The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 24, 1882, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
VfMDAY, NOVUMM5U 24, 1882.
Correct Riillroiul Time 'rnljle.
Trains ori tho Philadelphia A li. it. leave Hupcrt
as follows: 1
, rpnrn, aotrrn.
Ja. m. li4Mnrt. flp.m.
Twins oh tlio 1). I.. A V. It. K. lcavo liloomsburg
as lollowa i
I naa.m.
SOlTlf. i
8 25 ft, in.
11 a. in.
20 m n. m,
" 'h " . 4 ill p. 111.
4 27 p. 111.
ddphla Reading at Unpen, ad with this
Northern Central at Northumberland.
Tlio 8:11 a. in. train connect al Northumberland
with 9:'i5 train on I'onnaylvnnla road reaching
Philadelphia at 3:au p.m.
'lhallilr train connects with Philadelphia anil
ibwllngroat at import at 11:60 reaching Phila
delphia at :00 p. m.
'ino 11:13 train connects with ronnsrlvinh
nnl at Northumberland at 1US reaching l'Mladul.
phla at ";83 p. m,
Thu 4: p m. train connects with I'cnnsylvnMa
road at. Northumberland at 8:M p. m. anu reaenca
1'hlladelphla at S;55 a. m.
IMlDllo DnlL'H.
John G. Quick, ndinlhistrasor of Jdscjih
Snyder, deceased, will sell rail ostnlo in
Moomslnirg by adjournment on Sntunliiy
December Snil, at 2 p. m.
T. J. Nnglc, of Kspy 1ms just returned
from Anapolls, Jlnrylnnd.
JIlss Mary McICclvy Is visiting friends nt
Bethlehem nntl Philadelphia.
Daniel Fornwnld of Pino township ls
upending n few months In Indiana.
Mrs. E. Jacoby nnd Mrs. P. S. Jtoycr
nro visiting friends In Schoolcraft, Jtlclii
gnu. Sir. Thomn9 Wolrmnn, of Hnrrlsburg,
Trns registered nt the Kxchnngo on Thus
day. 3tr Hudson Owen of Berwick Is taking
n western trip. He will bo absent several
A. A. Hempstead, who rcsidct In tills
town pome years ago, is hero now, engaged
In polling trees.
Orvis Mcllenry, son of Daniel JlcIIcnry
of Stillwater, 1ms entered upon tho Btudy
of tho law In tho ofllcc Of Hon. C- it.
Tiic Collins contract on the N. & W. B.
Hallway having been completed, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Philip Collins left Bloomslmrgflast
week. They made many wnrm friends
during their stay here.
S3 nnd CO pound flour sacks can he
obtained at tho Comjmman ofllco cheap-'
A lnrgo Company store is being built
in Ccntralla for the use of ono of the col
lieries. On last Saturday, November 18, the
collieries round about Mt. Carmei, paid
out to their workmen over .G.'1000.
L. Bombard's Jewelry store you will find
the best silver ware, such as spoons, forks,
knives, &c, engraving name free of
The borough council of Berwick aro re
pairing and improving their street and
crossings. Major C. K. Htigjics is street
A Bible Lecture will be delivered by
lawyer J. Q. Williams of Philadelphia, on
Sunday the 20th inst,, nt2J p; in., in the
Opera House. The public aro cordially
r )
Itcv. Dr. Copoland Is in very poor
health, and lias resigned tho position of
Principal of the Wyoming Seminary at
Kingston, licv. h. Sprague has been elect
ed to fill the vacancy.
The Court Houso H painted ltd and
pencilled, and tho largo trees in frouLhave
been trimmed. Jonathan Buchnum lias
had charge of nil the recent improvements
about the Court House.
As no one has furnished in with a copy
of the proceedings of the Temperaneo con
vention at tho Opera House last Tuesday
wo presume they do not care to have them
published in this paper.
The Mountain 7i'cAo lias discarded its
"patent outside" and is now printed entire
ly at homo. It is greatly Improved and we
congratulate tho editor, It. M. Tubbs,, on
the evidences of Ills prosperity.
American wnlehcs in gold and silver
cases warranted from 2 to 5 yours, also a
largo 11 mi of finger lings, solid gold, from
ono dollar up, wedding rings made to order
and warranted 18 caret, at L. Bombard's.
Tlio Union NatlonalTlianksgiving service
will bo held In tho Kvnngcllcal church,
next Thursday, November 80, nt 10:80 a.
m. Itev O. W. Smith of tho Baptist
church will prearh a pennon appropriate
to tho occasion.
The coming holidays will bo more gen.
ornlly observed than any for many years,
nnd we would remind our readers that a
bottlo of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will
prove n most acceptable holiday present.
Tho first regular passenger train on the
N. it W. B. Hallway was run on Thursday,
to Wllkcs-Burre, when there was an excur-i
sion of invited guests. A full account of
the opening will be published next week.
The time table will lie announced soon.
John O. Quick, administrator or Joseph
Snyder, deceased, sold tho thirty acio
farm of said deceased. An adjourned sale
will be held Saturday December 2nd, at
which time tho remaining real estato will
be sold, as advertised In another column.
Tho water works now In course of
erection for the supply of water for Ceii
trallu borough and -Mt. Carmcl, will ho as
largo ns any water works outside of Phil,
ndelphia. Tho reservoir is now being
built on the top of tho mountain nliovo
An exchango says that a llttlo strip of
Boft paper torn from tho edge of a news
paper, moistened in tho lips nnd drawn
miner the lid of tho eyo that Is troubled
from a locomotlvo cinder, will In nearly
every case remove tho obstruction instant
ly,: without indicting pain. In fact the
sufferer hnrdly realizes the operation.
'I'l... 7.'.1. nf V..nlu.r 1111. e. . T.Mf.
last night ns tho gravel train on the N. it
y,t -w. , . -r .....
u. jj. roan was running ironi mnticnKc,
II lnnil wlin u'na IvIik unAii ilii Iriinlr tll'Hr
the poor house, was run ovt nnd literally
4$ ground to piercs. The train men say the
,r man was drunk nnd that they were unable
to see iiim in (lino to stop (lie y'Rlii,
Tho provnienco of diphtheria in many
places gives warning that too great care
cannot bo taken to prevent Its spread, Al
though thero nro no cases in Blooinsburg,
It may reach hero heforo tho season if over.
