The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 12, 1883, Image 3

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The Columbian.
F1UDAY, JANUARY 12, 1883.
Correct Rnllroart Time Tnble.
Trains on tho Philadelphia & It. 11. leave ltupcrt
as follows I
t 18 n, 81. II 45K. til.
4 w p. in. 1 46 p. in.
Trains on tho 0. 1.. W. It. H. lcito Bloomsburg
as follows!
north. kujiii.
t m a. m. 8 lu a. m.
!0 6S a. tn. It 49 a. In.
e 81 p. in. 4 at p. in.
Tho 11 45 train south connects with tho 1'hlla
delpbla Heading at Hupcrt, and with tho
Northern Central at Northumocrland.
The 8:5 a. m train connects at Northumberland
with : train on Pennsylvania road reaching
rhl'adeiphla at 8:w p. in.
DieH:4 train connects with Philadelphia and
Heading roa t at Hupert at 11:60 reaching Phtla
delpbla at e:oo p.m.
'1110 11:43 train connects with Pennsylvania
roa l at Northumberland at 1:4 reaching l'hlladol
nhla at 7:33 p. tn.
The 4:Si p m. train connects with Fennsyltnnla
road at Northumberland at 8:03 p. m. anu reaencs
1'Mladclrhla at f :M a. m.
Miss Bcssto McKclvy returned to school
nt Chestnut Hill, lost Monday.
Miss Dora Wolf Is visiting In Sunhury
with her frlcml, Miss TIM Fisher.
H. P. Vannotta, who Is teaching In Her.
wick, spent last week at the Institute nt
W. H. Smith, of tho Milton lrou, made
us ft call on Monday. Ho reports his pa
per to bo In a flourishing condition.
Frank 1'. Cospcr of l'lttston spent last
week with his many triends In Blooms
burg. Wo wcro pleased to sec him and arc
always ready to extend a welcoming hand
to him.
A. N. Brlcn Esq., editor of tho Sunlury
News, nnd tho Messrs. Shlpman were lu
town on Wednesday, and wo were pleased
to welcome thorn to our office. Tho iVetc.t
is an excellent paper, barring Its politics.
Miss Hottlc N. McKclvy and Miss Itutli
Tustln left for Lcwlsburg yesterday to en
ter upon n courso of studies at tho "Semi,
nary". Wc wish them n pleasant sojourn,
nn easy victory over dlllcult lessons and n
safo return.
Robert Young had a stroke of paralysis
lost Sunday night, and is seriously ill.
Tho youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Har
vey Long, was burled on Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Vnndcrsllcc presented her
husband with a boy baby on Friday morn,
lug last.
Thomas Trench & Son liavo sold their pa
per mill in Scott township to J. H. Maize,
Esq., nnd J. M. Shew.
Auditor General Lemon will pleaso ac
cept our thanks for a copy of his report on
the State finances for the year ending No
vember 30, 1832.
The trial of Hon. 0. W. Drum of Lu
zerne county has been continued by Com
missioner Hill to February 20th, 1833, at S
o'clock p. in., at Ilazlcton,
A full lot of dental Instruments belonging
to the late Dr. W. J. Wright, will be sold
the 22d day of January. 1833, at tho ofllce
of H. J. Ilceder, Catawlssn, IV
E. A. Httwiing's now meat market, one
door West of tho OAumltm building, is
now open and, judging from tho quantities
of meat handled, the house has lost no custom.
lucrcitftctl I'outnl I'nclllllcn.
Mrs. St. A. Brockway died in Blooms-
linnr nn T ...... ...... iii. , n
.... ......,. uiuiuiuj. ii ngcu oo I .!.,.
wnn. di... i i i . . ... . i iiiiuuiMi miu ruurLN in (lur ciinirrcsamnn.
ouu unu ucen in poor lieallli lor tt ,. ... . .. .. ... . . :
some time, and was confined to her bed T' l", . . . " . C.
for about I X weeks nro!! l,.,, " "" ' ituiirauurg, ncro
Slio wns nn exemplary christian lady, and
had been n member of the Baptist church
for many years. Slio was tho mother of
Copt. Brockway and Mrs. St. 1'. Lutz of
Bloomshurg, and Frank E. Brockway of
Beach Haven. Tho burial took place at
Beach Haven on Saturday. ,
niter. This will prove ft great convcnlcnco
to tho peoplo of that section of tho county,
who feel grateful to Sir. Klotz for his
efforts In their behalf.
Sir. Oscar I). Hagciibuch of Centre, nnd
Stlss Ella C. Mcllcnry of Btlltwatcr, were
married Jonuaiy 4th, 1893.
The obovo was tho great bocIkI event of
tho season, being the most brllllont affair
Fon Hale. A farm of about 80 acres in
Bcott township, ndjolnlng Ellas Krum.
AISO. ft llOIISO mill lnt til Wnitrtnivn
Hemlock towushln. recently nminlpil W of klml llmt cvcr occurred In the neigh
Simon Webber. ' uorhood. The ceremony was performed In
Also, a tract of land of about 20 acres In 1 10 cllrl9,iln Chapel at half past six p. in.,
Hemlock, adjoining Wlllam Ivcy. hy 11,0 llev' D- M' Kl'er. 1" 't" presenco ' O-Very largo audience which aisemhlsd
man, Gymnastics Wands, by Sir. Al
bert's school Address, "Our Protesslon,"
by Sir. J. T. Bcvaii, principal of Berwick
schools) Gymnastics Dumb-bells. Sir.
Charles W. Bcott was Introduced. Ho In-
Vlted tho teachers to attend tho Btato
etchers' Association, held at WllltamsDort
In July. 1833. Prof. Sanford also tinted
tho teachers to attend this Association.
Music, Prof. Keller at the organ.
Prof. Sanford hero Introduced tho subject
of Primary Numbir.s
Hun. E. A. Apgar Introduced the subject
of Slap Drawing. His method would bo
to draw mops entirely from memory.
of Caleb Barton, deceased. Reasonable
terms will be given. Apply to I. W. Sic
Kclvy or Geo. E. Elwell, Bloomshurg, Pn.
jon. 12, If-
Somebody in Pino township has n preju
dice atrulnst bachelors. The Wllllomsport
Sun andlianntr contains tho following i
A correspondent from Columbia county "' "' . 7 otiuwaicr, as usi.e
says that Pino township has too many old wa"T -ucuenry presided at llio i
to witness It. Messrs. Klnnoy Adams, of
Berwick, and Irvln Yost, of Flshlngcreck.
ofllclatcd as groomsmen, nnd Misses Ida
Hagcnhuch, sister to tho groom nnd Nettle
SlcIIenry, daughter of Hon. E. J. Slcllcn
ry, as bridesmaids, JIlsscs Slay, Jennie, Eva
nnd Grace SlcIIenry as flower girls, and
Messrs. II. V. White- of Bloomshurg, and
O. D. SlcIIenry of Stillwater, as ushers.
bachelors, and desires tho Sun and Jlanner
to go for them heavy. Oh, no, wc can not
no it. we nave n sincere pity for old
bachelors, nnd if wo could do anything to
change their course of life, wo should most
cheerfully do so, hut as for giving them a
racket, oh. no. They are, as a rule, a good,
jolly set of fellows, and, when they do get
married, make capital husbands. If tho
gan, and to say ho did it well, Is but what
all who know Charlie's musical powers,
would expect. Everything passed oft per
fectly smooth, nnd without n single mistake
or jar to rufllo the pleasure of tho occasion
at tho chapel. After the ceremony tho
wedding party together with tho numerous
girls of Pine township want n partner for Invited guests repaired to the homo of tho
life, they'll set their cops for theso bochc
Wotcrbury, Conn., pioducis the smallest
steam-engine In the wor'd. The engine,
holler, governor, and pump stand In a
space of seven-sixteenths of an Inch squaro
or tho atca of a gold dollar and flvc-clghths
of nn inch high. Tho engine has 148
distinct pieces of machinery, held together
by flfty-two screws. Three drops of water
till the boiler to overflowing. Tho diame
ter of Its cylinder is tho sixteenth of an
Inch. The whole engine weighs tlireo
Illoum Poor DlHIrlct.
