OOtUMBIA COtlMX PA." THE AINU ;4xti.'i:.t.,u. 1 itiff.no Tores ltarnecil lo ft plow ittan1 Hill, V's'ltlng tho volco whose words they've learncil , , ,iM. to know ; .Then, at tho plowman's signal, proudly slow They plod with patient footsteps up tho hill l i Ana Blnco with sturdy hand and ttratlj Kill , . inTlie Hwn-dlgM share li driven to una fro, t,... Up-hill ami ilownllko the furrows go. MTrnS n lint, unturned by any III, "Arc 'liot bur Uvc4 utt like th6 plowman's aharo 1 '' Th6 Providence that mlea them mayilfcrco 'W'ThalWoplow up the hill through tullnomo ''Ahd olsta61c may meet tia everywhere t ' 1el If our hands be true Irt all mir ways, The furrows will bo straight and fair lo ace. ' ... i i ,.i The Old Well, " 8t yoti Vnnt (o know If I ever liml it ro. JffiSrfeoJ1; saiil 'Aunt Margnrct, leaning buck In lioroasy, clinlr, with a mltil, reilectlvo llopktipon hor peaceful fnco. "Yen, sumo 'tliitVg did lihplittik to tno olico that limy BCcni ljkygrpf to yotl, thongli I never tliotiglit of cfiflnig Itby tliat unino," , "Lol's henr it. nuntlo, plcaso," I an- lirtjejieil pushing llio velvet hassock nearer itoi.her, ' ami giving nn extra shako to I ho brjglit i conl flro. Tho night wai somowlmt coltl niul liltis tcrlng outsiile, lint that only imilo Aunt AtargarelM rtfofn, with its wnrni-hticil fur. jitry, fcJts .Boftly-cimliionoJ easy chair, its glowing lira mid shaded astral t.unp, look nil Ihojjiitoro inviting. Sho was n distant relative who hid comn 't'cFpay Vis (i long-pfomlecil visit, ami from .myvrflrjt'.i glance at her fino, stalely figure rind her noble, placid countenance, knowing that elio had never married, I got tho idea into riiyhcnd th.it t.ho nmst have had n ro loanco.. ller hair was still brown and nbim dant, whilo hor oyes shono clear and bluo ns h ydung 'girl's. And yet Aunt Margaret was past fifty. , iitn. iuj til-ill, ruiu ui-tiii, niitiiiii softly.! Vonco tip'on n timo, as tho story. books nay, I wus young, and considcicd rather pretty" , "Oh, no nood to tell 1110 that, Aunt Mar- "garot," I .Interrupted, gazing witli unfeigned Admiration at the handsome face into which rnuelicntanroso-color cnuio 60 brightly at the ..Uionipry', of hor girlish loveliness, "You might easily carry off tho palm of beauty from us now, if yon felt so inclined." Sho smiled again as ska saw how sincero was my tributo to her charms, and rcsuti od hor story i M-V, Iliad of conri.0 my sharo of admirers ''nmblDg tho villago youth, and was n great favorite nt balls, quilting parties, husking .bees, and all the other entertainments of pillage' society ; yet I reached thq ago of twenty, ko.irt-whole and fauoy-froo, still keeping houso for my widowed father, as I kad'dono.1 almost from childhood and never caring to 'jnako any change" "Kocauso tue right ono nadn't como along, nuutiu," I fcaid, eagerly, thinking of onn' Charlie," with his curly locks rand lightsomo heart, and wondering how ''glrli in, any ago of the world could havo , I(Tcd.' ntarriod and lived happily without l.over' having known tho sunlight of his presence; ; 'MVetl, Mndgo, ho camo at last," contin uod Aunt ' Margaret, with a gontlo sigh which seemed'fo waft licr far hack into tho happy justi'and tho manner of his coming was one Kill can novcr forget. Our houso stood at ono end of tho street, and in n far corner 'ohhb lot stood tho old well, neglected uuu uuubeu ivi juuib, mivu ujr us Hiujr (jirtH wlfo ffmd:it a r'oinantio" Bpot to try our for tines by 'u Halfowo'en. lJut it was very dangerous, boing unprotected by curb or fence, and standing, as it did, closo to tho gpjibtioroad,'. I had often begged my father jiunko It 1 moro secure, but ho neglected it tuntll'niy. prophecy of dangor from it was nt last fulfilled. "Ono dark, ttarless evening in October, returning from a visit to n neighbor's, I was ,pissil)g' tho old well, when suddenly a low groan of agony caught my ear. Instantly v realized tho awful troth that homo traveler .''hivd fallen into the dork and dangerous pit, and my heart stood still with horror. But only for . n moment, I saw tho need of iu '''sUnt action, and, leaning over the edgo of ( thoJ)lack, yawning hole, I called loudly to - tho. person within not to despair, for I would soon bring him assistance, eu ,'."Theu ruuhiug to tho houso, and calling wildly nt every step for help, I began au eager, trembling search for a ropo, which I ) soon had ' knotted firmly around a stout, crooked'1 old pear treo standing near tho 1 welK;!, Then I called again to the poor, groaning jctiin below, 1 bado him grasp I .tho.iropo tightly nud lot ino pull him up. B5fit was no use. My only unswer was '?,InpVhcr ' moan, so low and deep that I V-thought tho poor wretch was dying. :n .'IWhat.to do I did not know. No help hol come; aud I feared to lose a moment by going after it. But I was young nud strong ; aud nerved with the courage of desperation, " 80 I did not hesitate long. How I managed fwuc'c?safully I uover could tell, but I let myself down by the rope until I reachod tho v.bottom . of tho dark abyss, and found tho II hllpless.belng, whom I thought Trovideuce had sent mo to rescue, too much injured to r.wovoaliinb. 