The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 25, 1883, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
Fill DAY, MAY 25, 1883.
Correct ltallroiid Time '1'alili-.
'1'r.ktui uii the l'li!lii(i5ll)lA K It. It, lcavo itupvrl
A3 luiiuna i
.ORTtl. fOUTIl.
(I IM 11. 111. 11 43 ft. m.
4 I'O P. 111. 6 43 p. in.
jfrUuB on tbo 1). L. & W. l(. It. leavo Woornsourtf
as iunw"o .
7 rsn. m. 8 su a.m.
10 47 A. III. II 43 n. in.
6 31 p. in. 4 II p. in.
fiio ll 43 train noutli connects with tlio l'ulliv
delptita HcaaiDK at Nupcrt, and wltu tUs
Northern central ai noruiuiiiucriaua.
Tho 3:S5 n. m tralnconneela at Northumberland
wllli :M train on Pennsylvania road renclnnif
nil adsipbla ut 8:2ii p. m.
Tlio UU.i train connects with PlilladJlphla and
Mending roal at ltupert at 11:30 reaching l'lilla
dclphla nteioop. m.
Tho 11:43 train connects with Pennsylvania
roa l at Northumberland at u rcacuuiK rnuaaci.
phla at 7:23 p. m
Tho 4:30 P m. train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumberland at 8:03 p. in. anu reaches
Philadelphia nt s:S5 a. m.
Trains on tho N. & W. II. Hallway pas Illnom
iitry asfollowB!
7.11 a. m me p.m.
c.31 p. in 7.n7 p. in.
W. U. Tublis win In I'lillmlelpiilii this
Mrs. E. A. Ifnwlliigs Is vlsltltiL' 1 l'lilln
' dolphin.
Dr. I-ott of Enstnn, Is visiting Ills ilinigli.
tcr, Mrs. C. 1'. Sloan.
0. 0, Murphy ot Ccntrnliii lias been up
pointed ft Notnry Public.
J. K. Grot, nnil Wlllliuu SlinlTfr started
last Moiulny lor a Western trip.
Mrs. N. U- Funk Is visiting her brother,
E. W. Klwcll and family, (it Towmulii.
Mr. nnd Airs. H. H. llower ot llerwlck
lire milking n tour In the western stntei.
M. 0. Andrews, editor of the Mlflllu lie
cord paid our olllce n cull while in town
one dny this week.
Kev. U. Myers lins been culled to take
charge of the Lutheran church nt Cutiuvis
sa, and entered upon labors.
E. H. Drinker attended the meeting of
the stock holders of the Bloomsburg Iron
Co., nt Philadelphia, last week.
S. I). Savage, bridge- tender at llerwlck
has been suffering from malaria the past
two weeks, but Is now able to resume his
Itev. D. II. Shields of Danville, who was
In attendance at the Methodist convention
this week, f.ivorcd us with n call on Tiles
day. V'o me Indebted to him for a report
of tho Methodist convention.
Col A. 1). Seely, and Julius I loft, Prusl
dent of thu linrough Council of llerwlck
favored us with a pleasant call, while in
town last Saturday. Iloth are genial gentle
men, nnd we shall always be pleased
to greet thi'iu.
A new platform 1ms been erected in Hess'
picnic grove nt ltupert.
The Lutheran Sunday School has just
put in a line new library.
S. M. Hess has put up a neat iron fence
for Mrs. Drcher on Third street.
The latest style the "llroadway" silk
hat now for sale at D. Lowenberg's.
Juniata county has no sheriff's sales this
spring, no bills to submit to the grand Jury,
and no one In jail.
Teachers should take advantage of the
Normal term at the Orangi'ville academy,
to begin June 2!ith. The advertisement of
tho Orangeville academy Normal term will
appear in this paper next week.
A beautiful line of gent's underwear,
consisting of gauze and balbriggan. Me
dium weights just opened, at D. Lowen
berg's. H. J. Clark & Son, and J. P. Caldwell
are having n stone pavement laid across
Main street opposite their stores.
E. A. Hnwllngs has put a large refrig
erator in his meat market. It is the best
arrangement of the kind In this section.
"The latest style and lowest prices," Is
the business motto of D. Lowtnberg.
Kev. J. V. Bodlne of Millville, has been
unanimously elected pastor of thu Hriar
Creek congregation, nnd has accepted the
call. He will move at once.
You can secure a lino $250 organ fortjUO,
at $3.00 per month, by joining tlio Kstey
Organ Club of Hloomsburg, l'n.
Address, P. M. Eveiiett, Sec'y,
Hloomsburg, Pa.
