The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 10, 1882, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, GOfiUMBI'A COUNTY, PA. Cheap and Scar Housekeeping. Tliqiliousckccping question stilt in torcstef tjio many famUion who, p.irllo. ularly 5ii largo cities, find It hnnl to make Iwth otitis moot, or oven vocrota blos( without moat. Ono "hotwowifo" writes to tlio Chicago Herald thnt with $10la week bIio keeps a houao for five porsbiis and pays a girl. Th'-t, howover, is vory different iWu an inu'ittu of $10 a wedk, on which hoiiio would perauado the publio they arc nlilo to livo in nltnbst elegant rase. Hut even this amount for that number, live porsons, including the wagon of a girl, implies Suouliar tact and great vlgilanoo for its isbursoment She nlwajs buys for oasll, getting her allowanoe every Fii day and paying for the goods on de livery, oho weighs every parcel and Bonds back short weight packages if tlio discrepancy is only half nn ounce, bo as to insuro correct measurement after wards. In order not to run up any kind of a bill she pays for her milk, creiuii, and nowapnper uvery morning. During working hours tdid nuver leaves her bin a inintite, and work ceases when the dinner dishes nro cleared. Supper is orjiitted. The washing U on the lino Mondays by 8 A. Al., the ironinir (tone bv mo same hour noxt morninc. She HavoHiBbaD bv uuttititr the clothes to soalj over Sunday, and a few drops of nmraonia , niso saves soap win luuur, Ton Bent worth ot indigo in a rag equals a year a Bimiily of liquid uluiui; Sliol irades rags and old bottles for brodmSj-tins, and mops t saves money by buyintr tho best creamery butter, and then not allowing much of it to bo catc l fin cooking 'uses part lard instead of lifter,! and gives her children and tho servants souns and stows, though her husbaildVon't eat them. Daker's bread,-sho'says, is a waste, andricoand corn'iiie'ar arc in part substitutes for flourH-Her-"table is excellent," her "hOuso is well kept," and she is confi dent that "not a cent's worth of waste coos on in her house," but ono oan't hell) feeling Bory for her husband, her children, and her servant girls. Another woman belcivcs that a family of six cannot be piolierly fed on less than $15 a week. Slid has three chil dren under 15, and feeding them is liko throwing victuals down a hatchway; whilo between meals apples, bread and butter, crackers and cookies disappear like magic. But they nro in perfect health, and sho thinks groceries cheaper thau medicines; which is true, provided too many groceries do not make ined icino necessary. However, sho reveals a valuable and ingenious secret as. to the. way to live in stone-front houses, keep two ser vants, support a family of ten iu fine stylo on $1,200 a year. This remarka blo family aro living in her neighbor hood just now, and she has learned nil about them. They pay ono month's rent and then stay, in the house until the lease has expired, or the landlord expels them; then they go away owing butcher and grocer for several months supplies. Their appearance is good, tho head of tho family eoems to be eii' gaged in some lucrativo business, and tho tradsmen feel no anxiety. Except in this way tho patent' methods for lolling in luxury on annual incomes of only three or four small digets, may bo sot down as humbugs. mm " ' " "Preserving Eggs- 1ibout a' year' ago I' put down a quanity of fresh eggs in vario'is ways fory tho purpose of testing the merits of each' particular method. Tho limo and salt mixture, consisting of ouo pint vof lime, newly slaked, and ono pound of salt, well stirred in a ton-quart pail of Tyater, kept th efiS8 very weu or six months, when tho whites bej,an to i .bocpmo clouded and thp yolks dark '"and loo tough to beat up. Tho mix to ture of beeswax, melted with twice as niuoh olive-oil, smeared, whilo warm, woVert,gg8! kept tho eggs well for a year, and some of tho cgpa, yet unused, aro still good, Those .eggs which were thus prepared and packed in air slaked limokeptj b'oiter than others packed in oats ';.tuo latter tasted considerably of.tho rancid oil, which seemed to be .absorbed. Tho eggs covered with melted par affinb kept tho best of all, and those of. them that were put dowii in weak . Ibfine, in which they sank to the bottom, ;kept. better than others packed in dry - bait or in plaster. Since then I have become acquainted with a German preparntipp of salt, saltpetro and borax, which, however, is patented in Amer 'ica. I have some eggs put down in ' this for five months, nnd they aro equal to fresh eggs, even when boiled for eating, & very delicato test, as eggs 'very soon oxhibit any stateness when cooked.' An' omelette made of eggs, pot down in this solution was very good, and bo was one mado of eggs a- year old kept in parafline, us was also A Eponge-cake mado of beaten eggs. Paratline is easily removed from tho shells by holding them in hot water for jaBhorti.time. , The salt and lime tmxturo anq, the' German salt both keep the. shells tii perfect condition, and sinjple. irUCoiPg" t'Qnly is required to cleanse them. I think the German , , salt promises to bo tho beet, but it is , , outrageously pear. American Jjairy .man. ,8cff9p8. 