THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSH U 110, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Stranger than Fiotlon. Tltlt UlIMAtlKAM.n UAltFXlt OK V VKUMOKT , MUltllKltKU. ' Henry DoMosyna, ono of tho most cqtr.Tordinary criinitinls of tlio ngo, is to bo hanged to day, April 27, nt Eliz nbctlitowu, n little village on Lake Chamnlaln. Ills crimo is coninionplnco enough, being that of wife murder, but his career has hern n most remarkable one. A year ngo Inst summer ho drifted from New York elty up tho Hudson, and thence nlong tho western shore of Lake Champlain until ho reached the town of Essex, where ho procurod em ployment as a farm laborer. After a brief courtship ho married Elizabeth Wells, a widow much his senior in years, who owned a small property. On tho 1st of August, 1882, Mr. and Mrs. Dellosyns were soon driving out of tho village, and after a brief inter val DelJosyns waa seen continuing the journoy nlone. The woman not innlo nig her appearanco search ,va made, which resulted in tho finding of her mangled and lifeless body concealed under n mass of leaves and rubbish near the Bide of tho road. Circumstan ces plainly pointed to tho husband as tho murderer. Ho was arrested and upon his person was found a quantity of article.! of personal property, which were identified as belonging to his wife. Tho trial took placo last March, and tho evidence, though entirely circum stnntial !u its character, was overwhelm ing as to tho respondent's guilt. The jury was out only ten minutes and re turned with a verdict of murder in the first degree, AN llXTUAOllliINAUY OAKlXli. DeUosytis was born nearly fifty years ngo, it appears, at llelein, Portu gal two miles trom Lisbon, on the luver Tngns. When he was very young his parents moved to France, and he was educated at a communal school, the seni.nary of at. bneux, and tho Normal Superior school at Paris. His educa tion was thorough and extensive, and ho can writo aim speak six languages linglisu, I'rcnoli, Italian, bpanisli, Greek and Portugese and can less perfectly speak and understand several other languages. While yet a mere lad ho sailed with a north polar expe dition under Leclaire, and waa gone nearly two years February, 1818 to October 1850. In 1834, with his fath er and brother, ho volunteered for tho Crimean war, and served in tho French army in tho Crimea for a couplo of years. A few years of peace followed, in which DeBosuys completed his edu cation, but on the breaking out of the war with Austria, in 1859, ho joined MaoMahon's army, in which, however, ho saw but a few mouths' service, sail ing in tho autumn to China with tho French contingent. Returning to France, ho joined the French expedi tion to Mexico in 1801, and after a few mouths joined tho Mexican side, be coming a captain of guerillas under Lopez. In this servico ho was soverc ly wounded in an engagement, and, conceiving a distaste for tho Mexican system of warfare, he came north and, being cured of his wound, enlisted in the l'ourth Pennsylvania volunteers in 1803. WOUNDED ATaCTTVSUUIHI. A short time afterward tho battle of Gettysburg was fought, and in it De Bosnys was soverely wounded in tho head and left hactl. His injuries pro cured his diacliargo from the army, and in 18Gt he went back to France, where, in two months, he married a jlllo Ucs maris. Matrimony, however, failed to cradicato his lovo ot adventuro, and at tcr a honeymoon of only two months ho sailed on another Arctic expedition, aim was absent in tho polar regions nearly threo years from July, 1801, to February, 18G7. Returning ho went to Rome, thenco to Paris, thenco to New York and thence to the Indian territory. Tho outbreak of tho Fran co-Prussian war called him from his aboriginal retirement, nnd ho crossed the sea and entered tho French army rising by successive promotions until he becamo colonel under General Bour- baki. lie served all through tho war with varying tortunes, at Us close es caping to 'Marseilles, whenco ho ship ped lor America, un this sulo the ocean his careeer was not so brilliant Ho fell by degree until ho hecamo f tramp, wandering about tho country ana doing odd jobs ot work ns a paint er and a farm laborer j and finally came tho crime which put an end to his restless career. MVftTimV AS TO HIS IDENTITY. Besides tho extraordinary facts of his life tnero is a good deal of mystery . about tho man. JJonosnys is merely an assumed name,and what his real name is no ono knows, or from tho present out look, ever will know. Tlio murderer is extremely reticent about his personal antecedents, his tamily and his menus, Sioco his arrest he has communicated with the French consul at New York but of courso that official could do noth ing to shield him from tho consequun ccs of his crime. At thu trial UoBosnys was very sick, and had to bo taken into court. Ho listened to all tlio proceed ings with an air of the most complete !