The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 26, 1883, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
FMDAY, JANUARY 20, 1883.
Correct Itnllrand Time Table.
Train? on the Philadelphia & it. It. leave ltupcrt
!. m. ins a.m.
w p. m. 48 n, m.
Tnlns on tho I). L, 4: W. tl. It. leavo Uloomsburg
7 8a a. ra.
:o 59 a. in.
8 S3 n, n.
11 43 a, m.
A fit i). in.
Tho 1 1 45 train bouUi connects with tho Phlla.
4 21 p. in.
dclpbla A Heading at Hupert, and with tho
iionucru vvuirui ub fiuruiumocnana.
The s:M a. m train connects at Northumberland
nlth 9:35 train on Pennsylvania road reaching
Philadelphia at 8:i p. m.
menu irain eonnixis wuu rnnaaeipnia ana
McamuK run i hi, ltupcrt ui u:ou rcacning
dclphla at :00 p. m.
Tno 11:43 train connects with Pennsylvania
rou i v .uriuumucruiuu ni 1:03 roacuing ruuaaci
nhla at 7:23 d. m.
Thu 4:S7 p m. train connects with Pennsylvania
road nt Northumberland at 8:03 p. m, anu reaches
X liUBueipum ub s;ou u. iu
Trains on tho N. & W. 1). Kailwaypasa liloom
rerry as iouows i
7.41 a. m 18.08 p. m.
.si p. m 7.07 p. in.
Mrs. U. II. Vnnnatta is visiting relatives
In Johnstown, Pa., .
Mr. B. P. Vnnnatta, of Berwick, spent
Sunday In Bloom.
IHcliard Drinker, who Is in business nt
Seranton, spent Sunday with his pnrcnt9.
C. B. Jackson, Esq., of Berwick, was In
town on business Monday last.
Miss M. I). Suydnni, ot MUtuu, Is visit
Ing with the family of Dr. J. 1). McKclvy.
Judgo Iram Dcrr paid us a vls.t on Mon
day last. Wo tiro always glad to sec him.
George -W. Miller, of Wcathcrly, Carbon
county, called In on Monday. He was In
town visiting friends.
Bcv. Dr. Park of Blnghamton, New
York, officiated at tho Episcopal church on
Sunday, having exchanged pulpits with
libv. L. Zalmcr.
I. It. Itupert of Hazlcton passed through
town on 'Wcdticsday on his way to visit
his brother, II. M. Rupert , who Is attend
ing college at Kingston.
J. II. Sands, formerly of this county,
now living at Bowling Green, Ohio, Is
spending the winter at Los Angclos, Cali
fornia, for his health. Ho Is a brother of
C. L. Sands of Moiulnnsvllle.
Col. A. D. Secluy of Berwick was In
town on Wednesday, and inspected our
ofllce. He reports that business is brisk lu
Ids town.
C. E. Kesslcr, who recently moved to
Delaware, has purchased n nice farm of 75
acres nbout live miles from Dover, for
$3,130. He seems delighted with his new
home and Its conveniences, and we wish
him success and great pleasure. A'eua.
E. B. Drclsbach, of Mooreland, Lycom
ing county, was in towu the fore part of
the week. He had satniilcs of his "New
Process" Buckwheat Hour witli him. Ho
claims superiority for his Hour in nil respects.
The samples shown us wcru of exceedingly
superior qualities.
The first piece of clotli was made nt the
Woolen Mill on Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Eckcrt and her son-in-law, W.
M. Smith, will take chorge of tho Vanklrk
House nt Northumberland In the spring.
The many friends of tho veteran editor,
Col. Tate, will be sorry to learn that he is
in poor health.
Wanted. By Z. T. Fowler of Willow
Grove, Ph., 00,000 bushels of wheat at $1.
per bushel. Jan. ID, '83-4w.
The report of the Bloom Poor District,
which appears elsewhere, shows the finan
clal condition to bo very satisfactory. Tho
management has been careful and honest.
A large party of young people went up
to Hess' nt Ber.ton on Monday night, tak
ing music with them, and liaving n general
good time. Geo. II. Brown and wife were
in the party.
The sale of tho real estate of William
KclcUner, deceased,, was adjourned from
Friday tho 18th Inst., to tlte 1st day of
Wilkes Barro has electric lights part of
i the time. As a general thing the streets
i are in darkness owing to the failure of thu
1 machinery to do Its work.
I Mrs. Jacob Mellick, of Light Street, had
I a heavy fall last Sunday night on her way
homo from church. She has been confined
to tho house since from the effects of it.
i m ,
Mr. C. W. Gutelius, of the Northumber-
; land Press, has been appointed Janitor of
the Houso of Representatives at Harris-
The tlicrmo meter has failed to get up for
S several mornings paBt. It has stood nt
I from five to eight degrees below zero. No
wonder the weather is so cold.
Young man, don't buy your outfit for
I going to housekeeping until you seo Con
ner's stock nnd get his prices, OrangeviHe,
M a. .Tnn 5(1 "w
The History of Columbia Countv will bo
BCIll 10 tlio linnk.hlniler iicvt ,! will
tfkuuui, nun uiu cauinn is nirpimv sniii
. ... . ...
TKnnn . ... ... .. .
i,uau nun f-rinir stimuli npi n. ur
iinrn npi mi, ini i.n inn
David Jones wns serlouslv Inlureil lust
friflllV II irlil n Vn.ll. - . It.
Cll flOWn hv 11 pnilQMmr inrtu lulitnlt n,,mA
unci was insensible lor several hours, ifn
la atlll nn,.nnll tr. tl,n iln,.n
- .. wtlttllbU IU UIU IIUU31:.
A number of slelghinE nartles from Dan
wllln T),... ..!.! 1 .l 1 .
ken of tho hosnitalltv of Tubus at tho Kr.
Clintltrn hnlpl nml nr Hrnwn nt llin nnnlrnl
niirinir tlin rmat wnnlr 'rim lil.fli mmiln.
tin., nf !.,... I. - ..1 l.-l l.
Or VlHltnra In Thn alf.liTlilniv on.onn
Quito a number havo responded nromntlv
tf mn,l,.n. . ...... t .1.
Wive our thanks. T hero aro a trooil miuiv
alter r ebruiirv 1st nil 1 hn&n w in nwn mnrn
ttlild nna .nnli n,.l.n ttl 1...
Cniiro't'd fit thn lYKriilnr ritn nf AO nn n vmF
for all bunk viMirs.
VllTn la timif rt.14..-l 1 ..11 II m
Qurnlturo in. Those desiring chamber
Rets, cheap cano stated chairs, wood seat
fchalrs, bedsteads, wire 'spring, all grades
Io cheap tiny poor man can afford one.
Don't full to call and seo him In Ornnirn.
Yilltt. 4n.. .in o...
Ilfl 'ri.nfiflnv nfl,.nnm, n- f ... I . lf-TF...
17 was drivlni: alone by Hoffman's (lam
above Llghtstreet, with his mother nnd
Mrs. John Mcllenrv. tho slelirh
tHrued ami thu horso and sleii?h Went nvir
tho bank, Tho occunants wi:rn left In tlw.
