ts of dVetis'HQ' tOTtuucHDEKocniT, Ifiuor Tin (toatiJ, and og. lcmsun, OonnolldaUxl, Lnaed Weekly, .r.ry rrlday H.rala, mt BLOOltSIIt'ItO, UOI.UMM A CO , ra. AT TITO HOLMS ftr ynvr. To subscrtbor out of te (KHintr tho terms sro strictly Is advance). trxo nper dlicontUiucd incept t th. option pt tho Hiblllicni, until nil arrearages aro paid, but loni continued credits uill not be tflveji. All papers sent out of the state or to distant pout Ofllcos must bo nnld for In advance, unless a rcsnon- 1m s ax M ono Ind loo 160 ,9W lOo TwoUiChtr) 110 4 00 6 00 8 00 Three Indies.,... too 6 00 loo II w Kourlnclioi 8oo 700 vol ISO Quarter column.. sio soo low i llalfcolumn tow 140.1 ltoo llUi onncnlumn 0 0 0 6 00 3000 O'lOl It 8 01 1109 1801 000 BM MM 10C1 (10 Yenrly advertisements r) 9'la& Jit" tvnt mn r..mmentii must bo tiatri for before insert ed eicept where parties tiaro account. Ttl advertisements two dollars per Inch for threes Inecrttons, and at that rate for additional Insertions without reference to length. tin nurmcrlptlon duo on demam iuiu ifi mull iu ,unuuuin county raumn w par iDiion duo on nnnnnn. TUSTAUKIS In the county, R la no longer exacted from subscribers Kxccutor's, Administrator's, and Auditor j notice Uireo dollars. Must bo paid for when nncrtcd. Tmnsient or Iwal notices, ten cents n line, rcgu- .TOR 13 U TOTTMA Tlie JsbWn j Department of t ho comimbum Is e ry lar ndTcrUMtncnU hall rates. 9uiiiinH, miuviii wu I 1 1111111 Mini uiHiiaruinTur- bly wit li that of tho large cities. All worK done on short notice, neatly and atmodcrato price. B. E.EtiWELXi, , BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1882. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XVI.NO 47 COLOMBIA DKMOOllAT, VOL.XLVI, NO 8 Cards tho 'Uuslnesa Directory' column, ono :z BTTENBENDEIl,'v'w"v", dollar ear for each line. le dolttmbikn. He PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T E. WALLEIt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ofllco In 1st National Bank butldlwr, second floor, first door to ino nitnr, corner oi Main ana Mar kt stroots, llloomsburg, )'a. T" U. FUNK, ' ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOUSSCSO, VI. Offlco In Knt's Building. Q It. 1JU0KALEW, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSSURd, Pa. Offloo, onMiUn Street, 1st doot below coart nouto. TOIINM. OLAUK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 1ILOOMSBCKJ, VI, omc over Schuyler's Hardwaro Storo. p W.MIMjEB, omoo in Browor'a bulldlng.second floor.room Ho. 1 Bloonifiburg, ra. T FRANK ZARBi ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, Pa. omoo cornor ol Centro and. Main 8troU. Clark's Building. Can bo consulted In German. G EO. E. EL WELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Nsw coujMBUH boildihs, Bloomsburg, Fa. . MoBrtor of the united SZSSSToTm Cvlieouons muuo iu uuj ropo. pAUL E. WIUT, Attornoy-at-Law. omoo in coldmbun Bon-bisa, itoom No. s, second BLOOMSBURG, PA. JJERVEY E. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, l'a. omoo In Mrs. Knt's Building. sept, U 1M T. p UY JAUOBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG, oracolnM.J.Clark'iliuliding. Becond Door, Drat door to the left. Ost.e.'so. . L.I.WIXTllBeTlBll. Notary Publlo KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, A tiornoy s-at-Law. omeo in 1st National Bank building, second 1 Door nrstdnnrtotholeft. corner of Main and Market stroets Bloomsburg, Vi. t&Peimoni niirf Bounties Collected. J II. MAIZE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. omcelnMm. Knt's Building, third door from JOHN C. YOCUM, A t.rnvnov-ivt-LaWi CATAWISSA, PA. nniM in Nkws Inn building, Main street. Mombor of tho Amorlcan Attorneys' Assocla- Oo "e'otlons made In any part of America. Jan. 6, 15B2. A K.OSWALD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Jnckson BaiUUng, Rooms 4 ami 5. Mav .!. BBBWICK.PA II. RIIAWN, 'attorney-at-law. Catawlssa, P. Offlee, oornor of Third and Main btreeta. yM. II. SNYDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Orangovillc, Pft. omeo In Low's Building, second noor, second door to Uic left. n.n kn oonaulted In Gorman. aug is i Xy. E. SMITH, Attorncy.atLnw, Berwick. Pa. Cim bo Consulted In German. ALSO FIK3T.OI.ASI! FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES UKl'nESBNTKD. ii3"Onico with tho Berwick Independent. IT'S COH !! And WE HAVE GOT IT. Aivr Immense New Stock of CLOTHING. HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, and A Grand Iiinc OF Gents'" Furnishing GOODS. FornyipcpiU, Ooitlren.il, Slek Headache, Ohronlo Dlar- rheoa. Jaundle., Impurity of the Illood, Ferer tad Acne, Malkrla( and all DUeatet T" A cauaed by De rangement of Llrcr, IloweU and Kidneys. BTSIPTOM9 OP A DISEASED tmni. Jd Ureathi Pain In the Side, lometlmet th. rain li felt under the Shoulder-blade, mliuVeo for Uheumatiim general lost of .ppetltei Boweli ceneraiiy coiuve, lometlmel altemanrK wim uii the head U troubled with pain, la dull and hurt, with considerable loia of memory, accompanied wiinapainiuliensatlonoi learlne undone aometniRg which ought to hare been done) a ilijht, dry couta and flushed face Is sometlmea an attendant, oftea mistaken for consumption; the patient complain, of weariness and debility I nerrous, easily ttanledi tcet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the slcin exists; spirits are low and despondent, ana, aunougn sausnea that exercise would d. Den., fielal, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to try It- In fact, distrusts erery remedy. Sereral of the a bore symptems attend the disease, but