The members of the Democratic Stand
ing Committee for the townships embraced
in the Bloom Poor District, met at Light
street on Saturday afternoon, thu Gtli, lust.,
and nominated Wesley Morris and Dr.
Itedekcr as the Democratic candidates for
Directors, to be voted for nt the February
Snow fell on Friday last and quite a
number of our town and county people
took advantage of it, light as was tiic fall,
to enjoy a ride In u sleigh for tho tho tlrst
time this winter.
It is stated that crops of wheat sown in
Japan from California grain results so
splendidly that largo preparations are being
made for similar experiments in various
parts of tho Empire.
A seven year old son of Senator Wolver
ton of Sunbury, had a narrow escape from
drowning one day last week. Ho fell
through a iiole In the ice on the river, and
was rescued by men who were at work near
The friends of Sir. Hcndrick W. Search,
of Shlckshlnny, will bo pleased to learn
that he has been chosen chief clerk by the
Commissioners of Luzerne county. Sir. S.
is a deserving young man and no doubt
malts his good fortune.
RcllKloutt McctlilKB.
The Disciples at SUUvillo :ic In the
midst of an Interesting protrauted exercise
which is being well attended from night to
night by tho people of that vicinnity. El-
der John F. Howe, of Akron, Ohio and ed
itor of the American Christian Review, is do
ing the preaching, assisted by C. W. Coop
er, tho pastor of the church, and D. SI. Kin-
tcr of Stillwater. The melting will bo con.
tinned Indefinitely. They invito the peo
ple throughout the countiy to be present
and listen to what they may havo to offer-
Illoiiiltir vm I. J. "Waller.
It you owe anything on subscription and
have received a 1)111 from us, pleasc.settle
promptly, and do not compel us to spend
half of what you owe, in postago and time.
Prompt payments will obviate tho necess
ity of sending and receiving duns.
A fruit grower placed tobacco stems
around the trunks of peach trees, and there
Is not the sign of - borer in any of the
trees so treated. He set tho stems around
the butts'of the trees and tied them nt the
tops. It keeps off rabbits as well, In win
Tho Lutheran church was well fllhid last
Sunday night In tho interest of tho Penn
sylvania Bible Society. Addresses were
made by Iluv. I. II. Torrence, secretary of
tho society, and Col. J. G. Freeze. Hev.
N. Spear has been appoiuted agent for this
Sirs. Ann McMicliael, wife of James Sic
SlichacI, died at Slihui, Illinois, on the 2Sth
ult. They wcro for a number of years.
residents of Hemlock township, this county
nnd moved to Illinois only n fow years ngo.
She was thu daughter of Joseph and Slary
Slarringes, births nnd deaths should lie
published, but wo rant 1)3 presumed to
know thu facts concerning them unfcss
somebody tells us. The editor has no ttmo
to attend all thu weddings, uud no incllnn
tlon to attend the blrtlis. So bring us or
send us tho news. Hi.
A breaker of thu Pennsylvania Coal com
pauy at l'lttston was entirely destroyed by
lire on Monday of last week. It was the
largest In the mithracitu coal fluid, and
COO men and hoys arc thrown out of em
ployment. Thu breaker cost $80,000 out
sido of 'machinery.
Tho King of Denmark is truly a paternal
monarch. Finding that dining thu recent
severti weather tho royal foot guards were
suffering greatly from Colds nnd Coughs,
this good old gentleman ordered a Biipply
of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for them and
now the sentries nro happy,
A communication which wo would llko
to publish comes from Hemlock townshl)
this week, with no slgnatuie but Initials,
nnd it Is therefore rejected. Thu Invariable
rule of all responsible newspapers is that
every contribution for publication must be
signed with thu namu of tho writer.
Representative Klotz of Slauch Chunk
tha father of thu I lousc-clcvator at Wash
lngton, Is described bythu JVuuonai Republi
eat as "thu apostlu of case," because he
has Just introduced u bill In Congress com
pciiing street car companies In thu District
of Columbia to provide every passenger
with a seat,
the bill of complaint of the plaintiff in
this case sets fortli that previous to Sep
tember 1882, D. J. Waller lad opened and
dedicated to thu public, the extension of
West street below Fifth, nnd the same had
been accepted by the Town and thu public;
that the Town had taken possession of,
repaired and improved said street ; that at
tho time of such dedication and accept
ancc, there was a runlet which from time
Immemorial had crossed West street at Its
intersection with Fifth, and thence through
the adjoining land of I). J. Waller and
others ; that the said D. J. Waller and his
employees, since the first day of October,
1882, havo by an erection of earth, stones,
plank, posts and gravel, at the Intersection
of said streets, obstructed and changed the
course of said runlet fiom its natural bed,
causing the water to overflow, nnd gather
n a pool, causing noxious smells, and 1m
peding travel, and the said D. J, Waller
re I n seil to remove the said obstruction, or
to permit the Street Commissioner to re
move tbu same, thereby maintaining a
great dangerous and injurious public nui
sance : that the defendant has commenced
thu erection of a stone foundation in tho
course of Raid runlet upon his lot of ground
on the corner of Fifth nnd West streets, in
such n manner as to permanently obstruct
nnd prevent tho natural and ancient flow
of said stream, thereby causing the over
flow, change of course, &c, and creating
and maintaining a public nuisance ; that
after said West street from Fifth to tho D,
L. & W. R. R., been dedicated, ac
cepted, repaired, and used as a public
highway, tho defendant and ids employ
ccs, opened a deep, dangerous and exposed
ditcli on tho sidewalk of said West street
between Fifth and Sixtli streets, Into which
ditch thu defendant, by means of the said
obstruction and stone wail, changed and
diverted thu courso of said stream from its
natural courso through the land of the tie
fundant, and mused it to run in the said
ditch along West street, thus obstructing
mid rendering impossible Unit portion ot
tho street, and thus maintaining a public
On tho presentation of this bill a pre.
liminary injunction was granted, nnd the
hearing took place on Slondny last, having
been adjourned from Friday. After argil
ment by counsil tho following decree was
made by the court, by urgreement of both
Thu Town of Bloomshurg)
vs - in r-quuy,
David J.'Waller. )
No. 1, February term, 1833.
