The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 10, 1882, Image 2

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0. E, Elwell, I vAUr,
3. K. BlHonTianiar.J E4""'
VllIDAY, NOVUM Mil 1 10, 1882.
Cameron's Olans Couquored
. 35,000 PLURALITY-.
,, ;Not too Young
New York Elects a
Democratic Governor
by 180,000 Majority.
Captures Massachusetts.
The Democrats also carry Con
necftcuf, New Jersey, Maryland,
Virginia, Delaware, Michigan,
Indiana, Kansa3 and Colorado.
The Latest Returns.
Tho Patriot of Ndv. 9th saya:
Tho political tidal wavo which swopt
over.tliQ country on Tuesday has com
plelcly engulfed" th6j lionublican party.
The' democratic stai ticket in tliis state
is elected by enormous pluralities,
which range ' from !i(i,00(J to -12,000,
Tho lower houao of tho legislature is
also democratic, while (ho Republican
majority in tlio senate has been reduced.-
Thirteen 'of the tweiity-oibt con
gressmen aro democrats, sovcral dis
triotsbhaving chossn Republicans by
very-slight pluralities.
Tho Unprecedented majority for tho
democratic ticket in tho state at Now
York has grown to tho immenso figure
of 175,000. I u 1 1 i :i 1 1 .1 wheols into line
oncp more, lichigun deserts inachino
ltepnbllca'nistu, California and Nevada
take their places in tho democratic col
umn, Colorado joins tho victorious pro
cession, Kansas repudiates her sumptu
ary law governor, Connecticut returns
to th'o'fold, Now Jersey is trlio as over,
Massachusetts elects llio head of tho
democratic stato ticket and tho next
congress will bo democratic by a good
working majority in spite of "Hubbell b
corruption fund and tho agitation of
tho tariff question. The result is far
bettor than was hoped or expected.
' Tho campaign closed in good time
for tho Btal waits. Thoy spont soveial
hundred thousands of dollars and then
.their coffers ran dry. As it was nec
essary to havo more "grease" to keep
tho machino moving n few days Ioiikci-,
benator J. I). Cameron last wcok went
to Now 1 ork and returned on Friday
morning ibringing with him 00,000,
ho fruits of a day's solicitation of cam
paign money uinoug tho wealthy Stal
warts of Gotham. Tho amount is just
oiuu.yuy less man ue expected to raise,
but campaign collectors arp not liberal
ly rewarded this year anywhere, and
tho Pennsylvania boss did compara
tively well. Tho artnunents iie ad
vanced to induce contributors to bo lib
-oral were as suiKular in thev were for
elble. In representing tho easo to sov-
oral gentlemen tho bonator said :
1. "New York is irretrievably lost, and
money spent in an effort to save Folger
isininmunltion wasted. Unless funds
nro' forthcoming Pennsylvania is nlso
.hopelessly gone. If, however, sufficient
'moiioy is raised, Pennsylvania can bo
waved, and, thus preserved, will form
n nucleus around which to build a Stal
wart organization in 188 1. If Penn
sylvania goes, the Administration party
is stranded, and tho lirst duty of every
.Stalwart is obviously to look out for
, Pennsylvania, If Heaver's elccliou is
Becurcd, I will take care of 1881."
i Thus appoaled to, tho amount sped
' lied was Bccured, and tho Senator re
turned 0 his own dominion with what
coraiort icsh man nan a (oar niionu.
Too Scrauton is defeated for
gross in tho Luzerne district.
Robeson is defeated in New Jersey,
.Geo. II, Past tho Deinocrntio candi
date for Congress in the JJradfoid
district is elected.
Tho Stato legislature Is Democratic;
j.ou joint uallou
VnuderslicuiH plurality over Supplco
.is iziu,
Tho authors of thu "Mao's and tho
O's" circular havo been arrested for
tioiiorn. W. II. McCnrlnuy of Wil
kvsbnrru linn lioen doing somo very of
fi'ctlvo work for Slounrt timing tlm
c.ini)nimi, on tliu rUnni all nvir tlm
ptnto. IIo Is, nnd nlwnyn 1ms been, n, anil 1ms bowed in nnlut mib-
mission to tlio nmchino until now. Ah
soon as ho wont back on Cnmvron the
Ilarrisburg Ti'hgraphtvo)i) tptlio
fact that in" 18(f9 McCnrtnoy was a
rovouuo collector in Mruwacliusctts, and
that ho was n dofaulter for a larud
ninount, which hat hover, boon (mid to
tno government. If those develop
ments contlmto it will soon bo imnos,
Bible to find an honest man in tho re
imblican party, il tho tales they are
telling of each Other bo Into.
