The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 19, 1883, Image 3

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The Columbian.
FItIl)AY, JANUARY 10, 1883.
Correct Itnllroiut Tlmu Tutilc.
Trains on the Philadelphia & It. tl, lcare Unpen
is a.m. it 4 a. m
4 U6 p, in, s s p. ni
Trains on ttio I). L. & W. It, 11. 1cto Bloomsburg
I li)) & in. s i a. m.
lo S3 ft. m. II 49 n. m.
tl p. m, 4 t p. in.
The It train south connects with the 1'hlliv
delohla Heading nt itupcrt, and with ttio
Hormcrn icnirai at norinumocriana.
Ths 8:m a. tn train connects at Northumberland
with 8:13 train on Pennsylvania road reaching
1 'Illinuciimit ni o.. i. 111.
Tho 11:4' train connects with Philadelphia anil
Heading roal at Itupert at U:so reaching Phila
delphia at 8:00 p. m.
Tno lists train connects with Pennsylvania
roal at Northumberland at l:tl reaching Pulladel.
phla at 1:33 p. m,
Tiio4:2Tp m. train connects with Pennsylvania
ruau hi iiurmuuiuunuiiu ui, p, in. aau reaencs
mu&ueipuiu ai a:oa n. in.
It Is our custom to clvo our books .i
thorough overliniillnjr.on tho llrst of tho
year. In accordance with tills rule,
bills nnvc ucen nrnae out lor every
person who owes lor a year or more up to
Janunry 1st, 1883. These bills have been
sent out In sealed envelopes with a three
cent stnmp on each one, because; we have
found by experience that bills sent In the
papers receive little or no attention. A
list of nil those to whom bills me sent, Is
kept, and those who do not respond nro
marked down ns "slow pay." Inputting
tho price of the paper at SI. GO n yenr In
advance, we hoped to secure prompt pay.
mcnts, and thus save the postage, printing
and time expended In looking after non.
paying subscribers. On somo delinquents
as much ns fifteen cents' postage has al
ready been expended without any result,
besides the cost of envelopes and printed
circulars. To such, we cannot send the
paper for two or three years, and then ac
cept the low rate, the same as if paid In
ndvancc. All bills sent out, when more
than one year is due,have been made $3.00
a year, and this will be Insisted on, except
where the following condition Is compiled
with i
All those who pay in full to January tl, 1884,
can settle at the rate oSl.GO a year, provided
they pay before February 1st, 1883.
Wo have extended the time one month,
because it is cheaper to do so, than to
travel over tho county trying to collect.
Those who reject this liberal offer will
positively bo charged $2.00 a year, nnd
those who owe for several years will have
their papers stopped and tho amounts
placed for collection. Wo are obliged to
say so much because there are hundreds
of dollars due us that wo badly need to
pay our bills and make further improve
ments in our ofllce. "Business Is busi
ness," and it is impossible to run our es.
tabllshmcut on promises and open book
Wo know our prompt paying patrons
will pardon us for occupying so much
pace on this subject, as it is not often '
that we print duns in the paper, but neces
sity compels it now.
John A. Gorman Esq., of Iltulcton was
in town on Monday last.
W. II. Ilhawn Esq., of Catawissa, was
in attendance upon court last Saturday.
Mr. George Bcrtscli, of Mauch Chunk,
paid his friends in Bloomsburg a visit the
latter pari of last week.
Miss May Wells has been unable to at
tend to her school duties at Catawissa for
some days owing to illness.
Mrs. Morris Shipley is visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Neal Mr.
Shipley Is in New York but expects to be
here soon.
Miss M. C. Melvelvy, returned last Fri
day from Philadelphia, Bridgeport, Beth
lchcm,nnd other places where she has been
visiting for several weeks.
Mr. A. A. Zaner of Audobon, Iowa, who
Is visiting relatives nnd friends In Colum
bia c.ninty, paid us a friendly visit. Mr.
Zaner has hosts of friends who will be
very glad to seo him.
Mr. Win, Goodman of Centralla paid us
a pleasant visit on Wednesday. He reports
pretty good times in Centralla, all collieries
running three-fourth's time except one, the
Continental, which runs full time.
Among tho Columbia county people who
attended the Inauguration at Hurrisburg
on Tuesday were O. W. Sterner.of Blooms
burg, W. B. Snyder, of ICoaringcrcek, Mr.
Forsytho of Espy, and J. C. Yocum Esq.
of Catawissa.
Mrs. F. Merceron died at Catawissa on
January 8th.
There will be a sale of singlo and doubb
carriage harness at S. II. Ilagenbuch's,
January 23.
Throwing red pepper down the register
of a church will force the wickedest con
grcgation to its sneeze.
Mr. J, K, Shnrpless of Catawissa has
been dangerously ill for some days; we
understand that he is recovering.
The man who stops his paper to ccono
mize ought to cut his nose off to keep
from buying handkerchiefs. Louiscille
Bellcfonte has organized a board of trade,
with General Beaver us President ; J, I).
Shugart, Treasurer; J. Howard Llngle,
McKlllIp & Cho.Me,
H. J. Clark's building,
jan lD-Uw
A thief who robbed a contribution box
tho other day has repented. He is now
obliged to carry around with him several
pounds of punched coins which no one
will take.
Tho mite society of tho Lutheran Church,
went to II, O. Kelchner's In Light Street
on Tuesday evening last, taking odvantago
of tho fine sleighing. There were seven
sled loads.
Messrs. M'KiUIp &, Choato of Carlisle
havo purchased tho photograph gallery of
O. O. Wirt In tho II. J. Clark building
where they will contlnuo tho business in
the latest styles of tho art.
The hills of lofty endeavor and high
achievement lie all around us. Rochester
Express. And so do some of our brethren
of the press when they get on the subject
of their circulation. Texas Siftlngs.
The United States mull-bag was stolen nt
Susquehanna tho other day. Tho next
morning a red handkerchief, containing
checks to tho amount of several thousand
dollars, wns found near the depot.
Do'st thou love life f Then do not squan
der valuable time, for that Is the stuff life
is mado of j but procure nt once a bottle
of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for your Cough
uud bo cured, Your druggist keeps It.
Sunday evenings find tho "gang" still
nbout, trying to look respectable people out
of countenance' Tho corners of Main and
Iron streets bcciii to bo a favorite haunt for
loafers. Tho nuisance should bo abated.
Two moro trains have been placed on
tho N & W. B. Kallroad. Wo have not
learned tho exact schcdulo for Bloom Ferry
station, but It is nearly as follows i North
7.40 a. m. 0.30 p. uv, south, 12, m 7
p. tn,
H. II, Albertson of Greenwood township
hereby announces his namo ns n candldato
for n director of Bloom Ploor District.
