THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSIHJIMt, COLUMBIA. 'COUNTY, PA. Rules for Cooking Vegetables. A French cook gives tho following general rules for cooking nil klndo of vogatnblca: "Greon vogetnbles should bo thoroughly washed In cold wntor and thon dropped into water which has been Baited arm Is beginning to boll. Tlicro should bo a tablcspoonful of salt for each two quarts of water. If tho water boils long boforo tho vegetables nro put in, it ins lost all its gases, and tho mineral ingredients aro deposited on tho bottom aud sides of tho kettle, so that tho water is Hat and tnstclcss, and tho vegetables will not look well or havo a Pino ltavor. Tho timo for boiling green vegetables dopends much upon tho age'and time they havo been gath ered and tho nioro quickly they aro cooked. Hclow is a very good timo tablo for cooklnc veKctrtijlca. Potatoes boiled, thirty minutes. Potatoes baked, forty-five minutes. Sweet potatoes boiled, fifty minutes Sweet potatoes baked, sixty minutes. Squash boiled, twenty-five minutes. Green peas boiled, twenty to forty minutes. Shelled beans boiled, sixty minutes. String beans boiled, one to two hours. Green corn, thirty to sixty minutes. Asparagus, filtcen to thirty minutes. Spinach, ono to two hours. Tomatoes, fresh, ono hour. Tomatoes, canned, thirty minutes. Cabbage, forty.fivo minutes or two hours. Cauliflower, ono ar two hmirs. Dandelions, two or threiflionrs. Beet greens, ono hour. Onions, ono or two hours. Beets, ono or two hours. , Turnips, white, forty fivo to sixty minutes. . Turnips, yellow, ono and a half hours. Parsnips, ono or two hours. Carrots, ono or two hour, A BAPTIST MINI8TEU S KXrEIUENCK. I am a Baptist Minister, and beforo I even thought of over being a clergy man, I graduated in medioine, but left a lucrative practico lor my present pro fession, 40 years ago. 1 was for many years a sufferer from quinsoy ; "Thomas' Eclcctrio Oil cured me." was also troubled with hoarsoness, and Thomas' Jiclectno Oil always roheved me. My wifo and child had diphtheria, and 'Thomas' Ecleotrio Oil cured them,' ana it taken in timo it will cure seven times out ot ten. 1 am confident it is a euro for tho most obstinate cold or cough, and if any one will tako a small teaspoon nnu half fill it with tho Oil, and then placo tho end of tho spoon in ono nostril aud draw tho Oil out of the spoon into tho head by snuffing as hard as tiioy can, until mo un talis over into tho throat, aud practico that twico a week. I don't care how offensive their head may be, it will clean it out and euro their catarrh. For deafness and oaracho it has dono wonders to ray cortain knowledge. It is tho only mcdicino dubbod patent medicine that I havo over felt liko recommending, and I am very anxious to soo it in ovory place, for I tell you that I would ( not 'bo without it in my house for any consideration. I am now suffering ,with a pain liko rheumatism in my rignt limn, ana nothing relieves mo ' liko Thomas' Eclectrio Oil. Dr. E. F. CRANE Corry, Pa. Preparing Plants for winter. Tho American Agriculturist for Oc tober, says that it is a great mistako to uoiay tne work or. preparation tor win ter until it is suggested by cool in cut b or a warninc civen by blighting frosts, When a plant lias been taken from a pot ana planted in open ground it usu ally out grows its former place, and is too largo lor any vessel oi convenient size. The root should bo cut away to a considerable extent, and likewise the top or fohago must bo correspondingly reduced. Novices often fail at this point, for they disliko to part with any of the nowgrowths,aud set the plant in ' a pot unpruned, and expect, what is not possible, that it will flourish. Cut ' back root system and branch system ' equally is the rule. Plants when thus transplanted need to be favored bv being kept in tho shado and sheltered ' from the drying winds until thoy havo made a good start in the pots. jUany of tho houso plants aro kept in their pots during Bumruer and they will need repotting, or tho pot washed and tho surface soil replaced by fresh, rich earth. A larger pot is needed by thoso plants whoso roots have formed a mat . along tho inner surface. Tho ball of earth can bo examined quickly by spreaaing too Ieit hand on the vessel the stem passing between tho fingers and with tho other hand on tho bottom invert the pot and give the edgo a down ward tap against some object. If this does not succeed, pour some water nround tho edge, and after a short time ' repeat ttio operation. All old poti should bo clean, and if now ones aro used soak them in water until tho pores are filled. A pieco of broken vessel is placed over tho botom hoi beforo filling. All pots, soil, etc should bo kept on hand. Puny, weak, and sickly children ar mado healthy and strong by useing xirown s iron Hitters. A young country lady of Missouri slashed an insulting top wttli a Kiuic Sho probably wanted to cut a swell. i Tho Dad and JrnJrS Worthless 7' Aro novor imitated '' "- or counterfeited. This is especially iruo of a family mcdicino, and it