-..l!r .nrr . i i. i luuiucruuuu .ui iiuuucieuee which ins appeared only at tho passing of th death sentence, when the wretched man broke down and wept and sobbed nloud. Ho subsequently attempted to starve himsclt to death, but tho jail authorities frustrated tho attempt. Of late ho has manifested towaid jailon and vistors the most ferocious savagery and no ono can do anything with him. Ho spends his timo writing his an t obi ogruphy, and a singular document must provo to be. Altogether it is most extraordinary case and DeBosny is n most extraordinary man. King Kalakaua's Coins. TIIK DESK1NS 01' THE DIES FOIt THE 11A WAIIAN NEW MONEY I'ltKl'AllEl). Superintendent Snowden, of tho . United States Mint, Philadelphia, has just had prepared designs of tho dies lor thu coins to bo struck olF for cir dilation in the Hawaiian islands. The money has been ordered by King Kal i i .,1 1 . i - -.i .r .... iiKiuiii, ami win do eoiueu wuu mo pe inusion of tho United btates treasu depaitment. On ono side of tho coin will Iw tho king's face and on tho other a imi ion ot the great seal ot his conn tiv. The denomination of the i will bo indicated in tlio Hawaiian nnd Eugl'mli languages. Thero will be akihl dulas, hapulun dalaa and hapahat, or dollars, half dollars and 'quarters respectively. Thero will likewise be dimes but tho namo of that nieco of silver has not been turns lated into Hawaiian. In size and weight tho 1110110)' will bo equal to United States coins. As soon ns the dfslgus havo been decided upon tho dies will probably be sent to ban Fruncisco, where tho first batch of money, to tho value of 1,000,000 will it is said, bo made. This will bo at least tho second time that money of an other nationality has been coined by our government.' A few yours ago a largo amount of nickel money was made in Philadelphia for Venezuela. A Wild Whale Hunt. IIOW SOME INDIAN'S 01' THE NOUTIIEIIN I'ACIEIO OAlTt'llEtl A LEVIATHAN AN KXCITINO Sl'OltT. From tlio Scattlo Chronicle. At Ncah bay, around Capo Mattrry and down the coast from Taloosh to Grav's Harbor, live various tribes of Indians, who, ns hunters nnd fishers, aro ns teai less as any race ot nhongi- al men in tho known world. WluL the writer was at Qnillule, the Indian illngo forty miles below Capo Flat tery, last fall, a whale was sighted off tho' beach nnd four canoes nt once started toward him. Soon wo were lion thu monster, who, lolling lazily long paid no heed to tho demonstra lions of his puny nssaiiants, But he wns rudely nwakeiicd. the loremost canoe united forward and "tutu I went tho heavy harpoon Into his broad back, buried nearly to tho shaft. The canoe was slopped nnd suddenly back ed, and none to soon, for with ternlio smash of his tlukes on tho wa ter, barely missing tho nearest canoe, 10 sounded. A number of sealskin bladders, fast to the harpoon lin ', were thrown over, and each canoe, in turn as it came up, made fast with a lino to the foremost canoe. Up canio tlio monster, and witli a fearful lurch nil four canons were dragged through the water at a fearful rato as ho started for tho ocean. Four or fivo miles were run nt this ato when hi pace slackened and tho hindmost canoe was hauled cautiously past tho others and another harpoon was dexterously planted and Ibis canoa assumed tho front place in the proces sion, with the others bringing up tlio ear. Another wild rush, hut shorter than tho first, and a repetition of the performance, until thero were half a dozen harpoons affixed and double us many sealskin bladders drifting nrouud tho exhausted monster, preventing his sinking or sounding finally, after hours ot a prolonged light lor his lite against his relentless foes, tho coup do grace wns given with a lance, a final plunge and ho was ours. Three hours of pad dling with a nasly little swell on and the whale sunk beneath the water, was a hard task before the whalers before the prise could be beached and fairly called our own, but gallantly they buckled to it, keeping time to their work with the high-keyed, monotonous chant and an occasional car-piercing, blood curdling yell interjected into it that was calculated to raise a casual spectator's hair on end. un tho beach the entire remaining population of tho village wero awaiting nrouud hugo bonfires tho huutcis, but by no means in silence, for the yelling, whooping, singing, crouch ing, dancing, dusky, half-naked figures, as they plunged in and out the ruddy blaze of the huge drift-wood fires, ic minded one of tho descriptions of tho nternal legions and raised grave doubts is to the truth of Bob Ingeisoll's fa mous doctrines. Tho canoes aro safely beached, tho whale hauled as far ns strong hands can drag him and left till tho out i.'oiug tide exposes his lull pro-, portions on the beach, when knife and axe and saw do their work till of the huge animal aught is left but a few well stripped bones, on and over which tho lllago dogs Iced and light and snarl till tho incoming tide covers them with a layer of sand. lno carcass is divided among all concerned in the capture, then and there alike, except the honor piece, ex- eudiiig nrouud tho animal and inclu ding the dorsal fin, is tho property of him whoso lucky tinrpoou was tho first to strik tho whale. For many days feasts, songs and small potlachos cele brato their luck captuie, and the vil- agc tinally assumes its normal coudi tiou. Only a Pansy Blossom. Till: OLD MAN WANTS A WIIOI.I'. . IT.OWElt