THE COLUMBIAN AJNfD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Fill DAY, APRIL '20, 1883. IMilillc Huli-H. All persons having bills printed ut this notice olllcc, will tecelvo n gratuitous under this bend. A. 0. Vnnllew mid Jacob Tcrwllllger, administrators of A. If. Vnnllew, deceased, will sell valiiablo personal property on premises In lluckbom on Saturday April 31. commencing nt 1 o'clock. lerHonal. Dr. l' C. Harrison Is In town. llcv. J. H. Dlnim, of Scllnsgrovc, preach. In the Lutheran church on Sunday morning mid evening. J. I). Suydaui, of Lewlsburg, who Is a brother of Mrs. II. W. McKclvy Is visiting friends In town. Miss Ltate Church has Mulshed her school nt C.lawlssn. and returned to her ...... ..- ... - , I II01I1U HI ilolllllllii. I Capt. M. M. ilrobst of Catawls9a Is en- gaged with Francis Jordon & Sons, whole- dlclal apportionment bill wns so amended Ho expects to return about the first of next sulky plows, Cornell corn shelters, Centcn salo grocery men, of 1'ldladclphla. as to make Sullivan and Wyoming counties month when the "still" will be started. '"J1"- mitcrs wluTf "l Dr. 0. V. Mears, of Numldla was In at- tendance nt tho meeting of the Columbia county medical association, on Tuesday. H. C. Harman of I'ldladelplila spent sev- ,.r,,l',!,.vB in town this week, on business, Wo were pleiued to greet him In our olllcc. Sec Dillon's advertisement In another col- limn. ... Oo Bee "An Knglish Romance" ut Opera House to-night. It Is said that the ninplo sugar makers had n very poor season. a null! son of P. A. Evans of Montour township was burled on Saturday last. William Mosteller of Madison has one of the finest farm houses In the county. , r ,ni ,1W vlltn. in ll,., ,1 iiuiiiuv, v. v. n O . . i, rr....i ll pox. Ol. Copeland will deliver a lecture for tho Ent Post 0. A. U. on Friday evening May 11th. Wo are under obligations tn Senator Hart for n cony of Smull's Hand Miook for 1883. Our merchants are getting in their new snrlna stock, and the store windows are very attractive. J. C. Yocuni, Esq., of Catawissa has lust nlaccd a handsome new safe in ids law olllcc. Ilelshline llros. have puichaied a largo new steam engine for their lumber works on Raven creek. "An English Romance," to-night, at re duced prices. Don't miss It. Tho Shad season has opened, nod our dealers nrc ready to supply families with theso delicious but bony llsh. Henry Yost it Son have enlarged their cabinet ware-rooms on Fiftli and East streets. Tho furniture made by tliemjs of the best. J. M. Liliey of Omngeville received a cm last week containing a number of Oer- mnn carp. They were placed in the streams by 1 1 i in. An application will bo made by W. II. Rhnwn Esq., for a re-argument before the Supreme Court, in tho caseof Raup against Abbott ct nl. A largo stock of silver-plated knives nnd forks, as low as two dollars a set, also casters, butter dishes," &c, at llernhard's jewelry store. A number of the engines on the Lehigh Valley Road have been supplied with fire extinguishers. The extinguisher consists of a water ejector operated by steam. A complete assortment of the best Amer ican watches, both in hunting and open cases, warranted from two to five years, nt L. llernhard's jewelry store. Tho 14th annual convention of the Col umbia county Sunday School Association will meet in tho Union church at Orange- ville on the 10th and lOtli of May. "An English Romance" will be produced by a company of first-class artists, this Friday evening. See advertisement. Rev. Dr. Monroo will preach in the M. 'E. Church of this place on Sabbath even ing from the subject "Tho Fast Young Man." A cordial Invitation is extended to the public to attend. List of letters remaining In the Uenlon Post olllcc for quarter ending March Ulst 1883. Hurry Eaton 3; S. W. Cambell 1; Lizzie Clmmborlandj Andrea Caza.zu lj P. llloom lj Eugene F. McConn 1. .1. Heacock P. M. Capt. U. II. Ent went to Pottsvlllo on Monday to seo Oeneral Sigfried with rcf crenco to tho encampment. He secured the promise of the General to send nn officer hereto Insiecttho ground. The prospect Is favorable. A hired man working for J. F. Itlnk at Lightstrcet, broku into a bin can In tho houso on Wednesday night, nnd stole from $800 to $1000, with which ho disappeared. Parties aru now out hunting for him, and telegrams havo been sent to all points that ho could reach by rail. A regular bi-monthly meeting of the Col- umbla county medical society was held lu tho Exchange parlors on Tuesday afternoon. A goodly number of members were present, who devoted their time to discussions and various readings relating to their profes- slon. Cheap IUiluoad Tickets io uik Wet. If you aro going west buy your tickets of It. D. Daillngton, agent, P. & It. Kupert station. Ho sells cheap tickets to all parts of tho west nnd over tiio most desirable routes. Trains leavo llupcrt at 0:1G and 8:C0 11, 111., nnd -bOO p. m. fell 10-!ini Mrs. K. Wclllvcr died on Wednesday ot last week at her homo In Hemlock town ship. Tho funeral was very largely attend eil on Sunday ntternoon, nnd was conduct. oJ by tho Grange of which the deceased was n member. Shu was 1111 estimable la dy, and leaves n number of children. Tho amusement bcason at tho Opera Houso closes Friday evening, with thu presentation ot nu amusing and Interesting play entitled "An English Homance," In order that every 0110 may bo nblo to wit ness this, the last entertainment of thu season, tho prices have, by special ariange incut, been reduced to 25, !)! and 50 cents, Itaro llargalns In Fino Heady -Made Cloth. Ing, grand arrival of Spring Styles. Wo defy competition Wo guarantee sat isfaction. Elegant Suits for Little Hoys. Substantial Suits for School, Stylish suits for Youths call mid be convinced that tho best place to buy your Clothing Is nt the Popular Clothing Store of David Lowenberg. Tlie capacity of the telephone exchange in tills town 1ms been doubled. A new switch board capable of connecting fifty wires was put in on Saturday. H. V. Fruit of Madison spent sovernl days In town this week. Ho Bold twenty tnreo head of cut tie on Monday to Henry utetfims of Ilftzlelon. There will be n grand musical Jubllco nt Scllnsgrovc, commcnelng Juno 12th and continuing four days. It will bo under tho direction of I)r. W. 0. Perkins of New York. If you want n nice Spring lint Tho latest color nnd stylo call nt David I.owenbcrg's Popular Clothing Store, .1l,1 Mvr l f nt ...1 O- "J - wnn. unvivt ISIIIIDllll I oi rotter, mid Jtidgo Ingham of Sullivan, have been appointed n commltleo to select the silo for the new government buildings at Wllllamsport. Tho Towanda Dally linicw has been en- larged, nnd now Issues n weekly edition I l.Mll .... 