THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Alone in the House. Wlicn tho lionso U nil nlonc by it ft'lf, iiiBXteriiMU!0(l povnotiH tuny bultcvo tbat It behnvi's exactly nB it iloes when tlifio nro ico)!o In it, but tlint is n tie liuioii, ns yon will discover if yon nro ever left mono In it nt midnight pitting up for the rent of tho family i nt this hour its trno disposition will reveal it self. To catch it nt its best, pretend to letire, put out the gas or tho lamp and go upstnirs. Afterwards, como down softly, light no moro than ono lamp, go Into tliu empty parlor mill seat your-r-ulf nt n table with something to rend. No Booner havo you done so than yon will hear a little chip, chip, chip, along tho lop of the room a small sound but persistent. It is evidently tho Wall paper coining off, nnd you decide, after some tribulation, that if it does come off you can't help it, and go on with your book. As you sit with your fjoftk in your hand you begin to bo qmto sure that soino ono is coming down stairs, squeak squeak squeak What folly! There is nobody up there to como down ; but there no. it is on tho kitchen stairs. Somebodv is com ing up. Squeak squeak I Well, if it is a robber you might as well faco hint. You get tho poker,and stand with your back against the wall. Nobody comes up. 1' inally you decide that you arc a goose, put the poker down, get a mng iizino and try to read. There, that's the door. You heard the lock turn'? They aro coming home, You run to the back door, unlock nnd unbolt it, and peep out. Nobody there 1 Hut, as von linger, tho door lock given a click that makes you jump. JJy day light neither lock nor stairs make nny of tlieso noises unless they arc touched or trodden on. You go back to tho parlor in a hurry, with a feeling that tho next thing you know something may catch you by the back hair, and you try to rcmcmuor where you lett oft. Now it is the table that snaps and cracks as if all tho spiritualist knocks wero hidden in its mahogany. You do not lean on it heavily without this result, but it fidgets you, and you tako nn easy chair and put tno book on your knees, Your ecs wander up and down tho lingo and vou grow dreamy, when, an liarently, tho bookcase lires off a pistol. At least, a loud, iierco crack comes from the heart of that piece of furniture so loud, so fierce, that you jump to your feet trembling. You cannot stand the parlor any more. You go upstairs. No sooner do you get there, than it siems that soino body is walking on the roof. If the house is a detached one, nnd the thing is impossible, that makes it all the more mysterious. Nothing ever moaned in tho chimney before, but something moans now. There is ghostly step in tho bath-room- You find out afterwards it is the tap dripping but you do not daro to look at that time. And it is evident that thero is something tip tho chimney you would not like to ask what If you have gas it bobs up and down in a phantom dance. If you have a lamp it goes out in a blue explosion. If you have a candle a shroud plainly en raps the wick and falls toward you. Tho bunds shake as it a hand clutched them ; and, finally, a doleful cat begins to moan in the cellar. You do not keep a cat, nnd this nmslies vou. x on lire tend to read no longer, and, sitting with a towel over your head and face and hearing something below go "shew, shew, shew, like a little saw, you be lieve in the old ghost stories. Ten minu tes later tho bell ring9,tho belated ones como home, tho lights are lit ; perhaps something must bo got out to eat. l'eo plo talk and tell where they havo been and ask if you aro lonesome. And not a stair cracks. No step is heard on tho root ; no click is heard to the iront door. Neither book-caso nor table cracks, The house has on its company manners only you have found out how it bo haves when it is alone. Freethinker. Tho word Freethinker, though not uad in itsell, has been badly supplied. it nas been assumed by those who dis card revelation aim scout an tear or belief of God. In this the votaries of Robert Ingersoll follow tho disciples of Voltaire. Just why men of this class should regard themselves as freethink ers, abovo all others, is not clear. The assumption that a man who disbelieves revelation is more tree from prejudice, or more frco in any mental process, man lie who believes it, does not bear examination. The arguments which overcome unbelief in soino ieavo tho mind just as untrammeled as thoso which overcome unbelief in others Many who now beliere in God and in tho Bible once disbelieved; but tho ar giiments which ovcrcamo their unbelief have left their thoughts as free and as active as they wero before : they havo no moro interfered with freethinkiug than did their intidelity, when it con trolled or influenced their minds. Vos sibly, as they are no longer the slaves of erroneous opinions and dogmas which gives loose reign to tho depraved heart and taste, their' thinking is moio freo than it was before. At all ovents, to claim that a person's thinking is more freo because ho rejects Christian ity than is his who accepts it, is most mucinous ami unwarranted assumption Wo think it would tint bo a difficult task to show that the men whoso minds aro the freest to think aro tho religious thinkers of tho day, and that tlieso do both tno hardest and tho deepest think ing. Yet men and women who havo hardly begun to think meet in conven tion and claim a monopoly of freo Ihitiking j assuming that they aro moro free in disbelieving than Christians aro in believing tho very truth that makes them free. On tho whole, wo think the skeptic's usj