Jan. 10, '83-4w
Ex.county commissioner John Hcrner
(lieu on Friday last, after a long illness,
and was burled nt Numtdla on Tuesday,
Mr. Hcrner was a prominent man In his
community, and was well known through,
out tho county, having been commissioner
for two terms. Ills ago was about slxty-flvo
The etymology of "masher" Is traced to
tho eminently respectable Beaumont and
Fletcher, one of whose plays has the phraso
"-Mashed In love," where tho word Is ex
plained In a foot-note to bo an old form of
A Mississippi jury nwarded S2000 dam
ages to a young lady whom a railway eon
ductor had forgotten to put off at the station
where sho wished to alight. She was car
ried only two hundred yards beyond her
George Kline, son of Jonas Kline, for
merly of Benton township, but now living
in Bloomsburg, died nt his father's resid
ence on South Main street, January 14th, at
12 o'clock m., In the sixteenth year or Ids
Mrs. Matilda Johnson Montgomery Itals-
ton, relict of James Ralston, deceased,
passed from this life on Sunday last, about
0 a. tn. Mrs. Halston wr.s a member of tho
M. E. Church. Sho was about 08 years of
age nt the time of her death.
Win. llupert, who has been lying be
tween life and death for some time, died
last Sunday night about eleven o'clock.
Ho had been employed as messenger nnd
night watchman for the First Natlona
Bank, continuously since March 7th, 1804.
The project to annex the lower portion of
Luzerne to Carbon County, seems to meet
with the approval of the Inhabitants of
Lower Luzerne. They Bay all business
connected with the Courts can be attended
to more speedily and at less cost than under
the present arrangement.
iV barrel of flour weighs one hundred
and nlncty-slx pound j a barrel of pork
two hundred ; a firkin of butter fifty-six j
wheat, beans nnd clover seed sixty pounds
to the bushel ; corn, rye nnd llax seed flfty
slx j buckwheat flfty.two j a barrel of rice
six hundred; hurley forty-eight; oats
thirty-two ; coarse salt eighty-five.
A gentleman who called in last week to
pay his subscription for another yenr in
ndvance, said, "I have taken this paper for
thirty ono years, nnd we enn't get nlong
without it. It is the best paper In the county,
nnd grows better every year." Thanks for
the compliment. Such encouragement is
grateful to the editorial heart.
Tho destruction of the Planter's Hotel at
St. Louis by fire Monday morning Is an
other warning to the proprietors of public
houses. A hotel which cannot afford to
guard against lire has no reason for exist
ence. The loss of life by this last contlag
ration was comparatively small, but that
fact does not detract from the solemnity of
the lesson it imparts.
Governor Butler recommends in his mcs
sage n law making plots to derail a train
punishable by death. The one objection
to such extreme penalties is that juries re
fuse to convict. A penalty of fifteen or
twenty years' imprisonment, which, on the
average, lasts longer than a life sentence,
would prove more effectual in preventing
these crimes.
Tho people of Catawissa are exercised
for fear a free bridge will be erected at
Bloomsburg, and a notice has been pub
lished nsking all persons who are opposed
to a free bridge, to meet hero on the 22nd
Inst, when tho viewers appointed to view
the ground will conilder the matter. Just
to make It lively, how would It do for all
those who favor the bridge to meet at the
some time 1
Quite a fire-wave has struck the country.
Not a day passes but we read of some
more or less damaging fire by which many
human beings are either killed or fright
fully Injured. A terrible holocaust Is re
corded by wlro from St. Petersburg, on the
14th Inst., whereby one hundred und fifty
persons were burned while attending n cir
cus at Bcrdlschcff In Itusslan Polaud.
From tho statement of tho valuation of
personal property of this county as pub
lished, it nppears there arc 2918 dogs This
Is enough for all practical purposes. Bogs
appear to be much more numerous than
watches, as only 81 of the latter havo been
found worth assessing. In Bloomsburg
there are ouly 20 watches worth $20 nnd
upwards, according to the assessors' re
turn. One of our exchanges relates the follow
ing incident! "A Constable madu a re.
turn on the back of a paper, thus : "I ex
ecuted this subpeeny by trying to read it
to John Smith, but he was drlvin' cattle on
horse buck, and run faster than I could, und
kept up such a hollerin' I don't know
whether he heard or not, this Is thu best I
could do and I don't know wether thu
subpeeny Is served according to law or
In 1883 thcru will bo four eclipses, two of
the sun nnd two of thu moon, On April
22, there will bo a partial eclipsu of the
moon, which will be visible on the Pacific
coast, Thu next eclipse will be that of the
sun on May 0 ; it will not bo visible In this
country. The third Is that of tho moon on
October 10, and can bo seen all over tho
United States. Tho lust is that of tho sun
and occurs on October 30, and will only bo
partial on the Pacific coast.
Foil Hale. A farm of about 80 acres In
Scott township, adjoining Ellas Krum.
Also, a house and lot In Wedgctown,
Hemlock township, recently occupied by
Simon Webber.
Also, a tract of land of about 20 ucres in
Httuilock, adjoining Wlllam Ivey.
These properties now belong to tho estato
of Caleb Barton, deceased. Reasonable
terms will be given. Apply to I. W. Mc
Kelvy or Geo. E. Elwcll, Bloomsburg, Pu.
Jan. 12, tf-
Tho first lecture of the courso was de
llvered by Itev. Dr. Ecclestou of -New
York on Thursday evening, tho 11th Inst.
Tho Opera Houso was well filled and thu
audlenco listened very attentively to tho
interesting discourse. As the subject wns
an old und familiar one, tho "War of Inde
pendenee," the speaker began by saying
that ho did not expect to say anything new,
but simply to recall somo facts which his
hearers had forgotten. Ho gavo a vivid
description of tho trials nnd struggles of
our forefathers, and accompanied It with
excellent Illustrations on canvass, by
means of tho oxy.hyd light. Wo under
stand that Itev. Joseph Cook, tho celebra
ted Boston lecturer, has been engaged by
thu committee.
Now that tho holidays arc' gone, tho
hard work done, nnd plenty of leisure on
hand, tho gentle parent has tlmo to visit
tho public school nnd seo how tho children
nre doing nnd how tho teacher is exerting
himself, An Incalculable amount of good
can be done In this way. A call nt the
school by the parent not only Incites tho
teacher to renewed efforts for tho better
advancement of his or her pupils, but
shows tho pupils that they nro being kept
under tho loving eyes of their parents and
a feeling of prldo Is sown In their breast
nnd they work with renewed energy, and a
very pcrccptlblo change comes over nil ;
tho pnrcut, tho teacher and the scholar
seem to bo bound by n closer and wanner
tlo and feel much better for It.
"The State Normal Schools will doubtless
bo constrained to present their condition
nnd their claims to tho" Legislature. Somo
of them nro badly Involved lu debt, nnd
others, which havo contracted no serious
Indebtedness, aro without adequato equip
ment. These schools nro an Important and
valuable part of tho educational work of
tho State. During tho past four years tho
appropriations to theso schools, by the
State, havo been distributed to them on tho
apparent equity of each case. Tho pay.
mcnts thus mado have not been absolute,
but for their amounts, Hens havo been
taken, in favor of the State, against tho
property of the schools. I think this policy
should bo continued until nil the schools
aro relieved of any Indebtedness, not mi
providently contracted, nnd their equip
ment fairly equalized. In that event, these
normal schools should bo brought, to u
greater extent, under tho control of the
State. Thereafter they should be self-sus
taining, nnd not expect that tho State should
come to their aid, Indefinitely." Extract
ffom On: Hoyt't Message.