C.AIIDEN. nui Up Second avenue the other night five young men softly entered a yard, airanged themselves in a semi-circle on the gra5s, and suddenly began to sing. while a guitar nnd a banjo added their sugary notes to tho general sweetness. As the song was finished a sash went up and a masculine voice called out: "bplendid ! iieautitul 1 (ioiitlemcn, pleaso repeat !" Iho band on the grass was only too happy to accommodate, and "Only i'nnsy blossom went lloating ngain on the night breeze. "hntrancmg I entrancing I exclaim ed tho man at tho window. "Gentle men, 1 don't want to put you to trou ble, but if you would only sing that over onoo more 1" Tho song dragged a little this time, and tho alto voice seemed to havo swallowed a troche down the wtong pipe, but it ended at last, and the old man called out : "That's what I call-singing, that is I Gentlemen, I'm no hog, but if 1 could prevail upon you to render that dn lightful poem once more, it would bo a kindness t never could forgot r There was a great deal of growling in undertones, but the leader gave the key, and for tho fourth timo the neigh borhood was filled with dreadfully faded pansy blossoms. When tho last nolo died away the old man clapped his hands and exclaimed: "Better and , better I You havo my heartfelt thanks. The old woman is deaf, my darter is in' Pontine, and tho hired gal quit yesterday, or I'd have 'em all stick their heads out to thank you in peison I Good night, gentlemen good night, and if you seo fit to comu to-morrow evening I'll have the old woman sot up with a bed quilt wrapped around her I" Detroit Free J'ress. Oamdeii and Atlantio Eailroad Arrange ments for the Doming Season. Pieparatious aro being made by this company for a heavy spring and sum mer business. Now steei rails are being laid and tho whole, road-bed is being brought to tho highest standard of excellence, Tho cars of tho Cain deu and Atlantio Hailroad aro hand some and comfortable, and thoso io quiring lenewals havo been greatly improved since last season. The Woodruff parlor cars, which aro at tached to all express trains, are luxur ious nud elegant. Tho 'ninety min uto' ride between the Delawaru nud tho' Atlnntie, in the fine oars nnd over the smooth track of this Company, is now ono of pleasure nud not of fatigue. It will bo of interest to visitors to Atlantio City to know that through trains on this road will run upon a very similai schedule next summer to that of last year, and that trains wi!l continue to leave Vino street and Shackamaxom street ns heietofoie. Tlio greater part of tho hotels in At latiliu City aro now open, and aro well filled nnd frequently crowded, with people of tho best society of Philadel phia, New York and other olties, who are seeking health and rest in the in vigorating atmosphere of this favoiito icsoit. A Petrified Indian. THE AMt'SINO 1'itANIv I'l.AYl'.D IPOX some i;n(II,isiimi:n uy the i.ati: henehai. 11aiine9. Tho death of Surgeon General Barnes recalls mi incident which took place a good many years ngo nnd at tracted much atte'ntion at the time. Shortly after he was appointed assist ant surgeon in tlio nnny ho wns sent out, with seveial other lneuibuts of the medical ootps to Kansas, al that lime a howling wildci-nen. Ono day a young lieutenant in tho camp receiv ed a letter fiom a friend in the Hast, saying that a braco of Englishmen had started lor th lnr West on a mim ing expedition, and might be expi eti d nt the furl by a o rtaiu time, Some one stigjzcAtcd lliat, as Kansas was nu unknown country, a hoax of some kind would bo eminently pioper, and everything was kept pretty quiet until tiio day beforo tlio visitors were ex pected, Vk hen the camp rang with the news of a curious phenomenon. 1 wo of tho ollicer.', it was said, becoming attracted by tho representations of a friendly Indian, had followed him to an oul-of-lhe way place, about ten miles from the fort, to shoot bnlY.ilo. Here was located, to all appearances, nn ordinary spring. The Indian was somo distance in ndvance, nnd going to tho spiing dipped a cupful of water. flu had only taken one draught, when ho uttered a shriek. Tlio oflkcrs rushed to his asdstanee, but when they ai rived nt his side ho was in a stale of comiileto petrification. When tho Englishmen arrived at the foit next day they wero told this story. They expressed somo inciedu- lty nt lust, till the othceis olleied lo guide them to spot. The following day the expedition was accordingly made. A petnhed hgure, .clad in a picturesque savage's costume, was found by thu side of the spring, and everything tended to corroborate the story. Ono ot the luiglishnieii ap peared to have some doubts as to whether such a phenomenon was With in tlio bounds of possibility, but the two surgeons who wero prc'eut bom barded him with such a volley of scion tilio hypotheses, duly backed by jaw breaking physiological tonus, that ho surrendered at discretion. The upshot of the matter was that tho visitors eon sidered tho figure as a great discovery. They begged it and had it boxed caio- tully and transported al enormous expense to New York, together with seveial demijohns of the fatal water, intending to ship tho whole