cue. hare occurred wnen but few of them existed, yt examination after death has shown the I4ver to hare been cxtenslrcly deranged. It ahonld he used by all peraons, old and young, nhcnoTor any of tho nbora symptoms appear. PernonR TrftTnllni? or LtTlnff In Tin liealthy l,ncallllc, by Uklng a dose occasion ally to keen the Liver In healthy action, will avoid .11 Malnrla, lllllnus ntlackn, Dininess, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. II wilt Invigorate like a glass of wine, but Is no In toxicating bovcrngo. If You llATO rntim nnrthlnt- lmr.1 nt illsreation, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep- uss iu nigni, raae a uose ana you wui oe reuevea. Time and Doctor.' Dills will bo tared by always keeping tho Itegulator In tlio House I For. whatever the ailment mav be. a thoroueVhr safe purgative, allerntlre and tonlo oan never be out of place. 1 he remedy Is harmlei. nnu unes not iiuvnoro Willi uu.ine.s or pleasure. it is rmtrr.r VT-nT-TATir T! And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel Of A OoTemor. Te.tlmony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been In us. In ray family for tome time, and I am satisfied It It a valuable addition to the medical science. J. Gill Shorter, Governor of Ala. lion. Alexander II. Stephen., of On., says; Have derived some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give It a further trial. "Tho only Thing thnt ncror fall, to Relieve." I have used many remedies for Dye- Epsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never ve found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min. nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for such a medicine, and would advise all v. ho are sim ilarly affected to give It a trial u it seems th. .nly thing that nerer ftls to reliere. P. M. Jaiinkt, Minneapolis, Ulan. Dr. T. W. Mason saysi From actual ex perlence In the me of Simmons Llrcr Regulator In my practice 1 hare been and am satisfied to UK and prescribe It as a purgative medicine. 8Take only the Genuine, which always, has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of J. II. ZEILTN & CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Fall Novelties . AT PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. CALX, AND BE C03Sr"VI3STCEID. AT D. Lowcnk rg's. MISCELLANEOUS. T) BUCKINGHAM, Attorney-M-Low. I VieOMcc, nrocicway'B uuuuiug..isi. Blooinsbure, Pcnn'a, m&y T, so-t i ii 1! A Rlfl.EY. AtlorneT-.l.Lf.Tf , onioa m Brower's building, ind story.ltooms B. McKELVY, M. D.,8urKeon and Phy .Blclun, north side Main street,below lla.rlt.1 A L. PKITZ. Allorney-at-Law. Offlc. in Columduk Building, Junoii "l. p M. DHINKEK, GUN & LOCKSMITH sewing Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re- purea. uranx uocbk iiuiiuiug, hiwiuduuk, FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. A. J. EVANS, I mha i.MAivn rlnthlaf lilaf rfAlVAii ft fin HftA I I Ox ciOW uooaa, aau 10 prvparuu 10 uia&o uli FALL AND WINTER SUITS Tor Men and Boys In the neatest manner and La test siyics. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hatsi Oapsi &o-i Alwavs on hand. Call and Examine! BVAliH BLOCK Corner Main and Iron fitreets, BZiOOBXSXVKO, PA. y H. HOUSE, DENTIST, BLOOHsnunu, Columbia Countt, Pa. ill styles ol work dono in a superior manner, work I warranieu as rcpTceeuieu, iiiruAAinun BD vriTnouT raw uy me use ui una, tutu free of charge when arttnclal toetu are Inserted. omen orer Bloomsborc Banking Compaay. Jo be ojten at all hourt dunng the day. HOT, I5-iy B, F. SHARPLESS, FOUNDER AND MACHINIST, NEAR L.& B. DEPOT, BL00MSUUBO, PA. uamifaMnrernr Plows, stores and all kinds ol Castlnes. Large stock ol Tinware, Cook mores, ltoom utorea, Stores for heating stores.school bouses, churches, Ac. Also, largo stock of re pairs for city stores of allklnds.whotcsale and rttall ,snch as Fire Brick, Urates, Lld,Centres,c.,8tovo Pipe, Cook Boilers, Spiders, Cake platee. Urge i..ii. L'l, Ua,is 'trrn Tin... all lilnH. iron lciiirn, DICU DVICB, .uu ....,, ni, . ot Plow Points, Mould Boards, nolts. Plaster, JJUA'Ji MAJXUKX, tie, IcbSt-t New Life is given by using Brown's Iron Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in per fect condition. Brown's Ikon Bitters ensures per fect health through the changing seasons.it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air, and it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Dis ease, &c. H. S. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of II. S. Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing ton, D. C, writes, Dec. 5th, 1881 : Gtntltmtn: I taVe pleas ure in stating that I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for ma laria and nervous troubles, caused by overwork, with excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iron Bit ters, and insist on having it. Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "just as good." The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore. Md, March, a, 'M. ly Daiit8rs,Wwes,iiers! kinds salt, D II. J. 0. KUTTER, PIITS1CI AN k BDItClEON, omeo. North Market street, Uloorasbure, Pa. m street. WM. M. ItEnER. Surccon and hyslelan. omeo corner ol Rock und Market T R. EVANS, M. D.. Burgeon and fl .Thyslclan, (onico and Residence on Third JAMES RElLliY, Tnviorinlnl A -H ah. U atrain at hts old stand nnder Klo.IANOE 1IMUIKK8IIOP. Ha respectfully solicits the . .thlisAMnisarnmapi nr1 Af thA nil h Mil D R. I. h. RABB, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposite Bplscopal Church, Wlooms'surc, pa. Telh citracUd without pain. Oot. 1. Wi. EXCHANGE HOTEL. W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBUIIO, PA. Ol'l'OSITK COURT 1I0USB, lAxzt tnd convenient sample rooms, Bath rooms hot anc cold water.aad all modern conrcnluces HEAB BROWN'S 1WSURANCE aouncy. Morer's new bulldlnir, Main street, woonisourg, i a. ADOIUl! ;tna Insurance Co.. of Hartford. Conn. IT.eis.iM Koyat or Lirerpooi u,.uv,vuu , Lancashire in.eno.wo l'lro Association, Philadelphia 4,ie:,TlT Plioanlx, of London o,M(,t!t lnrinn A Lancashire, of Kncrl&nd... . 