'i 'Every man is fond of striking tho nail on tho head ; but when it happens ' t'6 bo the fincer nail, his cnthusism be- .cojnes wild nud iiichoreut. Don't say a mean thing about any 'man, and it may possibly happen ujat pome iioiq ono may ue noiu trim i , .juny iu suy a kiiiu iniiig auoui ' " An old Japanese author says ; you "All , the. soldiers of a great army can he , .captured; but tlio thoughts of tlio most vulgar person canuot be arrested. . . A man is. said to bo absent minded when ho thinks he has left his watch at homo and takes it out of his pocket ' to sco It he has tlmo to return homo to ' . J'wen, my nine man, nrcnt you u&rotooted rniner early this season I said a benevolent gentleman to youngster, this .morning, "guess not, Wuz born barefooted. , 4, In tho mountains. -Arabella (whose .soui is wrapeu in science, "uuari.-s, .lsut tins gneisai unaries (who is "deeply interested in Arabella) :"Nico I ' It's delicious. "My advice to do Hoosier brudder am not to lie or dcceivo iu tradeiu' mules ; but to answer as few oueshuus as you kin, an' seem sort o' kcerless wheddcr'lils dffernm Vepted or not." Amow.'railway was' opened in tho Highlands. A Highlander named Donald heard of it aud bought a tiokot m . n fill lor tua nret excursion. i no train was a short distance from the station when n collision took place, and poor Donald was thrown unceremoneously into a park. Attcr recovering his senses ho mado tho best of his way homo, when tho neighbors asked hiii how ho liked Ids ride, "un, said JJonaid, "l liked it fine, but they had an awful quick way iu putting mo out." Tub 1'oui.tuv IIoi'sk. A person about to build should, if possible, ob servo nud investigate somo fowl houso already erected that civos its owner satisfaction. A few general hlut, however, may bo given. I'or aspect tho glassed front should face tlio cast and south. This affords you tho sun's rays from tho earliest morning, to lato afternoon, as a rule, and it is tlio enrly hours of sunlight and warmth thai fowls mostly covet in winter nnd chilly spring time. Tho glazing should bo entire upon ono or two sides of tho house, what ever may bo its sizo or length. If tho sashes aro tightly plac ed, it is amply protcctivo as a wall upon these two warm sides, wniio the cost is no moro than celling or bat- tons, nnd clnpboardmg. Tho birds will cnioy both tho Hunt and me warmth thus afforded them ; nnd if tho other two walls aro banked up, or are mado impervious to wind and weth er by n douolo boarding (four inches uotween the inner and outer waiisi, packed to tho caves with straw daubed wun coai-iar to Keep on vermin, yo mny thus have a oneap; comionnoio houso that your early spring onicKens will thrivo in, and your ndult birds will appreoiato from December to April. Poultry I'artl. Somb Usbs oi" halt. Col. Victor E. Poilet, of tho Pennsylvania State Grange, thus writes of the uses of salt: "1 am in favor of using Bait ns a fer tilizer and as nn insect destroyer. I havo used it on alluvial and diluvial laud with good cifect. Last year on fifteen aorcs of corn I applied eight bushels of salt to tho acre, after drilling in tho seed about ono kernel to tho foot. On that field wero no cut worms, whilo my brother who doubted the efficacy of salt, nlanted without, nnd the cut worms destroyed n lame share of his crop so thnt ho had to plant it over. In the cultivation of turnips I havo sua eeeded in destrovinn tho black lly com- nletelv tlirotiL' h the uso ot salt, i nnvo tried salt in alternate strips in my wheat field, and found whcio tlio application was mado no Hessian lly, whilo on tho other strlns tho loss from ravages of the lly was estimated at from livo to i .'i i .i i.' ....j i..... who have not proved its effect, nnd do not care to venture largely, join and buy a carload, for it is cheaper to got it iu bulk and parcel out after it is re ceived. Bkkts von IIoob. The sugar-beet in dustrv is still kctit no in various dis tricts whilo in others it has languished somowhat. But tho cultivationof this root for animals will, wo aro convinced, bo muoh moro gonoial as time goes on Ono who experimented in growing them for hoc says in nn exchange: 'Two years ago I planted ono aero of roots, mostly sugar beets, and raised seven hundred bushels, uno dccis wero at the rate of 1.000 bushels to tho acre, and carrots COO bushels. I think sugar beets the proper feed to grow