of tho word in dues tion, ns Laoon suggested, implies in tnoir case, not treethiiiking. but free dom from thinking Christian Jferald, Cigars and Cigarettes. Tho tobacco trade, possibly, has moro mysteries than any other trade in this ago ot commercial immortality T. l , 1'iV t. . . l V ii is inmost as WinCim to puruuaso good cigar promiscuously in Ilavann ns it is in London ; unless you know tno riguv siiop 10 jjo to, you aro as hku ly to buy Whitechapel and Bremen abominations, expoited from Europe for tho purpose, and put up in tho most ortuouo'c "Jlavanna boxes, in Vera Cruz you may buy cigars for five shil lings a hundred, which tho venders for a fow cents extra will pack mid labli with the name of some famous btuutl So they will in Porto Plato or San Domingo. So they used in Brazil j but Bnhiau ami other Brazilian cigars hav now mndo their own name, mid hnv established nu honorable claim to bo considered nmoiig tho best cheap cigars in tho world. It is impossible to get nu inexpensive good cigar in Cuba itfclf i tho best brands nro never expor ted, for fow people hero would caio to give half a crown or three shillings npieco for their "smokos which tho wealthy Cuban who consumes them soft and grcon, wrapping them in oiled silk to preserve tho flavor pays on tho not. Thero is much in u name, lliousands of renlly excellent weeds are made in Knglnnd and Germany rout good raw tobacco imported lor the inmost) t but it would never do to offer them for units ns llritish or German produce. What a charm lies in the rds "vueita Abaio, to no reati on ir oiunr boxes 1 Vueita Almio is n small district between Havana and Santiago, consisting of a few acres of land only, now in tho possession of two or threo ut the richest planters lit tho island s nnd probably not nn atom of tho tobacco noted lor its richness which is urown thero finds its way beyond their own airtight bhdder cigar poucnes or mosu oi mcir in timato fi lends. Throughout tho whole of South nnd Central America, tho Southern Stati-s, and in many other parts of tho globe, it may safely bo nverred that the ma jority of tho "male population of all CItlKSCn IlilVU II UIgilllHlU UL'UVUUll Ull.ll lips during the greater part of their waking existence troin childhood up ward. The Senator smokes in the Chamber of Debates j tho sei vant smokes ns ho waits upon you s tho shopman does not trouble himself to removo mo smouuiemig mrc-pupur from his mouth as ho answers your queries i tho coachman who drives you, the half-clad nigger who blacks your boots, tho hunter on tho prnrio or nam pa, and tho Indian in tho tho back woods who roils his morsel oi tooaoco n a 111.117.0 leaf all smoke cicarettes. We visited ono lingo manufactory in Havana which stands out into tho bay liko an immense mahogany cigar box itself, where over a million cigarettes are turned out daily. Wo entered our names in a book on admission, and when wo hnd completed tho tour of tho factory wero each presented with an elegant case of cigarettes, every btindlo ot which bore our respective names, the date, and a complimentary sen tence in Spanish, printed in different styles on beautmilly embossed inueis. Thero can bono doubt that the introduc tion of tobacco in this form has greatly in creased its consumption in this country. A cigarette is a thing that can bo light ed nr tnsapil iisirin at nnv time, and often serves to fill up odd intervals of a few minutes : while a pipe, as a rule, demands premeditation, and is indulged in only at regular periods ; and a cigar especially a good one is rarely commenced by one who can ap preciate it, except under circumstances iavorauio tor its inn emoymem uuu completion. Chambers Journal. An attractive, youthful appearanco cured bv using Parker's Hair Balsam to all who aro getting gray. Halloween at Balmoral. IOW IT WAS CF.LEIIKATKI) IIV KOVAt.TV A STARTLING) SIT.CTACI.E. Out of compliment to tho Duchess of Connaiicht, who was to leave Balmoral the lollowing day, ttio yueen gave in structions for the annual Halloween celebration at the castle to tako place on alonday night, October, 30, twenty- tour hours before the trno tune ot tho festival. About 0 o'clock two hundred torch bearers paraded on tho lawn iu j irom oi me ensue, ami nrriveu at mu hugo stack of material for tho bomfire, which had been erected near tho front door. The torches wero applied to the pile, and then there appeared from tho mows a band of grotesque looking spitus playing instruments, and pro ceeded by a tnaiestie-looking demon, who was followed by four demons, bearing a chair on which was seated a witch, who was taken from tho chair and pitched into the flames, amid the shrieks and howls oi spectators. A limited supply of tho national beverage was then distributed, and dancing was begun and kept up for some time to the strains of Ross, the piper. The healths of the Queen, tho Piincess Beatrice and tiie Duchess of Connaught wero pledged and heartily drunk, and tho singing of the national authem brought the proceed'uins to a close. The Queen, the Duchess of Connaught and tlio pnrcess Deaf rice, with air Garnet Worseley, remained till tlio ter mination of tho sport. New York JSun A JIAItVEt.OVS OUllE. For all bodilv nilments. firis'iiif? from impurity yf blood, a torpid liver, irreg ularity of tho bowels, indigestion, con stipation, or disordered k'dneys, is wnr- rumen in :i nee use oi duiuouk diuuu Bitters. Prico 1,00- Philadelphia, November 20, 1882. As' the object of greatest interest to peo do outsiders well as inside tlio city limits, ,s AVnnamaker's. and as this is so Immemo In extent and so varied in the