The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 16, 1883, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT" BLOOMS! ORG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. rum? hat mint a m inrj vajuuihduiu. as I: BEB3nior., Editors. BLOOMSBURQ, PA. FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1833. Tho cigarette lias obtained n (lornr larity among the schoolboys of l'litlti ilclnhta tliat has alarmed tho author! ties, and various plans for reforms have been proposed. A principal ot a gram mar school estimates that 7f ner cent, of tho inalo inmiU under his charge aro smokers, nuainst less than half that numbtr before ciirarcttcs camo into cdmmon use. Tho only measuro thus far adopted is of a persuasive nature. A circular setting forth tho hurlfulncss of tobacco, and especially of bad eia- rettcs, has been placed in tho hands of every boy, and pasted insido the cover ot each text uook. John Kellly is not an Irishman, ns tnanv ncomo suppose. On tho contrary. ho was born in New York city. In earlier davs he was a crato setter, from which humblo employment ho cradua tod into politics. IIo began at tho lowest round as nlderman surely noth ing can bo lower than an aldt rman and worked his way up through the sovcral grades of SlienlT, Comptroller, and candidates for Governor. Mr. Kel ly is apparently about fitty-flvo or fifty- six years 01 age, ncany six ieui ingn, vcrv Btout and stronjr, with a sullicient- ly Oeltio countenance to warrant tho excessive caricatures in Harper's Weekhj and J'uck. llo wears a cm zlv beard clipped very short, dresses with scrupulous neatness, and is always . .. 11 . i naii-ici o v weii'inei wmi u uiuwu, an assemblage, or a group. Tho Pennsylvania railroad report for tho last year shows that tho bust iicss ot tho main line amounted to $30,- 878,777, an incieaso as compared with 1881 of S3,189,9.)3. Tho tralio yield cd tho company a net incomo of $10,' 131. 718. This incomo is reduced by a net loss on tho New Jersey division of S5G8,7o9, making tho ultimate net cams for tho year 810,11)9,801. irom this sum tho dividends for tho year of HI percent, SG,890,71o, were paid: also SGOO.OOO to the trust fund for purchase of tho company's securities and sundry advances to auxiliary companies, leav ing tho balance on tho year's business, to tho credit of profit and loss, of $1, 8f)0,5G0, which, added to the previous balance, cives tno profit and loss ac count at tho closo of tho year a credit balance of Si 2, 19 1,039. Stephen "V. Dorscy, now on trial at "Washington for the Star route conspir acy, mauo an assault on iiiuige last week Tuesday. Mr. Lilly called at Mr. Dorscy's residence accompanied by a friend, Mr. George F. Hrodt, and they were admitted at once by Mr. Dor soy, who invited them to his parlor. They entered into an animated conver sation during which Dorsey had accus ed Lilly of obtaining Ilerdell as a Gov ernment witness. Mr. Dorscy became excited and dealt Mr. Lilly a blow in the face. Tho latter throwing himself back, to avoid the blow, li'u chair was upset, and ho fell to tho floor, when it is alleged, Dorsey kicked him in tho lower part of tho abdomen. Mr Urodt interfered nud prevented Dorsey from giving other blows or kicks. Mr. Lilly is now about seventy years of ago and is confined to his rbom by his injuries. Lilly Bays ho will prosecute Dorscy as soon as "he is able to leave his room. Cleveland and New Yoik were con nected by telephone for several hours Tuesday afternoon. Gentlemen in the office of tho Postal Telegraph Com pany in New York spoko and sang before an improved telephone of tho Baxter patent. A party in tho Cleve land office did the same, and their voices wero moro distinctly heard in Now York than is usually the case be tween connected telephones in that city. Prof. Klisha Gray, inventor of telephones and patentee of tho har monie, and other devices in uso in tho postal telegraph system, conducted tho experiments. IIo said their success was duo to tho superior conductivity of tho compound wire in use, compos ed of a steel core, surrounded by cop per. Mr. James R. Keeno was one of tho party, and conversed with friends who iiri been called into tho Cleveland offico to meet him. C. II. Rudde, an electrician in Cleveland, with a round, mellow voice, sang "Tho Sweet 15y and 13y" and "Auld Lang Syne," and his listeners in tho Now York ofiico applauded him so heartily that ho said they wero