Jovf that winter Is coming on, wth its
fires nnd closed doors and lnipulo ntnin
sphere, housekeepers should see to It that
tlicir celinis are frco from all uncleaniiess,
such as dtciivlnir vegetable matter, or,
Indeed, garbage of any kind, as It is well
Miown that thu genua of diphtheria and
other zymotlo diseases tiro bred mid fatten
luxuriantly upon such matter.
Tho New York Weekly 2W4une snys in
regard to ,tho Npyps JMctlonary Holder,
manufactured by L, W. Noycs, 09 West
Monroe St., Chicago i "Wo know of but
one fcitlMnctory Holder) that, however,' H
so good that n second It not needed." Mr.
Noyes sends (q all applicants a hnndsqmc
Illustrated circular. Prices reduced.
The educational, advniitagts of our town
has been the means of securing ono more,
property lio'lder. Charles lI.J3oper, orwbf
Moiitour county's best cltlzohs has purohft's
ed jho T. W. Conner property oii,iCcritru
street nml Intends to mako that his porntJ-
iicnt homo for some time. Tho said was
madcjth rough thqilH.ea Estato Agcncv'of
,f III. VII113III111I.
O. W. Mnuirer of Berwick has two vertr
fat hogs. Tho Independent says their com
bined v,61j;U ,wllj reach nearly 1100 pounds
Mr. Maugcr has placed n "guessing box"
on Ids counter, tho prlco of each guess nt
the weight of tho' hogs to bo 10 cents, nnd
tho person coming tlio nearest to tho weight
to receive tho amount of money In tho box.
Deer llutitliiK
tTlie Reason for deer hunting hn9 nrrlvcd.
Two gentlemen from tho lower part of tlio
Btato were up on tho North Mountain last
week, but only succeeded In capturing the
head of a dear that some one elso had
killed. 'John Yocuni, Millard Conner and
Aaron Patterson of Orango had better luck,
as they brought home two fine animals
this week.
A MlHtukc.
' Wc have observed in a number of our
exchanges a statement that diphtheria Is
prevalent In Bloomshurg, and Hint tho
schools aro all closed. There is no founda
tion for tho rumor, nono of tho schools
hayo closed nnd. have no Intention of clos
ing before the end of the term. We have
not heard of a single case of diphtheria In
this town or vicinity. '
On Wednesday, November 1st, Win. L.
Jlannlug and family of Juckson township,
were away from home nnd during their
absenco some one effected an cntrnnco In
the house by breaking tho lower sash out
of one of the windows, and stole tw&ilty
flvc dollars. We have no doubt that if tlio
parly Is apptelicinled they will bo dealt
with to tlio full extent of tho law.
Camilla Ursii.
The people of Blooinsburg nnd vlclntfy
are to bo gi7cn a treat next Wednesday
cvenlnit, such as is rarely aiTordcd outsldo
of tlio cities. Camilla Urso, the eclcbratqd
violinist, will glvo an entertainment at the
Opera House, assisted by Jlr. S. Liobling,
pianist j Mr. Alfred P. Burbank, In rccita
tion; Miss Emily Spader, a channlng
soprano; Mis Marguerite Hall, mezzo
soprano. All arc finished artists. Secure
seats early at Dentler's.
Hickory lole. ltnlHlnjr.
The Democrats of Slabtown and viclnity
celebrated the late Democratic victories by
raising a polo 112 feet long on last Satur
day afternoon.. Under tho skillful man
ngement of Holandus Herbliio, tho efficient
comndltccman of Tiocust, the pole was
raised very systematically in a short time.
There was a streamer attached about one
fifth 'of tho distance from the top, and a
banne.r about one third of tho distance
frohi the top." On ono side df tho banner
JS'iaJnSCribed, "30,Q00.too many Pattlson
men, " and on the other, "Pattlson, Dem
ocracy and Heform. " ' A rooster is perch
ed on t)ic extreme top: ' '
.f A'ftor tlio pole raising quite a largo audi
ence' assembled in tho blacksmith shop
nfnr by; where short addresses were, made
bv..John, C. Yocum. II. V. While nnd H.
Buckingham Esijs., after which tlio meet-
lug adjourned amid three rousing cheers
forltobertE. Pattlson and tho Democratic
Illttcnlieiiflcr Millies.
Mrt'. Susanna Mllnes, of Espy, Pa., gave
a ycrv delightful wedding party nt the
inar'rlago of her daughter, Martha, A., to
Charles M. Blttcnbondcr on Wednesday
evening, November 22, 18S2. Quite n
number of invitations were issued, and the
friends began assembling in tho early
jCVCJilng until at the hour of the ceremony,
eight o clock, a large throng of people had
gathered. Tho bride nnd groom mado
their appearance nt tlio appointed hour
and were ushered in by two younger
brothers of thcbiidc, and two daughters
of Mr. Henry S. Beayj the little c;irls each
bearing a basket of flowers, whilo the
hrida herself carried nn elegant boquct of
clioico white flowers. Tho ceremony was
performed hy Hov. M. L. Sinyscr, pre
siding elder. Congratulations were then
extended by tho friends, during which one
elderly gentleman made a presentation of a
coin bearing date of 1 80JJ, and which hail
been his possession for over fifty years.
Then followed tho repast, which, to say
the least, win very bountiful, nnd of such
variety ns to suit all tastes. During the
supper the Espy Cornet Band made Its ap
pearanco nnd gavo some veiy lino music.
Very many .mil costly presents were ro
eelved. At a late hour the friend ludo
.Mrs. Millies go.od ul;ht, aud extended tlicir
best wisltei (n Mr. and Jlis. C. M. Bitten
bender ' for a "successful nnd Joyous time
through life. Tho newly married couple
will take a journey through tho northern
part of Pennsylvania and central New
Heroic Treatment.
Tho Altoona Tima says tho necessity of
tho now Editorial Association of the Ju
lilntu arises from the largo number of dis
honest advertising ngents who havo sprung
up all over the country, nnd who thrive at
tlio expense of tho newspaper publishers
whom they swindle. There Is nnolher
class, also, who, whilo they pay their bills,
mako unreasonable ilemnnd in regard to
the location of their advcitlseraent, and
if, tho contractor position Is violated In
tho slightest particular, even though an
equally good location has been substituted,
dock tlio publisher or demand additional
republications, Tlieso evils aro growing
ones, and it will only ho by tho united
effort of publishers that they can hope to
eradicate tlio Injurious system that lias
already obtained a firm hold upon the
profession. So grpat a nuisance have these
practices become that some journals posi
tively rcfuso to accept any advertisements
fiom tho hands of advertising ngents This
plan, which may ho styled tlio heroic treat
ment of tho case, Is perhaps the host one,
but there aro many journals that can ill
afford tlio. loss of patronage It requires.
