The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 03, 1882, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
Correct Knllroiul Time Table.
ifomlws i tb0 ''""A'1'""11 lw ""Pert
I 18 a. m.
11 a. m.
4 w p. m.
. u i' ,,
t as a.m.
2o es a. m.
8 2.1 a. m.
11 45 a. m.
d oi n. in. j ot n
Tho It mraln south connects with tho l'hlla.
delDbla Heading fit Uiipcrt, and with tho
Northern Central at Northumberland.
Ths 8:4.1 a. m. train connects al Northumberland
5JSlJ:Si.fr1P.on Pennsylvania road reaching
Philadelphia at 8:jn p. m.
Tho train connects with Philadelphia and
Reading roal lat ltupert at 11:60 reaching Phila
delphia at :00 p. m.
Th0 ,i:!.,tram connects with 1'cnnsylvanla
I?)1 "JPthumberland at l: reaching l'hlladel
phta at 7:35 p. ra.
. TS i'V P.,"1, ,raln connects with Pennsylvania
EH? Northumberland at S:05 p. m. ana reachos
Philadelphia at S:SJ a. m.
IMihUc HaltH.
Jolm 0. Quick, mtmlnstrntor of Joseph
Snyder, deceased, will sell rcnl cstnto In
Mloomsburg and Mifflin on November 22d.
0. B. White, executor of Michael Lemon,
deceased, will sell rcnl cstato In Fishing
creek on November 18th.
Executor of Geo. dlrton will sell rcnl cs
tato In Greenwood, November 4th, at 10
n. m.
8cc advertisements.
Mrs. M. 0. Woodward Is spending r few
weeks nt Home, N. Y.
W. II. Jncoby Is In Scranlon nt present
Wo learn ho Is employed In the Time
0. W. Funston returned last Saturday
from Missouri, bringing with him twenty
flvc ponies. A number of th cm have
already been sold.
W. J. Buckalow, Esq., who has been III
for several weeks, died Thursday nftcrnoon
fibout tiirco o'clock.
Daniel Qoodmnn nnd family, of Montana,
this county, were tho guests of 15. F. Zarr
tho fore part of this week.
Miss. Anna Brnglcr left home last week,
to tench one of the Conynghnm Schools, nt
n snlnry of forty two dollars per month.
Mr. Frank J. Qiilun, of Allcntown, Fa.,
father of Mrs. W. J. Muckolcw, nnd
brother-in-law of Shcrilt Ent, spent severul
days In town this week.
Mr. Craig, a typo of the Gazelle 6 Bulle
tin ofllcc, WUItamsport, spent a few days
In town this week. Ho learned his trndo
in thU'plncc with W- H. Jacoby.
Mrs. M. 0. Sloan was seized with a
sevens Illness while In Philadelphia. Mr.
Sloan was fortunately nblo to bring her
home but she has been lying In n critical
condition the past week.
C. C. Galignnn Is selling quite a number
of stoves- Ho keeps a nice variety.
Bishop Hirst preached In the M. E.
church last Sunday to very large congre
gations. According to the reports of the various
railroad companies, there was 001,000
visitors to the BI.G'cntennlal.
Tho agony will soon be over. After this
week wo will give our readers more gen
eral reading nnd less politics.
Lost. A cult nnd cuff button near the
Exchange Hotel. The finder will bo liber
alty rewarded by leaving it at the ofllco o
tho hotel.
S. II. Mason, the Greenback labor can
didate for governor In 1878, Is now stump
ing for Beaver. He spoke In Catawissa on
A llock of wild geese numbering about
twenty llvo passed over nloomsburg, on
Wednesday morning, taking a southwester
ly direction.
Eli Kohl, Ins of FIshtngcrcpk presented
us last week with n bunch of celery over
four feet high, all nicely bleached. Who
can surpass it ?
Ell Perkins will lecture In Lock Haven
next month. He has lectured In Blooms-
ourc. The Lock Haven peoplu liavo our
deepest sympathy.
Tho laying of the corner stone of the
N6v Methodist Episcopal Church in Green-
wood, will tako place, on next Sunday Nov.
5, at ten o'clock, a- in.
DitAj-r HonsK foh Sai.k. A bay horso
about 10 years old, suitable for nil farming
purposes. Apply to Caswell Brothers, at
Woolen Mills.
All kinds of tickets will he iu circulation
on election day. See that the names of tho
Democratic candidates arc on your ticket,
nnd spelled as they aru In this paper.
Blind Charley will give a musical enter
tainment in tho Opera House on Wcdnes.
day evening of next week In tho interest,
of tho ladles of the Methodist Church. Go
and hear him.
The county Commissioners are busily
repairing the Court House. The stone
steps as well as tho pavements in front
have been levelled, nnd the painters are
now at work painting nnd penciling tho
brick work.
Jeremiah Kostenbauder, tho Republican
candidate for sheriff, lias put in circulation
. u ticket containing all the Democratic can
dldatcs except John Mourcy, his own name
being substituted- Look at every name on
your ticket beforu you vote.
When others nro suffering, drop n word
of kindness and sympathy. If thoy are
Buffering from a cold, glvo them Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup : a few doses of this valuable
remedy will afford instant relief, and
twenty.llve cent bottle will cure the worst
A very largo meeting was held at Main
vlllo on Wednesday night, and speeches
made by J. C. Yoeum and II. V. While.
The enthusiasm exhibited nt nil these
meetings Is strongly In contrast with the
apathy In tho ranks of the opposition, The
stalwarts have hail hut two meetings In the
county nnd ono of those was n failure.
Thcro was nn alarm of fire last Saturday
about six o'clock In the evening. A house
wmr Lnckard's car shops caught lire In the
attic among some rags, supposed to have
been set by children. Tho Winona hosu
carriage mudu the first start, followed by
the Rescue, but the Humes were extin
guished beforu they reached thu spot.
Dr. A. L. Turner has removed to Bridge,
port, Connecticut, where hu will make his
home In tho future, but will mako occasional
visits to Illooinsburg. During Ids residence
hero he built up u reputation that extends
beyond tho borders of the state, unit thu
Sanitarium, under his cure, has become n
well known Institution. In tho treatment
of diseases of females, ns well as other dis.
oises, he has been very successful, and we
hope ho may Imvo ns largo a patronage in
Ills new homo as ho had here,
Tho Hcpubltcnn mccthirt nt the Oncra
House last Friday evening was attended by
about 200 people, fully one half of thcin
clng Democrats and Independents. Tho
speech wns such n dreary nffalr that moro
than half tho nudlcnco left beforo the
speaker concluded.
The usual habit of throwlnc corn, rlnz-
lug door belU nnd hiding gates, signs, Ad.,
was indulged In by tho hoys on Tuesday
cVcnlng, (Hallow 'ccn). It tho boys must
celcbrato this occasion why don't they do
something besides tho silly plan of throwing
A Musical Convention under tho leader-
ship of Prof. A. N. Johnson of Now York,
will bo opened In Knorr & Wlnterstcen's
Hnll Monday evening, November 18, 1882,
to conttnuo two weeks, ovenlng sessions
only. Tuition for tho term $1.00. All lovers
of vocal music should not fall to attend
this excellent drill. 2iv
linzcl Klrko was given by tho Mndlson
Square Theatre Company In tho Opera
House on Tuesday ovenlng. Thcro was
quite n good attendance notwithstanding
tho disngrcenble weather. Tho play Is a
good one, and each character was well rep
resented. We can not make mention In
detail. Every ono In attendance seemed
well pleased.