The Lead Mines. The work on the two
drifts has been prosecuted with great vigor
for the last two days. Good Indications of
quartz containing oxydes of lead have been
reached, although but ten feet of drift has
been excavated. The pilch of tho vein by n
miner's level, is about 33J degrees. A math
cmatlcal calculation hns been made as to the
number of feet the tunnel will havo to be
driven to rench tho vein, nnd It is expected
to reach them at 40 feet. As soon as the
main veins are reached breasts will be open
ed at once- Tho latest modern appliances
will be used for mining, nnd no method left
untried to secure those Interested In the en
terprise tho greatest possible money return.
The lead mines below Sunbury aro part of
the mineral belt of which outcropplngs nre
found at many places In Snyder, Mifflin,
Clearfield, Huntingdon nnd Columbia coun
ties, nnd is from sixty to eighty miles In
width. The south dip crops out below
Sunbury, saddling over and dipping south
and 1b pinched off by the coal measures. On
the north dip the veins go under the river
nnd form a basin between Sunbury and
Northumberland, coming up again above
Bloomsburg, near Espytown, in Columbia
county, forming nn immense basin of ore
that would take a century to mine. Out
cropplngs have been found near Seven
Points, five miles east of the Sunbury mine,
proving that there are continuous veins of
mineral running east of tho Sunbury mines.
The opening of these mines will not only be
a great enterprise but will be the means of
developing all the surrounding mines.
Sunbury Daily.
An Ice IlrldKC Over a Mile In
Niauaiia Falls, N. Y., Jan, 15. The
largest and most perfect ice bridge that ever
bridged tho chasm below tho falls formed
last night. It is over a mile In length, nnd
will probably remain during the rest of the
The address "Our Profession" as publish
ed in the minutes of Columbia County
TenchcM' Institute, should have been crcd-
ited to Prof. Francis Heck of
school, Centre township, instead of Mr. J.
T. Bcvun of Berwick.
Northumberland Wnklnic fl.
The ancient town of Northumberland is
catching on" to tho progressive spirit of
the nineteenth century, and Is just now
experiencing an industrial boom. A new
nail factory on nu extensive scale, a woolen
mill, and a fuctory for tho purpose of
making agricultural implements will
shortly appear among the industries of the
place, and those who have been holding
real estato lor tho last half century in hope
of an advance arc now selling their lots ut
fancy prices. It was thought that nothing
short of an earthquake would stir up
Northumberland, but this was a mistaken
notion, judging by the enterprise that has
just appeared there. It is a pleasure to
know that tho prospects of the venerable
town nro so promising.and wo congratulate
its citizens on the out look. Sunbury Demo
OruutcevlIIe XotcH.
Ileal estate is apparently advancing in
value, especially all that which fronts on
Main street. This fact U clearly demon-
stratcd by tho recent purchase of two lots
by S. H. Hngenbuch, ono fronting on Main
und tho other on Mill street for a considera
tion of ono thousand dollars. Several prop.
ertles havo changed hands recently, ono
from Wm. DeLong to T. W. Conner, onu
from Silas Conner to Mr. Hcckmannnd one
from M. S. Hayhurst to S, A. Shnrpless.
Blelghlng lias been good for the past
week snd this alone is a stimulus which
brings people lu from tho country, und
causes our merchants and hotel keepers to
smllu a knowing smile which tells of their
Unangst, the genial proprietor of tho Ccn.
tenulal Hotel Is going to llvo a retired life,
at least quit tho hotel business. Your cor
respondnnt Is not informed as to wheru liu
is going. By the way, last Friday evening
a party of twenty two members of the Gen.
U. H. Ent Post from Bloomsburg met a few
other membeis of the Post nt Unangst's
Hotel where u sociable tlmo was had. Pat
riotic and sentimental war songs were
rendered with nearly ns much vigor ns dur
ing tho late unpleasantness. At 11 o'clock
p. m. a bountiful repast ot oysters was serv
cd nnd before 12 thu
party wcru on their
Como again, gentle.
way to Bloomsburg,
T. W, Conner recently n resident of
Bloomsburg has built n large and commo
dious store house on Main street
U prepared to supply thu wants of tho most
fastidious In thu way of furniture, Tom Is
enterprising and we bespeak for him sun
cess. Messrs, Snyder and Fleckcnstluu's ponies
of which a correspondent lu thu Cntuwlssa
jYftri Item madu so much fun, cannot bu
bought for $100 each. I notlco they drlvo
splendidly und ut a good ratu of speed.
They nro youn nnd consequently lmprov.
ing und steadily enhancing In valuu.
The Band which is in a prosperous con.
dltion l ave moved in the spacious room
over Conner's furniture store wheru they
practlco threu evenings lu each week under
the direction of A. M, Hughes. A bund is
certainly Indispensable to a live town,
Wasted. By Z. T. Fowler of Willow
Grove, Pu., 00,000 bushels of wheat at $1.
per bushel. Jan. 10, '83-4w.
Mimiit ileum.
It Is pleasing to seo how our farmers
inako use of tho 'Blelghlng.
George Bhutnan, nn old resident of this
place, died on Saturday evening Oth Inst,
lie was as well as usual In tho forenoon,
wns up town nnd did tho work nbout tho
barn. He wns taken 111 at tho dinner
tablo complaining of severe patn lu his
head. He nroso from his chair nnd lay
down on tho floor, was placed on n bed
and tho doctor being called In ho became
better during thu afternoon but nbout ft fo
o'clock he beenmo worse nnd died soon
after soven. He was about seventy-soven
yenrs old. Always n regular nttcndnnt nt
church, was nt tho usunl service for tho
last tlmo on Sunday before, being the last
day of the old year. His remains were
burled on Tuesday.
A protracted meeting has been in prog
ress at the M. E. Church for some time.
The attendance Is good.
Geo. Swnnk bade ndlcu to his 'many
trends of this placo nnd stnrted on n trip
to Florida on tho 5th Inst. Ho sailed on
Saturday Oth, on the steamer "City of
Macon," from Philadelphia for Savannah,
Ga., nnd arrived at Jacksonville, Fla., on
the 10th Inst.
llcv. Feggly of Lcwlsburg preached In
tho Lutheran church on Sunday.
Mrs. Sallio Brown, who lived In this
township for many years, died in Centre
township on Friday last. Sho moved with
her husband to this place from New Jer
sey many years ago. Alter ner nusuatui's
death she lived with her son-in-law, S. H.
Swnnk. She died at the age ot nlncty-stvcn
years within a few days. She wns favored
with unusual health; nt the ago of 04 sho
had never taken any medicine. Had seen
but very few sick days since. She was
always able to work. Last September
she suggested to her great grand-daughter
walk to Ncscopeck from Mlfllin, which
would not have been unusual for her to
do. Sho has several great grand-children
one of which Is married. Not many
people like Mrs. Brown have tho plcasuro
of being Invited to the wedding of their
great grand-child. Her remains were In
turrcd at the Mlfllin cemetery on Sunday.
Our friends P. and S. Slusscr of Hazletou
visited friends at tins place on Saturday
and Sunday.
John Wells Hollenback of Wllkcs-barrc,
last week presented 100,000 to Lafayette
College to endow the chair of President; a
similar gift was made by him to thu College
a few years ago.
