The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 03, 1882, Image 1

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    COLOMBIA PKMOCrUT.STAll OP Till! Nontit, and CO
LUMDIAN, Consolidated,
ImikmI Wet-lily, every I'llitny MornlriK, nl
tho county tlio term nro strictly In nilviinco.
T3?i2.rS,Tr ,,l,on!"'"l "cert nt Ihu option
of tho piibllshrrs, until nil nrroarntfc s nro tinl J, tut
long; continued crallta will not bouWn.
AH pnpctn sent out of thu stale or to distant post
?ii 21I2ust V" P."!'1 ,or 1,1 advance, tinle-w a resiion
?!. .KSShI !' ",nljU, "W assumes to pay
''O 8il;wrlptlon duo on demntid.
ln theuniy,hOl0n','t'rcxncU'1 ,rom su,,scrlbcrfl
?m!?i'J,0i2f "oP'ttmsnt nt tho m an H very
M.Ti'i ii ' ''riming will compare favor-
A M J ii"1.0'. llclJWflll Allwork done on
short notice, neatly and nt moderate, prices.
Oak Ha
. Bi-Centntiial.
uur exhibit m tnc i raucs procession ot tlic . , ,, ,y
JLiiiLcntennial Celebration .on.yctob.ersjhi.j,.,,,!
will illustrate the great slock ol nicn s .and ,
boys' clothing1 now ready in Oak.latl, .Our,,
preparations for the trade of tins Autumn
and Winter already reach
V, . '
; . ;l
Otir stock is in all respects the best we have
ever offered, ari"d we firmly bolicvlf has never
been equaled in volume by any retail clothing
house in America.
Do not fail to visit Oak Hall. Look at the
Clothing and Piece Goods, go through the
workrooms and see how the vast place goes
' on. We have a hearty welcome for all,
whether buyers or visitors. The tens of
thousands of friends we have made in the
country about Philadelphia during the last
twenty-two years are, we are sure, more
firmlv nur friends than . nvatr buforn. We ... .
liave gained their confidence by giving them II Is il
the. best dollar's worth of clothihtbbe liacfy jj j
anywhere, and we ' offer a new pledge "oF
fidelity in our low prices and elegant Autumn
stock for this year's sales.
1 - Wanamaker & Brown,'
. OAK HALL, . " ' .
V . i Sixth and Market Streets,'" '
I !
onico In 1st National Hank bultdlnir, bccoikI lloor,
llrst door to tho right. Corner of. Nlaln and Mar
ket strep ts, BloomsDurg, J'a.
omco In lilt's Uulldlnff.
Q It. & r. J. UUCKALEW,
omco on Main Street, 1st door helow Court House.
omce over Schuyler's Hardware Store
Ofllcoln Brocry hulnff,8ccond No. l
v - Bloomsnure, ra. - -
Blooinsbnrg, Pa.
omce corner ol Centro and Main Struets. Clark'3
Can bo consulted In derman. 1
Nkw cowmbian Bctt.DtNO, IUoomshurff, Pa.
Member of tho United States Law Association,
Collections mado in any part of America or hu
rope. pAUL E. WIRT,
omco In columoiin boiidino, Koom No. 1, second
Bloomsbitrff, Pa,
omojln Mrs. Ent s Building. ,
sept, lis "ss-i y.
p UY JAUOBY. a '
J --J iiLooMsnuna,
oniefiln H.J. Clark'iulidlnu'. second Boor, nrst
jT door to tho left.
Oflt. 8, 'SO.
omco In nkws Irnu building, Main street.
Member of tho American Attorneys' Assocta-
Oonocttons mado In any part ot America.
Jan. 6, 1898. t
k ;
JncksortJJitlldlni,', Hooms 4 nnd 5.
Mayo, i.
H. hhawnT 1v C v.5
Catawlssa, fa,
orace, corner ot Third and MalnBtreeta.
r" II
DCS v S". , Ornngoyllle, Pa.
r"Olllco In Low's llultdlng, second lloor, second
door to tlw left.
Canho coowlted In Herman. auL'13 b
8. IMl
Notary l'ubllo
A ttoi'noys-at'Law.
omce in ist national naun uuuumir, uu u,
tlrstdoortotheltft. Corner ot Main and Market
streets filoomHburir, l'f' .
lrVnjioiij aiirf Sountiet Collccttd,
omco in Mrs. Kal'v Uulldlnir, third door from
Malnswoet. - May no, til.
Lolleotions uromntlv mado nnd
omce oppoclto Uauawlssa Deposit Hank
annk wekk
(IB a day at homo easily 'made
tpfcosiiy outntfrco.;
VRBusia, uaino,
inarch 11 -iy
.AM ,YTj
t w -fly t
J.' K BITTENBNDER. rrPrltor.
and the
11 '-"'i-;
, I ') II ; '
Philadelphia. . ,.' t
BUCKINGHAM, Attorney-at-Lftw.
unice. (irocKwav'8 iiuuuinir.iiRL noor.
loomsDurff, renn'a. may 7, '60-t f
n u.
BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law
J , oTflco In Drower's bulldlnff.snd story.liooma
T B.-McKELVY. M. D. Stfrceon ahd hy
i Ik
O .Blclan.northBtdoMatn street.bclow Market I
A L. FKITZ, Attomey-nt-Law. Office
XX. in'
i C'OLKMnuM Building,
Juno 34 "81.
Attorncy-atLtiw, Berwick. Pu.
Can be Consulted In German.
r3"Olllcc with tlie-BfrwiclcIndependent.
Sewincr Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
paired. Opera Hocbk Building, Bloomsburir, Pa.
f Main St., above Central notel.
' ft '"SI
OOlco, Ncrth Market street,
Uloomaburs, Fa.
DH. VfM.
51. ItEIJKU. Surecon and
ODlce corner ot Hock and Market
) . Physician, (OtUce.and.Hesldenctt..on. .T10ia
yy ir., house,
Iji.oo.M9i!Uito,l;oi.tTMiiiA (Jountv, 1'a.
All styles of work done In n superior manner, work
warranted as repreauiuuu. ikhth
hd winioDT I'uu by the use ot Gas, and
tree ot charge v hen arUUclal teeth
are Inserted.
Office over Moomaburg llanklnpr Company.
1o be open at all hourt during the day.
Nov. s3-iy
Tjinn and cnnvenlnnt samnla rooms. Bath rooms
hot and cold water.nnd all modern convenience'
, A. J. EVANS,
The uptown Clothier, has Just received a flnallno
Kor Men and Ubys la the neatest' manner and La
test styles. n tiiji
'WMrrai PTTU'Nirfim'Nffl nniTTlR
Uull XJ 1 uitiuuuiiwt v w vy(
Alwavaon hand. Call and Examine. EVANS
DLOOK Corner Main and Iron streets,
Manufacturer of flows, Stoves and all kinds ol
castings. Largo stocir 01 iiuware, i-oott oiovea.