4 I 1 ! , I 'u"ul ,a ' " l-ncca newspaper ' """"""""" "" " Iniirtinl Kl innnoo Irt ll, n ....... A., On second reading In tho House tho Jtu "'i""'"" iiiMnci, as at presem. i uis is 11 "iioui" c. Any person desiring to make a contract to peel tho bark rrom 100 ncres of Hemlock timber land In Sulllvnn county, should nn- 1")' to the undersigned for terms and any further Information. J. F. Rink. 4 fl.w Lights! rcet l'a. Mr. A. K. Smith, the genial landlord of Jerscylown, presented us on Tuesday last with a lot of well preserved apples, which were pleasing to the eye and delicious to tho taste, for which he has our thanks. Mr. Smith keeps a good house, and never falls to do all In his Dower to make It pleasant for Ids guests. Lumbermen take Jsotlcu I Parties hav ing lumber, all kinds, and shinnies to sell will do well by callbiL' on Llllv & Slennv .. - ' - ll riiiki'v i T un- ii- 1 uni. II,,. ingiiesi price lu casli or mercliaiuliso for the above. Helen Potter gave one of her monologue entertainments r.t the Opera House lust Sat- urday evening, to a small but select audi ence. For some reason or other her coming was not generally known, or sho would have been wannlv welcomed hero imaln. As a reader she is equalled by few and sur passed by none, while her Impersonations arc strikingly correct. Her representation of Charlotte Ciishman, lu full costume, was an exact counterpart of the celebrated act ress, and the death scenu wns painfully real. Sho also personated Oscar Wilde and T. Dewilt 'lalmage, giving selections, with wondoiful accuracy of imitation In appear ance, voice and gesture. Such refined en- teitainments should bo liberally patronized. Wo have arranged to grind Lkwis' PtJiu: Wum: Lkad is Cami'heu.'s and Thayeh'b Puke Linseep Oil, and are prepared to of fer Inducements in price to dealers nnd consumers. JiknuvS. Huav, y-'.'-Jlm Rupert Pa. Mr. 0. W. Hertsch, our young feliow- townsnian, 1ms opened a merchant tailoring and gentlemen's furnishing store, nt the cor ner of Main and Market streets, UIoouis- burg, Pa. Ho has a very lino store, and quite an excitement was created at the form al opening on Saturday last. Mr. Ileitsch is n man who has had considerable experi ence in his line of business, and the people of lilooinsburg need have no hesitancy in placing themselves in Ids hands for extern. al adornment, ns far ns nent fitting and well made garments me concerned. Wo wislt him success in bis undertaking, nnd feel confident that if perseverance and strict at tention to business arc the roads to success he will sureecif. .Vuuei Chunk Democrat. Fine Spring Suitings Fine Dress Suitings Fine Trousciings just arrived, call and examine the Custom- Department of David Lowcnberg's Popular Clothing Store. Wreck on the J, it W. ll. it. I. The engine of a freight train on tho new road was thrown down the embankment into tho river and five cars derailed by a land slide, just opposite Espy, last week Thursday afternoon. The crew escaped without Injury. Some workmen in tho Es py lioat yard saw tlie sllile, nut lor somo reason no warning was given. An attempt was made on Sunday to raise the locomo tive from tlie river, a largo number of men being engaged in tlie cllort. A track was laid to tho edge of the water, but tlie men were unable to get tiio engine out until Wednesday night. Hundreds of people visited tlie scene of tho wreck on Sunday. EGGS I EGGS!; Fur hatching. Front purebred, high class Plymouth Rock, Dominique, Lej horn. H. 11. R. (lanitf. Golden ami Stiver Seabrigbt Hantuins, at jl.00 for 13 eggs. 3!i0-tw Geo. W. SrniiNEii. Stlllwuler JottlnuH Gladly we liail the return of tho season of opening leaves and liowers, with the ac comnanvimr carol of happy warblers. Wel come lltllo songster, bright harbinger of spring. Tho wheat crop in this valley promises an abundant harvest Plowing lias begun In earnest by our far piers, James Udgur Sr. died on Sunday night nt tho homo of ids son, Frank Edgar. Ho was cuimi our omen cuueu., ... v.s - served his nay aim gi'iicrauou. m; sua.. miss him. 1 H. Kdgnr is turning out 11 largo amount of work nt his planing mill, which is an in- dicutlon that tlicro U u great deal of build lug atfU repairing In progress Iu tho conn try. Hon, V). J. Mclleury, wo aro glad to say, is recovering from ids long Illness and Is now thought to bo out of danger, The water still kt ens too high for fishing owing to thu melting of the snow on the North Mountain. Patience, fishermen I'woof lliaiton's wldoweis, W. M. Ajv plenum and Hrlt Lawbaugh, havo ceased to be widowers. Like the ilutcliman, they concluded It "vas no uso to keep spite." Tho hotcl.kcepeis are now looking up twelve good, sober citizens tnask our court to give them permission to sell intoxicants to all sober men over twenty-one years of nao who will patronize them. Queer, nliit It? ... "If lids worm was 11111 one scene Of puro Increasing bliss." ,. 1.1 1 1 .in-lli llllt It ll WUlllll UU lllinill ...iu nun I -.1 1 !.... II... f.,11 nf A,l, ..v III,,,- m I'uiiii, Him ouiiu i.iv been rampant in the land. inc ipiesuou for us to consider Is not why it is here, Put "what would God havo lids evil do for us'r" I (1ml It easier to bo good In prosperity than udvcislty Hut docs any 0110 attain to his highest development by simply "being good" when there Is 110 temptation to bo otherwise? Do not even tho publicans bo? The History of Columbia county is giving very general saiibiiiciiuu 111111 miouiu uu read by every eltlen Centre Notes, At Hldlay church there wns a prepara tory lecture on Saturday Inst nnd com- muiiton services on Sunday by llcv. ('nil field. Two members were ndded to tho church. Sir. AUrtd Conner of Trenton, N. J., Is visiting his brother George. His mother ex. pects to nccompntiy him on his return nnd spend tho summer In Trenton, Mr. nuil Mrs, J, I). Creasy of llcrwlck brought their little dntigbtcr down to Its granil.pnpa's last Sunday. John looked quite natural nmong the boys as did Mr. 0. b. Conner of llloomsburg who was here for tho llrsl time In it long white. linsttc's boy WM welcomed to tho homo of Its father In mnnner intended to mako it reel mat ltwns one of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Win. 1.M.I ..II I. . IVIIIMIHIHII UtIU UIIIU1IU IUU (UlUilb VIDIIUIO I in the valley. While driving through llrlarcreek a few days since your reporter was surprised at liaving ills attention directed to tho new Distillery nt Ashe's mill. Tho buildings arc fitted up with n new SOhotsopowercnglnc, three largo fermenting tubs, a chnrcoal rec tifier, n largo worm, and a waste trough with stables to accommodate sixty hogs. Tho buildings nnd machinery nrc all In or- der nnd Mr. Ash has cono for tho swine. Thursday evening of last week another wedding took place over on the Kldgc. 