The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 17, 1882, Image 1

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    j.'i .ri'A
taVrJnMr'iil? ?!f rer- To titcrlboni out of
htnI tJ.t5;.te,"lrtcUjrla advance.
M the tifuKJiS'.T'1 ftt "' option
o ni
30 00
TMrlr mlvertUcmcnta MfRM 0" ""S.-'iSC
All papers ncnt out of thn mim. ... i X 5
atFDt n.ircrt Wwent mu a" '7
JUlOR Is no tourer exacted imm iiihwHm
In tht county.
rttalnwwWIMn netted,
Uitce dollars. Must do pam " " .... .-.
.. tvnl notices. Ion cents a line, nu"
rment offthArvtftTkWirfi
tar aawttacmcnw halt raws.
atjir with thVtfYf i izr. LIV?.1; "impMBTor
tVtoVLT i. ,
cards the muln Directory-' . -
hart utiiw nVifiV,"l,ui!1- none
' " u. neatly ana at moderate prlcce.
dollar earioreav""""-
I I I I HI 1 ! I ! y I I I ll.lBI ! 1 ! I ! I I I ! 1 ! I 7 I -l 1 - ft fiii
44th Season
vv" -.fc
The present autumn is the 44th season of Oak Hall,,
From 'the day our doors were ortcned.wahave been k'ecpini?..
strict' faith Viiir tKc popVand vV'cHfeeferce'xpect "the1.1,
statements' We now make to be acccptecl ' '
One Million Dollars
is the value of our present stock of clothing and materials
Absolutely Complete
in styjes and sizes, Every man or boy of regular shape
can be fitted, all tastes can be pleased, and every reason-,,.
uui iuea ui price can u satisneu. uur
Great Manufacturing Organization
Bocs on without interruption to supply all deficiencies. '
esides all other work we are new putting in stock from
1200 to 1500 new overcoats every w.eek By,giving,the,
4 Best for lthet Least Money M
and keeping the greatest stock of clothing in America, we
expect to command the trade of all the country about
Our new catalogue will be sent by mail when requested..,!
Wanamaker & Brown;'
. ' " Oak HalL '
- Sixth and Market Streets, .-Philadelphia.
in um
: Immense . New Stock
i5 ; it m
ilji J
A Homeholil Article far Untrenal
l'onill Hie.
For Rciki-Ut nd
Typhoid Vtiykir,
DIplaiicH, tutu
rati on, Uloerftted
RorThrot, Hmtl
I loz Memlrii, and
U Contaetoun I)lnioii. Person waitUg on
tht Sick khould Uie tt freely, Starlet Fever hu
mrtt been known to iprcad where the Fluid
wed. Yellow Fever hat ben turcd with It niter
black vomit lind Inkni place. The wont
cuei Dt uipntneru yieia 10 it,
VTred and Rick P r.
oni ft fret he d and
lied Borea prevent
ed br bathing with
Darby Fluid,
Impure Air made
hanmleit and purified.
For Bora Throat It Is a
turc mire.
Contagion destroyed.,
Tor Frosted Feet,
Chilblain a, Pile 1,
Chaflof! etc.
Bhenmattani cured.
tons aecured by it tue.
Bhlp Fever prevented.
To purify the Itrcath, I
cieanae ine xeem,
It can't be surpaued.
Catarrh relieved and
Kryalpelas cured,
llurnsfelieved Instantly,
Scan prevented.
Irraentory ctu-ed.
W ounda healed rapidly.
Scurvy cured.
An Antidote for Ammal
er Vegetable PoUoni,
I used the Fluid durlne
our present affliction with
Scirlft Fever with de
cided advanta.e. It Is
IndUpcntablo to the stick
rooro.WM. F. Sani
vobd; Eyrie, AU.
riTTINO of Small
Vox niKVKNTia
A member of my dm
lly wis taken with
Smalt-pox, I used the
Fluid the patient wa
not delirious, was not
pitted, and wa about
tht house acaln In thrt
week, 'ana no othrr
had It. I. W. Pakic
IMSOH, PhtladelphJa.
I li
P. s.
Balloon News.
The rnanv thousands of yisitorsi that witnessed thb ascent ofjthe Oat Hall
ballaohs during the Di-Ccntcnnlal Celebration majr be interested to know What
'bccarrie'of them. 0 ' k ' '
No. so. Left Oak Hall Tuesday, October 24, at 11.55 A. M. Captured the
same .day near Union Mills, N. J., by Clayton D. Gaunt.
No. 24. Left Oak Hall Wednesday, October 25, at 12.10 r. M. Captured
at sea, at 7 A. M., October 27, in latitude 39 10; longitude, 7345 ;
by Captain John I. Moulc. of the schooner F. E. llallock, from
Philadelphia, for Albany, N. Y.
No. 22. Left Oak Hall Thursday, October 26, at 1 v. M. Probably went
to sea, with a stiff westerly breeze. Not heard of yet.
No. 23. Left Oak Hall Friday, October 27th, at 2.30 p. M. Captured noar
Freehold, N. J., on same day by Horatio Clayton.
Offlae la m NUioniJ Bank toiliatnr, second Coor,
ont door to the ritbt. corner of Main and Mar
ket street, UloomsDurgr, '.
