The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 08, 1882, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
l-'lllDAY, HECKMIIKK 1, 1882.
Dr.. I. H, Vnslluu of Danville was In
town on Momlny.
A. U. Smith I-ri., of Scriuilon wng In
riltcniliincu ut court tills week,
Jlr. 13. W. Drinker of Now York spent
Thanksgiving with his parents.
JIIss Kettle Vnstlne win the guest of the
Jllsses Wells, several days last week.
(leorgo W. Supple o of Madison was ap
pointed foreman of the (Irand Jury.
C. M. Vanderxllee, editor of the Sentinel,
k confined to the house with a sprained
.Mr, liuckiilew li liusllv enirii'reil In m.i.
ting his work on the constitution ready for
tlie press.
S. C. Drown Is conducting the Republican
during his brother's absence with an en
gineer corps.
Henry V. Jtclvclvv returned from the
west Inst Saturday. His family lias been
ncre several weeks on n visit.
D. V. Zarr. I3sri, acted as Prollionotnry
this week, William Krlckbaum being con
lined to tlie house by sickness.
Governor-elect Cleveland of J"ew York
is a cousin of JIIss Hastings of the Normal
school, and Mrs. S. 0. Jnyno of Dcrwlck.
Miss KlUo Mans, formerly of Hlooms
burg, was In town visiting friends rccentlv.
She moved from here to Kilo with her
father about fifteen years ago.
Mrs. M. A. Drockwnv. mother of nnnt.
Droekway, has been dangerously ill the
pasi two weeks, nut we arc pleased to an
nounco that her symptoms are favorable
and her recovery probable.
Mr. W. 1'. Conner and family left last
week to make their homo In the future In
l'otts drove, Northumberland county. Mr.
Conner made this change on ai.count of his
health and wo hope he may escape Malaria,
In his new home.
Among the prominent men of different
localities in attendance at court this week,
were W. L. Manning of Jackson, John 1.
Haunou and John -Monroe of Conyngham,
David Welsh of Centralia, 0. W. Ilerleman
of Denton, Daniel Morris and 11. Herbine
of Locust.
J.owenberg'd for lit and fashion.
Danville hail a llreman's parade on
Thanksgiving day.
Court adjourned on Wednesday to meet
on Saturday morning.
Elegant Jewelry Cases at 0. A. Clark's.)
Ex-Couuty Superintendent Win. Snyder,
is very happy. It is a boy.
I.owenbcrg's for Hue merchant tailoring.
The Episcopal congregation of l'uukliati
nock are erecting a new church.
The triennial assessors are now engaged
in the performance of their duties.
Lowenberg'd for cheapness ami style
There will be an afternoon train put on
the North oo West llraneh road In a tew
Gold Spectacles at . A. Clark's.
Wilkesbarre and Williamsport have their
mail matter delivered by carriers now, and
aie happy.
Call at the Cuuimiiian olllee and see our
samples of line stock before ordering your
Clulstmas piiuting.
Call and see the latest stylo of stilt hat
just received at D. Lowenberg's.
J. D. Oirton received a deer from a friend
nt Dlossburg on Monday. Look out now
for venison lunches.
A lino assortmunt ot American and En
glish I'octs at the I'eople's Hook Store.
ItllU's minstrel show which gave an en
tertainment here lecently, broke up at
Ashland last week Tuesday.
Gentlemen's Dressing Cases of all prices
nl G. A. Clark's ilook Store.
G. W. lllrleuian of Denton mul Mr.
Doone of Scott, killed a line deer last Satur
day on the North mountain.
Call bells at G. A. Clark's.
The traverse jurors for the llrst week
were discharged on Wednesday, except
those empanelled in the Hollingshead case.
D. liernliard's Jewelry store you will tlnd
the best silver ware, such as spoons, forks,
knives, &c, engraving name freo of
Thanksgiving day was generally obser
ved here. The places of business were all
closed, and services held in several of the
Popular Poems by popular authors at G.
A. Clark's Ilook Store.
At John K. I.oekard's on East street a
girl ariived last week, No. 7. Judging
from the wnlle with which John greets his
friends, It Is jibt as pretty as No. 1,
A splendid stock of lur caps, beaver
collars, gloves, Ac, now in stock at D
Lowenberg's. William Neal ii Sons' furnace has blown
out for repairs, and n reduction of ten per
cent, has been made in the wages of their
employees. They will make some extensive
Improvements in tlie furnace.
Photograph Albums, all styles andpiices
ut 0. A. Clink's.
No more pleasant place can bo found for
inv ulids than the Sanitarium. Perfect rest,
healthy climate, and skillful medical at
tendance unite in benefiting the patients
who resort to this popular cure.
Writing desks, gold pens and pencils,
nnd-gohl tooth picks at 0. A-CUrk's,
The meeting of the Winona Eire Com
pany which was announced to bo held last
Monday night was postponed until this
Friday uvening ut 8 o'clock. A full and
prompt attendance is requested.
Games, budding blocks and picture
books for the young tit G. A. Clark's.
Never try to raise u family without a
good uews-paper, provided It contains the
advertisement of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup:
for this valuable medicine Is necessary to
keep your children In good health.
Prof. Haintll, who has been giving in
structions in elocution nt tho Normal
school for the past week, gave somo recita
tions In the school lull on Tuesday evening,
Hu was insisted by Mrs. Logan of Toledo.
mul MUs Norn ltobblns of lllooinsburg.
