THE COLUMBIAN AJNfD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MAKOII 2, 1883. Jlr. nnd Airs. J. K. Vnmintta of lierwlck, hurled their lllllo son on Saturday Inst. Tlicro will bo n fox chase on Saturday, In tho fields of E. A. Hawllngs, near Espy. Just received nt A. Sollcdcr's ; Eighteen fine Imported singing canaries from Harlz mountnlns, Germany, fcb23.3w Correct itallroatl Time 'rattle. Card ofTliankH. Tlio ninny kind friends wlio rendered ns. slslnnco during the recent Illness nnd burial of Sirs. V. 11. Hartman, will plcnso ncccpt thanks. V. H. IUhtman. Rupert Pa. A l'orttino la a Necklace. A diamond necklace Just completed by Uulloy, Ranks & Dlddlu of Philadelphia 1. It 1 1 1 Tra.nsot, tho l'lillaiioipiila 4: It. It. leave I.upcrt rnMAT naKyhZl ow ,Vr out C,Sl 2'',00- TV f 8,M' is follows i lo lur lro" xTy "orsc now l,lm " tbo centre pendnnt weighing over 12 carats, Hntwn I nfl linn tl Innm na urn linvn an.... In IIiIm I 1 on r NnnTH. &OUTn. s IB a. m. II 49 a. in. 4 (10 p. III. 8 45 p, In. Trdns ou tho I). L. it W. 11. It. leavo Bloomsburg as follows! north. sourn. I as a. m. s a, in. ;o 65 a.m. II 45 a. m. 0 51 p. in. 4 8T p. m. Tlio II 43 train soutli connects with tho Phlla. dolplila Heading at import, and with tlio Northern Central at Northumberland. Tin 8:93 a. m train connects at Northumberland with :33 train on Pennsylvania road reaching Vhliadeiphla at 8:in p. m. Tho tl:4 train connects with Philadelphia and Heading roat at ltuport at 11:50 reaching Phila delphia at C:00 p. in. Tho tl:45 train connects with Pennsylvania roil at Northumberland at 1:63 reaching I'hlladol phla at 7:23 p. m, The4:!Ip m. train connocts with Icnnslvanla road at Nortlmmbcrland at 8:0J p. m. ana reaches Philadelphia at 1:55 a. m. ns fine a team ns wo have seen In this pnrt ot tho country. Tho members of tho Phllologlan Society will give n dramatic nnd mitslcnl cntcrtnln. ment In Normal Hall on next Friday eve ning, March Oth. and nro absolutely perfect. It wns designed by Mr. J. T. Ilnllcy. There nro car 'rings nnd Ince pin to match, vnlucd nt .ilO,000. IvHiiicrnltlii. Thts Is ouo of the most chnrmtng plays given In this place for n long time. It Is a domestic love story, with plenty of humor, Intermingled with pathos. The company Is nu excellent one, such ns nro sent put only by tho Madison Square Thcatro Com- imnv. There wns n fair sized 'audience nt ino rcmnins or .Mr. and Mrs. Hnng were tho Opern House on Tuesday evening to tnken from tho Episcopal burying ground to witness the piny. Should this compnny Fcncca I nils on cdnesdny, by their grand- over favor us with another visit they will County Superintendent J. S. Grimes, handed us n, copy of Hcport of State Sunt. of Public Instruction for 1882, for which wo tender thanks. son, Frederick Swoby. have n full house. Trains on tho N. W. Ferry as follows : H0KT11. 7.41 a. m Ol p. in I). Hallway pass liloom south. is.08 p. m. t.ot p. m. lMililic HiiIch. All persons hnvlng bills printed at this olllcc, will receive a gratuitous notice under this bead. Israel Mummy will sell valuable personal property on tlio Shtiiuanfarm In Main town ship, on Thursday Mnrch 15. John Drum will sell personal property on his premises In Main township on Tuesday March Cth nt 10 a. ni. Ellshn Brugler will sell personal property on his promises In Hemlock township on Thursday, March 8th nt 10. n. m. Charles linker, Adm. of Jncob linker, dee'd will sell vnlunblo rcnl estate on the premises In Denver township on Friday, March 23, 1883. James H. Uelscr, of Madison township, will offer valuable personal property on the premises of Jos. Correll, on Monday, Mnrch 5th nt 10 o'clock. II. D. Cole, of Colo's Creek, will sell on bis premises In Sugnrloaf township on Wed ncsdav. March 7th, nt 0 o'clock, valuable personal property. Henry Bower, of Fishlngcrcek township, will offer for wile on tho premises of Cor- iicllus Colcmnn, at Asbury, vnlunblo perso nal nronertv. on Tuesday March 13th, at 10 o'clock a. m. D. K. Sloan, executor of John Sands, will sell valuable real estate on the premises in Greenwood township, on Tuesdny, March Oth, commencing nt 10 o'clock. II. Frank Znrr, trustee, will sell vnlunblo real cslato on premises of William Kelch- ner deo'd on Thursday, In Mlfllin, Slnrch 20th, 1833, nt two o'clock. John Mourey, trustee, will offer for sale n valuable town lot, on premises of Lliza both Kelchncr, deceased, In Milllinvlllc, on Thursday, March 20th, 1883, nt 10 o'clock It. Buckingham, administrator, will sell vnlunblo real estate on premises of Eliza, belli Walter, deceased, in Montour town, ship on Saturday, March 31st, at 2 o'clock, John Zaner, will oiler nt Public Sale on bis premises In Fishlngcrcek township, on Thursday March 15, 1883, commencing at 12 o'clock, Twenty-four head of valuable horses. A rare chance for good horses I. W. McKelvy, executor of Joseph Weaver, deceased, will expose to public sale on tho McKelvy & Weaver farm above Orangevillc, the personal property The Gospel Temperance Union will hold Its monthly meeting In the Ilcformcd church Tuesday evening next, March 0, 1883. All are cordially Invited. Special exercises arc prepared. Hotel I.iiw. The law requires all hotel keepers to post up In every bedroom for the use of guests, and In the public room, a card containing tho rates of board, and n cony of the act of Assembly relating to fraud upon or by hotel Mr. P. O. Eycr has entered Into co.pnrt- keepers. There Is a heavy penalty attached JOHcpIt Cook'rt Lecture. On Thursday evening of last week nearly every scat In tlio Opera IIouso wns tnken, the occasion being tho lecture of Joseph Cook of Boston, under tho auspices of tho clergymen of this town. It was n very In telligent midlcncc, and included delega tions from Berwick, Cntawlssn mid other points. The subject of tho discourse was The Seven Modern Wonders of tho World,' nnd the speaker lAimcd them ns follows i Speed of Intcr-Comniunlcntlon, Self-Refer-inntlon of the Hermit Nntlons, Parallelism of Education and Democracy, Advance ment of Moral Mens, Spread of Christian ity, Fulfilment of Biblical Prophesy, Scion tlflo Supcrnaturallsm, Ho described n wonder ns being some thing supernatural, Inimitable, beneficent, cosmopolitan, novel. Each of the seven bends wcru taken up, nnd discussed sep arately, except the fourth and fifth, which were tnken together, and each ono wns completely finished before It wns pasted. While