chiraeler and quality of its exhibits, a resume of Its contents will no doubt bo acceptable to all readers who purposo visiting or ordering by mail or express, goods from its nlmost inexhaustible stores. Jjcgliiuliii: with what at this season is probably most in demand, dresses for maids and matrons, that portion of tho store that will bo llrst sought, wlll.naturally uo me reatlyinailo suit ilepartment, wnero nil visitors may learn of thoso best qunlltled to describe tliu nrevnlluu; stvles and colors, together with tho prices of tho exquisite creations of art or the more substantial, yet couullv becoming costumes dcslcned to pieasu sober tastes mm purchasable nt prices timt will attract nil classes ot buyers. Tills reiulvinadu suit department lor ladles is on tno corner oi uiicstniil anil lmu streets, and Is under tliu direction of a most tasteful ami capable designer, who has onlv rcccntlv returned from abroad. after studying tho styles presented In the great emporiums oi iiismon nu tuo con tliient of Europe nnd In Great Britain. On entering this department will bo Iouml on one side oi tlio storu an immense stock of couts, pelisses, dolmans, etc., while on the other side fur wraps of every description ars displayed for Inspection. In woolen garments light mixed cloth coats ot excellent shape, with seal cloth collar and cults, are In all sizes for $5 each, as aro also plain cloth trimmed with plush, for $0. Imported ulsterettes, in seven dllferent styles ot cloth ana ornamentation, very stylish and pretty, some with plush trim. mings and others with astrachan mill braid ut 620 and $25. These aro of a very supc. rior make and sold ut such prices aro greatly neiow value. Silk diiiniisso coals trimmed with plush, very llnu and beautiful, nro $1)0, while wool uuitalasse, almost us handsome us u silk, trimmed with fur, which forms both collar mid limit, entirely now and original In dc sign, may bu bought for $25, French coats, profusely trimmed with braid and in a variety of colors sage. terra cotta, ereen. geiidarmu bluu for the youthful, ub well us moro sober tints for those ot uiaturcr years can no nlitaineil tor mid sa, i nu exquisite material, win-K ami trimmings on tuesu coats are purlieu larlv worthy of notice. Ulsters of heavy cloth, in quiet checks, than which nothing can be more comfort. uble, are from $14 to $10, while the most desirable of ull tliu imported cloth wraps is one which in stylu is somethtui; between a iloimmi mill uisterette, uuoiitruslvu thougli elegant, at $1)5. Tliu cloth pelisse, by some called redhi. gotes. trimmed with a niching of the samo material, may bu found here of every quiuiiy unu in prices ranging irom 91:3 to SUO. If something lu the fur line Is deemed desirable the g homier can turn to thu op posite sldu of the storu and inspect somour ull of the many fashloniiblo fur garments, which, owing to thu Immense demand for them this winter, are hero 111 inu iiciiest profusion mid ut moderate prices. At this department thev will learn that the seal holds Its own as the leading Invortlo hi (lie world of fashion, nltliotii'li tho tmttirnl licnvur Is highly esteemed, nnd tlio cvcr-henutUtil chinchilla Is hardly be hind them In tho eyes ot thoso who know H9 value. Sntln ltlmilnmes nnd irrns irrnln. fur-llncd clrculnra limy be hail nt i32 mill ttpwnnl to $120. Seal cents, slightly longer limn Inst year's styles, enn bo hnd from i75 up to )U,wmiu iloimnus, coiiciitnnn a unties utiil tippets nro here, vnryluuj lu size nnd tittnll tv nnd tirlni! i fnr trlmttiincM. wlilnh mill fu tile ynrd, from 40 cents to 920, nro nlso to no imil tor ornamenting wrnps or every kind. After seeing nil that Is worth look ing nt on tho llrst lloor tho shopper will nscend to tho second story, whero tho stock room for reitdymndc suits is shunted. Hero nil tliu now styles in wool nnd novelty goods nro found, from simple nnd lightly trimmed skirts and basques of nil-wool llnmiol, plainly ntul neatly miulo for $5 up to elaborate costumes in caslimerc, silk and other woolen fabrics nt $!M, iJIO nnd $50. On this lloor, too, nro exhibited shawls of every description, tho chief, wool, Scotch nnd llroclio from $5 to $fiO, witli Imitation Imllns from $25 to $125, nnd tho 9iiperb Valley Indian Hint cost nnywhero from $2,00 to $2,000. Less expensive Imllns of tliu Chtulilii, Deceit, etc., mngo from $35 to $200. Passing out of this room Into tho next ono will bo found n tnngnlllcent nssortmcnt nt fringes, laces, buttons nnd the like, not fnr sale there, however, although their du plicates inny bo found In tliu various de partments oil tho main lloor, but these nro to be used on the clcgnnt dresses exhibited here costumes tit fnr nn empress, or better still, for tho representative Ameri can woman of moro than royal grace ami beauty, Tlieso magnificent robes nro generally combinations of plain and brocaded velvet nnd silk, richly trimmed with renl laco or other costly ornamentation nnd nre In prlco from $100 up to $250. Hut the most at tractive portion of tliii department is that recently opened, consisting of parlors, exhibition mid littlug rooms, devoted to ordered work. Tlieso pnrlors, covered with Wilton enrpet, furnished with ebony,rlchly upholstered, nro brightened nnd beniitllicd with tho open. tiled fireplace, brass until rons, shovel, tongs mid fender, tho whole surmounted by n curved oaken mantel. Scattered throughout tho rooms nre nntiqiio ebony cabinets nnd tables, while tho dull richness of tliu pnpcrhniiglng brings out to perfection tliu pleasing pictures upon tho wnlls. Opening out of tho large parlor nro other charming bljous