Prof, llninill is u line elocutionist, mid liU
Slmkspearean Impersonations nro quite as
good, If not better than most professional
actors render them. The ladles who took
part showed that they have devoted them.
scIvch to the study, mul have mastered It
In an unusual degree,
For Holiday Hooks for the young, go to
0. A. Clark's.
Diaries for mi at 0. A. Clink's.
N. H. Tlngley has Just put up n neat sign
nthls tailoring establishment In the Cot
tiMnujj building.
Ink Stnnds, Vases, and llrass Candle
sticks nt 0. A. Clark's.
Col. T. 0. Harkness of Wllkeslmrro died
hiit week, and wns burled on Saturday.
He was the lather of Miss Ida Harkness
who nttemled the Normal school last year.
l'lno gold spectacles, gold eye glasses, a
Inrge line of silver, nickel, steel and rubber
spectacles and eye glasses, nt L. liernliard's
Jewelry store.
There will be a shooting match, between
D.inlel Curry of Centralia and Thomas
Clierrlngtnn ot Locust for llftv dollars a
side, at Yeagei's hotel, Slabtown, on the
Handsome pictures, elegant Christmas
cauls at (1. A. Clark's.
Mr. (1. W. Klnports has moved from
Anuvllle, Lebanon county and formed a
partnership in the grocery nnd provision
business with his brother V. S. Klnports,
under tho firm name of Klnports & llro.
u wish them success.
The largest stock of robes In the county
can now be seen at David Lowenberg's.
All the popular authors can bo found nt
G. A. Clark's Ilook Store.
In another column will bo found nn ad
vertlsement of a store house In Lightstrcct
for sale. 'Ibis is un old stand, and one of
tlie best in the county for a mercantile
business. Call on or address S. C. Creasy,
lllooinsburg, Pa,
Handsome smoking sets at 0. A. Clark's.
Just the thing for a beautiful present to a
"100 Wives" was played at the Opera
Home on Tuesday evening to a small
house. Tho play is exciting, and most of
the paits well taken, and there Is enough
fun thrown In to keep the audience in good
humor. They deserved a full house.
The largest assortment of Christinas
Goods In town can bo found at 0. A.
Clark's Ilook Store.
About this season of the year there arc a
great many weddings. Those who anticl
pate taking this important step should eeo
our line wedding Invitations before onler
lug elsewhere. We have the finest line of
wedding papers in tho county, at the Col
umiiian olllee.
Ladles' woik boxes, Japanese handker
chief boxcs.paper weights and paper knives
at O. A. Clark's.
Call and examine the Christmas Good
at tho People's Drug and Book Store.
The Johnson Ileasly Coal Company, of
Philadelphia, was granted n charter re
cently to mine coal at Centralia. The
company has a cali capital of ijlfiO.OOO.
The coal buds nre situated a few miles
northeast of Montana. Work will be com
menced soon.
Diaries for 1833 at G. A. Clark's.
The gold headed cane to be presented
by Ent Post G. A. II. to the person re
cei ing the highest number of votes for It,
was on Friday last handed over to W. H.
Tubbs, of the Hxchnnge Hotel, he being
the fortunate v, inner. Sheriff Ent made
the presentation. The cane is of ebony
with handsomely carved gold handle, up
propriatcly engraved.
Crackel Glass Vases at G. A. Clark's.
Holiday Presents aro anually sought for.
Hut it is often dilllcult to find appropriate
and inexpensive articles of real value, that
will be kept, used and appreciated by a
friend. Among these we would make
favorable mention of the Noyes Dictionary
Holders and Noyes Handy Tables. Apply
to L. W. Noyes, 83 West Monroe St., Chi
cago, for nn illustrated circular and great
ly reduced prices.
HoforXmas! HoforXmas!!
The place to buy a Xmas present, a
nice lint u nice coat a nice suit In fact
anything nice In gent's wear can now bo
tound at I). Lowenberg's.
A Jackson township man who was sum
moned as a giand juror, appeared In court
on Monday morning so intoxicated that the
judges discharged liim from the jury and
lined him twenty dollars. We are informed
that he Is not In the habit of drinking, but
as lie left home very early in the morning,
he probably took something on the way to
keep him warm, and got too much. Hotter
not take any next time.
Christmas Goods now open nt the Peo.
pie's Drug and Hook Store.
Tho Mechiinlcsburg Fodder Cutter and
Grinder, best in the world. White & Con
ner of OriingcvUle, solo agents for Colum
bin county. Will deliver cutters any
where in the county at Mechanlcsburg
prices. White & Conneii,
Orangevlllc, Columbia County,
dec. 1-Slw Pa.
Call nt G. A. Clark's Hook Store, If you
wish to see a lino linn of Holiday Goods.
The silver wedding of Mr. Jacob Gel
singer and lady of Fisldngcreek township,
was celebrated on last Saturday. A num.
ber of invited friends wero present who ex.
pressed their congratulations In kind words
and valuable gifts. After tho pastor had
delivered a biief address the guests par.
took of a sumptuous dinner during which
the family physician gave some good
ailvlco which was regarded as very oppor
tune. The finest line of Dinner and Tea sets
for Christmas prcsr nts nt Klnports & Hro's
Norton. The undersigned having ills,
posed of his stock of boots nnd shoes to
W' J. Kendlg, who will take possession on
January 1st, desires persons knowing
themselves Indebted to him to call and
settle before the last day of December, by
so doing you will confer n great favor. All
accounts unsettled ut that time, will bo
left in tho hands of a proper ofllcer for col.
lection, as ho moves South, the llrst week
in January. C. E. Krssi.eii.
