THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLOMBIAN. J. K. Blttenteaaor.,; E4ltcr3, Stewart on Beaver SOMK OK TIIK INStllK II1STOKY 01' SliNATOKlAt. CONrKST ov 1881 Tin: BLOOMSBURG, PA. FRIDAY OCTOBER 20, 1882. II. Cavalier Smith of Hiulcton lias been nominated for congress by tlio republicans of this district. Did any body over hear of him boforo t You have heard of tho Senatorial difficulty wo had at Ilarrisbnrg last year. You suppose us uio uiibiiicbb oi uio Legislature to elcot your Senator. Sir. Cameron has no objection to you cnjoyiiiu this delusion. Tho pooplo wanted Galusha A. Grow. Cameron wanted Oliver. Not half a dozen mcmbors of tho Legislatnro had over heard of Oliver, yet nt Cameron's bid ding a majority of tho Republicans in tho Legislature said thoy wore in favor of Oliver for Senator. There wcroslx tv who would not betid tho knee. "It is trim that Bnrditrf discaso has Inoreascd wonderfully, and' wo find, bv rcliablo statistics, that in tho past ten years Iti growth has been 250 per cent. hook at tho prominent mon it has car ried off i Lvcrctt, Sumner, Chase, Wilson, Carpenter, Bishop Haven and others. Tills is terrible, and shows a greater growth than that of any other known complaint. It should bo plain to every ono that something must bo dono to check this incrcasa or thvro is no knowing whero it may end." "JJo you think many peopio nro at- fllotcd with it to day who did not rca lizo it, Mr. Warner t" "Hundreds of thousands. I havo a striking cxamplo of this truth which has just oomo to my notice. A promi William K Dodgo has been nomi nated by tho Manhatleti temperance association for Mayor of New York city. v. J" 1 According to telescopic observations of tho great comet mado last week tho tail was said to bo fifty inlllioim of miles long. Col. Quay's instructions to his emis saries in 1878 were: "Go nhead with tho giTcnbaok campaign. I will foot tho bill." Ho is issuing the samo kind of instructions this year to his organiz ers of bogus lodges of Knights of La bor. THE OHIO ELECTION. When Cameron found tho sixty who ncnt professor in a Now Orleans medi- wouldn't bend tho kneo ho called tho Cal college was lecturing before his faithful together and told them to nom- ulngs on the subiect of llriuht's disease. iuato General James A. Reaver. Wo H0 had vnrious fluids under microsoo- mlH' Kfl , . W NH AUK Till' KXUJN. I orations Allowed Collectors on County Stale Tho returns show that tho Democrats carried Ohio last week by a majority would havo nono of him, That night pl0 analysis, .tnd was showing tho stu of over 18,000, and that they elected hjeaver camo to my room. Ho desired to dentB what tho indications ofthister- 14 congressmen out ot 21. In 1880 bo United States Senator. Ho told us ho riblo malady were. In order to show Ohio gavo Garlield a majority of 24,- wasn't responsible for tho manner of his tho contrast between healthy and un 000, and tho Democrats elected but six nomination. Ho said that if madn healthy fluids, ho had provided a vial congressmen. This shows a gain of United States Senator ho would bo in- tho contents of wliioh wero drawn from 42,000, and eight members oi Congress, dependont and would acquit himselt hJ8 own person. 'And now, gentle. Tho Republicans havo attempted to ex- in nil r patients as a freo mail. Ho was mnn .' hn Bald, '.is wo havo scon tho un- plain their great ilotcat on mo grounu willing to put his assurance in writing, healthy Indications, 1 will show you that because their party was in favor I suggested that his -aupporters should how it appcara in a stato of perfect ot proiiiDiuon, ine wcrnians voieu propose that tho candidates biiouiu do health,' and ho submitted Ills own mud solidly against them. This is 'shown nominated by a comtnittco of twelve to tho usual test. As ho watched tho to bo incorrect, becauso tlio proniimion from each side. Ho said that unless results his countenance suddenly change voto shows almost as great n porcent- tins proposition was entertained ho cd his color and command both loft ago of increaso as tho Democratic vote, would no longer bo tho candidate of a him, and in a trembling voice ho said TTicro is no uso of trying to explain tho faction. Instead of keeping his prom 'Gentlemen, I havo madu a painful dis anil Uog tax for tlio year 1831 nsiVEit. Do. Co. llowman Frank no Hoyor & DrclstHch ft. I. 60 Krvln so FUher Hnmuol 60 IT, o. w. w Uom Freas CO llouso ndrow M In;cnbonter 0. so McAtco Url so MOAftO IXJTt M Nam Wm. M Iloibaru woiiaco do cole rt tiur IT. N.KASiNT. Crawford Joseph 60 Cox Valarons so is KlKtlcr ltcnjimin to Miller John F. to 1 oo iioncy l'cter si ltoicti wm. S3 smith John W. ss Ohio election in any way but tho truo iso with mo he did his best to under- covcry ", I havo Bright's disease of tho one, and that is that tho peopio aro mino us. General Beaver camo to mo kidnoys,' and in less than ayear ho was tired of a Stalwart administration at later and said ho woud havo tho propo. dead. on. and of boss rulo at home, sltion referred to made. I told him it "You bclicvo then that it has no their kind havo learned in Ohio. Washing and they struck a terriblo blow at it. was too late and that ho couldn't be symptoms of its own mid is frequently t-,!.- . 4i. I tt .. , r... . r....1...1 ' i 1 ... i...!.