Wad. Tho horso was hurt so lmillv timt
WVj WCrU OU ICCtl IO lOllVll lllm n flrnnnn.
i: . .. . . . . .
Vllln Tf .. ..
re injured.
Tho Ent Post O. A. 11. will inkn
slon of their new quarters In tho building
of E. A. Rawllngs, on Main street, nbout
me isi oi February.
llattle. the It n ilnllirlifor nf Dr V. W
Rutlcr, died on Friday of last week, nt Its
Crnndfatlicr's In Catawlssa. Tho funeral
took place on Monday.
Sheriff Mourcy will sell only three pro
pcrtlcs on tho first Monday of Court. This
Is a good showing for tho financial condl.
tlon of our people.
Tho county Commissioners have appoint
cd O. W. Hess of Mifflin. Me rcantlln nn.
pralser, E. It. lkeler Esq., Attorney, and
t-ascy, clerk, for the present year.
Mr. F. O. Eycr received a well deserved
complimentary notice In the report ot tho
superintendent of tho Danvlllo Insane Asy
mm, at which Institution Mr. Evr-r wnq
employed for ten years.
A party of twenty-two ladles nnd ccntlc
men went over to Numldla on Monday
night, nnd spent several hours at tho resi
lience of Dr. Geo. Mears. Though tho
wcamer was very cold, it was u very pleas
ant trip. John W. Glbbs furnished the
inroucii carelessness on tho nart of n.
llagman of tho North & West Branch Rail
road, at a point ncor Runert. tho Cntnwfsna
accommodation recently made a narrow
escape from running Into a freight train
which was crossing tho Catawlssa road.
Tho Townnda Daily Ueview had published
nn Annual, which is hundsomelv Must.
ted ond contains very Interesting rending
matter. The nronrlctors. Alvord .fe Hon.
are enterprising gentlemen, nnd accom
plished printers, and not only nubllsh nn
excellent dally, but turn out some lino lob
Michael Mcylcrt, of Laporte, died at his
home on Wednesday of hist week, after a
protracted illness. He was tho founder of
tho Sullivan Democrat, and was largely In
terested lu real estate In Sullivan county.
Mr. Meylert was an unusually large man,
weighing about 400 pounds.
It Is Btated telephone connections
will soon be made between Sunbury nnd
Danville. Tills will connect our lines
with Sunbury, Milton, Wllllamsport, Lock
Jlavcn, Canton and all the nrinclnal towns
along the Pennsylvania railroad this side
of Bellefonte. And yet we cannot ect n
line to Berwick. Why is this thus ?
Tho Sanitarium Is nn institution whoso
merits are well known nnd fully establish
ed. Dr. L. A. Sliattuck. tin. on.
perintendent, devotes special attention to
chronic maladies, Including Epilepsy, Ner
vous Ailcctlons and Diseases of women.
The treatment of Cancer. In all its varied
forms, is mado a specialty, and Dr. Shat-
tucic nas met with great success in the
cure ot tliis terrible disease. Full partic
ulars as to terms, &c, can be obtained on
Impoktant to Tr.AVELEits. An order has
been issued by the officers of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, notifying passen
gers that the company will hereafter require
them to have their baggage checked at least
live minutes before the departure of tho
train. The basgage agents are Instructed
to check all baggage that Is brought, pro
vided they have time to do so,but the com
pany will not agree to carry the same If it
is not checked live minutes before the ar
rival or departure of tho train in which tho
passenger desires to travel.
Circulars are being sent to soldiers in dif
ferent sections of the country, by western
parties, stating that for the sum of ten dol
lars one hundred and sixty acres of good
land will be secured without the formality
of occupying it for four years less the time
of service in the army, us provided by law.
Tho Land Commissioner at Washington
states that the law remains unchanged, and
that tho circulars are for the purpose of de
ception. Soldiers will therefore take time
ly warning.
A Si.noiko .Mouse. In tho house cellar of
T. G. Miller, in Brldgcton, for some two
or thrco weeks there was heard at differ
ent times a very strangu noise, supposed
by the different members of the family to
bo a ground-hog, weasel or muskrat. A
few mornings ago one of tho family went
in the cellar for some eatables, when the
great "booger-boo" turned out to bo a
dark-colored mouse, which win sitting on
the cellar floor singing ut a great rate.
About this time the old house cat made
her appearance and thu music ended for
ever. Jlilfonl Leader.
For many years the people of Columbia
county have felt the need of a first-class
rcstuurant at tho county seat. By a first
class restaurant, wo mean ono where
meals can be obtained nt all hours. Till,
want is now, for the first time, supplied by
tho establishment of J. L. Girton on Main
street, above market, in Bloomsburg.
There is nothing edible that cannot on
short notice, be obtained at his saloon,
He is a gentleman and deals on th square,
while his help U clean and obliging and
know their places. Many n poor man
from the rural districts who could not nf
ford to pay for a dinner at the hotels has
lined his Inner man at "Cooney's."
Sweet Fields op Eoex is tho title of a
new music book just placed upon our tnble.
Its authors are J. II. Tenny, of Massachu
setts, A. S. Klelfer, of Virginia, and Wm.
B. Blake, of Ohio. This book is printed
In a. new system of notation, which is said
to greatly simplify the reading of music.
Tho ordinary staff is used, but the tone
symbols arc unlquo and very different
from tho old ones. Tho music is attract
ive, and tiio gcneiol make-up of tho book
is neat mid tasty. Price, 35 cts., by mall,
postpaid. Tho book may bu ordered of O.
Dltson & Co,, Boston, Mass., John Church
& Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, or Ruebush,
KlelTer & Co., Dayton, Virginia. The hit.
ter firm wih send u catalogue of books and
ii copy of The Jifusical Millim free to nny
The New Bank Notes. Tho design to
the now circulating bank notes required
under tho recent bank charter bill have
already heon determined upon by Control.
Icr Knox. The Ithaca Jaurnil says that
the tlvo dollar notes aro to have ti vignette
of tho late President Garfield executed In
tho engraver's best style. The scene on
tho back of tho present noto representing
tho landing of Columbus, or lu fact any
of tho pictures on tho bauk of nny of tho
national hank notes, will not appear on
tho new notes, hut instead, some finely
shaded letter work, and lu tho centre tho
charter number of each particular bank.
On the border of tho face of tho note, In
stead of numbers and letters to designate
the denominations of thu note, there will
bo the charter number of thebank, so tiiut
If any part of tho note Is torn or separated
tho small pleco can bu identified by tho
charter number. It Is not expected thut
thu new notes will bo ready for issue for
soiuo time to come.
There is something soft ami tender lu tho
fall of u single snowllake, but It always
reminds us to look after our buttle of Dr,
Bull's Cough Syrup, our old stand-by lu
tho days of Coughs and Cold, for wo have
always found it reliable.
John A. Funston, Esq-, has justpurchns.
cd from Mr. J. P. Tustln tho property
lately known as tho Union Iron Works
near tho I). L. & W. It. 11, depot. Proba.
bly Indicating n now Industry for Blooms
burg. McKllllp itCliontc,
II. J. Clark's building.
Jan 10.8w
Wo learn that Rov. M. L. Smyscr will
remove to Danville, becauso he cannot se
cure n house In Bloomsburg. This ought
not to bo the case. What Bloomsburg
wants is more good houses to rent, so that
people wilt not bo obliged to leavo tho town
to find a place of abode.