In the iibscnco of any association in this
county for tho protection of publishers
against thu practices of many advertising
agents, wo havo determined to reject all
offers for patent medicine advertisements
nt any price, and all olTcrs, from agents for
any other advertisement that rcqulro
special positions. At tho expiration of
present contracts wo shall give our renders
from Ihre-J to-four' columns more reading
matter.. ' 11 all papers would adopt the
samo plan, It would soon put nn end to tho
'nuisances. At present, tho advertising
agents nie quite independent, for they
know that If ono paper rejects their oiler,
there nro others ready and willing to accept
nt almost any price.
A llnliy Klllctt by a BMr,
Ono of the eight little chlldntf bolorig.
Ing to the gang 6tArati gypsicjas killed
by tho largo half-starvcd blaekibear at tho
gypsies' 'cnrp,!,iwcntyjlmllc3 from here.
SoTcrnl oj, jlwqldldrcnJ,wcro teasing tlio
animal, who Wlljiceolclialncd,foj. sapling,
by its master, whIisuildcnly n tliiee year
old youngster, who had bcen pokhig a slick
iU 'Bruin, hppronched loo licar.jand was
sewed suddenly by tile' hrillnftl, Jirdi crush,
cd to denth. lOno of tho rtleMi'noarlng tlio
animal growl, tried tivanfa.hia'lnfont, but
nrrlvcd qn,the,4r.c,pc tpodnto., Whereupon,
seizing a large club, ho bent tho poor bear
nearly to death, Tho , child,, was burled n
few hours later hy the roadside, nnd the
band packed its Juggtige.and moved nlpng,'
hnrdly missing the Uttlq dead 'Infant 'from
the motley throng of hears, monkeys dogs,
donkeys nnd'vllialrions.iooking human!.
Tho ceremony ov,cr tlio grnvc of tho In
fant wag,a. very curious. .one. Tho entlro
band, taking hold of eaeli other's hands,
formed n circle nroimd tho open hole for
It was certainly not a grave chanted" n
doleful melody, and then went nroundind
nroumU Suddenly stopping, ono, at- tho
men repented n jargon prayer, then lrt con
cert men, women, nnd children chnntcd
"Mclahl" "Mclah!" "Melah!" This elid
ed the ceremony, and all hands engaged In
covering Jup the corpse, which had been
placed in the grnyo on a bed of dried
leaves and covered copiously with the
same, Wellington Critic.
Tills Is probably tho same party of vaga
bonds which passed) through this section
a few month's ago.
Pine gold spectacles, gold eyo glasses, a
large Una of silver, nickel, steel nnd rubber
spectacles and eye glasses, at L. Bombard's
Jewelry store. . -
, Jf
The ox.Rnast,
Owing to the bad weather last Friday
the Ox-uoast.wns not as grand a success
ns It was expected to lie. AH tho nccs
sary nrrhrfgemcnts had been made
for a parade, six bands wcro expected, nnd
delegations from nmpst every towfiship
in tho county, but tho rain put tin ehd .to
It all. At about noon the Bloom band es.
cortcd a" party of1 fantastlcs through Moit
street to tho fair grounds, where the roast
was prepared. It was a line large stccr;arjd
was nicely roasted under tho skillful
supervision of Lutfic'r,Joncs nnd others.
Carving began at one o'clock, nnd m loss
than an hour tho entire ox was consumed.
At two o'clock a meeting was held at tlio
Opera House, whero Col. Freeze mada a
few remarks and then Introduced Dr.
Hakes of Wllkcsbarro, who In an nblo
speech of about an hour, discussed tho
present situation. . He said that with
io victory, tho Democracy must
take tho responsibility of government, nnd
unless wo institute reforms nnd carry out'
nil promises made, our power will not bo
B. F. Zarr presided at tho meeting, which
closed withithrec cheers for tho speakers,
and Governor Pattlson. On Thursday a
telegram was received by John M. Clark,
chairman of the commltteo of arrange
ments, from Mr. Pattlson, declining an,
invltntton to be here, ns official business'
would prevent him, nnd sending greetings
to his frfentls.
At a meeting of tho comitteo of arrange
ments, a voto of thanks was extended to
Jo3cph D. Coons for services rendered,
and to Dr. II. Hakes for Ids presence here,
and his very nblo nnd Interesting nddress.
Hucldeii ZJeatliH of two Teacher).
Mrs. Florence Oebler, formerly "of this
town, but for some time past living at
Briar creek, died Tuesday Nov. 7, 4832.
Her husband had charge of thu Whitney
farm at Bowman's mill nt which'placo they
were living, and she had taken the lied
Bock school for the winter term. After
leaching but two days, she was taken sud
denly ill and was .obliged to give urj her
school, and after sulTeriiig but a very short
time, dentil called her from this world of
care and trouble. She leaves a husband
and one son, Harry, about sixteen years of
age. In 1874 and 1875 she taught In tho
Third street building; the first winter as
assistant in Boom No. 2. and the second'
term had charge of tlio Primary Boom,
As a teacher she met with success and tho
approval of the public everywhere j and in
the Primary department sho had no super
ior. Teaching children was, ,her greatest
pleasure. Out of r chool she was kind and
loving. Though her health was delicate
sho was never heard complain of her lot.
Always submissive and cheerful, a genial
companion and truo friend. Many ..then;
are who will deeply mourn her loss.
At Lime' Hidg'e,' Tuesday Nov. 14,1882
Miss Julia Woolcy departed Ibis lite after a
brief illness of Typhoid Malaria. Tlio fu.
neral was largely attended Thursday after,
noon. Interment in M. E. cemetery.
As teacher of the I.lmo'Bidge school sho
continued nt her post till Friday Nov. !ld.
nnd In the short time that Intervened before
death released her, alio suffered very much.
She leaves an aged father and mother,
nnd a clrclo of brothers, Bisters nnd" relit.
tlves who will mourn tlio loss of a loving
daughter, n kind sister nnd a true friend.
An able teacher, of a social disposition, aud
in tho prime of life, she will be missed and,
mourned by nil who knew her.
Thus two of tho instructors of our youth,
linvo suddenly been called from our midst.
IleeclH icccorcletl.
The following deeds lias been recorded,
slnco thoso last published i
I.eroy Thompsou and wife to Joseph .U .
