THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, TBLOOMSBUEGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SPLINTERS. Tlio Milt-mlo of Japan must bo Irish. Tho hamo gives liimaway. Plhinficld Bulletin. It is a rood rnlo to bo deaf when n slatulorcr begins to talk. For somo inoxplieablo reason tho Washiniiton tinners don't nrint tho no- lico court reports under tho head of so- cioty mows. Lifoston rost. Fogg says ho was uover baptized, but no went to cnurcn where tuoro was a Bprinkling of sinners in tho congrega tion and no was ono of them. To bo suro of good weight Go to tho uarber shop Saturday night. James town Leader. Tho bov who said soda water tastes liko your foot's nsleep. now says weiss neer is tnaweu sanupapcr. A writer in Lippinoott's Magazine says: "Woman is primarily a being who listens," and a graceless "and libelous wretch at our elbow says: "l es, at a koyhole." When a cirl is married sho is won. You can't blamo her husband for look ing out for number won. Hoston Transcript. "I'll mako you dance," cried nn irato mother, pursuing lier erritiKson, supper in hand. "Then," remarked tho juven ile, "wo shall havo a bawl. A devil fish with arras thirty-two feet long lias been caught ott tlio batiks ot Nowfoundland. "What a splendid field for vaccination ! Oil City Derrick. Thomas Hood, dnvinc in tlio country ono day, observed a notico besido a lenco, "Uowaro ot tho clog. There not being any signs of a dog. Hood wroto on tho board, "Ware bo tho dog?" Tlio statement may bo paradoxical, but there arc persons who can't sing and yet they do. If ono dog can bo placed on a scent, how many dogs can bo placed on a trado dollar ?N. Y. Mail and Express. An amateur journalist at Elkhart, Ind., announces that tho purpose of Ids paper is "to restore to tho public its wouted grandeur and prosperity." Incidentally, he will receive subscrip tions at fifty cents a year. "Kind words can never die." How bitterly does a man realize that terrible ' truth when ho sees all the kindest words ho over saw in his life glaring at him from his published letters in a breach of promise suit. Au accordion is liko the vain-glorious man. Ho can bo drawn out easily enough, but tho troublo begins when you try to shut him up. An Iowa grocer hid $300 in a tea chest over night to keep it from thieves and yet a man who didn't want any thing but tea broke into tho store and stole that very chest. "Pay as you go" is good advice, and does very well for tho man who doesn't go very much Lowell Citizen. "Too much absorbed in his busi ness," was the comment of a Wes ' tern newspaper on tho death of a brew er who was drowned in a tank of his ' own beer. It is stated that only 400 cedars of Lebanon remain. How many were there and where aro the seceders. ' A' tasto for music, when exhibited by young persons, is certainly commenda ble, but don't start them off with a drum. Four hundred people aro employed in the Philadelphia mint, and all are making money. "Boy, I'll teach you to tear your pants,1' said an irate parent, swinging a strap ; "I'll teach you." "Don't hit mo, pa i I know how all readv. Just look at 'era." Patti offered to sing in Petersburg, Va., for 88,000. Tho citizens pledged her 400 and a ton of peanuts, but the gulf was too wide. Thev let her go. . Under tho head of "Musical," a Cleveland paper gives an account of a horse trot. Presume it was an attempt to beat time. Boston Post. "Well," said an Irish attorney, "if it plazo the Coort, if I am wrong in this, I havo . another point that is equally conclusive. When .Richard III was "himself again" wo of courso know who he was ; . but who was ho when he was not him self."' T. AU.M1S. Onlside one of the gates of Homo tha resort of Sunday and holiday-keeping Romans, and, precisely, Porta Pia, through which Victor Emmauuel and his anny cn. tered in 1870 thero stands, halfway be tween two waysido eating and drinking houses, a little church, dodicated to St. Agnes, a young virgin martyr, who suffered death rather than bo married to tho bou of tho Governor of Rome, who was dying of lovo for her. She was only thirteen years of age; but girls of that age aro women in ' Italy. So she answered his protestations of love by saying : "I am affianced to htm whom angels sorve, and whom the sun and moon adore." Sho wa3 then threatened says lier biogra pher with being publicly dishonored in an Infamous place, and then to bo killed in a most cruel way. "My Divino Spouse," she answered "the God of purity, whom I serve will deliver mo from your impious designs 1" Sho was then thrown on a burn lng pile; but, laughing and singing pmUes to God, she defied the flames, which could not be made to burn her. She was then made to walk naked through the streets of Rome, and was also exposed in a place of bad reputo the Agoual Cir cus. Thero her hair grew miraculously long and covered her like a cloak, and tho Gov. crnoi-'B son was struck with blindness. At last she irat beheaded. The placo of bad reputo where she was exposed was after- wards transformed into n chapel, and over it was built ono of the most beautiful churches in Rome. It is not thero, how over, that she was buried. Tho Christians of that day took hor body and buried it in a catacomb