The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 20, 1883, Image 4

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Al lluman Body Turned to Chalk.
At tho ofllco of Loituh Brothers'
steam minting woika, in tlio cilyof
Uiimnnuti, O., nro tho remains of tho
mothor-in-iaur of Mr. A. Iieitoli, ono of
tho members of tho firm, in a thorough
ly petrified condition. Tho wnmm
lias boon about twenty livo years.
Tho bedy, according to tho statement
of n prominent physician, h in a stato
of adipocoro. Mr. Leitcli ha? been
keeping it in Ids oillco sinco. its arrival
in Cincinnati, undetermined what to do
Willi it, but his brother informed a re
porter that tllOV Wcro nontomnlntlnrf
placing it on public exhibition for the
bencta ot science.
a i i . . .
Quvunu pnysicians, no sain, wno
havo oxamlnod tho body, consider it a
ruru opuuimcn oi niipocori, mid tncy
navo uroxon olt littlo pieceii, a too or rt
linger, and put them in their cabinets
ot Biiails and crawfish and other inter
estinir articles. Tho ladv died of nnn
ploxy, and sho was buried in tho grave
yard of Dupont, Ind. Sho was
soventy-two years of ago rt tho timo
ot her iloath. Tho ground in which
biio has lain for tho last two dozen
years is mainly limestono formation,
and small stream of water trickled
through tho limestono and camo in
contact with tho body. A scientist
stated that It Is unknown just what it
la !., a 1... .......... t..!ii ji.i. i ...
jo in liiu wiimi mill, uuiiuius HUSH, 1)111
it is soino kind of mineral, Last No
vember relatives of the deceased decid-
t-d to tako up her bones and rcbury
them at Cincinnati. When tho grave
was opened their surprise was great to
find instead of only decayed and
crumbling bones, a well picservsd box,
an apparently now collin, nnd above
all a oorpso which requires no less
than six men to lift. It is literally a
t It rtn . . -
cnaiK woman. no limbs anil body
are preserved almost perfectly. The
limbs aro there, but have shrunken and
changed so much as to bo barely rec
ognizable. Tho ilosh, or rather what
was ouco tho ilosh, is discolored, is
dark, and has an unnatural look,
Taking a knifo and cutting and scrap
ing this dark substance away tho sub'
Blanco is found to bo almost exactly
like while chalk. Tho back of tho
head is slightly decayed, but this is tho
only part where decay is indicated.
Sonio parts of tho body aro not brittle
like tho rest of it, but aro waxy and
An Editor Who is a Becluse.
A now York correspondent of tho
l'ress thus writes of tho editor-in-chief
of tho World newspaper :
William Henry Hurlburt, mentioned
above, is perhaps less known to tho
publio than any other of New York's
great editors. His life is that of a ro
clusc, almost, lie is n bachelor and
lives in three- rooms in tho building of
tho University of tho City of New
York. The location characterizes the
man. The university building is ono
of tho most ideally beautiful structures,
externally, in the city. It is of snowy
whito marble, in castellated Gothic
style, and occupies a wholo block on
tho eastern side of Washington square,
which, with its giant elms and syca
mores, sparkling fountain and choice
parterres of llowers, is tho loveliest
small park in Now York. Henry
James has introduced it to the publio
lately in his novel of that name, and
Theodore Winthrop eusconsced his
artist, Cecil Dreeme, in this very uni
versity building.
No visitor ever enters Hurlburt's
rooms. Their portal has no bell, no
knocker, no knob ; only a slit for a
Yale-lock koy, and a larger slit for
letters. But they are furnished, I am
told, in a stylo of barbaric splendor.
Trophies of travel hang thick on the
walls rare paintiugs, china, glass,
silver and gold arms and armor. Tho
floors aro covered with Oriental rugs,
and Arctic furs. And there arc many
ohdico souvenirs, such as an autograph
letter from the Sha of Persia j a letter
from tlie Khedive Towfik, giving the
city of New York, through Mr. Hurl
burt, tho famous obelisk, and many
other similar tokens of Mr. Hurlburt's
wide acquaintance nraong tho notabil
ities of lorcign lands
Tho editor of The World is hardly
known by sight to tbo general public.
Ho seldom is seen on the streets or at
any publio assembly. I think he is
never seen at tho ollico of The World
except by two or threo privileged
members of tho Btaff. Ho only goes
there in tho late evening, and stays
until tho very early morning. At
other times lie communicates with his
lieutenants by means of a private tele
phone Hue. IIo is a very handsome
man, a highly cultured scholar, and,
whenever ho does emergo from retreat
into society, a charming compauion
and brilliant social star.
He Wouldn't Practice Law for no Man's
"Isom, I understand that you havo
taken out license to preach," said an
Arkansaw colonel to an old colored
t "Yes, sir j l'se 'cidod to preaoh de
Lord an him crucified."
"Why did you quit practicing law V
I'sp got too much conscience, sab. It's
agin my principle tor prosecute peoplo
what's innocent, and work for peoplo
what's guilty. Proaohin' jes' fits mo
Yer ain't got no ollico rent ter pay, an'
uo dim collectors shuns yer. Its chick
en in do morning, turkey at dinner and
preserves when do sun goes down.
A' sides do 'molunieuts, i lias do feelin'
dat I'so fightin' agin de debil. No sab
I woyldn't practice law for no man's
"I am sorry, Isom, that you havo
quit. I've got a littlo caso in a magis
trate's court and it will oome up before
a colored jury. I wnut you to tako up
tho o.tso for mo.''