'j j " As ntly and quickly as I could, in that awful situation, I fastened the lopo around . ' fiis'boJy and lifted him in a move come- iiieul' position to bo1 drawn up ; then, hand , over hand, liko a sailor, and blistering the . skin os I went, I slowly climbed lo tho top again, where I found juy father and two or three anxious neighbors just beginning to realize wha,t. had occurred. It was well thoy .ij-liftdi pome, for my girl's btreugth, try as I .ould,,' could never havo drawn that large, strong man to tho surface ; nor could ho haVo Uvea much longer in the deadly gases of )ha(pld well .f'llo seamed mo'ro dead than living when ho camo up, nud ono arm v. as found to bo broken.-- lie proved I ' bo a j oung merchant ,from a distant city, who had come to visit a w frieiiiUii the village, rnJ had met with his j accident -while walking from tho station to u!his .inond's house. Hut ho was too badly j, hut J6' bo removed, nnd for woeks he was J- on--inmato of our home, where ahno-it the n. entirii.' care of tho invalid devolved upon myself. j s: ". I need not givo you the history of those r, woekKi.'MoJgo, but they wcro tho sweetost I J jhavo ever known in my long life of half a ec century. . Hugh Woodman was tho hero I elud' -dreamed' 'of handsome, tioble-looking, polished iu manner nud conversation. Hot ter than liu that, ho win tho soul of honor, .tllefuro soliciting my father's permission to tt offer tyo, tho Jifo which ho alwuys declared I liadwivddho told us frankly tho story of ,''.Jlils past, "Ho was n young man then only twen- -iJty.sBvon .yot he hud been ulready inarriod J Unl jUvorced, His young wifohudboen uu- faithful to him, and, after bearing with her faults and tho disgrace they brought upon , is namq as long as ho coulj, they were le gally separated, uuil tho euro of their ouly t. , child. was timtrustod to them. Tliis child Ills 'lit'tli Lily was it tllome of wldch ho -i never tirod. Jfour ufter hour ho talked to Afif. hcriraWug her goodness uudbeuuty, phtmiiug for her future with -us, and beg. gfng me, n thousand times over, to love her frjiisake,. s r glJut h hvl no need to sk inp tlmt. aythlug tluit belonged to him was dear to 'ino, .y.yeu (ho fuiihlem wife who bore hi 'J'Jiamo, was au pbjoct of interest to my mind, maud many times X found myself pitying her ' j ,pr,haviug eait aside the pr.'ccloss blesnliig .' 'of'Huijh'iJ lave. 1'or I kimw ilmthlsoid tlovefurher win dead und bunul, gud that the whole wealth of injection m his heart und soul was wui t.',-.." Aunt Margarot pauspil, ;mid tlio inlciiso look which her blup t'cs gathered in tho memories of long ago glUr'o her fnco, 1 fan cicd, tho samo expression which f It must havo worn iu tlio lovfi.dnys of hor yoitlli. "lcs," bho rostiiiicd, "ourlinppincss was perfect far tog perfect, to last. Our umr riago was to tako placo ou Cliristiu.ii, and, after a short Veddiug tour, wo uero to tet tio down nt unco to housckooping in tin city, llo had brought littlo,Ijly to fo6 ino, and sho was to como to us for good the. mo ment wo returned from our tour. How I tovod tho child I not only for hor father's sake, but for tli'o intnto loveliness of licr own sweet, childish nattito. Hlio did not look like Hugh, therefore I know that sho must rcsemblo hor lost mother) ami, if sri, how beautiful tltat mother nitiHt havo boon I Lily was; ft blonde, ns I was, but tho fairness of my skin was snow white iu her, tho blad of her eyes wan mora tlio intenso brlllmilcj of tho sapphire, and tlio blonde of her hair tho shimmer of burnished gold. 1 can sco Hugh now, ns ho stood witli half tcorful, half laughing eyes, watching mo caress his darllug child, nnd thinking to tcAso mo by calling mo tho 'young stepmother.' "Tho week boforo Christmas found ns all as bright nnd hnppy as n prospective wed ding pnrly could over bo j but it brought n new nctor upon tho sccuo who was destined to cliaugo it nil iu tho twinkling of nu eye. Hugh's divorced wife, having in somo wuy learned of his intended marriage, mudo her wuy lo our village, determined lo win back to horsclf tho husband whom sho had tlo scrtod. Had she appealed lo Hugh nlouc, sho could never havo boon succoBtful, for sho had utterly forfeited all clninrs to his iovo or confidence, nud his heart waif too entirely initio for her 'pleadings to, havo moved him. But finding him firm nud un yielding, sho sought mo out.'.' , "O, Aunt Margaret!'' I interrupted, in tearful amazement, "surely you did no' voluntarily givo tip Hugh's, ,lovo fyr, ,tho tako of that bud woman ? " ' "Yes, child, I did,"Hhorliastiiy auswpred, with a little choking, sotihd' in" llerv81co. "And you could uo .havo btjiovedihnd, Madge, had you seen licrs i did, iirl-i ploriug, witli tears and sobs, to bo restored! to her husband and child. She'whsioldfl'ly: oh I a thousand times lovelier' than I cVor was. thouuh Iluuh . had nlwavs eullod me protty. In thoso days, Madgo, divorce) was not so lightly thought of as it is now. divorced wifo, whether justly, .or not, avas always regarded with suspicion, and' tho, disgrace even attached to her innocent chit dren. I thought of dear little Lily, whom I loved so well, , and . for; Ihcf Bake; office f u luro I helped plead hor 'mother's causo with' Hugh. "It was long beforo ho, would liston tc( cither of us, but nt last ho left the decisions ofhijiato to mo. Oh, child; 'I' norcr can; forget tho anguish that Ullod lus loving eyes' as ho did bo. ' My lifo is in your 'hands; Marcmrct,' ho said, hi his wifo's presence: 'you saved it once, audit is your,, bptli byj right aud my own choice Do with itns you will.' So, Madge, I decided ngaiusi myself, and that is why you seo mo an old maid to-day." "And they were inarriod over again I How strange ! But was sho a good wifp to! Hugh nftcr that, Aunt Margaret 1 " I nsked with a girlish curiosity, not thinking how my words might wound tho rioblo heart! until I noticed tho blight shudder wi'th which1 oho answered them. ' Yes. Madue. I heard of them vp'iml nfj tcrwnrd, a happy nud uu'itcd family. 