THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLOMBIAN. 0. E, Elwall, Iru. J. K. BlUonbend8r.,r E4lto"' BLOOMSBUUG, PA. FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1833. Tho mlminUtrntion U hi trouble Tho Presidents Stalwart friends a com to bo going back on him. Why is this thus 7 Tho City Council of Mcrulvillo, has ex empted from taxation for city purpos es for ton years any manufactories that will Invest 85,000 Or more in factory buildings. Tho Star Iioute tirala still drag along nt Washington. Tho evidence Is all in and tho counsel for tho defendants nro endeavoring to talk tho jury to death, which appears to bo about tho only way to provent a conviction. Tho Mlllheim Journal beliovos that General Hancock is the only man in tho country who can lead tho Demo crats to victory in 1884. Tho Now York Sun thinks Tilden is tho man. Wo do not agree with either of them. Wo believo that any sound Democrat of national reputation, with a squaro tariff record can bo elected. Therowas a prize fight in Now York, on Monday evening between Sullivan and Mitchell which resulted in another victory for Sullivan. There was thrco rounds fought. About 10,000 people witnessed tho fighting, among whom were Chas. A. Dana and Iloscoo Conk ling, who had seats reserved for mem bore of tho press. Tho gate receipts were about $10,000, sixty per cent, of which went to tho winner and forty per cent to tho loser. Tho law and order committee of Wilkes Barre, last Saturday ordered all tho saloons, two hundred and fifty in all, to bo closed on Sunday ; and have offi cers stationed to sco that tho law was en forced. Tho liquor dealers entered com plaint as to tho cigar stores and they were ordered to bo closed also. There is now a bitter feeling between the liquor dealers aud cigar stores. Tho latter declaring that they will sco that tho Sunday liquor law is rigidly en forced. With a Republican administration at Washington, plenty of protection, tariff, and everything else that tho Republi can party claimed during the last Presi dential Campaign was necessary for tho prosperity of iho nation there is not as much activity in tho business of tho country as thero ought to bo. Tho great cry of that party in the Garfield tight was that if a Democratic President should bo elected it would be followed by hard times. Now let them givo us the (promised prosperity or acknowl edge themselves unfit to govern a free people. Chairman Ilenseh of tho stato Com mittee, in a letter to tho Jefferson Dem ocratic Association of York, speaks as follows of tho importance of such orga nizations : My present official concern for tho moat nearly perfect organization of tho Democratic party in tho State, will jus tify mo in expressing tho high estimate which I set upon the influenco of a net work of such associations as yours. If these organizations wero extended throughout the Stato their rolls would represent a great body of its most intel ligent and activo Democrats, whoso united thought and action could not fail to powerfully and beneficially influence tho sentiment of tbo party. "Tho effect would bo to educate speakers and writ ers who could appeal with conviction to tho individual judgment of tho voters at a time, liko this, when in tho reaction against political "bosses" and "ma chines" tho power of such appeal to common sense aud common honesty is greatly heightened. PATTISON AND MoOlURE. Ever since tho inauguration of Gover nor Pattison, tho Philadelphia Times has been VI llfvtnc him for nnrminlinrr William B. Smith recorder of Philadel phia. A few days ago Col. McCluro got himself interviewed by a Now York Jlerala reporter, and in responso to that tho Governor has made public tho ionowing letter : THE TIMES. Philadelphia, Nov. 20, Mr Deau Gov. Upon reflection I think you wero ugut in mo suggestion to appoint a re corder at onco and an Ind. Republican nnd I was wrong in suggesting delay for legislative action. I writo merely to say that upon full consideration I tninK your suggestion entirely right. Youits ifcc, A. K. Mo Cluiik. Tho Patriot thus comments unon it: It is a complete answer to all that JUcUluro says on tho subject of tho ro corder. It convicts him beforo tho country ofdeliberato falsification. It proves him unworthy of trust, and makes anything ho may say against tho governor in tho future absolutely harm. less. It proves that every step tho laovornor wok, in tim matter ot thu ro corder, met with McCluro's fullest com mendation and approval. It demon strates that McCluro believed tho gov ernor had tho right to removo thu ox. citing recorder, a right which ho now douies. It shows, also, that ho approved of the appointment of an independent republican to tho oflice, in advanco of nny legislative nctiou looking to its nbo lition, through, in tho columns of his paper, uo lias prosistently denounced tho provcrnor on this very ground. In short, it proves that all for which tho governor has been criticised by McCluro in tho Times was unequivocally, fully nay, almost abjectly assented to by tho sumo McCluro in private All Mr. McCluro may say, hereafter, against governor rattison will ho as harmless as tho bleating of a sheep or tho bray ing of an ass. Tho Ananias of Penn sylvania journalism will bo known in history as Colonel A. K. McCluro. As to Governor Pattison, ho is to bo congratulated. Ho remained silent a long tlmo under criticism which ho knew to bo falso and whon ho might, in a moment, havo silenced his accuser. IIo has, at last, spoken, and spoken oppor tune)y as well as effectually. IIo has nn,,...l,,f,,l., I!