the lecture was not what might bo called nn entertaining one for n mixed mi dlcncc, It wns certainly very enjoyable for most of those In nttendancc. The speaker was very hoarse nt first, but his voice cleared up ns ho proceeded. Those who were present fully appreciated tho efforts of the.coinmlttce who alTonletl nn oppor tunity for our people to henr this celcbrn. ted lecturer nnd scholnr. nershlp with A. J. Evnns, In mcrchnnt tnll- orlng nnd gents' furnishing goods. They arc now thoroughly shelving the store room preparatory to purchasing a lnrgo stock of goods, AVo have arranged to grind Lrwis' Pons .White Lead is Cami-hell's ano Thateii's Puiib Linseed On,, and nro prepared to of fer Inducements In prico to dcnlcrs nnd consumers. Hexiit S, Rray, 3-2-3m Rupert Pa. There will no nn entertainment at the Es. py school house on tlio evenings of Starch 8th nnd Oth. The programme will consist of tableaux, dialogues, music, recitations ivc. Admission, adults 25 cents, children 10 cents. On Monday the champion checker player ot the world, James Wyllic, suffered two defeats by Willlamsport players. D. P. Guise played four games, beating one. En. gene Stunrt played two games, beating one. Mr. Wyllic phiycd'thlrty games with ten different players, to non-compliance with this law. Cards containing tho name of the hotel, the name of the proprietor, the rates of board and tho net of Assembly, can be obtained at this olllce at 10 cents each or $1.03 a dozen. ratal Accident. Mr. Clinton Gcarhart, n young man about sixteen years of nge, nn adopted son of Mr. Jns. Kclfer, who resides nenr Mnlnvllie, met with nn nccident on Sunday afternoon last which resulted in his death. He, In company with some other boys had been jumping across an opening In the hay mow nbovo tho threshing Moor, nnd, failing to clear it, he fell to the lloor beneath, sus taining such Injuries about bis head that, in spito of nil efforts for his relief, lie died on the following morning about 8 o'clock. Catawlssa Item. Tile World'H Cyclopedia of Itlng- raitliy. Cyclopedias of Blogrnphy nro usually made up of nu alphabetical list, with brief sketches, principally of tho nimes of peo ple of whom you bavo never heard, and to know whom would ndd greatly neither to your ple isure, nor your mental wealth. " The World's Cyclopedia of 111 Centre NotcH. Jeremiah Hagcnbuch, nged GO yeais 2 months nnd 29 days, died on Tuesday Feb. runry 20, 1883 after suffering but four days from a stroke of palsy. The funeral wns nt tended by n largo concourse of relatives nnd friends on Fildny morning nt tho Illdlay church, the ministers of tho three denom inations ofllclatlug. Itcv. E. A. Shnrrctts DYSPEPSIA ANIl MVKIt COMPLAINT. Is It not worth tho small price of 75 cents n fron vniirmOf nf nvnrv flvnuitom of these distressing complaints, If you think so call hi uur more mm gci u uuuiu wi uuuun a Vltallzer, every bottlo has a printed guar antee on It, uso accordingly nnd If It does ou no goon it win cost you noiuing. oom j, ii. Kinpons. may 12.COW. Durability Is belter than show." ogrnphy," now publishing, Is upon n differ- preached n touching sermon from tho text Cheap Raiuioi) Tickets to the West. If you are going west buy yonr tickets of R. I). Darlington, ngent, P. & 11. Rupert station. lie sells cheap tickets to 'nil parts of the west and over the most desirable routes. Trains leave Runcrt at 0:15 and 8:50 n. m., and 4:00 p. m. fob 10-3in 1I 1V It i. .nr. ami -Mrs. mvid Aciicnonch, near Orangcville, celebrated their Golden wed ding on Wednesday the 23th of February It was also the 70th birthday of Mrs. Ach- cnbacli. The aged couple bore seven chll- dren, who were present with their children, nnd made the occasion a merry one Indeed. Having used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in my family for tho last three years, I find It is the best preparation I have ever used for coughs and colds, giving almost im mediate relief. B. Walker, Gen'l Com. .Merchant, 118 Light St., Balti more, Md. Blankets arc the latest In tho craze for novel decoration. A blanket is dyed with any tint that may bo selected, and is then embroidered willi crewels or silk, to he used as a luxurious loungo covering. Carriage belonging to McKelvy & Weaver, on Wed- S8 re also made of the same material, nosday, March 14th, at 10 o'clock a m. Besides tlio articles mentioned in the bound with velveteen nnd embroidered with sunllowers. posters, ono blind mule mule will be sold. and one brown I'erHoiuU. this Judge Elwell held court in Danville week. Dr. J. II. Vnstlne lias moved from Dan vlllo to Catawlssa. Mr. J. II. Llnglc of Bellefonte, spent sev. cral days in town this week. Dr. L. A. Shattuck was out of town sev, oral days this week, ou business. Mr. nnd Sirs. Uric Megahan of William, sport have been visiting friends in Blooms burg. The Catawlssa Item 6iiys that Casper Iihawn of that place is in a very low condi tion. Mrs. Dr. Biddlc of Shenandoah is visiting her mother, Mrs. Buckingham, on East street. C. M. Drinker was quite seriously Injured by being thrown from n buggy last Friday night. Miss Ida Harkncss of Wilkesbarrc, was tho guest of Miss Hutchison at tho Normal school, this week. Prof. C. H. Albert, principal of Ciitawlssa school, has been tendered a position in the Normal school. We nro sorry to henr that Capt. J. B, Robisou broke Ids leg last week Thursday by n fnll ou the ice. Jlr. J. M. Fritz of Sugarloaf, cut tlio thumb and first two fingers oft his left hand in a lath saw last week. Misses Euola and Claudia Guio will open a summer school in Catnwissa on April 23 They are graduates of tho Normal school O. G. Barkley, Col. Freeze, E. H. Little, W. II. Iihawn, and C. 11. Bucknlew and C. During the past week we were pleased to greet tho following patrons of this office: J. J. Campbell, Elysburg; Alfred McHcn. ry, Benton : Louis Eckroth, MilUln ; J. J. McIIcnry, Benton : B. F. Fruit, Madison W. L. Manning, Jackson ; William Pettit, Espy; Clarence Carey, White Hall; Oscar Achcnbacli, Willlamsport j Geo. Miller, F. 51. Hess, Stillwater: John Zaner, Forks. One of tlio Briggs boys, (colored) who was sent to Ihu House of Hefuge several years ago, made his nppearanee in town last week Saturday. On a telegram receiv ed from the warden of the House of Itefuge, he was arrested by Chief of Pollco Prcns, and taken bafore Justice Morris, who com mitted him to jail. He had been bound out to u