-lr a onucai assessments, uuu uiu ofuiioiunneu oiaics oetiiuur. l-'M'IUUU0Uv I uiiKnown even oy mo person who is ;u system, aro not in favor with tho mass- Theso (holdinc them up) aro tho origi- Hided with it!" of intelligent voters, and will no longer nal papers that passed between General "It has no symptoms of its own and bo tolerated, J-ion Uameron ana ins Beaver and myself. They wero return- vory of ten nono at all. Usually no machine will bo taught tho samo lesson C to mo by Secretary Quay. Did you I two peopio have tho samo symptoms, in this stato in Novomber, that men of CVer hear of him t Laughter. How and frequently death is the first symp- ho got them I dout know. J'rom torn. Tho slightest indications ot any Stewart's Jt'ottsviue upeecu kidney dithculty should bo enough to THE SITUATION. strike terror to any one. I know what Thp Plnwfir Oitv Furore. I am talking about, for I have been Although it is a custom with many I I through nil tho stages of kidnoy dis newspapers to confidently predict that thr commotion oauskd by tub state- ease. their party is suro to win in tho cam- jient of a physician. "You know of Dr. Henion's casol" palgn, thoy aro frequently mistaken. I "Yes, I havo both read and heard of In tho present contest, however, thero An unusual articlejfrora tho Rochester, it.' is every indication that tho Democratic N. Y.. Democrat and Chronicle, was "It is very wonderful, is it not T'f candidates for Stato offices will bo published in this paper recently and has "A very prominent easo but no more elected. Tho opposition is broken bv hrpn tho milliner, of much conversation m than a irruat manv others that have ztzer .lames its internal dissensions; tho Indepond- both in professional circles and on tho como to my notico as having been "irKn Frank ent movement will draw off a very street. Apparently .it caused more cured by tho same means." o-wy o. w. i .. 4- u i.:i .... ....FV t--. .... riin,n uv H, ii,i i!:i,ia i.071lr ?f.l?K 60 Fatvcr I'etor SO llouso John it. 60 Hodman John 60 Kllno.lobn so ts Kline Am. 6 Kociicr navid Lcbo (ico. n MArn Kiien ro ss luce .terry I'. 60 8' Welzrr wm. so ra Kberllno Motes 8.1 Frelin I'eler 6 lnMntwriftr A. On Swank Clinrlca 8i Double assessments t Oi BERWICK. Pletterlcic Henry 1 40 Woods (loo. 40 WMIims John 81 rmstrouK Jonn 40 ItoylcsJmes 40 Cros'ley Win. Ts Dpnlson Wm. T6 lllckann Thomas SO 40 nir.eny ueo. w. ibi 15 lwnrrti W. C. 751 Kvans C. C. 4o smltli L J. 40, Fisher Frank 40 Ohlnijcr Isaao 40 imnnnn cnarius u Hovretl Pavld 60 75 Hull .Morris 75 Kpster Alfred 4' MltM.Tobn 1 W Ivtiklcker 75 Miller A. Miller Calvin ollcer Thomas Porter Alfred Pratt, bratn smnlliers James smith Oakley Smith Pavld smith .t C. vande Dllco J. West Henry COKTKOUAU. OauRher Wm Flan lan .inmcs KdwanH Wm. D03I0 Kdward Donnelly I'atk. Dot .i IlL'rnard Pcan Kdward Uormcr John cannon .tomes Collier Jamci crow simuel curr r.awnra N OT1CI2 IN I'AUTITION. rSTATK OF TIIXRISA BAIIfln, UKCHABKll. Wiisnnis, at an Orphans' Ooart hold at Illooms bnrg, In nnd for tho county ot Columbia tlio Fourth day of September A. 1), 1 81, beforo tho llonorablo William Klncll President, and his as noclates, J us t Ico i ot tin said court, tho petition of innlel Pallor n brothor nnd !Hr at lw of Therrn xn Pallor laUi ot Montour township In said county deceased, was nresonted, sotting forth that tlio paid Tlicrorsa li.Mlor died on or ixuout tho 1DIU dayofSeiitcmberA. P. 1817 IntosUto iinmsrrlod and with jut Irsuo, iclo 1 1n her demesne as ot rcn of and In n certain lot of ground Mtiinto In n.iul township of Montour biumlcd by l.incH of Peter noinoacu aim .loaian ui (tcr, conminin ono naif ntr urothcrs nnd eil bruthcra and "You belicvo then that Brigbt's dis case can be cured T "I know it can. I know it from (he cxpenenco ot hundreds o; prominent largo voto from Beaver, whilo many commotion in Rochester, as tho follow Republicans will not voto at all, nro- incr from tlio samo nancr shows : fenng to sco their party defeated, Dr. J, B. Henion, who is well known rnllipr!tli!in lnnrfer nndiirn the O.imeron I nntnnlw In T?npluntir. hut in noarlv yoke. General Beaver is making silly every part of America, Bent an extend- persons who wero given uj to die by speeches, and is losing ground daily, cd article to this paper, a fow days both their physicians and frieuds." Tho result in Ohio shows which way sinco which was dnly published, do- "You speak of your own experience, tho wind blows this year, and has given tailing his remarkable experience and what was it ?'l the Democratic cause a fresh impetus, rescue from what seemed to bo certain "A fearful one. I had felt languid Thero aro no divisions in the Democrats death. It would bo impossiblo to enu- and unfitted for business for years, but, ic ranks, Controller Pattison, who is merato tho personal enquiries which I did not know what ailed me. When now visit'intr different portions of the havo been mado at our oilico as to tho however. I found it was kidney diili Slate, is making friends every day, by validity of tho article, but thoy have culty I thought there was little hope his frankness and sensible speeches, been so numerous that further invest!-1 and so did the doctors. I have since aud wo cau now predict his election gation of tho subject was deemed an learned that one of tho physicians of with more confidence than wo havo editorial necessity. this city pointed mo out to a gentleman for many years. There is but ono thing With this end in viow a representa- on tho streot ono day, saying : 'thero that can defeat him, and that is indif- tivo of this paper called on Dr. Henion, goes a man who will bo dead within a lerence on tuo part ot ucmocrats. A at his residence on ot. ram sireer, full voto will secure the desired result, when tho followimr mterviow occur- and overv earnest member of tho party red : "That article of yours, Doctor, should do his whole duty and seo that I has created quito a whirlwind. Are not a single voter remains at homo on the statements about the terriblo con- election day. We cannot expect victory I dition you were in, and tho way you I "And this caused you to manufacture if we depend on our neighbor to do the wero rescued such as you oan sus- it T" votine, and any man who fails to do his tain 1" I "No: it caused mo to investigate. I duty oannot hopo to cnioy a victory "Every ono of them and many ad-1 wont to the principal cities, saw phys which ho did not help to effect. Demo- ditioual ones, t) ow peopio over get iciaus prescribing and using it aud I crats, now is your opportunity, tho best so near tho gravo as I did and then therefore determined, as a duty I owed you have had in years'. Wrest l'enn- return, and I am surprised that tho humanity and tho suffering, to bring it sylvania from tlio Stalwarts this year, publio think it marvelous, It was mar- within tfieir reach and now it is known .1 !,, . .1. . t 1 i 1 , 1. ami ii. win secure yuu tnu a rusiueut. 