The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 05, 1883, Image 2

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J. K. 81Hnttnltr.,r Ellt)"
-Jb'iUPAYJANUAUY Ji, 1883.
With this Issuo wo begin voltimo
XVII of Tub Comjmman. During
tho past year tlio paper hni received a
more liberal patronago than over bo ,
foro i . many mill great improvements
liavo been mado in the oflice and
material, additional hands liavo been
employed j and as a mark of npprecia
tion for tho favors of tho public, wo
liavo continued tho subscription pneo at
SI. 51) a year, ana liavo endeavored to
give our readers more than an equivalent
tor tho monoy. JJuring tho coming
year we hope to bo nolo to reuueo tho
amount of foreign advertising matter,
and till tho space so paved with inter
eating reading, news of tho day, Ac.
Tin; Comjmuian has reached that
point whero it is no lontrer an organ
in tho generally accepted meaning of
that term, it is, as it has been smco
tho first year of its cxistoncc, purely
Democratic, and claims to bo tho mouth"
tiieca of tho Democraov of tho coutltv i
so far it is an organ, lint it is not con
trolled or lnilucnced by any ring or
combination and it is tho only paper in
Columbia county that has learlessly
criticised public officials when it be
lieved tho interests of tho public do
manded this,although it was awnro that
uv so (loinir.-uio ns or iobiiiit uiuumi
patriouago was incurred. So far it is
not an organ, and it proposes to follow
the samo policy in tha luturo. It will
opposo anything- and everything that
smacKS oi mncuiuo managemum, m uuy
party, aud it will insist that tho sclco
tion of public officers shall bo mado by
the people, and not by a lew persons
It will continue to advocate honest and
economical eovorumctit iti stato and
nation, aud in all other wavs endeavor
to ndvauco tho interests of tho public.
In return we ask only that wo .may re
ceive continued encouragement in our
efforts to publish tho best paper in the
Tho inauguration of Governor Patti-
son will take placo on lucsday January
Er Governor Hendricks of Indiana
is rapidly recoveiing from his recent
severe illness.
Those who aro criticising Pattison's
appointments would do well. to save
their breath until they find out whom
ho lias appointed.
31. Gambctta, tho great French
statesman, died in Paris last Monday
morning, from tho effects of a pistol
shot accidentlv received on November
27th. Ho was a powerful orator and
atithe time ot his death 1'oreign iJlin
ister in the l'reilch Cabinet. '
. W hilo tno president .was receiving
calls at the Whito' Ilouso on How
Year's day, a gloom, was cast over tho
ceremonies by the sudden death of
Judge E. II. Allen, the Minister resi
dent from the Hawaiian Islands. He
expired in tho vestible where he had
gone to get his cloak, dropping to tho
noordead, with a singlo exclamation,
Chief Justice Share wood retired from
the supreme Kencli ot the stato on
Monday, and Judcro Mercur became
Chief Justice. Judge Sbnrswood has
served as an administrator of tho law
for twenty two years in Philadelphia
and fifteen years in tho Supremo court,
and he retires with many honors, hav
ing' .gained a reputation as a jurist
second to none in tho land.
Governor Cleveland of Now York was
inaucurated on Monday. It was
brief and simple cercmony,took place at
an early hour, and waa over so quickly
that hundreds ot people who expected
to be present at- tho taking ot tho oath,
arrived to hnd it ended. This is quito
a striking chance from the manner in
which the republican party has been in
Btallimrerovernors for some vears liast,
It used to' take all the military in tho
state, and nearly all the money in the
treasury to put a stalwart administra
tion in motion. Cleveland and Patti
son have set an example worthy of per
petuation. The committee appointed by the
democratic caucus at Harrisburg to in
quire as to whether thero were any
superfluous .employees nbout tho capi.
tol that could bo dispensed with, re
ported on Tuesday in the negative. It
seems the press and thopublio generally
have been laboring under the misap
prehension that tho fellows who aro
on the nay rolls at tho capitol, and
whoso duties consist in going to Harris.
burg once a month to draw their wage.,
are unnecessary. It will now be in or
der to show the peoplo that there nro
no such persons employed. If the
legislative Jtecord is abolished, as it
should be, the number of pasters and
folders can certainly bo reduced.
The speakership of tho forty eighth
congress jies between Messrs.- Randall
of Pennsylvania, Blackburn of Ken
tucky, and Carlisle Mr. Blackburn
recently said that ho does not believe
Haudall can bo defeated by either of
tho others, and therefore proposes to
withdraw ns a candidate if Carlisle
will do the same, uud center on Mom.
sou 'of Illinois, who he thinks is the
only man that can defeat llandall. If
this is refused ho is willing to leave it
to a voto of tho Kentucky delegation
whether Mr. Carlislo oi himself shall
withdraw. These Kentucky statesmen
seem .determined that Randall shall
not bo speaker, but it is doubtful if they
can succeed in thoir fight agaiiwt
Folitloal Assessments.
Tho Sepato has passed the Edmunds
bill. It forbids tho levying and collect
ing of assessments of voluntary contri
butions by any officer of tho government,
appointed or elected forbids anybody
fiom collecting or receiving money for
political purposes in any government
building, and prohibits discharges from
the government service for non-pay-incut
of such assessments.
Tho Philadelphia Times says :
Under this act Field Marshal Cooper
can send his circular to tho school
marms and post office messengers the
samo as beiore. jie can t secure their
dismissal if thoy fail to respond, how
ever; unless ho can invent somo new
imirio for tho crime of refusal which
will shut up tho public eye nnd mako
peoplo bellovo they have been guilty of
Bonu enormous nieacn ot pubiio pro
priety. Tho passago of the bill is a coin,
roendablo step towards reform, and tho
less time the House spends In endea
voring to defeat it, tho better it will bo
for it. It should bo passed at once.
The Legislature.
On Monday nlnhttho Dcmocrotsof tho
Houso held n caucus in tho stato libra
ry at tho capital which was character
ized by oxceltent order. Jacob Zieglcr
of Butler was chosen chnlrinan. Ono
hundred nnd eight members were pres
Mr Abbott offered the following!
Wiikheas. Differences of opinion exist
a to tho proper powtr and duties of n cau
cus t
Ami whirMA. It la desirable- that WO should
plnco on record our sentiments as to tho
proper relations between Individual repre
sentatives and n party caucus therefore
bo It .