I.illey, Berwick.
Heirs of l.avina Davenport to 0. ; E
Davenport, Berwick.
Thlic School District of, s Couyngham
township to Henry Koutz, ponypgliam.
Tho itnnio to Mary Sillbjlz.-.Conypghani
Tlio same to Peter M. Stllbltz, Conyng-.
ham, i',i
Joseph Lamon and, wife to George Shell
hamer, Bilarcrcek. . . att'Ht
James, WlJIlatris And wjfc tq,Martln C.
Woodward, Blooinsburg,
George Slovens and wife '. to Susan 0.
Hcnkel, ('atawlss.v. V '
Isaao S. Kuhn and wifo to Charles Krug,
Hannah II. Armstrong, administratrix,
to J. H, Maize, Blooinsburg.
David Brobst aud wlfu to Isaao Yost,
D. J. Waller and wife to Chnrles Kim
kcl, Bloomshurg.
Matthew Wynkoop aud wlfo to Sarah E.
Evans, Mt, Pleasant.
George W. Jacoby, trustee to Mat(hcw
Wynkoop, an. Pleasant.
B. L. Bowman and wlfo to Mary U.
Glenn, Berwick.
Henry V. O'ltellly to Edward McFadden,
John Appleman to . Mary.Applcman,
Buckhorn. ' j '
LowU Daniels and wlfo to Daniel Kuorr.
Locust, -j
- Dauicl Knorr and wife to L. JI. Daniels,
Locust. ' .
Heno' 31.. Yocum nnd.wlfo to John Bro
fee, Locust, . :
CnthariuelDcmpsey and Patrick Dcmnsnv
to Cathailuo Dugan rind Sarah llalfey,
Sarah HnlToy to Bernard Dugan Xren.
lliTwlCk IteniH.
The lecture was a big success every wa
crowded house, n good lecture, nnd ever
ody satisfied. Mr. II. V. White of Blooms
burg, yvlth a party of friends w?roJn at
tendance. Wc were pleased to see themj
OwTilg to tho disngrcfhble wenitferotir
people did not get down to assist In the
Democratic celebration at Bloomshurg. ,
Wns (hero any beef left ?
Pay-day to-morrow, Saturday,nnd creri
body's smiling, literally smiling.
.George tanger killed two hogweigji
lug 000 pounds. Some of our citizens re.
lying on their expertness in Judging potk
pooled to tlio extent of ij;)3,22, which whs
evenly divided between Mesrsf Ii Hoyt
and A. W. Dickson, who now claim to
know; more abdtit porcine proportion, nnd
fatty generation, than tho oldest resident
nuthortlly on tho subject.
'There Is a debt of $750.00 td bo raised
on tho now parsoungo, and the efforts .of
tho ladles will bo great to Its liquidation.
Am6ng other means to be used by thorn
f6r tho purpose Is a Thanksgiving' dinner.
' 4 ' From tht Oatttt, Montreal, (CUti.) T
r-i . . . . r . , 1 1
I..AMII.I..V UHSO 8 VOSCEIIT. JV lUlgU lllllll
ence, notwithstanding tho unfavorable
weather, greeted tlio great 'nrtlsto and her
associates, last evening. As always, tlio
Instrumentation of this glftld player cicat
ed the keenest enjoyment nntl nwoko the
most profound sympathies in' the minds !of
her listeners. Wondrous, heaven-born In
Btrumcnt from the primeval days when
Pan, witli ids attendant Fawns nnd Satyrs,
strove to extract joy from life with ills stri
dent reeds, down to the ravishment of n
Strndavarlus In tlio hands of a Pnganlnl,
lTawlotcn( hast thou ever been to erioblc,
fd" cxcflCiT soothe, and 'charm 1 A few
strings only on a sounding case j but it
waS a iliaster spirit that charmed thy secret
ro-m.thec last night! "It Is .the hand of an
Amazon," said ltusKln ot Jliss Thompson's
plcturo, of "TIiq Charge ot Inkcrmanj"
and so It Is with Camilla Urso a comblna.
tlnn of tho delicacy and refinement of the
woman with the strength and power of
manhood. Tlio graiulncss of Ernst, tho-
dcllcnto movement of the Andanto and
Cnntnlnlc of Iliivdn. tho soothim charm of
'tlit Berceuse, tlio difficult instnimeiifnlion
of'WIcniawsklj all were rendered with tho
same grace nnd power. II Is unnecessary
to add that every plcco evoked nn nncorf.
Opera , Houso Wednesday November 20th.
.' .- .......
ino model n epicure is too ouon
nfilictci with dyspepsia, indigestion or
constipation after having satiated his
nppetilo with a. delicious banquet and
all the luxuries' of tlio ' season. Uuri
dock Blood Bitters, aro a positive euro
'for 'these 'and all other disorders of "the
i. ' t. T - in "1
I.Hpy StCIllH.
,r Lcroy Kisncr, aged 14 years, 8 months,
nnd 9 days, died on Tuesday, November
10th, after a short illness. Tho funeral
scrvlces'took place at the Lutheran church
(hi Thursday at 1 o'clock p. in.
Keller Sharrets wa in town last week.
TV.. IT.... , .!, , 1 . l.t
ijr.fniirur wis uivuieu a pari oi jus
fnrmflnto building lots. A number of
them have already been sold..
Wo are greatly in need of. a telephone.
Why don;t somo of our enterprising mer
chants get ono 1 A pay station' would cer
tainly pro.vo remunerative. .
Our esteemed poet has a, happy yay of
getting out of a dilemma, and consoles
himself 'by writing on tho blackboard:
" Democratic victory ovcr4 the Indepen
dents and Greenbackcrs' " Well, that will
do, n poor excuse is better tliau yione, hut
it is 'rather a sly way of" ignoring a Re
publican defeat. Tlio following has been
copied from his blackboard :
In family affairs , 1 .
Where they jangle and brawl j
. OutsldoiH look on
And gobble' up all.
Four against on
Don't look very square,
But 'tis said in such matters,
All things aro all fair. j,
The following Is a reply to the above :
. In a family nffair,
Where they try to do rigid,
Outsiders don't care
To profit by a fight.
When " one" on ills money leans',
Ho ought to bo bent.
The end justities tho means,
Because " Don " is a client.
great superiority of DR.
allothercough remedies is attested
by the immense'popular demand
for that old established remedy.