-. ,...! Ml IIo has no more to fear from that nuar- ter. In tho story of Ananias in Holy Wilt theso questfous aro asked ; "Why hath salnu filled tliinu heart to Ho I "Why hast thou conceived this thine in tliino heart V And in tho sequel it H recorded, "And Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and gavo up tho ghost." "And tho young men arose, bound him up, and carried him out and buried him." How the President is Deserted. The wail again rises from Washing ton that tho President's Stalwart friends have deserted him. It Is shown that Conkling, Logan, Crowly and (Harrison have from time to time withdrawn their valuable support. All but Crow ly quit because tlioy didn't get as much consideration or as tunny offices as they wanted, tiio western isow lorK statesman, who Is tho excepted, left bo- causo no couliin t havo a nlgnt key to tho Whito House, togcthc with tho Privilege of waking tho President nt all hours of tho day or night. But in spito of thu fact that Conk ling didn't want Folger nominated, that Logan was somewhat disappointed bo causo his son-in-law could not have tho Ztlni Reservation, that Grcsham was inado Postmaster General and Woods Tudce, rcaardless of Harrison, and that Crowley actually vowed he would never again set foot in tho Whito House in spito of all these facts, tho President lias actually been able to keep the country going and has taken a consider able fishing excursion beside. lins has probably been a great sur priso to these recalcitrant statesmen, and will discourage their compatriots from breaking off their relations with tho Presidont until thov aio assured that thcirstriko will bo successful. This ought not, however, to have tho Blight est effect upon tho proprietor of tholato Keitn incident. limes. A Defense of Pattison's Administration. From tho Doylestown Democrat. Somo of tho Republican newspapers charge, that tho desiro of buncombe is at tho bottom of Gov. Pattison's reform policy. But he can stand this if they can. Wo wish thero was a littlo more such "buncombe" in publio administration, Stato and Federal. It is too often tbo case, that ho who inaugurates measures ot relorm is charged with selfish motives i somo never rcceivo justice, while others have to wait until their work is ovor, and perhaps aro in their grave. But tho shafts of envy and hatred fall harmless at thu feet of Governor Pattison, for his past career has mado himarccoid that is proof against all such attacks. IIo is only pursuing tho courso he pursued in tho Controller's oflice, protecting tho inter ests of tho people against tho machina tions of tho bosses and their henchmen Moreover, he is but carrying out tho pledges mado to tho people beforo tho election. This is tho kind of "bun- combo" a great many men forget to carry out alter they get the office ; their promises are forgotten. As tho people aro satisfied tho Governor is consistent in his course, and is governed by hon est motives, it matters not what parti san newspapers say. If Governor Pat tison should violato his pledges by forgetting to redeem them, wo should hear a howl of indignation along tho wholo Republican line. Instead ot this, ho has redeemed every plcdgo made. Under theso circumstances ho can af. ford to let his unjust enemies pec away. The people know who stands by them, and already they proclaim, from the Delawaro to Lake Erie, "Well done, good and faithful servant." Death of the Original "Uncle Tom." Tho Rev. Josiah Hcnson, Mrs. Stowe's "Undo Tom," died at Dresden, Ontario on1 the 5th, inst. Mr. Hcnson has long made tho claim that ho was tho original from which this celebrated character was drawn, and ho used it for all it was worth. Ho visited England a few years ago in this capacity and was presented to tho Queen. But Mrs. Stowo rather upset this protonsion by tho declaration that "Undo Tom" was not drawn from any ono person, but was the result of her observation and Btudy of slavery. A tramway is to bo built up Piko'a Peak which will overshadow the Mount Washington Railway. Tho plan is to construct threeof theso tramways, oach nearly three miles long, ono beginning at tho end of the other. Tho first will start from tho rear of tho iron spring at Manitou, and the last will be terminable in front of tho signal station at Pike's Peak, at an elevation of 14,000 feet. Tho supports will bo mado of trees not less than eight inches, in diameter and about twenty-four feet high, braced above, and below. On theso an endless wiro cable of ono inoh bore will revolve, and upon which will bo fastened, nt in tervals of about 100 feet each, a largo covered armchair, in which two persons can comfortably sit. This will bo sus pended about eight feet from tho ground, and pass an entertaininc and discharg ing point along a movable platform to load and unload without stopping. The lower section will bo propelled by au engine at tho lower end. Tho centre one will bo driven bv water power, uti lized on tho mountain side through a turbine wheel, and the third by au en gino erected on tho summit of the peak. THE LEGISLATURE. In tho Senate the following bills passed nuaily : Senato till to compel nil supreme court opinions to be written out nt length, House bill to exempt mutual Sl building as sociation from taxation tor stato purposes. Senate bill to appropriate to the several organ!. rations or me national (Ward in Philadelphia the proceeds ot the sale ot certain real citato paid Into tho stato treasury In 1873. House bill relatlug to recorders In cities whose population does uot exceed 30,000 Inhabitants or Is less than 8,00 0. Houso bill fixing the standard weight ot ft bushel ot potatoes at sixty pounds. Senato bill toprovldo tor tho etabllsUtnent ot wills during the lite ot toitators. Houso bill for tho protection ot dairymen and to prevent traud tu sales of butter and cheese. Houie bill authoring councils In cltloaof the first class to Usue subpoinas and to taVo tho tcstt mony of witnesses concerning tho management una accounts of any ot tho departments. To enable tho first Evangelical Lutheran church ot East Birmingham, now city ot l'lttsburg, to sell ana convey meir burial ground and removo tho dead therefrom to other and larger grounds pur. ohasod for similar purposes ; ompowerlug county commissioners ol any county ot tho state, upon recommendation ot two successive grand Juries, to condemn a suitable property and bell the samo upon approval