James Keilly has sold his residence on
Third street to the Roman Catholic con
grcgation. Tho deed was executed on
Saturday to Bishop Shanahau, In trust for
tho congregation. The house will be taken
possession of on tho first of April, by
Father O'Reilly, the parish priest.
Court I'roceeclitiKH.
Bloomsburg, January 13th, 1883.
Court met pursuant to adjournment. His
Honor William Elwell President Judge nnd
James Lake and F. L. Shumnn associates
on thu bunch.
Estate of A. P. Evans on petition correct
amendment allowed.
In Wm. Webb estate on petition, parti
tion allowed.
T. H. Edgar vs. H. B. Low, on nllldavlt
rule granted to show cause why nppeul by
defendant Bhall not bu stricken off.
In ro acknowledgement of deed of John
Belscl guardian of minor children of Frank
lin Heisler deceased, &c., filed.
Elijah Summers estate. Petition of Jos.
Summers for citation on administrator to
file nu account.
On petition citation awarded to file ac
count m estate of Absolom Mcllenry.
Swlssfort tfc Bechtnl vs. Jos. H. Johnson
rule on Sheriff Hoffman to return writ
W. Torrcy vs. 1). Morris rule granted to
show cause why jugdnicnt shall not be
Martin Kelly vs. Peter Clcmons ct nl.,
rule to set aside tho service of summons
made nbsolute.
Edgar ys. Thompson opinion filed.
Commonwealth vs. D. IIolllngshead,wrlt
of certiorari quashed.
Jane Herron et nl. vs. Joshua Fetterman
et nl. petition of C, G. Murphy for substitu
tion to the rights of defendants tiled.
Anna E. Eck estate, account amended
by consent of counsel nnd confirmed and
audit on exception withdrawn.
C. S. Books vs. borough of Danville
struck jury allowed
Chas. B. Brisben vs. P. nnd T. Collins
petition to open judgment filed and rule to
show cause granted.
County stnteircnt filed In open Court.
On petition of Mrs. T). Petrikln citation
awarded for executor of David Petrikln
deceased to filo account.
Catharine Bachart estate petition for per
formancc of contract. Decree filed.
McAlarncy vs. Wnlverton, motion for
order on receiver to pay taxes for 1882,
filed. Decree filed directing tho receiver to
pay taxes assessed for 1882 by the receiver
and sumo to be paid out of the fund
lu hands of receiver.
Jackson vs. Booth, ct nl., amendment
filed by leavo of court.
Jant'auy 15, 1883
Court met pursuant to adjournment, nt
p. m- Hon. Wm. Elwell President Judge
nnd F. L. Shumnn associate on the bench.
Petition of Flshlngcreck supervisors for
special tnxes. Court refused the same,
Road in Locust township near Bear Gap,
referred back to viewers. Opinion filed
Isaac Weekly estato vs. Daniel B. Fred
urick. Opinion of Court filed und rulu to
show causu why judgment shall not bo
entered for want of sufficient affidavit, &a,
Jacob Smith vs. Ruth Ann Smith. Di
vorce decreed und libelant to pay cost
Opinion filed.
Deeds icecorded.
Tho following deeds havo been recorded
since thosu last published :
F. L. Shumnn nnd wlfo to Pails Shuman,
Isaac E. Yost to Joseph Ruckle, Bloom
C. B. Brockwny and wife to Mary 0
Houahach, Conynghnm,
Wm. Fritz uud wlfo to John Fritz
Jacob Lynn and wife to John Haring
Carollno Mann to Daniel Miller, Beaver,
Jonathan Bachmnn and wlfu to Frank
Jones, Bloom.
Samuel Fritz to Aaron R. Fritz, Sugar1
James B. Kuhn to Melvlmv Conner,
T. W. Conner und wlfu to Emellne S,
Soper, Bloom.
Elizabeth W. Wyncoop and husband to
James Barton, Bloom.
Geo. W. Krussler administrator to Rutt
Kressler, Scott.
Lloyd Paxtou to W. M. Monroe, Mon
Edward Strausser nnd wife to Jacob
Blllmnu, Locust,
Vim. Jcrrard nnd wlfo to Wllbert B
Williams, Berwick.
P. L. Shuman nnd wlfu to Hamilton V
Clark, Cntuwlssa.
Jackson & Woodin Mfg. Co. to Miles
Murtemy, Berwick.
Susanna Snyder to Gcorgo Zimmerman,
Horace Creasy nnd wife to Henry Nuss,
Ccmutry Company to Geo, W. Kressler,
administrator, Bloom.
Joseph I), Thompson and wife to Lemuel
S. Rlnnrd, Berwick.
Harvey Shuggars nnd wlfo to Charles
Hclss, Cntuwlssa.
Isaiati John nnd wlfo to J. D. Brown,
Geo. H. Wlllctlsetnl. deed of purtltlon,
Columbia county.
Michael Fcderolf nnd wlfo to Georgo
Wcller, Montana.
I. W. McKelvy et nl., executor, to Mnry
Dentlcr, Bloom.
Richard Thompson to Samuel Hawk;
Jos. Breach und E. M. Tewksbtiry ad
ministrator to Snrnh A. Breach, Catawissa.
Frcase Fowler and wife to Jackson fc
Woodlu Mfg. Co,, Brlnrcrcck.
Berwick Rolling Mill Co. to Jackson is
Woodin Mfg. Co., Berwick.
M. W. Jackson to Jackson os Woodin
Mfg. Co., Berwick.
Jackson & Woodin Mfg. Co. to Elizabeth
Wells, Berwick.
Trustees of M. E. Church of Berwick to
Jackson is Woodlu Mfg. Co., Berwick.
Garrlek Mallory administrator to Jackson
Si Woodin Mfg. Co., Berwick.
Wm. Welghtman and wife to Robert Y.
O. Walker. Conynghnm.
Francis D. Sutllff administrator to Thos.
B. Fritz, Sugarloaf.
Rlchnrd Thompson ct nl. to Chester A.
Harman, Berwick.
Elizabeth Millard to William H. Ellis,
Wm. Brumbach nnd wife to William H.
Ellis, Catawissa.
John W. Smith nnd wlfo to Conrad Kra
mer, Madison.
Wm. Rltter and wife to Peter S. Harman
et nl., Bloom.
Jesso B. Young ct nl. to Mnry B. Glenn,
Joshua Fetterman ct al. administrators to
Franklin P. Grover, Main.
Clinton W. Neal nnd wife to J. J. Hagcn
buch, Bloom.
Lloyd Shuman und wife to John Jamison,
James Bclford et al. to James W. Adams
ct al., Brlnrcrcck.
John Eggert and wlfo to Theodore F.
Bcrgcr, Berwick.
Thomas Trench to Jacob II. Maize et al.,
Elislm Hayman and wife to Elijah G.
Rlcketts, Orange.
Peter Hayman and wlfo to Elijah G.
Rlcketts, Orange.
Jacob Frltzgerald administrator to Perry
D. Black, Greenwood.
Patent, commonwealth to Sarah E. Kls
ner, Pino.
James Rellly to Right Rev. J. F. Sliannn.
ban trustee, Bloom.
Benjamin Stinu and wife to Elizabeth
bhe, Centre.
