The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 17, 1882, Image 3

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    1 The Columbian.
FUIDAY) NOyjEMUEH 17, 1882.
, motb.
" ' ' MP' S 40 p. in.
a Trlns oa tho D. L. W, U. It. leave nioomaburg
"Ojltdi BOCTn.
iMa.m. ltTsEm.
81 P- tn. t ti n. m.
Tho II 45 train south connects with tho Phlla.
delpnla A Head ng at Kupcrt. aid with the
'Northern Central At NorUiurnoerlana;
J,rte S:i A. ta. train connect at Horthumbort'and
'3;iV!l.'.?:?Mrm.on Pennsylvania road, reaching
" Thltadeiphfa at t:v p. m.
t vhAW " train connects with PblUdelphla and
heading roai at ltupurt at um reaching Phila-
i , .delphla at 6:oo p. m.
. TM.HiM train 'connect .with Pennsylvania
real at Northumberland at liu reaching Philadel
phia at T:l p. tn.
..Xbo f:T p m. train conuocts with rennsyitanla
J9?1 forUiumborland at 6:05 p. m. ana reaches
4 . Philadelphia at S;5S a. m., "
, , M Public HoIch.
'John Q. Quick, ndmlnstrator of Joseph
t Snyder, deceased, will sell real cstato In
Uloomsburg nnd Mllllln on November 22d.
' 0. B. White, executor of Mlchnel I-cmon,
deceased, will sell real cstato In Fishings
i crock on NovcmbcrilStlij
. Bco advertisements.
, i I i i' , I, .
; Hon. I. Kr Krickbnum spent last Monday
"in town on business.
Mrs. M. lllshton Is visiting friends In
u AVasiiington, I). 0.
Miss iMcWhoiter Is tho guest of Miss
' Miss Kitty llelfsnyder of Cntnwlssa' Is
visiting friends In Townnda.
Judga Elwcll held u special court in
Yllkcs-Bnrrc this week.
Mr. P. P. 'Drinker was In Snyder county
'this "wccK, looking after tho interest's of
' 'Irominlc.
Hi . . i,
E, W. Elwell of Towandn( who has been
i-Tory. sick with typhoid fever, Is rapidly
' Wr.'nnd Mrs. Bomboy of Iowa, arc visit-
'tag her brother, IV J. Vandcrslice, at
i" . Miss llelnhart' of Villlnnisp'ortspc'nt "a
few days last week with Miss Bessie
Monroe nt Rupert.
Mr.'Wm. R. Campbell of Lafayette Col.
lego ..was In town last week. lie came
homo "to vote forPattlson."
W. E. Smith, Esq., :of Berwick was ad-
mlttod to practice In the Luzerne county
bourdon Tuesday.
. .'Yi.ll'.TlhawnEsq., and J. C. Yocura,
Esq.,' of, Oatavlssti wero In town on
. Wednesday on legal business.
Rev. Mr. Kllno of Asiiland, ofilclated at
tha Episcopal church' on Sunday, having
- 1 .1 1.1. I.I. II T. f7-1. .
Misses Bella and Ida Vandcrslice of
Philadelphia, who were In attendance nt
tlid "mnrriagc of Miss McDowell, returned
lost' Friday,
'Mr. Henry Mcllck and daughter of
'Xtallsir, Iowa.'are visiting friends In this
county. Wlille In Bloomsburg they were
the guesta.of Mrs. Wesley Wirt
lion. C. R Buckalew is 'among those
Yhoso names have been used In connection
with the 'Attorney-Generalship of the state.
The pqopfe of this county, 'irrespective of
party,1' would be greatly pleased with his
' , i K paper mill is talkcd.of at Wilkcsbarre.
Troy and Towanda are to bo c onnccted
by telephone.
, DcmocrntSjWlll eat their Thanksgiving
turkey wlth'n relish tills year. u
t 25'j.n.iul CO pound Hour sacks can be
obtained at tho Coi.umhun ofllcc cheap-
.1 Mr. A. B. Hartman of Buck Horn will
plcaso accept our thankn for a basket of
line apples.
Tho congressional return Judges for the
11th .district met at Mauch Chunk, on
W. P. Bodlne presented us with a very
flne.'Jiead of .celery recuntly, for which he
lias our maims.
There was a decided chango In the
weather on Monday after the rain, and on
Tuesday there' were bhow' flakes In the nlr,
Among the efficient committeemen of the
different townships, was O. A. Stunge of
, Montour. He did his work promptly and
. ,
'I'- Berphard's Jewelry store you will find
the best silver ware, such as spoons, forks,
knives, &c, engraving nama frco of
, charge.
jJ.iM. Long of Benton passed through
.. town on Wednesday morning with twenty
onc.hond of fluo cattle. He brought them
,. from Buffalo, und proposes to feed them
' over winter.
' ' Tho musical convention now In session
In Kuorr & YVlntcrstecn's hall Is well nt
tonded? Mr. R. H. Rlngler was largely In.
strumental in securing tho ser rices of Prof.'
"Young Mrs. Wlnthrop" the new play
at the Madison Square Theatre, N. Y.
ihas provn if possible a greater success
that; tupy of Its predecessors. It has
fiecoino thu social ilramatlo event of the
American watches In cold nnd silver
cases warranted from 2 to 0 years, also a
larie lfna Of fiucer rlncs. solid cold, from
one dollar up, wedding rings made to order
nnd warranted 18 caret, at L. Ucruharu's
LcavJtt's Minlitrel Troupo had a good
house on Monday night. Judging from tho
peels of laughter and applatlso that re
sounded from the Opera House, the audi-
eucu was well pleased There are nineteen
In the) company.
, TheJtyuMteun nays tho table of tho voto
tJuour.last issuo was "full of errors." As
It wus,cdplcd from the otllclal returns we
Tho Governor and Lieutenant Governor
elected In Pennsylvania last week, will
hold ofllco. for four years tho Secretary of
Internal Affairs for threo years, and tho
. Judge of tho Supremo Court for twenty.
f bnO viars. Twcutyrctght Congressmen
wero .chosen to serve two years ; twenty
Ilvo State Seuators to serve four years
und tho entire membership of the House
'.of 'Representatives for two years.