A team belonging to Samuel Adams of
Berwick whllo out with a sleighing party
last Monday night, upset tho load about n
mile above Berwick and rnn awnv. nnvnr
stopping until they reached Bloomsburg
ni nuout o o'clock In tlio morninc. when
they were caught. No damago was done.
Miss Fannie M. Miller, daughter of
Daniel Miller of Malnvllle, and Mr. E. A.
Allcmau of Philadelphia were mnrrled nn
Tuesday evening nt the Lutheran church
near Malnvllle, by Rov. J. II. Nclman.
There weru four brldesiraids nnd grooms-
men. After the ceremony a reccntlnn wna
held nt tho bride's home. It wns a vrro
pleasant occasion.
Foil Hale. A farm of about 80 nrn in
Scott township, adjoining Ellas ICrum.
Also, a house nnd lot in Wedgetown,
Hemlock township, recently occunled liv
Simon Webber.
Also, a tract of laud of about 20 ncres In
Hemlock, adjoining Wlllam Ivey.
lhese properties now beloneto the estate
of Caleb Barton, deceased. Reasonable
terms will bu given. Apply to I. W. Mc-
Kelvy or Geo. E. Elwell, Bloomsburg, Pa.
jan. 12, tf
Bishop Ireland, of tho Roman Catholic
diocese of Minnesota, has taken a very
radical new departure In the temperance
crusade, by forbidding members of tho
church from keeping saloons, tending
bars, or furnishing liquor to the public In
any manner whatever, under penalty of
excommunication. If the temperance
movement, which has been growing more
active of late in the Catholic Church takes
this form it Is likely to bo quite effective,
and should Bishop Ireland's policy be
adopted and enforced throughout the coun
try, a great many saloons will bo shut np
or tho Catholic Church will loose a great
muuy of Its members. Ex-
Wm. G. Morris, Collector of Customs at
Sitka, Alaska says he is confident that thu
very rieh mineral deposits of Alaska can
not fall to attract great attention In the
near future. The lodes found at the base
of thu mountains, which can be traced up
their sides, are being worked by surface
diggers to great advantage. Last season n
small force of men made over !?2!)0,000.
Considerable Pacific coast capital is finding
its way into Alaska, and has already
brought into prominence lines of mines as
large as the whole Comstock lode. Mr.
Morris believes that the mines would show
the largest body of ore in sight In the
world, and says that Eastern capitalists
have already sent machinery for the pur
pose of developing the great mineral re
gions of Alaska Ex.
Tiiere is war in the Tidewater Pipe line
company, whosu pipes run through this
county. It seems that at the election held
last week, the votes cast by H. L. Taylor
a Co., were cast on what is termed the
cumulative corporation plan. The Union
Oil Company before the election, which was
held on the regular day, obtained legal ad
vice on the subject nnd claim their rights.
They owning one-third of tho stock of thu
Tidewater organization, demanded one
year ago at the election to be represented by
the election of one of their number ou tho
Board, but at the last election they weru re
fused while the old Board were continued
in office. At repeated times they refused to
show the books or workings of the Institu
tion to theso owners of stocks. Tho new
Board claim that the Tidewater Pipo Lino
Company could make no showings of earn
ed money, so they weru determined to rule
or ruin.
The ofllce of assessor Is no doubt a try-
ing one, and even with tho exercise of the
greatest care and judgment it is impossible
to make returns that will please everybody.
Only men having knowledge of the falue
of real estatu should bu selected for the
position. There is now, as there always Is,
considerable complaint with the triennial
assessment, nnd it is evident in some cases
that there has been cither carelessness or
partiality. There Is too often u marked
difference in the valuation of properties of
apparently the same value. In some town
ships ono standard Is followed, and lu
others, another, so that citizens of the dif
ferent sections do not pay thu same propor-
tion of taxes.
In Briarcreek the assessors took only 33
per cent, of the valuo of property, whllo
In other townships it is supposed to bo CO
per cent. Of course the additional 17 per
cent, must be put on to make tho taxation
equal to tho rest of tho county. The only
remedy for these difficulties Is to comply
strictly with the law, and assess property
by Its actual value, taking every man's
selling price for ids property us thu basis
of taxation. By the present system, how
ever fairly conducted, there is an inequality
In taxation that Is unjust.
joliiiny's Overcoat.
Johnny M lives In Raclno nnd his
mother is n most excellent woman and
highly respected i but shoenrcs little for
style in dress which brought Johnny to
grief. Slio mndo him nn overcoat, and,
uftcr tho manner of careful mothers, al
lowed for growth ; In fact, she allowed u
little too much in length. It was finished
for Johnny to wear for tho first tlmo on a
Saturday. Ho went out on tho street, and
tho first boy ho met cried out i
"Jo-ru-salcm ! what an overcoat I"
Soon nnother boy camo along, nd greet-
ed lilm w Itli i
"Je-Mi-snlem I Johnny whero did you get
that overcoat?"
Jerusalem being a word that was then
current among the b oys, he heard it sever-
al times that day In eiclamatlons about
his rcmarkiiblu coat.
As tho next day was Sunday, Johnny,
as in duty bound, went to church but
being somewhat late, did not arrive till the
pastor was reading thu morning lesson, In
which this passagf occurred i
"Oh I Jerusalem, thou that klllcit the
prophets, and stoucBtthcm."
Johnny stepped inside tho church door
lust in time to h ear the words "Oh 1 Jeru
aalem," and fear lng refcrenco to his over
coat, and by this time being extremely
sensitive on Uiu subject, he turned and
fled home. It Is needless to say ho never
woro tho coat again until it had been o
Parents do r.ot always realize how much
n child may bo caused to suffer by compel
ling him to W't-ar soiuo article of lress dlf
ferent from the prevailing mode.
H. R. Albertson of Greenwood township
hereby announces his name m a camltdato
for n director of Bloom Ploor District.
Jan. 10, '83lw.
I'or Odd I'cllowo.
We nro printing the Constitution and By
laws for several lodges In the county. Any
others desiring copies can get them now
cheaper llinn At any other time, as tho typo
Is up, nnd copies can bo struck off with
only a few changes. If you wish to get
the benefit of the low prlco attend to tho
matter at once.
The Winona Kcccptlou.
At the Exchange Hotel this Friday even
ing will be gathered the youth nnd beauty
of Bloomsburg nnd neighboring towns, in
rcsponso to Invitations sent out ten days
ago, to attend tho Winona Promenade
Concert nnd Reception. Elaborate ar
rangements have been made by the com
mtttco to insure the success of the occasion.
Thu celebrated Eurckn Orchestra of Allen
town, under tho direction ot Prof. Ruho
has been engaged, nnd this of itself will
make tho evening a very cnjoyablo one
for the guests. It will be ono of tho picas
nntcst parties ever given in this town.
State Tenipcrnuec Convention.