1.T09.STS Hartford ot Hartford S.JIS.OOfl Sprlncfleld Flro and Marino s,032,!is As tho atrsacies arc aireci, policies are nritiea for the Insured without any delay In the onice at uioomsourtT, ro, .iu. JpiRE INSURANCE. CnitlBTIAN F. KNAPP, BLOOMSBURG, PA. BRITISH AMERIOA A8SUHANCE COMPART. nsllMAn riiiK insuitAnuis iujh-ahi. NATIONAL KlItB INSUKANOB COMPANT. UNION INBURANOK COMPANY. Those old coBroaiTiOMS are well seasoned by ageandrisiTisTiDand Iiaro never yet bad a loss settled by any court of law. Their asseU are all Invested in solid ssccBiTiisand are Uafcle to the hazard ot rial only. Lossos rowrri.T and uonistlt adjusted and paid as soon as determined by Cuiistum T, KNArr, srxciai. ausht inu auv.t.k iiukiii.- .inn. Pi. The people ol Columbia eounty should patron Ire the agency where losses If any are settled ana pain oy one 01 aawir uwugiiikou.. PROMPINKSS, JUJUITY, PAIRDKALINO. rs i n sun A DOUIQI Four pconlo sat in the Intro drawintr- 00m nt Unstlo lJcrmott, nn old linlf- rmticd tnannion in tho North of Ireland: old Colonel Mncdcrmott, owner of tho caRtlo and its low ininovcnshcd acres : is lovclv datichtcr Knthloen. tho bcllo Onlv onco when Blio saw Uoland and Uurnott. disaiinointcd. but courtly mid that hour and cut throuc li to Bristoe convictod. Tho Buuoniiirs ot twenty tlio county, with tho Dncht bluo him in closo converse sno icit a nine gracious as over, 13 introducing 111cm. auuion at mo umo uesianatcu, tno years, under sueii nntiincB. lor nimseu oir ivuiiiiiti unu Jiiuiy iiwgruvu 1 Kathlt'cn looked tip and Lady liar ci'ovo took her hand, exxlaiininir : "lvathlcon, dear, 1 am ho pleased 10 sou you acain 1 ''Mnrri'io 1" wa "" - . ' 1 rf. . . . tion. i)09ti)oiiemtnt of two hours 111 startinir now boforo ConcresB.ho is askinrr only "Yes, Miss Mftcderinott, your cousin 1 tho march would onablo them to tret that ho mav bo restored to tho rolls of Maggie, now my dear and ehorished through ai quick as if tho men woro tho army, with tho rank that ho woulb wife. You bco wo wcro all abroad to- kept on foot nnd under arms while tho have if tho court-martial had nover trothcr, and have stolen a march on so- road was bcinc cleared, and that tho been held. This, in mv ludtrment, is a oicty generally, not wishing to mako a men would bo in n much better con- very small part of what it is possiblo show ot ourselves. 1 on win lorgivo dition lor service 011 their arrival at to do m this caso and of what ouirht to nowledgousl no their destination. Ho wai f eyes and brilliantly fair complexion so uneasy, often Been in Irish women, his quiet Roland little brown-eyed nieco Margaret, and uoland Hargrove, tlio sou ot an old friend. Tlio old gentleman was busy with an antiquated newspaper, Roland ami Kathleen wcro whispering earnestly to gether, and Margaret had discreetly catch tho night mail. Will you mind withdrawn herself to tho far end of the mo taking you homo now 1" asked lone room, rightly guessing that she Roland, immediately after supper, was not wanted by tho other two. -'Oh, 1 could not possibly icavo yet. And certainly any third party would Just look at my card,' answered lvatn havo been a grievous hindrance to their lccn, hastily. "Don't let mo keep you SELECT STORY. KATHLEEN'S REi'ENTANOE, BV K. A. St. dino might suspect anything of nn en gagement between tiicni. Slio was delighted to bco his Lord ship's faco brighten as ho first saw her, also to have tier caru itiKcn, nnu tus name written against soveral dances. As tho evening woro on a graunea flush heightened her beauty. Lord Carwardiuo Bccmod to tako bo much plc.tsuro in her society, surely her liopes wcro about to bo crowned with success none : sho was waiting with lovcnsh make n march on a vory dark night, anxiety tor her old discarded lover, now through a blockaded road, inoro rapi Sir Roland Hargrove, tho rising young dly than a single aldo-de camn. iinin- politician whoso wonderful talent for cumbered, had been able to jet through diplomacy had been tho means of keep, on horseback. ing his party in ofllco. and had won for "When ho received tho order, ho him already a baronetcy, beside the showed it to his leading generals, and esteem and conlldenco of his leadcrsl apparently with one accord, they deci- Ho camo at Inst, and Kathleen, as in ded that the movement at that hour a dream, saw him again 1 but ah, what was impossible 1 further, that no timo is this T A lady Binning in silks and could possibly bo gained by bo early a costly jewels is with him, and Lady start, and that if thoy should start at ho stales has "now for twenty years been laboring under tho disabilities nnd penalties inflicted upon him by tho court-martial of 1802, all that timo con tending for a restoration to his posi tion in tho army and in Boeioty, and always, as stated in tho beginning of this article, on tho ground of his entiro innocenco. The investigation of tho Sohoficld board has, in my judgment, established his iinnocenco for all tho offenses for wheh ho waa tried and but then rIio reflected that could not in honor say any thing likely to spoil her dances, for ho had not tho slightest claim on tier. "Kathloon. 