"What's tho casof,
You seo I'm charged with forging a
"How's do proof 1"
"The fact is, I'm guilty. I'd give
twcnty.fivo dollars to get out of tho af
fair." "Well, boss, I'll tako tho case. 'Lig
iou is intended fur do benefit ob man,
an' I wouldn't hab a cross what you
co'il h't set a'ddo on Btretchiu' occa
eio. is." A rkamaio Traveller.
Some Ilemarkable Occurrences.
A Southern paper tells pf a man who
broke his back by sneezing. That is
willing. A Inrge-moulhod man in Kim
sas, a short timo since, dislocated his
hip j lint ny yawning There is a man
livinu' on tho Hast side who is so round
s'luuMercd that he has to uso sticking
plnsti r lo hold his shirt on. The cham
pion thin person lives ,'m Wayandotto.
IS to y timo ;he shaves his face it nicks
for zor. An old chap living on San
ta I'o street has such a long nose that
he Ims to take a snuff in April to
gntow in July. The midget at the
Mine inn has such a small uioiilh that hii
mother kisses him through a pipe stem.
Chicago girls when tlioy want a new
pair of new shoes shovo their feet
down the throats of a couple of Texas
steers; they then have tho legs of the
animals cut off and uso tho tails for
Employment of Women and Children.
The census statistics relating to
"gainful occupations show somo sig
niiicani results ns to the cmploytnen
of women and children. The whole
number of femaloi reported as pursu
lug gainful occupations in tho Unite
States In 1870 was 1,830,289. In 1880
tho number was 2,017,157, showing an
lnoreaso during the ten years of 810,
8(39. This result shows that the mini
bor of females ongiged in occupations
una increased ni a mucii nigncr raio
than tho male population, and also at
a higher rato than tho number of
males pursuing occupations. It fur
ther nppears that the rate of increnso
in the number of females pursuing oc
cupations lias been tar higher in man
ufacturing and mechnnioal industries
that is in factories chlclly than in anr
I I . 1 t , . . rt. .
inner Kind oi employment. oimiiar
results arc shown by the ocimis h tat is
tics with referenco to tho employment
ot children, in 1870 tho whole num
ber betweon iu and 10 years ot ngo
reported as pursuing gainful occilpa
lions was 7UU, lot. in 188'J the-num
ber was 1,118,350, or an increaso du
ring tlie decado ot 379,102. Tho rato
of this increaso was creator than tho
rate of increaso in the population be
tween thoso ages, and it was also
greater than the rato of increaso in tho
number of adults pursuing uainful oo
eupations. As in tho caio of Women
so in tho case of children, the rato of
increase in the number employed has
been greatest in lactones. .Nearly
300,000 more women and about 00,000
more children wero employed in man
utncturim; industries in iHHUthan in
1870. Those facts show tint while
high tanit manufacturers demand pro-
...-.!.. .. .. 1 Bl j- .1...! I.I
ii'cuuii ua it uuiiuut iu men wonting
men thov nro themselves seekiuir cheap
labor in tlie increased employment of
women and children. iv. X. Jlerala.
At Sea.
Another of John Buroimhs' deliifht
ful essays appears in tho April Centu
ry, tho subject being the transatlantic
voyage. In keeping with tho text is
tho ideal full-pago engraving, by El
bridco Kingsley of a ship in mid-ocean,
which was drawn with tho graver. We
quote the following from the writer's
impressions :
One does not seem really to have
irot out ot doors till he goes to sea. Un
the land he is shut in by the lulls, or
tho forests, or more or less boused by
the sharp lines of this horizon. But at
sea he finds the roof taken off, nnd tlie
walls taken down : ho is no lonirer in
tho hollow of the earth's hand, but
upon its naked back, with nothing be
tween him nnd tho immensities. He is
in the great cosmic out-ot-doors, as
much so as if voyaging to tlie moon or
to Mars. An astronomic solitude and
vacuity surrounds him j his only guides
and landmarks arc stellar ; the earth
las disappeared ; the horizon lias gone ;
io has only the skv and its orbs left:
this cold, vitreous, blue-black liquid
through which tlie chip plows is not
water, but some denser form of the
cosmic ether. Uo can now seo the
phere which the hills hid from him :
ho can Btudy astronomy under improv
ed directions. If he was being borne
through the interplanerary spaces on
an immense shield, his iranrcssiens
would not perhaps be much different.
He would find the same vacuity, the
same blank or negative space, the
same empty, indefinite, oppressive out-of-doors.
For it must bo admitted that a voy-
ago to sea is more impressive to the
imagination than to tho actual sense.
Tho world is loft behind ; all standards
of size, of magnitude, of distance, are
auished ; hero is no size, no form, no
prospective ; the universe has dwindled
to a littlo circle of crumpled water,
that journeys with you day after day,
and to which you seem bound by somo
enchantment. The sky becomes a
shallow, close-fitting dome, or else a
pall of cloud that seems ready to de
scend upon you. You !cnnnot see or
realize tho tho vast and vacant stir-
oundiiig : there is nothing to defino it
or set it off. Three tiiousand miles of
ocean space nro less impressive than
three miles bounded by rugged
mountain walls. Indeed tho grandeur
of form, of magnitude, of distance, of
proportion, etc., aro only upon shore.
A voyage across tho Atlantic is a ten
dency to sail through vacancy. There
no sensible progress ; vou pass no
fixed points. Is it tho steamer that is
moving or is it tho sea ? Or is it all a
dance and illusion of tho troubled
braiii ? Yesterday, to day, and to
morrow, you aro in tho same parenthe
sis of nowhere. The three hundred or
moro miles .the ship daily makes 'is
ideal, not real. Every night tho stars
dance and reel there in tho same plane
amid tho rigging ; every morning the
sun comes up from behind tho same
wave, and staggers slowly across the
sinister sky. Tho eye becomes a-hun
gcr for form, tor permanent lines, for a
lorizon wall to lift up aud kceo olt the
sky, and give it a sense of room. Ono
understands why sailors become an im
aginative and superstitious race ; it is
the reaction from tills narrow horizon
in which they are put. this ring of
late surrounds and oppresses them
They escape by invoking tho aid of tho
supernatural. In tho sea itself there is
tar less to stimulalo tho imagination
than in tho varied forms and colors of
tho land. IIo' cold, how merciless,
how elemental it looks I
Electrio Wires on Houses.