Daniel Thomas to Peter Thomas, Fish-
The great superiority of DR.
allothercough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
for that old established remedy.
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Bron
chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient I
Consumption and for the relief of I
consumptive persons in advanced
"'aires cf the Disease. For Sale
; iyr.ll Druggists. Price, 25 cents.
McHkniiy Pkalkii On tho evening of
December 80th, 1882, at tho house of the
officiating minister, D. M. Kinter, Jlr.
Aaron W. Mcllenry of Benton, to Miss
Alice Pealcr of Flshlngcreek. '
K,i:ciiSEit GonnSEU. At the Evangeli
cal parsonage, Waller, Columbia county.
Pa., on January 11th, 1883, by tho Rev. B.
F. Keller, Mr. B. F. Knrschncr, to Miss
JIury C. Gordner, both of Pino township,
Columbia county, Pa.
a c.
Marr sells tho Best Burning Oil nt
I. W. Hnrtman it Son's 5 and 10 cent ta
ble filled up only wltli tinware.
1)099 Pounds Good Pork.
I'M Good Live Calves.
09 Good Live Shoats, in weight : 80,
3i, 40, (50 to (10 pounds.
0 Good Young Beeves,
0!) Bushels Good Clovcrsecd.
099 Bushels Good Potatoes.
0999 Pounds Dried Apples.
09999 Pounds Dried Raspberries, pitted
cherries uud lard.
All oi thu above wanted at Light Street
ny oiias i oung.
Dec. 22-3iu
i. great change has taken place In I. W,
Hartman it Son's store. .Since the holidays
musuns, calicoes, dress goods, linens, crash,
towels and conterpalus In tho pluco of
C. C. Marr nuvs 32 cents for Butter. 25nts
ior i.ggs, loctsiorjjimi, tucts roruiiicKens,
60ets for Potntoes, 50cts for Oats, 75cts for
Corn. lOcts for Pork. 8to 10 for Beef and
sells goods cheap.
Several boxes of muslins, calicoes, no
Hons, table linens, tc, Ac, in this week
ut 1. . Hartman & Son's.
Now is thu tlmu to buy Shnwls ut cost nt
Poor butter no demnnd ut I. W. Hartman
X, bow's.
C. O. Marr buys Veal and Hops.
Fresh butter always In demand at
Hartman ifc Son's.
I. W.
Go to O. C. Marr's for Sugar, Coffees,
Teas, Syrups, nnd N. O. Molassus very
An Oi.ii Man's Belikf.
Havu used Parker's Ginger Tonic for my
bad cough und hemorrhage I had twenty-
live years. I fell Uko another man slncu I
used It. Am 00 years past. Believe it
sure to euro younger persons. A. Orner,
Jtignspirc, vu,
In all who uru suffering lrom bolls,
ulcers, scrofula, carbuncles, or other obstl
miiu Diseases oi tno blood and skin.
coursu of Burdock Blood Bitters will bo
found to bu it short road to health. Pi leu
My )..isbnnd had drunken habits ho
could not overcome until Parker's Glngei
Tonlo took away his thirst for stimulants,
restored his energy of mind nnd gave him
strength to uttend to business. Clnelnnattl
Illit3 OF tlOWX FKEt. HAiin,
All beds seem hard to the rheumatic.
Then barken yo peevish sufferers! Apply
Dr. Thomas' Ecleclrlo Oil to your nelilng
joints and muscles. Rely upon It that you
will experience speedy relief. Such, nt
least, Is thu testimony of those who havu
used It. Tho remedy is likewise success
fully resorted to for throat and lung dis
eases, sprains, bruises, etc.
nil. wit AT A rniTiuit
Will v.n 1irw.,1 flin t'if.ttir Tim otr-nnt
pcrhnps of the suru approach of that more
terrlblo disease Consumption. Ask your-
selves If you can afford for the sake of
saving GO cts., to run tho risk nnd do noth.
lug for It. Wo know from experience that
Hhllnl.'s Cure will rnri! vniir Cninrb. It
iu.ii, f..iia Ti.ta ,.v. ,!!,, ,,r n,,,i,
n Million bottles weru sold the past year,
It . rnllnvna f'rnim nml Wlinni.lni- 1'iiiiitli nl J
finpn Afntlwieu iln lwt lin M'llliMttt It. Vnr
lame back. side, or chest, use Shlloh's
Poms Plaster. Sold by J,
II. Klnports.
may 12-eow.
Dr. S. B. Brlttnn says i As a rulo phy
sicians do not, by their professional me
thods build ni) tho female constitution,
while they seldom cure the diseases to
which It Is always liable In our variable
climate and under our imperfect civiliza
tion. Special remedies nre often required
to restore organic harmony und strengthen
tho enfeebled powers of womanhood; and
for most of these we are indebted to per
sons outside of tho medical profession.
Among tho very best of theso remedies I.
assign a prominent place to Mrs. Lydla E.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound."
Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kid
ncy, JJliultler una urinary Diseases,
HTDresscs. cloaks, coats, slockinirs nnd
nil garments can be colored successfully
with the Diamond Dves. Fashionable I
colors. Only 10 rents.
Wo have a speedy nnd positive euro for
catarrh, dlptherla, canker mouth and
headache in Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. A
nasal Injector free with each bottle. Use
It If you desire health and sweet breath.
Price 00 cents. Sold by J. II. Klnports.
may 13-cow.
"Wells' Health Renewcr" 'estorcs health
nnd vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotcnco
sexual Debility
miEAT on, noou.
E. Balcli, Elgin, 111., writes! "That after
trying dozens of patent liniments, without
reliefV for a rheumatic and stilt knee, I
feel I have "struck oil nt last," for after
uslnij three botllcs of Thomas' Eclectrlc
Oil, I am prepared to say It Is the best ap
plication 1 have ever used."
All ladies know their faces'are most at
tractive when free from pimples. Parker's
Ginger Tonic Is popular among them
because It banishes impurities from blood
nnd skin und kes tho face glow with
"There is no arguing a coward into
courage." But even the coward may bo
brave after trying Kidney Wort, that medi
cine of wonderful efficacy in nil diseases of
the liver and kidneys. It is prepared in
both dry and liqnid form und can mways
bu relied on us uu effective cathartic and
diuretic. Try It.
Is It not worth the small price of 75 cents
to free yourself of every symptom of these
distressinc complaints, if you think so call
nt our store and get a bottle of Shlloh's
Vitallzer. every bottle has a limited cuar-
nntee on it, use accordingly and if it does
you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold
by J. H. Klnports.
may 12-eow
As u true nnd efficient tonic, nnd one
that excels all other iron medicines, take
lirown's Iron iiitters.
"itouaii ON ItATB."
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, files, ants,
bed-bugs skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
loc. Druggists.
See a woman in another column, nenr
Specr's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which Sneer's Port Grane ine is made,
that is .so highly esteemed by the medical
profession, for the use of invalids, weakly
persons and the aged.