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron
chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient
Consumption and for the relief of
consumptive persons in advanced
slaves of the Disease. For Sale
by all Druggists. Price, 25 cents.
Asimmro .Wueklavi). On tho 10th Irjst.
at tho Evangelical parsonage, Bloomshurg
Pa., by Iter. S. P. Bonier, Mr. Jumps
Blair Andrews and Miss Molllo M. Wheel
and, both of Milton, Pa.
Hautman HAitMAX. N o v o m h c r , 10th
1892, at tho residence of tho bride's parents,
by tho Bov. L. V, timer, William E. Hart
man to Fannlo Hnrman, both of Blooms,
For blankets, llannels, or any kind of dry
goods go to Lutz & Sloan's.
That shawl, that skirt, that coat, that
dreiis pattern, that braver cloth, tliat now
pair shoos, that book, that knife, that plot
uru, &c,, will mako a nice Christina pres
ent at 1. W. Harlmnii & Sou's.
W. B, Allen lias Just opened a lot of now
goods, embracing lino groceries, glass,
ware, painted cliina, (pieeusware, Ac, All
of the. best, and at the lowest prices.
Do'not forget to go to Lutz A Sloan's
when you want a ladles' coat or Dolman,
Farmers dealing nt W, B Allen's can bo
accommodated with stabling, npr. 7-$f,
Don't buy your Christmas presents until
I. W. Hailiiian it Son have their full lino
opened, coming lu every day now.
As good cigars as can be toiind lu town
nro kept at W. B, Allen's Emit end gro
ct-'ry. aprll 7-tf
Husbands, wives, sons, daughteis.uncles,
ttUiiU.cousliis and everybody in tho county
aro luvltoil In bi.n 1 W ll,n i...,,,. .(. anf..
i Christmas goods.
For Tamlso Cloth, Henrietta cloth or
mourning dress good of any kind go (o
Lutz & Sloan's. '
i. 'W. Hartman fc Son will again havo tho
greatest variety of Christmas presents In
' Columbia county.
Flour and feed can always bo had at
Allen's East end grocery nprll 7-tf
Moro silks, satins, velvets, plushes and
other dress trimmings this week nt Lu tz &
When tho fountains of life nre not cor
rupted nnd embittered by suffering ( when
the functions ot womnnl'ood nre strictly
normal, woman life is llko music, with no
discord to jar her deltcato sensibilities and
brenkthe vital aud organic harmony. But
mnny who suffer from vital nnd fiinctual
disorders have found Imiuedlnto relief and
a permanent cure . by using Sirs. Lydla E.
Pinkhnin's Vegetable Compound.
Quick, complete cure, nil annoying ICld
riey, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, ijl.
Druggists. '
wnnf tiieiir's a wn.t. there's a wat.
Anyoiid who hat the will to try. Thomas'
Hclectrlc Oil will surely find tlio way to
robust health, in cases of bronchial nunc
tions, sore throat, pains, etc. ; nnd ns an
internal remedy, It is Invaluable.
After I had become almost skin nnd
hone, with neither strength, nppctlto nor
ambition let t., nnd tho doctors couldn't
help mo, twoi 'bbttlcs of Parker's Ginger
Tonic cured me completely. M. B. Wes
cott, Lamp M'f'r., Chicago.
don't Tunow m the sroson.
Who'll suffering humanity aro enduring
the horrors of 'dyspepsia, Indigestion, or
nervous and general debility, thoy are too
often Inclined to throw up the sponge and
resign themselves to fate. Wo say don't
do It. Take Burdock Blood Bitters tho
unfailing remedy. Price $1.00.
lilouEsx riuzK rciiT
Tlio best wlno In tho country, that took
the highest premium nt the Centennial, is
Spoor's Poi Grape wine, which has .be
comb tho most celebrated product of :New
Jersey. This wlno and his P. G. Brandy
rirojnow, being 'used by physicians every
where, who rely upon them as bcingMho
purest to bo had. It is unsurpassed for
weakly females, and old people. Used hy
tho best Fifth Avenue Society as an eve
ning social wine- For sale byC. A.
In fevers, malaria, biliousness, heartburn,
etc.; nothing is so beneficial ns Brown's
Ir6u BittersX
sinrxm's coNstJMiTios crmrs.
This is beyond question the most success
ful Cough Medicine wc have ever sold, a
few doses ir variably cure the worst cases
of Co.igl', Croup, and Bronchitis, whilo its
wonderful svecess in tlio cure of Consump
;tion Is without : parallel In the hlstoryi of
medicine, i Slnco its first, difcovcry it has
been sold on ii guarantee, a test which no
other medicine can stand. If you have a
Couli wc' earnestly nslc you to try It. Price
10 eta.' and i. 00. If your Lungs are sore,
Chest, or Back, Lame, use Slilloh's Porous
Plaster. Price 25 cts. Sold by J. H. Kin
ports1', may 5 cow
, "Wells' Hea'th Bono ver" "-cstores health
olid vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence
soxual Debility.
V'Help yourself and others will help
you." HIU uon I iru lo use liiuiivy iruri
for all liver, kidney, and bowel complaints,
piles, costlvcnccs, etc. Tho denial d of the
people for on easier method of preparing
Kidney Wort has induced the pronrictors,
tho well-known wholesalo druggists, Wells,
Bichp,rdson & Co., of Burlington, Vt., to
prepare it for sale in liquid form as well as
In dry form-
smr.on'8 o.vTAimit hemedy. A marve
lous euro for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker
mouth, and Head Ache. With each bottle
there is an ingenious nasal Injector, for tlio
more successful treatment, of these com
plalnts.wlthout extra charge. Prlco BOcts.
Sold by J. II. Kinports. may fi.eow.
Seo a woman in another column, near
Speor's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which'Speer'fl Port Grape Wlno is made,
mat is so lilgniy estecmeu oy too meiiicui
profession, for the uso of invalids, weakly
persons nnd the aged.
Sold by Druggists. sept 32-ly
CiTExplicit directions for every use. arc
given with the Diamond Dyes. For dye
ing Mosses, Grasses, Eggs, Ivory, Hair,
Ac.'i.i. nun iub3iii'.,i
Why do so mnny people we seo nround
us, hceiu iu (iiuier lu Miner mm no iiiaiie
'miserable by Indigestion, Constipation.
rt..-,l.w.c, T iaa nt A ill. f.l...- ....
iir.r.uii.s9, j.wb u. jjiii;iiii., vi'lilll! ili ill
the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 7.1 cts.,
wo will sell them Shiloli's Vilnlizer, suaran-
. 1 .1 1. T IT TTI..
ll'l'U IU UlllU llll'lll. 3(1111 11 U, 11. 1V1II
ports. "may 5-eow
Clears nut rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants,
bed-hugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
loc. Druggists.