Tho committee of four clergymen and
four Iayment one of each order from eacn
OByopaUQn iniuieuioceso. nppointoupy
Mum Howe, to report lines of . division of
lboDlocese of Central Pennsylvania, aro
as'fullows. vlzt Tho Rev. Msirs. J no.
Hewitt, nellefontoi Wm. O. Lovcrltt,
Citrlisle M. A. Tbjinau, Mauch Chunk i
VU. L. Joins, Wilkcsbarre, and Messrs. S.
. H. Reynolds, Lancaster H. 8. Eekert,
i UK jading i 1?. H, Drinker, Bloomsburg i
1PK Mercer, Towimda.
o nd sec how. that is possible. Perhaps
IhSwjjifBrto'lho largo democratic majority.
sglitpul)lican always considers that nil
The Bradford Argut ofllco at Towanda
was burned out recently, but tho enter.
rising editor K. A. Parsons, got out nn
ssue of his paper the same week, with tho
asslstnnco of tho other ofllccs. Tho
building will be repaired by Christmas.
By contracting a severe Cough and Cold,
was compelled to glvo uo my dally work
nnd keep to the house. A neighbor rec
commended mo to try a bottle of Dr, Bull's
Cough Syrup It was procured nnd used
to my astonishment relief wns liistnntnnc-
ous. Enw W. Clayton. Wavcrlv. Md.
A beet weighing seventeen nnd a hnlf
pounds Is on exhibition nt Alexander &
Woodhouso'g. It wns raised by David
Brobst- Tho Democratic majorities of tho
different States aro stuck all over It, but
tha boys say that tho majorities aro no part
of tho vegetable, because they can't bo
Tho Democrats of Locust nnd Roaring-
creek townships and vicinity will have a
grand rntlflcntlon meeting nt Slabtown on
Saturday' November 18th, nt two o'clock In
the nftcrnoon. Speeches will be made, a
Hickory polo will bo raised nnd the band
will play. There will be n big crowd and n
good time.
Judges Shtimnn and Lake presided nt
tho counting of tho vote last Thursday,
Judge Elwcll being n candidate voted for.
L. S. Wlntcrstecu and O. M. Quick wcro
oppolntcd clerks. The following persons
were appointed return Judges, Congres
sional, B. P. Edgar; Senatorial, J. M.
Clark Judicial, nenry Roscnstock-
On Tuesday tho partly decomposed body
of n man wns found In tho woods near
Jeansvlllc. An examination disclosed the
fact, thamost probably the deceased had
committed suicide. His throat had been
cut and underneath tlio body was found
an open razor. The body must have been
there for four or live months.
On Saturday nlglit William Mctz and
James Green, the latter a colored man, got
Into an altercation on the street, and Metz
drew a knife and cut Green's thront. If
tho knlfo had been sharper the Jugular vein
would has been severed. Green wns out
on Monday. No arrest has yet been made,
and Green docs not want to prosecute
because they were both drunk. This would
be n proper caso for the officer 3 of tho law
to take hold of, without consulting Green's
wishes, as wo understand there were other
witnesses to the assault. Men who do not
hesitate to mnko a murderous attack,drunk
or sober, ought to bo taught n lesson before
they kill somebody whom the community
might miss. This would scarcely npply to
Green however.
MnluvlUc jubilee.
Upon twenty-four hours notice about
thrco hundred people usscmblcd nt Main
vlllc,1 Saturday evening, 11th Inst., to cele
brate the late Democratic victories. The
parade was headed by the Malnville Cornet
Band, followed by many citizens, some of
whom carried transparencies which num
bered in nil about fifteen among the many
amusing incidents was a boat "loaded
upon n wagon in which were seated about
twenty boys, whoso cheers for Pattlson
were numerous and loud. The procession
wns marshalled through Malnville, out to
the Nuss Mill and back to the store of J.
D. Bodlue, Esq., where a bon-llro greeted
it. Then D. S. Brown nnd R. Buckingham
addressed the enthusiastic assembly and
tho exercises were terminated with the
rolling of a burning tnr barrel down a
steep hill adjoining the village.
Anbury Itcittn.
The result of the election nppears to
affect all animal nature at this place, even
the dogs nnd chlckeiiB bnrk and crow more
Mr. Isaac Labour Is about bringing his
now house to completion.
Tho mercury stood at 70 at this place
last Sunday.
A surprise party met ut the late residence
of Albert Amcrnmn, Esq., on Monday the
13th, to celebrate the ?7th birth day of the
late widow. After the arrival of the many
friends which consisted of about 83 per.
sons, a repast was served to all present,
niter wlilcli tliero was nn estimate put on
tho many presents given which amounted
to $28,88 and a purse of cash of $13,10.
Thanks to the many friends.
Hcrvrlclc iteiuH.
Business is in full operation and every
body occupied.
Tho election passed off good r.aturedly
but showed considerable Democratic
;V grand parade was held on Saturday
evening, which brought out a dense throng
of people and quite tin earnest enthusiasm
was manifested on the occasion.
Somo of our friends took exception to
the "Cameron codln," and tried to make
out that it was a business advertisement of
our local cofllu manufactory.
Tho canal boats are in big demand for
excursions up the creek, but some of the
Democrats aro showing n laudable mag
nanlmlty by ensuring the protection of tho
more docile class of Republicans.
There is to be n lecture here on Tuesdny
evening next, on "Tho Law, fa re Midge
versus Pldgc," by R. J. DeCordora. aud If
there arc any of your people who want to
o njoy a rich treat they will bo well repaid
by making a trip up hero to hear It, It is
said to be Immcnso,
Tho Democrats of this county will celc.
brute their recent victories in tho slate and
throughout the Union, by an ox roast on
tho Fair grounds (Friday). A meet.
