The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 12, 1883, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A Strange Bemlnlsoencc, T1IK ESCAPE OP A WELL KNOWN KX-AUMr surcieon from an unkore- SEEN Messrs. JUd'Uors : I seldom appear publicly in print, but the fnots connected with my expe rience which follows arc so striking. and bear so closely upon the oxperieneo of others, that I venturo to reproduce tn em enure. In tho month of September, 1879, 1 was practicing inedicino in New Orleans. The summer had bcon ex ccssivelv hot nnd overvboriv was com )ialnli)K of being exhausted and feeling tired. It was not nn ittifiemicnt occur rence to have patients ask for some thing to relievo this weary sensation, and that I should also pnrtako of tho unmo universal lassitudo or weakness, did not alarm me. I supposed that over work and exposuro nnd produced n temporary physical prostration j thero foro I made a trip to St. Paul, Minn., thinking that a rest of n few weeks in a cooler climate would soon rclnvigorato me. Little did I dream, howovcr, what was in storo for me. After getting set tled in my now quarters I took a short walk every day, ami patiently awaited n return of strength, but in siiilo of nil ray efforts I seemed to to losing strength and even any Might exorcise 1 - - - 1-1 - - 1 ... ..I I . TV... uuu;iiiiu lauunuus nnu irouuiusumu. xui iug this time I had frequent dull rich ing pains in my head, and through my back and hip, occasional shooting pains in various parts of the body, with sore ness, shortness ot breath, and palpita tion of tlio heart. My feet and hands would bo liko ico ono day, nnd burn with heat tho next. I had no deslro for,food and what I did eatdistressed mt;, my sleep becamo disturbed with tho frequent desiro to urinate. Tho qnan tity of fluid passed would at ono timo oo quite premise. Then tor days 1 would bo nerfectlv free from this desiro nnd nothing seemed to bo tho matter ; nevertheless my debility gradually in creased. My eyelids wcro puffed out ; my bowels wcro alternately torpid nnd too active, the urine would bo clear eonio days, on others ,it would bo of a high color and deposit a brick-dust sediment, and at still others there would bo a whitish appearanco and a -1.!- t t . . 1 . . . . nnu greasy scum wouiu rise iu uiu iup. Tho pains in my head, back, chest, joints, bowels and bones were horrible in tho extreme. I went in vain from place to plaeo and consulted tho best medical authorities the country atiords; I would have a chill ono day and n burning fever tho next. J. sutfered ex cruciatingly with a numbness of my feet and hands, and at tho bass of the brain nnd between my shoulders ; at times my limbs and body would bloat and physicians said 1 was sintering irom the dropsy and could not recover. How I could bo so blind to tho terri ble trouble that was devouring me, I do not know ; but thero nro thousands to-day who are suffering from tho Bamo cause and aro as ignorant of its naturo as I was. My skin was the color of marblo at ono time, and then again it would bo liko saffron, and this terrible restlessness, and I might say wildness, was followed by a dull, heavy, drowsy sensation. I was wasted to a mere skeleton except when tho dropsical bloat occurred. I tried nil the celebrated mineral waters of this country and Europo j all kinds of inedicino and all kinds of doctors. Still no help came. I lay at my hotel in Philadelphia, whero I was temporarily sojourning, given up to die by friends and physi cians alike, when there providentially came into my hands a little pamphlet, which I carefully read and from which I got a view of my real condition, which no other agency had revealed. Acting on' its advice, 1 had my water analyzed at once, and to my surprise, albumen and tube casts wero found in largo quantities. A skillful physician was sent for and apprised of tho fact. Ho said I had Bnght's Disease, and that death was certain. My friends importuned me to take a remedy which had won a great reputation for tho euro of all forms of kidney diseases, and I therefore lay aside my prejudice and' commenced its use. At first my stom ach rejected it and I had to use small quantities ; but after tho first fivo days my stomach retained full doses. This was ono year ago last October, andmy improvement was rapid and perma ment. I have regained 50 of tho 05 pounds of flesh I lost during my illness, and I feel as ivell to-day as I over did, and I can unreservedly stato that my Hfo was saved by Warner's Safo Kid ney and Liver Cure, tho remedy I used. It may seem strange that I, being a physician and an ex army surgeon, did not havb tho water analyzed boforo : but such is the fact. I had the symp toms of every other disease, and I did not suspect that my kidneys were in the least particular out of order ; and hero is just where I was in tho greatest dan ger, and whero most people who rend this articlo aro in danger. I find that I am only ono of thousands who aro suf fering from kidney disorders,' which, neglected, surely terminato in Bright's disease. I also know that physicians may treat these disorders for months with out knowing clearly what tho troublo is, and oven nfter ascertaining tho cause bo uuablo to prevent it. When death, however, finally overtakes tbo helpless victim thoy disguiso its real cause, at tributing it to heart disease, convulsions, apoplexy