1 am bo sorry to shorten your pleasure, but thero is important btato business to be attended to, aud 1 havo promised Lord Oarwardino to troops would not bo fit for cither fight- nnd family and friends, is something it ing or marching on their arrival at is now impossiblo to set right, iwen that point. Porter replied, however, tv vcars of the best part ofhis life havo 'Hero is tho order, and it must bo been consumed in trying to havo his oboyedi' but, after further consultation, uamo nnd reputation restored beforo he decided, as did his generals, that a his countrymen. In his application tsking 1 and not rcfuso to acknowl conversation, for Roland's looks wcro Roland, go by all means, n 1 ...:.. .n r.- .1.1 it ...tit -t iialu niunb vt mutiny iijiuu aviiiuivuii o i jiurtut, win viiujiuiuii niv, lovely faco and downcast eyes, wlnlo ho pleaded with her for her lore, his own boing entirely hors. "1JO not turn away lrom me, beauti ful Kathleen 1 I havo loycd you from tho first moment I saw you, and your entirely bo done. General Porter should, iu Lady Mount added, with tho old winning smilo justified iu exorcising his own iudg- tho wav of partial restitution, be do- I know, and Kathleen remembered so well. ment in this matter, becauso tho order clared bv Congress to havo been con- I could not go now." She made somo commonplaco reply shows that ho was not to take part in I victed on mistaken testimony, and, "But, Kathleen, I may not seo you pnu turned to listen to juaggios am- any battle when ho arrived there, but therefore, to havo never been out ot again for somo time, and I want my mated conversation, sick at heart. was wanted to pursuo a fleeing enemy, tho army." fttwurnr. nnmn in hnro for a moment." All through that London season sho Ho did not leavo tho commanding After declaring that in writing as ho and he drew her gently into a small h"id to seo Maggie occupying the posi- general in ignorance of his proposed has upon the subject, he means no crit- conservatory unoccupied iust men. "i i.mvi ui i.khiuu wmuu mn.- u..u uuiuy, n lovo would bo an incstiraablo treasure 8uau leavo you if you wish it, of course, so coveted, and once, to increase tho to me. I am poor now would for 1 ara Vcry much disappointed to bitter repentancc.sho overheard Maggie nor of tho reasons for it, but at ieism upon tho court which tried Gen- your sweet sako it were otherwiso : it seems so cruel to ask you, so peerlessly lovely, so httcd by nature to till the loftiest position, to share auy but princely fortunes. But I shall not always bo poor ; I feel within mo tho capabilities of future success ; the splendid prospects opening before me, through L,ord Uarwardines generous offer of tliis Secretaryship, bid fair to lead rac to famo and fortune, aud it 1 could onlv havo tho sweet knowledge that you lovo mo and aro waiting for me, oh, Kathleen 1 thero is nothing 1 could not do, no task so arduous I would not undertako it, spurred on by such hopes. ' Roland's face glowed with euthusi asm, but Kathleen was still silent, lie mistook this for maiden shyness, and continued to plead lor her promise. x'resently, raising her lovely oyos to his lace, she said : "I really don t know what to say, uoland. You have taken mo by sur prise, and I I havo no wish to be married nor even engaged for a long time. Will you give mo a few weeks to think about it t A few weeks 1 To a man desperately in love this was intolerable, and Roland felt a sudden chill. If Kathleen loved him, whv not tell him so at oncet But ho conquered his impatience, and pro nnsed to wait for her answer until the night before his departure from Castlo Dermott for London, which would bo in about ten days. Could he havo seen beneath Kathleen s winning mauners into her cold heart and calculating dis position, ho would never havo loved her, but ho took her outward beauty and grace as a sign that she must be true-hearted and loving, and ho had given her all tho devotion of his noble, chivalrous nature. "I am in a horrid quandary," thought Kathleen to herself, lying awake rest less and excited long alter Hhc had re tired to rest ; "I am twenty-two now, and have sent away no end of lovers sinco 1 was seventeen, because not ono has been able to give mo the position I want in the world of rank and fashion from which I am shut out here. If I only could know whether Lord Carwar diuo really feels anything beyond pass ing admiration lor me. how to act Lord Carwardino was a great county magnate, isbuiously rich, a great far liaracntary leader, forty years of age, but haudsomo and unmarried. His in fluence had procured Roland tho lucra two oecrotary s post ho was soon to fill, and tho secret of Kathleen's hesitation was that nt ono or two dinners nnd balls thoy had all attended nt his man Blnn iiii'lnry l,ta alr,tf il.ltn.oti t,lc!i no had been very attentive to her not enough to cause remark, but quite sufli ciont to raiso ambitious hopes and wishes in her breast. inero was 10 uo a largo ball held in the county hall tho following week, in nid of tho Irish Distress Fund. Lord Carwardino would bo present, and Kathleen thought : "I shall see then whether he thinks anything seriously or not ; if ho dues I shall still be freehand If not, then 1 may as well accept Roland. I dure say no will succeed as ho says, though it will bo horrid to wait for years. I should bo quite old before lie could give mo halt bo good a position as would bo mino at onco if Lord Carwar dino would only propose. It is terribly perploxicg, but then I might bo worso 011, ime poor juaggie even, who never had a sweetheart in her life, and never wilt loso tho lovely Blarllt drivo 1 had pro mised myself with you. However, hope and bliss will go with mo if you will only givo mo your promise. "1 cannot, indeed 1 cannot, JUr. liar- grove, interrupted Katniccn in great agitation, dreading lest Lord Carwar dine, whoso name was on her card for tho next dance, should appear and 111 tcrrupt their tete-a-tete. "Pray, do not ask mo again. 