jarring down tho plastering in the Cleveland office. Thu musical efforts of the New York party wero limited to a feeble attempt at whistling, which tho Cleveland men said sound ed liko Yiggiu's tempest. Telephones of other pattern wero subsequently tried over tho o'reuit with tho samo success. Tho following circular has been is sued bv tho secretary of the interior ''Tho following i emulations are prescrib ed for tho purpose of carrying into ef fect ns speedily as possible tho provis ion of tho act of congress approved March 3, 1883, increasing to $30 per .ntontli tno pensions ot tnoso who have lost a leg at or above tho knee, or an arm nt or above tho elbow, and of thoso who have been so disabled as to bo incapacitated to perform any man ual labor but not so much as to require regular personal aid and attendance who nro now receiving a pension at tho rato of $21 per month, and to $21 per month tho pensions of those who havo lost one hand or one foot, or been total ly or permanently disabled m tho same or otherwise so disabled ns to render their incapacity to perform manual la bor equivalent to the loss of a hand or foot, and now receiving $18 dollars per mouth. Inasmuch ns said act has immediate effect upon such admitted ciiscs ns have been adjudicated nt tho rates ot 50 and 91 7 per montii icspect ively, no formal application by tho bcn cficfary is necessary other than to for- ward ,to tho cpminissioncrs of pensions tho pension certificate, accompanied by a letter In tno linndwriting ot tno pen sioner his present postolfico nddress ns soon as possible. After thu receipt of llio pension certliicato tno aforesaid commissioners will reissue to him now certiflcato for a new late, and will forward tho samo to the proper pension . . . , 1 .1 . V 1 agent 10 inscnuu mo name 01 sucu pen Blotter on tho roll nt tho increased rnto and to mako to thu pensioner the proper payment. In the caso of amputation tho certificate will bo ro Usued without any further medical examination. The intervention of an agent or nttoruoy in Bitch admitted qascs as nro affected bv this net being uueccssnry in this act, will not bo recognized. The Delancy Investigation. Tho ooininittco appointed by tho slate senate to Investigate tho charges ngainst stnto librarian Dclnney, havo lind several sessions and nenru a num ber of witnesses. Among them was Sol. Foster Jr' who wrote some of tho m tides about Delaney's doing which wero published in the .Pre in tho sum- ...... t mer of 1881. posters liiiorinani was Samuel Adam?, then a carpet dealer on Third stieet Hnrrisburg. il told me.' sa d I'ostcr, "that there had been a syndicate operating in Hnrrisburg for somo time, lie was in it, ho said, and got His 'divvy out ot warrants given lor goods mat were never supplied. Among other things I was tola by Adams that a ceitain bill for $199,22 llled In tho Auditor General's Office was for articles notono of which had never been supplied. 1 copied that bill and published it. Sub scipiently Adams explained to mo tho modus operandi ot tnu syndicate, no said it was high timo to publish tho matter and if ho was to co down oth ers should go with him. Ho seemed very nnxioim to tell mo every tiling. Adams and his brother-in-law, Gray, had furnished a great deal of goods to the State. Ho said that it was a com mon thing for persons In tho ling to mako out a bill for four times the true amount and get tho money for it. IIo said ho had been treated very bad ly by some of theso people and as they went back on him bed bo damned if he wouldn't go back on them. Adams centred his attack on Delaney, without whoso certificate, ho said, tno bills could not have got through. I have known Adams for live years. 1 beliovo that what he said was trno or I would not havo published his allegations. 