We put out n supplement this week, in
order to accommodate nvtrtisements and
still give the usual amount of reading mat-ter.
Cheapest Fashion Magazine In tlio world, VJO
large pages, 4 pages new m isle, 1001 engravings
each Issue. 50 cunts per year j tingle copies 15 cts.
IStrawlirldgo X Clothier, 8th & .Market tils., l'lilla.
Look out for tho grand opening of slrnw
bats on Saturday next at the popular cloth-
Ing store of David Lowenberg.
On account of tlio continued rains tho
West Hranch of the Susquehanna Is rising
rapidly, mid millions of logs aro floating
down tlio river.
A largo stock of silver-plated knives and
forks, as low as two dollars a set, also
casters, butterdishes, Ac, at llernhaid's
jewelry store.
A drunken fellow who was creating a
disturbance at thu D. L. & W. depot last
Baturday, was arrested by Policeman
Clark Shumakcr, and hauled to tho lockup
In tho baggage wagon.
A fine lot of oabbago, tomato, celery
and beet plants for sale by W. II. Yetter,
Bloomsburg, Pa. 2w
Col. Stead, of thu 12th Heglmcnt Nation
al Guard, of Pa., was presented with a
Bold watcli last week by Companies 11 and
D of his regiment on the eighteenth anni
versary of his wedding.
You can secure a lino .230 organ for
$)115, at iJil.OO per month, by joining tlio
Estey Organ Club of Hloomsburg, Pa.
Address, P. M. Evkuktt, Sec'y.
Illnom fibtirg, Pa.
A little nllercatlon occurred In (leo. II.
Brown's hotel on .Saturday evening In
which .hmes McConnlck was the principal
actor. Conslnhlo Woodward was called
ami was obliged to knock McConnlck
down several IImcs bcfoie he was taken to
tho lockup. McConnlck struck tlio Con.
sinuio lirsl, nnd nllcmpled to get
from Mm.
A complete nsfnitiiient of thu best Amer
lean watches, both In hunting and open
cases, warranted fiom two to flvo years,
at L, Bernlnird's jewelry stole.
Mr Samuel llldlay of Centre has shown
us a very interesting document In the shape
of aland patent. Ills written on parch
ment In a distinct hand, and Is for a tract
of .'100 acres of land described ns lying
In Northumberland county, ''about thrcu
nnd ono half miles west of tho north branch
of the Sustpichaiina." A portion of the
tract Is now owned by Mr. llldlay. The
patent Is dated March Ulh 170, and wns
granted by John Penn Jr., nnd John Pcnii
Esquires to Cornelius nnd Constant King,
during tliorolgn of KlngOcorgo III of
England, for tho consideration of fifteen
pounds, about sixty dollars. A largo seal
Is attached to the bottom by a red tape.
Hkad QirAinmss foi: O. A. 11. suits
ami Caps.
The stilts sold nt I). Lowenberg's give
perfect satisfaction. The suits sold by I),
Lowenberg keep their color hi fact alt the
members of the 0. A. II, are satisfied who
bought their suits of I). Lowenberg nnd
recommend them to their romrndes. A
new lot just received nt the Popular Clolh
lug Store of David Lowenberg.
Decoration Day will be duly observed at
llerwlck, under thu direction of Jackson
Post, 0. A. 11. Col. A. I). Seely Is Chief
The members of the 0. A. H. and Sons
of Veterans will meet nt Post hcailqunilers
nt (1 o'clock A. M. and proceed by boat to
Stonylown and MllUlnvlllo where the
graves at those places will be decorated.
Grozler's ll.ind and the Berwick Cornet
Bind will nccompany them. W. E. Smith,
Esq. will deliver the oration at Slonytown
nnd J. Homer Britain will perform the
same service at Milllluvllle. Captain Prank
Suit's Artillery will nlo accompany the
delegation and lire nppropiiatu salutes.
The exercises at Berwick will bo at 2
p. m.
W. II. Poust, agent 1). L. & W. It. 11.,
Bloomsburg, can now sell a ticket diieet
and check baggngo through to nenrly every
railroad town in tho United States. He
does not give ft ticket pint way nnd an
order In boiiio other olllce for tho balance
of tho distance, but gives thu ticket
through, may 25-tf
You can secure ii llnu 1200 organ for
$UG, at 43.00 per month, by Jolnlr.g thu
Estey Organ Club of Bloomsburg, Pa.