Dr. L. A. Shattuck who has taken chargo
of the Sanitarium, comes from Bridgeport,
Connecticut, with high recommendations.
The papers of that city all speak of him ns
an excellent physician of large practice, and
notice his departure with regret. Wo clip
the following from tho Bridgeport Leider.
Dr. L. A. Shattuck has accented of rim
Medical Suncrlnteudciicy of the Blooms
burg, Pa., Sanitarium, nnd removes from
this city to that plnco to day. Tho Doctor
has been n resident of this city for n num.
ber of years and enjoyed n lucrative prac
tice, and his many patients will regret this
change of base. The Doctor, however,
proposes to visit this citv once n month,
tor the present nt least. Tho Bloom sburg
Sanitarium is n popular Institution, nnd In
securing Dr. Shattuck It secures an able
physician and one every way qualilled to
perform tho duties of a medical supcrln-
Iv. J. Mcllcnry not a Candidate.
IAt. niSTIttOT.
Inasmuch as rumors have been circulated
that I was an Independent candidate for
Senate in the above district, I take this
method of announcing that such rumors
are uufoundud and that I am not, nor will
be a candidate for snid olllco at the coming
election. E. J. MoIIeniiy.
Van Cnmn Ileum.
Mr. Benjamin Hess has been painting
nnd otherwiso beautifying his residence.
Our popular merchant, Mr. G. M. How
ell, Is replenishing his stock of goods pre
paratory to tho fall and winter trade.
A Pattlson meeting wns held nt Bender.
town last Saturday evening, and a crowd.
cd house listened to addresses from Wm.
H. Snyder, A. L. Fritz nnd Kobcrt Buck
ingham. Germany will be solid for Pntti.
Tho farmers are busy making cider and
husking corn, tho latter being much better
in quality and quantity than was at first
During tho past week Ilev. A. Houtz
has been holding a series of protracted
meetings nt St. James' church. The at
tendance throughout wns large and much
interest was manifested, as an evidence of
which was that fourteen were united to
the church by the solemn ritu of contirma.
Hon. Tho congregation of the St. Jnmes'
Kclormcu church has enjoyed nn era of
success and prosperity under tho pastoral
care and supervision of Mr. Houtz. A lit.
tie more than ten years ago when Mr.
Houtz entered upon his present field of
labor, tho St. James congregation number,
ed only forty-eight members j it now num
bers over one. hundred nnd sixty. The
church and its surroundings are beautiful
and attractive and tend to make It a model
church nml congregation.
ii. il. u.
Joint II. Hloriu unci tile ; run kith,
Tho following correspondence shows the
Hon. John B. Storm, tho Democratic can
didate for Congress, is the friend of the
BunwiCK-, Columbia Co., Pa., October 22,
1882. Jolm B. Storm, Esq Dear Sir: If
elected to Congress will you pledge your.
self to oppose by vote nnd influence any
attempt to Impose n tax directly or indi.
rcctly upon fertilizers or their ingredients
in demand by American farmers? Your
Immediate nnswer is earnestly requested
to tho above question, tho same to bu pub.
lished in tho papers of our district and tho
Farmers' Friend, by request of n largo mini
her of Independent voters in your district.
Very Respectfully yours, S. J. Co.nkeii,
Master 5th District Grunge Pa
Per B., Sec.
STitounsiiuiin, Pa., October 24, 1882. S.
,i. Uonncr. i-sq Dear Sir: In reply to
yours of tho 23d lust. I havo the honor to
say that If elected to Congress I pledge
myself to opnoso by vote and Influence nny
attempt to imposo a tax directly or Indi
rectly upon fertilizers or their Ingredients
to bo used therefor and in demand by
American farmers. Tho American furmer
today must send his farm products Into all
the markets of the world, and there sell
them in competition with similar products
raised by the cheapest kind of pauper la
bor. To say that ho should pay a tax or
duty on the Ingredients essential to tho
fertilizing of tho soli Is to add Injustice) to
neglect. Very truly yours,
John 15. Stouu.
llerwlclt huh.
Tho leading event has been the) visit of
tho Bishops of the M E Church, who held
their Couferenco meetings hero on Wed
ncsday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
of last week.
The reception given at Mr. M- W. Jack
son's, was a very pleasant affair nnd was
largely attended by our own citizens
well as many friends from Bloumsburg and
othur neighboring towns.
The sermon preached In thu church
Sunday morning by Bishop Andrew
was a very excellent one and the services I
the evening which consisted of Impromtii
addresses by Bishops Bowman Merrill and
Hurst, were attended by n crowded Con
-Major II. C. Duno lectures In the Hall
next Tuesday ovenlng, on slghtsiind scene
of London. This Is tho second time tho
Major appears beforo a Berwick audience
and the recollection of his lust led iro as
being one of thu most brilliant ever dellve
ed here will ensure n crowded house c
the occasion.
There Is no truth In the report some of
our people have got that Mr. W. II, Van
derbllt would visit Berwtck this wink
Tho mull service In this place Is thu most
provoking thing Imaginable; we do not gel
mail mutter on time two days in thu week
How would you Bloomsburg people like
to havo to wait for I'htladclpha papers nu.l
other mull due on Saturday and delivered
on Monday afternoon.
When mall matter does get hero on time,
It causes considerable surprise.
A Bet of 41 voltimns of Atluutlo Monthly
mil 2.1 voliimus of bcrlbner's Mngiuln
have Jut been added to the Library.
ItHfiy Itciun.
Tho Band attended tho Washlrigtonvlllo
ulr, nnd wero delighted with their trip,
pcclnlly with tho treatment received nt
Bllhuoycr's. Tho boys believe in spirit.
Tho Grcenbackcrs held a meeting In tho
school liouso last Thursday evening. A
Mr. SylVls delivered a lengthy speech In
hlch ho seemed to bo particularly sevc-ro
on tho Jews.
Quito a number of our people attended
tho BUCcntcnntal.
Mllncs & Waplcs aro doing a good bus.
ncss, nnd will succccil In spue oi uiacx-
guarding "Sam."
Esquire wormnn, our worthy poet, has
been tnklng In tho "HI."
John Moorchead Is happy, It's a girl.
Jnmes nnd Frank Itlco havo just return
ed from Missouri with several dozen flue
ponies, which they offer for sale nt low
The building of the M. E. church Is
being pushed nhend as fast as possslble.
Tho Espy Hotel presents n lino appear.
nncu since It has been repaired and painted.
Tho new vcrnnda Is qulto an Improvement,
c believe It Is ono of the finest In this end
of tho county, and does credit to M. C.
MeCollum, the proprietor of the Espy
planing mill. Miller & Blosser arc doing
flourishing business, and deservo credit
for the manner In which tho house Is con
ducted, especially for closing up beforo
ten o'clock nt night j it Is an example that
should bo more generally followed.