A verdict was given in tho Superior
Court of Hartford county Conn., on
April 12, of very general interest to
property holders in cities where thoteio
phono uud telegraphlo system of elevnt
ed wires have been introduced. In
Hartford tho Connecticut Telephone
Company, when putting up their wires,
made frco uso of the roofs of buildings
without, in many instnnces, requesting
consent from tho owner. In other cases
it was represented that only temporary
uso ,was desiredi but frequently the
wires were not withdrawn and nro yet
oc the roots, ueo. uobtuson, tho own
er of a largo block on one of the princi
ple, business streets, granted leave to
place wires temporarily or. his roof. The
company wuuicu iuui unjo u uiuj
and Robinson cheerfully granted a
week. At tho expiration of that peiiod
extensions of timo wero requested nnd
granted until a month had passed. Then
Robinson served a formal notice upon
the company to remove the wins, under
penally ot having them destroyed, lie
waited a reasonable lime, nnd tho com
panv taking no action Robiiiion went
upon his roof w it It mi axe and made a
clean sweep of tho wires. I ho company
brought suit for $3000 damages for ma
licious injury to their jnoperty. The
case was tried befoie a jury and Judge
Andrews charged strongly in favor of
ICobinson, and Impressed upon the jury
the fact that tho owner ot a uiiiniiugex
ereised tho exclusive control ot every
part of it from cellar to roai. i ho jury,
after an absence of twenty minutes,
brought iu n verdict for tlie defendant,
with costs.
Harvest Dates of tlid Worldi
January Harvest is ended in most
districts of Australia, and shipments
nave neon mado ot the now crop, Unlit,
Now Zealand, Argentine Hepublio.
February Upper Egypt, India.
March Egypt, India.
April Coast of Egypt, Syria, Cy
prus, India, Persia, Asia Minor, Mexl
co, Cuba
Mny IVrsln, Asia Minor, Algol i
Syria, lexns, 1 loiida, Morocco, mid
China, Japan, Ceiitrnl Asia.
June California, Oregon, Sontliun
Untied Mains, Spain, rortugal, Italy
Hungary, Turkey, Kotiniclln, Danube
South Kussia, South of France, Dan
i I f it. . . .
uoian rnneiiia Hies, ureeco. Mei v.
Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Geor
gia, Uarohnn, (NoHh and South), Ten
nessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Kansas,
AiKniiHS, Utah, uolorntlo jiwsoun.
July Southern, Eastern, and Mid
land English counties, Oregon, Nebrai
kn, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, III).
nois, Indiana, Michigan. Ohio. New
England, Now York, Virginia, Upper
Canada, France, Germany, .Austria,
Hungary, bivilzeiland, Italy, Kussia,
August United Kingdom. France.
Germany, Belgium, Holland, Manitoba,
Columbia, (UritislO, Louei Canada.
Hudson Hay territory, Denmark.
September Scotland. E n irl an d
iiops nnd roots. .America Mm.".
Athabasca wheat, barley, ifco. Swe
den, North Russia, France beet root,
buckwheat. -
ucionor ooouaiiu, America maize
crop. France, Ocrmany vintage.
November Australia (north). Peru.
south Atrica.
December Australia (south), Chili,
:rgentmo Kepubliu
The Pedigree of Wheat.
ouu oiiikp GF.nK.vr, a iki:ni:kati: and
l)K!ltl)KI) I.U.V.
Professor Grant Allen, in nn article
on "Tho Pedigree of Wheat" in Popu
lar Science Monthly for March, says:
"Wheat ranks by origin as a degener
ate and degraded lily. Such in brief is
tlie proposition which this paper sels
out to prove, 'and which the whole
course of evolutionary botanv IpiuIm
every day moro and more fully to con
firm. By thus from tho very outset
placing clearly befoie our eves tho iroal
of our argument, we shall bo able the
better to understand as wo go whither
each item of the cumulative evidence is
eally tending. Wo must .endeavor lo
start with tlie simplest forms of the
great group of plants to which the cere
als and tho other grasses belong, and
wo must try to see by what stens this
priinitivo typo gave birth, first to the
brilliantly colored lilies, next to the de
graded rushes and sedges, and then to
tho still moru degenerate grai s, from
ono or tho other of whose richer grains
man has finally developed his wheat,
his rice, Ins millet, and his barley. We
shall thus traco throughout the wholo
pedigreo of wheat from the time its an
cestors first diverged froin tin- common
stock ot the lilies and tho water-plantains
to tho timo when savaoro man
fouud it growing wild among the unfill
ed plains of prehistoric Asia, and took
it under his Bpecial protection in the lit
garden plots around his wattled hut,
whence it lias gradually altered under
is uuiibuiiii ueieciion ipio tlie golden
rain that now covers half tho lowland
tilth of Europe nnd America. There is
no page in botanical history moro full
of genuine romance than this; and
there is no page in which, the evidence
is clearer or more convincing for thoso
ho will tako the easy trouble to read
Tit for Tat.