A general State temperance convention
will be held In tho hall of tho Y. M. C. A.,
Second nnd Locust streets, Hnrrlsburg,
Pa., on Thursday and Friday, February
6th and Oth, next, on which occasion Ex
Governor John P. St. John, of Kansas,
will deliver an address tho Governor's ad
dress to bo delivered on Thursday evening,
the 8th instant, at a mass meeting In the
court house. State, county and local or
ganizations, schools, churches, presby
teries, conferences, Ac, nro requested to
scud accredited delegates, the basis of rep
resentatives to be ten delegates for each
Stato organization i five for county societies,
conferences, &c, nnd two for local socie
ties, churches, lodges, divisions, &c. Ex
cursion tickets will be issued over all tho
Dividing tiic uloccac.
At the last diocesan convention of tho
Episcopal church a committee consisting of
Rt. Rev. M. A. De Wolf Howe, Revs.
Hewitt, of Bellefonte ; Tolman, of Mouch
Chunk t Loverctt, of Carlisle, and Messrs.
S. II. Reynolds, of Lancaster; Rodney A.
Mcrcur, of Townnda j Henry C. Eckcrt, ot
Reading and E. R. Drinker, ot Blooms
burg, were appointed to ascertain and re
port to the next annual convention three
lines, from which ono will bo selected for
tho division of tho Central diocese. The
committee, which met nt Reading recently,
ngrccd to submit the following for the ac
tion of the convention i
1. The new diocese to be composed of
the Harrlsburg nnd Wllllamspoit convoca
tlon with Lebanon county, now attached
to the Reading convocation.
2. The new diocese to consist of Wllllam
sport and northern convention. This divi
sion known among churchmen as the cast
and west line.
3. The new diocese to comprise nil the
territory of tho central diocese lying west
of the Susquehanna river.
CliuitKluir Comity L,lneu.
The bill nbout to be introduced In the
Pennsylvania Legislature will enable town
ships or boroughs located at or near the
border of one county to annex to the coun
ty adjoining, and thus make It more con
venient to reach the county seat for the
transaction of business. The bill provides
that if one fourth of all the qualified voters
of such township or borough sign a peti
tion for such annexation and present it to
the court, notice shall be given by the
court, to the resident judge or judges of
the county to which they purpose to annex,
whereupon nn election is to be held and if
a majority voto in favor of such annexa
tion the result shall be certified to the Court
of the County in which such townships or
boroughs nrc located, whereupon the Court
of that county shall order an election by
the people of such districts in question,
and if a majority of two thirds vote for an
nexation, the decision becomes binding
nnd annexation complete. The bill pro'
vides, however, that no county can be re.
duccd by such proceedings below one hun
tired thousand inhabitants, and that no
territory located within ten miles of the ex
sting county seat can be detached and an
nexed to another countv.
Xo Free Ilrlclffe.
The viewers appointed by the court to
view the situ for a county bridge across
tho Susquehanna at this place, met on
Monday. They were Rohr McIIenry of
Benton, David S. Brown of Main, and
George W. Supplee of Madison. Tho
morning was occupied In examining the
proposed location. In the afternoon tho
viewers sat in the reading room of the Ex-
change Hotel and listened to arguments
for and against tho bridge. Rev. D. J,
Waller was the first speaker in favor of
the petition. Hu was followed by W. H.
Rhawn Esq , of Catawlssa, who opposed it.
Remarks wcro also mado favorably by
William Ncal, W. F. Creasy and O. G.
Barklcy Esq., while W. II. Smith Esq., of
Berwick, and Col. S. Knorr favored a ncg
alive report. The substance of the argu-
ments in favor of the proposition was that
Bloomsburg being the county seat and the
centre of trade, al citizens of tho county
have occasion to comu here frequently, nnd
many on tho other side of tho river nro un
nblo to get hero part of the time without
driving cither to Berwick or Catawlssa,
where they aro obliged to pay a heavy
toll. When the water is very high or very
low, nnd In tho winter, the ferries nre use-
less. A bndgo at this point would be of
great benefit not only to Bloomsburg but
to nil the Fishlngcreek region whero thcro
nro largo quantities of lumber tliatcmld
bu taken to market at much less rates over
the N. & W. B. railroad than are now
given by tho road on this aide. It would
also be a great advantago to all those who
carry produce to the coal regions. To all
the business men of this section It would
make a great saving In frelclits. On tho
other hand It was claimed that tho erection
of a free brldgo would not be of any ad.
vantage to thu pcoplo generally outside of
Bloomsburg, and it would bo unfair to
jnuko thu county pay for a brldiro that
would benefit this town alone. Tho
bridges at Berwick and Catawlssa, and
the'.ferrles, afford the people nil tho faclll
ties that they desire, nnd If a brldgo Is
built here, the citizens of Catawlssa, Mif
flin and Berwick have the same right to
demand frco bridges for their nccommoda
tlon. On tho onu hand it was charged
that the bridge wus asked for only by a
few meu la UlooniBburg, and this evoked
the reply that no one wm opposing It but
tho stockholders in tho Catawlssa and Ber
wick bridges.
After tho speeches, tho viewers retired
and upon consultation decided to report
against the bridge.
Among thu Interested spectators were
Judge Hughes, Dr. J. K, Robins, J. F
Prattler, of Catawlssa, W. M, Monroe of
Rupert, 11. F. Crispin of Berwick, J. I).
Bodlne of Mulnville, Dr, J, II, Vustluo of
Danville nnd many others.
PotHoticd by lllnck Blocking.
In Cleveland Harry V. Chapman, a nine-year-old
boy living In Lako street n few
weoks ago donned a pair of black stockings.
In some manner ho chafed one of his heels,
nnd the coloring from tho stocking got Into
the wound. Soon tho foot nnd limb began
to swell 'perceptibly, A physician was
called who pronounced It a case of blood
poisoning. All efforts lo gel tho boy's
blood frco of the poison failed, nnd he died
from the efTects of tho trouble. Tho foot
ntid leg wcro swollen to twice their natural
size nt thu lime ot death.
Lome and Louise.
Tho roynl party reached Charleston
nt 7 o'clock Friday evening, tho trnln
being thrco hours behind time. Tliuro
war a denso crowd ot pcoplo al tho
railroad station, and another largo
crowd at tho Charleston Hotel, wlioro
rooms had been encased for tho party.
Tho princess ami marquis wero met at
tho station by tho British con
sul nnd Captain Domville, of II. II. S.
Dido, both in full uniform. Thoy
wcro then driven to tho hotel, whoro
thoy wcro ushered into a privato par
lor. In tlcfercnco to tho wishes of tho
princess thcro were no formal ceremo
nies of welcomo on tho part of tho mu
nicipal authorities, lho princess is
very much fatigued after tho lone
journey, and kept her berth in tho
sleeping car until tho trnin neared
Uharleston. it is announced officially
that slio will remain thero at least n
week, if not longer, before alio embarks
on thu Dido tor tho licrmudas, and it
seems not altogether improbable that
she may winter there, although no pos
itive statements to this enect havo been
made by any of tho roynl party. Tho
royal suite numbers eight porsons, in
cluding Lorno nnd Louise, anil aro
comfortably quartered in n suito of ten
rooms nt tho hotel. They dined in a
private dining room, fitted up espec
ially for them nt 8:30 that evening.
The princess is accompanied by her
physician, by whoso advico her futuro
movements will probably bo guided.