And now, Jan mry 8, 18S3, tho parties
appear nnd counsel for the defendant move
to dissolve tho preliminary injunction
after hearing thu Court being of opinion
that by reason of bars or a fencu having
been erected, kept up nnd maintained
across West street at its Intersection with
Fifth street at thu south sido of thu latter,
by parties controlling thu land alleged to
liavu bcn dedicated as a street until No
vember 20, 1832, by which thu public had
at all times heforu been precluded from
using thu said laud as a highway, und no
acceptance having, since its removal, been
made, or taken placu by thu constituted
authorities of thu Town of Bloomshurg,
thereforo the said West street as described
in thu bill has not become a public high
way and tho Injunction ought not to be
It is therefore ordered that tho Injunction
bo dissolved.
William Elwbi.l,
President Judge
This does not necessarily end thu htiga
tlon. Thu plaintiffs bill U not withdrawn,
and thu defendant may still bu required to
answer or plead, nnd thu phdntill may de
mur or taku Issue. In tho latter caso thu
cause may be referred to a master and ex.
amlncr beforu whom tho testimony can ho
taken, when thu parties can attend mid
cross-examine. Tho refusal to continue
tho Injunction amounts to nothing In set.
tllng the rights of the defendant or thu
public. That can only bu dono on llnnl
Wu havo said this much to correct uu
Impression that thu questions at Issue have
been adjudicated,
bride's father, Sir. J. F. SlcIIenry, the pop.
ular merchant of Stillwater, where a great
feast of good things awaited thctn, and to
which all did amplu justice. Next In order
came the "old fashioned drumming" by
the "boys," who did their work well, rctir.
lug quietly and orderly after tho prescnta-
tlon of tho "new married folks," and tho
usual "treat." Then followed tho compli
mentary "screnado" by the Benton nnd Or
nngcvllle brass bands, who discoursed some
sweet music In splto of thu cold wind and
driving snow which beat down upon them.
They also took a view of thu brido nnd
groom, which sccinid to thaw out their
nearly frozen Up, nnd warm up their cold
Angers for another merry tune, after which
they weru disposed of in some way un
known to the writer, which sent thorn homo
with smiling faces and warm hearts filled
witii good wishes for tiio happy couple.
Taken nil together It was a most pleasant
affair, and to say that ail enjoyed it is to
put it very modestly. It was an event that
will long bo remembered. Tho bride was
the recipient ot numerous handsome nnd
valuable presents.
OrmiKCvlllc XtcitiH.
Tho members of tho SI. E. Church arc
holding protracted meeting.
David Herring, one of our oldest citizens
Is confined to his house by sickness.
Sirs. II. C. Conner nnd Clara Fleckcn
stino who have been visiting Shlckshlnny
returned homo on Saturday last.
Wm. Edwards and Reuben Bellas have
taken a contract to imul lumber at Shamo-
51. L. Kline attended his father's funeral
this week at Hughesvlilc. Sir. Samuel
Kline was a former resident of this county
The teachers havo returned from tho
County Institute and report a good time,
iho schools arc again in session. The
Grammar school in charge of Alfred Howcr
numbers 70 pupils.
weean report no improvement in our
sidu walks. A young man from the country
nearly broke ids leg la front of one of our
finest residences.
Jt is rumored that Fishlngcrcck and
Orange townships will unite Into a Poor
district good move.
1 be demand for dwelling h uscs next
spring far exceeds the supply.
Our merchants nro doing an extensive
business; some days tho streets arc block
uded willi teams.
Our Sportsmen want up to Cyrus B. SIo
Henry's Inst week, killed three foxes ami
returned before dark
On last Monday a teamster left his wagon
to ride witli another, when his horses be
catno frigiitened und ran away. They
passed through town at a rapid rate but
were captured before doing damage. Such
recklessness should not ho tolerated.
Tho members ot Ent Post, G. A. R
this place report a royal time at their meet
ing, January Cth. Tho entertainment of
Slessrs. Drinker, Townscnd and Hurt was
very much appreciated.
J. P. Welsh, member of Statu Normal
School Faculty of West Chester spent thu
holidays at home.
Jt is reported that parties were lu town
looking after a location for a Btovc and tiu
Sir. and Sirs. Erlg of Willlamsport nre
visiting her father, I. II. Hagcnburh,
A candidate for Prothonotary from the
south sido of the river was in town a few
days ago. He claims to owo no allegiance
to the Ring.
E. Unangst tho genial landlord of tli
Centennial hotel will retire from the busl
ncss in the spring.
Marion Hughes is making preparation
to open a brick yard In the spring.
Sirs. James B. Hnrman is visiting friends
at Stillwater. Occasional.
County IUHtltuto
Columbia County Teachers' Instltut
opened In Catawlssn public school build
Ings, 2 o'clock p. in., January 1, 1833.
Reading of scriptures aud prayer by Rev.
J. F. Deimer.
An address of Welcome was extended to
the teachers by Rev. G. B. Dechant. Re
spouses by Sir. II. W. Buckingham, prln
cipnl of Bloomsbiiig schools and Supt. J
S. Grimes.
Tho Catanissa Cornet Band nppenred
and entertained the Institute with scverul
sehctions of music.
Sir. Ttirwllliger treasurer and three secre
taries were elected-
Prof. O. E. Littlu of Washington D. C.
took up thu subject of drawing. In tl
evening Prof. Littlu assisted by Miss Nora
Bobbins of Bloomshurg gave an entertulu
ment in tho Lutheran church. Tho build
Ing being larger than any other in tli
town, was kindly offered by tho Council for
tho evening exercises of the Institute,
Tuksoav. Opening exercises by Prof. I),
J. Waller, Ph. D. Prof. R, H. Sanford took
up tho subject of Primary Reading,
After which Prof. Waller gave an Inter
esting nnd plain tulk on -Mental Science.
Ii30 p. in., roll call und music. Prof. S.
W. Keller, principal of Catawis3a Comer-
vatory of Slusio presiding at the organ.
Prof. Wilbur spoke on thu subject of
History, giving methods and analysis for
teaching It.
Music, Miss Lizzltt Baldy at tho organ.
Prof, Sanford again resumed tha subject
of Primary Reading. Adjournment 4:00
p. m.
In tho evening Prof. Sanford lectured on
"Does It Pay?" to a crowded house. Tho
Catawlssa Orchestra was present and treat
ed thu audience to splendid music.
Wednesday. Opening exercises, music
by Institute, "Crown Him Lord of All."
Reading aud prayer by Rev. J, H. Nel-
Music, Prof. Keller at tho organ,
Wbdnesdat, p. v. The afternoon session
wns opened with music by Prof. Kclhr;
followed by a class drill In Geography by
Sir. Chas. Fisher. Tho class drew the
States along tho eastern const, located tho
principal cities, rivers and mountains, the
area and productions of tho States, when
aud by whom founded.
Hon. E. A. Apgar then gave Instructions
i Geography i 1st, without text book,
eo grnphy by observation, points of tho
compass ; 2nd, with text book, Geography
by presentation, Geography by description.
Ho then gave a most excellent rccipu for a
'Machine siliool. master," which Is as fol
lows t Get n photophono upon which the
impressions of a perfect recitation have
been taken, place, this before the class, as
ong as tho recitations coincide with theso
Impressions no effect wilt be produced, but
If a mistake is made, a rod will fait across
thu shoulders of the pupils.
An essay on Newspaper Gography was
read by Miss Eva Rupert. Plan i A mem
bcr of tho class puts on thu boird tho head.
nc ot dispatches; questions of persons,
plnces nnd events follow. Benefit i It
teaches tho pupils to have opinions, to
think nnd form conclusions of their own.