Bloosbuo, Pa,
Offloo la Int'a uulldtn?.
nuOM(iaa, ft,
omca on Main Street, 1st door below Court House,
Offlca OTer Bchujler's Hardware Store.
Offloe U Broker's bulldlng.second Ko. 1
Bloomsburg, Fa.'
Blooihaliurg, Pa.
Offlaa aorner ot Centre and Main Streets. Clark's
Can' be consulted In German.
lEO'E, EL WELL,.'; '
mw coiomiix ,BoiLDina, Bloonuburf, Pa.
leuaetions maae w ujr v' ul ".v,.v.
tape. '
Offloa in Colcmsum BnitWHo, Koom No. , second
Bloomibure, Fa.
base in Mrs. Knfa llulldln?.
a. XKoaa. u a. wisissjisaa.
Notary Public
u '"Att'orneys"at-T,av.
Olllee In 1st National Bank bulldlntr. second floor.
Drat door to the left. Corner ot Main and Market
B&'Petuwm and Sountiet Collecttd.
J U. MAIZE, .. ,
l IVjni1L.l-HI-l.rtVy
Gents' Furnishix-i
Fall; Novelties
Office In Mrs. Bnt's
uain street.
Building, third door from
May ao.'Bi,
ColloeUons Dromntlr cuIa atii Mmittwi
Otnoe opposite CaUwlssa Deposit Bank, ira-ll
BUCKINGHAM, Attorney-at-Law,
onico. Broclcwai's Bulldlnr 'lEt floor.
oomsburtr, Penn'a, ,may T, 'so-t (
O. BARKLEY. Attorney-at-Law
office In'Browtr's building-, snd story .Rooms
T B. McKELVY. M. D.-Bureeon and Phr
V .slclan, north side Main street.below Market
A L. FRITZ, Allorney-at-Law.
. in coldmbum uulldlnir. JuneM tl
yr k smith,
Attorney-atLaw, .Berwick. Pa. a
Gon'boConaultcd lu German. L
ALSO l'I!!8T-C!.A8lJ
WOfilcc with the Berwick Independent.
Hewing Maenlnes and Machinery of all kinds re
paired, urisu uocss uuuaing;, uioomsearir, ra.
T-AVID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor
rutin St., abore Central Hotel.
Office, North Market street,
Uloontsbunr, Pa,
omoe la H.J. Clark' Hiilldlnif,faecoa floor, first
door to tbe left, jggf
WtlM. v
arm in Riws Im bulldlnsr, Main street.
)- e( tha American Attorneya' Assoclv
CoUs'ottons mada In any part of America,
Jackson Building, Rooms 4 and 8.
Itey t, II, B-BW1CK.PA
M. REBER. Surecon and
once corner of Itock and Markot
R. EVANS. M. D., BurKeon and
Physletan, (Offlco and Itestdence on Third
. , CaUwlasa.Pa.
offlaa, oornar of Third and Main Streots.
Ornngovllle, Pa.
OfAea la Low's BuU-uiir, second floor, second
door Mths left
Can be consulted in Qeraan.
Tonsorial Artist.
isajaiuat tu old stand under "CiUNOK
noriL ml has as usual a viust-olabh
BAu5huop. He rospecuuiiy aoUcits th
jiatSialra olhUoldousUxmersand 01 tu pahuo
geianUly, Jalyis.-ao-u
IJix)OMSBuna, Columbia CpuNrr", Pa.
All styles of work done in a superior manner, work
id wiTUOirr 1'aiM by the use ot Uaa, and
free ot charge when artificial teeth
are Inserted,
offlco orer Bloomsbsrsr Banking- company,
lobe open at alt houri during tht day,
hot, 11 j 1
Laree and canrenlent sample rooms, Bath rooms
hot and cold water.and. all modern ooBTealenoos
Th uptown Clothier, b&i jott reoetTed a Cno line
01 jiow uooai, lauu u prrp-vrvu i4j ui.g up
Por Men and Boys In tha neatest mannar and La
test styles.
HatSi Gaps, &o-i
Always on band. Call and Rzamlne, XVAHS'
BLOCK Corner Main and iron streets,
sx,.etMtrii, va.
aosr visrc-3r.
Manufacturer of I'1otb. Stoves and all kinds ot
itoom fiioves, stores tor neating oujren.iLjjuoi
bncMt's rhurrhnH. f. Also, larue stcck of re
pairs forcltystoTrsotallklnda.viliulesale and retail
.suuu as Yiro uriCK, urates, ua,Lwnu-t;ts,au.,awjTa
ripe, Cook Boilers, Bplders, Cake I'Uies, Large
IronKettlen; Hied Soles, Wsgon lloies. all kinds
ot 1'low rolnts. Mould Boards, Bolts, 1'laster, Holt,
1 BONE MANUKa, &e.
new bulldlDr, Main
1 inUUIIV Un.'ura
Lroet. Bloomsburir. I'a.
.litna Insurance Co.. ot Hartford. Conn. ST.ois.lii
Koyal ot Liverpool 13,500,000
Vlto AiaocUtloii, Philadelphia 4.H5.III
Flicenlx.of London o,;m,h
London Lur.caslilre, of Kneland.. .