is posi tivo proof that tho remedy imitated is of tho highost value. As soon as it had been tested nntl proved by tho wholo world that nop Bitters wn3 tho purest, best nnu most valuable family tnedicino on earth, many imita tions sprung up ami began to steal tho noticosiu which tho prcbstiml pooplo of tho country hail express ed tho merits of II. B., and in ovory wry trying to iuduco miTcr ing invalids to uso their fluff in stead, oxpecting to mako mouoy on tho credit unci good namo of II. B. Many others started nostrums put up in similar stylo to II. B., with vnriously euiiinngly devised names in which tho word "Hop" or "Hops" wero used in a way to induco pooplo to belioYO thoy wero tho etunu as nop Bitters, All such protondcu romcdicsor cures, no matter what their stylo or numo is, and especially thoso with tho word "Hop" or "Hops" in thoir namo or in any way connected with them or thoir namo, aro imi tntionti or counterfeits. Bowaro of thorn. Touch nono of thorn, but : Ueo nothing but L'cnuino ttoi) Bitters, with it bunch or cluster of green Hops on tho wliito label. Trust nothing elso. Druggists nntl dealers nro warned against dealing in imitations or counterfeits, (0) Faded hair recovers its youthful color and Boft, Bllky loxluro by tho uso of Parker's Hair Balsam. What Bhall we grow and how shall we fit it for market. In September, after I was ten years old in July, my father sent mo to Hal lowcll with a load of potatoes and corn moal for B. F. Mclvln, then a leading grocer and provision dealer. As I started, feeling I daro say nbout as well as tho littfo Corsican did when ho started to cross tho Alps, my father said: "Daniel, remenber ono thing, not only to day, but as long as you live ; novcr tell a man what no wants, but find out from him, carry it to him nud ho will pay your price." I havo never forgotten it. If a man wants Early lloso potatoes, don't tell hlfrt.something else is better, but engage mm a load of such as ho wants, if you havo them. If a customer wants an ouneo or an ounce and half of salt to the pound of butter, let him havo it. If ho don't want it worked after it is salted and sot nway, carry it to him without. Ii ho wants it colored color it. If ho wants winthroi) Greoninrrs don't try to palm of tall ilarvey on hini. Get line ot customers that want your goods j study their tastes and notions, grutfy them in everything but price, and you may ux that to suit yourself, if aroasonablo man. Tlieso thoughts wero called to my mind the other day at Litchfield, at the Juno meeting of Koncbco County Grange. Tho last topic discussed was "What varieties of nnnles shall we raise for home use aud L .. . i lor market! Tho discusston was opened by tho well-known writer and lruit grower, r . i . jviiit'iiuu, ui imiiu- i well. Mr. A. is a deep thinker, a ready peaker and thoroughly at home on ho apple or apple treo question. Ho commenced by saying first consult your market, see what is wanted and I govern yourself, accordingly, it you sunmrs, find out what will suit them. Get a line of fruit that will keep you supplied with marketable and eatable apples all the lime and thus keep your customers when you havo once got them on your string. If you aro to send your fruit to a wholesalo market or run it through the hands of middle men, get three or four standard varie ties and give your chief attention to them. "First consult your market," might bo more forcibly impressed on tho minds of beginners in fruit culture. s LYEiA E. FINKHAM'S VEGETABLE 00MP0UND. Vr nil tlioc lattirful Cuuiplalnti nnd WcalcnCMei o vtriitjauu ii uur btt female popnltia A McilIcliiG for M'oinaii, lurrnted by a Woman. TrppftroJ hj a Woman. TU Cmtnt Mt41tI UUcirrf SUr tfat Dws f WtUrj, tirltrerlTos tho drooplnj Bplrlta, lnrlfforttei and hunnouljos the orjfanlo tuncttoiij, glrey olastlcltr fir can e it to tho itcp, reitotvi the nattirtl 1 astro to the eje(auJilautjmtlioiule check of woman the freih roses of ur'i fcprinff aiul early iu miner time. t"Phrs!cian Uib tt and Prescribt It Freely.-C Jt remores falntueM, flatulency, destroys all craving for stlmnUnt, and relieves weakaotf? of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its use. Far tho cure or Kidney Oouiplalataof either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PINKHAM BtOD S'URITIEU will eradicale every Tertik-e of Humors from the Dlood, and fftve tono and strength to tho system, of man woman or child. Insist on having it. Both the Compound and Blood rurlfler an prf pared at 833 and 13 Western Avenue, Lynn, Jf&M. rrlceof either, )L BU bottles f or S, Beut by mail In the form of pule, or of loienjrea, onreoelptof prloo, tl per box for either. Mra. Flnkham freely auwera all letter! o( lpqnlry. Endow SctiUmp. Bend for pamphlet. No funllrshonlrl be without IYDIA KFINEnAlFS LIVEtl rfLlA Thoy care constipation, hUlooinoea, anatorpiult OI tne urer. uccuuiicruu jOJPSoIdby allUruffglJiti.