'i'nn;u Walter of Hughesvllle, and Klla Shug were pronounced man and wife In the presence of about forty guests. A pleasant occasion Is reported. The llist nf Aptll brought more changes n our quiet valley this season than have been known for many yenis, and nfterthc numerous weddings of last winter such a phenomenon should not appear unreason able nor come unexpected. Among those who seem to have benefited materially by the changes arc Mr. Oeorgc Conner, whose son, Mr. ('. A. Conner, will occupy the farm recently purchased from J. F. Conner; Mr. J. D. Aikmnu removed a stranger from ills farm to make room for ids nephew Mr. J. H. Alkinau; William Scott leaves a rented f" " tako possession of the homo recent. 1 , v t Ttl.ll-.. I I.!- My Hircimseii 4v. i . jimmy leaves ma lather's blacksmith shop to locate at the Kelley shop In Lightstrcet which he scctir. eil quite recently! and while Oscar Hagcn- buch lias left us he is building a cozy home at Stillwater. Mattlc Conner (now Mrs. William Klrkendall) is missed by her many friends but has a very pleasant home nt Ncscopeck. Another such a series of wed. lings and moving will not leave enough young folks in tlie valley for a Fourth-of. July picnic. Rumor has it that there Is to be a wedding on tiio Ridge about the first of May and another at the River about tho same time. Cards are not out yet. The Illdlav school was opened on Mon day lust for tlie summer term, with Miss Phoebe Snyder as teacher. Ilrviug known Miss Snvder ns a teacher for several years, we were glad to learn that she had been se cured for mis place ami leel con'icciit tlie school will meet with success li.idcr her skillful management. Among those who have gone elsewhere to school nrc uiiarlcy and Edward bcliwcppcnlilscr, torn llagen- liticli and barali A. lltilmy at the Ulooms biirg Normal School, and Hattiu White at tlie Orangeville Academy. Henry Delong, who has b?cn very sick all winter, seems much better since the coming of warm weather and it is hoped that lie will soon no nine to lie auout again. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hagenbuch have botli been (mite unwell, but under the skill- fid trertment of Dr. Mtgarglo of Orange ville liiey recovered very quiciiiy. Mrs. James Miller who had been visiting her iuniiiy, Mr. Wesley John's near fata- wissa, returned last week but appears to have gained but little during her absence. It Is hoped that the summer air will revive her nervous system and she may be the same lively llessie. reporter. Opera House, Ono Night Only. A Romantic story beautifully portrayed 1" FRIDAY EVENING Wlilh 20. o Mios' Eilisli Romance C(i SIDNEY R, ELLIS, MANAGER. In tho Thrilling and Romantic Mclo Drama, In -1 nets. Willi a Powerful Cast of Characters, Mag- niuceni r.uecis, Thrilling Tableaux 1 J'opular prices 2." , :i.ri nuil 50 cents. Itescrved beats oa sale at F. p. )i:nti.i:h's. " LOCAL NOTICES." Hoys' suits from 1.25 upwards nt Gross' iN, x. store, liiooni. Good calico 5 cents, and tlie best 7 cents n yard at Lutz cc hioan's. I have beaullful all-wool mens' suits for ijn.OO. Co'iio nnd seo tliem at Grosa' 2f. , store. Nun's veilings, buntings, cashmeres, polo cloths and llannel suitings, at Clark it Son's. If you want anything in thu lino of fur. nishlng goods you can get the latest styles at uross' ri. 1 . ftiore. Go to lierlseli's for a lirst.class suit of clolhing. Fits guaranteed. If vou want u line hat. cup or trunk go to GrosV the iN. ). clothier, llloom. Strictly pure timothy seed, clover seed ,,-,, ii and largo yellow seed corn-11 car load of it for sale ut Light btieet hy Silas loung. maii)-2m Just uceived the largest nnd finest lino of spring and Bummer clothing nt Gross' H. V. stoic, llloom. Good ginghams 8, nnd tho best 10 cents a yard at l.utz iv Moan's. You can tlud tho largest, Ibcst ami tho cheapest stock ot clothing at Gross' N. V stor,, 1. ..... .., 3 . ... b gull,.( .,mi save store, money, call. Satisfaction guaranteed, jfow ,s tho tlmo t0 nmI.u your 1)U1.chnscs of Spring goods, at 1, w. linrimaii cc boirs. FERTILI.F.It I FEKTILIZKHI A car load of J. J. Allen's fertilizer for sale ut Light Street by Harvey ey Ilencock, !1 grades, ranging lu pilcoto stilt jmrclins. 10 y ers. Also for salu h; Isaac neacocK, Greenwood 1.20-lw Young man. If vou want 11 nobby lino suit of clothes cheap, go to Gross, of thu N. Y. Store, llloom. M01 11 now dress silks to-day at Clark A; I Son's, prices tho lowest. Call and see. Strictly miro Clover nnd Timothy seed. a car load ot It lor sale at Light iMrccl by buns loung. mnr, ;-;m They coino from nil put Is of thu country to buy Kooila clicnp ot J. W. llartnmii Si t-on'B Sprlni! shawls, coats, Jersey lackets nnil .'uey cloth to initko up at Clark & Hon'. Jf Look over your list of wants for tho Sprlni! nnil go to I. W, llartman Ss h'on'a to havo them supplied. ltLi-lsid.-a nnliliv linn nf I J - cioiiih nr.d cassimeis tor spring suns, ue lore puicnasiiig elsewhere. 1-., -V . F LJ I I.I 1 , A. naitmaii AiHons Is Iho jiluco for your aco curtains, rollers, tlxturea uml liiuilliliigs 10 inaicu. A now lot of collars, ties and other neck. wear for Iho ladles at I.ulz & Sloan's, Iteitst'h's la thu placo to get all tho latest stvli's iu neckwear, nobby ami cheap. prices to suit tho times. 4000 yards best calico at 7 cents tier yard, ut I. W. llartman Si Bon's, New lot of Spring shoes for ladles and children, Just lu, nt I. W. Hartmnntfc r'on's Suits mndo up to order In tho latest styles at llcrtsch's, nobby and cheap, prices to 'suit tho times give him a call nnd bo coil vlnced. If you want dress goods of any kind, go to Clark & Son's. Moro new hosiery, gloves, laces, ribbons, P. lltVVrif llULlMIDf skirts, Sic, nt corsets, bustles, noops, tiiarK k son's. How much better brend tastes If It comes from Philadelphia, so some of our citizen's think. They would tneer at the appearance of samo kind, if baked In our town. J. V. Caldwell. Full-wciclit mackerel of tho best nualltv nt I. W. Hnrtman & Son's. Sec the Jersey jackets at Lilt. &i Sloan's. Appiciu 1 A iiusuii-o CIS. UllSII, .IV 1. IT, i l. i -II.. a - I. ... I tr llnMIMnll ,' Nnit'l Hotter, cims. lard. meat, dried fruit bought and" sold, nt I. W. Hnrtman & Hon's. Atinlcton "A" muslin 8 cents by tho bolt nt Ltitz Ss Sloan's. SOTICK TO VAIlMKIid. I would call vour attention to the fol lowing Implements for sale by tho under signed i Kemp's patent mnnuro sprender, Kcmington & Son's enrbon metal plows, Advance chilled plows, Unlu chilled plows. tlilzor nrranccment. Deere & Co's. wnlklne and riding corn cultivators, Iluckcyc walk Inir nnd ridlnc corn cultivators. Iron Ace and Planet Junior onc-horso cultivators with plow attachments, Wnltcr A. Wood's reapers, mowers and self-binders, Warrior mowers and Uramcr reapers, TIccr, Lead er and Monitor hay rakes, Triumph and Monarch fertilizer grain drills, hay tedders and hay carriers, Bprlng tooth drag bar- rows, spring tooth hnrrows on wheels, drag anil smoothing harrows, chopping mills that win chop lu bushels nn hour with two horses, Baldwin's hay nnd stalk cutters, (hand nnd power,) C. & Q. Cooper & Co s. 8teani;engitics and saw mills, uricK mould ing' machines. Also Lister Bros' best bore fertilizers in tho market. All goods sold at tlie lowest prices, and if not proven snt isfaclory can be returned. . u. BlIIVE, 4-13 Bloomsburg. 