The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 08, 1882, Image 1

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    tfjES op DVEsVpsiNQ'
U)C dollllTk5clll.
1oliK i-imutiuiMciOilliHWiiiUi.n l? lie? ' I'il(l'J",
I u the 'eouniy'! "" lo"Kcr ex'll;t 'r" wbrtbe
miort notice, iicuiiy anTa" moderau! price,. "
13. WAIJdllt,
liM'tiLUfi n,l0,n?'1,"nk' bulldlnir, second lloor,
LfVilriI0i'. '"f"-' "' corner of Mam and W
ket streets, llloomsburg, I'a,
jT U. ITNIv,
onico In Knrs imiidinK.
liMOMsnusn, Pa,
ATTO 1 i X U V-AT-L A W.
l)t.O0MSHCKO, Pa.
omco on Main street, 1st iloor below Court llouto.
lll.O0MStll'H0, I'A,
omco over Schuyler's llardwaro store.
J .
omco In lirowcrM .muainff.scconcl No. I
lUoomsburtTi l'a,
Blootnsburg, l'a.
onico corner of Ccntro nnd .Main Streets. Clark's
Cin bo consulted In Herman.
r.O. I',. KIAVKIiTi.
Nkw Co'.cmpun Ucimuno, llloomsbursr, Pa.
Member of the United States Law Association.
Collections made In any part of America or Eu
rope. pAUL K. WIKT,
onio-i In coi.vsiiiuK liriLDiN-a, lfoomNo.2, second
llloomtburg, Pa.
Ofllou in Mm. Knt's Hulldlng.
Sept. 15 VM y.
Ofllcclnll.J.clark'Jliiilirtlni,', second lloor, llrst
door to tho left.
Oct. 8, 'so.
Notary Public
A t Lorneys-at-Law.
onir-o In 1st National llinl; building, second lloor,
llr-it door to tho lclt. corner of Main and Market
streets llloomsburg, Pa.
tSfPeimons and Jloiinlies Colhchd.
omcelnMrs. L'ul's liulldlng, third door from
Main street. May no, '81.
Toux c. Yncni,
A Wnvnnv-nt-LnWi
Ofllco In Ni:ivs Item building, Main Urcet.
Member of tlio American Attorneys' Assocla
tliin. Collections madoluany p.irtot America.
Jan. o, ism.
Jackson Unlltling, Kooms 4 ami 0.
May C, -81. HEHWICK, PA
y H. It 11 AWN,
catawlssa, Pa.
Ofllco, corner of Third and Main streets.
"y.M. II. SXYDKl..
Ornngeville, I'a.
Ofllco In Low's liulldlng, second lloor, second
door to th? left,
can bo consulted In Herman. auc 18 'e2
K. SMITH,, liorwick. Pn.
Can be Consulted in (it-imnn.
ai-ii riiM'.ei.Ass
ciiMi'.vNiK- i:i:ri:iKNTEii.
ft' Olllci- Willi Hie IWnvick Independent.
1 NUCKINtillAM, AttoniDv-si-Uw,
,,(lllee, llrockw.iy's liulldlng :ist lloor,
lubuuisburg, Penn'a. may 7, nw f
Sn, liAHKLEi, Allorm'v-i-i.l pw
. onico lu llrower's building, Snd siorj.llo'jms
T 15. McKKIA'Y, M. D.,Furgenn ami Phy
J .slelan.nortUsldoMaln street.below Market
L. FKITZ, Adorney-nt-Law. Office
, in cou'Miiian liulldlng, June!) 'si.
K.-wfni; Machines nnd Machinery of .ill klndP re.
p.lrcd. onniA Horns liulldlng, l!loomburg, Pa.
Ofllce, Nfi-tli Market street,
llloomsburg. Pa.
mi m. iti:in:it. siiiL'con mid
i Jl'lijblclau. omco of Ilock uud Market
T u KVlVS. Af. D.. Kurceon and
i J -Plivslclau. (onico and JtcMdenco on Tblrd
n' Ai't-.isr.
Hnirinnt HH old stand under KSi'lI'OE
llt)l'KInnd Uas as usual a PI HJir-t. i.A
HAltliKllsiini'. u ruJi.L'u.iuuj -patronai-o
of ills old customers aud " ,SS?r
ryt. i. l. RAHti,
Main street, opposlto Episcopal CUurcb,
uioomsaurg, l'a,
Teeth extracted without pain.
Oct, M7.
oi'i'osiTi: foritT novsii.
largo and conveiil.-nt wimple rooms. UatUroouji
Uot una cold water.ttud all modem conrculawx
0. E.ELWELL, - . .
A Gl'2BIBl liiflBC
ents? Furnishizig
Fall Novelties
bb consr'viisrcEiD.
The uptown Clothier, lias Just received a lino lino
of New Ooods, and Is prepared to make up
For Men and Hoys In tho neatest manner and La
test styles.
Mats. Gaps. &o-
Always on band. Call and Examine. EVANS
11L0CK Corner .Main and Iron streets,
7 li. house,
Bi.ooMsiirui,Coi.vMiiiA Copntv, I'a.
A II styles of work dono In a superior manner, work
warranted as represented. TEtm Extkact
ku without Pain by the use of (las, and
free of charge v. hen artlflclal teeth
uro Inserted,
onico over llloomsburg Hanking Company.
lo be open at all hours during the taj
Nov. 23-iy
eF. shabpTess,
Manufacturer of Plows, stoesand all Ulndsot
UaslingS. J.U liiV BlUUV Ul IliltlUlV, tWft Oiu.uis,
Itoom stoves, M0es for heating
bouses. cliurclu-H, &c. Also, largo stock of re
pairs for city stovesof all klnds.wliolcs.ilo and retail
,such us Piro llrlck, Urates, I.iu?,ueutres,Ac,stoo
Pipe, Cook Hollers. Spiders, Cake Plaies, Urge
Iron Kettles, Med Soles, Wagon Hoxes, all kinds
ot Plow points. Mould Hoards, llolts, Plaster, bait,
HUSK MAMUih, iff.