by tho court, for tho purposes of erecting thereon n court houso j authorizing Incor porated compau lea to divide their directors Into three classes to serve tor one, two, three and tour ears respectively. In tho House tho following bills pass ed finally : To repeal an net relating to coits In Luzerne county, bo far as the Batne relates to Lackawanna county i providing that whenever, In nny city of the first clais, thero Is required by law a certificate of a regularly chartered boiler laspecttou and in surance company shall be accepted by tho chief Duller inspector ot such city in lieu of examination j authorizing tho corporate authorities of any borough to vacate any road, Btrcet, lane, alloy or any part within said borough; authorizing married women and their husbands living separate and apart, under deed of separation and mutual agree ment, to aell and convey their separate real estate freo and clear of rights of dower and courtesy and other Interests ; bill providing for tho establish, went ot a sclentlno agricultural expetlinent station ana appropriating 110,000 annually for four scars thereof, , Tho following appropriation bills passed finally i To the Mate Lunatlo Hospital ut Harrtsburg, fit,, 1(U : for a hospital for tuck and wounded miners and railroad men at Couellsvllle, Fayette county, fin,. WW i Jleadvllle City Hospital, 15,000 j Southern Homo for Friendless Children, Philadelphia, 10,000 for the geological kurvey of the anthructlo regions or tue state. iw.uuij littsburg and Allegheny Home tor tue nisnaioss, iio,uuo. Council Proceeding!. Tho regular mouthy meeting of tho Town Council was held oil May, nth 1883, 7o'clock 1', M. G. A. Herring, tho Presi dent nnd nil the members wero present. The minutes of April 2nd, 4t!i nnd 11th were rend and approved. A communication was rend from Ucorgo , Elwell Chief Kngliiccr of Flro Cortina. nlcs stating that tho annual Inspection of the Flro Department by the Town authori ties would bo held on Wednesday tho 80th tiny of Mny nt 1 o'clock In the afternoon. On motion of Mr. llnrtmnn and seconded by Mr. Sterling tho following resolutions were uniuimtoiisly passed, to wit t JlaohtJ. That notice ho ctven to nil per sons (In accordance with tho nets of assem bly) Interested In properties adjoining nnd In the lino of a street, which la proposed to be opened, to bo called Jefferson Street, from Bcroml street to Fifth street, by tho wldenlnc of Jcflcrson Allcv from Scr.miil street to Third Btrcet sixteen nnd one half feet, nnd continuing nnd opening u street In tho same direction to Fifth street. That the Town Council will consider n proposi tion to open Buch street at n mcetlmr of the Council to be held at the usual place of meeting on i ucsuny mo .aim uay oi nay A. D. 1883 nt 71 o'clock lu llionflcrnnon nn which time and plneo they shall bo heard lu relation thereto. llaoltci. That notice be ulvcu to nil tier. sons (In nccorilnncc with the nets of assem bly) Interested In properties adjoining and In tho lino of n street which Is proposed to be opened, to bo call street from First street to tho road lending from tho Town of Bloomsburc to Light Street of tho width of thlrtythrco feet. That tho Town Coun. ell will consider it proposition to open such street at tho meeting of the Council to bo held nt tho usual place of meeting on Tues day the 22ml day of May A. I). 1883 nt 7 o'clock In the afternoon nt which tlmo nnd place they shall be heard In relation there to Mr. Jloycr moved and Mr. llnrtmnn sec onded that thu tax rate be llxcd nt ten mills for tho year 1883 on tho built up property In the Town of Uloomsburg. Tho yeas and nays were culled which resulted as follows viz: Yens Messrs. Unrttnan, Moycr, llabb and Waller 1. Nays Messrs. Hnsscrt nnd Sterling 2. Thero was not sufficient number of votes cast to legalize tho fixing of a tax about Ovo mills and Mr. Sterling moved nnd Mr. Hnsscrt seconded that a rate ot nine mills bo fixed. The yens and nays were ordered; and, being taken, resulted ns follows i Yeas Messrs, Hnssert, Herring nnd Ster- ling 3. Nays Messrs, Hartman, Moycr, Itabb and Waller 1. Failing to get the requisite number of votes, Mr. llnrtmnn gave notlco that at the next meeting he would propose a rate of ten mills, Mr. Moycr gave notlco Hint ho would propose a rate of 0 mills, nnd Mr. Sterling gave notlco that he would proposo n rate of 0 mills on tho built up property In the Town of Uloomsburg. The report of Samuel Neyhad In reference to sewers was read nnd laid over until next mcctlnc, and, on motion of Mr. Sterling nnd seconded by Mr. Hnsscrt, Messrs. llnrtmnn nnd Waller were appointed ns a committee to confer with the Board of Trustees ot the Normal School and proper ly owners in the town of Uloomsburg to as certain what they will contribute toward a system of sewerage. A building permit was crnnted J. Hurvy Long to erect a carpenter shop on tho back part of his lot on Fourth street between Market and Jefferson street. David Low cnburg asked permit to lay a walk two feet wide on the cast side of Millers alley from his store to his stable which wns granted. A building permit was granted John Lock nrd to erect a dwelling bouse on Fifth street between uatlianno and iron streets; also, to John 8. Sterner on West street between Second street and Third street. On motion the following bills were read nnd accepted nnd the Secretary Instructed to draw orders lor mcir several amounts, viz : C. It. Houscl street Commissioners for April 33 25 John Gillespie, lnbor on Highway 9 37 Ullvcr Fornwnlt, 10 00 H. G. House!, " " " 1 87 Clark Vents, " " " 10 00 Elijah Sliutt. " " " 10 62 Joseph Townscnd, " " " 4 80 Wm. A. Jacoby, " " " 4 37 John Hcimard, " " " 0 23 Michael Walter, " " " 02 d. u. ohlve, horse anil wagon on highway, 1 00 311 Jones, for same 0 00 3 GO 4 GO 14 00 Henry Hnsscrt. for same Samuel Trunin. " Fredrick Schwln. " John V. Wlghtnight, stone for Pino nllev bridec. 