outsido of Rome. The cata comb bears her name, and over her tomb was built a splendid church during Constan tino's reign, and this church was restored by Paul III. in the sixteenth century, ami still later by Pius IX. It is In this liltlo church that on every anniversary of her death are brought on cushions two llttlo iambs decorated with flowers and ribbons. They aro bletsed, and then they aro taken to tho Pope, who sends them to the Convent ot St. Cecilia, whero they are shorn of their wool, which in afterwards woven into tho jxilluimt voru by tho Pope and Cardinals and somo of the ArchbUhops. Tho Church of St. Agnes, outside the walls, is known by the image of the lamb, which Is outside tho door. All visitors to Homo make a point of going to see It. Cor, Commercial Advertiser. . Tht goad fehattaa of a weak man &r often mors dlsiuirecs than anything elsa ho could do, A WlMllili.N Mitt, An English, naval officer, sorvlng on board "tho Jason frigate, under tho Duke of Clarence, had tho mUfortuno to loso n leg In a hot engagement with tho Trench, hnd for his bravery, ho was promoted to the command of a flno ship. Within six months of tho day on which ho had donned a wooden log and returned to duty, ho was In battle again, and was again struck by ft cannon-ball in that same leg, whereupon two stout seamen picked him up, and called aloud for tho surgeon. " No, no, boy," the captain said, "glee fully. "Tho carpenter will answer this Hmo." And this rominds us of another anecdote, which Is too good to bo forgotten. 4 During n time when an English naval squadron was engaged In tho Mediterranean n wag ot n surgoon wroto n circumstantial aud critical account of an operation which ho had successfully pcrfonncd upon tho badly fractured leg of an English seaman. Ho described tho fracluro compound and complicated, with much shatloriug. AVhoa tho enso was brought under his notice, ho was utterly opposed to amputation, aud con ceived tho iden of treating It with fresh tarred oakum. Ho applied it liberally, but carefully, making it into a corded mass, and completely swathing tho fractured limb therewith. No other application was ro sortod to, and tho patient was not restricted as to diet. Ho was allowed to drink his regular allowanco of grog, and was iunr. tered witli Ids meps.. Tho first application ot tho " laid-up " oakum was mado on Sun dsy afternoon, and beforo another Sunday had come tho man was ablo to walk on that leg; and within another week, with ono fresh application, tho man was reported for dutyl What an oxcitomcut tho nccount created at homo I It was published first in tho Gatttte, nud copied theuco into ovory paper in tha kingdom. And in timo tho letters began to pour in upon tho surgeon, down in tho Mcditlerrauoan. Ono old surgeon asked ono thing ; aud auother, another thing ; all of them desiring further explanations about the wonderful caso of that fractured leg. Tho naval surgeon waited until tho lottora overwhelmed him, and then ho wroto nn other article for tho Gaictte, this timo very short, in which ho said s " Wo beg ten thousand pardons for our neglect on n for mer occasion. Concerning tho fractured leg which we treated with oakum (that form of oakum vulgarly denominated span yam), wo forgot to stato that it was a wood en leg." And then tho surgeons at homo wcro all happy very, very happy I A COltNDR IN CDItNCOIlS. "There is a corner in corncobs somo where," said a New York wholesalo dealer in pipes, " for the demands of mamifao turers of corncob pipes cannot bo met, oven at advanced prices. Thero has uover been such a scarcity in tho supply. Tho pipes, too, seem to bo in greater demand than over. Many mou won't smoko nny other kind. I know ono rich, society man who would bo in disgraco if ho was soon in pub lic with a corncob pipo in his mouth, but who keeps his pipo in his bod-room, and has a quiet smoko before ho goes to bed. Tho man who invented tho process of hard ening a corncob has boeomo independently, rich. Somo corncob pipes aro costly bo cause of tho silver mountings, but tho pipo that sells for five cents is tho most popular. Smokers Bays that tho corncob pipo is sweeter than any other. Southern laborers, who know what is good, from a hoecako to a 'possum, wouldn't give a cob pipo for the finest meerschaum, if they couldn't get another." is this i.irii? "What is life?" somo one asked Mont ford. Ills answer is ono of tho most charm ing things overwritten: " Tho present lifo is sleeping nud waking ; it is ' good night ' on going to bod, and ' good morning ' on getting up ; it is to woudor what tho day will bring forth ; it is rain on the window when ono sits by tho firo ; it is to walk in tho garden and see tho flowers and hear tho birds sing ; it is to hear news from cast, west, north and south ; it is to read old books and new books; it is to sco' pictures and hear musie ; it is to have Sundays ; it is to havo breakfast and dinner and tea ; it is to belong to a town, and to havo neigh bors, and to becomo one in a circle of ac quaintances ; it is to havo friends and lovo ; it is to havo sight of dear old faces ; and it is to know themselvos thought of many times a day, in many places, by many children and grandchildren, and many