Address, P. M. Eveiiett, Sec'y.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Tho comer stono laying of (he Evangel
Icnl church in Greenwood, two nillr west
of Bohrsburg, will take pluc on Sunday,
Juno 10th. Hcv. J. M. Broiler, of Danvlllo
will ofllclak'. All are cordially Invited to
attend, There will bo services nt 10 o'.
clock, o, in., nnd 7 p. m,
John O'Brlan's circus showed In Snow
Hill on Monday Inst to an Immense audi
ence, nnd gave a first-class performance.
Indeed, tho ring performance was far bet
tcr than Ally wo have ever lind here. Dur.
Ing their stay the propelctor exerted him.
self to seotlmt tho best of order prevailed
and that all who visited the performances
were madu comfortable and protected from
Imposition. Mr. O'Brlan Is ono of tho best
managers In the business, mid to his Intel,
llgcnt and thoughtful supervision was duo
much of the pleasure nITordcd on thu occa
8lon. Our clllcns were well satisfied with
thu performances. Snow llill (JIM.) Mes-nn-jer.
Illustrated nook of Onn lllr.U mailed tor an
rem stamp., lllrd Food Co., 237 South 8th St. l'lilla.
lliirKlary at llerwlck.
The store of Jackson & Woodln Matin,
factoring Co., and also the store of Mr.
Swnzo at Berwick were burglarized on
Wednesday night, about $100 worth of goods
being taken from thu former, and it is not
known how much from tlio latter. There
aro no suspicions of the guilty parties. The
country is full of bail characters, and every
thing should bo kept securely fastened.
We have arranged to grind Lewis' I'iiiik
White Li:ai is Cami'iikm.'h and Tiiavf.p.'s
Plmm: Lixseei) Oil, and nre prepmed to of
fer Inducement!! In juice to dealers and
consumers. IIkxhv S. Beav.
3-2-:im ltupert Pa.
If the recommendation of thu last grand
jury had been heeded by the county com
missioners, It might not have been necessa
ry to icrord the escape of a prisoner from
the Jail, Thu stench in thu cells Is such
that it is inhuman to lock a man up In
them. But fur this Hellron would havu
been kept securely. 1 he grand jury rec
ommended that immediate steps be taken
to cleanse and disinfect the jail, and that a
competent engineer be employed at once, to
examine into the matter of drainage, and
the proper drain be madu as soon as possi
ble. Two weeks have passed and no steps
whatever have been taken by the conimls
slonors towards remedying thu evil. They
wee aware of the condition of the jail sev
eral mouths ago, when thcy.passcd a reso
lution declaring the jail unlit for use, and
suggested Its abandonment. The sooner thu
commissioners perform their duty in mak
ing thu jail wlmt it should be, the better.
If, after thorough trial It cannot be madu
habitable, then, and not until then, It ought
to lie torn down, nnd rebuilt on the old
jail lot, where it should have been placed
at lirst.
You can secure a line $2."0 organ for
4-115, at $3.00 per mouth, by joining tho
Estey Urgan Club of Hloomsburg, Pa.
Address, P. M. Eveiseit. Sec'y.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
The Lyceum of thu Orangeville Academy
Is one of its most interesting features. Its
piogrammu for Monday evening consisting
of essays, declarations, dialogues and mu
sic, was listened to, by a crowded house.
We never saw such a willingness on t lie
part of thu students to do their best. A
more orderly set of students we never knew.
Among so many not one was boister
ous. Whether this is due to the inlliienee
of the teachers or to their eaily training,
wu do not know. But for the teachers, wo
can say that they leuvu nothing undone tn
make the time spent here of lasting benelij
to thu student. There Is to bo a short term
between thu regular terms devoted exclu
sively to teachers. licsides thu Princi
pal, other well known educators will lec
ture sometime during the term, on thu
principles of teaching.
This term promises tn bo well attended.
Thu outlook for thu next regular term, we
niu informed is vcryrgood. It is likely to
far exceed this term in numbers. The
academy with Us present elllclent teachers
deserves a large patronage. It Is not only
a cheap, but also n.very good j-chool.
What to wear mid liow to wear it mu
questions often asked, Call nt the Leading
Merchant Tailor of Bloomsburg and full In
foimation can always he obtained, at the
popular store of David Lowenberg.
The annual meeting of the members of
Columbia county Agi cultural Society met
In thu Opera House on Saturday May 10th,
at 2 o'clock. Meeting was called to order
by Hon. M. G. Hughes, when on motion
.Mr. E. D. Leldy was elected chairman of
the meeting. Mr. Chandleo Eves, Secretary,
and U. II. Ent, Heading C'leik. Minnies
of last annual meeting and financial slnte
mcnt read and approved. On motion tho
salary of tho president, secretary and
treasurer bu same ns last year. Mr. Picas
Powler and Samuel Conner were nominat
ed for president. Chair appointed Col. A.