11331 nice white, thrifty shonts and pigs in weight from 20 lbs. 25, 30, 35, 40. 45, 60, 00, 70, 75 lbs. apiece. All young hens, young roosters, old hens, turkeys, geese, clucks, ianl, dried npplcs in tho county wanted iu Light Street, by Silas l oung. maru-vm :nrs Cherry Pectoral. , "Orrvllle.Olilo, Sept. II), v2. . ' Li, "llaTlne !"in mbject toMiron rMii nnrrtlnn, w'th frequent nl ' . n i umbiT if year., 1 hriet.y ecr- t ii i.i t Avrn'i ciiumv I'riTou.M. circs lifinpl r h-f, and Is tins most effectiro roi.i. ily I liar ,'Trr tried. JaJII A. llAMILTOV, IMltor or The Vrrsctnt." "Ml fllUn.l Dl.ln .linnW tfaC COUGHS. "' l'vc uwil Arm'c'iirnnv I'rciiinAI, tlila uprlnj: fnr n ro iniili anil lunir trmildf wlih ciwl tuYcl, and I run !ciicd to lromuucml It to any cue nlinll.trly notril. ll.invnv IHroiiMf, Proprietor CloUe lintel." I'RKrAnni nr Dr. J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by nil Druggists. BUSINESS NOTICES. "HtlCllUl'AIIlA." Quick, comnlctu cure, all annovlug Kid ney, Hlpilder nnd Urinary Diseases. $1. uruggists. ftTNo family dves were over so nomilar as the Diamond Dyes. They never fall. Tho black is far superior to logwood. The other colors aro brilliant. COSCOIID GRAPE VISES. Fine, vigorous Vines. Two. three and Four Years' Old, for snlo by the dozen or thousand at the lowest prices. Theso vines nrc raised on the anions Jit. Prospect Vineyards, at Passaic, N. J., where the well-known Port Qrapo Wine is produced that Is so highly esteemed nt urcsdcnrnd lleilni. mm other i-.uronenn Cities to which It is shipped, and that is so highly esteemed by physicians everywhere. AllllrCSS, AI.KUED Sl'EEIt. Jan. 20, 'Sa-Om. Passaic, N. J. ."Ilctter bear present evils than lly to those unltnown." iicttcr still, use Kidney- Wort nnd make vour present evils lly to parts unknown. If you lind yourscll get- ting bilious, head heavy, mouth loiil, eyes yellow kidneys disordered, symptoms of piles tormenting you, tawe at once a lew doses of Kidney-Wort. Use It as an ad vance guard cither in dry or liquid form it is ciiicient. SKINNY MEN. Wells' Health Hcnewcr" 'estorcs health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence sexual Debility. Drugiiists say that I.vdla 10. Piiikham's vegctauio Compound is tho best remedy for female complaints they ever heard of "nouait ON HATS." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flics, ants. bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 10c. uruggists. Ayer's Cathartic Pills arc suited to every age. iJeing sugar-coated they are easy to take, and though mild nnd pleasant in ac Hon. are thorough nnd searching in effect. Their elllcncy In all disorders of tlie stom ach nnd bowels is certitled to by eminent physicians, prominent clergymen, and many of our best citizens. HUlLOU'i) CONSUMPTION OUI!E. This is bevond nuestion thu most success. nil uougn .Yleillcinu we havo ever sold, a low doses invariably euro thu worst cases of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while its woniienui success 111 the euro or consump tion Is without a parallel In the history of medicine. blnce Is tlrst discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which 110 m ui owt.t w,i ,. uwiii until, i ildi iiiiu liu other mt.tlIclno , Btnml jt ,.ou ,mvo u Cm(,h wo t.arllC8tl.. ll9k yoll t0Jtry lt 1rlcu iu cis. nun 5i.uu. 11 you, i.ungs aro sore, Chest, or Hack, Lame, use Shtloh's Porous Plaster. Price 35 cts. Sold by J. II. Klu- ports. may 5 cow A Hl'UCIKIO FOR CHANGE OF I.IKE. Wo nrc In receipt of a letter from J. T. Hamby. Esq., of Floral. Ark.. In which tho writer says : &wvirUan Xtnint cures femalo decline, ami during 1110 change ot 10 it is a speclllc." Suggestive facts, truly. 41.50, ANSWEl! THIS QUESTION. Why do so many people wo seo around us, seem to prefer to suller and bo made mlserablo by Indigestion. Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of ApfTL'tlte, Coming up of tho food, icllowsuin, when lor 73 cts., wo will sell them Siilloh's Vltallzer. cuariin. teed to euro them. Sold by J. II. Kin ports. ' may C-eow Haltimore, Mil. llcv. W. II. Chapman says i "1 deem Ilrown's Iron Hitters a most valuable tonic for general ilbhealth." Tocca City, Gn. Dr. J. P. Newman says 1 "Ilrown a Iron Hitters aro very pop. ular nnd their uso always results satisfac torily." SIIII.OU'S OATAlillll 1IEMKDY, A PUirVO Ions euro for Cnturrli, Dlplitlierlu, Ciinkor moutli, nnil Hem) Acliu. Itli each bottlo ",cro '3 11,1 liiRt-'iilous nnsiil Injector for thu llinril flllPPf'KHflll trentinntit fir tin. an nfim. plaints without extra charce. l'rlco fiOcts, Bolil by J. II, Klnports, may 5-eow. Should you bo ti'sullerer from dyspepsia, Indigestion, malaria, or weakness, you can bo cured by Urown's Iron llltteis. NKW JEII8EV WISE SENT TO KUllOl'K. Tho succtBS of Mr. Specr, tho great wluo I ' lVIBVl, ,1(19 IIII9L1I .IU1II I1IU Birict mirltv uiul valiiiilihi nronorliea nf his wlca-for iT,vnUiU imtl feeLlo nersons. and I tils ii'iiutittlon I'xteiuU over the wholo 1 Union and In Ki.ropo as being it reliable proiiiicer 01 puro wines, 111s j-on urapo Wliiolsnow being ordered by families In Dresden London nnil I'nrla for Its mine. wiuiiui, i.oiiuoii anil iiuisior lis Biipt. llor medicinal virtues, und Its blood mak. lug quality, owing probably to tho Iron contained in thu brown shalu rock Boll In which tho vines grow. For sale by O. A. Kll'lni, lilooinsburg, la. ANNUAL S fATKMHNT OK THK TOWN OF HLOOMSllUHO. For mo year mi ending with March ant, 1883. rUNDKUDKBT. Hondsduo August 1, lRftl, " ' Jnn. 1, lasi I10HO 00 IUU 10 TOO 00 10 0 to boo no too no it HO 111 am oo too oo THO 0) too m un no HI) oo GUI (O SO) (I) S.-0 00 820 00 !U9 00 aio ui SOI U) SHO OU 4CJ W 400 1 0 420 00 400 00 4H0 00 1140 00 tCUy. i, Aug. Jan. Feb'y Aug. .Inn. Kcb'y l', 18SS, 1, " 1, 11 1, IBHfl, 1. 11 If ' Aug. Jan. Fcb'y Aug. Jnn Fcb'y Aug I, 1 " 1 " 1 1KS8 1 " 1 " I 1KKD WW IBM I HIM 1SW) ItfJI 1HM 1SU0 iw; 1KIH 1BW Total funded debt ii,260 on Intercut on tlio above bonds from February 1, US Valuation of Taxable property in 1882 1 llcnl property 1679113 00 Personal " lttwo m Occupations ttis oo Total valuation 785717 00 I per cent, of above valuation tl5714 00 ASSETS. Balance of tax on dup. of im (431 30 Duo from sundry persons on account 37 23 Duo from O. V. sterner, on nark rent ....... &7 4U Duo on street oon! viz I ltter .Market ft., .1. a Ituttcrtisoo " Win. Webb eat. 83 00 4(1 on Ilalance la hands of Trcns'r. 1 87 70J 89 l.tAMt.ITIF.. Coupons not presented and outstanding Orders outstanding 18(1 01 7ftl CO Total liabilities over (9:9 M IM7 St lilt. MM 13 Excess of nsets. Xwion lioono colleclor for l iobai.oiduimcawoiissi llyuint. paid Wm. Clirl'jnaa Treasurer. 