The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., KIMDAV, MAY 18, 1883. Correct ltallroad 'I'lino Table. T.,il:i. iiiihis rnliaiiolphl.i It. It, lento llupcrt I.UIIT.I. SOUTH, II 'f H 111. II 45 II. in. 4 i ll ). 111. 0 45 l. III. ir Ins on llio I). LtiV It. II, luivu lroomaturg it- lunula KOIlTII. BOUTIt, I to a.m. i n. m. 10 47 a. in. It 45 a In, 11 at p. in. 4 3) p. in, tiki ii 4 train south counects with iim I'lum, del ililu s KendlD? at tiupcrt, and with thu Murllii'rn uemrai ui noruiuiuoenanu. Tli i 8:1' a. in train connects nl Northumberland with :3 train on lDnniylrnnla road rencliiiik' l'nl udciphla at fr.w p. m, Tho 11:1 train connects with I'lillmMplil.i and c'luiuf run i ni. ii'ipon iu u:oj rencuing l iuin. delplila at c:oup. in. The 11:43 train connects with t'ciiimylvaiila r in i nt Morui'iiiiDcriiinu ui i:u rencniutf miiaael phlaat7:23 p. in Tho 4 30 p m. train connects with I'ennsjlvnnla roid at Northumberland nt8:t)3 p. in. unu reaches riilianuipuia ni. u. in. 1'ratnsi on tlin N. & W. II llulhvny pass lllnom Fciry ai follows ! NORTH. tOl'TII. ' 1.41 a. in It.i nr. in. o.3l p. tu 7.H7 p. tn. I'CTHOIllll. W. A. Jturr Ksq of Asliliuid, spent Tiles, day In town. Dr. niul Mrs Mitchell started for Snruto g,t Springs on Tiicsilny. They will be nb. sunt it month, Hcv. W. II. Dill preached In tho M. E. church on Sunday, In thu absence, of Dr. Monroe who officiated at New Columbia. Amonit our callers thu past week were K. S. Fritz, N. l'Vcas, J. 1). Ilodlne, J. W. llollmati, Moses Hower, ,0. Q. Murphy, J. Scarlet,, Jas. lleacock, K. J, Albertson, W. II. Tuttlc, Jonathan I.orcman. l-'oit Sai.k. A platform spring wagon. Inquire of W. 0. McKlnney. Jos. Decker Is enlarging his dwelling hoiibc on Knst street, near thu furnace. Court proceedings are crowded out this week, but will appear in full next week. Illustrated liook of C'nitc Illriln mailed tor a 3 cent btamp. Illrd rood Co., S37 South 8th St. l'hlla. J. Saltzcr has just put In his music ware rooms, n beautiful upright chlckcrlng pla. no. J. K. J.ockard Is breaking ground for a resldencu on Fifth Street,' next to O W. Neal. Leonard It. llomboy Is making extensive improvements nbout Ids property on Hock street. Thermometers, all sizes. Small ones for scroll work, at the Columbian store. Col. Freeze has given his it on fence a fresh coat of paint, making it look bright and new. , bweet potato plants, 40c per 100 at J. Gar rison's 0th street. the State Teachers' Absoeiation will meet at Wllllamsport on July 10th, 11th and 12th. John M. Chirk, Ksrp, has removed his law olllec from Schuyler's building to rooms over Moycr 15ros' drug store. Tho Lycoming Chronicle appeared in mourning last week, and published an ex cellent likeness of its deceased editor, Col. Tate. According to the Clinton Democrat there will bo about seventeen graduates from the Lock Haven Normal School. The com mencement will be held .May 25th. Hcmembcr the lecture of Col. Copeland, at thu Opera Iloiibu on next Friday even ing, for benefit of Knt l'ost, O. A. It. Ad mission U5 and 00 cents. Seats can be se cured at Deutlur's Shoe Store. If you want a nice Spring Hal Thu latest color and stylu call at David Lowenberg's Popular Clothing Store. In thu report of thu OiundJury Inst week a typographical error Hindu it lead thus, "that a telephone4be placed at the county's expense in thu court housu and paid fur.' It should havo read "In thu court house and jail." Ilishop Whitehead continued u class of thirteen at St. I'aul's church hist Saluidiiy evening, There was a large congregation present, mid the Ilishop preached an ublu sermon, lie is one ot thu youngest of thu Episcopal bishops. You can secure a lino $200 organ for $110, at ijli.OO per month, by joining tho Kstey Organ Club of llloomsburg, 1'u. Address, F. M, Kvkiiktt, Sec'y, Dloomsburi;, l'u. There was a fair utteudenco at St. (Jab rlel's church, Siigarloaf, lust