1 reasoned that Adams , was tho most likely man to know nny crookedness that mignt navo been in mis uusmess. On tno following dny tno committee was called together to hear what Sam uel Adams had to say. "I havo no knowledge of Delaney's official acts," ho declared. "When 1 was interviewed by Air. l osier 1 felt aggrieved and sore nt Delaney, because I was under tho impression that ho was tho causo of my not getting the contract in 1881. I made some re marks to Mr. Foster which, under or dinary circumstances, I piobably would not havo expressed. "I 'swelled his head moro than I ought to. "I wouldn't co on tho stand and swear to anything that I told Mr. Fos ter," continued Adams. "I never had any dealings with Delaney whatever. T ...... ..M 1V,1,. l.n.l n ,1111. mill that I had a divvy in it ; at least I don't recollect so. I don't remember telling Foster that Delaney certified to bill of goods that wcie never delivered. Fos ter pumped mo so much that I don't remember all I said. Thomas M. Jones, one of the best known iournalists in Ilarrisburg, testi fied that shortly after tho contract of 1881 was awarded ho was hailed in the street bv Adams and, although tho ioiirnalist was in a hurry to go on, Ad ams insisted upon speaking to him about Delaney. "IIo said," continued Mr. Jones, "that if half were told about things up there people would open their eves. He told mo ot one bill ccr tificd to by Mr. Delaney and amount ing to over $1,000, not an nrticlo of which had ever been furnished. Ho charged that Mr. Delaney had told Mr. Chellis the amount of Mr. Adam's bid and consequently Mr. Chellis underbid him. Subsequently Mr. Adams spoko to mo about JHr. l' oster s publication He did not deny it, but said that it would soon blow over.'' Charles E. St. John, of Wilkesbarre, who was night watchman at tho Exec utivo office during Governor Ilovt's term, testified that in tho latter part of 1880 ho saw seven Backs lull of the cloth-bound Agricultural Reports of 1879 and mno boxes 01 tho pamphlets containing United States statutes, tacit box holding two hundred and fifty or three hundred pounds, wheeled away in a hand-cart nt night. Tho boxes were taken from the porch of the Ex ccutive building while St. John was on watclt inside, llio Agricultural Kc ports and lots of good wrapping paper wero taken from tho Uapitoi basement. llo understood Hint all llio books wero taken to Macklin's rag store. IIo saw William Delaney, brother of tho Libra rian, Watchman llaulon and another IIill ctnployo named Dougherty cart tho articles away. Ho understood that tho Agricultural Reports and other documents on tho Senate sido of tho Capitol were in t'io custody of Dela ney. Delaney attends tho meetings witl his counsel, and talks when he pleases Whether the committeo will be nblo to find any testimony ngainst Delaney strong enough to convict remnins to bo seen. Can They Afford It? It is understood that th) republican legislative caucus has determined to do teat a reapportionment ol the buito in to congressional and senatorial and n resentativo districts at every hazzard. In secret conclavo in tho stillness of tho night, tho representatives of the re publican party 111 the legislature have resolved to defy tho mandato of tho constitution ami to ignoro tho right of the people to fair and just represent!! tioti. This midnight conspiracy not only strikes at thu constitutional right ot the people to a .reapportionment, but in volvos the defeat ot important measure of legislation now awaiting considcrn turn 111 either house of tho legislature. It has been resolved by these soi-ret eonxpirntors that no hill, however im portant, siall be taken up out ol it. order on the calendar. Tho purpdso ot this is plain. The consideration apportionment bills is to be delayed ns long as possible or defeated entirely 1 that can bo done. Hut this deep hud scheme will not succeed. If its success wero possible could tho republican party afford to take tho responsibility T It can til poach success only by blocking legis iniion and killing measures ot vast 1111 portanco to tho state. Can the icnub lienn party aflord to take tho blame for such nu obstruction ot the publiu bus inesst Patriot. Robert Packer's Estate. Hy tho terms ot tho will of tho Into Judgo Pucker, his son, the Into Hubert A., mutually riceived tho income from a portion of tho estate. This incomo now 1 everts to his brother, Harry E., and tutor, Miss Mary. Tho yearly in coino of tho deceased was however, so great that ho Is, known to havo saved up for himself a largo fortune. His property consists of n magnificent homo nt Sayre, n largo interest in tho Say re laud company, nu interest in tho Cay uga oarwfiecl works, n valuable planta tion in Florida, tin island in tho St. Lawrence, being ono of the Thousand Islands. Ho besides left other landed property and securities to n largo sum. Ho left a will giving $100,000 to his wife, $50,000 to his adopted daughter, nnd a largo sum to Lehigh University- The Tariff Bill. Tho Iron manufacturers of l'ittsburg and other cities havo been seriously