Sold by Druggists. sept 22-ly
Jlr. Alfred Speer, who was the first to
Introduce tho cultivation of the Onorlo
Grape in tills section of the country had a
visit iti.m a number oi jncw iorK rnvsi
clans to inspect his vineyard and ware
houses at Passaic, N. J.. recently. About
sixty doctors took the noonday train over
the Erie Railway, and after a half hour's
nleasant ride arrived at l'assalc. The vine
arils nre uiiout litty acres in extent ami
just outside the town. Here the visitors
found both the small dark Portugese and
mu native uoncoru m nuumiancc.
Among those nresent were Dr. L. II.
Janes, of the Board of Health : Dr. Alex.
li. Alott. ot tno liellovuu Hospital .Medical
College; Dr. William H. Haynes, of the
I'resnvtcrinn iiosnitai : Dr. rranuaru, Jr.
Powell. Dr. Chimin. Dr. Williams und Dr.
Gardner of Jersey City. Speeches were
made by Dr. Janes, Dr. Mott, Dr. Haynes
and others commendtory of Mr. Speer's
wines and vineyards.
TXTHEKEAS.tliellon. "William Elwell
T T l-resiaeni juago oi mo uoun oi oyer ana
Terminer and General Jail Delivery ,'Court of Quar
ter Sessions ot tho Peaco and the Court of Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court In the scth Judicial Ills.
trlct, composed ot tho counties of Columbia and
Montour, and tho lions. James Lake nnd F. I..
Shuman, Associate Judges ot Columbia county,
have Issued their precept.bearlng date the 9th day
ot Deo In tho year ot our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and eighty-two, and to mo directed for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Court of Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court, In liloomsburg, In the
county of Columbla.on the first Monday, being the
6th day ot February next, to contlnuo for two
Notice Is hereby given to the the J us
tlccs ot tho Peace, nnd the Constables otthe bald
County of Columbla.thnt they be then and tlierj In
their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of
Bald ttu day of Feb. with their records luqul.
sltlons and other do tbosethlngs
which to their ofllces appertain to bo done. And
those that aro bound by recognizance to prosceuto
against tho prisoners that aro or may bo In the Jail
of the sald;county ot Columbia, to bo then and there
to prosecuto them as shall be lust. Jurors are re
quested to bo punctual In their attendance,
agreeably to their notices. Dated at liloomsburg
f the srd day of Jan. In the year ot our
J US. VlMrd ono thousand eight hundred aud
I- elehtv.twonnd In the ono hundred and
seventh year of the Independence ot tho United
mates ui Ammuu,
snennsomce, juh.n mouhiiv,
jiiouiuiiuurg, Jftuo-io Diierm.
Tho following Widows' Annralaf inpnls will ba
prcsenieu io uoun on mo nrst jnouauy oi reDni'
arv. iss3. and confirmed nisi . and unles3 excel)
lions bo MM within four days thereafter will bo
counrmeu ausoiuiciy ;
l. Atcn Thomas estato. deceased, of Ml nun
Personalty, J3ou.uo.
2. Ent Robert m. estate, deceased, of llerwlck
I't'rsouaiiy, 9i.h
:i. Chester C. U estate, deceased, of Scott.
Personalty, isoo.oo.
4. Deyrlns Leonard, estato, deceased, of Locust,
Persona tv. t33 "5.
5. Jamison J. K., estate, deceased, ot Main.
personalty, i
0. Hitter John, estato. deceased, of Catawissa.
T. Williams Thomas T.. estate, doceased. of
Jan. 19, '63. Clerk o. C.
Ihi ituoa, fully dMCtlbed In iVlr ITIHUUMU
furt," nuking 11 a condinwd Gardening: Hook. iitvlnf
ill th Utttt InformtlioD known io t)t tuthoi of Ur
deaUg fvrl'ruflt. MiU4 fie on tppHcttloo.
Potor Hondor8on & Co.,
35 & 37 Cortlandt St., New York.
Jonlt-Svreow all
nnr aini'k nf Hoi dav Goods nro
being opened nnd consist of all the latest
nnd choicest designs tn bu found, nnd wo
cordially Invite you to call nnd cxnmliu)
our Celluloid Toilet cases, Horence Toilet
cases, Dlalltu Toilet cases, nm coior cases,
gentlemen's traveling cases, lino pcnuine
caes, lino mirrors, hand glares, cloth,
hair, tooth and Hall brushes, silver fruit
knlvKi. I'lilldriMi's knives, forks and SllOOIlS,
nut picks, shell nnd pearl pocket knives,
rllfiir ease of tllU VerV flllCSt quality,
tinriimiiiles. coin baes In crcat variety and
at all, line spectacles, eye, reading
nml rnlnreil irlasses from 25 cents up.
Fine iierfumes from all tho celebrated
mnkcrs i "Lily of thu Vnlley," white lilac,
nzalln, tnbo rose, Mary Stewart, glorioia,
wild olive nnd many others. Toilet soap,
cut, decorated nnd plain toilet bottles very
Wo have tho cheapest nlcklo library
lainns ever offered, nlso very fine brass
nnd nlcklo plated library, hand, stand,
student und bracket lamps very chenp-
don't fall I
Now goods
to sec ours before purchasing.
constantly arriving.
For the next thirty days wo purpose
closing out the remaining stock of the
rVntrnl Timi Store. Wu have vet nbout
fiOO nounds of tea nnd a small stock of
other grocery goods which will be sold low
to close them out. rccnrdluss of cost, tall
soon for bargains.
NT ' TT,-vik A -v5V-i f
drawbridge & Clothier's
Nea'lv ono tuousaml encravlnifs. Illustrating tho
new tilings In cvrry department of fashion.
Vnur niurns ot new music, lu most eases original,
cither vocal or Instrumental.
The prices of all Klnai ot nry uoo.ii. rocf-iucr
with descriptions nna engravings to snow wnat
thoy look like.
VniimhM orlirlnal nrtlcles. mostly Illustrated, on
etihifptn ttint, trpnt nf tho adornment of tho per
son, tho beautllvlns ot home, and the newest
things in art neccne worn.
Tnatrnpttnn how the cllslint consumercan slion
1 as satisfactorily and as economically as resldsnts
or tno cuy.
Eight nnd Market Streets, Philadelphia.
"Trttlco Is hereby Riven to nil legatees, creditors
and other persons interested In tun estates of tho
respective decedents and minors, that tun folio w-inn-
urtminurr.itinn. nxt'cuuir and guardian ac
counts havo been tiled In tho onico ot tho Register
of Columbia county and win do prcsenipa ior con
Urination and allowanco la tho orphans' Court to
be held In liloomsburg, on Monday February 6,
ISS3, at i o"clock p. m. on said day.
i. Tim nceount of Ezra Stephens, administrator
do bonli non of William Hess, lato ot sugarloaf
township, deceased.
2. Tho llrst and final account or FranKiin
fiablc, administrator of Elizabeth liable, lato ot
Catawissa townbhlp, deceased.
3. The llrsf. account ot Joseph Ullllg. Charles
nilllg, William UUlIc and Amandus mine, execu-
;ora oi ,ioua ituug,iaiu ui luuusl lumusui,j.
i Tim ni-iiniint of c. 11. llrockTav. guardian ot
IsaUh own. minor chill of John s. owen'3, lato
ot Columbia county, deceased.
5. Tim nceount of tho adm nl-tra'.lon of Fran
ces I). H'ltllfl, administratrix ot Collins W. suuni.
lato of risuingcrecK lownsuip, ueccasea.
fl. Tho second and final account of It. V.