farmer, from whom he stole an over coat and gun, and ran away. On Wednesday afternoon, February there was a very delightful occasion at the house of Win, J. Bldleman, in honor of the mart luge of their daughter Kate E. to Clarence B. Guiitoii. Tho ceremony performed by Rev. F. P. Mnnhart. Miss Ilattle R..Bldleman and MissEttle B. Gun- Ion were bridesmaids, and Mr, Will Jfc- Hose and T. L. Gunton were groomsmen. A very lively wedding march was played by Miss Flora Mensch. Tho happy couple took the train north on Thursday morning. Urns another pair have started on life's journey. May their future be as pleasant as this, their beginning There Is no older superstition than that regarding tlio seating of thirteen at table. Although Its origin is generally credited to tho Last Supper at which the Lord sat with his twelve Apostles, thero is a story in the old Norso mythology of tho gods sitting down to a feast with Lokl In tho Valhalla. W. Miller are nttcndlne Supreme Court this Baldur was tho thirteenth nt tho tnblo and week In Philadelnhln. Baldur had to die. The Turks hnvo almost Phliln f!r,.nav i.,i i.ta w i.rnkon nn expunged tlio number from their vocabu election day. Ho rodo to tho polls on mly- 1,10 lWmm mVCT 1130 H 111 mftK"lg horseback, unit wlilln nn lil wnv homo tho "I" """""" " The l'Mrnt Comet of the Yonr. A little before seven o'clock on Friday evening last, while Prof. Lewis Swift, Di- rector of the Warner Observatory, Roches ter, In. Y., was scanning the western sky, lie discovered n brilliant comet located In the constellation of Pegasus near the star Beta. The new comet Is moving eastward and Is very bright. This is tho lirst comet discovered during the present year and nlso the first discovery made by means of the new telescope of the Warner Observatory, which is the largest private telescope In the world. Col. Copeland. Col: L. P. Copeland delivered his lecture 'What's to Hinder"' at the Opera House on Friday evening last, for the benefit of Ent Post, G. A. R. Ho was greeted by a well filled house. His lecture was one of the popular sort that entertains nnd amuses an audience for two hours, nnd leaves a pleas- ant impression, nnd yet when one tiies to remember something in It worth remember. ing, he finds it difficult to do so. There were many funny anecdotes, most of tthem quite nged, and his illustrations were strik ing. His How of langungo is remarkable, nnd bis lecture wns full of pretty word- pictures. There were frequent bursts of applause and laughter which showed that the audience enjoyed the entertainment. A Sio.on lilbllcal Reward. Tho publishers of RuUcdgt1! Monthly offer twelve valuable rewards In their Monthly for March, among which is the following : Wo will give 20.00 in gold to the person telling us which is the longest verse In tlio Bible by March 10th, 183'). Should two or more correct answers be receWcd, the re. ward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner March 16th, 1883. Persons trying for tho reward must send 20 cunts in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their answer, for which they will re eclvo the April Monthly, in which the name and addre33 of tho winner of the reward and the correct answer will be published. and in which several moro valuable re wards will bo offered. Address, Rutlkdoe Puiilisiuno Com paw, 533 Northampton St., Easton, Pa. A IMciinaiit Wcddlnic. Married at the of the bride's parents, Mlfllin township, Feb. 22nd 1883, by Rev. R. C. II. Catterall, -Mr. Ezra M. Smith and -Miss Sarah M. Kindt, both of Milllin township. l no lestiyitlcs ol the occasion were en joyed by over 50 guests who did justice to the abundance prepared. Tho brido was very tastefully arrayed in white which well became her youthful beauty and she was the recipient of many useful presents, every ono seeming in their selection to have chos en tho right article. The congratulations were warm and earnest, all feeling what they said. In tho evening the boys had their joyous time which by no means marr ed tho joy of the brido and groom, who tho following morning left for Philadelphia. The friends desire that tho troubles of tho married pair may be light and that the shadows of this lifo .may bo so few mid the joys so numerous that it may pass with them as ono glorious summer day. CllpnliiK for the CnrloitH. A scientific writer asserts tho long cur rent belief that the concentric rings of a tree nro a record of its age, each ring rep resenting a year's growth, Is a mistake, A series of experiments have shown Its falsity. In tho United States tlicro are only three venomous snakes, tho tattle, the copper head and the moccasin. The East Indies nro full of venomous snakes, and In British India nearly twenty thousand persons nro killed every year by snnko bites. Tho Parthenon, Athens' famous temple Is so built that there Is not a rectangular form In the whole building. Tho sides nnd tho front curve very slightly, tho col umns do not stnnd quite upright, ami nil the horizontals curve upward slightly. An opera house on wheels Is tho latest dramatic novelty, nnd a company with headquarters at Kansas City has been or ganized to build and manage it. It Is to consist of eight railway cars, which can be expanded by Ingenious mechanism into acapacloiH structure, with auditorium and stage complete, and Is designed for the bencllt of communities which do not possess facilities for the production Of plays. It will run from place to place on the railroads nnd carry a portable truck, upon which It can be switched off and transformed into a theatre. cut plan. It contains only the stories of tho lives nf tho famous men nnd women who have made tho world's history ; who nro really worth knowing, nnd who nro written about by authors often equally eminent, In tho Held of literature, with the subjects whom they describe. Ench volume Is com plelo In Itself, so Hint If you do not want, or cannot nlford, all, you can tako what best pleases, or Is of most worth to you. Tho live volumes thus fur Issued narrato the achievements of nearly two hundred of tho most famous and worthy of tho world's heroes. Volume IV., recently published, a very handsome large 12mo,, of about 750 pages, for tlio price of 70 cents, contains a new and excellent "Life of Washington j" a repilnt of tho standard and thrilling Wccms' " Life of General Marion," and a new "Life of Oliver Cromwell" by the brilliant writer, E. Paxton