Reiohxtl by the democratic members or
the liouso of rtpresontntlvca of l'cnnsylvn
nln, that while believing that crcat sacrifi
ces should bo mado to promote harmony and
concert of action, yet wo aro of opinion
Hint it is not tno power or iinvncgo m uny
mnn or any uouy oi men 10 control mu
honest Judemcnt of the Individual repre
Tho matter was discussed, to somo
extent, when tho caucus agreed to no
cept it nnd allow it to go upon record
as part ot tho proceedings oi mo cau
cus, when Chairman iiegier announ
ced as in order nominations for Bpcak.
er. Tho names of John K V auncc, of
Philadelnhia. Win. Hasson, of Venan
go, nnd Lemuel Aminerman, of Lu
zerne, wero presented. A ballot was
ordered and Air. Fnunco was elccled,
the voto standing Fauuce, CO: Hasson,
34 ; Ammcrinan, 11. Tho nomination
was mado unanimous aud Mr. i aunco
was invited to appear before tho cau
cus, and mado n fow remarks.
resolution was then presented
that tho order of business bo tho Beleo
tion of a chief clork, reading clerk, and
that a committco of fifteen be appoint
ed to enquire into tho propriety of n
reduction ot tho employees, as ueiinoa
by tho uct of 1874, nnd that tho com
mitteo report suitable persons to elect
officers as prescribed by la, v.
A substitute was olterod, but it was
withdrawn to allow Air. Brown to offer
tho following :
WiiKKitAS, tbo democratic party of Penn
sylvania has come Into control of tlio
houso of renrescntatlves unon Its plodzes
to tlio nconle of reform In the administra
tion of public affairs. Including the aboli
tion of all unnecessary otllccrs ; therefore,
Jletolied, That the caucus proceed to
nominate democratic candidates for the
following returning ofllccs of tlio liouso In
the order wherein named i Chief cleric,
rcadlnir clerk, resident clerk, two tran
scribing clerks, superintendent of folding
room, sergcant-at-nrins, doorkeeper, mcs
senccr. nnd postmaster.
ltctokcd, That a committco of one from
caeli congressional district be appointed uy
tlio chairman ot tins caucus to inquire ami
report to an adjourned meeting to-morrow
mornlnir at ten o'clock, what other ofllccs
are Indispensable to an efficient and legal
organization oi tno nouso.
J. AlcDowell Sharp, of Franklin,
spoke. on the resolution. Ho favored
tho Inst proposition in fact tho entiro
substitute and .thought it should ro
ceive the Bauctiou of tho caucus. They
all desired to start in right. They
wero in favor of reform, and the pubiio
expenditures, ho argued, should be cut
down as much as possible. As men, ns
office holders, ho thought they should
give these matters much deliberation
They should be honest to themselvcB
and to their constituents.
Tho substitute as presented was
unanimously adopted, and the caucus
proceeded to name candidates for chief
clerk. Those presented were ;l tiray
Aleek. of Centre : Michael Cassidy, of
Carbou : II. J. AloAteer.of Huntingdon
Josheph E. Noble, of Bedford ; T. 0'
Leary, jr, Pittsburg, and Thomas II.
Grcevy.Blair. Meek was choieu on
the Gtli ballot.
A motion nt this point was mado to
chang'i tho order ot business, but it
was defeated and the caucus pro
ceeded to the nomination of candidates
for reading clerk. John McClure, of
Alercer ; and C. Ben Johnson, of Lack
awanna ; and Samuel E. Hudson of
Philadelphia wero presented. Air.
Johnson was elected on tlio first ballot
by the following vote: Johnson, 59;
McClure, 31 : Hudson, 15
For resident clerk Elbridge McKon.
key, of Dauphin had no opposition and
was unanimously selected.
Names for transcribing clerks wero
presented as follows; John Urich, Le
high ; G. Alorris Eckels, Cumberland ;
JJ. liarger Gregory, Clarion ; John 15.
AIcLain, Berks; Thomas L. Dnrrah,
Beaver ; Clark Wilson, MoKcan.
The first ballot resulted in tho choice
of Mr. Gregory by tho following vote ;
Eckels, 20; Darrah, 22; White, 17; AIc
Lain, 22; Wilson, 5; Arnold, 1G. Four
more ballots were necessary before tho
selection of the second clerk could be
made, Air Eckels being the choice by a
voto of 52 to 44 for Air. Darrah.
Without finishing the selection of
names the meeting adjourned until
Tuesday morning nt 9 o'clock.
Alessrs O'Neill, Abbot, Crawford,
Alorgan, Former, Lorah, E. G. Snyder,
Vanderslicc, Hines, Ichlickcr, llilaud,
Iteily, Gahan, AlcDonald, Sharpe, De
vinney, Alerry, Bierer, Weihl, AlcCabe,
Nlcholsou, Ellsworth, Walker. Com
mitteo to consider what offices nro nec
essary to efficient and legal organiza
tion of the house.
Both branches met on Tuesday morn
iug and the caucus nominees of the
democrats were all elected by tho
Home. Ii iho Senate Air. Iteyburn
was elected President pro tem. Thom
as 15, Cochran, Chief Clerk, Edward
Smiley, Journal Clerk and Georgo
Pearson, Heading Clerk.
Thus far I here seems to bo n deter
mination on the part of tho Ilouso at
Hariislmrg, to carry out tho reforms
that aro demanded by the people.. The
gentlemen who have been given the of
fices of that body aro nblo and honest,
and will do all in their power to sccuro
only such legislation as is for tho gon good of tho pubiio. Tlio lobby
should disappear, all useless officers bu
cut oil, a fair apportionment made, six
days' work douo every week, nnd nn
adjournment had nt the earliest possible
Dorsey's Tin Box.
Washington Dispatch to Atlanta Constitution.
There aro somo Republican statesmen
who are uneasy about the unpublished
Dorsoy letters. Dorsoy has a chest full
of letters. It is made of cedar and is
lined with tin. He hnd it mado just
prior to tlio campaign of 1880, as a sort
of safety box for his political corres
pondence, Ho destroys no lettors, as
lie has made it n rule sinco entering
political life to destroy none. "In that
box thero is evidence enough," said a
friend of Dorscy a few days ago, "to
spot tho reputation of a good many
men who now pose us Christian states
men. Dorsoy doesn't intend to open
this box to the pubiio yet, but it is pret
ty certain that ho intends to open it
after the present Star routo tiial closes
nnd givo part of its contents to tlio pub
lie." Two out of tho threo judges liavo de
cided in favor of the extradition of
Phipps, tho almshouse defaulter. Tho
case will be carried to the court of ap
peals, which opens January 8.
For dressing tho l.air and beautify
ing it when gray, nothing is satisfac
tory as Parker'B Hair Balsam.
Ti Stato Finances.
Mns Views ojf tiu nnvKNUK
' - LAWS,
"l, .
Stato Treasurer Bally, in his annual
report, gives tho following account of
tho operations of the Treasury Depart
ment for tho flscinl year ending
November 80, 1882 !