1 have always found strength to bo.thankfa that I helped to reconcile them to each otlieri My life is flowing peacefully on to 'tin; grcal ocean of cteulty, so I am content. But Hugh's last, loving kiss vyhicli ho gayo me so passionately besido tho old well, where I risked my lifo lo save his, hits uover been, pf. fncod bv' tho touch of other lips.'" " Aunt, Margaret's story was ended." 'Slie had nover thought of this grand, unselfish net of her life, iu tho light Of a romauco, but to mo it seemed very much hlio ono. 111V. liAIKJHMT OATI! ON IMUTII.' Tlio great cayo lately discovered hcre'has been visited by a multitude of people from various points of tho1 United States.' Wo think that Lcitchflcld is destined to become, tho great "Mecca" of tho world for tho Masouio fraternity nud scientists gener ally. For tho last two weeks no ono has hoeir ndiuitted to tho envo except iin6n prescntinc a written permit from Mr. logcrs,i..anil, thoso who havo been fortunat enough to obtain ndmissiou' liav'o beep' principally scientists from abroad, who journped hero to sea tho great wonder fou .themselves! It wsb necessary to tako this step, as tho pavb was rapidly being dospoilcd of its oontbnls. Indeed, several of tho mummies ntid somb1 of tho smaller Masonic emblems wero car ried off beforo Mr. Itogers or, fn.fact, ,any of our citizens realized tho importauco,df tho discovery, nnd of preserving tho con-; tents of tho enve Intact. Tlio subterranean' river lias been so Swollen from Ih'o oxces- sivo rains of the past montli that no.aiplora- tions havo been made in the avenues, ho yond it. Ilxcavntlous have been made, however, in tho chambers or catacomb's nhero tlio mummies, nud Masonip e.iublcins wero fouud, and in the vicinity , of tho pyra mid, aud several tablets with queer hiero glyphics havo beon dug up, also tonjo bronzo nnd copper vases, nnd pieces of .poi tcry. A mound was opened nnd found to eoulniu six well-proserved nniplnles, hi posing In regular order with feet, radujtjugj iiuui iiiu ccuiru. . t , j In tlio discovery of this cave,- the key undoubtedly found tli'ifwill Unlock'nlli niystpry of thq pro-historjp race of. America,, and also prove, their, identity with tlio.iin. cieut Egyptian race, who' undoubtedly crossed over nnd poopled tins' continent, built temples, and lluurishod iu a high de gree of civilization until Niiped out of exist once by the ruthless hatul of tlio snvnge. The caves of Kentucky undoubtedly afforiksif .1 .t...,,. 1 .! V - J.' lutim siiuiier auu pruieciiuu, ,auu -wcro.usau. ns n sort of catacomb for the storage of all that wns near nnd dear (o them, inelndiilg their illustrious dead, Sucl at lo.Ut Boons' to havo been tho c.vso in this, iistiv;ce, wliothcr this thpory y ill apply to tlio otlifr caves of Kentucky or not. Mauy beautiful orii).m')US liave "boon, dls. covered duriug tho last week, Tho staUe titcs and slal.igniiles glisten liko so many million diamunds. 'i'fia' 'pillars nnd il. limns of idab.tsler are beautifnl 1cyui description, nud its wonders will have to hi seen to bo fully appreciated. (Jvityson, Ait- vecaU. How Sleigh Bells are. Mail o. It has, no doubt, been n-mystery to many lenders how tho iron" ball inside of sleigh bells got then nud it 5s said to havo takeil eonsidcrriblo thought ou llie part i)t thu discdvrrpr hi fore tho idea sluick hiu. hi'iimHii g sleigh-bells the iron ball is wt iuslirioV samj core, just tho shape of ilnv fnsijt of tho bell. TIipii a mould is maJo just the shnpo of tlio outside of f tic bell. This Band core, with ll(i iliiglet inldp, is plnced in tlm nirttlld Of tlib outside, nud thu metal is poured A which fills up tho spneo between tliui core nnd Uio ;noiild. The hot - mtal burns tho core, so that it can bo shnki'n out, leaving tho ball wltjjtiu tio shell.p liu I rh(is, swivel joints, am marly other articles are cast iu the .name way. Do (loiM remit 1' h,k4 thu Detroit fret J'rctM. 1'osMlilv tiol.but Wd'vo ob- ftt-rVed n dog, on Hf.cinf a boy with inn old 'kcttlt-, cxaroltiltiK his Voukcltt ns if fftr ft tiltee'of oohlj nkc n iMp Inter- KH,nbol ft inilf, Uvyrty. o( "ost. i , jus's hr tilt: V',Tift!iW viSltlm (iNfnh ' ' ciiuMni:..'. 1'nvHicmim nnv-llinl KCioftiloui t:int cniitVot bo oradiofitcd i wo deny it " hi ioto,'" If you Kir tbiMlL'li a' 6onit(o of Burdock Hlood li tiers, yoiit1 blood Yvlll get ns miru as you an wish. JL'rico !51,00. ' Ooat .Jt.visi.sfl. Tliu muolwiluurd goat is cotninu to bo tinzqd ns n useful nniinnl by KntfliHti fiiriiiort. Thoy jiavo been ft' wd timo VI pooVfcriitg, ' '.' I I .' 