13 12 O. It. Mendenhall, lumber and tim ber for highway, fi3 80 O. A. Jncoby, stone for highway 73 27 Samuel Trump, for hauling 233 loads ot dirt, 11 40 G. 31. & J. K. Locknrd, coal for lock up &c. John Jones for water trough nt enst 3 07 S 00 2 GO unu juiun streets, C. A. Prentiss for repairs on Hook & Ladder lloso (Jarriucc. M. C. Woodword constable and police service xor April, 11 83 a. v Bituit police service for month of April D. J. Hall for removing 10 bodies from Episcopal burying ground to Itoscmont Cemcterv fth .00 4 00 0 00 3 GO 0 00 15 00 15 00 51 75 J. H. Maize, oaths of council for years 1882 d: 1883, F. D. Dentler, C. It. Houscl, & Thorn as Webb, Town auditors, MwclUte Hlttcnbcntlcr, publishing statement of 1883, C. M. Yandersllce, for same Samuel Ncyhard, Town surveyor, Uloomsburg Gas Co. 43 gas posts for iXlllll, 84 00 Uloomsburg Water Co., water rent for April. 00 00 Secretary's salary for April, 15 00 Total 4571 01 On motion nf Mr IT,,ri,n,, .,,..1 u, .,. 1,1 - -. ..i.i.ii.iiii iiuii ni,vuuui;u by Mr. Sterling Council adjourned to meet (n.. 00...1 1QD1..I Ml i V i.ij ..iiu iWj ui ijo ciock in tne niter noon. A. L. Fiutz, Sec'y. Koll ofllonor. Tho following pupils have neither been tardy nor absent during tho cntlro term i Tmim SntRiiT Soitoot.. Uoom 1. Katlu Davis. Helen Lavcock. Jennie Itoadarmel, Mattle Wnnlch, Mattlo Bterner, Carrie Wilson, Freddie Holmes and Willie Homes. Room 3. Bessie Holmes, Ada Cox, Lilla Sloan, Ella Kramer, Maggie Powell, Mag gie Evans, Orval Yetter. Hooit 3. Ida Illnker. Fannlu Freeze. Laura Brockway, Bcsslo Hoadarmel, lluth Edwards, Josinli Ftirinan. Je terson Mover. Edward Sloyer, Warren Kramer, Charles itabb. Uoom 4. Kntu Plfer. Firrn Strkbt Soiiooi.. Uoom 1. Ellsha Fornwnlt, Wllllo Snyder, Charles Pollock, Ada Yetter. Boom 2. Amanda Brant, Joseph Shnrp less. lloou 3, Charlie Blmrplcss. Hoom4. Irene Glrton, Grace Woodward. Evn Stiles, Katie Cadow. Willie, Snyder, Charles Kcsty, Magglo Evans hn not been tardy nor ab sent for flvo succosdvo terms. Two hundred pupils wero on tho "Iloll of Honor" during the last month of school, or auout4U percent., of all the pupils at ending the publla schools. IN T1IK COUUT OF COMMON I'l.IUS Of COL- UM11IA COUNTY. . Notlco Is hereby given that an appUoatlon will be made to said court on Monday Juno 11th im underact of Assembly otthe Commonwealth of I'cnnsilvanla entitled 11 an act to nrovida rortim Incorporation and regulation of certain corpora lions'' approved Anrirauth 1874. and tho supple ments thereto, for tho charter of nn Intended cor porallon, to be called "The Young Men's Christian Assoclailuuot lierwlek, I'o."the objects of which Is for the Improvement otthe uplrllual, mental, wxial, and physical condition ol young men, aud for theto purixihcs to have posiiesH and euluy all tho iitfuia, ut-ut-iuB nuu prurm-gt; oi iuu saiu act oi as Hiuwiy uuu its suppieiueuvs. A. K. Oswald, ttoUcltor. PHI POWDER Absolutely Pure. This nander never varies. A marvel of Durltv trength and wholcsomoncsi. More economical thin the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In compMltlnn with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphite powders. Hold only U04QS. KOTit. DlKINU 1'OWIIBK CO , 104 Wkll-Bb, N. Y. aue 11-1 V. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calrort, TeiAl, May 3, lf82. " I wish to exprce my appreciation of tho valuablo qualities of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a a cough remedy. "Whllowlth Churchill's army, just beforo tho battle ot Vlcktburg, I contracted & se vere cold, which terminated In a dangerous cough. I foand no relief till on our march wo camo to a country ttorc, where, on asking for some remedy, I was urged to try Ayku's CitEnnr Iv.ctohal. "I did so, and was rapidly cured. Sine then 1 havo kept the Pectoral constantly by me, for family use, and I have found It to bo an Invaluable remedy for throat nnd lung diseases. J. W. Wuiilev." Thousands of testimonials certify to tho prompt euro ot all and lung affections, by tho uso ot AVER'S Cuekrt Pectoral. Ilclng very palatable, tho young est children tako It readily. rncrAREO nr Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowoll,Mas8. Sold by all Druggists. STYLISH WEDDING INVI tations and Announcements, Reception Cards and Invita tions engraved in the best manner. Samples in the latest forms and handsomest varie ties of script. NOVELTIES IN THE DEC oration of Note Papers, Stamp ing in Colors and in Rich Bronzes. Effective Combina tions of Colors illuminated in Gold. Special designs fur nished free of charge for orna mental Initials and Address Dies in new styles of lettering. THE HIGH REPUTATION of Bailey, Banks & Bi dole's Illuminated Stationery is due to its perfection of detail ex ecution and the constant orig inality of idea in the designs produced. 12th & Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. jyjE HCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. List of Dealers in Columbia County, l'a. I hereby certify tho following list of dealers tak. en, returned and classincd by me In accordance wuu inuneverai acis oi .ssemuiy, in unci lor me year imj, is cunecv iu mu uesi oi my Knowledge. HKAVKK TOWNSHIP. NAMES. nt'SINESS. CLASS. It s 14 H 14 0 14 Q P Drelsbach Hen. Wore ! 7 00 60 (10 7 00 7 00 7 00 M Oil r 00 10 00 so 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 40 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 50 00 0 Oil 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 01 7 00 53 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 DO 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 7 Oil 10 Oil 7 00 40 00 80 (XI 10 00 7 00 7 (XI 7 00 7 00 7 00 Charles Appicman Hotel D L Klnirlfy store P 11 tihuman o A Khuman J P smith it Hotel Hiuro HUSTON. IMt. .Medicines Hotel Hen. store Levi Michael c 11 Meyers Hiram Hess 11 K Uverett a J J .Mcllenry store store A & 11 .HOlR'iiry Mcllcury Kilckluum furn'tr. btoiu J K Kilsou Htoro imuwicic '.' billiard tables furnlturo store Oeorgd Smith s 13 H 3 & r r i. lusuenurbt It II Uttie drug Moru Pal. medicines bottler restaurant hardware store shoo btoro clothlug storo Moves tinware grocery stationery T F lierger K lierger c W lirubakor T U liradtord M A Iioeb C 1) fowler J I) creasy J II lileterlch It 11 swayzo A" Co., J V Keller II M Hocktnan J K Vaiutta lleagan & MeCroa uen. sioro bottler confectionery Jeweller drug storo pat. medicine gen. storo Frcas lirothora IS K Adams liowman A Crispin gen. sioro storo 11 11 iiuwcr A E Clark notions Freas llrothers lumber dealers Ii F Drctsbach organs A machines Samuel K Heller 2 pool tables Jackson A Woodlnmt g Co. gen. store 4 pat. mcaiciuoH a O A llucklngham Moves A tinware 1 1 W II Yetter organs A machlnoH 14 Casper Frantz butcher 14 F it Jackson A Co., " 14 Moses A .MeiMu cigars A tobacco 11 lmiAHCltKLTC. 