Jtoom bioves, btoves tor iieanuv siurea,i:uuui
iinnuiH fi.imri'he. Also, larnu stock of re
pairs for city stoves of all kinds, w holesale and retail
.such as fire llrlck, Orates, Lldt,Centres,4c.,stoo
lMn.i t'nnk HniiiTK. KuliliTB. Cake l'lales. Larro
iron IVCllieii, Dieuouil-O. i duu hu.c uuniut.o
Ot I'lowl'olnts, Jiouiii uoaras, 11011s, riasier, eait,
uvnis MAauiiK. xc.
t; AUKNCV.i Moycr'a. now I bullOIng,' Main
street, HloomBburgi fa. j i f -
.i:tna Insurance Co., ol Hartford, Conn, tl.ozs.824
ltoyai oi Liverpool
Klro Association, p hlladoipbla '
'hoanlx, ot London.
011 11. ..I, ,11
Loudon t I.angahlre, of England.
lot lunwraj... ........,
Horlnnnold t lru and Marine ...
A the aiencies aro direct, policies are written
tortus Insured without 'ony 'delay In mo
onice at Uloomsburg, ' Oct. 88, 'Mf.
.AiT?irt luS mt ifnt "had "5
loas settled by any court of lw. Their assets
These old coKroaiTiONS are well seasoned by
are all Invested in solid siCDKiTifssnd are
,n tlm hnvnril nf pihm nnlv. i
Losses raoKmr and uonistlV adjusted and
paid as soon as determined uy cbkiun r,
KMirr, BriciiL Aoint amd Adostiu Blooms
The dsodIb of Columbia oountr should Datron
lie tho agency where losses If any are settled
and paia oy one oi tueir own oituens,
Tonsorial Ai'tist.
Is again at his old stand under EXCtlANClB
uoruuaud has as usual u
UAHUHIIUIIOI'. lie respectfully solicits tho
patronage ct hlsoldcustomersaud of the publlo
generally, iaiyi,'60-tt
t t t it' 6
jp - ....... : i
" be i iM.
t X 14
I I mi4i- "
I t f
M .1 7i
i -H - X .1 i
', !,. I .'i 111 . - ' -I .
Ii ( , . . I I '
I (J i lnfcritlJr-?s'Vark-t)'. , i
' (HI ''.'-' i. I
' ""'SILVER;'
-, '
j r Of (ho nnsl; acceptable
dCbiclis' smd "sunl-rior
" ,'! '. .wd'rkmntialiip. '
" M (rt - Mti J. 111 ' .
I' I i a. i I
pf '.Silver, in tasteful qni'
for nrescntation nur-
.i V iposcs, covcrint; cvtry
range of price
' ?tyic.
Will be mailed to any
. .iddrcssion application.
,'nt )
i: .
;.'! "
111 ' 1 XVI
.j.iu i' 'I ;l . '
j,. ( ManutACturersot ( , .
l'lrst-clflss'Work! nlBays on hand J '
Prkereiluced'io suit (heU'mea, ' ''
T !! tr... t.hTnt. ti.t. ut.firr l.t .n.
lumbla county, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
do iiTnty mane known nnu proclaim to timqtiaii
lied electors ot Columbia county .that u general
election wNi.boilicUl-on i; I. 'r ,.
Tuesday, "iTovemlDer 7, 1882.
dayol'aalJinontlijlfor'lhopiirpoMiof electing tlio
fii'tni. tlm Tnnctlfif tinvt fiittf-m (iifr tlm flrur Alnn.
erul persons hereinafter named, to-wlt: .
one person fordovcreorof Tenn-o-lvanla.
Onu-ceman for.Iijuteimnlfaovarnor.ot IVnnsil-
vantu. , 1
One'ik'rftn for'Judiro of tho 'Stfnreme courtof
PennjijlvauU.j , , ,
onoWrsoh for 'secretary bt Iifternai amirs of
PennsjiDla., , IU' . . ,
Ono norson for President Judiro of tho SOth Ju-
dlclaUPlBttlctJ I . . i T.. 1
onejua-son for mem btr (it f'pngress fprlholllli
Congrf!lonal ul(rlci. ' '
one pirt)on,tor SljteSontortj; ., ,
Two-Defsons for Heprcsiintn'llVfa. . .
One iKWop'loi-Sherllt1 'J polufnU coiinty.' ' 1
Onivf rsu)'p.r Ooronrpt (Joluuba cpun'y. ,
Two nersona'for.liirv Commiisloneis of Colum-
blicoJunty.l I i ,
Iftlcaheri;bv mHkul.non nud clvo notice that
tho rliitmA'hUdlilj' tluJarnrAKf el'ctlon In tho
sevr,a.vardj: hovouirhs; dht rials, and . towushlps
wlthlri tils ciuntV of Columbia Tiro A lollows, U:
Iieiwiitownshli). nt, (he nubile heum ot Charles
r.eiitoa 'tOwnAhlp, at tue public ituuse ot Hiram
liens, In tho town of llenlon. .
K.irfllflqoin, uf tho court IIoil.e, In I'.loonHhurg.
West llloom, nt the (liuitllouse, l lllcfJinsburg.
Horomrh of Ilerw lek. at the ofllco ut W, J. Kuorr.
In tho buroutrli of llerwlok.
Ilorouith ol Centi alia, at the1 public house ot Wil
liam fuller.
llrl.ircreek township, at tlio public tchool house
near ijanvUle. .' !' .1
fntawlsvl township, at thu nubile house of O. L.
Kostelildiuiler k Co., til th town of Oatau Issa.
Centrjt tui iuUlp, iittheiCluw hpfist pear,I.aUy-
etto Civtisy's. ' . ,
NoitJiH'ofi.vrivrhntn l)Wrlrt,:nt'tho selioOl house
near Mohn Ander.sou ,(,'o, ,
South C'oninirham AUlrlct.nt theliousu of Mrs.
Tliouma;MpiiiiH,. , , ,1
'. l'lshlnacreek township, at the school house near
q. n..ndtc'H.' , r
FrnuUln township.
nt tho ,p.a)vrcncO(school
1 ' . 1
township, at tho house Of L..D.
Ileihl6l'ktwvnshl();'atthe tiubllo housil'of.chas.
I. nietteilch. In thu town of Iluck Horn.
Jackhlrrtdwnshlp.ltt'tlie h6nJ of llA'ktcl Colo1.
Lneiiir. tntviiHhln. lit the nublloliousu of D.uiltl
auuii, m -)imvuiu. .
Mlllllil t6wns'hln,at"tho wibllfl'housc'ot Aaron
It..uu In tlia tMii'ii nl Allllll livllla
. J!aa s0" townshirt At tho iiawi.0 school houso
ui eiije ijiiiu. t j ,t t j
, fit the Mlllertovyn school
Montour township, at tho public houso otJteu
ben llauch.-ut Kupuit.. fY rr
Main iQwnihli!.ial the ilubllc'house of Jeremiah
E. lihgenbcrjer. ' ' '
I'oarlni'cretk totmslilp. at tho House 01 Samuel
OruhiW bwnslirn. at the iiilill(j' home of 5:.