Primary Arithmetic by Prof. Sanford.
Use objects in tho outset, but uot for pur
poses of drill, dovclopc numbers above
mine, by means ot a ten bundlo ot sticks,
twenty by twojbuiullcs etc., do not place
columns of figures on the board, nnd allow
them to remain there. To convince pupils
ppcal to fashl on. Do not havo uu Irou
bedstead to whhh you fit tho pupils,
stretching out some and cutting off others,
but liavu flexibility. Adjourned.
Wednesday cv -nlng Hon. E. A. Apgar
gave an illustrated lecture on "Switzerland
the Beautiful Country," to a crowded
Tiiuusday, 0 a. .v. Slusic, devotional
exercises by Rev. Hlnklcy.
On Thursday morning the Institute was
visited by dircctofs from Bloomshurg and
neighboring communities.
Prof. Sanford brought before the Insti
tute n class of bcglnnois to devel ope Deci
mal Fractions.
Prof. Noetllug introduscd the subject of
Hon. Apgar continued tiic sudject of
SUp Drawing.
Miss Guic conducted a class In Advanced
Reading, after which Col. Copcland, the
lecturer for the evening was introduced.
Thu Col. entertained the Institute with his
experience as a teacher under the old time
moulding system as practiced in Hosler-dom.
Short uddrcsscs were nlto mudo by
Robert Buckingham and E. B. Gule.
Hon. Apgar presented the subject of
Mathematical Geography, illustrating the
rotary and revolutionary motions of the
Prof. Sanford, School Government. Ad-
Col. Copclnnd's lecturo in the evening :
'Tho Sllstakci of Bob," was well attended.
We noticed raauy from Bioonisburg.
Fiiin.w. Opening exorcises conducted
by Prof. Noctling of Bloomshurg, Btato
Normal School.
.uisa uiauuta is. uuio read a paper on
"The Necessity of Understanding the Set
enco of Teaching.
Sir. Geo. E. Elv:ll of the Bloomshurg
CoirjMniAS spoke of tho History of Colum
bia County now in press. The book when
finished will bo tho only complete Histoty
of the county ever published. It is the
work of Col. J. G. Freeze, well known
throughout tho county as a lawyer and
man of exceptional literary ability.
Piof. Johnson of Union county spoke of
tho many trials and difficulties of teachers.
Col. Copcland again oddressed the Insti
tute, this timu urging them to attend public
Sir. Sterner of Ccntralia read resolutions
of committee after which they were adopt
ed by Institute. They nrc as follows :
WiiBiiEAs: Tho interest manifested In
the cause of education is continually on
tho increase, and
WiiitHKAS, tho popular sentiment is far
more ccncrously disposed as to length of
school term, salary to be paid to teachers,
and tho fact that those who undertako to
train young minds should and must receive
special preparation for their work, Is be
coming moro widely recognized and ac.
knowledged as bus been cvidsnt by tho un
usual Interest shown during the present
session of Institute i Thereforo be it
Revoked, 1st. That wc as teachers should
feel grateful to our County Superintendent
for securing so able n corps of instructors
and that herein wu should he stimulated to
greater zeal in the cause of education.
Rinlied, 2nd. That the thanks of tho
teachers of this Institute bo and urc hereby
tendered to the people of Catawlssa for tbu
genial and hospitable manner in which
they have entertained us also that wo
compliment thu citizens on having secured
such enterprising directors who havo so
wisely looked after thu comfort and intel
lectual advancement of tho pupils, by tho
erection of bo handsome a school building,
JlttiUeii, 3rd. That our thanks ufu due
the gentlemen and ladies who have ncted
as our Instructors, for their able, clear and
concise treatment and presentation of their
respective brunches, also that our thanks
are duo tho Pr.ncipal and teachers ot thu
Catawissa schools for their kindness.
Retoleed, 4th. That we extend our thanks
to tho Lutheran congregation who so kind
ly gavu us thu usu of their church for the
evening entertainments. Also, that our
heartiest thanks are duo William Eyer,
leader of the Catawlssa Orchestra for the
great pleasure derived from tho music of
his bund of musicians, and to Prof, Keller
for his kindness in leading thu music at
tho Inttitute.
Retnhe I, 5th. That wo as teachers, by
Increased and moro earnest effort to be
come educators in the hiuhcr and truer
sensu of the term, can bring tho Directors
nnd public generally to acknowledge thu
wortli of our profession, und errant us n
longer school term, give us a better com
pensation ana raise our profession to a
higher plane ot recognition.
Respcstlully submitted.
0. II. Auieiit, B. P. Van.vatta,
Ida KisriKit, II, W. Bieiineii,
O. I Wellivbii,
Hon. Apgar continued his instruction lu
Mathematical Geography,
Prof Noetling guvo Ids common senso
rule iu Arithmetic showing how easily
long proportion problems und questions lu
Interest could bu solved and :xplulned,
Fiiidav, liliO v. m, institute called to
order Singing.
i'rof, rJuntord talked on methods of
Hon, Apgar continued on Slathcnratical
Prof. Waller spoko on Sloral Instruc
Prof. Johnston of Union county address.
cd the Institute, Inviting the teachers to
come to Ids-county and also to attend The
State Teacher's Association.
Addresses wcro mado by Rev's. Dechant
and Netmaii, Profs. Apgnr, Sanford and
Noctling. Doxology, Benediction.
W. It. Bhooks, Sec,
Gkiitrdk La,) ... H,.
Edith Baiiton, 'JAst.Sccys.
In mcmoriam of Stlss Amanda Breech, n
member of the closs of '70 ot the Blooms
burg Stoto Normal School, after n sickness
of only n fow doys departed this llfo Janu
ary, 27, 1882. Age, 22 years U months and
7 days.
Her father having fallen in the late rebel
lion, she wns left on orphan,
Previous to her entering the Sit. Joy Or
phan School little can bo said, or while
there wc nrc unable to give any history of
that period of tier life. After finishing the
required time at Sit, Joy, she was recom
mended to tho Bloomshurg State Normal
School, where she was admtttsd Into the
senior class, known afterward as tho class
of '70.
She was very studious. Thcro was no
sucli thing as fall In whatever shu under,
took. After graduating bIic entered the
ranks as n teacher, and ns such slio met
with perfect success, Her pupils whom slio
was compelled to lcavo before the close of
the term, with her chuvmntcs and friends,
sorrow greatly on account of her sudden
and unexpected death.
By a SIemheii of heii Class.
Julia Woollcy, one of our tcichcis, died
nt her homo in Llmo Ridge, November 14,
When qulto a little girl she gave her
heart and llfo to tho keeping of her Heaven
ly Father, Joined the SIcthodlst Episcopal
church, nnd up to the llmo of her death
was n living monument of Him she served
so well.
In the Slillvlllo Academy sho spent two
or tlireo terms as a student, after which she
became a teacher in the Public Schools of
Hazleton, where she remained tlireo years
Since then, she lias taught sovcral terms In
this county near her home, where sho was
loved not only by Tier pupils but by all that
knew her.
Her dentil was sudden and very sad In
deed. Having opened her school at the
usual timo and ended successfully the first
week ot school work, she was taken 111 and
after a fow days died.