vertigo, paralysis, spinal meningctis, blood and uremic poisoning, etc. etc. Words, of course, fail to express my thanks to H. II. Warner tfc Co., of Rochester, N. Y., for giving tbo world such a needed nnd certain specific ns tho Safo Kidpey and Liver Cure, but such as they aro I gladly give them ; whilo to tho thousands to whom I havo lectured upon the laws of health and liygieno I commend this letter most cordially, and warn them to bewaro of tho insidious nature of a disease over which in ono form or another, is carry ing inoro pooplo to untimely graves than any other malady, J. M. POUTER, M. D. Baltimore, Md., 04 Saratoga street.. Fon the Haul Ono dram of car bolic acid, six drops of oil of lavender, and two and n-half ounces of olivo oil formed tho perscription which proved effectual in destroying a paiasitiu affec tion of tho mustache of n gentleman who consnlted Dr. Georgo Thin, Lon don, England. Tho hair had fallen out, and a sort of baldness occurred in spots, but after tho application of tho remedy tlio nair grow again ns thick and healthy as before tho parasites had attacked it. iIONOHAHI.K MENTION. Of all tho remedies on earth that well may claim nttention, Dr, Thomas' J'.cleetrio un command especial men tion. For wondrous power to cure lis ease, its fame there's nono can throttle, Its merits aro not in tho puff, but nro iusido tho bottle. Rheumatism, neu ralgia, soro throat, asthma, bronchitis. diphtheria, etc ,aro all cured by ThoniaV liciectrio un. Miseries ol & Mean Man. "Sometimes I wonder what n mean man tliinks about whon ho goes to bed." savs Uimlotto' in tho Jfawkcve. "When ho turns out tho Unlit nnd lies down. When tho dark ness closes in nboul'him nnd ho is alone, and compelled to bo honest with him self. And not a bright thought, not n generous impulse, not n manly net, not a word of blessing, not n gratetui look, comes to bless him again. Not n pen ny dropped into tho outstretched palm of poverty, nor tho balm of a loving word dropped into nn tolling heart j no sunbeam of encouragement cast upon n struggling life i no strong right nana of fellowship reached out to help somo fallen man to his feet when nono of tho'o thiiigsVooino to 1:1m ns tho "God bless you'' of the departed day, how ho must hato himself. How hu must try roll nwny from himself nnd sleep on tho other side of tho bcdi When tho only victory ho can think of is Homo mean victory in which ho has wronged a neighbor. No wonder ho always sneers when ho tries to smile. How puro and fair nnd good all tho rest of tho world must look to mm nnd now cheerless and dusty and dreary must his own p:ith appear. Why, oven one lone, isolated net of meanness is cno.igh to scatter cracker crumbs in tho bed of tho average, ordinary man, and what must be tlio feelings of n man whoso wholo life is given up to mean acts ? When there is so much suffering and headacho and misery in tho world any how, why should you add one pound of wickedness or sadness to tho general burden T Don t bo mean, my boy. but' for injustiuo a thousand times rather than commit .t once. Use of the Hand Hoe.' With tlio introduction of the horse-cultivator tlio hand hoo went out of uso on most AVestern farms.- More work could be done with tho cultivator, nnd it could bo dono with greater case. The more tho cultivator was improved tho moro farmers becamo attached to it, and the greater was their reluctance to handle tho hoe. At present tho implement that lias been used longer and to better ml vantage than any other in tho cultiva tion of crops is generally discarded ou Western farms. Indeed, manv market gardeners manage to raise most of their vegetables without using tho hoo to any considerable extent. The horse cultivator is certainly a very desirable implement to employ in botli tho field and tho garden, but its use should bo supplemented by that of tho hand hoe. It is profitablo to continue tho uso of tho hoc in every gardrin and cultivafed field. Work can bo performed with it that can not bo dono with any imple ment drawn by a horse. Tho hoc should .bd Used in every corn. and po.tato field before tho cultivator is put iu operation. It should bo employed to' remove stones, turfs and pieces of hard earth that may bo over tho plants that aro making their appearance above ground, and for stirring tho soil around them. Tho cultivator is excellent for working the ground between hills, but for cultivating tho hill itself there is no implement liko hand hoe. It is'verv difficult to keep a. field devoted to any cultivated crop cntircly'dean of grass j and weeds without ustng tho hoe. A I . i.r.i i i ut;m unit, n;w uuuu uihaiai u-inir unuu with a hand ho'J is always more produc tive than one that has been tended with tho cultivator alone. The truth is, tho former performs somo work which tho latter cannot do. Chicago Times, Lime kou'IIen-Houses. Through the summer mouths tho hen-house should havo had a thorough cleaning out onoe-or twice. Boforo cold weather set in, if there are anv doubts as to tho cleanliness of the house, it should be gone over and done. Iu tho'first place, -11 I . .1 rumuvu iiu i no dropping irom mo house, ai'd sweep the floor clean. Then sprinklo air-slacked lime and) ashes thickly thereon. Wash all the perches (after all patches of manure havo been scraped off) with boiling lirao white wash, put on with an old brush, and