shoats, In tho winter I put four hundred bush els into the barn and covered them with hay and straw. But tho severe cold weather in January froze them solid, so I could not-feed them to my cows as I intended to when I put them up. So I put them into a kettle, and cooked and fed them to my shoats, half a bushel of meal to three bushels of beets, and I never fed anything to hogs that mado them grow so fast as they did while I was feeding thoso frozen beets. "On rich soil 1,000 bushels can be easily raised to tho acre. I shall try it again this year on apiece of old hoc pasture. It wants threo pounds of seed to the acre, put in drills with Ooiustock's drill, rows eighteon inches apart If -on now ground it requires but littlo tend ing tO'keep 'the weeds down. I tend mine mostly with the drill cultivator. Tho mnncrold. a near relativo of the beet, is a favorite root with many Eng lish dairymen for winter food for their cows. If you aro sick nop Bitters will surely aid Naturo in making you well when, all elso fails. If you aro costive or dyspeptic or iuffering from any of tho numer ous diseases of thofitomnch or bow els, it is your own fault if you re main ill, forjrpp Bitters isa soyer jign romody m all Eiich complaints. If you nro wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tompting Death this moment, and turn for a euro to ijop Bitters. If you aro 6lck with that terriblo sictness Norvousncss, you will find a "Balm in Gilend " in tho uso of jjop Bitters. If you aro a froquontcr, or a resident of n iniasmatio district, barricade your system against tho scourge of all countries malarial, epidemic, bilious nnd intermittent f overs by tho uso of nP Bitters. If you havo rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath, pains and. aches, and foci miscrablo gener ally, TTop Bittors will givo you a fair Bkin, rich blood, tho sweotost breath, health and comfort. (' In short tboy euro nil Diseases of tho Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright's Disease $500 will bo paid for n caso they will not euro or help. Try nop Bitters to-day. (to PLUMBING, GAS FITTING, STOVES AND TINWARE. 23. 33. BROWEB II as purchased the Stock and IMslm-sH nr I. lta. neuuucu, ana is now preparea to do all kinds of wurit in uu line, fiumuing ana uas rittlnk specialty. Tinware, Stoves, In a great variety. All work done by EXPERIENCED HANDS. If tin Street corner ot East. OLoonisnuna, pa. ROOFING. For steiD or flat roofs. Applied by ordinary workmen at one third tuu cost ot tin, Clreulars ana samples free, Agents wanted. T. NKW8l duuuoirtDu now lura, d NOY.,-W. AiNWiHairi' & co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Philadelphia. fl2A8, bVUUl'S, COFl'CE, HUUAK, .VOLAiJ.SLM mci, sricis, sictsi sopi, kc to, N. K. corner Becond and Arch streets, rrOrderf will receive prouptatunUou1 )jwUN CANVTHEAITM V WOMAA iQwATHZMT)g)n! THE HOPE Off LYD1A E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Rare Cars for nil FBMAI.B WltAK Nr.SHE.H, Including Lencerrhan, Ir rcotnr ami Tnlnfal nitnitranllan, Inflnmmutlan nnd OTeernlUn f tho Womb, Vloodlnt, PltO T.AFHU8 CTEIU, Ac. tv-rfo4ufittothotfctp, eflcacloua tn.t ImmalUto InlUtffMb ItUkirmtfctlpla yrtgnan, ind re Utm xtn daring Ubor fcnd t rtfvlur psrlo'i. rmsKhssrsiiT unris(nt it miir. rrTo luwuimm of tk nerUT ertuu ot either tot, II li iccond to no romedr lhl Iu 'M ton before tho fubltt I u4 for HI dliuwt of tb Kanrt It U the Grmtt Jtcmrff n IU WtrU. tTTKIDNlIY C0.1irr.AINT8 of Either S Find liront Keller In It U. I.TDU K-I'INWIAM'S 1ILOOD PURrPtrtH rill eradloM ortrr TMtlco, ot Humor, from the the Mine time will fftre tone end ttreartb. to the iritcm. Ai mArrelloiis In rreulte ai the Co&ipouad, IfHotli the Compound end DIood firmer era pre pirtl et 33 end tM Wntern Arcnte, Irnn, Keet. Mcoof tllhtr, 1. Biz botUrl for e. Hie Conrcuel ll Mnt by mill In the form of pllle, or of loincw(o recolt of rlM, llpor box for either. Mm. Plnkhui froolj uniwerl ell letUn of Inqolry. EneloM I cent itemp. Send for pamphlet. MinHon tM$ injrr. tarf.TDH B. mrniii'e ijtki rrun euro fMpe aton. lultoueneiM and Torplditf of the Urer. M !. ?-8oId by nil l)riUte.-Vn yr, FOR THE PERMANENT CURE 0 CONSTIPATION. Ifo other iIImam let bo vraTiltmt la tHU ooun-U try u CooBtlpaUon, and no rantdrtiM ran. oTUlloa th elbrtM Xldn7Wort m a 1 1 our. Whatever tho mum, howtrer obatlnatol tzia eM, uui rwoMywui oTtroomt . i rlkC-OR rlUn Is tut ill tab- ooropUoaiM wllhoorutlpaUxm. XidAay-WOTtr IrtrenffUieii the weakttnadpufauid qalcklyl our3 all klnda of niea td whan phyxtaiaxul plana inetuoiaM nav oeior miouu s U- tyif yon hare either of theae trtniUM PRICK CI. I ffl. C. SLOAN & BRO., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers of CARRIAGES, BUQQIE8, PHAETONS, SLEIQHS, PLATFORM WAQ0NS, AC. Flrst-cla33 wort always on hind. REPAIRING NEA TL YDONE. Prices reduced to suit the timet. S & J- J- M 'HENRY bclnc enjagod In tlio Manufacturing of Lumber nave constantly In stock the following: 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x8 HEMLOOE BILL STUFF, of various lengtas for Building Purposes. 