111 vcious. 1884. Tho only hopo left the Cameron "How in the world did you, a phy managers is in tho corrupt uso of money, sician, como to bs brought so, low and every Democrat who fails to voto "By neglecting tho first and most tor I'attison, is throwing away his lib- siranlo svmptoms. I did not tninK x year.' 1 believe ins words would nave proven true it 1 nail not lortunateiy secured' and used the remedy now known as Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure Orimth Diehard Ilmmeld II. Hoi kins Tliomis Haley .losenh Thomas James Kavcu. H. Mooro C. Mills Richard McKeener Hugh T1C0 j. 11. Itauch F. W. serls El'sha Tiilttc -m. II. wn to h. M. Younir .tacob Yount. John Morenead John W est Charles Zlugler Stephens Wra. (iros uivici mtmicHKEK. IMylor Fowler Aioerisoa jiarciay Waters Isaao Rtewsrt ciirles Kunkle Arth'ir 60 60 41) ) 40 40 40 40 60 40 40 9 40 no 75 40 7 60 40 t 75 0 75 75 40 40 75 76 1 SO 0 40 87 60 40 40 60 40 11 40 50 Cnnnauirhtv Anthony 87 Coylo Matt 6 Campbell Wm. 87 Carey Michael, sr. 6 iiennis iioneri oi lllowshcr Wm. 87 lirennnn wm. si Hronnan Joints 87 lloranTlirnias 87 lircnnui John 80 lirennnn Janes 05 Alexander John 10 Scully Kllen 60 itoinuoiu w. 11. 0 Menu ro II. H 'arev Michael a irrfmn John 1 Connor Widow 70 .Ciusrove Anthony 87 McOulro coneiy bt Keeler Tobias 7 llyrncs Patk. 87 Ilrown Itlchard 87 Farrell Jno. i llavcrsllno II. 37 llcaly.Ionn 37 livrnes Pat 87 Carr condy 8t urown J nomas llcaver Nathaniel lirltt James Uronnan James Yoder Frank Well John Williams James Wilson John Wilson Joseph Womer (ico. Valentine Kills Troulm&n W. C. Tlley Archibald strouio jacoB Slltzer (leo. siltzcr Bllas Shuron Anthony -nyder f uiomon, jr. Swanr.Iohn Shuron Patk. speezo Jacob Ilyin James uoiioy raiK. Kilcy John Rooncy Andrew Kile Anthony uowan'ihoraas l(02ers Oeo. (julnn Patk. Noon iutnoiiy Mcuulnoss James Mover seth Manley Thom.s McAndrow Patk. Mcdann wm, i 50 a no 60 35 35 60 CiTAWISSi. I.lndcnstruth L. fO 50 in every part ot America, is sold in every drug Btoro aud has become a household necessity." The reporter lett Mr. Warner, much impressed with the earnestness nnd Prown J. D. 60 Clark Wm n. 84 FH her Oeo- ' (lulaR.P. SO Mosteller Wm. SO overdnrf John SO itockwood . M. 60 Shook A. 11. to Shlpo llenjamln SO (laum r imnlcl 75 llauk Alfred 60 SO: McCormlck Svl S) llujrhps Hayden 1 no, McAffee Thomas 75, Podro Albert 31 Davis wm 75 liarnos y.lba 60 M inha't P. P. 75 Kills lohn 70 Bcnnlneer Tobhvs 50 'nink samu-l ts WUllims r. J. tllnwn .t. K. 50 FerlrJohn 70 Hank J. E is Iicrntnger Wm. so Double assessments 1 45 eitv, and helping to keep in power a was sick. It is truo I had frequent I sincerity of his statements and next ,',I'fJi? Wm . ...1 ,.. I T . T I t 1 t . r . 1 . I 1 " . . . T . u A T .t .... I iiamlia juii,y wnuau uuiy pi iiiuipics uiu bush- i ucauuenes ; teit tiruu uiuBi. ui 1.11c uuiu, 1 jiaiu a visa iu ir. a. jv. jjuiiiiuuru ui. ism, the spoils system, aud corruption could oat nothing one day and was ra-1 his residence 011 l'rinco street. Dr. Lat- ot tho ballot box. venous the next : lelt dull ludennite timore, although busily engaKOd upon niAKKLW. Artley Solomon 60 A New Move of the Enemy- hut I did not.think it meant any thing HPrinm. Tho dosperatiou to which tho Stal- But havo theso common ailments wart leaders are driven in the present anything to do with tho fearfulBright's oampaigu is inuuxi:u uy ineir uusuenno Migoaso Which took SO nrm a IlOld Oil efforts to organize, methods that are I vou y hoped to securo success. "Auvthingt Why. they aro sure in First they insulted tho Irish voto by dications oi the first stages of that an open and shameless attempt to pur dreadful malady. Tho fact is, few chaso it through a feiv assumed leaders, pe0ple know or realizo what ails them, auu a piutuiiso ui Hyiupuiuy iui nuu aluj y am sorry to say mai iow pnysi' ways anu insn woes, jliio cany aim cians do .either. pains and my stomach was out of order, I gome matters connected with tho State Parr Washington so t...x T .1! 1 . Al.!1. it- ..nn..4 nn.. ,1.1... I Tl .1 T T T 11. f 1. i l I nitiENwooii. Perkins O. W. Helhlneton J. U. complete exposo of this effort turned it upon its projectors, and m place ot aiding tho Stalwart cause, only weaken ed and demoralized it. Tho next move was a systematic at tempt to bribo election officers to secuio statement Doc, Board of Health, of which ho is ono of tho analysts, courteously answered tho Questions that wero propounded him : "JJid you make a chemical analysis ot tho case ot mv. 11. ii. Warner somo three years ago, Doctor f "les, sir "What did this analysis show you ?" "Tho prosenco of albumen and tube casts in great abundance. "And what did tho symptoms mui- dicato i" "A serious disease of tho kidnoys." "Did you know Mr. Warner could recover 1 "No, sir. I did not think it possible, It was seldom, indeed, that so pro nounced a case had, up to that tunc, Urown Isaao Colo Arthur Vanlow Jos. wolf John lke'or v. It. Morris wesiey Kuner w niam Manu'ne (ireen Watts Clemuel Ko'ler J. II. MoMlehael Jane stouhens Alfred ro'ter .in-enn Sladdon J. K. Henry Ertwara Thomas D lteed Klnnuy Wm. Kinnev uooeri Evos James warnor II. J. Itpcllno 'ten I Albcr