carefully worked and rubbed into tho cracks, being ciretul to cover every part of tho roost thoroughly. Lime is tlio greatest cleanser and puriiier k'nown. Any one at all acquainted with insects would not for a moment think of smoking them, but with brim stone. A thorough cleaning must bo gono through with twice each year. After tho floor is cleaned, the siding, nest-boxes, perches, and every appur tenance belonging to tho inner build ing, must bu thoroughly whitewashed before a riddanco of tho pests can be effected. They dread whitewash, and delight and revel in filth. Uso strong, unleaclied wood ashes, if thoy can bo had, and keep the floor dry and covered with them, ft not, employ quick lime. If tho droppings aro dried" up immedi ately, their living is gonc. ; . Remember, if you want health, and strength of mind and muscle, use Brown's Iron bitters. Rim: Waki Rico wafiles, which aro simply doH6ious for breakfast, must bo started tho day before yon wisli to ,eat them j that U, tho rice must be boil ed. A good way to accomplish this is to raako a neo pu lding to-day and re serve half n cup full qf the cooked rice fpr to-inoiiow s wnitles. lo this quan tity add a pint of sweet milk, tlio yolks of threo eggs, two ounces of butters (or a ood sized lump) and a little salt. Mix half a teaspoonfiil of so, la witli one pint of flour, beat these all together a: a uako in waltlu irons iu hot ovon Si'onok Cake. Ono pint of sugar", ono pint ot Hour, seven eggs tho whites and volks beaten separately-: one teaspoonfiil and a half of lemon extract : stir tho flour in a little at a time, put tho whites of the eggs in last, beating them thoroughly in, Bako in a long, narrow tin ; lino it with white paper, tlio BideS'ns well as the bottom. You at u then sure to havo no trouble about taking it from tlio tin.- Tin: New Gkooiuphy. How many farmers aro thero in tho Uuited States t -1,008,907. How many dwellings in city and countrvt 8.955.81L'. Winch Stato has tho most farms, nnd how many t Illinois, with 255,74 1. What is tho total number of farm animals? 150,972,073. What do they comprise, nnd tho number of each 7 bwine, l7,l)S!J,b5t i sheep, a.J.191,"' ; mileli cows, 1 -III, 953 ( working oxen, 99 1,070 ; other cattle, 22,488,590 i horses, 10,357,981 t mules nnd asses, 1,612,932. UNIVEllSAI. Al'l'IlOllATlON. By the community at large has been given to Burdock Blood Bitters. No instance is known where dissatisfaction has been manifested by their use, or where aught but benefit followed their administration, i'rioo 91, 00, The gno4 (otauUou of a weak iimu aro often cior ittoistidoir than anything olso ho could do. Mo one who is fit to he a master long ro mains a servant. ItFI'KCT 01' NOT I! VTtNO. About four mouths nno. l'eter Iniman. n resident of Londot. OiitnrU ts Kia tftut through tho centre J tho body by b com tndo who WAS cta..cssW linulllnr i rnvnl . a . . Vcr, Tho doctora woro of tha oirtulou that tho wounded man would die, ns it was ovl dcut that tho bull fvul through Hint part of tho bwy whero tho stomach ought to bo, nnd tho chances woro lint n vital part had bocu pierced. Hut tho man, con trary to all expectations, recovered, nnd now comos tito wplanatlon ot tho causa of his rcmarkahl rsr-nim frnm ilrnlli. 11 nn. pears that prior to tho shooting Xjnppau had fostod for thlrtr-slx hours, nnd ns n result tho organs of digestion wero shrunken nnd drawn out of their usual placo nnd out ot tho courso of tho bullet. Had ho eaten a breakfast that morning, or oven suppor on the night boforo, ho xsfl dead mau. A VAVOIUTU l'lull. A Itussiau correspondent cays that stcrlot is tho fnrorlto fish iu St. l'otorsburg, Froacn Bterlct Is cheap, but fresh storlot h very dear, Tho flsh Is caught Iu tho Volga, nnd, If Intended to bo sent nllro to Bt. l'elcrsburg during winter, it makci tho journey In water artificially warmed. When tho guests bidden to tho fcatt arrive, tho Btcrlot is shown to thorn Bwlmming In water; then it is taken out, killed nnd cooked. So costly Is it that it is estimated that n pinto of Btcrlot sonp Is worth about ono pound. WJI'E.HEl.UMl. Tho Brighton Herald of May 27, 1820, states that tho Brighton Market Book record, odi "May 17, 1813, Mr. Hilton, of Lods worth, publicly sold his wifo for 'Mi., upon which tho toll of Is. wai paid." Tho mat ter camo to the knowledge of the magistrate, who sent for tho toll collector to justify his stmngo conduei In charging toil ; whon he at onoo referred the bench to tho market by-laws: "An articlo net onumoratcd iu tho by-laws pays ono (hilling." Sola and Queries. Tho oyo grows weary, tho car dull, nnd tho tongno tired, but tho brulu novet rests fromiho crndlo to tho gravo. To uiako ns acquainted with ourselves, nnd others acquainted with us, there is no place. liko n bed of Bickness. J s") Tho Dad anu Worthless Tg" Avo nover imitated or counterfeited. This ij especially trtio of a family mcdiciiio, and it is posi tive proof that t ho tonicity imitated is of, tho highest value. As soon it hud been tested and proved' by tho wholo world that ijop Uittora was tho purest, best and most valuable family Inedicino on earth, ninny imita tions sprung up nnd began to rteal tho notices in which (ho press and 'pooplo of tlio country hud express ed tho merits of ll. B., and iu ovcry way trying to induce differ ing invalids to uso their stuff in stead, expecting to