Tho Marquis of Lorno will probably
return to Canada next week.
Hofore leaving Richmond tho mar
quis had a row with tho Coast lino au
thorities about his bill. 1 hoy charged
him S'JUO for towing tho princess's two
cars iroin iiictimond to unaneston, a
distanco of 400 miles, whereas tho
Chesapeake and Ohio had onlv charged
So00 for bringing them from Cincin
nati to Richmond, twico the distanco.
Tho marquis swore that because ho was
rich he would not bu gouged, and so ho
bought eighteen tickets, tho whole of a
Pullman, and putting therein tho rest
of the party as could bo conveniently
carried, he left the special train be
hind. Intensely cold weather has set in all
over tho country. In tho Northwest
all the ordinary avocations of life have
been brought to suspension, In Colo
rado, Minnesota and Iowa the railways
have been compelled to cease, as it is
impossible for human endurance to
keep tho tracks clear. The cold wave
is bioadening as it comes Eastward,
and takes a belt including Michigan.
Ohio nnd New York. As far South as
Charleston the weather has been un
precedentedly severe. Even California,
which knows nothing of real winter
weather, has been visited by snow.
Tho harshness of the winter, if tho ad
age does not fail, will bo compensated
by an early Spring, a fructuous Sum
mer and an easy Autumn, mild enough
and long enough to garner exceptional
ly heavy crops. Press.
Tho stato paid $1,000 to inaugurate
Governor Ilartranft tha first time, and
$4,200 to induct Governor Hoyt into
oflice. Tho installation of Governor
Pattison did not cost the Common
wealth a single dime. This is practi
cal reform.
The great superiority of DR.
allothercough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
for that old established remedy.
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron
chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient
Consumption and for the relief of
consumptive persons in advanced
stages of the Disexse. For Sale
by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents.
Wiiitk Wiubo1 At the residence of O.
T. Wilson, on Tuesday, 23rd Inst., at 10
o'clock a. m., by Rev, L. Zalmcr, Mr. I
Douglas White to Miss Llllle II. Wilson,
all of Bloomsburg.
GiiiMiN Dunn At Mlllvllle, January
4th, 1883, by O. W. Cooper, Luther Ger-
man of Mlllvllle, Pa., to Miss Laura Derr
of Jackson township, Columbia county Pa.
Ikki.eii. In Jerseytown, on tho
Inst,, Isaac lkeler, aged 70 yeor.".
Mrs. Smith knows, Mrs. Brown knows.
Mrs. Jones knows, and every other Sirs.
knows, I, W. Hartman & Son havu a tine
Unu of spring muslins, spring ticking,
spring towels, spring calico, spring cam.
brics, spring cretonnes, &c, ccc.
0009 Pounds Good Pork.
1)1)0 1 Good I.lvn Calves.
00J Good Llvu Shouts, In weight i 30,
an. 4U. ou to ou pounds.
01 Good Young Beeves.
08V Bushels Good Cloversecd.
099) Bushels Good Potatoes.
0099 Pounds Dried Apples.
09099 Pounds Dried Hi
aspberrles, pitted
cherries and lard.
All of the above wanted
by Silos Young.
Dec. 2241m
nt Light Street
I. W. Hartman & Son sell coods to nco
pie ns far up us thu North Mountain and
over tho river us far as tho Little Mountain
Come again when you wish good good
It Is useless lor I. W, Hartman & Son to
call their goods cheap, as every one
already aware ot that fact.
Apploton A Muslin 8 ceuts cash, by tho
bolt at I. W. Hartman & Son's,
Tills Is beyond question tho most success
ful Cough Medicine wo havo ever sold, n
few doses Invariably euro tho worst cases
of Cough, Croup, ami Bronchitis, whllo Its
wonderful success In tho euro of Consump.
tlon Is without a parallel In the history of
medicine. Since Its first discovery It has
been sold on n guarantee, a test which no
other medicine can stand, If you havo n
Cough wo earnestly ask you to try It. Prlco
10 cts. and $1,00. If your Lungs nro sore,
Chest, or Back, Lame, usu Shlloh's Porous
Plaster. Prlco 25 cts. Sold by J. II. Kin
ports, may C cow
If you don't want to frcczo when It's cold,
suffer from excessive perspiration when Its
warm usu Brown's Iron Bitters.
An Old Man's Belief.
Havo used Parker's Ginger Tonic for my
bad cough and hemorrhage I had twenty
five years. I fell like another man stneo I
used it. Am 00 years past. Believe It
stiro to cure younger persons. A. Orner,
Hlghsplrc, t'n.
Why do so many people wc seo nround
us, seem to prefer to suffer nnd bo mado
miserable by Indigestion, Constipation,
Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of
the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75 cts.,
we will sell them Shlloh's Vltallzer, guaran
teed to cure them. Sold by J. ft. Kin
ports. may 5-cow
The art of fermenting tho Oporto Grnpo
into wine in this country has been brought
to a greater degreo of perfection by Mr.
Alfred Spcer, of New Jersey, than by any
other person ) nnd his wlno Is very popular
as nn evening wine, as well as for the com
munion table and for invalids. For salo by
C. A. Klclm, Bloomsburg, Pa,
My l.Jsband had drunken habits he
could not overcome until Parker's Ginger
Tonic took away his thirst for stimulants,
restored his energy of mind and gave him
strength to attend to business. Cinclnuattl
Don't glvo up ond say there is no help for
Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold In head,slnco
thousands testify that Elys' Cream Balm
has entirely cured them. Prlco CO cents.
Apply Into nostrils with little finger.
An Invaluablo article. An article like
Elys' Cream Balm has long been desired,
and now that It Is within tho reach of suf
ferers from Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold
In head thero Is every reason to believe
they will make the most of it. Dr. W. E.
Buckman, W. E. Hamman, Druggist, and
other Eastonlans have given it a trial, and
011 recommend It In the highest terms.
Easton. Pa., Daily Argus. Oct. 7, 1870.
Elys' Cream Balm cured mu of Catarrh of
many years' standing restored my sense
of smell. For colds In tho head It works
like magic. E. H. Sherwood, National
ciaie uaux, ttlizauclli, JX. Y.
on, what a corani
Will you heed the wnrnlnc. Tho slcnal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumntlon. Ask your
selves if you can afford for tho sa"ke of
savin c CO cts.. to run tho risk and do nnth.
ing for it. We know from experience that
Sldloh's Cure will euro your Cough. It
never falls. Tills explains why more than
Million bottles were sold lhn nnst vpnr.
It relieves Croup, and Whooping Cough, at
once. Mothers do not be without It. For
lame back, side, or chest, use Shlloh's
orus l'lastcr. Bold by J. 11. Kinports.
may 12-eow.
Can a man refrain from chopping the leaves
oi me uuruocic witn ins cane as lie passes ;
it is "only a weed," and yet few plants or
weeds arc so valuable, and few prepare-
ons so voDular. as Burdock Blood Bitters.
in which all its valuable properties are so
sKiinuuy comoined. it cures dyspepsia,
ndigcstlon. constipation, trout, and all d',s-
enBcs arising from impurities ot tho blood.
nee m.w.
