The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 04, 1883, Image 4
I Useful to Know. l;onv at Goi.n.- Jinny n ilctttdeit oli'ilil liM'ticon cured of a col J by Um ineniias Take n cup of brown sugar ntnl nut it In n saucepan to inako can' ','biit fiiHtcad ofnildirig watfcr In which to disaolvo tlio sugar, put a liu tlo tea niado by stccilng thorough woit. Tliirjill Imparl u bitter taato, which Is not unpleasant to the chilli after tho (list mouthful, and Is really a good remedy for a "tickling In tho throat." ;S lxW:M.r.!fT Soul'. To tiiriko an excellent Houp allow four pounds of beef to two and a half ipiartsof water, one small ' Wion, ono carrot, and a small head of celery. Let theso boil for four o"r five hours. Threo (luartoiy of at) hour before dinner strain this soup, salt ' it, and add n heaping tca cupful of macaroni, broken in bits ( leUhis boil slowly. Add .any other ftioasbTilng you like ; for tloinu tastes a pinch of curry powder improve it. Cooking nv Ei.i:cTitici rv. A Mon troai jlmf has invented and patented a Ifiaclnifo'fo'r cooking by electricity. It consists of a saucepan bo isolated by non-conductors that tho bottom forms tho positive polo of tho current. The negative polo is attached to a movablo point which travels iu oirclos over tho bottom of the pan underneath, dlstrib uting tho heat over the whole surface arid with sufllcicnt vapidity to avoid burning a holo through tiio pan lit any quo point Tin: Kkhit Way to Hiicsii Vki.vkt. The art of reuioving lint, dust and light matter adhering to velvet eon sistsiil tho jiropcr modo of managing thoibrush. Tako a hat brash not too jsoft, but having tho bristles elastic, nnd 'returning at ouco to their original stato after being pressed aside hold firmly under tho palm of tho hand in the direction of tho arm, and with the bristles downward, and pressing'thcui first Into tho substauco of tho velvet, then twist around tho arm, hand and brush together, as on an axis, without moving them backward or forward. Tho foreign matter will thus bo drawn iip and flirted out of tho flock without injury to tho substauco of tho velvet ; and tho brush must bo lifted and placed in a similar manner over every part required to bo brushed. By this means, velvet will be improved instead of deteriorated, and will last for years. akf.d Siiad. Reduce to crumbs tho ins'ulo of a loaf of bread, heat in a saucepan some fresh butter tho size of an egg, chop tho quarter of an onion and add to tho butter when it begins to bubble. When this begins to brown add tho broad and stir well till thoroughly hot through. Season rather highly with pepper and salt. Stir through it a tablespoonf ul of finely chopped parsley, remove from tho fire, and add immediately two well-beaten eggs. Stuff the shad with this dress ing and sow it up. Sprinklo pepper, salt and flour, and a littlo water ; put a few thin slices of breakfast bacon in the baking-pan and lay tho fish upon them. Pour a littlo hot water into tho pan and put into a hot oven, lay ing a few more slices of bacon over the top of tho fish. .Basto very often, and when dono remove tho bacon, sprinklo with a little melted butter in which chopped parsloy is mixed, and serve in a platter 911 which the fried shad roc. is arranged about tho fish in a nest of parsley. How to Apply tiikSoua IIumldy in Bukxs and Scalds. A saline lotion, or saturated solution of tho bicarbon ated either plain water or cam phorated water, if applied (speedily, or as socn as possible, to a burned or scalded part is most effectual in re lieving the acute burning pain, and when tho burn is only superficial or not severe, removing all pain in tho cotuso of a very short time, having also tho very great advantage of clean liness, and, if applied at once, of pre venting tho usual consequences a painful blistering of tho skin, separa tion of the epidermis, and, perhaps, more or less of suppuration. For this purpose all that is necessary is to cut a pieco of lint, or old soft rag, or even blotting paper, of a sizo siiUicient to cover tho burned or scalded parts, and to keep it constantly well wet with tho sodaio lotion so as to prevent its drying. By this means it usually hap pens that all pam ceases in from a quarter to half an hour, or even in niuch less time. When tho main part of a limb, such as tho hand and fore arm or tho foot and leg have been burned, it is best, when practicable, to plunge tho part at onco into a jug or pail, or other convenient vessel filled with tho soda lotion, and keep it there until tho pain subsides ; or tho limb may bo swathed or encircled with a surgeon's cotton bandage previously soaked in tho saturated solution, and kept constantly wet with it, tho relief being usually immediate, provided the solution bo saturated and cold. What is now usually sold as bicarbonate of soda is what I havo commonly used mid recommended, although tins is well known to vary much in quality, according to whero it is manufactured. Diseases