msiko money on tho credit and good namo of H.B. Many others started nostrums put up iu similar stylo to II. B., with variously cunningly dcvLcd names in which tlio' word " Hop " or "Hops" wcro mod in u way to induco pcoplo to bcliovo they wcro tho srano as nop Bitters. All such protcndedi'omcdics or cures, no matter what their style or namo is, nnd especially thoso wilh tho word "Hop" or "Hops" in their namo or in nny way connected with them or their namo, aro imi tations or counterfeits. Bewaro of them. Touch nono of them, but: Uso nothing but gomiino nop Bitters, with n bunch or cluster of green Hops on tho whito label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers nro warned ngainst dealing in imitations or counterfeits. (()) " LVD1A E. PlrMKHArvVS VEGETABLE COMPOUND, I i i ii rum --i n m A Puro Ccro nil WKATt ITH.srs, Jnrlmllpff LciH-orrlirrn, Ir icsnltu anl Pal ii I'nl Menstruation, lull.iuiniatlou nnd Ulceration of tUu Wo mi), ri (mill ii ct ri;o- LAIB7S UTIUlXf ilc. CITTlca-'anttoUiOtuite, oSlmtlor.i in trornedlato fniUctTtit. ItisftSTcnthclpia rrrfianejv and ro Ikvca rain during labor uu at i ular u IvC, rmsimXdrsr.iT isbrcrMciEE it ibcelt. CXTon AixTTmcNzscns of the ecncratlvo tnrant rf eilhtre J, It lieccojidtono rtmctljthati-u flrcr t rvn tcforo t' e pnbllc'i and for all dlacaecs of th UxsxSYS It U tlio Crcatttt Itemcdifln the JTorUU t:i7-Kinnv ro:ui'r.AiTs orrithcr Sex ' nml Crcnt Krllcflu Its Uc. I.YMA n.vixKiiAsra laoon rcniFirtt iTl imcl-catu nery vesture ot liumoit irom O10 tLo wilt girstcuo anditrtutrth to thuaytiUDi, Amnorvt'Uuatlii reult (TU.ttithoCorf)rviunilii:il nrodrurtflrr oro pro pnrd rt 833 nnd 3 "Wtfctcm Avto, Lyna, Uaca. li i n of tltlicrtl. Blxbottleifor T. Tao Ccropoun 1 Jj rent Ij rull In tbo form cf 1UU cr of Ioschecf, on re elj-t t.t vric,$tpcr lexfor rUhtr. Mri. rtntkun frorlj sjuwrraMl Icttrracf inquiry, EticlLio 3 ctnt tamp, StndforfraiupMct. Mention thitlMper, IThYVtk E. nvmiM'L4I rrrj2 PniJi cure Cotiitlpa ttiMi, D.ilouine-ifl an.) TorpU ,tj of tho 14 vi r, S5 route. KTHoUX bj nil UrBpc!st.Tfia (t) HE GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM A it Im for U tiio juOnful dluu of Oje lilPN Era, LIVER AND DOWELS. that causes tho dreadful tuireriiiff which w. ticiuho oi Mnuumauain can roaluo. THnilRlkJnn m riAacra of thA wont form4 of this terrlbla dlscue havo hetfl Quickly relieved, and la ihort Urn PERFECTLY CURED, rmci, i. uqnnon nnr, sow nt unrccuTi. . nry can ve lent uymalL WJXL3.BICrU.BDSONt Co.. Bartlnrton VI , NEUTRALIZED. In what way a Prevalent Evil may bo tuornoflta l'owcr to Hatui. Malaria U a brovl narni for many diseases all orlKlDallug In blood polaonluc lll.lou fevur, Hie typhus aii'l tfDttoid fevers anil cbllls and fever are prominent members of the family. Jlulaila dents alike tho builders, tbo plumbers nnltha pljjSlclana. Uespalrlntr of ordinary fuatment, IhelatU'r lmot unanimously rBommend IlKK. SUNM OAI'OINK IMIIOU-. PLAUrKIt as the Krcatott antl-malarlal niwclflo of the avo Tlicso plasters uecupon tbo liver, sploeo, bo wets and Worn over tha region of the llvf r. and upm tha back over tbd kidneys, Ibey ward otf malaria like ao armor No other pllitera iSa this. When you purchase, subtly yourstlf thit the word OAfOINK Ii cut In the center ol the plaster. Heabury Johmou, ChomUU New York, High est awards at International Uxpotltlona, do d VWSvomahcanV HEALTH CFVOMAtA iQsYltPATHZEWIffs THE HOPE Dm' Curos nhonmntlsm, Lim bnso,La:2oJ2ack, Sprains and Eruisca, Asthma, Catanh, Couchz, Colds, Coro Throat, Dlphtlioria, Sums, Frost Bites, Tooth, rar, and Hoad acho, and allpains and aches. Th lit Internal and eitemtl teneJr In Hit wcrlj. ler Uttlai,-t)3tlflteed. Setdly Medicine j rrkscent anljto. FOSTER, MILBUntl A CO., Prop'n, r.urrAt.o, n. yu s.a. reb.i:tr. w CATARRH Elys'O'cam Ba'm paasaees of POPiit r-TuWVB t-'ntnrrlnl tlrus, cau-WtAMBMlV-lnphoalthVfn.rotlina ';. ill" v "ii yi lninminaiion, BrJiocM tno mem rnni from nddlllonal colds.complctely ho Is thiaoresnnJ restores tlio fense of tis'o tnd smdl. llencriclal ro mils ro realized by a few applications. A thorough treatment will euro cilnirh, hav fnvcr .to Uneqiialcd for colds In tho bead Atrreeiiblo to use. Ap- MAY" rCVEiJ into tho nostrils, on receipt of any cents will malt a pickngo for salo by all UuRglsts. klym hiieam nAi.Ai co.. owceo, n. y. To ITervins Safferers ThoOrcat European or. j. B.smrdON's srnciriu uedicink. Dr. J. 11. SlmDson's Snpcltlc Mcatctno lsu imil- ItvB euro lor overwork of body or bnln ornxcess or nny klnd.such as weakness. and all diseases re sultlniffrom Nervous Debility, Irrttablilty.Mentat Anxiety, Lansuor, Lassltudo.Depresslonot Spirits and functional deranenrcnts of the nervons ays- luui-KL-uL-riiitj, I aula m tuu uuck or aiae, )t Memory, l'ro mature old ago ind diseases tlmt. lead to consmpt lon.lnsanltv Ann early prave or ooiu. .no matter how shattered tho fistcm may bo :ruut vxuudHca or'auv kind, u HOortcoursn nrthls medicine will restore the lost functions nnd nro. euro health and happlnesiwhero before was do spondency and (rloom. The Spoclflc Mealclno Is bo Inz used with wonderful success. ramphlets sent frco to nil. Write for them and Bet full partrlcuiar. rrico, Spocldo $1.00 per packaee.or six packages for t5,co. will bo sent by mall on receipt of money Addrosjftll orders, .r. II. SIMPSON'S MKDICINB CO. Nos. lot and looMaln