Uuangstln Oranges llle.
fine townshln. nt (ho Centro School House.
lately llxed by u, vote ot, Urn (lllwus ot said tuwn-
Huirarloif townihlpiififUM houso of Norman
'f!nlii . '
WubCKoon nt 'inn puouo nouso 01 ineoaoro
ueiK. ,
East wott townflilpi lit tho publlo houso bl
.Tanob Miller. lu.Kstlv.
At an eieciions nereauer neui iiuuerxue iiiwhoi
this Coiiunonwejlthi thn .(U'CUoii iwlli shall V
opened at seven o'clock lu tho forunqoii, .and
shalluoriiliiuu .oiKjn vlthipit liilenuplloii or al
lournment until w ven oeloek lu Ihu cu'hliiK when
tin, TinlU will Im'Hiiscir ... 1 1
Thatuery person e'xci'plbii; Justices ot tho
Peace and, Aldcirmeiu 'Ngtiii W1 J'Ufllo. nnd itir
sins in me militia sinito or tin) Mine, wno
shall hold pr sialt,nltldu vi niolivtip have hold
uny mfo or npiioiutiuejii ot proiu.or irnsi limmr
theUi'itid tuuttv. or of this Slate, hud eltvur
eorpoiiued dlnrlit, Hlietlwr, i couiinlssloned
uilieer ur uiuei niw, a biiuuiiiiuumi uiiu-rr uriiKoiiv
who Is nr shall bu iiiinloed under thu. If ulla.
tureiiVxupiiUru or lgiUc.w-yr liepartmlhlof this
Htutu, ui or un euy nr 01 any iiieorpjraKU uis
trlerjnad nno, thutfemy iiui'inuer of contrnts
and of the, Statu l.i'lil.ituii', and of the select
orcoipinouepliocll oiiiuy eiiy.ur coiamlsslonuis
or auy iiieorpommi uiMriei,
of holdlntri or rxurcHnuut
are by Ltwliteuiublo
ut tho 9ainu llmutlio
ofllco pr appointment ot Jmle, Iusiector or Clerk
of auy.elciJIim ot tills (!ouiuviiiweiiHhi audi liuit
no inspector, iihuko uruuier uvieer oi autu eiee.
tlon iliallilio ellzlbleto Us then voted for.
meet: M.tlie respfflnd ipUces 'appolnwd for
holdliu,' Ihu election In the, district lu u t licit they
respvttlvjli boloug, be fore fviveiv oieliik lii'llio
inornliig, und e.ieli of said liispectois shall xp
poluJjbu (ItirW'wIm shall bu iiutUincdoUtrfof
Tliu ins n'eiiirs ujri .luiiL'e oi inei'jecuoiks sua II
f ha-KiuiiiiedWH of tho mer.l district in
';:''u''Siil Kf"t.ri' .V"'','",' te'SH
aueu ufsuii i
KnedulcUCHins, 'nraimrcla' heresflor author.
wrllteK uliiHii'Uy pilulill mul pilll)? wiluon
.ltim!ll IViUlli-V lu luiu UJ IIMI I" 'l IlllfU Ol
Hoveralb' elasaUleil in follows i pno
,1 M41.IUII,
ekel suit!
cmbutttha uimumt
inn aiiHiui.neoi i;ourt xnu'd
I. jiut-lde, ".luillel.iryi" nno
tlekelliJwll llmbJMIHU
uini Hi'tnviii
IMiiiui.nuniesi 11
i.cumesrof.all lkuiSUtu
be lilbulled "Statu;" )io
oniwrit iIim1 Cot ami tu
and lu be luuulled "t
briCKthit iLiuiui uf i
tlcUO ijlsiUlIilnibriciMhot itinioi Uf alt MliIiy
olueers voted lor, iiieinrung (no oiuee in enutiir
und .Members of Assiiiiblj, If voleit; Jl4i
meinlM'ia of congress, If Yofeil. for, and .bo labil
led "('00111' :" on I1K MlaUViilViraivytliM iisMei
lli. It VOICCI'.Iltp Un
of nil luwnshlnolllccrs voted for. und 1st ttfbelled
"Hiwiisiuiit oiip ueuei. suiiii eiiiorueu mo mimes
of nil borough olllccmptcd for, ami bu labelled
In Bcparato
ballot Wini-. m . . , .
A Iloiuoltolil Article Uvr .ViiUcrtal.
1 " rnmlly Unol '
Kor'Frnrlrt nttil
Typlinld lt'nvor(i,
IHpliUirrlu. Sail
vittltm, Utcrrateil
SoruTlirtmlf Smnll
Vox, IrmUiHi mid
All ContdRlntM Dlrnur-, Personl walllnz on
the Sick ihutiU uo It freely. Scarlet Fevef ha
never beeri Vtthwn to tpreaJ wher the KhtUI wai
ttted. Yellow Fever has been nircJ v.Mh it after
black vomit linri takrn placJ 'lh worst
cases of Diphtheria yklJ to it,
,alVrrcaan(lSlrllrr. . SMAIX-VOX
, " fcfrcshed and
nl by .bulling with
l).nrl,v lli.M.
a tul
PITTING f Rninll
A member of my Cim
tly wut taken with
Small-pox, 1 uscdtlte
Fluid the patient was
not delirious, wai not
fitted, and was about
the house again In thretj
weekat and ni others
had It.-J.W, Pahk.
IN30N, Philadelphia
Iiitiury Air made
hanaless and purified.
For Horo Throat It Is a
sura curt,
ContHRlon' ttestfofed.
Tor l'nitcd Vcvt,
Chilblain, IMlox,
. Challnp, etd.
lllipimmtlftm cured.
, HoftU'hlttoL'oinnlrx-
lin...n.W.J t ft. ....
in pur;
o purifythc ltfrntli.
Cfeiiiio thTcctli.
, It can'i be surpassed,
'Catarrh relieved' and
'IryBlpcltin cured,
The physicians here
ute D.ubys Fluid very
successfulfy fn the treat
ment of Diphtheria.
A. Srnl.Lr.NWFntK,
Greensboro, Ala,
Tpttrr dried up.
Chnlrru prevented.
Uli'i-r purified and
In ai'turi)onlhlt
should be uied about
the corpse It will
prevent nnv unnleai
ITrntiTy cuit'tl.
" o limit healed rafidly.
bcurvy cured.
Wn AtiUiTotctforAmmtl
or Vcgnable Poisbns, J
StiAgi.etc, 1
1 used the Fluid 'during
, ourpresent affliction with
Scarlet Fever vtiih d
clJcd advantage: It is
Indispensable to the sfck
room. Wit. F, 9and
ford, Krie, Ah,
ant smell,
The t'inltient Phy
sI(Imii,J.,MAHI().V KIMS, 31. 1)., Now
York, says; "I am
cent inicd Prof. Darbys
Prophylactic Huid Is a
' vuluallti disinfectant,"
I Vantlrrbllt University, Nuhlllo, Trim,
I testify to Uie most excellent qualities of Prof.