HarttoMof Hartford...; s.iis.ixkj
SprUigfltld Fire and Manne 9,088,15
As tho aicacles are direct, policies are written
for the Insured without anr delar In the
office at Bloomsburif. Oct, its, 'sl-tf,
mese old cosroaiTiONi are well seuoned br
age and rixx tistid and bare noter ret had
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets
are all lures ted In solid siccilTissand are Battle
iq ma nazsra 01 rial only.
losses rauMirTLT ana uonbi!tlt arijnstea ana
id as soon as determined by cumstun r.
Mtrr. srscitL Aqsnt ikd Aninirii iiLnoui.
suKii, rt,
The Deonle of Columbia -o rantr ihoiikt nuimn.
tie the airenoy whnro loiiwe tr anr are aetHod
rilUMl-lNHwa, kcjuin, PAllt PEA LINO.
An Only Daughter Cured of
When rtditli wis hourlr eirvctt, n
lianiisfatlidand l)r II, Jimsswasesperlment-
w-t. 1.11U luouinu licrimmvuitgiTH ue afXlUeni
mm uiima u I'rfpuruiion wnicn etireu mi onl
child of I'aiiauiiiiulaii. HUchlll Is now In Ikl
country, snd eujuylng tli bem, of heulih. lie has
yiu.r'j in ffitnii ujiL LUMmimiiiiMa can Du
DOn.lwIv and ii(-rmanintly ci ir,.ii Ti iwm.
now ifirrstharrclpo free, only usklnv two threo
ce'il stamps to py espeuses.- 'ihlx herb alo
curps 1 Ulit sweats, imiuei ut the sumiucli. and
win urvn up a ircn coia 111 twemy.fiur
uu,,a. nuui tBi i. ruuu'H'K 4 vu. . iiaj itacu sirrci.
i umuviiiin, iihiiiiiik; iuii paper,
Nov a. 4 w d
Two Dollai-s
Bom oy nil uwsat'alcrs and l'oilmasters, Hend
Twenty t enu for a Bpeclmtu co.'y to w, JEN
Nl.SOb UK.M JuiiT, publisher, U K-itPourteentU
utreur, .New York.
lflh)Vew Volume (l) commences with No
Temocr, send riiTV cuntn for three mnths
it win satisfy you that you can subscribe Two lor a year and set ttn times Us value ,
nor lo-4w
WANTIIl). aalary and exp
paid. I,KI!I.1UK JL, Ullr
3U)lti:, Nuraurymea Ballon, Mass,
vet. u-4 w,
The phyilclani here
uie DArbyl Fluid very
successfully In the treat
ment of Diphtheria.
Greensboro, AU.
Tetter dried up.
Chulcnl prevcQterf.
Ulcers purified and
In ctsaeiiof Dntfi It
should be used about
the corpse It will
prevent any rnplcaa
ant smell.
, Ihe eminent Vhy.
MLSLS, M. V., New
York, says: "I am
convinced Prof. Darbys
Prophylactic Fluid Is a
valuable disinfectant,'
Tanderbllt University, Nashville, Trnn.
1 tsstlfrto the most excellent qualities of Prof.
Darbyl Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and
detergent It is both theoretically and practically
superior t any preparation with which 1 am ac
quainted. N.T, Luptom, Pror. Chemistry,
pisrbys Fluid Is Ileeorumended by
Hon. Alixandbii II. Strpiirm, of Georgia;
Ret. Clt. F. Disks, D,D., Church of tht
Strangers, N, Y.;
ios. LsConts, Columbia, Prof.,Unlverslty,S.C.
lev. A. J. BArrt., Prof.i Mercer University)
Rev, Geo. J, l'lincr. Bishop M, E. Church.
Perfectly harmless., Used internally or
eitenully, for Man or lleast, .
The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, ami we
, have abundant evidence that It has done everything
here claimed. For fuller Information get of your
Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors,
J. It. ZKIUN ft CO..
Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA.
August, 4 S3 ly
That is what a great
many people are doing.
Tjiey tlon'.t know just what
is the matter; but they have
"Va combination' of pains and
aches, and each month they
grow worse.
J J( Thgonly' sttre remedy
"yet 'found' is Brown's Ikon '
Urrruns, and this by rapid
ii aiid thorough, assimilation
i,, with, the. blood purifiesiand
.flinches jt, and fjehj strong
'-'nifood'everypart '
of the system repairs the
wasted tissues, drives out
disease aiuTgives health and
This is why Brown's
Iron Brrraus will cure
'Kfdlicy and liver diseases,
consumption, rheumatism,
neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala
ria, intermittent fevers, &c
toy S. IVca bt., Baltimore.
Nuv.sS, iS3i.
I was a great sufferer from
Dys,pci2, and for several
weeks could cat nothing and
. was crowiuf; weaker ecry
day. I tried Brown's Iron
Hitters, and am happy to say
I now liae a good apjjttitc,
and am gcltinf; stronger.
Jos. McCawlly.
BrwOWN's Iron Bitters
is not a drink and does not
contain whiskey. It is the
only preparation of Iron
that causes no injurious ef
fects. Get the genuine.
Don't be imposed on with
imitations. '"1WJ
March, , 'H. ly
TiTRnnvT'TiMii fir. 'nil
H1 i.
and rnntf the boll. IMra. Gates Hddn
cxplaitieu nmttcrs. .