AUKNCY. Moyer'a new building, Main
street, Uloomsburg, Pa.
.Etna Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. Il.ois.m
Koyul of Llu-rpool is.sio.uou
Luneaslilro '"WVi;
Klro Association, Phllaaelphla 4,m.i,Ili
Phiunlx.of London B,vi.o,ai2
London K Lancahlre, of England.. . . l.luv.HM
llarttortof Hartford 8,8,ooii
sprlngileld l ire and Marino
As thaairenclesnro direct, policies aro written
for the insured without any delay In the
oillce at Uloomsburg. Oct, as, 'sl-tf,
these cm coarORATlOKS are well seasoned by
aito and h.ik tustkd and have noter yet bad a
loss settlodbyany court of law, Their assets
are all Invested In HOMDSECDKiTltsand are liable
to tho haiard of rwx only.
Losses rom.T and iionbsti.t adjusted and
paid as soon as determined by Ciikhtuk p,
limrr. sriCUL Aoxnt and Aujpstiu Iiuions-
tVTb people of Columbia county should patron
Ire the geuoy where losses If any aro settled
and raid or one of their own eitlzeno.
mi-RsssKts Tin rotLowina
Lrcomlng of Muncy Pennylvanla.
Nurib.Miu-rlcanot Pldladelphla, Pa,
KmuVlIn of " '
PennsjWanla of ' "
rarmersof ork, Pa.
ilunovi-rof New York.
Usnhattan of N.-woik.
onico on Market Street, No, 5, IHogmsburg,
oct. :t, "Wy
liiiiiiciisc h
l"nr l).rlfl .
Cunt I vii ti cf.n,
Sh-k lleadndir,
Chriiiilc Dliir-rliii-n,
linpurlly ff tlin
llli.oil, lVternnl
Ague, Malnrbi,
mid nil I1mmim
rf J cniieil l.y lh
rnngi-inciit of Lhtr, Ilmri-Uam) Kldneyii.
SY.iiPTOMq or A insnAsrt) r.ivrit.
Had llrcnth , Pain In tho Slile, omclimc the
pain I, felt under ll.e Slu ulJcr-bUde, mKlalttn for
KhrumalUm i Rcncral los, of nvpetitc j Howcls
ecncrally cusnvc, vmictimcs nttmutlng llh la!
the head I. troubled lili pain, U dull and heavy,
with cewiilcraMe lo rf memury, accompinlcd
with a painful cnalli n flea in undone something
which ought to have b. . n dntic. a hlight, dry cnueh
end limited face is sometimes an attendant, often for consumption, the ptknt complains
of weariness and del'llity. nervous, easily startled;
fat cold nr hurninit, sometimes n prickly sensation
of the skin exists spirits are low and despondent,
and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene
ficlal, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to
try It In fact, distrusts every remedy Scversl
of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases
have occurred when but fw of thtm existed, yet
exainln.itmn after death lias shown the Liver lo
have been extensively deranged.
It should lm turtl l.y till persotn, t.lil nnd
J-'.ung, Milt-never liny nf tho ubovo
BjtnptiiMw nppeitr.
I'crscnw Tinvi'llng nr I.lslng In L'n.
hi nllhy I.o('iillllv, by tntln a dose occasion,
ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid
sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It
will Indurate like a pa . i wine, but is liu lu
toxlculing livsi'i-UKi',
If You hut it onti-ii imjtlilng Imril ot
illni'stlnii, or fael In ivv after meals, or kI..'i.
lean at nlfht, lake ad c and you w ill be relieved
Tlinr nnd Doctors' Illlls ttlll ho tivi-tl
by iilttnys korplng the lirgtilator
In tho Ilousnl
For, whatever the aili-icnt may be, a thoroughly
safe ilirglltllo, nlloiallv.. and Initio enn
ncer !; out of place. 'I lie remedy b hnllllU-s.
untl ilix-H not Inti-iroru tilth business or
it ! i'ui!i:i.v vrir.TAiii.i:.
And has all the jiow-cr and ulic.icy of Calomel or
Quinine, without any of the Injurious after clfects.
A floternor's Testimony,
Simmons Liicr Uigulator has been in uss In my
ranuly for some time, and I am satisfied it is a
valuable addition to the mcdiral science.
J (Jill SuoRrrR, Governor of Ala,
Hon. Alcxnnilor II. Stephens, of (la.,
sas: Haie derbed si me bcnclit from the use of
bimnions Lier Utgulator, and wish to cive it a
further trial.
"The only Thing tlmt nori-r fulls to
ltel en'.' I have used manv remedies for Dys
jiepsia. Llier AtTeclion and Debility, but never
late found nn)thimr to benefit me t- tha extent
bimmons Liver Regulator has. I scnt from Min
nesota to Georgia for It. and w ul.l . end further for
such a medicine, and would adtise all who are sim
ilarly affected to give it a trial as it seems the only
Hung that never fails lo relict e.
P M. Janniy, Minneapolis, Minn.
Dr. T. W. Mason :iji From actual ex
perience In tho use of Summons Liver Regulator In
my practice 1 have been and am satisfied to use
and prescribe it as a purgative medicine.
ISS-Take only the Goliiiluo, which always
has cn lira Wrapper the rt-il 7. TrnilcOInrk
and.slgiiiiltiimif ,1. II. ziui.IN ,V CO.