0 K Price btoro 1 1 Ash a llrothers distillery 0 William (ilrlon grocery 14 DLooMBiiunn. J L (llrton restaurant s I W McKelvy gen. storo a 1 W Hartman A Son " 10 14 Singer mt'g. Co, bowing machines, Ao 11 W JCorrellA Co., furnlturo 13 J K Fyer gen. storo 14 Win Habb grocery 14 L IS Whary sto cs 14 JW saltier organs A machines 14 JBltcllz butcher 11 Hartman A llro grocery 14 PS Moyer stoves A tinware 11 (I W llertach merchant tailor 14 KAHawllngs butcher 14 Klwell A liltlenbender stationery It FI) Dentler boots A shoes 14 W C McKlnney 3 bllllaid tabled H James liellly it " " 8 (loorga A Clark books A stationery Vi W 11 Tubbs hotel B Jano Scott contectlonery 14 ll stohner restaurant s Frank P lllllioeyer grocery u AHNeyharl flour A feed 14 UUOalllgnan stoves Ao 14 K11I111A like butchers 14 11 J dark A Sondrygonls,noilonsAo 11 H A Wilson confectionery n 1-ewls lieruliard Jeweller II O EH ivago 1 1 Dm Id Luwcnberg clothing ri EECadmau furniture 11 Holmes A Schuyler hardivaie 11 iJiytoo Ituuyan A Co., 19 Klnport A llro grocory 13 7 00 15 00 7 00 SO 00 50 00 go 00 7 on 7 ou 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 Ol 7 01 7 Ol 7 00 7 O) 7 00 7 01 7 O) 7 Ol 40 Ol 40 01 111 50 W 01 1 01 co 01 10 no 7 01 7 01 7 15 00 7 O) 7 O) 7 00 10 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 JDWItson leather, A-o., It Joseph Decker confectionery ll OOMarr More h KvamAKycr clothing 14 WJKIndlg boots shoes 14 DA Creasy gen. More 14 David stronp grocery store 14 Andrew BnllcHlor boot snoo nndlngs 14 II II vannttn, agent, wall paper, Ac 11 I K Miller storo 14 .1 ll Skeer " , 14 Klllirower stoves A tinware II .1 Klnport drugs 14 " pat. inedlclnei IS WOlllehnrt flour A feed It 11 V Klelm grocery 14 " pat. medicines 4 11 Klelm drug 14 (l M A J K Iickard coat dealers 14 William (Hirer hotel 8 c W Neal A Pro coal dealers 14 llannnn A Hassert dealers In coal 14 0 A Jacob- grocery 14 " liquor storo 5 " coal denier 14 1 armors' prodtieo Kx., gen. storo 18 Jane K lirown hotel B Farmers' produce Kr., coal dealer 14 I) FPetblcr, render of pat. medicines 3 Peter dross bottler 5 Simon C Shlves, ngr'l. Implements 1 1 Illnomiburg Iron Co gen. storo 10 (" II Itobbln liquorstore 13 Wolf A ltittenhouse ngr'l Implcm'ntfl 14 V M (illmoro restaurant 5 W II (illmoro " r bottler is " billiard A pool table H (I M J K lockard gen. sloro 11 t.uizAMoan dry goods A notions 18 N J llendershott drugs 14 " pat. modtcino S Lewis dross clothing 14 JKealdncll confectionery 14 JJllrower carpet store 14 O A Klelm drug sloro 14 , " pat. medicines a t II Yetter organs A machines 14 OHVunnan trunks, Ac 14 Jacob Keller wholosnlcnotlons 10 Alexander A llro wh'lsalo tobacco Ac 10 Moyer Ilros wholesale druggists S " dmg storo 14 " pat. medicines a CL'NTltALIA. D 1' Curry hotel 5 Joseph sfnudennielrer confectionery 14 J 1" Wellington drugstore 14 " pat. medicines 4 M Itrennati grocery sloro ll James Kano restaurant 8 Adam Mcnsch Jeweller 11 O II .Millard gen. storo is Mary chapman restaurant s Theopholls Kvnns " B James (irant " 5 owen P Kane liquorstore 13 A 11 Fortncr stoves A ilnwnni 1 1 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 on 7 00 7 UI 7 01 7 l 7 01 7 00 7 01 7 O) 7 O) 10 01 7 00 7 10 8 (0 7 CO 7 (0 BO 00 7 (HI 7 (10 7 01 25 00 7 01 13 80 60 Ol 7 01 10 (10 60 m 7 00 20 01 es en 7 01 co 01 21 co 60 O) 411 m 15 01 10 01 7 00 10 on 7 i 7 01 7 01 7 01 10 01 7 01 7 01 so 01 so 01 60 01 t 01 30 O) 60 01 7 01 T 01 6 00 7 01 SO 01 7 O) 13 Ml SO 01 50 O) so no ss ft) 7 01 sr 01 so O) 7 01 r. 01 25 on 60 00 30 00 60 01 80 Ol 7 01 7 01 7 01 7 01 8 00 12 60 7 O) 51 (10 20 01 7 00 80 01 John Nurtney liquorstore 13 .Michael J Itvnn restaurant r. Irvin llrothers gen. store 14 pat. medicines 4 Johanna O'Conner Uminr (.torn 1.1 Kllza uoldsviorthy hotel 5 ... . " pool laoio 8 Wml'cllTcr hotel 3 " billiards H David C mack irroecrv ii David K Keller stoves A: tlnwnm u Andrew Lenahan grocery 14 QW Davis drugstore 14 " pat. medicines 4 C O Murphy gen. storo 13 Henry K Knhler butcher 14 Thomas Collins liquor store 13 iioucre I'arrcu restaurant s Itlchardlrvln furnlturo 14 L A ltlley A Co gen. storo 4 CONYNOHAM. Mary Monroe restaurant 5 William Herbert Mom 14 so no 7 00 60 00 12 SI 50 (10 Daniei k Kenres hotel 5 A II Church trermtnrn 10 John L Kline hotel 5 cnXTHK. storo hotel grocery grain dealer auctioneer storo CATAW1SSA. Low Urns A! f!n 14 II T, 11 13 1 14 14 7 00 7 00 60 00 7 01 10 00 8 (0 7 00 7 O) Jacob Sponsler J a Maun Thomas Brobst . t rowier navid nayman It d Marti A M Ileldleman M A Swank store 7 01 SO 00 7 01 7 00 7 00 20 01) 7 CO 60 on so no 40 no 7 01 7 O) 7 O) 3) 01 7 01 IS 01 111 10 10 01 7 00 7 O) 85 00 10 00 7 (0 7 01 13 60 vi imam Herkhcliner restaurant 11 1' Klrttipp Jp Wnn t.n.A Charles Hays clothing A books I H Secsholtz gen. btoro "ijyiu Hollngshcad restaurant William (lunther butcher tlf-ufl... Kfutln.. l..t A Truckcnmlller restaurant , " a mutard tables I.OWltmnn f ntliin.. s n lthawn stoves A tinware ' J K lihawn cigars A tobacco D ii Frederick pool tnblo Stephen Ilaldy btoro John It Delmer gen. store finnTnii.n)inrf t.M .. ..i .uiiiii.i 1, uuuisamiucH ruckenmlllcr A Keller books A music J K Sharpies!) A Son gen. storo . iinmu luniuuru more 1 .1'Lrwln confectionery William John