2. . .H' I Jl H . Til wnni nas iiecen. nt; ,,'suav(ii!jii;(i jnut ou tlio continent of. km ope, that tlio whiskered ntid fil!ky fiiilmal i-i nn im- propeily niaiiaged' yiehl, inilk. bnltor ami. qIiccru wlijoli po?sea$ peculiar; yv tueft o( llicir own, nnd also wovidq rxcellcnt meat tor tho table, as well as cloves and bouts, 'Which cannot bo anatciieu lor (.letioacv ami Birungin, As n result of the, now ' liifht on this subject, n nor ioat farm .of 210 neves has becjf Oslablislled ou lnild of'thb Karl of Lovelace, iii.fSurrey, where govts'' milk butter) .cheese- and leather- ,yyiU bo jno', diKied.1 ' , nAut.,iN (iji.i a balm in :ad. Giload to hpal Theru is oaelf gaping wound ; Tn Thomas' Kcieeirio Oif,-lio remedy is'foutid., t ' For internal and for. outward use, you freely may applyot j For all pain nnd inflammation,' 'Von ,sl)ould not fail, to try it. , It only costs a tville, 'tis worth its weight in gold, And ( by I'yery dealer in.the land this remedy' is sold. ' CnmiCAi. 'Elkmhstb m Pt.ANTs. Gliomints arc generally agreed that plants require fove'U differeilt (jlcmi'llls fiom'tiio'fiiiil id oi'der lb, tnalfc a'bcalthy gi-Qw'th. . Theijo are jihopnorous, pot- asli, magnesia, lime, EUipiiuiynon, ami nitrogen. Other elements are often found, t somettineS iti great ijuanlily, stjclt ,'!is s'lliij'a,' sod.t, chlorine e.tc;4, but as ninnv iiluuts lino been arown to poifebtiou without them, their pirsflioct is notieniiMdered rssentinb Last year- at, njr Bjiglil ('xperinicnt station, tur nips plan'teil in' pure w;)it,t'e salid, .and supplied witli everything except nlios- iphatet ineielv hvtd,- .without gaining L t...it. , . .. ,i:...l 111 0I1IK. J)llt Ull ItMllllI DIjpUIIILV: beltiK'aplilied, tho produce, eVeir In, that miserable soil, at Qlice went up to) twenty tons au.auiOv ' . f'yon'ti'to'iiiclvftEcp Bitters'wiJJ ' ';iu:-Jy.'cIdi;jv'ii.turo in. mukhig you I'lv.xll vliou'.ull cl.'0:fails. ,.( "li yoti nrb contito or dyspeptio or 'tuS'ci'iffg'from any of tho numor ,. Daa,tli5ftx:f 3 cffUorioiaack orbo.w, c'vitid.jov.r ovafiralfc if you r,p-' '"lltt'Kf ill,'f'r jxrp'15ittc?3 Ua. sovor-. ; jif;po'c&yi!ir.nrncliCpmpIaints. ',;,;,'If y'cjt 'rlrs i?'t)ng, aay .with';. - f.ny iorra.cf. Kidney dis'eascV.stpp f orilpting Death this inomciuniiu hint for .1 euro to nop Bitters; ; Jf you r.ro siclcwitll'that torriblo tl'clnicsa l.drvousnot3; you tyill find ' a"IMmliu'Gi!o; tl" iu tliotuo or ' I , If yov"tt'd tt frefjucntcr'cT a resident of a jnjasinatio ' district, barrioado your oystom against jtlio ; Ecotirgo of nil countries tnalariol, , epidemic, bilip-.u anll,ihte'rrnitt6nt ' . ,.ycr?--li7,t!tD taso cX n,0!' 'Bi.ticrj. Ifi ypu, hr.TO rough, pimp'iy, or 1 ' CllOT ejiju, bad'breath, pains and ( , whes, aud fqcl I'ipora " C'p44rT ; ally; jrop 'Bitterd fll f;iT.o,i)"W ' ''fair Ekiii, rich blood, tuo cwccteec' ' i;T,c'atli..i6alth' n'nd'cnmfort. ' j J)iscaso. f5Cl"riil- bo paid, for r, carothcr 'Till''ct euro or help. WOMAN CANf HEALTh OF WCKAtf! l,CF.VCt(AlY w i hope or -JSVWPATH1ZE WITMnT'S THB HOPE On LYD1A E. PIMKHAM'a A flurn f!.irn f.ir nil1 tfIMfAT.1? vlMIt- lurlnilli'ff ,'I.ciirorrlMtH, Ir- ! regulur ni:d I'nlnfnt MfiitlrsnilnrV, ' , , t jmialiiiiifiiioii unit I ice rnlfon of , "y tliu.iVoiiib, l'lrioillrie, l'UO.' . " . x- w JtVWyv-ri'-W.'&e.. ' . , prnjinttiJj!iytorif,rt!l-i:Sot; fm 1n)irMItj frflUtm'ct, UUitrvathcipWptiHiiWty!. anil TfH lititoln'ilurliiif UWraMrlriuJu; ," ' ' nittini!ii(rir';Dirisi:irrrr iTtin, , , ' tvi"0li niwilirasruff llirilrt,iii'ri'M' rf flilii'r H; It imohi U mf rcii'ylUi.Mvirf I if n toforo t:'4 rubllc and for til CU'dfa Of tuJ IUbsivs It U tlia Orrl( Jicnutfy f at IIVrM. rJritI!)Ni:y C,1ir.AI?iT ofKltlicr Scx EfaU;rcMlttdliriuiji psc,, j 'I.VKIA H.l'IXKIIAU' HLiat pnnifivit piuwl,ftt tlieiuiiiiot'iiMivlllplvfue ihilditrentk tl r'TIVitlnUf.'yoiiiuvflJiu.l riTil ruiUcr.tro tret riliopti)llr,ll S(H(i.itlufn-i, .LofiiKU.nj rm-lj t i-r rlw, H rr lioi for f lllicr; flit, rmkbua rreclj' wnwrrmll Ifl'JIff Intlly, F-hcli'WSituj , . rwMr i "'fi"!! )' ?!:C Wi M)Vi"oiWfnnH iurj l'rM I4if, jp9 fLa ht,-,.,;.-.,-sv EIA8 'DEEM' PROVED TflUHlilir'(CURE for oaw tut roii r rHuu rv t i rijU rceoiniaimdltlfcudit willKDdlljr ov iu WW'U IIEaiiny UVUVii tuuMiyui to your vex, uc tui jvun It will act cr&mntlr and tafblr. jaln?, nl. t.i -oO)1t Mitt cif )V-ito MiMfJ , AfWtf mtt.'r. iLrtvy w,A la II oilier EnTporti cotmtlios it' Jia been demon!trated (hat thJ 'fcoat 'will, if . l!,'L03;tIldi;cufVf:I,Dias,fi, ,..(1 tho 'Stomach, JwrrW-.BJodcl',,, Jivcr, Nerve, Kidnryi; Bright'-s iff Curos Bcrafiila, Erystnalas, Pimp Ion nnl F"-co Grubs, Vlotches, Dolls, Tuiuors, 'fet ter', lliimois, Salt Ithoum, cald Hoad, Soros, Mercurial Diseases, Fomalo Weakness nnd Irrosnlnrltios, tDlzzinoss, Loss of Appoiito, Juaiidlco, Mictions of the Liver, Jndl-rr-.iion. nilloustiesS vyspop sla And Goncral Dohllityj A thif A t tit t-K UK". I njlr (otlify lS M-t pi,iill) ttlliine(.i''il,itl1ii"l lDfirieron cjnh. koli'vmMli t.et!Mirtvrrr'!itrr. Uiu iliHlui.