AUgURC, S2 ly
Buown's Iron Bhteus
is one nf the very few tonic
medicines that aic not com
posed mostly of alcohol or
whiskey, thus becoming a
fruitful tiource of intemper
ance by promoting a desire
for rum.
Brown's Iron Bitters
is guaranteed to be a non
intoxicating .stimulant, and
it will, in nearlj ever)' case,
take the place of all liquor,
and at the same time abso
lutely kill the desire fur
whiskey and other intoxi
cating beverages.
Rev. G.W.Ricic, editor of
the American Christum Rc
ivVii', says of Urovn's Iron
Cin., O., Nov. id, isrt.
dents: 'Tile bullish .n-.t-in;;
ul t ital force in I-umiu.
plet.iu-, n:u! ticimis iiulti!
Ijciue of our people, in i'.ls
j our ircur.;tii)n a necessity;
ami if applied, will satx liun
(lretlswlio resort to saloons
fur tcniPui.H)' iccuperatiuii.
Brown's Iron Ihtters
has been thoroughly tested
for dyspep.iia, indigestion,
biliousness, weakness, debil
ity, overwork, rheumatism,
neuralgia, consumption,
liver complaints, kidney
troubles, &c, and it never
fails to render speedy and
permanent relief.
Match, 3, .'. ly
dr. j. is. Uiii&oniai,
This remedy will net In harroosy with the Fe.
male fteui at nil tlint'f, uiul a inmii-illntcly
Itpiiiitlieabdunilniil and tiH-riuo lunacies, uud ru
klnrolhciiuoahi'altliy and strong condition.
Dr. Marchlid'H I'terino t'atho'n on will ctno fall
ing of tho womb, Leunirrlin'a, Clirm n Inllimuiii
tlon and I'lciratiun i f thu W nib, Incidental
Il'innrrliaza or l'louilitu-, I'nuiful, Pupptcod
a..d IrrugulirMeiiKlrniiilon, Kidni-v Cn-nplalnt,
Hum nues mul is erporlally adupb d to l ho elmiigo
ofLlfe. Send for par-iphli-t fiee, AH letters ol
Inquiry freely answered. AddnesiiniboH', I'ur
.alu bv all dnipirlsts. Netfiil-.-t- SI per botile,
ObUlc SI. ."ill. llo xtiru mid ask for lr, Mut
chUl's L'terluo C'nllioll. on, Tukonnolhcr,
Moyerllros., Wholesale Agents, liiooiukburg Pa
diinit si.iy.
Ho other dlseaio la so prevalent In this caun.
tryaaCoiuupauon, nui no remedy lirj ever
equalled tho clcfcrabsl K -tacy.Yo:t na a
eure. vuatovcr tho oauao, howavcr ooatluato
uo caso, ini. reuioavwiii ovorc 'in jt
rll.t.lJll Is -crv r..,t !-,,
oh D 07(7 T1U3 dlstreisl'iir com
complicated tvltUceusu; ati a. Kidu yort
etr it'iena li'., tvsaus., ipa.-tli . I ' I ly
curia a Ibiudjof pi. ac at - .1 ,,- ,.juui
ana ia 4s'i i j jiavv i rt
t III', in. ' -l -s. ' otr -
r.""?'t iprj - r -
TVVVi iw.ia-s svi --t
Ho Whiskey
Daupiers, Wives, Molners!
on, ha riii'.iiisii swr.r.T aiti-.h
1'ivi: yi;au.
11Y l.tJL'll.t.r. CI.I1T0X.
All tins air was fragrant with sweet
brier, untl (lm pile 1i1o-oiiisi slionu like
stars in (lie dark yreen bower made by
i(s lianginj. foliage. Standing in tlio
bowel', her dink curls briislietl by the
trailing brandies ami her hands lint
lesdy pltickiiiir the starry bUmoms was
Amy liiidwiuk, a pretty country In".
Her llaxhiiig blown eyes were now dim
with unshed tears, and Grant Hur
uliaid, at a ditiiiice, stuilied the rural
picture and smiled. It was manlike to
smile, when lie knoiv from Iter listless
dreamy air she was thinking of thu
absent, and lie could have testilled on
oa(h (hat absent one was lie. It was
manlike (o ntnilo when he, noled (lie
unwonted quiver of laughing, ruby
lips, nnd (lie unusual dowyiiess of
sparkling, dancing eyes, and was con
tidenl as of his etiileliee (hat thoughts
of him had robbed the lips of their
'steadiness anil the eyes ot their Hash
tug brilliancy ; nnd lie was right. You
would have known it by the unspoken
gludne-sS (hat houo out of lliu dark,
saucy face as Grant liurchard camu in
sight, softlv humming "Home, Sweet
Home." "
J"I don't believe :i word of it,'' she
n..iil, saucily, as he enti'i-ed the bower
and tied the sweet brier in knots about
her head and shoulders.
"Don't believe what, you little athe
ist '?" he asked playfully. "Don't be
lieve that you atu my prisoner, ami
that I may be a cruel master, demand
ing penance for all the sins you ever
committed ?"
"I don't believe you meant that
song," she answered, a little sadly.
"Voit sing 'Home, sweet Home,' and
act as if you wore delighted to get out
in the broad world."
"Amy" (and (ho manly (ones spoke
with a slight repioiiehfiilno-i), "you
know I love my home, and "
lie paused and showered the white
blo-ssoms over her head, looking into
her shy, saddened eyes.
"I i nay not say i(," he added. "Your
father thinks he is a wise man, and
has sealed my lips. Dear as is this
simple country place, I know that life
lias belter work than can be done here.
