THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOGRAT,BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA .COUNTY, PA. Oitlrtvntlng Celery. Celory is ono of tlio most ngrcoablo nn wiioiesotiio pinuu iirowii in tlio cnr don. It Is gunerrilly clnltnud tlmt it lias n quieting effect on tlio nervous system, mid celery liollct, in milk is recommended as a remedy fo rheumatism. At any rato, celory is t uood tlilnt? to have in llin hoiiao. mid every farmer slidiiU make it a point to navo a good bed of It. The Amcri' can Agriculturist has the following suggestion in regard to its cultivation : "l'lio old method of setting celery at mo uoiiom ot a trench is still occasion ally followed, either by uardners who have done this in the old country, or by our own people, who havo not learn ed tno lienor way; ot planting it on the Niirface. Celory is ono of the plants with which liltfu is gained by hurrying) it will not grow rapidly until after mid summer, when wo havo tho favoring condition of warm days and cool, dewy nights, and our most uxerienced gar deners do not set out the main crop until tho next mouth. Market garden crs grow celery as a second crop, to follow an early one, for which the soil has been well manured t if this cannot ba done, then the soil must bo well en riched before planting. It rarely pays to raise celery plants in a privato gar den, if one is whero they can bo pur chased. In buying plants select thoso that look strong and stocky, a condition procured by proper cutting back their leaves while in tho seed bed. The plants aro to bo set in the rows, four feet npart, and six inches distant in tho rows i thoy require careful planting, and should bo no deeper in tho ground than thoy were originally in tho seed bed. In alt transplanting, it is impor tant to havo tho earth closely in contact with tho roots of tho nowly'set plant j this may be done going along tho row and pressing on each side of tho plant with the foot, or by carefully crowding the earth down with tho bauds as each plant is set. If a cloudy time cannot bo selected for planting, then do tho work towards evening, and givo a thorough watering. The plants have nothing further done to them until September, when the leavos aro brought to an upright position, and tho earth is drawn around to hold them there. In tho meantime tho celery has nothing to do but to grow, in which it must be en couraged by hoeing or cultivating of ten enough to destroy all weeds and keep the soil loose, taking care in theso operations to not throw any dirt into the heart of tho plants, Devon Oows for Butter. AVe have been looking over reports of what Devon cows havo just been doing in tho butter line among us, and find that nineteen of tho cows havo been producing from 15 to 20 lbs. 5 or., each of beat quality of but ter per week. Considerinc their me dium size and economy of keep, theso arc great yields ; but in years gone by, there are records of still larger yields, nearly equalling thoso of tho most famous Jerseys of tho present day. The Dovons, however, not only excel in tho dairy, but in several other in spects. They aro very superior work ing oxen, have a quicker step and greater endurance than any other breed, and nro the most powerful of all for their size. When fattened, thoy turn out a choice quality of beef. Thus wo see that they are a most ex cellnt general purpose breed good in tho dairy, for work, and for tho sham bles. Tlio only other cattle that can bo compared to them in uniting so many superior qualities nro tlio Red Polled Noi folk and Suffolk, which, iu fact, aro hornless Dovons. Tho Dovons havo boGii much neg lected by the public for twenty years or so past, both in England and in America j but attention is now awak ening to their great merits, and wo havo no doubt they will soon come Into as high favor again as formerly ; for, Aside from their Polled congeners, no cattle aro so profitably brod and raised on light pastures, and hilly, rocky districts. At a public sale of eighty-six lots of Devons the past year in England, they averaged $180 each. One cow of these sold for 025, and a bull for $875, while a calf brought 50 guineas ($250). Theso are about 25 per cent, higher prices than the average of any herd of cither Guornsoy, .Terse', or Ayrshiro cattle sold for in England in tho year 1882. We can learn from this tho appreciation of Dovons in their own native land. American Agriculturist far May. Peed the Crow and Save the Corn. Tlio only complaint that farmers over had to urge against the crow was, that it would pull up tho young corn sprouts just after they mako tlioir ap pearance above ground. Whilo wo freely admit that it is guilty of this pilfering, it still, with tho ordinary protection we can givo tho cornfield for two weeks, does tho farmer a deal yoa, five times more good than harm in tho destruction of the myriads of injurious insects whioh wo must give it credit for. Hut there is a way a very cheap and simple way by which this useful bird upon the farm can bo befriended, and at tho samo time wo can bo protecting the corn field ngainst its depredations. It must bo rcmombered that tho crow never oats grain of any