4jt40tl 41 lly exonerations allowed by council March "tli 1tu 60 C'J JIM 13 Newton Ponno collector of 'US uii.- To and. or uu uicaio ounk,. Clt. llyatnt. pall Wm. Clirlanan Iruasurer .... t2 M Ily exonerations allowed by council .March Till ink) ... S19G3 24 II itatico due tl 30 Wm CUrUm.iti Treasurer for 18HJ In account with t ho Town or ltloomsburtf. I)H. To nmt. of tnx roll of 1BKJ J0.WJ M To b.iL In hands us per btnte- lnentotlSSl 1S1 75 To nmt. from sale of bondi.... flaw to " " I. lloono eou ot 1881 400 41 nmt. from N. lloono coL of 18!! - 1008 4J nmt. from fitato tax col- lectrd K 14 nmt. Hanrali Knorr lien on pavement 1" 43 Hcfo,,rcd con probations makluif fence. along centre M. 30 13 arat. f ro-J Col Co ns lax returned 21 71 nmt. collected on miscel laneous accounts 4 CO nmt. from tl. A. llerrluif President, ns lines, licen ses, ic 43 00 Total tlf.'lO 17 Win. ChrUman, Treasurer, Cr. Ily nmt. of dup. ot Newton ltoonecoi. iw,', ocini; ami. uncollected by Treasurer on tax roll of ISA! 23 5 1 Ily bonds paid during tho year, viz : No 34 duo Keb 1, 188J $200 00 .. 33 -. .. J .. .flu, ,u " 31! " " 1, " 11)0 00 " 37 " AUBl, " 600 00 ' 3S " Feb 1, 188.1 aW 00 " 3J " ' 1, " 200 00 ' 41 " " 1, " 100 00 " 58 " AUlt 1, 18H3 800 00 Ml " Feb 1, 18S1 200 00 ' 78 " Jan 1, 1NM 100 00 " 91 " AUjfl, ' 140 00 $2241 00 Ily state tax onloans 4 milts 59(11 " Interest, coupons paid dur ing year 770 37 " orders paid during tho year 0431 81 " cost & int. on (las co judg ment 27 31 " nmt. Treasurer's commis sion 115 03 " balanco la Treasurer's hands 143 27 Total $12210 17 HKCTIITS. Bat In Treasurer's hands as per statement ot 1881 f 15175 Amu collected by Treasurer on tnx roll of 18SJ 4180 01 " from Halo of bonds 3 mm to " " N. Iloone col. of '81 . .. 401141 " " " " " '"8J... IKIS 42 " " Stnto tax collected... 5511 " " lianuah Knorr hen on pavement 17 43 " from St. Jlatt. and He fonned congregations mak ing fence no 13 " from Col Co tax returned 21 71 " from miscellaneous acts. 4 00 " from O. A. Herring. Pres ident, as lines, license, &e 45 00 Total $9820 03 KXPr.N-MTUHF.K. IIlOlllVAY. Paid Frank Tnjlor St. Com'r. ofissi t 10 50 " N. liomboy St. com'r. '82 312 55 " for labor, teams, repair of tools, and material 2587 55 Total- I'llIE IIEI'ARTJIKNT. Paid II stohner rent for halt from Oct. 1,'Slto April 1st '82 $15 on Paid Columbia county $2949 CO renttoAnr 11. 1S82 .... 20 24 Paid I. a Kulm rent of cnglno houso ending June 1, 1881 25 CO Paid Klwellrent of wi nona Fire Co's hall for year ending Jan 1, '83 .10 00 Paid I. Hagonhuch rent of engine house, end ing Juno 1, 18ftl 30 00 Paid I. W. Hantaan for rent or 11.111 from Apr. 1st '82 to Apr. 1st 'tel. .. 31 m $150 i C0N3T4BI.K & TOUCH. Paid It. Harris, town constabio for March s 33 raid .M. C. Woodward ' constamo 1)1 07 Paid ll. 11. Freas, chief police 01 00 raid sundry persons for police duty M 03 1243 tl3 MISCELLANEOUS. Paid Hloomiuurg VA'atcr eo.... 1200 00 " " (las " tin ui " for lamp posts .c fixtures 191 50 " Paid ll. K Klwell rent of council room 45 00 " Samuel Scyhard survey. Ing 89 00 " Printing annual state- inent, notices, e .... 72 C7 " Witness fees In No 1 Feb T. 'Kl In eiiulty 11 85 " Auditors of annual htntc- incut 9 CO " J. It. Kvans nttendlng Hnall-pox patients 129 93 " forehulrs, tahli's.eaKf'.to 85 85 " JloycrliriNrentof lock. up to June 1, 1882 so CO " N. lloono nerving tax notices 10 (0 " hharpless gruto for lock. up 3 32 " surali Pctrlken rent for Town K)und 18 to " c. Krug for material for fence 6 57 " Klwell nittenlx'iider for bond books 0 00 " for police nippers 7 55 ,' N. liomboy lor posting notice 1 00 " .M. cox for removing fur niture, tea 51 " for postngo stamps 1 51 " tutrrest on owr duo bonds, 78, SI, 35, SO, nnd 37, Bliicu nHleeint'd 18 10 " hecrctary'H salary isi 10 Total nmt. orders Issued dur ing) ear (5107 : tlTnEK UtSUVKSKUKNTd. I'aldHtatotaxon bonds I kinds redeemed Interest, couponi costd nnd int. on (las Co. Jiidifinent .... Amount ot Treasurer's com- mission .. Amount 111 hands of Treasurer I'ukl on outstanding orders lu excess of onlers IssueU du. ring jear nj) &') Kl .m j no 770 ar 87 81 i4.i 1a 111 S7 1037 03 Amount I'nual to receipts fjuso 03 Attest! A. I. Fritz. (I. A. HKltlilN'd. bwretary. l'rest. Town Council. We tho undersigned nudltoru of thoTowu of liloomsbun; met 011 Ii Iday, March 30th, issa, and Uu hereby certify that wu examined thu rnn-nim. acrounta and statement and nnd them correct uuu uu uppruiu inu saiue. THOS. WKllll. U. It. 110UNKL, Y. II. DKNThfllt oprsi Auditors. A DMlNISTUATOlrS NOTICK, I 1 1 1 estatk ok a. a. vanluw utk or uiulock town- b.ui'. ioldmuia county, rA., .. L',m ? adinlnutrallou In Iheoatato of A. H. VitrVV: w Br&tca iue negisier of saiaeoumy 10 A. c.vanllew and Jacob Terwiillger, adiu'n;. All perm ns having claims lfalnsl sud decodml aro requested to tireveut ,liem ror urttiemtjnt, nud those Indtbtcd to the ostateto make pa) ment tothe undersigned ad- talrutrators without delaj', A, y. VANLIKW, JACOiiTKHWlLUdtii, apraow dmlnUtratora. JUST 0FI1D A NKW MERCHANT TAILORING Gents' Furnishing Goods' STORK. IN Knorr & Wintcrstccii's Building Mum Street, BLOOMSBURG, next door to the First National Hnnk, where I am prepared to MAKE TO ORDER FlST CLASS SUITS from $18.00 nnd upwards. Fits Guaranteed. (I. W BEHTSGH. April n-lyr. FOB SALE AT MMMN'S BLOOMSBURG, PA. 20,00a BEJLTBINCa TOASTS, Consistlnir of hundreds of varieties of tho choicest noses, ueranuims, erix'nas, coieus, nenoirope, etc., i'iu. Vegetable Plants Wo aro making a specialty. Karly Cabbago plants (hardened) Pot drown Tomato Plants nnd Sweet Potato Plants by tho thousand, IjUc Cnbbago by uuuurcu 01 inousamis. 50,000 Strawberry Plants of tlie best varieties also Red aril Ilhick Cap Haspberries, Ithubarb, Asparagus plants, Sic. 0 have shipped plants to every stnto In tho Union. CUT FLOWERS consisting of ltoso Hints. Carnations. Violets. Hel iotrope, cnllas, etc., etc, always oa hand. Flow ers ror wetiaings and parties, Houqucts Haskets of uuni'm luii'Ttti uesarus 01 an uescriniionsiiur. no at short notice. We pack so as to travel one to inu uuys uiui guarnniee saiLsiaction. SEEDS. At tho rpnupst. nf innnv nf nur rtislnmprs T will this season olter a full line ot garden seeds. Kf teen years experience at market gardening enables mo iu uuer uiu oest seeiis ror iiushccuon. All 1 oner 1 am sure will give satisfaction. They are the best varieties and sure to grow. We havo four largo green houses, nlso cold beds and hot beds containing nearly G0U0 feet of glass, situated on Main btrect, above tuts Normal Hchool (large building.) 