My energies are cramped and my pow
ers are sadly limited. The opportuni
ty offered me for travel and improve
ment is a raro one, and 1 may not cist
it away. It is a realixation of a golden
dream," and when I return I will real
ize another, and confound vour father's
fears 1"
He held her pinioned with the eg
lantine fetters, but she tore them hur
riedly away, saying :
"When von return von may despise
a simple girl like me, and my father
wishes (o snare me lutiire pain in tor-
bidding all further intimacy until we
know ourselves as years of separation
will prove us. That separation ho
in-di-ts must be entire. Vo cannot
even write, tirant.
"But we cm think, and love, and
wait, was the Iiopetul answer, "l tin
der comes your cousin Alice. 1 would
say, plague take her ! only she looks
woiidroiisly like vou. Good-bye,
And the strong man kissed her
(reinblino- lips, anil was gone.
Poor Amv ! She was only 10, and
not much of a philosopher. So thought
her father, as he watched the sad face
moving about uneasily. He changed
his opinion when shu knelt on the stool,
at his side aud inquired :
"rn, can I go away to school !
"Vou go to school !" ho exclaimed.
"I thought you hated school."
"Xo," hhi) answered, gravely. "I
never hated it. and my teacher" wiid I
would make a good siudeul if I cared
less for fun. I am a real ignorauiii,
'Did Grant tell you so, Amy !"
"Xo, papa," answered the blushing
girl. "He sometimes corrected my
grammar, but he thinks I know mnro
than I do. Kven now he talks of sub
jects I cannot understand. lie is
going out to learn and improve con
(imially, and if I settle down to my
old fun and indolence ho will indeed
despise me when ho returns. I love
Grant, and I want to make myself
woithy of him. lit) , will btcomo tie
customed to the society of polished
women, and I will svei utterly devoid
of polish. You are wealthy," p.i, but
I would piol'er education (o money."
"And Amy," said tho old man, (ear
fully, "when you become a lady per
haps you will despise the awkward,
old blundering farmer. I have heaid
of such things."
"Oh, pa, Aunt Hastings- is a true
lady, and she honors you as your
daughter always must," " said Amy,
winding her arms around (he neck of
her doling father.
"Well, child, write to your aunt (o
liiul you a good school " in (he city.
She will bo a good model for you.
Amy, child, if it were necessary I
would make you n lady that you
might win Grant's love, even ifit'lod
you to despise me. Will Grant liur
chard ever love you belter than that,
think you?"
It was a question that stirred the
depths of Amy Lmlwiek's loving heart,
and kept lnM' taithful to her filial duty.
s. v
Five years later two gentlemen of
polished 'iinuiiers and easy address sat
talking in a Now York hot"!. Some
controverted point had held ihem in
earnest debate for a long time ; but at
length the elder of thu two arose, say
ing: "Grant lliuvhard, I liko your do
votion to thu memory of this country
girl. It shows how trim a friend you
can bo. Itul, in this case, I believe
you are preparing for yourself a cruel
disappointment ''
Grant liurchard was only half lis
tening. After live years spent in a
foreign land hn was still dreaming of
the young girl in thu eglentiiiu bower,
and replied as bef ji-o :
"If I Ibid Amy Ludwiek as when I
left her I will make her my bride,"
"You cannot liiul her as you loft
her," said his friend earnestly. ' "Hero
is lialph IC'iiery's watch n 'uiiist Grant
li'iroliard's hit th'U she is already
Wedded to siiuu neighboring fun net",
I'm unit you win inn to recognize
your meal Amy in tho dumpy nnd li
lilerato housewife. If she Is not mar
rleil you will probably wish she had ;
for, during these llvo years you have
been adding to your store of knowl
edge, nnd unconsciously gaining a
lastu for higher pursuits ami coinpan
ionship. If the girl has not gaintd,
you will find she has lost her youth,
her simplicity and all that naive fresh
ni'FS you so much admire. Vou shako
your head doubling!)', eh? 'Kpliraim is
joined to his idols s let him alone.'
Seeing is believing, however. With
such a heart as yours, I pity you when
your idol lies before you fallen nud
And llalph Kmury looked with real
concern into the thoughtful face of his
An hour later they were whizzing
rapidly toward thu country, when their
attention win arrested at a station by
the entrance of ,t lady. Grant Hur
chard stalled. Soinetliing reminded
him of Amy Ludwiek. There were
brown oyos and glossy curls, worn in
the old, childish fashion, but now they
certainly were old maidish mid unbe
coming. Her face was pretty still,
but it lacked something to make it in
teresling, nnd Grant I5urchard could
not but acknowledge to himself she
was overdressed and unrefined in ap
pearance, lie instinctively shrank
from acknowledging to his friend that
this woman looked liko the one he had
loved. And (hough his eyu caught
the name of "A. Ludwiek"" on her
travelling bag, bo shrank from renew
ing the, as ho might
have done by a word. Ho was con
(ras(ing (his uninteresting woman with
the simple girl in sweet brier glen,
when an old man entered and address
ed her as ".Miss Ludwiek."
Hal)h K'nery now started and look
ed into his friend's face.
"Ah ! I remember the name," ho ex
claimed. "Is that the divinity of your
dreams V
"I fear it is," was tio deprecating
"Where have you been V asked the
"Keen down to the city to do eomo
trading," was the answer.
Her voice was coarse and harsh, and
Kalph Emery smiled, but it was no
smiling matter to Grant lSurchard,
this dethronement of the beautiful idol
he had carried all these years.
"Getting ready, I s'pose V queried
the farmer.
"Heady for what?" asked Miss
Ludwiek, with a blush and silly laugh.