But, while we have lost one of our num
ber, while the community In which she
lived Is bereft of u bright star, wo will re
member that she has but cone to receive
her reward.
Centre Nuten.
."Sfcn nro but sorry witnesses In tliejr
wn cause." The tiralsc of Kidney Wort
comes front tho mouths of those who have
been made strong and healthy by It. Listen i
"It is curing everybody," writes a drug
gist. "Kidney Wort Is tho most popular
medicine we sell." It should bo by right,
for no other medicine has such specific
action on the liver, bowels and kidneys.
Tlds Is hrvonil (mention thu most success.
fill Cough Medicine wo havo ever sold, n
few doses Invarinhly cure the worst cases
of Couglt, Croup, nnd Bronchitis, while Its
wonderful success In tho cure ot Consump
tion Is without n parallel in tho history ot
medicine, since us tirst discovery it nns
been sold on n guarantee, n test which no
other medicine can stnnd. If you have n
Cough we earnestly ask you to try It. Price
10 cts. nnd $1.00. It your Lungs aro sore,
Chest, or Back, Lame, uso Shlloh's Porous
Our stock of Holiday Goods arc now
being opened and consist of nil the latest
anu choicest designs io do lounu, nnu wo
cordially Invito you to call and examine
our Celluloid Toilet cnics, Florence Toilet
cases, Dlotlto Toilet cases, fine color enscs,
gentlemen's traveling cases, fine perfume
coses, fine mirrors, hnnd glasses, cloth,
hair, tootli and nnu brushes, silver irun
knives, children's knives, forks and spoons
nut picks, shell nnd penrl pocket knives,
cigar cases ot mo very nncsi quality,
portmonles, coin bogs lu great variety anil
Plaster. Price 23 cts. Bold by J. II. Kin. at all prices, fine spectacles, eye, rending
. . - ....... I i.lna.11. fr, O.t Kflrl d tin
NnUen i herhr olron tho nirtncrahlo be.
tween O. U. Trench and James M. flbow,un1or Uio
Arm name of C. C. Trench Co., In Hootttown.
snip, was dtsolvcd on tho sth dur ot January, A.
., Mass, by mutual consent, all debts duo and
owing s1rt firm aro to r.0 pild to O. O. 'I rcnch.and
mo uusinean win uo conuuucu ucicuii uuu ,uu
nrmnamoof Maize A show, ,..,..
u. u. -i jmrfuii,
Jan. H-m-i'. jAMKaM.Btigry
Notlco Is hereby irlvon that tho fnllowlnj nam
ed persons have nicd with tho Cleric of tho Court
ot omrtcr H silons of tho peace of Columbia
county, their oo'ltlons for llcente, which will bo
prssrnira io mo nam wuri, uu nunuv, mvu
oilmoro V. M.. JJIoomsburj, llestaurant.
Kobblm cortz D,, do Llquorstoro.
Tubba W. It , no Hotel.
Mannjno. i cniro,
iisirenuncn Minuoi, urago, uu
Ueckman Oeorge, do do
Bloomsburir, WM. KItiCKBAUM,,'83. clerk tj. 8,
may C cow
8o It docs, nnd In cases of dyspepsia, In-
dlccsllou. constipation, kidney and liver
complaints, biliousness, etc.. Burdock
mood miters novo ucen provcu uy many
n trial to be n reliable cure. Price $1.00.
nnil colored classes from 2o cents UP.
Fine perfumes from nil tho celebrated
makers t "Lily of the Valley," whito lilac,
azalln, tube rose, Slary Stewart, gloriosa,
wild olive and many others. Toilet soap,
cut, decorated and plain toilet bottles very
Horn roit DnuKKAiiDS.
SIv husband had drunken habits he
could not overcome until Parker's Ginger
Tonic look nway ills thirst lor stimulants,
restored his energy of mind and gave him
strength to attend to business. Cincinnati!
GtTMako vour old thlncs look like new
by using the Diamond Dyes, nnd you will
be happy. Any of tho fashionable colors
tor iu cents.
Quick, complctu cure, nil annoying Kid
ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1.
Tho woman who seeks relief from pain
by the frco uso of alcoholic stimulants nnd
narcotic drugs, llnds wnnl she seeks only
so far as sensibility is destroyed or temnor-
arlly suspended. A'o cure van eiw wrouoAf 6y
utrh meant and the longer they arc employed
the more hopeless tho case becomes. Lcavo
chloral, morphia and belladonna alone and
uso airs, rinklmm's Vegetable Compound.
Wo havo tho cheapest nlcklo library
lamps ever offered, also very lino brass
and nlcklc plated library, hand, stand,
student and bracket lamps very cheap
don't rail to see ours beioro purchasing.
New goods constantly arriving.
For tho next thirty days wo purpose
closing out the remaining stock of tho
Central Ten Store. Wo have yet about
600 pounds of tea and n small stock of
other grocery goods which will be sold low
to close them out, regardless of cost. Call
soon for bargains.
N. J.' Hendershott.
lous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker
mouth, and Head Ache. With each bottle
there is an ingenious nasal Injector for tho
moro succcssrul treatment ot these com.
plaints without extra charge. Price 50cts.
Sold by J. II. Kinports. mayCeow.
Sir. and Sits. Levi Alkman gave a very
pleasant dinner party Tuesday last on the
return of their son and daughter, Sir. and
Sirs. John H. Alkman. Thirty of the rcl
nllves nnd particular friends of the family
were present to welcome tho newly mnr.
ried couple to n place In their midst. An
elegant dluner was served nnu n very
pleasant, social nnd friendly timo was had.
Sir. nnd Sirs Alkman will occupy the farm
belonging to Sir. J. E. Alkman after the
first of April next. Their many friends
all join in wishing them future prosperity
and happiness.
Tho Aikman dinner party makes another
event ot interest to thu family, l e, tho
birth of the first grandchild, at Sir. A. C,
Creasy's, they are all happy because "it's
a hoy.
On Saturday last Sir. J. S. Hagcnhuch
roasted "the big turkey," and invited his
neighbors and friends to help cat it. A
large party answered the call nnd a very
pleasant time Is reported. Sandy is a
"hale fellow well tnct" and all who know
him wish him continued prosperity aud
happiness. RiroittBii.
Bad tasto in the mouth, unpleasant breath
anu impaired Hearing, wnen resulting from
Catarrh, nre overcome, and the tins 1 pas
sages which have been closed for years are
made free by tho uso of Elys' Creai . Balm.
Price 00 cents.
Apply Into nostrils with little finger.
Messrs. Johnson. Hollownv & Co.. whole.
sale druggists of Philadelphia, Pa., report
that some timo ago a gentleman handed
them n dollar, with n request to scud a
good catarrli cure to two army officers In
Arizona. Recently the same gentleman
loin them that bom the oltlcers and the
wlfo of Gen. John C, Fremont, Gov. of
Arlzonia, had been cured of catarrli by thu
two bottles of El) M Cream Balm.
"Wells' Health Rencwcr" 'estorcs health
and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence
sexual Debility.
fcfrawbridge & Clothier's
Nearly one thousand t n:r vines. Illustrating the
new tilings in cvry oepnriment or rasnion.
four rmsrs of new tnuiic. In most cases ortdnal
cither vocal or instrumental.
Tho nrlces of all kinds of Drv floods, toeether
with clescrtctlins ami engravlogs to show what
mey ioqk hko.