200,000 feet Hemlock Boards, 14, 10, 18 and 20 feet, rnnglng in width from 10 to 20 inches. 100,000 GAUGED BOARDS, 5, 0 nnd 7inchcs, 10 feet long. 50,000 White Pine Boards, Panel. 40,000 Feet 2 in. Plank, Pine, AU.0 Large quantities ot common pine boards eta. quantities of the odots can be hat st tne Lum ber lard' ot J- J. MoHKNIlY, Henton Pa. Far farther particulars address 0-& J. J. M'HENRY Benton, Pa, bus a im BLANK BOOKS! BLANK BOOKS! Of every description liuloil nnd bound to order ; also bindi r of nil Peri odicals such aa Harper', Century, St. Nicholas, Peterson's, &o. I" fac all Publications bound in latest aud most substantial styles. Correspondence Solicited. J. W. RAEDER, 10 dc 112 V7. MABKET STREET, WILKES-BAERB, P. inrUT are reaplnf alia AUEH I U vest aouint our Kitchen Queen Stfetf Lihk and other household artlclts. The beat telling article, ever put on tho market, for SamplM and Tcirnn, addrea tho CLIPPER M'F'Q CO., M Wnlnut Slrwl, tinrilnnnrt. it. MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS1; are certainly beet, havterteen a decreed et vtrjdreat World's T111I nelrlMl f'nrMiiAtftlnn fur Sixteen Venrai no othr Amerlran orrane larlny Wen tounj ritual at any. Alio Chcapeat. my I 1W t SMectavri ; luttlcteDt compaii aud power, with brit quality, for ppular incred and ermlar mnila In irhooli or lamlllra, al only a?3. Onebnudrcel other atIra tl5).,l7, (M.iTr, 7i,3, tloa. lilt lo Ibrl autl uu. Tkt UmrBtnlilmri vurtratij km KMr.rai Also (or eaiy payminti. Kew llloa. Lloeuf The MASON & IIAMI.IK Orean and TlaM Co.. Hi 'Irtuiont 5l.,)kiloti a K, liih Ht.,Nw lotkl U Wabaeh Ave., Chicago. FREE Splendid Juvenile paper. 2 Chrome every eubeerlher. AnaUnikilarm atay, Addreea, Tub Obm, VTadiirertti, nov, s-iw aid SIFTED THEM OUT. AVUuavvlns ike Wbeal frM the Tare A 1'robUiu raally MuiallHed. "Mr friend." said tho druratiL "tou save a lama uacK, you euty, ana waui a piiutwr 10 pui oa ll. tinea I could liave shown a Uro assortment to cboose Irom. Now I keen cnU a few, and sell mostot IKNSON'SCAl'OINli I'OItOUH FLAHTUH. Wliy T lteuauao tbry nro the beat. I have All- cock's, the i apaleum and some ethers. They are barmleas and alow, llunlness Is buslnrti. and I gradually usased to itt I In ihrmtoauy great i "All rlitbt. do mo up a Capelne, without any more talt for my back aebei aa thouicb I bad boon working my naKsaeo in a baetcave ear." "Here you are," salo: the druj-jint, "wiiu lb word (JAl'C'INK cut In tho middle ot tns platter. ivltiir It to be genuine." Andberu's your twent),flv ctnti." atldtba lauie oavacu umu, waiainu; eiuwiy air ay, HOT 3-lw d I Lim a (Kialttva rMHiadv fue aha aUiee dleelaai bf lta ea tbouaaada U caaee of tne votet atad and of loaf rundlog liave beeo eeraa. na,u, eo airosa le njy lima a lllellkacy, tbal I will und TUII liVrnLti yuti. U a itnee wlte a vlLl'tSLa THStTISS oa UU tUituM, ve aejaaSarve, OleeJCapraaeauda. o. Biir. mv iw d Mi Cans Scrofula, Eryslpol&s, Plmplos and JFnco Grabs, Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, Tet ter, Humors, Halt linoum, Scald Head, Soros, Morcurial Diseases, Femalo Wonkness and Irroeularitlos, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Juandlco, Affections ot tho Liver, Indi gestion, Blllousnoss, Dyspop' sia and Gonoral Dobility. A coune if tlurdick Mmwl Mtttn will ftttltfy Ni null skeptical that It It the GreatAit Ulond 1-urlftM on eaith. ev.lil l.y aie.llclne ilealrrt eeerr liere. Dttectlona la eleven lan(aa(ee. Thick, t.o. FOSTER, MltCUSN k CO, Pre.',, BuTj'o, N.Y. rb. Uly. -HI BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL Tne undersla-nod hatlne nut bis riantnt? Hill a Kallroad Street, In flrstvciass condition, a pre parea to ao an ainus ot won in nia line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lnmbtrused Is well seasoned and nono but skilled workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS turntstiod on application, nana and "pccioca uons prepared by an oxporlenced drausbtsman. CU.VRI.ES KBIIC, tllooiiiftbtir;, Pa, I. J. CARPETS BLOOiaSBURG. pa. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Used In tlio principal Cburcbes tor Communion purposes: Excellent for Ladies and Weakly Per- lit a 83ns ana tne Agea. Speer's Port Grape Wine I FOUR YEARS OLD. TUI8 CBLSDUATBD NAT1VB WINE Is made from the Juice ol tho Oporto Qrape, ralsad In tali country. Its Invaluable Tonic and Strengthening Properties art unsirnased by any other Natlvo Wlno. )s- Inffthejpure Juice ot the Grape, produced under air. Bpoers own personal supervision, us puncy and genulnenrea, are guaranteed. Tuu jonngeat child may partake of its genorous qualities, and the weakoit Invalid usolt to advantage. It Is par tleulai ly beneflclal to the aged ana debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that affect the weaker aex. it is in every roBpect A wink to UH HliLIHl) OM. SPEER'S P. J Shcrvy- The P.J. HlIEItltY Is a wine et Hurxrlor Char acter, and partakes ot the rich qualities or the grape from which it Is nadf. for l'urltr, Itlch. new. Piavor and Medirtn&l Propertloe, It will be fount ua our coiled. SPEER'S P. J. Brandy. This I1RAMUV stands unrivalled In this Country feeing far auperlor tor medicinal purposes. IT 13 fUlia dtstimtlon from the gripe.and con tains TaluaDln medicinal proporllCB. it na a ueiicaus navur. siiuuur 10 mai oi me rapes, from which It Is' distilled, ant is In great ivor anion? tlrst-class families, bco that the slirnaturo or alkhsd Ml'BBlt. ras- ale N. J. Is oyer tbo cork of each bottle. SOJLD BYO.A. KLEIM. AND 11V IlHUOrJISTS UVKItYWMHUB. Sepl. tl.'.t. 1-y. To MsrTOui SutTrar8-rhi)(lrit Barepean flsatdy. , j. i. bimmoks srscino MIDHHTI. Dr. J. B. Slmison's BDeoWe Medicine is a uual- tlv care for overwork of body or brain orrixcna of any kind, such as weakness and all diseases re sulting from Nervous Debility, IrrttabUlty.Mental Anxiety, unzuor. Lassituae.Denressioaoi uninta and functional derangements ot the nervonssys. vom generally, rains m me hack or Diae, ixias gi juemurr. j-re- mature old aire inddlsoascs that lead to consmpt ;ton, Insanity aa early grave or both. No matter how shattered the fiyttem may be rom uxutiaiuta ol'aiiy klua. m 'uhortcour&o of this taedlclna will restore tin lost functions and pro cure health and happlueBiwhere beforo was de- u.nnMw an A rwrmm ll Uiu.lnn U.rtl.ln. Id ng used wun wonoenui success. rampnieui sent ir Write tor them and artrlcuiar Frlee, Bpeclflo l.oepcrpackago,orslx packages for M.iid, will bo sant by mall on receipt of mono: AuurussjL i arueni. j. u. aiAii'jn a CO. Nos. IDi and UKMaln street, Buffalo, N. Y. For salo by J. II. KlNPOItTd, Illoomshurjr, Pa. feb it 31-1 AGENTS Wanted ;1Books& Bibles 1V ! IMit lalllmf fa at: uoaxlatJ tia.hevai Ukual Id nut Juaot'-ty &ia Tot Jr, MartK'i Xr UnokXljnnlr, el or tub in or UANlIdlllCU rl kirlia.t laeat aad tola Iwt iNouf al." . . taelure C, C, H carnal in., raU'a. I- oet vo-4 w d WAUMTJIM ma rABMKBa UM laraaer tit TU aa.l Wialee. Ii panlcaUra. eiUreta. t, c MoCVHr Oa t LlletelaMa, I'a. octto-iw aid MjaOl&lsSfc LIVER on MMttUto Cheapest soy. lUadaetS Bert avjdfeej aalhnrlMM eHftarkaatellearTDf aaeaajadaniatt. jTorealaarDrairiraiaa. WJichletftllifcCKgYaiW, OCt, JM W JTlt. I. L. JfAUD, PKAOTIOAL DENTIST, Main BUeot, opposite Kplscopal Church, MoonuDurg, Pa. TetU extracted without pain, ool. i. ni. MOWER loon. una. eW I 3 rroSjaaalaaaW "amr J raaaaaV BLOOMSBUnG SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Tills SCHOOL, aa at present constituted, oners tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. llulldlngsspaclous.lnvlllngandcommodlousiCnmplcWiyhoatedbyBtcmullventtlated.llghtodbygasndfurnlshod with a bountiful supply ol pure,suit spring water . Locatlonhealihtul, ana easy otneecss. Toachcisexperlcncod, cfllclcnt, and nllvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all expecting to tctvh. students admitted at any time, ltooins reserved whon dostrod, Coursos of study prescribed by tho Stato i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. I. Adjunct Courses: Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Mmic. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture. Tho Klemontary. Courses aro PItOKKSSloNAL, nnd students grnduulng therein, receive Htato Diplomas, conferring the following corresponding Degrees; Master of tho Kleinents; Master of the Hclonccs : Master of tho Classics. Graduates In the other Courses receive Normal Certificates their nttnlntncnt, slgucd by tho onicers ot tho Hoard of Trustees. The course ot Stud y prescribed by tho State Is liberal, nnd tho S;lcntino and Classical courses aro not Inferior to those of our best Colleges. The State requires a higher order ol citizenship. Tho times demand It. It Is ono of tho prime objects of this School to help to secure It, by furnish' InglntelllgentandemclentTeachcrsforherScbools. To this end It solicits young persons of (food abilities and good purposes, those who dcslrats Improve their time and their talents, oa Studonts. To nil such It promises aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities tor well paid labor after leaving school, for Catalogue, nddrest the Principal. Ul.tVr.l.f.t I're.lilrnt llonrd of Triiatrca. P. P. Uir.LMYEH. Secretary. ojcj. i,ai.