stroet, Ilurfalo, N. X- For salo by J. n. KlNPOUTsi, Dloomsburp, Pa. feb 2ISMy PUB.E3 From tlii Districts ot Absdi. CtttTrAnoxo. Ciciun KANAKA VAI.I.HV. DilUBEUKO. DsiinA Doox. and others. Absolutely Pure. SUDerlor In liivnr. Tho Most Kconom'cal. Ilenuircj only half tho uvi'M iiuuuiuy. ruiu uy nil irrourH. ,JUlin u. IHI.LIl'i & CO.. Acents of Oilcutta Tea Syndicate, no Water-st. N. Y. Jan. u-i w a J. J. IS PORT GRAPE WINE. Usod in tho prlactpil C'aurcbo3 tor Communion p lrpoaos! Esoollent for Ladios and Weakly Per- . .s:ns ana mo Agea. - or's Poit Grope 7incl FOUR YEARS OLD. 118 tlELKIIIUTED N.VTlVhl WIVE la timda i. from the Juice ot tho oporto Grape, rolled la this country, its luv-UuaWo Tonle and Strensthoning Prepsrtio3 aro unsurpasvd by any other Native Wlno. lie Inethe.purejulco ot tliu (irnp?, proaucel under Mr. Speer'son personal supervision. Its puilty and conulncnrss, nro gmrint-sed Tho youngest child irHy pirtake of iU generous (lualltlcx. and 110 111 vauu USD lli tU UUVaU14IKO. II. 13 ptr- tlculHily heni' to tbe aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that affect tbu wcakersex. It U lu every respect A. WINKTO UEHISUEDON. SPEER'S J. Sherry. TUOP..T.SIIRHHY Ua wine of Sun'rlor Chir- actcr, ond partakes of tin ilch nualltles of tho grape from which It U made. For Purity, lllch. ness, riuror and Med'rta il Properties, It will be found unexcelled. SPEKtl'S P. J. JSSi's&Bidy. This I1UANDY stands unrivalled In this Country being far superior tor moitctnal purposes. IT IS I'Ulttf di.itlil illon from tho grape.and con tain valuaolo mediclia propertloi. It has a delicate navr, almlltr to tin', ot the grapes, Irani which It Ii distilled, and Is In great tuvor ainoni; flmucUis f tmllles. HOo that the signature of ALKltUD SPEEIt, Pas saic N. .1. Is over Iho cork of each bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. AND IIY DIlUOQISTS EVEIlYWUEItB, Bcpt.M.'iS.l-y. PAYNE'S IO MorroSpork-Arroctlnc rorloh'.e i:ii,'lneliaacu 13.(XUIt, of MkhUuu I'll v llonrili In 10 lnmr. b .ri.lnj Uubj l.-u.n ti.u lmi I.. , i..iii'ili . Our 10 tiff in Ouniantu lo fumlih rowrr to MWK.0MU' t f lloml icl lUnril-la lOlmurs, liar iijloiu ut . u' 11 '1 1 . m nn iluie, r I ninr- nr 1 i'aiuviem) to f li 11 Ii r u 1 u r 011 I, lc. f 1 1 al w cr I inn any ctlur i:n ' 1 ' 1 ot 11 'c I lil en Aiiloiuuiic l' it i '.. If yon want 11 lliatloimry 1 1 I . r alii 1 re. IliilUr. t'licu . 1 r 1 v. : . na in ? o nnio), a lih . I'll t r Mo li.nrt'n raicnt yWrm li If'ii l ull y, 1 tiilriii o'r '1II1 1 ui I i .a.l -t i' 11, ; r 11. fir 11. 1 1 ii 1 11 1 1 1 lu", II. V. j'AYWH A 0OS8, Cuti.l.ij,', N. V. Dox 11.7. Jan, 6, '83-ly, CSSlBiE-i visual sssr.ii:'; H clMiiCin I tiroai. utpi. Ml CARPETS Spe 1 1SV. ,1 - .- icv M. C. SLOAN & BRO , HI.OOMSHUHO, PA. M tnufacUirers of CARRIAGES, BUDDIES, PHAETONS, SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAQONS, &C, First-class work always on hand. llEPAllUNQ MIA TL YDONE. Prices reduced to suit the times. O. 33. SAVAGE, DXALRR IN Silvomaro, Watehes, Jowolry, Olocka. All klndi of Watches, CUp.ts and Jewelry neat ly repalrod.and warranted, may II, '18-tf AMD PAPER IIANGING. WM. F. BODINE, InON ST., DRLOWSISCOND.IILOOMSUDHa, l'A. Is prepared to do all kinds ot hough riiiraoDiMo Plain nod Ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTU DECOltATIVB AND PLAIN. All Uliuls orFurttlturc RopalrosI and taadi! ns t;ooi1 ns now. NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN MT LOTtO. Hstiinatos rZado on all Work, GAS FJCTTIKTG, STOVES AND TINWARE. ,:o: E. B BBOWBR lias Durcbased tbo Sto-k nnd llnslnnss nf T. Ita. genbucb, and Is now prepared to do all kinds ot work In his line. Pliimblnir and Gas Flttlnir a specialty. Tinware, Stoves, In a great variety. All work dono by EXPERIENCED HANDS. Main street corner of East. BLOOMSKURG, l'A. BLANK BOOKS BLANK BOOKS! Of every description Ruled and bound lo order j aiso bindi-r of all Peri odicals such as Harper's, Century, St. Nicholas, Poters:n's, &o. In fact all Publications bound in latest and most substantial styles. C:rro:p3n2cn:o Sallcltsd. J. W. RAEDER, 110 & 112 W. MAKKET STEEET, WILEES-BARRE, Pa. J. S ALTZER'S General Sewing Machine Depot, 'lil Store Below Market St., BLOOMSBURG, PA. CeleliralBa While Sewing Macle, New Davis Vortical Feed Sow ing Machine, Now Homo Sowing Machine, Household Sewing Machine, Estey Sewing Machine, Genuine Singer Sowing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Attaehmonts, best Sewing Machine Oil, and Nee dles for all tewing miCHnea. sewing .Machines sold on monthly payments' Liberal discount made f r cash. Kvrry machine purchased from me Is warrantedtiba kent In good running oner for rife years froo of charge, and thorough In. structlons given by the best Udy operator In this prt ot thi state free of chir.). Bxamlne my stoclt of machines before uureh ulng, TAINWltiailT to CO., WHOLESALE OJ10GE11S, l'llILADELPIIIA. fKAS, SYItUIV, 00?FKB, HUdAIl, JIOLISSLU, HICK, SriCIS, BIC1KB 60114, 4C, i'C, N. E. corner Second and Arch streets. IsyOrders wlllrecclvo promptatttnlUn' INYKHTOKS ' Deslrlntr Hrebclasj, . DIVIDEND Paying a tor ks or llondn Melding TK.N PKlt tiENr, per annum, and over, W K Ii L rl E 0 II K H I) may obtain full particulars, with satlfactory retirencos anl fstliuonlala, by addressing II, . mini, i , o vuugresa ou, noaion, Mass. M'lillon this paper, deoM-lw