One day while Bret Harlo and An-
gustus Sala wero walking ann-in-avm
down Bond street, in London, Sala
suddenly said
What on earth make vou walk so
closo to the shop windows, old fel
low 1"
ilTo avoid beinir run into." reulied
Haite, grimly. "The fact is, your
countrymon wear so many glasses
screwed into their eyes that they can't
seo whero thev nro (joint? to Ravn
"All !" replied tho English journal
ist, serenely."
J-iater in tho dav tlioy chanced to bo
passing the Langham hotel, whereupon
Sala suddenly seized llarto by tho arm
and hurried him to the opposite side of
uio sircet.
"What tho deuce does this moan 1
Did you seo a ghost or your tailor?"
"Wen, no, said hala. -innocontlv. as
ho removed his hat and inspected it
anxiously, "but the fact is that as we
both wore silk hats it wouldn't do for
us to stay on that side. There aro so
many of your countrymen at the
Langham, nnd they aro spilling out of
un- wnmuws continually.
A Ulttcouintud HiiMliaticl.
Hu stood a long time gazing into tho
window of ono of our largo dry goods stores,
staring at the draperies of now Spring
goods, and then he holdly marched In, for
ho had promised to huy his wife a now
dres3. IIo weighed nearly a ton and felt
about as bravo as a sheep, but he plucked
up his courage and approached a gentle,
manly clerk, who was doing up a package,
unci asked to look at tho goods. After ho
had fingered each piece In a dazed, help
less sort of a way, ho asked s
"How much will I need ?"
"That will depend upon tlio number of
yards you require," said tlie clerk, with
icy sarcasm.
"Hum! Isuppososo! I want enough
goods to make a dress for my only wife
I mean for for my wlfo only," stam
mercd tho luckless shopper.
i muni iwemy yarns would do," an
swered tho clerk, measuring the man
beforo him mentally and wondering if his
wlfo was off the samo piece i "shall I cut
It oft ?"
"I I haven't decided on tho color,"
said tho perspiring buyer. "What are the
new shades havo you any of them ?"
"We havo them all," said the cleik will
emphasis, "our senior pnrtner lias just
sent us 40,000 eases, crushed strawberries,
molasses and milk, mashed raspberries,
squeezed gooseberries, spotted leopard,
mud turtle, bullock's blood, wall lizard".
"I don't think she would like tlicni,"
Interrupted the shopping husband, "her
tastes aro very quiet have you subdued
That's old," said tlio cleik: "it's shelved
long ago,"
"remaps you nave us amitucsisr'
"Its whatr asked llio clerk, ns he
reached under llio counter for something
to protect himself with.
"Tlio comrasimg snauo enraged rui r"
"Is thero such a color V Inquired tho
clerk, hoarsely.
"irs mo very newest last irom rarec."
"We haven't got It," moaned tho wretch.
cd clerk, "and every woman In town will
wani ii."
When tho shopping husband went homo
wtlbmit (lint now dress tho domestic iitmo.
sphere turned an electrio blue, St. Iiuii I
RqiuMican. , J
Vllnl lttotloiii i t
Ask Hie most eminent physician
Of nny school, what Is tlio best thins In
tlio world for nulctlniz and nllavlmr nl Irr
latlon of tlio nerves ami curlnii all forms of
nervous complaints, giving natural, child
iiKc reiresiiiiiR sleep always ?
Ami tlioy will tell yon unhesitatingly
"Home form of Hops I"
eiui'iKii i
Ask nny or nil of tlio most eminent phy
slctnns i
"What Is llio best nnd only remedy that
ciui uu ruiieu on io cure an diseases ot llio
kidneys nnd urinary nrenntjsucli ns Ilrlclit'
disease, diabetes, retention or Inability to
rt-mm urine, ami nu mo diseases ami nil
incuts peculiar to women
Aim iney win tell you explicitly mi
emphatically "Jlucliu.'1
Ask the samo physicians
"What Is the most reliable nnd surest
cure for nil liver diseases or ilvsnensia. con
stlnatlon, ImllL'c.Mlim. Iillloinnrsa. ltmlur,
lal fever, nine, &c," and they will tell yout
"Mnmlnikc I or Dandelion 1"
Ilenre, when these remedies arc (
blned with others cmmllv valuable
And compounded Into Hop Hitters, such
n wonderful and mysterious curative jiow
er Is developed which Is ,so varied In Its
operations that no disease or 111 heath can
possibly exist or resist Its power, and yet
11 IS
Harmless for tlie most frail woman, weak
est iiivniid or sunniest ciiliu lo use,
"fallen ts
Almmf. ilnnil nr iiniirlv- ,1?lmr'
For venrs. anil uli-cn nn liv tilivali'lmn nf
Ilrlght's and other kidney diseases, liver
complaints, severe coughs called .consump
tion, have been cured.
Women gone nearly crazy 1
From iiijoiiv of ncumlcln. nervousness.
wakefulness and various diseases peculiar
to women,
l'eonle drawn nut of slinnii from nvrni.
elating pangs of Klieuniallsm.
Inflammatory nnd chronic, or sulTerine
from scrofula I
IirysliieliiH, salt ihcum, blood polsonliiff. (lrsiien.
sin, iniiljjction, mm In net almost nil cll-t-iw fniil
namru is iieir io, nave uecn cured uy lion Hitters,
in mil ui wiucu can uo lounii in every neitfiioornoou
for nil diseases er tho Kldncyj nnd
13d action on thU most Important
T is to larow oirlorplaiir and
' . ti tlio healthy oecrotloa of
J . .a . - , ; keeping tho bowela in froo
o.j. .w . u i'.' rocuinx discharge.
r . - t - I.'rnt.reouItrliicfi'om
L L..w--iwi uaiarLi.ha-sBtho lMILj,
J r -a. L; i,iPrt-vCTCoii4tivi,icd,Kicln37-
I v . i 'j relievo niiit 4u!cJ:ly euro.