Hood. To Illus trate the remarkable economy In cost, com pared with previous publications i tho pres ent Importing prico of the Life of Cromwell Is $3 here, in equally good type, hand Homely printed, with two other important works thrown In, It costs only 70 cents s even beyond this, ns a means of most widely and effectually advertising tho bio graphical series, tho publishers will send, post-paid, a paper-bound edition of the Hood's " Life of Cromwell," to any address, on receipt of 15 cents, and then, If tho purchaser desires to secure the bound vol ume, will credit lo cents toward the price of tlio same. It will bo strango if sucli books, ut such prices, do not find their way nto almost every home. "Biography is tho most universally profitable of all reading well said Thomas Cnrlyle. How, Indeed, can the heroes of the " Action " becompnred In Interest with these heroes of all time, Washington nnd Cromwell ? John B. Al- den, Publisher, 18 Vesey Street, Now York. In 80 Psnlm, 47 verse, Rev. Jlr. Houtz nnd Rev. N. Spcnr nsslstlng In tlio services, In torment In Hldlny cemetery. In the death of Mr. Hagenbuch we lose another of our old citizens who will be miss ed by nil In the community. He has been a practical nnd successful farmer and ns a result of his energetic labors ho leaves to his family n largo and valuable estate. Each of his sons, Ellsha, J. Sanderson nnd F. Pierce, and his only daughter, who married Andrew Hagcnbuch, nro comfortably and nicely situated on very good farms located within n radius of three miles, and Ids wld ow Is left In a plensant homo surrounded by her children Isaac Erwlne, who has been suffering a long time with cancer In tho face, Is not ex pected to recover, Samuel Kelchncr Is nlso qultu sick from what has been pronounced dropsy Mrs. James Miller seems to gain but slow ly. She has changed physicians nnd now has Dr. Robins of Catawlssa, Mr. A. C. Creasy Is running his new saw mill to tho best possible ndvnntage this winter nnd yet hns n- Inrge pile of logs on hand. Just wnlt till Arthur's boy gets out, nnd then Saturday last two surprise parties left our valley. Ono to pleasantly remind Jlr, J. W. Eck of Brlarcreck, that ho was years old, and tbo other to enjoy the day al Jlr. Conrad llippenstetl's near Light Street Both parties report a very pleasant time, Quite a number of our people were down to hear the Cook Lecturo last week and came home very much pleased with tho oc caslon. JIlss Mary Alkman Is visiting her friend Jllss Minnie Klmmel in Shenandoah. REroniEii, Durability of health is worth moro than rplint,Jnl, ATnrnli fttli 'ftl tho wealth of n Vandcrbllt. Kidney-Wort LllCSQaY, lUaiCIl UlII, OO I. I. i-l I.. . I 1.1. I ' ' win, t,niii, n.., i.l. nml tl.lnnv. at lo oVock In tho forenow, the following do. men nnd women will nlways bo In good health. If tho bowels nro torpid. If piles torment, If tho back Is full of pain, get n package of Kldney-Wort nnd bo cured without moro suffering. "nfCIICPAIIIA." Quick, complete cure, nil nnnoylng Kid ney, lilnddcr nnd urinary JJiscases. iji. urugglsts. Simon Wcltz. Jllllersvlllc. Pa., savsi "of all medicines i bavo over taken none did me ns much good ns Brown's Iron Bitters." RKIXNV MEM. "Wells' Health Rcnowcr" 'estorcs health nnd vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence sexual Debility. Both Lvdla E. Plnkhrm's Veirctnble Compound nnd Blood Purlller nrc prcpnr- cdniu&iand xm western Avenue, bynn, JInss. Price of cither, 1, Six bottles for 5. Sent by mull in the form of Dills, or 01 lozenges, on receipt 01 price, si per box for either. Jlrs. Pinklinm freely an swers all letters of Inquiry. Enclose !)c. stamp. Send for pamphlet. Jfentlon this paper. Hymeneal. A large company of frle nils Gathered at the house of Jlr. and Jlrs. Conrad Kream. cr in Jerseytown, February 22nd 1883, to witness the marriage of their daughter Jtag- gle to Jlr. Wm. W. Runyan. Jlr. John Krcamer officiated as groomsman and JIlss Annie E. Savldgo as bridesmaid. Tho hap py pair were united in marriage by the Rev. II. C. Jlunro. The bridal party started In tho evening for an extended tour through the west. The bride received many useful presents, the following is a list: Gold chain by the bride's mother, JIlss Krcamer, Silver celery stnnd; John Kream. er, Toilet set and bed spread: Jliss Ida Krcamer, Silver butter knife; JIlss Kate Fruit, pickel fork and silver sugar spoon ; JIlss True Runyan, glass fruitjdlsh; Jliss Rltter, two vases; Howard Runyan, one lamp; Annie Krcamer, glass set; Jlrs. Saide Jloor, pitcher and one-half dozen goblets; Jlrs. Joe Kreamer, mat nnd pitcher; Wil liam E. Krcamer, cako stand; Jllles Well- ver, lamp; T.. H. Runyan, clock; Jlrs. M. E. Kreamer, one-half dozen nnpkins; Jlrs, J. S. JIcBrlde, table cloth; Mrs. William JIcBride, table cloth; Jlrs. Fred Kreamer, table cover and tidle; Jliss Adda Kreamer, two tidies; Jlrs. Amanda Runyan, blanket, Miss Anna E. Savidge, tidle; John Krcam, er, two dollars; Jlrs. Conrad Kreamer, one set of dishes, knives and forks. H. C. Jt. Obituary. Clara, wife of Fred B. Hartman and daughter of Geo. Drelsbnch, aged 34 years one month, died Feb. 22, 1883. The deceas ed In early lifo gave her heart to God, and although she was a great sufferer for about 20 years yet she was ever patient and bore her sufferings with christian fortitude and resignation lo the will of a loving Heavenly Father. She was faithful to nil the means of Grace, and was often found In her place nt class meeting, prayer meeting, Sunday school anil preaching, when a person of less will and less religious zeal would be absent. She was a faithful wife, a devoted mother, a kind friend and beloved by all who knew her. She leaves three children, ono daughter and two sons, aged respective ly 12, 10 nnd 8 years. She was of a quiet disposition, but thoughtful nnd enrnest whlln stnrlng death in the face, and during the last interview with her pastor who was endeavoring to encourage her by speaking of the abiding presence of Jesus. Site look, ed up and said, "Yes, even unto death", The funeral took place on Sunday In the JI. L. church ut Illoomsburg. ! Her pastor, Rev. Geo. V. Savidge, preaching the funcr al sermon from the text, "There renialiieth therefore a rest to the people of God." It was an earnest spiritual and pro ducecl a profound Impression upon the im mense congregation, many of whom will never forget the Impressions made. Her remains wero interred in Rosemont C'eme- tcry followed by iv largo concourse of friends. II. S. R, horse fell down. Mr. Jerry wns Injured by n fall while unloading a sewing machine near Benton ono day last week. Ho was con. flucd to tho houso for several days, thirteenth card In ono of their favorite games bears the flguro of death. Swearing on. A despatch from Jit. Uumel, i'a., says that Charles Brcslin, Martin Brcmian nnd Thomus Gallagher wero horribly binned Peter It. Balily of Catawlssa, was seized m9t Saturday afternoon by nu explosion nt with a spasm on Tuesday nlcht. nnd wns urccn iimgo wouicry. iircnnnnweniiipiuo In a dangerous condition for a few hours, breast, leaving Gallagher and Brcslin talk- but on Wednesday morning was considered "E " ' heading, hut ns ho reached tlio out of danger. t0P '''3 mmP Ignited tho sulphur nnd ho was Henrv s,,,n,..ra nf mi K.