Wilt nt per baihel
Itjo "
Corn, "
Oats ' " ..,
Flour rer barrel
Otovsrscea i
Dried Apples
sirti-s A Shoulders
Lara per pound
Hav per ton , ,
ueeswax ..
liuctnheat nawer per loo.
Id 10
Will Surpass All Oilier Years.
Do mot be in a hurry
to buy.
In pursuance of an order Issued nut or tlio or
pUans' Court ot CoIurtbU county tlio underslBuad
sdmlnutrator ot Josepli Snyilcr, lato of tlio Uwu
of llloorasUurff, deceased, will expoao to publlo
silo on tlio premises on
Saturday, Decembers,
at two o'clock p. in. ttie, following real esiatw
A certain houso aud lot ot ground sltuato in tlio
town ot Moorasbur?, adjolnlns the publlo road
leading from liloomsbun; to uatawissa, oa tao
cast, and lllff WslilDecroek on tlio west,
Ins about
Sixty-Five Perches
of land, whereon aro erected a two'storj- frmo
dwelling house with kttehen attaeliod.aitabH
and other out bulldlues.
tj-iimsof HAt.i:.-'rea psr cent, of the odq
fourth ot the purchase moaay to ba pill at tli
strlklnir down of ,he property! the ono-iourth less
the tin pur cent, at tlta roanrmatloa of sale; ana
tin uniululuir tlirecfourttu In one year there
after, ttlth luterekt from conllrrration cut.
I'urcliasers to pay for deeds.
I'osfsesMoa of Miniln property given 1st ot April
Administrator, .
MV'li ltupert.l'a.
Pdr dlnrrlnrn nnd dysentery "get l)r.
Oalo's cholera specific. It Is tho best nr.
tlcle. It never falls to cure. It always
proves satisfactory only 25 cents.
Now Is tlio time to clear your feet bf
corns, bunions nnd callouses, Dr. Gaits'
com cure Is warranted. Money refunded
If not satisfactory. 20 cents per package.
Our stock of cloth, hnlr, nail, shaving
and tooth brushes contains bargains which
customers will not fall to appreciate.
IJon't forget It I Hendcrsliott's German
I.lnimonl is a whole medlcino-chcst In
itself, It relieves niiln almost instantly.
It is an Internal and external remedy
which can bo taken or applied for almost
any dlseaso of man or beast. Largo
bottles (50 cents.
i'or a certain nnd Dcrmnncnt cure for
ague, chills and fever, dumb ague mal
arial fever. Ac. cot Hendcrsliott's Acuo
Tonic. It Is a specific for nit those dls
trcsslng diseases arising from exposure to
stagnant wntcr, ungs ami all marsn.mias
matlo influences. I'int bottles $1.00.
Eamilv medicine chests somcthlnir eh.
tlrclv new. In two sizes s No. 1. 13 bottles.
No. 2, 24 bottles. They arc Just what
every farmer should have call and seo
Wo keen welt stocked with the best.
strictly pure, spices of nil kinds alio
flavoring extracts. Borax in packages,
nnd tiic best of Laundry soaps.
N. J.' Hendershott.
Wednesday Evening,
Assisted by llio following distinguished
Artists : i
Mlt. S. LIE15L1NC,
Aud thu Popular Humorous and Dramatic,
Mr. Alfred P. Burbank, "
Profcrnmmcs nt all Look and Music
Stores. ,
Admission 50, 7!, according to loca
Children under 12 years of age half
Ijlooinsburg, Pa.
WHEREAS, the Hon. William Elwell
President Judge of tlio Court of Oyer and
Terminer and OcneralJall DeliveryCourt of Quar
ter Sessions of the Penco and the Court o( Common
Pleas and Orphans' Court In tho 2Ctli Judicial Dls
trlct, composed of .UiacounUcs ot Columbia, and
Montour, and tho lloiu. James Lake and F. L.
Bliuman, Associate judges of Columbia countr,
havo Issued their preccpt,uearli)tr date the 9tlv day
ot sept. In the year of our Lordoiio thousand eight
hundrod and clgbtr-tivo, aud to mo directed tor
holding a Court ot Oyer nnd Terminer and General
Quarter Session, pf tho Peace, Court pi Cominon
Plea1 and Orphan?' Court, In llloonburi, lu the
county of Columbla,on the first Monday, bolDg the
4tli day of December, r.cxt, to continue for two
Notice Is hereby Kli en to the Jus
tlces of tho Peace, aud tho Constables of thu said
County of Columbia, that they bo then and then In
their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon ot
said 4th day of Deo. with tlicir records lnqul
sltlons and other remembrances,to do thobejthlngs
which to their onices appertain to be done. And
thoso that aro bound by recognizance to proseeute
against tho prisoners that nro or may bo in tho Jail
of tho sald,county of bo then and there
to prosecute them as shall be lu it. Jurors are re
quested to bo punctual in their attendance,
agreeably to their notK es. Dated at Woomsburg
, ,) the 5rd day of Nov. In tho year of our
L. S. V Uird ono thousand eight hundrod and
. J eighty-two and in tho one hundred and
seventh year of tho Independence of tho United
niuu.' ui Ainurica.
Hherlll'aomcc, U. II. ENT,
liloomsburg, Nov.l to Sheriff,
Curtt rt. Brooks ts lloroucli of Danville.
Isaac YettT va foloinon Miuman,
l'fter llclwig'B Kt, vs Isaao Lowla etal.
Wra. I.amou, Truitec, ot al v.1 John IV, Hoff
man. (loo w. Ilelfnch. receiver, vs Jos.'ph SI. rrcck,
James I.amon', Aduir. n Joseph Lamon.
oraDgcrlllo M, s. P. Association vs Joseph Hon.
rle et. al.
iurtley AlUTtson vs A. II. Klkendalt.
John It. Yoho vs John lllnterdter.
Wilton cot vs W. D. llrubst.
. s. stok'-r v.i llenry cott
0 Wldcmnn vs Henry summers,
nryno llonabcrger v V. II. l.elbr.
IicnJ. Miller's admr. vs ilco birlckcr.
I. 8. Wlntoriten. trustee, vk 11. M, Kowlor,
W, F. llioby vs fleinmlnes Jacoby.