-Ktunluil;uat.l. I'sicu.ff.te. ro?Tt,R, toiiBU U &ro.i Ptop'n n.y. reb.ttlj-. v CfiTARRH Elys' C-cam Bi!m llir.nsnl piesaires of Catarrhal virus, cnus Inir lieiltlivOi'retlins sirys tunvmniatlon, iiMtcet tlio mem bran? from additional colds.rnmpletelyrio Is tlt'Burcsaii.1 rcstoree ttio fensoof tis'iind smill. lli'Dcnclal tel U1W r rcallictt bjia fHW applications, A tunronirli tn-aiment will curucntarrti, nay fever o Uneqnalrd Wf Mollis In the head Mtreeahln to use. Ap- HAYFEvt;RintovUo nostrils, on receipt of finy cents will tria'U-pVc'ltage for sale ifi an vnignists.. JSI.V'r) (IHR.yt Ali'H Q.O., O)vceo, k, v. Jo ITor.vous .Saffsrerj Tho Orcat European usT.oay. DR. J. D,9!Xri)H'S,SrKCIFtC UEDtCtKX. five cum for overwork of tiody,or brlln ornxceaa ntunr kini. kueti as wcak-nuis and all rtlsaases ro- tli .T' II, Klmna.tn'a MnAnlHn Alf.dlr.inn. IK A ti.iQf. iuHinff from Nervous DebUlty. Irrltabtltty.Mcntal and functional derangements of tlio nervons sya- lent uuueraiiy, fainq in ino HULK UT OillC, it Memory, 1-re- maturo old age ind diseases that lead to conbmpo lon.lnuautty an early grave or onth. No matter now aliatlered Hie ivstem ' may bo1 n 0m . xiuwmii hid Ktnu, u Hiiorteourse" of this; modlcln" will reftora Ui lost f nDutlons and .pro-. cure liailtn am napptneswuere nerorn was qo- snonini'V and imam i no iDecine Medicine la De- itiitui'di'-'lth wn-rlorfu' success. , , et mil nartrlcuiar , r i'aninuiPLH Hni in;u w uu. rue lur mem uuu rrio1. s twcin- n."" per nv;KiKc.orsiT nacKaires for tvn. Will ho xont bv hvill nn receipt of ninnnyi ;AdirMau .(iracra. u.nimiv''i mkuiiunb ro No. 104 and l'it.lo s'r.i.'t, lliirtalo, N. Y , ,.' Ildrsalebyj. It. iriSPOItrsi llloomihurF; ''a. feb ctsJi-ly i . ' PUKK Prom th-'IWrlcUiif Asiim. Cii'TMniNO. "aciuu KNtlRVVAI.I.Y. JJlRJKKMKfl IlKllrH IIOOS, and otn -is. Ab.oliin-iy I'u o. surlir in llivor. Ihe itisr, Koonoraeat. nniuiroi only mu. ilia usual quantity, rold, by an it-o.cri .1 iun c. Vl!IM.lt oa. 'Airenu nt Thj CileutU riypfllcjtf, I3 ,wat.-f-?t-i-N ani--i w u II Unti la tm.JirUcJinlCiu-eUqi far.Ujmmunlon Excellent liadies and 'Weakly " 1 sjns'and tho Agoi. ' ' mlU TofG pf'npc'r'Winp; I mttlS'lte'.WlltNTBD'NATlVH 'WtVf! H n a1a li from tlio-JulCftOitilKtimrto Orpe, inliodla tllsijqun'.ry, itstlnrjiuaoio " Toafs a,ni Sironjtiwln? Properties I I 5rehrl8Br'aasitrbyanyflthor Natlvo Wlae. Jin lng.tuu.iuuu.JiilB, nf.tinuima-.iiloauciiLJii''Uit Mr. Hpeer'a nm pijraonil , nn p'iriiy andcenu ueafa-it atnfi.iirliita 11m ouiiL'iwt cuim rny unaKi iii wiimi'rou ......I- i .i.ij i . 1 1 -1 . i . . . ..... - . 'ui'ieMua mi illtlMH. aart' iuu .vtfaKu.biiivaiiti uhu u vu uuvuii'uku. li. la p,ir l.liitilHl IV tmnitlr-ll lit. fjii nirt.il nnd .tlt,litlltnli1 and suited to ilia rarlout allin"iits that atfecttliii aaknra-i-. If in every respect ! WINK'fO iiiiuuiu.ii 4., t , , , , .I...I. Jiiervy. fho't'.'S HllKU't' fjia wlhh nf N'm-rlor OlUr aeter,tnd pirt)Ki,n.of ,tli.j del', ri'talltJe.SjOttliil ltlttin ,1.1,11 1.U11H JIM 11,11 1 . r i 1 uri'j, II IU1I nrsaruvoe ana sieu cm tl rropuriim, 11 win ;ouud uuexcellcd. , be SPivKivsr- IN '.I.'ISb'ciibi , This iim'JftY atttfrt' ttn'rlVVted tiriftfi 1'ount'ry u(4iib lanDiiivrUJirnii II1DIUIU1 Ugrilnfi 1. I ,HhajdDliua,Hivjrj .oltnUir to llu'.-of llie crapei, from which It tl dlslilt'd, an t la la ereat favor amontsMrst-cliiiatimima. . ' Hoe that the slgnaturu of AI.KItSU Sl'KKIt. fas., Bfttn V .1 lH itvitf Ihn pnrlr nf .i.tnl, Iti.. ' t 11 8QJ li O. A. KIRIM., Ann jiy di ;or;isTs kykrvwukub. Sept. -y. IT J PAYNE'S I O Homo Spark-Arrastlne ' j'-irtil.to liii-.lnol.uirul Mill) fl. of JIHIilui Pliif J'wi)ili i li) ) khi r Ij : mlu j kluliii fruta thu tuwi. Our M Horn vi Jtlunranltt la fum)ih rxuvfr fcll rw H.0.m fit t r IMnl'tfK flu nil. In' H) viin. o ft irll . ill' III iu m iiw-tlnu'. ' il f HitiW"' IN iUiusTEn llll 4 (Ml - i no wit liain riff t .it Of If yon vw'.a Hiatlimi Ir inary' tttr-7l It1 'l-Vu l"i ' ' It.'ittr, ,i , W-? VjiZAjV ' 11 "" I'HlU'y. r tit fut JfW mifYllhtji'ul U i .itnl. r No. U, laym , f,l(, ,,,, ,, , , j.lui-j. tt i if vi. r. tltlin " 7 11. W i .Vt.SX Si iis- Cunitujj, tt.V. Box ItW mmi CARPETS . v i tl , t-. i ' bl6:o;(sbubgV 'pj 1 Jan, p, 'es-iy. M, C. SLOAN &, BRO niiOoMSHUjm, pa. .M vnutacturera of CARRIAGES, BliOOIES, PHAETONS, SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, AC. Clrat-clasj Wotk always on liatdj IMV4 Mixa m:A tl ydonk. Prices reduced to suit the timet. O. E, SAVAQB, Silvorwaro, Vatchis, Jowolry, Clocks. , Ml kinds pt Watches, CI una and Jewelry neat j rcpalrod.anrl warranted, may tl. 'is tr , , AND fAPER HANGING. WM. 5F. BODINEi IKON Vti, UEi;oW8E"bND,llLOOM91inna, Pa, 18 prupuntu iu au ail iuiiub ui nOTJSE PAINTINa rialrt and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, i 110TH DKCOHATIVE AND PLAIN. 