Ing was held last Monday evening by n
number of tho leading Democrats of tho
town, and all (ho necessary arrangements
made for a big parade and n good time. A
lino ox was contributed bv tho following
gentlemen. D, Lowenberg, Col. Freeze, C.
G. Barkley, W. It. Tubbs, C. W. Miller mid
I. S. ICuhn.
A cordial Invitation has been extended to
every district In tho county, and a large
crowd Is oxpectcd. All those delegations
that can do so aro requested to bring bands
with them.
The parade will Inko place nt 10 o'clock
In tho morning, and thu procession will lie
under command of Capt. U. H. Ent (Chic
Murnliul) and aids.
Form nt Main and East streets, down
East to Kcal's Furnace, nut past Hcnder-
shot's to East, up Eust to Fifth, down Fifth
to Market, up Market to Third, out Third
to East, up East to Main, down Muln to
Leonard, out Leonard to Fulr Grounds,
whero roast will be served nt 1 o'clock,
Speeches will follow from band stand. All
friends of Reform nro requested to dec
orate their houses during tho day, and 11
lumlnate in the evening.
Dr. Hakes of Wllkesbarre, will mak
the speech on (ho Fulr grounds, after the
roast Is over. He Is an able speaker, nnd
the coinmlttco wero very fortunate in so.
curing him, Mr. Jos, D. Koons of Wilkes
barre, Is entitled to many thanks for his
kind assistance In procuring a speaker,
Ornml Temperance Rally.
There will bo a meeting of the friends of
tcmpcranco In Columbia county on Tucs-
ay afternoon nnd cvcnlnz, November 21.
In the Opera House, Bloomsburg, to did
cuss tho following amendment to the State
constitution, embodied In a petition now
being circulated i
AirrioLS XIX, Section 1. Tho manufac
turo, or sale, or keeping for sale of any
nlcoholla or Intoxicating liquors, whether
brewed, fermented or distilled, or any com.
pounds thereof, or nny compound of which
any such llquois constitute a part, to bo
used ns a bcvcrAge, Is prohibited within
this commonwealth but the manufacture
nnd salo of such liquors, or compound
thereof, for purposes other than a beverage,
shall bo regulated by law. Tho general
nsscmbly, after the adoption of this nrtlclo
by the qualified electors of tho common-
cnlth, shall, without delay, enforco Its
provisions by adequate penalties.
And nlso to consider tho duly of co
operating In tho general movement to
secure its passage now going on through,
out the State.
The convention will be nnn-polltlcal.
Tcmpcranco men of all political parties',
pastors of churches, business men, nnd nil
friends of temperance, men nnd women,
nre cordtnlly Invited to nttend nnd tako
pnrt In tho proceedings.
The afternoon session will bo devoted to
business nnd n mass meeting will be held In
tho evening, which will bo addressed by
distinguished speakers from a distance. A
general attendance is desired. Tho call for
this meeting Is signed by n largo number of
representative citizens through tho county.
Centre Motes.
On Friday evening of last wock about
thirty of tho young people of Centre
gathered at the house of Mr. J. S. Hagon.
buch for the purpose of giving his daughter,
Allle, n surprise, party. Tho surprise was
omplctc, ns Mr. Hagcnbuch and those
who were assisting him In the preparation
of Sour Krout for the coming winter, will
testify. Tho party was a success in that
all were well treated and everybody enjoy,
cd a pleasant time. Parties of this. or some
other approved kind should bo encouraged
In every community. It Is necessary that
young people should form the acquaintance
of their neighbors nnd cultivate n social
feeling throughout every neighborhood. If
the parents nud older persons will but exert
their Influence to mnko these young folk's
purtles interesting und profitable they will
never ruo tho lime spent for that cause.
The Hldlay church Is being repainted
outside and Inside. Tho cemetery fenco
also received an additional coat, adding
very much to the appearance and vnluo of
the same.
Owing to tho failure of the Furniture
Co. to place the desks in three of the
houses, our schools did not get nn even
start, but nil have been in operation this
Ellsha Hagcnbnch has finished his new
house and now lives In grand style. Always
glad to seo enterprise among the fanners .
Who will make tho next move ?
A. C. Hldlay who took charge of the
blacksmith shop, near tho church, last
spring, has proven a careful, attentive and
good mechanic nnd deserves tho patronage
of tho neighborhood.
The Hldlay Brothers have left us to teach
school this winter. We wish tho boys suc
cess in this their first attempt.
Election returns fail to arouse our Demo.
crats to tho extent one might expect yet
since quite a number "bolted" the ticket,
wo suppose they feel a little soro nftor
taking time to consider the matter and
have concluded to keep mum
Tho marriage of MIsb Alice McDowell
of Llghtstrect to Mr. Joseph Gann of Wil
llamsport, on Tuesday November Oth, was
one of the most delightful occasions of the
season. Tho marriage ceremony was per
formed In tho M. E. Church, where nt 8
o'clock p. m., about three hundred persons
were asremblcd to witness the marriage of
the happy pair. Promptly at that hour
the organ pealed forth tho beautiful wed.
ding march, from Sfcndelsohn, nnd II. B.
Clnrk of Bloomsburg nnd J. J. Metzgcr of
Wllllnmsport, ushered the wny to future
happlnessd, followo by James Harrinton
nnd Will McDowell, brother of the bride.
The following ladles acted us bridesmaids;
Miss Bello Vnndersllce of Philadelphia.
Miss Elldu Thomas of Willlamsport, Miss
Laura Barton of Lime Rldgo ; they wcro
handsomely attired in rich brocado satin
dresses. The groomsmen were : Messrs.
nnrry Wilcox of Philadelphia, A. R. Jill-
ler and Henry Mulr of Willlamsport ;
they too wero tastefully attired in tho con-
ventlonal s lit of black. The bride was
robed in a liandpome embroidered satin
dress with corsage of brocaded satin
trimmed with ro6u pleating and spanlah
lace with tho customary orange blossoms,
and looked the picture of loveliness. Tho
groom looked remarkably well und wus
evidently quite happy.