Autograph Albums at G, A. Clark's.
They say Klnports tc liro. keep the finest
and cheapest stock of groceries In town,
Parties attending court during tho week
were delighted at the bargains they bought
at Hloonislmrg's popular clothier, D. Low.
cnberg. .
Alexander it Woodhouso cuino hero a
few years ago and started business on a
small scale, but by their energy mid cuter,
prise, they have built up a largo trade, and
are now carrying a large stock of tobacco,
cigars, confectionery, fruits, nuts, &c.
They are doing n very extensive whole,
salo business, and country dealers can do
as well with them as in the cities. They
aro now ready fortlie Holidays and Invito
an Inspection of their establishment.
Pocket Hooks and Purses at G. A.
('link's. t
Decorated Panels at 0, A. Clark's.
The ronceri at. tho Opera House last
week Wednesday evening wns one of the
richest treats that has ever been afforded
n llloomsburi: nudlencc. Camilla tJrsn
has a world wide reputation ns n violinist,
and It lias been justly earned. Her piny
lug Is wonderful. Willi closed eves ami
easy movement of tho arm she brlnirs from
tho Instrument tho sweetest tones, nnd exc-
elites the most dilllcult compositions.
With tho last swlnir of her ewcllcil bow
she opens her eyes as though waking from
a'drcam It Is said that her great skill has
been nciinlrcd only by years of toll. Tin,
other members of tho company nro all nr.
lists. Mr. Llebllne. the man st. M Uses
Spader and Hall, all did their work well,
and received hearty encores. Jlr. Hiirbnnk
convulsed bis hearers with his comic reel,
tatlon, nnd wns recalled. Through the
entire programme warm apppreclatlon was
exhibited by the audience, showing that
the cultured people of Hloomsbuni have no
dllllculty In delecting merit in a musical
eiitettalnment of a high order.
An elegant lino of Stationery for tho Hoi.
iday trade at G. A. Clark's.
CIuIih for 188,1
Every one of our farmer friends should
take a good Agricultural Journal. We
are enabled to offer the JYnnsi'rant'u Far
mer with the Cou'mman for only $2,00 per
year. The Farmer Is u neat sixteen page
paper, the regular price of which is one
dollar a year. If any one wishes to see a
sample copy before clubbing, send a postal
card to Pennsylvania Fai nier, Mercer, Pa.
Tlie TrniiMlt of Vciuih.
On Wednesday at noon ginups of men
stood on the streets looking at the sua
through smoked glasses. At the lower
right hand comer of the sun could bo seen
n small round black spot, which was Venus
crossing the face of the great luminary.
Observations were made all over Ihe coun
try by scientific men, and we shall soon
learn from their reports what they have
found out. The next transit will occur in
the year 2001. Keep your smoked glasses
A li'atnl Accident.
A vouii!r man named Itcubim Mnnri-v
' - .
was killed in Locust township on Saturday
nisi, aoout noon, by tlie accidental ills-
charge of a gun. Hu was out hunting
rabbits witli his brother, and in jumping
on a log the gun caught in some way, and
was discharged, tho shot entering the fore
head, and coming out at the back ot the
head, literally blowing his brains out. His
brother was some distance away, but found
him soon afterwards. An inquest was
held by Esqulro Swank, and the above
found to be the facts. The deceased was ,i
cousin of tlie ShcrilT-elect. His ago was
about 24 years.
Hliurllf'H Hales.
The Sheriff sold on Monday, the follow,
ing properties, viz.: The undivided half in
tercst 13 acres, in Fishlngcreek, belonging
toll. H. Knrns, for 213.00 to J. 1). .Me.
Henry. All the right, title and interest, of
Caleb O'Hrian and terre tenants, in a tract
of land of 03 acres in Fishlngcreek, to E.
II. Little for iJIO.OO. A tract of land of
Win. Unaugst, containing;!) acres in Fishing,
creelc, to Mrs. Win, Unaugst, for $90.00.
A piece of la ml belonging to Emandus
Unaugst, the old "Forks Hotel" stand in
Fisldngcreek, to Jackson Ale for 115. 00.
The property of Andrew Lunger, of Centre,
will be sold on Saturday; also the lots of
Win. Tnrr, of lllooinsburg, on same day,
according to adjournment.
A Hue assortment of Jewel Cases, Work
Hoxes, and Gentlemen's Dressing Cases at
the People's Drug and Hook Store.
To l'rln.crH.
Mr. J. K. Hittenbender has just secured
a patent on a valuable Invention of his
own. It is mi ink fountain for job printing
presses, and we believe it is the best thing
of the kind yet Invented. We have used
them in this olllee for several months and
llud they do their work admirably. As
soon as arrangements can bu made for
their manufacture they will be placed in
the market, and will, no doubt, meet with
ready sale. They can be put on almost any
job press with disc distribution, and the
prices will be reasonable. For information
concerning them address Tun Comtmman,
Blooinsburg Pa.
Picture Frames nnd Easels in great varl-
ety at G. A. Clark's.
llcrwlclc Ileum.
Next Tuesday evening the Hon. Win.
Parsons, will lecture on Heroes of the Ho
meric age. This will be one of the finest
elocutionary efforts ever listened to iii this
place. Mr. Parson's reputation for elo.
quence nnd effective oiatory is second to
few on the American platform.