1 1 do not lovo you I can novcr marry you. Shocked and startled by tho decision of her tone, which was uiinuuakable, Roland released her hand and said in a voico hoarse with grief and disappoint' ment: "Jliss JMaedermott, I cannot suo twice: is that your final answer! For one instant Kathleen hesitated. What if, after all, Lord Carwardino's attentions were only friendly. But no, sho could not bear the thought, sho must win tho prize "1 am sorry it is tho only answer 1 can givo you. 1 hopo you will bo happy and " "Hush, hush, Kathleen ; such words from you are a mockery. Good-bvo may you never know a like grief to that you havo caused me." And hastily wringing her hand Roland left her standing there, forget ting in his desperate grief the common politeness which would havo caused him to tako her back to tho ball room. But Kathleen willingly forgavo his want of gallautry in the relief sho felt at his departure, and ten minutes hence she was waltzing with Lord Uarwar dine, gay and sparkling as ever, with out a single regretful thought for tho man who had just gone from her pres ence, crushed and broken-hearted. Meanwhile, Roland had hastened home, and, packing a small portmnn teau, wroto a hurried note to the Colonel, who had long siuco retired, and was leaving tho house when he noticed a light 111 the little room off the library where Maggie and Kathleen often bat. Ho looked in. Tho formor, still keeping up the role of Cinderella, was waitiug up lor her gay cousin. alio Btarted and pushed away tho say to her hnsband.whon somo thouglit ful act of Ins pleased her : "You are too good to me, dear no- laud." "Nav. mv darling, you aro wrong. How can I ever bo good enough to tho . .r 1 r!.l. darling nine who wnoao puuum, iiiu ful lovo was my comfort and hope through years ot trial and adversity 1" Grant in Behalf of Porter. Tlir, KX-Pltr.SIPI'.NT's UKflENT APPEAL KOn THE llESrOltaTION OP OK.N. F1T7, JOHN POIlTKIt's ItANK. General Grant has written nn nrtielo for tlio December number of the North American Review entitled "An un deserved Stigma, " in which he reviews the charges made against uenerai rnz John Porter, and in which ho express es his full conviction in lionci-ai 1 or- oral Porter, nor upon tho oflicers under whom or with whom ho served, gener al Grant concludes with tho following paragraph : "If a solomn and sincere expression of my thorough understanding of and belief in tho entire innocenco of Gener al Porter will tend to draw the public mind to tho samo conviction, I shall feel abundantly rewarded for my efforts. It will always bo a pleasure onco sent a request that tho general commanding should send back cavalry (,110 nad nono himself) and clear the road near him of incumbrances, so that tho march might bo unobstructed. "There is no doubt but that ho would havo arrived just as early and with his troops if ho had started at early dawn instead of at the hour ho did and tho intervening tunc hnd been used in clearing tho road for his troops when I to me, as well as a duty, to be tho m- iney am mnrcn. strument, even 111 1110 smauesc degree, "It was between 12 and 1 o'clock of setting right any man who has been that, on arriving at his advanced posi- grossly wronged, especially if ho lias tion, Porter was shown by McDowell a risked his life and reputation in do despatch from General Buford, sent nt fenso of his country. I feel, as stated 9:30 on tho morning of tho 29th, stat- on a previous occasion, a double litter ing that from seventeen to eighteen est in this particular case, because, di regimonts of tho enemy had passed rectly after the war, as general of tho through Gaincsvillo three-quarters of army, when I might have been instru an hour before, or at a quarter beforo 9 mental in having justice dono to Gen o'clock,on their way to ro-enforco Jack- oral Porter, and later as President of son, so that the head of tho column tho United States, when I certainly must havo been not ouly in supporting I could havo dono so, I labored under distance ol Jackson, but at tho placo of 1 the firm conviction that ho was guilty tor's innocenco. In tho first place, tho ex- president refers spccificially to tho dovclopment by 10 o'clock in tho morn charges made against General 1 orter in And nov.. conti,m,.8 Gcnorn beforo the court-martial that convened in Washingthon in November, 1802. The charges were : First. Disobedieuco of orders under the 9th article of war. Second. Misbehavior boforo tho enemy under tho 52nd article of war. Under tho first cnargo mere were threo specifications of which tho court found i'ortcr guilty, ttlnntiallv : First. Disobedience to tho order of August ing. And now, continues Ucneral Porter's defender, "it is known by others, as it was known by Porter at the time, that Longstrcct. with some 25,000 men, was in position confront ing Porter by 1 2 o'clock on tho 29th of August, four hours and a half before the 4:20 order was written." McDowell withdrew his troops, leav- thnt tho facts of tho receipt of tho 4.30 order were as found by tho court, add that the position of tho troops and numbers were different than they were in reality. Having become better in formed, I at once voluntary gave, as I havo continued to give, my earnest efforts to impress tho minds of my countrymen with tho justice of this case, nnd secure from our gov- ivmcii uio court ing Porter with j0 000 men t0 collfront crnraenti a8 far ns ;t couia grant it, tho heso were sub- Long8treet's 25,000. restitution duo General Fitz John Por- "Tlms left alone," continues Geueral Grant, "facing superior numbers advan- ter. tgust 27, requiring him to march tllTeousiv o3ted. and ignorant of tho from Wairenton Junction at 1 o clock ,,, of v0,, it tDtei,. hP had nnv. ; t no.l. -...I l. ... " . . 