friends. JUVDMM! T.AIIOK. , A Massachusetts Stato officer is about to luidertoko tho enforcement of tho law re garding juvenilo labor. It provides that no person under eighteen years of ago shall work moro than ten hours a day in a manufacturing establishment, except in certain bpecifled emergencies; that chil dren betwoeu eight and fourteen years of ago shall attend somo public day school at least twenty wosks in tho year; none under ten years may work at all in a factory, and none undor fourteen unless nblo to read nud writo. This law has been practically ditro garded. Agreeable companionship dopends upon tastes. The uiau who can see no beauty in a rainbow, and the ono who can seo no beauty in tho outlines of n, Berkshire pig, won't hobnob long togother. Sorrows that can bo toid have moro pride than pathos in them. liPl'JX'T 1' .NOT JiATINfl, About four mouths ago, Peter Lappan, a resident of London, Ontario, tttui through the centre f the body bv s coin rado who was handling , revol ver. The doctors wore of th opinion that the wounded man would die, as it was evi dent that tho ball wi 'Jsod through that part of tho lady whero the t,tomach ought to be, nud tho clnucos were that a vital part had been piercod. Hut tho man, con trary to all expectations, recovered, and now comes tho 'epluuatiou of tho cause of his Teiniirkablt. escape from death. It ap pears that prior to tho bhootiug Lappan had fasted for thirty-clz hour, and as a result tho organs of digestion were shruuken and drawn out of their usual plaou nud out ol the courso of the bullet. Had ho eaten a breakfast that morning, or ovou bupper ou tho night boforc, he was n dead man, MJtU JIAMttt, Masks of mica aro now made by Horr Raphael, of Hroslnu, for protecting the faces of workmen exposed to intense boat, dust, or the fumes of noxious chemicals. Such for oxaiuplo ns metal workers, stono masons, nud glais milters. Tha mask is formed of archod plutw of mica, which uro quite transparent, uud fitted to a metal frame covered with iibboatoa tu render it uu. attackable by boat or ucids. The space' be tween tho arched mica and the eyes allows the workman to wear spectacles if bis eye sight Is bad, or colored bhades if tho light if strong, without foar of breakage, since mice Is a poor couduotor of heat. Whon the mask has to bo worn a long time, fresh all can bo supplied to tho kvuil by means of an Iudia-rubbur tubo which passes out to the shoulders, nud has a fuunel-shaped am1 closed by a moistened sponge. ItTXffAST Tho peaceful attractions of ltaiiMis slnco her seasons of strlfo and trial havo pa4sod Into hUfory are brilliantly net forth inn special edition of tho Wjandotto JleraUt. Hero is a field for Immigrants whero mil 1 Hons may find room without ocrtaxlng tho resources of nature, Tho present popula tion of Kauuis Is about ono million, Tho Stato lies liko a great field, sloping to tho morning sun. Its mean elevation abovo tho sen nt Its eastern sun Is seven huudred and fifty feet, aud Its western oud four thousand foci. Most, of Its wirfoco Is level. From the Ozark Mountains of Missouri, a chain of hills extends luto Kansas, making a watershed nearly through tho centre of tho State, tho lands on cither side being drained by tho Kansas nud tlio Arkntn4 rivers. Kansas has a healthful climate, Imd tho Inhabitants aro said to bo frco from con- bnptl'on and malarious dlsoases. Strong winds sweep over tho prairies, keeping them cool oven In tho hottest teason. Tho Stato has llirco rain bells, tho eastern, tho middle, nnd tho western, tho nverago nuUtml rainfall in theso belts being, in tho order abovo named, Ihiity-soven, twenty-four and nineteen inches. Tho temperature in sub ject to great variation. Kansas possesses several kinds of soil, all of which nro fer tile In tho low river bottoms tho fruitful alluvial earth is tweuty-flvo feet deep. The forests grow in belts nloug tho rivers aud smaller streams. Gras-t of good quality grows naturally on tho prairies, and culti vated grasses flourish there luxuriantly. Kansas still has wild buffaloes, wild horses, elks nud antelopes. It has also panthers, black bears, aud woltcs. llltumlnous coal is mined in Kansas, aud thero nro deposits of lead aud zinc. Among tho Important natural resources of tho Stato nro gypsum nnd a huge deposit of bait, in what Is prob ably tho dricd-up bed of a salt lake. Tho streams abound lu fish pike, Hturgeou, bass, ' carp, aud many varieties of catfish. Sovcnty per cent, of tho pcoplo of Kansas aro farmers, and they havo mado their young Stato one of the foremost in tho Union in tho production "of wheat. Tlioy boast that they livo in tho banner wheat re gion of tho world. Among tho other prin cipal productions of Kansas aro corn', hay, oats, potatoes, sorghum, barley, rye, broom corn, flax, beans, homp, buckwheat, cotton and tobacco. In 1881 tho ngricultuial pro ductions were worth nearly ono hundred million dollars, yet tho resources of tho Stato havo only begun to bo doveloped. Tho area now under cultivation is said to bo less than thrco per cent, of tho tlllnhlo laud. Dairy farming is nnothcr' principal occupa tion in Kansas,, and tho cultivation of fruit is pursued with great success. Kansas has a Stnto University, n Normal