Among Livestock. Liko in tho human race, ejjdemics among livestock nro frequont and de structive. They como nobody knows How or whence; and pass away nobody can tell why. History records so many of these, nnd wo all remember enough of them, and that is useless to dilate upon thorn, i his being so, it is hardly to be expected that beasts will escape Bimilar visitations. Yet feoinu people seem to expect this, tor when uu epi demic breaks out among the boasts of tho field it produces about as much cunimouon 111 u community as tnoprov alcuee of cholera among bipeds. Kvery nun. ui ri'suurco is nun 10 counteract 11, County conventions nro held ; legisla tures appoint commissioners to invest! L'fito the distemper and find out a rem edy or a preventative ; impracticable laws aro demanded, and tho whole ni ricultural community effervesces as to what is to ho dono lor their safety. Suddenly tho epidemic- vanishes ; tho discussion as to tho causes which pio- duced it, filling newspapers and period icnls with a mass of speculation which not one person in a hundred over reads, ns suddenly comi'B to an end. All seem willing to lot bygones bo bygones and drop, nem. con, tho all absorbing ques lion. In tho common oourso of things wo must expect to bo visited by thefu epidemics. Horses, cattle, sliucp and awinc, according to their nature, will gets iek nnd die, entailing a loss which nil who own beasts must submit to, And when an epidemionsMailsthem, It is useless to discuss whether It camo from abroad or is indigenous, or where it originally appeared. 1 ho tlr.'t con tddcration should bo to study its diag nosis and apply n remedy, it must bu rcniombored that there am losses and misfortunes iu every business. Unto ward circumstances cannot nt all times bo avoided or controlled. Tho California wiuo jiiodiictioii, a measured by receipts nt San Francisco, has risen from t),UO 1,007 gallons in 1870 to 7,000,000 In 1882. The Tamany Ohlef Disoourses Gravely on Irish Settlers In America. John Kelly, tho noted Now York itolitlclan. lectured at tho Academy of dusic, Phlla., on Thursday ovoning of Inst week on tho subject: "Farly Irish Settlers in North and South America," for tho benefit of tho Roman Catholio Church of tho visitation. His audience was largo and dcinoiislrntiyo and Inclu ded many who had been present nt the Irish Convention. Ho was Introcuced by Win. F. Harrity, tho ex-chairman of tho Democratic; city committee, who took occasion to cay some pleasant things both of tho orator and of tho Hev. Father Barry, the rector of tho Visitation, Mf, Kelly was received with a warm burst of applause, which was acknowledged by a gravo bending of tho head. Tho speaker would havo been recognised nt a glimpse by nuy one familiar with tho pictures of him in tho comiu pciiodicals. Ho hhs a dignity of ptmonce, howovcr, that the pictures do not indicate. ' Ho opened n ponderous volume which had been reposing upon n music stand and remarked that his lecture contained so many figures and histori cal references that ho felt obliged to read it. Ho adjusted a pair of black rimmed eye-glasses upon his diminutive tip-lilteif nose and began his themo in a deep, rich voico that hardly changed in tone to tho end. Ho maintained a surprising gravity and mado but one littlo attempt at a joke. Thclecturo showed deep aud wido historical re search. Any man, tho speaker said, who thinks that ho can distinguish the names of tho Irish in tho history by an O or Mao is starting blindfolded on his way. Thousands of tho Irish, ho said, driven from their own country by op pressive laws, from the middlo of the eighteenth century to tho present day, found a refuge in tho. now world. Jinny of thoso who camo hero Angli cised their old Irish names or so modi fied them as to virtually inako them now. Tho Irish, ho said, were among Iho first nnd the slaunchcst supporters of tho colonies in the war for indepen dence nnd from Irish settlers have sprung many of tho most distinguished statesmen, Governors aud Presidents in the history of tho country. Shoes Prom the Human Skin. SIIOCKtXO DISCI.OSUttES IN THE MASS.- CltUSKTT;i ALMSHOUSE INVESTIGATION. The interest in tho Tewksbury Alms house investigation is on the increase. Tho Green Room at the Stato House was packed. Each day the public looks lor somo new sensation, and it any thing new is presented ono day tho crowd of spectators increases the next. 1 no question 01 tanning human skms was made prominent. Christian Mid ler was recalled and testified that ho tanned aud dressed human skins two years ago, and would know them again if ho saw them. Ho said to Governor Buttler : "That is a pleoo of ono I tanned you have in your hand.'' "Tho pieces cut up for shoes wcro also tanned for money," tho Governor said. I pro pose to break up this industry." "I tanned thoso hides for accommodation and not for money," replied the wit ness. "Some of that skin you havo is from white persons nnd somo from ne groes. Wo tanned