Wo havo a peculiar specimen of tho
feline trlbo prowling around ht all hours of
tho night, nnd mornlnir. for not for mlco
or rats, but she's death on "Poodle." It's
wonder she don't takocold peeping
through keyholes and windows.
Our esthetic drummer has been enjoying
himself nt tho "Bl." nnd feels happy.
specially slnco ho has been nblo to leave
tho paternal wing. Ho Is a good fellow
and would got along well If It was not for
-well, you all know what a Umber, double.
jointed, back-action jaw Is.
Democratic MccllitgH,
A meeting was held at Fowlersvllle on
Thursday cvcnlnji October, 20th. Stephen
H, Swank was president, Edward Wngncr,
Albert Briulcr, Lafayette Creasy, John Kel
chner Jr, and' Ellis Blngrosc, vlco prcsl
dents, James Kclchncr, Joseph Creasy,
William S. Hess, secretaries. Tho meeting
was addressed by II. Buckingham nnd II,
iVt Bendertown on tho 23th, W. H. Sny
der, A. L. Fritz and 11. Buckingham nd
dressed a largo meeting.
One of tho most largely attended meetings
ever known In that vicinity was held at the
National Hotel in Slabtown on Saturday
evening. Immediately after its organlza.
Wm. Bryson, candidate for assembly mado
an able speech In support of the principles
of the Democratic party, exhaustively re
viewing tho course and the pernicious effect
upon the State, of the Cameron dynasty,
and urging tho necessity of a united sup
port for Pattlson and reform. Speeches
ere also mado by William Chrisnian, J.
H. Maize, Hervey E. Smith nnd Hon. T. J.
Vnndersllce. During tho meeting which
lasted for nearly four hours, tho ulmost
enthusiasm prevailed, and the speakers
were frequently Interrupted by bursts of
nppluu'c ; at Its conclusion rousing cheers
were given for Pattlson and reform nnd
for the whole ticket, local and state.
On Friday evening a meeting was held
at Beaver Valley, nnd speeches made by
C. Yoeum and W. L. Eycrly.
11. Buckingham and William Bryson
talked to thu Democrats at loin on tho
veiling of the .10th.
At the Cnnby school house on Monday
ov-ming, Geo. E. Elwell and Guy Jacoby
addressed n house full. The meeting was
called to order by Ellas Howell, the elllc-
lent committeeman of , Mt Pleasant town
ship. Hiram Thomas was chosen chair
man of the meeting. There Is not a Dem
ocrat in that township who has not paid
his tax within two. years.
Tho speakers assigned to Stonytown and
Orangcvllle on Tuesday night, wero unable
to get to their appointments by the heavy
rain that continued to fall until it was too
into to start-
JackHoit all . It.
On Wednesday evening last, November
1st, a very enthusiastic meeting was held
at tlio Union School House. The meeting
was called to order by S. AY. Mcllcnry, ex-
county Commissioner, nnd tlio following
officers were nominated and elected to
preside over the meeting, viz : J F. Dorr,
president ; vice presidents, Asa Yorks
Georgo Hurleyman, Kzekiel Cole, John C,
Lemon, C. B. Mcllenry, A. Everhart, F. I.
Hess, Abrum Drelbelbls. The Benton
Band and tho drum corps from uppe
Greenwood was present and discoursed
some excellent- inuslo on tho occasion
About two hundred of tho sturdy Dcni
ocrats of Jackson and vicinity were present
and listened to somo telling speeches. The
first being made by It. Buckingham,
chairman of the county Standing Commit.
tec, who gave a perfect description of
Boss Cameron and the tricks that he and
his followers resort to to catch Democratic
voles, after which ho was followed by Dr.
K. Kvans, nlso of Bloomsburg, who
made some very appropriate remarks on
the issues of tho campaign and tho general
sues of the day, And the last person in.
troduced was C. B. .Mcllcnry of Stillwater,
who also made some very appropriate re.
marks, And it Is but luttlce to say In ad.
dltlou to the above that wo had a very fair
representation of ladles present who always
lend a helping hand when there is an lioif.
ored object to accomplish.
And when tho polls nro closed on the 7th
of November and the votes counted wo
will show tho worthy contributor to the
last week's llepiJiliavx from Jackson who
signs himself 'Tilinim" that wo have no
use for that salt river boat this full, but
that we will kindly loan It to Idm and all
the hriicliiiivn of Boss Cameron and say to
them a political farewell.
V. Td. Mannino,)
It. B.,
I'l'i Hoiial I To Bleu Only I
A'oltalc llelt Co,, Marshall, Michigan, wlO
send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Klcetro-A'oltalc
Melts aud Klectrlo Appliances on trial for
thirty days to men (young or old) who aro
allllcled with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital
Ity, and manhood, and kindred troubles,
guaranteeing speedy relief and complete
restoration of health and innnly vigor,
Address ns above,- N. M,-No risk Is In.
curred, as thirty days' trial Is allowed.
Oct. 28. '8My
AAkluvkii Paiikkk. At Dycr'e Grove,
October tilth, by Hey. 0, it. Canllehl
i;ims. w. welliver, or Uasnovla, .Mich., to
r.stner A. ranter of Jiyer's Urove, Pn,
Oiikbvi.v SumiLT. At tho M. K. Par,
somige by llov. 13. M. Cliileoat, In Orange.
viiiu wi:i, .3 loaj, .nr. niiimiiljl, lii'tTiil
of Sereno to MUs- I3mma Kldora Sehull,
of loin, both of Columbia Co, Pa,
ltoii.N-si.KV-lloAT.- On Tuesday, October
17, 1833, at the brldo's home, by Ilev. CI.
Savldge, .Air, Nathan Itouusloy, of Clear.
Held county. Pa., to MUs Agnes Iloat of
Muokhorn, Pa, The happy couple left on
tho noon train for HoiiUdale, Pa., where
they Intend making their futuro home.
Till! President lias nlinolntcd Thurs
day Novenibur 31) th. ns n day of gen
yrjl tlintiksgivliijr.
( from Deliver snvs thnl
iwing to tlio defi'ction in tho Hqitibli
can party Colorado will give about
2000 Democratic majority.
There seems to bo a race between
the otatcs of Now York and Pennsyl
vania to sco which shall glvo tho larg
est Dcmocrntio maiorilv. Now York
claims that they will give 00,000.
Centralia oucht to train another dele
gate in the county convention litis year,
nnd sho probably will.
William W. Hart will bo elected
slate senator by an almost unanimous
vote. There is no ono in tho Held
against him.
Stalwart speakers aro accusing Pat.
tison of permitting I'hipps to steal tlio
roof from tho Philadelphia almshouse,
but they forget to add that Pliipps U a
1 .....l.t!
oiniwnri ltuimuueun.