11113nuvcru.scmym.1s too small to mention mi wc have for sale. Call on us or write to; us for " nat you want nnd see if we cannot supply you. J. I. DILLON, Uloomsbiirg, l'a. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUA11LK Resil Est site! The undersigned ndmlnlstrntor of HenJ.unln Llndenmuth, late ot Conyngham township, Coliun- bla county, Pa., ;wlll exposo to public bale on the premises In Conyngham township, on SATURDAY May 5tli 1883. ntia o'clock, n.m.,nll that certain real cstatoln said township, bounded nnd described as follows, to- It : Heglnnlng nt a stono In lino of laud belong ing to the City of Philadelphia and running tlicuco along lino ot land of Jeremiah Llndenmuth south Mvcnty-bcven degrees, east thlrty-ilvo perches to a stone, thenco by tho samo north one-half degrees castseventy-boveu perches to a btone, thenco by land of heirs of John IJiulemnuth south heventy seven degrees, west seventy-live porches to a stono and thenco by land belonging to the city of Phil- ndelphla south twcnty-llvo degrees, cast eighty perches to the placo of beginning, containing 2G ACRES. and ono hundred nnd thirty perches, with thonp. purtenances. TKltMSOF SALE. Ten per cent, of -the one- fourth ot tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking flown of iho property; the ono-fourth less tho ten per cent, at IU ) counrmattoa ot sale; nnd tli9 remaining three-fourtUi In one year there after, with Interest from conHrinatlon nisi. Purchasers to pay for docd. ISAAC I.INI1EN.MUTII, April 13th. Administrator. pARSOIUTS? purgative piXIaS MAKE NEW HIGH BLOOD, And will completely ehaiuro tho blood In the en- tiro Hystein in three months. Any person w ho will iukoouo pui eacu nignt rrom one io tweivo wet'Ks, may bo restored to bound health, If such a thing Is IHissimi'. tur curing ri'iua.o i;uuipiaiuiH iuthu 'Ills havo no enuni. l'hyblcl.ns uso them In their practice. Mold everywhere, or sent by mall for s.'5 I'cuis in hiainps. r-t'na ior painpniei. i. pi. bu.i ai iu, iiusiou, 3UIS.S. upr u DMINISTKATOU'S NOTICK. ESTATE Of AUAKUA WOHK1IEI8KII, DKCKAHKU. letters of administration In tho cstato nf Aman da Workhelser, lato of lllooinsburtr, Columbia county, l'a., deceased, havo Ihu nruut"d by the jiCKisiiT in saui euuniy iu uuaiii i urMieisi-r mm Annto Kressler. All persons havlnir claims uiratiist said estate are requested to present them fur set tlement, nnd those Indebted to tho same to mako payment iu tuu unuersiifneii miminisiraiors n uu. uuiiieuiy. .ii. miiihiit'.inr.ii, Aprwi a..mi; Kiir.Nsi.Mi, Administrators. OH BALK, 1 valuable business location In tliovlllace of Espy, Scott township, Columbia county, w hero Is already looaieu 1110 renasyivania canal com. nany's boat yards and docks, navliuf out. a sum of I annually, In cash. The property Is located lu tho centre of town on Main street and IJirht- sireet road; with afoul store house uud ware house. Just tho place for doing a general mercan tile trade. ItoilT. H. IIOWKLU 4-u aw Akeiit. run TUB And all Bilious Complaints. Baft) tu take, being purely U'cetali , n :i.. l'rlco Si leuu. AllfJrui ,, apr 50 4w and desiring lucrative positions bhould learn GBEM HOUSES I'graphy. Vacancies lor n limited number. Ainu-ess, wiiu slump, si it. tki.kuhai'11 INsTITUTF, Hroail and Chcstuut Stnrts. Philadelphia. d nprttJ MARK TWAIN'S "life on the mississip NKW HOOK. MISSISSIPPI." Isprovln; tho grandest success nf nil ttui Twain seiies. s. A genuine bonanza to p., a terms and territory nd.DOOK AgontS I DOU11I.ASS HltOS., 53 N. 7th St., I'Ulla. l'a. ,l,,p IKLllL' ' ,1 1 ror dress aprw-lw jtot: ICK TO BTuCKHOLDKHS. 'Iho annual meetlmr of the slnekliiililnm nr vnnii & West llraneh llullwuy Company la called Monday, May 7lli, issa, at l:30ovluck p. 111., at Sou'h Fouitli street, 1'hlladelphta. Weciloii 1 ivsiui-m uiui luiixiuni u.imn nay and piaci'.j Ai.tu:itr iiuwhIn, i'iw Mvrvi ary, SHERIFFS SALE. Hy virtue ot sundry writs Isnnad out of (lu court of Common T'lcas of Columbia county, nnd tome directed, will bo exposed to publlostlont tho court House, In lltoomsburg, on MONDAY, MAY 7, 2pra 1883. Tho undivided half of all that certain tract of land sftilato In lino township tn tho county of Col umbia, bounded nnd ilescrlliod as follows, to wit! NorthWnnlly by lands of John Fowler and II. 1 Whltmoycr, Itastwnrdly by Inndi of Tliomns Ilen lleld nnd others, southwardly by lands of ltlrnm rsliultz and others and Wcstwnrdiy by lands or Sol omon Dirk nnd others, contnininff tlireo hundred and Reventy acres, more or less, whereon arc erect. ed a saw-mill and a frame dwelling house. Seized taken Into execution nnd to bo sold as tho property of John Loggott at tlie suit of tho First National Hank of lilooinsburg. Little ntt'y. vend. V.x. All that piece or parcel of land hituato In Heaver township Columbia county and state of Pennsyl vania, and known as Cllcn city, bounded and de scribed ns follows, to w Hi On tho West by Walnut street, on tho south by First street, on tlie Knst by Charles street, nnd on tho North by Sixth street accordlug to tho general plan of Raid (lien City. Excepting lots heretofore sold as follows, to wits Nos. 1, 2, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11 A it lu lllock No. 1i Nos. 1, S, 3,4, 6, A-0 In lllock No. 2; Xos. 4, 10, 11 A 12 tn lllock- No. 3; Nos. 1 ; S In tlloek No. 1; No 6 & 7 In lllock No. 5; Noi 1, 3, 7, 10 11 In lllock No. 11. Nos. 1,23 In lllock No. 21; Nos. 0, 7, B, 9 A 10 in lllock No. 31; Nos. 7. 8, 0, 10, 11 12 in lllock No, 3-1; Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 0 i 10 In lllock No. 11 j Nos. 1, 2, 3, I, 6, 0, 7, 8, 1), 10, 11 & 12 In lllock No. 4; and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, ft, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 A-12 In lllock No. 43, said lout designated by number nnd lllock ac cording to tho Town plot of said (lion City, Seized, taken Into execution and to 1m sold as tiio property ot C. It. llarnes nnd Almlra A. names nt tlie suit of Columbia County Mutual Saving Hind nnd Loan Association. Llttlo and Miller nttyV. Lev. Fa. ALSO All that cei tain piece or parcel ot land situate hi Main township, Columbia county, Fx, iKmtided nnd described ns follows, to-w It : lleglnulng ntn pine In original line of Elijah Weed, thence In land of LcvilsKolb, north fort y-ono degrees, enst five and three-tenth perches to n stone ; thenco by land of Abraham Knccht, south cighty-nino de grees, west sixteen nnd ono-half perches ; thence by land of Amos mttenhouse. south llfty-fourdo- grccs, west two perches; thenco south eighty eight and a quarter degrees, we3t seventeen perches; thence south twenty-two and three. quarter degrees, cast thirty perches to tho place of beginning. Containing one hundred nnd thirty. eight square perches