Quick, complete cure, all annovinc Kid
ney, Bladder nnd Urinary Diseases. SI.
we have a speedy and positive euro for
catarrh, dipthcria, canker mouth and
headache in Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. A
nasal injector free witli each bottle. Use
it if you desire health and sweet breath
Price CO cents. Sold by J. II. Kinports.
may 12-cow.
WDon't wear dinev or faded thines
wncn me ien-ceni uiamonu uye will mane
mem goon as new. iiiey are penect.
Wells' Health Renower" 'estorcs health
and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence
sexual ue unity.
All ladles know their faces are moat nt.
tractive wlien free from pimnles. Parker's
Ginger Ionic is popular amomr them
Because it banishes impurities from blood
ana sum anu manes me laco glow witli
"rough on hats."
Clears out rats. mice, roaches, files, ants.
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
xoc. uruggisis.
"No eve like the master's eve." Had
sop lived in our day lie mlclit well have
added, "No popular curative like Kidney-
won, ah eyes aro beginning to turn to
it for relief from diseases of the liver,
bowels and kidneys. Kidney-Wort is na
ture's remedy for them nil. Those that
cannot prepare tho dry can now procure it
in uqum i onu oi any druggist.
Sec a woman in another column, near
Sneer's Vineyards, plckine crapes from
which Spccr's Port Grape Wine is made,
ttial is so nigtiiy esteemed by tlio medical
profession, for tlio uso of invalids, weakly
persons anu uiu ageu.
ttoiu uy uruggists. sept 23-ly
Flne( vieorous Vines. Two. three and
Four Years' Old, for salo by the dozen or
thousand nt tho lowest prices.
Tliesc Vines are raised on the famous
Mt. Prospect Vlnevards. at Passaic. If. J..
where the well-known Port Grapo Winu is
produced that is so highly esteemed nt
urcsuen unu iieriiu, ana oincr European
Cities to which it is shipped, and timt is so
highly esteemed by physicians everywhere.
Address. Alfiied Si-eei:.
Jan. 20, '83-3m. Passaic, N. J.
Jacob II. Bloomer, of Vlrcille. N. Y..
writes t "Your Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil cur
ed a Imdly swelled neck and soro throat on
my ion in forty-eight hours; ono applica
tion also removed tlio puln from n very
sore too my wife's foot was also much In
flamed so much so that she could not
walk about the House : slio ann led tho Oil.
and In twenty-four hours was entirely
Is It not worth tho small nrico of 75 cents
to f reo yourself of every Bymptom of tlieso
distressing complaints, If you think so call
at our store and get nbottlo of Shlloh's
Vltallzer, every hottlo has a printed cuar
nnteu on It, uso accordingly and If it does
you no good It will cost you nothing. Sold
uy J. It. Kinports.
may lu.cow
Ladies of nil aees who suffer from loss
of annetltot from Imnerfect direstlon. low
spirits and nervous debility may havo life
and health renewed mid indefinitely extend.
cd by the uso of Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkham's
remeuies lor nil complaints incident to tho
icmaie constitution. wo nave not only
living laitu in -Mrs. I'lnuiiam, but wo nro
assured mat ner meuicincs aro at once
most agreeable and efficacious.
Slllt.Oll'S CATAllltU 1IEMKI1V. A liuirvn
Ions cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker
mouth, and Head Ache. With each bottle
tiiere is an ingenious nasal Injector for tho
inuru buecessiui treatment oi these com
plaints without extra charge. Price 50cts
bom uy J. 11. Kinports. mayO-eow,
"Exactly. You're right. It Is a mercy that
there's a dozen pounds left of ue. But the great
est mercy of all li ttiat before I actually roughed
myself out ot existence I got hold of Parker's
Dinger Tonlo, and a few bottles of It cured me."
in this positive strain writes Mr, Abraham orner.
of lllgusplre, Dauphin Co., pa. Tho Tonlo will
render you the same service, it Is not a mere es
sence of ginger, but au original compound of
powerful curatives. It stimulates, warms, soothes
and tones up the system. a Jan M vi-iw,
Our stock of Holiday Goods nro now
being opened and consist of nil the latest
nml rlmfcest doalcns to bo found, and we
cordially invito you to call nnd examine
our Celluloid Toilet cases, Florence Toilet
cases, Diatlto Toilet cases, fine color cases,
gentlemen's traveling cases, lino periumc
cases, lino mirrors, nanu glasses, cioiu,
hair, tooth and nail brushes, silver fruit
knives, children's knives, forks nnd spoons,
nut picks, shell nnd pearl pocket knives,
cigar cases of the very finest quality,
portmonlcs, coin bags in great variety nnd
nt nil prices, flno spectacles, eye, reading
nnd colored glasses irom ccnis up.
Finn nerfumcs from nil the celebrated
makers I "Lily of lho Valley," white lilac,
azalla, tubo rose, Mary Stowart, glorlosa,
wild olive and many others. Toilet soap,
cut, decorated and plain toilet bottles very
Wo have the cheapest nlcklo library
lamps ever offered, also very fine brass
and nlckle plated library, hand, stand,
student and bracket lamps very cheap
don't fall to see ours beforo purchasing.
New goods constantly arriving.
For tho next thirty days wc purpose
closing out the remaining stock of the
Central Tea Store. Wo have yet nbout
C00 pounds of tea and a small stock of
other grocery goods which will bo sold low
to closo them out, regardless of cost. Call
soon for bargains.
N. J.' Hendershott.
drawbridge & Clothier's
Nearly one thousand eiiKravlnf?s, Illustrating the
new things In every deparimont of fashion.
vmir Dapes of new muMc. In most cases orlirlnal.
cither vocal or Instrumental.
Thn nrlcea of all kind ot Drv Goo4s. totrether
with descriptions and engravings to Bhow what
iney iook iiKo.
Valuable orlirlnal articles, mostly Illustrated, on
subjects that treat of the adornment ot tho ner
son, tho beautifying of home, and the newest
things In art needle work.
Instructions bow thu distant consumer cm shon
as satisfactorily and as economically as residents
or tho ctty.
Eight and Market Streets, Philadelphia.
Jan- o, 'sa-tf.
"Notice Is hereby given to nil legatees, creditors
nnd other nprsona Interested la thn estates ot tho
respective decedents and minors, that tue follow
lntr ndmlnlstrntlon. executor nnd cuardlan ac
counts have been riled In the nmco ot the Heglster
or Columbia county ana win oe presemeu tor con-
nrmation ana allowance in mo urpaann uuri iu
be held In Uloomsburg, on Monday February t,
1S33, at 9 o'clock p. m. on said day.
1. The account of Ezra Stephens, administrator
do bonis non ot William lless, late ot uugarloaf
township, deceased.
7. Thn first and flnul account ot Franklin
(table, administrator ot Elizabeth Gable, late of
catawlssa townsmp, aeceasea.
S. The nrsr, account ot Joseph BlUlg, Charles
Ullllg, wunam Hung ana Ainanaus uuug, oxecu
tors ot John ltllllg.late ot Locust township.