of rooms, nmong which Is n dark one, the lloor of which is covered with n liuiiilsome sage-colored carpet, with the furniture of pnle blue satin, nnd the walls from lloor to celling composed of French pinto mirrors, ntul which is bril liantly lighted for tho exhibition of evening colors, nnd a study of the effect of such colors by gnsllglit. An entrance to this little parlor seems to the uninitiated like a veritable visit to Fairyland, inasmuch ns the visitors find themselves duplicated and reduplicated so many times that the mltila tu re apartment seems transformed Into a vast snloon, nnd they In tho midst of n crowd of people. Nothing better could ever bo devised for showing American queens how they look m royal robes. Description can give but a raguu and un satisfactory idea of all that is to lie seen nnd purchased lu this most complete depart ment of its kind in Philadelphia or per haps tho world. Tho best medicine of the ago for quickly curing indigestion, nervous ness, etc., is Brown's Iron Bitters. Are the Purostand Best Bitters over mado. They aro compouhded from Hops, Malt, Bttcliu, Mandrnko and Dandelion, tho oldest, best and most valuable) medicines in tlio world and contain all tho best and most curativo jiroporties of nil other remedies, bojng tho greatest Blood Furificr, Liver Uegulntor, and Lifo and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No discaso or ill health can possibly long exist whero tP Bitters nro used, so varied and porf ect their operations. They givo now lifo and vigor to tho aged nnd infirm. To all whoso employments causo irregu larity of tho bowels or iirhnry organs, or who requiro on Appeti zer, Tonio and mild Stimulant, jron Bittcr3 aro invaluable, being highly curative, tonio and stimu ng, without intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms aro, what tho diseaso or ailment is, use nop Bitters. Don't wait until you aro sick, but if you only feel 'bad or miserable, tiso jjop Bitters at once. It may savo your life. Hundreds havo been saved by bo doing. $500 will bo paid for a caso thoy will not euro or help. Bcmcmber, jrop Bittors is no vilo, drugged, drunken nostrum, but tho Purest and Best Medicino over mado; tho "Invalid's Friend and hopo," and no person or family should bo without it. (8) VEGETABLE COMPOUND. In fi hfltlvn ('nro lrur 'ill (lioie VjiUTuI (unp1ulntaand W 1tneuM j U'luiiaou tu our lipt female population A 2!.Hrltio for Wnmw, IiiTpnlcilby a Woman, l'rrparoil 1jr a Woman. U Outfit Ur4ftl Ditto ?rf SIocolU It ofltlfcUrj, t3;t rnTlre th droopln? iplrlti, Invigorate! nnd h inn the orsaido f unstloaa, ulr tilrutlclty and llrmtiais to t!io itcp, roatore tU natural luatro to ttio cTi'i 01 1 pi "ita on tli p-Uo check of woman tbe f ruh ro pi of H.'o'i prinj a:il early mramcr time, t--PhyjIilans Use It arU Proscribe It Freely It reunTM fitntneis, fhtubney, deitroyi all craving for itlrmilaut, and rcUarea weakness of the atomach. That fud:nj of Warhj down, causing pain, weight an 1 backache, U olwayn permanently cured by Its use, Fcrtho cure of Kidney Complaint of clthor ecx thli Compound It uuiurpatscd. I.YIUA K. l'lNKIIAM 111.00 1 I'UUIFIKU will eradicate evtry vuilue or Humors frura thu IllooJ.Afidtflve tono and Rtrrnffth to the syetem. of luanwutnanur child. Intit un Lai log It, Dith tho Compound and Claod Purifier are prepared at 233 and Stt Wcntern Atcouo, Lynn, Mau, Trice of either, $1. Six bottle for Bent by mall In the form of pills, or ofloxengfi, on receipt of price, 1 per box for either. Mrs. rinkham freely answers all letUnot Inquiry, Enclose Set vtamp. Bend for pamphltt. No ftmllr hou!d b without LYDIA E. riXK!!Alf8 IJVKU 1' LL3, Ther cuio constipation, bUiousneaa, ojid turpldity of theUrer U cents per box, tftTHoIdby aUllrutfslu.& " CATARRH Slys'Cream Balm tut r.nsnl passages of Catarrh il virus, caus. dl' healthy recretlonB nluys lull iinmatlon, Erotecti tho mem. runt) from addllloiial calds.coinplutely he Is tho sores and restores tuo sense of taste and smell, illenenclal re suits are realized by a few applications, A thorough treatment will cure catarrh, hay fever. a Uncqualed for colds In the head. Agreeauie in use. Ap- HAY-FEVER u iy oy mo nine notrer nto thu .nostrils, on receiptor filly cents will mall a package for sale by all druggists, KI.V'S UKUAM VMM CO., OwcgO, N, Y, Cams Scrofula. Eryslnol&s, Pimplos nnif Face Grubs, Blotches, Uoils, Ttimors, Tet ter, Humors, Salt iihoum, Scald Hoad, Soros, Morcurlal Diseases, Fomalo Woaltncrs nnd Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss oi Appetite, Juandicc, Aitoctions ot tho Liver, Indi gestion. Biliousnoss, Dyspep sia and Oonoral Debility. A courted tWrdock R1ool Bitten till utlifr U m.1.1 -nit. ,1 thu It I, thfl Oteiteit lllaoil 1'urlfUr on l)itfctln in lcit Ungutgef. I'Rtcn, FOSTER, MILBU'N 4 CO., Prop'l. Buffa'e, N.Y, TOD. 17 lr. "61 IS A .9,U?K CURE for nil dlacasoa of tho Klcinoya end -LIVER , crsaa, Ki&Mlnc it to throw offtorptditj "d h lllilCl.Oni IUIDUWU1HI uwiiwi. tia Ut. and by kecplnj tho bowel in tno condition, croollng in reeular dlschnrcs. K3 blllotu, dypUe. or conitlpMod, ICldnoy Wort will turoly rolle nd quickly ouro. la tlio Oprlni tooleaxJOlliCycttni, ovcry ono ohouM tako ft Uiorcruja courio of It. it. uni nnvnnUDOIOTS. Prison. BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL Tho undersigned uavlrnr put Ills Planing Mill on Kallroad street, In nrst-ciass condition, Is pre pared to do all kinds ot work In bis line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. tarnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned and none but skilled workmen are employed, ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. I'lans and dpccinca tioas prepared by an experienced draughtsman, CHARLES KRITG, Bloonisburg, Pa. J. J. CARPETS BLOOMSBURG. PA. JOHN A. FUNSTON & CO. Ileal Estate, Trust, Investment, and Collection Olhce, Blooms burg, Columbia County, Penn'a, Properties for Sale in Columbia County, ra, FAEMS. 