of land on which nre erected a two story frame house, a st.iblo nnd outbuild ings. ALSO Tho undlUdcd half Interest In all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situatoln Heaver township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded nnd de scribed as follows, to.wlt ! Heglnnlng at a chest- nut, thence by other land of Nathan Hredbenncr, Sr., north sixty-eight degrees, east one bundled and twenty-four nnd seven-tenth perches tost ones; thenco by land claimed by S. P. Case, north twen ty-two and a halt degrees, west seventy-tw o nnd a half perches to stones; thence down Scotch Hun seventy-seven degrees, west ono hundred and twenty-four and live-tenth perches to n water birch; thenco by land surveyed for Joseph 1 muck south twenty-two degrees, east eighty-eight and ono-half perches to place of beginning. Contnlnln; sixty-two acres nnd one hundred nnd twenty perches strict measure. Seized, taken lntoexccutlon ntthesultof Col umbia county Mutual Saving Fund nnd I)an As soclatlon vs Wm. II. Hauck, nnd to bo sold as the property ot Wm. It. Hauck. Miller, Att'y. l'l. Fa JOHN MOI'HEV, Short IT. E5 XKCUTOU'S NOTIOK. K8IATK OP JEHEMIAIt llAOKKlU'CII, IIKCEAPKll. letters tcatainentnry lnthocbtatoof Jrrciiitah Hagenbuch. latoof contra towns.hln. Coliiinhl.t county, l'a., ilecc.isoil, ha e liocu Krantoil liylho KOitiatcr ot said county to l.Usha llngctilmcli ami .1. s. Ilaircnlmcli. AH nersons havhii; claims nffalnst K11U tslato are rciucstoil to pn'ient them iur ssuiiicincm. aim inoso lniicuu io inc s.nno io mako paj ment to thoiiniIcrt,l?ncU without delay. KL1SIIA HAlli:.MIUt.'lI,l fvtviitnro .1. H. HAHKNIIL'Clf. Mcctltora. 4-13 April 11, Da MgUtbtri-ot, I'd. Popular Trsafeji Eletlticily ELECTRIC LIGHTING. The An; anl Iucandesecnt Systems carefullv anil Impartially consltlcml from a commercial ttnnd polot. llrlet history of llKhtlns by electricity, wllh full Information concerning the ilHTeront sy tens and pmctlcal advlco alraut tho liest ono to secure, hoconilary batteries anil tho btorago sys tem reviewed. Tho dangers ot electric wires fully explained. An Interestlnc work for popular rend I.1B. l'lticr, S5 CKSTS. riTSKNT HY MAII, I'OST PAID, OX ItECF.IlT OP ntlCR Address American Electric & IlMnathit Co. , (). llnx.KISS. 24 Sclmol Htreet, 1i,n1uii. r Apriatw THE SUN IS ALWAYS 1NTEKKSTING. From mnmlnir to inomlnir and from week to week Till! SL"N prints a continued Mory of the lives 111 real men nun women, aniini ineir tutus, pi.uis, loves, hates und troubles. 7 Vi f.s story fx inure tit terenttn'j than any romance thaticascivrtlerltictl. Ruuscnption: iiah.y u pages), uy man, ..e. a mouth, or Ml 50 n 3 car; M'nua v (H pages), sl.'io per year; Wkeklvir pages), si.oo per year I l t'Vfll IVI1 IXil.llwltn Vnu- V,i.l- ,'llv Aprl3-lv r ' rilHIAIi IJST X FOU MAY TKItM. J. .1. Smith vs W. A. Kile. centralU Itorough vs conyngham township. i-. u neiieriy, .11. i., vs uiiujngn.iiii luwusuip. Thomas (lorry vs Thomas rarrell. Josenh A. llenrle. et. uv.. vs John V. IIolTman. et. al. II. It. Millard s uso vs convnulum. and Centralli rutir insinei. ShalTcr'a uso vs Joseph WeKs. Ceo. II. llelfilck. receiver, vs Josenh M. I-'rock. Iwls C. Williams vs orangevllUi .M. S. v. & lian .vsHoeiauou. Jeremiah koiu vs Columbia countv m. s. !'. & l- Assuclatlon. orangcvino M. s. F. .t: I. Association vs Josenh .. 111-111 ie, uu 111. .1. . MiiKey, .vgeui, vs uenry Miinmei's, W. F. lllbby vs 1. 11. Sei'sholtz. Catharine Sehraeck vs w. r. lllbby. Seltzer X Miller vs Daniel Morris. A. M. Wlervs lilchanl Angell. et. al. Susanna Hunt vs Wm. Lamoii with notice to terra tenants. wm. !'. Keller vs . W. II. Hallway Co. Ixiwls Vettcr's executors vs Wm. Ye.iger. singer Mfg Co. vs Martha Hellas. John Sheatler vs 1'hlllp springer, ll. F. i:dgar vs David Doty, (ieo. W. sterner, et. tlx., vs Wm. Neat. Jacob Swank s X. w. II. Hallway Co. .Michael lieeso vsN. .t W. II. Hallway C11. Archibald U-wls vs N. A' W. ll. Hallway Co, casner lthawn vs X. X W. II. Kaltwnv Co. Isaac Weckerli "s executors: vs Daniel 11. l'iel encKs. Charles liclehart vs Aaron nrover. M. li Walker vs If, 11. Fnt ct. al. Fred Smith, et. aL. vs X. W. II. Hallway Co. M. 1'. I.utz, assignee, vs X. x W. ll. Hallway Co. if. a. iii-ss ib.i, iv i. 11. uaitway i;o. lllram Heeso vs Charles Krug ct. nl. Daniel W, Walter vs James 1. Um-u ' John Clemens vs Martin Kelley. o. II. Mellck vs John W. IIolTman. John v. Karnes vs Town of llloomsbunf. Anron llogcrts l'eter Hogeit. F. 1'. i:aus vs U. II. F.nt, sherllT. Abner A. Hvansvs L' 11. 1'.nt, SherllT, l.loyd shunian vs N. W. II. Hallway en. .Mien .vtiiiin, executor, vs X. .t w. 11. itullway co, i.ioyn v eager vs X, & w. II. H.i wav co. Henry Hainer. et. ux., vs X. & W. ll. Hallway co, Andrew crevellng vs Wm. Thomas et. al. win. Mourey's administratrix vs X. x. W. iiauway en. (ildeon stcckcr'H administrator vs Thomas uickcy. Win. J. Knorr vs A, .1. Hernlnger el. nl. K'ENSK NOTICi:. J Xotlce Is hereby (riven that tho follow lm namo.l liersons have Hied with tho clerk ut thu Court wuaner sessions 01 inn reaco ot l oiumina county, luelr petit Ions for license, which will he presented to tho said Court on Monday tho Seventh day -May .. 11. ism at. it 0 clock r. u. Ahleinaii Charles leinan 1 luirles Heaver Hotel smith l-otter do do lleuton do Hess Hiram Heiger llhluehatt llemlck ltei.iaur.ilit uu 'i neo ! no nouier llloom Hotel do do llrown JanoK tllger William (illmore W 11 lo llihtnurant ilu Dottier do do Olrtou J I, dross l'eter do HKntnurant uu IHHIICr ilu i.iu'r store aeuliy l A stohner IleinaM do Itoctauruut nerkiieimer .M 11 tioiileu ,V. lieaeoek iaiawiss.1 tin du Iloltler iioiiingshean David Klsllcr Hester do llestniiraut 110 Hotel du ilu liuateiibauder X co 'iTUCken 11 uer Ai am do ItOktuurant Colli us Thomas curry Danl F tvuiraii.i no du 1 Intel Tel. i.vaus ini'opniius lloldsworthy KlUa du Uettauram uu I lOlf 1 Jiciaiuieii 1 uw am nu - tw O'Couner .Iciliann.i uu uij'r store remer William Kelirt'H Daniel i; Kline John 1. .Monroe Mary Hazledlne Samuel Dleleilek l lus ll Chen Ington Tho 1' Knorr Daniel Veager Wellington Wider Auron Smith A K longenlieivcr J V. HlerHod I leas A W I411 cock 11 T Hllllg Charles Haker (I M Fredcrld 1' C Miller Jacob ivrry J w uu iiiuei Cuuyiighaui du du do du ltosiauraul lilCClllVOOll UOll'l Hemlock do iMUrl 1 1) do ilu do do 'V,' 1leturant .iiiiuiwui llOU'l -Multi do du do Minim do Montour 1U1 l(u.iiliigi'rek ltutlsiirant fur atl Iur mm no lo ' IloUil do du Siiinirloaf Horn W'VI l.'llll,l.'llltt MERCHANT and CUSTOM 1MI Is now fully prepared to f iirnlsh SUITS MADE TO ORDER, FliOM Tin: BEST MATERIAL IN TIIHMAllKHTAT REASONABLE RATES. also to rntNiair Rcady-Matle SUITS MADE TO MEASUHE, AND As (wood 6c Cheap AS CAN HE NAD AT ANY Ready-Made Esta"bHshment. Orders taken for sliirls, maile from measurement. PHOSPHATES A Tried ii We Fettib. It in a Sni'EKion-Piiosi'HATE AND NOT AcmUIiATKI) S. C. COOK IT CONTAINS NO DIRT AND SAND ITS ANALYSIS IS GUARANTEED. IT CONTAINS THE ELEMENT OF PLANT FOOD. IT GIVES GOOD RESULTS. 