I). Seely and John Haitman tellers. Itu-
sult i Powler 09, Conner 32, Mr. Powler
was declared elected. Por vlcu presidents
Messrs. P. A. Evans, C. L, Sands, William
Sliall'er, M. G. Hughes, Pied. Ilugenbucli,
Samuel Camp and C. 11, .Mclleiiry were
nominated. Memi. Hiigenliueli, Cam)
and Mcllcnry declined their nominations,
and Chair appointed thu clerk to cast tlio
ballot, and .Messrs. Evans, hands, Hughes
nnd Shaffer wcio declared elected. Por
Exerutlvu Committee Messrs, Baltis Sler
llnir. Samuel Camp, J. M. Dewltl, W. L.
Preas, Conrad Ki earner and W. M. Mon
rou were nominated. Chair appointed
Hon. T. J. Vanderslicu and Dr. J. Mont
gomery ns .tellers. Itcsulti Sterling 100,
Camp 100, Duwltt 08, .Monroe 21, Picas 20,
Klfiimer21 Messrs. Sterling, Camp nnd
Dewltt were declared elected. Por Secre
tary P. H. Hailinaii and L, H. Hupeit
weic nominated. Hcsult i Haitman
Hunert 21. Por treasurer J. O. Hiown was
nominated and received 121 votes, Por
Librarian Mcssis. Thomas Webb anil Ell
Barton weru nominated, Hesult i Webb
00, Barton 33 j Hnrtinnn, Brown and Wehl
wero declared elected, After nu Invitation
to the Slulo Boaid of Agriculture to hold
one of Iheir meetings tit this place, a vote
of thanks to Mr. ( lianilhe Eves for the
able milliner In width lie bus lopusi'iiud
us on the Stall llouid of Auiii tilluie, and
remnil.s from several of thu numbers,
Adjourned, CiA.'iMtK Evp,
lliiHpcctliiii of iMrc ltcimrliiicut.
The several lire coimjanics of the Blooms
burg Plrc Department will bo In readiness
for Inspection on Wednesday, May 30th,
at 1 o'clock p. in. Friendship No. 1 will
form on .Main street in front of Gllmoru's.
Hescue, No. 2, nt Main and Centre, and
Winona, No. 8, In front of Exchangu Hotel.
The procession will movo promptly at one,
each company falling In lino by numbers.
The line of inarch will bu down Muln to
.Market, down Market to Sixth, counter
march up Market to head of thu street.
The apparatus will bo left in line, mid the
companies form a line down .Market, west
sido facing cast. The inspection will then
he held by the Town Council after which
the apparatus will be housed, and tho com
panics hold themselves subject to thu or
ders of the Chief Marshal or the G. A. It.
Geo. E. Ei.weli.,
Chief Engineer.
I'.Hc-aiet from Jail.
Peter HelTron, who was sentenced hist
week to undergo an Imprisonment of two
pears and four months m the penitentiary
for attempting to kill his nephew, quietly
walked out of thu jail hero on Saturday,
anil has not been seen since. Hellron is
said to bu n very bad character. During
thu reign of terror that was Inaugurated by
tlio Mollies in the coal region in 1870 he, it
is staled, was connected with many of
thetu cilmes, which caused his sudden dls
appearance after the arrest of several of the
gang. Subsequently hu turned up In Trc.
mnnt, Schuylkill county, where he married
a young lady of that town. Three years
ago, after thu Mollie excitement had died
out and everything was apparently quiet,
lie went to Ccntrnliii and led quite a retired
lite. .Many believed he had abandoned Ids
evil ways, but about three months ago hu
began to drink and soon became involved
in a difficulty with thu Dailcy family,
which resulted in his arrest and impris
onment. Monday morning thu Sheriff was
to accompany him to the Eastern Peniten
tiary, Philadelphia, where he was to serve
his term. Shortly after his arrest he vol
untarily told all he knew about tiie Mollies
and their dark deeds. Hu told who shot
Dougherty, near Gorrell's Dam, who killed
Leuehan and the plot that was concocted
to kill 'Squire C. G. Murphy, of Centralia,
thu burning of tho school house nt Centra
lia, thu brutal attack on School Teacher
Green in which hu participated, nnd many
other horrible crimes, but nearly all of the
men connected with these deeds are cither
In prison or havu lied to parts unknown.
Hellron is n miner by occupation and is a
man of ordinary build, thirty-eight years
of age, very dark complexion, bU general
appearance indicating tho rough character
his past life proves him to be.
On Saturday afternoon before his escape
he shaved his face clean, having worn a
mustache before. Ills hair Is shoit and
stands straight up.