1 .. . ." " " j UK. &J E icriMnwaisaSa DISCOVEItEIl 'oi'mi. iiAnoniBi's CATHOL1CON, A POSITIVE CURE FOR FEMAIE GOMPUMTS. Till, remedy will act In hsruiosy with Hi. Ft male system at all timo, and also Immediately upon tli. abdominal and uterine muscles, and re slot, them to a healthy and stronc condition. Dr. MoictilelV Uteilu. Catholicoo will euro fall ing of th. wnmb, LeacnrrhceaChronlc Inflamma tion and Ulceration of the Womb, Incidental ll-raortliago er Kloodinp, Painful, Surpiesaed m.d Irr.sularMensirtiitllon, Kidney Complaint, llsrrennea. and Is csptclally adapted to th. Chang, of Lite. Send for pamphlet fro., Alllett.rasl Inqnlry freely answered, Addree. abov.. For iMo by allrlrurclsts. Newilio 81 P.rliotll., nldalzo lU.iO. II. turo and ask lor Dr. M ar chill's UletliisCathollcou. Tak.nooth.r. Moyer Pros., Wholesale Agonts, Hloomsburc P June 5-ly V, IIAltTMA-N HiraHiNTS ins rotLowma B AJIEKIOAN INSUItANOK COMl'ANIKS Lycoming or nuncy rennyirania. North American of Philadelphia, Pa. Franklin of ' ' Pennsylvania of " " Farmers ot York, Pa. Ilsnortr of New York. AianDutiKii ui fluir lura. unico on aiarttsi sireev, no, o, uiovmsourir. OCX. W, i-iy IS A SURE CURE for oil diseases of tho Kldnojo and 'LBVER It ha. ipcino action on UUa most tmpocUat orff an, .nabUn-- it to throw off torpedlty md Uaitloa, ellmuUtlni unhealthy Mention of th. Due, rail by lueplac Uu bow.l la tn condition, etroctluc It. regular discharge. uan I - 1 1 Ifyouar..aO"erlnf from (VSaiUrlU. malarla.bav.th.cMllJ, aro blllou., dy.ppUo, or ooxutipaud, Kidnoy Wort will surely roller, and quickly cur. ja tho tipriuff tooleaua. tho System, ev.ry on. should Uko a thorough ooun. of IU (1- 80LD DY DRUQQIBT8. Prices)), .t.pltua It , lint unr iii'viiiiii ii:lm- i. . ... i ....-u , T lm,,l,1 know U0.0K 8,10 "a-" .oce?. reau.ln& Wiling misconduct was embraced I nrinmnn nr. Knlnrwi a RitMrlnn ntiiinnr. I . f on tho morning of the 28th, aud bo at Unstoe Station by daylight. V.sisiw7 Ttarl.ni1innir f.11 All mint. 29, while in front of tho enemy, to tho joint order to McDowell aud Porter, lircctinc; tnem to niarcn towaru Gainesville and establish communica tion with tho other corps. Third. Disobedience on August 29, while in front of tho enemy, to what is known as tho "4.30 p. in. Order, '' rcquiriug Porter to attack tho enemy's Hank and rear. Ucneral Uraut sums uptiieseciiargcs with more than legal brevity: "It will bo seen from tho foregoing, '' ho General Torters alleged How to Mount your Steed, and What to Do Having Onoe Mounted. In mounting faco tho near sido of tho horse. Tho near side is tho sido nearest vourself. If you stand on tho right sido of tho horse, which is tho wrong side when you mount, you will faco tlio crupper. Then everybody yill know that your name is Johann Gotlieb Ernsigefolger. If vou cannot mount from tho ground, lead the horso to a high fence, Porter had necessarily to bido McDow ell's arrival on his right. In tho mean time his duty was manifestly to engago Longstrcct's attention and prevent him from moving against Pope, especially while McDowell was out of support of both Popo and Porter. Porter all that day did not hear of McDowell, or of what was taking placo in front of Pope, though ho kept the former well informed of nilairs with him, and pro- .i .1... i.: ,1.... suuicu tiitib mis nuaiiaiuut:: wuru buhl iu t . . . the latter. He however, engaged 'V. "Whoa two or three times, a d Longstrcct's attention by demonstra- W'TP ovor H10 uor80?.earB- , ?" ' tions nearly harmless to himself, and so crimson ance. "What, Maggie, not gone yet? Well, I havo somo ono good byo to me, then, I am off for Mondon. now Bitfiueiii And how ill vou look, Mr. Hargrove ! Where is Kath leen 1 I did not hear you coino home.'' "Your cousin is still in fairv-land ; you had better not wait tor her, sho will not he homo yet. Oh, MaKtrie, httlo Maggie, I havo had a cruel blow since 1 left, this houso a few hours nqo !" And then, though ho had not intend ed it, ho told her all, and Maggie sweet, uiisoiusn gin sympatuiy.etl witll and consoled him, and spoko such glowing words of hopo for the future, and of high aims in life, that Koland Hargrovo felt able to nso superior to ins gnei. "God bless yon, Maggie," ho said for- ventiy, as no leu nor. "it over I wui namo or fame, or fortune, I shall owo it to you. I shall feel I havo one true friend while you live." borne hours afterward the proud, ambitious beauty arrived at home, mad wiiu rngo nnu sname. jjoni uarw:ir dino hnd spoken of Uoland with limb est commendation ; and believing, as did most iu their circle, that they were in three appear- separato cases of disobedience of orders one on tlio Hi tu or August, ana two tO l'CSt I nn l,n onili nf Aimiwt and ill linvintr ltr Sf3 retrca,cd unnecessarily from the enemy, uy mat act, endangering otuer portions of tho army with which he was co- successfully as to cause Longstreot to tako Wilcox s division from in front of Pope, iu order to strengthen tho lino confronting t'orter. 