-V ( IS A SURE CURE for all dlea8 of the Kldnoya and LBVER It baa spoclflc action on this most Important organ, enabling It to throw off torpidity and Inaction, stimulating tho healthy eocwtion of the Bile, and by keeping tho bowels in froo condition, effocting its regular dlsoharge. nlfiMln If you oreiuffcring from IVldlai Ida malaria, hATO the chills, aro bilious, dy epeptlo, or constipated. Kidney Wort will suxoly rullOTO and quickly cure. la the Spring to cloanso the System, every one should take a thorough course of it. U. 80LD BY DRUGGISTS. Price.. PLUMEMG, GAS FITTIMG, STOVES AND TINWARE. E. 33. BROWEH nas purchased the Stock and lluslness of I. Ila. genbuch, and Is now prepared to do all kinds of work In bis line. Plumbing and (las Fitting a specialty. Tinware, Btoves, FNqES amd rjEAJEHS, I In a great variety. All work dono by EXPERIENCED HANDS. llaln Street corner of East, HXOOIUSHURG, PA. ROOFING. For steep or flat roots. AnoltAd by ordinary n. Clrcnlnra, workmen at one-tmrd thi cost of tin, and saniDles free. Amenta wanted. 1'. Kicu' i John air.-ot, New York, d Oct, 0, i-w. MOLlER'SwIW;. LIVER Oil Bopsrlorto any. UUrbwt nedlcal authorttla. Imtlf r to Ita dallcacv r maanaameu. rentals by urninrlafi. W.n.SthlelTcHn&Cut;; oct ihvt jTAINWRIQIIT it CO., WHOLESALE OJtOOEJiS, PlIILADEI.l'IIIA, fKAH, SYItUI'8, COKr'KK, SUOAlt, HOLiBHtb, XICI, SriCES, 1ICARB BOPA, tC, tO. N. E. corner Second and Arch streets. ivorderawUl receive promptattentlon .For Ir.Xtt rrh't Xnt ItookW a n f D r 3UAYH Or TIIK HONdr-MANMOIItUU mi, uiufi iu tuatrwkir, alt. A very "lilt luirtiett tWtu, aoj hit Iwtl tltmiflit," Lat I. U, AloCurJ A Vu., Ox. ;1U U Cliulatll bll., OCt 20-4 W 1'AltMr.ItSI and VAlMfKIW riONN CAN MAKEBm IltulIiE W0 l'l" nJ Winter. I or wruculaii, liittu, ' J,V,Mc(Airdy ACa., rLllt.dt-i4.l1l, l'a, OCt 20-tw aid V.,IISSA. Cheaueat D- & J. J. M'HENRY bclnff cngAgcd In tho Manufacturing of Lumber lmvo constantly In stock the followlniri 2X4) 2X5 2x6, 2x8 HEMLOOK BILL STUFF, ot v&rlous lonuths for Dutldtnir l'nrposnt. 200,000 feet Hemlock Boards, 14, 10, 18 and 20 feet, ranging In width from 10 to 20 Indies. 100,000 GAUGED BOARDS, fi, 0 anil 71iichc3, 10 feci long. 50.000 Wblto I'lno Boards, Fanol. 40,000 Feet 2 in. Plank, Pino, ALSO Large quantities ot common plno boards etc. quantities ot the above can bo had at tne Lum ber Tcard ot J. J. JIcIIENItY, Ucnton l'n. For f utthor particulars address B.&J.J. M'HENRY Benton. Pa. aug ss Km bt AWW "DniYrTC! T ouaaa. tUWiw i BLANK BOOKS! , ... i, i i i Ut every description ituieti nnu bouml to or(ler . aiso bjml,.r of R pcrj ... , as Harper s, uentury, oiu-ijua- &, gt. Nicholas, Petorssn's, &C. ,,,,.,. . , . In fact latest and " 1B0 wmuu iu most substantial styles. Corre:ponionce Solicited. J. W. ItAEDEU, 110 & 112 W. MAEKET STEEET, WILKES-BAERB. Pa. A UDIT61VS NOTICE. EHTiTKOF CITnlRNE I.AZ1KCS DUCIASKD. OF OK1NOK TOWNjntr. Tin, nnrlprfllcfnfid aiiclttnr flnoolntftil hv tbo Or. lUans' court ot Columbia ulatrlbute tho tnnrl In thn hand of John admlnls- tratorofsald estate, to and among the partleB entlt'ed thireto will perform tno duties of Uls sppolstment at omco ot Freezo.Eyerly s. W lilto in nloomsburt? onTuesdiy. October slst. lssj. at ten o'clock a. in., when and whero all pereons Having claims; upon said fund are requested to I present tnem or bororerer aeuairea rrom com- Ins In on Bald fund. JXO, M. CLARK, Auditor, Sept n ta. JTJMTOR'S NOTICE. KST1TXOFJOUNMC 11SYN0I.I3, DICK1SKD, Tbe. underslfrned auditor appointed by thnOr- E bans' court ot Columbia county, to make ai3in utton of tbo balance ot the fund In tne hands of ii, w. iticueynoias administrator, to ami amnnp tho Dartlcs entitled thereto, will bit at his lonicom the town ot llloomsburg, on Saturday, November llth 1R8J, ato a. u., to perform the dutleRi or hta annolntment. when and where all xues lnterestea in saia iuna must niiena or debarred from receiving nny share thereof. O. O. BAHKLKY' oct20-ta Auditor. UDITOIt'S NOTICE. The uudcitlened auditor nnnolnted bv tbo Orphan's Court ot Columbia county to make dis tribution ot the fund In tho bauds of the aomlnls trator ot said decedent to and among the panics entitled thereto, will perform the duties ot l 11113 9 ap. Dolntment at tne omco of Knorr Wlntersteen In Dloomsburg. l'a , on Saturday the sstli day ot Iuciooer, ai ten o ciock a, in., wnen anu wuero an persons hartng claims upon said fund nra re quested to present them or bo forover dobarrod irom coming in on eaia iuna. L. S. WINTUUSTKE.V, oct l3-ta Auditor. UUITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF CANFIELD UAKKISON BICKASED. Tho Undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court ot Columbia county, to dlstrlu ito balance m tn J hndds of tho surviving Executor in the estate of Cainnd nairlson dcuii. ot lilooms- burg, win attend to that duty at his omco in llioomsburg, on Saturday, Novomber 4th, at ton u ciock in me rorenoon. wnen anu wncro an ner- sons having claims unon s ld fund aroreauestsd w Ihu-ssui, luuui ur uoiuruvur ucuanuu iruui valu ing in on sniu iuna. u. '.v. Auditor. Oct. o, ta. UDITOH'a NOTICE. IN TUB MirrtltOKTIIK K3TATF., OF Sill DEI. ItllONK, 1!ECK13KU. The underslirncd auditor auDOlntcd bv tho