It is said that recent arrests for the
violation of tho rovenuo laws were in
tended for a political purpose. Thoso who
wero arrested havo been promised to bo
permitted to settle the eases on condi
tion that they voto for Heaver, nan
honest and conscientious men support
a party that resorts to such methods to
secure success ? Could tho "christian
gentleman'' accept an election nt tho
hands of coerced criminals t
For tho last time we warn the demo
cratic voters of Columbia county to
pay no attention to any canards that
our opponents may east afloat at tho
i.,n. ... t Tl...f.. o.... ...Ill i.
liik iiiuiijuii l j. nun iuin'iiviD wu
full of them, and the mails will be Hood
cd with campaign literature which will
contain statements mado too late tor de
nial. Do not need them. Ihey aro
the death strimiilo of tho cnemv and
tho last kick will bo a hard one, but it
will bo kicking against bricks.
Democrats of Columbia County I
You gave to Gen. Hancock 4598 votes
can t you civo I'attisou C000 1 1 ho
vote is in the county. Let each man
go to the election with his biuigy or
spring wagon, ami as ne goes, picK up
his neighbor and tako him to tho polls,
Go out into tho highways and hedges
and bring thu voter to tho election.
Five thousand votes for Pattison if
every man does his duty. Think as
you go on U-hi-o, and voto as they
voted in O-bi-o.
Iu his speech at the Opera liouso
last J nilay nicht, Uol. atone, a stal
wart orator, said the Democrats wero
at the bottom of the Independent
movement. 1 his is invini; the Dem
ocrats moro praise than they ever
claimed for themselves. If they havo
sncceeded in capturing all tho brains
of tho Kepublican party in tins state,
and enlisting them acamst (Jamcron
isra, they have certainly shown them
selves competent to conduct the affairs
of tho state government. Mr. Stone,
you flatter us.
The latest move of Republicans in
this county is to profess indifference
as to tho result of tho election, while
talking to Democrats. They hope
thereby to mako Democrats feel so
sure, that they will not take the trouble
to vote. Do not he deceived.
This is only a trick, and on election
day every Stalwart Republican will
get to tho polls and cast his ballot
for Beaver. Not a single Democrat
must fail to do his whole duty. A
full rote will certainly give us tlio
state by a largo majority.
Democrats of Columbia county!
Your ancient political enemy is upon
yon. Again you are to meet tho old
Federal party, under tho name of Re
publican in political conflict. As yon
have vanquished bim in tho past, so
now, buckle on your armour of hon
esty and economy and meet him at the
polls. Thij is the death strugglo of
Kepublican bossism. This battlo is
fought by our opponents, not upon
principle, but by money. Hayes was
made president by forgeiy and per
jury; Heaver is to made govern
or by bribery. Aro you for salo?
Will you bo bought by Heaver, who is
himself owned by Cameron ? Let tho
old Star of the North shino with a moro
brilliant victory than ever before.
The great superiority of DR.
all other cough remedies is attested
by the immense popular demand
for that old established remedy.
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron
chitis, AVhooping Cough, Incipient
Consumption and for the relief of
consumptive persons in advanced
stages of the Disease. For Sale
bynll Druggists. Price, 25 cents.
I. AV. I lartmun & Son make special men
lion oi tueir uiuck is colored casluuers.
I.ulz & Sloan nie sclllut: enod all wool
easnmere over a yarn wide lor ou cents.
1, AV. Hnrtman & San call special utteu
lion 10 ineir velvets cc velveteens.
AVantkd. Two young
Caldwell's Makery.
men at J. V,
Have you seen tlio fancy colored border.
eu uamiitciciiieis in I. w. iiariman iv son
Addison's Liver Henewer, or medicine
prepared foi diseases of the liver; dyspep
sin, sick nnd nervous headache, eonstlpa
tlou of the bowels, colic, sour stomach
heartburn, fever and ague, dropsy, jaun
dice, Sec,, prepared from roots and herbs
strictly vegetable. Prepared only by J, II
iviuporiH, Diooiusuurg, rn.
Aug, -lib !)m
Ladles special styles of collars on sale at
I, V. Hnrtman & Sou,
Moro underwear to come In this week nt
I.ulz iV Sloan's,
AV, M. Allen has Just opened lot of new
goons, I'liiiiraelng line groceries, alass.
ware, painted cldmi, ipieeusware, Ax. All
of the best, nnd nt the lowest prices.
nprll 7.lf
I. V, Hartuiuu it Son olTer n line line of
ilrces goods this fall, do and see them be
fore you buy,
- - - -I.ul.
it Sloan will have lit this week
full Hue of holery inr ladles, children mid
Kiiriuers di aling at W. M Allen's can be
neconiiiioihiled with stabling, apr. 7-tf,
No better nlaco to hn v varus of all kinds
tlian I. W. llnrlnmn & Son's.
Lulz itSlnim have n tared lino of Indies
coats and iioimans.
As irood clifars us en., be totiiul In town
are kept at W. B. Allen's East end gro.
eery. nprll 7-tf
Ladles double blanket shawls nt Lulz &
Sloans. Price from 2,75 up.
I, W. Hnrtman & Sou call
the nttcnll m
assortment of
of tho ladles to their fine
double & single shawls.
Klnnorl's Compound Astatic Balsam, or
Diarrhoea cure. A remedy that has never
fulled ' In dlurrhiva. It also gives Instant
relief In co''r, cramp, or pain, In tho stom
ach. Klnports
Kvnns' block, Main St., Bloomsburg Pa.
Aug. 4th urn
For heavy cloths or nliuhcs, for ladles
coats or dolmans go to i.utZii: sioatrs.
Flour nnd feed enn always bo hnd nt
Allen's East end grocery. nprll 7-tf
Tiiif?. A: Slnnii will sell vnti ft Innrn iliim.
nsk towel with knotted fringe for 25 els.
Table linen and Napkins very cheap-
fjulck, complcta cure, all annoying Kid
ney, Bladder nnd Urinary Discnses. 1.
Is It not wortl
h the small price of 7fi cents
of every symptom of these
plaints, If you think so call
to free yourself
dlstresslne? comn
nt our store, and cet a bottle of Shlloh'
Vltallzer, every bottle bus a printed guar
antee on it, use accordingly and If It does
you no good It will cost you nothing. Sold
by J. H. Klnports.
may iw-cow.
A committee was appointed to visit Al
fred Speer's Vineyards at Pussulc, N, J. to
oxamlne his wines nml cellars and report.
Tho followlni? Is a Dart of the rcnort i Many
will ho a little siiprlscd to learn that within
so short a distance from tills city, has been
prosecuted an enterprise of bo much Impor
tance, and with so much success.
The quality of these wines aro not excelled
by nny producer In tho world and during
the season when the operations of handling
the grapes, expressing the juices and tlio
other treatment aro In active progress it Is
Interesting nnd instructive to visit tho vine
yards and witness tho operation.
It. II. Martin, )
A. S. Heath, M. D- Committee.
J. Dlsturnell, )
For the brain and nerve is what we need
these davs of rush and worry. Parker's
Ginger Tonic restores the vital energies
nnd brings good health and joyous spirits
quicker than anything you can use.
"Figures nro not always facts," but
the Incontrovertible facts concerning Kid.
ney-AA'ort nro better than most Ilgurcs.