r.on Miles nock Christopher 50 "That is a strango tor." "But it is a truo one. Tho medical profession have been treating symp toms instead of diseases for years, and it is hicrh time it ceased. Wo doctors fraudulent returns. Uio knowledge h,avo been clipping off the twigs when ever been cured." that detectives wore on tho watch ior wo should, strike at tho root. The "Do vou know anything about the suoh crimes, brought that movement to symptoms I havo iust mentioned or remedy which cured him V a sudden termination. I any unusual action or irritation of the "Yes, I havo chemically analyzed it ixexj, camo wnispers oi vast amounts Wdter ohannels indicate the approach ot and upon critical examination, lind it ui mouey, uy wuicn uiu voters oi uiu Minght s disease even more Ahan u entirely Ireo Horn any poisonous or do Stato wero to bo purchased like so COugh announces tho coming M con- leterious substance." many sheep, but the stringent elcctiou gumption. We do not treat tho couD'h, Wo publish the forgoing statements laws and the fact that large rowards but try to help tho lungs. Wo should in view, of tho commotion which tho aro offered for evidenco of tho violation not waste our time trying to relievo the publicity of Dr. Heniou's ni liulo has or attempted violation ot any ot them, headache, stomach, pains about the caused and to meet tho protestations mauo inis a very aououui as wen as body or other symptoms, but go direct- which havo been made. The standing dangerous method of carrying elections, iy to the kidneys, the source of most of of Dr. Henion, Mr. W arner and Dr. aud it has for the present been nban- these nilmeits.r' Lattiraoro in the community is beyond doned. "This, then, is what you meant question and tho statements they make, 1 heir last idea is probably tho most when vou said that moro than one-half cannot for a moment bo doubted. They plausible and least dangerous of any. Ubo deaths which occur ariso from conclusively show that Blight's disease KJ),'?stnlnetn,5 irt' of the kidneys is one of tho most decep- mrd Daniel o. 55 I SO 2 05 1 01 4 WelltvorKU Pobbins Fleet Watta Win. (lil'aspy Charity Wilson Thomas smltn v. A. II oss Jonas Eves rn-vin est wethciy c. Klsher II. F. Kliuer John JtClSOM. Keller Jacob liobbtns K. deed. Younir H-muel orantz.lohn troni Francis Plait John I.OCC3T. Peter Beaver Kaup Maloney Pntk. M co rath John Murton Kllaa MoNuils Michael McciosKy jonn Manley Thomas Mulligan Michael Lord James Kline Joseph Kesegan Martin Kinney Thomas Kelley John Kano Anthony Knne John, sr. Ilavenstlne Jacob Hoffman Jacob lllnctej Morgan, sr. Houston Thomas lleaton Thomas llohrbach Jacob llannon Joseph oreatwell .lam.s flullarfher Michael Stroub Charles ilowlacd.lunn Rooney Edwurd 11 van Michael Purcell nichard padrten Joseph OUilsn John McDonell Jams, Jr. Madara Ocoko McNulty Charles McOulro Condy McUovcri John Knuo Patk. Kano I'atw. Kinney Timothy nutnaelJoim Horn Dennis oairab Michael (lalaghcr Andiew (ieuty 'l nomas tsagcu .tiiKu Doyle llernard Doogan John couway Palk, Creon Pat. Crane John Crawford Austin Crane I'aiK. CO) la Matt, Jr. Ileary John Chapman Thomas ujg rax OK1KUK MaLacli Hen, Everltt Moses llavhurat M.S. Hughes Joseph Alaiiich w. A. icolcman K. W. le debrant Klloger Joi. Horn Wm. It. rotcman win. lallov J. L. Itemleyo. U Uomley C, W. Hfdeinoyer llrumsUjtler IP A Warren James Errors I'lNK Eckman Samuel KvtsJosepn u. tive and dangerous of all diseases, that it in exceedingly common, alarmingly increasing and that it can be cured. It is simply to perfect the radical or- Bright's disease, is it, doctor t" gamzation in every district of the "Precisely. Thousands of Bo caltcd state go into country districts with diseases are torturing peopio to-day, large amounts of money and pay ih:m- wjien i reality it is Bright's disease in ocilATIO VOTElts TO HF.MAIN away l ltOM uomo one of its manv forms. It is a tub poi.ijs. aomo will do hired to go ITvdra headed monster, and tho slight- e,.rf 7,.,.n i, i,iai.i, ,f w... hunting others to go visiting, others t.8t symptoms should Btriko terror to ,-, yatlov tiied at Wilkes Barro on to havo lmoortant busiuess away from 0very one who has them. I can look ,i10 iq.i. jnHt homo on election day, and others to back aud recall hundreds of deaths simply stay away from the polls. which physicians declared nt tho timo '1 his is tho last movo thoy havo wero oaused bv paralysis, apoplexy, adopted, and as there is no penalty for jiea,t disease, pneumonia, malarial paying a man to go hunting or to stay fever aud other common complaints at homo from election, it is tho ono which I seo now wero caused bvBriglit.s thoy will try to carry out when tho I disease" "And did all theso cases havo simple svmptoms at first 1" "Every ono of them, and might havo been cured as I was by the timely uso of tho same remedy Warner's Safe Kidnov and Liver Cure I am getting cratio voto of the state is polled. Go I mv eves thoroughly opened in this mat- to work and complete your organizations ter and think I am helping others to in tho most thorough manner. Mako bco tho facts and their posRiblo danger your canvasses of votes and ascertain also. Why, there aro no end of truths If -ii !.!. nr . t .