W. I', inooy vs isaao II. Hccaolu et nl.
Ifdlah lionervs Daniel llradcr.
W. I. Uyerl vs Jacob Ycagcr.
Catherine Schmlck's uso v W. V. nibby.
M, A, Baker's trusteovs M, V. Woodward,
u. II. Haines vs Jounth in Novlnger.
V. F. Keller vs N. 4: w. 11. Itallroad Co.
Oeo. A. Ucvan et al vs Lewis A. Kelly A Co.
Tho blnger Mfg. Co. V3 Martha Hellas.
nioom Oco, Kreamor, D, F. wise, James Dar
llonton Benjsmln Karnes,
liernicfc Win. 'ihomas.
llrlarcroek Jonathan Kck,
catawlssa Uenjaintu Harnlt,
iVntrtl'otcr nmtensttno,
Centralla Win. E. Davis
ConjiiBham-CharleH llaggcrty,
I'lshlngcreek John Y. Aliliier.
Franklin Josopn F Iteeder.
(ireenwood-Krea Patten on, Wealoj Morris, r
E. Hoat.
Jackson Paul Kllnger.
Ijcust lohn Johnson.;
Madlton C. J,, o. W. Supplee.
Mt Pleasant .tallies Sands.
liloom w. II. Ycttrr, Clinton sterllnj, Alfred
,.11,11. U VII II CI. I II, I.
leaver Mias Minor.
Hrlarcreek Samuel Conner, A. 11. Croon
centre Myron I. law, T, W. llagenbuch.
Centralln II. A, Weldensaul,
('onyneham-J. P. Ilannon,
Flshlngcreik-J, s. Woods, Jacob Labor. Win
flrenwood It. J. Itobblns, Moses Mcllenry
Win. W. lilack, Thomas Wllsori. J-'icnr ,
iiuiiiioi'k j ii. iiuiiiini'r, aioii wnlWnlght.
.lacknon Frank Hem, s. W Jackson.
Locust ('harlcs Ht'llir, Samuel Camp.
M alue Da Id shumun.
Madliion Jacob (llrton. IV m. J. Alton
Mimin-saiuuil fcnyder, Michael Heller, 1), a.
Moutour .lamoi Quick,
orange II, . I. Conner.
Pine F P. Masti n.
Itoarlniicrcek-l'raDklln Yccutn.
Sujarloaf-Xeptcmlah Kile, James M Schultt
Brcomi writ.
R.?,'??7r,S'al?.nJ?.eenri.Jo!,n,P-..r"r!". KJaii
lieaver James F.'fox,' Abrata itlce, Ileurj-
Hrlarcreek Frcaa Fon ler.
n,vft?i27Aus,!9!','h,& w, n. ouie, . v.
"(.'onynghvu Francis llergi-n!
i,i'"i'f,CriSi'.ii7Sdlnuul lleubcn
Franklin 1. A. Munsou.
'reenwood-T. F. llayiuan, Wrn. It. Math?r.
.....t.wvM ...v, 'vui, uoiiivs runieii,
Jackson Augustus Kveilurt.
Uicmt Wm l'elterimiii.
aliMwcime7A' " Wn' J Wf John80n- Nehcmt-Mtrtlln-W.
C, IIarl7.clt.
Montour-iienreTiiio ltimsds, o A. stuneer.
&w wuTl&w!eou,, m crawrj-
rjUT-of-tOT-. n trti-iu'.j.c:-3 of DHY aOODS
u will find V.;rJ. tKlCtPP&G by MATT.. whon
tlono thrcv.jfh ovsrV-affotod
, . . fSavcoTImo!
Mail Order Dqpartnnent fevcoMonov!
Ana i9 jztst n
aia Dhopplntf In parnon r.t
TTTB1TB to ua (a T03fxA Card will do) otatlns
v v tho klnda of goCiAa deolrcd, and QAMPLES
to soloct from, with urloen end widtha corrootlv
inarkod, will bo forl-dcd
Ouf Mall Ordor Do3artmonfc 13 orirankod with
ou6h porfoot uyatosi, that v.o can cuarantoo all
Orders filled i sis same day as received,
whothor 1r
Our prlcoo can ba Tdilod
Eighth and Market Sts., Philad'a.
i" y'' 0
- iki'.
'i i i; .
i iii 1 . ,
.. -i i
, I in . -
1l. ,
' .
.' ' '
i-e jtivif cd io ex'atnine hc tcauf iful1
&XQmtswamt mas m
Collections cVcroim ih de
Uxiifcd Statoo anelcomprifctinany
originalWorKvhich are fpecial
Jsttifey Xante fySMJCo
i .
' AT
Private Sale.
The undersigned will tell at private sale the
farm of lttchard Demote, latoot MadUontown
ahtp, Columbia county, deceaso I, Tho said farm
li located noir Jorsoytown. and contains a
frame lions", frame barn, and outbuildings, plenty
of fruit, land well watered. And contains
1G7 Acres of Land,
About co aorei of which Is timbered.
'For particulars Inquire of the undersigned at
White Hall, Montour oounty, or of Jasper Demott
on tho premises.
Afrent for helra otlllcliard Demott.
OCt. 18-31110.1.
uniToit'.s NOTicn.
Among tho llecords and proccedlnsa'of the
Orpluna' Court of Columbia couut, it l? inter
all, thus contained :
In tlio matter ot the final nejount of JoEhua
Kettorman' und Aaron drover, administrators ot
Michael drover deeeaand.
And now, Scntember lflb, W2, on motion of sr.
P. Ityeily court appoints Charles o. Barkloy, Esu.,
auditor, to mako dlstrlbui ton t.f tho monovlu tho
handof said adinliumratoia, Hlth power to rtlv
trlbutn tho slmo of suaan drover who died since
Balclldeccasod In her majority tniestato unmar
ried and without Issue, and betoro sluing as such
auditor ho shall rivo notice to all parties by pub
lication under tlio ru!c9 of this court.
WM. KltlCKllAUM.
Certified from the llecords thla lh day ot sop
teinber In pursuance of tho foregoing tho undersigned
auditor win sit at his omoi In liloomsburg on
Prtdy. Novembor 24th, issaatten o'clock a. ro.,
to perform tho diillcs of hla appointment when
andwhcroali parties Interested villi pnrnnd
present ttic-lrclilms or ba forever debarred from
any eharo of said lund.
nors-ta Audlior.