-..,,. ,.r. 'lllrlcu ll0WI "c ureast and terribly tiurncd. amlnlmr u clvcerlne cnrtildL-o a few davs ",m "'""'S1'" wero u10wu inrougu since when It exploded tearing away tlio flesh from tho end of the thumb nnd Hi at two fingers of each luuid. Jlr. Clarence Fitzpatrlck, who for several years past has been assisting W. It. Tubbs at tho Exchutigo Hotel, will leave this week for Hazleton, where ho will bo associated Willi his father in conducting n hotel. Dur ing his resldenco hero ho has made many friends, who will regret his departure, and wish him success in his new position. Among thoso who wero In attendance at tlio lectures last week we noticed John F. Hutchison of Forks, Jlrs. Dr. Diddle of Shenandoah, Dr. and Jlrs. Jlcars of Nuino- dla, Q. E. Jlycrs of tho Catawlssa Item, A. U. Klmbcrly. Col. A. D. Seely. Isaiah Bow. er and daughter, JIlss Dora. Thompson, B. P. Vannattu and fifty others from Berwick. tho heading and boiuo yards distance Into another breast. Brcslin Is most dangerous. ly burned and cannot recover. Tho others have some chance of recovery. All nro married men, According to tho State Superintendent's report tho teachers In Conynghum towiuhlp receive an average ot $53 per month, for ten months school, while iu Uloomsburc they receive $35 per month for eight months school, CoMMUNIUATEI), Til JIV 1'ATItONtfi I wish to say that I am thankful for tho generous encouragement you have given me, and I do hereby ussuro you that tho dllterent varieties of seed pota toes that I proposo to deliver this coming spring will bo all truo to name, as I have grown tho most of tho different varieties the past season from seed that I purchased at first class seed houses In New York, Jfy advertisement the past two weeks In tho Columiiian was merely to pick up somo shorts on my orders that I found after I ug, grrgated thorn, I succeeded In'securlng eight bushels of one variety uud find that I have enough of tho other varieties to till my orders. Will deliver sometime In tho fore part of April as soon us all danger of frost Is past. Very truly yours W. L. JIan vino, Derrs, Pa. Imitation iinlilnir Powders. To THE PuilLIOl Tho public Is cautioned against tho prac. tlco of many grocers who sell what they claim to bo Royal Baking Powder, loose or in bulk, without label or trademark. All such powders are baso imitations. Analy scs of hundreds of samples of baking pow. ders sold In bulk to parties asking for Roy nl huvo shown them all to bo largely adult crated, mostly with alum, dangerous for uso In food, and comparatively valueless for leavening purposes, Tho public Is too well nware of the Injur, ious clfcct ot mum upon tho system, to need further caution against tlio uso of any baking powders known to bu made from tills drug ; but thu dealer's assurance, " Oh, It's just us good ns Royal," or " it's tlio genuine Royal, only wo buy It by tho barrel to save expense of can," etc., Is apt to mislead tho unsuspcclingconsumers Into buying nu article which they would not knowingly uso in their food under nny consideration, Tho only safety from such practices Is In buying baking powder In tho original package, of a well known brand, and n thoroughly established reputation, Tho Roynl Baking Powder is sold only iu cans, securely closed with the Company's trado mark label, nnd tho weight of tho package stamped on each cover. It Is never sold In bulk, by tho barrel, or looso by weight of measure, and nil such offered tho public under nny pretense, nro Imita tions. If consumers will benr these facts In mind, mid also sco that tlio package pur chased Is properly labeled, nnd tbo label unbroken, they will be always sure of using a baking powder perfectly pure and whole- buiiiu, Him ui uiu uignesnesi Bircngin in mo turn it is scarcely possihio for a man to market. I live six months on unliollc.l mmi iir..,.,i J, O. Hoaulani), Pitiulent, vegetables nnd rlpo fruits, without getting tl.,l.l.. - Tl 1 S-l -mm I ... . . . O nujm uunuiB rowuer vo,, a, i, rut or the fever of alcoholism, A Philadelphia doctor says drunkenness s' not a crime but a disease which can be easily cured. Some of tho fellows who took the pledge on tho 1st of January have been drinking steadily again for tlio last forty-flvo days. If they really want to stop they should try tho following plan of treatment which tho doctor mentioned rec ommends i Besides tea and coffee which should bo carefully niudc, giro In most cased acid drinks. Lemonade Is good, but diluted phosphoric acid Is equally cf- fcctunl, and can always bu kept In tho iouso. Ten cents' worth will last six months, and a few drops in a tumbler of water is of grent value as a tonic. If nclds do not ngrec, try other things. Do not, as a rule, drink Ico water, but if It Is found moro satisfying, put oatmeal in It oatmeal water is botli nutritious nnd nets us a tonlo. Cocoa Is nourishing and sooth ing I also cocoa shells. A window open ut night Is absolutely essential. If a man gets up In the morning with Ids lung choked and his stomach fevered by breath lug over nnd over ngnlntho simonlrall night, ho will feel that n drink of liquor is the only thing that can freshen him up. I)r, Jackson, senior physician of the Asy lutn for Inebriates at Dansvlllo, N, Y says he always found It Impossible to ben efit his patients permanently so long ns they wero permitted animal food, tho uso of which ho considered an absolute bar rlerto a radical cure. Ho further says Deeds accorded. The following deeds have been recorded since those lust published : William II. Blllig and wife