I Ia ISo L'prij? tclc-va?. iiicC,7oicm, every
5; ono fhouid taS.o u thcr-u caursGof tt.
. soLnnvrmtr1 Pricocu
Us.'d In tin prlaclpilCliurelioj for Communloa
Excellent for Ladies and Woaklv Per-
s:ns and tho Agod.
Spcor's Port Grape Wincl
from tli9 Julco Oi tlio Oporto Grapo, raised In
tnls country, its Invaluable
Tonic and Strengthen Properties
aro unsurpassed by any other Native Wine, lie
Imtlbo purojulco or tho drape, proaucei under
Mr. Kpeer'sorfn personal supervision, Us parity
ana Konulnenesi, aro guaranteed. Tlio vounsest
child may pirtalto of iM cenerous nuillUes, and
tno weakestinvalid uselt to advantage. It la par
tlculaily benellclal to the aced and debilitated.
and suited to tlio various aliments that affect tho
BeaKeraex. it. 13 in every respect a. W1NKTO
P. Sherry.
Ther..T.SIIBllllYlja wlno of SUD-rlor Char.
acter, and partakes ot 111) rich (pialltles ottlio
trrap. from which it H male. For Purity, Illcli.
nefls, yiavor ann sieu:einu rroperuus, it wiuoo
found unexcelled.
P. Jo SSigflBdy.
This llHAMnV standi unrivalled in this Countrv
beluK far superior for ine liclnal purposes.
i r is ruiinaisiiuaiion rrom tno umpo.anu con
talni valuaolo medicinal properties.
It allelic its Uavor. blinllur to (hit or the
crapes, from which It H distilled, ana is la treat
favor anion; (lrst-cUss families.
soo mat uio signaiuroor Atl'HKU si-ekii, ras
salo N. .1. is over tho corn of each bottle.
SO 1.1) BY O..A. KLEIM.
and nv mtuaaisrs evkiu viieue.
Sept. !i, 'S3, t.y
nna week in your town Terras and 13 out
wUUnt free. A I Jruta It. iullet& Co., I'ortlind
march 8t -ly
A w clc mido at homi by tho Industri
ous, li.-st bunliMsj now beforo tun
3 i 6 8tu0
uuue. c.iDiuu not ueedeci. wo win
start vou. Men. women, bjvs nnd irlrls
wanted every whero to work for us. Now Is tho
time. You can wo kin spivu tlnu, or gtvo your
wholo time to tho buslans. No oilier business
will pay you nearly as woil. No ono cn fall to
mako enormous piy, by eiiKaulnff at once. Costly
outllt and terms fr.-n. Monuy made fast, vaslly,
nnd honorably. Address Tiiue Co , Aug.ista,
Maine. Vso. 8, 's2-iy.
ffil TEAS
From tun Districts of Asstu. Cll' Raciuh
Kanuiu Vii.t.KV, lmuEKUMi. UitiiHi DuON, and
otlierH. Absolutely 1'uro. BuperUr In llivor.
Iho Most liconom'cal. Uciiultoi only half the
usual quantity, sold by all grower. JOHN U.
I'llll.Lll'.i 4; CO., Agents ot tlio Oilcutta Tea
Byndlcati, isd Water-st. N, V.
apro-lw d
th sftMon, fully dKrlhcl In thilr ItIHUUHLi
IMta M lavs, conulm fbllilt IIUNULKSON'SI
'KtviiiJ HilruilltHi n t it.laiU ind H,wtr Cut, I
'f.'i? .ln ll k coQjcniod CaiJealny hook, hivlaf I
HI il lini I nroimtiloa Vnawii to the lulhor of " UkA I
oi.l rurl'mOf.'. H.ll, rii, on ppllcUoo.
Potor Heii(Jer8on & Co..
35 & 37 Cortlundt 8t New York.
1 haiti(mi tlltitlrtlf 4 ilii
r t . o ml. i
I wlni'th . ihi)K(, ui-cthtl vo sii l.lbfritllerinf,
JunyUHy al4
Silvarwara, Wal.cho3, Jewelry, Clocks.
All kind! -If VAf.i!l (. ri)1VH And .TnerAlrv naf
i . ..i.:": "
i iu(miro j.nriij,
may it. w-ir
An hntriHM veterl nrr HurifMin nnd rtinmuf.
now truvfltint In tlin country, Siva tint most of
ttlf llorsn nnd (Hftln PntVilura atl.l Imrn o.n I
;m ir-n. in sits um snf nn in's condition
Powders aro nb.iomr.- lviiurAnnritmmanoAiv v.i.
a'lo Not'i i njr pn oxnh will tnako h 'm lnv llko
shorlJans Cjiiilltlon I'owdo-a. Dos., t teaspoon.
"",,- iMuiiuiu, noiu overywncra, or sent by
mall for s letter stamps. I. s. J.hinsok Co.,
General Sowing Machine Depot,
Fifth Slow Below Mark St,
jenrdtea wmte Sewing daciiiDe,
JNew Davis Vertical Feed Sav
ing Machine,
New Home Sowing Machine,
Household Sewing Machine,
Estey Sewing Machine,
Genuine Singer Sewing Machine,
Singer Pattern Sewing Machine,
Attachments, best Sewlntr Machine Oil. and Nee.
dies tor all sowinfr nnciines. Sewlne Machines
sold on monthly paym-nts- Liberal discount
tuau. every nmcuine purchased from
mo Is warrantciltobo kent In good running order
for tlvo years freo nf ehnrj,. nr.,i ih,.,i, iX
8trnctlons tflven by tho best lady operator In this
r.-V,. . " ojuujiicb ui euurce. axamine my
Newlndmphlcl'ictorullliHorroflhe eie.tSfhtiofl
World. By Medicll Director SHIPI-KN, U. S. N. AddrM
, J. C UtCUBUV Si Co., 63a ClMitnut St., rhilidelptiU, Tt.
une so-ly aid
A great many people arc askirg
what particular troubles Urown's
Iron IiiriEKs U good for.