Friday on thu occasion of thu Ulshop's visitation. There were no continuations, the church having been without a rector for some time. We learn that ;ituv. Mr. Kockwcll will taku charge again soon. A complelu assortment of thu best Amer ican watches, both In hunting and open cases, warianted from two to live years, at L. Ueruhnrd'B jewelry store. You can becure a llnu 2.10 organ for irllO, ata.OO per month, by joining tho listey Organ Club of Bloomsburg, I'a. Address, F. M. Evekett, Sec'y., Uloomsbuig, l'a. The Ent l'ost of thu annul Army ltcpub He extend au invitation to all tho Sunday schools of tho town, and thu citizens gen erally, to participate with them in thu ser vices on Memorial Day, May 30th. Any llowers or bouquets set to their hall on that day will bo thankfully received. O. 1'. SI.OAK, ) T. E. Oeddis, Committee. W. Ii. Hinokosk, ) Hare Iliu guins In Fine Heady .Made Cloth Ing, grand arrival of Spring Styles. Wu defy competition Wo guarantee sat isfaction. Elegant Stilts for Little Hoys. Substantial Suits for School. Stylish suits for Youths call and bu convinced that thu best place to buy your Clothing is at Urn Popular ( lothlug fctoro of David Lowenlierg. I'ctcrllUTi-oii, who plead guilty to the clinrfu of assault and biittrrv with intent to kill Michael Haley ut Centrnllii, was brought before thu court on Monday mom Ing for sentcbcc. Upon being asked by tho Judge If he had anything to say why sentence should not hu pioiiounced upon mm. he said that he wiu drunk when thu act was commuted and hud no recollictlon of what he did, ami hoped the Court would not bo hard on hlin, Judgo Elwell mill Intoxication was no excuso for crime j it was rather an aggiavatlon. The man who voluntarily makes himself drunk and then commits an act that endanger the life of his fellow citizens, Is not a lit person to bu allowed to run ut large. Ho oujjlit to bu excluded from society, Thu sentence Im posed was a line of 3100 and the costs of prosecution and Imprisonment In thu pen ltentlary for two years ami four months, THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tho caso of Keller vs, N. & W. 11. Hall, way Co., has occupied thu attention of the court Most of the week. All the jurors not empanelled In this case were discharged on Monday, Ilarkloy, Knorr and Winter, stcen nru for the plaintiff, hnd Hiicknlcw, cx-nttorney General Palmer, and Waller for ,the defense Tim Jury H nut as we go to press. Tho ptibllp schools closed on Friday last. The exercises consisted of declamations, reading, dialogues and music. At the close of tho entertainment Mr. liiicklnghnm was presented with a handsome edition of Scott's works, mid Mr. Miller with a copy of Tennyson. A lnrgu stock of silver-plated knives and forks, as low ai two dollars a set, also casters, butler dishes, &a, at Hcrnhard's Jewelry store. The Milton Water Company was granted a Charter on Tuesday, MnymiintHnrrlsburg. The capital stock Is $35,000. Now let the peoplo declare for water for fire purposes and public usage, and the works will ho rapidly built. This Is and must bo one of the crcatest public Improvements that hns ever been Inaugurated In Milton, and will, If properly managed, prove of vast benefits to our enterprising town. Argns. Cheapest Fashion Magazine In tho world, ISO large paces, 4 pages new music lOOO cnernvlnirs each Issue, SO cents per year; single corlcs 15 cts. Mrawbrldgo Clothier, Bin k Market Stu, Millii. Messrs. Elwell it llltlenbcnder, publishers of the Columbian, will please accept our thanks for a copy of Colonel Frccze's His tory of Columbia County. The work shows that the author has taken advantage of every available point to make tho history ns complete in possible, and tho publishers dfscrvcjgrent credit for the manner in which they have presented the work to the public. Send to the Columbian office, Illoomsburc for a copy. Jlencick Gatctte. You can secure