"idu do look n nttio like jure. Ack
. . i ,, , ,
crinati. wnun von mtiijii, uno h.iki, hi
conclusion, "ao I siipposu it 'a all right
hvr parlor, nml it hnrmonizcrt clirihn-
niL'ly with tlioiiark beauty of its
imstrcHri. Tlio sisters aro insoiiarablt',
and tin haiipy h two Mortals enu evr
expect to be. Tom is Homctliing inoro
to let you have tho key t but gho wasn't than bodk-kt'eper nbw in tho Bolton
l..l.!." i. l!l C....-.1... II 1 1 I if 1 Tl...
luuKiiig iui j'uh iiuiii o.inuuiiy. iiiiiiiniiio oiisinu", mm ue itiid .miiiii
"Probably nho did not receive my aro talklnii of buyiuc two lmndsorrio
A daliitv narlor. with miinerous'casv postal, which I mailed yesterday." proper-tier, in the suburb of the city.
chairs a trlowlim ilro in tho nickel "Well, I'll givo you tho key, of Mrs, iMollio declares, ijho would rather
trimmed heater -a pretty llttlo woman eourso t but aru you not afraid to stay remain in tho
listcn'mcr for tho looUnteiis of tho lord
and husband. This charming picture
of domestio bliss Jack Aokorman fully
appreciated as lio stepped into tho room
a few minutes later.
'Well, Mollie, what's tho nowst"
"Oh, nothing, onlv supper has boon
waiting half an hour. Come, let us
Hurry ana eat; i want to tanc to you.
'1 tliouirht there was someiniuir on
your mind. Didn't know but I was
goinrr to get a leottiro lor being into.
"You deserve one, for this is tho last
evening I shall spend with you for two
whole weeks ' Mrs. John Aokorman
tried to frown, but failed completely,
alono In tho 11011901"
"Oh, I'm not at all timid," said
"But there s a gang of burglars
about tho city, urged Mrs. Gates.
"But you aro wclcomo to como In and
sleep on our parlor nofa, if you arc
"No, thank yon, said Amy, "I will
risk it for otio night."
She lot herself into tha deserted
house, not without bOiiio thrills of
fdar, it 'must bo confessed, now quiet
ovcrvthintr wasl Oh, it Atonic wore
! only there l She took a survey of the
rooms, tho kitenen last ot all, wneru
In another half hour they were back ih she concluded to look for something to spoonful of water to which a fow drops
littlo house on Lake
street but what iwomnn was ever proof
airainst. a Imudsoino establishment in
un nrislocralfo neighborhood 1 Not our
ambitious little Mollie, I am snre.
Items of Interest.
Qno gallon .of, whito paint, should
cover lorty-toun .squaro yarns of sur
'J'o lcmoya. oil spots from mattintr,
etc., wet tho spot with nloohp), rub tho
wet spot with hard soap, then wash
with, cold water.
To take ink spots out of mahogany,
a. touch with a feather dipped in a tea-
the parlor, Mollio bcuaii :
"1 think Tom is a lino fellow, anil
thoro were never two, brothers more
allko than you and he.''
"Thank you, my uosr; 1 honor your
"Anil, John, 1 have the most brilliant
plan concerning him.
"JJOtelli said John, with a niovo
ment toward his coat pucket, where tho
eveinnt; papir lay in uncut solittuiii.
sr-ll!. . t . .. . . 5 .t. .!.... 1 ......
iuuiuoouaui vou titu iiimiun, ttitu niumiu
ly informed him that ho should not real!
a wora until she was tiuougn laikinir.
"I am going to-morrow, and then you
may reatl tho paper trom tho tnno you
enter tho house until midnight, with no
One ,to bother you, she said.
Somehow, tho -vision of tho little par
lor, without Mollio's lively chatter, did
not seem to strike him favorably. Per
haps this was why ho tossed the paper
to tho other side of the room, and
promised to listen. Mollio perched her
self on one arm of his chair, and be.
gan j
"You know my sister Amy is com
eat. Hark, what was thatl Only the I of nitre, have been added, and rub
silver-toned elock,striking tlio midnight, quickly with a wet cloth.
llOlir I rl .iMIinnl- ll.inn A ..lHa aA.ttn,.
"That woman s talk about burglars, :.,M ,,, -. .,,, ,.ri: i,,.nt'tlu. !.! nf
i... . I- .. r t... .t ,.i.i i : . . '. ' . : .
im-i iiiisiiu niu iienuuj. duo muuKiii, j nI1 ,. ,, l.nmli llirt nrift Willi it
continuing her search for eatables.
Ilnrkl UL'ain 1 Surelv that was a kev
turning in lliC lock ; then a door opon-r
ed and shut tinictlv. and there wfcro
footsteps in the hall. Amy's small
stock of courage went down to storo-
Instinctively she grasped tho poker ly
hig on the range near her. Tlio next,
instant tho door opoucd and shut
quietly, and n great broad-shouldered
man, with blackened lado anil nanus,
stepped into the ro6m. Amy felt , her
self growing whito with fear, but she
raised her poker threateningly ; fdr a
moment thov staretl at eiich' other in
silence, theti the man spoke
"Who the aro you T
To oivo-rf ' rich brown to tlie tipper
oiiist brush thnt with it also.
To tako the' shlno off old silk, mo
spirits' of ammonia or alcohol diluted
witlPwatcr, hud apply With h sponge.
T6''l!c'p6vhto old black silk, usC tho
Bamo'and presa on the wrong side.