the skins for curi osity." "It would seem that tho pieces cut for shoes were tanned for another purpoie," commented the Governor. "I gavo that pieco from which ,the shoes were mado to a Mr. Donaldson, on Washington street j don't know tho number; tho skin was brought to me by a student," the witness concluded. Mitchell Wing testified that ho worked in tho store of Edwards & Brackett, this city. Bo had seen human skins from tho tannery of Midler Brothers j received a bundle of human skin from Robert Fatinco ; sent them to Midler's and had them tanned ; got them back and gave them to Mr. Faunce. Rob ert Faunco was called nnd testified that ho was house sergeant at the New England hospital for Women in Spring field street, Boston. Ho gave a bun dle of skins to a student named Allen 'to give Mr. Wing to get them tanned ; . I . P. Sl .no. sent, uiu skius 10 mm 111 r eoruary, rooij got them back next August ; got tho skin from tho Harvard Medical School ; brought it away openly. Witness tes tified that ho was a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society ; never knew that skins wero taken from tho disseoting room before, but had been told it had been done. John T. While, a member of tho Massachusetts Dis trict police, testified that he took tho kins from tho shoo manufactory of James iJouaidson, in lvist Weymouth, and gavo them to Itufus Wade, Chief Jof tho force. Frank E. Ilaverlin, a sailor, and a former inmate of the .Almshouse, testified that he had seen tho nurses and night watchmen in tho hospital at Tewksbury beat and jump upon patients who had soiled their beds. Thoy , wero ;iinbecilo or insane., "I mado my escapo from there," wit mess said, "as I was afraid of my life. Somo of tho patients' rooms wero lilthy in the extreme. I know it because I had to clean them. There wero two bathtubs in tho kitchen, one of which was used as a cesspool, in which was emptied watei winch had been used to wash sores on patients. At night, when tho water was shut off, patients when thoy asked for water wero given a drink from this tub.'' Training Vicious Horses. A very simple method and nu im provement upon tho Baroy system of training vicious horses was exhibited ,at West Philadelphia recently and tho manner in which somo of tho wild est horses wero subdued was astonish ing. Tho first trial was that of u kick ling or "balking" mare, which her own er said had allowed no rider on her back for a period of at least five years. She becamu tamo iu about that many minutes, and allowed herself to be rid den about without a sign of her former w'llilness. The means by which tho ,result was accomplished was n piece of light rope, which was passed around tho front jaw of tho maro just nbove ,tho upper teeth, crossed in her mouth, ,lhon scoured back of" her neck. It is claimed that no horso will kick or jump when thus secured, mid that a horse after receiving the truatmeut a few times, will abandon his vicious ways forever. A very simplo method was also shown by which a kicking horso could bo shod, It consisted iu connecting tho animal's head and tail by menus of a lopo fastened to tho tail and then to tho bit, and then drawn tightly enough to incline tho animal's head to one side. This, it is claimed, innkes it absolutely impossible for a horso to kick on thu side of tho rojio. At tho same exhibition a horse, which for many years had to bo bound on Iho ground to bo shod, suffeied tho ilacksmith to operato on htm without nttemptiug to kick while secured in tho planner described. Imllwut Farmtr, The Jhxily Jewteh (Jmctte is thu iili of a new Jewish newspaper pub lished Iu New Yoik It is the only Jewish dally printed iu tho world. THE CQXtJMBIAN AND Odd Items. A steamer is not striotly a steamer when slio's aground, How to make n tall mnii short Hob him of his purse. Tho good dyo young when tho now mustacnoJ como out red. Tim mritit.inf n itrMtiimrr f.wila litlti. self insulted he is unlit for tho busi ness. Southern strawberries thus fur hnvo required ono pound of sugar to tho ber ry' Tho lands in Texas capable of pro ducing sugar are estimated nt 1,000, 000 nores. Dr. Oliver Wondrll Hniiiina iineoi- saw a letter of his in print that was not "characteristic." For variety of reasons it is a good thing for a young lady to' learn how to support herself. It is all right for a man to rido his hobby so long as he docs not rido it over other people. A Lockwood (N. Y.) man has con tracted to build seven miles of tho Panama canal for $1,000,000 a mile. Four brothers named Burn'ott recent ly married four sisters named Berry. This happened In Tennessee. Tho groan three-cent stamp will havo been iu tiso thirteen years when tho new rate goes into effect next Oc tober. A public-spirited coal dealer in Bran ford, Conn , presents evory newly-married couple in the town with n half ton of coal. A philosopher says: "Hay smells tho sweetest afler it is cut." In that respect Limbnrger clieeso cannot com pote with hay. Coalmining in Austria cost, in 1881, 107 lives and 201 men Seriously injur, ed. Two thirds of the deaths wero duo to falls of rock. Tho returns iu tho election in Fay ette county for a successor to N. L. T..1 ' IT t T -.! 