03 acres In Madison township, large Louse.lrAme barn and out-bulldtngs i good fruit, water and fair quality land. Reasonable price and terms. Owned by Mrs. Esslck. TO acres In Benton township, near New Colum bus. A very desirable and productive farm with good buildings, fruit, water tc. Prlco $3000, Terms easy. 10S acres In Klshlngcreek township, neirZlon church, llrlck dwelling, barn and sheds, good water, two orchard! and other fruits, l'rlco and terms reasonable. 235 acres in Jackson township, small farm cleared, with farm buildings. A saw mill and dwelling. Also a large quantity of pine and hem lock timber. 150 acres ot excollentland In MlfUln township, on road between Berwick and MIlUlii, owned by John Wolf, Ksq., on N. & W. 11. It. K. Brick house, farm buildings, orchard, water, sc.. and suniclotit supply of timber. A valuable property. 1M acres In Madison township, near Jersey town, Oood frame house, barn, water, fruit and timber. Will bo sold cheap and on good terms. T acres In Madison township near Van Uorn's school house, with frame house, stable and good trait. es acres In Hemlock township near Kvan's Mill. Frame house, bank barn, young orchard of choice fruit, good meadow, running wator, Ac. 113 acres of excellent farm land n miles west of Bloomsburg. Farm buildings and two tenant houses. luo acres In Flue township, near l'lne summit. Farm buildings fruit, water and considerable tlin ber. s acres of llmsstine with three kilns In Centre township. A 8W Btory woolen mill with full set of machln cry, a good natural water power, all la good work ing order with good trado. Also a large dwelling. barn and out-bulldlngs. Also 'it acres of land on Little Klshlngcreok, (miles from Bloomsburg Also ten other farms In various localities. Properties in Bloomsburg and Else where. A large, comfortable and nearly new three Btory brick residence on South Market street, with Mansard roof, gas, water, cold or hot, range, bith room, heater lu cellar, stable, well, choice fruit, sc., all in llrst rato condition, Price roasoatble and terms easy. A carriage manufactory with tools and trade, desirably located on Iron street, below Main, Two pleasantly located brick residences on Centre street. Two large framo dwellings on Third street, west Bloomsburg, A neat trarno residence on Main street, West Bloomsburg, with stable, good water and fruit Urouuds and building In best condition. A very desirable brick on Main street, suitable tor business and residence combined. A double brick residence on East Main street, desirably located, Terms eusy. A frame house on Sixth street near Market. brick and also a frame dwelling on Fifth street, both In good condition, Fleasant homes. Two small frame dwellings In East Bloomsburg, cheap. Two frame dwellings on Iron street, cheap. a large new brick rostdenci at the corner ot Third akd West streeu, A vry desirable frame dwelling on Fourth street, Catawlssa with 'table, watsi, fruit, c, also at Catawlssa. asoalyard with siding, Urg bed ot &ood sind, dwelling on premises, part of which can be used as building lots. Also, other propertied not mentioned, andde slrable building lots located on Market, Fifth, west and other streets Strict attention paid to thoexamlnatlonot titles nno;to conveyancing, and a'l matters bubmlttet promptly attended to at, lowest rates charged by real citato agendas. For particulars apply to JOHN A. FUWn'ON,ar FiULK. WlltT. THE l'AKT AGRAPII 1JINDUU. FOR BALE OSUV AT "THE COLUMBIAN" OFFICE OALL AND BEE. BRQWER M. C. SLOAN & BRO , HLOOiMSHUHU, PA. M inuractiircrn of CARRIAGES, BUQQIES, PHAETONS, SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. First-class work always on hand. ItEPAlMXQ XEA TL YDONK. Prices reducetUo xiitjhc timet. DI1LKB IN Bllvorrcaro, Watches, Jowolry, Clocks. All kinds of Wutclios. CltckB and Jcwelrv neat 1; repalrod.nnd warranted. may u. -t9-w AND PAPER HANGING. WM. F. BODINEt IHON ST., BELOWSEHOND.BLOOMSHOItQ, FA. is prepared 10 ao au kuius oi nousi rAiNTiraa Plain and ornamental, PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECORATIVE AND PLAIN. All kinds orFurnlturc Rcpnlrcd and iiiRtlo an koo1 iih now. NONE BUT FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMP LOYED. Estimates Mado on all Work, WM. F. BOD1NE. PLUMBIMG, GAS FZTTIBTGj STOVES AND TINWARE. nas purchased the Stock and Business ot I. Ha genbuch, and Is now prepared to do all kinds of work in bis line. Plumbing and Uas Fitting a pcclolty. Tinware, Stoves, NqES A.MD Heaje1s In a great variety. AU work done by EXPERIENCED HANDS. Main street corner ot East, BLOOMSBURG, PA. BLANK BOOKS! BLANK BOOKS! Of every description Uulcd and bound to order; aiso bindi-r of all Peri odicals such as Harper's, Century, St. Nicholas, Peterson's, &c. In fact all Publications bound in lateHt and moat substantial styles. Correspondence Solicit ei, J. W. KlEOKn, 110 & 112 W. MAKKET STREET, WILKES-BAERE. Pa. J. S ALTZER'S General Sewing Machine Depot, fifth Store Below MM St, BLOOMSBURG, PA. White Sewing Machine New Davis Vertical Feed Sew ing Macliitie, New Home Sewing Lindane, Household Sewing Machine, Estey Sewing Machine, Genuine Singer Sewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing .Machine, AtMtMimnntB. hpst Hewlne Machine