a fine $250 organ for llfi, nt3.00 per month, by joining the Estcy Organ Club of llloomsburg, Pa. Address, F. M. Kvkuett, Sec'y., Bloomsburg, Pa. We announce this week important chan ges in the time table of tho I). L. & W. H. H. A new train has been put on the load leaving Scranton at 0:00 a. m. arriv- Ing at llloomsburg, at 8: 25, The train go ing north at ;10: 47 connects with Buffalo train so as to reach there the same evening. They also connect with trains for New York. At Northumberland nil trains con nect for llarrisburg and Philadelphia, as well as for Wllllamsport and Lock Haven. Hnggiigo checked through to nil these points from llloomsburg. William Ij. Manning has the agency for the sale of thu History of Columbia County for the townships of licnton, Sugarloaf, Fishlngcreck, Jackson, Pino Greenwood and Madison, and will mako a thorough canvass and give every body an opportuni ty to procure a copy. Some peoplo who want the work arc holding back thinking that after thu demand lessens, the prices will he lower. This is a mistake. As the books are selling now the edition will soon be exhausted, and it has been determined to raise the price of the last two hundred books. Now is the time to purchase. Buyers take Notice. We have on hand n large quantity ot lumber, shingles, &c, which wo aru selling at the lowest prices. Get our figures before buying elsewhere. fc Sir.i'ey, Orangeville. Thu Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Express Co. began billing direct to Buffalo from here on Monday lust. They are pre pared to receive express for Buffalo and intermediate points at low rates. Their connections to all points East pud West are of the best. They also began on Mon day lo run an early express from New Yoik, arriving hero at eight twenty-flvo a. m., giving them three express trains dally from New York and samu going. Through the efforts of their agent, hero Mr. Win. C. McKlnney who lias given thu business his individual attention, they have comu into a lame share of the public tmsincs. Their increased facilities for serving the public will no doubt be appreciated by their patrons. Hlie Didn't Want tu Hum Up. During the Books trial last week a large number of witnesses stopped at tho Ex chango Hotel. Among them was a woman who upon retiring at night, took her pil low and going to thu door of her room, opened it and lay down with her head in the hall. Upon being asked why she did this, she said she hnd not been out of Dan ville for twenty-six years, and she wasn't coming all the way to Bloom to be burned up in n big house, llku this. Shu said shu'd heard of them hotel tires before. You can secure a llnu $250 organ for $115, at sjil.00 per month, by joining the Estcy Organ Club of Bloomsburg, Pa. Address, F. M. Eveiieit, Sec'y., Bloomsburg, Pa. The IliiiiUsCiinc. Tho case of Curtis Books vs. tho Boroimh of Danvlllu was finished on Satur day. This casu was brought hero from .Montour county, and was au action for damages for tho death of .Mrs. Books by falling into tho canal at an unprotected point. C It. Jiiickaluw and .lames ocuriei Esih. were counsel for the plaintiff, while Col. Freeze, drier and Hlckley, and F. C. Angle appeared for tliu iJorougu. i no de fcnu set up was that Mrs. Books was In sane and committed suicide, her own de durations for several years past showing a suicidal tendency. The jury was out but a short time, and brought In a verdict in favor of tho plaintiff for $3000.00. 