Valuable ortctnal articles, mostly Illustrated, on
finblecta that treat of tho ndornmpnt of the nor-
Bon, tho beautifying of home, and the newest
tilings in art neeaei worn.
Instructions how tho distant consumer Cfin shon
M sittsfictortly and at economically as resld;nts
ot mi city.
Eight and Market Streets, Philadelphia.
UtlU D, OJ-ll.
B. Turner, Rochester. N. Y., writes i "I
have been for over a year subject to serious
disorders of tho kidneys, and often unable
to business ; procured your liur-
oock lsiood litttcrs, anil wns relic red before
half a bottle was used. I Intend to con-
nue, ns I feel confident that they will en
tirely cure mc." Prico $1.00
All ladies know their faces are most nt-
tractive when free from pimples. Parker's
Ginaer Tonic is popular nniontr them
because it uanlslics impurities from blood
and skin nedakes the face clow with
The great superiority of DR.
all othercough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flics, ants,
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
10c. uruggists.
A letter from P. O. Shnmiess. druirclst.
Clarion, unto, in writing ot Thomas' JSclee-
trie uu, says: "une man was cured or
sore? throat of ticht years' standing with
one Dottle." we nave a number or cases
of rheumatism that have been cured when
other remedies have failed. Wc consider
It the best medicine sold.
T i nwmifii i m
CncvotI J MB
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Bron
chitis.Whooping Cough, Incipient
Consumption and for the relief of
consumptive persons in advanced
stages of the Disease. For Sale
by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents.
Sec in the west window of I. W Hart.
man & Son's samples of wool goods many
ro them reduced onu halt in puce.
I.utz it Sloan have about a dozen rmlrs of
blankets yet anu win sell them cheap.
I. W. Hartman & Son will deliver to any
part of tho town all classes ot goods, bought
oi mem.
For barcnins In
to I.utz & Sloan's.
shawls of any kind go
Founds Good Pork.
Good Live Calves.
Good Live Shoats, In weight t 80,
im. -to. ou to uu pounds.
9 Good Young Ueeves.
Jiusiicls Uood i.lovcrsccd.
Dushels Good Potatoes.
Pounds Dried Apples.
otinds Dried Raspberries, pitted
cherries nnd lard.
All ot the above wanted at Light Street
uy nuns oung.
Dec. 23-3m
Younc married people will find nt I. V.
Hartman & Son's a lariro line of table
linens, towels, crush and counterpanes,
aiso cueup uiui uuu tiisncs,
I.ndles coats and dolmans
now nt I.utz Si Sloan's.
very cheap
Don't forget I. W. Hartman & Son
tend keeping nn baud nil thu year, birth
day and wedding presents, on exhibition
only when called for.
Now H a good time to buy dress goods
nt i.uiz C DlOllll s.
Why do so many peoplu wo seo around
us, seem to preier to suiter and bo mad!
miserablo by Indigestion, Coustlputlon
Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coining up of
mo i'uiiu, icnoH nhin, wuen tor 0 CIS,,
wo will sell them Shlloh's Vltnllzer, guaran
teed to euro them. Sold by J. H. Kin
ports. may O.eow
Eyes brighten, checks becomo rosy, mils'
uic itaiu sifciigui uy mo uso oi lirown'i
iron itinera,
As Out Man's IlKUKr.
liavu used Parker's Ginger Tonlo for my
bad cough und hemorrhage I had twenty,
live years. I fell liku another man since I
used it. aiii uu years past, Relievo
suru to euro younger persons. A. Orue
Hlghsplru, Pa.
Letters of admltUtratton cum tcstamento an-
nexo on tho estate ot Daniel Kester, lato oi
Centro township Columbia county, pa., deceased,
hao been trranted tu sorouol w. Jaclcon resld-
Ids' In Slid township, to whom all oorsonsln.
deotoa to said est to aro rcnucsiea w) mim
payment, and thoso havlnir claims or demands,
soyler, Atl'y, Administrator.
Tne tind-ralffned auditor annotated bv tho or
phan's Court otcolumtl county, to mnko dtitrf
outton of tho balance ot the fund tn tho hinrti ot
llannth II. Arrartronfr. administratrix, win M at
his cfltco tn the town ot llloomsburir, on Raturuay,
lanuurr Ilth 1883. at a. m to perform tho duties
of hts appointment, whoa and where all partlas
iniereatca iu naia mou ihiisl m-uu r m uuuui
rod from receiving any sharo thereof.
11. V. ITllim,
Doc. 18 n ta. Auditor.
Letters testamentary In tho estate of Lett
Wrtdit, de'-oased, lato of Homiocii township,
Columbia county, Ta., have boon (rranted by the
UeiiNier or sam county to neoecca n rwiimuu j .
.1. VVriffht. All persons havtmr Calms acalnst tho
estate of said decedent aro requested to present
them for settlement, and thoso Udebtcd ti tdo
estate to msko payment to the undersigned with-
JohnC.Yocum W.J. WRIOIIT,
Attorney. executors.
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or.
itians' Court ot Columbia county to make dlstrl
intmn tn nnd nmnntr thn nnrtlm In Interest. In
said fstate. of the balance In iho handiof Uie
administrator asperaccount nlu. will attend at
his onice in nioomsbunr, on Friday. January is,
mv2. m. to nuineL in tho forenoon for the purposes
of his annolnlmcnt. when and where all parties
Interested In said rstato must attend or bo for
ever debarred irom any sharj t f sild fund.
dcCSi-tl WM. CHItlSMAN,
-Sec a woman In another column, near
tspeers vineyards, picKing grapes irom
which sneers rori urape wine is made.
that is so biddy esteemed .bv the medical
profession, for the use of invalids, weakly
persons nnu toe ngcu.
tioiu uy uruggisis. sept iw-iy
a physician's imonio.
Mr. Alfred Speer. who was the. first to
introduce thu cultivation of tho Onorto
Grano in this section of the country had a
visit m.m a numner oi incw ioik i'liysl
cluns to Inspect ids vineyard and ware
houses at Passaic, N. J., recently. About
sixty doctors took the noonday train over
thu Eric lfailway, and after a halt hour's
pleasant ride arrived at Passaic. Thu vine
yards aro about fifty acres in extent and
just outside tho town. Here tho visitors
found both the small dark Portugese and
inu native uoncoru in uounuance.
Amonc those present wero Dr. E. II,
Janes, of the Hoard of Health : Dr. Alex.
11. Molt, of the Rellcvue Hospital Medical
Collegoj Dr. William H. Haynes, of the
l'resuytcrian Hospital t Dr. Prankard, Dr,
Powell, Dr. Chapln, Dr. Williams and Dr.
Gardner of Jersey City. Speeches were
mauc oy ur. janes, ur. iuott. nr. Ilavnes
and others commendtory of Mr. 8peeiJa
wines uuu vincyarus.
Law, Collection and Real Es
tate office of Win. Chrisman
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Properties for sale in Bloomstrarg
and elsewhere.
A farm of loo acres, near Stonytown, In a gaol
state ot cultivation, brick houie, barn nearly now,
frame tenement houso, One fruit, water, ic,
Terms easy.
Hi acre of excellent land, bordering noFlshlng'
creelc. iii miles from Orangovllle, 6 acres being
woodland, good bulldlDg, s wells, a splendid
home, heiltiiy and doslr iblo. Cheap.
a acres, x mllo from Light Street, flenty of
fruit, buildings, water, healthy location.