Wo havo mot tho enemy, and aro
not theirs by a largo majority. Several
yoaro ngo tho C6r.utniAN propounded
tho conundrum ai to how long the
pcoplo of Pennsylvania would continue
to submit to tho Cameron doniinioiij
and predicted that 0110 of theso days
there would be an uprising that would
surprise tho bosses, and cast them
headlong from their thrones. That
day camo last Tnesday. Tho people,
tho sovereigns of tho stato, revolted at
the methods ot modern Republicanism,
and struck n blow at tho Bosses, tho
spoils system, and political assessment
robbery, that indicates most emphatic
ally they havo had enough of them,
and tho majorities were made so over
whelming that tho leaders of tho so
called "Grand old Party" will not bo
likely to resort to them again. It U
not only in Pennsylvania that tho
whirlwind has swept, but in New York,
Now Hampshire, Connecticut, Massa
chusetts, and in fact oVer tlio entiro
nation whero elections wero held, with
tho oxcoption of Nebraska, which gives
a Republican majority of 15,000, tho
only consolation left to tho Stalwarts
of all tho vast domain wherein they
havo ruled so despotically, by the! fbrco
of money. Tho lesson" of Tuesday
teaches that there is such a thing
as going too far, that tho pcoplo aro
tho masters, and not the servants, of
omce holders, it is a rebuke to such
men as Arthur, tho Now York pothouse
politician, whose untitness lor the high
oflicc he now disgraces is acknowledged
111 over tno laud, tho man who was
utin tho Presidential chair bv the bill-
ot of an assassin and beiran his ad
ministration by turning out competent
oiucors 10 maKc way tor his placemen
and political tools ; to Cameron who
for years has debauched this stato with
money, and who frustrated tho will of
majority of tho Republicans of tho
stato, by buying James A. Beaver's
vote for Grant for a third term at Chi
cago, with a promise to make him
covernor ; to Beaver who might have
been tho choico of his party for tho
oflice, but for this bargain ; aud to. all
tno henchmen who have bo abicctlv
served their master for so many years
in order to maintain their hold upon
thu public pap.
i. no uemocrais navo ueen mven
control ot many ot tho stato trovern
ments aud havo secured a clear major
ity in Congress. Let us take caro that
tlio trust imposed upon us is so admin
istered that we shall not reap tho
whirlwind ourselves, and in a few years
bo ousted by tho same force that has
just ejected the rotten .carcass of stal
wart Jtepnuhcanism. the people. A
wipe coiune will secure us the Pros!
aency in JHH4, out it there are any
blunders tho public confidence will bo
lost, and our chances greatly diminish
ed. Thero aro less6ns for everybody
in tne result ot last Tuesday.
As wo predicted last week, there
were sent to a larco luimbor of Irish
Catholics through tho state, tho ciicu-
lar copied Irom tho jNow x 01k U ablet,
Iheso circulars were scut out' by the
Republican State Committee. Although
tho election is -over, it is not, too late to
expose tho means to which tho fatal
warts resorted in their desperation. In
order to show what kind of a sheet, the
Tablet is wo publish tho following cdi
torial from the freeman's Journal,
one of tho oldest, ablest and. most popu
lar Catholic journals in this country
ine issue in I'onnsyivama ltui very
clear one. It is:, Can Cameron, with
tho millionaires leagued with him, BIT Y
UP tho voto of Pennsylvania! Wo
wish wo could feel more secure of tho
issuo than wo do I We own some fear
that there may bo voters, sold nnd do
livered, against their, fruo interests, by
accursed secret societies.
We aro told that, .notwithstanding
tlio exposure of tho shallow plot, thero
is still existing an jntontion, in some of
tho mining regions, of flinging broad
cast among tho least instructed, .copies
of tho sheet called, tho New York Tah
let, tilled with calumnies, or tho more
sneaking method of insinuations, re
gardiug Mr. Jlobert J2. J'attison, tho
Democratic candidato for Governor of
Infamous falsehoods havo been utter-
ed regarding this .gentleman, represent-
1.: 1 . tt- ,.f ,
nun ua ;i uigoi. uia uie-recoru
gives the ho to tho calumny. A genor
uuo uuu uuuurauii- JJUIIWUIUUII, lit) WIS
...! 1 ' I .. 1 ...
never suown any aiscnuiinaupn tor or
agaiust men on, account of their race or
their religion. His record, in the high
local oflico ho holds, is a sufficient denial
of tho calumny, Men of Irish uames
and blood, and of tho Oathollo religion,
navo oeon, even oitousivefy, paraded 111
l'lnladelphia papers as holding, import
ant positions ot prphtf and-trust under
him. Wo doubt not that these men,
Irish m name and Catholic in religion,
havo boon appointod for their soveral,
personal, menu, and not otherwise.