to Eng land. .In. thu mcautimcthu English and American papers wero full ol tho matter and tho greatest interest was manifested to have tho peliificalion ex amined by experts. Uu aruving in iuw York tho object was investigated and tho slightest ex amination proved that thomateiial was sandstone and the water ordinary spring water. Barnes always denied that ho was concerned in any way in the hoax, but his friends say now that he was too modest to claim tlio credit for it. Chicago Neios. Whit a Dial of a Parm In3lub3. The following valuable extract is from an address delivered by Judge E. II. Bonnet, of Taunton, Mass., beforo the state board of agriculture of that state: "Of courso every ono knows it conveys all the fences standing on tho farm, but all might not think it also in cludes the fencing stuff, posts, rails etc., which had once been used in the fence but had been taken down and piled up for future use again in tho same place. But new fencing material just bought and never attached to the soil would not pass. So piles of hop poles, stored away, if once on the land, havo been considered a part of il; but loose boards or scaffold poles laid loosely across tho beams of the barn and never fasten ed to it, would not be, and the seller of the farm might take ihem away. Stand ing trees,ofconrse,also passu part of tho land; so do trees blown or cut down and still left in tho woods where they fell, but not if cut and corded for sale; tho wood has then become personal property. If thero bo any manure in thu barn yard, or in a compost heap on the field, ready for immediate use, tlio buyer ordinal ily takes that aho as bo loiiging to tlio farm, though it 'might not be so, if tho owner has previously sold it to some other part', nnd had collected it together in a heap by itself. Growing crops also pass by a deed of a faim unless they are expressly reserved, and when it is not intended to convey those it should bo so stated in the deed itself; a mere oral agreement to that effect would not be valid in law.'' Tho only known spccICo for Epileptic Flu. "Vfl Also (or tpaimi und Falling Sickness. 1'erruui Weakness It Instantly relieves and euro. Cleanse Mood and quickens tlui'sbh circulation. Neutra lizes germs of disease and cares sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores, Eliminates llolls, Carbuncles and Scales. cn'trinaccntly and promptly cures paralysis. Yes, It Is a charming and liralthrul Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings llvll, twin brotht r3. Changes bad breath to good, reniov ing tho cause, liouis bilious tendencies and makes clear comrlcilon. Equalled by none In tho delirium of fcicr. A charming retolient and n matchless laiatlro. It drives Sick ilcsdachq like tho wind. C2rCuntalninodrastlcc4thartlcorop!atc. licllevcs (THE GREATjl CWEBVE)SOlHlQUlEBlOlgl the brain of morbid fauces. 1'ruuiDtlr cures lilicu. matlim by routing It, lScstorcs llfc-KlTlns preper tit to tho blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous disorders. r-TIlellablo when nil opiates faU. K.i. frekhes tho mind nnd Invigorates tlio body, Cuics dyspepsia or money refunded. Diseases of the blood own It a conqueror. I!ndo-(c d In writing by oyir fifty thousand leading clllitni, clergymen and physicians. In U. S. and Europe, Ctri'or salo by all leading druggists, fx. Tho Dr. B. A. ll.'elimond Medical Co. Trots., C Josipli, Mo, (9) Charles N, Crllte-.lon, Agent, New York City. TIRED OUT. The distress ing feeling of I ucarlmii, of exhaustion v.llliout effort, which makes life a burden to so many people, Is duo to the fact that tho blood Is lor, niul tho ltal!tr consequently feeble. If you aro suffering from such feelings, Ayer's Sarsapavilla Is Just what ou necil, nnd will tlo mi lical culabla good. No other preparation so concentrates ami combines blood-purifying, vitalizing, enrich ing, nnd Invigorating qualities as Avnu'D rl.tltSAI'AllILLA, I'ltEriiiED ur Dp. J.C. Ayor&Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by nil Druggists ?l, sli bottles for 15. WANTED J5Sf?Kh Vlr.oj, 8hrub, I'oses. Ic Ilrliable men to Trees, urape o Hilary uud moa cni boon barn tlio buMaiss. fx.iensi's niia. ru t usirucuom iriveu, Address J. f. I.KCI.A1IK. mtiuni'UN, N. v, ( uitlv oast of ltouebier. r., v.) pr-w d (HiiXill! Vltnl (itieiiloiiN 1 1 Ask the most eminent, physician Of any school, what Is the best llilnc In the world for quieting nnd nllnylng all Irri tation or the nerves nntl curing all forms of nervous complaint", giving natural, child like refreshing sleep always ? Ami tltti' will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form of Hops 1" ClIAl'TKIt I Aslt nn or all of tho most eminent phy sic! mm t "What Is the best nud only remedy that can ho rolled on lo euro all 'diseases of tho kidneys and urinary orgatm;siioh us Wright's disease, diabetes, retention or Inability to rctnln urine,' nud all the diseases nnd all munis peculiar to women ' "And they will tell you explicitly unit emphatically "fluchu.'' Ask the same physicians "What Is tho most reliable and surest cum for all liver discuses or dyspepsia, con stipation, Indigestion, blllousnc-'., malar ial fever, ague, ," mid