Oil. and Nee iiiah fnr nit Kmvtni? mnnninpfl. Knwlntp Machines sold on montUly luiyinents- Liberal discount made for ensn. Every iiiaciuno nurcuan-a irom me U warrantedto be kont m good runnluir oMer fnr Hvn v,.nra fri'i, fif rtinrLTR. mill thorutlll In structlons ulven by tlio best lady operator In this pan ot tliu maie ire" oi cmirK", h..uuhuo " bwck oi macuines ueiure TAINWHWIiT St CO,, WHOLESALE OllOCEHS, PlIll.APEI.rillA, rUAS, SVHUl'S, COFl'EB, SUOAlt, MOLASSI H. HICK, an8, bicihb aoiu, AC, Ac. N, E, corner Second and ArcU utreeU. reorder! will receive promptattenuon' ALMOST AS BAD. WWul Urn 1HTiU'Xi'iI l'li)U'liui ilulu t'ni'u Hmeriif urr. "I'll tell you tho lioneit truth," nnswered tho doctor, "IlrlL'hl'i Dlieane bothers ttio medical men almost aa badly ua cmcur does. Ilavlnc paaaed a certain Btaite, both point tiruli;ut u eternity. It may be unproteaslonal lo let uut tho Hecret, but lieuever a pallciil comes to me with lirlEhl's lmease, trany kl'luoy trouMo actluu like It, I tell iilmtoputon IIK.NSO.N'S OAl'L'INK I'OKOUS I'l-ASl'lfU without UeUy." 'ILe doctor spoke by tho card. The Capclue roes rlsht lo tho spot, It you enn be helped, tho Oapclnu will do It. Iok out for frauds. Is the word OAl'L'INK cut iu tin' inmaio or tue pittbitr 7 If bo, you are all rlifbt, l'rlco Mceuts. tcauurya: jjeu l'i W GeleMM JEvery Ktc) Organ Sold in made 'Vltvouyhaut with J'jqiial fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones, Send for Illuttratcd Catalogue. CELEB HTI ffIB PIANOS MM' A TSfB TKlx TO U And other first class Pianos, and a largo lot of MUSIC VIOLINS, ACCOUDEONS, MIMCaVL (WGrUltlETTE, VIOLIN STRINGS, JT. SALTZER, MUSIC ROOIVI, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG PA. PIAlsTOS, FINE . INLAID FRENCH WALNUT Easy Terms. SatlN(avtlon tiuaraiitfctl. iJA-OOISr'S PIA1STO 'WH,E ROOMS, MUSIC HALL I5I.OCK, WILIIES-DAB.RE, PA SPEER'S Used In tho prtaclpiH'hurclics for Communion purposes: Eveellf3nt far LarllG" and WGlklv Per- XiiiCWltlll, 1J1 iiauit- aiiu YVl.ah.iy ffcl sons and tho Aged. Speor's Port Grope Wine! FO UR YE AH8 OLD. THIS OELEllltATED NAT1VS WINK Is n aile from the Julco o. Hie oporto drape, railed In this country, its Invaluable Tonle ani Strengtiuahg Properties are unsurpassed by any other Nallvo Wlno. Us Inglho.puro Julco of thodrap?, proaunol under Mr. Spucr'a own personal supervision, Its parity and genuineness urn guarint-eq I'he voungCKt, child 'Myputako ot ,ts generous ipulltles, mid tho vtcakoit invalid uso It to ailvanrngo. It. Is p ir- ticuiuilv DenenciJt to ico ntcn ami (leuiinaicci, and Bulled to the vnrlom nllim-nts that affect thu weaker spx. It Is lu every respect . WINE'iO 11F. KEL1E1) O.N. S PEER'S iliu i . ,i. nu nun i ish ,i ..u',,.,, vim- acter, and partukes of tin Hell ipialltles uttlio grape trom which It l mudi.'. Kor Purity, Klcli. ness, Flavor nnd Medlclu il Properties, It will be S PEER'S 1B. .T. ISq'sbbb ThlsllllANliY stands unrivalled In this Country being far superior ror medicinal purposes. IT is I'UltK distill itlon from the giwpe.and con tains valuaolo incilicliia prm i-rtles. It has a delicate llawr, Mmilir tu that of the grapes, from which It I- dtiiillcd, mil is In great favor amonir ilrit-class families. KcolliatlhOHlgnaturoof AI.FIIKD HI'EIIII, Fas salc N. J, Is over the cork of each totllo, SOLiD BY O. A. KLF.IM. and in- imuanisis bvkhvwiibue. Bept, s, 'j.' l-y. To Mervow Sufferers ThsOrfat European Itexeiy. DR. J. B.BUfSON'S arr.CUIC MKllICINE, Ur.,1. II. Simpson's Speeino Medicino is a pnsl tlve cure (or overwork of imdy or brdn ornvcuas of any kin l.sucli as weakueis and all diseases re. Bulling from Nervous lability. lrrlUbliuy, Anxiety, Languor, Lassuudo.llejiri'sslonoispirita and lunciiouai uerangemenisni 1111 uertuussys ttiin iinerjl.v. I'liins lu tho nueK ur nine, uiss X Aieinory, 1're. naturii o il nze oiit mil diseases that lead to cnnsinpl. lon.lusaidty .San wly grave or Doth, No matter lion shuttered tho lystcm may bo tuin uxLunHHH or any kTIui. a "Miortcourso of this medicine win resioro uio iosi luncuons and pro cure health and happliiesswhero heio-n was de spondencv and gloom, The bpeclllo Medlcluo Is be ing used with wonderful success. Pamphlets sent free to all. Write for them and get full nutrlciiiar I'rl'M', Bu "Milo per inckage.orslx packages for f 3,i u, Will ho sent by mall nu reoeipt of money Addressall orders, .1. II. WIMPi'iN's MKUKIINK CO, Noi. lo and tuMaln, llurfalo, N, Y. For sale by J, II, KINl'OHTS, JlloomVmi v, Pa. fob !!8.My lnnritr in i Jt il iiwK-h I Ibt-rul teiim a i WlW JCvci'u httirp shnultl Select an Ovnau U'iut fitttntntecH food JiJeenj tiny wcrl: and Year a of service. J. ESTKY & CO., llrnttlclioro, Yl. 0 BOOKS, CASE ORGAN, 9 STOPS, 800 CASH Junol P T?M3Tfi'WQ for Soldiers, Widows, Parents i unmuiiumn children. Any aisease, wound nr lnmrv entlilen. MIUIous aDnronnate nnd working force doubled. Prompt worn and noines m?uu najipy, reo iu. ppiy nun, WIDOWS, entitled' widow. hood, (ireat suceess In INt'UK.Vi: enses. Hocntv and Kick Pay and UNchar.'es procured. Deserters piilltl"d to all due3 und'T now .w. I'ateiilH fnr Inventor. L Hid Warrants nrocured. bought 1 aim soiu. run "houi.d ,t miluikk." iwceaiy PAPeri Sample copy free, fcndaiamp for fall iu. htrtFilons blunkh ami bounty tunle. N. W FITilHllALU & CO., Pension, Patent and Land Atl JS, WASIll.MHUS, v. v. nlJ. Dec. M w. WTO an lor tuo Cure ol AVi EPSLEPTiC FJT3. 