- O. E. SAVAGE, DI1LSK IN Silverware, Watohos, Jewelry, Clocks. All kinds ot Watchos, Clicka and Jewelry neat Is repalred;and warranted, may it, 'Js-tf AND PAPER HANGING. WM. F. BODINEi IHON ST., BELOW SECOND, Dr.OOMSUOUO, PA. is prepared to ao oil Kinos or XX0TT8U PAINTINO Plain and Ornamental. PAPER HANGING, BOTH. DECOltATIVE AND PLAIN. All III lit! 8 orFurnKuro Repaired aud made an gooel hh new. NONE BUT FIUST-CLA8S WORKMEN EMP LOYED. JSitimatert iVXado on all Work, WM. F. BOD1NE. SIO " $20,00 In legltlmato lutlcloui speculation In drain, Pro Tlslons and Stocks on our perfected plan, yields sure monthly iirotlts to lurge and small Inv-stors. address, for ;full particulars, It. K. Krnitn.ll i Co., Com'n. Merchants, in & 170 La Hallo St., Chicago, 111. r Oct. 13-4 w. 1 IR PI AND of TO-DAY S73 falSO l vrMouiu. ""'r.HOW Kdltlon fiowRfadv. OlfM Rirrtiiron Tlill Vvfntf of mf, tr- Ae"M Irt.-al J. afl UavlTlllfllV Jj al'fk.. I'll U ajrlaJ lL I 1. 3EIjaL0CrO-3L?1Cr8.,X,33IS. UNLdUAM.Kll IN Todd, Toucli.Workmansliii) S Dnratility . TFIT.I.TAM JfAm: CO. Not. IM and WOO Wrat Ilaltlinoru Struct, lialllmnrc. Ho, 11 ruth Avenu New York. r ocMMw, -MuTiittt. HoME AS UKAVtsN. 400 ba.t authors. Prose Hnd Poetry. Introduction by T. L, Cuyier, I). D 'I his elegant noma book mado more beaul If ul. Revised cist Thousand. Kntlni nw pUtcs. 40 pages adled. U new authors, ft is, tin this, Illnles and our now Cycloicdln. tiw month to Agents, it. u. niuAi, rm'usuer, ,ew iurx, Oct.4, 4-W. ' d WANTEW Energetic, He. llablu Men to sell Fruit Tines, Shrubs, Hoses, tus, GOOD SALAItlKSand Hxpcnses paid. Address at once. J. P. LcCLAHll Rochester, N. Y. u nuv 3, 4-W, OUTTHISOUT! AfiSNKTE8$H5isS40wpEEERK. Wo have stores in IS leading Cltlos, from which oar tftatt obtain their eupjuUea quickly. Our l'actoriee. aud Prliiclpnl Onlrea eru at lirla. Pit. Head for our New Ceilaloauu ud terma toua-ente Addroae hO M I nUCI I 3l2LncknwannaAvo llll lUl LUVtLL 8CRANTOH, PA. March 8-ly ITfrnted agents: agists: agents t For OEM, DODOE'S bran1 new book, entitled Tliivty 'Three Years Among OUR WILD INDIANS! A tint reonl of tht Author! Th trtv- Th rr J eari Penxmoi Ex. By Gen Sherman. TtU ntw work u t once lubierlbtj or j FrtttJeni Alt IPS and errttn CUbirMf. and b Ctn. $Mcruia Qtn. Of. &iwUJan. Ctn. 7Aiiicuc4, nd thamamU ot luct Um. Gir. Qwkwr taji i -' It iirttU.t lot, on Minn Wvtvritt: BuuorWitir (Milhodlit.) iff fl (Aoi: $f imuNM lnitfe" ItU tbt fmiv iklheiMa WMUDl t tr iBdltoi Tir f ubUiteid, full rtTctUns Uitlr HloDr flfs'' rtt dolnji, tipttriti, ite. It U Kp!U wltl thrlUloi udM0f Autbor. ftnl e( unoni Bcont, Trtpptrt, Cv-boyi, Uratn. Bortlir Kaffluii, t.lTtTldlportrtyln LUttatkiaml Wittu lluifii, 48d thoutat U iw, TTKli 6(41 KarmlBf b4 Suh' ChromoUthoyrtpli YUUt u 1ft colon! from phctofrtphi null t7 th U ft tifrmMBt mryrtmJof thU frtt work, AdeCMTS I TbU rTud twok U low ooHiIUii til olhrn It Wis y dmpUiotu ipiUKTtrto 10 to SOotdm 4. W vtol 1000 Inori MtioU t obm Jixclu4 Territory awi fipetiiU Ttrau triitn. Our Urc clrtuUrt wllh fill piitifolin tvnf ft4, A fla Sjneimta FUU Mat tVi KMm far 8 eeni (up, Addicii th colt publUhin, A. P. TOBTniMOTOX k CO.. I tA li no id, COIV. bopt M-un B P. HAHTilAN RSrUSSKNTS TUt rOLIXlWIHIl AMEHIOAN IN8UHANCE COMl'ANIEBi l.ycouilng of Munay Pennylvanla. KurUi American of Philadelphia, Pa. Pranklln ol ," Pennsylvania of " " Farmers ot York, Pa. Hanover of New York. Manhattan of New York. Office on Market Htreet, No, 5, Moomiburir. oct. i, T-ly lUuot fie 0. Addrcu II. IU hit t co., .... mnr.h Al .1v . . a ..AH a nuin (n 1071 11 t tn a n r1 1 ft fit it aeaiue. w" J 9 .V 11 m9k mmmmmmmammmmmBjmtammmmmmaammmmaaKmmMMUm DEL I I Hm "m"u WtunioilT; "A"!TiT" STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 5S Every lirtey Organ Sold is made Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Bend for Illuttrattd Catalogue, CELEBRATED ffilKDlUAlV FIAIVOS, And other first class Pianos, find a large lot of iftvo fflt Sl t Mml MUSIC BOOKS, VIOLINS, ACCOTiDEONS, BAHJOS, MUSKCaVL (OKGIIDINlf T E, VIOLIN STRINGS, A Eid eveiylliin- in llic jIiinEc line. J". SALTZER, MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG PA. WEBER-HARDMIN PIAITOS, FINK INLAID FBKN0U WALNUT Easy Term. Satisfaction Guaranteed . jjaoisr's jpxjtsto -w-a.ii.b rooms, -MUSIC HALL BLOCK, WXXilEBB-SAXl&B, tJk. Junot Beware OF BENSON'S 6APCINE PL1STEBS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And thoir oxool'.ont roputation in jurocl by worthlosa imitations. Tho Publio nro cautionod against buy ing Plastora having similar Bound ing namos, Boo that tho word O-A-r.O.I-N-E io oorrootly spollod. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Aro tho only improvomont ovor mado in Flaatera. Ono ia worth moro thanadoson of any other kind. Will positively euro whoro other romodios will not ovon roliovo, Trioo 25 cents. Doworo of ohoap Plastors mado with load poisons. SEABURY A JOHNSON, alanotacturiug ChemlaU, Hew York. KiTiiTniEafflUY ATTJIftT. r71c5ct. HEAD'S (Mictted CORN and BUNION PUSTU. Not4'M -ly fa .u.l.bldn,MW.UibtuiUitMM. . t,Mak..4 ,w.,.'LlulJP.Ml,"IMi4 . ' .11 a3ui.d u. u a . ....Mi-.nrvtdi, i . . tt tftij u.11 a I .l ' j . lnatt, a l'.rfuuic VJ iWtkYty V V hi"ae'LUnMe) VumiiM.AB. h fjfAlf nt liltU -II U lUUll MMn'eUf Via ITS Every buyer should Select an Organ Tliat guarantees good Every day work and Years of service. mm J, ESTEY & CO., Brattleloro.Yt. MM PIANOS CASH 0KGAN, 9 STOPS, $90 CASH. J. S ALTZER'S General Sewing Machine Depot, Fifth Store Below Martet St, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Celekated White Sewion Made, New Davis Vortical Feed Sew' ing Mnelnne, New Homo Sowing Machine, Housoliold Rowing Mucliinc, Estey Sowing Machine, Genuine -Singer Sewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Mnchino, Attornment, tx-tit Sewlnar Machine O l. and N. uiDbiuruu tun ink- m&cuuipa, Mwinj muuIdm Bold on monthly paynvnts- Liberal dluoount inadu t r i-asli. Every inacblnc nurcbiMd from inu U wurrantcilt ite kent In anrul runninir rrjir lor tlva yenra freu nt charge, and tnorouiU In. struottons given by the best lady operator In tliU jiai.ui inn inu ui vnurKu. uxauiiuo iny 3i5 to fft20Per dX at homo. Samples worm u 10 VJroe, Address HTiNuoN i: co' rut marrlilR i.w RAILROAD TIME TABLE PENNSYLVANIA HAlnrtAD.'lHlL. ADKLI'IIIA Ac KltlK It. II. DIVISION. Philadelphia nnd Grin Railroad Division and Korihtrn Contrnl Railway. na SUMMEH TIME TA11LE. Id effect Juno tth, 1SS2, trains le&ro Northum. berland. KA8TWAUD, .5 a. m. Boa Bhoro Express for Snnbury, llar Hsburii; and lntcrmcdlato slatlonB, Lancaster. Philadelphia, New York, llaltlmoro nnd Washing ton, arrlvlDK at Philadelphia p.m.; Mow York, Wo p. m. llaltlmoro, .io p. in, s Wasiilnirton e.4lp. m, makltiif CI030 connections at Philadel phia for all eJen Shore points. 1.4i p.m. Day oxpress for Hunbury, Harris, burr and lntcrmcdlato stations, Lancaster, Phil, adolphia, New York, llaltlmoro nnd Washlucton. arrlvlnirat Philadelphia 1.3S p. in.; Now York. I0.M p. in. ; llaltlmoro, T.VO p. rn.; Washington, 8.4T p.m. Pullman Parlor car through to rtilladcl. phla and pausengcr coaches through to Philadel phia and Daltltnoro. s.(5 p. m. willlamsport Accommodation for Bunburr. UirrlBbury and all Intel mcdlato sta tions. Lancaster, Philadelphia nnd Now York, arriving at Philadelphia s.65 a. m. ; Now York 6.10 a. m. Sleeping car accommodations can be secur ed at Horrlsburfr for Philadelphia and Now York. Philadelphia bOHSeniTcrn can temaln In aif.nnor nn. disturbed until t a. m. 1.M a. in. Brio Mall for Sunbury, Harrlsbure and Intermediate stations, Lancaster, Philadel phia, Now York, llaltlmoro and Washington, arriving-at Philadelphia J M a.m.; New York, 11.1s a. in. llaltlmoro 7.45 a. m. 1 Washing ton, .1T a. m. Through Pullman Rlccplnir cars are run on Ihts train to Philadelphia, llanlmore and Washington, and through passenuer coachea to Philadelphia and Halt I moro. WESTWARD, .f 5 a, m. Krlo Mall for Erie and all Intermedials stations with through Pullman Palaco car nnd through passenger coaches to Krlo. ror uananuaigua nna iuiermrainio Btations, Rochester, lluffulo and Niagara Falls, with I'nii. man Palace car and passenger coachoa through to 1.4S ri. in. Niagara Bxtiress for Knno and lntr. mcdlato stations with through passenger coaches to Kane. For Canondatgua nnd principal lntcr mcdlato ntntlons, Rochester, HuBuJo ana Niagara Palls with through parlor carlo Watklns and through passenger coaches to Rochester. p. in., Past line for Lock Uavcn nnd Interme diate stations, and Elmlra, Watklns and Interme diate stations, with through passenger coaches to n 1111111. T1IHOUOII TRAINS FOR NOKTIIUMIIUHLANI) rKUM TUB BAST AND HOUTII. Nlairara Bxnress leaves New York, s so a. tn. Philadelphia S40 a.m.; Washington, 8.07 a.m.; uauimore .iu a. m arriving at Northumberland 1.45 n. in., with through Pullman l'Arlor car frrmi Philadelphia and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Ualtlmore. Fast Lino leaves New York T.S3 a, m.; Philadel phia, 11.05 a.m.; Washington, 9.37 a.m.; Haiti more, 10.50 a.m., arriving at Northumberland s.S9 p. m with through pussengcr coaches from riiuaueipnis ana iisiumoro. Itrle Mall loaves New York T.ES n. m VMlmlnl. phla, p.m.; Washington, ! p. m.; Haiti more, 11.90 p. m., arriving at Northumberland e.i a. 111., with through Pullman Palace sleeping cars from Philadelphia Washington and llallfmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. NORTHERN COMI'AN. CENTRAL RAILWAY On and after Fcbraarr mtli.ioflt trnlna will innvn Sunbury as follows: NOHTHWAIID. Northern Hxpresa ,30 .arrive Elmlra 1!,30 pm aaiaivu nj a.iuiiiuuaiKUV, a,xo p. in, " Kochestcr 4.40 Nlfur&rA. S R Niagara Express l.M p. m. arrive Elmlra a.os p m umvD uananuaigjua ' " Itochester 4S " ' Nljic-ara. llinam Fast line S.lSpmarrlTn Elmlra 10,'iOpm SOUTHWAKD, Southern Izprcss 1.32 a.m. arrive narrlsb'g 8.15 am arrive rnunacipma 7.00 " " New York 0.3s " " llaltlmoro 7.