Chapln, onoot tho ex'Ciuors of tared Harrison,
laie or t isaiiigcreeiv luwusuip, uttctiscu.
f. Tho second and llnal nceount of Is.iao S.
Kuhn. administrator do boal3 non cum testumento
nnnexo ot Cyrus Fry, Into of tno Town of lilooms
burg, deceased.
8. Tho nrst and final account of ueorjo w
Kressler. administrator of Anna E. Kressler. luo
of sojttto.vuhlp, deceased.
o. The Hrst and llnal account of Charles Itelch-
art, guardian of tho estate of Charles Trltr, a
minor child ot Ctiarlui Trltt, deceased, and a
grand child of Daniel Hcrrluger of Hearer town
ship, Columbia county, l'a., deceased. ,
10. The llrsr and ilual account ot I. Vt. Mckclvy.
administrator of William iunlels, late ot tho
Town of liloomsburg, noceased.
11. Tho llrst and nual account or Conrad
Kramer, administrator dj bonis non cum testa
mento annexo ot Wll.lam Uarber, lato of Madison
township, iiecoasod.
li. The llrst nnd llnal account ot Conrad
Kramer, do bODls non cum tostamento anncxo ad
mlnlitr.itor of Kstlior uarber, late of Mudlsm
township, deceased.
is. Tho llrst and partial account et Catharine
Hitter and William Eyer, administrators of John
Hitter, late or catawissa townsu'p, oeceasea.
Jan. 1, lteglster.
Ily vlrtuo of sundry writs Issued out ot
tho Court of Common Pleas ot Columbia coun
ty, and to mo directed, will bo exposed to
public salo at tho Court llouso, In liloomsburg. on
at 3 o'clock p. m.
The folloAlng described real estato situated la
Llghtstrect, Columbia county and State ot Penn
sylvania, as tho property ot D. W. Hicks, bounded
and rtoscrlbalns follows to-wlt : Hounded on tho
north by lot ot Jacob Terwllllger, on tho eist by
Main street of said to,vn, on tin south by lot of
Isiao Kcster, and on tho west by an alley, being
feet !n depth and feet In width, on which
la erected a two and n halt fctory brick dwelling
houso with out kitchen attached, f ramo barn; and
other outbuildings.
ielzed, taken lu execution at tho suit of John M.
Taylor S Co., vs. 1) M. Hicks and lobe sold ni the
property ot 1). w. Illcks. venu ex.
Zakk, Attorney.
All that certain rod cstat i sltuato In tho Town ot
Illojmsburg, Columbia county, i'u., bounded and
described as follows to-wlt : On tho north by Filth
street ol slid town, on tho eastby lototMrs.
Jacoby, on tho south by un alley and on tho west
by Chestnut alley, being no feet In width anl 1C5
feet In depth, on which aro erected a two story
frame dwelling house, rr-ttne barn and other out
buildings. Sclced, taken Into execution at tho suit of James
llarton vs Henry Ortwloo and to bo bold uj tue
property ot Henry Ortwlne.
ltoblson, Attornoy. Vend Ex,
.Ml that certain piece of land situate In Centie
township, Columbia county, Pa containing
about twenty-four acres of land adjoining land ot
William Dennis on tha vat, lands of Peter spen-
enberger on the north, lands ot J, 11, lluwer on he
west und Iiuds of Henry Croupou the couth,
whereon nro ceded u two story f ramo dwelling
housu with cellar kitchen, a largo bank barn and
other out buildings, gooi watsr oa tho premises.
All Improved land,
A tract of land containing seventeen acres moro
or less, sltuato In tho township aud county atoro
sald, adjoining tho above tract on tho south, land
otlieuben Siller on tho east, main road leading
to tho mountain read on the north nnd lands ot
Peter Bponenberger on the west. All Improved
land uajd In connection with tho above described
tract ot land.
A tract ot land containing about tl.lrty.oue acres
situate In tho township anl county aforesaid,
adlolnlng land o. 11. It, llower on the bouth, lauds
of ltouben Mtler on tho cast, lands of Alfred How.
er and llonry Croup on the north and lands of
AHred llower ou tho west, about sixteen acres of
which Is cleared laud, balanco wojdland.
About twunty acres ot woodland In tbo township
aud county afoiesaid, bounded by lauds of lieu
benWtltron tho bouth, lands of William frhatfer
on tho east, Vnuls now or late ot John Fowler oa
the North and on the west by laud of Emery Ha
genbuch ALSO
About lltU'CU acres of mouutaln land hi tho town
ship and county aforesaid adjoining lands ot
llonry Croup, now or late ot John l'owier and
Seized, taken luio execution as tho property of
Samuel Dowers at the suit ot James, Kent, San
tee &(.')., and to bo sold as tho property ot Sam
uel (lowers,
Terms, cath ou da) of sale,
Freeze, Attornoy, Fieri Facias,
Jan. VI, ':3, bhcrlff.
Notlco Is hereby (rlren that tho partnership bo-
tneen (?. c. Trench ana James M. snow.unicr ue
linn nnrno of O. O. Trench Co., In tfcoft town
ship, was dliolveil on Hie Bin dar of January, A.
I) iss, by mutunl consent, all debt", due and
owln Bald nrm aro to bo pilct to O. C. 1 rcncb.and
llio business win bo continued hereafter nndertlia
nrm namo ot Maize & BUow. ,.
Jan. 18, SJMn'. JAMK3 M. 8HKW4
Notlco Is hereby Riven that tho following nam
ed ccrsons liavo nied wltli tho clerk of tho court
ot (Jiiartrr HiRslona of tho peaco of Columbia
county, their Dcilliona for license, which will be
presented to tho said court, on Monday, tho fifth
day of February, I8S3, at S o'clock, p, m.
Ollmoro P. M llloomsbur,?, Itestnurant.
Kobblns Cortcz 11., do Liquor store.
Tubbs W. it., ao Motel.
Mann .Jno. H , Centre, do
llnjrenbuch Hamucl, Ora"jo, do
Hcckman (leorge, do do
llloomsburtf. WM. KIttCKBAUM,
Jan. lj"'S3. Cleric j,8.
Letters of administration cum tcstamento &n
nexo on the estato nf Daniel Fester, lato of
Centro township Columbia county, Fa., deceased,
havo been iirantedto wmucl W, Jockvm ronld
Inj In ram township, to whom all persons In
deotcrt to said estato aro requested to make
payment, nnd thono havlnir claims or demands,
will make known the same without delay.
snydcr, Att'y. Administrator.
Tho undjrslgned auditor appointed by tho Or
phan's Court or Columbia county, to mako dlitrl
outlon ot tbo balance of tho fund In tho hands ot
Hannah H.Armstrong, administratrix, will sit at
his onico In tho town of liloomsburg, on Saturday,
January 13th 1&83, at) a. to., to perform the duties
of his appointment, when and whero all partlas
Interested In said fund must attend or be debar
red from receiving any sharo thereof.
11. V. WI11TB,
Pee. 15 'SJ t a. Auditor.
Lcttera testamentary In tho estate of Levi
U'rlrrlit. riflcpfuipil. Irttn nf Ilnmtock township.