Tills is tho second prisoner that has been
permitted to walk out of thu county jail
through tho carelessness of somebody.
Sheriff Mowrey was away from homo on
Saturday, and tho Jail was in charge of
Shultz, a man employed by tlio county
commissioners, 'lhe piisoners wero out
n thu jail yard, and Heffron got Into thu
coal cellar by lifting a door off tho hinges,
passing into tho other wing of the yard and
thence out tho gate which was unlocked.
On Monday a dispatch was received from
tho man who brought Heffron here before,
saying that If expenses would be guaran
teed, hu could capture him again. At this
wilting (Tuesday) no attention has been
paid to this dispatch because thu sheriff
and commissioners cannot ngreu as to who
ought to pay thu expenses of ru-capture.
l'hu sheriff claims that the county should
stand it, because of thu carelessness of thu
man put there by thu commissioners. Im-
medlato f tcps should have been taken to
secure Heffron, and the question of costs
left for arrangement afterwards. The ends
of justice may bu entirely defeated by this
disagreement among county officials.
Por silks, cashmeres or dress goods of
any kind, go to Lulz & Sloan's.
$50 reward pnld to any person or per
sons who can buy ns good an overall for
3J cents nt nny other place as nt Gross'
N, Y. store, Hloomsburg.
Farmers will do well to bring their meat
to Klnports & Bro's. grocery) thry can get
tho highest price, nnd best bargains on
Fine groceries, notions, canned goods, nt
J. H. Skcer's.
Pictures, frames, window cornices, nt
Klnports & Bro. will deliver goods to
any part of Bloomsburg, frco of charge,
and sell you goods at bottom prices. Try
them In the grocery mid quccnswarcllne.
C. C. Marr wants lard.
For good cheap
furniture, go to Cad-
People of Bloomsburg will plcaso bear
In tnlnd that they can always get fresli hut
tor nnd eggs at Klnports & Bro's. Never
Nobby suits mado to order nt Evans &
Eycr's, by first-class workmen. Prices
very reasonable.
C. C. Marr sells splendid sugar, syrups,
coffee and ten cheap.
Elegant pallor suits, chamber sets, and
nil kinds of furniture nt Cadman's
Sco tho "Contour" corset nt Lutz &
Sloan's said to bo ono of the most com
fortable and best shaped corsets manufactured.
C. C. Marr has 30 samples "of Summer
silks. Call and sco them, they nre cheap.
Don't fall to see the new and latest styles
In neckwear, just received at G. W.
BcrtRch's Merchant Tailoring and Gout's
furnishing store.
C. C, JIarr pays 10 cents for eggs.
town lots rat sale.
2," lots ranging from .32r to $400 per lot,
4 lots ranging from i?r,00 to $G00 per lot.
All south of the Normal School. No money
required provided the purchaser will erect
buildings nt once.
mayll-tf C. W. NEAL.
You" can get gauze underwear at Lutz &
Sloan's for ladles, gcnlB nnd children.
Now Is the tlmo to buy dress goods,
Chirk & Son have mado somo big reduc
Hons In their targe stock. Go nnd sec.
Down with hleh prices! Everybody
knows Gross, theN. Y. Clothier, Is under
selling nil competition.
I would call your attention to tho fol
lowing Implements for sale by thu under
signed i Kemp's patent mauure spreader,
Hemington & Son's carbon metal plows,
Advance chilled plows, Gale chilled plows,
sulky plows, Cornell corn shelters, Ccnten
nlal fanning mills, separators nnd powers,
onu and corn planters with fer
tilizer arrangement, Deero & Co's. walking
and riding corn cultivators, Buckeye walk
Ing nnd riding corn cultlvntors, Iron Age
mid Planet Junior onc-horso cultlvntors
with plow attachments, Walter A. Wood's
reapers, mowers nnd self-binders, Warrior
mowers and Bramer renpers, Tiger, Lead,
cr and Monitor hay rakes, Triumph and
Monarch fertilizer grain drills, hay tedders
and hay carriers, spring tooth drag har
rows, spring tootli harrows on wheels, drag
and smoothing harrows, chopping mills
that will chop 10 bushels an hour with two
horses, Baldwin's hay and stalk cutters,
(hand and power,) C. & O. Cooper & Co's.
steam .engines and saw mills, brick mould
ing machines. Also Lister Bros' best bono
fertilizers in tho market. All goods sold
at the lowest prices, and If not proven sat
isfactory can be returned.
S. C. Shivb,
4-13 Bloomsburg.