they will tell yotu "Mandrake I or l)aiulellon !" Hence, when Iheso remedies arc com bined with others equally valuable Ami compounded Into Hop Hltteis, such a wonderful and mysterious curative pow er Is developed which Is so vailed In Its operations Hint no disease or III heath can possibly exist or resist Its power, and yet It is Harmless for the most frail woman, weak est Invalid or smallest child lo use. CltU'lKIt n "Tntlrals Almost tleml or nearly iljlntt" l'or years, and given up by physicians of Hrlglil's nud other kidney diseases, liver complaints, severe coughs called .cunsump tloiij havo been cured. omen gone nearly crazy I From agony of neuralgia, nervousness, wakefulness anil various diseases peculiar to women, People drawn out of slinpn from excru ciating pangs of Hheuniallsm. Inlluiniualory ivntl chronic, or sulTcrlns front scrofula! KrVMiielas, salt rheum, blood polsnnlnsr, tlysncp. Bin, liulltfestloii, ami In (net altno-a. nil illseixes trail Nattiro n heir to, liavo been cured by linn Hitters, proof of which cm bo found In every nelchborliooil lu tho khfjivu world. FOR TilE PbRMANEflT CURE OF lEUO j No other dlaeono la bo prevalent in tltU coua try at Constipation, and no remedy Una ever euro. VTiAtavcr tneoauBtf.howovcrobitlnate equauca mo ccicuraica swiancywori na a tho casc. this rcniodywiu overcome It. E3hI ETC Tina tiiitrc3slui? con-. ifwHl&-i3B uiaint i very aot to be eompUeatod withoonBtipaUon. JUdneyAVort ttrenzthons tho weakened parts and quickly curca all kinds of Piles oven when physicians. ana rn caicuics nava ueioro mica. l- c xnryouiiavociincrci xacso troubles USE SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Us:d In tin prlnolpiicimrchoi for communion prrpoics: Excellent for Ladies and Woakly For ssns and tho Agod. Spoor's Port Grape Wine! FOUR YEARS OLD. mills OEI.KIlIt TED NATIVE WINK U male X from 1119 juicooi in1? upono urape, raiseuin tills country. Its Invaluable Toni: and Strengthening Properties aro unsurpassed by any other Iatlvo Wlno. He ine tlio pure J ilco of tlio drape, proaucod under Mr. Spcer's on persQuul supervision, its p'jilty and (,'emlnoaos, are gu.iranued, Tlio votingeit child mil pirtako ot U Generous uuslitles, und mo weaKOiinvaua use it, to auvauiac. il is par to the aged nnd debtlltatcd, and Bultcd to the vorlom ailments that alfect tho eaKcrsex. It 13 lu every rcsjecti. wink to I1EHEL1EUON'. SPEER'S SB V3 Tho 1. .1. SHKKIiY M a wlno ot Sun'rlor Char acter, nud partakes ot tin licit n'l ulltlps of tho crapj rrom which 't. H male. Kor Purity, inch, ness. Flavor and .Medicinal I'ropertlos, Il will bo luunu uuexecucu. SPEER'S ThH 11IIANDV standi unrivalled in this Country bctnir fur btmerlor f or medicinal nurnoses. IT is I'l'li S distllhtlon from tlio grape.atid con- iiiuif vtu'tuuiu lucuiiiuiv pruiieriiei. ltbatmlelicitu llivor. hlmtlir to tint of t lie crapps, frum which tt H dlstlllsd, and Is In great ravor umouv iini-cias i unities. Kcotlut tho signature of ALI'ItBI) SI'EEIt, Pas saic X ,1. is over tho corlc of each toltlo. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. AND 1IY DltUOaiSTS KVEIt VHBItE, sept. !,', l-y F ARMS i HOMES- ; ho b5l In thu world, nr i easllv obtained In Da. koti. Minnesota and Northern loa. tut ready to move m tlio sdi in;,'. Urst. com), host served County niapi, description of lands, ra'es ot pan aau ni.d iPlglit. liirnHhed frf" bv .nillN It I'OIT, Aiietit, I'lileaifo, MllwmtKoo x Kt, Paul H'y. Willi imsoort, l' . No trouble to aiisv.ei' quoitlon. i .prUsw ((i weelt in your o vn town Terms and $3 out vnilrOJ AlirOlS ll. IHI.LIT L.O., foTiunu Maine. match 31 -ly '9: A w ok in ul4 at homi y me mdustrl. OU4. Best business now l;forn the puouc, ujputii not; neeuea, w e win ty' start you Slon. women, b vh nnd elrH wanud ov.Tjwheru to work for us. Nowisiho time. You can wo kin so ue time, or irlvn your wnoio lirao lo tho uusiius. no other business will pay you nearly as wed No ono can fall to make enormous my. by encaalnir nt once. Costly outfit, and terms frm. Money u.ndo Use. easily, nud honorably. Address tki'k ic Co, Aucusta, Elaine. iiju, o, az-iy. PURE Krom the nisirlcts of ahsim, Cii Tritioxn, Caciuii KlNOKl Vil.l.Kr, 1I11UKKI.IM1 IIKIIIII lioox, uud otbeiH. AijuiiiiHiv Pure. HUDernr In ilivoi Tho .Mist Kconom'cal. Itciiuito only liair the usual iiuanittv. tout tiv at ir,' ,1 ins u. .Lll' s co Atrents nr mo CicuttuTca Kyndicaie. ISO Waliir-st. m y, Ijhlcli I 18S0. cmiuIm riiTfcU IIKNUCKSON'SI '.' imkliuj li cnxtmMj CikIxIsk lluk, hlsf I sllth Utt Inforinttloo known ty tlis sulhor U Unr I I l.ri ,iii- nam.. , f tM MMlkBIIUU, Potor Hont erson & Co.. 3S a 37 Cottlandt Bt New AGENTS Want Kkaof ibitci gu t iu (in -mi T p. bitt4U-j. trrrlt 4 t juuesMy uia joo!3& Biblos r,i r Ubi-rulletiini, I ui. i,l,tilU.lcliJi(l,4, I El tht kcason, fJly dftkcriua In their lYIMIlUMU pEVERT!ilNGl J SALTZER'S GentTal Sowing Macliiuo Dopot, Firth Slow Below BarW-1, BLOOiYISBURG, PA. MM WMIe Sevim Wine, Now D.ivis Vertical Feed Sow ing Machine, New Homo Sowing .Suielfiiie, Household Sowing Machine, Estcy Sowing Machine, (jenuit.e finger Sowing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, best Sowlntr Machine