Omhan's Court of Columbia county tortlstrlbuto thj balance ottbe furjdslnthe hands of the ad ministrator ot i.aid decedent aa shown by bis first and tloal account, will alt In tho discharge ot bis auiies at ms omen in momuurg upon me 'rtu day of October wvz at ten o'clock In tho forenoon. at which place and time all parties Interested In said estate are renulrcd to attend or ba forever aeoarreu from any snare in sua iuna. 1'AUI, 13. WIUT, Bept SS-ta Auditor, UDITOR'S NOTICE. XST1TK OP J01IK KLINB, DECEA8BD. Tbo undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or phan's court of Columbia county, to make ais trlbutloa of amount In hand) of Kxecutor accord- to directions contuned in tne last will ana testa. ment ot earn deceased, win perform tne amies or his appointment at his ofllco In llioomsburg, on Katurdav. Oct.. 21. 1'at. at ten o'clock in the fore. noon, wnen ana wneru an peruuus miureaieu must, aDoear ana Drove mcir claims or uu uu. barred from any sharo ot said fund. WM. CUKISirAN, Auditor. UDITOR S NOTICE. ESTATE OK HENRY KINOSBURV. PECKA3ED. Tho undersigned Auditor unpointed by tbo Or Phans' court of Columbia county to dlstrl. uuto funds inlands of uoo. A. Doty, administra tor, d. b. n , will attend to tho duties of Ills appointment at bis ofllco In llioomsburg. on Saturday, Nov, 4th at 10 a. in., whim parties having claims on said fund are requested to present mem or do lorevcr aeoarreu irom coming in ion said fund. C. B. llftOCKWAY, Auditor Sept 89-ta UDlTOU'a NOTICE. ESTATE Ur WILLIAM 1.AZAIIUU. UKvKAOEir, OfOKlNHK TOWNSHIP, The undprsigned Auditor appointed by the Or Chans' Court ot columella county to mako dlstrl . utlon of tns bal. In the bands ot J. S indcson Laza. rus. administrator, will sit at the omco of l'reezo Kyerly White In llioomsburg In said county on Tuesday, the Hist day of October 1SS2, at ten oVlock a. m., ot said day, wbon aud where all parties Interested In said estate must attend or be forever aenarrea irom any siuro oi saia iuna. J.NU. M, ULAltlC, SeptS2ta Auditor, jUUITOR'3 notice. ESTATE OF SARAU TEGO, PECEA9KP, The undorslL'ned anrMlnted an auditor, bv the Orohan'e court of Columbia county, to make dis tribution to and among tho parties entitled there to, ot tne balance In tbo hands ot the oxecutor of said estate, will attend at his omco In lliooms burg. ou Thursd ly. October m. lSSK. at ten o'clock In the forenoon.tor the purposes of his appoint ment: wnen and where an persons having claims on said fund aro requested to present them, or bo ueuaiiGU iiuiu t;uuiiubr iu uu Diuu luuu. JriU,.V,Cl.AI(K, Sept Si-ta Auditor, A UDITOR'B NOTICE. ESTATE OP ADAM UASLE, DECEASED, The und:rslirned auditor amiolntcd bv the Cr. Dbnn's Court of Columbia countv. to makedlstn outlon of tno balance In die hands ottho executor, tnand amongtho tnrtles entlt'ed thereto. n perform the duties of his appointment utbls uiiice in iinramsuurg, on rritmy jNovemuer mi;i, at tea o'clock a. m , when and where all persons Interested must appear and prove their claims or do aeoarreo irom any snare oi saia iuna. V. r.IlILLMEYKK, o:t. 13-ta Auditor, I UDITOR'S NOTICE. ' ESTATE OP JACOB BllBAIIMAN, DECEASED. Tho undentlurned auditor unoolnted bv Oruhans' court of Columbia county, by consent ot parties luterestod, on exceptions to tho second and tloal account of N. llredbcnder. Jr., administrator ot Jacob Shearman, deceased, win sit at bis olllco la llioomsburg on Saturday. November llth. lMi. at ten o'clock in the forenoon to perform his duties, when all persons Interested will attend If tliey i uuuk proper. unu,n.aittir.i lo OOt. 13-1W Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP Unto, BllIUE, DEOIAIIU, IMIVHV TOWNSUir, The underslirncd auditor uPDOlnled by the Or phan'a court tt Columbia county to make main button of 111a taiaoce in nanus 01 me aaraiuutru tor ot Bald mtuio to and amoiiKSt tho parlies en. lined thereto will Bit In the omco of Freeze, liver ly whi to In llioomsburg on Saturday the am uay of October iw, at iu o'clock a. m. orsaiuaay witxn and whore all Dirties interested In Bald oa lateinun attend or be lorever debarred from any Bhare 01 saia lunu, ,,. 11, 1 , imim, Bept 88 ta Auditor, Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas,! Pi m pi os nil I Fnco PniZv. Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, Tc' ter, Ilnmors, salt ucr.ov: . Kcald Head, Sorns, AIrrcn?i Diseases, Fomala Wenkuc nnd Irregularities. JJizsmrr: Loss of Appetite, JnamUcdi AttBCTlOns or VIIO Jjivvr, jjiuj gestion, Biliousness, Dyspcp sin nna ironorai jDooimy. A curie of llurJiKk Ultxul flitter, will vthftr the mmitik imul ttiRtlll.tliel.reateM lilno-l rurttttroti earth. S-ilil liy ttii-'ll Ino ilr-iUrs every - hr . ihreitloitl In eleven laiigmee., i in eleven taiitniige., ihi FOSTER, MILGURN &.C0., Prop'l, BultYo, N.Y, Fob. IT ly. 