For Instnuco : "It Is curing everybody"
writes a druggist. "Kidncv-Wort Is tlio
most popular medicine wo sell." It should
bo by right, for no other medicine has such
specific notion on tho liver, bowels nnd
kidneys. Do not fail to try it.
"Wells' Ilea' h Bcnc--cr" 'cstorcs health
and vigor, cures Dys epsln, I apotenco
sexual Debility. ,
See a woman In another column, near
Speer's Vlnoyanls, p'eking "raics from
which Speer's Port Grapo AVfno Is made,
that is '.o highly esteemed by tho mei'lonl
profo sion, for tho use of Invalids, weakly
persons and tho aged.
So'd by Druggists. sept 22-ty
After I had become almost skin and
bone, with neither strength, nppetlte nor
ambition lett, and the doctors couldn't
help me, two bottles of Parker's Gincer
Tonic cured me completely. 31. B. AVest-
cott, Lamp JlTr., Chicago.
SSTThe most brilliant shades possible, on
all fabrics aro made by tho Diamond Dyes.
Unequalled for brilliancy and durability.
The crcat value of Mrs. I.
ham's Vegetable Compound for all diseases
of women is demonstrated by every day
experience. The writer of this had occa
sion to step into the principal Pharmacy
of a city ot HU.uw lnunottants, una on in
quiry as to which is the most popular pro
prietary medicine of tho time, wns answer
ed, that Mrs. I'inkliam's Vegetable Com.
pound occupies u most conspicuous place
tho front rank ot all the remedies of
this class now before the public. Journal.
AVc aro persuaded that the ancient
Hermes with all the subtle art and natural
resources of the Alc.iemists, was a very
oo' doctor compared with Mrs. Lvdia L.
I'inkhnm, of Lynn, Mass. Hermes may
nave been after all only a clover practit
ioner of the Mlack Alt; but wo know there
Is . no humbug in the pharmaceutical
hemlstry of Mrs. I'inkliam's v'ciietublo
:V fiicnd to the ricli and poor. A medl.
cine that strengthens aud heals, Is Mrown's
iron liittcrs.
on, WHAT A COUflll!
AA'ill you heed the warnlm;. The slcnal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
tcrrlblo disease Consumption. Ask your
selves if you enn afford for tho sake of
saving GO els., to run the risk and do noth
ue lor it. we Know irom experience tnat
Bhlloh's Cure will cure your Cough. It
never fails. This explains why more than
Million bottles were sold the past year.
It relieves Croup, and Whooping Cough, at
once. Mothers do not be without It. For
lame back, side, or chest, use Shiloh's
Porus Plastur. Sold by J. 11. Klnports.
may 12-eow.
Joseph Durrlnlurixer. Mroudwuv, Muffalo.
was Induced by his brother to try Thomas'
I'.eieetrlo uh lor a spratneu niiKlo; and wnu
half a doen applications he was enabled to
walk round again all right.
"llOUail OMltATS."
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, tiles, ants.
bed.hugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers,
10c. Druggists.
M. Turner, Mochctter, N. Y., writes t "I
havo been for over a year subject to serious
disorder ot too Kiuuevs, ami oitcn unable
to attend to business ; I procured your Mur
doch Mlood Hitters aud was relieved beforu
half a bottle was used, 1 intend to con
tinue, as I feel confident that they will en
tirely euro me." Price !1,00,
Si'kkii's Pon r Uiiai'k Wink you Wkakly
Peiisoxs. This excellent product of thq
grapo Is prescribed and used by tho leading
physicians Iu tre country, when a generous
nnd nourishing wine Is desirable; especially
lor lemnics, tigeu persons aim consumpt.
Ives; and by churches for communion.
Hundreds of New York Physicians have
visited Sp( er's Vineyards anil Wine Cellars,
!... t ll- .11........ X- 1-.., '
uui ii i-ii u iiiuca iiisuiiii uum iiuw i ora,
and prunounced his wlno pure nnd unex.
celled. For sale by C. A. Klclm.
e have a speedy and positive euro for
catarrh, dlptherln, canker mouth and
headache iu Shiloh's Catarrh Iteuiedv. A
nasal Injer tor free with eacli bottle. Uso
It if you ileslro health and sweet breath.
nice ou cents, somiiyj. 11. Klnports.
mny IS.enw.
Why continue the uso of remedies that
only relieve, when Klys' Cream Malm, pleas.
am ui amuii-aiion nun n sure euro for Ua
torrh, Hay Pever aud Cold In head. Can
be bad for SO cents?
Apply Into nostril with llttlo linger.
I was troubled with Chronlo Catarrh and
gathering In my head, was very deaf nt
times mid had discharges from my ears, be.
sides being unable to broiithu through my
nose, lleforo tbo second bottle of Klys'
Cream Malm was exhausted I was cured,
aim lu.iuiy enjoy sound neauu. u. J. uor.
bin, 1):
?.s L liestuut-st.. l-'icl
ield Manager Phil.
adelphhi Pub. House, Pn
It Is no exaggeration. Klys' Cream Malm
s n euro for Caltiirh, Hay Kever and Cold
n herd. Mnny cures havo been mudo
iimong my customers. No other remedy
mis ever eipialiiil tho llahu hi good results.
A. J. OiU'iiweldcr, Druggist, Kajloit, Pn.
ITsedto say i "Moys, If your blood Is out
of order try Mnrdock teai" nnd then thoy
had to dig tlio Murdoch, umi uo It down
lu kettles, making a nasty, smelling de.
coetloni now you get all tho curative
properties put up In a palatablo form In
Murdoek Mlood Hitters. Price ifl.OO.
For dlarrhtrn and dysentery get Dr.
Gale's cholera specific. It Is the best ar
tide. It never fulls to cure. It always
proves satisfactory only So cents.
Now Is thu time to clear your feet of
corns, bunions and calloincs, ur. uaicv
corn cure Is warranted, Money refunded
If not satisfactory. 20 cents per package.
r.. -...-I. ,.1..t 1. 1... ! ...Ml nl.n..1.,r.
Vlll BUIUIV Ul CM'lll, lltlll, 11IWI, nilll.llip
and tooth brushes contains bargains which
customers will not fell to appreciate.
Don't forget It 1 Hendcrsholt's Gcrmati
Liniment Is a whole mcdlclne-chcst In
Itself. It relieves palu almost Instantly.
It is an Internal nnd external remedy
which can bo taken or npplled for almost
nny disease of man or beast. Large
bottles B0 cents.
For a certain nnd permanent cure for
acne, chills and fever, ilumi) ncuc mal
arial fever, Sic, act Hendcrsholt's Aguo
Tonic. It Is n specific for all those dis
tressing diseases arising from exposure to
stagnant water, nogs aim nil marsu-mias-miitlo
influences. Pint bottles 1.00.
Family medicine chests something en
Urclyn"' " wo Ixo i13.'""1 w!
No. 2, 24 bottles. They aro Just what
cry farmer should have-call nnd sco
Wo keen well stocked with the best.
strictly pure, spices of nil kinds also
flavoring extracts. Borax In packages,
and the best or huundry soups.