kind without being soaked or made soft, and this is tlio reason why it pulls up the young corn sprouts,, to get at tho pulpy grain ad hering to tho root. Well, this fact being remembered, wo will soak half a peck of seed corn in .water for twenty four hours, or until it becomes quite soft, and scatter it over the adjoining fields, whero it will he found by our black friends i and repeating this onco or twice, or as often ns may bu necessary, wo will find that tho planted corn will bo, wholly undisturbed This will require a very small amount of labor and an oxponso of perhaps not over half a dollar while at the samo time it will savo other and more troublesome; ntjd costly arrangements for tho cornfield, pro aorvo a 'valuablo insect destroyer, and secure to us the companionship of a wary, glossy, usofi)!, domestic bird, ono of tho most pleasing and desirable members of the winged fauna of the country. The First Elephant. A coiTospondrut writes : "Tho first olophaTltl)n Exhibition ii New Eng land, aiJM'saVd'toMiavo been tho first in tho UnitWmnM.wa" Wiled at Alfred, Mo., in tUa year 1827, about ono mile well fronithe"1 Villag, in a piece of woods ne'tlflrTo' Hound Pond, so called, on thCToad lo.iding to Dover, N. II. A man by Uio,nauio of davis had an altercation llhtliojtroprletor of tho menagerie tlio'ilay; previous, whilo on exhibition afAjfjcd, and sought re venge by shooting tho elephant. Tho affair caused a great sensation nt tho timu throughout Now England. Tho locality is known and pointed out to this day as tho spot 'whero the elephant was killed,'" Cultivation of Orchards. ' Cultivation is vcrv beneficial to vounir orchards A vountr orchard set in grass land and left to tnko care of itself, will make very slow growth if indeed a largo part of tho trees do not tail to glow, and, alter n low years die, as is generally the case lieloro setting a voung orchard, tho, sol' should bo brought into a fine, vitsh coil (lit ton by cultivation and fertilization Tho trees should then bo carefully fit and the soil kept well cultivated am frequently fertilized for suveral years, or until the trees have attained a bizo of three or four inches iu tliatrieter nt the butt Tlimi, if desirable, th& lutfd may be needed to grass and pastured with sheep, being top driHsVd occasion- ly whenever the trees urn. found not to be ornwinif ns fnl. ns' 'tlinv should The terminal branches of thrifty grow ilig trees should make an animal growth of from eight to twelve inches. If thoy mako only three or four inches growth each year, tho trees evidently need feitilizing Tho trees must be kept thriftily growing from th5 timo' thev are set until thev como into full bearing, and in order-to keep idem thus growing it is necessary to culti vate and fertilize them for soveral eara after thev aio 1 rst sot. Col Marshall 1'. Wilder, a good atithoruv upon matters pertaining to lruit grow iug, onco said in it discussion before tho Massachusetts Hoard of Agricul ture : "In a word, until orchards are ten or moro years of age, no crop ex ccpt vegetables should be permitted to occupy tho ground i aud then if grass is grown, tho laud must bo regularly manured, so as to sustain both crops without lniurv to either, it such a thing be possible.1' N". JS. Farmer. A New Way to Keep Apples. , l)v. ftcxamcr says that somo years ago, when ho had more apples than ho could store, ho hired a cellar of a neighbor, and put in several hundred barrels. When he camo to take them out ho found water in the cellar1 -three or four feet deep, and concluded, thev were a dead loss till ho examined them. Some weeks afterward hd found them in an excellent 'condition, better than thoso which the water had riot reached. The result was ascribed to tho low temperature and exclusion of air,- to which wo .would add a umlorm degree ot cold, and freedom from tho fluctua tions caused by air currents. Wo sup poso tho water was near or at tho freezing point. An objection to this modo of keeping .apples is tho dilli- culty of puttiug it into practico to any extent. Oountru Gentleman. Tho Country Gentleman; in re sponse to a request from a correspond ent for a cure tor horses which have contracted tho habit of pulling at tho halter, says : "Take a suflicientlvlong piece of half inch rope. Put tho com tie' of it under tho tail like a crupper, cross the rope on tho back and tio the two ends together in front of the beast snugly so that their is no slack, other wiso it would drop down on tho tail. Put an ordinary halter;strap or rope through a ring in tho manger or in front of tho stall and tio jt fast in, tho rope on the front of the breast ; then slap his face and let him fly back. Ho will not choke or need tejllngto stop pulling back. Let him wear, it awhile, and twice or thrice daily scare him back as suddenly and forcibly as possible. After one or two trials you will see that ho cannot bo iuduccd" to pull back." K.U.SOM1HK. Eight pounds of whit ing and one quarter of a pound of whito gluo make the right proportion. Soak the glue over night in cold water, and in the morning heat till it is per fectly dissolved. Mix tho whiting with hot water, stir tho two thoroughly- to