'I here were a great many witnesses pres. ent, and the costs will run Into hundreds of dollars Finu Spring Suitings Flnu Dress Suitings Filio Trouserings just arrived, call and examine tho Custom. Department of David Lowenberg's Popular Clothing Store. Wo havo arranged tn grind Lewis' Pui:e White Leah in Cami'ihui.'s anii Tiiayuu'b PuiiE LiNsiiEii On., and are prepared to of fer Inducements In prlco to dealers and consumers. IIknt.y S. Heay, 3-2-3m Hupert Pa. KiunorH of a Nov ltallroad. Tho North Branch papers announce Hint tho Delaware, Lackawanna it Western H. It. Is about In build from tho Northumber. land terminus of thu Luck it Bloomsburg division through Union, Centre ami Clear. Held counties, and one westward to mako connection with lnipoitimt Hues running west and south. This will open a largo ter iltory abundant lu iron ore, coal, uml other minerals. It will traverse a farming coun try now remotu from railroad facilities. The lino will lessen tho distance from Nuw York to Flushing considerably, and will prove a strong opponent of tho Pennsylva. nlu Central and Heading ltallroad. ThuD., L. it W. road Is under tho Jay aould sys tern, mid If so, ii lilo of thu heaviest rail loaders In this country nru looking for u route Into the Clearlleld legion. Cttarfitld eiublican. A IlarliiK HluliTVay Itotiltcry, On Thursday of last week Lovl Michael of Malnvlllc, drove to Orangovllle with one horse, for a load of lumber. Between eight and nine o'clock In tho evening ho reached thu Espy ferry on his way home, and nt tho trestle work on tho other sldu of tho river ho wns joined by two young men, who walked tip the hill besldo tho wagon, engaged in conversation with him. Each of them had n bottle of whiskey. They offered him somo but ho merely tasted It, ns It was vile stuff. On tho top of the hill tho young men. got on the wngon. and rodo somo distance, when Mr. Michael dis covered that ono of them had a hand In Ids pocket. Ho struggled to prevent the man from getting Ids pocket book, where upon tho other one struck Michael in tho face, and pummelled him until ho was In sensible. Ills face was bruised, and ono tooth knocked out. Tho men then look his money and left. They got 102, mado up of three $20 hills, a check for 22, some five and ten dollar bills, and a little small change. Mr. Michael had taken the money with him to buy a wagon, but de cided not to pay for It until It was deliver ed. After the robbers left him he wos In sensible for some time, and It was ono o'clock nt night before ho reached home, In the conversation going up tho hill ono of the men said ids name wns Bredhenncr, A young man by that namo was arrested the following day, and taken before it Jus tice, but he clenrly proved his Innocence and was discharged. This is one of the boldest robberies ever perpetrated In this county. Al'I'I.ICATIONH I 'Oil I.ICItNHi; KIvl'UHUD. 1IBMARKS OF TUB 00 U I IT. In the matter of the applications of D. V. Curry, William Pelfer, and Daniel ;Kchres, for hotel licenses In tho borough of ('en tralla. thu records show that these appli cants were severally grnntcd hotel licenses one year ago, and that they each forfeited such license by neglecting to pay the II cense fee ns required by law. The act of assembly provides that payment shall bo mnde within fifteen days after liccnsogran. ted, otherwise it is no protection for a vlo- lation of the law by selling without a li cense. It Is urged in behalf of these applicants that lliey are to bo presumed Innocent of a violation of law by Illegal sale. No doubt such n presumption would nrise in the case of a ciimlnal prosecution, but there is another presumption of law that Is applica ble here. If these parties havo neglected to take up their license because they con cluded not to keep a hotel, they knew that such a representation clearly established would relieve them from the imputation of an attempt to defraud the revenue and of doing an illicit business under prctensu of having obtained a license. If they had not violated the law by illegal sale, the pre sumption Is that their Interest would have prompted them to ollegu and prove to the court Hint no wrong was Intended or prac- ticed by them. They failed to comply with the law requiring their license to hu framed and hung up in their placo of business. It would seem that there must have been