God forbid 1 That Hetties tho slander
on Mr. Pattison, running for Goyornor
ot l'ennsyivania, against tho most ,des
pernto eltorts ol tlio Uameroniau mon
opolistM, lavishing their money,
1110 jnow York Tablet, which sheet
is said to bo intended to bo used for
circulating falsehoods ubout Mr. Patti
son, was, till lately, tho property of Mr,
Denis Sadlier it Co a book binding,
and, wo think, printing efetablUbmcnt,
engaged in selling school-books, sta
tionery, etc., to poor school muiiageiui
and issuing tho Tablet, in the shapo of
a newspaiier, hiring this 0110 or that
0110 for editor, as ao advertising shoot
of the concern,
On hearing of the proposed attempt
to uso this sheet for so dishonorable a
purposo, wp sont to tho American News
company to get some ato copies of it,
as wo hardly over see it, and it was not
on sale on Nqw York city news itands.
Wo find its number for October 21 is
Hued as; "Published weekly by 1), tfc J.
Sadlier." Tho number of this sheet
dated October 28 comes out as : "Pub
lished every Tuesday morning by
Michael Kerwiu, publisher and mana
ger." Inquiry mailt', wo find as certain,
and so publish, that this Michael Ker
wiu, to us unknown, is now, or was
lately, a clerk in tho Now York post
For any respectablo citizen of Now
York, that has known there was a paper
called tho New York Tablet, it is not
J necessary to do moro than name it
FreUorlck ,11
Witr .im
Dm O,
McKlvmw O...TT
Kves I',
Ilnnnon I).,
Krtcktum It.,
Mctiarirle O.....
Kfatenbaudcr II.,
Ilarton 0.
Tewkslmry l'
Hamlin I.
Ilryson 1)
Vnnderollce P..
Utile It
S 2 3 S 3 s si
Supplra It.....
Webster' O..
.Hart D.,.,.
B isralUi
9 riorm
Will. KlwelU
MlerM ir..ut..i.. ;S j
TotnUnuon (I..
. jg K, 9, 9 -t w
McMlchael 1. I 1'
"8 It
Kiuott ....;.
Iiroslus II .
chase 1',
Cake a..,...i,,..
Junkln 1 u
Clark D.i.V
Ilawlo II.
Dowoody Q .
Merrick I...
Africa 1).
Orccr II...
Howard- 0 .
Duff I...
niacic D.
PhvIoh H...
rettlt P..
:t; i
Armstrong O.
gen jjoi
Stewart I.
rotUnon D
Beaver Jl .
4 1
A bomb was thrown into tho stal-
,Wart' camp last week Friday, by the
hublidation of a letter from Governor
lltiytj rm which ho declared for Stowart.
When a man who was made what he is
today by the Cameron machine is obligr
ed to donounco tho very .methods that
put him in tho executive chair of tho
state, ilnjn indeed has his party fallen
low. Hero is tl(0 letter!
IlArmislumo', Pa. , November 3.
To Wiartdn Jiarker, Eq. , Phila
delphia? Adhering to the accepted
traditions of our people, I must decline;
while holding a public oflice, essentially
non-partisan, to take onv part m a dis
tinctive politioaU meeting. This point
of propriety, wlnoh need not be urged,
will forbid my acceptance ot your invi
tation to presido over tho assembly of
independent rooublicans at Horticultu
ral hall to night.
If 1 understand tho obicct of this
gathering' of careful and judicious citi
zens, n is to give cued ig curium con
victions affecting tho political welfare
of the state. It is tho assertiOii of tho
inherent right of the frceincii of the
republic to declaro tho proper aims ami
ends ot public conduct, ana to proclaim
their own motives and purposes. This
right inheres in every individual and
every assembly. A political party is a
voluntary association, and in no sensb
doe's' itS right o 'exist ddpund upon' its
numerical size' or upon tne acciuent oi
its ifcludihg tho raero brute force of a
When standinir room is no. long
er allowod to members of tho political
party with a margin for self .respect!
wuen lis lint's uecuuic uiiuuiy uuiuijju
nus with tho limits of the usurping .dy
nasty! when in all tlio spaco between
abject submission and rebellion, no
placo is given for appeal, argument or
protest, revolution is an appropriate,
remedy All proud and generpus
minds will resist tho imposition of serf
dom, and will leavo to " villeins" and
retainers their badge of servitudo to tho,
intruding feudal system, Any charac
terization of those engaged in this
movement which flippantly classes,
thijiH as "sorq heads" and "kickers,"
mistakes tho rating of Pennsylvania
manhood- Thero is an undeniably jus
tification for your uprising. Its grounds
nro open and plain to tho people wheth
er accepted or pot.