Balance in treasury December 1, 1881
Total ordinary receipts
for year ended November
30, 1882 k 7,OC8.520,G0
From salo of now loan (In
cluding loan exchanged,
8530,01)0) 9,450,000,00
Premiums on salo of loan. 440,120,45
Total k ,$18,857,000,24
Amount oi loan redeem
ed $10,305,101,77
Interest paid 1,055,10 1,41
Compensation to fiscal
agents. , 0,000,000
Other pnymcnts out of
general funds 3,0G3,575,00
Total payment from Decem
ber 1, 1881, to November 30,
1882 15,380,871,18
Balance in treasury Decem
ber 1, 1882 3,4G7,708,00
Total $18,857,GG0,24
Tin! balance is applicable to tho pay
inent of the following accounts :
Redemption of outstand
ing loans on which interest
has ceased $275,083,28
Redemption of $250,000
loan duo August 1, 1881 . . .250,000,00
Compensation to fiscal
agent 0,000,00
Interest duo on unredeem
ed called loans 1,050,00
Sinking fund (interest) . . . 1,484,040,G2
General fluid 1,450,724,10
Total $3,4G7,708,0G
Tho total debt of tho Commonwealth
on December 1, 1882, was $20,225,083,
and tho total interest-bearing debt
The following comments are mado by
State Treasurer Baily : "The receipts
during the past fiscal year, besides
going beyond tho estimates made, wero
swollen by the proceeds of tho new
loan under the net of Juno 8, 1881, is
sued to redeem the maturing bonds of
the Commonwealth. Of tho $10,000,
000 authorized by llmt act thero wero
issued $0,450,000. Tho maturing
bonds were all redeemed or refunded
at a lower rato and tho annual
interest thereby reduced more than
$200,000. Tho transactions of tho
year show a largely increased sinking
iund reserve, and it is suggested that
such portion of this reserve as may not
bo needed to pay tho interest on tho
pubiio debt bo applied, if practicable,
to tho purchase of somo of tho out
standing intcrest-bearing'gdebt of tho
"Tho increased revcniio shown for
the year may prove to somo extent ficti
tious, as the' tax on loans amounting to
moro thau $GOO,000 now awaits the
decision of n case pending in court and
the Board of Rovenuc Commissioners
liavo allowed rebates on tho Stato tax
paid by somo of tho counties amount
ing to nbout $750,000 more, nnd thus
tlio revenues may be impaired for somo
years to come. Tho estimates of re
ceipts and expenditures for tho coming
fiscal year have been mado on tho sup
position, that tho present revenue sys
tem remains in force and that the ap
propriations shall bo mado on much
tho samo basis as in tho past, but these
amounts may bo largely increased or
diminished by tho action of tho incom
iug Legislature. The tax on building
and loan associations, ninouu'ingto
more than $100,000, ought to bo re
pealed, as well, perhaps, as the tax on
steamship companies ; but much tamp
ering with tho revenues is attended by
very grave dangers, and it is folly to
repeal taxes when it is likely they must
soon bo reimposed. Any sweeping re
duction of tho taxes now imposed on
corporations might in the near future
result in serious embarrassment to the
finances of tho Commonwealth. Two
years ago the Stato Treasurer reported
moro than $3,000,000 of unpaid obliga
tions of tho Commonwealth, nil of
which liavo since been paid, but two
years of depression in mining and
manufacturing industries, attended by
a partial failure of agricultural pro
ducts, might rcproduco a like condition
of affairs. The indiscriminate appro
priations made for tho charitable and
so-called chaiitablo institutions of the
State and their loose methods of ac
counting for tho monoys received and
disbursed by them should bo more com
pletely systematized and regulated by
law, and it would be proper that tho
evidenco of such receipt and proper
disbursement of tho moneys bo laid
beforo tlio Executive, who draws tho
warrants for the same. This would
relieve the Auditor General nnd Stato
Treasurer from a delicate and embar
rassing duty and placo tho responsibi
lity where It properly belongs."
The Cabinet.
Tho newspapers are & tilll making
appointments for Governor Pnttison,and
the latest arrangement is that Stenger
is to bo secretnryot tho commonwealth,
and Cassidy Attorney-ueneral.
A cor-1
respondent of tho Now York Herald
recently interviewed tho governor-elect,
aud wlulo ho did not deny that
ho would appoint Air. Cassidv.
ho gave no assuraiico that ho
would do so. Air. Cassidy was also
interviewed, with about as satisfactory
a result. Tho fact is that Air. Pattison
has the good senso to keep his own
counsel in the matter, and has deter
mined that no ono shall know who his
advisers nro to bo until tho proper tipio
comes to mako pubiio his nppoiiitmontB.
After thoy aro made they should be
accepted with good grace, and all fault
finding should ba reserved until it bo
comes apparent that a mistako has boon
New Diatriot Court Bill,
A bill has been introduced in Con
gress to establish a uew United States
Court d.strict, to bo known as tho
Aliddlo District, with sittings nt Harris
burg, Williamspoit and Scranton,
Whenever tho pubiio is satisfied that
such a district is necessary thero will
bo no difficulty in securing it, but until
thero appears boiiio occassion for it, we
must decliuu tho invitation which we
liavo received, to support tho measure.
It is urged that nil persons In Columbia
county who have business before the
U. S. cmirls aro compelled to go to
Pittsburg to attend to it. This is true,
but as nobody hero ever has any such
business tlio (rips to Pittsburg are few
aud far between. Luzernu county,
during the past three years, has had
two cases, and it is not likely that
thero would bo twenty cases n year in
the entiro district. The Judgeship
would be n siuccuic, and the other of
ficers would starvo If they depended on
their fees for a living1 About all tho
good the district would do, is to tickle
the Scranton people.
1 ! (it ' n -V ..'..- - i J
Werkforthe Legislature.
Apart from the uccessar rofo'rms
in tho inaohincry of stato and local
government which tho Incoming lcgis
laturo ought to make, tho sovcral;np
portionmcnt bills, legislation on the
subject of tho rclntions between capital
aud Ubor, tho report of tho commission
to rcviso tho tax laws of the stato and
tho usual appropriations will bo among
tho important mattors which will ro
qulro tho attention of tho assembled
law-makers. It Is therefore evident
thai tho session will bo crowded ith
business and that if tho legislature is
to get through with Its legttTmato work
In n hundred days tlmo must be econo
mized nnd ndjournrncnlB must bo fow
and far between.
Thero should be no delay in tho orga
nization of cither house of tho legisla
ture. Tho committees should bo
announced nt as early a dato as possible
bo that the legislative mill may begin
to grind its grist in good time. rl ho
apportionment bills should get upon
the calendar as quickly as possible bo
that their consideration may not only
bo fair but thorough. The laws relating
to labor need rovision. A codo which
permits the bayonet to becomo tho
ultima ratio in disputes between
employor nnd employee is
the commonwealth, nnd an intelligent
legislnturo ought to find no difficulty
in improving it. But this is n great
question and cannot bo disposed of in
a hurry. The tax laws .need revision
but the subject is so large nnd thero, is
so great a diversity of opinion in re
gard to it that an entire session ot tho
legislature might be consumed in con
sidering it. Probably tho wisest thing
that can bo done in regard to that
mutter is to lop off such taxes as aro
most oppressive and can bo safely
spared. For instance the tax on per
sonal property, amounting to somo
$400,000 per annum, might bo abolish
ed without injury to tho financial
system of tho state. It is in somo
degree an inquisitorial tax and is very
inequitably assessed; if this cannot be
done it is not likely that any important
change will bo effected in the tax lawn
nt tho approaching session.