stoves A tinware J M smith drugs A hardware !' . Pat- medicines s I lilnard gen. store (1 W lteltsnydcr A Co gen. store Albert Yetter 1 billiard tablo osmun A wants drug store " pat. medicines (lordon A Haycock bottlers 8 Ol 7 O) 10 On 81 Ol 7 00 5 00 50 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 60 00 1WH.1CUHT BiuvcsiEunware deary A Girren coal M A IIIMiv ..! J 11 Knlttlo "' (i L hOMenbauder hotel Catawlssa Paper Co coal I-- M Tewksbtiry merchandise FISIIINdCltEHK. J St Ammerman storo W N Hosier tV'E'1' chIP'u furniture store I urr and s.ivago store (I M Howell M Mclleory A llro ' J P Mcllenry II F Edgar auctioneer FUANKLIN LeriOeprgo gen. Mora Pcnsyl A Kllnlo " OIIEF.SW'OOI). A J Dorr gen. store Irain Derr auctioneer P D niack gen. store W Flless gen. store Samuel Nagler pat. Medicines W Perkins " Ellis Kvcs A llro gen. storo William Masters " X ,'.15;'eH furniture C Eves " Wilson M Eves gen. store JLWelllver More Samuel Hazledlno hotel HEMLOCK. C II Delteileh hotel H N A JE Whito store A 11 Vanllew JACKSON. H II Hurleman store LOCUST. Yocum llros store Aaron Yoder restaurant T P Chcrlngton hotel David stlne store M seaborn hotel I) It Daniels store Daniel Knorr hotel o'10"?."-,,, auctioneer ltolicrt W atklns " MLltaup butcher Wellington Yeager hotel 'udolph Yeager restaurant Jacob meager store MAHISOX. William dingles btoro C Kramer store A K Smith hutel 7 00 7 00 14 14 14 14 It 14 14 1 14 14 7 00 7 ('0 7 01 7 10 7 01 7 01 ; 00 5 ro 14 1 13 14 4 3 It 12 14 14 14 14 5 7 00 5 to 10 (X) 7 0:1 8 00 in 00 16 Oi) 12 60 7 nn 60 0) 5 14 '4 50 CO r 00 11 5 5 11 B 14 fi 1 1 14 5 14 13 111 5 14 5 14 14 3 14 14 5 14 14 14 14 R 14 01 03 50 00 7 I 5J I 7 I 50 I 5 I 5 I 7 I SO I SO I r 00 10 i 10 1 60 I MAIN. JKlllshop storo D H Yetter hotel J 11 Ilmllnn U.l Campbell, agent, " ..I. i-jjiiKruucrger notei Charlesltlchart More MIFFLIN. A W Snyder gen. storo A W Hess hotel . " coal dealer N II Creasy gen. storo A (J Mlllnrd stoves A tinware It J llernlnger furniture Henry drover pool table I Hess Strauss coal dealer 30 J O W Intersteen auctioneer 1 Mt. PLEASANT. J P Sands btoro 14 MOXTOUJt. 0 11 Hosier store 11 II T iAicock hotel a l'axton A llarman merchandise 14 oitAvni'- 1 00 60 neorgo Heckman hotel 5 60 u air.irs nutcner m D K Slnan A Son gen. storo 13 Flockonstlne A Demott More 14 0 N smith stoves A tinware 1 1 A 11 Stuart store 13 8 Hagenbuch hotel 5 Lilly A sleppy storo 13 11 11 Low lumber dealer 14 Til Conner furnlturo storo 14 PINK, store dtitlllcr storo 11 W Lyons J It Fowler C It Parker 11 0 14 ItOAIHNdCltEnK 0 W Chcrlngton storo HUOAI1LOAF. Norman Colo storo Keklel Andrew Laubtch " J W Perry hotel AlphcusKllna pit. medicines SCOTT. J O Morehead coal Moorehead A Kllno storo Jacob Miller hotel N Itlehart More W H lieltrlck storo II (I ('reveling butcher Forsyth A ltockafellow gen, btoro 7 00 11 14 14 5 4 7 on 7 00 7 Ol 60 00 5 (XI 7 (XI 10 00 50 10 7 0) 7 01 7 00 10 01 7 O) 7 00 SO CO H A Worman John (Iroh (I M Idkni- storo pool table J D Workhelsor (1 W Crevellng llnltrt. Purist wore 7 (X) 10 00 6 Ol auctioneer Harvey 1". Ilaycopk Silas oung Fieemau Fredrlcla 4 1 llnu-All store it 7 11 10 O) hotel stnro 60 01 7 (X) 7 00 'I'lr?.1l.TV'rwmle'" turnlture store A 11 Whito storo J I. Crnwtonl grocery John McKamy merchandlso 7 00 7 01 7 00 Aniwn1u Will lul l.UA.. n. ...'T. ... .himuiiv mu lUllllDlssii ' I'lnomsburg on the th day 91 Juno, the Commissioners' Ju Umhou-ot' y oTni vXXt! where you can attend If you think proper, A. W. HESS, Mercantile Appraiser, .i" Agents Wanted Wr For our IUpld Selling Uoak PROFESSIONAL I II I h V h N Pnifuiwli Ao I II I U I h UromtWiHcm.lowiniirlca. IND DETECTIVES. tiiiU? Even bod J will u U, lttny ut our ' mlt. Iruj W iwr WNiii kicmwvt territory, Ht tnut 11 Wt Cur It I od tV t'u. liUUhttni, Nt-w Yvrk SHERIFF'S SALE. lly lrt110 of n writ of Fieri Facias, Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, ami to mo directed, will W exposed to public salo nt tho Court House In the town ot Uloomsburg, at 3 o'clock p. in., on SATUPDAV .TTTTTTi1. Ifi 'flq All that certain trnct nt land situate In .Mount Pleasant township, Columbia county, IU, bound ed nnd described ns follow s, to-wlt t lleglnnlng nt n post in Iho lino of land ot Ilnnnnn Cramer nnd running thenco by said lands south forty-one de grees nest lllty-ono perches to n post In lino of lands ot Jacob Johnson, thenco by said lands south twenty-eight degrees cast thirty-eight and ono halt perches to a pine, thenco by tho somo south twenty tlegrcos cast ono hundied and wenteen perches to a whito oak, thence by tho same south thirty-seven degrees enst f'rty-ono perches to n black oak stump, corner of lauds of William Ap picman, thenco by said lands north forty-seven and one-half degrees east one hundred and twenty, seven nnd one-hntf perches to a post, thence by lands of s.unuel McFnrrm north forty degrees west thirty-two nnd Keren-tenth perches to a pine, incnco by the samo north forty-nlnn degrees west ono hundred nnd Mxty-ono perches to the place of .beginning, containing one hundred nnd four acres and elghty-llvc perches ot land and allowance. ALSO, All Hint certain trnct of land sltuato In said township of .Mount Pleasant, bounded and de scribed ns follows, to-n It t lleglnnlng nt n whito oak, thenco by lands of John Johnson, north thirty beven nndone-hnlf degrees west thlrty-threo nnd seven-tenth perches ton post, thenco by tho samo north live degrees east twenty perches to a whito oak, thence by tho same north forty-eight degrees east two and live-tenth perches to a post, thenco by tho nrst described tract south nineteen degrees cast fifty-one nnd four-tenth perches to the place of beginning, containing one acre and one hundred nnd twenty-six perches of land strict measure, lie tho simc mora or less. seized, taken Into execution nnd to be Bold ns the property of John Osmun. JOHN .MOt'ItEY, Mieiirr. Mny 18, is. if! IWJV rSIpotftOH jo ii23 doqs o.iot.)sn SuifnMiomil oiojoii Sti;nua ui 1!Jo.kI mu oSuiuuApu .iiotii oi 1! l'"U ll!