d RF lANnofTO-DAYSRliaK S, , r,..9W BOltlon Now Rendv, Olf, Ilipretilon hill ITv.nti bt Ub), lo. AjctnU Una 80-ly a'd TCvcry Jistcy Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, mMum flAJKJLMi'AN PIANOS, And other first class Pitincs, and n largo lot of mml Ht Mas)! MUSIC VIOLINS, ACCOEDEONS, BAItfJOS, MUSICAL (OMTDIHlTfE, VIOLIN STRINGS, And evcrytDiingf in the Mbbsdc line. J"- SLLTZilDI, MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG PA. PIAlsTOS, FINK . INLAID .FKEK01I WALNUT Easy TcrniN. iJA-aOOXT'S MUSIC HALL BLOCK, BL00MSBDR& PLANING MILL The underfilled bartntr put his Plantnfc Mill on Itallroad Street, In tlrst-cmss condition, is pic pared to do all kinds ot work in bis line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used .a nis.i nuaauuuu HUH UUUO UUl BKUlt'U WUrKUlCU are employed. ESTIMATES FOE BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plan and tpeclflca Hons prepared by an experienced draughtsman. CHARLES KRUG, ItlooniNlurK,I'n. I EARLY MINNESOTA SWEET CD motto '"I'lmt Din luitur .Niirlli. irrown lluMM'.rli.'r I n u f diln-1 i Wo nu.T this iwr l i ;ll I . j , i n.f. . . truotujni(. b'-'wnonil In .r-ic. il , lUiiohUmi w 10 n.lutol:.!. ,:iv t 1 lu-je.fn'utjl u aq c-c'.r Jiirpl' i: i r o II . .,;tl forloaaor :c ; ;J I t i of iv u .1.1 r.nrro', i " , uc . i' , n i -'1 1 no r l , , 1 Ji-.'ov i ii i p ti' K '. tl ni ; oat. i 'ill l J . -it f r J 1 '.Cxi. ! II Clrotvc:. ..: -. ' . o.t .v. . -J- .t.i Dec. S9-4 w S72 EE,t' 2 n at home cully tmdo ''"co'itlv outntlrco. Address Tui'i:&Co AUffustn, Malnn. mnrcli 3.y Ian it iw. ays on thi I Nv H ioM for chin V Y I k. 3 I 'J ' rca' ,h lr "ami ' -rx' - llmobecomoweal luces to In o.Trnlntrs.nnil in 1 tno hnnrirnn wi..i Mir. t in "iw i"ii''uo uiv.r uppj' tunnies remain in poverty. Mo offer n Kivat chmco to muke money. Wo want in my men, uonien. bjys nud girls to nw'.'w' uiiiiiitiu luvii uv.ii luuaiiiio. Any on can do I lio work properly from the Itmt tt.n. 'll o busluess wl l pay more tlau ten tlmot ordlnaiy , wages. Kxpvnalve outlli furnhed free. Nn m o . who engages falli to make money rapld'y. You can devoto your tho'e time to tho work or only 1 your spate moments, full intormitlon and ail ' Portland, Maine. Dec. , 'SMy, OUT THUS UTI WoliavoatoroslnlS loadlnff Cities, Irmn htc'i 'i tr mrcutiobtaln Ihe r mi licqnliHy. V','H i'."'"JJ,'i ' l'lvll''L,l"lilrH io I i1'1.'? ' .l:.:s.4' 'ovr-'iv Ciiiuiiiuiit! tuJ itl, Jj LOyELL a8CRAI.Tmll,npAr March 3.y -AGENTS Wanted l?&,'Z?'T'o',Tt' ' "oiktolchlilrw;,! r,, y ,, COOKS & B j Ll 1 0 S li.JI.j. ( , ) u., u, ,N, l uuiili hi., rml.JciiJ.l., Vi. JunosMy ultl "Ps ITPrn D,lt M H swiipluir uy, t'o 1 'll 1 uilieiuiiiK niiKloy UI1U iUl'. llmo leavu bt-bliiil loeonpuor tlmo " IM a vrerk In jou own town. f5 ouirtl free. No risk. Kverythlnif new. Ci liul not leiiulud. Wo v III f urnlsh j ou even thlnsr. Many aro tnsklnir fnrlunei. I.udles mikunauiucli as hp n.anU bo)a anl Bills m ki great pay. Kvader, It jon want b uluets ai which you can mako great nny nil the time, rlt f ir pmioulanto II, IUumsit a cd , Portland, Maine. 1). o. C, 'sa-ly. Jlitrs a positive rnmd j rr tlm nlwjv illiisaisi by Us Cm tbciuisudt of cases cr ths vont slnd and of km ItsndlDK lisvs bimn cured. luilawd.MUn'nt Is ins tail i (u III Itlta.-J, lint twill -enl TWO 1.0 1 1 I.I. 1 Iftn. jrclbar wim a VAI.l'AUI.U TMKtTIXU ca tbla Uiasua, to iOTCUffdrwr. tihoi:xlr,-aaandr.t) ud.lre a. ItU. T. A. bLOCtSl, lit I'whl., l.'.-v Tars. tied, S9-I w TUK FANTAGKAIMI 1JINDUU. FOIt BALK OMJ.V AT "THE OOliUMBIAN" OFFICE. CALL XU SEE. Ji!t'cry huyev nhould Select an brinn tVhut guarantees good JUvcry day wtrk and Years of service. J. USTF.y & CO., l.ratUclioro, Yt. BOOKS, CASE ORGAN, 0 STOPS, $00 CASH. SntlNrnctlon ftunraiitccri. W.E.E ROOMS, WH.KHS-3AB.IIH. PA Junol CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? Fend a rouch Rkolch or f If yoti rnn) ft model of your Invention to Ji:oiKJi; i:. i.kmo.n, n'ufthiiiff ton, I.C,andalr'lliKliiarji:xiititlnutloit will bemadeof all United Mates putentfl of tho same tl;iwuf ItiVi'ntlons and youulll uo advised whether or not a patent can by obtained, FOIl THIS PHKIiTMlVAItYHXAMINA TIUN NO CllAlUii; IS MAIK. What will a Patent Cost? If you nre mlvlscl thot your Invention Ii imlcnt able, enii sio top.iy (iovernnient npllrntloii fi n ot una d3 inr the ilruwlnin required by thei (lovernment. This Is pnyubte when application In1 made, and Hall of the expense iinle.s a patent U al lowed. Whenalloweil, llienttorney'flfti'tHland tho ttnal (lovernment leu ISHO) Is pnyalile. Thus you know beforehand, Jur ncthwe.v, liettier on aro Koine to Kent patent or not, nnd no attorney's lee Incbarired tinlesi you do m a l'atenl. A n nltomey whose tee depends on Ids kucocm In oblnlnlns Patent win not advlso you that your tiiveiulon U patentable, unlets It really Is patentable, no far as htstet Judgment ran aid In determining thuqties Hon thence, you ran rely rn theailvise slten alien a preliminary examination Is bud. IIcmIh l'lit. riilsaiid the Itrirlslriillon of I.iilx la.'I ruiln 31nrktt and llilssiips r.ectiritl. 