'Si BLOOMSBURG PLANING :o. Tho iihfloralsupd luvluc rut Ills I'lnntni? Mill on Railroad street, In tlrst-ciass condition, Is pro pared to do all kinds ot work In Ills line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, ' FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable pr)cos. All lumberufed Is well (seasoned and nono but skilled workmen aro employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS turnlsUed on application, Mann and fpcclllca lions prepared oy an experienc.a araufjuisnian. Ulooiiisbiirg, in. OOwiSBORG, PS. mm. Us9d In tho principal Churchc3 for Communion purposes: Excellent for Ladies and Weakly Per sons and tho Aged. Speor's Port Gropo W"ino FOUR YEARS OLD. THIS CEI.KnuA.TED NATIVfi Wl.VG U n rule from tho Juice o. iho oporto Orape, raU-dln tnis country, its inv,uuat:o Tonio and Strengthening Proportion aro unsurpassed by any other Katlvo Wlno. Ue lngtliejpuro Julco ot tho drupe, proaui-ed under Mr. Spoer's own personal suptjrvlslon, lta purity and genulnaness, are guaranteed. Tho youngest child rrny pirlake ot its generous quall'lff, nnd tliouenkpstlnvalidusolttoiidvanragu. it Is par tlculuily bcnctlclal to tho aged nnd dcbllliutctl, and sultd to the various amounts that nrrect tin, weaker sex. It U In every rcspcst WINK TO HISUELIUUON. SPEER'S 0 Tho P.. I. SIIKHItYlia wine of Superior Char acter, nnd partokes of tit 3 ilcli qualltlea ottho grape rrom which It Is made. 1'or Purity, lilch ncss, Flavor and Jledlclnal Properties. It will bo found unexcelled, S PEER'S This Bit ANU v stands unrivalled in this country uemg tar Hupuiiur lor juuLiitjiu'ai iiurpo'jss. IT is PUItH distillation from the grape.and con tains valuaole medicinal properties. It has a delicate llavor. Mrnllir to that of tho grapes, from which it U distilled, and Is la great iuur aiiiuttir urat-t:i,ia4 luitiiiiert. Seo that the signature of AWItEIi SPEEH, Pat Balc N, J. Is over tho cork of each tot lie, SOJLD BY jO. A. KL.TCTM. AND 11Y DHUOdlSrS EVJ?HYV1IEI1E. Sept, S2, 'it. 1-y, To ilcrvoiis Sufferers The Or.-st aursptan usraeay. ok. j. B.siarsoN's si-Ecino mkpicike. Ur. J. I). Simmon's Soecino Meaicino is a uusi. tlvo cure tor overwork of body or brain or excess oi any luii'i, sucu as weaKness anu an nisoasos re- au.biuK nuw ,,ut iu., .Jt'u.titJ , .llliuiiltj.tiriiiill Anxiety, Languor, Lassitude Depresslrm of K)lrlts anu iuuciiouui ueraugeinenis oi iuh nervonia 3ys. torn acnerallv. Pains la tho -iiiacii or biae, loss .ji memory, itc. mature out ago ir.d diseases that icaa to etiDMnpt. lou.lusaiiltv inn early grave or ootli, No matter howbhatteredtho Jsyslcm may bo out uxcubhcs of aii vk7iTtT. a "hiiort course or this uieuiciuu win rcstoro iu? iosi. tunctions nnu pro euro health and happliiesiwhern betoro was de spondency and gloom. The ".pe -lu. 'lealclno H bo Ing usod with wonderful suc'ess, amnhluts sent free to all Write fur tliera and get run partricuiar. stful p, rrlce. SneclUo Jl.OOnernackairp.orsIir n.ui: im for $5,iio. Will ho sent by mntl tm u-crlpt ot ni' Addrcsaall orders, .1, U, Hi.MpauNM MUDlciNb. uu. noi, iui nnu ltxiMain street, uiirruio, n, y For sale by J, II, KINPOIU'S, JHooms'mrg, l'a. teb !i6My NO. to JUST ISSUED. Fir.OCIJTIONIhT'H ANM'AI.. 'JIIO pnue. iLatest and llsst Heading, Dialogues and 'I nb. loaux. Jluny entirely new, un l colleciod from tho best writers f'jrtbo Ikst time. Pon-pald, 3S0.J Cloth. 730,1 (lilt, O I. Nitlloiml M-limil .i' hlooiitloii A.-Ontiory, I 1 1(1 and I IIS Cliiw.nut ov. i uuaiu-iDuia, j-a, jjiinu. u.ciirsL, sccty, OCt, 13-S W BUILDING MANILLA. ThU wuir-iroor niftfcrHl, lospiubllnfj lino leather, U used for roof, outhldo w Ula nnd lusUlo lu nlacu fit rvt(latii- llitilivriiunitfl ...-. u arjui l ubh,uwj,iiu uuu n.HUl'iVO IUU, W. H. PAY & CO. wotki&f character ert vanvty. Books & Bibles lw In i,rkr: idling un, r-t ttlt tl .-vwiywhcre, Mbtri! letuii. lir.Jlf j. lrrrUott a 1 1., U N I uunlt bt I'aiUJi-li l.ij, I'j, Junoeo-ly old D II. I. L. RABB, riUOTIOAL DENTIST, Main street, opposite Itplscopal Church, Uloomiiurg, Pa, Teeth extracted without pain, oot. 1 nil DRUNKfeiNNESd & rpium ATIN& o.c liners, M, ,, & K m, j.u fourth avvnue, Vow Vork, lutve palnlebs remedies for timao evils 'ihousands cured. Call or Bend ttamp for evi dence, a oct. o, 4 w. few IunoBi, Arrcn, Pilif BLOOflUBUSC Bloomsburg, Hov. D. courses oi siutiy presunueu. uy t-uu (-mtc I. Modal School. IT. Prepawtoiy. TII. Tills 90 loot, nsatweMnt oonstittiK't , one lue uiy loBiu. "j";. y1111"': . . , , ,,, .,.,,,, .,,. n, puis, now lorn, iiaiuiiiuiiiuiiu a9iuiigion,nr Il'illdln spaoio with-a bountiful supply of tnt Philadelphia tcoa.m.i NcwYork.ll u pursoiiBpring water ..-,,,., .. ,.,i,-,.. t,i.-irt,in.. firm t.nt. Irlhil. ii'iilinrm and thorouttli ? I":, I"lll!w9,.H' i,',Sr..P,JYl?.M,illt" Location imaiuuui, hpii oaay 01 hocbjr. uuvt6tiitiinwii, """---", : .v: .. ';:: A.:.Tf ,i.Li.ri wni,i'.ti . in. it '""V. ?'"1'"ik. 1 rs Mn,tM,n mrtfrniin urnntr riniitintinn va uuexiioQuuir lo iiMVJu. . Auintjuw ruunt i."ti tit nny nit.e. rtt.uuiaivst.-i .ui. iitoiitu, i nrnrun on mis irnni in 1'iiiiauu n un. 1 airnnnrn T. Adlimct riiire! Acndcmio. IT. Gomtterciul. 