If the legislature could find timo lo
consider and pass a general law simpli
fying tho collection of county and
municipal taxes and reducing its cost nn
onerous burden would bo lifted from
the shoulders of the people. Whatever
may bo said of delinquencies in stato
administration it must be -admitted
that the severity of county aud munici
pal taxation touches moro nearly tho
popular mass. The stato revenues are"
derived chiefly from taxes on corpora
tions, while counties nnd cities mako
their levies on tlio property nnd labor
of all. To say nothing ot tho. absurd
method of assessing county and innicl
pal taxes gepcrally in vogue tlio sys
tem of collecting such taxes practiced
in most of the counties and cities is
not ouly costly but ineffectual. Col
lectors are appointed who are generally
political partisans nnd who nro treated
with the greatest indulgence by the, ap
pointing power. They are generally
permitted to retain tho lax duplicates
for two years or longer before thoy aro
required to mako a final settlement.
They freqnently mo tho tax moneys
for their own purposes until they get
ready to turn them over to tho proper (
custodian and in tho cud they generally
manage to secure exonerations. Their
compensation is in most cases much too
great and the work they perform could
bo done under a proper system at a
considerable saving to tho taxpayers.
This is a matter which tho legislature
would do well to consider, unless indeed,
more important interests should occupy
tho time of the sessioti. Aleanwhile let
thero bo no delay in putting the machi
nery of legislation in order, so that
while tho session may bo a short ono.
wholesome and necessary measures
may not fail of passage. Jfarrisburg
New Year's Vows
Time stands with a mirror confront
ing youth and age. Tho glass reflects
tho past and is n guido to the future
only as the rippling waves that break
beforo the vessel's prow aro sign and
token of what's to come. In tho mir
ror wo see our dead past uuburied, the,
idle hopes for a year of empty days. It
is a wonderful thing, this mirror of
lime. Booko aud words nnd acts can
not equal tho subtle forco of its teach
ings, for in its unshrinking snrfnee wo
seo ourselves in tho acts aud deeds, and
impulses and errors and hopes and fears
and pain nnd joy, and nnguish and des
pair and triumph, which have filled
days of hope or nights of horror. Wo
see, as the sereno lake reflects tho
clouds from its limpid deeps, all tho
nets of our lives and we are lost in won
der at the phenomena of folly wo have
been guilty of, Wo recur to the vowb
of the opening year the pledges mado
and never kept. Wo confront tho con
science outraged by sins undi earned
when the year was young. As tho
ghostly procession moves over tlio mir
ror's sin face, the skeletons of our sins
stand out in bodily shnpo more palpable
than our own flesh. It is a wholesome
as well as humiliating retrospect.
Tho power to rccognizo wronged ono
is the evidence of quick conscience.
Hence the traditional vow of New Year
is in every senso a help, It is the out-
lino of a chart to conduot us through
summer seas, wlnoh shall steer clear of
the Bhonls of folly. Tho man without
nraiablo weaknesses, tho woman with
out adorable follies, the child without
charming childishnesses theso nro all
repulsive nnd unworthy rational re
proof. It is only tho sinner conscious
of his sin who can reform into tho most
perfect manhood. Henco tho-vnluo of
tho New Year vows that tho cynical
have come to despiso and tho virtuous
to distrust. To make a vow is to con
fess a sin, to acknowledge a sensibility
to aspire to a pprfected stato. To ad.
mit any ono of there is to discover, ali
ment meet for tho leaven of tho seed of
life, even though sin bo nn ingredient.
b man likes to lio to himself. Ho
may fib his wife, deceive his bosom
friend and lie to his mother-in-law, but
when it comes deliberately to lying to
himself,the basest among us shrink from
It is thcreforo a wholiBome as well
ns amiable folly to elaborately resolve
on Now Year to forswear tho pleasant
vices whioh return to plaguo cither our
selves or thoso who aro (leaf to us, or
to whom we aro dear. If the good ro
solvo bo merely registered and broken
to morrow, it is still u point of depart
ure. All heights and depths must hare
soma Btaudatd of measurement, Tho
sea in nature furnishes this standard ;
but tho sea is rarely tranquil and tho
level, which the scientist counts from
to-day, may bo tho apex of mountain
billow to-morrow. So with our vows,
Tho spirit of tho momout is tho mea
surement of tlio Juvel. Wo may fall
below tho resolvo to morrow, or riso
above it twenty four hours later, but
the vow is tho unsubsident mark of our
better nature and gives us a point of
vnutago for futuro effort.
If man were liko a watch, wound up
to b'iu or toil, or duo penance, of works
of good repute ,fpr n cVlnln time, tho
oVof Avcll-doii) tf.vouia bo superfluous.
Bat of tho 3G5dys ,-in to which ho Is
hwnoheil nt tho opening of tho year ho
is;iitictnli of even the, first. It is not
dohseiepco Hint sleeps when wo disap
pointMho wcirgronn'ded hopes of our
mother-in law nnd do voto tho hours to
tho club wo hnd sworn to dissipato in
tho sanctities of tho homo circle. Janus
was tho god of wnr to tho Romans.
That Was because tho Romans wcro,n,
Bimiiow People, wnoso laws dented
wives anil mothcr-fn-lnw the full play
of their astuto faculties. Tho truth is
tho Janus Is tho real deity of tlio mari
tal devotees I Who can compare with
a husband in tho fertility nnd dexterity
of resources in misleading inquisitive
domesticity t Janus Ij really the god
of gullibility and wives nro the acolytes
that servo nt his niters 1 Tho years are
knots in the rope of sand that stretches
between eternity nnd infinity nnd ns wo
uncoil tho sins of tho past and loosen
tho strands of tho future. But if wo
wore constant enough and continent
enough to oxnmtno the past, year by
year, hour by honr, how Infinitely
armed wo should ba against tho samo
sins, tho same omissions, tho same un
doing nnd tho same loft undoiio that
stand up in tho past 1 It is not tho
evil that is born in ns that works out
in tho com net of our lives, but the no
cretions that como to us in time, placo
nnd circiimstanco ns wo push through
tho Bamo deeps nnd invito tho same
temptations to which we succumbed in
the past. Let us make a vow nnd keep
it to bo faithful to our friends, honest
to ourselves and charitable to our
neighbors d.urjng tho next 3G5 days.
In this aro tho law and tho prophets of
the gospel of human happiness.
Connecticut's Governor.