to William Billlg, Locust. John Jl. White and wife lo Charles Rink Centre. Executors of JI. E. Jackson to Stephen II Jliller, Centre. Stephen II. Jliller and wife to Charles W. Jliller, Centre. " Charles W. Jliller and wife to Sarah Swank, Centre. Samuel Knorr and wife et al. to Rebecca Cramer, Bloomsburg. Rosemont Cemetery Co. to L. B. Rupert, Bloomsburg. L. B. Rupert to Clarissa W. nupert, Bloomsburg. Jos. I). Thompson nnd wife to Charles Brodcr, Berwick. Jos. D. Thompson and wife to Rachacl O. Trough, Berwick. Zebulon S. Bobbins and wife to Joseph JI. Old, Hemlock. James Gulliver, administrator to J. Q. A. Shoemaker, Hemlock. Jno. Q. A. Shoemaker and wife to Charles Ward, Hemlock. James Bivan and wife to the Locust Mountain Coal uud Iron Co., Ccntralla. George Beagle to Frederick Beagle, Jit. Pleasant. Calub Barton et. al. to Matilda Rltter, Blooiiisburg' Samuel K. Keller nnd wife to Alex L. Thompson, Berwick. J. W. Evnns, executor et. nl. to Snmuel Keller, Berwick. William Bason mid wife to Daniel Reedy Berwick. Evnllno Howard to Ella Hnrtmun, Orange. Elins Snyder to Wm. L. Snyder, Locust. Peter Swank and wife to Jeremiah Sny der, Locust. B. Frank Zarr, executor, to Henry Pfah- ler, Catawlssa. JIark Williams and wife In JIary Deyrlng, Locust. Casper Tiseroade and wife to Eylert Thompson, Hemlock. D.ivid Betz mid wife to Eveline Rupert, Bloonisburg. Eli Barton to Eveline Rupert, Blooms burg. Caleb Barton and wife to Eveline Rupert Bloomsburg. Richard Thompson lo John JI. Laubach, Berwick. I. K. Krickbaiim et. al. administrator, to Samuel Appleman, Benton. JI. B. & S. P. Association of Bloomsburg to G. JI. & J. K. Lockard, Bloomsburg. Christian Shuman to Thomas J. Slmman, Beaver. Philip Appleman to JIargarct Jane Ap- pieman, Greenwood. C. W. Jliller to Charlis Krug, Blooms. burg. John L. Sponenberger and wlfu to 11- Ross, Berwick. J. S. JlcJIurtrle and wife to William Ross, Berwick. Reuben Downing to Charles W. Jliller, Bloomsburg. Garrlck JIallery to William C. Barns, Ber wick. C. F. Harder and wife to Ambroso II. Sharpless, Catawlssa. Casper Rhawn and wife to Jacob Fisher, Catawlssa. George Stackhouse and wife to James Y.- Stackhouse, Pine. Benjamin Bancost and wife to Daniel Bancost, Beaver. LcRoy T. Thompson mid wife to Joseph Lamon, Brlarcreck. John Wenner and wlfu to Jllcbael Wen- ner, Fishlngcrcek. John Bcisel, Guardian, to Joseph Sonn, Milllin. John Jlcllenry and wlfo lo Edward Sones et. al. Jackson. Percevnl Polk, administrator, to Evan Glrton, JIadlsou. O. W. Jliller and wife to Daniel A. Creasy, Illoomsburg. I). A. Creasy, ct ill to Sarah A. ('reveling, Scott. Catharine I.clby, administrator, to Byron Keller, Locust. Richard Thompson to the Presbyterian church of Berwick, Berwick. John A. Piinstnn, trustee to E D Rnar back, Centre. Geo, B. Kitchen uud wlfo to JIary E. Kitchen, BlQOiiisburg. Wm. JI. llartmrii to A. B. Vaiillew, Hem 'ock, Columbia county Commissioners to John Hull, Brinrcrcek, Georgo Zarr to JIary E. Long, Catawlssa. Joseph II. Knlttle nnd wire to John C. Yociim, Catawlssa. John V. Welllvcr mid wife to Joseph L. Eves, Pine. Frank Wolf and wlfo to Stephen Dresher, Plshlngcivek, The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over all other cough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Uron- chitis, YVhoopinpr Cough, Incipient consumption and for the relict ot I -onsumptivc persons in advanced sta"es of the Disease. For Sale : -r.ll Druggists. Price, 25 cents. l'iiXlic Sale! OP V.M.UABI.R Real Estate. The tindors'irned oxccutirof tho lust wilt and testament of .lohn Hnds, Uto of Oreonwood twp., Columb.a County, deceased, will oiposa to public gale upon the premises on scribed real estate sltuato In oroennood township Columbia county, Pv, bounded byOrecn Creek, nnd lands of A. II. Kltclicn.tho heirs of John ltccco doceised, JncoS Oerrsrd, simuel Albcrtson and others, contatnlhif 78 ACRES, and slxty-slx perches, mire or less, on which aro erected a larges Btory Pulling Mill In good running order, anew FHaMI! 1IOUSK, nam as good as r.ew, and alt necessary out-buildings, water at the houso and Orcon crck runs along tbo edgo of the farm aod supplies tbo mill with water. A young orchard of cholco fruit on the place. TERMS OK SALE' 10 per conf of ( o' the pur cUafio money to bo paid at the striking duwn of tho property ; the X le.n tin t" per cent, at tho con firmation of sale, and the remaining ,V In ono year thereafter with Inrcrest from confirmation nisi. D- K. SLOAN. EXECDTOK. COXCOI1I) (IIIAPE VISES. Fine, vmorous Vines. Two. three nnd Four Yenrs' Old, for snlo by tlio dozen or thousand nt the lowest prices. llicso vines nro raised on the famous Jit. Prospect Vineyards, at Passaic, N. J., where the well-known Port Grapu Wine Is produced that Is so highly esteemed nt Dresden ami iiernn, ami other J.uropcan Cities to which It Is shipped, nnd that is so Highly esteemed iy physicians everywhere. Address, alfiieu Si-kbii. Jan. 20, '83-Hm. Passaic, N. J. iHTTho most brilliant shades possible, on all fabrics aro made by the Diamond Dyes. uncquniiid lor uriiiiancy nnd durability. iu cents. Wc have n speedy and positive euro for catarrh, dlpthcrlu, canker mouth nnd headache in Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasai injector ireo wiiu cacu uoiiic. use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price (50 cents. Sold by J. II. KInports. may 12-cow. TIME AND EXPENSE SAVED. Hard workers nro sublect to bilious at tacks which may end In dangerous Illness. Parker's Glntrcr Tonic keens tho kidneys and liver active, and by preventing the nttuck saves sickness, time mid expense. Detroit Prtt. UDITOit'S NOTICE. ESrATR Ol WII.tlAM 11K8S, 1.ATK OF SCOARLOAT T0WNSII1I', DECKASK1). Tha undersigned having been appointed audi, tor to make attribution ot tho fund in tho lnndi ot Ktr.i Stephens, admtntstrator ot said decedent, hereby gives notice that be will sit at tho onice i J. f. Krecie. Esq , on Pillar, March 16th, 18H nt 10 o'clock, a. m., to perform tho duties ot Ids appointment, at which time nndpluceall parties having claims against the said cnta'-e will appear and present tho sAino or be debarred from coining in for n s'lare ot eatd fund. ., C. C. PEACOCK, teb S3-4W Auditor. UDITOiw"NOriCE. ISTATK Of 0OUK HITTER, I, ATE OK CATAWISSA, DICKASED. ti,a ,in,rr(.i(rnnri lmTlni? been annotated to mako distribution of tlio funds In Uio hands of the administrator of said