, MaiBD ttv Hfoinv. Jill Majlrottcls ran cheat) li.ycarsion Hates. Make this ( General Grand Gala Mid ay. Grand Procession at 10 A M. Jubilee singers, Mard Gras festival, etc, Admission SO cts. POSITIVELY AT BliOOSBSBURCr, ThitTMiay, Jfuiic '83. DlllOUTLY PaDEn WATER I I Y- ui America's DrealEst Artists 1 THREE TIMC3 MORE CIRCUS RIDERS 1 THREE TIMES MORE ATHLETES I' TMRIB TIMES MORE MORSES PONIE8 CI. Ing TCII TIMES MORE SATISFACTION iiircb and Vaemous Roptili: !"2i52 ZULU KAI-TIiEH, MODOO rjnAVE3i''1', chahiotb in SCAIILCT AND COLD. A nf oi-n f !nt Pil it- Ii ilwity FjtitiKnpnl. 4) , tj oiif i " ,i" WO DECEPTION iTT Only ir7P rm tkv kita rt tfj, r, Trn RIVER HORSE, OR MIPPOPOTAMDS, of the Amazon. 3 Spoa'ml Trnins of l'ahicu Cans, Children under 9, ducts.