At the recent election tlio Democrats
of Now Haven used ballots printed
from electrotypes lipavlly jnked .and
leaving tho names of candidates in
white. Tho republicans attempted to
tako advantage of this by claiming
that ho ballots wero illegal, hoping to
throw them out, and thus secure the
election of W. II. Bulkley, tho repub
lican candidate for governor, through
tho legislature. This effort to stoal
tho state has been abandoned, however,
partly becauso tho republicans used
ballots which were also illegal, if those
cast by tlio Democrats, were, and partly
becauso Air. B.ilkley says ho will have
nothing to do with the movement.
Ex-County Commissioners Walker,
Ehrman nnd Whitmayer, of Lebanon
county, wero arrested Saturday for mal
feasance in oflice, upon information
mado by William II. Derr, a leading
member of the, bar.
Governor Hoyt has fixed tho 28th of
February for the execution of Uriah
Aloyer, ono of'th'o four murderers con
victed of the killing of John Kintzler
and wife, in Snyder county, over five
years ago.
Iti is rumored that Alahono is to bo
temporary president of the-sonnto'on
tho reorganization. Ho expects the
entiro republican vote, and failing, it iB
said ho will throw his voto and that of
Riddleborgerin favor of a democrat.
Alias Roso Golightly, a young lady
of nineteen, of Plymouth, accompanied
by her escort, Charles Bittnerbender,
while, skating on the Susquehanna last
Friday night fell into tho water and be
foro assistance could bo rendered the
young lady drowned. Bittnerbender
wns rescued.
Whilo John S. Schrack, a wealthy
farmer, living near Lewisburg, and
some friendsvero on a hunting expo-,
dinon last a riday, their wagon upset
on tho rough mountain road and ono
of tlio guns accidentally discharged its
contenta into Mr. Schrack, Jnllioting.
injuries trom which he has sinco died.
Oscar Wilde was fleeced in New
York by sharpers. Captain Williams
verified the story and said that two
weeks ago Wilde was accosted whilo
walking 'up Broadway,' near Union
Square, by a hatchet-faced young man.
'who introduced himself ns a son of
Drexel, the banker. As ho had seen
tho unpt. In Ills fflt)ipr nflinn nn iere
tlio liberty, etc. Mr. Wildo was de
lighted, lie had been in tho Drexel
banking office, but did not remember
tho voiinc man. Tho two went to a
restaurant, whero Air. Drexel ate ns
though hungry. Mr. Wildo remem
bered this witlia grim smile later in tho
day when ho was informed by Captain
Williams that "Air. Drexel" was "lluu
gry Joe,'' a noted banco steerer.
During tho repast Drexel mentioned
that ho had won a lottery prizo and
suggested that tho poet accompany
him to get tlio money. Tho old bait
was swallowed' niuT Oscar went to a
houso' au Fifteenth or Seventeenth
street. Several men wero throwing
dice. Drexel threw for the poet and
won quito a sura. Oscar was then
persuaded to join in and of'courso be
gan to lose. First it was $60,' then
$100, until, becoming excited over tho
game, he played until ho lost $1,000.
Ho slowly signed a check on tho Aladi
bou Sqiinro Bank for tho amount, re
alizing nt last that ho had been swin
dled. Ho shook off Drexel, who in
sisted on nceompniiying him, and
mulling to tho street hailed n' cab and
was driven rapidly to tho bank. Ho
got there in time to s'top tho'payment
of' the check. Tho Check was not pre
sented, but it was returned by mail
to Captain Williams. Oscar reeog.
nized Droxel's picturo in tho Rogues'
Gall6ry. It Is that1 of Joseph Sellick,
alias "Hungry Joe."
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies.
A maivel orpurltv
1. Moru
strength sad yrtiolesomoes9,
Una the ordinary k ndH. am
turn the ordinary k nils, and cannot bo told In
competition vtltu tlio multitude of low tea', abort
wtltfM, mum or puogptme powders. Hold only
W.V, " " auill.tyr'-""
kiTln or w. i. sccrii.nw, dkciimd.
Letters Of administration on the estate ot W. J.
flitf-lralAi l.ln . niwiMa...iM iil.. .i. .
la., Iccraaed.havoDren granted by the lleglatcrot
sail county to the nnacra-Rned administratrix. All
Scrsons harlntr claims against the ostato ot Bald
ecodent ire requested to present them for set-
utmeni ana i noso macoiea 10 ino esraio to maxo
paymont to tho undersigned administratrix with
out, delay. DOUA iiuoka I,KW,
Jan.o'83-ow. Administratrix.
Letters Of Administration In the estate ot
TUoaiM J. Williams, lato of Centralis llorougli,
Columbia county, Ivnn'a., deceased, havo been
Krantrd by tho llenlster of said county to the
undersigned administrator All persons having
claims against tho estate of the decedent aro re
quested to pr'scnt tht-m for settlement and
tliofto Indebted to th estate to mako payment to
tho undersigned ndmlnlstrator without delay.
Cofttralla Januir a, 'f 3-Cw. Administrator.
UbK ON HElltS.
Tho Commonwealth of 1'cnnsylvanU '
To tho tnlliwlnp. heirs ot Thercssa Ilallor de
ceossi. Daniel Ilallor. a brother, residing in
cooper towrishlp Montour county. 1U. BU Uailor,
a brother, residing In Bali Cooptr township,
Tetcr Uailor, a brother, rcsldlnR In Mahoning
towoshlp In said Montour county, Va. Jonathan
Ilallor, a brother, residing In said Cooper town
ship. Samuel Bailor, a brother, rfsldlng at
llowo l'ost-onice. In tho stato of Ohio. KlIzaTjcth
Heltnbach, a sister, Intermarried with Peter
Hclmbacb, residing in n- Id .Montour township.
Columbia county, i'o. Tho following Bonn nnd
daughters of David UailT. a deceased brother,
vli : Albert Ilallor n minor, who lias William
Sunday as his ciiiirdlan, residing In said Mahoning
township. Joslah Ilallor n minor, Itobert Ujllor
a minor ana Jano Ilallor a minor, who have for
their Kuvdl.m Jcso Mnmerman, rcsldlog In said
Cooper township. 'I ho following tons and daugh
tera of John Ilallor, a deceased brolhor, vli:
Daniel E Ilallor, residing In sa'd Montour town
ship. Isal in ilallor residing In tho stme place,
llatmah Fry, Intermarried with Daniel l-'ry, resid
ing In tho simo place. Elizabeth Wertman Inter
mirrled wltn Kit W-rlman, resldlnr in Northum
berland county. I'a , and Noah ilallor and John
ilallor, each residing nt llowo Voxt-ontcc, In tho
state of Ohio. Tho following sons and daughters
ot Jacob 0. Ilallor, n deceased brother, viz :
Lcandcr Ilallor, John Ilallor, Daniel T. ilallor,
Ilachael M. ilallor aud Mary M. Uailor, nil resid
ing In Indiana, in Indt-in county, i'a. and tho
following ton and daughters of Sarah Hclmbacb,
a deceased sister, viz: Adam Heltnbach, residing
at Now Clair city, Wisconsin. Elizabeth Iletz
Intermarried with David lletz, residing nt Totts
grove, Northumberland county, Pa., and Kmellno
firwlno Intermarried with James Krwlno, residing
at Milton, in said rorlliumtcrland County, linen!
descendants of Theressa Ilallor deceased, and to
all othor persons Interested, oreetlng: You and
each of you nro hereby cited to bo nnd appeal bo.
foro tho Judtcs of our orphans' court at nn
orphans' Court to bahcldatuiooirsburgonthx
First Mondav of Ko ruary next, then nnd llicro
to accept or rctm to tako tho real estate of said
tion put upon It by tho Inquest, duly awarded by
a ncrcssa uauor ucceasea. nt too appraised valua
tho said
tho Sherirr, or
b ow causo why It shall not bo sold,
b owcau
fall not.
u b:uu iuurt, uuu rviurnca oy
U. H. KNT,
filler 1IT.