A debate will take place in the Y. M. C.
A. Hall, between members of tlie Plymouth
Lyceum and the Herwlck Literary Society.
The subject chosen Is as follows, "Would
it be wise or expedient to abolish tlie Inter
nal Iteveniie." There will doubtless be a
good turn out of our citizens.
A very successful ice cream and oyster
supper sociable was held In the M. E.
church on the evening of Thanksgiving day
and over one hundred and tit I v dollars was
realized towards defraying the debt on the
Pocket and Family liibles at G. A.
Centre Not ok.
Thanksgiving evening Mrs. Geo. lliigcn.
liuch gave a surprise party in honor of her
husband's birthday. Quite n number of Hie
relatives and friends were present and a
very enjoyable time was had. Under the
management ot Mrs. Hagenbuch a party
never tails to prove a success. All Join in
wishing George many happy returns of the
Humor has it that Hew N. Spear expects
soon to remove to Hloonisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Hagenbuch iind Jlr.
nnd -Mrs. Frank llngeiibuch returned on
Saturday from a six week's visit In the
west. In Iowa they visited their brother,
Wilson Hagenbuch who settled there In
1870. In Illinois, John Vaiidersllco who
went from this county in 1871), Ehvood
Hughes, Isaiah Welsh, G. W. Shaffer and
others who settled there at an earlier date.
They report a very pleasant time among
friends In Michigan and Ohio. They all
express themselves well pleased with the
trip and the western country and people,
The gentlemen appeared pleased to learn
of the grand Democratic Victory achieved
In their absence but are no doubt a little
ashamed of the fact that they deserted us
just before the laurt Is were won. There Is
nothing llku "sticking to it."
At the Hldley church neither tho Presby
terian nor the Lutheran denominations
have a minister and their pulpits are va
cant. Such a state of affairs should not
exist in this community.
Jacob F. ItlnU & Sou, our enterprising
tauuers, aro doing a thilviug business this
winter, and It is hinted Unit tho sou antici
pates taking a partner to share his Joys
and protlts. lUi-tmniit.
American watches In gold and silver
cases warranted from 2 to fl years, also a
large line of linger rings, solid gold, from
one dollar up, wedding lings made to order
and warranted 18 carat, at L. liernliard's,
itlrtli May iarty.
On Thursday morning, Thanksgiving
day, could be seen sleighs, sleds, buggies
nnd kprlug wagons, well tilled, wending
their way to the residence of .Mr. Philip
Cicasy of JIl. Pleasant township, to sur
prise him luul cchibrnto ,hls fllty.second'
blrth-day. The stllprlsu was complete.
The two sons, Jlatk nnd Hush, weioout
gunning, the daughter, JIIss Fannie, was
hastily prepai Ing dinner so that she might
go calling with u lady friend, the host and
hostess wero 1clstin!y whUmg away the
morning. oou the tables, extending
through the entire length of the dining
hall were groaning beneath the weight of
roast chicken, duck, goove, turkey, cakes
of l.liitt- Innumerable, but of quality
superb In short everything to satisfy the
most fastidious, After all were served
the lime was occupied lu social converse
Interspersed with excellent music by JIurk
Creasy. The presents wero costly and
numerous, ranging In value from line to
eight dollars. The donors did not forget
.Mrs. Creasy, as she, too, was the recipient
of nil excellent ensy chair.
After seeing and conversing with Jlr.
Ci easy ono can hardly believe that ho has
been tin frosts of llfly-two winters. He is
one of the very few who never grow old.
His smiling countenance and winds of
cheer are such ns to Infuse new life and
vigor even Into tin most sedate.
When tho sun sunk into the western
horizon, nnd tlie goddess of night began
to unfold her subtle curtains, wo were
reminded that the hour of adjournment
had arrived, lliddlng each oilier adieu
and wishing Jlr. and JIrs, Creary as much
prosperity and happiness In the future as
they have enjoyed in the past, wo went to
our respective homes feeling that it wns
Indeed n gala day to every one present.
Fine boxed papers nt G. A. Clark's.
The largest, tlie best, the newest,
the cheapest, the nicest
stock of icndy.inado clothing now on view
at Hlnomsburg's popujnr clothier, D. Low
cnberg, Christmas Cards at G. A. Clark's.
Minilu IleillH.
The rcjtilar tialns on the new railroad
do a great deal lo enliven our town.
Jliss Sallie Jllller his purchased a new
organ which Is nmoiig tlie very best. It is
called "The Standard" and was purchased
at Taniaqu.i.
Jlr. Caleb Creasy who was burned out
just a year ago has rebuilt, nnd moved In
his new house some two weeks ago. On
Saturday 23 tilt., his relatives and friends'
surprised him with a liberal donation
which consisted of many very useful ar
ticles. We understand however, Unit, with
tlie exception of Jlr. and JIrs. D. A. Hess'
the presents wero all from the country.
A great many rabbits have been killed
about this place for the pat ten days.
Hew Fosselman.pastorof the Evangelical
church at Hetlerville closed a very interest
ing protracted meeting on Sunday evening.
Tho meeting had been in progress four
The school known us Smith's was not
opened for the llrst three weeks of the
term, for want of a teacher. The Directors
were finally successful iu.liii ing Jliss Etta
Evans of Hloonisburg, who graduated at
the Normal school in the class of "S2."
Hiram Creasy moved lo llingtown on
Thursday last.