School, nn agricultural college, and a system of com mon schools. It bus nlso churches nud charitablo institutions. Its principal Jack, which it bharcs with other Western Stntesj is a population numerous enough to develop its powers. i The are' UrtlA WorthlcEJ 9 Arc never imitaJ ar counterfeited. This is especially two of u family medicine, nnd it is posi tive proof that the mnoCy imitated is of tho highest value. ' As soon as it had been tested nnd proved by fho'wlitlo world tlnit nop Hitters, was tlio purest, , Lost 'mid most viiluiiblo 'IV.niily tacdicino on earth, many imita tions sprung up and began to weal tho notices nuyhicli tho prc.iuul people of tho country had express ed tho merits" of II. $., and in ovory way trying to induco differ ing invalids to uso their Eiult in stead, expecting to mnko. money on tho credit and good name of II. B. .Many others started no'trunio put up in similar stylo to II, 13., with variously cunningly devised names in which tho word " Hop " or "Hops" wero used in it, v.;ay to induce pcoplo to bcliovo they wore tho sanio' as nop Bitters. All such protended remedies or cures, no mntterwhattlieir stylo or iiamo is, nnd especially thoio with, tho word. "Hop" or "IIop3" in their namo or in nny way connected with 'thorn or their name, uro imi tations or counterfeits.' Bewaro of them. Tonch nono of thorn, but: Uso nothing but gcmiino jjop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on tho white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists nnd dealers aro warned against dealing in imitations or counterfeits. 19) JL NOTED HUT IJNTnTEH WOJIA1T. From t!io Uo.tou Clvttj) TiJnUovulJAi"'"! Wcenciw of Yt. TjvV-tE.nnfc. !iau,(tl.yim, X.M9.,biaboTuaIlt t'lcrliutrur 1 fir i ay le trutWf ully ca'JcUtlio 'Ie4r VrU rdof o-an,' ut tur tom'i"poni'r.t lorgOt'ftjl h r. la 3 i, , . dliAwly tlovottj W her wcuIr,T.!;Ic;i l.jibuc..Tc'-tta' cf . Lfostmlfi nnd 1j ol:itM Ij keep tii Utly u M. Sti,tohcfi.!icrnncrt!eUr(rico-ri;i -.Suuy -int-hi' 'xrwurhl.tuiKmlirr, caohlx'iirtDt'i'i . tM U nil 1 it mTciJi.Ei or Joy at rtlca t fieri I. I lev ccta9C ..I'our.dlja u?iJ!rlro r r pool nnd nod cr pui I Jmo'Kreouai-'y UruUjat.fitt ciii unit. lltdf tha truth otthU int if ltprmnroiTitn,IS ii rfpMirte ft-1 irav-tKj;byUJV. )'.., iclaui la ipj rpujitry. 0..v eaitf 'Jl work a charm wU t-t muci IUu. JtwJIIc-ro entirely fjjo worst forta cf tiU.'iit ' of tin uvepi', 1 Jpr.trrrhfM, ivrtiTJlar and pAiiful Menstruate R.feH Ovarln VrouUc, ftiilamrmtl ji and wtccrattcn, r.iKflln,'!! Isa-cnent i ml tM vn-eo-pt-i.ti'jlrial U tejwtJ&Dy ta tl"r:-ii i every pertlsnt-f tho pytf3, andfrfvai nor 111 -hi lvljor, I; rtn.ovt'i faint. .r i, Cat ill ncy, t'cittrys. tWntvhufor rtlmi.lkhts,tm'tril!-'"i!t hisacfthe onarh. H etirw Jiluattntf, Ilijiklaetun, JJervi-Ui Trust. ation, General iMfUmrt.X'ji.'MW, iVptvuJmftndiJtlljrcPtlu, T'iatft1'' -jt't lwifiif down.caust.ijjuln.eijhS ani 1 a ''.v'-D, it auie jrManeii!!y turcilhy Us uso. Is'wiil f t rJltJrrn, cmltf all clrcwiistancc( net In Uanuuny vr:th CA law" that'ovtmithiiforriilafjitcu, It cut i i ly ft. pt r Lottie cr ci for A, find la otJ ty dnoc?1-1 An 1tM required m to cjajiUI caacj, aal tho iijT..4 o' many who Juivu Inert rc 'turod to perfect he&hhlTtJjf m if tho Vvut4l b t oinrocr.d,eant obtained i-y'J(lrvs tnj v. 1th t tain;) for reply, a( her homo is tjui, Tor XIMney C".)vhi i f either thU compound U nnsi rptuued as ahi -.Cam t-vtliiioidalj tho -v. "Mw. rtnUui. jIireMwy'tpysciJO writer, "aro thtbett i.i tKeivarlt forth vt Coiutlputhm, FUlouiu's and Torpidity cf thi tit?. Her lUot-d nriinr worU imrtr in it wpieial lli-ewj Hii fair to equal tho Compound n tu popvUiity, All must ri her a an inifW vt Mmvjt whoa ,t funbttion U 1 1 do ztA to ot lei s. I'haodclpUi. 1H. CD ' Mr t U D. ES A OUKE CURE tor ill dlsoatoo of liii VMr.c3 ana t. n . "lflo wtloa o ula mot Irarcrlfl t-c-n. tk'w. iJtni-owoirtf.Tt'na'ssia coiilUoi , c.tto3 lu rcsular dlicliario. tjiEllclflCi cuiUrU.luivoUiucUJk, rMwuou.iypp'i". r(UMUjiiiuii,nuiic7- Wilt will uupo'.y roUo ra4a-,''1-7 euro, .'ll'l rpnefl t rlMUidxl,,- .Uil. 11. 80LDBVGRUCCIST3. Irtj I UIIUkMIl t SIT Li Cntos nhoumatlsm, Lum-i haco,La::ioDaclt, Spraitiannd Ertilooa, Asthma, Catarrh, Couchr, Colds, Soro Throat, Diphtliorin, Dnrps, Frost Bites, Tooth. Ear, and llea,d' echo, and all pains and aches. Th te,t Intermt t-d lex!efniil remcljf Ifl th I. lourtiittldci' Bulil by nc hi:iit ilcatcr,,ifryliutc. l)iru,n, In eitfltt l.ini(u3jl.. -FOSTER, MILQUUN f. CO., Prop'r, UC1FALO, . V., V s. A. reb.Uly. 