considering thu constitutionality of tho now tnrtll bill. It is said that not un likely tho United States supremo court will bo nsked tn pass upon the measuro Tho secretary of tho western iron asso ciation says ho has no doubt of llio un constitutionality of tho bill, and many nblo constitutional lawyers, among them Senator Edmunds and l'cprcsontatlvo Tucker, ngreo with him. I Iu nlso has been informed that Senator Sherman said he considers thu constitutionality of thu bill doubtful on account of its practical origination in tho scnatu in stead of the house. The Legislature. Die following bill passed thu Son- nto on Tuesday : 1 he bill to empower councils ot cit res,boroughs and incorporated towns or villages to provide for the support of disabled firemen, nllowing a monthly payinenj, of $8 to each disabled fireman and an appropriation of $100 for funer al expenses was passed finally yeas 33 nays it. In the House the following bills were considered on final passage: Increasing tho length of tho school term in country districts to six months. The yeas wero 00, nays 97, and tho bill was defeated. To suppress tho growth, propagation and going to seed of tho weed common ly known ns tho wild daisy. Yeas73, nays 97. To prevent delays or discrimination by railroad, railway or transportation .'ompnnies, their officers, agents or em ployes, better known as tho .Nicholson nuti-disciiminatioii bill. Yeas 130, nays 21. The bill for the division of boroughs into wards, under the provision ot an act of May M, 1871, was defeated. 1 eas 92, nays 62. I lie bill lor tho sale ot fire arms and nmuiiition vns called up Mr. Thomp son, Allegheny, moved to go into com mittee of the whole for special amendment, which was agreed to. Mr. Snader, Lancaster, was called to the chair. Mr Thompson's amendment was to strike out bowie knives, sling shots, stilettos,, etc., in the title, nnd section four making it a misdemea nor to expose such articles for sale. The amendment was agreed to, so re ported back to the house, nnd then tho bill was indefinitely postponed. The bill to exempt mutual loan and building associations from taxation for state purposes. I ho house went into committee of the whole, Mr. Sponsler, of Perry, 111 tho chair, for tho purposo of considering an amendment offered by Mr. Niks, of Tioga, providing that tho provisions of tho act shall not pre vent a collection of taxes which have accrued in tho past. It was agreed to, and so reported back to the house. I hen a discussion ensued, which was participated in by Messrs. Ilasson, Nilcs, Colborn, Ammerman and Sharpe in opposition, and Messrs. Zicgler, Stewart and Bullitt in favor of thu bill, and it then passed third read ing. llio bill relating to the Btnto tax up on collateral inheritance was load tho third tuno and passed finally yoas 170, nays u. llio bill to establish a fund to bo used in the apprehension of criminals in cases of murder, to bo under the control of tho district attorneys, was called 1111 on third reading and passed finally yeas Ml, nays 2. ilie bill to regulato and licence tho business of intelligence or employment offices in cities of tho first class was called up on third reading nnd passed hnally yeas Ml, nays 2. Mistakes of Smokers, CIGAUS THAT PASS mapi: or tiii: hi:ai, l'OIt HAVANA NOT AI1A.IO TOUACCO. From tho llrooklyn Kaglc. Under tho name ol "Havana," a to bacco which grows only 111 tho Vitelto :baio district, near the city ot Havana, they purchase all kinds of tobacco that grow, 111 Cuba and Cubans willtell you that sonic of it is tho worst in tho world. Yara, which is a fine grade of Cuba to baeco, 11 used when Ircsh, is worked up as Havana, but not to so great an ex tent as tho product ol tho Vuelo Arri ba. Thcro is somo of the last named which lias a really lino flavor and taste, but the leaf is much coarser than the Havana leaf nnd much of it is as coarso in llavor as in appearance. Still, what llavor it lias is, as a rule, larsuperior to that of tobacco grown in the Stales and gives tone to tho Connecticut or State seed, witl; which it is commonly mixed to make tho ordinary seed and Havana cigar. Nowadays thero is considerable .Sumatra, Jamaica and even .Mexican tobacco used hero 111 the samo way, but probably tho bulk ot tho so-called Ha vana mixture comes from tho Vuelta Arriba, as stated. Tho real Havana, that from tho Vitelto Abajo, is almost entirety absorbed by the manufacturers ot Uuba