"You've concluded not to wait for
the chap that went away a few years
ago, I hear, and that young man com
ing to your house every week don't
mean anything, 1 s'pose," said the old
man. with an intelligent smile.
"1 don't see it," was the quick reply,
as she tossed her head and simpered.
Grant Bui-chard groaned.
"Success to tho young man who
comes every week !" said llalph Kmery,
fervently, "and you might as well say
'Amen,' Grant, i'or 1 think that last
bit of slang has cmed you."
W Sr W
Verily Grant Burohard was in an
unenviable frame of mind. He was
liko one who had reveled in a delicious
dream of beauty, and awakes to a
stern and wretched reality. He was
thinking it al' over, as he lounged
with his friend upon the porch of tho
country hotel, where they stopped for
the night, when his reverie was put to
llight by the fragrance of sweet brier
a perfume that always camo lo him
laden with sweetest memories.
The parlor was in shadow, but they
heard the lloating sound of woman's
garments, and a sweet, low voice,
ohauing intelligently with an elderly
gentleman. The conversation was of
sullicient length to prove that this lady
with the stairy blossoms of sweet brier
twined in her hair was a woman of
oiiginal thought and rare cultivation.
Tlio old man asked for music, and tho
ladv swept the piano kuvs with skill
ful Unguis, and tilled tho room with a
rare, sweet melody. As tho last notes
lied away, and the soft garments
lloated out, Grant Burcliard exclaimed:
".uy Amy should have had a voice
liko that."
lialph Emery thought of the harsh
and discordant tones in ihu rail car,
and with a smile that made bis cjiu
puiiiou wince, quoted thu slang phiase :
"1 don t sou it.
The next day, Grant Burcliard and
his friend stood at the into of tho
Ludwiek homestead. It was a lino
old place, and tlio garden was a pretty
sight with its laro and beautiful (low
ers arrangi'd with exquisite taste.
Grant had thought of this visit for
years, when ho should come alone to
claim Amv, but now ho was glad to
bring his friend, that no mention
might bo uiudu of claims. A ladv
stood in thu garden path. Shu turned,
and tlioro were the dark curls, brown
uyes, ami ungraceful manner of thu
travelling companion of the previous
day. Grant Burcliard stepped ior
ward. "Good morning, Miss Ludwiek."
It was sadly cold and changed from
the fervent "Amy" he had always
called her in his thoughts.
"Good morning, sirs ' responded the
harsh voice, while a scared look
camo into thu brown uves as she re
garded tho distinguished looking
strangers, a iiiinuto more and sli
exclaimed enthusiastically :
"W hy, tvraut nurcliard, if it am t
you, How glad I am !"
And shu gave him a hearty hand
shake, ami poured forth a torrent of
qiiusdons as she led him into the house,
uiul went to call the family.
I ho guntlemau gl.inceu about thu
parlor. Everything win neat and
beautiful, ami the careful disposition
oi noons nun nirnituro uetokened a
cultivated taste. The piano was open
mid two pair of critical eyes noted
Willi surprise the illllieult piece of
music standing on tho rack
Thu faint perfume of sweet brier
stealing in thu open window filled the
room with a delightful aroma, and
Grain Burcliard smiled in spito of him
self this ciny palace was so liko his
imaginary homo lor his ideal Amv.
A low minute, elapsed, and tho
hinilu was gone. His dream died
when (ho curly-haired maiden entered
hu room, bringing old Mr. Ludwiek,
who grasped his hum) with a cordial
tenderness, and greeted him in hearty
iuiii-s in welcome.
" ell, Grant, do vou think Amv
looks natural C inquired Mr. Ludwiek",
wiii'ii tins ceremony was over.
"Miss Ludwiek, your daughter, re
lulus some of her old looks," answered
Grant, confusedly. "And yet I con
8, 1882.
fess she does seem ehangtd,"
"For the better. Grant -eh ?" said
the old man, gleefully. "She ha
changed for the better. Hasn't she,
"Certainly," answered Grant, blush
ing fearfully, as ho put up n mental
petition to be forgiven for lying.
'And she loves the old man just as
well," continued Mr. Ludwiek joyfully.
"How lucky that you did not come
before I Shu only reached home this
inorcing by the early train. What
mado her run away so soon, Grant?"
"Your daughter is here," answered
the young man, pointing to the blush
ing face encircled by the dark curls.
"You don't mean to say, Grant, you
thought that was Amy?" And tliooldman
burs', into an uprorious shout of laugh
ter. "That's Alice Ludwiek, Amy's
cousin. Don't vou remember how
much they looked alike? Amy has
changed more than she. I warrant
she is in the bower. Let's surprise
Grant Burcliard gave a great sigh
of relief, and the whole party went
into tlio garden. There was tlio eglan
tine bower, carefully kept ; ,'ind even
now a lair woman with a while dress
of tlio pttiost white was on a step-lad-
iicr pruning (ho overhanging branches,
singing, meanwhile, in tho sweetest
strains, "Ever of Thee, I'm Fondly
llalph Emory listened and exclaim
"It is tho voice wo heard last night."
Grant Burcliard stepped hastily for
ward. All unconscious Amy contin
ued her pruning, only stopping when
the gardener spoku :
"Miss Amy, vou had better let mo
do that."
"No, no, John," she answered, laugh
ing, "tt frightens mo to seo you cut
iway these beautiful branches. It
gi loves me to sever a single twig, and
you moil off great branches without a
pang ot remorse.
ell, -Hiss Amy, it is as I say.
Your sweet ladyship is stingy of noth
ing but sweet b'rier."