1 v LJrronAhi,JiurnalofXedicine ,r h . Tf.mi rn1n llttn nf Ijindnnl. vena makei a ro ei uiy cf P f 't v, l.m without il.mlt tu'fila J nua 1 orr. si i ut oiiyvtliff )Hlnt( i.lijtliliiti, I'.ueuccct j i !,racmUbltii;i u Iioj.M cf riu of i f i , ii 1 i ..inlln vuii'PHnIiiliy enn il br lil'it. IU ) .) a rk on this dlxcAi'o, ulrh i aonds n 1 -t- n" la of lilt rnmlvrfiilruro frt-t i i y tt r. rt wtt.i i.tfty si-mllholr iiirtBi uml I O. xaait. U t. h !) wUhlntf iichio t') ft't'lf if. Ait. UlubLl'OtU, o. vu J..l.uSt.,New Yort, IRELAND&LXBM! 1'crJiuiiiii. m anivw Now Edition NowRendv. Hitei Jieireumn Hill J.vcnta of 18sJ, (c. Asenu uno fcOIJ' ll'll wr, mww-, , pug tlm BOBIAfr lUSRbEUlKjU-IicivrtBit Jin -iqii rri," i ...... Mn wiHrbimwA RIOLLER'SwygP.M COD-LIVER Oil BUMrlorto-SJtATiv Clifttmst me ileal tfaumoritir.'?$&v SISe"1 ... . t f 3CMv ...... . . ! rtify lolls cMirnoy nf v," 'it itaniMnMi.ll FnrFa'ntivIlniuvHt. vjf" Wjl.Srjiirllf (!' VV.Vr W.V.Xk novll-iw d PURE IMBIA TEA! From llm lHstrlcts ot AsAM, Cmmuoxo, Caciiah n.niill ,.l.l,ni, 1'tUKKLlMI, 1'KIIKA I'OON, II oihrs. Absolutely pure. Superior In nav 'l ho Mist Hoouomical. Iteiiuiroi only half i usual iitianllty. hold by all grocers JOHN and i'or, the ! O. i n i i.i.iri k i "., Agcnui or me Calcutta syndicate, nil Wuter-St. N. V. uov, ll-l w d Tea au:.ts! Ai:x-fl'sj Anvrs 1 nrr.l.N. DOnnil'S bran1 new book, tntiilcd Thirty -Three Years Among By brcn. Sherman. TI.U new vroik wai tt om ul.,crl.c,l fjr ,v l-rnuhn Allllllll fill I ,htV (ll'.MKl 011.1 ,f HM, .SlitniMH. Otn. u,, ,n. .--"'Tt'niM, ,,. Imaul, Bli.l r'"i'i'b bt I'm IncnlMcn. Oil (Iium-. .lmil,ll.ii,.i..u:,. Life furuiiH.i ' ln.i. nir (Mitliil..l.)ia)1rt Uillxx.lti Imimiuc i nine. lC ll Iho o(.,. .,.,.,, , cl our IndUiu mr .uUlili,l, fully r callus llirlr "Inner inc.-iiini ii.un;i, ciMail.,i.t. III. rq.lillth Ihrllllnt upcrlouciiof t'.ioAul'ior, un.l i.f f.moue Bcouli, Tmrir Ciiw-liDji, M ntr. Ilotdrr IIuHUui, clc.HU.lly .ititavlni Lifo la Ilia (lira! Wntu it ku. 4Uil l,,mx.,n,l In mu. Willi liU'el l:n;runj, nn I fupcrl) Chti.lim.I.llliocruili riatoi In 15 colun, Irnm hritofnjihi made l.y tliu L. 8. uiiviTuiiuni tjj'irwtfjor irili prcul work, AllL.M'.il 'J croiil biok li nmv nul.,rllln- .11 ,11.. 1011, .Vo cowjKlilion. ArenUtvenuii 10 lotto orilert "ly. Wo anl 100(1 mo.) r;cn' el c.nct. jireMii i.rnrorvnn.1 .-ciiii tt'rm onrii. Otir hvu rlrrnlare wl! iuii panii.iii.ire .1.. . a fio Siictlnuii l'laie ernl aUil!en lor il f. ill el inn. A'l-.. ',a 1 ri,l,.. A. 1J. M'llllTIIIVirril.N (II, Iliu nun, r v Bept Sl-lm our rms ouri Wohavo8toro8lnlo loacllnir Cities, Irani wlili.'i our ayuutAnlitiilu the r ,111 1 hi 1111I1 Hy, lliir I'juMilin u iu I'lim'timl . (Il,ii. no vi I. lie, I'.i. n .il tor yur Nvir t'liliiliuiuv (Ul Mil- I . vh. AcUlli'-j M , 'AlJ ai2Lncknwniin.iAvo L.-J .Jj UtELi. QCHANTOU, PA. March 3-ly fif'a Hnklnyour ou lown. Tniinand Uout uullt fieu, AddretH II, co Portland Maine, march HI -ly .VVt'Jf!'" MMMINO, RMTORu 'ad cctosi-ly Mfimted RAILROAD TIME TABLE MM JENNSYJjVANIA HAII.KOAT). l'HIL- . AUKLVUfA & KI1IB 11,11. 111VISION. l'hlladolnhtA nnd Krln Itn Iroad Dlvlslnti nn,i Northern ueutrnl Hallway, SU.MMWU TIM I! TAMiH. In effect Juno till, 15S2, trains lcavo Nortlimn. bcrland. insTWAtll), ss n. m. Soa Shoro Kxnrcsifnr Minburv. llnr. rlsburc and Intcrmcdlato stations, Lancaster, I'hlladelphln, New York, llalllmoro nnd WnMilnc. ton, arrlvlna nt Philadelphia p,tn.t Now York, (US p. in. llftltlmore, li.lo p. in. i Walilntrton 0.41 p. in.. inaKiiiK t-iusu i;uum;eiiuiii, ill. l uunuCW phla for all SeaShoro points. 1.19 p, m. D.iy express for Hunburr, Harris, hurir and Inlcrmcdlaln ftatlons. Lnucnsier. Phil. ndelplna, New l ork, llaltlmoro nnd Wnshlnirton, nrrhlngat Philadelphia 7.SJ p.m.: New York, lo.m p. in, ; iiaiiwnurL', p. in.; wuvmigton, I.7 p.m. I'ullinan Parlor car thruuch to rhllndcl. plila and passencer coaches through to Philadel phia ami llaltlmorr. e.oB p. in. willlamsport Accommodation for fiunburv, llarrlsburc nnd nil Inti'itncdlato Mn tlons, fjincasler, I'lillndplpnla nnd New York, arrivlnir at. Philadelphia a.63 n. m, i Now York c.ib n, m. slceplnc car sccommodatlons CAn bo secur ed at Hnrrlsburf,' for Philadelphia and Now York. Philadelphia panscii Kcrs con icmiln In Blooper un. disturbed until 7 u. iu. i;no ,mou inr Minuury, iinrnsmirif and Intermediate Miilluns, I nhrusier, I'hllndil phla, New York, llaltlinore aud Washington, nr. rlvlns nt Philadelplihi 7 ru n, m. ; New Yink, 11.13 n. m, llaltlmoro 7,n b, m. : Wnshlnt;. ton, 0.17 a, m. Through rulimm Biccplnir cats nre run on this train lo I'hlladelphln, llaltlmoro and nnslitnplon, anil through passenger coaches to Philadelphia and llaltlinore. WK3TWA11D, ssn. m lirlo Mall for El lo and all Intermediate stations with thiough Pullman Palace cor and through passenger coaches to Krle. tor uananaaigua nnu iiiierineiuaio hiniions, llochester. llnnalo and Nlngara Kalis, with Pull man l'alaco car and passenger coaches through lo iiocnrsuT. 1.45 p. in. Niagara Express for Knno nnd Inter mediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kane. For Cannnd.ilgtia and principal Intcr mcdlato stations, Kochcsicr, liuilaloana Niagara Fulls with through parlor carlo Watklns and through passenger coaches to Itochestcr. 