This tho tens of thousands of tho
best instructed, most conscientious and
spirited citizens who havo joi.icd in
this method of uprooting palpable
public .wrongs, attest ; other tens of
thousands of such citizens sympathize
with you and only doubt whether your
heroic surgery is tho bent tieatuiciit.
For myself I had not seen my way
dear to act with yo;i. I had expected
to drift along giving tho republican
ticket u formal support, and have done
so. 1 hayu to friends maintained that
attitude until now. At this late day 1
am fully advised of the methods of
.vengeance being coutrived for those
now considered in revolt t Btmio of these
rebels, nay most of them, aio among
the most courageous spirits in thu state.
lhey know tho humiliation it costs
proud men to havo masters ; their tnor
pi powtr crushed out in repeattd enlh
to surrender to tho crops demands ot
thoso who only seo in paity success tho
means of patrouago-distrlbuliou, and
that mado in tho intcreit of personal
When I reflect upon tho humiliation
put upon myself ns Chief Magistrate
for resisting some of tho purposes of
thu irksome domination which juits
politics above ndminUtrutivc propriety,
and when I refleot upon tho. force of
the insulting methods applied to my
self by means of threats, intrigue, aud
bad faith, I realize some of Cardinal
Woolsoy'n regrets that ho 'had only
served his God with half the zeal he
had his King."
In the name of deoenoy nnd in be
half of my successor I wish to em
phasizo tho curso of-tho whole business,
nnd sound u uoto of warning to tho
whole people. Self respect compels
mo to this avowa). Nor will jieaco
and reform over como Until tho moral
Worccs In politico which you havo or-
1 1
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gam zed prevail. If their courngo be
added to their conviction, tho musses
of yotors will promptly rally to your
standards and aid you to 'an overwhelm
ing success ; ami such is tho duty 'of
the voters of Pennsylvania. The logic
of the situation which confronts you,
and which confronts the electors of the
state, demands' a speedv decision and
filial result.. ; Witlt such a triumphant
outcome tho republican voters at least
will havcreiiouod their party from pies
ent peril aud from future outrages.
Thus; no revenges will ba loft out
standing, for no revenges will be possi
ble. Brutal schemes' of slaughter, now
contemplated, will be abandoned, and
the factoual stiletto ami guillotine, now
prepared for "bolters' and "rebels,
will not bo put to their inteuded uso.
In tho future the halls of tho Loohiel
IIoiiBe, at Ilarrisburg,- will no longer
resound with thu tread oi clamicrs.has
tily sent to summon self-respecting and
honorable delegates of tho people to
"slated" tickets and pro-arrauged pro
grammes, threatened with ostracism in
case of nou-compliance, or sent home
dishonored to face the angry conslitu
onts whom thev have betrayed, and
thus will bo dethroned the power before:
which have been compelled to bow all
who have sought honors or promotion
at tho hand of republican coustituen
oiea. With' your ultimate success will
havo been made an exhibition of moral
courage m our state, and tho reaping
of benehoial results from pcncelul
methods, which shall moro grandly
than over demonstrate tho capacity of
tho pcoplo tor sell-government, in
making this declaration I havo no dis
position to disavow any share I indi
vidually may have had in tho partisan
methods against which the independent
movement is not only a revolt, but a
revolution. I nm simply conscious that
1 utter thoughts and lechngs which
stir to their depths tho minds and
lieartu of thousands in this great com
(Signed) IIk.nuy. M. Hovt
Tho StarBoute Oises.
Thu Government is quietly preparing
for the second trial of tlio star route
cases and expects to go on promptly
when tho called- It is appre
hended, however, that tho defense will
urge delay so as to throw thoenso over
to auothcr term of court in order to
havo it tried by another judge. It is
not probable that George Bliss will ap-
-...i ' . .1... .1 ir Ttr
puui ill lite bccuiui iiihi. lucBoio. iiiur-
rick and Ivor are, however, expected to
assist tho department of justicosa here
tofore. Jlr. JUeraiok says ho is hopo
ful of securing tho presence of nx-Sona
r, . ... i . .
tor spencer at uio second inai, as i
subpiena has reoenntly been sorvod up
on him. Thu government has como in
to possession of some important now
evidence, but unfortunately most of it
boars on oasos which were r lest to nr.