Oil. nnd Nee dles for all Mowiwr nno linns, Sowing Midlines sold on monthly paytn-nt?1 Liberal dUcnint made I T easa. nvery macuine purcniseu iroin ino Is warrantedtib') kept in good runnlniformr for live ears freo of charm, and thorutt'h In structions given by the best lady operator In this part u( th-i statofree ot clnrifi E.tamlno my stock cf nachlnes before purchslns. NAVALlSSSBATTLES. New snd imphlc l'lctorlal lltitory ot the great ben Itghtl of Ilia orld. uy Medical director sitirrKN, v. n. n. Anarrts J.CMcCUKUV &CO., til CheMaut St., rhiuaelplils, ft. uno to-ly tOd LKGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFFICE, The hlootl h the foundation of life, it circulates through every part of the Loily, and unless it is pure and rich, good health is impossible. If disease has entered the system the enly sure and quick way to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood. These simple facts are well known, and the highest medical authorities agree that nothing but iron will restore the blood to its natural condition ; nnd also that all the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause head ache, and are otherwise injurious, Urow.n's Iron Hitters will thor oughly and quicUy assimilate with the blood, purifjing and strengthen- . iii it, and thus drive disease from any part of the system, and it will not blacken the teeth, cause head ache or constipation, and is posi tive!; not injurious. Saved Ills Child. 17 K, l!utaw St., nalilmorc, Md. Tib. i, 1880. Gcnt Upon tlie recommenda tion ot a Iritnd 1 tried H.'own's Ikon limine as a ionic ami rc torjtbti for niy tlauKtitcr, ulicm 1 wet llierotijjlily com inced was v istln nw.iy uuh Consumption, Ii.ivl 1 lust tlircj tl.mgtitcrt by tlio t?rnl'lc riisc.isc, tinder tl.u care of inbuilt p'ipich.ns, I was loth to I ctiiivo dial ny tiling conld arrist A2 j'r(j;rtss r.l tlie iliscase, but, to ly at '.inpri.e, before my clanidi. if . j tat.sit inioliotilecl Phown's 111 4 11 its, she began to mend and t "w It ituite restored to former li A hfth d.ii:i;l,ler began to fcl, v 1 1 i.H of Consumption, and" . 1 eti i!id ihiclan was consulted Ic nuK !.Iy said "Tonics wcrcie i.ultcd." nnd when informed that t.iu tlJcr sUtcr x,as tal iur lhtowN's Ikon Ihu tus, responded "that is n god Ionic, tale it." AbOKAM PilCLls. Kri iw.n's Ikon lirn tffcctual 1; lijspepsia, Indigestion and V a'.ncssi, anil renders the gieatest r'h J and benefit to pusons suheiing from such wasting diseases ns Con sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc. aavsi:t'tn.AttTicLE,, Euvma Fioful Chbouo cards, 8ls Hit, and a llluatrated ltouk, to all tfha aund Itro St. alumpN tor patase and parkins', llentlon Ihla itapar. I. a.RlDI0UT&,C0NWY0RK. ea Jun 1, M-iy 10 AIiVilllTISKit's. bowos Itatos for ndver tllcL' In osn eo'iil nowMiiner henl freo Ad dross tilio. l1, HuWEbL si 0 ., to sprtico bt., N. V Jlnr r-iw r "THE BEST IB CHEAPEST." - ENGINES, TUOrrCUCRQ SAW-MILLS, Umthitn 1 inia.AJi.MHJ ClotHDolleii (Snltftl to all apctloni. ) IVrlte rorllli;!: lUua. 1'ainplilet. ajkll'rictxtuILuAultiiun&Tiolor Co., luuuileld, Olda nurva 6111 7nVKEK. l a day at borne easily undo Augusta, Jlalnn. march Sl-iy Hi"uosiiy uutniir.'o. Auurem iuitw MAKE HENSTAY An Knfitsh 'et,irl nrv Kurceon nnil Chemist now travdlni: In this eounlry,8vs tint mo-it ol m iiorso anu uati'o rowucr aani uere uiu mum less trash, lit siyn tint Sherldiu's Condition t'nwitnrs ni x iitno!iitl v nuro nnd Immensely vilu- able. Not'i nir on oarth will nuko h m lay like Khorldan'afijudltloti I'nwdo h. Dose, I teaspoon lul to t pint w id. sold evcri t nero or sent uy man for h letter stamps. 1. a. J ns -.nN vu, UOiaTON, UI I OUUVIOJ-IJ, I IS II :J- Wi ii,iwiH,Kf tnpisitlvit nnlttnns khnulil learn Tel f-i.rntiliv. Viu-iitii-fi's tor 11 lltidted llliinber. Atldrcss, with Mump, Hl'IT. 'I'llMitlltAl'll lNSIT'lrTi; lli-oad tilitl ciifainut. Mireis, 1'hll.idclphl.i. U nprvanw Wm MAN VEGETABLE PILLS yon tub LIVER And nil Bilious Complaints. Safe to take, being purely veertablo; 110 crlnlng. I'llco a eeuU. All DrugjiUts. npr CO 4v JIAKK NKW HHJH IJLOUH, And will comtdetelr elianve tlio blood In tho on ttro njbteiu In thrui moiitlis. Auy person 11 bo will lakoonuplll uacli nlijUt Iium ono lo iweho weeks, Uiuy bu restoretl to hound health, t hUi b a lllnu la pualbe. I'ur curliiL' 1'eiiiulv Cumiil ulutx I lit su I'llla havo no cspuL 'liyi latu u them lu their prnctleu. sold every whfie, urhontby mull foria ivnis in biuiups. neiui iur uaiiipiutu 1. n. uii- HON vo, 110.11011, sias ttjir is FREE ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. TIIK fj VOLT MO IIKLTCO., Marahtlt, Mich , nbl lilt. nVR'S C'KLKMItA'l Kll I'.bU Tlt().VOI II IFLTrt nnd KI.ECTItIO AI'PI.IAN'CKS on send 1 ,r a in trial lorn' tlnjs tn men ci otitic nroitl ilitj nrc inf fllciHlwllh Nervotl- DeMlliy. lost VI nlltv, Ami kindred iroublo", etiarnntct ir.R spe uvnmi com. ii'cto restoration ofbealth and man y M r. Ad dress ns sbovo-N. n -No risk Inclined, nJ da it' trtil Is allowed' I'eb.nth-ljr. r NEW JIOOK. "I IFF n?J THE MISSISSIPPI." Is proving; tho crnndost success ot nil th" Iwnln series. A genuTuo bon.tita to Onn Arrniltl l'or terms and trrrllory "d-,0 7,B0, Uj tlrcs-S DOtdb SS lllltK, M X. 5th St., I'hlla. I'a, npr'JO nv d T ITT.T-L IN Every Hslcy Organ Sold Is made Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Snd for Iltuttrattd Catalogue, I 111 And other first dtiss Pianos, and ti large lot of MUSIC IBOtOKS, VIOLINS, AGCORDEONS. BAKTJOS, MUSICAL OMlDlWEf T IE, VIOLIN STRINGS, And evea's'lSaiiiig' J". SJLT-tTZIEt, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG. Prt. SUPERIORITY OF STYLE. Excellence of Material. PERFECTION CF FIT. Unrivalled Mock of Spring Clothing Miiniifiictnri'd Kx liiTHfrly for inc. Wo ciminnten Hra rW I III I Stylo, llllll 11 ill to 11 -2f N- - fl -- Also a Very Superior Lino of Gonts' FURNISHING GOODS for Spring and Summer. TIIK LATKST AND NKWKST SI'UINU STLKS OP HATS, Just Received, ar the Popular Clothing Store of D. LOWENBERG. WEB3R.H mm FINK INLAID VMM WALNUT OSH OKO.VN. STOPS, S'.)0 (USH, r.;tNy rrrmy, SueiMfinitlon if.iiiiptnia.,,,1. iiOOlST'S waebrooms, MU8I0 MAM, BLOCK, MIMCES, EAKItn pa REST not, llfd 1.4 hWPntilnr. hi- ..ft ant diro before inn illii "Oinctnlng mighty und sub- No risk. Kvery thing now, OiU'al not rentilred. o i 111 Mrntsii von evrrj thine-. Many aro unking fort unes. I.adlfs inke as much as inii, and boy I nnd gltlim k groat pay. Ib tider, if jou want b uld''ts a wlitcn ou can make great pay ad the timo. tsrlt t;rnirloulai itu II. lUuutT Co! IMrtland, MoinO p o 8, 'ia iv, ' $6 to ?20Por aVl uom: HmplOH worlh 15 u 1 u uUtree, Ad Irew sriN.uif V t'o, por nurtllla l.y I CURE FITS! m lew a'.sy (emeiliMo cura Ilia mural cum. ll.., ,.u.a ,.u..r. li.S ilUttt t)i, 11. U, Hour, llpiil St., j,-, Vurt, Jlarv-lw Tlioro is no Baking Its qualities, redicinal and Culinary, guarantee Health and Luxury. Every buyer should Select an Organ That yitarantce.1 yond Every day wirh and Years of service. J, ESTF.Y & CO., llrultlctioro, Vt. laa 8 Sue Music Hue. fill PIANOS Mq T&e Might Quality, JMIIilliniUII, bo tho EST. PiRD MilW Junel pcopIq aro a'wftjB on the HnL.iIlt fni nil.nnna tn In crwe Hi tr earaintfs.anU In . , , limn uvvi'in" nrnituj ; iituatj who do not laiprovo their oppiitunltles remain Iq Muuim ukiviii uikiivii iuinKu money, nu want ui 'nv men, women b ys anil girls to work turns iljhuu their own loealite, Anyona can do Iho work properly from the tlrst st rr. 1 ho otiaiiirH w pir morn than ten tiitiei ordinary. Wjigt-s. KxpcnMvuoiittl furn"lrd free. No one who cngarfcs fain to moke money rapidly. You ma dovotu your wln'e Urns to the work or ouly yrtir spue momenn, i'un intormatlon and ol nt u w m sent free. Addr.'ss ntinson tt Oo I'uitlanU .Milue, i)(c 'b.iy (iUKIS VHIKl Alt U5I MILS. n.KLLVlllCl. HvnitV IVsiliairt Una iiUliuo. H.Uby tirtiKkUu! Jon -eg, nvv. 41 93 tall iifysj Powclor equal to Mio 1 1 HSi RAILR.OAD TIME TABLE OKNN8YLVANIA 1U1MIOAI). l'jni i-...T.,AV.V; ZiZJi, ,".',!!'. ' lnlri AND TI.MU TA11LK. In effect January lt lli. 16S3. Trains nvna,... bury. KASTWAIII), nor. a. in. lock iiaven itxpiess ror Hnrrlsburi' and Intermediate stations, I.nncnstpr, Phlladili rlt in'ff at riilUdefplila v.m p. m, j uw Vork.'ojo ,', 111, . I Villi VI S , i 1,1. , IT usiuugien p. ill. I.Bjn.m. Day express for Ilarrltbnri m,rt tM. termcdlato nations, Lancaster, Philadelphia. New sn.f ll.itlltnnro nnd Vt'imlli.lAn IMilladeiphlnliil p. m.i New Yorl;,' lo.nj p. m . llaltlmore. 7.1ft 11. in.: Washington, n. m t...n' mnn Parlor car throuch to iTdladclpliia and pas. 8etiKCr coaches through to I'blladelphla and Dalit. s.iio" n. rn. Wllllamsport Accommodation for llarrlsburir ant all Inteiincdlata Mntintm tn. caster, Philadelphia and .cw York, nirlvlnirat i ntiaiieipnia z.aa a, m.i row loru ( a. tn siecplntf car nccommodalions can bo seemed at llarrlsburR ror Philadelphia nnd New York. Piilla. delphla passengers can I emalti In sleeper undla. turned until" n. in. 1.05 a. in. Krto Mali for llnnlsbiiri' and Inter mcdlalo ttntlons, Lancaster, 1'lillauclnlila, New York, llalllniorn nnd Wnsidngton, arrlMnir at Philadelphia 7 55 n. in.; New York, 11.20 iifm. llnltlmoru 7.40 n. in. ; Wufhlnston, a. in. Through rullmau sicipink' cars are run on litis train to Philadelphia, luufmoro nnd N athincton and through passenger coaches to Philadelphia and lialttmore. WEiTWAIlI), (IMS a. in. Etlo Mail lor Erie and nil Intermediate stations with through l'uilmou l'nltco cur nnd through passenger coachss tu Krlo. l'or caniindalgua und lutermedlato stations, Itcchester. llurrttloaiid Niagara Kalis, with Pull man Palace car nnd passenger coaches through to ttochestcr, p. m. Niagara Kxprcss for Knno and Inter medlato stations with through passenger coaches to Kano. For Uauandalgua nud principal lnter mcdiato stations, ltoohoitcr, nunalo and Niagara Kails with through parlor car to Wntklns and through passenger conches to itochestcr. MS p. m Fast lino for Lock lluven and Interme diate stations, and Klmlra, Wntklns and lntermc dlato stations, with through passenger coaches to Lock Haven and Wntklns. THHOUail TI1AIN8 FOIl SUNIll'UY FIIOM THE KAbT AND SOUTH. Niagara Express leaves New York, 0.15 a. tn. : PhlladelDhn, Una. m,; llaltlmoro 7.D0 a. m nr. rlMiigatMuubury, l.wn. m., with through Pull, man l'urlor car irom I'blladelphla