4. Tho account of C. U. Ilrockwav, guardian of
Isaiah Owen, minor chill of John H. Owen's, late
of Columbia county, deceased,
s. The account of tho admlnl-tratlon of Fran
ces O. Sutllrt. administratrix ot Collins W. Sudirr,
late oi l isuingcrecK townsuip, ucceasea.
A. The second nnd final account of It. F,
Chapln, one of the cx'Cutor3 of .lared Harrison,
laiu vi rmmngcrceK wwusuip, ucutrtmuu.
T. The second and anal account ot Isaao H.
Kuun, administrator do bonis non cumtestumento
annexo or uyrua rry, iaie oi me i own oi uiuuins
burg, deceased.
8. Tho first and final account of tleoree W
Kressler, administrator of Anna K. Krcsslcr, late
Ul ujvtusuip, u'.'ecuscu.
9. The tl rst and llnal account of Charles Ilelcli
art, guardian ot the estate of Charles Trltt, a
minor child of Charles Trltt, deceased, and a
grand child of Daniel Herrlugcr ot Hearer town
ship, Columbia county, l'a., deceased,
10. The first and final accountof 1. Y. McKelvy,
administrator of William Daniels, lato ot tho
Town ot Uloomsburg, deceased.
11. Tho first and final account of Conrad
Kramer, administrator do bonis non cum testa
nento annexo ot William liarber, lato ot Madison
township, deceased.
12. The first and final account ot Conrad
Kramer, de boots non cum testamento annexo ad
ministrator of Esther liarber, lato ot Madison
township, deceased.
13. The Ilrbt and partial account of Catharine
Rtttcrand William Kyer, administrators ot John
ItHttr, late ot Catawlssa township, deceased,
Jan. l'i, ' Heglster.
By virtue ot sundry writs Issued out ot
the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia coun
ty, and to mo directed, will be exposed to
public sale at the Court Houso, In Bloomsburg, on
at 3 o'clock p, in.
The following described real cstato situated In
Llghtstreet, Columbia county and Stato ot Penn
sylvania, as tbo property of D, W. nicks, bounded
and describe les follows to-wlt : Bounded on tho
north by lotot Jacob Tcrwllllger, on tho east by
Main street ot said town, on thj south by lot ot
Isaao Kester, nnd on the west by an alley, being
feet !n depth and feet In width, on which
Is erected a two and a halt story brick dwelling
house with out kitchen attachod, frame barn! and
other outbuildings.
oelzed, taken In execution at tho suit ot John M.
Taylor X Co., vs. D M, Ulcks and tobe sold as tho
property ot D. V. Ulcks, Vknp Ex.
Zakr, Attorney.
All that certain real est at) situate In tho Town ot
Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa,, bounded and
described as follows to-wlt : on the north by Fifth
street ot said town, oa tho east by lot of Mrs.
Jacoby, on the south by an alley and on thu west
by Chestnut alley, being no feet In width and la
feet In depth, on which aro erected a two story
framo dwelling houa-j, framo barn and other ou t
Seized, taken Into oxecutlon at the suit ot James
Barton va Henry ortwloe and to be sold as the
property of Henry ortwlne.
Itoblson, Attorney. Vend Ex,
All that certain piece of land Bltuatoln Centro
township, Columbia county, Pa., containing
about twenty-four acres of land adjoining land ot
wimam Dennts on the east, lands ot Peter Spen
enberger on the north, lands of J, B. Bower on ho
west and lnds of Henry Croup on the toutti,
whereon aro e-ected a two story framo dwolllng
houso with cellar kitchen, a largo bank barn and
other out buildings, good water on the premises,
All Improved land.
A tractor land containing seventeen acres more
or less, situate In tho township and county afore
said, adjoining the above tract on tbo south, land
ot Iteuben Siller on the east, main road leading
to tho mountain read on tho north and lands of
Peter frponenberger on tho west, AU Improved
land used In conncotlon with tho above described
tract of land,
A tract ot land containing about thirty-one acres
situate In thu township and county aforesaid,
adlolnlng land o. II, It, Bower on tho south, lands
ot Itouben bltler on tho oast, lands ot Alfred Bow
er and Henry Croup on tho nortli and lands of
Alfred Bower on the west, about sixteen acres ot
which Is cleared land, balanco woodland,
About twenty acros ot woodland In tho township
ana county utoresaia, bounded by land) ot Iteu
ben SltUr on lho south, lands of William Shatter
on the east, lands now or lato ot John Fowler on
the North and on tho west by laud ot Emery U a
About fifteen acres ot mountain land In the town
ship and county aforesaid adjoining lands ot
Henry Croup, now or lato ot John Fowler and
Seized, taken into execution as the property of
Samuel Bowers at the suit ot James, Kent, San-
tee co., ana to ue sou us lho property of Sim
uei Bowers.
Terms, cash on day of sale.
Frcoie, Attorney. Fieri Facias.
Jan. 19, Sherttf.
WHHHKAS.thoIIon. Wn.UAM Etwr.i.t
President Judgo of the court ot oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Dcllvcry.'.Court of Quar
ter Sessions of tbo Peace and tho Court of Common
Pleas and orphans' Court In tho scth Judicial Dis
trict, composed of tho counties of Columbia and
Montour, and tho Hons. James Lako and F. L.
Shumnn, Associate Judges of Columbia county,
havo Issued their prcccpt,bcarlng date the th day
of Deo In the year of our Lord ono thousand eight
hundred and eighty-two, and to mo directed for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court. In Uloomsburg, In the
county ot Columblo,on tho first Monday, being the
stli day ot February next, to contlnuo for two
Notice Is hereby given to the tho Jus
tlces ot tho Peace, and tho Constables of the said
County of Columbia, that they be then and there In
their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon ot
said sth day of Feb. with their records Inqui
sitions and other do tlioscthlngs
which to their offices appertain to bo done. And
thoso that nro bound by recognlzanco to proseouto
against tho prisoners that nro or may lo In tlio Jail
of tho saldjcounty of bo then and there
to prosecute them as shall be Just. Jurors are re
quested to bo punctual In their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at Uloomsburg
,1 the Brd day of Jan. In tho year of our
US. J-Iord ono thousand eight hundred and
pttfhtv.twn and In tho ono hundred nnd
seventh year ot tho Independence ot the United
States ot America. . . .
Hhcrlil'BOnice, doun muukky,
Uloomsburg, Jan s to sheriff.
n-hn fniinwincr vtdow9' Appraisements will bo
presented to Court on the nrst Monday of Febru.
1 .A.n nAnnpmml hlcl . nt.rl 11 nlna nTnnn.
-y UUU V.UU... 1UVU M. J. . mm ...V
iinniiMntM within tour days thereafter wilt bo
confirmed absolutely i
i. Aten Thomas cstato, deceased, of Mimic,
Personalty, uoo.oo.
. Ent nobel s.. estate, deceased.' Ot lMriri:k
Personalty, $2!.n.
3. Chester C. II., oatatc, deceased, of Scott
rcrsonalty, uoo.oo.
i. Deyrlng Leonard, estate, deceased, or locubi,
ersonalty, f 33.M.
s. Jamison J, It., estate, deceased, ot Main.
e. Hitter John, cstato, deceased, ot Catawlssa.
Personalty, Koo.oo.