"Stingy, eh?" and Amy laughed
tneirilv. "No, John ; not stingy, only
economical with something that al
ways gave me pleasure. Now, come,
take these branches "
Grant superseded John, and with
extended arms received tho weight of
tho sweet brier. IIo did not move,
and Amy said, without looking:
"that will do, John; now go.
Still ho moved not. She looked
around with surprise, and started at
the tableau a handsome stranger
gazing at her with his extended arms
lull of sweet brier.
"I am waiting for tho rest, Amy
waiting for the httlu woman who used
to tease and please until I learned to
call her Sweet Brier."
She knew, then, it was Grant, and
with a glad cry camo bounding down
thu steps and was received into his
Amy Ludwiek was a study that day.
Grant Burcliaid watched her with a
loving pride. There was nothing in
her dress, manners or conversaton to
offend. She was an educated and cul
tivated woman. At thu close ot the
day ho said to his ftieud :
"Emery, you have lost your wager.
Was I not wise to cling to my old
love ?"
"Bo generous, now, and don't cling
any longer," replied Kalph Emery.
"I will try to compensate her for her
Grant Burcliard's black eves twin
kled as he answered :
"l'ardon me, but in tho language of
another, 'I don't seo it."
Cutting out a Kidney,
An operation of an advanced nature
in the science of surgery has recently
been performed in this city, remarkable
for the dangei attending its perform
ance, exeept by the most skillful sur
geons, and also as being tho fust of the
Kino mat uas ever Deen successfully
poi formed in this State, tho tenth ili
tho United States and the seventy
sixth, it is said, on record in tho world.
1 no operation consisted in the extirna-
tion or cutting out of a kidney, known
to tho prolessinn as nephrectomy. The
patient was a married ladv resii'lino- in
ibis city.
I ho operation was performed on
Ootobe" 1 1 by Dr. do Vecchi according
to tho method of Knowlslev Thornton.
who, at thu Samaritan Ho'smtal. Lon
don, removed thu right kidney from a
young girl on tho ll(h of last month.
I hu surgeon made an incision of thi-en
inches down to (he peritoneum, aud
then extended it to tivo inches. After
tearing with tho hand a few recent
adhesions, the enlarged kidney was
aistd, the measures necessary to
prevent hemorrhage wero adopted and
the organ was then cut from its attach
ments. No hemorrhage occurred and
the smaller vessels were carefully tied
with catgut. After tho usual iirocess of
i;ie,iii-.iig mo woilllt i no incision tens
l. :. . i .
sowed up, lightly dressed and tho
patient was put to'bed. Of course she
was in a condition that required careful
treatment to keen her from KiiiL-iiiir
This consisted mainly in administering
niiiiiiii.uiii., unit tviinoui any relapse or
uutavorablo symptoms shu recovers
rapidly and is now entirely out of dan
ger in tact, almost entirely well. Tho
lady is rather young and o'f a delicate
This is tho second attempt that has
iieuu uiiitiu to porioiin (his operation in
mis Mate. Ihu hist one was made
some years ago by a physician in this
city, and the patient, who was a female,
died under the operation. This is tho
iirst iimu it lias been successfully done.
Sun Frunchca Chronicle.
Ximir Liuiits in Bi;d Kuoms,
common practlcu ot having
iiiuin iii lieu rooms oi ciiiitiren is
..I,, i.. i t 1. , ...
deprecated by Dr. Hubert H. Bake-
well, lie says it has a most injurious
effect upon tho nervous system of
- . .1.11.1 T . , . .
.vim", ciiiiiiren. instead ot die per-
rest the optio nerves oiiLdit to
nave, and winch natiiro provide for
by thu darkness of the night, these
nerves aie perpetually stimulated, and
ot course (ho brain mid the ret of the
nervous sys(em sutler. Children (bus
brought uii are excessively timid for
. ........ .. r... !...,,. . , . . . -
tfiuB .mei suing into iiid dark. It
light is used at all it should be lu. ned
1 1 down ton mere point, and plac.-d
- j where it cannot be reeu by the child.
UUl.L.nlilA i)r..MO.llAT, vol.
XV I, NO -111
XMI, NO 4i
The Muriler of Morgan,
tiik coNi nssioN or tiii: AiiDicroiis.
A long nnd detailed statement of the
circtinnlnncefi surrounding tlio abduc
tion and murdrr of William Morgan in
Noi thorn New York in 18i7 was made
by Tlmrlow Weed about two months
before his death and sworn (o In-fore a
Notary, the nllidavit bearing date ol
September '2 18S2. In it Mr. Weed
tells of the excitement growing out of
Morgan's disappearance and his own
part in the efforts to get at the truth.
Ho tells, what has been told before, of
the discovery of it body on tho shore of
iLake Onlaiio, which was yositively
ideutilied, by the testimony' of .Mrs.
Morgan and others, as that of William
Morgan, and how it was subsequently
claimed that tho body was that of one
Monroe, whoso wife identitied thu
clothing as (hat worn by her husband,
(hough the personal description she
gave in no way accorded wilh (hat of
the body that was found.