Rev. E. H. Yocum of Willlamsport,
outdated nnd tied tho nuptial knot. The
altar of the church was beautifully and
tastefully decorated with Mowers and
evergreens, which added beauty to tho
scene. After tho ceremony the bridal party,
followed by the numerous guests, proceed
ed to tho house of the bride's parents,
where, after the usual congratulations tho
viands were placed upon tho hundred and
one tables arranged about tho various rooms
for the occasion, and tho bridal party nnd
till, consisting of about 27A persons did
ample justice to the delicacies, and not until
late in the night did the welkin cease ring.
Ing. Quito n good ninny were present from
abroad amongst whom wero Ida Vander-
sllce, Philadelphia i Minnie Stone, North
umberland Leoru Brown, Willlamsport j
Miss Mury Cleaver, Ashland Edith Barton,
Lime Rldgo ( Miss Stiickhouse, Shlck.
shinny Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lucas, Wll
llamsport ( Mr. and Mrs. S. Hogg, William
sport ; Mr. and Mrs. Kllugor, Milton ; Mr.
and Mrs. Brobst, Willlamsport i Levi Gann,
James Denworth, Esq., Willlamsport j Mrs.
Ezra locum, WllllHinsporU
A great many cicgunt presents wero re
eelved by the brldo of which tho following
Is a partial list : Domestic Sewing Ma
chine, foot rest, sowing chulr, walnut sldo
board, silver tea set, plcltlo castors, butter
dishes, egg caster, tablu castor, Individual
castors, table spoons, tea spoons, knives,
forks, soup ladU, fruit stand, cako knife,
butter knives, caso desert spoons, toilet
cases, sconce and card receiver, perfume
cases, tin toilet set, chamber suit, china
lollet set, statuary, oil painting, steel en
graving, Ininlly bibles, glovo and haudker.
chief case, whisk nnd holder, glass ten set,
complete, bronze statue, pair silver napkin
rings, set crackle ware, parlor stove, chlim
dinner set, large parlor lamp, pin cushions,
glass cako dishes, sliver cako dish, silver
Jewel case, bridal cake, silver card re
celver, dozen china fruit plates, hand
painted, set brass candle sticks, china fruit
dishes, pair vases, placques, pair toilet per
fume buttles, pair glass sauce dishes, silver
toilet mirror, Ice tea set, dozen ground
glass tumblers, tidies, Turkish doyles,
Turkish nig, 4J dozen napkins, towels,
counterpane, linen table spreads, lint Irons,
imsKet cut llowers,
Deeds (cecorded.
The following deeds has bcon recorded,
since those last published i
Bloomsburg Iron company to Francis P.
Drinker, Hemlock.
William Pfnhlcr, ct al to Wilson Sttnc,
Nevln U. Funk & wife to Warren J,
Buckalew nnd wife, Bloomsburg.
Isaac S. ICuhn and wlfo to Charles W.
Miller, Scott.
Daniel R. Hosier nnd wlfo to White N.
Hosier, Fishlngcrcck. t
Samuel Knorr nnd wlfo to Margaret A.
Vanatta, Bloomsburg.
John W. Hoffman, sheriff, to Michael
Fcdcrolf, Conyngham.
Andrew Croufo to Hiram Crousc, ct nl.
Mt Pleasant.
D. J. Waller nnd wlfo to Dloomsbhrg
Gas Company, Bloomsburg.
Samuel Turnbach and wife, and Silas M.
Hess to Bloomsbcrg Gas Company, Blooms
burg.. '
D. J. Waller and wife, to Bloomsburg
Gas Company, Bloomsburg.;
B. F Crispin, Jr., nhd wife to Froas
Bros., Berwick.
Abraham B. Pcnrson and wife to Martin
A. Ammerman, Fishlngcrook.
Benjamin Evaiu to Mary O. Stewart,
I. W. McKelvy nnd J. H. Harman, ox.
editors, to Edward A. Rawllngs, Blooms
John Applcman, executor, to Giorgo D.
Heath, Fishlngcrcck.
I. W. McKelvy, ct al. executors, to
Hannah E. Smith, Bloomsburg.
David Walsh and wlfo ct al. to Charles
Fctterman, Centralta.
I. W. Mckclvy nnd J. H. Harman, ex.
ecutor, to I. W. McKelvy, Hemlock.
Win. Ivcy nnd wlfo to I. W. McKelvy,
H. P. Wolf to John B. Holt, Benton.
Nnthnn Mnrtz and wife to Olden Stokos,
F. II. Jenkins and wife to Jessie S. Con
ncr, Bloomsburg.
Jno. W. Evans and Jcsso B. Young,
executors, to Francis Evans, Berwick.
Daniel Reedy and wlfo to John W.
Evnns, Berwick.
Francis Evans and wlfo to John W.
Evans and Jesse B. Young, Berwick.
A. B. Stownrt and wlfo to Rachacl Ike-
ler, Benton.
John J. McIIcnry and wito to Rachacl
Ikclcr, Benton.
Christiana Bcnscotcr to William Brlggs,
John Hofnoglc aud wife to Mllllln school
district, Mifllin.
Benjamin llehm to Mary Ann Krclsher;
Gideon Kllngcr and wife to Isaiah
Bower, Berwick.
Isaiah Bower and wife to Gideon
Kllnger, Brlnrcrcck.
Esther Hess to Elizabeth B. Shuman,
John Brofcc nnd wife to John T. Hawk,
John 0. Pennington and wife to Wil
11am Z Doty, Benton.
A. P. Heller and wife to John Bruncr,
Greenwood. j
Commissioners of Columbia county to
city of Philadelphia, trustee, Locust.
Elizabeth Thompson, ct al. to Henry
Vandusen, Berwick.
Michael Reniley to Susannah Hess,
Jacks on.
Margaret Morrison to Catharine Lclby,
C. B. Brockwny and wlfo to Harry.
Lclby, Conjnghani.