1 11. OoltMo lll.rtluaMi rr,; ranrintarv mr.ntine and ciiuMlfi.ii Courses ore pnol'lwuloN AL, and. fTUideni gmdi'niiig llioreln, td(ivo nmto iiipiomas, coin ,:V., ..v:,VUV.,irn,, iwtrrr..u- MrmMtr ni inn litetnoLW i fast'r tit dIW HeWfws : M?.4tr of tu Olwsles, Ur.ttuiates in ho other courses Normal .'or. 1I.A., ; their i.lVji 5, MSSJi'ftr.nrW., nr. ,ft,...,,n, . . hu, of niir brit tlolleccsi T ie course oi iuuyi reriu by n-l,.t Qtnli, t.miittQ n tr... ...titi i,n,nii,i umHani TAArhnrH f or tw.r Mrtltools. lmnrove t.belr time ami tnelr Wlonts, as students. InbornfterlenvlngReliool. fir l.otjloguo,atldres Ico l'rli. 'iral. IIIIM.WII.I.IA.H KI.WBI.I.. l'ri-.l.lem Hour., ol 1 1 . u. . 0)i. 1,'J..- HilverwaM, Watcho:, Jewelry, Oloska. All kinds ot Watsh'is, CifCitd and Jowei,-;- neat ly ropMre 1 ana warrantod. nft'U, '78-tr I AND PAPER KANGIN&, WM. F. BODINE, IKON r., HELOWSK 'OND, IlLODMSP.UItO, VA. Is prepared to do all kinds of Plain and omatnentol PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECORATIVE AND PLAIN. Ill Kinds olTFtiruJtisj'c topaIr: iiiicS iiu(J tiH kooiI as tstnv. KOXKBUT FIIIST-OLASS WOHKKENEMP I.OTED. Estimataa IVZado on all Worbt WM. F. DODINE. 0,00 TO Inligllt-n'i'n lullelous sp ilttnn In firaln. Pro--visions an I S' Ki on our pmfo:tp.t plan. Molds miiv moatli1:- i.rotltH to largo nnd sei .11 luv stow. Addiess, for lull pirtl"ulxi. it. ''. Kfiidnll iv :., com'n. .Mcielnntti, KTIT'J l,a Ssllo St., Cl'l.igo, III. r oct. IU-1 w. IBnfTO-DAYMK Now Edition (low Ready. nim nprrtn.lcti tltlV l.v -ti;s ot ls;, it-, Ai-vitl. uno .10-iy n'U VNlllllJAlXI n IN Tone, Toncli.Worlcmansliip & Dnralrility. Ti'irxiAii nAitr. a co. Xoi. 20) f.ntUiifl W.'tt Iljltlmorti Btrwl, ltalMincrr. Ko. 112 Fifth Avenue, Itmv Yoi k. r oct. 18-1 w. THAN EVKll. It IIUAVKN. , li'tt. nutliiM. Prose and Poetry. Introduction b'. T.I, I'uyior, D. I) Hill olMttutit homo book nii'lf more t,.iuUfiii. Itevlsetl lt Hiousond. Knl'.i'eiiw pHts 11 paf'H ndltl. at now niithoM. tits, on till, mains and our now Cyclopedia. iw month to Agents. li D.'l'P.HAT, PiiUlaiier, .uw York, Oct. C, 4-w. d WANTEDS! Vines, liru'-s, Itoscs, 4c. OOOD halvkIKH .ml I.M.enses puw. Address at once, J, 1 1 1 t'f. Will liic'iester, N. V. d ' Oct. c, 4-w . OUT Teas GOT! Wa havo stores In 15 leading Cities, from whk'lioiir art Mtn iiijtuin their iri Utadv.jfMv. Ihw ictiivlrn, n i ! i'l hu'tpitl Oillt'tM an ut I.IlL, I'll, BJUl lap uur im.U-iilK' M.a Ur u i t j agouti AiKUv.-ij SIS Lnchnwannn Avo SORANfOH, PA. march 3-iy ACr.XTS! ArJUVl'S: AGBSTS! Per fiEN. IlODOr.'S Iran' new book, entitled Thtrty-Tlivee xearft Among u mmmv. AtrtierecorUftli9Author'irA''.tf Thrtt Year Perioral Ex. jt) Kiicc witoug uur Mil- Cv'NVuU an &bl Iutiyauttlon By Gen. Sherman. Th!- new work wai ct onc tnbrlba for by JVA(n( Aktiil'R and entire (UVi.i. tt y (;,,, Sfonnan, (Jen. (Irani, Gen, Shcrtfatt, (i Jlouwl, ami thmunntU cf tin Inent Men. (I kk, (.hast '-i U Ou t t book on Imtiun lift ever imftea." Unnor Wuir (Mtthodlit,) ityi Unhook of bnMtuextih It la tho QnUj autlnatlo account vt our In (Ham vcr puMUVa, full revcallDg tbrtr "Inner life cccrct dotusi, exploits, etc. UU rfplctowlth tl.rllllnff cipg-lencciol tho Author, and rt famoui 6conti, Tripperi. Cow-boyi, Mloeri, Jlordcr ItunUni, tlc.,vivlJl portuylnj life In the UrutWiitM It nowit, AVAthnumnJ tn yrat. VfWa Stctl KneriTloi and Superb Chromo-LlthofrrtpU l'Utci In 15 color, from puotoyraphi icado If tho U, 8, GoTfrn merit sixly for thit prtit u orl, AUIiA'TH I TbU ffrnnd book ii nor outHetllng all othen 10 toll Ao fowjwifto AffenU Tcrg9 10 to SOordcri ad7 Va want lOOO more gvnti t once Exctusivt Territory ant Sjwinl Ttrms given. Our largo circular! wh full particular tent free A flno Specimen 1'late tent in aJJUUrn for a S cent Ump, Adtlreaa tbo aolo publUheri, A. V, WUUTIIINQTO.V 6 CO., IUrtobd, Oca. ept9-2 im B, F. HAltTAIAtf UMrrUUlHTtJ THE l'0IltTU(l A7IK1UCAN INSUHANOH OOlll'ANlKSi I.yeorclng of Muuoy Puna North Ainrloun of Phllid Viaultlln of Pennsylvania of " Caruiflrs of Yorr l ,1 lit ii'iver of Nc' s . ' . ManliatUu of . t I Ollloti on M . oct HI, T-t, ii'jrtifi'jj. i piOMUburg. 3 cc week lu your ovn t') u T 1 ma nnd f .', om t tr. . Addro 11. 11,11 Lti a t o.. Puri land -luliie. march Hi -ly Minted STALE H U i rtlXTH NOllMAL I3CEOOL DISTRICT. Columbia County, iT. WALLBR, J.T., Ph. D., Elementury. IV, Clwi4. IV. Courne In T... ll.ln nfl It. Rfillellti v t ittti if nfil-Mmis. tit i To all mh li It proiolari a'.T in'Uiping tnetr p rr i v JEvcry F.stcy Oryan Sold is made 'Jlhrauyhout with JJjquat fidelity, aud Yields unrivaled tones. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. -MUSIC . .. 1 " rr. 7tl . t m. ,v m. A t . Mxi n m lip if II blillM Mil i mm Aiul , other fust clas-? Pianos, :uh1 ii large lot oi if w mm llf Miislo i .i . , MIDSKCAL Oie (0IIITT1G., VTOL1N ,il AflffiiR isvwytUtwsK ti in. if-'- m.u&zu mm STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, "'. '"BLOOMSBURG Pa MM ..fiBMalHKSSBia', mws Wti IKLAI!) FRENCH WALNUT fusy Jersni. Sali:i;wt Ion Gunrnutci'tl. .::;iico.N3s j?xj-sto wabe rooms, MIVIO 'i-VI.K HI.OCK. HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their exool'.piit roputtvtion in jured by woi'tiilessimitationo. Tho Public aro cautioned against buy ing Plastoro having nlmilar nound ing names. Soo that tho word O-A-r-O-I-N-E is corrootly spollod. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Aro tho only improvement ovor mado in Plastors. Ono is worth moro thun a dozon of any other kind. Will positively euro whoro othor remedies will not ovon roliovo, Prieo 20 conts. Bowaro oi' cheap Plastors mado with lead poisons. SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufacturing ClicmlaU, Now Vork, KIllCl: UlUlIiOV AV I.AKT. "PrliuS5cU. MEAD'S MvdlcattJ CORN and BUNION PIASTER, Nov 1 'si ly liur tl'i-t'.imaifilaii lituiinjAnii Beware BENSON'S GflPPLASETERS ii VrJUS?; Tml iu iy tY-jj Oil (.'.'' mm 5, M A L S G fi U U I Pennsylvania. Principal, Art. V Courso In Plivtieal Culture. erring tno i eccive furnlsh- .rhllll tea nnd ffOOd nlirtloit R. lllOSO Vlltl tlerlrt' 10 powers, nnu aouuuani, opporniiiiuea iur wui i'utu seefctary JEvcry buyer should Select an OfU'in That ffttarntUccs good JSvcvy day work and vut'8 of service. J. EST Ft Y Ss CO., Brnttleljoro, Yt. KBOKS, mm if HTiiil'MttllWlWlHtl1 fill mm ACCORDEONS, STRINGS, Ma the Mm&hV MM, LTZBR Roam, CASK ORGAN, ) STOPS, $U0 0AS1I. XVZXiKXIS-SAXIXLXl, VA. .lui.ii J. SAJLTZER'S General Sowing Machine Depot, Fill Stora Below fflarbt l BLOOMSBURG, PA. UmJi(mm Celeliratea White Mn Macliiue, JNow iJavjs Vertical I'cod Sew ing iWiKihino, Now Hqiiio Sowing Mueliino, ironscliold f-owing Mndiino, Ifstey Sowing Mtiuhino, (icnnino Singer Sowing Machine, Singop Pattern Sewing Maohino, AttftcIimonU. twRt SewtnirMnclilne O'l. unil Nets. ainrjror on uewinir intouinra. tstiwiut; iloclilnoH n. ,.u .....tititij tiajriiriua- i.inriui uihtioiint UVttl f r CI18I1. KV rt- lllirhlnn Itllirttnftml frtttt ui I wmraiitoOt ibe lcont 111 cootl ruuiiluir ortur for ll" jttiir frco i t timriro. nntl tltcrniuh In. slrneilonairlvonb;' tho ImM Isdy opemtorlu tills , nt-ut 11, tu .-nartt nKuiuiu my 1 r mni, lii,,,.u utu i.ii,ii,.nin,, - Hh in SSOrtPff oy. ' noma- Hamplos wortli wwuvlri.l.l AUiir b KTiNhON A; en- port 1 uuroii u i-y !11 1..'A FlAILaOAD Tf.Mfc-TABLE IKNNft Yt Av A NI A llAltjItOAl), Win, X AUBlil'IHA S KltlU II, mvinoN. t'ltlladntnhla ami Krln lta'.lroad Ulvtiion and Northern central Hallway. SUMMKIl TDtli TAW,K. InclToctJtinoCtli, lsvi, trains lcavo Notllmtn. bcrland. lUSTWAHU, 9 v, n m. soa Hliora nxprCBS for sunbury, llar- rlsnurg anu lnierraouiaiv niuiions, ijiticntfr, r itiinttt;ii.w, 4,v . u. too, fLrrivtD it rimaneimiia a.vo pm.! New York, n.lfi p. in. BalMrnorculQ p. m. j WttshiDffton making cloao cbimtctlona nt Pliiladoi. U.4t J't 111 IIJURiiiK iiwo't "1 lAt ti. 10, Day rxlirosu for Sunbury. Ilarn.. burg nud lnlohni'dlato nation", Lata ni'fir, j'lill ndclphin, new ioik. imiumoiii nnu h usiiinRton. nrrHlngnt 1'Iilladelphla V.83 p, ni.j.Now Vork Hl.B) p. m. I liuillinuit', t.xu i. in.; lYaqimigLon, 8.4, p.m. I'uuman ranor car uirougu 10 riniathl. puiil ttilil I'neuiiKv wuvidwiivuhii t,u i'ltuauci- phlaamlllnltlmoro. , . S.05 p. in. wiliinmsport Accommodation fcr Kunburv, llarrlsburg and nil Iblennrtllnlo sta- llons LRiicnsuT, liuiaaeipuin nnn ew Vork, arriving at Philadelphia v.os a. in. j Now Yoikc.16 a. in. . sleeping car cccommortatlons can bo secur ed nt 11 nrrlsburg for Willodelphlft ami New York. 1'lilladelphla pnsMingers can, 1 cmwn n sleeper im- tlisturueil tintin n. m. illrtlitrbftl Onl i.rj, ft. 111.-. icrie .iaii lor iinuurv. llnrrlitbiirg and Inlcnnedlato stnllonS, I.aiicnMer, I'hllaii del. nnd w ashlneton. nnd through Passenger co.ieliea to Philadelphia nnd ll.iltlinoro. WBSTW'AIIB, c.115 n. ra. Erlo Mall tor Itrlo and all lntorineill.ito stations with through Pullman Palaco enrnini through passenger coiclics to Krln. ror i.;unnntutigiia nnu iiiieiiiif untiu ftnnoei, Udchesler, llulTaloand Niagara l'nlls, villi Pull man Palaco car nnd palscngcr cOnclies through to ltoch ester, 1.15 p. in. Nlauira Hxprt,si for Kuna and Inti r incdlate stations with through passenger coacnes to Kane. For ("annndalgiia nnd print Inal Inte. modlatd Matlons, ltcehcttcr, I uflulo nud Niagara Palls with through parlor enrto v ntlans and thiougU passenger coaches to Moliest- r, b.K p. t.4., Past line for Lock Huron and Inlerine. dl'ito stations, nntl lilmlrn. Wntldns and Imtrnie dlate stations, with through passenger concilia to aiKins, THUOUOII TltAlNS roil NOItTHI;MIli;i!I,ANI) 1 HUM i llli HAM' AND MII'TII, HingnraHsmt'ss leaves Newlork, o.son.m.1 Phlladelplila 4 AO n. in. ! W Hhlugltin, 8.0 a. 111 ; Ilnllliiioreii.voa. m., arriving nt Northumhcrlnud 1.4? p. tn with through Pullman Parlor car Horn PlilladelDlila nnd through lusscngi rconchcn from Plill.idelplilaand linltlinorc. l'ast Lino e.ites New vor c ..n.i n. m. : r u auei. phla, li.oj rv.