It will cure Heart Disease, Paral
ysis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, Con
Mimntion, Dyj-pepia, nhcitmali&n.,
Neuralgia, and all Minilar diseases.
Its wonderful curative power is
simply because it purifies and cn.
liclic-s tlie blood, thus beginning st
the foundation, and by building up
the system, dmes out all disease.
A Lady Cured of Rheumatism.
Ilallimorc, Md., May 7, iE3a.
My hcahti Mas much fchattereil by
klivurnati .in v.hcu I comnienccil
uUing Hinsnr Iron Iliucn, ami J
scarcely luU strength crunch to ut
tcn.l tti iny d.ttly l.cii'st-liulii ilntlei.
1 ant now using the third Ujitleoml I
ttni rcnlnins strength daily, and 1
t.icirtnll)' (-toinmt;tid It to all,
1 cuiiK't Kiy tun much In ji raise
cfh. Airs. Mauv C HnAiULAii,
17) i'rcfctuianst.
Kidney Disease Cured.
ChrlstlaniUirj, Va., S3r.
riiTvnuc from Viilncy disease,
ftvm vliiih 1 n'iil'1 eel no relief, I
tiicd liruv.u's Irvn jtittcrs, which
Lured ma c-iniU'Uly, A child of
1 tint:, rviuiriii fiuin scurlct fvvcr,
It id .10 .ijitv(itu nnd did not ictmto
14, Ai u L.a ,.t at). 1 ave him I roil
lUuc.4 tw.a t)t hiiii.Tt result..
Heart Disease.
V .i.c St., 3!nrrUlurs, Pa.
lire, v, isrfi.
Afitr iryim; diOTmnt simians
and uaity rt,uieuits Ijr pilpitatlon
or the hcirt wahuut receiving any
henvut. t udvl-cdtolry Jlrown's
Iron liiitjid. 1 hvc utcA uu ljt
tUs ..11 1 1 tver fmnd anything that
L'uvu iii: o mtfli rcliif.
Tor the peculiar UoM to which
l.uli. arc subjta, Urown's Iron
Litters Is invaluaLli. Try it.
13o sure and gel the Genuine.
Beautiful (lcrai ohiouo burnt,
f li 5lt, Illiitraltd
HuuL. to all M hu .m. A
Be. tampt fur potUf ud
parti.. Meatloa UU Mr
ea Jan 1, 'Sj.ljr
fll) ADVI'.ltriSK'H.-T.mof. Ilntfil for Rlvfr.
L llsltii.' I'l ov) gufid iiuwiiappri hem true Ad.
dreiSORii.l' U iWKt,L, lv ,, III pruco St., N. Y.
engines, THRFSHFIK baw-milh
(SalM la til (notion. ) WrUofof tl! Illui l'.mphl
lult'rtcvi UILn Aullmui it TaIur Co., UuuiitU, i3kl
mar 23 Dm
70 WREK.
fit a day at borne easily trade
Outllt free. Addrost Tkiik i Co
Auuusui, MaiiiH. marcnai'iy
WAKiTPn Hnorietle. Hfllable innlo
A IN I C.U rrmt, 'j'reni, Orape
Vli.o), Hhriibi, I'osoa, Ac HiUry and
naeijatfs pilrt, Full lntrucilom elveo,
BOinnxpurteimu iliuil u.t'l buiiii irnrii liiu uilDiqt'Hs.
Addrosi J. I'. I.KULAKK, HltlUIU'ON, N.Y., (1
mllo vast ot Hocbebter, N, Y.)
wpro-4w u
TUB VOLTAIO llRt.TCO.. Mnrshnll. Mich., will
send 1)11, liYJl'S CKI.RIIltATKI) KI,K TllO-VOb.
trial fors da)lomen (voungoroid) who nronf
fueled Willi Nervoin Delllltjr. Lost vitality, and
kindred i rouble, euarnnteclnft spcedvnnd com
(Mete lestoMtlon ot health nnd manly vigor. Ail.
dicu ni boo N, U, No risk Incurred, n. 80
days la allowed'
I'eb. otli-lyr, r
llonprolilm I1114 IftAthftr, If UftM for ronfMiut'lde walls
of tmildinK.,ni (i,wfolnplKro(r-lAttr. OAUlofftie
nl Mmplwi trw. Ill U CAV P Pfl t'm,lfn,
Every Estcy Organ
Sold Is made
Throughout with
Equal fidelity, and
Yields unrivaled tones.
Send for Itluttraled Catalogue,
And other first class Pituics, nnd u largo lot of
Ami everything
mm nil wi a
MmMy TJ Bo The Might
Excellence of
Unriv.alled Stock
of Spring Clothing
Jg guaranteo
Stylo, Quality,
jgp? and Woikinanshiji,
sr. to bo iho
Also a Very Superior Line of Gents' FURNISHING GOODS
for Spring and Summer.
Just Received, at
the Popular Clothing Store of
I.UNJ- roriiin. Sntuniotlim f.iinrnni I.
tint, lire It sweeping Dy. era
aud daro befoie jon Uto
oinf tnlnir mlulity and sub-
...... . icmu uctiuui tu connuor
No rlaic. KverytUlns new. ot. pa'l not miuirwi'
wo w ill lurnuji you t ye rj tumir. Many aro imuink'
fortunes, t udlfs m iko as modi a mn, and boys
.O KI,. it'iiurr, it jou want
l)uti' i s a1 which sou can mako treat nny a' ih
........ ... . iiii.w,nui lit 114 l,;.K IT ISO..