(0 11 Wnjihlnirtnn f 92 ft m Lock naven Ex 10.60 a m arrive Ilarrisb'ff l'UB pm urri.u I'uuauujlJUia o.t'U p ni " New York 8.4 ' " Baltimore s.2n " Wnshlnctin kit Day Exprew1.60 p m arrive Ilarrlsburg s.Se p m I'nnoaeipma j.on " New York 10.00 " " Baltimore T.oe " Wahlnirlin .17 Brio Mall l.i a. m. arrive llamaburi? 3.01) a. m -- rnuaacjpnia i.ue " New York " " Baltimore " Wasnington u.w J.n. WOOD, tieneral Passenger Auent. FRANK THOMSON, General Manager. JJHILADELPHA and READING ROAD RRANQEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno t, 1882. TS1INS L11TI BCriRT AS FOLLOW8(SUNDAY XCZrTKD. For Now York.Pbtladelnhla.ltnailtn.rnttiivllta Tamaqua, 4c, 11,4s a. m ror uauwissa, 11,49 a. m. 4 et ana 7,20 p. m. For WlUlamflnnrt.A.U a. m. ami m n m TKimsroE aorxar liati ai tollowd, (bcnbat icarriD.) Leave New York. VIA. TAmnnnnrt 9.110 a. m .inI via. Bound Brook itouto T,4S a. m. Leave rhlladolphla, 9,43 a. m. Leave Uoadlnir. 11. to a. m.. Potfjivliln. ia sa n. aadTamaqua, l.jsp. m. Leave catawlssa, ,lo t,40 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Leave Wllllamiport,,4ia.m,2,oop.m. and 4,30 p, m -,vn iui. I ... . Ui nend and to and from Philadelphia go through "iinouicnangooi cars. J. B. WOOTTEN, 0.0. HANCOCK, General Manage,, General Passenger and Ticket Agont. Jan. 10, 1881 tt. D ELAWAltE, LACKAWANNA AND WEj'fEKN UA1LUOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NORTH, STATIONS. I I SOUTH p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p iu. p.ia 16 I 0 03 8 SS 8 48 8 41 8 81 43 9 45 Bcranton.... -Bellevue. , to 3 10 3 it 8 W i n 9 15 i 10 37 30 84 9 19 14 Taylorvlllc., ...Lackawanna., ...... nun ton.... ,. WcstPlttston Wyoming.... fflLltlW-... 9 45 9 (3 9 li 3 so 3 11 3 84 8 39 3 41 I 34 110 0.1 ,11) 08 6 61 ......Bennett 8 36 8 85 16 8 07 I 00 3 00 1 50 1 43 1 5 1 25 04 04 Kingston.... Kingston.... Plymouth June ....Plymouth... Avondalo ... NanrlpAIrn 10 18 10 18 10 M 10 34 10 43 9 64 7 08 7 IB 3 64 7 17 8 65 8 47 B 80 8 S3 8 17 8 II 8 OS 7 M 3 03 7 it 7 10 7 7 3 00 8 10 3 18 t 33 3 43 8 61 8 67 4 07 4 12 4 SO 4 ST 4 83 4 t8 4 It 6 CO 6 !6 1 18 1 03 liunlock'8 creek I 46 13 43 7 33 11 85 7 36 18 16 T SO 13 00 7 18 11 47 7 09 11 40 7 06 11 93 57 11 10 tl 10 58 6 45 10 50 6 87 10 44 It 10 33 10 10 08 04 10 00 I 45 9 40 .unicksninny. . .llff-tria V.,n 10 ts 111 07 ....Beach Haven'. 11 13 11 SO ....... uerwick , Tlrlar l-rplr S 00 , Willow Grove. 7 63 7 41 Lime luago. Kktht. . . 8 10 8 18 11 s 11 4fi II bo 11 (S 13 IS 7 US ...UloomsDurg,. 7 S3 7 39 7 11 minnri Catawra Bridge iuanviiie..., ..Chulasky... 9 04 V SO I 45 iNorthumberl'd" ll! 45 p.m. a.m. .,m, p. 111, p.m. a.m. . . , W. F. HALSTEAD, Supt. Superintendent's oniea. scranton. Feb. 1st. 1683. PARKERiS HAIR BALSAM. iliiS elrai.u.rc&iiif is prcfcireil by thost uhultjvauiedidtuauy iilmi'ar PttlUc, on zc comit (f Its uprtor (.lcnlirK..6nd puriiy. It contains materials only that rt Uncfichl to tlio scalp aaa tuir ami always Reitcrei th Color to Crey or Faded Hair Parlter'i Mair Balaam l finely perfumed and It w.iiiuiicu Miiretcaiisiunc ci nag Hair and to re move dandrufl and ilclilnj, 1 lucox & Co , N.Y. 10a, a.4 1I1.1, a Ovular la drup aa j ntUclaM, ag0M& Jiimaaajjjj.l;yra-Mwtl GINGERTONIC A Suptrlatlvo Kulih nnd Strcnsth nlorer. iryouramochidu or farmer, wern out with overwork, m n inoiliir run down ly family cr bouts, hold duiici try l'AierH' Cikckr Tonic, If you aic a lawyer, pilniiler or tuiineis man ex hauii.J bxinenwl Un In or analoua caret, donotuko lniokaunjirjniulaiit,butuaePaikir'diriBcrTila JfveuhaveCoiuumpiion, Dyipcijla, Itheuno. lani,hiJneyternfliiiiii,oriiiiy(liordcroftheluiigi, lomai.h.Lewlt, blood or nerval, Pa KumVa Gincir Tonic will cure you. 1 1 li the t!roalct lllood Puri M Ui Beit md Surest Cough Can Ever Utid. , If youmwnitintawjy from eg 0, iliialpatlon or my tuiiaae or uciki et and reciuiie a .lunula. 1 uko . tiiKOii 1 Jvaiceloncoi ItvillliiTlgoraie andLuUd vou up fioui (li. fu.l doae but will never Intoalcue, v Ithutatcdliundiidtoflitcti It may lave yourt. CAUTION t-IWun all lulillt.Ua, I'uk.r'a Cloj.? Toalo la I .a.p.a.l .1 aa UrfMi.4lalanaUla lt.uU,a4UuUiWy i (iiM fi.m .( laet alui., B.nd farclnnOuW lUaC..,N, r, t!K,4tliii,aUalriUilrei. tRCAT CAYIKQ HUVINO DOLLAR llzt . nch and tailing fragrance haa uade thie delightful perfume eacecdiagly popular, a hero liaothlag like It. lnaituon laving Fu. tom and look for lignature of aa .T.ry bottle. Aa druerLt or 4alr l Wrrdwwr nawevlriea. fi aiJ II ."t U. P ' UhUltSAMSa Ill'VI.NU lj. 6I7E. Vnulhlul Uarth I, '83 ly,