11K I1II) NOT niVrilRAT. "Thus Porter, without sacrifico of men and without endangerinc any iu terests, did moro for Popa's relief than if ho had gono directly to that general's assistance. To havo dono so would light soincwhero on his neck, and you will havo plenty of time to adjust yourself while tho horse is running away. Another method of mounting, largely practised by young gentlemen from the city, is to balance yourself on ono foot on tho fence, and point tho other log nt tho horso in tho general direction of the saddle, saying "Whoa" all tho time. Tho horse, after this cesluro has been repeated a few times, backs away, pulls the alleged rider off operating. " It will be seen that, thoucrh theso offenses wcro allied to havo been probably have sacrificed his corns with- the fence, aud walks up aud down tho committed in August of 18G2, ho was out any benefit and jeopardised tho lano with him at a rapid gallop. This continued in the command of. an army safety of Popes army. So lar ns I gives tho rider m about ten minutes all corps until some timo in November have investigated tho case nnd I havo tho exero'se ho wants for a week. following, taking an active part in tho stiuueit it, l inink, pretty tnoroughly it oy somo miracio you manage to battles of tlio day following the date I seo no fact to base the charge of re-1 get into the saddle, hold on with both of the last charge, and in command of treat upon. hands and say "Whoa." Tho faster tho defenses of Washington on tho "in my judgment, Uoueral Uraut the horso goes tno tignter you must, west bank of tho Potomac, and also at emphatically adds, "this disposes of tho hold on, and tho louder yon must - i - - . , ., I ''tv's11'! uuiiwieiiueu iu coucratu mm ino prouu oeauty composed her- iat0 her on his success, when Kathleen tho battle of Antietam, somo weeks later. It would look at first very sin gular that an ollicer, so wantonly derelict in the performance of his duty as General Porter was alleged to have been on tho 27th and 29th of August, should havo been continued in so im portant a placo as the command of an army corps, when so much was at stake as thero was on the ilOth of Au gust, and in tho dofenscs of Washing ton, and in the later' battle in Mary land, when the invasion of tho North was threatened. Theso facts would indicate to an unprejudiced mind that the charges against Porter woro an afterthought, to shift tho responsibil ities of failuro from other shoulders self to sleep, whilo poor Maggie, who was quito a Httlo Cinderella to her grand cousin, minus tho cinders and housework, also tossod on her pillow , i Hieupiessiy. uiit, mat piiiorv was wet with team of bitter, unrequited love a first puro hastily disclaimed any but feel'inus of t-Z ll.!.. . , I.;. jiii'imsiiiii luwuru nun. "I am truly sorry for poor Mr. Har grove, then i I feel certain ho loves you, and I hopo yet to ceo you change your mind," said Lord Carwardino. Down went tho fairy palaco Kath- charges, and consequently of all speci fications under them, except tho alleged disouedieneo ot the 4:50 p. ni. order. "Iu regard to tho chargo of disobo dieneo of the 1:30 order, which is the principal one and tho onu that has most deeply impressed the mind of tho general public, there aro evidences which look to mo important and con clusive, showing that tho court-martial which tried General Porter found him guilty under a mistaken idea of the actual iacts, now accessinio to any one in search of tho truth, and which Porter know to bo tho facts at tho time." Dingrams in tho artiolo illustrate the position of Porter's and Pope's forces and tho troops under Longstrcct and Jackson, "and," writes General Grant, "holler." If you aro from Now York or Phila delphia, you will shorten tho Btirrups until your knees aro ou a level with your chin. Then, as you ride, you will riso to your feet and Btand in tho atti tude of a man peering over a fence to look for his dog, and then suddenly fall in tho saddlo like a man who has stepped on a banana peel. This is tho English school. It is hard on tho horse, but is considered very graceful. A man cannot wear false teeth, how ever, and ride in this manner. Jhlrl ington Haxokeye. Being Neighborly. , ,, : . . , . . . s . i " iuvu, uu given tu ivoiniui iiargrovc.unt i00 had built, and a little lator tho " u,l'i uui--uiuu uy mm, or any one ruin was complete!, for ono of her nart- ?; . , new, delighted to spread what was not tie nan neon Kind and attenttvo to yet public; informed her that Lord Car- this charge that it was about 10 o'clock first. clso seemed to tako any notice of her, ami beeauso sho was an orphan like himself, but from interest lately.becauso he found her so bright and intelligent, and so ready to listen whilo ho talked of his hopes and plans for tho future, to which Kathleen always listened im patiently, or interrupted him to nsk somo question about tho great pconlo ho know iu London. Her father would gladly havo given her a season in town, but ho was too poor to altonl it, and their only fash. lonaUlo relative, Lady Burnett, had wirco piain uaugnters of her own to tret established, and tnnk irn nnunr tn i .. . ' rr -v i uvuh wuiiniiLr awav votitii invito so uaucerous a ilval as i .n r :.. .i..,: t.i ".!,' ii :.. vr-., ," , l"u" " ruiticii insu mansion : no r,T ' .,rVr, V! " 7" fS?1 attcl't t0 'ec K11 lintl been sue ;T",r ? c .. m iat of Bb. .m, hrZuZ w ,iT .'w.' " i"r " u. ll: !K t0 er capricious temper, had n.Tit ,u"Htu ,u' wn,0 leit iter and taken a situation as a com of wnrdino was to marrv the Duke of St. on tho niuht