Absolutely Pure.
This powd'f never varies. A ramol of purity
struugthand wholeeomeness. Mure economical
thin the ordinary k noa. and cannot be sold In
conipeiltlOQ wllb the inuiUtude of luvr Uxr, short
weight, alum or phosphate powders, sou only
la cans, llurii. Uiiinu 1'owdxk Co , 109 Wall-Bt..
N. V. aug lt-1 y.
Governor Hoyl's letter, which wo
irlnt in nnothcr column, was received
iy tho Stalwartfl as a bitter pill, and in
order to counteract its effect, Stalwart
Rpeakers in Dauphin county charged
that, Ioyt had lost $ir)8,00() of tho
Stnto'fl money in sjicculatlon, nnd Cam
rou nnd his friends inailo it up for him.
lloyt promptly denied tho story, and
M. S. Quay, corroborated hint. If
il wore Irtio what a Rpeciaclc it would
prosent t The Stalwarti for several
weeks attempted to punch ltoyt out of
his hole, nnd mako him decaru for 1 J ca
ver. Ho kept silence as long as ho
could, but was'llnally forced to speak
out, mid in his manly and forcible let'
tor, declaro for Stewart. No sooner
done, than tile name gang suddenly dim
cover him to bo a dofaulter, a liar, and
several other bad things, nnd admit
that they know nil about it sonic timo
since. If tho Republican family fight
continues much longer, their own tcs
tlmony against each other will show
tho people what kind of men they havo
kept in placo in tho stato for tho past
twenty years.
Secretary Quay sent his resignation to
Gov. Iloytas soon as ho read Hoyl's let.
ter. Gicat C.Ksarl Ink possible that this
great statesman, and machino manipu
lator is willing to let tho commonwealth
go to tho bow-wowsl
rlotlce Is hereby given to all legatees, creditors
nnd otlier persons Interested In tno estates of tlio
roMioetlYn dpcerlenta and minors, that tr.e follow
ing admlnletralton, executor and guardian ac
counts navo occn iiica in mo onico oi inn ncgiaicr
oi I'oiumoia couniy ana win do pruscui-u tor con
firmation and allowance In the orphans' ..Court to
bo held In mioomsburg, in Monday December 4,
1 831, at t o'clock p. in. on said day.
1. Account of k. II. I.lttlo. utiardlan of Ida C.
Binuu, a minor cnua oi wcorge nmuu, aocea.-rca,
2. Tho Drat account of Henry I Interlller and
Samuel llinterllter, executors ot Jacob lllntcrlltcr,
laio 01 ucuvcr lowuamp, ncccaseu.
n. First and final account of Sal.le Ilaccnbucli
administratrix ot Wesley O. llaircubuch. late of
centre township, deceased.
i. First and final account of Charles II.
Carrothcrs, guardian ofiCliartcs D. Caudtrman, a
minor cnua vi nuimn i . muuerman, ucceaseu,
5. First account ot John P. Dorr and Henry .f.
llobblns. executors otitiiun Fullmor. into ot I'lno
tonnshlp, dc eased.
8. Tho first and final account of Panlel V. Lrviui,
uaruian ot .isiin fox, a minor cnua or uaines u
'ox, late ot Locust township, deceased,
T. First and final itecountot O. K. Doclson. n
mtnlsirator of Ann P. Evans, late of the borough
oi ueriTiuK, i u., MCCP030U,
8. Tho second account ot ncnlamln Miller, act
Icif dmlnls'ratorof tho ostau, of 1'hlllo Miller.
late of (Jon tro township, Columila County, deos-
e. Tho final account ot Samuel Knorr. tluardlaa
of Eliza It. I.lnvllle. n minor child of William n
Llnvlllc, late ot Homing creek township, deceased.
10. The first and Hna account ef SVIIllam K. Mm.
man, Administrator of Martha Miumon lato of
II. The nr,t nnd Martini accountof It r.. F. r'nv
Vf.KDlni fit lliTnnri.r l-nllav In.n n, 11. .....
townsuip, uccca-iga.
Administrator Ac, of Jane Kitchen Inte of Green
wood totvnsnip, deceased.
12. The first and final acentint. of A. ir. trifrhnn
IS. Tho first and flnal accountof David Shuman.
and William T shuman- Kxccutors ofAnnasnu-
man, late of Main township, deceased.
11. The third and final account of Itanium shn.
man and John T. nhumnn. Kxr-cufnru nf Jor-nh
suuman, law oi Main lonnsuip, aeccased.