A little saleratus rubbed ,oii with tho
linger or a bit of linen, will rcmoVo
stains' from cupd'anil 'Other artliles of
table wrfre; I ' will'alsd removo spots
from' marbl&ize'd bllclothsi and many
stain trom tinware
A largo picture, ring scrowed into
.the top of the handle, is the nicest
thing miido by which, to , hnng up n
sound died away in her throat. She
was too frightened to speak or move.
Presently ho came toward her
"Will you please lower the poker,, or
Amy tried to ihrick for help, but the broom. A strong, scrow, with a small
head, should be placed, in tlio, .wall, at a
proper height to receive it ,,
inc homo, with mo for a long, visit, anil move away from tho sink? I would
don't, you' think it would be splendid if like to como there aild wash my hands,"
ho said, looking very much inclined to
Was ever sitoh enrontcry known be
fore 1 Still speechless Amy moyed to
what looked to bo an outside door.
she and Tom would fall in love with
each other? Tliey could get married
and set up housekeeping in a cottago
like this ono across the street. It would
mako me so happy, Jackl"
John laughed long and heartily
"Match making, bv Jovol he said.
at last "Miserable yoursolf, and want her terror-stricken eyes.
everybody elso to be; is that it, Molhot" Then came a hearty laugh, which re
boot laugh, John,-for 1 am in earil- assured Amy a very little, uertamiy
est. I know they tnll like each other, this' was a most extraordinary burglar,
and I have set, ray. heart on the match, or elso thero wa3 soino ridiculous mis
Just think how mco it would bo to have take. She would llco to Mrs". Gates'
Amy here; and Tom is such a darling 1" protection, at. all events; she thought,
joun was lntigniu again uy tuis Dropping hit wcuiuii, .tuu tugging
nine, auu it iuuk cunaiucrituiu
ment to reduce him to order.
"I tell yon what it is, Mollie, you
don't want me to say a word of this to
Tom or Amy, or they will take a dislike
to each other.
"I kuow it,' replied Mollie, "When
I told Tom I was going to visit Aunt
Ilettv. I did not mention Amy's name.
and I don't think ho know ot her exis
tence; as, 'for Amy, I hrtve been with
her so littlo since I was married that I
am sure ! never spoke to her of Tom."
Stale bread may be made, as nico
as when fresh baked-by .dipping the
loaf Into- clean, cold water and warm
ing in a bake-oveti. Much bread that
is now thrown away might be saved if
this was' more generally practiced.
An ,ea3y anil elleotual plan to keep
tinware from rusting consists in rub-
"Dou't glaro at mo in that frightful blng tho new vessel insido and out
way," ho went on, with a glance into with fresh lard or buttor ;; then placing
iu, itiu uvuu unu Keeping not wi suverui
hours. Tlie heat must not b' great
as to melt 'the solder.; still it, is essen
tial that the tin bo kept very warm.
Sometimes "after beating the yolks
of eggs as usual, ,tho cook is annoyed
to find that they aro iiot smooth and
i,i a. i.:......" n.i
manage- away at the huge bolt with trembling ,fulo if th
"Well, see that you don't do so now,
for you coultln t mention his name with
out praising him to the skies, and she
would sco through your plans at once.
iUollio left tho next morning, leaving
directions enough to distract a man if
he tried to remember half of them,
"Don't have Tom at the house when
wo return. Amy will be tired with her
journey, and 1 want her to have a
chance to heautitv a littlo beloro she
meets him,
When thoy reached tho depot, Mollie's
courage began to tail.
"1 am almost sorry to go, John, she
said, "suppose something ehoultl hap
pen to you while I am away ?"
".Nonsense, darling! lio and have a
good time, and bo sure to bo back in
two weeks, and bring Amy with you,"
Mollies heart was so thoroughly in
her pet plan that she found it very ham
to retrain trom all mention ot her ador
able brother-in law during the two
weeks that followed. Once she did refer
to the cosy party of four they would
make, and then wns obliged to turn it
off on Jennie, the little nmid-of all-
work, as making tho fourth
Alio day before Mollio was to return
Aunt Hetty fell ill. Amy was obliged
to postpone her visit for a few days at
lea:t. 3ioiiio could go on as sho had
intended, and sho would follow as soon
as Aunt Hetty could spare her.
"Amy will certainly como up next
week," sho assured Jolm ; "but I could
not wait another day.
It was ploasant to be at homo once
more, and mistress of all sho stir
voyed. A noto from Amy, saying bIio
would come on the following Saturday,
... I. !...! It1.. est..
fingers. By this thno tho young man
had huishcd his ablutions, nml present
ed quite a (Intercut appearance.
'1 am .ur. Ackcrman s brother, lio
said, politely. "He asked me" lo re
main in his honso to-night as a means.
of protection during his absence.
"jlr. Ackcrman has no brother, con--
tradieted Amy, stoutly.
"Are yon sure ot that V
''Certainly I am. Mrs. Ackcrman
has -just made me a visit. She would
have mentioned it such a person exist
"Can it bo that you aro Aunt Hetty 1"
"Aunt ilettv 7 Indeed V
spoil its good looks ; but by straining
through a very' line wire, sieve, this
trouble will bo, obviated, and only a
very littlo of bo egg is, wasted not
so much, iu act, as. it she tries to tako
it .out with ,a iork or spoon.
gluo which will resist the action
of water is made by 'boiling ono pound
of glue in two parts skiminbd milk.