A lot of ua acres, 1; intl-s from Bloomsburg
and mile from Bspr, good house, fruni) barn,
nno fruit, plenty of wutcr for raising poultry, One
Und for trucking. Price $tooo.
A fine Hotel In tho town of Epy, lately repair
ed, gold trade, rent more than pass s per cent.
Interoit. Cheap, anil terms to suit purchaser.
A Grist MM on Little Flshlngcreelc, 4 miles from
Bloom9burg, Turbine water wheel, futl water
power, dwelling houie, Including 2 iCrcs of land,
paying trade. Terms easy.
Prick dwelling on Eaat street, corner lot, we'.l,
stable, pleasant location.
A frame dwelling, on a double corner lot, on
Hast street, with, flno fruit, lawn, ftibl-, out
kitchen, grounds and buildings In best of order.
A fram i dwel log on street, nno fruit,
water, grounds and residence In splendid condition.
2 neat properties on Main street, with stables.
good fruit, &c.
A frutnodwellogoncornrrof West and Fourth
streets, tfrrai easy; one on Citharlno street,
with water, p'enty of fruit, stable. fie, cheap;
one o u Third street, with good fruit water, stable
and bouso above the size; one on Contra
stre t, with 11 convenience', (leslrablolo'a'lon,
cheap; one on Sevcntl stroet, fi rms part down
and balance In monthly Instilments to suit pur
chaser, another on Seventh Wreet, wlfi two lots
nearly new uous, price $1050.
A desirable Itrck on Centre street, with stablo
and all conveniences, also one on Main street on a
coraer lot.
Most of theso properties cai bo secured by pay
ing a portion down and the balance In yearly In.
Real Esiatc I
In pnrsuance ot an order timed out ot tbo Or
phans' court ot Columbia county, the undersigned
administrator c, of Jchn Lewis, late ot Sugar-
loaf township, deceased, win expose to public
sale on th premises on
TM undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or-
E bans', curt of Columbia county to inakodistrl
utlon of tho talanceln tho hinds ot Administra
trix, will sit ntthe onico of Frccio, Kycrly
Whlto. in Illoom3tur,r, In said county, ou atur
day. tho soto day of January, 1583. at 10 o'clock:
A. M., oi said nay, wnen ana wucru uu wwuca
inii-Tvstpii in said eatalo must attend or bo forever
debarred from aoy share of said fund.
V. L. EYBULY, Auditor.
Dec. Mib.
The undersigned having been appointed audi
tor to mke distribution of the fuud In tho hands
of II. 1'. Former. Ksn... administrator of said de
cedent, hereby gives notlco that he will Mt at tho
omce of John u. Yocum. E.n... In tho town of Cot
awpsa, to perform tho duties of his appointment
on tho twentieth davjt January. A. 1). 1SS3 nt
9 o'clock a. m., at which tlni) and pl-os all parties
ha Ing claims against the said esiato will appear
and present tho s nno or be dJbirrid from com
ing In for a sharo of eald fund.
deoK-ta It. IIL'CKIS'OUAM,
"rHElEAS,tlieIIon. William Elwell
IT rresiaem juago or mo court of Oyer and
Terminer and Oeneral Jail Delivery, Court of Quar.
ter sessions of tho Peace and the Court of Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court tn the 2th Judicial Dls
trlct, compoied of the counties ot Columbia and
Montour, and tho Hons. Jamei Lake and F. I
Shuman, Ass o:ato Judges of Columbia county,
navo issued tneir precept.oeanng date the th day
oi ueo in '.he tear of our Lord one thousand elirht
hundred and eighty-two, and to mo directed for
holding a Court ot Oyer and Terminer and (lencral
Quarter Sessions of tho I'oace, Court of Common
fleas and Orphans" court, In Bloomsburg, In the
county ot Columbla,on tho first Monday, being the
Cth day of February next, to continue for two
Notice Is hereby given to the the Jus
tlces of the Peace, and the Constables of tho said
County of Columbla,that they be then and then In
their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of
said s;h day of Feb, with their records luqul.
sltlons and other remembtance8,to do thoselthlngs
which io tueir oinces appertain to tic done. And
thoso that are bound by recognizance to proseoute
agulnst the prisoners that are or may be In tho Jail
oi tne eoia,couniy or Columbia, to be then and there
to prosecute them as shall be ujt. Jurors are re
quested to be punctual tn their attendance.
agreeably to their notlcos. Dated at llloomsb'ure
Jj .Vthe rd day of Jsn. In the year of our
1 . r m v,iu tuuusauu uigot uuuareu and
I'- V 1 CllthtV.tWOand 111 thn linn linniln,ri nnH
s-venth sear of the Independence of tho United
at two o'clock p. m all that certain piece ot Und
situate In Hugarlnat township, said county,
bounded and descrlocd as follows : on the North
by land ot the estate or J, It, Fritz on tho East by
land ot Qtberson, ou the South by land of
Divld Lewis, nnd on the West by land of John
Laubach, containing
more or less, ou which are erected a dwelling
houe barn knd cutbulldlngs. (icol ater, and a
large apple orchard on tbo premises.
TKRMSOF8ALE Tin per cent, tf tbo one-
fourth of the purchase money to bo paid at tho
striking d wntf the property, tbo one-fourth leta
the ten percent, nt the confirmation ot sale; and
the remaining three-fourths In one jenr there
after, with Interest frcm connrmntlon nlst.
Attorney. Administrator.
Jan, fi, TC.
nLooMSHUiia market.
States of America.
nuenn aumce.
Bloomsburg, Jans-
Cun leftrn the exact coat of any proposed' line or
(!eo. 1', ttowelt fi Co' Newspaper Advrils nl
Wheat ntr bushel
Itye "
Corn, "
oau "
Flour nor barrel
Dried pples
sides .t Shoulders
i.ura pr pounq
Ilav per ton
Buckwheat flower per loo,,
16 00
Tho Commonwealth ot rciitsylranla'
To tbo following ch'ldror, grandchildren Jte., of
Rllzabeth Kelclmer U'coased:
lame Kclchnera soi rcbldlDgat Centrevllle,
Columbia county, ra Sarnh. a rtauphtcr Inter
married with Ueorge Arz, r siding at Nantlcoke,
Luzerno countr, l'a. Samuel Kelchner, a son re
siding at Nantlcoke. Luzerne ccunty, l'a. Jacod-
HeicunfT. a son. residing hi Miminviuu, Colum
bia' county, l'a. John Kelchner, n son, residing
tn Mont, ornery county, Maryland. Margaret, a
daughter, lnwrmnrrld vlth Itobert I'atterton,
resioirg at Llgbtstrect. Columbia county. Pa.
ThefoiTowing grandchildren ihe children ot ber
deceased son Eleazer Kel'hncr to-wlt: Claronco
Ko'chner. William Ke chner. John Kelchner and
(islln Kelchner, all residing nt MIlUlnvlilo.ColUT
bli cmnty, l'a , also tho following grnndchlhlren
mo cnunren ot ner neceaiea son wniiam ueicn-nerto-wtt:
Emma Kelonner residing at Berwick,
Columbia county. l'a. Minnie Hosier, intermar
ried with Boyd Hosier residing at Berwick. Col
umbia cnuntv, l'a. Ch irles Ko chner, residing at
Mini nv In. Co umbla countv. Pa., and t o other
daughteia iflhosatd William Kelchner, deceas
ed, whos names nre unknown to your petitioner
resintffg ni .-iiuiinviiiu, rtmniy oi uo;umuia, ra.