JIrs. John lluffnagle died on Friday
evening after a brief illness of fever. Jtrs.
Muffnngle will be remembered for many
years as one of tho very best housekeepers
ever known. She leaves a husband, one
son, and three small daughters and many
warm friends to mourn her loss. Her le
malns were buried on Jlonday. The ser
vices were conducted by Hev. Sharretts of
JIrs. Jacob Penebcckcr and JIrs. Samuel
Drum are lying at Hie very lowest point of
life and their recovery is possible but by
no mentis probable.
An interesting singing school is in pro
gress at Zlon's church, instructed by Prof.
N. JI. Keck.
Samuel Snyder and lady returned on
Wednesday from a pleasant visit among
their many relatives in the eastern counties
of this state and Hacketstown, N. Y.
The young people had a pleasant and
profitable evening ut school No. (1, on the
evening of Thanksgiving by Ihe kindness
of their teacher, Ml' .Miller In having a
spelling match. Tlie spelling and singing
was said lo be good.
Tlie town has been greatly improved in
nppeiirnnce for the past few weeks by the
great amount of painting done.
The great superiority of DR.
allothercough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
that old established remedy.
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
HoaiEeucss, Croup, Asthma. 13ron-
rliitvi. Wlinnninr fYim'h. Tnciiiienf:
1 ' i D O 1 rn
Consumption and for the relief of n
uuiputv; J.l-.UU3 III IU1UU-IU HI
'ta-es ot the jJisea?e. ror bale
t',1 Druggists. Price, "."i cents.
Union Square lings for sale at this olllee,
Don't miss seeing the goods Ed. Hart.
man. of tlie mm ot l. u . llartiuiin & bou.
bought last week In Ihe city lor special
sates lor uuristiniis pri'scnis.
W. H. Allen lias Just opened a lot of new
cooiis, eniliraelU!; line groceries, class
ware, painted china, queensware, iVc. All
of the best, and at Ihe lowcl prices,
npiil 7-tf
A largo Hue of shawls Just received at
i.uiz ic ftioairs.
The celebrated While or New Davis
sewing machines would make a very ae.
iTptaulo Christmas present. J. baltzer,
lienernl Agent, lllooinsliurg, t'a.
Farmers dealing at V. 11 Allen's can be
accommodated with stabling, apr. 7-tf.
A lino stock of Christmas goods tit O, 0,
Saltzeris offering special inducements
tor tho holiday seaiui. 70() lilimns fur
fciMO, and .3'j5. Organs from ijO.'i up.
Ladles' woik baskets and other fnncv
willow ware with dolls and nick nacks anil
Jim Cracks In staido and fancy goods lo
ue loiimi in i inrii iv Min s,
As good cigars as can be tound lu town
are kept at V. It. Allen's East end gro
eery. upril 7.lf
Wool blankets and comforts, cotton and
wool iianueis, ciicap ut f. V. JIarr's.
3 for
1 K
Wo Invite nil to comeniid see our holiday
display on .Monday coming at H.J.Clark
it Son's.
For silks,, cashmeres, cloths or dress
goods of liny kind go to Lutz it Sloan's.
Only gootl produce taken for holiday goods
nt I. W. Hnrlmntt &, Son's.
Ladles' Underwear nt Clark & Son's.
Flour and ' feed can always be had a
Allen's East end grocery. npril 7-tf
Don't wnlt for I. W. Hnrtman & Son's
Christinas circulars this season, as all their
time is taken iiti Willi iirctinratlon in tlie
sioro tor me noiiiiay goods.
Call and take
a look.
l'ur lilniililngs and fur hats and cups,
muffs, iic. with the largest line of ladies'
dress dimming of the latest styles nt
Clark & Son'..
C. C. Mn it pays for butter U'i cents, egg
!)'), laid li, onions $1,00. potatoes M)
cents, com M nnd oats fit) cents.
Ladles' suiting llaniiels in bronze and
other leading shades with a large line of
dress goods at pi ices not to be undersold at
Clark & Son's.
Lodging nnd meals can lie Jintl nt D,
Slohticr's In Exchange block, n few doors
above. PoMt.olllcc. Parties nltendlng Com t
can be accommodated. New York Hell
Gate Heer always on hand, also tub and
shell oysters.
lllack nnd colored cashmeres from 00
cents per yard up, Foule cloths 1 ynrd
wide leduced from 70 cents to D3 cents
per yard, lllggest line of the season nil
wool. Clark & Son.
Hoots and shoes for men, women and
children, cheap nt C. ('. JIarr's,
Lutz & Sloan will ..have their full stock
of Christmas goods in fiext week.
Ladles' coats, dolmans and satin De
Leon circulars, nnd cloths; and wool and
silk plushes. Our black and colored silk
plushes at S2.r,0 per yard jthey Say beat
them all- Call and see them, Clnrk it Son."
All kinds of glassware, plain nnd ornn.
menteil, at I. W. Hartmau ,: Son's.
C. C. Jlarr sells sugar' for 10 cents,
syrup BO and 73 cents, can't be beat.
II. 11. Clark, oflTX Ch"irk"& Son Is now
In New York buying goods for the boll,
days, so look out for n large display of
useful and fancy goods to bu sold at prices
to suit all.
Lutz it Shan are offering bargains in
ladies' coats and Dolmans.
The finest Hue of tea and chamber sets
now open for Christinas sales nt I. W.
Hartnian it Son's. Call and see them.