-,.. re It our uiuii uiu uu iii'iiu Kin ii uicui i hearing Oil tills suuiect. ii you wain of tho efforts that will be made to in- to know more about it go and seo Mr. Fonstermnchcr O. 05 proper tuuo comes WK WAUX YOU, PKMOCIIATS, TO UK ON YOUIt (lUAI(l). - Our success is as certain as the sun shines on a cloudless day, if the Demo the 13th inst. AtTowanda, Tunkhannoek, l'ittston, Wilkesbarre, and nil along tho line, ControllcrPattison met hearty receptions last week, showing that tho people were with him. There wero rousing meetings at lowandannd wilkesbarre. duco them to remain away from tho polls, nnd spot the men who mako ex cuses for not taking an interest in so important an election. Wo do not bclievo them and a scoro Warner himself. Ho was tick tho samo as I, and is tho healthiest man in Rochester to-day. He has mado a study of this subject und can give you more tacts than i can. uo, too, nun npc of Democrats in tho state, dirty or do- seo Dr. Lattimore, tho chemist, at tho testablo enough to sell themselves for University. If you want fnots there tho piltanco tliat would bo offered them aro apy quantity of them showing tho to remain away from tho polls, but alarming increaso of Bright's disease, many holiest and unthinking men its simple nnd deceptiyo symptoms, and inigfy bo inducod to join a party of that there is but opo way by wliioh it hunters, go on a visit, hire to do a day's can bo escaped." work that would rcquiro him to be ab- Fully satisfied of tho truth and forco sent from the polls, never thinking nt of tho Doctor's words, tho reporter the time, that ho was being bought to bade him good day and called on Mr. loso his vote, and thus nllow tho radical Warner at his establishment on Ex- riiigsters to rotniti control of tho stato change street. At first Mr. Warner government. was inclined to bo icticent, but learn- Again wo say, m: on youk (iuahp Jug that tho information desired was put OTiiKits on TiiKin ui'AitP, mui seo about the alarming increase of Urigbt'B to it that not ono voto Is loft at homo disease, his manner changed instantly on election day. and ho upoko very earnestly RSI W f ROYAL HCW1? 2 POWDER Korn llenrv Krelsher II. W. Miner John snvder Solomon llollch IS. U. neroy (ieo. Wright Meuseh Miner Theodore MilHSOM. Cospor Jesse uawait eoiomon tlartmm 12 II. Haines Joseph Mcouon Itebecca ltemley 8. p. Thomas t'arry est ueagio uooert Parnsworth H. 'urse i so omon pursell Philip Emry Caspar Tanner John F. Hmitn nana Double pbvuvu MAIN. Fisher Chas. sr. narmou joun Nu?a Charles HwartzHhepp&Co, muur aid Henry Wm. 7. Hamk Jerrcs Lonzenberger A. (user K F, stlchler O W. Wlllums John Harman Daniel Pcnnock a Co, uirruK, liargcr Husan uocts sarau Fax Margaret riaii. u. Dcets Jacob Pliittt lll'rnir. smith It. F, M a7 37 87 87 60 S7 87 37 05 87 60 87 Jl 87 87 87 37 37 US 15 37 87 87 45 l5 87 87 60 05 37 37 37 87 87 87 37 37 60 37 US lu 05 37 60 81 3 87 117 87 37 87 U5 37 05 (15 87 37 37 37 37 81 SI 37 87 31 37 87 3: 87 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 IS 87 87 37 87 a co 87 37 S7 47 S SO leaving to survlvn her tho follcmln sisters and tho children of dcccuBc Maters nt hoi heir, viz . Daniel DAIIor a brother to tlio petitioner, rosining in cooper township, Montour county, Pa.; Kit llilior, a brother, re siding In raid Cooper township) Peter linllor a brother, residing in Mahoning towtihln, Mon tour county Pn.; Jonathan linllor a brother, re siding In said Cooper township) Samuel Pallor n brother residing nt llowo l'03t-ofllco In the stalo otOhlo; Ulliabuth Holnbach, a sister, lntimiar rlo 1 with Peter Holnbach, residing In said Mon tour township, Columbia county, pa.; tho follow ing sons and d .ughters or David llallor, n deccas en brother, vln Albert Ilillor, a minor, who has Wlhlam nunday ns his ginrdlan, residing In said Mahoning township; Joslah llallor, a minor, Itobert llallor. a minor and Jano llallor a minor, who havo for their guardian Jcssa AmuHrman, residing In said Cooper township; the following sons anu daughters ot John l alior a deceased brtlbcr viz 1 Daniel K. llallor residing in Ml 1 Montour township; Isaiah llallor, residing In the same place ; Elizabeth Wertman, Intermarried with Kit wertman, residing lu Northumberland county, Pa., and Noah llallor nnd John llallor, each residing at llowo Poat-ofllce, In tlio state o( onto; tho following sons nnd daughters of .laoob U. llallor n deceased brother, viz; I atider llallor, John llallor, Daniel T. Ilillor. liachacl M. bailor and Mary M llallor, nil residing at Indiana, in Indiana county. Pa.: nnd tho folloAlnir sonnnrt daughters ot Sarah Ho nbach, ndeccosel s sier, vi.i nuiiiii iieinutiuu, rcbiuiug hi. r,ew mair (Jiiy, Wisconsin; Klizabeth lietz intermarried villi David Hew, rcsldlogln Poitsgrove, NoilhumUr land county, pn.,und Kuuilno Krnlno, lulermnr ricd with Jamis Krwlne. reslillnir nt Miltnn. tn said Northumberland county. All persons above named will tako notico that In pursuance of n writ Issupd out cl tho Orphius' Court of Columbia county I will, un WKONKSDAY, NOVUM II EI!, 15th 19SJ. between Ihe hourn of 0 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock P. m., on mo premises, make partition of the said tractor land to nndnmoni; the hn'rs nnd mnnu tentatlves ot Bald decedent, nccordlng to law. Or It it ennnot bo divided without prejudlca to or spoiling the whole, then I will cnuso the Inimest to valuo and appralso tho whole of Bald real estate, at which tlmo and placo jou can Attend Ifioit think proper. u. II. i:NT, )ct 13-4 w bherliT. J-OTICK TO I1E1HS. STATK OF WII.I.UU KKLCllNElt, PECIASKU. COLUM1HA COUNlY.hS! Till! eolllIOmvKAtTU Or rENNSYLVANIA To John Kelchner, Jacob Kelchcer brothers, and iicorgu lvt icuner wuo uieu leaving issuo tnreo or lour j ears since, and tho sister Catharine, Inter married with ono Charles Henry Prederlca, nnd wnodicd (titter her said husband) nbout nine years since leaving lssu'i to-wlt ; Sally Ann, In termarried with Amos cole, now residing nt tho city of Allontown, In thNmate ; Maria Intermar ried with Pnlltp Wlntcrsteen ; Charlotte, Inter married with Ira Hinds, now rcrldlni? nt Thomiv son Centre, Susquehanna county, In this statu ; r-upm, iniennarrieu win Asa iiowaru, now re siding near South (ilbson In tho same county ot Misciucuunna; Laia, intermarried with Charles Drown ; Mary, wlu wns In termarried with Hiram II lirown hut died about llftcen years since, leaving