concert of action on the part of these landlords. While other licenses in the county paid what tho law required ; these three, living In thu same town near together, carried on their business without offering to comply with the law, and with out any attempt ut exc use. That the com munity will bu incommoded by tho failure of these applicants to obtain licenses is not sufficient ground for granting the applica tions to persons who have shown a wilful disregard of the law. We cannot, without repudiating the rules by which we have hitherto been governed lu respect to with holding licenses from applicants proved to have violated the law, grant these licenses. We must uphold the law and preserve our own consistency by rejecting their applica tions. And now May 15, 1883, applications rejected. In thu matter of Thcophllus Evaus.nppll cunt for a restaurant license, the evidence is not sufllcler.t to satisfy the court that it Is necessary that such a license should be granted at the placo indicated In the peti tion. A single witness is called, whoso testimony is that thu restaurant Is necessa ry as far as he knows ; and that Mr. Evans is a proper person to keep n restaurant, ns far as lie knows. Wu think this evidence insulllcient, this being n new house, to establish its necessi ty for the accommodation of tho public ; and we therefore reject the application. CRYING FOR AID. I.ohb or Appetite, Headache, Depres sion, Indigestion ami Conttlpntlon, 1111 lousnciB, a Sallow l'nce, Hull Ejei, and n Illotclieil Skin, are among the lyinptomt which indicate that the liver It crying for aid. Ayer's Pills will stimulate the I.Wer to proper action, and corroct all these troubles. One or more of theso Pills should bo taken dally, until health Is fully established. Thousands tes tify to their great merit. No family can afford to bo without Avon's Vilib. nuiPAniiD i)Y Dr. J. 0. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Drugglsta. LOCAL NOTICES Go While- Bcrtsch's stock is fresh Everv bodv snvs thu best. Heady made he does not sell, Tics, collars, cuffs he does excel ; Shirts, suspenders, nlco and neat Call and examlnu his stock complelu. Ills prices are such that all can meet. n ...... i. l n I ,.l,li. Pn iU juu Minn fi,v u . y-it .v.,j v v havu an entire new stock of all kinds ot shoes which lliey ar selling very cnciip. Just received a largo stock of oval churns nt lvlnport cc uro's. Largo stock of Mackerel nt Klnports it tiro's, sold nt uottoni prices. Best prluts Oo a yard with a full lino of muslins, shirtings, tickings and all other domestic good at lowest prices nt Clark it aoivs. A well selected stock of flnu nnd nobby furnishing goods continually kept on baud at lierlscirs. More of those nice wliltu dress goods nnd embroideries nl Clark it Son's If you want to buy dress silks of any kind cither black, colored or summer silks go to Clark itSon'si prices ns low as any lu the stnte; large stock. Green truck nt Ktnpnrts it Hro's every Thursday nnd Friday mornings. Columbian chovolts for shirts reduced to lOo at I, W. Harlniau it Son's. Havo you seen our now cheap towels and table linens nt Clark it Son's. For dross silks, dress cloths or dress goods of any kind go to Ltttz it Sloan's If you wish to travel buy your trunk of Gross' N. Y. Store. A fine lot of strnw lints Just received by Evans & Eyor, More white goods and embroideries at Lutz & Sloan's this week. New dry goods nt J, B. Skecr's. Clolhlnrrl ClothlngTl Clothing 1 1 the best nnd cheapest line of spring mid sum mer suits, for men nnd hoys, can always bo found at Gross' N. Y. Store, Blooms ljrg. TOWN LOTS I'CIl SAt.K. 25 lots ranging from $325 to $400 per lot, 4 lots ranging from $500 to $000 per lot. All south of tho Normal School. No money required provided tho purchaser will erect buildings nt once. may 11-tf C. W. NEAL. Gauze underwear for ladles, gents nnd children at Lutz it Sloan's