itself, llio product of tho best plantations being in fact mortgaged for in iiuruiiue, just .is nsuu 10 uu uio caso with many cotton plantations in tho South before the war. It is safe to say that very, very little of it over gets UllU UI13 I1KII KCl. A very common error nmong well-to do smokers is to suppose that becauso they buy nu imported cigar they must get a good ono. jinny ot tho brands of impotted goods which have had their run here, such as the p tgaro, Espanola the Partaga, never wero a lino grade of goons as compared with other Cuban cigars and many of tho imitations mado hero and sold for tho genuine by the million wero aciuauy better than tho ungmais. oonie very 11 no uraniis 01 cigars arc imported hero from Cuba, but in com parattvely small quantities, tho bulk o tho best goods going to Batisfy tho es thetio demands of the royalty and arl stocracy of Europe. A familiar example 01 tins can no seen 111 tno isnpoieones. a very largo cigar, which was first made uy a Cuban manufacturer for tho Emperor Napoleon nnd which cost a , dollar apiece, livery particle of their contents was carelitlly selected nud handled and nn extraordinary prioo was pant lor uio worKinausiiip, no gum be ing used to turn the end with and kcej 11 in piaee. Tho horror over the Cimbila disaster is renewed by reports of tho divers ns to tho position of tho vessel. Thero nro four hundred bodies in the hold, or in other words 11 liko number of human beings went down into the dtpths o the sen when tho Clinbri.t was struck without n ehanco of escape. To keenly and thoroughly appreciate the suffering that has been caused by this loss of fife It would bo necessary to look into tho humblo homes that have been mado tniserablo and dcsolato by tho disaster. Several Chicago physicians havo been detected sharing with druggists tho profits of prescription)!. Iltero glyphlc8 wore used to inform tho com pounder when to charge extortionate prices. WIGGINS' STORM. Last September, K. Stono "Wiggins of Canada, predicted that a ternblo tornado would visit this country in March, between the 9th nnd 12th, and advised all vessols to seek saw harbors at that tlmo. In nccordnnco with this ndvlce, tho fishing vessels nlong tho American coast refused to venture out, nnd many thousands of dollars wero lost to tho trndo. bupcrslilious ami credulous peoplo nil over tho country nwnited tho coining of March 1Kb, tho day fixed for tho hurricane, with font anel trembling. Tho day came, and proved to bo very much tho kind of n day that many Mnrolt days are. It was windy, henvy falls of snow oc curred lit many places, there wero heavy Hoods on tho Atlantic coast, bov ernl vessels wero wrecked, but all this is no more thaiflias frequently happen. d before, during this timo ot tho year. However, Wiggins Is happy, and claims that ho is vindicated, mid his prophecy fulfilled. Other peoplo look upon his weather predictions as more nonsense, nnd though by moro coincidence, there was a storm on March 11 lb, there was nothing remarkable about it. If ho had predicted a snow storm in July, and it liad come, then indeed might his pro photic powers bo worthy of notice. The substance of tho whole matter is jitBt this, that this countrv has had about enough of the weather prophet non sense. Lighthouse-Keepers Who Nearly Starved. From tho Pall Mr.U O.wtte. Tho keepers of Eddystone Lighthouso havo had .1 very unpleasant experience during tho lalo stormy weather. Ono of them was entitled to bo rcliovcd somo eight weeks ago, but it was not until Monday that Tie was brought on horo at I'iytnouth. i or several days previous to this relief arriving ho and lis comrades wero reduced to very great straits, and, excepting that two or three hard biscuits remained in the lighthouse, wero without tho necessa ries of life. Their rcservo stock of food was exhausted, their last instalment of Hour had to be fried in lamp-oil on Thursday. They wero without firing lor several days. Tho men were reduc ed to such a condition that they wero otuy auie 10 converse witn each oilier in monosyllables. They kept signals of distress flying. Theso signals wero seen by several ships, but so boisterous was the weather that it was found im possible to effect any communication with tho uufortunnto men. NEWS ITEMS. Simon Cameron is miito ill at his home, having had a fall ;i few davs since. A now National Hank has been oneti- ed at Heading with a capital of $100, 