To 'mako a strong gluo for inlaying
urn yeneenng: rake the best light
brown glue, free from clouds or streaks:
dissolve' this in water; and to every
p'ipt'add one-half gill'of tho best vin,
ogar and one-halt ounce of lsinntglasa
'ffinratrrt Voyn'ge' to-Amcricar-
Ono can Cnioturo the scene to'ono's
self, that day in early numnv,- when
tho good ship Welcome, 300 tons bur
den, Kobort Grceuaway, master, ...j
at Deal wlthHwo consorts, wmnu
iU cargo of one hundted human beings,
with all their hopes and icars, mV
lions nnd doubts. What a bustle
What a running hither aniUlnthcrl
What a cluttering ot pots aim v
and household utensils, all blent ea m
hubbub of noises of crying children,
squealing swine, lowing cattle, bleating
sheep, crowing cocks, and shouting ot
pettleoritcd sailors stowing away tho
promiscuous cargo of thovoyngcrs
Wo can imagine' the loungers gathered
nuout, gaping at tnu
about to- sail away aoross tho ocean,
that boundless, mysterious stretch ot
immensity, wondering what manner ot
land it was toward which theywero
turning their faces.
And now at .length the last long,
sorrovvful leave takings come ; friend
pdrts from friend, brother from brother,
parent from child, each from tho other,
whom they know in all likelihood thoy
wero never to seo again this sido ot
tho grave. In many a one thq .warm
stream of underlying hnman nature
must have burst forth even through
that stony crust of self repression that
years of stern Quaker discipline had
built around the heart. The ship, tho
sky and the ocean must have blurred
together to mauy an eyo that watch
,cd tho vessel .stowly moving with tho
tide and wind down tho broad Dover
channel, until it. faded away into the
haze of tho distance, glimmered for a
space and was gone.
Ono.hundred emigrants entered that
good ship Welcome at ithe town of
Deal ; only, seventy left it at Upland.
All ,alone on the empty ocean, where
no aid could be nau, anu no usuaiiu
was possible, the small-pox, that awful
plaguo of old times, nppeared among
tho crowded mass ot terror-stricKen
people. Oue day after another those
who escaped gattioreu on mo ueois,
stood for a time, whilo aomo noted
preaohor among themispako a fow mm-
plo words ; then iollowed tne piuugo
that told thein that ono moro ot their
numbor was left behind as they' sailed
away to the westward.
Littlo is known of tho horrors of
that awful voyage. Ono of tho emi
grants speaks, with a simplicity that
characterizes all that tho Quakeis
wroto, concerning tho care and solici
tude of tho governor for their welfare.
Ho sayst Tho good conversation of
William Penn was very adyantagebus
to all the company. His Bingulnr care
was manifested "in-contributing to tlio
necessities of many who wero sick with
small-pox on board, of which more
than thirty died. During tho passage
wo had mauy good meetings on
At' last, however, on tho 24th of
Oclober, tho Welcomo rounded tho
capes of Delaware bay, anil, sailed
with oven and gentle winds up the
broad and beautiful waterway that
must havo gladdened tho eyes of tho
man to whom it virtually belonged.
.Three' days later tho Btorni-beaten ship
rounded to, dropped her anchor, and
lay at rest in front of the town of New
Castle, Harper's Magazine.
tVmy was finding couragoiand voice Vw f'1'0 n,11 waterproof gluo : Mix a.
. 1. ',il nf ,ll4.lm ...III. T
fast enough now
"1 beg your pardon, said-j loiu
'but Mollio told mo she was going to
visit her Aunt Hetty, and you said sho
hail been visiting you ; hence my mis
"I am Mrs. Ackerman's sister."
"Strange I never heard her speak of
youl nowover, I am sorry 1 lnghten
ed you, Miss Arden, anil, if you will
allow me, I will explain matters. I am
n bookkeeper at Bolton's" hardware es
handful of quicklime with four ounces
of linseed oil, thorou 'lily lixivate tho
mixture, boil it to a good thickness
and spread it on1 tin plates in the shade.
It will become very hard, but can bo
dissolved over a tire, like common
glue, and is then lit for1 use.
An ordinary kitchen tablo can. 'with
littlo trouble, be! 'transformed into quite
an elegant piqep ot turnituro for tho
Ulir-im- rPlwi tiMv nml Inrrj ni-.i cmnnll,.
J' . ... .1 " """"-
ly covered with green cloth ; the seam
on tho'legs to bo neatly sewed and the
joining made on the' insido of the leg
that it may not show. It is then tack
ed to tho top to hold it in place. Tho
"You look inoro like abootblaek,"
interrupted Amy.
"Or a burglar." added Tom'. "Well.
as I was saying, I am a bookkeeper, cloth is drawn smoothly over tho top
but thero was a press of work in the and tacked all round tho sidc3. Tho
foundry to-night, and, as thov happened head piece extending round tlio sides
to bo short of hands, I offered to stay of tho table must also' be covered. An
and assist. I his accotuits for my lato under shelf is made' of pino wood cov-
amval 'and my blnckenod faeo and ored with cloth and lltted sccurelv
hands." to the Ices about eicht inches below
Ho looked very much like indulging the top. A heavv cord frimre of oreen
iu another hearty laugh, but restrained worsted must be fastened round tho
himself at tho sight of Amy's -whito
distressed lace.