Just received a new Invoice of goods
from tho city in the way of fancy suitings
and pnntalooiiings at G. W. Hertsch's Mer
chant Tailoring establishment.
HTNothlnir so simple and perfect for col-
oring as tho Diamond Dyes. For carpet
rags, better and cheaper than any oilier dye
Those who deaden sensation and stupe
fy thu patient to relieve suffering make n
grave mistake, lhey proceed upon tho
false idea that It is legitimate to procure
relief from pain by destroying physical sen-
Ihlllty. uhi vtelhoa, carruu to thtlatttx-
irfwu'iy, uouli kill thepatient to end tuffering. It
is not presumed ttiat Lydia E. Piukam's
Vegetable Compound will raise the dead
but It often does restore those who aru giv
en up for hopeless cases.
Baldness mav bu avoided bv thu usu of
Hall's Hair Huncwcr, which prevents the
lining out or tlio lialr and stimulates it to
renewed growth nnd luxuriance. It also
restores faded or gray hair to its original
dark color, and radically cures nenrly ev
cry disease of thu scalp.
Thu doctors of Now York city, hundreds
ot whom havo personally visited Specr's
Vineyards during the wine making season
say Ids Port Grape Wine has proved to be
pure, unadulterated, or n line flavor ami
ton to properties and is unsurpassed for its
restorativu powers, and they prescribe it ns
very superior wine. mo principal
churches in New York and Brooklyn use
It for communion. Por salu by C. A.
On and after to-day Clark oc Sou will Uko
no produce in exchange for uoods, as lhey
cannot dispone of It.
Just received a largo stock of oval churns
it Kinpo -t & Bro's.
A new lot of parasols at Clark & Son's.
Hcmemhcr that Lutz & Sloan sell irnod
dress ginghams fur 8 cts., and tho best for
iu cts. a yarn.
Sash ribbons, laces, irloves, hosiery 1
mitts, whitu goods and embroideries, at
Uark oo Son's,
Lamo stock of Mackerel at KlunorU it
Uro's, sold at bottom prices.
C. C. JIarr h is snlendid mackerel
tradu for side, shoulder and ham.
Evims & Ever havu secured thu so rvlces
ot a iirst-ciass cutler ai tiieircioiumg store,
corner oi jiaiii ix iron oi.s.
Green truck at Kinuorls & Bro's
Thursday mid Friday mornings.
Bargains la black dress silks; all Sum
mer suns reduced iu price, to close, at
Cltirl; iV Son's.
If you wish to travel hiiv vour trunk of
IT 1- C. - -
uross i. i . more,
hats Just received by
A llnu lot of straw
Evans Je Eyur.
New dry goods at J, B. Skcer's,
Clotldiip.! Clothing!! Clothing !! the
best and cheapest liuu of spring and sum
mer suits, for men and boys, can always
bu found al Gross' N. Y. Stoic, Blooms.
Ladles, have you seen thu new colors In
Macramo coed at Chirk tfc Soil's? Also
A full line of rendy-inadu clothing.
gents' furnishing goods, valises, Ac, at
1. vans A; l.yer's.
1,000,000 eiibbngo plants, also tomatoes,
celery, beets, Arc. 8 vailelles of Liiudreth
iV Sou's, reter llendeison'a and Gregory'i
best seeds. 2 acres Iu plants, Hesideuce
and patches, -llli ht near Market, Blooms
burg, Pa, Orders by mull promptly ht-
tended In. W. H. Yetter.
Also dealer iu pianos, organs mid sew.
ing maenines j uesi nceaics, on, ivc.
Payettevllle, Ark. Itev. T. J. Hellly
says: "I used Brown's iron Hitters for
ndigestion mid chills witli entire satisfac
."Menu people taku advantage of their
neighbor's dilllcultirs to annoy them."
.Menu diseases, such ns piles, rheumatism,
constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, lamu
uncus, etc., luxe advantage ot people's ex.
posures and attack them. It is then that
Kidney-Wort appears on the field and by
its timely agency puts to rout this Hock of
evil ailments. It Is n friend iu need mid
therefore a friend indeed
Wriglitsville, Pa.-ltev. Elijah Wilson
says : "Brown's Iron Isittcnyiave. perina.
nently cured me ofclillls and lever."
Pine, vigorous Vines. Two. three and
Four Years' Old, for sale by the dozen oc
thousand at the lowest prices.
llicsu vines are raised on tho tuinaus
Mt. Prospect Vineyards, at Passaic, N. 3.,
whero thu well-known Port Grapu Wltiu Is
produced that is so highly esteemijil at
uresuen ami iieriiu, aim otuer i.tiropeun
Cities to which it is shipped, and that is so
highly esteemed by physicians everywhere.