Franklin L. Shuman and wlfo to Richard
E. Adams, Catawlssa,
Anna M. Cooper, guardian, to John
Nulf, Sr., Brlarcrcek and Fishlngcrcck.
Isabella T. Rohn ct al. to John Nulf, Sr.,
Brlarcreck und Fishlngcrcck.
Benjamin P. Price and wlfa to Sarah
Caul, Centre.
C. E. Dodson et al. to J. E. Snyder,
Daniel Fisher aud wife to William Mos-
teller, Main.
John Ij. Kline, executor, to Daniel
Benvcr, Locust.
Frcas Fowler and wlfo 'to' 'Susan II.
Jones, Briarcrcek.
C. E. Davenport and wife to Henry
Wnulcb, Berwick.
Franklin L. Shuman and wlfo to Jcnnlo
Campbell, Catawlssa.
The Locust Mountain Coal & iron Co.
to Joseph Bevan, Centralia.
Franklin L. Shuman and wlfo to James
P. Lewis, Catawlssa.
James P. Lewis etux. to Albert E. Lewi?
Albert E. Lewis to Jennie Lewis, Cuta.
To be continued.
Murder at Ilenovo.
Tha following account of a murder at
Renovo, Clinton county, Is given by a cor
respondent of tho Oi'nfon Vtmaerat In lt
last Issue :
"What was probably the most dastardly
murder ever committed In tbld section of
the State was the killing of Tltomua.MUler,
a ycung Englishman, by Gustave Plpher,
a Prussian, on the! lint west of School
House Run, a short "dfst'ance above Renovo,
on Saturday evening shortly after eight
o'clock. It appears that Miller and Plpher,
who wero miners employed by the Renovo
Coal Company, aud residing at tho mines,
wero returning from Renovo with their
families when n dispute took placo between
them on account of the careless shooting
of a revolver by Plpher. whereupon the
latter shot Miller In tho left breast, the
ball penetrating both lungs, nnd causing
death to ensue almost Immediately. Tho
murderer fled at once and was met by u
fellow-workman, named Saint, near tho
Drury's Run bridge, n short distance west
of thu scene of the tragedy, with whom
he exchanged hats, and Inquired the
nearest routo to Canada, saying that ho
had shot Miller and Intended to leave the
country. He demanded nnd received of
Saint three dollars which he said ho saw
him have and then went up nl.iug the rail
road track with the intention of taking
Saint's ndvlce to go to Canada by wny of
Emporium. Upon news of the murder
being received here Justice Smith cmpan
nelled n coroner's Jury, which viewed tho
body but adjourned until Sunday to pro.
cure additional evidence. The body was
then brought to Peck's undertaking rooms
In Renovo, whero a post mortem examlna
tlon was made by Dr. W. C, Weymouth
Tho murderer then started In a westerly
direction, but evidently did so to mislead
search, as after descriptions wcro tele
graphed In both directions, hq wus dls.
covered In a freight car of an eastward
bound train. He was Invited by tho train
men to go to tho caboose to warm himself,
which ho unsuspectingly did. The con
ductor telegraphed to Willlamsport to
have nn officer In readiness to arrest him
upon tho nrrlvnl of tho train, As soon ns
the train reached Hocktown, south of
Wllllamiport, ho wa placed In custody.
and taken to Willlamsport jail, where he
remained until the arrival of officer Beer
wlltr from Renovo on Day Express, Mdn
day. He was brought to Renovo on Day
Express the same evening, and had a pre.
liminury hearing before Justice Smith,
who remanded lilm to tho Lock Haven Jail
, ui nwnu me nciiou or ino Court.
Flno gold spectacles, gold eye glasses, a
largo line of silver, nickel, steel and rubber
spectacles nnd eye glasses, nt L. Bcmliard's
J6wclry store.
Couiif II l'roceeclliiKH.
November 8th 1882.
Council met nt 7 o'clock p. m,, being
their regular monthly meeting. All tho
members were present. The minutes of
tho last two meetings were read nnd np.
On motion of Mr. Wnllcr nnd seconded
by Mr. Hnrlmau a crossing wns ordered to
be laid across Cnthnrlnc street on south
t .i i I..,, ... ,
muu ui ruin sirceu I
On motion of Mr. Waller nnd seconded I
by Mr. Hnrtmau tho grndo on First street
irom .Market street to Iron street wns
adopted as tnken by tho Town Surveyor.
Mr. Moyer offered tho following resolu
tion, to-wlti
JZewW. That the Town of Bloomsburi;
fill West street 2 feet, from Fifth street
southwardly a distance of 230 foet and the
balance to run out to nothing. -Mr. Rnbb
moved and Sterling seconded, that tho re
solution bo amended so that tho Town of
Bloomsburg fill West street 2 feet forn
distance of 200 feet southwardly from Fifth
street. A voto wus taken on tho nmend.
mont which resulted ns follows) Yens,
Messrs. Sturllng, Rnbb, llasscrt and Her
rlnir 4. Navs. Messrs. MnviT. llnrtinun
and Wallcr-:l.
On motion of Mr. Rnbb nnd seconded by
Mr. Sterling the Town of Bloomsburg
requests D. J. Wnller to glvo a relcnso of
tho ground occupied by West street from
Fifth street to the L. & B. Rnilrond nnd
that anid rclenso bo handed to tho Secretary
of Town Council, tho filling of said street
to be commenced Immediately thereafter.
Mr. Moyer moved tho adoption of tho
following resolution, to-wlt t
TUiolred, That tho Bloomsburg Water
Company bo allowed i25 per nnnum n
plug for tho two flro plugs locnted nt tho
last? regular meeting. Mr. Rnbb moved
nnd Sterling seconded that tho resolution
be ' amended so that the Town pay the
Bloomsburg Water Company $20 a plug
per, annum for tho said plugs. A voto was
taken on the amendment which passed
On motion of Mr. Wnller the Town Sur
veyor was Instructed to fix a grade on
Railroad street from Fifth street to Second
Mr. Waller In behalf of tho committee
appointed nl the last meeting to examine
the run on tho north side of Fourth street
between Market street aud Whltcmnn's
alley report, that tho coinmlttco recom
mend tho covering of said run with n stone
arch. Estimated cost of tho some Is )000.