1 jjukus gives iiugii ,i. uiimore, demo crat, 2,380 votes ; John S. Moser, Re publican, 1,103 votes. Tho Bradford Aram considers it certain that by next fall the Susque hanna Kivor will bo navigable from Nautieoke, Luzerne county to Tunk hannock, Wyoming county. Two steamboats havo been put iu running order for thu coming season. Millerstown and Now Bloomfield, Perry county villages, prohibit ball playing on the public street. Mifllintown has also lott an "old land mark" in the shape of an old log house built 120 years ago. A Milllin county woman is the proud mother of a baby which, at tho ago of 8 weeks, weighs 27 poutWs. Enemies of the Currant. There are two tho Worm and the Borer. The first, whicli has latterly become very prevalent and destructive in denuding tho bushes of their leaves, makes its attack soon after the leaves are of full sizo. The insect begins its work by laying tho eggs soon after tho leaves appear. The best remedy, as wo have tor two or three years recommend ed, is tho white hellebore, in tho pow dered state which .ahould be dissolved in hot water, ntcaspoonful of the pow der to an ordinary bucket of water nnd applied with a sprinkler, nomo sitt tho powder over tho bushes in the morning when tho dew is upon them ; but the dust is liable to be inhaled, and if it is, it produces distressing sneezing. A second application may be necessa- T- Iho borer is a diltcrent insect, and works in the stem, passing through tho pith from bottom to top. Tho moths appear early in Juno ; tho eggs soon hatch, and tho worm at once bores through tho wood to tho centre, feeding as it progresses upon the pith. Its presence iu the stem may be known by the yellowish appearance of the loaves. The best remedy is to sprinkle tho bush es as soon as tho moth makes its ad vent, with whale oil soap and water, about a pound of tho soap to four or fivo gallons of water, repeating it onco or twice. Tho currant Worm does its work rap idly in consuming tho leaves, and they must bo attacked tho moment they how themselves. A single day's, oper ations, unchecked, will play havoc. A plentuui supply ot coal ashes, sieved, may also dislodge them. Thoy multi ply rapidly, and when not all disposed .of, enough may remain to do much damage. "Toaclilm too much tax SiTum- TAN NEItVINE," eajreasUcpUc"How cat) one medicine bo I a epeciao for l!i'l ! lepsy, Dyspepsia, Alcoholism , Opium T'nllne, Tllif nnmtllni, NprrniHtor rliir, r Seminal Wtakuew, nnd llfly ullirr roiiiplnlutitf" Wo claim It a tpecljlt, Im ply, became the Ttrus of alldlienien arltrt from thublooU, It Nervine, lloolvcol, Alteram earn! I-'untlvo prupertlesmectaUUie condition! here la itfiriid ta. Ifii known irorM trfj m osso It qnlet and compnci the putlfpt not bj tho Inlruduithmofoputin and draatlc cathartic:, hut 1 the rcnlontlonof actlvltTto the etomarhand rirrro'it teuton, whereby tno brain U relUvrJ of morbl 1 fanilea, which uro created by tha cinc above referred to. ,. To Uergiinen, l.w)'fr. l.Kerary men, Mcr chant, JUnker', I-adlcn and nil Uioio ulioto cd c.itary employment can&ea pervoun protritUoiv Irrcgulurltlci of tho blood, idomacb, bovrcla or kldnrtB or v, ho require a ncr o tonic, nppf tlzrr or ftimnlant, SiVtniTAM NtllVI" U Invaluable. Thniiaindi proclaim It the mont wonderful lnig. orant that over tiutalned the (Inking tratem. l.Wi. Rolrlbf HllllrusgUU. Tholll.H..OllCl!. ilO.Nl) MK1), CO.i I'ronrlelflra, Ht Jovn'i.Jlo. Ciii. . CrltUtlK, ijs:t. lUv Tcrl city, (I) If you nro trronlng (!rny or Ilaldj If your Hair Is Thin, Ilraslif , Dry, IIumi, or ncukj i If you nro troubled nlth DunilrufT, ileum;,', or any Humor vr Ills enso of tlio Sculp, U.SU Ayer'sHairVigor, It heali nearly every dlieaso peculiar to the scalp, checkt the falling out of the Hair And prevent! It from turning gray, and ti an uuequalled tlrciilng and toilet article. rnei-AiiED uv DrJ, Q. Ayeri Co., Lowell, Mass. Sujd by all DrucgltU. FREE Is sit wk. tcW7I . iui.pi rp otc ui .kUz. UtatUa Iku Mlr, l.l.llMOVTAC..,IIWTOil. co, Jan i, 'W-ly DEMOCRAT,) BLOOMSBO RCr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Vital qurNtloiiN ! t Ask tlio mot bililitntil liliValclnn Of any school, wlml Is tho best thlnp In the. world for (inlutlnir anil nllnvlnt nil ifrl- tatlon of the nerves nml curing nil fornm.rtf nervolis 'complaints, giving nnturnl, child iiku reircsuing sleep always f And they will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form of llopsl" citAPrr.n t Ask any or nit of the most eminent phy- gictnng i "What Is tho beat nnd only remedy Unit can bo relied on to euro all disease ot tlio kidneys iiiidurhiarvorir.nistsuch as llrlcht's dlscnc, diabetes, retention or Inability tn re i n in urine, una nil Hie diseases nml nil menls peculiar lo women " "Anil they will