000. Tho Allentown rolling mill Company resumed work on juotulay giving em ployment to -100 men. It is feared that Dr. Cattell will re sign tho presidency of Lafayette col- lego on .account of ill health. senator tianieron is in very woor health, and will go to South Uarolt na to recuperate. He has had a painful surgical operation perlorraed. A bill has passed the legislature fix nig tho miuimuin for instruction in public schools at sis months instead of live. Uriah Mover was hanged at Middle burg on tho 7th inst., for tho inutdcr of Mrs. John Kinlzler. He made full confession. J. no neauing electric light company. with a capital of 50,000 has been char tered, and has handed in proposals for lighting tho city. A Chester policeman a few days ago wheeled on a wheelbarrow a drunken woman, belonging to a respectable fam ily, eight squares to tho station house. 1 hero arc -10,000 squaro miles of al most unbroken forest m .North Uarolt na comprising pine, chestnut, oak, ma ple, beech and hickory timber in their finest growth. Tho Ilarrisburg J'atriot has greatly improved of late, and is now one of the leading dailies of tho state. It publishes all tho Associated Press despatches, and nas (lonncd anew dress ot smaller type, therobv lnt'folv increasing tlm amount of reading matter. Wo congratulate the 1'atriot on Us enterpnze. Tho Hussian diplomat, Gortschakoff, died at Baden Uaden last Sunday. Ho was bum in 1798 and camo of an illus trious family. IIo held many important positions. luhot, tho bruiser and burglar, who was recently mucu in untcago, was buried in Now York on Sunday. Thou sands of peoplo attended tho funeral and it was ono of tho largest gatherings ot unconvicted criminals over congro gaicd in ouo place. Special dispatches from Ottawa stato that a crowd gathered beforo Wiggitj s residence on Sunday evening and filled tho air with cries of "fraud and "hum bug." Wo don't envy Wiggins for such a serenade. JN either do we won der that tho citizens about his homo should riso up in disgust. Tho wholo country would liko to storm him for awhilo. Tho trial of N. L. Dukes for the murder of Captain Nutt began at- Un ion town on JMonday. The defeuso that Nutt wrote a letter to Dukes threatening to shoot him if ho did not marry iUiss JSutt, whom ho had betray ed, and that Dukes shot Nutt in self defense when they met. Tho jury rendered a verdict of not guilty, on Wednesday. Tho peoplo of that county are very indignant, nnd justly too. iucn who commit murder should bo convicted, without regard to social standing. Tk" & T T G VEGETABLE HxULl-Ll D SICILIAN Hair Eenewer. Seldom dee a 'opular remedy ln uch a (trout: hold uoii tho pulllo couflJence a has Hall's ll.uu Ittxtwwi. Thocaiwlushlch ft ha acroiuiillnhed a couii'lote restoration of color to t'uo hair, and vigorous health to the scalp, are luiiuineralle, OM people UVo It for Its u onderf ul power to rcitore to their whitening locks their original color and beauty, Mlddlo-aged jeople like It hccauio It prevents them from BCtlluj bald, keeps dandrutf auay, aud luakes tho hair grow thick and itrong. Young ladles like It us a drcialug because It give the hair a beau, tlf ul gloiiy lustre, and enables them to dreis It In whatever form they lh. Thus it Is the (avorlte of all, and It has become so limply because It disappoints uo one. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE roit thu YvmsuEiis Has become one of the most Important popu. far toilet articles for gentlemen's use. When the beard Is gray or naturally of an unde sirable shade, lH'CKtsoluU's pvs j, ,h0 remedy, niEI-AUED ui lt. 1 Hall & Co., NtiHliun, N.1I. Sold by til Druggists. I' l POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tlilq nftwilpr novor nftTlfta. A nfnurltv strcnciti and wliolesommosi. Moro economical thanthd ordinary k'lils. and cannot be sold In competition wlta tho multltudo of tow test, short wei?m, auimor puospnma pawners, boiu onij In cans. ltoYAt. Uixinii Powprh t'o , 104 Wa!l-Bt., N. Y. nujli-t v. nMINSTUATOK'.S NOTICK. ESTATE OK WII.UAM IVRV, t.TR OP IIKMt.OCK TOWN SHIP. COI.UUMA C3VNTV, I'l., DKCKA8KH. Letters of Administration In tho citato of Wll Mam Ivor, lata ot Hemlock township, Columbia county. Pa., deceased, liavo been (rrantod tv llio itCKSter of sata countv to Annlvcynna Ednnra Ivcr. administrators. Ml neraons havtnz claims airalnsr. mid deccdi-n aro requested to present them for settlement, ami tlioso Indebted to ttio estate to mako payment to the undersigned ml- winsiraiors tviiuuub uemy. ANN 1VKV, EDWARD IVBV, f.b .