to survive her hus band aud three children, namely : Mary catharlna iiiiermuirmu wuu junn jiouuei, nna now reMUiug near South Olbson lu the above mentioned cotiuty otsusuchanna; Augustus, who resided, when last heard from, near tho borough ofMiltoi, in i his state, and Aaron, who resides nt soma placo unknown in tho stato of Oalo; also Daniel Piedcrlca. who now resiles nt tlx. city of scranton in thH state ; Isaiah Kredrlcl, v no rcsiucs at tlio borough of Plymouth, Luzerne county, nnd Joslah Fredcrlcl, who leddcs nt jstizauetn city, in the suite of North Carolina The cnildren of the above named Oeorgo Kelch ner. brother, nro ns folio h: r.ltztbcth, Intermar ried with Joseph (tearhart ; Mary, inteimarrled with Samuel (JearLart; Rebecca, Intermarried with oeorge Fetter; Catharine, whowasluter raarrled with one Droher, but Is now dead (and her huband also) leaving Issue, namely: Matilda, Intermarried with Kdward Fisher, nnd now re biding nt Mahony City, In this state; and Clara who resides at.tlio sumo Placo; also Ljdla, Uio remaining daughter ot said (leorgo Kclchoer, v. ho was intermarried with William Ash, but Is now ueui, (una ntr nusnanu riso) leaving issue, nanv'ly: (leorgo Aih and Wlllam AbIi, wIiohu places of residences iird unknown. Aud William Ash, who together with 1.11 thote beforo mention ed whoso placo of residence is not stated, resides in una euuuiy: uncai oi William Kelchner, deceased, nnd to nil other persons in- teresica, (ireetlng: You nnd each of jou are hereby cited to be and appear before tho Judges Of Our Orphans' Court at mi llmbolm Cnurt In lift held nt Uloomsbu-g un thollrst Monaayot De cember next, then und thero to accept or rifuso to toko the real estate of said William Kelcliter deceased, nt the appraised valuation put upon It uj uiu imiuesi, uuiy uwtinieu uy ine saiu t;uui i, and returned by the Sheriff, or Bhow catiao why it DHllll UUb UtS SO U. u. n. kn r. oct. 13-1 w Sheriff, N JOTIOK IN PAKTITION. ESTATK OF EI.IZAIlETlf EKI'lISEU, DFCKAOED. Whereas, at an Orohans' Court, held at lllooms. uur. in ana ior ine countv oi uonimDia, tiie tenin ilnv nr Mnr. A. 11. 19 Iv.rrn flu. Unniipnl.ln U,l Ham Klweh, President Judge, and hl associates. Justices of tho said court, the petition of Samuel l.'itlthKi. n enn nntl nl,. t.r,.t.lma. late oft ho township of Miniln In sill oountvde. ceased, wnspresento t, setting forth tliit tho said r:ilzabcth Kelchner died on or about tio day of Jul 1ST Intestate, seized lu hi r demesne as nt fee. of and In a certain lot of ground, situate In Mifflin township lu the town of Mlilllnvllle bound d on the north by Second strict of satd town, on the cast bv lot ot M. II. south by lands of the heirs of Hitnuel t'rcn.y, nnd Church of Minilnvllle on tho 60 50 1 SO 50 SO Pulmor Elliah est 611 uruniy .vm ituuiirr m, .. yens It. In. Piatt Maggie Ssaes P. w. Slough 1 hos. narner ueury ltouuins.1. u. Kenu Sarah Ann Vognet Jacob (l nsll IS.U10 60 Uawnld Isaac A uiu wm. oo winders Elizabeth (irunley John Jr. ieo is, ii. on swuney John 1 oo wnuains win. it. ou Voting Samuel ureiDiepicco o. Delong John Itnherts Pamuel P Vanuatta Samuel it tiim Mont. Kressler Lloyd cornellson KUaa link isaao 1 C5 so 55 3V 85 611 85 60 35 35 40 40 2 49 60 60 Lvons Wilier SUU'tZ C. W. Young II. u Winders John Robblns Wash KOiKIKOCKIElt, DrumhePcr 0. Klshouuer J. J. 60 Drelsbach Jacob Magdenbury V, 0, Yeager Jacob so SCOTT. on the west by or. of famuel Iildienian. saldl t being nbout CO foot wldo on said street und nbout vou feet dep. Willi house and birn nnd np- imrieiniui'e"., leaving w survive urr n uuunnu Jacob Kelchner who Is now deceased, nr.d tho fol lowing children a' d grand children and one great, grandchild ; Isaac Kelchner. a sen lesidlng tit Centrevllle, Columbia county, Pa , Sarah, n daughter Intermarried with (laorgo Arz, residing nt Nonllcolto. Luzerne county. Pa ; .Samuel kelchner, n son to tho nctltlttnncr, re id Ing ntNantlcoke.I.tiiierno county, Pn Jacob Kelch ner, a son rosldlng nt Mlffllnvlllo, Columbia county, Pa. ; John Kelchner, a son rcsldirg In Montgomery county. MarMand; Margaret, n daught r Intermarried with ltnbcrt PatterEon renuing ns i.igumrcf i. uoiumoia county, pa. ; 'Ihe fo lowing grandchildren tho children ot her ueeeuseu ton'r iieici.cer 10 wit : uiarenee Kcicliner. William Kelchuer. Jonn Kelchner nnd Oilln Kelchner, all residing at Mlilllnvllle. cnlutn- di mmniy, ra.. also ine lonowmg grnnncntiurp n tho children of her ilecoaed son William Ketch, nor tnwlt: l'miua Kelchner resMlrg at llprwick, Columbia county. Pa.; Mlnnlo Hosier Intermar ried with lloyd Hosier, residing nt Ilerwick. Col umbia countv, Pn. ; Charles Kelchner. residing nt Minilnvllle, Coi'imbla countv, Po.. and two other daughters ot tho sdd Kelchner nams nro unknown to your petitioners residing nt Minilnvllle. Columbia county, Pa alsot'ie following grand-children, tho children of her de ceased daughter Murv, who wns Intermarried with Oldeon (leorge. who Is now deceased, to wit: Jacob (leorge, residing at Vhlto Haven, I.tnrerno county, Pa.; (lldoon residing Hotib-uhcrclu New Jersey, Iho placo lihunown nnd a great-grandchild whose namo and placo ot res- menco is iingnown, nnose inouicr was Mien (leorgo, deceased, who was n daughter ot the said Mary (leorgo, deceased. All nersous above named will tako notico tint. In pursuanco ot a writ, issued nut of the Oiphans' court ot Columbia cotiuty I will, on MONDAY, NOVEMIIItlt, 13th 1SS3, between the honr of 9 o'rlock n. m. and 4 o'clock n. m. on the premises, make nartu on or the sa u tract of land to nnd among tho heirs and iopiv- sontatlvcs ot s.ilil uaccdont. accord ntr to law. or If It cannot bo divided without rrejuitlco to or snollliicr the whole then I will camn thptn(iup!t to valuo nnd appraise tho whole of said h al estito m which iiuiu uuu piucu yuu cau itueuu it yuu iiuuK pruper. t riov. lu, iov, u. ii. k;h i , OCt 13-4 w blicrlir, ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE 3' S; Ilagenhush Susanna 1 00 ltlchart wm un,n..,nn 1h. 85 SO I 00 3U SO 60 60 5 M S 4 60 60 60 35 1 60 M 35 Solomon Phcbo 55 igicr uuu, 40 85 60 Sl'OAItLOAf. Adams Jacob 60 Prltz Henry "Est" (Hrton Hosana Drake Cyrus less Wes'ey 60 Lansh A T. 60 lirluk Joshua est Chaplu J. F. nebs Lcvnm Keeler (eo. Hhono Parvln Albertson Wm. (Jlbbon Alfred stout Val. snotts Manilas shultz A. P. llarttnan V P. Whlto Alem 3 steam mills SCOTT. 