7. Williams Thomas T., estate, uccoaseo, oi
Centralla. ltealty, tl&o.oo.
jan.l,'83. Clerk o.C.
Nnticn li hereby riven that tho partnership be
tween c. C. Trench and James M. Shew.under tne
tirm Damo ot C. C. Trench Co., In Scott town
ship, was dlsolved on the btti day ot January, A.
. 1 i Ui,i.i nnnaAnr all rlAnta nun fin fi
owing sild nrm are to bo p.dd to C. v. l . rcnch.and
the business will be continued hereafter under tho
nrm name ot Maize Shew.
Jan. 18,'83-4W JAMES M. SUKWV,
Notice Is hereby given that tho following nam
ed iperaons havered with the clerk of the court
of Quarter Sessions ot tho peace of Columbia
county, their petitions tor licence, which will bo
presentea 10 iue biuu ';""'".""!"'"":'--
day ot February, 1913, nt ! o clock, p. m.
Ollmore F. M..
Uloomsburg, Restaurant,
do Liquor store
no Hotel.
Itobblni cortez ii.,
Tubbs W. It ,
Mann Jno. s ,
llairenbucli Samuel,
Heckman tleorge,
Jan. 12, 'S3.
rentre. "O
Clerk Q.S.
Tho Commonwealth of Fentsylvanla
To the following ch'ldren, grandchildren ic, of
Elizabeth Kelchner deceased :
Isaac Kelchner a son residing nt Centrevllle,
Columbia county. Pa Sarah, a dauphter inter
married with Ceorgo Arz, residing at Nanttcoke,
Luzerno county, Pa. Samuel Kelchner, a son re
siding at Nantlcoke, Luzerno ccunty, l'a. Jacob
Kelchnnr, a son, residing at MlffllnvlUc, Colum
bia county, Pa. John Kelchner, a son, residing
In Monuoraery county, Maryland. Margaret, a
daughter, Intermarried with Itobert Patterson,
residing at Llghtstreet. Columbia county, l'a.
The following grandchildren the children of her
deceased son Eleazer Kelhner to-wlt : Clarence
Kolchner, William Kelchner. John Kelchner and
ostln Kelchner, all residing at Mlftllnvllle, Colum
bia county, Pa . also tho following grandchildren
tno children of her deceased son llllam Kelch
ner to-wlt: EmmaKelcnner residing at lierwlck,
Columbia county. Pa. Mlnnlo Hosier, Intermar
ried with Boyd Hosier residing at Berwick. Col
umbia countv, Pa. Charles Koichncr, residing at
MlflltnvlUe, Columbia county. Pa., and two other
daughters of the said William Kelchner, deceas
ed, whose names are unknown to your petitioner
residing at Minilnvllle. county ot Columbia, F.
Also tbo following grandchildren tbo children or
her deceased daughter, Mary, who vra Intermar
ried with oldeon ueorge who Is now deceased to
wlt: Jacob Oeorge residing at White Haven.
Luzerne county, Pa. uldesn, residing sotm
where In Now Jersey, tho place unknown to your
petitioner, and a great-grandchild whose nam'i
and place of resldenco Is unknown to your petit
ioner, wnoso mother was Kiien ueorgo aeceasea.
who was a daughter ot tho said Mary Oeorge, do
ceased, lineal descendants ot Elizabeth Kelchner,
deceased, and to all other persons Interested,
Orectlng: You and each otvou nro hereby cited
to bo and npoear before tho Judges of our Or-
minus- luurt uiun iTpnaus uuurb iu u uuiu -Bloomsourg
on tho First Monday ot February
next, then and thero to accept or retuso to takn
tho real estato ot said Elizabeth Kelchner de
ceased, nt tho appraised valuation put upon It by
the lnqnes'., duly awarded by the said Court, and
returned by the Sherirr, or show causo why It
shad not be sold. And hcroof tall not.
U. n. T.NT,
jan S Sheriff.
Real Instate I
In pnrsuanco of an order Issued out of tho Or
phans' court ot Columbia county, theunderstgntd
administrator Jtc. ot John Lewis, lato ot sugar
loaf township, deceased, will expose to public
sale on the premises on
mm January 11 1.
at two o'clock p. m all that certain pleco of lsi d
situate In Sugarloaf township, said count' ,
bounded and described as follows: On tho Norm
by land ot tho estate ot J. It. Fritz on tho East !v
land of Glberson, on the south by land cf
David Lewis, and on tho West by land of John
Laubacn, containing
more or less, on which aro erected a dwelling
house barn and outbuildings, (lood water, and .1
large apple orchard on tho premises
TERMS OP SALE Ten per cent, of tho otie-
tourtliot the purchase money to be paid at Hid
striking down of the property, the one-fourUi loin
tho ten per cent, at tho confirmation ot sale ; and
tho remaining three-fourths In onu year thcie-
otter, with Interest from confirmation "Is!.
Attorney. Administrator
Jan, 8, S3.
Wheat per bushel.,
Hyo " ..
i 1 ffl
Com, " .,
oats " "
Flour per barrel ,,
Cloverseed ,
Tallow in
Potatoes i
Dried Apples , m
Hams , u
sides shoulders nt
chickens i
Turkeys in
i.uraperpouna ,,, , u
Havperton lot!
Buckwheat flower per 100 too
Pim-ADKLvniA, January l,
Pl.OL'K The market was dull and weak Biim-r.
Hue U 00(4.837 i extra U.604 oo s Pennsylvania
nmllv M.UM-1.75: Ohio aud Indiana fmnii
$3.1)0(3,15; illnucsotaexiral3.'l43.w; do straight
tS.NMMoj winter patent tOttQWUi spring do
KVK n.OUR-l.00(3l.3.
Whkat Market was steady! No. s western rrt
fl.OKai.u.v i Delaware and Pennsylvania redoi
ii.uhmi.v1,, t longuerry red anu amuer si.iogi.w,
Cokn The market was dull for local use; new
ungraded 4Too, do ball W(4T4o; old Btcamtr
62c ; do mixed 3(4b: ; do No. 3 do sic.
OATa-Market was Inactive, but Btcadyt No, 1
white 500-, No. Jdo4j(jivc! No. 8do4Ic; No, I
ItTK-oulet at 61.1 CHS.
LAHD-Jlarket was bteadr
cltv kettle iwa
lXOi looso butchers'
lltill lie prlmo bieuui
uoTTK-Pcnnvlvanla and western creamer
extra 37Jso; Bradford county and New V tk
oxtra S1M310 j Bolls Bteady ; Pennsylvania a
1 1 . u.
, Kuas-rennsylvanlalx32o; western J00 : Ice
houso iUtgyto ; limed i w.o.
An English Veterinary surgeon and Chemltt,
now traveling In thlt country, savs that moat nf
th Horso and Cattlu Powders told hero are worth,
less trash. He says that Sherldtn's Conditio i
Powders uru absolutely puru aud Immensely v .lu.
unit. Notn ngou earth will makti n nj lay IUd
hherldau's Condition Powdora. Dobe, 1 tcatpoou
1 riv ivu. ovm uii-rii'uere, or wuv uy
mall for s letter-stamps. I. a. Johnson ci..
Boston, JUbs. old JanWfca-lr,