-in.; vaslitngtou, si.n u, in.: Hum more, lo.f.o a.m., nrrlvlhg at NorthUmocrlnnd 6.35 p.m., with tlirougli .pus.scngcr coaches from I'liiiiiueiiuiia ttnu iiaiuinoi o. Krlo hull lilavos .Miw York 7.55 p. in,; Philadel phia, 11.20 p. m.j Washington, 9-tiT n. m.i Haiti more, li .tori m .arihlngat KtlrthuinocrlandO.l a. in., with through, Pullman palaco sleeping cais from Philadelphia, Wlivhlngtoti nnd liallltnt,io aud through piusscngcr coachcH from Phlladelplila, NOKTIIKKN COMPANY. OEXTKAIi KAIIjWAY On and after I'cbru.irv will leavu suiiDury as follows: HOKTJIWAltD. Northern Kxpres i fi.nn a,m.,arrIvo Kltnlra lv.f o pm Arrive ni. t'.inanuaigua v.r, p. m, " ltochester 4.40 " " Nlatrari. 3 45 ' Niagara HxproSs i.M p. in. vrrlvo ltlinlin o.o5 p m aruve cnnannaigua s.ud " Hochcsier o 45 " " NIairara lii.lilluni Fast lino B.15 p ra arrive Klnilra p in aiKins p in HOUTlIWAltD. Southern Express 1.32 a.m. nrrlvo Harrlah'g 8.1 C n in nrnvu I'uiiaiiciiuua J.uu " NowYotlc 9.B5 " " liiltlmo " Washlnirton Mi a in Lock Haven Ex 10.50 ft m arrivn llarrtsri'gia.ts :u Hinie l uiiaoeipuiu f .t.u p m " New Yoik 3. 45 " lialtlmoro " Wnshlnejton n.4J Day Exprcssl.G) p in nrrlvo llnrrlshurg 8.s p m Philadelphia 7 tir, 10.00 " 7.C0 S.U a. m T.Od " 0.U5 " " NewY'or; irk " lialtlmoro " Washlneton Srle Mall 1.05 a. re. arrlvo Ilarrlsburg " Philadelphia " New York " llaltiraora " Waslilncton T.0O S.U J.I!. WOOD, (leneral Pasjcngor Agent. FIIANK THOMSON, General Mauagi t pi-VDBLPlUA!pBBADINaKOAn AUUANGEMENT OP PAS&ENGFJ! TKAIKS. Juno M,.1SE2. TK1INS f.KlVK BUrnilT AS KOH.OW6(SDNDAT EXL'tl'T.P. For How York,Plilladelphta,lleadlng,l'ottsvll!o, Ac, 11,45 a. m For OaUnvl33c, 11,45 a, in, 4 rs nnd 1,T!0 p. m. For WIUl.tnisport,C,l5 tj.Dtia, ta.aad l.oss p. in. niAiNsiroii KormiT lkavi; a.- folloa'S, (sonpav xcxptsii.) hare New York, via, Tamancnd i,uo u. ra. and via. llouud Urook Itouto 7,45 a. m. Lcavo Philadelphia, 0,45 11, m. Lcsvo Heading, ll.w a. m., Puttavllle, l2,so p. n, ana Tamaqua, 1,35 p. ni. hiaro citawlssa, 0,10 e,40 a. in, and 4,00 p, m. Leavo Wliuamiport,9,45a.m,2,oop.rn, and4.3ii p, m Passengers to and from lit :v Yorp, la. Tama ncnd and to and from Phllat ijdiU go throupli without clinngoot cars J. K, WOOTTEK, (Juncrnl Manager C. O. HANCOCK, Ocuorai i'asscngcr and Ticket Agi r.t. Jan, 10. 18si-tf, DKTAWAK1-:, Jj.VOKA WANNA AND WEiTUItN ItAlM(UAI). r.LooMonup.c divjto i. NOItTH, hTATION'H, SOt'TlI p.m. p.m. a.m, ii.rii. p in. 1 lu i m 1 27 2 t4 2 ?n 2 II 'oii 0 V2 27 C St II 41 1; 111 ti 1,1 e 51 0.18 7 112 J 10 7 17 7 12 7 I) 7 .11 " (ill f 25 S 40 b .ill 9 01) h 10 S (5 8 10 8 18 8 S.1 8 0 ;i 1: ij V 4 1 sernuton.... .nitllovuo. ......TiiyJiiTvlllo,, ...Lackiiwnniia.. PlltMon ... ,. WmrUltlAton Wyoniiiijr,... ilnltPi a so u ou 1) 11.1 i Si 2 n 2 tl i 15 10 II 37 0 Si) II Si 0 111 'J II 3 45 11 ra V 54 10 111 10 I'd 8 C'ti 8 4S s ai -Uon not t 8 '25 b h li Oil 1 5i 9 Ml v 01 Kingston. .. Kingston.. .. .VlymoutU.luno ....PlymonUi,. AvonXUu ... Nr.ntlooko.. 10 19 111 IS 2 M 2 M S 02 3 (ill 9 11) 3 1H 3 33 11 45 3 M B 67 4 07 4 1. 4 20 i 17 4 3 4 .i 4 Id r (9 5 25 1 4 8 10 1 S5 1 U5 8 07 1 IS r on 1 oa 7 4G IV il 7 33 U 25 7 111 12 11 7 S'i ia mi 7 13 11 17 7 (ID 11 4(1 7 15 U 3,1 fi 5 11 111 tl tl III ts 0 45 10 5i II 117 10 41 C ii 10 Mi I', 10 II) 118 I, (14 111 III) 5 45 U 40 8 55 10 50 10 34 8 17 8 ill S 2b 3 II 8 12 8 00 Hunloolc'ai'i'epk 10 42 ..-KmcKsninny. 10 ca ....lllck's Perr. Ill 07 Ha.'U 11 13 -llsrwlei: 111 so Brinr (.'a. . ...V.'tllow (Irnt ii I Limo ltiiijc,. Ui.ny. 11 f 7 w! 7 t'i I 41 7 Hi 7 SI 7 VI) 7 11 ...uioombOiini. 111 4 ItUDCrl.. .. Ill M oauwt iv lirliurc 11 in i.uinv iii . . 12 " ..Onultirtv, 9(1) ..Ounii'MM. . I 6(9 9 HI 0 45 NoHllUMberl'll .12 45 5 25 1) 20 I I u..m, p.m. run., p.m. a.m. W. P. IUI.HTBM), Sunt. Buperlntoinlcpv'rj oaioc. Kornnton. Pot'. 1st, 12. I Restores the Youtlitul Color lo Cay or r. it;'. jiri IMrkcra 11 Ji-e'j-11 irT I r--i w.trrantetl ttiintt.ntr.llinj cl V liin.rli r muvviUiitSrulYtuiititiliii i,, li - o ii t ), .N . DOC, nttil Ql iu, Bl tl ,K-i ii ERTOH J1 A Supsrlailva llcsllli cud Elwijlli Restorer. irYC'iinriinincrli.nntc or 1 nn r, worn out tlth ocrwarl., urn nitiiltcr runt' " 11 by Ciwilyorlisiu hold dtttlcllry pAUhun'. (,i t x 'J 1 , if j 011 nro n lawyer, ni.m-ttr rrl 11 -in' '" Iiatiati-ii liyiitcnt-il atr.tinpr.. . - .'in tiKJ intoxicitinsi.Luimlanu,btitt..ul tk r'j.ti.i' -r c ) Ifyotiluvo t otidiirnvtio,), i) 1-11, Vli"inr lr.i,Kitlitcyl'iitnnl.iiiitii,c.r..n' 1 . w1 rt.fl' ' , atoinn&li. Utt eU, tli-tAl ir nt 1 vt-i. 1 f 1 1 ' a t .i t ToNICvi,, Itilhct.tLt hic lj'lir.ri f.nJ tin Ucst Mi Surest Csaijh Cuto Cvr.r Used. If yn'.inrew.i.iiiiffavrity f.t.i 1 cl 1 , ' if nny ilisct-.j rjr wc.iI.iil,, f titl r .ni' nutnn nil OiNt.un 'i'uMf tt mmi itv.lllltivi .tie rti 'Imi'l vom upfi tun 1I15 fii, t doto l.ut v, ill n-tcr inltl 't ltluiuve4liiiulicJ4uriivt, un y u CJ ur CAUTION !-n ru,llii.l,nlt1i,' -'-(I tT ctitj,iiil oltl,. Li.lH-tiirillftlHnutlqtl w ,i O't'il d.ttiri4tfi..tnr. ,1 ,ti it,f 1 ' ... ral nt', ! II. Ill H'-wiACu., N, y, I ..tjli.i i,itlilrlbidr 1. em y nwivi r.i r rwit su . ItlrRn nnd l.i.iiiiir fr 11' a li is luat'l lit: dciihtftiipeiliiniocjtcceilnl, pn-niiar 'llicro lauotliliitrllkojt. Iiihisiin mi i rt ' TOM CuUiuNUUhdluiik ft. r 11 UtllTfiOf ennsry totlU. Any dm, ' t . c ' -i , y i iu ' ly '.5 mill 15 t. u I i .1: v i j h , . - March Ji, HAIR BAZ? ? n s iy.