of the 27th when Porter Maurice's eldest daughter next autumn, received an order by command of -iiajoruencrai rope, directing linn to start at 1 p. in. with his corps to meet General Hanks at Warrcntoii Junction. If the latter was not thero General Porter is ordered to leavo a regiment of infantry as a guard until General Hanks arrived. General Grant says, in this connection, Porter's troops had been inarching all day, that wcro very .t 1" a i 1 T I I union nuigiicii wnen tno order was ro "You will seo the lion of the season to night, Kathleen. Ah I by tho way, I think you told ino ho was an old ilamo of yours. Tako mv advico and try and fan it into hfu again. Ho is not married yet, or was not at tho closo of tho season j he has been abroad mostly since. ' So spoke Lady Huriictt, who, having Btiucessiiiiiy married ner own girls, ,vas trying to secure a husband lor Kath leen, now in her 27th vear. For fivo years tho haughty girl had uvcu wearing away youth anil beauty and to placo them upon him. ami tno troops under .Longstrcct and Thero are people who seem to baso "In regard to his disouedieneo of .lacuson, "and,' writes Ueneral Grant, friendship on borrowing as long ns vou tho order of tho 27th of August, ho is "that tho commanding general belioved will lend to them. Neighbors of that alleged to have, without justification, the positions as given in the diagram stamp illtislrato tho impudence that do deferred his march f rom YVarrenton to be the positions of the different nmmj8 without consideration, and tho Junction to Hristoo Station from 1 commands, is shown from tho fact thnt fimiiinritv thnt l,rnol pniitmimt. W of tho morning of the in his point order of that morninc ho nn,1 tlm nllnwinir in thn NW Vnri- niuieu unit, mo inaicniions nro mat tno Mercantile Journal wnoio lorco oi tno enemy is moving in this direction nt a paeo that will bring them litre by to morrow night or next day.' Porter was not in a position to attack tho right Hank of Jackson, because ho was at least threo miles away. With Longstrcct's o'clock until 28th. " TUB TltOOl'l rATiiiumi. General Grant declares in recard to picsetice, to havo o' eyed tho order ho would havo been obliged with 10,000 men to have defeated 25,000 men in a ohoscn position boforo ho could have moved upon tho Hank of tho enemy, ns tho order directed. (lENI'.RAI. POnTF.lt F.XONRItATP.I). 111,... t .1 - ... m -r -una uven u tno position ot JiCe s dived. The night, ns shown in tho nr,,,y '"J'1 bccn thirty-six to forty-eight testimony beforo the court which tried "oura "18la"i ns asserted in tho joint Porter, and ns ('onllrmptl hv thn ..vi. order to MoDowell and Porter, it donco given in what was known as tho would have been impossiblo for Portor n,'d shovel, but your boy wouldn't lend Sohofield board, was extremely dark j ! lmvo obeyed tho -1:80 order, beeauso t-'in, and our hired girl has been over tho road very narrow, with numerous 'l 1101 cc-ntemplato a night attack, to borrow tea and sugar and could't cuts and streams passing through it ; nml Wfls I,ot received by Porter until Bet any- Wo kinder thought wo might bounded by woods on both sides iu al)0Ul a,k' ' borrow your telephone or something He was a small boy, with dirt on his nose nnd a faded straw baton his head, and feet so long unwnshed that it was hard to tell where his too-nails wero lo cated. Ho walked boldly up tho steps, pulled tho bell, and when the lady camo to tho door ho said, "Say, can yon lend ino your telephouo for a few minutes V "Why, I can't,'' sho gasped out. "We'll bring it back in half nn hour " "Hut I can't lend it, child. You don't seem to know what a telephouo is. Who aro you t" "We live around tho corner iust moved in, aud wo want to bo neiiihbor- ly. I tried to borrow your wheelbarrow tunity. Tho night of the ball arrived i T. . 1. 1 ,. . 1 l . ' jiiiuiii'uii was looKing surpassingly lovoly, in a new costumo that would cost tho poor old Colonel many a sleepless night to pay for. ltolanil es oortotl her.but onco at tho ball sho took enro to koep away from him a much ns possible, in terror lest Lord Carwar- "I consider that theso facts, with many more that woro brought to th-s many places, with no placo whero tho Olion COUIltrv could lin Inknn -fnr tlw, panion to nn old lady of rank and march of troops, nud blocked up with knowledgo of tho Sohofield board, folly ni, wuu booh learncu to appreciate auo two thousand army wagons, "ert uenerai a-orier oi too chargo her at her true value. many of them mired in tho narrow road disobedience of what is known as Lord Carwardino hnil mni-rin,) l,n I an thnt. thn nlll,.Ai- u.l,n ,r,..o..n.i .1.:, I the -1:30 order, nnd nlnn nf thn imimh puke's daughter, and Kathleen's lifo order to General Porter was over threo "on hikowarmness in his support of had been utterly uneventful since. hours on horseback, in making tho dis- 1,10 commanding general. 'I his night Lady Huriietfs fashion, tauco of ten mile. Poiter was ex- pkiianpino hkstitutiok. Isl ,cd ZlZT wifli iVUh iUilT' l?tCl1' Wit,h fat,8Uei1 Uool)8' W(,ni wllh Gcilc,'al wl Pathetic ap- ished visitois, but Kathleou oared for long marches, on scanty rations, to peal In behalf of Gonnml Wn.l .JX . ........ V . VV , II t,v, ami ma would bring it back and get a chance to seo your stylo and ask you to run right in with your old clothes on.-" rnoor rosmvE. Wo havo tho most positive nnd con vincing proof that Thomas' Kclectria Oil is a most eilectual specif io for bodi ly prin. In oases of ltit'iimntisin and neuralgia it gives instant relief,
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