tell you explicitly ami emphatically "Hiicliu." Ask the snme physicians "Wlml Is Iho most reliable nml surest euro for nil liver diseases or dyspepsia, con. stlnntlon. Imlhrestlnn. lilllonsncis. imilnr. lul fe.vcr, ague, Ax ," nnd Ihcy will tell youi "jinimniKoi or iwniienoiu" Hence, when these remedies tire co blued with others counllv valuable. And compounded Into Hop Hitters, such a wonderful nml mysterious curative pow er Is developed which is so varied In Its operations that mfdlsciKc or 111 heath can possibly exist or resist lis power, and yet 11 is Harmless for the most frnll woman, weak, est Invalid or smallest child lo use. ciuitki: it "PntbiuW Almost nr rie.irlv ililnir" For years, nnd given up by physicians of Hrlghl's nnd other kidney 'illseiincs, liver complaints, sevcto coughs cnlletl eoiisunip lion, havo been cured. omen gone nearly crazy I From agony of neuralgia, nervousness, wakefulness and various diseases peculiar to women. l'eoplo drawn out of sliupo from excru- cutting pangs ol Hlietimatism. Inllammatory and chronic, or suffering from bcrofulal KrvlH!i(i, nalt rheum, blood polsonlmr, dyspep sia, Inillircsdon, and In net nliito-il nil illte tsc-s trail Nnturo It heir lo, linvo Ix-en cured by Hop Hitters, proof of wlileh bo found In every ueigliborliooil in tun Miown wuuu. for nil dlsenseo of tho Itidnoya nnd It 1.09 opcclflo notion on ttild most Important cr- caat-Unff it to throwr off torpidUy ond Ins. ti-JiulAtinff tho healthy locrcUonof Cia Eile, anl by Keeping tho bowela in froo condition, erecting lta rcfilar discharge. l,,ifiV If you aresulTcrfniT from rJc2IcUfl malaria, havo tho chUU, nro bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidney Wort will auroly reliovo and auickly cure. la Uio upruiff tocieansomoLystcni, every liouia uuta a uoroujn counooi it GOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Prlcof.l. I SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Us;d In th9 prlnclptlciiurcUoJ tor communion par poses: Escellent for Ladies and Weakly Per flit. f 53ns ana tno Agea, Speer's Port Grape Wine I FOUR YEARS OLD. TU1S CELi;niiTED NAT1VK WINE In made from tht) Juice Oi Hie Oporto Unpe, raised la tUlO UUUUirj, 113 IUV.MUUU1U Tonic and Strsnjthening aro unsurpassed by any other Jutlvo Wlno. Ho me tue pure Julca of ttie drape, produced under Mr. Wnecr'aoA-n personal supervision, Us purity and itunuluenosi, nro t'uarautefd, Tlio ounirest cliild may pirtako ot its generous (pialltlss, nnd the weakesMnralid use It to advantage. It is pur tlculaily bcnericUl to the need and debilitated, and suited to the various nllmenta that art eat thu eakcrsex. It Is In every respect A, WINE TO ilKUKUKDO.N. SPEER'S Tho I'. J. SIIRllKY lsn wlno ot sun-rlor Char acter, and parUkrH of tli rich qualities of the crape from which It Is inalif. Yot rarity, ltlch. ness, Flavor and Scdlclnil l'ropertloa, It will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S P. JT. JSraBaUfy. ThlallltANliV standi unrivalled In this Country being far superlorfor medicinal purposed. IT is I'UHK diatliutlon from the grape.and con tains raluaolu medicinal properties. Ithasadellcata tlivor, similar to tint ot the grapes, from which It Is distilled, aud la in treat favor amoufr tlrst-clasa families. rieu that Uio Blgnaturo of AI.FItED HI'UEIt, Pas saic N, .1. la over the cork of each fcottlu. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. and ny niiuanisTs everv.vueiie, Sept. if J, , l-y FARMS? HOMES The best In the world, ara oaallr obtained la Da kota, Mlnnosota and Northern loA'a. (lei ready to movo in Um Spring, rlrst come, beat served County maps, description of lands, rates of puss ewe and irtlghl. lurnUlied free by JOHN it .I'OTT, Agent, Chicago, Mllwnukeofc St. I'aul lll'y, Wlliumsport, I'd, No trouble to answer questions. r Apr 13-iw fifta week In your own town TermB and is out uultt free. Addreba II, IUllkt S Co., Portland Maluo, march at -ly A week made at bonw by the industri ous, liekl buatneas now before the f, puonc. capital not needed. We will i start vou. -Men. worntjn. hom ami pirw .wanted everywhere to work torus. Nowuiuo tlmoj You can wok In spare time, or give your .whole time to the business. No other business .will pay you nearly aa woil. No one can fall to make enormous pay, by engaging at once. Coat ly outntandtermsfr. o. Sfoney made fast, easily, and honorably. Address Tbuk & Co , Augusta, Jlalne. Dec.8, "oMy. ISBITEAS From the Districts of Asstu, CiiiTTigokO, Ciciun KiNaui, Dakjkkliku, Dkiiki Doow, and otuem. Absolutely l'ure. superior In litvor. The Most Economical, llequlres only half the usual quantity, bold by all grocers. JiHIN C. rill 1,1.1 1'5 CO., Agents of tho Calcutta Tea Syndicate, W Water-st. N, V. may 4-1 w d i I it li.iI.',iITiyc5.,iiujVn"i1,'i MANUAL I Potor Henderson & Co.'. 35 & 37 Cortlandt St., New York. ENTS, Wan It ri ookV& Bible's I 'w in N.'Jrt' ' tiviilxl '!.