1 am afraid I was rude," she said.
"but it was such a shock to me. "Cam
verv tired, and
Tom sprang to her side, or sho
would havo fallen from sheet exhaus
tion. Ho helped her into tho narlor
and brought refreshments from Mollie's
generous storeroom, and thov were
soon talking matters over iiuito calmly.
li f. i t i a i "
it was auor s ooiock when Tom pro
posed lo go and ask Mrs. Gates to crime
set her mind completely nt rest. Sho
was really sorry to hear John say ono over for tho rest of tho night,, but Amy
morning : protested against this, saying sho was
"I think wo had bettor take that run
dowu to Camden's to-day. Wo must
go some ttmo this month, and, ot course,
you won t want to go after your sister
"John, you know you cannot stay
in tho
not afraid if ho would
Mollio was almost beside herself
when sho came homo and found how nf
fairs had gouo iu her absence. Crying
minuio over aiuvs night niu
away all night. I gavo Jenny leavo of laughing the next oyer Tom's graphic
absoueo until Friday, and it won't do description of tho same, it was some
and sleep
edge of tho top, iilso round the shelf
with brass headed nails about an inch
and a half apart. A caster fitted into
each leg will finish a very haniUomo
A New Type-Setting Machine,
A Hartford (Conn.1 letter to the
Springfield (Mass.) Jlepublican con
tains this: A siiecimcn of a tvno-set-
ting inaehino is now BiiVstnutialy com-
Pieto iu a private room at (Jolt s. It
lias yet to stand the test of manufact
ure and actual trial, but as it now
stnnds it is a marvel of complicated
mechanism. Judged from the descrip
tion, tho machines used by tho Loudon
l whs are not as good. According to
a recent account, the l imes machine
i destroys threo or four columns of typo
' a day and will not distribute, so that it
Tlili remedy will tct In Inrmosy with tlm F
male sjstem at til times, anil also liuuiciilately
upou Uie abdominal anil ulerlun muscles, audro
torthmtolinJtliy ami strom; condition.
Dr. MucWsl'a Ulenim I'utliollroa Kill cure fall,
l.. ,xi i. r.j,nr,.rrliiift. iMirnrtc Inflsmnia-
tUn na Ulceration nf the Womb, Incidental
Uraorrbi-e or Ploodlnp, Painful, 8upprcsed
lrrtcolsr Menstruation, Kldimy Coinp!ilut,
Ilsrrrnncu and Is i-iprclally adapted lo tlio chauga
of Life. Ucnil for pamphlet free. All letlera ol
Inquiry fret'ly answered. Address us almve, lor
atla hr all drnL'Clsts. Nevrtilau 1 per bottle,
Old alio 81 .GO. I,a uro ml K for Dr. jiip
Clilal't UteiiiteCatholleou. TW no other.
Mover Uros,, Who'.anlo A(unts, moomstur,r Pa
June tJ-lr.
to leavo tho house alone.''
"I'll get Tom to como
there aro threo keys, said she, as
they left tho house. "You can give out)
to Tom, and I will leave ono with Mr.
Gates, next door, Tho house might
got on lire, and then it would bo well
to have a key handy, so thoy could get
into iho house and bring out tho things." mercifully that poor .Mollio sometimes im
'Yes," said John, sarcastically; "or despaired of their being friends, not to ea
l might hiro a squad of policemen to mention a nearer relation, di
1 It la fat aU tha paO&rul diseases of Use
It ele&naM thai BraUm ct Uis aArld nation
iltsiat causes Iho tu-sidrul ruHtrlni which!
ilotuy tho rlotlras of uhounutlara oau roaluo,
,of tho worst faroui of this tarrltlt cUaeaa
I one boon Quickly relieved, and In short Um
,nuri, t, uqviD oa drt, aota m unrcciaTa.
J It- Dry can ba sent by mall.
wklui, moiniiiiaoM le Co., uurllnaton vt
watch tho honso day and uighl.''
About 11 o clock that evening Miss
Amy Arden alighted from an express.
ami iooKeti;auoui tho depot as it expect
ing some one.
I hoy could not havo received mv
second postal,' she concluded, after
waiting nearly half an hour in tho ladies
waiting room. "Well, I can very soon
find their house.'1
A carnage very soou deposited her
in front of tho pretty cottago on Lnko
street. All was dark. Amy pulled tho
nun sov
John havo Donot Thero was a light
in tho noxt house, and Amy remember,
ed hearing her sister speak of her kind
neighbor, Mrs. (lutes. Perhaps thov
woro spending tho evening with her, or
nl least sho might know of her where.
abouls. Amy ran across tho small grass
piot which separated mo two cottages
has been found necessary to havo uow
typo cast daily and brought to tho ma
chine hi tubes. Jsow every one who
has seen tho Colt machine woik admits
that its work in setting typo and dis
irioiiuug n faultless., Uy an nigeni-
ous arrangement tt distributes while it
sets, ami tho work of bistribntion bo
ing slightly more lapid than tho settiug
tne cases nro always lull, "l ho distrib
utor is regulated in such a way that tho
nsiani tlio most treouent used letter
aso (say that of e) is filled tho work of
istribiiuon btops, to bo resumed as
They wero all together, as usual, ono B00 w the caso begins to bo emptied,
ening, nnd Tom, for the hundredth " 'o machine will do the work of
tiino before thoy settled down into any
tiling iiku quiet.