N. J. Hendershott.
l. l mm, 1 1
Medical Suporintoniont of th) Sanitarium.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Nervous affections and diseases of
women a speciality.
Terms for board and treatment at
tlio Institution reasonable.
People in Hloomsburg and vicinity
wishing to consult Dr. bhattuck should
cnll only during oflico hours from 8 to
9 n. in., nnd 1 to 2 p. l
novs i-m
Among tlio Ilccords and proceedlnits'of tho
Orphans' Court of Cotumola County, it Is Inter
alti, thus contalncil:
In tlio mutter of tho anal account of Joshua
Pelterman ana Aaron (irorer, administrators ot
.nicuiici urufur uecea-wu.
And now, September 19th, iss, on motion ot M.
V. Kyerly court appoints Charles (3. Uarkley, Esq.,
auditor, to mako distribution of tho monev In the
hands of said administrators, with power to dis
tribute the sbaro of Susan Urovor who died slnco
said Moceased In her matorlty intestato uniaAT-
nen ana wunout issue, anu oeioro silting as ucn
auditor ho Khali glvo notice to all parties by pub
lication undur tho rules ot this court.
CertlHed from tho accords this 16tU day of Sep
tember I6SI.
In pursuance of tho foregoing tho undersigned
auditor will sit at his onica in nloomsburg or.
l'rldav. November 24th. ISS2 at ten o'clock a. m..
to perform tho duties of bis aupotntmontwhen
and where all parties Interested will appearand
present their claims or bo forever debarred froai
any snare ot said runa.
nor 8-ta Auditor.
j&csiR Estate!
llyvlrtuo of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, tho undersigned executor of
Michael Lemon, late of Flshlngcrcek township,
Columbia county, will exposo to public sale on tho
premises on
n , t -T l in inn
oaturaay, iovemueri8,
at ton o'clock a. in., the following described real
estate, to wit:
Beginning at a live whlto oak by land of Boyd
Stoker north sixty-two degrees, oast two hundred
and thlrty-saven and llvo tenths perches along
lands of Ilojd Stoker, C. 1J. Wlilto nnd Oeorgo
Thompson to a corner, thenca south twenty-six
degrees cast forty-soven and live tenth perches
along land of 0. Thompson to a corner In line ot
land of I'eter Kveland thenco along land of Peler
Evcland south slxty-ono and n halt degrees wo.t
sixty- nvo and llvo tenth perches to a stone, thence
a'.o ig samo south twenty-four degrees cast ono
and seven tenth perches t3 a stone, corner ot
the John Kveland lot now . L. Lemon, thence
along land ot E. L. Lemon, Ooorgi) Pealcr and
others, south sixty-two degrees west ono hundred
and slxty-soveu and sixteenth perches to a stone,
thence by land ot William Whltenlght north
twenty-blx degrees woit twenty-stx perches to a
stono, thence along samo north twonty-seven and
a half degrees cast llvo and eight Until perchos
to a wnlte plno stump thence by the sam? north
forty-nlna degreos west twenty.two and throe
tenth lurches to the place of beginning, contain
ing 71 ACRES
and ono hundred and thlrly-seveu perchesot land.
TEUMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of tbo ono
fourth ot tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho
(striking down ot tho property ; tlio ono-f ourth less
luu iuu pel ivuu ui uiu uuutirm&uuu ui sail; ; uuu I
tho remaining threo-fourths lu ono year thcie-
uili;4, ,,lll IIUUI WUtLI mil HUM UiStt
C. 11. IlKOClWAV, C. II. VI11TB,
Attorney for estate Executor,
An Only Daughter Oured of
When death wns hourly exnectcd. all remedies
having falltd and Dr. II. James was experiment
ing wuu ino many iicrns or Calcutta, no accident,
ally made a preparation which cured his onlv
child of r.mauiiipilmi. Illschlld Is now In this
country, and enjojlng tin best of health. He has
proved to tbo world that ('inixninpiioii can be
poiltlvoly nnd permanently cured. Tne Doctor
now elves this reclpo free, only asking two threo
co-it stumps to pay expenses. This herb nlso
cures night swoaus, nausea at the stomach, and
win ureaK up a fresu cold in twenly-lour
hours. Address Craddock K Co. , losj itace stret,
rhtadelputa, naming this paper,
Nov 3-4W d
1 t
Letters ot administration on tho estate of Sam
uel Scybert.latu of Scott townshlp,,doi'easea
have been grained by the lteglster of said county to
NiHun Keybeil All persons having claims against
tun es'aw or said i-ceaent are reipioateei to pre
sent them for botllement and those Indebted U
nuke payment to the undersigned administratrix
wunout oeia),
beptsa Administratrix,
iprSJTO ro rcp'ng ah&p
AUCll I O v' seUlug our
Kitchen Queen Safety Lamps
ami other household articles,
f Tho bekt belting articles over put
1 on tho market. For Nmniilc
und Tenm, addrebs tho
00 IVnlntit fili-ot'l, MiHlnnntl. .
tftlFitf A rcerUltilylt, havltnrbetnw
BlJ K II 3 Va JM''"w."lu"ryllrratN'orld'
y r Industrial Cuiiiiirtltlini
fur Iilitet-ii curtnu uibr Aiiitrirau urcniu
Iikiiiil' Ihhii fuuinl niual it any, Abo tiinipit
My In UWt Murtvn ; ufllclmt roinpt unit iiovirr,
ah lint (imilhy, (or populurri'rrrd i..lirniUr inulo
In iluili nr fnnillloi, M only MS. Oiivliuiiilml
tilliri- ttj uit.ln. ITM'U, IIW.IIH lo
juiuiuIui. Ik i UirtirtXiUi art vkclli vnrimltd hi
K(IArri,rii Alwi for my naj iih'IiU, Xw lllui.
lrrttd raiaTotrnii tree.
7,'X' M ASON HAMLIN pricnn onil Vlano
11J VtuhunliAve., ChlcaKO.
enrr siiirniiui juvmii.
tKr r
Silenillcl Juvenile ppPr. 3 'hrlili to
i-i fry Airviilumalu lurvo
Iuy. AdJrcii, Tui Urn, lYadiworUi,7
nor, s-iw
,..,.., nor ha.hcl
Sye tP .""." V."
corn, " '.V.'.V.
Flour per barrel
10 DO
Dried Apples
Hams ,,,
Hides a; Shoulders
uira per pouna ,,,,,
nay per ion ,
Ueeswax ,
1 buckwheat nowcr per loo,
I i i n i
v-r I
nTJT-of-town consutnoro of DRY GOODS
u will find that SHOPPING by MAIL, whon
i dono through our porfootod
f Saves Time!
Mail Order neDartmenix SaveaMonov!
A.n&iajPtcs as Satisfa&ory
tig Bhopplngf In poroon at tho counters.
TTTIIITE to ua (a Postal Card will do) stating
V tho kinds of goods doalrod, and SAMPLES
to soloct from, with prices
markod, will bo forwarded
Our Mall Ordor Department Is organlzod with
Buoh porfoot systom, that
Orders filled tho same day as received,
whothor for goods or oamplos.
Our prices can bo rollod
Eighth and Market Sts., Philad'a.