Jan 8
Notlco Is hereby given that tho Court of Qmrter
Session ot tbo county ot Columbia, on the oth day
of October. 1SS2.
mado a decree, declnrlng the
said burial grouud a
d a nub' a nuisance, nnd on
the dend thero b irled bo removed therefrom to
Itoscmont Cemetery In said town bv tho first dav
ot April, 1883 by tui President ami Town Council
ot tho town of liloomsburg. And sild Court did
also further order and direct ns follows: "In
cases whero tho relations of any of tho dend shall
procure a lot In said Kosemont Cemetery, and de
slro that the remains of their dead shall bo re
moved thereto the request sli U bo compiled w th
by tho sild authorities In cases whero no such
request shall tx made nnd tho friend) ot persons
thero burled shall not, after four weeks pubiio
notice, themselves remove their dead, the munic
ipal authorities or the. aforesaid town shall causo
tho dead to bo removed to some suitable portion
ot llosemont Cemetery to bo procured and Bet
apirt by them for that purpose"
Now thereforo notice is hereby given that un
lesi tho dead aro removed from tho said burial
ground by relatives, or to places provided hv rcli
tlvesln nccordanco with tho nforcsild order of
Court beforo tho first day of March. ls3, tho re
mains of the dead thero lying will bo removed by
tlio Town Council ot tho town of iiloumsburg, to
a common lot provided at tho pubiio expenso, and
burled without distinction.
o. A. llKltUINa, President ot Town Council.
Jan, s 'SS-jw. Attest: A. L. Khitz, Secretary.
Among the records and proceedings of tho Court
ot quarter sessions of tho Peace in and for said
county It Is lnt r.iila. H1I3 contained, In tbo
matter ot dividing tho Uorough ot Berwick Into 2
Election Districts.
And now, December 15. is82, upon tho presenta
tion ot citizens ot the llorough ot lierwlek nnd
duo consideration thereof it Is adjudged by tho
Court that It Is exptdlent to grant tU3 prayer of
tho petitioners.
It Is thereforo now ordered that tho said
Borough shall bo and the same Is hereby divided
tatotwo Election Districts by a lino beginning In
tho middle ot Mnrket street at low water mark In
tho Susquehanna river; thonco a long the middle
ot said street to tho Norihern boundary of said
llorough and that portion ot tin horougn East of
said lino shall bo called "lierwlek Election District
Kast." And that portion of the borough west of
Bald lino Bhall bo called 'lierwlek Election District
The Elections In tho East District shall bo held
at the little onice of Jackson Woodln Manufac
turing compiny, on tho northeast corner of
Market nnd Third streets.
And for the West District at tho Justices' ofllco
of Wm. J, Knorr, on Front street, between -.tarket
and Mulberry streets, the Election ofllcera for
tho East District ut tho lebruary Election Bhall
bo tho oniccre who nro authorized to hold Elec
tions In said llorough.
And the omcirs for holding tho Election In the
West District at tho Election In February next
shall be as follows:
Samuel II. Ituch, Judge. Inspectois, Levi Ilrcd
benner and Jennings Kurtz, who nro hereby ap
pointed for that purpose dy thk coum.
Certltlod from tho ltecordi. December 87th, A.
D..188J. WM. KltlCKUAUM,
Jan. 6, 'S3. clerk j. S.
PAYNE'S I O Uoreo Spark-Arrostlng
rorlubio Unlno has cut 1!) 000 tt. of Michigan Pirn
DnimU in to hour.', b.:rnlnj ilabj fruui tuu taw la
i-lSl.t-foU kugihi.
Our 10 llorre tn Guarantee to furnish powerl
saw 8.000 fo tvt Hemlock HoinN in 10 hours. O
16 llotu tcW. tw 10,u0) lot In sunt- ilmo.
ti. r Lucille. r.u r.i-AiiiNTnt.n'
firtii li n htcpowir on j 1
( til r.n I uu'er t'.i.-in uitv other Fl
Kino not fined Willi an Autoiolc
(;ni iy.i. ir yon iont n stntiurj.
i r I'orlaiilii uig'rc, Duller, ocu
lar saw-Mill, Shafting or Pulyi'
Wririeht-Iron Pull v. tnil Ttv
iiucr ca-i ir .-vicuuiiriK i"i-u
llln-tiatftl (utuloeuu. No. 11 w
iiiTurmacon end iricc3.
Corning, N, Y, Box M
Jan, 5, '63-1
A. very important clement lu tho pnt
business of BAILEY. BANKS&
BIDDLE, is what la usually djg-nato-1
by city houses the coutry
trade a term covering not onljtho
liatronago rooolvod from thoirai
districts, but tilso that froi" tho
cltion outsido of tho fow jlrco
ccntroa. r
ago arrived nt a propor npprClatlon
of tho tact that in almot ovcry
looallty in tho vicinity i Phila
delphia thoro aro many rirsons of
tasto and roflucmout whopesirlng
thj highost grado of upful nnd
doooi-atlvo nrtlolcs in goli silvor
platod waro, precious nonos and
importod funoy goods, pror to pur
chaso ot a hoaao of ohanotor and
imputation, in whoso roppentntlons
absoluto roljanoo can bcplaood, and
whose nfiino, in comotlon with
COO'4s of any olass, invites unlm
poaohablo quality and po highost
standard of doallng.
b 3 n
In acaordanco with this vpw.moro than
any othor houso ofllko character,
havo talton oaro to ilaco beforo tbo
pubiio outside of thoir own olty
accounts of all nowimportations
and tho varying att potions proparod
for tho several oea pns.
This attention to outer-town customers
has boon bound ally rowardod, and
thoir favor thas oarno.l has con
tributed much tp tho brilliant sue
ooss of tho eoajfi just olosod.
A similar polloy will bo pursued for
133J, Tho bast tasto nnd Judgmont
will bo Uiod in eelectiug goods for
thogj orJrlnt; by mail, aud a satis
factory assortment will ba sent on
approval whonevor requested by
anyono ):n3wn to tho houso or fur
KliUins rofcronce.
l'Jlli & ChcHtuut,
1 mitMtoTtiATnma vrvrmr.y
. . a.