Adlire'83, ALF1IK1) frfiXIl,
Jan. 20, '83-3ni. PnssaW, N. J.
2,5000 versus $1.09
"I spent 2,500. witli after doctors."
writes -Mr. J. W. Thornton of Clalborn,
Miss,, "fiiiiain'fna iNVriiiie cured my sou of
fits." Tills Is on par with hundreds of atl.
crs, speedy but thorough.
Ladles and sickly girls reuulrlm: a nnn.
alcoholic gentle stimulant,, will rind Brown's
iron Hitters neneliciau
BLOOMsnuita mahket.
Wheat nor bushel,...
Hye " ....
Corn, " ....
oats " " ....
Flour per carrel ,,,,
Cloverseod ...
Dried Apples
Hides Shoulders ..."I.
Turkey &............... .
Lard per pound ,
Uavperton , ,
buckwheat power per iM.uuu.t ,,,, '
I'l-m'U-iurm wait in luoilenilu roiucxt
13 14
tlio local vonsuuiers and prices rulo steady: sales
ol Man Varrels, IneluilluK Mbmchola extras ai 15 M
H.Wi I'eiiiisjhaiilatuiiiily H!X; western
du 15 l!Vt).i:5: patrntsflWJi47.M.
iu e Fuii'ii Hells ul tarrKtfls ci
.,w.'il'.Tr:"lrl?lw?,!!luleti. "Ul dim i ear lots
II 1M1.VU: II. lb Lid lor Unj; tl.ivC' lur Juue;
11 Wi foriul)-ti.a!4 tor Aurult! '
.'0.!iN"rr!rJ"' V.Ul,"Jl,uuclunK! ear lots mitf
COcj oso bid tor May toe ir June; ,- fur July ;
tHitC t or Augiut.
.,o.Tfr,1.1",,;,.rl(',woaB,eil(1Jr!C0f 'ot 47mo;
Ko but tur Mj wo lor Juuv : aaxo. (or euij ; ito
John Wanaeiaker
starts the May and June Sales with the unheard-of aggre
gate stock of Two and a Half Millions
and nowhere in the United States is there so large a stock at retail to which
City and Country People
have access alike, with prices marked plainly, so that
All pay the same
at John Wanamaker's.
The certainty that besides numerous bargains daily spread on the counters the
Big Store is now known to fix the Market Prices
of all the things dealt in, settles conclusively that it is the BEST PLACE
Those who tlo not care to stop over night ut a hotel, can check bags, coats, umbrellas and packaagea
the store door, and cm get lunch in the building.
Tho few items below show how things are going just now.
Send postal card for samples.
From one of the larcesc and
heat Paris houses we have some
Rnlendid lots of Dress Goods,
all told about two hundred full
nieces, that were not readv for
delivery until long after the
time, and on account thereof
wero reduced twenty-five per
cent, all around.
This makes some famous
bargains :
A 41-inch All-wool Illuminat
ed Beige, 45c.
43-inch All-wool Crepe
Beige, 60c. Fur under
45-inch Oashmere Beige,
GOc. Far under value.
42-inch All-wool Check,
50c. Far under value.
42-inch All-wool Albatross,
GOc. Far under value.
41-inch All-wool Albatross,
75c. Far under value.
The following lots are very
desirable :
A 40-inch All-wool French
Shooda, 50c.
A 42-inch All-wool French
Shooda, 75c.
A 42-inch All-wool Pin's
Head Chec k, GOc.
A 31-iuch Nun's Veiling
creams, 35c.
The steadv increase of our
Dress Goods Department must
be owing to the constant watcn
to keep our prices the lowest.
We could not afford to cut off
dress patterns and take them
back, as our rule3 compel.when
others sold at lower rates, so
we are on the alert all the time
to protect ourselves by mark
ing the lowest figures going.
Linen Sheetings, 21 yards
wide, value 90c, now Goc. ;
value 81.00. now 75c. : value
$1.20, now 85c.
45-inch Pillow Linen, 37 ic.
54-inch Pillow Linen, 50c.
40-inch Butcher's Linen,
4-4 Drawer Linen, 18, 22,
25, 28, and 31c.
Fine Cream Damask, 1.25 ;
reduced to $1.
Table Cloths, 2ix21, 2ix3,
2ix4i, 2 1-2x5 yards.
A Towel, 22x43 inches,
weigh half a pound, 2oc.
A Damask Towel, 23x48
inches, good and heavy, price
now at first hands, 37 l-2c. ;
our price, 31c.
Some lots of Buttons and
Dress Trimmings at nominal
prices as long as they last.
New importations of Paris but
tons open.
Ladies' English b'olid-color
Brilliant Lisle Hose. 50n.
Ladies' Colored Hose, 12 l-2c.
hitherto 25c.
Ladies' Long Balbriggan,
French foot, 20c, hitherto
Ladies' Fancy Hose, a fifty cent
quality for 25c.
Men's full regular made, (Ger
man) Brown mixed, 12 l-2c.
Men's English Striped, full
regular made. 18e.
Children's full regular made,
Children's and Misses' Trim
med Hats, ready to put on, for
$1.50, $1.75 and $2, and up
wards. These come from our
own work rooms.
Ladies' Kough-and-Ready
Bonnets and Hats, all colors
and black, for 25c.
173 dozen sprays of fine
flowers at 25c. a spray, for
millinery and corsage. These
are about half price.
There is a new counter for
9 and 12c. Satin and Gros
Grain Ribbons, of which we
have all colors.
15, 20.
30, 35c, worth
The new Waukenphast shoe
is about the best thino- vo.t that
has been done for men, if com-
lort lor the feet is considered.
Only first-class workmen can
make them, and, as yet, we
have not been able to make
sufficient quantities to get the
price lower than $7; but this is
a dollar less than, we are told,
is asked elsewhere.
A magnificent lot of newly
imported Lyons Black Grena
dines, warranted all silk. The
designs are rich and beautiful.
Two qualities, $1.25 and $1.50,
winch is said to be less than
half the cost of importation.
Before the goods reached the
counters twenty dresses were
sold by the sample piece that
customers saw in passing. Wu
have some other black goods
at half price.
The Madras, Nottingham,
Antique, and Tamboured Cur
tains are in usual abundance.
Furniture Coverings begin
at 12 l-2c. a yard, and some of
our Cretonne are the cheapest
we ever had.
Handsome Antique
tains, $3.50 per pair.
Four stvles Gentlemen's sus
penders, made in our work
rooms at Ualc Hall, 15, 25, 40
and 50e.
Balbriggan Underwear, 37
l-2c. ; used to be 50c. Good
night shirt, 75c.
5-yard lenerths nf Slimmnr
silks, 35 to 65c.
(alace Changeable silks, 65c.
New India silks, black
grounds, small white figures,
very hand-ome, at $1.50.
"A fair black silk is ' going
now for 75c, and quite a good
one for a dollar.
If you will diiv Si. 50, wo
have a quality of the Bellor.
make that we recommend, and
will ask you to recommend after
wearing it.
20-inch black Satin Parasol,
lined in various colors, ten gilt
ribs, handsome natural stick,
Spanish lace trimmed. Price
.Cfyetiut $tieet, Vlik'teeiitli knd jfeicket $tieet
' V
. ' in
.fi i "
Foreign an& MommMe
- I l.lilUI U lft IK. ttllh Kfiul Uk
Chattel OrtrMfit
! i miY. T: u i ii eh ii AHUllil hi r rfMxrih
AUduttoroll upon UANIUL, '. UUAXTY, WuMBfUaNM
!,( lttiU unclear I by I r. J V Mi'-usuhm me'hol, wlllwit ivM tu uxo or duration of the iffllolljn,
,r,!'. '".)u.r.y ,tr"v1' 1 liUHct.tir Ulnar aii rivmi lalxir, mm ti.viirlty from it'iaiitrulatkm-of whicli. ecurt.
injr 10 slutwi, it ii n Ji s-ttlnnai. mi ai I aiiilutr tlm p nt iooii Ii sale whu Una arupturd b4
i imii'iiiIs upjiii a tiiKs Imtli iu;. u Ili -Ii ll uiul iiiuiilul u i In Huron liianey, uUddsr na otbor orruU
auusnH, whlcli line, t lu altli iniiiv I li.ui iiui. or Ubor, toJilu uiTxctiiiK luauuooa and doairujloc
T ; ., V, ,.'aB,.i. . i 1,-mn inuu unman I'.m iivcni' irvainu'nv nun if mo mr uviov uai
v. hi, niii-iin iiiu.,iiu iiiiiuiuuiiinii. iikniriMiu u.ui cusin, u'loro ana alter cure, ana ti
iifiiUby l'liblduu, .MciYlmnlK, rumieinauilotlierHttlio lmobwn curtxl, niaiiwiior nte. hiei
ItaiiJIntoniuoiirhBir. l-rliii'lnnl nilliu.SJi Uro.ulwny, jj. y, da) of loiwmtatton eacnwwk,
iUjk, Tul) ilii(lS.iHird.i)n. a uaMw
bend fur