40 HI 80 85 83 85 i CO 5 40 10 80 4a 85 05 35 Pi 20 11 IK) Tho undersigned oxecutor ot tho last will. Ice, ot Oeorgo (Hrton, lato of (Ireemvood township, will Bell on the premises on Saturday, 110761111361 4, '82, commeuclng at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, all that certain real estate bltuato tn Orccnwuad town ship, In the said county of Columbia, bounded nnd described as follows, to-wlt: ,()n tho north by lands of Daniel Harrington and others, on tho east ly land of Peter II. Olrton and Abraham Drlbelblss, on tho south by lands ot David Albott son and John a. (Hrton and on tho west by lauds ot Peter cole and others, containing 66 ACRES, and C4 perches, more or less, whereon are crtctvd & two-story frame or PLANK HOUSE, a frame barn and othor out-bulldlngs TEItMB OF SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth ot tho purchase money shah bo paid at tho strik ing down ot the property, the ono-fourth less tho ten per cent at the continuation ot Bale and the remaining three-fourths tn ono yor thereafter with Interest from confirmation ulsl. ISAAC A. PEWITT, Executor, oct. 0, u. llarton Wra. A. Ileagle Claries uJcitugermar. N. SVlCrawford PIiIUd Sj crevellng Moora XONTOUH. Arndtnideon Cooper (leo ueisi christian Miller Sarah Hlioads iienovllle Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. thin com marvel of mirltv Moro economical he ordinary k'uas. and cannot be sold In trcugth and whoieaomeuesi. ii pell weight, hiuol'Ijv John Karsnuer Aitred Fry Madison llclmbach David (ilger Isaiah Waller Isaso Double ass'm'U 1 o-l (0 60 HOD In got per W. M, Jr. nu iv in. Lunger Edward MOKamey Isaac Powers Thomas Ketghard (leo. KtautTer Jacob Snyder Daniel r.ogar , n. Kdgar Charles Evans 1'. P. l'owier K. If, rovrler Harman Hummel J, M. Purseli Henry Scalh Henry White I. D. sn Ull Ellas White J, E. James Yocum 60 to 75 55 85 85 40 40 83 1U 85 SO 83 67 85 45 85 60 85 5 85 4U 85 60 36 jDMINISTRATOB'S KOTICK. ESTATE OP LEVI JIIM.KK I.ATE OF CENTUB TOWNSHIP, 1IKCKABKU, letters of Ailmlnlstratton on the estate of Levi sillier, 1UWUI ut'llliuvn J., uumnium buuuij , I ,., deceased, have been granted Ly tl.e Iteglsler ot saiu couuiv iu nieiiiieii rune, i.uue jiiuku. uuu Philip L. filler. Union Corners, Nortliumberlaud county, uumlnlstrators. Alt persons having claims against the estate of the decedent are requested to present them tor settlement, and tnose inueuteu to uiu ubi&lu w inuxu puyineub iu the undersigned administrators without delay. STEPHEN POHE, Lime llldge. rillMP U MILLElt, Union Corners, NorthM Co. sep 8-5 w Administrators. E XKCUTOH'B NOTICE. tltlou with the multitude of low test, shurt Rium or pnospnais puwaers. doiu uniy d cans. HOVAL UAKiMQ t'owuKK co , itw viaii-oi., IN.V, augii-iy, annk WEEK. I costly outritfrco. yngusu, Maine. jl a day at homo easily made AUUlvsa livid, march V 4 P. E STATU OP CAROLINE MANN, PECKASEl). loiters testamentary In tho rstato of Caroline Mann, late ot Denver twp. Columbia county, Pa., deceased, have been eranted bv tho lleulstrr ot said county lot ha undersigned exedutcrs. All per sous imving claims ugainBt uie csiniu oi uio ueceaeni are iTipieoieu iu tlemenl and those indebted meat to the unuersignoa executors without j, n. .iiAnn, A. W. MANN, Executors, INVITATION. Strangers psVnrr througli the city iirt; ctr liiilly invited to i- .f. tho KtoT't:, nnd make free iiseol its conveniences; lc.iv!' r their liij.'jjnge under chei ! at any of the doors, or in t'lc I .iif'iiatvc Room in the Dc ; oi Public Com fort. 11 . Ily ,vo hirrtnt to have this iii.poi'taiu department in full u, eration lid'ore every body ;;ot back from sea and moinrain. It is made for stnt", .crs; and they seem to t r it. so far as it has pot It consists of a free llttd'ii Room for gentle men, a free Resting Room for ladies, free writing-facilities in both, closcts.and other little conveniences ; a uoda and mineral water fountain that i- n't free ; and a lunch room lo be added. We make the great public welcome there, beyond the woiit of any other house, so far an we know. We think it will pay us to look after Public Comfort a little, as a means of advertising. There's nr.thih'o-sly or crook ed al nit -it. We want vis itors to Philad .'lp'iia to have a go- d Iiimr.ijW "to connect our ..., c iJi'.i- nay delay. preaeutthem Ior Bet lotheosiaUi to make and u beg n. coiul t ms are coming, ,;1 t'a'e is already Mew things do not a'l toedier. They come nifcrtteady stream from now til Cluisimas. And they in the same way. The Vavej You may easili b.Tiev'e' it, when you see mfr'1 house' full all the tim , of j;oods .and of peo ple l ' 'nr 'tein r.way. It would If h-irdly worth speak iiVg" t-f' ') 'obvilA'is a fact, but for tV'.e mora1 ; which is : Buy you find what you want ; lor tomorrow some bod) (.In: will be after it. New things, will crowd upon i,s now for mention every day. Only a few can get i.ito die prpcrs, e::ccpt in ike most general way. It v'..l be fair to come for what..' r you want, and exp-.a to find it. K. w foreign wraps have como. There are jersey coat--, jersey ulsterettes, pelis.ici;, and others. The writ, r of this hasn't even seen them. He has only heard of the flutter they are I'oinrr to make. Wonderful