gether, and havo the wash tho consis tency of thick cream. Apply warm with a kalsomino brush, brushing it well in nnd finishing it as you go. on, If warm skim milk is used instead of water, tho gluo may bo admitted. I)o foro tho wash is applied all hdles and crevices should be stopped with plaster of Paris mixed with water. Colors to tint tho walls may be procured at any paint store. If zinc whito is used in steady of whiting, it will last for years. Tho first expense is more, but tho' jnJ vestment pays. Use first a sizing of white glue. To Wash Hnusnr.s. It is best to clean two at a time, in this way; First comb them well to remove tho loose hair or dust, thou dip bristles only in very warm water, sprinkle each brush with plenty of powdered borax and rub tho two together; after they aro thor oughly cleansed hnvo a pitcher of hot water and pour it over tho bristles. Keep tlio back of the brushes ns diy as possible. Shako tho water well out and dry quickly in the sun. Brushes wash ed in this way will retain their stiff ness. CiiMKxr. Litharge and glycerlno. mixed together to the consistency of thick cream or putty is a valuablo co-, ment for mouding stone jars, for aquar ium purposes, for stopping leaks in seams of tin pans or wash boileis, to fasten on lamp tops, tighten loose joints of wood or iron, loose bqxus in wagon hubs, aud for a great many otliJ er things. The article should not bo used until tho cumont has hardened, which will require from ono day to n week, ac cording to tho quantity used. This co ment will resist tho action of water, cold or hot, of acids and of almost any degree of heat. A funny story is told of tho wife of ono ol tho most noted Admirals of the country. The lady is a society worn, nn, nnd she prides herself on her re membrance of people. She nlways endeavors to make herself agreeable, and is as pleasant to strangers us though shn had known them for years. A year ago meeting Coinmodoro Blank at a dinner tnble, she said, "Why, my dear Commodore, I am so glad to seo you 1 How is your wife 1" "She is dead, madam," was the blunt reply. Of course the Admiral's wife apolo gized for not knowing what should havo been a well-known fact aud n fact which bIio had in reality heard but had forgotten. Tho other day this same lady met the samo Coinmodoro at a party. Who was apparently delighted to boo him, and, in tho start of their conversation, sho said : "Now, Commodore, I want you to tell me, how is your dear wifol", Sho wa4 thrown into surpriso rind consternation by tho reply, "Madam', sho is still dead' Cokikk ion Plants A lady of San Francisco lately rqeoiyed-.somo plants from Mexico, and with tho plants camo tho advico to fcrtllizothcm with waste ooiieo anil coucu grounds. This was done, and tho results were so satisfactory (lint tho samo treatment wui tiled on roses, and tho lojiilt was a 1 1.1 1 ..! ,1. 1 peaiiuy uuu vigorous growiii nun uiuiu i and better flowers nnd of richer colors, j Cures for Sleeplessness. There is a form of wakofulucsss which is a somewhat frequent experi enco with persons engaged in nctivo wiiiK. iii;m woo nns irtji uiisuy jmgagcdjduryig tho day in his usual nvocation retire, let us say. at about 10 or 11 oelook, feeling tiiuto cleepy After a period of plumber, perhaps of two or three hours, hd finds himself wido awake, nt about 2 o'clock in (ho morning. There 1$ ubjtljiiig particu larly burdensome on his mind ! no men tai anxieties perplex, no physical pains disturb hfm. 3 His only nnnoynnco is tho consciousness -that a haul day's work is before him, nhd that his busy brain ought to bo, tit rost. After toss-. ing nbdnl for nn hour or mor in vain attempts to court sleep, ho drops off Inward 'morning into disturbed and broken slumber, and rises at tlio usual iiotr with i sense of having been de; franded by nature of ono of his rights, So long ns this is a rare or occasional experience it need not attract attention Y hcn,,.howevqr,. it becomes habitual, when sleen is regularly broken bv no riods of.'wakujfulncfls'inofo or loss pro longed, ahd especially when theso peri ods conav to lie nccompailied bv nnxio ties nnd worrying, thosvmntomismoro grave, it may betoken serious impair- "ment of tho nervous system if nllowcd to continue. What may bo dono bv the person himself, on awakening during tho night, in order to again induco tdeeb I The expedients at our disposal it must l... ...if i Li. uo iiuinmcu, are. exceedingly vanauie iii: (heir efficacy, but mf3t of them nro worth trying. A cense of drowsiness is sometimes easily induced by getting up nnd standing by tlio bedside until ono feels almost chilly nnd tho bed is cold. Another expedient is to wah tho head, !ncck and upper part bt tho body in cold, water a, lower tempera ture of tho' sk'in inducing probably a moro active cironiation of1 tho blood to the s.trfacq and away from the ncr.vous, centers. I havo foutid a bit of dry bread thoroughly masticated and eaten at this" timo to act almost like a charm somo icasoslbvi drawing blood from brain, to stomach, and Urns securing sleep, Anything which serves to do tract, attention from ono's self , and sur roundings may occasionally avail such as -saying-tlie.alphabet, counting ono's respirations, ropcaling.the multi plication table .and h mu)titudo of sitn- lar expedients. Arr ancient monkish receipt fdr wakefulness was to "count your beads."' Jt is a good advico yet. There aro. no better aids to repose than a good conscience and a mind at peace. Ho.NiisTr Rewakdko. The hunts man of,a well-known English, paok re turned homo lately by rail in a third classcarringo in Which were already nvo men, and, ns ho entered, seeing a parcel of papers on the floor under the seat, ho picked lliem uii. Looking at them and then at his companions, ho asked if riny gentleman had' lost a bnndlo of -papers. Each man said "No," and tho huntsman handed the bnndlo to the station master, saying, "As thov seem to bo notes, 1 had bettor ewoL them with you." Tho men agreed that, he '., done right; but afler'a' time, one began to feel his pookets," hnlLwith many imprecations on his stupidity announced that ho had lost a . (bundle 'of notes received that day at market. A discussion en sued as to what was to be done, and it was .agreed that tho best 'thing was for tho owner to geti out at the next station. t.ake a hack' and go back as hard as ho could. As the victim hur ried off tho huntsman laughed a quiet laugh, and said. " "I thought there would i be one rocuo, out of six men. It, Was a bundle; of play bills." Jefferson Davis' estato of '500 acres nt Beauvior, 'Miss., is now mainly de voted to grapes and oranges. He told a recent callor that tho neighborhood was equal to anything in Florida in natural advantages for winter resort. He mentioned soveral. points on Missis sippi sound as affording raro chances for capitalists to mako money by erecting hotels'. Thoy get the' benefit of southwest winds that almost con tinuously! float over tho water," ho said, "and back of them are1 thousands of acres of piiip. forests, tho odors from which are strengthening to Weak lungs. iiaiiiui; is cxcciicm, me uayous Bwarm with geese, duck, and brant. and tho forests would yield to the sportsman's skill plenty of wild turkey, ijuaii, iiuu. uttur. jtir. iiivis mump. that',, considering' tho circumstances. Mississippi is' doing very well in the way ot progress, alio produces more cotton than any othpr State,' slid has cotton and other mills emnlovint' about 10,000 hands.and $7,000,000 in capital, horfreo schools number 5,000, and in o.very way way sho is getting wide awake. At rare intervals thoso peculiar pco lo that givo way to n weakness for surprise parties receive jheir just ro wards. When theso phenoineua'occur it is tho surprise party that is surpris ed. Iu Tohickpn.j Bucks county, a few flays .ago, olBopro of those people re ceived a surprise that will last them until a now minister moves into tho neighborlfood'nnd gives them a chance or another .exhibition of their mild ;orm 'of'insanity. '-While indulging in f banquet ' at the expense of a meek and inoffensive neighbor recently, theso people fell through tho floor into thn cellar, carrying with them stoves, ban quoting table's, furniture, a piano nnd two hat racks. It is expected that some of them will recover from theirin- lines in timo to givo another surprise parjy to pay for tho damages. A most beautiful and fraiiant growth for a window muy bo obtained uy isuiiKiug a sea-spongo in warm water and sowing in its cells tho seeds of umbrageous grasses and wild tlnw. ers, with hero and thero tho delioato fern nnd creeping wild berrv. known n Iho 'mocking strawberry. Tho hang iug may bo dono by a gilded rod or ornamental jcords. Thq spongo.. may bo kept moist and distended by' daily sprinkling with blood-warm wnter. 'I he sponge thus treated is much light or, Prettier mul,, more surely verdant than any otier .spring basket, Na tional tJfarvler, j A Warning to A Warning to Pensioners. 'ij'hu Commissioner ofi-Peusions has issued u circular warning pensioners and applicants for pensions that un scripuloiis persons nro traveling tin dughoul the country claiming that they nro authorized tQ)epresent tho Commissioner of Pensions. No spcu ial examiner or other person employed by tho Pension Olliuo Is authorized to receivo money, either as feu or expen ses, and nil examiners are provided with certificates bearing tho signature of tho Commissioner of Pensions and tlio Secretary of tho Interior. DPMCinMCwm soMHKKs on auy uu. I LinOlUllO fJse, wound, or Injury, Address, K. BCHALL, court House, NorrUtown, J'o. muylMw r Aitvoi-tlNlng Clients t ! "It has hcComo so common to write Iho beginning of nn article, In nn elegant, In tcrcathiff manner. "Then run It Into some advertisement that wo would avoid all such. "Anil idmply call attention to tlio merits of lloit Hitters In as plain, honest terms an possible, "To Induce neonlo "To give tlicin one trial, which so (rfoves incir vniuo mat iney win never uo nny thins else." "Tub Kkmkiiv so favorably noticed In nil the papers, "Kcllglous mid secular, Is "Hnving a largo sale, nnd 1 Is supplanting nil other medicines. "There Is no denylnit the virtues of the Hon nlnnt. anil tho nronrlctors of Hon inuers nave suown great siircwaness "Aim nniiuv "In fnmiwnlni1!tnr n liw-illnltin wlirian virtues are so