Also the following grandchildren tbo children of
lirr deceased d lugliter, Mary, who wa& Intermar
ried with Gideon ueorg i who tl now deceaaed to
wlt : Jacob (leorge residing nt Whlto llaren.
Luzerno eoutiti, l'a. tilde n, residing eoiro
where In New Jersey, the plato unknown to your
petitioner nnd 'i grent-grnndchtld whose namo
andolaceof restdenco la unknown to your petit
loner, wlnse mother was E li n Of o-ge deceased,
win was a daughter ot I he 8 nil Mary (leorge, dc
crasod, lineal descendants, of Elizabeth Kelchner,
deteved nnd to nil other persons Interested,
tlreetlng: You and each of sou tra hereby cited
to be an 1 appear before the Judges of our or
phans' Court atnn i rphans' Court to be held at
uioomsourg on tno l irei Monaay ot l euruary
next, then aud thero to accept or refuse to tako
the ril c&tnto of said Fl.zabelh Kelchner de
ceased, at tho appraised valuation put upon It by
mo iui'it-a , uuiy awarueu oy tne Ham court, una
returned by thoMiertrr. or thowcauoo why It
sha 1 not bo bold. And hereof fall not.
u. ii. Exr,
Jtn5 Sheriff.
"Perhaps the most judieiout'y edited manatine
in the world." Tun Nation, N. Y. Sept. 1682
Fcr 1882-83.
Tho twelfth year of this mncazlno-tho first
under tho new name, und the most successful in
its history. closd w ult t, io October number. 'I ho
circulation has fhown a large gain over that of tho
nruci roine si bon. nnu rim usn u u bonus its
thirteenth year w tn an edition of
110,000 CoplCN.
Tha following aro tho leading features:
ceed this authors "Modern matanca." It. will bo
an Intern illoml Mori. emitted "A Sea Chauirc.'
niiWAM) KtlULESfoN. the loading historical
feature of tho year; to constet ot a number ot
Rapera, on such np'ca as "The Beginning of a
niton," "Social 1 lie In Ihi Colonies," eto. thi
w noli roroiing a complete History ot eanv uie in
tho United states. Ejpecla) attent on will be paid
to accuracy tt Illustrations.
I1ALI.OCK FO'lTB. eatltt-il 'The Led-Uorso
Claim," to be lllmlraUjd by tha author.
a series of eight Htura ir.un imigmary persons
ot vurlous natlnnnitt'oi, criticising America, Its
people, society, manuers, ral rjun, etc.
by the Itev. Washington oiiiddin. An account ot
practical co-opcmuuti in unnsiian work, knowing
how u leiiruo w g finned In a small town lu
Conneclleur, what kind) of work It attempted,
ana now it t.preuu inrjuguoui tue wuoiu ttiate,
"ltUDDElt OIUNOK ABitOU)'' b Frank It
Stockton, a centluu itlon ot the dnll "lludder
Orange" htorles, the scene being now In Europe.
I1IIILIHNI1. a scrl.H of f.iur nan rs. fuhv lllus.
trated, devoted to (1) City Il0'irs, (!) Country
liousis, a) luuicuer, uuu ei) ruuuu iiuiiuiogs.
Cable author ot "Oil Creole Das." e'e ; afresh
and grai lue narrative, richly Illustrated.
CU'hlng, government ethnologist, an alopted
memoeroi tnu.unitrioaoi luaians. iiiunraica.
OU'I I'A L. inr ludlag "The t'apltol," " rha Supreme
Court," "Tub White Housa," otc.
"II. II ' ; three or four papers ot an exceedingly
Interesting chatacter, nculy llimtratcd.
Further wo'k Is esDeCtel f'0in U. O Stedman.
Thomas tlufhes, Joel chiulier Harris. ( Undo
uenius.'T 'Danes uu.r.ey warncr, joiiu Bur
roughs, E. V, s i alley, II il, Iloyesen, and a long
loo page pamphlet.
Jan. is, -83-4W.
The following widows Appralnerneotn will bo
presented to Court on thn nmr. um , v-i..7r
ary. Kil, and counrmed uUI . and unless excep-1 .W(4.oo
lions bifll-dtt thin four days thereafter wilt i,
I. Ateu Thomas natnta. rin.aA.i
re,r8oK'U:ooV e,ta,e' UeceMeJ' 01 Soo'
i. Dej rim Leonard, estate, dcceiaed, of Locust,
rarsoualty, I3J.M.
5. Jamison J, It
Personalty, oo.t.
. nil ter John, ostato, daoeaed, of Catawlssa.
novelettes will bo among tha leading features ot
THBCEVITUY, as heretofore, and the magazine
win contiuua us auvaDco in general excellence.
The subscrlntlon price Is tl.oo a yea': 8 cento
a number, Kuihcrlpitous Mioull u glu with the
Novemoer number, and enable new subscriber
to commence Hlth the now serloa under Till!
CENTUHY uutue, wo make the following
A car's8Ubscrlnllon from Nnv.. ttsi. and th.
twelve numbers of tho pat year, unbjund.f4.oo
A subscription snu the twelve back numbers bound
In two elegant volumes with gilt top, II.5 '.
THE CENTl'ltY CO., Nkw-Yohe, N. Y.
PlIII.AIiri Pltfl I Wmlu, 1
i-ijiuk I uu nisriceL was nim mm tvunir , umm..
nne ismi(4.W; extra ; Pennsylvania
family Ji.6ii4t.I5: Ohio nnd Indium fmll
.VOO(45.I5; Mlniiesotaextrats.s.'as.w); dostra'ght
, mine, aicuv jiso.'sj ; epring ao
IMikat Market woasteadv; Nn. i western rij
H.IBH(4I.09V : Delaware and l'ennnvlvantu rmi
$l.o4l,e ; loogberry red and amber Sl.lutal.ll. a DVKUTISEKS by udirestlng UEO. P. HOWJtLL
u iKN-i no matkei was ami for local use ; ubw CO., lu Hprueo bt.. New York, can learn the
ungraded 11(4100, di will Ti(4I4o; old steamer exact cost ot any proposed line ot Apvektisikq In
estate, deceased, of Main.
7. Williams Thomas T.. ptai rt.o,..,
Contralla. ltealty, Itw.w. ' vv-i
Jan. If, vs.
Clerk o.u,
Bio : do mli'it H3(43t)a : do No. a da Hie.
Oath Market wuh Inactive, but riiu1v, Kn i
whlto Bio; r.o.umxmo; No. ido4lo; No,
HTE-oiitet at traoac.
LAHD-.uarket wa ateMy; city kettle lava
Uo; loose butchers' UtAUVi prime sieuu.
uorTSH-rennsrivsnia nni wostern creamery I
extra, sWSj; Bradford, county and New York
extra aww; noils Bteady; Pennsylvania wka ',
,. . .
American Newspapers.
u cents.
to-ioo-paga ramphlet,
inc. l-w.
Euoa-rennsylvanl lwMo;
houaa !U44)o limed wino.
western n)o ; lco I