Gents' shoes of tho latest design at Rentier's popular shoo store, Main street, below Exchnnge Hotel. IZTSZ Do you know you can get a better carpet for tho same money nt J. C, Letdy and Co's than can he bought any placo In the county, $50 reward paid to any person or per sons who can buy ns good an overall for 35 cents nt any other place a at Gross' N, Y, store, Bloomsburg. Seo Lutz it Sloan's large stock of hosiery nnd gloves. Fine groceries, notions, canned goods, nt J. B. Skcer's. C. O. Mnrr wants sldu shoulder and will trade splendid mackerel. it ham F. D. Rentier's stock of boots nnd shoes for the Spring trnde is now In storc and comprises all the best makes of the leading houses In the trade. Pictures, frames, window cornices, nt Cadman's. C. C. Marr lias the handsomest and cheapest ginghams and seersuckers in town. At Dciitlcr's you will find ladles' shoes In all widths and the best makes and styles ever offered the trade. A full line of ready-made clothing, cents' furnishing goods, vnliscs, Ac, at Evans it Eyer's. For good cheap furniture, go to Cad man's. For n plough shoe of the best make and lowest price go to Rentier's. C. C. Marr has splendid sugars, syrups, coffee and teas try them. Nobby suits made to order at Evans it Eyer's, by first-class workmen. Prices very reasonable. Elegant pallor suits, chamber sets, and all kinds of furniture nt Cad in au's C. ('. Marr keeps Bowman's Hour the best in the market. NOTICE TO FAKMEES. I would call your attention to the fol lowing implements for sale by the under signed : Kemp's patent manure spreader, Hemincton it Son's carbon metal plows, Advance chilled plows, Gale chilled plows, sulky plows, Cornell corn shelters, Centen nial tanning nuns, separators ami powers, one and two-horsu corn planters with fer tilizer arrangement, Deere it Co's. walking and riding corn cultivators, Buckeyo walk ing and riding corn cultivators, Iron Age and Planet Junior one-horse cultivators with plow attachments, Walter A. Wood's reapers, mowers and self-binders, Warrior mowers and Branier reapers, Tiger, Lead er and Monitor hay rakes, Triumph and Monarch fertilizer grain drills, liny tedders ami nay carrlurs, spring tootn drag nar rows, spring tooth harrows on wheels, drag and smoothing harrows, chopping mills that will chop 10 bushels an hour with two horses, Baldwin's hav and stalk cutters. (hand and power,) C. it G. Cooper it Co's. steam engines and saw mills, unci; mould ing machines. Also Lister Bros' best bone fertilizers in the market. All goods sold at the lowest prices, and if not proven sat isfactory can ue returned. s. u. auiVK, 4.13 Bloomsbiiig. Do vnu know that you can cetthechenp. est and best carpets, oil-cloths, rugs ita, at the down town carpet store ou. v, i.eiuy it Co. Down with high prices! Everybody knows uross, tliu is, l. Lioiiucr, is under selling all competition, See I, W. llarlman it Sou's now llnu of tablu linens 10 pieces 25c up. Misses' and children's shoes, till sizes ami styles, at uciillcrs, Bertsch Is thu man upon whom you can depend lor a uotiiiy sun and a good lit. Sou tho new styles of seersuckers at I, W, Ilartman it Son's. Now open a largo lino of hosiery for ladies ami ciiiidreus, gloves, luces, i moons, ties, tlshues new stylo corsets, hoops, bus. ties, underwear, buttons, ormunuiits, ut uinrK iV eon's. Evans it Eyer have secured thu services ot a nrst-ciass culler nl llicir clothing store, corner oi .uniii iv iron ois, 000 pairs ladles misses and chlldrens ftiociongH nt i, w, iinrimnn iV son's. BUSINESS NOTICES. When your wife's health is bad, when your children are sickly, when you feel worn out, use lirowirs iron Hitlers. Wolfesville, N. C Dr. I. U. McLaugh lin says : "I used Brown's Iron Hitlers for vertig'o and I now feel like a new man." Elkton. Kv. Dr. E. B. Weathers savs : "1 regard Brown's Iron Bitters as a medi cine of unusual worth." iioui oits and ciiunciins. The