nnd through passengjr coaches from Philadelphia nnd llaltl moro. Fast Lino leatcs Now York 8 oo a. in. ; Philadel phia, 11.U5 a.m.; Washington, a.m.; llaltl moro, 1045 a.m., arriving utsunbury, 6.SM p. m., with through passenger eoaches from Philadel phia und Baltimore. Erie Mall icaxes New York S.00 p. m.; Philadel phia, p. ra.: Washington, 9 so p. m.; Haiti more, 11.15 p. m , arritlng hi minburr, o.u u. in., ith through I'ullmau I'ulacu bleeping cars from Philadelphia. Washlutrton and nmiiinnrn mut throiigb passenger coaches from Philadelphia, HllNHUUV. HA7I.KTON ,6 Wit KKfl-IUMltK ItAILIlOi D AM) NOKTII & WtST 1IIUNCII ItAILWAY. .nan itnsi leaves sunoury 0.45 n. m., arriving at Ill'jom Ferry 7.41 a. in.. Wflkes-barrn u 511 n. m. Bxprcss East leates Sunbury 6.35 p. m., un Ivlng at lilooin Ferry c.31 p, m., wilkes-burro 8 lu p. m. JIali West leaves Wllkcs-b irre a. in , arrlv Ingat llioom Ferry 12 us p. in , Sunbury 1.01 p. m. Express West leaves Wilkes-barro 5 so p. m. ar riving ut llioom Ferry 1 01 p. m , Sunbury 6.05 p uiiAB. 1;. rutin, j. 11. wool), Oen. Manager. den. Passenger Agent. jpHHUDELPHAANi) READING ROA 1 AHUANQEJIENT OP PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno 28, 1SS2. TIUIH3 LKAVE BCFKKT AS FOLLOWSCSDKDIT XXClrTkC. For New York.Phlladolnhla.neartlni.InHKvlllo, c, 11,45 a. m, For catawlssa, 11,45 u. m, 4 60 and T,a p. m. For WllllamSDOrt. 0.15 S.BO a. m. anil Ml n. m. TKalNSfOtt BOriBT Z.E1VK IS FOLLOWS, (SUNDAY xcirriD.) Loavo Now York, via. Tamancnd 9,00 a. m. and via. Hound llrook Uouto 7,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9,43 a. m. Leave Keadlng, u,65 n. m., Tottsvllle, H,S p. a andTumaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leavo Catawlssa, 0,10 t,io a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllllam3port,91t5a.m,,uop.m. and 4,30 p. m I'assengors to nnd from New York, via. Tama ncnd und to and from Philadelphia go through vlthoutchangoof cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, C. a. iiancook, General Manager, ooneral Passenger and Ticket Agent., ib8l-tr. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WEjI'EllN ItAILUOAI). BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOHTH STATIONS. Scran ton.... ..liellevuo, .. Taylorvlllo.. ...Lackawanna. IMtntnn.... p.m. p.m. a.: SOUTH 9 15 2 45 9 09 a.m. p.m. p.m u 3U 3 iu 0 17 9 03 9 S 69 9 6 il 8 27 3 34 tl 41 8 46 6 61 0 55 0 68 7 02 7 19 7 17 7 22 7 19 7 37 8 00 8 tt 8 40 8 CO 9 00 t CO 8 05 8 10 8 18 8 25 8 SO 8 So 8 62 9 09 9 04 Ofll 9 45 9 t2 9 64 8 4S 9 8 43 9 8 31 U .West Plttston 10 03 10 18 Wyoming. ..uiu (tnlfhv .llennntr 8 IS 8 23 0,1 1 60 1 43 1 25 1 25 1 18 Kingston.,.. Kingston.... Plymouth June ....Plymouth.., Avondale ... Hantlf nln 10 18 M 2 54 S 03 9 Oil S 10 8 18 3 C3 3 45 3 61 3 67 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 it 4 83 4 88 4 tO 5 19 i 25 10 18 10 20 8 16 9 65 8 07 8 00 47 89 1 03 Hunlock's f'ree'k 10 84 7 4011 42 S 23 10 42 10 tB 11 07 11 13 11 SO I 53 U ?5 . ... sniCKsninny. 1 ?u I'i 11, 7 20 12 no 7 13 11 17 7 09 11 40 7 C5 11 3) 0 67 ll 10 tl 10 6S 5 45 10 5') 0 87 10 41 6 19 10 SJ 6 10 10 OS 01 10 ..uick'8 rerry. i.Iieach Haven. .... nerwlck . ...lirlar creek., .Willow Qrovo. Limo uidgo.. Kspy..... ...liloomsburg., Ituport Catnwl'a Iirldgt Danville.... 11 C9 11 45 II f.O 11 6b 12 IS 1 unuiasky... I Cameron... )5 Nortliumbprfd 12 45 a.m. u..iii, p.m. p.m, a. hi Bn.i. ".. W' f. IIALSTBAI), Sunt, superintendent's office, seranton. Feb. 1st. I6S2. IBLEY S EED w. f ftaaSaaa Unil I W f W f 1 HUU U tWfUl FOR ALL CLIMATES. ' W4 aro the lariret fanner, lament need cruwr rr and largest aeed deiilera anihcrot hutico luvourQatOkt facilltloa for prmlucliiir Heat Hrrili AM our &al art tiitul, and only tho bout pent nut. 0ur.iiiuaIC.il4lu.;. and i'rlM W brlllfS THU lltl!ATi:ST HIM'll HiiniMt IM .I'll I' r,PAI I Di amtg mo a 1 1 nDnoo YOItI.I TO YOUll, OWN HOOK. It in. vmiios u m aewrauid now and standard vsnetlcs ef rjowcr, VfUbla, Held ami TroiPeeiU, tr.4 I'lautj. Santl'Itlll! to any address, HIRAM SIBLEY &. CO. SoodorriCii ItDcLcater, N. Y. und Clilcoito, 111. A & S Feb PAYNE'S I O Horso Spnrk.Arrostlng I'orluble Kiilno has cut 10,000 ft. uf Michigan l'lne Hoards In lu lmur, burning (labs from tlio saw lu viKUl-luui iviigtus. Our 10 Jlorse wt GttaranUi tq furnish rower to saw 8,000 rn t of Hemlock Jiwtrdi lu 10 lioiir. Our li Jloiu will cut V)xiaf,rt in sime lime, "JU-iji . ll'ir Knuliies 'am flVittittmn tQ ruriil li a io(iu poiycr pn 1, W fuel r.nd wstct than any pthet f.y elna nut lilted wllhtf AoHimiiro Cut Oil, If you want a Stationary or l'orl iiblu Jingine, Jlollcr. C icit- inr saw Mill, hliottine or ) ' liner cai r.r weuuari .v.,. WrutiBlit lrou rulhy, nnd for ur ill ii a 1 r nt' d catalogue, Nu, I., IT liifiirnutiou and prices, 1), W. I'A V.N V. t BON3. Coming, N. V. llox Jan, b, 63-iy. rOH f KlJilKV ISO. Kf-flTOWMl AD tu blMWIUItl bblMUBM. Tr I r lU ltu iW 1 tt-t-r ttMJ 1 um ' W fl.TT l ll ia Ik. tun iarilAjL ful I4l MUNI 4 UiL'UK K fcUWsii-r H ttii 4 ft I wun i M4 ur si tun w u mi .1 UlWuuMaJltliiu.4IWl, (U1 -A f tllr(4 IK M'isfsXUal ll ktWJvi 4 ism ii-i-'Lj iAVUt;0 .l-fcVlltU) M OCt63My mm .Iff. M'm.'Ja' I I