Now is the time to buy n double shawl,
C. C. Jlarr is selling a line lot at cost.
You remember the line assoitment of
Christmas goods at I. W. llartiiinu's last
season? They will be surpassed far by this
year's display at I. W. Hartmau & Son's.
For good blankets cheap, go to Lutz &
C. C. Jlarr lias the largest stock of goods
he lias ever had, and the cheapest.
pcoplo nro always on tho I, out for clnnces to In.
create, tneircaralncs.ana in
limn lipnnrni. vi.illhv , thnvn
who ilonnr improve their opportunities remain In
poverty. We olfer a great clnnco to mako money.
o want many men, women. bjs nn,l girls to
work for us rljht In their own localities. Any ono
can do iho work properly from the llrst stirt. Tho
tiiisloess win pay moro than ten limes ordlnnry
wa?es. KxpenMve outfli furnished tree. No ono
wuo cMMgrs fulls to mako mouoy rapidly. You
cm dovoto your who'o time to Iho work or onlv
your sp.uu moment'. ti!l Information and all
that Is needed sent free. Addrjss stinson s Co..
I'ortt.ind, Maine. Dec. s, 'S'My.
Hils popular jjurntl 1 a raro combination of
uleintiire, art and lishloa. Us stories poemx.
nudes asareby the best writers of Kiirop.i aud
mi erica; liscngritvlugj pussess Ilia highest ar
tistic excellence; mid In all mat ers pertumln. to
fashion It Is iiuIVHrsnlly ncknmtli tilted to 1m tho
laadlux authority In ihnlmd. 'I ho new oluinu
will contain many tirllllaiu. notcltlcs.
lprr Yrnr: S IlAZAIt 4 00
llAlll'KII'i MUIAK1NIS U 10
HAiii'i:it'.s wi:i:icy i
'1'lie 'I lllllii: above publications lo no
iuy i v, u nuuiu luuieu , w
HAWK 'a VOI'Mi I'hOl'LE 1 f.0
IIAItl'Klt'S MAIi..K 1 r
iiAiti'iiif.s YouNu ri; i'i,i:f 5 uu
Ono tiar ('.i Nntnters) lo oo
1'ostago Freo to nil hiibscrlberi in tho United
States or i anada.
Too Volume? of tho liazar bet-In with th nrt
Number lor January ef each s ear. When nntimn
Is mentioned It will bo understood that th- sub
seiluer wlshei ta commence with ihu -Number
iirxmiiiT mo receipt ot oraer
The last Four Annum VoJum3 ot Harper's
Imzir, In neat cloth binding:, "111 bo sent by
mall IlOSfncM, nrilri Imn nf rrvnti,
(prjvlied tho freight does not excel d ono dollar
per volume.) lorji uu per volume.
L'lotU C'uses lor each volume, In hind.
Ing, will bj bent by mall, post pall, on i ecelpt. of
llcmlttanres Miiul.l bo mad.) by Po.'ifllce
Money Orfot or Iiratt. to avoid eh inee of lois.
Newspapers aie not lo copy this advertisement
without Ihe express older uf lUiienn & lliioTUKiif.
Addresj it a lU'EI! i IiItOTHElis, New York.
Letters of administration on thec&tnto of Thomas
An n. I.i'oor .Miniln township. Col. eo. decease. 1
have been granti d by tho lleglsterof said county to
v tlllam II. Aien and .Mary .tvn. All pirsons hav
ing claims ugalnst tho esiate of cald decedent aro
miutstcd lo present them for settlement and
thoio Indebted to mako payment! to tho under-
signeo aumiMstrat'jrawitho'it aIav,
MAUY ati:n.
Dee. S-iiw, Administrators.
For Sale.
Ai i:sy 'i'Ehms.
A lartro two-storv Vulck frtnrn hrr.iw. Rtrrnhln tnr
store housn iind dwelling with him er yard, frnms,
barn, w Igh bc.iles and all mod tii eoavenlonceti,
Mtiuted in l.lghtstreet, (Ailuinbli counly, t'a."
corner of Main Mill street, now occupied by
"Has Young, rhls stor.1 house Is in good repair
uu'iwiuu; in soon, i' oriuriner p.iriicuiars iu
quire of s. c. CII13ASY,
acc s.-.' w iiioomsDurg, ra.
not, life U sweeping ny, go
'ometnliiir mielitv and sun.
mm ui.iv ueiuu lui llie.
Uuio leave behind to connuer
ilmo" to in week In j on own town, tsouintfreo.
mi nsic. nv fiyiuiiiL' new. c aurni noi renuirto.
Wo v 111 furnish von everMhlmr. .Minv nro rmiklnir
rmin.i'S. I adles in ike as much ns men. and linvn
uii'i gini nuns gro.ii pay. ii"iuinr, it you want
uuMiiess ni wine i you cnu maKO ereat niv ah i ne
tlino, Ailt f ,r pirilcultri lo II. lUusrr A Co.,
Portland , Jlalno 1) o, s, VJ-ly.
Wheat per bushel
Hjo "
Corn, "
oils " "
Kiour per barrel
Dried Apples
Ilnm4 .
sides .t Shoulders
Tin keys
Lard per pound
Ilav per ton
buckwheat llower per loo.
............ . .
Ki.ouk-t io market was dull and if
lino is i'ivj.imi ; extra M.toutl out Pennsylvania
ilium,- ?, , viuiu iiuti mniaua family
6.uuft5.i5 1 Jllnuesotaoxtra HAwait do straight
f3.50iill.IIO! Hll.ter met,.. .1 i i .' ZHil. V.Si
ilYK Flock il.003i.13.