411 kiiijN of rtirtilttik-c Repaired and , made nn (rooil as uctr, NONKUUT KIUST-OLASR WO It KM EN t'MP- ' LOVKI). BstlmatoB Blade on all Worhf WIS!. F. BOD1NE. j.t .'i ,- ,.A . , STOVES AND TINWARE. ,:o:" . e.!b.,broweb Has mirchaspd the StO"k and IMsIupm nf I. tin. (tenhuch, and Is now prepared to do all kinds of wortc in nis ine. I'liimninir ana linn Fitting specialty. Tinware, stoves, In ngrcat .variety., ,AU work done, by EXPERIENCED HANDS. Mala street corner of East. ... , , BLOOMSmiRU, PA BLANK BOOKS , 'BLANK' BOOKS I , 1 t Of overy. description Uulcil and boiui'd 'to 'order ; also' liindi-r o$ all Peri . i, - iti 1 1 . , i '. t. pdioaia euuii, ,as, Harper's, Century, St; Nicholas, ' Poter35n'8. In fact .all I'ulili'catuiiia bound in latest, and most biibstantial .styles,! Correspjaicaej Sollcitei. J. W. RAKDEIt, 110 fe, 112, W. MAKKET steeet WILKE5;3ARRE, Pa. General Sewing Machine Depot, Fifth Stora .Beaw Markfit a, BI.OOMSBURG, 1JA. MMbl White Sewing MM. New Davis Vertical Eecd Sew- . ... i jilgMtcljinej NoW Tfot!o SeWlnp iSiachiiie h HousojibKl Howlnjjf Muoliitip7 Kstey Sewing Mtlchlilo, Genuine Singer Sewing Machine Singer Puttevn Sowing Machine, ea lllHH ) lot uetj wurranin.iijienj.uifpo4 riKlfilbVior 1r ihiiiii .-, i i,ifii, nin 111 r 'U 'il in i.'.W.W lfl'(r".,f'-il.l,ll'-'?f.l,l',W'uriIflru t Ms I l. it t " u"lr' tuiluu iluo my r""r v uti-tttuoa utfiwtu ijurcuuint;, .to ii Co, i- i ii , , wnQUitiALK, , gnqciiiis, risviiuifi 9?n$, V0 MoL y. B(0V;''Sr-Pl'l"-i1tP MP,'fO., toj. . ' Tt, Bi.'dorner'y-oillV'id Jrclj ureeoj. rr-nraem ll reeelve'ftroinptattintlin1 nfTn-nflVS7.s'? oi...1iR..i, iiiu;7,7,,nTi,TbJt,u,."I1,,IS,n.U ue8e'y a'd ' . A LWAVS ON HAND l I. AT THIS OFFICE. Aft'arliraoSti, fapst, S8w'lnir',Ma61i'lne h 1, and N uiosiof uu sowing l 1M .i UK.'' Bi ly tjo J not) made rr cis'i. tivt'rv'iiiahtnn nnn-it erg JCntcy Organ Sold ,i made Throughout with JCqitat fldelitg, and Yields unrtvutcd tones. Send for IUutlrated Calabgut, CELEBRATED . II A KIDMAN F.IANOS, And other) first clusa Piancs, niul u large lot of -MUSIC VIOLINS, ACCOIIDEONS, BANJOS, MUSICAL (WCTIIIfTE, VIOLIN STRINGS,' , ' Ami everything in the Music line. music FIFTH STOKE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG PA. WEBER-HARDMAN PIANOS, FINIS INLAID ;FBENC1I WALNUT Eaisy Tciiuh. DrA.p03S MUSIC HALL BLOCK, Harper's Bazar. ILIjTTSTIB, ated. This popuUr jiurnil ts a rare comblmtion of literature uri- and faslilon. Itu sior m. p ems and cswys are oy the iicsc writers of Hurnim and Amerlcti; lt.1 engravings passtihs the highest artis tic excellence; uul lu all miiteri pen.ilulug to ftt'hlon It Is utilvetsully nckn'iwledged to be the leading authority In tho, land. The new volume wilt o jutala many brilliant, novelties. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. J'EK YEAH : IIAItPEU'S BAZAU .. I'AIt Kit's MAaZINE..i....i.f...i UAltl'Elt S ,WB-KLYi..t.... Tho THiEE above pub'l;atlons.,.. .,.,., Any TWO, above namid IIARPElfS YOUNO PEOPLE IIAIU'EU'S MAHAXINtl 1 IIAHPBlt'd VuU( I'KUIVE -l-'iiff .IIAllI'EU'S FHAVKLIM HijOAHE LIUUAtY, bneoar(S4 Numbers)., V ,'jo 09 Postigo frco to all subscribers in tho United St ites or Canada. j Tho Volumes of .tlio mzu,commenco with tho year, when no timo Is mentioned. It vjil be understood that tho subscriber ws!jes to -corn? nencu lth the number oext after Ihu receipt if his order. ' ' ' Tho last Four Annual Volumes if Uiki-iu's Haj!u, In ntatclotli binding, will bas?nt by lunjl. nostago1 paid, or by opiesS, free or exptmo (provided U11 freight iloca not exceed gnu Uilar per volume.) for two rarh uioth cases tor uaoh volume, suitable for bl'il lng, ivl'l bo-sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of fl.ro each. ltamlltHiipe fchQull bo madj iy Pos'-Ofllfo Money urdor or Iiiaft, to ayold thanco of 1. m Newspapers are not to ospv this di'Kiilsinri t wllhout t lift express o iter of in ner ,v llrot lie! V, Address, UAltl'Elt ABItOTIIKtiH, New Y-ork. Jan. Ill, vs. iwmm PLAHiiittliE The undersigned having put hU' Planing Jllll on I uiuiuiMreei, 111 nrsi-viass cunuiiiun.ispre- P4VBi 1 do all kiwds'Cf wurk in )jts ne.' FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber uied la well seasoned and nono but skilled workmen are employed, ESTIMATES ,F0R BUILDGE! turnUhed on application. Plana and ppcciuca tions prepared by an epcrencod draughtsman. ItlooiiifclHng, l'a. wJ"fKi a day at home faslly marle ?Ln?? ,Hr.ii,.utat ree- Addres.l VBita & Vo Augava, Mains. march ?!-ly Jan. w-4w. C5JT THIS OUT! 4 hr ? e or a, .... ... 7n t GENTS Wantod ao.,'"i,"l'l, 09 ""i MHMm Mil. rtl4ili Juue 4u-l y aid r STJgSCRIIiJ.5 NOV FOR THE COLUMBIA SI. CO AYKAR 1 lrni,ihlJ.,..t i.,,l.i,..7.C..."'.t,.r i'ttT' JEvert buyer nhoulrt Srlcct an Organ That guarantees good JUvcry dag wtrk and Years of service. J, USTP.V & CO., Urnttlcl)oro,.Yt. PI i) BOOKS ROOM, CASE ORGAN, 9 STOPS, $90 CASH SntiNfactloii CSuariiutcnd. 'WAHE BOOMS, WXZ.nEg-SAB.RB, T A June! ' DVE'RTISERS ran'lesrn thoeinctcost'of any' proposod lino of Aiivmising in Aiarncan-papers uy aauresstng (leu. P. Kuwill A Co' Newspaper Adv. rtlslnij liureau p) Krrii'-ii fit., New "ork. ' t-'end 15c, for luu jian pitu;tuit-u 1. uuu. 11, im-w. FREE 1 a USEFUL AJLlTICLKa,., eautiful Floral Chrqmo Cards. Rite 5x8. Had An Ulatrt4 Ituokt to nil who nd two Be- tarapi peaU ul purklnn. Mentloa UU bbmp, E.a.RI0E0UTAC0.,NEWT0RK, Jaa II, '63. vllen,,,,,,,r'het,om,,lo" XOTTA-H la il,. Ui . ...1.. t LA B A LOl 1 9 It K 1 1XOOG-1 1 Htm km fpUwar U add toj tm to th Jit vr i!.m tturMl ih (kilartriton tt flodd in. 1 4 U y y !U ft A UL kM W, wctWtd ty . lh UJi ef all tttuuirlci with iha lilrhtti tarn; UnlJ Ml rtmt A fi(!a week In your'own town. Terms and M'out "flt treo. Address, II. IUlut js Co., Portland itiuinii. lumcu 01 -iy A week mTTdo at home 1 y the Industri ous: .iHt-tl'.bu-Jumi. DowiiitL'fore the nnoilc. canital not needed, we will HtarLeu. .Men. women. hnv-H and Hrlq wanted eVirywhero to work torus. Now la the time, Youpunvprklrtsnuetline, or givo your whole timo to the liuslfi ta. No other business will pay yotl nearly as wed. No onn can fall to make enormous piy. by engaging at once. Costly, (limit ami terms fr p. Monov made' fast, easily. and houorubiy, Address, Thuk 4; ro, Augusta Dec. 8,''!.ly. .luiuu, THE WEEKLY STAR, WAOItlHCTOW; D. c. Oim DOLLAR A YEAR 4 D3DBLL1 PAWR Of flFTY-SlX CTLDMNS, THE WEEKLYSTAR is a larso, indopondont, doublo or eight-pago sticoi or iivty-ctx columns., it con taino fQPSrto Qf Cfipgrqsg an al tha "Goverriniont DoDartrribnts. 