4'niouls pre. pared and llli"). Applleatlons In revivor ol ltr. liTH-il. llKiiiilone.l.dr I'orri'ltrdt'uM'smade. ery oflen valu.ililo Invenllonsnrebavedlntheso cKsses of cases Ilyn i havo undertaken tntecuro youron patent and failed, n skillful handllncof the case may load to success, hend men written re., liuest addressed t.) the fominltliiiicr ol I'atenM that he recOKiilzetlKOHOK !:. I.ruoN.oI WakhlTml ton, D C. as your attorney In the ciuie.itlvlncthel title of the Invention nnd nliout the date of ffnnel your nppllc.iilon. An examination and report v.lfj costvou nnililmr. t-earches mnde fortltletntnvenl tlons, In fjctnny tnlormatlon rclntlnc lo rmentil prorantlv furnWiel. Copies nf I'ntenis nailed nil tho regular (lovernment rates, (25. each.) ReJ member thlsofll eo has lieeis IliKiKTi.sfiilopernllorl slnco Ibia and you iherefore reap the benelits ol exper ence, besides refirence enn licclven tnnel lual clients Innlniun every county In Ihe U. H Pamphlet relating In Patents free upon request! CEO. E. LEMON, 015 15th St., AVASHINOTON. I). C. Attortiey.nt-I.itwanil Solicitor of Ameri can nnd 1'orclKn I'utents. doc SJ 4 w A!Lcrti.ln3T.nn(1anrhyt rmn t'MiuutiMK a ail Olili'olil Nuifrr:c . UriUOL'LllW.l VvCjEPjLcPTlor.iC. !rt.3 RroBiAmJjurnalc fr.'ie ...f.V. ill. All- 1 T, titt 1 Wlthnt-t t'fif' 1 1 t Jt' ' it 1 1 1 ivu:t!;i lit lute t Icl i . I - w i .ir nnljtnct ho Ik -A . r h t ( t .(iii"ti; nutt'Pfcblnl y rn. II .1. i nt v r l.n i i i r i'j I i i v h . (f ! k wnnilMrfi I si Itl ' IM XplVMMiil I t Dec. 20-1 w ill I 1 luw'ul' ifv,ii-;f,v,.ryi"-i''ev..? niu, ,.um.ii ,11 uumm c ' iCTili.r.. i' .! rnmUH r.r lb. IM. IbU I .. .ud.l BOB I. Knall... brrceminii I f wm l ituu ,ui ...V, it: lir. 1 i.rf tr ,h. Uilk. ! All mnbiri.. iih bliht.i $665 "1 J3"r f,n f?wn. Ter ms and $3 out inir,?1 rrt0, Address " 1UM.M d: Co., Portland ,,Mc- march m-ty GlfiC Awck madoathi i. 7 ous. Ut-kt buvluei (J) i O P."bllc. C'anllal nc , Mart jou. Men, wo Imhia I.IU.I..I .... buvineis now tcforo the llal not ntedcil. Wo win wanted evenThn' time. You can work In t paio time, or elvo Va ? whole timo to the busliWs. Nc Mother buslnrsa will pay jou nearly as wet No wu? Sf A tS ma I'linrmom p.ty. by oncaclnir at once pnliiS ' '"nu' Pec. 8, ', ' Mtfft 111 ii km USE FilHS r sw uavwiM-iiQMyi i By Gen. Sherman. U!a litw work wss at unco lu'iwrllcd flr I r FhMm Annua a,il ,lir, !, , .... ,' J". fr-ijlS-Sr? IVr W w,'n,,7m,om'',',, ,0 "Oo!a" saay, w want Ooo mora ,t ., Nl HitkuUr. , ,, A f, , JJ '," S ""Wll?""1'1'" AllriMlhiiolapuMUhcr, A. 1, WQItTUIXOTO.V t to, ll'r.,,oMB, Yen, kept Vi-sul RAILROAD TIME TABLE ' Bfli tKi il PENNSYLVANIA UAILHOAI). I'inr. ADKLPIHA & KHIK DIVISION. I'hlladclphlfi nnd Krtn Itn'lroad Division and Northern central Hallway. ion na SUaMMEIt TIME TA1JLE. In effect Juno tilt, 1SS3, trains Icavo Northum. berland. 'onuum. KASTWAttD, 9 ss n, m. 8ca Bhoro Exprcsa for Bunbtiry. iinr. Msbunr and Intcrmcdlato Rtallohs, LnticaVter Philadelphia, Now Yotk, llaltlmoro nhd Washini! ton, nrrlvlnif (it Philadelphia p.m.i Sw York, 0.15 p. in. llaltlmoro, 8.10 p. m. i Wash nctnn iJ p; m t. 5lnkJ!1r c'oo conncetlons nt Phllaati. phla for nil Sea Shoro polnto. "ui. l.4 p. m.-liay express for Sunbury, Hatrl-;. burg and Intcrmcdlato stations, iJihcasVr. l'ii t. rtderphin, Now York, llaltlmoro and WnsliuVton. nrtlvingnt Plilladelphla T.m p. in.! Now Ynrl 10.33 il. m. Iialtlmore, p. in.: Washington, tut p. m. Pullman Parlor ear through to I'lilindei. phla and paapeiiRcr coaches through toPhllade . phla nnd Iialtlmore. 8.03 p. m. willlatnsport Accommodation for Runburv, llarrlsburtt nnd nil Inlettncdlalo sta tlons. Lancasler, 1'hllndelpnla nnd Now York nrrtvlnff at Philadelphia t.ta a. m.i New York la n. tn. SlccpliiB car oceommodatlons can bo beciir. cd at Ilarrlsburp; for Philadelphia nDd New York Philadelphia pai,siio(ers can lomaln In slccrcr uni disturbed until 7 a. m. l.r,B n. in. Krio Mall for Sunbury, llnrrlPbun? nnd Intcrtnedlato Mntlons, Lnncuslcr, t'lilladcu phla, Now York, llaltlmoro and Washington, nr rlvlnit at Philadelphia, J 6u n. m. j New York, ll s n. m. llalllmoro '.ir, a. m. ; Wnfblni. ton, (Ufa. in. Through Pullman ulceplntr cars nro run on this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmoro and Washington, and through pasdongcrcoachea to Philadelphia and Iialtlmore. WESTWARD, .fs n. m. Krlo Mall for Erie and all intcrmcdlato stations with through Pullman 1'alaco car nnd through passenger coaches to Krlo, Kor uannndalgua nnd Intcrmcdlato Mntlons. Rochester, llunulonnil Niagara Falls, with Pull man 1'alaco car nnd passenger coaches through to Rochester. l. p. m. Niagara Express for Knno and Inter medial stations with through passenger coaches to Kano. For C'anandalgna and principal Intcr mcdlato stations, Rochester, Miflulo and Niagara Kails with through parlor carlo Untltlns and through passenger coaches to Rochester. 