Darbys Prophylactic Huld, As a disinfectant and
determent it Is both theoretically and practically
superior to any preparation ."with whicHl am ac
quainted. N.rT, LunoN, Prottplicmistry.
larby riultl H ICovotninciiilfil hy
I Hon. Alrxandek II, Stwiifns, of Georgia ;
Rev. Ciias. F. Dsaus, P.D., Church of the
I Strangers N. Y,;
! los; LbConth, Columbia, Prof. , Unlversi ty.S.C.
Kcv. A. J. Battlb, Pmr., Mercer University j
; Kev. Geo, Fj Tiekce, liishop M. E, Church.
inihspisaum; To kvi:i;y:iiomk.
I Perfectly harmless. Used internally or
' ' n x. "tlrna11 to Man or Ilcast, , '
The fluid has Iwni thoroughly testcil, and we
' have abundant Wldcnce" that it has done ever thing
, here clainvd. For fuller Information Ret'ofyour
! Urtigsist pamphlet or send to the prdpneton,
' J. II. ZIUMN A C.,
, . MaimrjcturiniGhciiUiti J'lIILADKLrilA.
AueuHV4i'92 ir .'
Tliat's a commori expres
sion aiid' lias .1 wprld of
meaning. ' How much suf
fering is summed up in it. -
The singular thing about
it is,, that pain in the back
is occasioned by so many.
thing". May be caused by
kidney disease, liver com
' plaint, consumption, cold,
. rhcumatism,dyspepsia,over
work, nervous debility, &c
Whatever the cause, don't
; neglect it. Something is
wrong and needs prompt
l; attention. No medicine has
'J yet been discovered that
'- will so quickly and ..fiurcly
cure- such diseases as
'.. Buown's IiiON Bitters, and
, it docs this by commencing
at the foundation, and mak
ing the blood pure and rich.
Iinsport. Ind. Dec. I, 1E80.
l-'or i lon time I have been, a
ftiUTercr from i tdma(.h und kidney
disease. My appetite was very poor
n nnd the very small amount luiu eat
disagreed wllh me. 1 was annoyed
' very much from rion.retcntlon(of
urine. 1 tried many remedies viilh
ii 'success, until 1 used Ilrowu'
' Iron Hitters. Since I used that my
- stomach does1 not bother me auy,
14 MyapileUtelsslmplyimmense. My
' kJney trouble Is no more, and niy
' ceneral health Is such, that 1 feel
" like a new man. After the use &f
K ' llrown's Iron Hitters for onia month,
1 have gained twenty puunds lu
Weljht. 0. UvSakoent,
.Leading physicians iftnd
clerprmen use and rccom
rneiid Buown's Ikon Bit
teks. It;has cured others
suffering' slsiypitarc, nnd it
' will cure youiu,
sfarLh, a, v. ly
DR. J. B. ftflARCiilSI.
DiscovEnKit oF'mi. jiAitoniBi'S
This remedy will act In liarmosy wllh iho l'e.
male ) tcm nt all limes, und al(i Iniincdlatcly
upontliestxioniumi ana merino mustier, snuru-
(lore iiieui in a iiriuiiij unit iiiuiik m i.wui
Mr. Marelilnl's Ilterlna ('utlio'.lcon Mill CUro fall
1 fi 1 of the womb, Leueurrhiea, Chronic iDilainma
tlon ami Ulceration of tlio Womb, Inchleiilol
M.iimrriiKii nr Floodliii?. I'nliiful. StiDureseed
ai.d Irruifiilir Menstruation, mjney Cvitiplslut,
Drrenni' aiidle especially adnptedtothe eliaiica
otLlfe. Send for pamphlet fieo. All letters pi
Inquiry freely niuwcrcd. AddreManboe, l'or
S'lio i:
ly all rlriicclats. ivcvv sue per noiiir,
ni.t.ijn wi.r.o. lie suro atu atu lor iir. war-
elilsl's UteiluoCatholleoii
Take no other,
Moyer Uroa., Wholesalo Afjents, lilomUwel
.lunn m.iy
ubsi juwiidh.swugssss0g
1isVYbks Yh flci i s jLs itjbT'I
sn OgA A Lyi J saw HI I
DooaaUmo taclc or diiorUered uiino Indl
! oAUUutyou aro ftvlotimP THEN DO HOT
IUBiTATi uo 2uaneywort at onco. (oru
irUU reoomiund it) and It will speedily orcr
ooaia tho dtsdaid and restore healthy action.
B nnino ivroompumupocmiir;
bUMlCoi to your act. auoh as rain
iina weaicnciuoi, &ianoywort i unaurpaoMa,
d it will act promptly and aafely.
'IbrloU doat orropydrpoalU, and dull dragging
KitncrBe. inoouimeuoo.rountion oiurme,
; piini,auipoeaiiyyietaioi(a curauv p5wer,
I IS- 8014) HV Mu Z3SUOQI3TE). rrlcotl.
1 Eradicates 1
mm wito, itiiw.
- ' Calling tli? Rolh ' '
In ono of his recent siieeclie.J, Coti
t roller I'iittisOu, in wordn of Muuulnr
(lirt'('tiii!i'!iii(l foiee, refo.iri'(l to n mil)
ject wliloh is of intmsU nt this time,
vi, r tlio 'tlemoializiilion of, )i()litii's in
IViinsylvniiiii .tu illiiHtrnlud in ittf oyil
elTcols uiion young nlun nnd those
taking iirnetieal inteitiUl in jmblio nf
r.iiiH. Attenlioi) wmi called to tlic
fitartling fnoUitlmt tlio . politicali high
way-is stfiiu'ii willl tliu vvruekH ol.,ouco
bright ninl)iroinisitij young tiitii,nrd
It was iibmteil out Unit there inuttu ha,
(leslrinllivo inlliieiicots at work where'
only a jutrc, htlnlthfiiL and dealing'
ntiuoiiiheie , nhotild prevail. Tlio
thoughtful woi'tl of the sober-niliKled
and patriotic Democrntia candidate
nro .only too true, an U abundantly
nvideui!jil by tho record , of alnioit
ev'ery- fbiitity liiMhli Htate. It imas
tiiougii a poiiticiii jioHtilcnee, lind Mveja
front the Delawaro to Lake line,
Htrikiii'' down a niullitude of uifted,
ambitious and onco.woilhv vouiik melt.
A glance at tho Lcgislnlivo record will
bring out nioit rdiggealively the idea
referred to, and hIiow, infurentially, in
vivid coldr?, the miasmatic condition
of tho m6ral iiolitical ntmosiihero at
the slate capitol dining tlKJ iast.lwen
ty yearn, or since th'e iieniibhcan party
caniOv into power
Snneo 1H6U ovor two tuousniid men
have sat in tho ' Legislattlro of Pennsyl
vania. Most of these, when they first
went lo Ilarriflburg, were young iu';n,
just fairly entering upon the senotis
work ol ntci A large liionortion ot
theiihwere woll-litleil)..asto!mentnheii-downicnts
nnd early traiilitig, for use
ful, honorable, and distinguished public
service. Nearly all were ambitious to
rise in political life, and it is safe to
sav that very few were simply flttua.
ted by sordid, and degrading motives.