WiKiT Market, was steady: No, a western red
ll.iNinai.imn Delaware nnd I'ennnylvanU red
t ons Tho iniiket was dull for local uso: new
ungraded ruiaTito, do sail TVrtTJo; old btouiner
sin, iln m!vi,l , . .v u.i.,.in
(iT-Mnrket wus liwellve, lap steady i No,
wlilliiSKi; No. do 44 Si is, IDs: No.l!Uo4To I No.
mixed 4c.
llvk-ijulet a' Si,yHe.
I. Allll lltl I.'.,,. VI- ... i .I I .. ,..,,.. ....
t'Jo Ijoso tmtchw Jtill0 irliuo sieuui
nViTKii-l'enulvanla and wo.tera creamery
....... jM.ivi.vm iuuuij unci .-now 101K
intra 3.nJ4o Hulls steady j fcunjylvauta, ii,
KuiH-r'cirnsylvantiim.iWiM western 5001 too
Our Hock of Holiday Goods nro now
being opened nnd consist of nil tho latest
nnd choicest designs to bo found, nnd wc
Cordially Invite you to call and c.xnmliic
our Celluloid Toilet cases, Florence Toilet
cases, Dlatllo Toilet cases, fine color cases,
gentlemen's traveling cases, lino perfume
cases, lino mirrors, hand glnsscs, cloth,
hair, tooth and null brushes, silver fruit
knives, children's knives, forks and spoons,
nut picks, shell ami pearl pocket knives,
cigar cases of the very ilncst tpmllty.
poitmonlcs, coin bags In great variety and
nt all pliers, line spectacles, eye, reading
and colored glasses from 2.1 cents up.
Fine perfumes from nil tho celebrated
makers i "Lily of the Valley," white lilac,
H.alln, tube rose, JIary Slcwait, L'loiiosa,
wild olive and many others. Toilet soap,
cut, decorated iind plain toilet bottles very
iii 'ja p.
Wu have tho cheapest nlcklo library
lamps ever olfcrcd, also very lino brass
nnd nlcklo plated library, hand, stand,
student and bracket lamps very cheap
don't fall to see ours before purchasing.
New goods constantly arriving.
For tho next thirty days we purpose
closing out the remaining stock of the
Central Tea Store. Wo have yet about
COO pounds of tea and n small stock of
other grocery goods which will be sold low
to close them out, regardless of cost. Call
soon for bargains.
N. J. Hendershott.
"Li MlUY"
Medical Superintendent of ths Sanltithm.
Bloomsliwrg, Pa.
Nervous affections nntl diseases of
women n speciality.
Terms for board and treatment at
the Institution reasonable.
People in Hloonisburg and vicinity
wishing to consult Dr. Shattiiek should
call only during ouice hours from 8 to
0 a. m., and 1 to 2 p. in.
nov s.j-m
Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kid
ney, Hladder and Urinary Diseases. $1.
Why do so many people wc see around
us, seem to prefer to suffer and be made
miserable by Indigestion, Constipation,
I)i.7iness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of
the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75 cts.,
we will sell them Shllob's Vilallzer, guaraii.
teed to cure them. Sold by J. II. Kin.
ports. may 5-eow
Dr. K. II. Janes a noted physician of the
Xcw York Hoard of Health says :
I take great pleasure In testifying my
npprobation of the 'superior qualities of
the Port Wine produced by Jlr. A. Speer,
of Passaic, New Jersey. I have been to
bis vineyards and cellars.
After a prolonged trial I can confidently
recommend the wine as a superior article
for the sick mid debilitated, and all those
who require vinous stimulation and in
visoratlou. I shall continue to employ in my prnc
lice in all cases where a pure article of
wine is called for the sick : and shall do all
in my power lo foster and encourage its
production. For sale by C. A. Kkim.
All ladles who may be troubled with ner
vous prostration ;who suffer from organic
displacement ; who have a sense of weari
ness and a feeling of lassitude ; who arc
languid in the morning ; in whom tlie tip.
petite for food is capricious and sleep .it
proper times uncertain, should have recourse
to JIrs. J'inkhins, Vegetable Compound.
V'.Sklll and patience succeed where
force fails." The quiet skill and patient
research which brought fotth Kidney-Wort
illustrate the truth of the faith, its grand
success everywhere Is admitted. Disease
never comes to us without a cause. Ask
any good physician the reason nnd ho will
tiii you something interferes with the
working of the great organs. Kidney.
Wort enables them to overcome nil oli.
structions and preserves perfect health.
Try a box or botllo at once.
61111.0113 CONStlMl'lloN UUIIC.
This is beyond question tlie most success
fill Cough JtedlcSne we have ever sold, a
few doses invariably cure the worst cnes
of Cough, CroiM), nnd Hronchltis, while its
wonderful success In tho cure of Consump
tion is without a parallel In the history of
medicine. Sinco its llrst discovery it has
been sold on n guarantee, a test which no
oilier medicine can stand. If you have a
Cough we earnestly ask you to try It. Price
10 nts, nnd $1:00. If your Lungs are sore,
Chest, or Hack, Lame, use Shllob's Porous
Plaster. Pilce 25 cts. Sold by J. II. Kin.
ports. may 5 cow
Physicians presoilbo Hrown's Iron Hit-
tors lor luiiigesiion, wciiKness, low spirits,
Wells Health Itenewcr" -estores health
and viuor, ciues Dyspepsia, Impotence
sexual Debility.