Columbia county, To., have bcon granted by. tho
Register of said county to ncnecca ngm nna y .
J. Wright. All persons having claims against tno
natntn nf snlrl fWprlpnt. nm rnriunstcd to PrC&ent
licglster of said county to ncbecca Wright and W.
tlinin fn," onltlpmnnt. nnrl thnn lndnllti?d t3 tdO
estate to miko payment to the undersigned with-
John C. Yocum W. J. WIHOnT,
Attorney. jtxecuioio.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the. Or
phans' court of Columbia county to make distri
bution to and nmoDg tho parties in interest, In
said estate, of tho balanco in tho hands of the
administrator as per account tiled, will attend at
his onico in liloomsburg, on Friday. January 11,
is2. nt 10 o'clock In tho forenoon for tho purposos
of his appointment, when and where all parties
Interested In said estate mustattond or oe for
ever debarred lrom any share ot said fund,
The undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or
phans' i ourt ot Columbia county to make distri
bution ot tho balance In tho hands ot Administra
trix, will sit nttho onico of Frceie. Kyerly
White, in liloomsburg, In said county, on i-atur-day,
tho soto day ot January, tS83,at 10 o'clock
A. M., of said day, when aud whero all parties
Interested In said estate must attend or uo forever
debarred from any share ot said fund.
W. L. EYEHLY, Auditor.
Dec. 29th.
Tho underMgned having been appointed Audi
tor to mako distribution ot tho fund In the hands
cf 11. P. Former, Ksq administrator of said de
cedent, hereby gives notice that he will Bit at the
olllco ot John c. Yocum, Esn... In tho town of Cat
awissa, to perform tho duties of his appointment
on the twentieth dav if January', A. 1). 1SS3 at
o'clock a. m., at which time and pluce all parties
having claims against the said estato will appear
and present the same or bo debarred from com
ing in tor a share ot said fund.
The Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania'
Totho following children, grandchildren 4C, of
Elizabeth Kclchner deceased:
lsac Kelchnera noa residing at Centrevllle.
Columbia county, Pa Sarah, a daughter Inter
married with George Arz, residing at Nantlcoke,
Luzerno county, Pa. Samuel Kelchner, a son re
siding nt Nantlcoke. Luzerno county. Pa. Jaeob
Keichner, a son, residing at Mimtnvlllo, Colum
bia county, Pa. John Kelchner, a son, residing
In Montgomery county, Maryland. Margaret, a
daughter, Intermarried with Itobert Patterson,
residing at Llghtstreet. Columbia county, Pa.
The following grandchildren tho chtldren of her
deceased son Elcazer Kefhner to-wlt : Clarence
Kelchner, William Kelchner, John Kelchner and
ostln Kelchner, all residing at MlflllnMlle, Colum
bia county, Pa., also tho following grandchildren
tno chtldren of her deceased son William Kelch
ner to-wlt: EmmiKelcnner residing at llerwlck,
Columbia county. Pa. Minnie Hosier, Intermar
ried with Boyd Hosier residing nt llerwlck. col
umnln nnnnt.v. r.i. Charles Kelchner. residing at
Miminvllle, Columbia county. Pa., and two other
daughters ot the said William Kelchner, deceas
ed, whose names aro unknown to your petitioner
residing nt Minilnvlllo. county ot Columbia. Pa.
Also tha following grandchildren tho children of
her deceased daughter, Mary, who was Inuermar
iled with Gideon Georgo who Is now deceased to
wlt: Jacob Georgo residing at White Haven,
Luzerne county, Pa. Gideon, residing some
where In Now Jersey, tho placo unknown to your
petitioner, and a great-grandchild whose name
and placo of residence Is unknown to your petit
ioner, whoso mother was Ellen George doceased,
who was a daughter ot tho said Mary Georgo, de
ceased, lineal descendants ot Elizabeth Kelchner,
deceased, and to all other persons interested.
Greeting: You nnd each otyou sro hereby cited
to be and appear before tho Judges of our or
phans' court at an orphans' Court to bo held at
liloomsburg on the Flrbt Monday of February
next, then and thero to accept or refuse to take
the real estato ot said Elizabeth Kclchner de
ceased, at tho appraised valuation put upon It by
tho Inquest, duly awarded by tho said Court, and
returned by tho sheriff, or show cause why It
shall not bo sold. And hereof fall not.
U. H. ENT,
jan 5 Sheriff.
Ileal Estate
In pursuance ot an order Issued out ot the Or
phans' court ot Columbia county, the undersigned
administrator Ac. of John Lewis, late ot Sugar
loaf townbhlp, deceased, will exposo to public
salo on the premises on
mm km
at two o'clock p. m all that certain piece of land
bltuate In sugarloaf township, said county,
bounded and doscrlbcd as follows : On the North
by land ot the estate ot J, It. Fritz on tho East by
lard of Glberson, on tho South by land of
David Lewis, and on thn West by Und of John
Laubach, containing
more or less, on which are erected a dwelling
houso. barn and outbuildings. Good water, and a
large apple orchard on tho premises.
TEItsis OF SALE, Ten per cent, of the one
fourth of tho purchase money to be paid at the
striking down ot tho property, tho one-fourth less
tho ten per cent, at tho confirmation ot sale; and
tho remaining three-fourths in ono year there
after, wltli Interest from confirmation nisi.
Attorney, Administrator.
Jan, t, M.
Wheat per bushel , l.oo
llye " so
com, " so
Oats " " 43
Flour per barrel ,','.'.'.,'.',','.'.','.,'.',',.',"!!,'.V..." tM
Cloverseed ... fi.eo
Butter 31
Eggs 3l)
Tallow , ,01
Potatoes , , 43
Dried Apples ,, 05
uuuis x
sides x shoulders 1914
Chickens . uo
Turkeys,. io
Lard per pound 19
llavperton , Ituo
iceswax M
lluckwheat llower por 100 s.oo
PuiLAtiEU'iiu, January la.
Flock The market was dull and weak ; super.
lino ta oe(4.83i s extra j3.t(K!i.uo; Pennsylvania
family ti.0Ml.T5 ; Ohio and Indiana family
(S.oomms ; Mlnueaota extra t-s.'i.W.&o i do straight
H.&iKu (i.oo i winter patent OH3iao.lij i spring do
0.S( !..
HVK Fl.Ol'R-H,00i3l.!5.
Wheat Market was steady : No. 8 western red
fl,,H.0' j Delaware and Pennsylvania red 88 i louguerry reu anu ainucr ii.iimi.ix.
I jkntHu market was dull for local uso s new
ungraded tiwoo. u0 mn imuo; old stoamer
bu ; do mlxrd Niotbdo ; do No. 3 do sic.
ot Murketwas inactive, but steady! No. 1
white Wo j No, do m No, S tlo 470 i No,
mined 4lc.
Htk -Quiet at IS(3.
LAiin-Markot was steady t city kettle 12VC4
ljiei looo butchers' llirflivo! prime steam
lieiTEK-lVnusvlvaula and western creamery
extra 3T(4Hij Hradford county and New York
Astra aminos Itolls steady j Pennsylvania KS
Iiiis-rennsylvanli sivi'm : western 300 t Ico