JtiVcn those who iell the quickest and
the. farthest' little dreamed of .such a
deplorable fate. Of course, it tons! not
possiblo'iwithiti tho circumscribed (area
of a single state, and considering, the
sharp 6ompotition of public life, that
all of these men should become, famous,
anil powerful, . hut tho disproportion'
between thu number- reasonably sue-,
cessfiilin thisi :rospeot nnd the number
ot tile 'losty s to speak, is terribly
suggestive. Toko the hst.of member
ship of the 'Scnalb and House, as it ap
pear in Jim Jroiti 18.0 to in
ijinimTsthniiU book:, nud it rends-, like a
roll of' tho 'unknown, with hero and
there, at lon0' intervals, a familiar .-rud!
hono'rc'u narfie, and it is a 'significant,
faotithat nearly, all of these took-their,
qtart in jniblio life prior to 1801 ; fur-i
ther, that a majority-of-them have been
associated with thu Uemocratio purtV.
lii'tue benate roll we hiuluhe names
ot (Jhailes it. HuokaIow( htterwaiu
tTnitod StatL'3irieiihtdr! and Democraticl
aniididntu,forgovriio' in1 1872; A. G.
IJiodhead, of Unrbon.oounty'l Atidiew
II. iJilliiJf mccratid eandidato tor gow
qinof. m J7b; , JJamel ii'montroilt,
now member ot'OongYtM from Berks n
.lohn V. Killingm-, congressional
representattvci from Lebanon for.flfV
erab terins ;1 ,iV. Wt. Jvelchum, afteiv
ward am, iutlilentinl .tneiiibgr of Uon-
m-iia t oiiil .lnli, TTiiit,i1, Ktotfia
Geo Vi Jjawroilit1. elected lo. Oomn'e,s
from tho JJoaveiv Washington diblijct.;
Willintu1 MeOandlcss, electedi' scoie?:
farviot.iiiteriial affaiiHin 187o; Charles
u. ronrose, now a nudge ot tlio.oi'n
phans'. .court of l'luladelphiaiiiliili K.
l'riec, the .Nestor ol the, l'lnladelplna
bar; Win. V. 1'noker, -tho last JJem
oeintio governor of Pcunsylvanin,
eleotell in 1857; .rjainiiul S. Jvandall,-.
Ox-speakec . lof the national llousu-ofl
rieprtSsenuitives, -anil f'eunsylvanlas
most distinguished member in that
body during the present generation ','
(.ileum v. Aeoliulu, tor twelve, yeara
an inlliiential membfr of eoncress and
now iiidiro of thu eouit of claims,,
Washuiglon; Win. A Wallace, United
States M'lmtor ,fi'6m 187" to 1,881 j
Hieater Clymer, Deinoeralic candidate
for governor and Into- member of Con
cress ;inntl .Jolmihtc.wart,. independent
TSepubliean .candidate for governor. ,t
Uihc: names ot those who are touml
on thei loll lof-thu House fust, later,
also' on ..that of life Senate, nnd, there
fore,! ifilready referred to, who have
rend(Jred a food acoount of.thumselvu,
w very Inengie, indeed. J. biinpson
Africa, iho prosont 'Democratic caudi
dale for- stcietary of internal affairs,
heads the list alphabetically, and fob
lowing it down wu'dWcovcr the iinnies
of Win. .11,. AnnStKtii' lutu inember
9f Congress from the LyuOming distiiet,
and now a bureau tillieer nt Washing
ton ; Oliuiles ,K. Uoyle, DeinoenUiu
candida(e for Cgiigres, in the West-
inoie)iini distuct; ilipmas yqcliran,
picsideut of a leading, financial institu
tion, iij, l'hiladelplun, aiul ono of the
Wheel; Horses ot the Uenteniual expo
sition j Ct. iJawson Coleman, who
c(;aio cougressiuan from the, Lebanon
listnet ; Henry i). I'oiter, UuinocraUc
Candidate for yoveriior-iii 1800; Isaric
i. UOrdou, now n justice ot tile
supremo court of Pennsylvania ; Gyrus
i. Pcrthing, Democratio eandidato for
governor in 187") i the model judgo of
Schuylkill county, to whom tho peoiile
pf Hint region are indebted for tho
suppression ol lUolho Jlafeuireisui ;
Jobu'Cr. Hall, i'ov tho nblo Dcinncratiu
senator from V)k county ; .lohn I
Mitchell, United Slates senator, and
Chnrles S, Wolfe, tho Independent
lseptiblieaii ladeiv This iiraetieall'y
exhausts a list, as we have said, of
over Iwo thousand tiaines.
lli-iii is !i fiivelntion u'lilnli niio-lit (i
arouso the iieonlb of f cnnsvlvniiia to
determined ' and Successful effort to
bring about" imincdiato and effective
lolitiealj rplormation. Var .twenty
yearstio men who have gone up to
the State capitol to sevvo the people
liavu been compelled to go through an
(inieai ot touiptf.llpn mat only moral
gianti can w thstaiul. Their pathway
has linen lio.-et.H',tlio secret and open
enemies of pnbliijniK private viitue,
and ncores and liniidredi liavo fallen
victims of the political leprosy of the
lime. They hayo beep ruined and lost
and the peoplo betrayed and plundered;
while!j(in.niy uioiv, nlarrried for'tlieir
own 'safety and honor, have lied from
tho Hold uw from the, placue, leaviu
Iho govc'riiuent of the stnhnost at
niu ineiey tu. jiunjiu . urigaiuis ami
vaiini res. I new must ion c innou
nnd tlifi nl oneepaiid jil'oy? ttftUiptimo
t) bogiii' tlio now era b) 'sttetilllrmiiig
iho liamls of our coming bravo hud
patiioto, viuing .governor thiquylj the
election " of a thoroughly trustworthy
reionu i.egisiniure. i.ei us inau
dean work of it "on the hill" mid
begin nnew with the coming now year
j.unvumv inieiait nrcr.
3, 182, ;
-t .TT-f-.-- T" t 1 f-'t-l
. ' 'ThoUosaea-'Arraigncd.
I X ' i 1 1 ' I ! I"'"'! ' I
llX-A'ITOr.Nin (IK.NKIIAI. l.liAlt OI'KNll Willi
(IM TIIK r.;t.VAltfH-WIIliN (MM
KltAI, UK A Vlltt'S llKSI'ONSI
11II.1TY IV Till OAM-
1'iiii,mi:i.1'1iia, Oct., 21. The Inde
pendent Republicans hbld n grAnd
mass meeting in .this city last evening.