"On the evening of the dav that the
body interred at Batavia wns declared
by a third inquest to be that of Timo
thy Monroe, I went into the billiard
room of the Eagle Hotel to see a friend
from Clarkson. When leaving the
room Ebene.'.-r Grillin, Esq., a prom
inent lawyer employed as counsel for
Masons, who was playing billiaids.
turned (o me, cue in hand, saving:
'Well, Weed, what will you do "for a
Morgon now?' To which I replied,
'That is a good enough Morgan lor us
till you briug back the ono you canied
off.' On thu following morning the
JMtili Advertiser, a Masonic orgon,
contained a paragraph charging "mo
with having boastingly said" tlint the
body in question 'was a good enough
Morgan until after the election.' That
perversion went tho rounds of thu
Masonic and Democratic press, awaken
ing much popular indignation and sub
jecting me to denunciations in speeches
and lesolutions at political meetings
and conventions. Explanations we're
disregarded ; tho maxim that 'False
hood will travel miles while Truth is
drawing on its boots' was then veri
lied." Mr. Weed then goes on to relate tho
difficulty encountered in obtaining wit
nesses, and how, when the witnesses
wore secured, thoy testilied the oppo
site of what was known to bo the
truth. In 1831, after AVeed's removal
to Albany, a libel suit was begun
against him by General Gould, of
Itochester, whom ho had charged with
giving money he received from the
lioyal Arch Grand Chapter to enable
Barrage Smith and John Whitney to
escape from justice. Gerrit L. Dox,
treasurer of the Grand Chapter, and
John Whitney, ono of the reeipienti of
the money, were in court to establish
tho truth of the libel, but a narrow
ruling by tho Court excluded the tcMi
mony and ended the trial abruptly.
That evening Weed entertained some
of tho witnesses he had summoned at
his own house. Juwett was prepared
to testify that he furnished a carriage
for those who wete conveying Morgan
secretly from Canantlaigua to Niagara
John Whitney was oiiu of the party.
.Major Barton would have testilied that
he furnished the carriage which con
veyed tho party from Lewiston to Foil
Niagara, John Whitney being one of
that party. Whitney would have
sworn that Gould supplied money to
enable him to "esuanc from -iustice."
What followed is the important part of
this remarkable posthumous statement :
"In the course of the evening, the
Morgan affair being tlio principal' topic
of conversation, Colonel Jowett turned
to Whitney with emphasis and said :
lohn, what if you mako a clean breast
of it.' Whitney looketl innuiriiiidv at
Barton, who added, 'Go ahead. ' Whit
ney then related in detail the history of
Morgan's abduction and fate. Tlio
idea of suppressing .Morgan's intended
exposure o( (he secrets ot Masonry
was ln-st suggested by a man bv tlio
name of Johns. It was discussed in
lodges at Batavia, Lo Hoy and Koohes-
ter. .minis suggested that -Morgan
phoiild bo separated from Miller and
placed on a farm in Canada West.
I-or this purpose he was taken to Nia
gara and placed in the magazine of the
lort until arrangements lor settling hint
in Canada wero completed, but thu
Canadian -Masons disappointed tlu in.
Alter several meetings of thu lodge in
Canada, opposite Fort Niagara, a re-
lusal to li no anything to do with Mor
gan leu ins "Kidnappers greatly per
plexed, wppoitunely a uoval Arch
Chapter was installed at Lewiston. The
occasion brought a largo number of
enthusiastic Masons together. 'After
Hiiior, in Masonic language, t hev 're
tired to refreshment.' Under tlio ex
ularation of champagne and other
viands the Chaplain, the Kev. F. II.
Ctinimitigs, of Koehester, was called on
tor n toast, lie responded with pecdiar
emphasis and in the language ot their
ltual : 'lhe enemies of our order
May they liiul a grave six feet deon.
six feet long and six feet duo east anil
"Immediately after that toast, which
was received with great enthusiasm,
Colonel William King, an olliei r i,i
our war of I Si: and then a uiemln r oi
Assembly from Niagara county, called
Whitney, of Koehester i Howard, ol
Buffalo ; Chubbiiek, of Lewiston, and
Gaisidc, of Canada, out of the room
and into a carriage furnished by Major
Barton. They were ibiven to Fort
Niagara, repaired to the magazine and
informed Morgan that thu arrange
menu for sending him to Canada were
completed and that his family would
soon tullow him. .Morgan received thu
information cheerfully and walked with
supposed friends to thu bout.whiuh was
rowed to tho mouth of the river,
where a rone was wound around his
body, to eaeh end of which a sinker
was attached. Morgan was then thrown
uvei board. Ho grasped tho gunwale
of the bout convulsively. Gaibide, in
forcing -Morgan to relinquish his hold,
was severely bitten.
"Whitney, in concluding his narr.i
(ive, said ho was now relieved irom a
heavy load i (hat for four years ho had
not heard thu window uistlo or nnv
other noise nt night without thinking
tlio Sheriff was after him. Colonel
Jewett, looking hxodly at Whitney,
mid : 'Weed can hang Jou now." But
he won't was Whitney's prompt rmlt
now Tiir. Minn r w vs nn-r
"Of course a secret thus conllded to
a no
I mi
2 It
f 60
f. do
tsoo $5 00 tm
60) son m no
;oo iioo lsoo
uoi 1800 oon
10 on Reo (HO
IT on i.i mi
:uipn Ml 00 Km 00
iTsToHiCho ,,
Three mclies....
One Inch
Konr neiiw ,
Quarter roltimn.
.1) im
Venrly advertisement pajnlite qnnnrrly. Trn
dent aifrertlsrinenta inuH ho paid tor before insert
ed exeept tt here parties hat o necounts,
Lettol ndtertlsements two dollars per ineii ror
th ris. inw-riim-i. nnd nt. that rata for additional
insertions without reference, to length.
Krecutor's. Administrator's, and AuuItor'snotlce
I hree dollars. MUHbopaldfortvlien nserted.
Tninflent or Local notices, ten cents ft line, roan-
lor ndvertlseincnW hnlt rates.
cards the 'llu.lnrm Directory" column, on
dollar ear lor each line.
me was inviolably kept and twenty
nine years afterward, while attending
a National Hepublican Convention nt
Chicago, John Whitney, who then re
sided there, called to say that ho want
ed mo to write out whnt ho once told
me about Morgan's fate, lo be signed
by him in the presence of witnesses, to
be sealed up mid published after his
death. I promised to do so beforo
leaving Chicag?. There was no leisure,
however, during tho sitting of tho con
vention, nnd even bofore its final ad
journment, forgetting what I had told
Whitney, I hurried to Iown, returning
by way "of Springfield to visit Mr. Lin
coln. In the excitement of (ho canvass
which followed, and the secession of
the Southern States upon Mr. Lincoln's
election, I neglected (ho important
duty of seeming (he confession Whit
ney was so anxious to make. In 1861
I went to Europe and while in London
wrote a let(er lo Whitney asking him
to get Alex. B. Williams, then n resi
lient of Chicago, to do what 1 had so
unpardonably neglected. That letter
reached Chicago ono week after Whit
ney's death, closing the last and only
chance for the revelation of that im
portant event.
"Whitney was a mason by trade,
honest, industrious, sober, but excitable.
In all the early stages of tho Morgan
affair he believed lie was doing Ids
duty. The final crime wns committed
muter the eiroiitustnnces I have re
lated." Use of Goal.
About the beginning of the thir
teenth century much objection was
raised against its introduction into
London on thu plea that its smoke was
an intolerable, nuisance. This opposi
tion was continued for nearly 200
years in some quarters, but was at last
obliged to give way before tho grow
ing scarcity of timber. Toward the
beginning of the fourteenth century
many shallow collieries were opened
out in the neighborhood of Newcastlo-on-Tyne,
but little is known nbout tho
progress of our subject during the
courso of the fifteenth century. There
is enough to show however, that the
demand for coal went on increasing.
In a petition presented to the Council
by tho Company of Brewers in l.r78
wo find that corporation offering to uso
wood only in the neighborhood of
Westminster Palace, as thev under
stand that the Queen iindeth "hersealfo
gieatley grevd and anoyed with tho
tastes and smoke of tho sea cooles."
nother author writing in 1G21 savs
that "within thirty years iast the nice
dames of London would not como into
any house or room when sea-coals wero
burned, nor willingly eat of tho meat
that was either sod or roasted with sea-
coal lire.'' Soon after the commence
ment of the seventeenth century tlio
use of coal for domestic purposes, as
well as for washing, brewing, dyeing,
elc , was general and complete. Tho
mines vuro still shallow, and they
wero drained bv means of horizontal
tunnels called adits, water gates, etc.
Already attempts had been mado to
sink some of them under water level
and to raise the water by machinery.
In tho year 11S0-7 the monks of
Finehdale l'tiory expended a sum of
money at one ot their collieries on tho
Wear "on the new ordinance of tho
pump and on the purchase of horses
to work it. Underground fires and
noxious gases began also to ap
pear about this time. The miners'
tools consisted of a pick, a ham
mer, a wedge, and a wooden shovel.
Tho coal was raised to tho surface in
some cases by means of a windlass, in
otheis, as in tho mines of the East of
Scotland, it was carried up stairs on the
backs of women, called coal-bearers.
In tho year 1015 the ileet of vessels
called the coal fleet, which carried tlio
produce of the Northern collieries
one half to London, tho remainder to
other destinations numbered -100 sail.
Many foreign vessels also, especially
French, carried away cargoes of coa'l
to their respective coiudries. Twenty
years later the coal tleet had increased
to 000 or 700 sail, and was already re
garded as "a great nursery, of seamen."
Artemus and His Babes.
Arteinus Ward started in California
with an announcement that ho would
lecture on "The Babes in the Wood."
IK-said ho preferred this title to that
of "My Seven Grandmothers." Nobody
knows why. for there was, of course, to
be as little in the lectuies about babes,
i-i or out of tho wood, as about seven
or any other number of grandmothers.
"Tho Babes in tho Wood'' was never
wriUon down ; a few sentences only have
survived of a performance which was
destined to revolutionize the comic lect
uring ol the age. Tho "Babes" seem
only to have been alluded to twice
that at the begiiiiiing.wheii the lecturer
gravely announced "The Babes' as his
subject, and then, after a rambling
s(ringoi ii-reley.-in(wi(ticisms, which last
ed from an hour to an hour audahalf.ho
concluded with: "I now nuncio my sub-
jeei, -ine mines in the Wood. Then
taking oiii his watch, his coiintenanco
would suddenly change, surprise follow
ed by great perplexity. At last recover
ing his former composure, nud facing
tho difficulty as best as ho could, ho
combined: "But 1 find 1 have exceed
ed my time, and will therefore morelv
remark that so far as I know, they wero
very good babes, they were as good as
ordinnry babes." Then, almost break
ing down, and much more nervously.
"I really have not time to go into the'ir
history : you will find it all in the story
books." Then, getting quUo dreamy.
"They died in tin- woods, listening "(o
(he woodpecker tapping the hollow
beech-tree." With some suppressed
emotion. "It was a sail fate for them,
and 1 pilv them ; so do you. Good
night?" Tlio sucetss of 'this lecture,
throughout California was instaneoiis
and decisive. The reporters complain
ed that they could not write for laugh
ing, ami split their pencils desperately
in attempts to take down the jokes.
nx I'a sti i lines.
Some would-be Byrons look on with
At the rhymes of Kcleotriu Oil "poet,'1
But wo hnvu the best nrticlu known to
tho world,
And intend that all persons shall know
It vines iiniliK, colds, asthma and
ctari h,
Br. i.thiiU nnd complaints of (hat kind)
It does mil eo,t much, though rheu-
inatiis it cures.
'Tis best Oil in tho world you can find.