19. ThoflrstaecountotJanoEvaLS.ndmlmstratrtx
ae uonis non cum lesuunento onnexo, of James
uunon, laio ui linarcreeic lownsuip, aeceasea.
10. The first and final account of II. P. Vnrt nni-.
Administrator of William Schloo, lato of Catawissa
iownnip, acceasea
1". Tho first nnd partial account of Steuben Toho.
one of the executors of Joseph l'ohe, lato of Cen-
t.rn tnwnatiln. nnivnfti.if. T
18. The first and nartlal account of Jahn Wnir.
one ot the executors or Joseph l'ohe, lata ot cen.
tre township, deceased.
19. The first and final account nf .lnmntnh Anv.
dcr, administrator of John Snyder, late of Locust
tuwuauip. ueccoscu.
S. The1 account ut Reeso M. lick. Ouarnian nf
Anna K. Ken, minor child of I'hoebe K. Kck, by his
Executrix Harriet W. Kck.
21. The first and Una' account of lvrrlvnl vnat.
Administrator of Louts Foulk, lato ot Hemlock
lutvuamu, ueccosea,
22. Tho final account of Alfred CrnvAllnir nimr.
dlan of Oora Cruvelln? a minor r.liltd or vn hrnvA.
nog, idie oi loiumoia county, ueceo&cd
23. The first and final account or llnnnnli if
Armstrong. Administratrix fln bonlH nnn.oi ltofne.
ca vanaereuce, laie or Mouat rieasant lovvnahlp,
ileciAsprl. 1 . r
and Mary
2l.Tho drst and nnal account- of E; W.
try Ann lllutivan. Admlnlsu-ators of K. K.
Ann iHunyau, Administrators or i
uunyau, laio oi aiaaison township, ueceasea.
VS. The account of C. W Vll!ii- Administrator
do bonis non cum'testamentoannexo. or llenry
uuur, iawj oi ueaver lownsnip, aiccasea
Real Estate, Trust, Investment,
and Collection Oflice, Blooms-
burg, Columbia County, Pcnn'a
Properties for Salo in Columbia County,
05 acres In Jladlson townahlp. largo hoiise,frame
barn and out-bulldlngi, : good fruit, water and
fair finality land. Reasonable, prise and terms,
Owned by Mrs. Esslek.
to acres In Denton township, nsar Norr eolum.
bus. a very desirable and productive farm w ltu
good buildings, fruit, water c. Price ssooo.
Terms easy.
ins acres In Flshtngcreek township, near Zlon
church. Brick dwelling, barn and sheds, good
water, two orchards and othoi' fruits. I'rlce and
terms reasonable.:
acres in Jackson township. Small farm
cleared, with farm buildings. A saw mill and
dwelling. Also a largo quantity of pluo and Iicm
lock timber.
150 acres of oxcellentland In MIBlIn tswnshlp,
on roid between lterwlckand Mirtlln, owned by
John Wolf, Ksr on N. & W. II. II. 11. Brick
house, farm buildings, orchard, water, Ac., and
sufficient supply ot timber. A valuable property
W acres' la Madison township, near Jersey-
town, tleod frame house, barn, water, fruit and
timber, Will be sold cheap and on good terms,
1 acres In Madison township near van Horn's
bcnool house, with frame house, stable and good
cs acres In Hemlock township near Evan's Mill,
Framo house, bank barn, young orchard of chelco
fruit, good meadow, running water, 4c.
112 acres of excellent farm land lx miles west
of niooiiuburg. Farm buildings audtwoteuaut
100 acres In Pino township, near Pine Humml,l
Farm buUdlDgs fruit, water and considerable tlm
r acres of llmostono with three kilns In Centre
Astfstory woolen mill with full set ot machin
ery, a good natural wator' power, all In good work
ing order with good trade. Also alargo dwelling,
barn and out-bulldlngs. Also so acres ot land on
Little Flshtngcreek, (miles from llloomsburg.
Also ten other farms In various localities.
Properties in
and Eke-
A largo, comfortable and nearly now three story
brick resldenco on South Market street, with
Mansard roof, gas, water, cold or hot, range, btth
room, heater In cellar, stable, well, choico fruit,
&o., all In first rato condition, Price- redouble
and terms easy,
A carriage manufactory with tools anltT'd,
desirably located on Iron street, below Main.
Two pleasantly located brick residences on
Centre street.