G'cit.' McCartney, of Luzcl'tio, nnd At
torno' General spoke. 'Follow
ing lGtyicral' I.rjar'rl l'emnrki:' I hnvo
realjlicd' this place, said Mr. Lear,, by
gradual approaches: J have stood hy
thd regular organi-.alion "until it bo
camd liiienditriible'. 'Wh'cn', in 18rfl,
the Whig patty betrayed this confi
dence and, trust of the peoplo tho 'in
dependent febirit of freemen aroso in
its might rind the Republican party
n'AA formed. Tho so-ealled ronular
brMnizhtion stahds to-day where the
old Whig p.'.rtV stood' then. '
Tho ilarris,l)tu'g Goiivciilion, Over
wtyteh I presided, adojited rt platf6nn
which would, if carried into effect,
have done much to purify and reform
tho partyi That platform has not
been fulfilled,
Kditoi.1 have argued that a platform
can only lipid tho acts pt candidates
after they have bteu elected. This is.
a fallaoyi , A portion of this platform
was framed lo meet issuer! invo yed nt,
tht oainpaign. General Lear showed
ho.wtho .rules prescribing the calling
of .oou.ventipi.s and election of delegates
had been violated by the nomination
of ,a .caudidatu fgi: - Congressman-at
Large, and; sjiokfi, of the resolutions,
condemning ,,the use of political an-
jiojnttnenls to prpmoto personal poht-
ical end? and condemning political
assessments, aud showed how they had
been violated throughout the whole
Campaign, dwelling particularly upon
the removal pf,. Collector Thatcher, of
Bucks., coiipty,. to piako ,n placo for
pclogate-. Stoqyer, who in t,hp Ilnrris
burg Convention voted for ltawlo for
Supreme Judge. ,
i lias tho assessment ot otlico holdcrs
(leased? ho shouted. aSTo!,Iti .is, inces
sant, lneiciless. notorious It spares
neither age, sex nor condition. It is
tho lover of bossisin, aud wherever it
presses springs fqith tho deadly virus
qf corruption.,
How is General Heaver responsible
;or theso violations? f.a is tho, stan
dard-nearer,- .by right and. power the,
ICUUCI' ill LIUIS U.IUllliSILIll.l uy UllCl
!tho couyentioii Senator Cooper acte3
.as (jliaiii' of tho , State Committee.
ftJiad )lt met-i -lie ..had not. been
olectcil.,py the eonvejutipp. Wlicnco
did.lip, draw his, autliority oxqent-fiom
,t)ia, candidates? lie, expresses their
Lrteutiipei)t, lip dop'j, "their will- If. not,
,'liy (Ipes, jip.t, General Ueavpr take
im , !ry thp. .throat and pec that the
ledges ot tnc convention are sus-
Itnined 1
, If ,.iho has,, not enough moral
courage to do this lie is incompetent.
If he, can conscientiously approve the
i0!iuuct qf, iua campaign ,ho is morally
uworthy tP bOiXjovernor, ol.Puijnsyl;,
i ,iiio. ,puiyi timo. that lie ever rose
above the stilling, mud of'Caineronisin
Was w)ien, breathing , -tho lmroir of
Bucks, cQiiuLy, he .said that, ,thu Sena-
,tpr.-wai,a very-Jittle man. iVftor.wards
1 a., explained by paying, that, he refer-
ired tPi, CaineronV iphjsical .iiisigniti
(f.nice. , Straneu tbinir to sav about a
dance. . btrange. tlung to, sav
ihnu whn Htflnrla mv frt in
his stock-
" I
' . .1
i 't. ,.. ....,i. a ,...:..ii....:i n
j.iiu.o.iuiu ns.-s.-n. asyituiLunai, vM
(iron panip, to . Philadelphia to, attend a
.11.,.,.... l I Hl.,1. tt., I
siiiilii;i ui uiu -ijuiutwin -iiui. mini-
ujioned Philadelphia's bi(aines?. men
nlini I. him. llfi liiim-il tlwnr vinu-a nf I
the campaign He bounded from his
seat and with lowciing brow, clenched
list, iiercp eyes pi, wiat a subject ior
a paiutpi l now likp t no scene wheu
Satan and Death met on the coutincs
of that great conflagration whieh
Henry, Ward Rcecher has just.extin
mushed ho shouted,, , "This fight
shall, be fought out qn this ticket, and
fo.wn iti will bo with Hying
Not ,tho party, I J, Donald
Cameron., , .
Ihero was another convention ui
riuindcliihia on .May 24. It lias stood
i!. . !. . . i . . e t i ... . . i
by ,ils platform. John Stewart has
arrU'd lis banner, and not a stain
maiks its glor'ipus ,folds. Thpv have
nipt linn with , blackguardism rather
than with argument
ilhreo liumlred thoiisand out of four
hundred thousand ,R,epublicaus of this
Stato feel as I (n, but too many of
tnoiKiK'ar to .laky my stand because
they think that they cannot elect John
Stewart. I vote! not for success, but
for the light.
lliu .Republican party is a seiisiato
being it has a soul, JJestripped of
the ipuro breath of its being, 1 spurn
with contempt its uiameinueieil limbs
and pntivticdit body, Thp old cry of
Duiuooratic victory has tpo long been
the shibboleth ot alio bosses. Wo
want a party not for ofhees, not to
confei: ollices upon unworthy men, but
tor a purpose which, rounded on right
and justice, means more and higher
things than the perpetuation .of Cam
eron's control, Somu talk about un-
oatling Cameron by voting l'or bis
ticket with a sort of mental icserva
lion, t ins is no tiiuu tor hailing now.
Tho light is on, tho gngu hns been
iiirown down, tlio proclamation is
abroad,' thu bugles are lingiiig in our
ears and the eauso ot Republican re
generation on thu one hand and polit
ical slavery on tho other is before us,
and wo hnvo our choice
In this age of progress and high civ.
ilization when the demands of tho con
sumer mint bo satisfied nt any cost, tho
. i .i i.i.i . . . . ii- .
iciiv piuiuciii which presents useii is
iow can the wasto bo ut l zed? Manu
facturing establishments, railroad com
panics and business men bf nil classes
have been" compelled to tackle this pro
biem, and in a number ot instances it
has been successfully solved. Great
iron establishments incieaso their pro
fits, materially by thesalo of wnsto and
scrap material or by rcuti Izmir it for
the purposes tor which it was oiigmally
intended. The railroad coinpainej by
a patent process inako into lumps ami
use for running their engines tho coan lunations that promise suppoit. llcuce,
dint which is lost in crushing tho black
diauioiids as thoy copio from tho luiiits.
'1 hero is practical y no wnsto matter
this woild. The main question ii, who
shall be benefitted by tho utilization of
that which is enst'asido as worthless,
niu! the sentiment is gradually growing
tlmt the owners pf the so called wnstp
should Lo (lid builefifiinricH.