'h 9tAM BW? luRlioilthv tecrctlons Eroicct-i tlin mrm rona froin mldltloiial rolda.coinplctcly lie li tlio sores nn.l icstorcs tlio Rcnso ot tisti- nnd smoll. Ilent-ilclsl re mits ito realized by a fow nppllcntloi)'!. A tliorouRU treatment will euro c.iinrrn, linv fnver A,'! rneqtmleil for rolils In tlio lienil ArrWlottjusc". Ap- HAY" FEVER jnuttlio nostrils, on receiptor nny cents wilt mall n package for sale by all dujKlst!., KtA'S (UtR AM IIAUI CO., OweRO. N. Y. To Notvoqs Saffsrors Tho Srcat European pit. j. B.'sturso.s's sricino MinrctNE. l)r..t.U. Hlmr3on's Sncclno Medicine tan nust- tUij cure foroverworkof body or bnln oroxcess ofnny kin i, such aa we.iunesi and alt dlscamH re BitUtne frpfn Nervous Debility, Irrltablilty.Mental Anslcty, fansuor. ot Hplrlts nua lUDCiionai ueraneraunisoi uiu nurtuussya f nm utinnrAllv. ft1n In tho 3t .Memory, 1're mature old age ind diseases tbat lead to consmpt lou.lnsatiltv &un early (rave or ooin. ro manor now shattered tlio system may be lumwAot-pse ol any Kinu. u H'nort courso of this medicino win restore tno lose runciions and pro euro health and harplnesswhere before was de spondency and ulooTi. rno specttic .Mcalclno 1.1 be lne used with wonderful success. l'amphlets sent free to all. Write for them and net Mil- n.lrtrtcutar- l'rlco, Speelflo tt.oo per packnge.or six packages for fS,o. Will bo Kent by mall 00 rocelpt of mouey Address all orders, .1. ll. SlMiyu.N'j MEDlttlNE CO, N03. 101 and lOOMatn street, Ilurialo, N. Y. For sale by J II. KINI'oltrs, llloomsburf, Pn. feb !48My 1 PURE! From thn Districts of Assim. (JiiiTrAooNd. Oaciiar Kanuha Vai.ukv. 1Hk.ieki.ikh. Ubiika Doo.v, nnd oMPis. Abioiutily l'uro. Superior In Ihvor. The ..Mist .Econom'cal. lteiiuirei only half tha usual quantity, bold by alt tfi-ocers. JOHN u. riili.Lif & uo., AifunM of thj Calcutta Tut syndicate, 1:10 vuter-. ji. . Jan. ix-i w d CARPET SPEED'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Used In tho prlnclpilChurclios tor Communion purposes: Excellent for Ladies and Weakly, Per s:ns and tho Aged. Kill' M Speot's Port Giu)c Winq FO UR YE AllS OLD. TUH (!BLi:illt VTK1) NATJVB WINK, l.i made from Ihojulco ol tho oporto drape, railed In tulti 1 country, its Invaluable VeaJ-and Stronjthenlng Properties aro any other Natlvo Winn. Ila- Ins t he pure Juice of the (J. -ape, produced under an . pc,r r b ' persoivii tupurviiun, its jiuruj' and irenuliieafs'. aro iru irint 'ed Tho ounfeit child 'Hj jurl.iUo ot H u'cU'Tiius (UHtles, and th we.ika-t invalid uso It tondvantni;e. It, U par. tlciilBin benellchl In t!i.- nod and delitllinicd, and hulled t j 1 ltd vnrlom ullmuuts that atfeet tho 'weaker hpx. It. Is In every respect i. WINK 'to SPJSER'S Tbol..I. SIlKntSY Uu wl'no of Sun'rtor' Char HCir,.Hi,d.)irUk-H of Uu ilch qualities nttho icrupa injin nprai it n iniui'. r )r i-uriry, men ne, Flavdr nniT.Vod'.cliUl I'ropertleJlt will b found unexcelled. -1. ,Io ISi'smdy. . ThU'UUANlH' citand" unrivalled in this Country uriug mi iui lui lull MUat J. 11' is f UU diiiu .tiuu from thu grupe.anil con taint viluaolo rnudlelna properties. It lui .1 tlelleite llivor. slinllir tn thit r.f thn Vr.ipua,' frum whlcli It l dlstlUed, un1 In la urcat Sou tli it thu sltfiiaturu of AUMIKD Sl'EKlt, Pa sale X. .1 . is ovor the cork ot each bottle. SOLI) BY a. A. KL.133M. AND 11V 1JUU0C1ISTS EVKIlVWIIEltU. py MC'S I O Horro SparH-Arroctlns r.u-ijj) i l.i, iui- liii-, a iauo fi, of Milliwatt l'n v !mirU l'j )i lir.iir , b T"!" J i'jjj Im-; Uu u. I i iwn: :oti tjp'ii, rt I', r aw i ie. liulur, ('lieu. Ur H.iw-MUl. i-Uuriiitf or l'ulU, lihei' i-a-t r Jlu li.tirf'i I'auuit hVm -J; .nn I'ull i-td fn.-i r ill". I ul ii miit-i'i. Piy, i, f r OohHub, N.V. JlmllJT. Jan. Ii, 'SH-ly, Wc. bsroim. ATT&n :mmmx Ik. b . Cr 70 II Onamiif lo furn'rt Kict to rnw i.'jii In 1 1 ' llm' c I J u r. i - lu 10 lnnrJ ( i.r Jy n w irl . ( J,'i i, f initi' .jmi'. .i&f 1 i "r 'X .m f.r'i I'JLiu'tri p ta lfSfri i "' 1 rt I- 'r-i1- w r nn i'j le 4 ?553if i iiii i f 1 ri I wa or. I "Mi any U;i HBTSt ' !" ' ' 1 '''' "u Aiiiiiiilli' mfiJlQk ' I'd (if. If vnu van- n Rtuilniiuiv H. C. SLOAN & BRO, HLOOiMSlHMK, VA. ,M inufacturers ot CARRIAGES, BI1Q0IES, PHAETQN, SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. Firat-class work always on hand. Jiin'AlllIXOA'IlA TL YDONi:. Prices reduced to suit tht timet, ' O. 3. SAVAGE, DKA1.KR IK Silvorwars, Watches, Jowolry, Clocks. All kind? of Watches. Clicks and Jewelrv neat Ij rcpalrod.and warranted. may u, 'i-ir AND PAPER HANGING. WE F. BODINEi IRON ST., BELOW8r.COND,llt,OOM8llUIlO, l'A. is prepared to ao an Kinus oi HOUSE Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECOUATIVE AND I'LAIN. 411 Minis ot'Furnlturc Kcpnlrod nnd miule no p;ood iih new. NONE11UT F1KST-CI.ASS WORKMEN EMP LOVEU. Bstimatos SSado on all Work! WM, F. BOD1NE. STOVES AND TINWARE. ,:o: E. B. BSOWER nas DUrchased the Sto"kand Unslness nf t. Ila, Benbucli, and Is now .prepared to do all kinds of work In his line. Plumbing nnd Oas Fitting a BllClinibJ . A IUVYUIV, OIUVCS, in a great variety. All work dono by EXPERIENCED HANDS. Main Street corner ot East, RLOOaiSKlRft, PA. BLANK BOOKS BLANK BOOKS! Of every (lesqription Killed nnd bound to order s aino bindt r of all Peri odienh such as Hsrpor's, Century, St. Nichclas, Peterson's, to. In fact all I'ublieations bound in latest and most substantial styles. C;rresponioc:e Solicited. J. W. R.IGDCK, 110 & 112 W. MARKET STREET WILKBS-BAERE, Pa. J.SALTZER'S General Sewing Machine Depot, liflli Store. Below Market St., 13LOOMSBUIIG, PA, -.1 '.cm GeleUi White Sewins MacMiie, New Davis Vortical Feocl Sew ing Incliiiie, New Homo Sowing Machine, Household Sewing Machine, Estoy Sewing Machine, Genuine Finger Sowing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attachments, best Sawing Machine Oil, and Nee- ijitiviuruu hewing muei.inHH, hewing .Macninei bold nti moiitlily piyments' Ubeial discount mado fir eisi. K(rry