Alter mo reading or n petition and on
motion of Mr. Waller and seconded by Mr.
Rnbb n crossing wns ordered to be laid
ncross East street nt tho Intersection of
Fourth street nnd East street.
On motion of Mr. Hartman and seconded
by Mr. 'Moyer tho following bills wcro read
and npproved, and tho Secretary directed
to draw orders for their several amounts :
Bill of N. Bomboy, Street Commissioner
ior moutii oi uctoocr iwj, t,4J,
- Bill of Jacob Dclffeubach for
hauling stone, 18,00
uiii oi liioomsinirg una uo., ior
October 1882, 80,00
. Bill'of Bloomsburg Gas Co., for
10 lumps and fixtures, 113,00
mil or wm. uiirismnn town
Treasurer for Police nippers, 7,05
Bill of.B. B, Frcus police service
for October 1882, 11,00
Bill of M. C. Woodward ct. al.,
Constable and police service 21,83
Secretary's salary for Oct. 1882, 10,00
Total amount $504,87
On motion adjourned.
A. L. Fiiitz,
November 13th.
A'spoclal meeting was called by direction
of the President of tho Town Council. All
the members met at 7 o'clock p. m., In
Council chamber.
On motion of Mr. Rnbb and seconded by
Mr. Hartman tho following resolution was
passed by a unanimous vote, to-wlt :
Ittmhtd, That the Town of Bloomsburc
pay the Bloomsburi; Wntcr Company at the
rate of $20 u plucr for ono year from the
time ino plugs uro put m operation, und
for all additional nines that mav bo nut In
during the year by direction of the Council
ui me suine rale.
On motion of Mr, Rnbb nnd seconded by
Mr. Wnller, flro plugs were ordered to be
located on cornir of Fourth nnd Railroad
street, nnd on corner of Fifth nnd Railroad
On motion adjourned.
A. L. Fnrrz,
The crcat superiority of DR.
allothercough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
for that old established remedy.
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma. Bron
chitis, Whoopine Cough, Incipient
Consumption and for the relief of B
consumptive persons in mlvancetl
stages of the Disease. For Sale
by nil Druggists, Price, 25 cents.
Lut. & Sloan aro offering bargains In
oiacK nuu coiorea casumercs.
Addison's Liver Itenewer, or medicine
prepared foi diseases of the liver; dyspep.
um, mui nuu iierviuiB ueauacne, constipa
tion of tho bowels, collo, sour stomach,
heartburn, fever and ague, dropsy, latin.
dice, Ac,, prepared from roots nud herbs
strictly vegetable. Prepared only by J, II.
iviupuriB, jiiuoiutiuurg, rn,
Aug. 4th Um.
More dress silks and
Bloan's this week.
plushes ut Lutz &
W. 1). Allen has Just opened a lot of new
goods, embracing lino groceries, glass,
ware, puluted chiuu, iiuoenswari', Ac. All
of tho best, nnd at thu lowest prices.
i nprll 7-tf
A full lino of table linens ut Lutz &
piouirs. rricu from .'a cents u yard up.
tanners dealing ut W. 11 Allen's can ho
accoinmouateii with stabling, upr. 7-tf.
All wool ladles' cloths ono and a half
yarns wide, for Sl.UU at Lutz &, Sloan's.
as good cwiirs as can bo found In town
aro Kept ut w. JJ. Allen's liust end gro.
Uuy your blankets of Lutz fc Bloun.
Klnport's Compound Asiatic llalsum, or
Diarrhoea cure. A remedy (bat has never
iiim-u iii iiiiirruu'ii. ii uiso gives instant
reuei in cone, cramp, or puin, in tho stum.
udi, Kiuports
j.wina uiuet, -uuiii m,, jnooinnutirg t'.i,
Aug, nu um
Flour nnd feed can always
Allen's East cud grocery.
bo had at
nprll 7-tf
For dlarrlurn nnd dysentery get Dr.
Gnlo'H cholera specific. It Is tho best nr.
tide. It never falls to cure. It nlwnya
proves satisfactory only 25 cents.
Now Is tho time to clear your feet of
corns, bunions nnd callouses. Dr. Gales'
corn euro Is warranted, Money refunded
it not satisfactory, rents per pacicagc.
nnr ntnrlc nf olotli. linlr. nnl . Blinvllll-
nnd tooth brushes contains bargains which
customers will not fall to appreciate.
Don't forcet It I Hendcrshott's Germnn
Liniment Is a whole mcdlclncchest In
Itself. It relieves pain almost Instantly,
It is nn Internal nnd external remedy
which can be taken or applied for almost
any disease of man or beast. Lnrgo
bottles 00 cents.
For n certain and permanent euro for
ague, chills nnd fever, dumli nguo mm-
nrlnl lever, iVC, gel llciuicrsnoii H Aguo
Tonic, ll is n specme ior nil moso uis-
trcsslng diseases arising from exposure to
stnennnt wnter, bogs nntl nil mnrsii.mins-
matio Influences. Pint bottles $1.00.
Family mcdtclnc chests something en
tirely new, In two sizes i No. 1, 13 bottles,
No. 2, 24 bottles. They nro lust whnt
every farmer should linvc call nnd see
We keep well stocked with tho best,
strictly pure, spices of all kinds also !
flavoring extracts. Borax In puekuges,
nnd tho best of Laundry soaps.
N. J. Hendershott.
Quick, complete cure, nil annoying Kid
ney, madder and Urinary Diseases. l.
Why bo weak ?