, Letters of administration on the estate of Thomr" LI ' ....,. .
Aten. lato of Minim township, col. co . deceasing cmiNwAt.titor riNHSTLVAHUroTnisitiR.
havo been granted bv t he liegister of said county l ''"Vum couNTT.nuMTiNOi
William 11. Aten and Mnrr Afen. Alllwrsonsha Wliorcait.nndrnlinns'dnurthfililnt.lllnnm.v,,,...
Ing clalmsagalnst the estate of said decedent a'
requested fo present them for settlement nt
signed administrators without deiav.
Dec. t-Cw. Administrator!
IN 11
Tho Auditor appointed by trio coiitt to ifo
distribution of the balnnco remaining In tho lil
M Sjllla Hagonbuch admlnliirator of Wtt
Hagenbuch, deceased, as per her final tcont
filed, to and ftrrong tho parties entitled thfo
will hold a meeting ror tho, purposes of hUP
polntmcni on Monday tho lttli day of Jant,
A. 1).. mt, at one o'clock p. m, nt hl.i.a'C,
corner of Front ami Market stroots, iicrwlckii .
when and whero nil parties nro required to l)Ke,
wieir claims or uo aeoarrca rrom coming in 1
said fund,
Dec. n It. Audltr,
Public Sale!
Real Estate
Tho underslened trustee nnnolnted wtlOr
Chans' Court of Columbia county to seltllrenl
cstato of Loula Foulk. deceased, will ixrO to
public salo on tho promises on I
nt ono o'clock p.m. Iho following viuJo real
estate, to wit! All that certain meu and
tract ot laud situate In ncmlock nklHlson
townships, In tho county of Columbt ircsald,
bounded and described as follows to'll Begin
ning at n corner of land of widow; tl""1 nod
John Shumaker. thenco bv land of Bat umaker
East sixty-seven perches to a post. W Df luo
simo South eighteen perches to a rr thenco
North sevcuty-nlno degrees East t-
y-slx and
soven tem 11 pcrcnes to a pi3t, tnenu
land ot
widow Whitman South torty-nlnDll
s to a
post, thenco by land ot Wllllaa
nlncty.slx p -relics nnd two tenth iU Ihoncc
by tho samo North Bevonty-ono percl by land ot
sands nnd neichird to tho placo boglnilng.
Containing thirty-soven acres bo tlsamomoro
or less, on wli ch aro orccted n fratrliouso ramo
bank barn, spring houso nnd all nss build
ings, a good spring of water near 1 housr
TEHM8 OF SALE. Ten per cerot on-iourin
of tho purchaso money shall bo pfl at t9 strlk
Ing down of tho property, tho onourttcss tho
ten per cent at tho conflrmntlotJf sal ah4 tho
remaining three-fourths In oiioar loreafter,
with Interest from conarmatlorlsl.
O. W. Miller, Att'y. perlVALi'iULK,
Deo.l2.tti. Trustco.
Pursuant to an order of
0 iphans' Court ot
Columbia county, Pa., will
on tho premises, in Mil,
sd nt Public Sale,
iwnshlp lu said
county on
Thursday, Ja 18, '83.
at two o'clock In (he nfunoi. tho following do
scribed real estate latof Wlatn
ceased, to wit : A fanlnd'nlng lands of Low
Bros. & Co , on the Koi I at East, on tho Houth
by lands of Samuel Drjho Qeorgo Fcddor and
others, on tho Wcs;bilas'ot Georgo Fedder,
43 iffiES,
moro or less, whroaiare'rectcd a two story log
house, f ramo ban aul oi buildings j also a good
well of water nil ajrlo ihard.
TERMS OF SXe-T per cent, of the one
fourth ot tho pvchlso pney to bo paid at the
striking downV Iti ppcrty; the ono-lourtU less
tho ten per cor. n7tho)nnrmatlon of sale; and
thercmainlnftlirce-fcrtlu In ono year there
after, with Here st fro confirmation nisi.
Purchascoopay fo-leeds.
ral Estate ! 2
By vlro of an ader of Court issued out of tho
Orphan: Court tt Columbia county. John A.
Funstotrusteo '(or tho silo ot tho real eslate ot
Ellzabf Wenner. deceased, late of Bald county,
will ex'so to public sale on tho premises on
at or'elock In the afternoon.
Tho-'owlng described property, to wit: nil that
cern messuage and trae.t ot land sltuatolntho
twyf Centre co. aforesaid, bounded on tho north
by public road, on tho East by a public road,
onio South by land ot Wilson, on tho West by
la-i ot II. Schweppenhclser, containing
Two Acres
jre or load, with tho appurtenances.
fen per cent of ono fourth ot tho purchase
oneyto bo paid nt striking down of tho proper
':tho ono fourth less Iho ten ner t-Ant. nr. tim
bntlnnatlon absoluto of Iho Bale, and tho balanco
none year from conllrmatlon nisi, with Interest
from that date. Deed to bo paid for by purrhnser.
dec it Trustee.
$5 tn ?!20pcr(lay.5ihomc Samples worth $5
march U 1-y
Co B. 10BBIIS.,
FiWE WINBM ma MjaM$,
in and fino county of Columbia, the fourth dav
of Decoi.r, a. D. 1089 beforo tho Honorabla
Wm. HI, president nnd his assocl ibas, justice
of tno sai'iurt, the petition of Awl Thomas, a
hrnthcr Ofith Ann Thnmtut. Ifttn nt RnmM.L
Northumtirtnjl county, deceased, was presented!
KOltlno1 fOlVhit. Ihn HUM llnlll Ann Thnmn AtZt
about tM Bdle of August Itei, Intestate, seized
iiiiiei uv,.,inui 1UD, ui mil lu turuu uunain
messuagemd tracts of land situated in Cata
wlfsa, MAlnid iioarlngcrcck townships all in
slid countvu'olumbln. Pennsylvania. Tim n,
or NO. 1 bOUM by lauds if Abel Thomas, on tho
south, by laO)t.,luilgo cox on H10 .cast, by land
of William 1ah on the north and and tho rat.
of William JUan on tho north and and tho rat
awllaa Kallronn the west nnd containing thirty
Hiiro vn it.uu. ,u ' 1 ii-HT I.IIU lliuuupuiiunances
thlrty-nvo acrtf said tract of land as described
In deed of ItUlAnn Thomas recorded in hum
Hook "T" pagtu ;at Bloomsburg having boon
sold by Commbners of Raid county for taxes
and tun title Wi samo b-lnir now vpmjmI In hn
said Ariel 1 horn Tho second tract or No. s situ
ated In Catnwlstownsblp, bounded by lands of
Josoph and JacppieweP. Stephen lialdy, Daniel
Ann, uuuiii aim iinu (mien,, cui mining ono
hundred and twii acres, moro or leas, with the
npnurtenanccs atho third tract On No. 8, situa
ted partly in tbo rnshlpot Catnwlsa and partly
In IloarlngcreeK wnshlp, bounded by landi or
Joseph llrelsch, lio lireacli nnd others contain
ing ono liundrednd sovcnty.o ght and a halt
acres, moro or Icsvlth tho appurtenances. Tlio
said decedent loaf; to su vivo her as heirs and
next of kin broth&ind alitor ot tho wholo blood
ns follows, to-wlttael Thomas, our petitioner,
rcsldiug.uCatAwli, Thomas J. Tliomas,rcBldlng
nt llcllovlew. Auroi-ounty, Ohio- Ann Thomas.