inaclilno pun.'ha'.od from lnu H wurraiituiltiibij kopt in good lunnlug orier f'jr flvo years freo nf mnl thrnnh in. utruotlonii given by the test luv oparaturln this imilu. i ,L4!i! iri'e ui uiiirgn. n.iuiiuo my stock of machines beforo purchasing, 'yAINWHIOHT ie CO., WUOLESA 1,11 GliOCIlltS, rillliAIIELriUA. ruis, svuui'j, cofPKB, sua.n, moi.vsslb. hick, sricES. mcAKu eoiu, Ac, dc, N, E, oornor H.'oond and Arch stroets. tvurijeri wll recslre proniptattenthir of TO-DAY" N,W Edition No H73I.I.1II 1'trMuuili. ,!, ,, . ,.N,W Edition Now Ready, Ullel ll,lii.ion Mil lT-iin u( lu) ,1,, Ag,4J W..1.4. J. C. MiCl'ltll V At CO,, I'lilWtljiffii, J'S: una so.iy aid LKGAL ULANIvS, VTAVAYS ON HAND A'f Tins oyvio. ilWl mm JSvcry lirtcy Organ Sold Is uiadii Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. immm And other lirst class Piancs, and a largo lot of MUSIC BOOKS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, MUSKOAL (OMIDIIITTI, VIOLIN STRINGS, And vei'yiBiiiBg- MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG PA. WEBER--Hfl.RDMAM PIA1TOS, FINE , INLAID 1FBGN0II WALNUT Easy Terms. SatlNrnctlon Gunnuitcetl. iiA.aoisr's piano ware rooms, MUSIC HALL BLOCK, WILHES-BAB.RH. PA Harper's Bazar. ILIL.'XJSTE.A.TSID, Thlsnonular lournal Is a ram enmhlnntlnn nf literature, urr, and fashion. It'i stories, p ems nnd csjajB are by the best writers of liuropo and America; Its engravlugs posseSH the highest artis tic excellence; unl In nil matters pertaining to fashion It ts universally acknowledged to bo the leading authority In the land. '1 lie new volume will contain many brilliant novelties. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. l'KIt YEAlt: HAltrnit'S 11AZAK u 00 1'AH Elt'S MAGAZINE 4 CO HAItl'EltS WKKKLY 4 00 Tho TIIhEE abovo pub'lcatlons lo 00 Any TWO, above named ; no HAHl'Elfa YOU.Nd I'EOPLIS 1 to HAM'KU'S MAOAZINO ) IIAKPKUVS YOUM1 PEOPLE 0 00 UAHI'EIt'S t'HAVKLIN WJUA1IE LIllHAltY. One Year (5i Numberb) io oo Postage freo to all subscribers in tho United btites or Canada. The Volumes of tho lUztu cominenco with tho yoar. When no timo is mentioned. It v 111 bo understood that tho subscriber nUlus to coin menco with the number next niter the rectlnt cf his order. Tlio last Four Annual Volumes f Habi'SU's 1117.ah, lu neat cloth binding, will t sent Pv mall, noyago paid, or by eipress, fue ot expeiiMi (provided the freight does not exceed ono dilar per volume.) for $7.oo i-aeh Cloth cases tor each volume, suitable for blad ing, win bo sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt ot $l.i'0 each. Itemlttanco should bo made ty l'os'-Ofil"o Money, order or Draft, to avoid chance ot h sa Newspapers aro not to copy tills adviTtlstmi.t without tlift oxpresn o iljr ot arner Ilrotheri. Address, UaIU'KK SUHOTUEltS, New York. Jar. lit, 'ra. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL Tho undersigned having put Ms Planing Mill on Itallroad .street, In nrst-ciass condition, is pre pared to do all kinds of work lu his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. f limlghiiif n fnnanr..-, ttl an t..i .. ta well Keasonea ana nouo but skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plana and ppeclflcn tions prepared by an experienced draughtsman. CHARLES KRIIG, I2louiiiNliiii'r,ln. $72 w .EEK ,la ft a& ''"mo easily mado ycostiy outnttreo. Addrosi Truk&Co Augusta, Maine. march SMy rii m mi CIV JLNT3 t ' ,J F'.' m A nrn ..irthK v a v m uDtt-u week. . ohavostoioslnlS loadlne Citlos, nn 'i 'i 1 kKvut.iiiitriju tho r mpi Uraquiair. ,, 1 1 lotu Neiv CiilnluKiic mid . i . LLU CCRANT0H, PAt -vav-v-r March 3-ly AGENTS Wanted :;:1j7Ju'''rl,i" ii'ii". UUUIg 06 UlUltl! t la pflitiHllliiilbUim.Nli, ncixhetei l.lbiTnl Klmi JUuesiKiy uid v SUnSORIBK NOW FOIl THE COLUMBIAN 8 J.S0 AYItylt JSvery buyer should Select mi Oruim That yuiiritntccn yood 1'ji'ci'u day work and Years of service. J, GSTt'V & CO., llrattlolioro, Yt. in HJbc Music line. CASE OUGAN, 0 STOPS, $!0 CASH Junel ADVERTISERS I T , . Ilul" i i'aiiul euiiL oi nny proposed lino or , iu jimnivui papers oy aaaressinir (.eo. 1'. Itowell ,c co's Newspaper Advertising I lllirpnll inUrrnH,, Vain . . . ... . K . . Jif.. rcnu lou, lor leupage pamphlet. Jan. i, 'tu-tiT. I ft a USEF CL AUTICLE8.4, uuTirut Floral Chuomo Cards, Mtf 5x8, and an llluitnted llook lo mil who tend two 3c .tamp, for po.taze and parblim. .Mtnllon hl. papft. . 0. BIDIOUT & CO.. IW TORK. Jan It, '83. OctOSi-ly jjona week in your own town. Terms nnd $5 out uuHt free. Address ll, iullkt & Co., Portland iiuinu. marcnai-iy rt fjr A wr ck made nt homo bv tho lnduRtn U 11 ous. llest business now before the ll I Ll l'"bllc. Capital not needed. Wo will v startjou. Men, women, boys nnd girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Nowlslho time. You can wo-kln spare time, or glvo your WhOle tllnO tO the bllSlllKS. Nn nthlr hnaltinua will pay j ou nearly as well. No ono can fall to make enormous pjy, by engnslng nt once. Costly uuiiiiuiiu iL-iuiairii'. .Money maue rasi, easily, md honorably. Address Tkue & Co, Augusta, j .iiuu, , iicu. b, rbiy, 1 rjlTTTTl WPTtirTXr CTi rT5 WASHINCTOW, D. C. UsluMislied Thirty -Two Years. OHE DOLLAR A YEAR. k DOUBLE PAfER OF FIFTY-SIX COLUMNS, THE WEEKLY STAR is a lareo