0 Sj, Cotirt3, Wasliirjgton New3 ,an'd riAnt.m DrsllMnil DnrnAHnl CnnLtu and Local Affairs, Now1 York Corres pondence, Stories,, Slf,otches, Home Irticiop, i-aonion, Koiigious, anq itorary WoteB, 'TolaKraoh News. Haying its own dirocTvviro to Now Yoric, tio rvlarltots, Etc., Etc Tt in lmlillriliud In rt Hniioloii biillilluu; of llri own, nnd pvlntod rill l Ho Uiti'Ml mill lalnt ppiiitint Pf lx)hhli inHllllii. iu th? world Q.'JLY 0:JE DOLLAlt A' YEAIt (Y IT. Address: THlMVliEKLY STA1L Yftsltlnstoi), 1. 0, Jan ii'iJ.i '.1", , " jr ' " " not, lit j 18 swrenlnir py. .aud (Uro bifom on il omi-ttilnB mliihty and sub- 11II1H lAtlVH nPlilml I ft prmmit.,. nine im a wcpk 111 jou owi' uiwn. o ouint free, No risk. Kverythlnif new. Oii'ttal not ronulrrd, V.'p VIII Iiirnisli yoMnverUhlnp. Manyar pfluiib'. TadtA WiEe "tftnpclt m tti'u; kml girls raike'grtal.',paj';ltHllilifr, If v are iiuKinL- iiprnj i'oyi loll w-it U' U'W8 at which you can mano great pay ail Ihe iinie.rit Mrparticuursto n iuli.iot co. urid. llirlJKi1 iililmnirliito r r ir (kHjll in ut vnicttiy, nil 1 ' Ihtit f w 1 H'll-ii .THi lj uJi Kur.i n.lM f t IM.U (IF,l.lKOII 11,11 ViMV PH. V. Llucl-u. in i'.,a,it Jan 26 w a rrn THE ,1AP'AQAVII 1JINDER. '6lj BAjis OSIX AT' "THK OO WMUIAN" OFFIO. iSiTT -U- Tv Vi . VAIill, (U BB, j WISEg &ro alwavk nn anttt vui lur uiiannMa m in t icu.tt ill ir ptrn nmi n..i in ttioo beoome wealthy') tiiota who do not improve their oDnoitunitipi ffnt'.cVf; Improve k'e offer a mmy me 1 rU hi In wiirk proi 1 1 piy tai poverty. e offer a great chance to make mcioy. w e want many men, women. bov and 01 .TiVii rnrkor us women. filil flt Win wi.rk properly from tho urBt iurt. n he WiHiine wl I frf wBro 'thau fim iimo"ForJ nary :." ".iiuiy. Aiiy one Jf,Si1,i.vulW1J'J'l"!0 t"llu '0 uo work M bu" biir'spart'TnotafhtS. tf nirinformatlbn una al hat 14 ni'Pilnd Hitnr. tmn f oil -nlormatl6n anp afi ,L V WEBER mi Yi r fffSZH 00 Wiffi J in nn 1 IKiJlM I'M 1 .1 W 1 W I Oct682-ly pONSUMPTIOBSs 1'oitlanU, Jilalue, I i 1 1 1 . RAILROAD TIME TABLE .mm. T)KNNBYJiVANIA ItAIMlOAD, I AIIBt.I'ltfA A KltIRlt.lt. Divis NtlltTHKItN OKNTItAt, IlAlttWAV, TIJIK TAHMJ, In effect January Itth. lessi Trains lcavo Sun. bury. KA8TWAUI), 8Sn. m Lock Haven KxDtesa tnr and intermediate alntlona, Lancamer, I'lVlUapf iiuiu, iiu,T tun, ttutt-iiiiuic niiu iniun(7tt rlTtngnt riilladefplilaa.no p.m.; ewyoVt'.'ft in. i jiaiumoro, o.uo p. in. i Washington c-ij p. 1.6s r. m. Dayewrosafor Ifarrlnlmi-c tcrmedtata tatious, Lancaster, i'lillndclnh'n vi ork, Iialllmoru and wushinRton, arrlttnv Philadelphia 7 8 p in. i cv ork, lo.S', t m , llaiumorej T.lo P. tn.( Washlnclon. 8.40 p. m'. iff,',1 man Parlor car throuuh to flilladelphia and Vif setiger coaches through to I'hlladolphia and mu. frioro. . . s.so p. m. wuiiatnsport Accommodation m .irrlsb-.irir ant all luteitneillatn Mitmn. ,.rr easier, I'lilladolpnia nnd rew Ytrk, aimitvii Philadelphia a. m.i Now York csoa m Bleeping car sccommodatlona can bo secured nt llarrliburg for Philadelphia and Now York, i hih delphlapasBirigorscanioniala In sleeper iiuii. turbed until Tn.tn. 1 1.03 ft. m.KrioJiau for nnrrlaourg and ntr. mediate stnllons, Lancaster, I'lilladelphia, New orK, jiaiumorn ana wasiiingion, unlMDS it hlladclrhla TBS a. tn. ! New York, it tnn : Ilaltlmoro 7.40 a. tn. : Washington lint ..' Through Pullman sleeping cars nro run on mi train to Philadelphia, liaitlmore nnd aMilnrton and through pasionger coaches to MilladiTrnti and Ilaltlmoro. 1 WK3TWAIID, S3 a. m. Krlo Mall for Erie and all lntrrrr,r,lini, nations Willi through l'ullmnii Palace cur nnd through passenger coaches to Krlo. nor uananuaigua nua luurmeainio etoltcn. Itochestcr, IluHalo and Niagara Kalis, wlihnm. man l'alaco car and passenger coaches tliroiik-U lo ltocliestcr. h " I.wj p. tn. Niagara Kxprcs3 for Knno nnd Inter, mcdlale stations with through passenger coachts to Kane. For Canaudalgtia nnd principal Inter mediate stations, ltocliestcr, iiuflaloand Nlaeara Fall3 with through parlor car to Walklns tea through passenger coaches to ltocliestcr. t.w p. n., Fast lino for Lock lluven and Intcrmt. dtalo stations, and Klmlra, Watklnannd lnfruif. iiwwiiuiiiitiini n iti, itituuti iiooavutt1-! vuULIirsIO l.QCK HuVCIl UUU IM11KIUH. TUltOUUIl TltAlNS KOIt SUNIU'llY FItCM THE KAHT AN1I PUUTII. Niagara Express leaves New York, 0.15 a. in,! Phlladelnli'a, -i.lnn in.; Ilaltlmoro 7. no a. in., nr. riving at Hunoury, i.vu p. m.. with through 1'uil. rhlladPlphla nnd tlirouo-h man l'anor car irom passenirr cuacnes iruiu i-iiuauuipuia