Why not be healthy, ro-
bust, und strong,
by using Urown's Iron,
nil whit i nmrnitt
Will you heed tho warning. Tho signal
nerhans of the sure approach of that inoro
tcrriblo disease Consumption. Ask your
selves if you can afford for tho sake of
savim: ou cts.. to run mo risK and do noth
ing for it. We know from experience that
Shlloh's Cure will cure your Cough. It
never falls. This explains why more than
n Million bottles were sold tho past year.
It relieves Croup, nud Whooping Cough, at
once. Mothers do not bo without It. t or
lame back, side, or chest, use Shlloh's
Porus Plaster. Sold by J. H. Kiuports.
may 12-cow.
'."Winter finds out what Summer lays
by." Kidney Wort cures In Winter and In
Summer. There Is scarcely n person to bo
found who will not bo greatly benellitcd by.
a thorough course of Kidney wort every I
spring. 11 you do not prepare tlie.llry; jauy
the liquid, it lias the same ciicci.
After I had become almost skin and
bone, with neither strength, appetite nor
ambition lclt, nnd the doctors couldn't
help me, two bottles of Parker's Ginger
Tonic cured me completely. M. B. W.est-
cott, Lamp M'f'r., (,'mcugo.
When vour friend or neighbor is labor
ing under bodily utlllctlon, Indigestion, bil
iousness, constipation, caused by impurity
of tho blood, or disorders of the kidney or
liver, don't fall to recommend Burdock
lllood Hitters, a sura and safe remedy.
Peter Kleffer, cor. Clinton and Bennett
Srects, Buffalo, was badly bitten by u
norsc. una unnueu i iiomas' -t-ciecmc uu.
which immediately relieved tho pain,
and In four days the wound was healed.
Is it not worth tho small nrice of 75 cents
to free yourself of every symptom of these
distressing complaints, li you tnintc so can
at our store and cet a bottle of Uhlloh'
Vltalizer, every bottle has n printed guar
antee on it, use nccoruiiiKiy una u it uocs
you no good It will cost you nothing, Bold
by J. 11, Kinports.
may ty.cow.
maiiBST rnizii l-oiir wish.
The best wine in tho country, that took
the highest premium ut the Ccntcnniul, Is
Bnecr's Port Grane wine, which has be
come the most celebrated product of New
Jersey. This wine and his P. G. Brandy
are now ueing useu uy pnysicians overy-
wnere, wno rely upon them ns Uoluji tlio
purest to ue nau. it is uusurpnsseu tor
weakly females, and old people. Used by
me nest rlitu Avcnuu society as an eve
ning social wine- For sale by O. A. Klkisi.
'Wells' Health Itenewer" 'estores health
and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence
sexual uu unity.
WThe wonders of modern chemistry are
apparent in the beautiful Diamond
Dyes. All kinds and colors of Ink can bo
nunc irom tnem.
Wo have a speedy nnd positive cure for
catarrh, dlptherhi, canker mouth and
headache in Shlloh's Catarrh ltemedy, A
nasui injector ireo wiin eacn Dottle, use
it if you desire health and sweet breath.
Price 00 cents, bold by J. II. Kiuports.
may 13-eow.
If Mrs. Lydiu K. Plnkham has not really
discovered the Klixir Vitat, which tho nn-
clent Alcnemists sougut:tby so much pa.
tlent research nud persistent experiment.
her medecino seems, at least, like v to com.
inund an immense sale and universal popu.
larity in the future. If rapid progress nnd
eminent success furnish anv basis forn cor.
rect judgment, Mrs. Plnkham is a most
promising competitor for such honorable
distinction, as the alchemists failed to n.
oee a woiuauin anotnur column, near
Hpeer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which bpcer's Port Grapo Wluo Is made.
that is so highly esteemed by the medicul
profession, for Iho uso of invalids, weakly
perauux aim me ageu.
hoiu uy Druggists. sept 22-ly
The proprietors of Ely's Cream Malm
nm ciaim it to lie u cure-all, but a sure
remedy for Catarrh, Colds In the head and
liny f ever. Price 50 cents.
Apply into nostrils with llttlo linger.
Catarrh. For fifteen years I have been
greatly annoyed with this discustinir dtacnau
which unuseu buvitu pnin in my neaa, con
tinual uroppmg uiio my throat, nud un.
pleasant ureaiu. -uy bcnse of smell wns
much Impaired. Hy u thorough use for six
mounts oi r.iy s v ream ilium l nave cnllru.
ly overeomo these troubles. J. !! Case.
,1. ! . IT .. . T , ..... r.. '
di, ijenis iioiei, urouuwuy nnn ll tn St.
n. i.
My son tried Ely's Cream Halm for cold
in mo neati, niter using ittwiro lie reit no
more distress In breathing. 1 recommend
it above all other catarrh remedies. O. C-
Hagcnbuch, Druggist, Mahanoy City,- Pa.
"kouoh o.v hats."
Clears out rats. mice, roaches, illos. ants.
i.-.i i i . .
15c. Druggists.
wucaipcr uiunei,,,, ti M
live " ""Sr.
Corn, w
oats ' ......V.. I! s
iuur per uarici ,,, sin
nuiior , si
.U.V.VVM , O.&0
Tallow ...... oi
Potatoes io
Dried Apples 'oo
iiam ...,.;.;;..........!. ??
sides t Hhouldora iiiJ
- - m-T ' 'is
Urtperpo 1!
llaypertoa ..,, low
lleeswai 5a
Buckwheat nowerper icu " j.oo
0UT-of-town consumoro Of DRY GOODS
will find that SHOPPmO- by MAIL, -whon
dono tkroysh our porfootod
r Saves Timo!
Mall Order DopartmenW Saves Monov!
And id jfust as
ns chopping in poroon at
TTTRITE to us (a Toatal Card will do) atatlng
" " tho kinds of'orood3 dooirod, and SAMPLES
to odloot from, 'with prlcon and widths corroatly
markod, will bo forwardod by roturn mall.
Our Mall Ordor' Dopartmont la organlzod with-
Buoh porfoot nyototn, that
Orders filled the same day as received,
whothcr for Roods or samples.
Our prices can bo roilod
Eighth and Market Sts., Philad'a.