-1 Suj.iiuilo.i .10 Sut pijnq soti-iuil t) puu OI OS !,.! 'btlpUV.lO 'sntuu.ii Atoning puu jooq '-T,0Ai UOIOS )llts VnnuJ('Su'-orii 'Suippiojt '3"!1'!S ''ISI!S sl1!I!in 'ntoofl SIN? A OKAV Jl X NKW MERCHANT TAILORING Gents' Furuishiiis; Goods' OJ IX Knurr & Wintersteen's Biiildiiijr Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, next door to the First National Bank, where I am prepared to MAKE TO ORDER FIRST CLASS SUITS OF from $1S.00 and upwards. Fits Guaranteed. April la iyr. TV"OTICK "Is hereby given that an application will bo mado to Hon. Wm. lllwrll, P. J., In chambers on tho twenty-llfth day ot May, at 2 o'clock p. Al., under tho Act ot AsnO'iibly ot tho Common wealth ot Pennsylvania entitled "An act to pro vide for the Incorporation and regulation ot cer tain corporations," approved April ifJth, 1871, for tho charter of an Intended corporation to bo called "CntnwlsM urniuru KxchiiiiL-o nnd Hall Associa tion," tho character nnd object ot which Is to pro vide, i-iect and furnish a hull and other buildings in mu luwiiMiip ot ior mo accommoda tion of cntawKs.1 (irange Patrons ot Husbandry and for that purpnso to have, possess and enjoy all tho lights, benellts and privileges or tho raid Act ot Assembly. JOHN c. VOCU.M, Ajiill 3rd, iss3. Attorney for Incorporation. DMINISTH.VTOU'S KOTICK. ESTATE OK Jl. II. VANUBW I.1TD OP UKIII OCK TOWN- siiii'. columuu corarv, ri., necmsi'.D. Letters Of administration In Vanllew. lat ot Hemlock township, Columbia county, Pa., deceased, Inn o been granted bv the lleglsUT ot sail county to a. c. Vanllew and Jacob Tcrnllllgcr, adm'rs. All persvns having claims against stld decedtLt uru uquestrd toprecent them for Sfttlcmeot, ai.d thos-lndebud tothe esiato to inaKu pameni tome unueitlgned ad tnlclstrators without delay. A. C. VANL1UW, JACOllTKHWILLKIlJlt, npr 8-w' drnlnltrtor. DIVOKOKS, No publlcltyj residents of nny State. Desertion. Non-Sunnort. Advlco ami applications lor stamp. W. it, LEK. Att'y m u wiij, i. r .nay u-jw iim&iTirn immediately i UU II nl 1 a?0 mowjrouiiu mm ta I Hll I rOlletrn Tr:i.i:aiAi-n Y. I III. B kUllooil lliliitlonsi.-iiar-nnted. AiMrpiK, with tflnin, tSnMTlnleiictciit tjMi;it.MANTt!Lr.(JHAl'llC().,(llj.rlln,0. may U-lm aid Prof. Doremus on Porous Plasters, Tho College ot tho City ot Now York,) Cor, Lexington Me. und 23d St. y Now Yoik, AprlUT, lssl.) Mksshs. Headuiiv .t Johnson ; (leiitlemen-Atsmirrenuest I havo obtalnodln open mitrket samples of Iiksson'sCai'Cini Ponoes i'i.sTKiis and Alcnck's Porous Plasters, and have submitted them to chemical nnulysls to determine iiiriri'iuiiparaim' merits as external remedies. 1 Hnd 111 UKKSOK'S C41-CINK I'MHl'Klts i-nlnilitn meillcal Ingnsllents. which do not exist lu Atcoek's i-unms ruLsii-ra : ni-nco in my opiuton they are supertor to those of Alcock's. Youre rosp'y, 11 iinni.-v UllllL-U IIU l 1. TT 1. Prof, of Chemistry and Physics In the College ot mu i-iij ui,io iuitv, mil, i-ruu hi i.ncinisiry ana Toiloology lu llellevuu Hospital Medical college. U JIU.OUl SIT, A VrilT? lU'.nergelle, Jicllablo men to "l' 1 ' l'hi'11 rnllt Trees-dninB vine Shrubs. Hews, Ac. Salary and expenses imld. rtilllniructtonsVlven. Kolnnvrw-r. 11-MII.-I1 nun mmiu iv irn inw imsint'ss. imn'ss o. ,i . i.r.Li.Aiu;, iiiiitiiiru.N, v., (one mile d .May, IMhlw. CtfttQierA MONTH una llOAltl) for threa live WSJiJF Voung men or ladles In each county. Art'ireas, r. w. y.isuii.uii CO., Philadelphia, Pa, d Muy.btlmv. NAVAL BfllTLES:,: Ay ItliWAltll silll'PHN. Medlual Ulreetor, U. H. N. A Tnrlllliig Pictorial History of the, World great ..... .'"", oif, imiinui istivai rtrcniieciuro of all aires. A rei-nrd or Wnnderrni Miuiniu ,nn, Interesting than notion. Price only 13. it sella A I i H iv 'I' vovery wut-re. Jiauo imi.w p;r ... f'inonlh. Addresi J, C. .Mel'UHOV i CO., Philadelphia, Pa. d May, isth Iw Send for DUf new rtrrtilura,. . UtlUO! luiDortAlir. 10 All CX-FoMlcr. nr l it,. iuiv luiw.iflUKi tan f-Foitjier or ihe r htlri. ItU Iltv 4k 11'.. .1 s . ZS . ' ' '"'-Hill! Mlt V. Wanted EJI In kbupt, (actor- " ,.TT" , , In ll. trUm i tU LUr Ml the nt Lcj i ,ow Unk m.J i rr. tue IKIurl llOW li'ulblnlur, n nlut .1 . ri. i. II... . ,l l-UIBUVUI TUO 1. 1 n O0LDIERSH0! 1.001 trolled by rd tllT li how ruihlh hndiare ituUn by rtllroadii itdniounitiilil,t ulwr, priwn con. tract labor, and all furint ot vppruoiiit contain naUhm lor old and young; c.uui.bVtf t year.? t ri'w fri'Oi wnilat Gu'ina t uay lor ualllnir Addrow I.AUOU WUULU, Plilltdelphlt, P. W May, isih im rn Point Uric: Men's Sr;i. t. tai"" from ttte ' - smatlii in tndiib. cares to ,l:n Point I va Fifccjn L is a powerful tli i Fancy Cr rroods in t... boast on tlicni i. . Manhattan Chwiok m bix full lines, botli sacks ' s-. ' nnd walking;,, . t giooo. The buttons and ,,. tritnniingsoftlie.ia suits arc woith special attention. , l'lain Cassimcr' i t hrc-i varieties, in sack style, at A J", 10.00, Very :jlLfcl:. Im'vc stylos of I la Oiisimei c Suits, ol' quiet styles, and in both o.ick an.l Walking Coats, at 1 16.00. Tha wcll-knowi r.-putation of these goods speak for tlictnsclvi s These fifteen lines arj no', fraginents pulled togcthci foran advertisement. Tiiey i jproscnt two thousand suits, and goods to make more. There is business in them. Point Three: Custom Made l"thing. A large display of piece goods to ordc . "In i" .ir- very bargains in all the following lines : Class A, in an; Class 13, " Class C, " Class D, " Our" points": cal people. Wanamu'rer & Brown, Oak Hall, S. E. Cor. Sixth nn'l ?'-"eM, "'itlnrlclph. ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCES, Stiitablo for Yards, Cemetery Lots and Public Grounds. Tho following Khows the Picket flothle, ono of tho upvoml uo.iutltulptylesof roiicomanufacturcil by tlio underslirnod. For llenutv nnd Durnbllltv IIkv umiinmlrnisi. ed. set up by experienced hands and wnrriuted to givo Batlsfactlon. Prices and Bpecimens of other de signs sent to nny liduresn. Address BLOOMSBURG, PA- May 4-tf FOR THE UPPER END. ' The Lnrgcst Stock of Goods opened In Denton, In many yearn, lins Just been received by the undersigned. It liiiilirnccH DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, NOTIONS, (lUKHNSWAHK, And overythlni; found In a general mercantile bus lucsi, ut the very lowest prices. 