It IrfK laet flelf eVldcrtt nful umlenied
by competent 'nutlioriticx, that in' lib
business br Industry of 'whatever kind,
is thcro so much w.mto a there has been
111 tho hdiniiitatrAtioii'df the state g'ov
cnifnent linger femiblican rule. Tli6
expenses of tlio government within the
Inst fifteen years liare been constantly
on tho inercaee. Fof'instaileo tlio ot
dinnvy oxfiendlliiro or stato gbvenl.
ment in 1800 was .$017,91 1.81. This,
after the war' close, wnsiinliitally rap'
Idly incrdased, so that in 1880, included
half the expenses' of the legislature for
1879, properly chargeable to v80. it
reached tlio enormous ligtiro of 4,902,
105.50. It will be olserved froiii thesd
figures that the fraction abdvo tho mil
lions in tho cstimato fdr 1880 exceeds
the entire cost of running the govern
ment In 1800. Thlsi illcicaso it must
bo remembered was not caused by Ux
irn expenses miring the war period ns
tiieso nro not included, .flioro ot it is
chargeable to waste than thd taxpayer
can niiiigiiic. -ihero are various kinds
of waste under the stnto govenimefit.
Wnsto Is mado by tho creation of un
necessary olliccs its rewards for iiolitical
services by the employment of num
erous incompetent ollicinlr, whbso places
could be ably and Hatisfactorily filled
by an honest nnd Intelligent clerk nt
thy samd salnry one of the worthless
pMeials receives. There is waste in
the suntiliei which nro fnrnishrWl to th
yarious departnienWnnd this is'm'add'td
give a chnnco for a divide between 'the"
contractors and those who let thd' con-
tracts. Waste in made by the ninlti-
plication' of ofliefcs and bj" appro'pria.
tions to umiecessarv objects, and in
other ways too numerous ttf'tncntidn.
All of this money which goes to waste
under republican rule conies' directly
front the pockets of 'tho taxpayers, and
it is parLbf the samrJ monLYthoy labor'
tor day in and da- out.
i ,r.i... ii -ir r .i
wiit; oi niu cuici questions oi mis cam
paign is, shall tins wastb be utilized
and if sp( shall it b'e utilized for the ben'
efit of thd pePpld to whom it properly
belongs' ? To theso cjuestibils Mr. Robert
E. Pattison the democratic crindidatd
for governor emphatically 'aiistyefS
'jyes.' Mr. rattisorr"srrecord shows that
lie is a inan,who.'cairks;oiit bis inten
tions so far as lies within his power,
His intention is to exercise tho func
tions of tho chief executivo so as in
every possible way- to savo' this waste
and to save it for tho people. .Jfarris
UKfv J'alriot.
The official figures of tho 'Ohio elec
tion 'fextinguishltlie explanation of the
Republican-defeat In that State, and
show conclusively that tho alleged ab
senteeisni was not the oause of it nt nil.
Thero Was a positiVo purpose to irelmko
aitd to pmiisli the parties ot fanaticism,
of extravagance, and of corruption, hy
tlieiopen defeitioii of a large portion of
its former supporters, which found
quite as strong, expression ui the West
ern Reservd as in the German wards of
To illustrate tho eliango .that-hnsr
thken place in publitt sentiinonty wo pre-
'Rfjnt 'the returns if or the last three" con
secutive years between'th'eiRepublieans'
IJemocrntS, omitting tlio scattering,
which do not atlect either. Vnder
'Judue of Simrcm'c Court. 1830.
Melvninc, llepubllcan....". U04.015 '
f ouut,; ijcmocrut,,! . wu.inis
li. l.niln.lti'
I :ilnnr''1RH1
i , ii v. n iiiiiiuuii ,
poster. Ilcrjuulicaiiiu..i
Dookwultcr.i Democrat.,
I, .
j j
Tho falling off of th'e
on each
side Was nearly equal.
Secrttani of state. 18S3.
Townsentl, Itepulilieau;, 297,?(i0
Xcwnian, Democrat 310,874
majority 19.115
The aggregate vole was nearly
.twelve thousand, greater thanjast year,
and the result shows a change ot-1 i,12-l
votes in twelve months, between two
elections. No single eauso could -have
brought about this reniarkablo reaction,
wiucti was peculiar in being a silent re-
I i ... ; l f . J . . .
volution, and was a surprise, to thp man
agers ot bpth the political machines.,
The Democrats were as much astoun
ded at tho success as the Republicans
were confounded at. the defeat. This
fact is one uf the most healthy signs of
tho change, hecaiuu it shows theio is a
large intelligent and independent vote
ready at tlr proper timo to resume con
trol of power whenever it lias been
t wenty-one years ol continued pos
session of tho Government have mado
the republican party corrupt, arrogant
prodigal, and dangerous. Tho great
(ltiestions that called it into existence
havo all passed away. Slavery is dead
and cannot bo resum-eoted Secession
is buried below the graves of a million
of men. Half amelioration has passed
since mo last gun oi mo reoeiuon was
NVe navo entered upon a new era,
but the politicians do not appreciate th
transition. 1 hey chug to tho old meth
oils, and expect lo govern tho now de
pattuio with the musty traditions of the
past and some modern improvements
ot rascality superadded to them. Th
"grand old party has been run for
years as a close corporation ; and when
tho corporators lull out among them
selves over a division of tlio plunder
they resort to bribery, to fraud, and to
lorged proxies as "moral ideas to pro.
mote their purposes.
Tho whole power, the patronage, the
influence, and tho property of the Gov
ernment have been openly used and
abused to eontiuuo the ascendancy of
this party. An oligarchy of venal and
trafficking office-holders is in possession
..f Urniil.l..ln .1,,,.. ..l. !.
iv , , tn,tiiiu,i, iiiuj ns.-ur.iu lei.llH H
by money extorted through arbitrary
lovies, or contributed by Riiigs, jobbem,
monopolists, and contractors, who fatten
on tho Treasury.
To maintain this system, it is neces.
?ary to keep up cstoibitnnt taxation, so
that an immense surplus mav bu assnr
e W distribution among the managers
ami their dependants. Tho leaders aro
leady and willing to inaku any com
they havo coalesced with Maiioni: and
repudiation in Virginia j with,
in, olthol'ort Pillow massacre. In
Mississippi; with Cash tho professional
duelist, in South Carolina ; with ,Toi;s,
the representative Greeiibackor, In Tex-
s I uu with the woisy class'of Rour-
1 bous in North Carolina,
onolncl1...,,,1fJ( ftg taw tsjg
Two Inches ..... J .Vna .gm
s il Hits
liauwlunu looo lira HW i'M woo
unccoiuinu w w
nii ROOU 1WW
i Yearly ndverllwmww r; '" v;Tinn,lnV
Went ndvertivmcnv; m'. " i'?.".;! J
W except where parjtcs have ROOTunis,
Kxccutor AatBtnmroioj , i "v X
hrco dollan?. Mu bo fmM wr wnco WWO .
Transient or Local notice, un ccntB n lino, regu.
lar aincrtiBcmenw nan rns.
...m. ,ifc'B(..'A'nrCcMri",,ono
hollar car for cncli line.