doctors of New York city, hundreds ot whom havo personally visited Spcei's Vineyards during the wiiiu making season say ills Port Grape Wine has pioved to be pure, unadulterated, of a lino flavor nnd tonic properties and is unsurpassed lor us restorative powers, mid they prescribu il as a very superior wine. Tliu principal churches in New Yoik and Brooklyn use It for communion, i'or sale ny u, A. ivieun, , Lvdls, E. Pinkhnin. wliosu benevolent fncu is shadowed ir. almost every paper wo pick up, appears to havo discovered what Addison calls "Thu grand elixir, to sup port the spirits of human nature. ' It is iiuito evident that shu has thu patent ami mis secured mo contract lor making over anil improving the invalid corps or Ameil can Womanhood, (llobe. one sum'.uiNO sour, iiaim-y. "If I can send onu suffering soul to you," writes James Corbln, of Washburn, 111., "I will bo happy. Samaritan AVrfine cured me, nnd win cure uu cases ol ills." irl.ou. V "Fools take to themselves the respect given to their olllce." But Ivldiiey-Worl commands respect for Its own solid mcilts tested, tried and found not wanting in anv essential principle required for the cure of dyspepsia, piles, malaria, and all diseases oi thu Kidneys, uowcis ami liver, Prepar ed In dry nnd liquid form. liTTho scarlet, cardinal red, old gold. navy blue, seal brown, Diamond Dyes give perfect results. Any fashionable color, 10 cents. By hind or nt sen, out ou the prairie, or in tliu crowned city, Ayer's tatliartle mis aru thu best for purgatlvu purposes, every where alike convenient, ellleaclous, and safe. For sluggish bowels, toiphl liver. indigestion, bad breath, llatulencv, and sick headache, they are a snru remedy, llOXOOIII) fllt.U'K VINES. Fine, vigorous Vines. Two. thieo and Four Years' Old, for sahi by thu dozen or thousand at thu lowest prices. These Vines are raised on tho famous Ml. Prospect Vineyards, at Passaic. N. J,, where tho well-known Port Grapu Wlnu Is produced that Is so highly esteemed ut Dresden and Berlin, ami other Eurnneaii Cities to which it is shipped, and Unit is so Highly esteemed ny physicians everywhere-, AddleSS, AU'IIED SI'EEII, Jan. 20, '83-3(11. Passaic, N. J. MARKET RE PORTS. IlLOOMSBUUG MAHKirr. WliHHti ft busuel ltJB Corn, " ,. oats ' " Flour rr barrel ciovurKi'wj .,, Huttur ,. Kyi,'" JaHo'V I'otitoe , Drltd Apples , ,,,,,,,, llama.... ;., Hides x Shoulders Chickens. Turkeys I.ard per pound , Hay per ton HtH38 WAX Huok wbeat'tiower per i oa ho .aii .a 0,5(1 .31 .19 .is ,M .'8, II . II i ,Vi II 1810 81 i.Oj John Wanamaker .rtjJtf!' h 1 1 !: , ,h l A starts the May and June Sales with the unheard-of aggre- gate stock of Two and a Half Millions $2,500,000, and nowhere in the United States is there so large a stock at retail to which City and Country People have access alike, with prices marked plainly, so that All pay the same at John Wanamaker'sl The certainty that besides numerous bargains daily spread on the counters the Big Store is now known to fix the Market Prices , . VI? .?y s of all the things dealt in, settles conclusively that it is the 1'iiST PLACE FOR STRNCJF.RS to deal. Those who do not care to atop over night at a hotel, can check bags, coats, umbrellas and packages a the store door, and ctn get lunch in tho building. Tho few items below show how things are going just now. Send postal card for samples. ..Ci From one of the largest and best Paris houses we have some splendid lots of Dress Goods, all told about two hundred full pieces, that wore not ready for delivery until long after the time, and on account thereof were reduced twenty-five per cent, all around. This makes some famous bargains : A. 41-inch All-wool Illuminat ed Beige, 45c, A 43-inch All-wool Crepe Beige, 60c. Fur under value. A 45-inch Oashmere Beige, GOc. Far under value. A 42-inch All-wool Check, 50c. Far under value. A 42-ineh All-wool Albatross, GOc. Far under value. A 