decedent, hereby gives notice that ho will sit at tho otllcoot JohnC. YOCUm, Esq.. lniUO town Ol viiuivt msa, iuiici- firm the duth'S ot his nppolntment on Monday, March soth, ISSJ, at 10 o'clock a. in., nt which time nnd placoall pirtlcs bavtng claims agauist sail estate will appear and pros-Mit tuo sauio or bo de- oarrca irom cumioK iu u" tu muu. 11. r. AHIt, teb 23- Auditor. "nouan ON HATS." Clears out rats. mice, roaches, flies, ants. bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 10c. Druggists. A1IK YOU EXl'CXKD To malarial influences ? then protect your system by using Turner's (linger Tonic, it strengthens thu liver and kidneys to throw on malarial poisons, and is good lor gen eral debility and nervous exhaustion. IXECuroirs notice. ESTATE :r 0E0ROK SOCMAN. DECEASED, LATE OF MIFFLIN TOWKSIIIr. Letters testamentary In the estate of Georgo Shuman doceafced, late ot Miniln township, Columbia cout ty, I'a., have been irrantcd by the lteglster of tald county to Allen Mann. All per sons havlDg claims against tho estate of said decedent nro reiiuestea to present (hem for settle ment, and thoso indebted to the estato to maVo paj ment to the unaerslgncd without delsy. ALLEN MANNi Vat. 2. Rj ecu tor EVERY LADY SHOULD SUBSCRII1E FOK Strawbridgo & Glothier's FASHION QUARTERLY. Look Heke 1 If you nro going West why not start rigid, avoid all further trouble by purchasing your tickets of W. II. Poust agent of D. h. ft W. R. It. at Bloomsburg. Ho can give you your choice of routes cither by way of Pcnnn, R. R. or Niagara Falls and Erie R. R. Uaggago checked through to destination 150 pounds, free with each ticket. Circulars, time tables or any other information will be cheerfully given nt any time. tf. At the JI. E. parsonage, Ronton, Feb. 20, 1883, by Rev. G. W. Dunlap, Jlr. II. T. Herrington of Columbia county to JIlss Lizzie W. Hower of Luzernu county. At the residence of the brldo's parents in Pine township Col. Co. Pa,, February the 24th 1883, by John P. Derr Esq., Jlr. C. C, Wcathcrel to JIlss Emma J. Robbins, all of Pine township Col. Co. Pn. LOCAL NOTICES. This Is the month for a talk where to buy our outset. Dout forget I. W. Hartman & Sou's combination store. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: Nearly one thousand engravings, Illustrating tho new things In cv.ry department of fashion. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS:. Pour pages of new music. In most cases original, either vocal or Instrumental. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: Tno prices of all klndi of Dry Ooods, together with descriptions and engravings to show what they look llko. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: Valuable original articles, mostly Illustrated, on subjects that treat of tho adornment of tho per son, tho beautifying of home, and the newest things In art needle work. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: Instructions how tho distant consumer can shop as satisfactorily and as economically as residents ot tho city. I-ntCK, 60 CENTS TEH COPY. SPECIMEN COPIES, 15 CENTS. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUABLE l&cal Esiutc I Pursuant to un order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, Pa., will bo sold at Public Sale, on the premises, In Milllin township In said coun ty on H, Mid 1 11. At two o'clock In the afternoon, the following de scribed real estate late of William Kelchner, de- I coased, to-wlt: A farm adjoining lands of Low Hros. Co.. nn Inn Nnrtli iini tfnat. nn Ibe South 1 by lands of Samuel Droa her, (leorge Fedder snd Eicht and JInrket Streets, Philadelphia. uiutTa, ouiaew est uy lanusoi ueorge reaaer, conulnlug STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, Jan1 s, '83 -if. We hnvo now open our seock of new Snrlnc ninchiuns, prints, muslins, shirt ings A-c all at the lowest prices for casli al (JlnrK iv son's. C. C. Jfurr wants corn at 75cts. Illrck and colored dress silks at Clark Son's. C. C. JIurr buys dried apples. 099!H Pounds Good Pork. !)9!H Good Live Calves. O'JJ Good Live Shoats, in weight s !J0, ;s.'i, -iu, ou to nu pounds. 9 Good Young Reeves, 99 liushcls Good Clovcrsced, 099' liushcls Good Potatoes. 9999' Pounds Dried Apples. 09999 Pounds Dried Raspberries, pitted cherries and lard. All of the above wanted at Light Street by Silns Young. Dec. 22-3m A new opening tills week of Fancy Hand- Kcrcnieis nt I. w. iinriinan iV son's. Stoves, Ranges, Tin and Sheet Iron wmo at WHary s, cheap lor cash. If you want laco curtains; tnblo linem, napk'lns, sheetings &c. go to Clark & Son's. Wool and cotton carpet chain at C. C. JIarr's. 43 ACRES, moro or leaf, whereon are erected a two-story log houso, frame barn and out buildings ; also a good well ot watsr and apple orchard. TEHMS OP SALE, Ten per cent, of tho one- fourth ot the purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down cf tho properly, the one-fourth less the ten per cent, nt tho connrmatlon ot sale; and the remaining three-fourths In ono year there- alter, with interest from confirmation Tjtsl. Purchasers to pay for deeds. II. FIHNK ZAltll, Mar S Trustee. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate! Pursuant to an outer ot the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, I'a., will be soil at Public Sale, on tho premises in the township of Pcaver, In add county on FRIDAY, March 23, 1883. At two o'clock In tho afternoon, tho following de scribed real estato Uto of Jacob linker, deceased, to-wlt : A farm adjoining lands of Charles Mi chael, (lldeon Ilrodbenner, and others, contain ing FIFTY ACRES, moro or Icsf, whereon aro erected a two-story framo dwelling houso, fraino barn nnd other out building?. Said land being well Imp roved. Ten per cent of ono fourth of the purchase money tl bo paid nt striking down of the proper ty; tbo ono fourth less the ten per cent, nt the confirmation absolute ot iho sale, and tho balance In one year from connrmatlm nisi, with Interest irom that date. CIIAItLES IlAKElt, Mara Administrator. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate ! The undersigned administrator of Elizabeth Walter, deceased, of Montour township, Coluni- bla county, I'a., ulllexposo to public bile on lie premises on THE UNION TRUST CO, 611 and CIS CHESTNUT STREET PHILADEL PHIA, I'A. CAPITAL, - $1,000,000. CIIAItTEll PEUVETUAL. cts as Executor, Administrator. :Asstgnoo, Re ceiver. Guardian, Attorney, Agent, Trustee and Committee, alone or In connection with an Indi vidual appointee. , . . Takes charge of the property ot aVsentecsand non-residents, collects and remits Income prompt ly, and discharges faithfully thodutltsof every nduclary trust and agency known to the law. Safes torrent within iiurglar-rroot aultaot tho most approved construction. Wills kept in Hire nnd Burglar-proof safes with out charge. Plate, securities and ah other valm blcs securely kept at a moderate annual charge for safe return or specinc indemnity. Oar Trusts and other approved securities for Interest a'lowcdon Moneys deposited for defi nite periods, or upon ten days' notice W. C. rA'lTE'.tsoN, President. HE1STKR CLY.MEH, Vice-President. MAHLON S. STOKES. Troaurer. FH&NOIS bacon, sec'y Trust oniccr. W. C. Patterson, JatnoH I)ng, Allred s.uUlett, Hon. Allison White, Ur. 0. f . Turner, i), It, Patterson, John T. Monroo, ,loi. I. Keefe, Thos. 11. ration, W.J Head, Jas. s. Martin, Dr. I). Hayes Agnew, 11. 11. Houston, John u. Heading, l'blladelpnia, i'a. ; Hon. T i Randolph, .Morrlstowu, N. J. , reu imw niltL'CTORS. lion. T. P. llayard, Wilmington Del. ; Dr. uco, v. iieny, Harrlsburg, Pa. ; lion. J. 8. Africa. Huntingdon, Pa. ; Hon. ll. ciymer. Ucadlnir. I'a Henry s. Eckert, Reading, I'a. ; Edmund s. Doty, Minilntown, Pa,; lion. It. K. Monagban, West Chester, t Gen. W". W. II. Davis, Doylestown, Pa. ; Chas. W. Cooper, Allentowu, I'a, CRYJIOUR, HUNT & CO., O (K-itabllsbedlnlWi.) Exchange Court, N. Y. 123 LaSallo St., Chicago. HANKERS AND BROKERS. Special facilities tor tho purchase and sale of .in.,L, Mini., itr.rtviumvu Refer to Mochinlcs' National innk, New ork ; Fifth National Hank, Chlciio, and German Secu rity Uank, ixiulsvlile, Ky. . . , .1. M. Seymour, Member Now ork Stock Ex change. J, A, Hunt, Member Chicago Board of Trado. A. L. Seymour. r feb -v MARKET JtEPORTS. RLOO.MSUURG MARKET. Wbcut per bushel l.oo Ryo " Corn, " w Oats ' " . Flour per barrel J-JJ uoverseeo Tho great sales of Glass and Queenswnre continue at I. AV. Hartman & Son's gro. eery. Hamburg edgings, Torchon laces, cotton trimmings ceo. ut uiaru a bun's. Young man wanted to learn tho tinning mine at wnarys. See I. V. Hartman & Son's new line of Counterpanes from B cents to tj.2.75. Strictly puro Clover and Timothy seed, a car load of it for sule at Light b'treet by Silas Young. mar. 2-2in SATORDAY March, 31st 1883. S At two o'clock In the afternoon, a messuago and tract ot land sltuato In the township ot Montour In said c utility of Columbia, bounded by lands it Reuben Guild, John Walter, Evan WiUtver'a et- tate, Fraud Kvans, Samuel digger, Wllllrm Trowbridge and others, containing 2!S ACRES, more or le is. TERMS OF SALE, Ten p?r cent, of the one- fourth ot the purchase money to bo paid at the striking down of iho property; tha ono-lounh less tho ton per cent, at the eounrmatloa of sale; and the remaining thrco-fourthi In one year thsro- oltcr, wliii interest froinconnncntlon Mil. R. BUCKINGHAM, Mar 11 Administrator. nutter . s Tallow Potatoes , Dried Apples Hams sides Shoulders , chickens Turkeys i nro ut pound nay per ton , C. C, Jlarr has splendid syrups nt SO, CO ami iu cents per guuou. Appletou A muslin 8 cts per yd, and nil other makes of muslin nt lowest prices tit Ullll K iV SOU'S, ORPHAN:.' COURT SALE VALUABLE Heal Estate ! ! C. O, JIurr wants butter, nnd outs. eggs, potatoes Now look un your housekeenliiir noods. as JIarcli lias nrrlved, '.nnd buy of I. W, Jiaruuar ix Dun. BUSINESS NOTICES. Iu pursuaneo of an order cf the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county tho undersigned truilco to make sileof tho land of ElUabeth Kelchncr, de. ceased, will oxpose to I'ubllo Sale on the premises in .M immune, said county, on At ten o'clock a, in,, tho following described real estato, sltuato In said vlllagoof Mltlltnvlllf, on the south bide of Fourth strocL adlotnlm; lot of COMMUNION WINE. I M. E. Church on tho East. Fifth street on tha 'Iho crape crop of A. Sneer's vlnevnrda South, lot ot Samuel Bldleman on tho wtst In INow Jersey lust year was double that being sixty-six feet in width on Fourth street; of any previous year. His vineyards iu uud two hundred feet, moro or loss. dscp. where. V- , .. , , .- . I iuw jersey nave so increased eucli year on is erected a two Btory frame house, tlllllliohas been emb ed to keen a stock TKHMS OF SALE. Ten tier cent, nfilm nnn. tvolo six years iihcuil. onu of his Port fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at iho Plymouth Rock nud Dominique Leghorn eggs for setting, for sale by G, W, Sterner, Viiuu lor iu eggs. sold less than four venrs old. ft Ima iiecoine n popular wine among iho best physicians in mew ork, and Is Inrgely UBrd for communion lmrnoses and fur weiiK mid nged persons, for sale by l -V, JVIV1I1I, Btrlklng down of tho property, tho one-fourth les tho ten per cent, nt the confirmation ot sale I snd tho remaining three-fourths in ouo year there- alter, with Interest from onrtrmatlon ulsl. JOHN MOUltEY, Mar if Trustee Si .it 03 .60 .05 14 1SW iu .l .14 IS 00 13 i longoerry red ana amu-r ii.imi.ii. -I ho market was steady with fair Inquiry; rvo; sail yellow osCe; No. 9 mixed uceswax Uuckwheatnowerper loo , PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. February t'l-oua Tho market was quiet. 11YB Fl-OUK-fl 00(41 18. WiisiT Tho market was steady; No western red tl.ttoM : Delaware and Pennsylvania red f 1.1Trtt.toi4 ; longberry red and amb-r tl.HMl.Si. UOKN strainer ( Lite. Oats Market wasstoaay; ko. i wnuo dohbuc , No. s do mxqsic; No.s dotS(JE3tfc; No. 1 mixed &0KCMIC. . . . . Iivk scarco at too bid tor Pennsylvania. l'KOVisioss-Flun with a fair demand. Liun-Market was nrm: city kotlle U'.Qlic; loose butchers' lie; prltuo steam tll.tsotll.S'J. 1II'1T1 Tin market was ipuei ana uucnangea; Pennsjivaula creamery extra 8i(loc; western do astute; lhudford county extra sics'isc: New York extra Mvsj; do firsts 335o; western cxim Masses do good to cholco lT(ioc. Rolls wero nun; l eousjituuit mvsiviu iiiiv.. Eiiiis Una wlih a fair demand ; Pennsylvania Me; western nxi&UQ; limed ltftftDo. Me ileal Superintendent cf thj Sanitarian. Invalid's Homo. IJloomsburn', I'a., Devotes special uttcntlou to Chronlo Mill adies including Epilepsy, Uervcui Affee tlcns, Dheatei cf Women, nnd to Cancer, in till Its varied forms, Patients received nt tho Sanitarium ou cason able (cutis for board nud treatment.