nuu nam- more. Vast Line caves New York s.on a. tn. : Ph ailn'. phla, ll.es a. m.j Washington, 9.31) a.m.; li.uu. more, 104Jn, m., nrrlvlnffutsuhbury, 5.20 p. m., wiih through passenger coichcs from riitladel- puia auu iiaiiunure. line Mall leaves New York ft.on p. m.; t'hlladrl. phla, 11.20 p. ra; Washington, M p. m.i lia'M more, 11.15 p. m , arriving nt Sunburv, a so a. in., with through Pullman l'alaco sleeping curs tam Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmbro ami mrougn passenger coacnes irnm i niiaueipiiia. SCNIICIIY MAZLRTON Wll.KKS-I!AUIlEItAlt.R01D AK11 Noiirii West IIkancii IUii.wiv. Ma 11 Kait Havoi aunbiirv 11 4. a. tn.. arr vtrirat Bloom rerry T.41 n. m.. WUkes-barre 9 so a. tn. Kxpress nastieaos suno'iry 0.31 p. m . urmioir at Uloom Ferry fl.3l p. 111., Wilkes barro 8 l p. m, Mall West leaves Wllkes-birro iu.eo a. m , arrir. lng at Uloom Ferry H M p. m . Sunbury 1 ui p. m. Kxpresi wesi, leaves wiiKes-uarro dsii p. 111, ar riving ut Uloom Ferry T ot p. m , Sunbury t.m p. ra. uuas 11. 1 1111 11, o, 11. uiiii, lien. Mnniger. don. Passenger Agent. JHILADEIiPHA AN" HEADING KOAD BliANGKMENT OF PASSENGFJJ TKAINS. ' June 2d, 1662. TR11H8 LXAVX UDrXHT AS rOI.I.OWB(8rNHAY sxcirTr. For Now York,Phlladelphla,ltcadlng,PottsvIUe Tamaqua, c, 11,49 a. m For Catawtssa, 11,45 tt. m. 4 66 and 7,21 p. tn. For WUllamsport,C,16 s,to a. m. and 4,06 p. ra, TBAINUFOtt UOnaT LKAVK AS KOLLOWS, (BCMOAV ixciitsd.) Leavo Now York, via. Tamanend 9,00 a. ra. anil via. Hound brook Ilouto 7,45 a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,4s a. m. Leavo Heading, ll,B3a. m., rottavlllo, 12,So p. a and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m, Leave Catavlssa, c,lo 8,40 a. m. and 4,oo p. ra. Lcavp,WllUtmsport,9.4Sa.m,2,oop.m. and4,3o p. m Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through wlthoutchango of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, Gerieral Manager C. O. HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jau.io. H8l-tf. T7ELAWAHE, LACKAWANNA AND XJ WBiTEHN HAILltOAU. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOKTH, STATIONS. scranton.... .Dellevue. . Taylorvllle.. ...Lackawanna. I'lttston.... bOUTII p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.n. 9 its 9 09 us 8 (4 8 43 8 42 8 UT .. 9 87 9 30 9 21 9 11 9 14 9 30 2 iu an 9 45 9 12 9 li li 2T 6 34 It 41 6 16 C M C IS I'.IS 7H 7 10 7 II 7 S3 7 III 7 8! S 1)0 I! S it fi M 9 00 i- ro S tl 8 10 t 16 s tr. e ro sis 8 S3 9 09 .. WcstPlttaton 10 0:1 , Wyoming,... Maltby..... .Dennett..... 10 is 8 K 8 23 0.1 1 60 1 42 1 85 1 25 1 IS 1 03 9 01 9 04 Kingston, Kingston, 10 IS 10 18 M 2 51 .Plymouth June 8 16 6 65 8 41 ....1'iymouiii.. Avondale .. 1 Nantlooke. 10 26 S 02 3 06 S 10 3 18 8 S3 8 45 S 51 8 57 .8D7 8 00 HI 14 8 19 8 25 Uunlock'aircelt 10 42 10 Cfi 11 07 11 IS 11 CO 7 46 12 42 7 S3 12 25 7 26 18 IB T 20 12 00 I 13 11 47 7 119,11 40 1 CS'll 32 6 57 11 10 ,6 tl 10 f9 6 46 10 tl) 6 87 10 4, A IS 10 22' 6 10 10 OS 0 ot 10 ; IIS l ....HmckMilnny. ....Ulck's Ferry. ....Peach Haven. -ltcrwlck . ...Urlar Creek.. ...Willow Orove. LUno ltldgc. spy..,, ...BloomBburg. Hupcrt...... Catawl'a Hrldgt Danville... .T.r.Ohulaskyi-.-t Cameron.., Northumbcrl'd 8 17 8 12 8 00 T B8 7 59 7 41 7 33 7 33 7 29 T 11 4 117 4 12 4 50 4 27 4 83 4 13 4 56 11 (9 11 45 11 56 11 65 12 19 5 19 9 01 6 45 12 45 C 25 9 8(1, t p,m. a.m. u.,b). p.m. p.w, a.m. W. 1'. IIALHTKAt), HU0I. Superlntondoufs oalce. Scranton. Feb. 1st, iss'i. HAIR BALSA' : TliUtl. 'u.t .r "s 11 I 1 Sj wli(,li.tci: tlu.tu, I- jii 1 r iu 1. 1 ft?..- ' I CU. U..B1 1' unty thymic 1' ' 1 1 to t' n 1 Iii bad 1, ftudnhv s 1 Reilorw the Youtlilul Color to Crey cr rai'cd t;. P,vker' lliurlktkum 11 ffitW pcif.:m il nnd 1 ' warranted to pret cnt f tiling tif l!i luiruttdtoi I move uar.cmll umliicliiaR. llistoxf:(n 1. fn4 II lU M tlnU.li Iu ir ,r tniiwiki. A Superlative Health and rjnjih riJttcrc ' Jfy"'! (" Mmji.inli pr f-nin I- ttrii (ti pvcrvotk, ( ttiruitltct pui (louuliy'fipitlyorli )ielilduti(ryi'Aln.'nOii.iM,t. 'It i, I f ) ou 1 ro a law) tr, rnhiMcr or tmincm nan t haustt'd by mental strain or anxiouicprci. do net 1 lnloxlcatiasniimibr.ti,lutiiiel'r.rl.a's(,iiiK 1 Ifvou have I 'otuttmption, lypriI-i, 1-h ,lul, Kidney ( 'oinnlaii.K, ur pity ! tidrr (if llr-lt ! elomaclijlioueli, blomlrrmtics 1 liMi'sl.f Tonic uill Hire you. Il II the Greatest liluwl l"ur.. tlia Ctsl pni) gurtif Coush Cure Ever !tf - U yoi nre jvaMinj away froin rn, tl'' i'!1 t' ' tnyiliiealenrveaUMi flm! rfiii.iicn ilium! at ' Gii,cB'loMCiiuitc it wulinvuLniii pnd t 1 von itpfroin llie fint dose but nilliirr r li'ti . t Its saHitlmniliCd ff livcif pi.iy save y FAPTIIIW! -lim.ftiiit,iiitif,pMt,rrjniiiii1 imio4 tf i4 VfllrM1 L'THU ti tbttirlJ.snill'V difftrrnt frti, rtfrsllfji of eWfr slottn, Rtii.l f Trlrva1. 1 Iluo f, f p X, y, I w, 1 1 (ft, 1, tl iirnicii U J't'. cr.rivr s.wiNa tuvino poit-Att size. 1 loltu. Any Urii-I I ,r tm'-t ll ! i I Marob,,' 1, , fully ctecrirttd In thdf Wkkh for 1NH2. Contain. Vlfl I U 111 M H Potor Hondor8on Co,,, tt 37 Cortlandt Bt., New York-H ta Ml r 0 25 H IlltlltliniU liklslf. Irt ftt fitirui h:.vmnr l'ui:. ill H ton CaUMjaa 6nJ 1& k f jt il;runtuM iF rn tt F nn 1 H ittmtq njIflMIII dklLO, Dcc.'D.W.Iy.