Invited to examine he beautiful
7rarS vfarf Containectmemrimpcrfaffyis
ofthcSEASOK. '
Collections cc?io)Mm tu
United States andcomprifetm&ny
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Where we havo no ngent.
t"Ordcrs and inquiries bv Mail or
Tclephono receive i'roiut attention.
HENHY S. RE AY. Proprietor.
Miy ta .em
Private Sale.
Tbo und'vnlgied will tell at private sale the
farm ot Ktchard Demott, Ut ot Madison town
ship, ColumbU county, deceue3. The ssldltrm
Is located near Jernejtown. and contains a
frame house, trame barn, and outbuildings, plenty
ot fruit, land well watered. And contains
1G7 Acres of Lnud,
Aout so tore of which Is timbered.
Fur particulars loiiulro ottha undersigned at
White Hall, Montour county, or of Jasper Demott
on tho premises.
Agent for heirs of ltlchard Demott.
Amonsr the ltocords and nmr,wlinirB nf ti..
Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, it ts Inter
ant, mni iruumincui
In tho matter ut the nunl aonuatof Joshua
Fetterman aud Aaron drover, administrators ot
niiiUivi uiu'vi uwounu,
Ana now, nepiemucr urn, issi, on motion oi .
. Kyerly court appoints chiriiw a. iiarkinr. .
auditor, to make distribution or the money tn tlio
nanaior said administrators, with power to dls.
tribute the share ol Uusan tlrover who died sines
said deceased in her inalorlty intettato unmar
ried and without laaue, and before sitting aa aucb
auditor he shall sire notice tn ail nrti.-i hv nnh.
llcatlon under the rules ot this court.
BT Till Cockt,
CerttOod from the ltecordi thii nth ri r n
tlnhnr IMI.
In pursuance of the (oregolag the undersigned
udltor will sit at tils orum rn iunnmhii. A?
Friday. Notmber Mlb, tssi at ten o'clock a. in.
to perform tho duties otnts
appointment when
eu win appiar and
aud whero all nartlta lnurenti
present their claims or bo forever debarred from
nor S-ta
$1.50 A YKAK.
tho countora.
wo can cruarantoo nu
upon cia always bolnff
Real Estate I
In pursuance of an order Issued outortiioor
phtat' Court of Columbia county the undersigned
administrator ot Joscpti Snyder, lato of the town
ot Bloomsburg, deceased, will expose to public
silo on the premises on
Wednesday, November 22d '82,
at ten o'clock a.m., the following described real
estate :
A certain piece, parcel or tract ot land situate
la Mimin township In flild county adjoining lands
ot Fetr Oearkart, WlUUin Mensloger, George
Kelchner and others, containing
more or less, whereon are erected a dwelling
house, barn and other out buildings, andlrult
tret on said land.
, Also on the same day at two o'clock p. rn., the
ollowlng real estate :
A certain house and lot of ground sltnato la the
town ot Bloomsburg, adjoining the public rand
loading from Bloomsburg to Catawlssa, on the
et,and Big Flslilngcreek on tho west, contain
ing about
Sixty-lfive Perches
or land, whereon are erected a two story frame
dwelling house with kltcben attached, a atable
and other out buildings.
TEIIM8 OF SALE. Ten par cent, ot the one-
fntlrth at thA nnrfih& rrinnflr tn hn n.-ilil nt thn
striking down ot tho property; the one-tonrihloss
'the ten percent, at the oonnrmatlon of sale; and
the remaining Uiree-tourthi In one year there-
I after, with Interest from continuation nUI.
Purchasers to pay tor deeds.
Fosscsston ot Mifflin property given 1st ot April
isss. joima.tiuioK,
oct S7-ts Rupert, Pa.
Keal Estate !
By vlrtuo ot an order of the Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, the undersigned executor ot
oiumw county, wm mposo to puwio s&ie on the
cremtaes on
premises on
Saturday, November 18, '82
at ten o'clock a, in., tho following described real
eetate, to wit :
Beginning at a live whlto oak by land of Boyd
Stoker north sixty-two degrees, east two hundred
and 'thirty-seven and flvo tenths perches along
lands ot Iloyd Stoker, C. B. White and Georgo
Thompson to a corner, thencd south twenty-six
degrees east forty-seren and Ave tenth perches
along land ot O. Thompson to a corner In Uu ot
landot Peter Eveland thence along land of Pel or
Kreland south sixty-one and a halt dogrees we.t
sixty-are and nre tenth perches to a stone, thenve
slo-g samo south twenty-four degrees east one
and seven unto, perches to a stone, corner ot
the John Kreland lot now E. L. Lemon, thencs
along land ot K. L. Lemon, aeorge Fetter and
others, south sixty-two degrees west one hundred
and slxty.soven and sixteenth perches to a stone,
thenoo by land ot William Whltenlght north
twenty slx degrees west twenty-six perches to a
stone, thence along same north twenty-seven and
a half degrees cast five and eight tenth perches
toawnlteploe Btuuip thence by the same north
forty-nine degrees west twenty-two and ttirea
tenth perches to the place ot beginning, contain
ing 71 ACRES
and one hundred and thirty -aevon perches ot land.
I'KItMS OF SALE, Ten per eent.ot the one.
fourth of tha purchase money to be paid at the
striking down of the property ; the one-fourth leas
the teu per cent, at the confirmation of salo ; and
tho remaining thrce-tourttit lu oue year there.
attor, with Interest from continuation nll,
C. B. Baocxwir, 0. B. WUITB,
Attorney for estate. Executor,
oct HI
1. 1 Slffll, M, D.
llailcal Snpsrl&tenit&t of tha Sanitarium.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Nervous affections nntl disoasca of
womon n speciality.
Terms for board and treatment nl
tlio Institution reasonable.
People in Ulooinsburg nnd vicinity
wishing to consult Dr, Shnttuck should
call only during oflico liotira from 8 to
0 a. in., aud 1 to 2 ). in.
cov I i-m