6.S5 p. ih., Fast, line for Lock Haven and Intcrmc dlato stations, nnd Elmlra, Wntklns nnd Interme diate stations, with through passenger coaches to aiKin'i. TllHOUmi THAINS FOIl NOKTIIUMIIUIII.ANO F1IOM TUB EAST AND M1UTH. Niagara Express leaves Now York, BSOn, m. ; hlladelohla s.40 a.m.: Wi.slilm.Mon. s.u'n. m.: llaltlmoro u.vio a. tn arriving nt Northumberland .41) p. m., wiui inrougu t'uumnn l'nnor car irom lilladelphlaand through passenger conches from 'hlladelphla and Baltimore. Fast Lino lentes New York 7.55 n. in. : Philadel phia, 11.03 a.m.; Washington, 9.37 a.m.; Haiti- more, iu.ou n. in., arriving no noriiiumucnanu no p. m wun inrougii passenger coacuea irum hlladelphla nnd llaltlmoro. Erlo Mall leaves New York 7.65 n. m.: Philadel phia, p.m.; Washington, M p. m.; Haiti more, p. m., arrh Ing at Nerthumuerlanit ,C a. in., with through Pullman l'alaco Bleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington nnd llaltlinore and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. N OUTHERN CEN'TItAL UAILWAY COMPANY, On and after February 19th.19Sl.tratns will leave Sunbury as follows : NOIlTHWAltD. Northern Express c.3o n.m.,arrlvo Elmlra U.30 pm Arrive nL unnnnuaigua a.-tn p, m, " llochester 4.40 " " Nlaeara. B4.'i ' Niagara Express 1.50 p. in. srrlvo Elmlra 0.03 p in nrnvo mniilliiaigiia " " llochester V 4.1 " " NhiLurn 11.M1 u m Fast lino 0.15 p in artlvn Elmlra 10.211 p m wuiKma li.iupin BOUT1IWA11D, Southern Express 1.32 a.m. arrive Ilarrlsb'g 8.10 am arrive rniiacieipiua " New York 9.35 " " llaltlmoro 1,(D " Vnshlmrtonf..22n m Lock Haven Ex 10.50 a m nrrlvo Ilarrlsb'gli.tB pm urmo I'uiianeipuia d.iii p in " New York 8.45 ' " llaltlmoro r.u) " Washington 0.47 Day Expressl.BO p m arrive Ilarrlsburg 3.S9 p m riiuaiiei'Jiua " " N'cwYoiK IO.011 " " llaltlmoro T.uu " Wnshlnirton R.17 Erlo Mall l.f 5 a. to, nrrlvn llarrlsburg a. m " I'liuaupipiiiu i.uo " New York U.31 " " llaltlmoro 7,oo " Washington wi J.K. WOOD, General Passenger Asjent. FHANK THOMSON, General Manager. piIILADELPHA and HEADING KOAB ARUANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno M, 1SS2. TRAINS I.KAVE 11UPKIIT AS POU.OWflJStlHDA V KXCBPTr. For Now York,l'hlladelpUla,Ilcadlng,rottsvllie Tamaqua, &c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 4 to and 7,20 p. m. For Willlamsport, 0,15 s,to a. m. and 4,06 p. m. TKAIWS FOB. KOrKUT I.SAVS AS KOLLOWB, (SbKOAY SCUPTKU,) Leave Now York, via. Tnmaucnd 9,00 n. ra. and via. Hound Brook Itouto 7,45 a. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Loavo Heading, 11,63 a. m., l'ottsvillo, 12,30 p. in and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 0,10 (1,40 a. m, and 4,00 p. m. Leave WllllaraRFort,9,45a.m,2,oop.m. and 4,30 p. m rasscngers to and from New Y'ork, via. Tama- nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change of cars. J. . WUUTTJ5N, General Manager, C. a. HANCOCK, General Passenger nnd Ticket Agent. Jan.10. lSBl-tr. EfjAWAItE, LACKAWANNA AND WliSTEKN KAILHOAU. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOHTH, STATIONS. Scruntoii.... llellovue. . Taylorvllle., ,, Lackawanna. lMttntrm SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. 9 15 9 09 1 0 M 43 9 so i iu 6 17 0 22 6 27 C 114 I, 41 4(1 C 61 65 II 6X 7 1)2 9 03 8 611 8 43 8 it 8 7 9 37 9 30 9 21 9 1 9 14 9 45 9 ts 9 BS .. West I'lttslou 10 0.1 Wyoming,... Maltby Ucnuctt Kingston,,,. KlnL-Rtnn.... 10 IS 8 25 0,1 8 23 1 50 9 01 9 04 10 18 M 2 M 8 02 10 IS 10 20 10 Si 10 42 10 CS 11 1)7 11 19 11 20 1 42 .Plymouth Juno 7 17 7 22 7 HI " 37 8 00 S 2fi 8 40 8 60 9 00 b 00 S 05 (. 10 H 18 8 jr. K 30 b 36 8 62 9 00 9 04 V 20 8 16 8 07 B 00 1 95 1 25 1 IS 8 65 S 47 8 IV 8 it 8 II S 12 8 00 7 CO 7 62 7 44 7 Hi 7 33 7 19 ....1 lyinomu.. Avondalo., WnrMnb- 3 Oil 8 10 3 IS . S3 3 45 3 51 3 67 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 27 4 33 4 (8 4 6G & (9 5 26 1 UJ llunlock's creek 1 46 13 42 ....wnicKeninny, HleL-'H Vrrv 7 53 11 25 7 26 12 lr 7 20 12 00 7 13 11 47 7 09 11 40 7 C5 11 32 6 57 11 10 6 M 10 CS 45 10 69 6 37 10 44 6 IS 10 21 6 10 1(1 OS 6 04 10 00 I 45 9 40 ....lieach Haven. nerwick . Hrlar Creek. ...Willow drove, Llmo llldgo., Kanv 111 to ...liloomsburg.. 11 4S 11 11 tfi 12 IS Catawl'n Urldge 7 1 ..jjunviue.. . ..Chulasky, .. . 6 45' Nortliumberrd 12 4! I p.m. a.m. a.,m. p.m. p.m. a.m. , . . W. F. IIALSTKAl), SUDt. Superintendent's offlco. scranton. Feb, 1st, 1S2. HAIR hisu ant tlrcuwiij in rf'uil by tin .c siiniUj an on ac ouiit of iti fuiwrior 't.lcaii'tnfs aiKi mini v. fit cont.itiii materials or.;- that rrc liencficinl to tlio twi)i and Jiair Restores the Voutlilt;! Color to Grey or faded Hair rarkcri u&ir Ualsam Is r.Rc!y pcifumca and h warranieil to pet rut foiling t tlio liair nml m re move dandruff ftiijiitliiuj. Ht&cox Vc Co , N.Y, BI"M "'i "t dealin In OrufiinJ UMjIcInvi, A SunetlallvQ llsaitli nnd Strennth lipttnr.r If yoii nro a mechanic or f. nirr, worn out with overwork, raii nhcr nui t hi by family or house hold uiuks try I'AhkTi.'i. I ,r 1,1 u '1 unic, If J 011 n fan ycr, mini.irr rrbuMnennunex Iwinii d ly mental klr.iin or nn .iou c.ire, do not tako Iniolcatiii;tmuilanis,liutHioI'i.iUt'sGiur;cr'I'oiiia 1 'f5?uliavo I onnimptiou, Djpe,ia, Ilheuma. Um, KUImyl omplaliiiigOriuiydiMiiikroflhelungi, iiornacli. Imcli, lloodcr ncuw Pakkcii's ( 1 onic wilUuie you. 1 1 it Ilia l,reaickt lllood Purifier And the Ccsl and Surest Caugii Cure Ever Utci). If 1 mi ria witling away fioi.iniic, diipation or tny tlisc.i-e or w tiakneu md ri.iiili a a tlimulanl tako (jihgeoTiimc uKiicc) itwilliinljoraic and build vou up from ih.i futt doio but v. ill never intoxicate., llliaitatcdlumdtuU otliu ., it may tave jouri, CAUTION I !'.(. .HliiliUlHl, I'arl.r'.Glnir.r Toi.l: ti ccoipoi.a el Hi. Uil wii-ilbl Tj-t ,l 1 1 Hi. will J, ditf.r.Ll fmm .jr.ll tiiolf teuton., FiDJIwrilrcblorlo II1kACo.,N, V, k c.A ltuilitilkriliilitigi. onnAT bavino rt'visa pouAn ens. Ill n II ami l.i.tmi- ft ini mr. Iit. in.l,. tl,ia I deliiiliifuiperdimockceeilmaly popular, 'lliero a running uito II. iuktuion having 1 Louis. w, .wbuvni. wiiuiuvk iir ii,iiuiuro oi rr i 1 v la itfuuAt . 1'. 1T. 3J 1 ri r , MLIH 1 1 ,j.i UaroU a, Wly, 10