I'ortland, Molnn n 0 8. vu-iv.
$5 to $20Por da); ?5 l,01n"- wte world 13
l iU'Mc, Address Stinsuk . Co, Cor
Vbu I "r turn I do not tnoin tumj lo Hop litem fur
...uiu Hymn, t iiu'an araai.
If louitliJjr, J ftritbt my
Cil. IIcckum tiilmra
n iNlr int. KipriM .nd l'.l uhim. it tol lul
AJJi. Dt. II. U, 11UOT, ll)'rlBI., HtwYvrt,
Tlioro is no Baking
lis qualities, iVTodicinal and Culinary, guaranteo Health
and Luxury.
Every buyer sfiouhl
Select an Organ
That guarantees good
Every day tverk and
Years of service.
J. ESTF.Y & CO., llrnltlchoro, Yt.
in flEs MsaNie Eiaae.
pfoole are always on the
i n
ml out for gIiiiichh to in
rri'iiui tliIr oaioluifs.and In
limn hnpnmn wpnllhv . I linen
who do not Improve their opportunities remain In
poverty. Vt e olter a isrout clunco lo nuke money,
ne want in my men, womeo b js and irlrls to
work fur us 1 1, In in tlxlr looalltle. Any one
ran do Hie work proprlv from tlie llrnt rtrt. the
buslnecawll lnv more tlian ten tltnei ordluary.
waues. KxK'nlvt)Oiitll furnliMl tree. Nu ono
who eiiiravfes rulN lo make money rurldly. You
oin iletoto yuur vtlno llino to the work or only
your spaio momeiit. nill Information nnd ol
JliHt U in I'dftl sent free, i ddr.'ss hti cson a (Jo
To Hand M ilne. )(t. Vi.Jy
' igmtsHutut$1uAitjl"
IttMlOouKliHyrup. TiutiiAgutMl, Lij
Jan -a,
Powder oqunl to tho
I AltKl.PIIH & niVISlOV Vv'i',
South Hun cknthai, haimvay, n ANI)
buryf11 Januil'y 1Ml1' 19S3, 'rral,ia Mo sun.
.85a. m Lock Haven for llarrinbtir,.
and intermediate atatlons, Lancaster. i'iiii,i,T
plila, New Yotk. llaltlmoronnti WMhnJionT.
riving at I'hlUdelphlaa.vo p.m.; rw Wtk n ;m
p.m.; llaltltnore, 6.05 p. in. j Washington o lj p.
i.Cj p. m.-I)av express for Hnrrlslitirs and In
tcrmedlatn Rtntlons, Lancaster, I'hlladclnhin k
Iflh 1,ta,1ilnl0.r.u nna WaBliluinon, nrr Ivlnc at
rmtadclpuift Till p.m.! New York, lo M n m :
Baltimore, 7.16 p. m.; vyashinicion, p. m. "ruiil
man Parlor car through to Philadelphia nnd Van.
MURcr coaches through to Philadolphln nnd Uilil
g.vo n. m. Wllllamfiport Accommodation for
HarrlsOurc ana all Inteimcdlato Mallons. Lnn.
ctcr. Ph ladclpuia and Now York, atmiiiKnt
Philadelphia a. m.; Now York a. in
Wccplnif car Dccommodatlons can bo secured at
HarrlsburB for Phlladeljihiannd Now York, pi'iii:
tuCeduUnTmS.Cn,,IOn' ln BU;mr u's
l.rir, n. m.-i:n'o Mall for ltnrrlsburg nnd Inter,
rncdlau. b atlons, Lancaster, Philaffel bin, New
?lK 1,"l,""noro aBU Washington, nrr Vlnc at
h adelphla TM a. m.: NowBYork, lLVO nfm?'
l aiumoro uo a. m.j Washington, n. m
prouBli Pullman sleeping cars nro run o this
in ii luiuiiuueiiuiia, iiaiiimore nnd ttnshincton
SnVaf'US6t;,'Et'r COaC"c, ,0 "illaa5J?i
0.23 a. m.-Krlo -Mall for lit Io ami nil intennedlalo
stations with through Pullman Pnlaco "ar nd
Itoc'he t 00 Car "nd ,,asfl4,1'',-'r coaches through to
mrrtiSn "tM?LV'liiIln?alsua nnU t,rl"clpal Inter-
Jails with through parlor carlo Wntklns and
through passenger couches to Kochester.
fi.y.l tl. , a Pnbrtlnnfn. f ni. t ., .. . . .
'jjato btntloiiMiiid liimlrii, Wntklns nnd lutermel
i'nt-f linvAi, nn,V v,'.V.iM.!i 1 i'3-st'r coaches to
Niagara E.xprcts leaves New York, 0.15 a. in. :
Ph liidclDh'n, una. m.j Italtlmoro 7,so a. in . ar.
riving at nunbury,l.!ion. m with through hill,
man Parlor car from Philadelphia nnd Through
passcngtr co.iches from Phliniieiniiin nri v.n!i.
more. a.m.; Washington, 0.30 a.m.: Haiti-,n.0J0,.Lu45n,m-nrrlvlnt'atSunbury, p. m..
with through passenger coaches from Phlladel'
nit... n....
riilladelpliia, WniUlnRton and llaitlm'oro ana
tlirougu passcnKcr coaches frnin l'lilladelnuia.