1'KICE $25 PEU TON OF 2001) LHS On ears or boat in l'hitailclpliin. Quamtisd .nai7si5 Printed oa Etch Bas. M'.sn roit ciKcn.AU. addkuss & SONS, SOLI-: MAN Ul'ACTUHKKS, 20 Ssuth D3lav;aro Ave. Philada. March so, 4v, I. H a 11 VhV. OK 1IEIKS. i:stati: or josnrii iiei.wki, nr.CEASED. COt.VMIIlA COl' Hie Commonwealth ot I'cnnsjlvnnla to David lli'lttk', IjkuiI township ; I'cttr llelwlif, catawls-s-i; Ktly.a. llrobst, CittAWlwn; JIary Kenstcr nuuker, oatawlssa: William lielwlg, iSitawlssa; I'eter lletwhf, guardian atl litem ot Ida Knecht, ch.iilty Kiii'chl nnd Charles Knecht, minor chll dreii nt llustur Knecht, doci'.ised, iSitawlasai lid win llclwUr, llockTiiwn, SchuU;lll county, l'a. j Sophia Ilel1if, CatawUsa; Nathan Ilelwhr, Cat awl.i: KelKjcca llelwlif,; i:ii2allel wik', CatawKi! Heeler liarndt, CatawKsa; i:iuaiiuel llelwlif, Win. Uwood llclwlR and Ida llelwlif, CitauKsa; liavld lieW, Wllkesbar.c; .1o-.eiili Murtz, catawissa; KUa Tliomas, New Philadelphia, .McDonnah county, Illinois; ; Savllla Uelt7, CaUwKsa; -Mar' Ciilllnser, Catawlisa; Mlll'o Clewell, catawissa; Catliartno llartman, cataw Issa ; John .Marl, Jacob .Mom, Hav Id .Martz and William .Martz all nt Catawissa; Joseph Martz, Allentown, Ichitfh county, l'a. ; David Winner, llloomsburif ; Daniel A. lies, Jillllluvlllo; Harvey c. Hess, Minllnvllle; Mary l'ohe, Umo Hldge;'ii.i ik. Ncwaik. NewJerser: Charles l'ohe. Joseph l'ohe, Alice l'ohe, Frances l'oho and tleorgo l'ohe, all of Mine lildffo; Daniel A. Hess, Kiiardlan hi! litem ot John A. lirowu, Harvey C. llrown and .Minnlo Ilrown, minor children or Hannah llrown, deceased, all ut JUlUlnvlUo; and Kdward Kosten bauder, nt Catawissa, l'a., lineal descendants ot Joseph llelwlif, decease!, and to nil other persons Interested, liinellun: Vou and eachotjou aro hereby cited to bo nnd appear before tho Judges of our orphans' court at an Orphan's Court to bo held at MoomsburK on tho tlrst -Monday ot May next, then and there Ui accept or refuse to tako tho loal estate ot said Joseph llvlwlg, deceased, at thoupprabed valuation put upon it by tho in. quest, duly uwarilcd by tho said Court, nnd re turned by the Sheriff, or bhow cause why It shall not be sold. And hereof fall not. Znn, Att'y. 'JOHN MOUItEV, Apr B Bherirr. MARKET JIEP0RTS. r.i.ooMsnuna mawcet. Wheat per bushel Hyo " , Corn, " Oats " " Flour per barrel Cloveiwcd .su 01 .45 C.40 E.I0 .3'2 .15 f1 .V .( 14 11 10 .12 .14 1010 3.01 Iiuttor Tafiow' ... I'otuoes Dried Appl03 Ilnms Sides X bhouldcrs Chickens Turkeys 1 .am per pound Ilaypertou , neeswax Huckwheat llavcr per Kit.. IMIir.ADKIil'IIIA JIAItKKTS. Alirll 17. Fioi'ii Tho market wns strong with a fair de mand from local dealers; sales otl.TiU barrels. In cluding Minnesota eitins at Is.'ilaii.S.'i ; Pennsylva nia lainuy; wesicmiio t.i-.-j.iu.iu; patents (U.-S, 17..71. itvi: l- LOUii sens ut.j:i.u..'Hrn:i.7.). WiiiHT Thn market was firmer; ear lotsil.lfia 1 .(, ; l.iu,s, bill fur April;, for May; ll.Si for Juno; (l.'Mvt for July. una .Marsetmis a suauu uener; ear luisiia 'e; ni'icbld for Anrll: 05.c for May ; myco for Juno ; ore for July. hats Market waa steady; car lots Masse; 550 bid fur Aii 11 ; 51 fur May; 51,0 tor Juno ; Mtfe lur.i my. COURT PROCLAMATION- TiynKKKAS, (lie Hon. Wu.liam Elwkll y I'residenl Judgo of tho Court of oyer and Terminer and (ienernlJall Delivery, Court of Quar ter Sessions of tho Peace and tho Court of Common l'leas and Orphans' Court In tho soth Judicial Dis trict, i'Oidpos"d of tho counties of Columbia nnd Montour, and the lions. Jamoa Lake and F. L. Shuman, Assiclato Judges of Columbia county, havo Issued their prccept.bcarlng dato tho 0th day of Feb. In tho year ot our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, and to mo directed for holdlnga Court ot Oyer and Terminer anil Oeneral Quarter Sessions of tho feace. Court of Common I'leas nnd Orphans' Court, In lilooinsburg. In tho county ot columbla.on the tlrst Monday, being the 7th day ot Mi nt. to continue for two weeks. Notice Is hereby glvta to the the Jus tlcos of tho Peace, nnd tho Constables of tho said County ot Colmnbla.that they be then and thcro In their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said 7th day ot May with their records Inqui sitions and other romoinbraucos,to do those things which to thetr ofllces appertain to bo done. And those that are bound by recognlzanco to proseute against tho prisoners that aro or may bo tn tho Jail of tho said county ot bo then and there to prosecute them as shall bo put. Jurors aro re- quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their nutlces. Dattid at llloomsburg 1 ,1 Urn 3rd day of In Apr. tho year ot our I.. S. V hord ono thousand eight hundred und I elzhty.twoand In tho one hundred and II. Bsvcuth year ot tho Independence ot the United States ot America. Slieilll'somco. JOHN MOUItEV, lilooinsburg. Apr o to sherlfj. 1'1'KAI. NOTICi:. Anneals will beheld on tho asses.,ment of isxi, iH-iwivu mi' jiuurs ui n a. 111. nun 1 p. in. ot of I'ilLli 1 l.l J iisiuiiunp, iu.,111; April Slth For (iieenwooil, SlaiUson nt tho inmso in iiuuiiinry i niKer, in i u-ville. of Apillath-For llcrwlck and llrlarcreek, at tho uuuse in ,1. 11, noj 1, in ncrwick. April 80th Fur Centralta nnd conyruham, at tho uuiiw. ui 11, 1. mrij , 111 v.eiuiail.u Apill Slat ror Catawissa, and rrankllu, at tho iiousu ui .1. 11. iiuer, 111 uuawissa. Apitisanl For llloom and Scott, at our oillco la uiuouisuiirg, Hie assertion, are reuulreil toirlvdoach taxnb'n 11 iiuwi' in nuunier vsiuauona u.iys neiorw the upiK-ui CIIA11I.1W HlllCIIAItT, 1 Commr'H. ll. F. laillAlt. J- of JOSH I'A I'l.TTMtMA.V, Columbia Co. Attest, J. ll. Casev, Clerk. CouitnltoluuBi's Olllcc, llloouubuiv, Jlarch SO, lSta 1DOWS' AlHMJAIiKMUNTjj. 'I ho following Widows' Annraluimentu will tin KMLinram prukenUJdtoCouit onllin llist .Monday ot May, ttuus b tn 'it within four days tUcrcattf r w ill liuiiuiium iiuauiiiiaijr j Kfcndiuer John estate, duoeaseil, of Pino town, townslilp. ivrsonalty tauo iu naxer Joun estate, disooaseil, Heaver township. Kealty (300 IO a lvey William estate, ilooeuwil, Hemlock town. sii'i'. l'eivmally tux) w 1 Sliumaii (ieoivo ntute, Uecousiiil, Mlrutn lowuildp. ltealty fjuaw 8 llerner Joliu itate, deosasnl, Iwust town- tll, IVreoually iw 10 0 Jouusou Jemey rsiute, iiecwawd, Jladlfon townUilp. llealty fan) eu 7 llarvey Waleott estate, dft'oasetl, Sugarloaf towuJilp. Itwilly fWW 8 llluiwn casiKi- esiate, iU)CokhI, Catawissa townslilii. Ptawualty liw w WM. K1IICKHAU.V, Clvrk 0. V, bo Api ll SO Kl .. .... ,i,,v. Cleik IJ. K
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers