7 li t. THE COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBI CftTJNTY, PA, THE COLOMBIAN. X. SitistVrsAtr. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY, NOVKMBKR 17l&ii. . TVs low beast of the ext Cou of ra grass will hire & ck-Kcra c najgrirr Jit Hnbbt-. iht coJWcior of '-toJoe-Uij!mots" got left. Tfc Stal wxfu -riH have tofisd aacthtr choir- D1A. Tbe mora jVIcm for t Senatorial ditrirt cwt xt lxriR on Tnlj tbe 14th. iwt. W. W. llart mjori tk are as follow : Lrcocuog coantr, iilO ifcottwr ccictT, 1723 Colnmbo eoar.tr, 394 Sallivxa eitmtj, 9 10,970 "Webster, the Grwoback eaadidAt, rewire- S3J TOiei w Ljeo nooe in Moatosr, SOS in CohabU. 149 in SirrM' " rsskivr l KXai cf mi ia the diiirict- Tie Lrp-sirst T5e. Tbe rote cut for the Iovkjcdrn: Repsbltcia tkitt t fall fiftr jr et. last than ra coaSdtatlr expected bj thow txt i&tettieentlr taforaoi oo the sxtbj-ect- It will pcobablv rx ex 1 the vote mated by Wolfe but Tear, vLc the Iodrp-xktrt iwrrr wat bxJ no orgaslxatioa led the bole fell a!st tsureiy poo Wolfe, vilb&ai iilen or crjxx. Tbi Tear, many of the l-r5 Lbi3u of tbe RepaUieu far. j- vtre t-Jk-il in the eias, i&l its orz-xcizauoa xs eztsded to eTtrr tj, bet the retara exhibits do nu- (mil uwreaie ot rote!: It is erkJeat froa cxrefsl xnvii of tbe returns that the entire D-foo- eratic Wolfe vote fell back to Pattisoo The eSeris al garerniaent exaplor es frota vhoea HabbtB eoSctel otar lr half a Bta of dollars, at to k&w what doe with the roor. They prerws to hare an i&rtsiigatiot- BcMia is tk-d. The DeaoeraSe p-rtr ha bees placed in power be- oa tt proles-; to be owtd to tretv, aad iohUfal a&MiMaecU and the Eke. The day that the f eofe find ' oat thai thi is- cty a sit is order to I get in pOTi tr, utQ a c&Cd day for J w-etha-li be in the Uitd St,l ' -T"V jna t to tfteen Perjrra, or is CofenHa c:r. ! avay. ext it jwin that Froca'tHs tiae forth b who tb?M5if.1.Bje , .v , Ipeodrcts rotcd dirtcslr for Pauuoa. frca the pwpJe, sad act froa y ooe ?rfg fcraJS or xwo er nau a ooxea do wbo tsar hare a slue of their own. "Down with tbe Bcs," be they Deisocrads or Ketxsblkas. rsost be the wahword heaoeforth. Colxa!-ia coantr h oot esdreiy free froa bXisa, asd any ia dieatka of H hmafter will brat wiih op-ction frca the prts aad the ballot- oator- Mtr; aad it u prohahie, ncgiss froa tbe ixuicz 02 of the rote, that q?ne L.yiilcOixH Ricoftt ihoald be afcTyhl ed r tU pabtieettica mlaenl to tidj fv jrail of the ssin. Kefom u necessary is the pob'.tc prindnr where there i bow Urish wat& I the ispptj of ttattonerr and erery o4b er das rti irtirie ocu in the dpart aenU and Legislatore there hart bees grots faroritiKn in awarding the eoa tracU, eipezt knavery in preparisg th bl. fral in the execstioa of the of den al pttitioa of the State trean ry ia bBjin? rert?Qal iertjaiiites for c5c:il. The ssppbes KWIJ, bock cCf, brcihe, broocaf. kc, caa be cat down 73 per cent. The senatorial bar be r'shop, maintained at the pnbtic ex isse. might properly be abated ; at least thereis no oocatoa to coatract for Senatorial sharisg sag at $4 CO a dozen dsrisp years when there is bo session of the Senate. These are the proper subjects for forty agitation from now st3 Jtasarjr 1st. aoi tbe rst dctv of the first Democratic caa cut will "be to wrwtie with them. We hire overthrown the Spoils svstem. Anr reswrtctka of it by or tarty wid be deservedly the death ot the Ikmocracy." "I woold Eke to a quite, modest isasrxraiioB. withoat asr fssts or fan- daseoes aad at ot a dottar of umw to the State- 1 believe Sftr thovasd Harrisbsrz to Tbe people of this cocaty w31 ex pect their represestadres in "the lejpsla tare to voce aad act for erery measure of reform that is presented at the oeit sessoe. Aaxgtheis the abolish sasat of a large camber of sspercaaifcr arks aboct the capital at Harrisbcrg. -whose only datt$ are to draw their par. The Democratic party casaot afford to keep np tbe briga.e of pasters aad folders that Lxtc beea empSoyeil nnder repabBcan admiairation, jsst to make place for party workers. An other seeded lefoiai is the aboKshmest of the Ziyula:Ue Jltoyrd, aa atterfr cseless psbEcatioa that nobody reads, and that has cex the state thosaads of doll its. In the selectioe of a speaker crest care sboold be taken to avoSi the blsnders of tbe lass demoera tkbosse. Another man Kke Patter son, Tho was the iaagiiag ttoeiief the wi5e state, wooLi take froar ta any a.3rastage that we have gaiztd in the late ekctioc, asd essare defeat two years hence. Pattisoc ia the excessive chair mast not be cocnlerbalasoe3 by a Paitersoa as speaker. Reform ii 'dt maaded by the people everywhere, aad the party that gives it to them, is the great party of Ihe fntare. The PiiiadtJpIiia Titeyu Oias. eaks twitnty-Sve ihoosa&d Iodepeode&ts. who woold have vexed for Stewart had they voted at aQ, compromised between hoasest conviction acd party claims by i staying it home oa ekctioo. day. The estimate o: tee iipesast vote at a fall handred tbocsaad is, therefore. faDy tastaiaed by the examiaadon of the resalt, asd the defeat wocld have been bo broader cr deeper fcad the fall hssdred thocsasd or more voted for Senator Stewart. Kooe will caderstaad the strength of the Isdepeade&ts loiter than the Came roa leaden. They appreciate the fa that there are not Uss than ooe haadred thoasacd of the met islelEgesl aad earnest RepabEcaa of the State, who wiS rever again Tote to elect a machine ticket ia Pennsylvania, aad there i oo trscitrr knowa to the spoilsmen that caa -disintegrate the Iadepeadents Whether they vote for their Iadepea dest candidate, or whether they rote for a Decaocrat or whether they rcfase to rote at all, the reaalt mast be the aaaie that k the oertain defeat of all machine ca&didau-s in the fatore, and that It the ltsM the Eoe mast learn o. ue e.Esoc oi xven isctr as Governor of Masachssetui The Goerzl was qaite wiHiag to Te his cooatry as the candidate of xieMMjcaajsm, wji if ther woeH ever aeain be known u fidors in Pesnsylvacia politics- Tbe Independents hi ve averted their ccmi pcteaoe ; ther lure wen their battle. ad there will be no fstare for Repab lieasism that does doc embody their principles and honor their champioas. t'hxuuulpnux limes. Je-dai 2d In a talk with a representative of the Txrnfi. Chairman Hecsei has faUr ex pressed the views of tadic? democrats ,f .-!t:l SbaUact in the fatare as r. gamst sash a hamiSatioa Batfcr 3e k, tv .( k to them, asd nothing coald well be smarter thaa the coarse he has pasaed. He danced to the Teajaaoi orgass aad feaders, piped to the Greeabacxen, eaagbt a3 the isms of Boston ia Hs lap, aad, being tbe nataral hero of that crowd, he pointed oat to the Democrats how- they might make him Governor power short Eved one. He says : " it wocld te a clear case of fale pretence if a Democratic adnusistxatioc aad Legisla tare did sot eSect the needed ref oras. Fortntately the party need have no ap prehension aboct the adaucistratioa of the nun whom it has elected. The -dciitr to pablic tr&st aad cai-aavr f or oacul datiea vhkh Lave bcr-n display- L?;EliMli5;n KS7IAT or, 1 " 4 nnnno UUliO ffl ill O&f COCRT PRObLAMATIOK. Do not be in a hurry to buy. WaUX assets?!. KexTr "TIDOVHS" APPRJOiEMSXTd. tt wism' tzmtaxiU tx lit owl tf TlTHEBE.4AtklI57rtixiax EtwxxL W Ccstsea U t2it rMoowrf Xin Oenn UOcataot Mriui ci7jadr OMrt a tM tea si tu trtat, eanpwS tt IfceccniU? c CWvolt tad Xtasem. iat ta Bzba. riat tax ui T. L. AamcSxie tt CUxattx eweatr. axTt t9Kti ttxtt rnersUiMrtxr ae tat rjt iu kTxrtXxxdKrxtr4Ta.tst t xm 3rKt4 tx A twVt fojM at B rff. Oct kpWiiii- a t Or,ft t tr C&ax. ta avrm iirrx. 1 tocttr t om.ttx,m ta tm ir. tttkx a fixr tf Deeattr bsxt. te coasxi ftx tva '7Ciafxbtrtt7ia to ti Cantr CM ((C Iwc. ti.1 1- CSaB-AA-r cf MM CtasrWCtttayi,mitatnVaxadt&rta Uetr rrr ?atw xs t tXXcX tx l tarmsca rt kut ita xr tt IV. sa ur rmra n-tti-cttiu xst tour naeEftrxamkt Urtviiio xau otr tO9arciruJax9taxe. axt Hi 1 1- n it ii i I'll tij ruii ill ui. liiiiiii i iirr xCint u pctwsrr tixt xr cr xwj x ta tte 2 c u nMpmSj oc Ocate.soett xac STt utmmtUaiuiUltf rxv. Jr:n?t rv Cxeiceil I Vr tcxrx; & Sir jidiiw, xRxat7Utatrbceks. MrtarjMuSoi ) Ltt trt axr e 5. t ex rav t otr un o xxmsLxx npi ieK xa: trX9-Ts xaa u u tat fc-ausvi ul ItKcevt, rrj u awrtx. 1 wiajr inUfwit u tte twuze tt e i tT Xtxrs. Itncx.Tj- rn H coold be reasosablr sas;eted niag the machine for has Democrats woald eo to see acd arplasd saeh a vead off that wooM he. "Tte fatare orcaaizAtwa of the par ty in this State win be determined by the new State cosemitte. neetinc at Harrbbarz on the third Moadar of Jaaaary. It will eieet a ehairaaaa. ceroxaoeat satretarr a&o execctive committee ot even. 1 am verr em phatically of the opisioa that the orzaaixatjca shoeld be kept ---at of the hasds of the oe-boldtr and oSosbaaters. The strescth of the otiQBsittee of cat hendred is hrzelr dee to this deteraisatioB oa its part. The tendency of ofSce-bolders to orja &oe aol ran Ue macse tor tbetr own protection aad the practice of asxia z ttrsoas m partv maaaiiiiect so at to afterwards claim a diri-ioa of the spoils for srvioi rtnderei ha led to the prevailing popelar protest against the 'k yst-m." We mast rise a bove that. No man LoaJJ be identia ed with the control of the Demcratic orsriaixatioa who holds osee or who of raa- own present or fatare islertst. Tbe exeestise com mittee shoold be made Bp at kat of a majority cf men who wO give their constant presroce aad aid to the chair man in State campaigns, taking the place of the aiaal so-calkd feerrtanes. Is the cam(aiga jo'.t exojed 3fr. Eis ner, Mr. Metk and Mr. Sha.Se did sab stastially aQ of the work, except that w-hich was pcrely derieaL which I had done, cc-t only privately, bat far more expeditioasly aad ecoaomtcaSy at Lan caster, aader the capable direction of Mr. Liehty, thaa it cosJd have been done at headqaarters. Sach aids as these would be of maeh more service to the sew chairman ia aa executive committee thaa emiaeat ccaaselocs who would darken coearel by words aad who woaki be basy setticg cp jobs for their own aggraadUctnest. '-The Demccratic State committee leaves PiiladtJpbia whh every aaa da! obEgiuoc piLi sad a little aest egg in the treafary a very little ooe, of owrs. Pennsylvania received do help from oatside, except a siugle in coasideraLlc ccxtribatioa made &n per soaal groaadi. We piid a3 of oar bills as sooc as presented, aad every c&aaty tnxt iit tor x: i aad demon strated a legitimate nects-ity for it was famished ith it. I do zjjX know of a penny spent for any illegitimate par-pose. wiim-xriwa(3itxee9;xU'tSui-ic&awix. kwt9M. nneeur xmlm t wiarx xnktsrf,t tx tx tsui tt 2 n eaii.-Si'! aixt ea tM anc Msctxrce Bcrs.ZKt wx. il xxjw cxrrpac! v. a v ktxxnxxa. cxarscr r'. rr" aij im mm a I .ii i . m vui OST.O.C, DMIKlisTBATSIX' 50T1CE. TsTimrtirza. mm:. cxmjt vi jgrJUaexqtsyxitafyfi,.giBul axn :a j U? 2rjpcs xxM tct-iy us sria --rti?n aa rrrod unir titsu tuxje ta cdtM cf xxu 3olt2t x.-t rti7tast ia pre text uux &r vxHtaMX xjA Ujk triTXci u ui fursna tsa vnairaLrxet Hf7navrj Tcajc: srsaf srrrEKT. x aar;xnfTmx. T B0I3TBBTS NOTICES. "S-ac2KXxeRa7tVtt9 x2 JrrxMX. tftCUn L3l uur jwu LxtsmMt tx tb.MCAie C U rvspnrsm eoe4xi u xtliv tlxsauv. Xcc fcf " ii'r ini txtmStX rrtrTif tc tacau Srt Kt itel x ta; Ctx Uit SirfJFXt t Cataaatk eoatr xxS rS C eaeatattx cotv tmiaa xac limax tx Urf brXxxx'iCoxn to XX I IDKX ?. S. CS. UU CXJ. t. Tte rrrr xaseatcr Htur Bauenca x&t uv mxursur. tuexun u m Bz&ztzitt, KLecCBauexswxttxa, AKut. X. rvm iL&l zal taxcxt 'Jt SxUt Exnaca kiii"jmitx tt wsit xj-xa&. lxzct 1. r.r5I xi et taxrtM E. CuT"fri-x ruriia ctua D. CxxtVJ-raT. x f ' '' u K'iz .. ci ?nsax. anryx wrf. X rOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT v ttt " s o3cxu uauta vuca care ucrai tuOiXT- t helo theci. It was a daring, deep aad shrevd j game, bat Batfcr has played it weH aad wos. His methods are'ooc to be com mended. Bat after all they are me-j thods; of wit and foresight rather thaa ' of rascality, aad compared with the! ways of Boss Republican it mass be conceded that Bailer has ao reaos to be ashamed. And if he makes as good a Governor is be has bees a wiie awake candidate, Massachusetts will be governed better thaa she has been for a good many yeara. F-a Gc-trat'e Opaxc cf it. Tbe elder Cameron is evidently in a bad haaor at the toszA thrashing his son Doa recesr ed at the polls last week. He is reported to have said -the Ee pcbScaa party Las made a mistake. It's mistake was ia ever Usuniag to the propositions of the rebels, who wanted to break the party an. Ther shoeld have been ignored "aad treated as the common eaeay. Their motive was personal advancement aad it, was them selves aad not the party they wasted to baild up. The campaign shoold nave oeea more aggreaave, more nn- compfomMng, jetting seoeders go their way if they wanted to, withact parky. There was do occasion for explaastiocs aad the party thoall not have been 1 1 . i. T r . . jww ujua ujc ociexmve. acts was the mistake. The Reanblicaa tanr can cerer afford to ccmpr&mi-e with traaors. The Latest u ta ?asixa Kxalny. OScial rttams from sixty one coun ties in the state give a total vote of 673,421 for srovemor aa increase of 123,90$ over the vote for state treasurer ia the same coca ties ooe year aga With two remote coantxes to be heard from Senator Stewart's total TOte is -47,76, aguan 49,79 for Wolfe jb ISK Tbe following table gives tbe plaralities for Pattiton aad Beaver: rxnam txrxurrr. xxmtcx rirxximz. x&vat -. .. xTwa&rrvcr xa ttc4 VttATTLXtmf tK IvTfT eafEisr wi Hem rrvirvttrt hi fcu inccfciaifr tr Caxiactx trr-nr Jia Cutox. Cnot . fUxr. KVTmn. cnri CcsXatxiil . EI ... i7tfecru xafl'rrKcie jlrti'.LfHai.aa ax xrx3i t z-.iA'. xaa-rtt jr1- xact u Ui tct ( tx &flMt awxvmt u Ca .-ttra oc m-TttKii, x;;t:iai . tij Arrt. .v:i r3Ai-ax art is zrrnU tx ta ux? xx. 2f f ce otr. Ctr ;i3 x." J rrr pxcsit taen-t' ctrvef ct x eryxxna. ta teotei rli oaxiox Exuscr cuxcoPA-"iT.rri!i t Mtsjcrscrxs: sa cat f7 -rr-ir xx k atr xc r . xt xott-rs-r u tux es? xj ie fuiflw, nr xt yrtrtj-rn r Ircir'a tetaxzttei n-utujcc. i; 9et cf TtX. : xat - pn;rrv. x 1 xii ckz tr-veSei. n x I tj?" x -""rT -KC-3r.CXiS -T -XiCTt ryttt-rffift AC. -v: bc&mm l TK ixlif cprrxOaiA f tr Od;-T xts trcunMHU-w ut . tx iwitcc frtiu. il ttka xi li-Sc x.-ttst!x.-a-x. cr K yet Ut act s ft-rr ia us. cf nis-K Ux? rr e- ct u ccr-.vtix-rviStTtt ccrri sa cs tic 8 a ; aa : T ct tWL'mj tic u-s l t ! tt-M. trX!TCS. trts- l'xjtt-e rtsea Crwtff ., xv-Ork - ham . xtwxm. !i auii itxiti,i irM ITW acTr.. in S Vf-nrr tt MttMOl-...,. XCI Jim rt-lt. Ilta f-Llr f you Kur i ftvsrtriw, ni til i ua ui aa uu ic twe XI Vlbl . wrt isxf., Uj wir lev W3tX TU-L tnts ;.1 him is the hirfjtr coce. The Ex ecati ve potitioc dm anils at this jaact re jest the caalie he will briag to it. The breadth aad tbonghtf-f&esj with which his campaign speeches have been Gurked have astonished as well a delighted the wopSe. They need have no fears of fallare on his part to deal broadly aad ccarageoasly wjta ererr qaesttoa that will arise He has heretofore shown a diiana ti6n in the ehmoi of his o5cial assist ants to which mar be safely left the e kctioa of his advisers aad admiaistra tive agents. To embarass him with the importaahies of ccBoe-haaters will cot ocly be a wrong to him, bat to the party aad the State. Xo rcaa more dearly recognirea thaa the coveraor elect that the rsec&ss of his adninistra- tion aad the fatare of the Pennsylva nia IemocracT depend npoo the free dom with which he is allowed to pick coaadlk'-v of State aad distribate his patrosage since that offensive term mast be invoked to Stir describe it regardless of the Shrieks of l&cal hv,' of the rlairni' of "p-rtr workers,' or even the considerations of persoca! ineaasaip. What can the Lemocratie Leiila tare do to help along the needed re form r - It c-a do a urtat deal br the iadi ctc-s exercise of the art of not doing it. I rea that its members mast a roid the disrepctable pracdoei aad stamp oat the vidoos abaKs which to loag prvx2 tl at Harrisbarg to th shame of the State, to the disgrace of the participa-.tf aad finally to the over throw ot tae party responsible for them. The rim caacos held thoald be to de termine cot who shall 11 the o5oes ap- peaae- to t&e legucatare, bat bow many of them can be abolished The entire paitiag aad folding department, now a rcostrag puce tor banners, a bosutal tordeeartnff potxUeal loxftrx, shoold be eleaBtsi oat. It now affords a Sob" for a Kvjre or more of fellows who draw aa average of per ses sion, none ot wbom earn M-e ball ot it and many of whom never go to Harris barg except to sign the pay-roiL All itiecares sboald be remorselesly wiped octs all nanecessary clerkships and ether positions abol-hed, the salaries redocied to a fair compensation and the psv-ic.(7 i sri oi Touag inera -met dentals' aad cntiogw5t" to cover a malth&de of steals thoald be abandon ed. Tbe I&depeadeau aad Democrats can together orgasixe the senate in soch a war as to get rid of the Coeh raas, the Delaaeys aad the GaHagher aad other rat who hxve been fattening at the pabUe cheese, aad in the Hoase the Democrat- shotdd orgasixe so as not to adsxh to place anybody to whom attaches raxlodortxu memorie The people will forgive a little booest inex penenoe, bat they win not co&done theeleTation to places of trait of tainted men or of those who will abite power. If the reabers of the Legis- latore-eiect will reject ireer ratlrca d pasi and confine their traveling ex tes. to their milea!e maaer the se-- xiocs will be shorter, and instead of meeting on Tnesdar evening and ad joarai-s Friday afternoon, ther will earn their 10 a day with tit day's Ser vice ta tbe week. The now ieM-i a&J explosive POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ti otw i-Trr i x-jsa. A r.irrf ct n-.f kX lO r-m-y ir U C O Xjttl eca-v aux x tx mx tt tw- tHc. t-iai . c-ix. -t. Bixrw itrrz tx . j jK X. T. xsr i:-l r. pRD0X XOTCIE. SMot ti litrtty ma tt : iz&sz xtix tS. I i-iaf xt t tttxt twaxf ct tt bui-i js firm tx tHOtOXltt lit. xt HT-j-f, Uc - sc. ax. it .x.-it woa. u XTir4t2 tt xx tnr-.x. Vi x. x : a. rar. ::; . ti ?t cf t- l-f c-rx-4 s-x, li lie OW3-. ct )rr krwerxA tt ttcrn cocatr xl x? XS ixft. U. I mtS. ItMfl M tXT ).- !a ue -k - rr xl lo ja x UtU UJis . Jtrt. Cra. s PXX-IFIC PERFORMAXCE OF COS. Ticr. xnin trtxTzxx-xi luuuit tcc-uta. cixrtKi cccm m ; Tit Csoa-f k ct TViiij'.rizix. t s-nrr xxi lit act Cuxmvt E. Wxii--; lie u x(xti ifnr. Ctxxa.ai ; GE& A COtllX. Ctitl fciiiSlTt. Ft SiX fx i otrrx jlxq r arti la-i. tt txr i rx. Jaxs !sr rt iix ti Vt.tyc. isu-. '. tt.x U . irt. re axe tx V ltd jINSf w X IS . SCU S9r V3 CiUlT. r i tn. iivnti.-nM rsa xx rrw txrl f B- xx 3. cinM. ZiMziM rri tx B s. re tr tt iiriffx Yjtt&jit Ktx .t i t ratti-ta ct s j jva rt, ot j, Crrsx xies.tra, rt if u x ax t xi. Sj.rcxxtr KrXt. irt, rt a. tx ci s.w trii a, Mrit uarj cccxtr cnx xrt rrx'ifT r I- Sxm. ia xrtx3 coaxij. Atrxx s fctx rt mfiTrt r xx iKtrvx. uj. nunc iv. 1 tvewrv- rt if tx Xx3 in 5l rj ;c r it c Xi r CU.-A xx JS xrl r ix Kvi U'lx a.x-1 u rxii Jxie tx .xri rex lx X ui xj ta. A EJei t au-j x exs ct Utrxxx f-tvairi, -axM. Mil Blrxa i axrj tccxr x a x tl tins tt tt xut Cxii xim K B inlu", cVcexMi xatx w,flivs xt tcd lor. tt XiSM trxtsltr xtr nxraxxr . uil-ntLW t(.;o t rx -t. k xxiurx r ct t'At S rx xn. atxxxit. V- xl e3 ct lax ix r t xAt xs Kx x xi3;xac nwnr. xrc itrtv cc u x j xeu r t txt t-t Orpl Com ct Octets x co.tr. ca tc xaxs xilcr ct ttaotte uii xx i Ooxn Brm tx K kjSt. tta x xs Uttre ta oyw cxsie tij xp Ti pen nxit u cc srtt ixaX xl te xrKl tx u: mu u tt xui Ct -xr.xt K. Kxrxxxrt, -ace n.x. Icr x trxs t Ui , K-.-.f. tx J tsriur, Lro r rjtiry. o u tu 4X34 sa: .jt Rxnxrt x ;rx)M xor tx tt ptci x, cf 1 VtWIM fttnt.ii. xsx 24r ct w. Lt exit fti ftxrx tx, xout. fTtX Ii IXUt vriUMt tat Erx)ic vrc '. ?rt. Arxtctox' xl txrt x 3MtMrr. fx.ti S-vtaUi axr it Xvtoixt A. Ii ;rrx. vrx KtX EBM lCCVMt. O X. K t, Ojyjl-. ?UBLIC KOTIt-. teuta viz to tvt tat u ii Coin tt &U.-U i simi tt Oacux OMXtr. ox fcx ttr. tc x,uxrct ixr int. tfra tr xt fei trt ttt txx px rm ct xxox ctMAir. crxjxx Kr uu wsn & u i , m3 vrr la. Set tarxxt ct U rtrr Ssxfst-xaxx. xtte SHERIFFS SALE. rj ixris ct vn.t- ri terl ect ct a Ovtn ct Otr-iix ftexx;t Ostn sitx evtr. xxd Kt rtcsei. its bf tpoxc i jt 5 : xx xt I e Ccort Eccw, U p-TrrOcy. ex XOXDAT. DECEMBER 4, x: rrs crrct .. xxte.tj xtttx;tx cBxcStrj. 0r- U XtCTU AXt XT Ct rt UjtTXJX. ocx4m1 xii ta aa-ilxj,tj-ti: CtUx xtx i QKCsct rxrtxcr xs.1 ARf xlr, xit m r Sis a xar xxil tirwt ---acrxr . rr txi tai3 e n, eo w r mil 'cf. -CWI2 7 IM srt gel .nr littr; f ax xxU x-t t r-( c usr (ac xier. iim 1 xil t--, xcf xirj i-is xrr I- :t.2 a- as. to J ;U3 c t- Sires, xrr erKK-S t 3 t ici-j t-x a ex. Ti 1 1 trS TiSl UX4t )tc xui'o va4 x tas ftsiH-xIjCx; ctxAUtoratT avi.?' jj-ce xlrsr t rte. littltj-ariT: - xrxT eocro tu::S Im. - a- si 11 x ctr K rxrticrsetx-lAJTtf xnsrxil r x e xto oc XAUitTKlxax- M xrX7 tan M toe tsjoir-ca x.';f;Ui. ct Sxut s.kt, tn Atr 1 it t fc tS- eas t xrr lt tst x? cc iexx. is CT RW5. 2i-e xlxx xx54 ic exss-xrT xr xrr X.-9 ill, J3 li fxs xloor K S x?7 fori!B- TxrT l lets xrt cc x. t tit jlhst cf T-r" r. -isrtca ii trs el x tt t 9 Kccr n.-f 4i J f. lae iii.tr axiT-c t. tSrtii. ti aerRe-txaJi: t, to-tt: rtxx t x ecr- rtixxtCESr 7-irMet;xt. Sreixt Ftxrt tirwt. tai t xlx x 1 t 14 ta k: iiier xtrtirr.ii! cf E rr KXfi. ats at xix xii: IX !t-eKxrr : tots, ox -s cr ts T kt. ttat xsniarK-sxlxraT tt SXUT- rt. xlxeaj Lit. xl tiaste xtr xxii . to: xcdi-eij axr j eii i rire- xl U-tj I-C, crt or ltstf. Cat jixaf cf Iff """-'--t ti trtcirf x cte : xrr irii 4 tf iocs. tx ta titcraoi xt Ua t t ct J xi EAriXfXJtwnTtrr, ttcce tsSa- asj it nrr tirre to. lit tt Eratr-tM-Xi 3 Jxirf E.I-i. vUecf Ga-ftE. ryirv tTttK.itl tt Erj-Jajee. xt to tt Kll ia t 1 irssrt tt v Tx.t wai iit ta Sxati X-T xi xm Brr t. tttrr M xiU. TTHto of sa c xt ta xcrttar i x it tie pestr, etat bt rexl xt cot. 2(.r.r,AT. a Fx. ALSO, TSJisx t text ex ie ifttxlt ti rir t umi. r, C-x a ootsir, Aitt jrwero-cC t-r.:a ritrjt. Srairf ci lit txris t y pi rax i cx ti; xst tr ct : rtaxtr. cx s locci x 1 wot tr tx it U wun xa 1 Its r Rri ttiitt iecsx ji.coi- utxlicxtuu t e-fssj ra ct xa Tt u Uui.cc vck u ttvoetl x trxs x tva t cf x- ta 1 ptrrriv- $4da,ttttecce Kaxi a errscf m ttsttre. tt r3y Cr-tTyc fijoexvt xi4t Tt-.i-iT Ixir xx te xt xi t ;rt--j cf T.-i:,:ii rii . Xer. A"j. 7V7x-ALSO, Tt iT; 0!rttt rt vtct xtA! ti fi'opwrm-tfiy Vrt ttt totzxr. r.X4 I t jrKftf Ct W tUfC Utiil U t fcnaw a: tiirtiT msum r 1 ik. ot a it ex nt'.'trerttfa cc t t xt . t; Ux- ef CZ-Wte. iilot tt tc ixt tt Ortw 17.OX .uuf tied xtx ac efU i, trt tela u. Sx-it. u ta U 1 cxiKa. xt ts t x 1 1 Ui jrtvtr: J cf w r tc. MSiTA-T. TITl. ALSO ai t t ru. t xat mt a c4 crniu xxt urre trn.::t txx c, trx crjtsDt ct Kit xtliU- ti Eeitu k tir rtf!';. fttrixti cocitT, xii i x te cf r ttrrxi . x: tottii- el xil aeitxs K ix, tarra: Oi tt xru tr 'n t it I.B. femes x 1 Gtcr x -wier, ca tt tn tr U 1 ct Bet xri xj t4i Ex.-i', ca 4 Ka tj Ul S. Xii ca lid vtK it ixij : ct Ti ps. xUearr c tits itr tr x sore tc ca u-f trtctvKj x t mcrr trx six nt. x trt xl cms ij tm3, tx ta tx txtec a 1 t U bt xji. I xt tat infunr tt Cuts O irAi x t ttm tcttiu. ALSO I ( un t cciAS ct x3tu eevtx ami ( tc tttcxtctx nxiit -rettitk to xx 7, C t -t coxxif fx- Uoitvt x t fta KTtti xs ttiwx, ta r. ; NvttxuxrCT 17 Ut.t ct Jcx Zur .tritca i i 1 t Jt E. IXt t; lACrxr r 17 U-iict i-i, iZtiza Scixr7tT Ix t i ct tt ttcrt ct Axru Ca m x 1 Wexr77 ictAxSuxrs xxl hX x Bti t. Oetxr- fcrlcIJ-l rt Xtt OeXV i X X, CC VIA IS tntcoi xtr t 4 t if ivt XAl tttxrx. mxuiS. U ta uti fTWTtt7.ru it ts tc xl Li IX ;r!7 ct tiiux H. xAru, aa bKt u tarttiixx. t at Airr. rt ALsO Atcrti,irxnct i3ctxsia J tii OKI ik7, Ot ta'X x cttxi7, xx4 Kxuu rt tAirrxiU . ttxcxel xj i6tav-ei xxlVt u K: Oxt c xxntt7&tVltr .sxl c tr tx- tt c-tux k lie cc ot ct 17 u i Ct HtuySJ xa ica U vrtttrtx SctJcAx NOXArt, tut. I Alii tarte xm trt cr xtax. ia vlxca xrt tiftdl trxax , vtx il cct- xnttx rx. t4: wJ. ittta txts i mum, xatto t ixx U4 ;rtfrt7 ct XvC-tw Lutr. unu Kttu x. aurn. r. a. rxr. Sct itct.liM. tiers. r xssarit ct ii 1". &er xl B tzzr J. Kcctex x txens en ct tu r r, cc r I TV? -it xii i xooa-t tt r"r' r. 'tj. raxrc net Jt x rst.x r e at ct bim a. r&x.txif iscat ts- tj, t Ki r. xx- 1 i scat ct C. X. return, xt lit tinrx-rct iur Xrxa x,tectu xt xvrl Tie ocea I xct ct SriiiTi M tr. tit ter ixrtia -cf us ct t xr, ix Sect Otstrete iAp.Ccn Kx CSnty, atexx. s. TX gul xecTxatcf mi H kxt. Ccxrt x izait Ltxt x n ccwr o aimt. use ct Sot-t- wmsb?i -! t. T ; Snt x : tx xtxt rt W M 3 S. S3- ntx. fr. jt xrtx ie ct x w xa7. ssnxc Ti Sri tx rtul xo xoit tt S. 7.Ct er uctr ct Axxxi tf Ct er. Ai f. h i 1. Tietni xt Zzil CTi tt A. . K-.tx-rx. ,ia-TTht.-x.vr r-tc ; T.Vf-- imxtG.-wt- to: tc xtr;. km 1 TVnSx: tx xerotic f Dx'U litilli. tWr Sit-it- Sik -i c" AAix Slt- j.UCtxt xsor ! 5. OKewi. 1L Ti tL-I x t sxl tcEXt f trgu X- iz xxd 4a T.a r-iT Xxrrrzn ct jx S-TTXT. Ct XX t AtceAMC ' Tit Ti xxci cf Jxse xxiAu srxt: ta tt:t ici ig ttTi-iis itirr. ttxei M. Tir trxt ii ii t xxrrit (i I.P. 7-iW. irctwrx . stcx TAT?. OtOnJB Tt ins xt rr c xaciti! cf mt ti Flirt. ect r ryr.Ti ct J-atec- rate. I; f trt ti-ai5, cratui tc ti. Tt iris xi-3 tixra xout cf x t wc toe ct t tcr n cf ."r;i r . te ct Ox trt tiv c-T. ixj xti. :i- Tt -xt xi- itx! x otii cf JtrrT.iT SiT- tt. x tt axi ctfti sua r. Utt l rxxx SitCMJ tx Ti xaozttct Em V. t:t- Cjax it Ai x X. rc. zxfjr e: t r tte X. Xci. 17 ta x tcsaru Exrrlrt w. n. C Tie Xni xiit f u tvt I ct FirT TmZ t. i ktx r ct I t jx, tt tc : .ixs Cict w-A It Tt t ilxscrt cf l'TKl Crfcxr Gil.-- . t act CcrxCrtrtS Lrxut aicf lCrtT- I tr. I lit cf CjI'I :ca c 17. CiUCXWif- I t Tii ire xiit i ;t cf Hit: Li H. I Arttrcdi: rxtxt tea t:jtt eee-1 cx xx frxi-e, ie ct jilx; re it VCC Mi lt. TiairK xi-S ; xas?txt ct X. w. sxrxs n. T ? A- iocaxt na iwosa i--rxr. cf E tu r7 r. M - cf BtATtr tc ia !. 4kxj J0E1T A. FUltSTON CO. xi 3tT Aii n3Tx. Alsril.'o ct X. ''T Ekai irirt.ii7 M corns; and ne'.'er vrere silks more acceptable. And these words have a meaning here Lyofidm' trrTja)la have elsewhere; because of the : greater yarkiyof w-nts that look to us for supply. We must havtj.pjlaccepted styles, and all the -approved quali ties of those styles; and, as to colors, can you think of one that ire can db wit-out? .Vstore Ihathas only one c ssof trade can get along CJ it U x tjv Urjt toi xixt j irs xsit ci-:-Ci"T rt ; r il tn. xitr xti ! tt ir CEXC7 1-4. E kAe rrxu xii ten. Cril ir Ain. rrt tsvactf ixoixla x4 :kiij , rre ats.t xxxrtri xx-x tx troXjhi t r tcspiir lvtmdi toiitcxtt Ua t ftrrf cx xx x Utittt t x ct CxtXWUkX xx4 itt ct 1iAvrtTwx. x exrt-u cttj" tA ii M tr xpanxl v rtXXA73TXA . Zv7 US M Cm Aft & ta XX3T xx.1 la ?U-xt tcrxMj ysxa&ti i(Ae ta uf tor ftru- iAil Utift xxxt iU sArc u xx7tvuc tiic ft ox ;n.i :i aj tv i i 17 LA, IX t7T f CX U PI d M,u. AitTr5-Sx. liire'.1.M.'f.lUs-Y IIMDIA rrua tt tKVnaj cf aj ix Czmx ud. Cacxxx. XltiUliUJ T X7X X Ml I'l XLft IKO. XAJ vu.rx aba ax ftn. xvxpur U ii'ar. Tt t X4(C , MM clr XAt tl itnuiu xa it sou tr ti fr tjttn. JOUX c I F811 U a Co, art u ct tu cxtoui x Tea bCT.lt -J v tfTMrAArxjjarr xWRrS- hCSHCxxim ii ce otmKxm m Tikt rr x73rriVbf vslx M. ax. rt t il xil virrt in xxrun UVm4 Q ( kl fvl a xitti'l eet -rtTtrcV iCxirxl Zranx I 7 xl rt ct xxXX rx witirE. t" SHERIFFS SALE. xt Com tt ceo rwi it ctx x texx- ATTNDAT) XS-JKR tt-Jli.Ta. MlttVtliirtaWV VI . AQ ta ttttt. tm xs utemt cf v. jixr U xZ Uai err trxec. ;tie cr ;crccl lit xtt tuta ts tt7tt ; Mx.onxt7ctos. t Ma il tu it ft r WJTtiaIv. liquet 17 tai ct 7xt tXiiC Wsxa Sta. tM Ct.-ta let, .'it JsliKi, r a. Hxr . us vri . AI, Oo -i. xll C rrx. CerrUrt'tX Xi;i! tT, Alt -1 Ail jui7-rt rsxeti L wc r4r la t AtXi' t erMtnl x. tri-4trT tr ae iftjsf at trxa Ws 1 4 1 4r ctt- t sap- frcit. uttaUts ttrextua xt4 tilt ct C. n r xrxiir; V". . xal to Ve id 4 xi a rt5v ct w. sX Bat7,a -7. ALSO ( T 1 JcvpT.j tt x. it co xt J. St. 4 B WoV tn i xa( iio'.tl u m. w H Vrl as xsr tr Uai t X. X Xt Bra rr.eatl Avnuikt Ui C1 J. 5tt tttr xs4 C tkt Mt&7 u-tcirrv. xtt ! ni Yj ! rf xM xtt3c7, TK VrUo C-ra tcc F-xto ; Bei ul ct en. Sing I iui ksc( fctai ls xs i- r l ts J. HeStxrr ts ear tt vxUr icvtr. Ox 1 a li tm Xrtt x I Xiii xx lUrj Irian rrnT'-r . tn t ra xi 1 to it csS-ioS. 4 nit Mirr-i uktv Ulo f xtrt , xi ts tt kU xi H prt;-TJ ei J. Ixx linen. Wcoii tit Vx-t a , -av-t. ; j , 1 rvurinu. 1 C. H. .TT, iirl txrr.AStT. wmmtrm it-ITX.-T A -w i . . BLOQIY.SBURC We wish lo call voar aUenlion to. cur large aW cpteltick of Hardware and House Furoisliinip !CodH.f;1, G't6 Uf a call whether, jou -niih to buy or, nptjnBitjnany interesting and useful articles we keep Tri gfock. ! t it STOVES, STOVES, 'TT AT WAXlAKER'S X-joH H Philadelphia are invited to visit the store, whether to see or to buy. Your parcejire checked; a u-aiting-room is provided, where you may rest with l-sr,d children: guides ' corSuryrjJ liKrrjhf the house, or you wander at will; there are many things of interest tor see, and a welcome. ror two years, pernaps,we have had the richest, largest, rnost antd ahStnost exhaus tive coilecdon of dress-goods in Phiadripha-. Beforethar, T. e may ha ve had the largest, and even the most exhaus tive, but perhaps not the richest. The slowest trade . ,to corne to anew merchant i is the jtTade'otuaiKj. ' U the slowest to change from But i: change. We 'oods Some of you may know we are going out of the'store' bilancef, botothers may not! We never bought anything but th'e best and latest improved ove. and our present stock which 'fe not large we are closing out at verv low fifmresjind the earlv callers will s&- mm Fiue eooos. Jn addition to jur stock of,Hard-are, Paints, Oil?, etc., for builders, 'Farmers, blacksmith;, anll'6uf' Tariely "oftols for me chanics, we have.owingto agrowinj: demand of house mves made a erxrcialtyrf" colKiusefat, ankdesljforrhouseholdiie. Plain, Porcelatri and & iin&l Hollow Ware, Galvanize3'and Marbleized Iron Ware, Wooden Ware,. Basketf, , Ketined Stamped Tinware and the largest line of Table Cutlery, and spoons in the county. To call, see and price our goods, (places you tander no obligations to bur. HOLM ES c SCHUYLER. one to anotr.er. rsut t: coes may say our cress of all sorts are at stout their highest now. c w . rra Xa E-c - : ea Tier. I j 1 1 Real Estate, Trust, Invfstment, j and Collection Office, Blcoms-j burg, Columbia County, Penn'a. a .- . Jf .1 ll i.H t i J.tl- ! ; r:t i vr. ! wim comprauvely few silks. s. vxter a- rrot iwa j? '-VIJcK ".StOcW JWouf- -OQ if5 "l-lJ.'-VVVP t irti tt Be Ma. w itVff, lit 5v Cect - in. A tkj i'jcrxiii '1 vet ieurv trtr. tr c 7. JW ta -Bit! I rTV-C tfct tSVTU . Ii! ' Z C. et . rt Cwfffc. t-xri xl liit ii. ril vx r, tvocrt trUi1 to u-Irc . Frtrt i 1 uri rtAK i e. A3 AnC v: ti Jxfx-rr. UlAp- S tZUrs S : U-- te2 f A xxv tlt ui Alt c x Urre rAi j tt ; xi t - li xa cf cAatat t U t xv u r. i4tfe iVrvtxii t .c i:7 ; wj . at S. c W. . . . Erti t iLVixe. t tirx. cr Art. vxirr, at- tsA tt S irr. A rx.n e jrartr. 2ti tt Vt"in: la to ii -Jrtr' v Gx S i !3cxc, t n, vx r. i xii w te x 1 tit m r 4 ttfL, xiret ta XxtTX-T ti r.i7 J Yxx Eki'i x- vu e, ws-tnm! Kt,i - xiv irw-l nt) laEts i CJ t t: -mix tl ?M 'Ktiai Jt m. Trx tt me, v'-v t n, rtcif ct art ct c Rtra si, i :v, n tr vxur, tc I 111 irei st t teOeat . UU l.v -U i J tt B3ujjt. rxr to-'fi xttvsuxi: ) i9. l 5m L3 tt F4t i -rS 5-ti t . 7 tistrt n , vxtr xat ec a rxt tut-, tr. I IK TSSIf tS606 U ttlrw UttPWtM Aivt (Tvcc atxcvnar liet ct ti irr. x r-os stc vxur ptvr. x3 U rs v eet. ttxtr r vraroc atrx s. a a x rrt tve ar, ten i x 1 KHinri rx. AU aW7UCtlil te. usae ri-Uftrttt, sa c-a Ki a tr AUo tea a r tui la Txrwci lac ar Sri. rner-K i crtbrg ai Za wsr A Urrt, tos Lrui4e xt i xrtr trr tirt rirrr trttt rt 4 ca Sotti Mxrt xarec v t K i xxrl rx C rAX. vxt l r tkM. rxift- rac . itu w U eexr, xii 5e. v2. catx tmt. ,x tt cmrxu ee . rrva nxuxxSii 4 ttrs sc ty. xoi mx xs Ktarr na tc x4 CTc. AfairxU j laa il c-x lrxt t-rtt, tli V i Tva i-xtir tx t tntk r sa' Cextrt ictwt. - v T9Urrt trxa ert rt Ct Tr! L. Wext B xexrr. A iu trxc t miitr ca xii xuttl. Well Kx i-trr. vita lixe, r- vxti t xxl trdt CkoaC 11X4 MS it UtKCJi .mut, . xxiUVi w7r;- i vni.tiaiask towels at 15 ir-l cents may sere to sliosv W(-u we gain by bay in of makers. The very rr.c to wels are ta tbe whole- sa!c trad in New York at about 2 1 and 22 cents, which mrans at least 25 cents at We arc not going to say d-. t -11 cr retail prices are brltw New York wholesale; no lung of the sort. More ;n or.c wallow to make.a summer." But where such t uels are-to begot for 13 c-nt- U a good place to look ,Vr Led and table-linen, and 3"JUico:hcr linens. That's L.t v.c mean exactly; it's ! - loo. ' "tUtcitt . Gij-U ft-n-Ln e v , A ver)' wide and surpris iii. y good navybluc twilled nuclfor 50 cents; 45-inch. " i"'a.'jou remember a 35 cer. fianntl for 25 cents, of which we hd.iS.oco yards last fall? Afterward we got 7 ceo ards" more of it; and a litilc'of it is left yet. That is 53-inch. This wide flan . r-1 ii fully as good as that. VI t n . Kf.t 1 fc i oiAtr. All the wanner sorts of .& BtMmmmt j x - . ,'..- . A V lft-4i FIKE: WINm suS MIWBt 1 - . r V ' J' ' j B jiOD iM-SiBURG; P-Av'- - . , a ,x .--, ' l v- V tA A v -t ATH7 4 rxW tt I txKxU KTCt'. tar ium xl r owe yl. a text rei txe tx t in LnCtl j .v, D T 7lwK. rrsrftj, A &lxea SUU xtr tm ttr Mui.l a krtct xi-x x tn t dJUs m rJiX tit-(. to u rwl cva-itv-s- FiiAxxxt 1 -rx. Tvs xa- trx 4 i rUx-x U xxiJE3at: yttc I ml Two trxi! e c AfXKX lrix KtkAx, a Urj i uk re i i tta mi - f 3 i xsa WMtstnru, X' tcrjr 46i trx itF t4 TieMt. a -trt.c rix oa uoey vxtc r trtc; K. xi xt C -vu u, 1 fxra vtU i xr xxrrt ct tioi ti i. gytr'tf ca. pet-'., fftflct, vt a t a bt 4 xi tr".; fx XXA." AUo. tt tr .-ccrM xoc &U t xaI cV xl rxtS xr ku lccJ(l 1 -xrttt, fa , WtXt Ail HUtl ' V . i.rul- rwear are ready; for rr-n, women and children; il.Ick-cotton, merino, wool, an 1 sjlk. AUhesqrneed cd fir all sorts of people t wi lt all sorts of notions; for people who want it. tl ere ia quite a little wit ab-jt t underwear to be pick t,J up t the counter. Where crMt would you look for it? N.t in books surely; for gcoJs are changing all the time; and so get ahead of Looka. Bx Arw-x lA.ci44 - M S3m.t ttlftTlr iM t--? f Tr.?T t:u t4 tu- x xtecoait7Attxc.x Ix- itAttm xtMltt4 fra-pUr xattipJ t xl Vjv t rxt tt rxtxt lj rtAltx J ATOb - ra twfleUxn tftif la iotoi a. rcjMfwCtt ran.E.wir. rMIU .DEL FHU. Ev ' tinr.nl Vxrtt ix4 3&t v y -X tr tw-c f -r yt itk-nUn $7 ox wan: in x e7 xi xx 1 1-c j uxax. lrxU r Ocl XI m i Tintfit US.'?!? 1 imim . MLt . Jf, v "11 l X xtxccim. WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE TO-MORROW 1, r?aoi:a,j9iKnai oervice oaromeier 3 OK SXOBHjUjlRj iD THEBJIOMl Kit COMIILVEU, AtfUU ,-XtbX . ga rsa li.lj It fti9vi rl' M cB I MJ 1 r Y I XJ 1 T" . . . TT-y ft vS tMn xxt t n J fti, ix v U LU M tj X B mt tn lixtnAM. IIM,tftlKnit)inHi.u4tiiaM bw-ft-hnliilli la axtUxl.gi . rir.,n Ua u. rrx- -it ii it ft .u in w k. -. . . . tl ft I t IWIIIf ft fcffcA vXMt fthftlU tit MM ul Xft. .Ti- V T ATI IkKl VJltU ST t , CI I ?rvrrai- 11 & rLv X m a it to r 4 wtn Wx . M- aku ift wiiir, rirrrwftrrf. is,ft . it ur r i AAXi i.-i UUMTttUl TUKaUMTTIUI MoatiSJ t r iw w 5i. Mt sue, fu ; ;.W ' 4 r va:rf ,ftWrt A 1 c- r ftj-i lift r. Mir n. I TMWiilM-nx-lnrCHhlrmnl. K . n I' it RE AD WHAT THE "1B1 tl- Kir llillY it. 1V1 1 r-iMv-abM r m Ami a V. tJr 1 1 !. rrx w ia rx 4w, u4 m j u iu UMnMi 'hit wft. ii w mwi iwwpwraftV 1aMliaijiumoiiiift.t Ii m ni'inlin I iniili la Itl fftV ft. '. LiXA lAX tAI. XI. it IL If M. IfttXi . XlfttX. tWl ft ilw iftftxt, ftftraj m ftxf t.iiMtucafttnrft tU r", iVx-iftrtJv-u u, r BEWARE OP XyOBTnt.liftjriMlVlTut; wij M llil Uu X. Xftj I k(ftim aI J , , I vu. mm, u UI M ftL - if . JSftTTXtrxiM wvmairj ftMftl JUK Ci. twIltaitaU c l-4j. UwuuMiftNwm, fix u HftLMnauMMuI MiaM tiwur. nminu,ni mi4wfi umil,