-( Ubrralutms, junoJMy aid mm J. SALTZER'S GGnoral Sowiiig Macliino Depot, Filtk Stort) Below Market a, 13 LOOMS BURG, PA. Cfiiratea While Sewioi MacLiue: Ncv Davis Vertical Feed Sow ing Machine, New Homo Sewing iSiachine, Household Sewing Machine, Estey Sewing Machine, Qenuit.e ?itiger Sewing iNfachinc, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, best Sewlnr Maehlna nil. and Nrf, dies for all sewing macnines. sowing Machines sold on monthly paymKnts- Liberal discount made fir easli. Every machlno purchased from me Is warrantedtobe kept In good running order for nvo years frco of charge, nnd tlioroiun In. structlons given by tho host lady operator In this VBibui ui7 nmtu iii-u ui uiiurge. axamiat) ray oww oi uiaeiiiues ueioru uurcuasing. NAVALBATTLE&. Ncwandrrtptilc l'ictftrullll.torjrol the great ten fight) olti World. B Medical Il.iectof SlIirrnH, U. S. N. Atlieii J.C. McCUHDV & CO.. 6ja QieMnut St., I'lillailelrhla, Fa. Juno 30-1 y n'd LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE. The Secret of the universal success of Urown's Iron Hitters is sim ply tills: It is the best Iron preparation ever made; is compounded on thoroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, and does just what is claimed for it no more and no loss. Ey thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches every part of the system, healing, purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. jj Dearborn Ave., Clucnri', Nov, 7, I have been a treat tutTcrer from a very weaVtnom.icli,tioarlburn, and dyspepsia l.i It! wont form, Nearly evcryuilnj I ue pivo mo iii.lrets, and I could eat but little. I have tried every iMngrecomnicnded, have taVen the prescriptions cf .1 doren physician, biuret no relief until I took llrown's Iron Hitter, I feel none of the old troubles, and am a new nan, I nu gelllnj much stronger, and feel first-rate, lam a railroad engineer, and now make ny trips regularly. I can not say too much li praise of your wonder ful medicine. ' 1). C. Mack. Bkown's Iron Birrcus docs not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. Use only Hrown's Iron Bitters made i.y Jlrown Chemical Co., llaltlmcre. Crossed rid lines and trade-mark on wrapper. 'IV) ADVKUTIHERS, Lowes'. Kates for adver- 1 tHlni? In 9vl t'ftnil nntvLmnurj mini Iri. dl'CSS Hi:o. I. KijWKM. .C lVj III Snrilnn sr. K. V Marf.jw r "THE BEST Itt CHEAPEST." ENGINES, f HRFQUCRC BAWHIUS, (Suited to all actions. 1 Write for f 111. i!IUus.ramrhle and l'sicvs to Tlio Aultman A Taylor Co., UwiaUel J, gbio. mar 13 &m MAKE HENS LAY- k n VnrrHdli l'.ifnidr,ni.i Uhkibah nn.l ft,AUf llUfllllll ii.ui.iiui; UUISlbUU IIIIU V'HUilllOl, lew trah. Ho siyta tint HUerlftin'A Coadlllon I'owdern nro abafttut-lvmira flrn11ttitr.rnqniv vaIii. luu iiurup lieu (jiiiriH I'owiii'rs Mini mapr nro wnrrn n)e. Notnintr on oarth will inako (itis lay like nuuriuaii h tjoiiniiion rowuo'H, xiose. i teaspoon tui to 1 pint row. tsoiuevumu.cre. orsent by mMl for s letter stamps. !. 8. Jmiinson & Co., IJostok, Mass. al t Jim so WRIGHTS niDIAM VEGETABLE PILLS ron tue LIVER And all Bilious Complaints. 6fo to take . being mny vepf tabic iiq crininir, rrlcoMieuU. AllDnitfiiUu. b apr S0-HV pARSONS? purgative MAKE NKW BI0H 15L00I), And wlllmiunleU'lv clianzo thn blood In tliaan. tiro system in llin-o months. Any pfrson wbu will take one pill oaoli iilulit fruin aim lo twt-lvo weeks, mar lw ruatori'd to wuiul lioaltb, If fcuch a lljlnif Is possible, For curing rVmale complaint, ilieso Mils liavo no equal. I'liyhlelans usu tlieia In their practk-o. hold every when', ornonlbyinull fores contain stamps, (send for pamphlet. I. s. JOHN. ui on ., iHmuiu, .iiuaa. ujir la Ald-7 raoi, t- HIS OPINION. In Clear Sentences an Authority adds Ids own to tho Popular Judgment, llil West Tenth ritroet. ...-, suia, rtus. Ill .oca, I MassrtLSeabury Johnson t saiiiMgwiu I' uiujiiuui ui nuy new curatiro ,'ent. llKSSOS'iJ PAIVIXB lHHOl'H PI.AHTKIt has won my wood oprnion. illiti If an exeeptlon ally cleanly planer to uvj and rapid lb It!) uciiijn Jluny tetUcllis tUtilllleslnmy own family, an! u- iQi llil ninonif my patk'nts, hatii cuutlnrud inu that there lis no other tlntrlo article so valuable for iKip. nlar use. none so In-ljilul In raseH of iJimu Hack, Usjal llheutnallji), Neuralifla, coiiu'esllon ot tho llnmclilal Tubea and luntrs and I.umbaL'o. Vou may fuel fre u usu my itauie. Very truly yours, II. II. KANK, M. I)., , I'liyslelandn t'ldef ot the He (Mucy Home, I'flce of the t'AlVINKM cents. rieabury & JoUnaon, t'heiuHis, Now York. oprSOsw d ON, 30 DAYS' TRIAL. TUB VOLT MP nRI,TCO..Mnr3h1ll, Mich,, wilt send 1)11. liVK'S.URI.KIIKATKII KI.K THO-VOI TAIO lmf.TH and KMXTKIO Al'l'MANCBS on trial tor a days to men (tniinu or otd) Miomo Af flicted Willi Ncrvoui Uebility, last Vitality, nnd kindred trouble. eunrnntcclbK tpecdrsnd com plete restoration ut lieailli nnd mnmv vlftor. Ad dress as above -N. ll, -No risk Inclined, as80 days' trial Is allowed' , Feb. Dtli -lyr. r MARK TWAIN'S "LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI," N