COMIllsr.l) WITH
Satisfaction Guaranteed
AA'hero wo have no agent.
66rOrtlcrs and inquiries by Mail or
Tclophono4receivc ritoJU-T attention.
HENRY S. REAY', Proprietor.
May M -Cm
Private Sale.
Tho undersigned will sellnt private salo tho
farm ot Itlchird Demott, lato ot Madison town
ship, Columbia county, decoasod. Tho said farm
Is located near Jersoytown. nnd contains n
frame house, frame barn, and outbuildings, plenty
ot fruit, land well watered, And contains
1G7 Acres of Land,
About go acro3 of which Is timbered.
For particulars Inqulro of tho undersigned at
Whlto Hull, Montour county, or of Jasper Demott
on tho premises.
Agent for heirs of Itlclmrd Demott.
Oct. 13-5 moj.
Whekkas, at an Orphans' Court held at lllooms
burg, in and for tho county of Columbia tho
Fourth day of September A. 1). 1-82, before the
Honorable William Elwell lTi'sldent, and his as
Boclates, Justice! of the said court, the petition of
Daniel llallor a brother nnd h'lr at Uw of Thcres
sa llallor late of Montour township In said county
deceased, was presetted, sett lug forth that the
said Theros i llallor died on or about ths mth
day of September A. I). lbTT Intestato unnnrrled
and wlih mt Ijsup, pI01 In her demesne as of fee
of and In uri rtiln lot of irround In said
lownsmp oi .vnniour oounuea uy lanas oi i-eier
HCIUWIkVU UUU UO.(lll wikkii, V.U11UUUI1M WHO lltlll
otan acremoruor less, with tiu appurtenances,
l-'iivlne to survive her tho followlni? brothers and
sisters and tho children of deceased brothers and
sisters at hor heir, viz Daniel llallor a brother to
tho petitioner, residing In Cooper lowushlp,
Montour county, fa.; Kll Ualior, a brother, re
siding In said Cooper township; I'eter llallor a
brother, residing In Mahoning township, Mon
tour county l'a.; Jonathan llallor a brother, ro
slalng In said Cooper township; Hamuel llallor a
brother I esldlng ut Howe rost-omco lu the state
otohlo; Elizabeth Ilelnb.ich, a Mster. Intermar
rloiwlih I'eter Helnbuch, residing lu mild lion
tour townbiilp, Columbia county, I'a.; the follow
ing sons aud d .ughlers of David llallor, a deceas
ed brother, viz: Albert llit'.or. a minor, who litis
William hunday ns his guardian, residing In said
Mahoning township; JoMah llallor, a minor,
Itobert llallor. a minor nnd Jane llallor a minor,
who have for (heir guardian .less-j Anirairnian,
residing in nun uooper townsuip: ine following
sons anu daughters ot John Ualior a deceased
brother viz: Daniel E. llallor residing In sild
.Montour township; isaian llallor, residing In
the Himo place ; Elizabeth Wertman, Intermarried
with Kll Wertman, residing lu Northumberland
couuty, l'a and Noah llallor and John llallor,
each residing ut Ilouc 1'uat-olHce, In tho state or
Ohio; tho following sons and daughters of Jacob
O, Ualior a deeoi.sed bi other, Mz: tander llallor,
John llallor, Daniel T. lullor. Iiachael M. llallor
ana jiiary .m oaiinr, en resiaing nt Indiana, lu
Indiana county. I'a.; nnd the toIlOAlng son and
daughteis ot Sarali llo'nbach, a deceased 6 ster,
viz : Adam lie l"b.ich, icsldlng at Now flair City,
Wisconsin; KlUibeth I'm intermarried with
David lietz, resiling In I'oilsgrove, Northumber
land county. i a., and hmtlluu Erivlne, Intermar
ried Willi James Erwlne, residing atMlltoii, In
said Noithmiiberltind county.
All persons above named will tako notice that
In pursuance of u writ Issued out of the Orphans'
court ot Columbia county I win, on
between the hours ol o o'clock n. m. nnd 4 o'clock
n. ui , ou i no, nuKe partition of the tald
tract ot lanJtxi ami among the lin'r and repre
sentatives ot satd decudent, arcoidlnr to law. Or
III it cannot 1ns divided without prejudice to or
spoiling tlin whole, then I will rama the Inquest
to value and appraise tho wholu of uald real esiata.
at which t lino and place iou can attend in on
rhlnlc nronpr. IT n ivt
t 13-4 W bberiff.
wrnuuitiiiK ill ii l In-lit I rum ih Turi' A
I'robleiii rttnlly,
"My friend," said the druggist, "you havo a lamo
back, you sy, and want piistir to put on it.
once I could havo shown a Urge assortment to
onooso ironi. now i keep onw a few, and
iuuiui'fn n VAI'LIAti t lllUSt S rl.AhTKH
Why liecauso they aro tlio best I havo All
cock's, tho i npileum aud some others. They
uiiiivoa Mtiu Diun, iiusiicsit la IvllalUOSS, and
Kjuuuaii; idiwwi vj uo ii in ineiii 10 auy great ex
"all right, do ins up
moro talk for my luck
H Capclue. without
been working my passage In a baggage car."
"Hero you are," batd the druggin, with
proving it lo be genuine,'
nuiu laivinsnn in rue nnaaio oi in ; niistur.
"Andhoro's ju'ir Iwerity-Uvi eonts," said
lamo backed man, walking slowly away,
novs 4w d
WANTI'.I), salary and expenses
W '': .'itliiii:
Mtiltl:, Nurserymen, lioston.Mass.
on. 13-1 w.
t Saves Fatiguo!
and widths corrootly
by return mail.
wo can guarantee all
upon as always holnfj
OT1CD TO limits.
To John Kelchner, Jacob Kelohncr brothers, and
decree Kelchner who died leaving Issue three or
fouryoars slnco. and thoslRter Catharine, Inter
married with ono Charles Henry I'rederlca, nnd
who died (after her said husband) about nlno
years slnco IcavlnR Issue to-wltr SallvAnn, In-
Lormnrrled vvltu Al
with Amos Colo, now residing at tho
ntrr of Allentmvn. In tills Blate :
Mnn.i tnicrmar-
neawiiu rnnip winierBiccn; i;jiarioue, lnujr
marrledwlth Ira lllnd3, now reckling at Thomp
son Centre. Susquehanna county, in this state ;
Sophia, Intermarried with Asa Howard, now re
siding near south ulbson In tho samo county
ot susquchannai tydla, Intermarried
with Charles Urown ; Mary, who waa In
termarried with Hiram 11 Urown but died about
niteen years ilnce, leaving to survive her bus.