Two large frame dwellings on Third street,
West llloomsburg,
, neat framo residence on Main stieet, West
llloomsburg, with stable, good water au l fpilt
tirouuds and building In beat condition,
A yery desirable brick en Main utrio'., mltablc
tor business and residence combined,
A douali) brick residence on Uust, Main ttnet,
detlrably located, Terms easy.
A frame ho iso on tilxth sireet nnar M atket. A
brick and also a frame d wo ling on I'ifili s'refl,
beth In good coudltlou, l ltuiaut honira,
Two small f rauia dwellings lu Bast Dloomsourg,
cheap. Two frame dwellings on Iron street, cheap.
Alargo now brick residence at the corner of Third
and Wist streets,
A v-ry desirable framo dwelling ou Fourth
street, CaUwIssa with "table, watei, trait, Ac.,
also at Catawissa, a ooal yard with tiding, large
bed of good Bind, dwelling on premises, partot
which can be used as building lots,
Also, other propertlei not mentioned, nnd de
sirable building lots located on Market, Fltlli,
West and other streets,
Strict attention paid to the examination of titles
ana;to conveyancing, and all witters submitted
promptly attended to at lowest rates charged by
real cstuto agenda. For particulars apply to
Monday, Nov., 13th 1882.
AMIlI'flON ltEAU2Kl).Ki
rosttlvclyand Indisputably tho
I.nraoat nnd .Heat t'omlilrln Iillnatrrl
OrunnlzntUn on Jlnrlli. m
01 the world's greatest artists In n new and spark-
ling programme, replete with
Rofinod Fun and Superb Musio
Concluding with the nrllllant
Burlesque of Patience!
Introducing all tho
and ft 8UPERII caoitUS.
An isthetle Transfiguration; In fact an Acute
Accentuation for supreraest Ecstasy; HJulloToo
Too and Utterly Utter; a Yearning for the Inde-
lift and TiOcts
General admission
JNo extra cliarco
for reserved seats
necureil at Dentler s.
Two Dollars.
Bold by all Newsdealers nnd Postmasters, send
Twenty tents for a specimen Copy tb,W. JKN
NINQS DBMOHK-IT, Publisher, II East fourteenth
stroet, New York.
lirThoKew Volume ll) commences with no
vember. bind l'll'l'V cn.M'r tor three months ;
It will sails y you Hut you can sutstrliie Two
Dollars for u ) car and get t-n times Its vain
nov lo-4w
Visitors to Philadelphia are
invited to visit the store,
whether to see or to buy.
Your parcels are checked; a
waiting-room is provided,
where you may rest with
ladies and children; guides
conduct you through the
house, or you wander at will;
there are many things of
interest to see, and a wel
come. For two years, perhaps, we
have had the richest, largest,
most varied and most exhaus
tive collection of dress-goods
in Philadelphia. Before that,
we may have had the largest,
and even the most exhaus
tive, but perhaps not the
richest. The slowest trade
to come to a new merchant
is the trade of luxury. It is
the slowest to change from
one to another. But it does
We may say our dress
goods of all sorts are at
about their highest now.
Second and third circles, soutlcast
from canter.
Silks of all sorts have
come; and never were silks
more acceptable. And these
words have a meaning here
beyond any they could have
elsewhere; because of the
greater variety of wants that
look to us for supply. We
must have all accepted styles,
and all the approved quali
ties of those styles; and, as
to colors, can you think of
one that we can do without?
A store that has only one
class of trade can get along
with comparatively few silks.
Which stock would you
rather buy out of?
.N'eit f.uler rlrrle. south entrance
1 1). nun I. nil. lint.
Two damask towels at 15
und 18 cents may serve to
show what we gain by buy
ing of the makers. Thevery
same towels are in the whole
sale trade in New York at
about 21 and 22 cents, which
means at least 25 cents at
We are not going to say
that all our retail prices are
belt w New York wholesale;
nothing of the sort. "More
than one-swallow to make a
summer." But where such
towels are to be got for 15
cent:; is a good place to look
for bed and table-Jinen, and
all the other linens. That's
wl-.t.t wc mean exactly; it's
true, too.
Ouli r circle, Clly.hall square entrance;
A very wide and surpris
ingly good navyblue twilled
ilannel for 50 cents; 45-inch.
Do you remember a 35
cent flannel for 25 cents, of
' which we had 1 8,000 yards
last fall ? Afterward we got
. 7,600 yards more of it; and
a little of it is left yet. That
is '23-inch, This wide flan-
iid-1 is fully as good as that. circle, souUicait from center.