proving tlio grandest success ot nil tho Twain rierlcs. A gcnulno bonanza to l Arnn4e FVr terms nnd territory nd.BOOK MgoniS dress DOUdLASS IlKOS., 63 N. Till (jt,, llilla. l'n. apraoiw tl Every llatcy Organ Sold iff wirtfc Throughout With Ennui fidelity, and SBStaftaaaaaffPK7Wi Yields unrivaled tones. Bend for Illuttrated Catalogue, CELEBRATED HABDIAM PIANOS, And other first class Pianos, and a largo lot of MUSIC BOOKS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, BAMJOS, MIQSKCaVL (0GHDlIIf fl, VIOLIN STRINGS, And everything in ilie Music line. J". SALTZBR, music ROOM, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG Pr. mm iiiii wi am Meady tq Bq Mm MigM Twmm wiT-m w&wt SUPERIORITY OF STYLE. Excellence of Materiel. PERFECTION OF FIT. Unrivalled fctock of Spring Clothing Manufactured' Ex liriFrily for , nit'. Wo cimrnntco . ) i m. feife Stylo. i ifi U - !U111 oiuiiiaiiship, rl VpSIPS- to bo tlm 4 '-m?-' J5KST. Also a Very Superior Line of Gonts' FURNISHING GOODS for Spring and Summer. THU LATEST AND NEWEST Sl'lMti STILES OF HATS, Just Received, at the Popular Clothing Store of D. LOWENBERG. PIAlsTOS. INLAID FRENCH WALNUT a.. .... r . . ..-, BAOON'S MUSIC HALL BLOCK, REST not, Ufa j gwecplne by, go "uu mm urturo lt)U 1110, Boinetolnif inljtlity aud sub limn n 'V" ."ln.9 loponpuer $5 h $20S&.SSLTtTO w IIIlHlllo .y yic in I (loslrin lueratr I Wfl'1''' Vaci Arldrt'HA, with I lNSlITUTl', 11 Jb riilladi'ljilila. and rtwlrlnir Uieratlveioltions8lioM learn Tel irli!. X j vs 1111111.141 iiuuiikt. ihRM " .."Fi'' ?u.'.',1'- 'nii.KiifAi-ji Thoro is no Baking SIMON Its qualities, Modicinal and Culinary, guarantee Hoalth and Luxury. Ifivcry buyer shouUl Select an Organ Thai guarantee good Every day work and Yearn of service. J, ESTFiY & CO., llrottlclioro, Yt. Qualiiv. CASH 0I.GAN, I) STOPS $00 CASH. ' S!fNrctloi, ,muitrc. WARE HOOMS vr.trr,. June l MUA, sK sOi WISE people aro alwnya on tbe lookout for chances to In crfae in ir oarnlntrs.and in whn nn . i .." J -"Vh.u" LV'""" 1 "osa """"" "" "m'iuiu nicir uu luriuniiioi remam 111 VSXek. VNe onor a Breit clunoo to muku monoy. wo want mtny men, women, h y anilelrlato w,i'k. 'or us rlt ln in tuelr own localltle. Any one a,?iL' ,le y!ork ProP"iy f rom tbo first utirt, Tha business will pay more tban ten times ordinary, waats. Kxpenslva outll furnUUeU free. No one wbo endues falls to make monoy rapidly. You can devote your wbo'e lima to the work or only ni.,'iril,-,Lli ,no'uo.,','. full Information nnd al l',,l 1, I si i "e"1 1llr.SS HTIKSON ti CO l o; Hand, Maine, peo s.,.jy ,CgiUWKIII All list fAlll, lIusltHalgliHynip, TntMigiil. Uaa tn l ine. Ka.,1 v,Imil..i.u WEBER FUNS Powilor equal to 'ho PVR RAILROAD TIME TABLE DENNSYLVAKIA KAII.ltOAD. PHIL. I ADKLIMIH A Kllllt DIVISION AND ROUT11KUN OKNl'HAI. IlAll,VAY. " TIME TABLK. In effect January ltth, 1SS3, Trains cave Sun bury. KASTWAHD, 9.85a. m lock iiaven Express for llnrrlsburc and lntermedlato stations, Lancaster, I'lilladti. iiuiu, Aiu.T mm. .xiiiiiuviu uuu i. uKiuiiLTioo. ar. rivlntratl' n. tn.! f. uw Yhrk 'n Jn p. in. ; Daltlraorc, 5.03 p. in. ; WaalilngtOD o.l) n in. 1.6s p. m. Day express for Itnrrlsburc and In. tcrmcdlatfl stations, Lnncas'f r, riitiadclplna, New i oik, lialllmoro and Wnslilnglon, on lvltitr at I'lilladelplilaTSiJp. m.i Now York, p. m liaitlmoro, 7.15 p. in.; Washington, ao p. m, pun! man l'nrlorcnr tlirouBli to Philadelphia and pas senger coaches through to Philadelphia and Haiti more. 8.80 p. m. VIlllamsport Accommodation for Harrisburg nnl all Intel mediate stations. Lan caster, liilladclpula nnd ew York, ntnvli,irat I'lilladclphla n. m.: New York cso n. m. Sleeping car occommodatlons cn ha secured nt Harrisburg for I'lilladclphla nnd Now York, l'lilln dclphlapabscngcrscanieinalu In Blcepcr tindle turlied until 7 a. in. l."3 n. m. Krlo Mall for Ilnrrlsburg and Inter mediate stnllons, Lnncaster, Philadelphia, New York, Ilnlllmori! and Washington, nrrltlng nt I'lilladclphla 7D5 a. m.i New York, a.m. liaitlmoro 7.40 a. m.; Washington, o.lo n. m. Through I'ulltnnn sleeping tars nro run on this train to I'lilladclphla, Daitlinore and W aslilnglon. and through passenger coaches to I'lilladclphla and llaUluiore. . WESTWAUD, 0.25 n. m. Krlo Mall for Erin nnd nil Intermediate stations fllth through l'ullman I'nlaco ear nnd through paiscngcr coachtB to iSrle. l'or CnnnnUalgua and Inttrmedlato stnllons, Ilochcstur, liuffulo and Niagara rails, with l'ull man l'ulaco car and passenger coaches thruugli to Uochcstcr. 1.20 p. m. Niagara Kxpress for ICano nnd Inter- tlirout'li tiarlor carlo Wntkina mm through passenger coaches to itoclifstcr. 