silks havo come. Put we must say more about the least of them than we have time for today. We have neither time nor knowledge today to go into particu'ars. This is only an early notice that the store is filling up with goods for fall. We need to say further to you, who live at a distance that you n cdn't go to the city every time you want any thing. We take so much paiiis to send you what you want, that you ri k little in writing for goods. Let us' know, as nearly as you can, what you want, and we will send you rumples and prices, or take other means of find ing out exactly what you do want. John W anamaker. Chestnut, TVrtMiuh anl MarVet tuceu, mui Cn) liii-te, I'lilLAW . . ..I. I. W. HARTMAN & SON, K1doiiisIiii', la, arc offering- Attractive Goodn and Close PWcch lor Fall and Winter to CASH IttUYKRS. jPlniu aud Fancy BLACK CASHMERES from $1.25 a yard down. FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS nt all prices to $1.00 per yard. Colored Casltmcrcg one yard wide at uOc it yard. Brown, Gurnet, Maroon, Bronzes, Green, Blue, Car dinal, Navy-blue. Nonpareil Velveteens' The best finished and value iu the market. SILKS and SATINS. LADIES' CLOTHS J nil wool at $1.00 per ynrd. Plushes and Cloakingg. BADGER STATE SHAWLS. These shawls weigh 4 to G oz., more than any other muke. They are mado of the finest wools ami styles unequuled. About 3 will be on exhibition at the Fair. LADIES' and Misses' GOSSAMER ES I UCIHG KID GLOVES at $1.25 per pair. Are fully guaranteed. New est styles of Casl&mcrc i Lisle Thread GLOVES to match suits. LADIES' & GENTS' Meek WmiF Large stock of WOOLEN HOSIERY AND KNIT GOODS. Handsome lino of SATINS. Best Germantown Wool at $1.75 per pound. Zephyrs, Saxony, Crewels, Embroide ry and Knitting Silks.Canvasscs. QUEENSWAR AND GLASSWARE. Mens' Ladies' and Childrens' UNDERCLOTHING. Stationery, Autograph Albums, Photograph' Albums,' Birthday Cards, Gold Pens, &c. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Iftglaest ibices paid i'm But iea, Iicd Fiiait, &c. mm wwrnm m& mv&mb, ' 1 BLOOMSBURG, PA. SHERIFF'S SALE of mii.e REAL ESTATE ! I uy vlrtuo ot a rtiln rrl ot ox lout on to mo dlroottfj, llwro will buoxpiinl to ruWlo solo, nt tlioCoart llouio. In lllojmsUiirtf.ou Thursday, October 20, 1882, at 9 o'clock In tlio toronoin. tlio f .l.crlb- edreal estate ! Tlio iinllvhlcd one-lmU part ot all that ccittln lot otKioiiml slluato In thotowu ot Catawliaa, Columbia couaty btato ot rcnnsyl- vanU, bo'inaod on tho cait 1 y Front street, on tlio wot', by N. . W. 11. it. It. Oo., on tbo soutn by landot Iioycr, on tho north by land ot Casper Hlia vn j tronllns on sa'd Front btrcot ins foet, anuoxtcndlns In dnptli t said railway feet, whoreon Is ercotod a two-stor FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, largo frama barn and out-bulljingj, Helztd, taken In execution nn J lu bo sold ai tho proporty ot FredcrlcK smltn, U. 11. KST, llhawn, Att'y. Hlioiirt Oct. o, 4t. E XKCUTOH'S NOTICK. VNm cJc ESTATE OK SiKill ANN STINK, DECKABfll U'tlur;ti:MHtnentaryonlliocstaloot Sarah Ann Stlnf. Iit nt t enst lown8hln. Columbia county IM. doceased, havo been KraiitoJ by I lie Iteglsler of said county to (leu. U'.Mlno, Nuinldla Columbia Co. All nersous havlntr claims agalnbt thoestatti ot tho doced'nt mo reieiUl to preBent Hum tvt settlement and llioso ludebted to tho estate to mnko payment to tuo unuerbitrnoo executor with out ueiay, GEO. W. BTINE. auitisr-w Executor. Years " f.'J'f n "' WASHINGTON to Ik. i.ini TilnT. iiH - v., n. raurm blrt, l'llU4lkl; IUIIUWI a months. Fi-n' ember. 1st A UDITOH'S NOflCE. A UIUTOU'a WUTIC'K. IN THK HUTHH Of THE KSTATH OP 8A1IUSI. KIIONK, Tho undersl? noil auditor appointed by the niplnn's court ot Columbia county lodtxtrlbuto tli'btlancu or tho Hindi In thu bands ot the ad. mlnlstralor ol said docu lent (u shown by his first uud llual account, will nt tn the dlschargo of his duties at his omen In' Uloinnburi; upon flioisth day ot octob. r Wi at. ten o'clock In tho forenoon, ui which nla"o and tlmo all parties interested In aid estate aio rcipitroi lo attend or bs forever debarred trom any share In sild fund. i'AUIi E. WIUT, Sept 8J-ta Auditor, UAVSIIKTHK HON OK MAN iWantqtl .vlim iJaia Bu.l Iwttm. I All A di.ju mil i U. AlifurU b Vv-t Luc T" tin DlttUI bit.. I t 005 w.-t w Matat m i d ES TITE V. IU. nvnuioDn 1 h iiijlersljnod Auditor appointed by tho Or. phan's court ot Columbia county, to tnaku Uls. ribtit'o i of amount In handt ot Ktecutor acoord to directions onHlned In tho latt will and testa, ment of said iieceaied, will perforin tho duties tf his appointment, at his onice lu Ulnombburir. oi Saturday. Oct.. Hi, 18, at ten o'clock tn the fore, noon, when aud where all persom Inurjsted inuH nppcar and prove tholr claims or bo de. barted from any share otsald fund, WM. OIUUSMAti, Auditor, HOOFING. tor stesp or tut root. Applied by ordinary workmen at oue-lbtrd tai oost of tin, circulars ant samples fro", Aijonts wantal. T, NEW.8I Johntiir et, Ne York, a oet.o,4-w. A DM I N ISTH ATItlX NOTI C E. KKTATSOrSllil'SL 6STBIUT. EKCSAI1D. U-ttera of administration on the eBtata of BU' Jiel Hoybert.lato ot Hcolt towiishlp,,doi'eiir have been Krnnted by the Iteglsler of a'd county to busanHi-jbert All persons havlnir claltasauuntt the estate of said decedent aro reuunste4 to pre sent thrm tor settlement and thuia Indebted t mako payment to the uadorslwatd adm nlsiratrtt without delay. Kept i AdminUtratrix. OTIOK OP DISSOLUTION. nl liii la hereby olvAn thnr. tim nrm nt Moor ueu4 naiu;r uuu ueen ois-ioivea on iuo nm j of September, Us J. T, C. Harter havlnif sold his Interest In the business to u, W. Kline. Moor head Kline wilt be reiponslble for all bills ot tn late nrm.and will colloot all outstAndlni accounts , as though uo change had occurred. Oct u.l.w' j., T.V. UAII11U.