6.35 p, m Fast lino for Lock llnvcn nnd Interme diate stations, nnd Klmlrn. Wntklns aud Interme diate stations, with through passenger coaches to Wntklns, TilltOUOII TRAINS FOR NORTHUMBERLAND FROM THE BAST AND COUTH. Niagara Express loaves New York, 6 80 a.m.: Phlladelrhla HO ti.m.; W shlnglon, 8.07 a.m. Baltimore 9.S0 a. m., arriving nt Northumberland 1.45 p.m., with through Pullman Parlor cur from Philadelphia and through pnsscngtr coaches from Philadelphia and Iialtlmore. Fast Lino Icatcs New Y'otl: 7.65 o. tn. ; riilladel phla, 11.05 a.m.! Washington, o.87 a.m.: Balti more, 10.60 n. m., arriving nt Northumberland 5.55 p. in., with through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and llaltlinnro. Erie Xall leacs New York T.65 n. m 1'hlinitoi. phla, 1120 p.m.: Washington, o-M p. m.: llaltl moro, 11.20 p m , arriving nt Northumberland .6 n. in., with through Pullman I'nlaco sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington nnd llaltlmoro and through passenger coaches frnm Philadelphia, NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On nnd after February ltth,issi,tralns will leave Sunbury ns follows : NORTHWARD. Northern Express 0.30,arrlvo Elmlra 12.30 nm Arrlvo at Canandalgua 3,25 p. m, ' Rochester 440 " NIngar t. 8 45 " Niagara Express 1.00 p. m. trrtvo Klmtra 0.03 p 13 arrlvo Canandalgua 8.35 " Rochester 043 " " Niagara n.ou a m Fast lino 8.15 pm arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 p m " Vatklns 11.10 pm SOUTHWARD. Southern Express 1.82 a.m. arrlvo HarrlsbV 3.15 am arrive Philadelphia 7.uo " " Now York 0.33 " " Ualtlmoro " Washington t-.wn. t.i Lock Haven Ex 10.60 a m arrive llarrlsb'g pm arrlvo Philadelphia p m " Now York 8.45 " llaltlmoro 5.21 " Washington 047 Day Exprcgsl.SD p m arrlvo llarrisburg 3.36 n m " Philadelphia 7.05 " NowYoik " " Ualtlmoro 7.C0 " Washington 8.17 Brio Hall l.n a. m. arrlvo llarrisburg 8.00 a. m " Plilladelphla 7.0s " " Now York 0.35 " " Daltlmors 7.00 " Washington 8.22 J.H. WOOD, Ooneral rassonger Agtct. FRANK THOMSON, General Manner, JpHILADELPHA and READING ROA I) ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS, luni 20, 18S2. TItilNS LBAYS MlrXRT AS y0tL0W8(8CMDT Excui-r.r. For New Y'ork.PhlladelDhla.Reartlnr.rnttsvii'n Tamaqua, 4c., 11,45 n. m For catawlssa, 11,45 a. in. 4 to and 7,20 p. m. For Wllllamsport.ClS 8.60 a. m. and 4.0d n. m. TKAINM F0K BOfKKT bSAVU AH FOLLOWS, IsCNnAU SXCSrTiD.) Leavo Now York, via. Tamanend 0,00 a. ro. anl via. Round Hrook Route 7,45 n. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9,13 a. m. Leavo Reading, 11,05 a. m.. Pottsvllle. 12.DO o. n. and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. in. LCavo Catawlssa. 0.10 S.40 a. m. nnd 4.nn n. m. Leavo Wllliaimsport,,45a.m,2,oop.m. and 4,30 p. m Passengers to and from New Y'ork, via. Tama nend and to and from Philadelphia go through w uuuui cnango 01 cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, C. G.HANCOCK, amoral Manager General Passenger nnd Ttckot Agent. Jan. 10, li81-tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NORTn. STATIONS. Scranton.... llollcvuo. . Tnylorvlllo., T.iclfnwrnnnn FOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. u in, p.n . 0 15 9 45 9 30 2 10 6 17 9 w 9 03 8 60 8 41 8 42 8 37 0 22 9 37 9 30 9 21 9 19 9 14 9 45 9 12 9 53 10 oa IU (8 6 27 C 34 I. 41 6 40 Ii 61 ; 63 0 68 7 1)2 7 10 7 17 7 22 7 10 7 81 b (0 6 25 8 40 8 CO 9 (0 6 00 8 05 S 111 8 18 8 sr. 8 :u 8 35 8 62 0 t'O 9 04 0 20 Plttston . .," ,. wtst Plttston Wyoming.... Maltby -Uonnett Kingston,., IvlnirRtr.n 8 25 8 25 8 1C 8 07 8 00 Oil 1 60 1 42 1 55 1 25 1 18 9 01 9 04 10 13 10 18 10 20 10 !4 10 42 10 t t, 11 07 11 18 11 20 64 2 61 D 02 3 CO 3 10 3 18 5 S3 8 45 3 61 8 67 4 07 4 U 4 20 4 27 4 S3 4 38 4 60 6 C9 5 25 .Plymouth .v-nb 8 55 ijutuutu., Avondalo ... Nnntlpnlrn . 8 47 1 03 8 t'J Hunlocli'si reck 7 40 12 41 7 33 ll 25 7 VO 12 15 7 20 12 (HI 7 13 11 47 7 09 11 40 7 C5 It 32 6 51 11 10 8 tl 10 13 6 45 10 6'1 8 37 10 44 6 19 10 21 6 10 10 OS 6 04 10 00 I 45 9 40 8 23 8 17 8 12 8 00 7 CO 7 52 7 44, 7 3S1 7 33 7 !9 7 11 ...Huicktihinnj-. ....Hick's Ferry. ....Roach Haven. Berwick . llrlar Creek.. ...Willow Orove. Lime Rldgo.. Espy.... MlnnmRlniif. 11 f9 11 45 11 M 11 fS 12 19 Rupert Catawl'a Bridge Danvlllo..,. Cnulosky... Cameron... Northumbcrl'd 0 45 12 45 p.m. a.m. a..m, p.m. p.m. a.m. , W. F. HALSTSAI), HUDt. Superintendent's onico. scranton. Fen. 1st, issv. i'A It Xtt 2?,U?Li HAIR BA'ffiAL:, 1 ..15 C 1 1 ilit, tain y ,1 u I. It c j t .1 nut ru' (ll! t:.. : Unvfi' i .1 tfi tlio fi :i' i i.r.J li:iir Restores the Yb'jtMol Color ta C.vj cf Tsiei Ha:.' P-silti'. Ifalrlulkam ts (.ntt , ir.., md ii wanantciltoriciciitf.illin3ort' :Ii. . riulu if- inuvouonuruitmiuiuiiiu. u s '.ftto, 1..Y. to, an4 it ilialvi In il-ua-all 1 tnnlu Wa, "psff: rvrr if. fl Cuperlatlva lleafCi cnJ Str;rel!i Rsil-m-. If you nraninn or f..rm r, rn cut v'nh jivcruoik. i r n inwlicr nm iloiui ly f. nufcr hou. hoM ilutlcj ry l'i.i;i:n'i, I ,s (,,.'( . J. If jo'iirqfil.iwycr, ri!m,tcr orln . I'sman c: Iiauaii il ,y Uitnt il nrr.ln cr ankious cum. U not ik j aiaxlc.itingaiiinu,ant3,iutiibcPnrl:r'at;tngciTuoi3 Ifv"ulavo 1 onuimplion, lijfHi. Itlwunu. Mm, Kidney I oii,iilainislcrrpyd.auil.roflK. lungs, Itomacli. low ds, I'm, lc r mum 1'ai i-p,i's(;im,h i Ionic tH.Uurooj. ItlsilmtJiiwtirtliloodl'unlur And tho Cc:t snj Surest Cct'jjli Curo Ever L'stJ. If yn.inrcv.iiiugin'ny fromrge, li&itiatioi cr any diswe or wcaWi cas mi J iciiulio n itiimi'ant Liks t.iNoeii 'loMCttimoi it v.illintisir.iu runlbuiU voi up rmii tlu fi-si Uos l.nt s.ill n-. r hnuUta, ltlusjic41iund.cils tflitvai it luy tjv youn. CAl.TIOMIU6i...l,uluu1,lvl.r'aOmprTwiUli eomjsM.4 af tbo twit In Ilia w'tlj,aujtnt!r. !y dilli bllr,n ,r.a,allon ol tlm alu, E,pj (or clreulir I) UWoaA Co., ti, y, lo,-, i (I ,ln., at J.',ri t. Jru4i. cmT r.wiNn n i0Lt.An eizb. i !"".'! ''"f'S fn,: jnco lias piaJi tliil dcliKlnfiil iHTlunm rsccn'i. tfy iH'puUr. 'I heio lanothliiKllLolt, In .atiuon listine ruwBs. TN Couicmi ondlo l I'of tljiwta!, cf i ti. k niv . t vis'.' r;,-r. mm i ca -;-T Z,iiTZ.i.lml GINGER TONIC March 3, '62 ly.