AMI NC11TII & .ST IIIUNCII IUIMVAY. i-.iiaiidvuiounDiiry 0.43 n. m., arriving at
llloom Ferry 7.41 a. m., Wflkes-barro u so a. in.
hxpresa Last leaves Kunbury 5.35 p. m., nrrUlni;,wilkra.barro 8 lu p. ni.
Jlall W est leaves Wllkea-barro iiuu a. m arrlv
lupat lllopin Kerry 12 os p. m , Sunbury 1.0s p. m.
fcxpress West leaves wlikcs-barro Sao p. n. ar.
rlvlntr ut Dloom I'crry 7 07 p. m , Sunbury 6.05 p
(icn. Mamgcr.
J. It. WOOD,
Oen. I'assenger Aprent.
Juno 20, 1SS2.
For Now York.I'hlladelnlila.I!pAiiini.Pnttoviiin
Tamaqua, &o., 11,45 n. m
tor catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 4 to and 7,) p. m.
For WlllIamSDOrt.6.10 3.t0 a. m. nnrt 1 m n. m.
LoaVO NOW York. Tlj. Tnmnnpnil !) nn n m nnrt
via. Ilouuil urook Itouto 7,45 a. m.
jjave I'nuaueipuia, 0,45 n. m.
IaVO Iteadlncr. 11.63 a.m.. Pntisvnn. nm n.
and Tamaqua, l,S5 p. m. ' '
Jeavo c,itawlS3a, 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m.
Leavo Vllltam8port,o,,!,oop.rn. and 4,33 p. m
PaSSCnircrs to arid frnm Maw Vn.i. n.nmn.
nend and to and from l'lilladtlplila ro tbrougU
imuuvviianooi cars.
C. a. HANCOCn, Ooneral Manager,
Jftn0iSrusi-trllgt',r ftna TICl0t ACEt
p.m. p.m. a.m.
a.m. p.m. p.m.
0 15
t 4
.. ..scranton....
VtQt Plttatnn
9 80
i 10 0 17
9 (13
8 bi
8 44
S 42
9 37
O 22
Ii 27
0 34
(I 41
0 40
C 51
0 65
0 58
7 08
7 10
1 17
1 22
7 10
7 37
8 CO
8 25
8 40
8 50
9 00
6 00
9 37
9 45
0 (2
9 6 j
10 03
10 (8
9 30
0 21
0 19
,1'lyinoutn June
Avondalo ...
8 SJ
8 23
8 10
8 07
3 M)
1 61)
1 42
I 85
1 23
1 18
1 03
9 01
9 04
8 55
8 47
8 39
8 24
8 17
8 12
9 00
7 60
7 02
7 41
7 33
7 33
7 !0
10 18
10 18
10 SO
10 N
10 42
10 tB
11 07
11 13
11 SO
2 64
3 02
8 00
8 10
9 18
3 83
3 45
3 61
8 57
i 0T
llunlock's creek
7 40 12 2
7 33 li 25
7 20 12 15
7 20 12 00
7 13 11 17
7 09 11 40
T 05 U 82
5 57 11 1(1
0 CI 10 59
6 45 10 50
O 37 10 44
6 14 10 V)
0 10 10 OS
01 10
45 0
....Hick's Ferry.
....iteueu iiavcn.
Urlnr creek..
...Willow Grove.
Lluo nidge..
8 05
t 12 8 10
4 20 8 18
11 (0
11 45
11 65
11 65
12 18
4 27
4 33
4 88
4 tO
8 25
8 80
8 In
8 62
9 00
9 04
1) 20
J it Danville...
. I Oararon . . .
c 45 Nortuumbcrl'd
S (9
5 25
12 45
p.m. a.m. ,.m.
p.m. p.m. a.m
superintendent's oaicefscVaVtoFlbMes.
Viaare the liruest laniuTH, largest Kcctl crinv.
tm una largest Keeil dealers anyuhoro: bouco
Ima irrcstat facllltlca for rroiludnir llent NrnW
.1.1 our m, Ii ar, ti,J, ad only tho bout uut out
OurnualtTi(afo3 anil Diet 11,1 brlnim Till!
;inuTi:sT 8i:i:o ktihik in villi
clndM all tlio doslrablo new and etandard varlctlci
l'lanU bcutl'ltlllltoony addrcsii.
HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. Sootlsmcn
lluclioitcr, N. Y, uud Clilcouo, 111.
A t H I'ebMj-
PAYNE'S I O Homo Spark-ArrostlnR
I'urlablo Kn-lno liaa rut in,fl ft. nf Michigan 1'lno
Hoard. In 10 lion r, ljurnluk' tUbu from the aw iu
ilnlit-foot K'lit'tti.
Our 10 TlorSi IPi Ounrnniil In niralih nAcoet tn
saw 8,000 (o t of llcinlnck lloird. In 10 hour. Our
li Horn tciil cut Nu Qfttt In anno I lino.
t..r i.iiKiui1. nro iivaiunteid to
fuiil-h ii lioro.poir on a Icaa
f i(l and vatcr than any ether Ku
flno not tlitodwlth an Automatic
i-ii i uu. if you want a Htationary
or lyrtahlii Jinulne, ))ulcr, Clrcilt
ir naw .inn, nii.iun? or i unuya.
uiier at ir louuart a raieui
llhittiul. il catahi;ue, Ho, l-i, for
Infornintiuu aud Mice,
II. V, 1'AY.NR & BON8,
CornlDB, N.Y. Box 1127,
Jan, r, ss-iy.
mrrr 11 1 at mim
imUtiiiituKinu All)
it it a u4Ht, uvw UM bvutlMT
V" twit HIM Ml UADt MU4) lUlaf lt.M
i u t(.umniiit win "Ujyiil I'tn-l,' ku4
y. itniiHUlMmlUB III ULiUMl
mt'l i mrr
oct a My