WFaded articles of all kinds restored
to their original beauty by Diamond Dyes.
'cried ami simple. 111 cciih, 111 an urug-
siin.ou's cATAimu UEMEiiv. A marve
lous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker
moiilli, anil lleail Acbe. Willi eacli bottle
there is un ingenious nasal Injector for the
more successful treatment ot these com
plaints without extra charge. Price OOcts.
Sold by J. II, Klnports. mayO-cow
Wlir.S J.AWES AUK ATTit.vorivi:.
All ladles know their faces are most at.
tractive when free from pimples, Parker's
limner ionic is popular iimoii!r t hem
because It banlfho impurities from blood
and skin und mikes the face glow witli
DllsKIlVEm.V l'OPUI.AIl.
Unless it had ureal merit Parker's Glnuer
Tonic could not bu so popular. Its sale
nas siireau rcninntaiiiy everywlieie, lie.
cause Invalids tlnd It give, them new life
anil vigor wnen oilier meillclnes lull en
tlreiy. Cmio i unucr.
See 11 woman in another .column, near
Speer's Vineyards, nicking grapes from
which Spcei's Port Urapo Wine is made,
that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical
proicssion, mr uie use 01 invalids, wealtly
persons aim till' ugeil.
Sold by Druggists. sept 22-ly
T. Walker, Cleveland. O.. writes 1
tho last twelve mouths I have suffered
with lumbago uud general debility.
t'Oliiiucuccd lakiiur Hindock 111. mil Il'lller
about six weeks ago. and now have trreat
pleasure 111 suiting that l nave recovered
my iippetlte, my complexion has grown
iiumy, nun icei iiener imogeuicr, ' rneo
"llOUQll ON HATS."'
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants,
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
IW. J'lllgglSlS.
Otto J. Doesburg, proprietor Holland Cily
Aw, Jlich., writes 1 "A bad cold settled
uu iiij sine nun oacn, Kinney trouble, liver
and rheumatism combined) I guttered
teulbly, though was obliged to niovo
about aud nlteiid to business. I tried local
doctors, but received no relief, and 'as a
fin lorn Hope' tried your Thomas' F.cleclrlo
Oil 1 have only used half 11 ilfty cent hot.
tie, uml feel its. well m I ever did In my
Holiday Goods
irjr'nii.VK'iiww iMJliint
nUT-o'-tovvi coir .r.rra of DUV GOODS
will fluiUhat ! KO '.'r'TiTCr by -when
c'ono throunrh our rtc:r ctod
., , . fCcLveaTime!
MaiLOllLDsilijrriilii'i vc Honey !
" I.G170G Ftitiguo!
And ia ftcst ao Szizv factory
aa ohoppiiiir ia yorsoa a"; v'.-.n ccu--i-;c:o
' .t
TTTRITS to u (a Toctal Caret vriH Co) etatlng
v v tho UintU of coCa dosiroa. SAMPLES
to BOlocfc from, with yriccri c.-.d vzicUho correctly
marked, will Ijo tevraruJl "Ly l iLaru r.-.aSl.
Our Mail Ordar Dopariraicnt J3 crcrml-od with
suoh porfect cyoiorj, that T70 caa cr.iarar.tco all
Orders filled fno Gamo day as receiyed,
whothcr f ;r cro-.s cr caraploo.
Our prices can bo :cU.l x.poa ta r.lwaya baing
Eighth and Market Sts., Phiiad'a.
clnvWcd to ex'ammcthc beautiful-'
7rwA3 tf arS Contained rrt wrimpcrfaffeit
of the Season ,
ts M&oftno iargeft and ' fttteft,
Collections eycrjh&ntnffiQ
uiiiituwiotuj anacompriic'iinany
original Woi'Kff,vhici are fpecial
ioour'Jioue.u. '
A wek innilx at liomn t y the Industrl.
oils. Dent InlDllli'KX now liefnrn tlin
f w ilillfl. (I.inltnl nut. iicmInI Vl,.,,ii
S' lift (III. Ml'tl. UI1I1IPI1. IimM nn.l
wantcil i Ttnhrre to Hnrlt form. Nowlmlio
time, Yoiinin wo klu nure llnw, nr itlve juur
wliole time to the bubln . No other taislnekH
lll pay jon nearly un e,l Nomie can fall t j
inako ein iiiMU? pij, U) etiMUlntf Olunie. IVblly
outllt Blull riusfr t'. Moiny mule fnht, euMly,
ami honorably. Aildrena Tiu'g & 10, Autrnsta
Maine. Dec. 8, V.My.
i lif iotuW ruiwly fur tb abuts dUM; Diltt
ftkliaiOK Iito IiecD cui aa. lu1d,i Hrwlirf U XDt UUS
U 111 tticicj, that 1 t n4 TWO l l)n'l.l"( FKUE. W
IDUUIIDQI VI VftBVB U( int WVrii IB(1 KUtt CI 111;
iivBDJIciur. (iktl.iiH 1 si audi', O. uildrt'i.
T rarsi.f-1
r X & 516 3
fey Hanfa Ba&tXctfo
'PfillnrlpfMhia .
U. , JL btOCUAI. llUVtittt., Ktff
$5 to $20For dayVl0mL Hnpies wortli is