41-inch All-wool Albatross, 75c. Far under value. The following lots are very desirable : A 40-inch All-wool French Shooda, 50c. A 42-inch All-wool French Shooda, 75c. A 42-inch All-wool Pin's Head Check, GOc. A 31-inch Nun's Veiling creams, 35c. The steady increase of our Dress Goods Department must bo owing to the constant watch to keep our prices the lowest. We could not afford to cut off dress patterns and take them back, as our rules compel, when others sold at lower rates, so we are on the alert all the time to protect ourselves by mark ing the lowest figures going. Linen Sheetings, 21 yards wide, value 90c, now 65c. ; value 51.00, now 75c. ; value 1.20, now 85c. 45-inch Pillow Linen, 371c. 54-inch Pillow Linen, 50c. 40-inch Butcher's Linen, 22c 4-4 Drawer Linen, 18, 22, 25, 28, and 31c. Fine Cream Damask, $1.25 ; reduced to $1. Table Cloths, 21x21, 21x3, 21x41, 2 1-2x5 yards. A Towel, 22x43 inches, weigh half a pound, 25c. A Damask Towel, 23x48 inches, good and heavy, price now at first hands, 37 l-2c. ; our price, 31c. Some lots of Buttous and Dress Trimmings at nominal prices as long a3 they last. New importations of Paris but tons nnnn Ladies' English Holid-color Brilliant Lisle Hose. 50n. Ladies' Colored Hose, 12 l-2c. hitherto 25c, Ladies' Long Balbriggan, French foot, 20c, hitherto 31c. Ladies' Fancy Hose, a fifty cent quality for 25c. Men's full regular made, (Ger man) Brown mixed, 12 l-2c. Men's English Striped, full regular made, 18c. Children's full regular made, at 15, 20. 30, 35c, worth double. Children's and Misses' Trim med Hots, ready to put on, for $1.50, $1.75 and $2, and up wards. These come from our own work rooms. Ladies' Rough-and-Ready Bonnets and Hats, all colors and black, for 25c. 173 dozen sprays of fine flowers at 25c. a spray, for millinery and corsage. These are about half price. There is a new counter for 9 and 12c. Satin and Gros Grain Ribbons, of which we have all colors. nl .'I'."' I ... ,,7 I .U-' The now Waukenphast shoe is about the best thing yet that has been done for men, if com fort for the feet is considered. Only first-class workmen can make them, and, as yet, we have not been able to make sufficient quantities to get the price lower than $7; but this is a dollar less than, we are told, is aked elsewhere. 1 A magnificent lot of newly imported Lyons Black Grena dines, warranted all silk. Tho designs are rich and beautiful. Two qualities, $1.25 and $1.50, which is said to be less than linlf t.lin pnat. minnrliitinri. Before the goods reached the counters twenty dresses were sold by the sample piece that customers saw in passing. We have some other black goods at half price. Tho Madras, Nottingham, Antique, and Tamboured Cur tains nre in usual abundance. Furniture Coverings begin at 12 l-2c. a yard, and some of our Cretonne are the cheapest we ever had. Handsome Antique Cur tains, $3.50 per pair. 15-yard lengths of summer silks, 35 to 65c. Glace Changeable silks, 65c. New India silks, black grounds, small white figures, very handsome, at $1,50, A fair black silk is' going now for 75c, and quite a good one lor a dollar. If you will pay $1.50, we have a quality of the Bellon make that we recommend, and will ask you to rtommend after wearing it. Four styles Gentlemen's sus penders, made in our work rooms at Oak Hall, 15, 25, 40 and 50c. Balbriggan Underwear, 37 l-2c. ; used to be 50c. Good night shirt, 75c. 20-inch black Satin Parasol, lined in various colors, ten gilt ribs, hand-omo natural .stick, spanisn lace trimmed. $3. r I rice WV I' 1 1 JOHN WANAMAK Cletiut $tfeet, irteentl &nd JVfoAet 0treet, PM1MIPHIA C. B. BOBB1HS, DEALER IN Foreign: ana Domestic WINES AND LIQUORS, ANU JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. PRACTICAL TIN ROOFER, 0,PE:EA m USE, mmwmm, peiwa. am,... .,c.i, upon nAtv, p..:Ay,,h.?Z:.. Rupture thJ i3iu?i tf..t!r . YftVf ",tN;? !!)r,.1:: l"llm r r 1 k ot .miction.