4 y $ 4 4 HiMMBEMI! est Several hundred thousand feet of dressed Lumber, Shingles, &c constantly on hand. tw- Purchasers will nnd It to their ndvantago to J. J. Benton, Pa. Uay 4-Im Will be received until tho nnt Monday In Juo next for the bulldlni? of a school houso in North Union township, Schuylkill county, tho upccinca tlons of which aro as follows 1 liulldlnir to bo of brick, tho foundation of stone: Blzo of bulldlntr soxw feet, and ten feet In tho clear: brick work to bo is inches In thickness: root to bo Of NO. 1 state; bulldlnL- In rnntnln a in flows, 1 outside door and 1 partition door acro-a ihu muuiui iuu uuuuiuk; curiiico 10 do 12 inches. The wall will not bo let out by contract, but by days' wapes. l'or further Information Innulroof any of tho underhtKncd directors. Address all communications to Secretary North tlnlon School I'uinei, .lulls uruve, BcuuyiKiu county, pa. Hinriii:.1 i.Hint, president. (lEo. K. 1IICIIAK1), seoietary. JONATHAN IIUUIZ, TR'HSUrt STKI'IIHN H1N(II.K1J, 11. A. I.CTZ, TR'asurcr. WM. lliLI.Et. may 11 E IXEOUTOlt'S NOTIOK." ESTATE OF JRHEUIAll lllnENni'ril nnnii. Utters testamentary lnthoestatoof Jeremiah IlairenUiich, laloof centro township, Columbia county, Pa., decease.!, havo liecn irranted by tho lteirtsler of said county to Kllslm llagcnbuch and J. H. ilaitenbuch. All persons having claims against said esiato aro requested to present them for settlement, and thosolndebtcdto tho samo to j'.U HAdKNliucil, ' Wecutora. 4-13 April ll, 'M I lifhtstreet, Pa. Mcllc IMINISTHA.THIX'3 NOTICE ESTATK OK 0, 8. lUlluEII, PKCIIlBKll. Utters of administration In the estate of c. a llardcr, late of llloomsburif, ('(dumbla county, Ph.. deceaswl, have beeiiKran ed by tho net-later of said county to Mrs. H. A. llardcr. All rwrsons liav. Ink' claims aitaliibt said decedent nro renuestedto prtiteut them tor M'ttleinent, mid thoso ' Indebted lothe sametomako payment Ui tho uuderhlmied admlulstratrlt without delay. uu . or. . MUS' A- "AIIIIKH, aIl!irew AdinlnUtritilx. DMINIBTBATOlVs" NOTICE XSTA1B0K AUANUA WOUKIltlSEll, PKCKASKll, U'tters of adinliiWratlon In tho estato of Aman da WorUieiser, lute of llloomsburir, (olu bla county, lu, il.n-jMd, h .e lrii L-rm ud by tl 0 IteKWer of said eoujin' to Willi,,,,, wi'rk htu"f and Aiiulo hreiirler. All peon having el.Ui, b ,,0 MiTst biild estate 1110 reitui Mn in pr, .Ji tn,u iw m't. llemeiit, and thot liidebtoil'to Uio wmo to umko pai meat to the tindershfiwd iidinlnUralo w 1th. out delay. WM. WOUKIlKlBBIt, Apr SO ANNUS KlIKKSLKIt, AdiuUiIitTttUirs. nts. n , im,. i.V-ISt 1 I !(,, i tW.tfi J n big slock that I " tv priced to ttio finest, ,'i r, k "4 black, from tho rt , ' iies. A cotn mM r - -"st scc-lf ho r tilta. A littlo money tl s followlnr;! ;,nntJ tlic same ut 59.00. Our only thai, they arc (jood for the money. ifl.a.u ' business style, ?l8.O0 " " 20.00 " " " . 22.50 " 25.00 . . ,d .sharp for practi- umim d mt ma Is now fully prepared to furnish SUITS MADE TO ORDER, FltOMTlIK BEST MATERIAL, IN THU MARKET AT REASONABLE RATES. ALSO TO FURNISH ReadyMade SUITS MAD 15 TO MEASUIli:, AND As Grood Gli sap AS CAN HE HAD AT ANY" Ready-Made Establishment. Orders taken for shirts, miulo from measurement. B DGH'S $25.00 PHOSPHATE Is acknowledged by all who have tried it to give as satisfactory results as any high-priced phosphate or guano they have ever used. THICK $25 l'EUTON OF 2000 I,lSj. On cars or Iioat In Philadelphia. Send for Circular showing (ii:irnntci)i AnnlysiH. BAUGH & SOOHS, soli: manufaotuheus. 20 South Dslawaro Avo. may 11 4iv Philada. AT am line. RT.OOMSHUHG, PA. 20,000 S?KDUIIX!r Conslstlns ot hundreds of varieties of tho choicest Koseleranluim, Verbenas, Coleus, lle'iiitrope, Vegetable Plantsss We nro maklnir n nwlalty. Early l!ahboB plants Oianlened) Pot (irown Tomato plants and Sweet M?lSffi,,,,,,itt,' Uto -" 50,000 Strawberry Plants of the best varieties Iteil itml fllack Cnp Haspberrles, Hlmlmrb, Aspurngns plants, Ao. Wu Imvu shipped ptntils to every Stiilo lu thu Union. CUT FLOWERS consisting of jtoso Iluds, Carnations, Violets, HeU otrope, callas, etc., etc., always on Thawl. Vow era for weddings nnd parties, llounuets Ilahkctsof fnllS'.'ral JrlldloiLS put ,i SEEBS. .i,AJl.lllBr(''luistof."!?!1' ' or cit'.tomeral will this season oiler n full Hue of garden seeds. Ft teen iiW1,," al '.narkot gardening enables ins tp oner the best seeds tor thlssectlcm. All I oiler I vnliS!? , s.iUsMctl0u. They ore tuo bw varieties and suro to grow. ?,J,'.a.,ourl?rttl,'lvc" houses, nlso cold beds .' t "els containing nearly M feet otglasH, (tao teing)lMrt';1' nbQV0 1,10 '""nal ticliiooi Tlita mlvi.rt lu.un. 1., ..... .. ... ... , Biiiiiu 111 ineiumn n 5Jlmrailbi'!0-. VUU 'n W "r W"t0 10 Ult 'ur iii.,v unu euu 11 u vuuuov puppiy you. J, K HII.I.OM, Uloomsburg, Pa. IN TOTICK lit licnliv frtvrut T i.aiTA i ... t.,. edtho lolliiwlng vroperty al Cnn,taije''H Mile of wiurK" ruv,iey, viij a nogs, ltwohorso wagon, 1 truck wagon, f mule, si mares, I! set ta of hariiew and havo loaned tho sumo to tieoivu cniHsley. dur- 111? inv IllfVlulirii nml ,1, Ito-nl... .. ,V..r. i :.L-.i... ... .. . '. V.. ' . V'V"J muiiuii UMimillTO hot to Interfere 1th tho samo. 1 ,, J'.il'.Ull.l, CHOSSIiKV, i-ino uittiiaiiip, iitty and, : A DAIINISTUATOH'S NOTICE. FST1TK OP Wll.l IIU lift in,,. 1 Bii, Uttersof administration in tho estntoof WU '.".".'V1'";!'' larout MttUMin luwiishlp, colum ni1.'?1".'1' 1 ilectVHed. havo beeu grouted by tlollegUer ofuatd ni nty to Wllla111 Mefilni h. All iK-rsunsliavliigelalm!! mralnl said estate 11 id tffiWii?. W u",m fur M'ttleinent, und ?Sn.S2SH!S.. V'f...!S0..SW!tf..iW.;M 10 , M.ii.i.uibiuivi .iiviiuui iUlU, . . . W.M. JlcNINCH, HM' AdinlnUlratcir, llrovanlu, CoL Co., Pa.