1 r c i v.
iortbo Presidency and Senators and
JJcprcsentatlves and members of Cabi.
hots mid Judges growing suddenly rich
by barefaced johberyu oplluOion, nnd
Venality, They havb seen tho Govern
ment converted into ri mcro partisan
hiachino. They have" scfcnv tho great
distinctions Ht which 'hbiiornblo ambi
tion aims auctioned to the highest bid
tier or parcelled' mil for vPlcs" lit ifomtii
tiling convcntidiis. ' They saw'tho Pres
idency stolen in 180. And thoy havo
just seen h Scdi-etaVj- bf tho TfefwuYy
inadon caudidatd for Gevernor by n
stock jobber and by iorgery, publicly
endeavoring by false statements to pro
cure his own olecthhi. 1 '
The .pauses, of rebellion "gato1 ty0
mother country WW-0, small in
deed compared with these 'excesses and
Primes. Tip Revolution .started on a
small tax. In fillip of profouiitl peace,
and without even a plausible pretext,
tho cxtrcniest methods of taxation in
vented for war arc kop up to tho high
est point, nnd a traveling Commission
of the ngenta of several ?uouop0"u?
salaried at the public, expense, threatens
to raise taxations' still hightr !'
The peoplo hayo bovno this tyranny,
this corruption, nrtjl this .extortion al
ready too long. They 'have submitted m
patienco until hirtber forbearance
would bo degradation. They havo calm
ly but firmly resolved tP smash tho ma
chine, and to, inako a sottlcmpnt with
the managers oiie'6 for nil. ''Ohio was
the beginning' of : the' ctid.lAr. Y.
Hun. 1
Demooratio "Tlatform.
Tho Democratic Party of Pcnnsylva-
- S.t.H X--. i. ti. 4l.nt oil
llOllllIlir IHL Lll LI1U JUI11S l,.iu ui.
power not delegated liy tho constitution
ih reserved to the states and the people;
npholdirfg'the sanctity of -pthsonrtl lib
erty, the sectp'itviof "personal property
aniLtbcrighta .oUoeal hclfoxQOnje.ii
demanding hqnysty aud economy in tho
administration' bf uoveriiAlent and tho
.enforcement of all tho provisions of J.ho
1 . 11. '.ill 1.. I 1.JII I ! .-.VV ll.n
oonsuiuuon uy nn'iegisMiuiu- nuu uu
dourtft'pfhLVQbnfpjonvvealtl deplnring,
i gainst smonopolies .and in sympathy
iti! labor, 'seeking Us protection, nnu
in, 'fav.V-s.(f tbc protection, ,thon
industrial -interests of Pennsylvania : at (
tliisHlntc &d Hbltrtinlv protest hgahist1
tuercpupiicau party, ami ui,e, lusuiyiicqi
ofits long' possesion of bflico liHvothuV
brought njwn the country jvthcreforo .
KrstrrW 0dp ptoleAU against wiat ,
is called tho-bos. system and the iijiin-aeineo'f'6'ilk'eN-lVoldei"8by4
risscssnicnt '
pf juppej-for political purposqs.N -Public
Oiupes ae inp property oi no party mt
re 'Open to every citizen honest, capa-
blov. nnd faithful to thcycoiiaritution;
quahficationbich ..Tcffprson dpclareil
werpuio requisite's for offitso. ''
"Sbconil-iiWo -broleU1 1 ' a'gaih's&v'tll6
poils.systeuu'it isva ilrostitutioiuofit-besV
Offices of itli.6 people, so that they bo
ComoHhb ncWVM1isitea, 6f Hlld4 )6ly
itician. ,.'- '
Thirjd-pWo demonnco all rcpudin?,
(ions, :sfalL'' ami' 'fedenil,,tbveda'usbI it Mil
rjishonest aud destrhetivoJof tho jmblic
morality upon which aro iouuded tho
xisleiico aim perpetuity ot cmr ireo ln-
s,titutipnsi -It should i bci inado-odious,
and tie ppjitical. partytbat.aids it with (
dllianeo and abets it with ollico 'deserves
public condenin'atioiu :' '
Fourth Wo denounce spoliation :of'-
tho stato .treasury, and immunity by
pardon of those convicted of crime,
whose "ttcls" nro flagrant tonbVorsioiis ft
oflipiaj trusts and, pivrqngs,, done ,lq,,thm
people. t
Fifth Wo beliovo the republican
party 'as now organized and controlled,
is,)asc,d.on fraud, force and corruption,,
.nd thero can be no hope ot true relorin
except 'by the hallot box excluding it
from place and. power. .! i .
Sixth The .democratic party de
mands of the legislature an honest, just
and'true Cdnga'ssionialand Legislative
apportionment. ,. i t
Spvcnih Upon, these declarations
we invite the eo operation ol all honest
citizens who with us, desire! the ro'es-"
tablishmcnt of hpnest govornmeut.
Blaine's Brother Kobert,'1'
i ti:i.i,s ivnv iT is'Tiii: r.x-!i:uiiirrAiiv
'" hor.wi'i' si-iIaK ' iK-'i'riXNNYi,-
Rc-bort i!- ItlabtP- hrotbfir'riainii'K
(1. lllaliie, was rcdently subdiitted'to '
an interview on matters political and'
his distinguished brother in'p.iitiuujni'.'
"Your 1 brother "will not' bd able to
fulfill bis engagement with Chairman
Copper for lour speeches in Pennsyl
vania this campaign ?'' suggested tlo
'My brother never mado. titiv such
engagement. He considered it in bad
tasto for liim to interfero in this con
test. Don Cameron and his followers
in this Stnto have never dopo anything
to advance bis interests or aspirations.
If James would como into Pennsylva
nia on a stumping tour, let me tell you
that ho would not advocate the cause
of Reaver. I feel po3itiyo that ho
would advocate tho Independent cause.
As you doubtless knpw, Don Cameron
was instrumental in slaughtering the
Presidential aspiration of my brother,
both in 1870 nud 1880. Whilo thero
aro exceptions, lakcn as a wholo tho
supporters of Stowaitaro old friends
ot .lames ami tno lieaver mens en
emies. Why should ho enlist in a,
Stlugglo against bis friends 1"
"is your brother, then, not well, ns
reported 1"
"Oh, yes; hois suffering from an
attack of malarial fever. If ho re
covers sufficiently ho will make ono
speech in the State of Delaware, but
that is all."
Ho had no authority to sneak for
James in regard to his Presidential
unbiilons. Tho conversation develop
ed the fact that ho held a pdsitioii hi
one of tho departments ut Washington,
and, being asked . how tbq clerks stood
tho assessment business, ho replied:
"It does not tend to create enthusiasm
among them, especially tho pooi'er paid
clerks. Thoy aro growing thoroughly
uisgustcd wun Republican succosj nt
their expense."
an oi.n rniKNii.
Ilo was allllcted with a lamo back
anil genoral debility ; ho was reconi .
mended Thomas' Keleclrlo Oil which
cured him at once. This fa mops spe
cific is a positiyo remody for bodily