(I dmlnlstratora, A DM INISTltATOH'S XOT1CK. ESTATB OF ANN 1'. EVANS, 1.ATE OK THE IIOKOCniI OF DEHtYICKi DECEASED. Litleia of administration In tho f-stntn uf Ann I. CIIU9JUIU Ul IUU UUIUUgU 11 UCMUi UC- ceascd huvo been crnntcd by tho Iteclster of eatd countr to tho undcralirucd administrator. All persons naTing cisims iiKniDSbHuuucceueui, aro renuested It present them tor settlement, and thoso Indebted to tlio estato to mako payment to uio unuersigncp aununisiraior wimoui. uemy, u. ji. .jacKsou, n. svahb, Alt''. Administrator, Feb 10 do bonis non- DMINISTUATOU'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF ELI7.IIIETII WALTER LATE OF M1NT0C11 TOWKSIllr DECEASED. Lfttirs nf administration on tin estxtobt Eliz abeth. Walter late of Montour lownshtpCul. Co., Fa., havo been Krantd by tho Register of said county 10 Kooeit uucKincuam raq. auminisiraiur, All nersons havlnp claims niratnst tho &nld deced ent aro requested to present them for scttle- mont nnu tuosu inacDicmo mo csuiiu iu umtu payment to the unaciwncd administrator witn outdelav. ltOUEKT UUCKINdllAM, Feb. 9. Administrator. UDITOIVS NOTICE. ESTATE OF WILLIAM IJARI1ER, DECEASED. Tho undersigned nmlltnr lias been anmlnt ed to distribute balanco la ttio hands of Conrad Krcamcr. administrator d.b.u. o. t. a., as shown by his tlnal account, to and among tho parties council inereto, will Niunn onicuin Bloomsburg, on Friday, March S3d, 18-u, nt ten o'clock n. m.. when and where nil names Inter ested will attend and present their clatms or be aeoarrea irom any snaro oi saia iuna. c. n. imocKWAV, Mar 3 Auditor UDITOIVS NOTICE. ESTATE OF E3TIIE1I DAUBER, DECEASED. The underslirned nudlior lias been nDMlntod to distribute balance In tho hands ot Conrad Krea- uivi, uuiuiuiauuivi U, W, U. I b. u., iubiiuhu ujt his .nnal account, to and among tho parties en titled thereto, win sit nt his onicu In llloomsburg, on Saturday, March wth. 1S8J, at 10 o'clock a. in., when and whero all partlos interested will at tend and present their claims or be debarred irom any bnaro oi sua iuna. C. 11. DI10CUWAY, Mars Auditor. UUITOIt'S NOTICE. Tho undersigned auditor hiving been annotntcd to dlstrlouto funds In hands ot I, W. McKclvy administrator, to nnd nmong parti's entitled thereto, will elt nt the onice or Geo, E. Klwcll In Utoomsburg, on Frldiy, April oth, 1SS3, at 10 o'clock a. m.. to perform tho duties ot his onicc. when and where nil persons having claims ngatnst said estate, must present them, or be debarred irom any tiiare oi sam mnu. w, U. lilKKI.Y, MarS Auditor, STYLISH WEDDING IN VI tations and Announcements, Reception Cards nnd Invita tions engraved in the bc:t manner. Samples in tho latent forms and handsomest vatic tics of script. NOVELTIES IN THE DEC oration of Note Papers, Stamp ing in Colora and in Rich Bronzes. Effective Combina tions of Colors illuminated in Gold. Special designs fur nished free of charge for orna mental Initials and Addre--1 Dies in new styles of 1 jtt .'"i'lp.. THE HIGH REPUTA'iiO:! of Bailey, Banks U I5u:)i.i:'.i Illuminated Stationery is due to its perfection of detail ix ccutiou and the constant orig inality of idea in the designs produced. 12th & Chestnut. l'lIU.Al)i:i.l'llI.. L L SHATTHCK, IL D. Mjdleal Suporlntonient ef tin San'.ti'lum. Invalid's Homo. Bloomsburg, Pa., Devotes special iiUentlon to Chronic Mnl. tulles Including Epilepsy, Kemnj ,'ffee. tlens, Diseases ci Women, and to Oaucor, In ull Its varied forms. Patients received tit the Sanitarium on casonntilo terms for lioiml uml treatment. ICfcURE FITS! K'Wili WWtR&VrtffeC'' ! '" i ' .'-'iW? linojlria can Hit wartl ciu.i." I -,- , tl,,, (,,,5 illatiuoriniiCjriiMlicnrl.ii ;,tfirj. fc.iLiur,irLi,Miiiii;u,i,,;. AiJi... W. U. U, HOOT, tlfmil It., jv Vvtk, Mar p-tw 2& THE STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. A full line of Slalioiiary is kept m stock, including ENVJiL OPES, single, in pucks, boxes, or by the thousand, nil sizes, shape0, nnd colors. PAPETERIES. ' ' 7 boxes containing one quire of writing paper and a pack of en velopes to match, from 15 cents to 75 cents a box. All kinds of WRITING PAPER Billet, Note, Packet. Letter, Fools Cap, Legal Cap, Account, Long Bill, &!., by the sheet, quire, or ream. Fine Calling Cards, white and cream, plain or gilt. "Wedding Invitations nnd Ink, all