nnlnahiu to evcrv one's oh. Burvatloii. llit Mlie Die? "No ! "Slut Itiiirt-ii'il unit sillTi-ifwl lilom'. titiilmr Kwny nil the timo for years," " 1 lie doctors doing her no good t" "And nt last was cured by this Hop lilt- ters tho papers say so much about." "inuceii l indeed l" "How thankful wo should be for that medicine." , A ItutiKlitur'M MlHcry. "Klevon veiirs nnr ilnuuhter fliilTtircil on a bed of misery, "From a complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble nnd Nervous debility, Under the care of tho bust physicians, "Who gave her disease various names, "Hut no relief. "And now she Is restored to us In cood health by as simple a remedy ns Hop Hit ters, that wo hail shunned for years beforo using It." Tub 1'auents. rather In GutlliiK Well. "My daughters say ! "llowinucli better fntlipr l-i since ha used lion Hitters." "Ilu H trettlni? well utter hli lonir milTerlnir Irom a (lKeaso tlocinred Incurable" "And wo nm ho tliat bo h-m1 vnnr hitter " A Lady of tttlc.i, N. Y. MOrT?L Wt9 1. 1t IS A SURE CuHIE for all dlscnooti of tho Klilno3 nnd It luu cpcclflo &oUoa ou UlU most Important orffiw, dueling It to throw off torpidity nnd In.' , cilnuUUns tho hclthy occwtlon of thb BJle, nJd by keeping tho bowola Iu free condition, cr-jctlnff lta regular dUcliorco. R!lilSi!o IfyounroiifforliiTfrom tvlSllclrliaa malarla.hiTCthacMlL), Ma biUoua. dyipcpue, orconsUratcd, Kidnoy WortwUl surely reUevo cnduulckly euro. la tho Bprlnrc to cloanno tho Byotem, every ono should tako a thorough courso of It. U. SOLD(lVDmlCOI3T8. Pflcn fi I SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. tlsid tn tho principal Churcb.03 tor Communion purposes: Jxceilortt for Ladies and Weakly Per ssns and tho Aged., Spcor's Port Grape Wine I FO UR YEARS OLD. T Ills CELEIlllATEl) NAT1VS WINE Is niado from tlie Juice ol tlio onorto drape, raised la this country. Its Invaluable Tonic and, Strengthening Properties aro unsurpassed by any other Natlvo Wlno. Iio- inine puru juico 01 luourape, proancei unucr Mr. Spoer's own personal supervision, Its purity and L'onulneness. aro truarantecd. Tlio jouncest child may partake ot its generous tiualltlf h, and tno weauestlnvalid use It to advantage. It is par tlculaily beneficial to tnc aged and debilitated, and suited to I lie various ailments tnat arrect tho weaker sex. It is In every respect A. WINE TO 13BKEUEU ON, SPEER'S P. J. Sherry. The P. J.SnuitKY lia wlno ot Sunnrlor Char acter, and partakes ot tho rich qualities ot tho traps rrom which it li male. For rurlty, Well ness, Flavor and Medicinal Properties, It will bo found unexcelled. 8 PEE LI'S P. io JBrsuady. This BRANDY stands unrivalled In this Countrv being tar uupcrlor tor medicinal purposes. it is runs aistiuauon irom uio grape,anu con taint vatuaolo medicinal properties. It has a delicate llavor, similar to that ot tho rrrapes, from which It Is distilled, and is in great favor amouir nrst-class families. Hee that tho slunaluro of ALl'HKI) Hl'KIilt. Pas- ailc N, J. Is over tho cork of each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. AND 11 r DHUUOISTS EVKUWUEUB. Sept. !J, -S2. l.y I'll I I ''I 1 I 1 1 It ClOlHlQlUlElRlOlR) The only known tpecljlc for Kplleptlc I'lU.-C'i jt?-Aleo for Spasms and Falling blckncsa.-utt Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cured. Equalled by none In delirium of fcvcr.'CO. a ji-Ncutrlliea germs of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, tpilckcns sluggish circulation. Eliminates Dolls, Carbuncles und Scalds.'SA Wl'crmuncntly and promptly cures paralysis. Yes, It It a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, removing cautc, rrJtouts biliousness and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless laxatives? It drives Sick Headache like tho wlnd.'S? Fry Contains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly euros lthcumatlsm by routing ll.-uti licitorci life-giving properties to tho blood.-u". Is gnarantecd to cure all ncrvout dlsordcrs.-ca riVltcUable when all opiates fall.ttV llcfreihcj tho mind and luvlgorates tho body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded, -i IiVEndorsed In writing by ovcrufty thousand eadlng physicians In If. S. and Kurojw.-ua leading clergymen In U, S. and Europe's Diseases of the blood own It a counueror.-so Vox sale by all leading druggists, f l.W.-uO Tho Dr. S. A, Richmond Medical Co., Props., St. Joseph, Mo. (3) Chat. N. Crlttcnton, Agent, New York City. Curvature, lllu DUeatte. Whtto Hwtlllmr of the MIL. niHNN I Deformed Limbs, Spinal garment, r.rcry case sucrt-iuful. omc4-s t New Vorlr. 133 W. U BL, every londvi lt..lon,WS Ik-acti Bt., very Wi-iluuday gyrttciuu, N. V., every Ibursday, may ll-iw vur CIIR1 ONH .MILLION i nc OUil A WIJKK. Decided opinion expressed In lanyuago tint can bo understood t tho promptest, fullest and most uocurute lutelllgencu ot whatever In tho wldo world Is worth at lentlnn, 'Hint Is hat every. body Issmo to tludluany edition of THE Hl'N. huuscrlplloni D.Uly tp.igosi, by mall M eta, a , month. arli.C0ayv.iri bund.iy (Hpagud). tl-Wiper 1 jeari Wwkly iH iul'Cw), fl peryoar. I. w. e.nuland, i'uoiUiwr, Now Yoik city, i inayiMw r I III f J. SALTZER'S General Fewing Machine Depot, Fifth Slow Below Natal SI , BLOOMSBURG, PA. GeleMei While Sewii Machine, New Davis Vertical Feed Sew ing Machine, New Homo Sowing; Machine, Household Sewing Machine, Estoy Sewing Machine, Genuir.e Singer Sewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, best Sewing Machine Oil, and Nee dles for all sowing mio'dnes. fewlnir Machines sold on monthly paymnts- Liberal discount mado for cash. Every machine purchased from mo Is warrantedtobs kept In good ritunlntt order for nvo years freo of charge, and t,linrou?h in structions given by tho best lady operator In this part ot tlio fitato free of charge. Kxamlno ray stock of machines before purchasing. NAVALSBATTI F.V Newandimnhic Pittnualillitorvnt thr mat fishtail f World. Fir Medical Director SllirrsN, Uj S. N. Add rut J.C Mtt-UKUY &LO., 632 Uievtnut bt., rtiiUdeh.hi, Pa. June uo-ly aM LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE. Know Tlmt Huown'sIkon Hitters will euro the worst case of dyspepsia. Will iii.-uiroa hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores ancxhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nerves.enriclies the blood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and lack ofenergy Keeps off all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 37 Wnllicr 1., Baltimore, Dec. 1881. For six years I have been a great cufTerer frum Illood Disease, X)ys. j-.-psia;andCotstipation,and became ,0 debilitated that I could not retain my thing 011 my stomach, in fact, l.fe had almost become a burden. Finally, when hope had almost left me, my husband seeing Dkown's paper, induced me to give It a trial. ikon uittcks auvertisea in tne induced me tocive It a trial. 1 am now taking tne Intra bol am now taking the third bottle ftnu nave not lelt so well in six years as I do at the present time. Mrs. L. F. GRirfiH. Brown's Iron Bitters will have a better tonic clTect upon any one who needs " bracing up," than any medicine made. "THE BEST 18 CHEAPEST." ETCHES, TURITQUCnC SAW-MILLS. t-riePowen " """llUlv rw Hnll. r. (SulUtd to all n-ctionf. 1 IVrltc for Fli liK !llu. Pamphlet and I'sieeu to The Aultinon & Taylor Co., alanaUvlJ, Ohio. MAKE HENS LAY An Knirllsli Veterinary Surc.on and Chemist. now iravellnir In this country, sivs tint most ot ma iinrsn anu uaino rowmrs s 1111 nora are worm less rran. 114 stvs nnr siiTiain's condition Powders aro nbsoiut-lv Burn and lmmnsely vtlu. ahle. NotTiiu; onertli win make h-in lav life Sheridan's f mdlllon Powdiirs. Dose, 1 teaspoon rul to 1 pint fo id. sold everywhere, or sent by mall for R letter-stamps. I. S, J.invonM c Un., nuaiun, aias. ui 1 jan vo oj-iy, WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE FILLS ron tub LIVER And all Bilious Complaints. Saf 0 lo take, being purely vegetable ; no crliilui;. l'rlco 83 cents. All UrugKUta. May 18-iw purgative MAKK NBW KI0II BLOOD, And will completely chanso tho blood In tho en tire sysu-m In three montlis. Auy penon who will tako ono pill each nlsht from ouu to twelve weeks, may bu restored to sound health, It such a think' H ponfilblo. For curluir Female Uomplalnta theso l'lllshavenoerpial. I'hyblclatw uso them In their practice. Sold everywhere, or sent bv null for 85 centa In Ktamps. Send for pamphlet. I. S. JOHN- WIN x CO, liLMton, Maas. apr 19 Ald-T raoj. "1 not. ilia u swceplns oy, ko nnf il.ii.,. Ilnru .ml ill ,i Hometnlui; mlKhty und su b Urnu leavn behind to connuer timo " iw a week you own town, a oulllt tree No risk. Kverythlnc new. C'ai t'al not reuulred Wo will furnish you every thlnir. Many aro maklnu f irlune. Ladles nuke as miitli un meu.and boys anl elrli m ka trreat py. it-uder, It sou want ft'i -t av which you cun maun fn-ui pay an tuu nine, ra i-ir prtiuuiir.-i 10 11, iii.lkit k uu, l'ortland, Maine D c. 8, V-lv, I desiring lucrative jki-JIIouh should learn Tel. et'rapliy, Vacancies lor alhnllwl number, AdilivsH, with slump, HUIT. INSTlTl .KI.IidUAl'll Chestnut btrecta. Philadelphia. nil-, uroau unu d aiiriwiw .AGENTS Wantc t.i. i.au4M.Ma lllnt.tl4 tltmi. rMooks & Bibles nniii 6i vitsiiftttcr t ritat ut it. w in uiicsTi einnir iiti. ui't'tiru la Ptlc. teLllnjf fl, iivt'dru vrr)hctti liktnl lei ml. junusCr-iy aid ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. THE VOLTUailKt,Tt'0.(Maralttll, Mich., will BCnd 1)11. DVB'S Oltl.KIUlATKI) KI.K THO-VOI TAIO IIRI.TH and RLKOTIIIO Al'I'UANOim On trial for su days to men (voting or old) who nro nt fllctd with Nervoin Debility, Iml vitality, nnd kindred trouolo", cuaranteelnB spei-dyand com pieto restoration j hoaltl nnd manly vl; r. Ad dress as aliovo N, u. No risk Incurred, m m days' trial Is nllowtd- Keb. tli--lyr r MARK TWAIN'S m! iliW HOOK. LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI." laprolnirtho (trnndeit succcasofnll tho Twain Herlcs. Affeniilnobonnhato p, A..t 1'or terms nnd terrllory nd-OOK Agents dress DOUOLASS llllOS., 53 N, till St., l'hlla. I'll, may Mw d ' Every Hstcy Organ Sold is made throughout with Equal fidelity, and mm Xiclds unrivaled tones. Bend for Illuttrattd Catalogue, GfiLEBRJLTED And other fust class Pinnos, and a large lot of MUSIC BOOKS, VIOLINS, ACCOEDEONS, BANJOS, MUSICAL (WUIIEf T E, VIOLIN STRINGS, Ami vvvvythung J SALTZBR, MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STOKE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG. Pa. mm mmm wi abb Mmdiy TJoj B& TM Might wmm www w&wi SUPERIORITY OF STYLE. Excellence of Material. PERFECTION CF FIT. Unrivalled Mock of Spring Clothing ManufiicluR'tl Ex pressly for me. Wu guarantee) Stvle, gimp? and Workmanship, to lit) the BKST. Also a Very Superior Line of Gents FURNISHING GOODS for Spring and Summer. . THE LATEST AND NEWEST SPKINU STILES OF HATS, Just Received, at the Popular Clothing Store of D. LO WEN BERG. PIANOS,. FINK INLAID FUENOII WALNUT 0ASE ORGAN, II STOPS, $1(0 0AS1I. Kunj Term)), .SuMIui:t Ion 4.'ir,ti iwkl 't. ilA-OOIST'S IROOIVES, MLTtHO HALL BLOCK, A w ok mad') nt homo by tho industrl. oils. Host bitnliiOM now lietore tho P'lliilo. u.ipltal not needed. Wu will start you, Mon. women, buys and irlrls wantfd uvsn whore to work for us. Now la Iho time. You can work In spare time, or give your whole timo to the busings. No other business will pay you nearly as wed. No onu can fall to mnke enormous piy, by engaging utouro, Cosily oulllt aud terms fr n. Money made fast, easily, a d honorably, Address Tiiok A Co, Augusta, Maine. Djc. I, 'oJ-ly. PURE IWfDIA TEAS KtNUItt Vll.LKY. UtltlKSMNII JIKIIIIA IXlOV, tlll't I othirs. vbulut'iy Cure. ujerur Iu ll-ivor he Mist Kejuom rial. Iliiiuuei only htir tiih usiitl (lu.tnllty, Mid by nil gMwum. J jiik v, I'HILI.IIS Ot)., Agents n( Un Oilcutla Hu Vrnm Ihn Hl.friM. At lUlill fn 11" I11AM,I Hiuiu syndiciits, laii water-st. n. v. may 4-1 w a Thoro Is no Baking mm Its qualities, Medicinal and Culinary, guarantee Health and Luxury. Every buyer should Select an Organ fFftat guarantees good Every dag work and Years of service. J, ESTEY & CO., Urottlcboro.Yt. MM PIANOS in tlie Music line. Quality, WILHES-BAlUUa, TA. Junel x'ODlo aro always on the ionlout for chunces to In ' ih ih lr earnlui?3.aml In tlmn becnnui wcuittiv i IlinRn who do not improve in opportunities remain In poverty. We otrer a groat chance to mako money. uu wuiii in my in-ill, wuinun b v ami glils (o work forus rUlu Iu tliil own looalltle, cau do the work proinrlrlroin the rlrst start. The . Auvonn uusiuess wi i pay more y an ten umos ordinary, wages. Kxpenveout thumlshed freo. No one who engages falls to fl' fe money ranldly. Yn t can dovolu your who'o mnk to the work or odIv your spato moments. I'limul inforraatl m and nl Ihat U iitodi'd sent free, ill m 4rt N.sov 4 Co Portland, Maine, Deo, , VMy Pa ISUFULAUTlCLrS, 4. BUUIKUl ItORAl CtiSOUO Ca0J, flu 5 A (, M m lll.ilr.ul Book, ti Kll stho .to 4 w So. oUiapo for toitoto u4 fo.klm. U..U..UU vt.r, 1.0. tltlOUT t CO., MtW YOIK. mm Jau 1, '63.1 Powdor oqual to lio pvr RAILROAD TIME TABLE J) UNNSY N I A A I LltO A D. ADEU'IIH DIVIfll UUT11UIIN UENTHAI. ItAII.WAY. Mill,. ISION AND TIMU TAULU. In cIToct Jlay bury. Ulh, 188.1. Trnlns leave Kun. KASTWAlll), 9.85 n. m. Sen Shore Kxpreei for Horrlslmrc nnd Intcrmertinto Hlnllon1), Lancaster, I'lillaUel plila. Now York, lialtlmoro nnd Wnslilntrton, or riving nt l'lilladdplila s.15 ). in. 1 ow rk, p.m.; Ilalllmorc, cor. p. in. 1 WnslilngtOD 0,4,1 p. l.r.j p. m. Day cxprtus for llnrrlsburir nnd In. tennedlate stations, Laneastor, I'liiladclphia, New jork, Baltimore and Wnsliitiiiton, arriving nt Philadelphia T.xi p. m.j Now York, lo.w p. m.: Halllmore, ?.ln p. in.; N asliluifton, 8.40 p. m. pun' man l'arlorcartlirouBli 10 I'hlladelpiua and pas cenger coachc9 IliroiiKU to I'lilladolpbla and Haiti. moto. 8,so p. in. Wllllairnport Accommodation for ll.urlsburtf and nil liitoimeUlato stations, Ijin- caster, iastcr, I'lilladelptila nnrt New York,, arriving nt 1 iiiiuui, 1 1'U.i. u. 111., ..un lull. u.Yil U, ni, HIceplnir car occommodailoni can be wciirt'd at Harrlsburgfor l'Ulladelphlantid Now York. l'hlla delpula passengers can leniAlu In sleeper iinais- I'l uirui'u uiiiu . 11. iu. v.05 n. in.- -Erlo .Mall for Hnrrlsburg and Ihtcr- medlato dtnllons, Lancaster, Philadelphia, New York, llalllmoro and Washington, arriving at rniiaucipiim ..ou 11. in.: new iorK, a. In. ; Baltimore 7.40 n. in.; Washington, ti.lo a. m. Through I'ltllman sleeping ears nro run on this train to Philadelphia, llattlmoro nnd Wnshlttgton, and through passenger coaches to Philadelphia, and Baltimore WK3TWAKD, 0.25 a. m. llrio Mall ror Erie and all intermediate Millions with through Pullman l'alaeo car anil through passenger coaches to Jirle. nnd through Pullman f'alaco ctra to Uurfalo vli IS mporlum. For Canandalgua nnd lutcrmedlato stations Uochcster, Bu0alo and Niagara Kalis, with l ull-' man Palace car and passenger coaches through 1 0 liochestor. 1.05 p. m. Niagara Express for Kano and Inter medlato stations with through passenger coaches to Kano. for Canandalgua and principal inter mediate stations, Itochcstcr, Btiffulo nnd Niagara Fulls with through parlor car to Watklns and through passenger coaches to Koclicstcr. M5 p. m Fast lino for Lock Haven nnd Interme diate stations, and Klmlra, Watklns and Interme diate stations, with through passenger coaches to Lock Haven and Watkltis. TIHIOUOII TI1AIN8 Kill SlJNBt'HY FltOM THE KAST AND SOUTH. rf Niagara Express leaves Now Yoik, 6.15 a. m. : rhlladeloh'a, m. ; Baltimore T.30 n. m., nr nvlng at .suabury, 1.05 p. m., with through Pull, man Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Balti more. Fast Lino loavos Now York 8.00 n. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.05 a.m.; Washington, a.m.; Balti more, 10.15 n. m., arriving at Sunbury, 6,20 p. m with through passenger coaches from Philadel phia and Baltimore. Erie Mall leaves New York 8.00 p. m.; Philadel phia, H.a) p. m.; Washington, o-so p. in.; Haiti more, 11.15 p. m., arriving nt buuhury, ti.'lt a. in,, ltli through Pullman Palace sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington aud Baltimore and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. SUNUOllV. HAZt.KTOM & Wll.KKS-lUHHK ItAIUlOAD 1NII NOKTH S WKST 1IK4N0II ItAlLWAV. Mall Hast leaves Buubiirv 0.45 a. in., arriving of Bloom Ferry T.41 a. m., Wiikcs-barre 9 20 n. m. Hxprcss East loaves sunbury 6.35 p. m., arriving at Bloom Ferry 0.31 p. m., Wllkes-barru 8 10 p. in. Mall West leaves Wllkes-barro 10.30 a. m., arrlv lng at Bloom Ferry is Oiip. m., Sunbury 12.55 p. m. Kxprcss West leaves Wllkes-barro B.30 p. m. ar riving nt Bloom Ferry T 01 p. m , Sunbury 8.05 p iiHAs, e. rumr, j. n. wood, oen. Manager. fien. Passenger Agent. pUILADELPHAANii KKADINQROA . AKUANGEMENT OP PASSENGEB TRAINS. Juno 23, 1S32. TKIIKS I.RAVK KUPIRT AS FOLLOWBtSBNDAY KXCKrTKD. For Now York.Phlladelphla.Keadlng.PotUvlllo Tamaqua, &o., 11,45 a. m. For catawUsa, 11,45 a. m. 4 ro and p. m. For 3,60 a. m. and ,u p. m. TKAIHSl-Oll HUrBKT LKAVK AS FOLLOWS, (BDMDAT KXCSriKD.) Loavo New York, via. Tamanend D.OO a. m. and via. Bound Brook rtoute T,45 a. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, ll.ta n. m., I'ottsvlllo, 12,39 p. a and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Loavo Catawtaa, 0,10 1,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave WlHlamsport,o,45 a.m,2,oo p. m. and 4,30 p. m rassengcrs to and from New York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, C. a. HANCOCK, aoneral Manager, doneral Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan.10, 1681 tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WEsTEUN HAILUOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOUTn, STATIONS. Scrnnton... llellevuo.., Taylorvllle. ...Lackawanna. p.m. p.m. a.m. SOUTH V 13 43 9 45 9 37 9 30 9 21 9 19 n.m. p.m. p.m. s 00 9 03 8 66 8 4S 8 li 8 3T 9 30 2 10 6 17 6 22 V 27 6 84 9 43 9 62 9 63 10 03 10 18 l'lttston.... .. Wfst l'lttston tl 41 8 4G 0 61 6 65 0 68 7 09 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 EO T 87 8 00 8 2S 8 40 8 60 9 00 6 00 8 05 8 10 8 18 8 26 8 30 8 31. 8 62 9 09 9 04 V 20 9 14 ..Wyoming.. 1 maiLuy. .. 8 25 0.1 8 23 1 CO 1 42 8 10 1 S.I 1 25 8 07 1 IS S 01) 1 01 7 4a 12 42 7 33 li 25 7 20 12 15 7 20 12 00 7 13 11 47 7 02 11 40 7 05 11 33 57 11 10 S tl 10 CS G 45 10 60 0 37 10 44 S IS 10 2i A 10 10 OS a 01 10 43 0 Bennett 9 04 9 04 8 65 Kingston. Kingston. 10 18 10 18 M 2 64 Plymouth Juno ....riymouin,, Avondale,, Nantlcokn. 10 20 ft 02 8 47 8 39 8 2S 8 17 8 12 s 00 7 60 7 52 7 41 7 3S 7 81 7 2'J 7 11 llunlock'st'rcek 10 34 10 42 3 00 S 10 3 18 3 33 3 45 3 51 3 67 .. snickshlnny. .Hick's Ferry, .Beach Haven, Berwick.. 10 C6 11 07 11 13 11 20 Briar Orcek.. wiitow drove, ..Lime Itldge., Espy liloomsburg., Itunert , 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 27 4 88 4 33 4 60 6 (9 6 25 11 CO 11 45 11 63 11 65 12 13 Catawl'a Bridge unuiastty., I Cameron . . 43 Northumberl'd ..imuviue.,. 12 45 p.m. a.m. n..m. p.m. p.m. a.m k... . .. w- 1IALSTEAD, Supt. superintendent's onicc, Scranton. Feb. 1st, 1662. s SB LEY' S ED OF ALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, run uu t;LllviAI tS. We aro tho larsrest farmera. largett need eroir er and liuvcst Heed ileulern auyherei honco havo ureatost focllltiia for prodiu-iuif llit SitiN 11 our art ttittJ, And only tho but cut out Our Annual Calalajut ami Vc Xdl brinra Till! (JIJIUTUST HI!H HTOKI! IN Til 12 U OUI.1I TO Y4IUII OWN HOOK. It In. aaam til tho rhuirable new and etandard varieties I'linU bentl'IlUUtotnyaddrCM, HIRAM SIBLEY & CO, Soodsmcii Itocheitor, N. Y. und Chicago, 111. Af:8 Feb 9-1 y PAYNE'S I O Horso OparK-Arrostlng Portable i:n.,lno has ut 10.UW ft, of Mlcliigim I'll'P Hoard In lo hou, burning tlabu from tho amy In ilghl.foutkugtlii. Our 10 Jlorst vt Guarante lo furnish powfr to aw 8,000 feet of Hemlock DoinU Iu 10 hour. Our jlJlotuuUl cut lO.OMfttt In nine time. tJiir iugiues uro iiuakantekp iu furnlfli a horepowr on lesn f ii and utler timu any other En cine not ilileil an Aiilomutic Out oil. If you want a Htntionnry nt l'nrla lar Huu- .Mill. Shartlntf or I'ullev. labia Engine, Boiler, Lircir -liner rai rr jiuuunri j-i.u-iis Wroiishl-Iroii. Pulley, 'nd for our illii.liati'd t-utttliisriio. No. 12. for information mid price. 11. W. I'AYNi: A SONS. Coming, N, V. Box 1127, Jan. b, 63-1 y. oMI VI1"..'1 tt tun f t CJStoivI'V','"iiiji"Bii'''t'i'i'i . I'riAU'MUrisUTLUl.AVltlt. IXTTA , ll U ll Ull tiraiAlAliull tuW l'farii,AU('w,i, Uurrmu, g. tl U ILU I umJ I Ivw taw f flbtl 1 U K 4 lAJUlS K K tv OUQU -Ufiiti ui fa m mm OCtOJMy