independent, doublo or eight-page shoot of fifty-six columns. It con tains reports of Congress and all iho Government Departments, U. S. Courts, Washington IMows and uosoip, ronticni, personal, Society, nnd Local Affairs, New York Corres- (londcnco, Storios, Scotches, Home Vracl03, l-aohion, Religious, and Ctorary Notes, Tolofxrach News, .iuviii uu uwn uiruut wiru xo imow Yorlt, tho Markots, Etc., Etc. It 1m puhllHhi'd in n HpnoloUH liiilUlln- of Hh own, ami lu'lnUKl mi tli ItitoMt mid lhtt.wt printing Mini lV)lilliiumaohiiiH In tho world. OrJLY O.'JE DOLLAR A YEAR. TRY IT. ' '. ' .1 a. ' j r i Address; Till! WEEKLY STAR, Washington, 1). C, J nn 19 '63-it 1 17 nnt' ' sweeping Dy, go K H I ancl ""8 befori jou'die, XV. JjJrO A. ""leiutiifr mlslity and sub- ..... . . icu.u ueiiimi iu coniiuer tlmn " jOiia weekln jou own town, jsoutilt freo. No risk. Kvcrjlhlngnew. C'a Pal hot reiiulrt-d. Wo vlll furnhlo uu every thing. Many are ranking f irl unus. Ladles in ike as much 118 im u, nnd boj s and girls moL-H great pay, Hi.ader. It ou want tiuititi'i-H ai which yuu cm make great pay u the t mo. writ tor particular to 11. Hallktt At Co.; Puitlaud, Mulne D.c. 8, '8-J-ly, J Jtavo a pottlth rviuudv tr ttii abura diKins t by iti B-o ttiousau cf cukoi cf the vont kind unj of Ions 1: indlDtttitve bcenrured. lurlned.iiattroDa jnvftiltS 111 ltmHk'WT. Hint I villi r?n I BOlher Uh 4 Al.l'All.K 'j UEATISLna tUU (jui, to fcuytuXlertr. ilvoi:iprnai. O. aildri. UK. T, A. t LUC I'M, 111 lWlLl..tfuwYrk. Jan 2ft-1 v a nil WO l)0(TLU4ntRB.iM THE PANTAGRAVU HINDISK. Von SALE ON'LV AT "THIS OOIjUMBIAN" OFFICE. CALL AND BEE. ' POODlO iooIo aro always on the ll I V IJ ljoklill 11 cren-o lit' Irearn ntra.und In v iui tiiiui-ua ui 111 who do not linprovo thuir oppoitunltlu reuialn In poverty. 0 otter 11 (,'rcat chancii to muko money. W 0 want nuiiy men, ivoinen, bjj-8 und Klrla to 01 k tor us rlhv In their own localities. Any 0110 uu do Hie woik properly fiom tho tlrstbUri, Iho "iiii-WHllpiy moro Hutu ten tlmoi prd nary wash. UxpeiiMvooutili luriiimitdfiVo, ifu one wuu ent'iitfMi lulls iq mnko niouiiy ruuldly. You can devutii your Uio tlnw lu'the work or only l our lipoiu luuinouu. Full Information und all 1 wt H needed bent frco, Address hiinson t'o. 1'urlland, .Maine. Dec, 8, '81-ly, mm mm FREE & A E3K&vt$C4 r..u.i....,pui,M 2a. xKri? ..'"'""u'somTuuiilr I E'rA -l7S X- H,!fM,h"l,,f feKa ' V r,.'M,i",d'l'njMo'.witl.l,.torii,.w ,ftiTiB tl bl,rc'"'"''l'lji"i''"U4ul.ll'.ul."nli XrfiEiSr Gv ,WXt"!' S"""" if fsnnsHiHiiPTBnN. RAILROAD T'ME TABLE ENNHYfiVANIA KAUiKOAl). I'ltlL. i l.tfMllIt 1 - T.MHW II tl ttlt'tcivn. .... JUIUTHKIIN f OBjiTIlAi: itAlMVAY. " " TIJIIJ TAHLE. In effect J.inufiry 1Mb. 1683. Trains toavn Bn. bury. 1SASTWAHI),, n m Lock Haven Kxniess fnr itntrui,r and lnterraedlato stations, Lancaster, I'hllader. puin, wow ioik. iiaiumoro anu wninBton. nr. riving at Philadelphia. o.vo p. in. ; New York, eta p. in. j linltlmorc, o.os p. m. s Waslilngton 0.40 p. t'.fls n. m. Dav exnress for tfnrrlslniM nn,i in. termcdlatn stations, Lancaster, Philadelphia, New iurh, imiiiiuuiti niiu tuQiiiiigiuu. nrrivmi? at PhlladolphtaTUJ p m.i Now ork, lo.s p. m.! linltlmorc, 7,16 p. in.! Washington, 8.40 p. m. Pull man Parlor car llirousli to Philadelphia nnd pas seiifter coaches through to Phtladclpblaand Until. more. 8.80 n. m. wininmsport Accommodation for IUrrlsburtr nnl all Inteimedlnto ntattonn. t nn. cosier. Philadelphia and Now York, nirlvlngnt lllluui-l,Jlllt .. ... in. ; ,ljll ivifW V,XJ 11. HI. sleeping car eccommodatlona rm bo secured nt llnrmburfffor Philadelphia nnd New York. Phila delphia passengers can lemaln In sleeper undis turbed until t n. m, 1.03 a. m. Krlo Mall for Hnrrlsburg nnd Inter mediate BMtlons, Lancistrr, Philadelphia, Now iuik, i.ttiiiiiiuiiT uuu uaiiiiigiuu, uirmugr ai. Philadelphia 7 63 n. m.i New York, 11 SO n, m ; IUItlmoro 7.40 a. in.; Washington g.lo n. in. Throuirh l'lillinan sleenlnir cars nro run nn tliln train to Philadelphia, lluttlmore and asldnglnn, and through pabengcr coaches to Philadelphia and Ualltmoro. WESTWARD, o.'iS a. m. Krlo Mall for Krlo and nil Intcrincdlata stations witn tnrnitgn puilmnu l'niaco car nnd through passenger coaches to Eric. for lannnuaigua ana luienncuinio siauon', Hochcster. lluffnlonnd Nlairnra Falls, with Pull man I'alaco car and passenger coaches through to uocnesier. l.'W p. m. Niagara Express for Knnoand Inter mediate stations with through passenger coaches to Ivanc. For Cannndalgua nud principal Inter mediate stations, liochenter, miflalonnd Niagara Fulls with through parlor carlo Watklns nnd through passenger conches to Hochcster. 6.M p. w Fast lino for Lock Haven nnd Interme diate stations, and Elratra, Watklns and Interme diate siauons, wun tnrougii passenger coaencs to Lock Haven nnd Watklns. TllltOUCJH T1IA1NS FOlt SUNI1UHY PltOM THE BAST AND SOUTH. N'lairnra Exnress leaves New Ynrk. B IB n. m. Phlladelnh'a, Moa. m.; Haiti more 7.30 n. in., ar riving at Hunbiiry, l.w p. m with through Pull- mini l'anur car irom l'liiiiiiieipuia nnu inroiign passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Haiti more. Fast Lino leaves New York 8.00 a. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.05 a.m.; Washington, a.m.; linltl morc, 10 43 a. in., arriving at Hunbury, p, m., with through passenger coaches from Philadel phia and Baltimore. Erie wall leaves New York 8.00 p. m.i Philadel phia, 11.20 p. m.i Washington. M p. ra.; Haiti more, 11.15 p in , arriving at Sunburv, 0.S0 a. in., with through Pullman I'alaco sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. SUNBCHY IA7.LKTON & WILKK8-BAKKK ItAlLKOAD anhNobti! fc West urincii Railway. .Mali Kast leaves Suubury a 45 a. in., arriving at Bloom Ferry T.41 a. m., Wllke3-barro 20 n. in. Express East leaves Sunlnry 3.33 p. m., arriving at Illoom Ferry o.Bl p. m., Wilkes bnrro 8 u p. m. Mall West leaves Wllkes-burro a. m., urrlv lncat Illoom Ferry Hos p. in , Sunbury l.oi p. m. Express West leaves wilkes-barro 6 so p. m. ar riving ut Illoom Ferry 7 07 p. in, Sunbury 6.05 p. (lIIAS. E. PUOH, J. It. WOOD, oon. Mnntger. Oen. Passenger Agent. JpHILADELPHA ami READING EOAU ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. JunH 20, 1SS2. TRAINS LEAVE KUFEUT AS rOLLOWS(BCNPAT KXCKrToD. For Now Yorklladelphla.lteadlng.l'ottavllle, Ac, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, U.45 a. m. 4 60 and 7,20 p. m. For VUllamsport,C,15 6,(0 a. la. and 4,00 p. m. THAINSFOU UUrKKT LKAVB AS fOLLOWS, (SCNDAT ixcinsn.) Leave New York, via. Tamanend 9,00 a. ra. and via. Hound llrook Itouto 7,45 a. m. Lcavo Philadelphia, 9,4s a. tn. Leavo Heading, 11,65 a. m., Pottavlllo, 12,89 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Uatawlssa, c,10 S,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Lcavo Wlinmsport,9,45a.m,2,oo p. m. and 4,30 p. m Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager, C. G. IIANCOCK, General Passenger and TIckot Agont. Jan. 10, 1881-tf. ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WKSTKHN HAILHOAU. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOHTH, STATIONS. Scrim ton.... Ilellevuo. . Tnvlnrtrllln SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. 9 15 9 45 V 30 9 09 9 Ui 8 59 8 4S 8 42 8 37 8 25 8 iS u 10 0 17 0 ii b 27 C 31 11 41 0 40 G 51 0 55 r, is 7 oj 7 10 7 17 7 2J 7 ill 7 37 8 00 8 25 8 19 8 W 9 00 6 00 8 (3 8 10 8 IS 8 M 8 ;o 8 S3 b Ci 9 Ot 9 01 U 2) 9 37 9 30 9 21 9 19 9 1 ...Lackawanna'.. Plttston.... West. IMttqfnn 9 45 9 C2 9 59 10 0:1 10 18 Wyoming.... .-uaiioy .Ucnnett ....Kingston.,. Klni'Rtnn 0.1 1 60 1 43 1 85 1 25 1 18 1 03 9 04' U 04 8 55 8 47 8 S9 8 33 10 IS 10 18 r,4 2 51 .Plymouth June ....1'iymoum.. Avondalo... WflflMiftlr.i 10 ta 3 02 8 07 8 00 00 10 34 10 42 3 10 3 18 B 33 3 45 3 51 8 67 4 07 4 11! 4 20 4 27 4 83 4 PS 4 00 5 (0 0 25 7 40 11 42 7 S3 VI 23 7 50 i 15 7 20 12 00 7 13 11 47 7 09 11 40 1 C5 It 32 8 07 11 10 6 CI 10 CS 0 45 10 50 8 37 10 44 6 IS 10 22 6 10 10 08 S U4 10 00 (1 45 0 40 ..BnickPhinny. 10 05 8 1 11 07 8 12 ....uick's irerry. ....lSeacb Haven. llerwlek . 11 18 11 20 8 00 7 SI) 7 52, 7 41 7 39 7 33 7 SO 7 11 llrlnr lrpi.1.. ...Willow Grovo. Lima Hldgo.. fispy.... ...Uloomsburg.. Hnnnrl . 11 9 11 45 11 61 11 65 12 IS Catawl'a H ridge ..xjunviuu... ..Chulasky... fnmninn S 43 Northumberl'd" 12 45 p.m. a.m. a..m. p.m. p.m. a.m. W. F. HALSTBAD, Sunt. Superintendent s onice, Scranton. Feb. 1st, iss2. HAIR BALSAM. Tins elegant dressing is prefer! ed hv those 1 whohave used it, toany nstmiiar article, ou oc ycount of its superior clc.-inlincsi"rnd ruriiy, L7lt cni.tniim ttnt.rU only that arc beneficbl to llio tr.iln iinll l.-ilf nndelw-Ti't Restores the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hatr Jiairiuuim w linciy pcrrumcd nnd is wananlcd to prtent falling cf tlicliair and to rc. move dandruff anditcliing, lliscox & Co , N.Y, w 1 1 l fli.l.rl III arogi anj tinjlilnei. A Superlative Health end Slrcnnth RMtnrr. If yoiiaro a mechanic or farmer, worn out w'uh oer ork, or a motlier 1 un ilow 11 Ly family or houss-holddiiiie$tr-PAiiKcii'st,iNGr;ii Tunic, If you in 0 n lawyer, minuter crLuiinen man ex hausted l,y menial ttrain or anxiouscnre, do not Uka intokicaluiBilimulanti.butusi! Patker'sGinKcrTonis 1 'I J! have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Itheurna. lim. Kidney I omnlainls, or any disorder of the lunjs, stomach. IkjvicIs, blood or rcrves.pAkKm's Ginger Ionic v. ill iuro you. It is the Greatest lllcod Purifier And tho Best and Surest Ccugh Cure Ever Uttd. Ifyoiinrewailinnaway fromnge, dissipation or any ilucase or cakness nnd require a stimulant talo GlNGCR loMCatoncej itv.illinijoraie and build you up front the first dose but w ill never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds cf liscs; it may save yours. CAUTION l-Il.fu.. ill lutilliuUi, r.rt.r'. Gitn Tor,U Ii eomi,eJ f b Uil rwid,tl smiiU o thwortJliiUUeBtIrtl7 frffiii pirf tr.tbiu of glijj.r slwim, 8.D.I for clrculsr t ""'".,i, I. 1 ili, .U.iltn I. drut 1. CHEAT 6AVINQ UUVING POLUh 8IZE. ll , , V",n. l'1m,S fragrance has made tliis tlelisliifulperliinieexcecdiiisly popular. There Is iiotliiii liko It. Insist upon hayine Flobs- wi .wwv.nanuiooK tor signature ot t.n i Iiv ioi'' ts ,JS1,V,', f" i"s" u iar i.h.miivi ncn.Ml e, tlT.E, f3 Urch a, 'rij iy, IMMBssMK9H qIEVERVTHINOSb : 18IS8, C.WW40M VliTllK HtiNUUKSair! ft nnl ic I v'lf'tiHH u ilal f,,,r ft taw u). Potor HQiulorsnn &. Co.. 3S & 37 Cortlandt St., Wev York. i mem 1