colors, Mucilage, Load Pencils, Pens & Pen Holders, Paper Knives. Autograph Alburn Collectors' Receipt Books, Administrators and Executors Pvecoipt Books, Blank Notes in books, Butcher's Books, Memorandum Books, all kinds. We show over 20 different styles of Writing Tablets. The special attention of Mer chants is called to the fact that we handle Paper BagS, square and satchel bottom, and can give Philadelphia wholesale prices in lots of 5000 or over. Price list sent on application. The largest lot of Legal Blanks for Lawyera and Justices in the county. Legal envelopes, and File covers, Paper Fasteners, &c. In our we arc prepared to do all kin ids Of Job WOl'k. Our fnmlllino . o eoualled onlv in tlm 1 il turn riifina llns is tho only oflico in the county unit runs Job presses DOWer. and WO nail rlinrnfnwi A .. vtiwiuiuiu lU faster, better and cheaper work man any otiier establishment THE COLUMBIAN still continues lo bo tho leading paper, with tho largest circula tion, constantly increusinir. nnd tho only paper of tho size that nnln '.I I , A, r. imn no BiiusuripilOIl at CLOU a year. Compare it with others, then call anil subscribe. I Tinting Dcpaiwnt Bloomsburg, Fa. Six Paragraphs to Out-of-town Customers. dity resident-! are in the store every day and know what is going on. This is to give some of the same infor mation to those who are not in town every day. No. i . Reductions Linens, Ladies' Dresscts and Coats, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hosiery, Little Boys' Clothing. GjT j" No. 2. 56 pieces of the same Black Silks that a few weeks ago were good at $1.35, open this month at One Dollar per yard. "" No. 3. Muslins have been lowered in price almost all the makes. Cj7 Cj No 4. The Dress Goods part of our business com pels, in addition to the Eleven counters, two more of 140 feet. This Spring's Stock will be the best we have ever shown. " j" No 5. We are enlarging the Store by adding another on the Chestnut Street front. T tjj" No. 6. In answer to many inquiries as to the size of the Store : Its floors and galleries now occupied cover Nine acres; the highest number of people employed is 3,292. It is the largest Store in the United States. .7c do send Samples and Goods by Mail. Address, John Wanamaker, Philadelphia, DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS, AND JOBBER IN CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. PRACTICAL Mwmmum, mm a. UniTOK'S NOTICE. IUTATK OK WIM.UU lIHa. J.ATK OY ei'UlBt)i TOWMMir, UHCI18KII. ,1'VS.u?illon.u!V1 Ijavlnirliecn appointed uudt. Syf.fy.ka f"trlbutloo of the iuna In tho of Kir BteplieoH. administrator of bM1 decedent, hereby gives notice tUat he will nt at the (.nice v it Jf?16' on 'iU.v. March nth, ism, at 10 o'clock, a.m.. to perform the duties t'f his appointment, at which time and plow all pjrti"s haun claims at'alnst the Raid esiam will Sppt!? ,fh,,..v C, C, J'K ' COCK ,f b 3-'w Auditor. A UDlTOIt'f! NO I ICR KbTATE OyjOJIKmTTI!K,UTK Of CATiWISSi. .''0,UI''DP', and ItorhaviriL' been appointed ? wediMtiTiutiun of the funds In . Iw Eds of ,n1J.!.?ll'n.l.nl5";a,or ot ""'I lw dent, hereby ulvra noilce that he. wl l tit utthe onlco of JiiK , r Yucuin. Kiq.. 111 the town of CatawUsa tu i .V f rn. the Uuilesof his npt'iitineut on WmSiv March scth, iw-j, at 1U o'c ck T whlcli lima baVWSuruSKiaSra8'' or te l"! arc made since stock-taking, in TIN- ROOFER, WANTED Knergetlo. jieiuble men to Eii;J rrult Trees, tirap; Nines, Sbrubi, jioses, ic. Halary and sninBvnHfEf.S!8paW' ru" Instructions irHen, so inexperienced men can goon learn tho bus new. Mar -w a Salesmen Wanted! Cow ic'.iablo men (no others noed apply) to act as Aucnuror the sale of our NK.Y FHUITS AND SPKOIAf-TIKS ,vlli'. 6 fu" Iln8 cf nnrsery stock. Va Pf 'iWv ,""vloua experience not nsentlal. uve, actvo mcneuru jrooU weiros. f alary ,Cfi"'e,?,,a", ,ror '"n18 fSieut. gitlriif full M mlifi 0ili,P.r1vl,? "pupation, and reference, tii'wS T'"MA8,' Cherry Illll Murser les, Westchester, l'a. ilarww d Afulim 0V "IUIUTIOH OV I'AltTNEU. 11 iri.wlc2.!!i 'If'01? c,rcn tlint Iho partners!)!; I?. Siy.2b?l!,,lll,f W'ten Oboar Alexonder and i.a5!ei!- )) "xluouw. under tho firm of Alexan. Si.rhw.00,11,ou;o ?Plredon thosoientb dayol niKS'iii"" S'Xuiutuil consent. All debt; ?,v AUfti?iS0Ba.11?. Partnership are tobo rectlred LALa1n.ler i,ro" nl"l a" demands on tho said L4"?"01?1 to l preserved to them 'or W' Went. () ALUXANDKll. U. V. )VUOl)UOUflB.