- 41UU1 IF t
''Periapt the mostjaditioudy edited magvxine ,
in the world." T jiba'Uo.v, N. Y, Sept. 1882. i
For 1882-83.
Tho twelfth year of thli nnsazlno tho first
under tho new name, and tho moat succeaifi l in
Us history, closed with fio October number, 'I ho
circulation has hown a largo gain over thai of tho
preceding so .son, and TUB CKNTUltY begins Its
thirteenth year with an edition of
110,000 Copies.
Tha followlog are tlio leading features i
A NRW NOVEL I'Y W. U. HoWELI.S, to sue
ccid this author a "Modern inBtmeo." It will bo
an liitcriiatlonal storr, entitled "A Sea Cliango.'
KUWaHD ni(lI.ESro.N,-lhe leadln.' historical
feature ot tuo year; to consist ot n number of
paper, on such topics as "The Uelnuliig of a
ntlon," "Social l.iru In tht) Colonic?," tic tha
whole forming a complete history of tarlv lire In
tho I'nltod states. Kipectal attention will bo paid
to accuracy ot Illustrations,
11ALLOCK FOOTE, entttli il The Led-llorso
Claim," to bo illustrated by tlio author,
a series of tight leitira fr.uu Imaginary persons
of varloui natlonallt us, criticising America, Its
pople, society, manners, rat roadi, etc.
by tho ltev. Washington madden. An account of
practical co-operation In Christian work, showing
how a loiguo was formed In a email town lu
Connecticut, what kinds ot worl: it attempted,
and now It spread throughout tho whole Mate.
"ItUnilElt OltANOE AIlltOAD" by Frank it
Stockton, a continuation ot tho droll "lluddsr
Orangi," stories, tho sccuo being now In Europo.
llUILIHNli. a sirlcs ot four pap-rs, fully mm
tratcd, devoted to (1) city Houses, (9) Country
llouaea, t) Churches, and (1) Public Uulldlngs.
Cable, author ut "Old uroolo Dajs," o'c. : a fresh
and graphto narrative, llchly Illustrated.
Cuhlng, guvcrnmeui ethnologist, an alorted
membor of the Zunl tribe of Indians. Illustrated
C M'l I'A I., includlug "Tho Capitol," "1 ho Supreme
Court," "Tee Whilo House," itc. 1
"II, ll '! tbrcoor four papers ot an exceedingly
Interesting t haractcr, richly illustrated,
Further worl: Is ejpectud from 1!. 0, Stedruan.
Thomaa Ilujhcs, Joel chandler Harris, Unclo
ltcnius,') Charles Dudley Warner, John liur.
rouihs, K. V. Si alley, II. II. Iloyesen, and a long
list of others. Entertalulng Hliurl BloUcs nnd
noTlt.tte will Ixi mnoug thu leading UaturfK of
TIIKOENTintY.aBliereiofoi-e.and the magailne
will continue Its advance In geteral c.cellenie,
Tho subscription price Is l.uo a yea' : as cents
a number, Subscriptions slioulj bcgtn with the
November number, and enublo now subttrlbrrs
to couiiuenca vltujhe now series uudi'r THE
OKNTUHY uaine, o maVo tho folloiuog
. Aioar'isiibscriptloa from Nov., iss?, ard tho
twelienumbewof tho piat year, unbound, t.oo.
A subscription aud tho twelve buk numbers Luuud
In two olegant volumes with gtit top, l.5.
THE CENTl'RY CO., Nww.YoaK, N, V.
riio cctialoro
b rotura mail,
iroods er camalos.
upon ft3 always bolng
v' t 1
. ii:
h iij
t.t 'it
l.. til I'-
1 t,
Tho Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, to the following nephews and
nclcesof Catharine ic lurnhututo ot Madison
towntlilp, deceased :
Simon ltolchard. residing In Hemloct township,
Columbia county, Ellas Itclcaard, residing In
Hemlock township, Jacob Kclcbird residing in
lowa, placo unknown, John ltolchard, residing In
rtadlfon township, Amos Itelcmrd, residing In
chllltsquaqiio township, Norihumb.-rlaod county,
Ellen, lntennarrlod with Andrew Heaglu ot Hem
lock township, Harriet, intermarried with
ltouck, residing lu Luzerne county, ttioabovo
being tlio children of Samuel Itelchard, deceased,
Cirua Ilclchard, residing In Madison township.
Silvester ltelclnrd, residing In Cbllllsquanuo
township, Northumberland county, Jonas Kelch
ard residing in Northumberland county, Abraham
Itelchard residing at Ilerwlck, Sarah wlfoot Ben
jamin Deltsrlck residing in Madison township,
Mary wife of residence un
known, Clarissa ltolchard raiding In Madison
township, and snrah Jane ltelchard residing In
Madison township. Also Ellen ltelchard a minor
child of lllram Ketchard, deceased, said Hiram
ltelchard beln a deceased nephew ot the said
Catharine H. liamhart, deceased, having William
Mastellcr. ot Madison towrmlilp for her guardian,
at the instance of Solomon llarnhart, administra
tor of Catharine It. Harnhart, deceased. You and
each of you laying aside all business and excuses
whatever, aro hereby cited to ba and appear be
fore the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on
tho second Monday of December noxt at tho
court Houso In liloomsburg. then and there to
show causa why spoclllo performance of contract
shall not bo decreed In tho estate of the said cath
nrlno It. llarnhart, deceased, for a tract ot land,
sltuato lu JonHn township, Lycoming county,
Bold to too said Solomon llarnhart. as prayed for
In tho petition ot him Solomon Harnhurt, admin
istrator of raid Caltnriuo llarnhart, aforesaid.
Herein fill not.
Witness the Honorable William Elwell, Presl
dent of ou- said Court a', liloomsburg, Fa, this
Eleventh day o; November. A. 1) lass.
WM. KUICKinUM, Clork.
a M. (juiCK, Deputy.
Harper's Magazine begins Its slxty-Blxth volume
with tha December Number. It Is not only llio
most popular illustrated periodical in America
and England but also thu largest In Its scheme,
tho most beautiful In its appearance, and the best
magzlho for tho home. A new novel, entlilod
"For tho Motor," by cokstanci Fksiuors Wool
son, tho author ot "Anne," was begun lu tho
November Number. Inlltorary and artlst'o ex
relleuco the Magazine improves with each succes
sli o number. Special efforts have been mado for
the lighter entertainment ot Ha readers through
humorous stories, sketches, tc.
I'rr Ycnn
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