Intermarried wltu uiiam 1". HmUh, whoso last
known place of rwenco, was at Mt.' Pleasant
county, lom
That under nnd Ulrtuoot tho Intestate laws
of this CommonwO'il, It bolongs to tho said Abel
Thomas, Thomas J.vomas, and Ann Smith, each
to tavo tho ono equinird part of said real cstato
in feo. No partltloot eald real cstato having
been had.
In pursuanco of thifore going writ nn Inquest
will bo held on thi pnilsos on Saturday, January
VT, 18S3, nttcn o'cloclt. ra , when and whero all
persons Interested ay attend If they think
I I', n. ENT, Sheriff.
Iho Commonwealth It Pennsylvania to tho
Sheriff ot said county, Orollng:
whereas at an orphan! court hold at Bloo-ni
bdrg. In and for tho eouby ot Columbia, tho 4th
dar of December A. D. 1M beforo the llonornblo
William Elwoll Prcsldem nnd his associate,
tun Icci of tho s lid court, lio cctltlon of Emnn u.
el Helwlg a neoh jw and htr at law of Joseph Hcl.
wjk iuu, ui uuiuwissti uivnamp id saiu county
deecased. was nrcscnted.aittlnir fortli thntthn
Bald Joseph Helwlg diet pn or about the
twentieth -lay of Sopicmbr.A. 1). lSJO, Intestate,
seized In his demesno as of fif, as tenant In com
mon with Daniel llolwlg of liid In an undivided
moletv or halt part of a mm.uageand tract ot
land situate In tho townshlD of Cutawlssa In r:iM
county, bounded by lands or tho estate, ot Solomon
ntiwig acccaaca, natnan ueiwig, ocscpu uicish,
Mathlis (llngl-s. and otters, containing about
ninety-seven acres, mire or lo e. with tno appur
tenances. That tho said Josx-nh Helwlg deceased
unmarried and without lsuo and leaving as
his nclrs at law tho following brothers and sis
tors to-lt: Peter Helwlg wbols now deceased,
left to survive him tho following children and
grandchildren to-wlt: uavll Helwlg n son resid
ing In Locust township In said county ot Colum
bia, Peter Hclwlgn son r( siding ut Cutawlssa,
atort'Satd Eliza Brobst widow a daughter, residing
nt Catawlssa, Mary Fcnstermachcr a daughter
Intermarried with Daniel Fenstermacber, resid
ing at Catnwtssa William Helwlg a son residing
nt Catawlssa Ida Charles Charity Knocnt grand
children, children of Hester Kuccht a deoeasol
dau. liter, who nrn minors and have no guardian,
residing at Catawlssa, Edwin Helwlg i grandson
thocutldot ltlcanrd llelwlga son, now deceased
residing at Rock Town, Schuyjklll county, solo,
raon Helwlg a br-jthcrnow deceased, leaving to
Burvlvohltu n widow Sophia llolwlg residing at
catawlssa, Nathan Helwlg a brother residing at
Catawlssa, Rebecca Helwlg a sister rojldlng'ac
Catawlssa, Kliza Uclwlfn ntstor toildlng at Cat
awlssa li-ster llarndt Intermarried Benjamin
llarndt, residing at Catawlssa, Daniel Hor.vlg a
brother now deceased who left to sur
vive him threo chl dreo to-wlt : Eman
uel Helwlg your petitioner, William Elwood,
Helwlg nnd Ida Helwlg all residing In C-itawlssa,
Ellen Helwlg a sister no at deceased, who died un
married and Without ISSUO. Oatharlnn nnljMr a
bister now deceased, who died unmarried nnd
without Issuo. Mary Helwlg a sister now deceased
left n son David Ulst residing at Wllkosbarro, Lu
zernu county. Pa., Harah Martz a sister now de
ceased, who was Intermarried with Joseph Martz,
residing ut Cutiwlssa and left the fi Rowing sons
and daughters to-wlt : El z Thomas intermar
ried with John Thoims residing at New Philadel
phia McDbnnaU county, Illlnols,SavlUa, Intermar
ried with William lteltz, residing nt Catawlssa.
Mary (lelllnger, widow, residing nt I'atawlssa.
Millie Cleweli, Intermarried with Cnrlstlan Clo
wcll, residing at Catawlssa, Catharine Hartman,
Intermarried with Thomas llurtman, residing at
catawls a, John Martz. Jacob Martz, David Mnrtz,
William Martz, all residing at Catawlssa, Joseph
Martz residing at Allentown, Lehigh eounty, Pa.,
and Sarah luner who Is now deceased, leaving
to survlvo ber, her nusband David Winner, resl
ding at Bloomsburg, Columbia county, uforesild,
llannuh 1 1 ess a sister now deceased, -who was In
termarried with Charles 11. Hess, who is also now
deceased, left to survlvo herjlho following chil
dren to-w t : Daniel A. Hess, residing at Uiniln-
vlUe. Columbia county. IHrvev o. Hess rcsidinn-
at the same place, Mary Pobo, Intermarried wltu
mepueu roue, rt-siuiug ui, i.imenuge, Columbia
county, AmeUi Eck, Intermarried wlih yck
residing at Newark, Now Jersey, Charles Pohe,
Joseph Poho, Alice Pohn. Francis Polio and (leo.
Pohe, grandchildren of said Hannah Ilcss, the
children of her deceased daughter Sarah A. Poho,
all residing at I.lmcrldgo In Bald county ot Colum
bia, John a. llrown, Harvey c. Brown and winiam
Brown, minor children of Uannali Brown deceas
ed, who was n daughter ot said Hannah Ucss, all
residing at MIMInvllio, Columbia county, afore
said, and havo no guardians ,
In pursuanco of tlio foregoing writ nn lnquost
will bo held on tho premises on SATURDAY, JAN
UARYto, 1681, nt ton o'clock a. m., when nnd
whero all persons Interested may attend If thsy,
think proper.
U. H. ENT, Sheriff.
1. 1 wm, 1 1
Medical Superintendent of ths Sanitarium.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Nervous affections and diseases of
wonion a speciality.
Terms for board and treatment at
tlio Institution reasonable-.
I'eople in liloomsburg and viqinity
wishintr to oonsult Dr. Sliattuck should
call only during oflice hours from 8 to
9 a. in., and 1 to 2 p. m.
novJ l-m