band aud three children, namely : Jlary Catharine
intermarried with John Uonner, nnd now residing
near south nibsou In tho abovo mentioned county,
ot Susquehanna; Augustus, who resided, when
lost heard from, near iho borough of Milton, In
this htatc, and Aaron, who resides at somo place
unknown In tho state of Ohio;
also Daniel Fredorlca, who now residos nt tho
city ot scranton In this stato ; Halah Kredrlcl,
who resides at tho borouqh of Plymouth, Luzerne
county, and Joslau Frederic!, who rcldcs nt
Elizabeth city. In the suito of North Carolina
Tho children ot tho abovo named Oeorpe Kolch
ncr. brother, aro as folio s : Kttzabetli. intermar
ried with Joseph f lea'l-art ; Mary, Intermarried
with Samuel ueirUirt; Itebocca, intermarried
with oeorgo rotter; catharlno, who was inter
married with one Dreher, but Is now dead (and
her husband also) loavlng Issue, namely : Matilda,
Intermarried with Edward Fisher, and now re
siding at Mahony City, In this state: and Clara
w ho resides at tho earno place ; also Lydta, the
remaining daughter of said Oeorgo Kelchner, who
was intermarried with WUUamAsb, butlsnow
dead, (and her husband also) leaving issue,
namely: Oeorgo Ash and Wlllnm Ash, whoso
places of residences are unknown. And William
Ash, who together with all those beforo mention
ed wnose piaco or residence is noi staiea, rraiuea
In this county: Lineal descendants of William
Kelchner, deceased, and to all other persons In
terested. (iri!i!llnir: You and each of YOU are
hereby cited to bo and appear beforo tho Judges
ui our urpuans i ourb utiiu irpuuus luuri. ii uc
held nt Uloomsbu-g un the first .Monday of De
cember next, then and there to accept or rcfuso
to tako the real cstato ot said William Kelchier
deceased, at tbo appraised valuation put upon It
by tho Inquest, duly awarded by tho Bald Court,
and returned by tho Sheriff, or. bhow cause why It
shall not bo sold.
cct. 134 w Sheriff.
Whereas, at an Orphans' Court held at, ulooms- 1
burg, In and for tho county ot Columbia, the tenth
day of May, A. I). IS2, before the Honornblo Wil
liam Elwell, l'resldent Judge, and hu a"oclates,
justices of tho said court, tho petition of Samuel
Kelchner. a son nnd heir ot Elizabeth Kelchner,
lato of the township ot Miniln in sld county de
ceased, wns presented, setting forth tint the said
Elizabeth Kelchner died on or about tho day
of July, is'i Intestate, bclzedln her demesne as of
fee. of and In a certain lot of ground, Rltuntoln
Mltilln township In tho town of Minilnvllla bounded
on tbo north by Second street of said town, on the
east by lot ot M. K. Church ot Muillnvllle on tho
south by lands of thu heirs ot Samuel Creasy, and
onthowestbv lot of Samuel Uldleman, said lot
being about M feot wldo on said Second street and
o limit. fppf. ilffii Willi hmisn and liiirii anil nn-
THirtonance. lenvlnc to survive her a liinbanil
Jacob Kelchner who is now deceased, and the fol
lowing children m d grand children and ono great
grandchild ; Isaac Kelchuer. a sen residing nt
CentrovUlo, Columbia county, I'a , Sarah, a
daughter intermarried with oaorgo Arz, residing
ai naui-iixiKe, uuzkiuv uuuiiij. in.;
Samuel Kelchner, n son to tho petltltloner, raid
ing ntNnntlcoke, Luzerne county, I'a Jacob Kelch
ner, a lou residing at Mtminvlllo, Columbia
county, I'a.; John Kelchner, a son residing In
Montgomery county. Maryland; Margaret, a
daugnti r Intermarried with Itobert Patterson
residing at Lightstreet, Columbia eounty, ra. ;
'Jho following grandchildren the children ot her
deceased son Eleazer Kelchner to wit: Clarence
Kelchner, William Kelchner, John Kelchner and
Ostln Kelchner, nil it-ldlng at MUUtnUlle. Colum
bia county, Pa., also the following craudchlldren
tbe children of her deceased sou William Kctcli,
ner to wit: Emma Kelchner residing at llarwick,
Columbia couuty, I'a.; Minnie Hosier Intermar
ried with lloyd Hosier, resldlug nt Ilcrwlck, Col
umbia county, I'a. ; Charles Kelchner, residing at
Mifflin Wile, Columbia county, I'a., und two other
daughters or tho sild William Kelchner whoso
names are unknown lo your petitioners residing
at Mlllllnvllle, Columbia county, I'a,, also tne
following grand-children, tho children of her de
ceased daughter Mary, who was Intermarried
wlih nldeon (leorje, who Is now deceased, to wit:
Jacob (ieorge, residing at Whlto Haven, Luzerno
county, I'a.; (lldcon residing soincwheialu New
Jersey, thu place unknown and
n great-grandchild whoso nanus and placo of res
idence is unknown, whoso mother was Ellen
neorge, deceased, who was u daughter ot the said
Mary (ieorge, duccased.
All persons abovo named will tnl,enotlro that
)n pursuance of n writ, ltsued out of tho Orphans'
court ot Columbia county I will, on
between tho hours ot 9 o'clock a. ra. and 4 o'clock
p. m. on the premises, make partition of tho said
. ...... Uu.UU(, .
Fentatnes of said decedent.
tract ot land to aud among tho heirs and rcpre-
to 1.1
or If It cannot bo divided without prejudice to or
(.polling tho whole then I win cause the Inquest
to value and appralso tho wholo of said real estate
nt which tlms aud placo you can attend It you
think proper.
Nov. 13, ISSi, U. II. ENT,
oct 13-1 w Sherllf.
Ilea I Estate I
In pursuance otan order Issued out ot tlio Or
phans' court of Columbia county the undersigned
administrator of Joseph Snyder, Ute of tho town
ot Illoorasburg, deceased, wilt nxposo to publlo
salo on tho premloos on
Wednesday, November 22d '82,
at ten o'clock a ni., the following described real
estate :
A certain pleco, parcel or traotofland sltuito
lo Mlflltn township In said couoty adjoining lands
ot I'eter (loarhart, William Menslnger, Oeorgo
Kelchner and others, containing
more or less, wheroon aru erected a dwelling
house, barn and other out buildings, and fruit
trees on said land.
Also on thobamo day at two o'clock p.m., tho
following real estate :
A certain house aud lot ot ground situate tn tho
town ot Bloomsburg, adjoining tho publlo road
bailing from nloomsburg to Catawissa, ou tho
cast, and big KUhlngcreek on the west, contatn
log about
Sixty-Five Porches
of land, whereon are creeled a twostort framo
dwelling house with kitchen attached, a stable
nnd other out buildings. ""
TERMS OK HALE. Ten per cent, of the one
fourth ot the purchaso money to bo paid at th8.
striking down ot lha property; the oao-tourtu less
tho ten per cent, at th? contirmatlo a of Bale; and
tio remaining lliroe-tourttii In one year thsre
ftftcr, with Interest from continuation nisi,
Purchasers lo pay tor deeds.
1'ossesston ot Miniln property given 1st otAprll
oct si-ts Itvptrt, I'a.
Bit tbooiiada of ctio of tli worl kina bhawuiij
iu n cmcKfa ini i in mi imu nut lit inn
IIUUIUK 141 WUU IIIIU limiVU.VJail I m B tllY mm
K La-
l ill
UKatibnalindl' U.iatltr.
nov 3 ivr