6.25 p. in., fast line for Lock Huveii and lnterme dlato stations, nnd Klmirn, Wnlkins and lnterme tllate stations, with through passenger coaches to Lock Haven and Wutklns. TlinoUfJII THAINS V01I SUNI1UUY FHO.M THE EAhT AND HOUT1I. Niagara Express leaves Now York, 5.18 a. m.: l'hlladclDh'a, H.ina. m.; Haltlmoro a. m., ar riving ntMuubury, 1.20 n. m.. with througli l'ull man Parlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia und linlU more. Fast Lino lentes New York 8.oo a. m.t Philadel phia, 11.03 a. m.; Washington, tuo a.m.; llaltl more, lo 43 a. m., arriving at bunbury, p. in., with through passenger coaches from Philadel phia und liaitlmoro. Krio Mnll leaves NewY'ork S.00 p. m.; Philadel phia, 11.20 p.m.; Washington, 60 p. m.; Haiti-"1.0.,Le,.1.,,"'I)-m,nrrlvlnt.''tSl't'Uir. o,20 a. in., ;?,'! through I'ullmau Palaco sleeping cars from Phlladflplila, Washington nnd llultlmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. btIMlUltV. IIA7t.KTON & WtLKKS-IlARIlli IIAILK01D anu NoiiTit .t Wist Hiuncii Haiuvav. .nun i.ui,iruYU3nunoiiry 0.43 a. m., arriving at Illoom Kerry 7.41 n. m., Wflkcs-barro u 20 a. m. Hxpress Last leaves Suiibury 6.35 p. m.. artltlnc at Illoom Perry c.3i p. m., Wllkos-barro 8 lu p. in. Mall West leaves Wllkes-barra 10.80 a.m., itrrlv Ingat Dloom Ferry 12 es p. m , attnbury l.oj p. m. Kxpress West leaves wllkes-barro 5 80 p. ni. ar riving nt Dloom Ferry 7 07 p. m, Munbury fc.03 p UHA8. E. PUOII, J. 11. WOOD, (ten. Passenger Agent. uuu. ..luiiager. pHILADELPIIAANii HEADING HOA , ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENGEB TRAINS. Juno 2d, ISS'J, TRIINS LgATR BbPgllT AS FOLI.OWS(8DMDAT KXCXfTlD. For Now York.Phlladelnhla.Ttnnrt! Tamaqua,A;c.,ll,45!,.m For catawlssa, 11,45 a. in. 4 to and 7,20 p, m, For WlllIamsDort.6.15 g.SO n. m uia j n n TRAINS FOB BOrgRT LBAVK AS FOLLOWS, (StJKDAT SXCSPTBD.) Leave NOW York. VIA. TnmnrnnH 0 im n ,n onrt via. Hound Ilrook ltouto 7,45 a. 111. Loavo l'huadelphla, 9,45 a. m. Leavo lteadlnir. n.rvs a. m . pnn.Hii. mm. and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Lcavo Catawlssa, o,io b,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllllamsport.MS a.m.s.oo p. m, nnd 4,30 p. m Passengors to and from New York, via. Tama, nend and to and from Philadelphia go througli ivuuu. iiuuiiu ut cars. J. E. WOOTTEH, C. a. HANCOCK, General Manager, Jatu 1 of is 8l-trntrer aM Tlom Asm' WKSIEUN HAILUOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOItTn. STATIONS, Scranton.... lielloTuo. . Taylorvllle.. ..Lackawunna. Plttston.... . West Plttston Wyoming SOUTH 0 15 .uj. tl.ui. U.UJ. 2 43 i a.ui. ti 111, JI.IU, 6 n e n 6 2t C 34 6 41 8 40 0 51 0 65 G 68 7 ll2 7 10 7 17 J 22 7 10 d J WJ 9 03 8 CO 8 4S 8 43 S 37 0 CO 2 10 9 37 0 30 9 21 9 19 P 45 0 12 0 54 U 14 1 10 IS 10 tin ..Slaltby.. 8 25 8 25 8 10 8 07 S Art 0.1 1 50 1 42 1 83 1 25 I 11) o ot 9 01 Kingston.." Klugston.... I Vmitnili li.nn ..Itnnnntf 10 18 M 10 18 2 61 8 55 8 47 8 3i 8 23 8 17 8 12 8 O0 7 511 7 52 7 41 ....Plymouth.. 10 SO 8 02 8 00 3 IU Avonoaio... .... Ma.H..b. 1 63 ...... , mill, U&O . . Hunlooll's Creek 10 S4 0 42 T ill 19 I'l 3 1 7 33 12 25 7 20 12 15 7 20 12 00 7 13 11 47 7 03 11 40 7 OS 11 S3 67 11 10 6 tl 10 tS 0 45 10 60 0 37 10 44 11 10 2. a lo 10 oq 3 o 10 45 9 ..enicKsmnny. ...Hick's Ferry. ...Beach Haven. Herwlck . ....llrlar creek.. ..Willow drove. ....Llmoltldge., fispy ..llloomsburg,. Itllnprr 10 C5 11 07 11 18 3 13 8 16 8 45 8 40 3 61 8 CO 8 67 9 00 111 20 8 00 4 07 4 12 en 8 10 8 18 8 25 7 38 11 19 I 33 7 29 Ml 111 45 4 20 4 ST Catawl'a Hrldgc 11 69 11 CS 4 83 8 SO 4 38 8 fa s'anviie... Ohulasky... .....oamcron... J,rtltn.l.n.ii B Ci 0 tO f 04 8 45 8 f9 6 25 ,..w, ,ijmut-(t U 12 45 p.m. a.m, n. m. p.m. p.m. a, in Supcr.ntendent'8oArL!Vffi s 1 13 la El! Y 3 OF ALL PLANTS, FOR ALL CROPS, ,r ... !u" ALL l-lWIATES. 0 oro the larscet ritriiierH, largest kceil erosv and latBMt need .lealers gnyhcrorhc"c, havo irnatat faclutlca for i.roduclnlr lle,t Need, Ml our ar (iej, and only tlio best Mat out. ""ICaMosui anil jym ZWbrirura Till! MUKATIMT Hi:i:n KTOIli: IN Till! TI1 YOUil OWN jooit. It in. Cludog Ml the dssirablo new and eUndard varieties liant Bent I'llKU to any address. pIRAM SIBLEY & CO. Soodomcii IfochoaUr, fl, Y, jib CWoajo, III.' A:B FebJ-ly PAYNE'S I OHorsoSpnrk.ArrostlnB J'ortablo Ln.luo has rut 10,000 fl, of Michigan Pine Jloardi In 10 houre, burning tlabu from ttiu taw In tlght-foot luugtha. Our 10 Horn tri VuaranlH to furnish powtr ti) aw 8,000 (a,t of Hemlock Honrdatn lohoura- Our 1 itoru uUI cut 10.WO tit ia time time. ir r.iiguita pro liUAlUNTcri. yi fundi li a li(ir.o iowiT on It fdi'l and water thau any other ' jtlnu licit flu e.1 villi an Autqmatla t'at Oil, If you want a btutlonsty or I' Kiiirlnp. ltutlvr. Circu lar fiaw-MIII, Miaftiug or Pulleys', I'lllicr cat or Meddnrt' l'ateut iWrnuclitlron Pulley, nnd for our lllu.trut'd catalnKiie, No, 1. for tnforim.tlon and litlcca, 11, W. PAYNK & SON8, Corulug, N. Y, Vox 17, Jan, 6, 63-1 y. .rA4s(ktlf litwrtlatMfe. Dull bl rtts a If. II ft mm jZiiA'i?f'Hrllll,U.KXtu(U.UAB JKsWC'V!'rli.ulll"Kil.i'l'Mclcsluu aaffWvii.n ? auH..u. avail.. T...V.S..U., SsKaaaBr V.vV l"a.. a.uaw.....lljfft... ad. iKV 1 ft 7 .."!!u"o'i'i'i'0Taiuuiia. , . , W Ml 1 0? . WI " ! lta "WUa M 3 TWF r?.f UMrfaUMusiuulikiidiikbjt ,Jan -C8, Djpiu.i