As tho days and weeks went bv Mol.
lio could not determine whether eer-
tain pians oi ners were to prosper or
not. loin spent nil his evenings with
the in, hut ho and Amy wero always on
tlm nnnt rnvv ulilii nf nvm... nin.ilr.
... ........... . .....v.. ... V..V. i i uvai ill li.
aim tney tantniizeii each other so uu
All was dark. Amy pulled tho Jlwt wlmt j Bai
overal times, without Jieanng a golnK to .gct ,
within. Whore could Mollio and SppOJito cottage w
havo gone! Thero was a light J i ti,fa, , n.
time, was describing Amy's appeuranco two men in setting typo (and much
on that meinorablo evening whim sho better than that is claimed for it,) it cau
so nearly brained him for a burglar. voally bo said lo do tho work of four,
"Aim nttio did 1 suspect then, ho H,ce tuo teuious worn ot distribution
went on, soberly, "sho would ever 1 1,1 disposed of nt tho samo timo as a
havo tho privilege of brandishing tlio "'Ft f issue, and each letter goes
lUKUl UVIT till) IUI" lilt,'.
"What do you ineanl
Blaring lust at Toms solemn visatro Qwii lock. Iho only
and then at Amy's Hushed cheeks. t machino aro as to tho "justiher, ' but
Just what! said, Amy nnd I nre t"'" Claimed to bo complete.
lumst'keeimiL' in the
L'huro I Rtinnoan slm I Air. J Marsh, of Toronto. Out
will continue to flourish all sorts of writes: "Billiousuess nnd dyspepsia
muriierous weapons nt me. seem to navo grown up with mu ; hav
"Jolm, dear, it's comiiitr about ex. ing been a sufferer for manv venrs.
nctly as wc planned," shouted ilollie, havo tried many remedies, but with no
springing up iu excitement. lasting result until I used your Burdock
Nell, it did como about just as Blood Bitters, 1 hoy havo been truly
aioino ucsiied, .ilrs. Amy eyen made blessing to me, and l cannot upon
eiiruiiiai uie predominating color lu j too nigiuy oi iiiein.
HofTenstein on Marriage.
"Misder Hoffenstcin, vat1 'yoir dink,"
exclaimed Herman, in a flutter 61 sur
prise. "I shust get au invitation to do
vedding tif my frent, Moses Powski,
vot lifs by do Sorapuru market. 1 'He
going to marry Miss Salind Licchten
felder, whoso fader keeps do shoe
"Does sho haf any monoy V inquired
"No, sir."
"Docs he haf money 1"
"No, sir!" -
"Veil, den dey vas tain fools, you
know, und dey vill find it oud. Do
more a man vas poor in dis vorld, Her
man, de more ho vants to get married ;
if he" don't vant to do dot, ho vants to
express his opinion efery chance ho
gets, ven it ain't vort ono cent on do
dollar nml he don t represent auyding
but nn old valise. Ven people get
married or go around dalking dey
ought to haf soineding to back it up.
People vot get married und don't liaf
monoy vas shust liko de steam boat vot
don t hat any steam und tiro m de boil
crs, you know. Do pilot rings do bell
und turns de veel, but ho don't go any
vere. You seo in do' books, Herman,
dot lovo laughs at locksmidts. Veil, it
may do so, you know, but lovo nefer
goes around laughing at grocery bills
and do landlord vot don't get his rent.
Lovo vas very brave, but it gets veak
in de knees ven anyding like dot hap
pens, utid you can bet on it. I dink :t
poor voman should haf a velty husband
und a poor man a velty vife. If I had
my vay mit dis world, and I heard uf
a poor young man vat vantcd to marry
:i girl no better oil as himsoif, 1 would
chain him to a post, Herman, shust to
keep do tnm fool out of trouble, A
poor man mit any pride ought to kuow
i. re i i - s ...
not ii ins mve, unu care, unu protection
is vert anyding, it is vert being paid
for at do best price ho can get iu do
market. Do easiest vay; und do most
pleasant, dot a man makes monoy, is
ven ho marries a voinau vot haf it. It
vis Ihe safest business drnnsaction in
do vorld ; you risk no capital und von
iiiiiKu uig pruiit. jjiiik tu ii, ncrman,
and vatch your chance. Dousands of
velty und good young vomen haf mar
ried no count fellowB vot wero so poor
dat de tleas vouldu't btay mit dem, und
you must feel encouraged, you know.
No von can dell vot a voman vas going
to do."
"But, Misder Hoffenstein." expostu
lated Herman, "if n man marries a vo
man vat ho don't love, ho von't haf
any respect for himself, no matlei if
sho vas velty."
"Neffer mind, mv pov. neffer mind.
oder bceplo vill respect you. I kuow n
man not dinks do samo vay as you" ven
no warned, unu now no goes nrouuu do
streets vearing blue pants mit yellow
patches. IJako mv advice. Herman.
und don't let a poor voman ropo vou
in." '
O. Borlle, Mniichcbtcr, N. Y. , wnH
troubled with nethmn for eleven years.
Had been obliged loeitupoomtlinus
ten or twelve nights iu succession.
Found immediate relief from Thomas'
lSclectiio Oil, and is now entirely cmcd,