All the warmer sorts of
underwear are ready; for
tnen, women and children;
thick-cotton, merino, wool,
and silk. All the sorts need
" i;il fur all sorts of people
with all sorts of notions;
,itl, for people who want it,
-tJjctcvis quite a little wit
Kbput. underwear to be pick
It .1 up at the counter.. Where
Mae would you look for it?
Not in books surely; for
f'Oods are changing all the
.ti.jic; and so get ahead of
' f Ar.-ado, 1913 Chestnut!
Weil vuuiiltr.
John Wanamakek,
Vbii.t, "lilrUi.lh, Varlit tint Juniper
X . 1 l.w.u iuu liu'UVTerywhci
We wish to call vour attention to
Hardware and House
Utvc us a call whether you wish
interesting timl useful articles wo
Some of you may know we nro going out of tho stove bumuesa,
but others may not. We never bought anything but tho best and
latest improved stoves, and our present stock which is not lnrge
wo are cloaiug out at very low figures,and the early callers will se-
curc tne uargams.
In addition to our stock of Hardware, Paints, Oils, &o., for
builders, farmers, blacksmiths, and our variety of tols for mc
chanics.we havc.owiug to a growing demand of house wives made a 4
specialty of collecting useful articles for household use. Plain,
Porcelain and tin lined Hollow Ware, Galvanized and Marblcized
Iron Ware, Wooden Ware, Baskets, Retined Stamped Tinware
and the largest line of Table Cutlery, and spoons in the county.
To call, see and price our goods, places you under no obligations
to buy.
0 TE
. Ve A W
w3v V
iob-w fW?s!mM white:
Sontember. 1st
Jool'sSignal Service Barometer
K; vift
If.; 'UHM
mil KWMmt
him; 11 Jr.?
4t tWO doltl
UwvDi4terblrfdT u
Itr. ItUWPOdiIulcu
our larce und complete stcck nf
Furnishing Goods.
to buy or not, and nee tlio many
keep in stock.
1 1 ,'i
1 at
1 .it . !
s months
It will datMl aad iBdwat .tonattlr n, cbusa la lha weathar II to ttbouja
l adfaaea. It wOl Ull wliat kind at loci. U app,oaeUn. aad from wh
eirMtlon-lnTKlDalil lo aavltiatara.. lWmera co plan thalr work
aaaocdiu to IU pradieUaua. Hmh fit) Nan lis real In a al.,l.u.
Uaau aeojhnmaniWalUelia. hl0I aloaala vorlhtbartficaeltUa
?.ra:ur."jhn.,'steBESt in the would i
Tha TktrmoaaUr and Umaaatu- ara Pol li a alcalf 'laUnad valnal Iraiaa,
iui. n.wHBu,n MiBinaoaa,atiivra.rr,iu7mrtiiaa.lnCkNi
ordar, racaipt ot Ml, a all lor 8 1. Aiauta ara uaUn- Irom it to a
'')? Kilt 5h,.m.. 4Jna!Ml "' vou. Ordar at una. 1 aril- ut
HIIlllT. Jutthalhiaataaall to farmara, marchuU. al, tniJuablata
aierjUoJ. U. B. Poataaa SUnpa titan II In (sod ordtr. tut niona, bra
arrad. A.aenCa wanird f rrriiTbrrf. Bd for lliranlir and Imiui.
AddraiaalTordarataimmif! I rillfKlllOMjrrKlt WOltllrj.
n-.yi .waralar ta lha Marar, Paataaaitar, Cenaty Olark, llret aia Uurioi
National Sanaa, or aar baalaaaa baaaa In Oaweaa, N. V. .
, draft n HtuYerk r rttUltrtihtUr. I tlrtiik.
duuiui aa wan aa miaiui or-
I fltti Too 'i Uiio.t wotU u will u ( thii kmU HX Tua mo rV
m Ufw Im, OftpWCuii. B. IlooiBi, tihlplTwiUU,M Ba L'rinUco.
'Amitmil. U. IT It W . (ItRia- l.a.lrr.U Ul.-h
RkUy ondt udv witl itrfuUr cliMftD
QuriocU and vnrl,i to,'perfctlon.
uf td is ntaj tlm iu cot, in fiiioullinif
. ItouPHTioy, Alilvtnkc. WU.
without out Ttkdt Mult, nd inaturt of J, A J'ooLcn tbt back of iniiru
BtesVtss at
t lnlroi.t wyrrnnlrd VrKland lUllaUt. Bli.fl JloclitTEia
I l-l wida. 11 nut tUOaJ on ealf lua tha Inatrumast, raturu It at ona an
wa will itlonit fuur uunar, l"lau UI wkwa gu law eur luliMUtauiant.