THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agrionltnrat Topics- I From n pretty long exporioneo in planting fruit trees wo liavo oomo to tlio oonouluslon atnl thin is not tho first time wo havo limited it in theso col- umns that two year old fruit trees aro more certain to grow, to assutno n good t . l " ..! ... 1 jumi, w uuuuinu viguiuin nun iuuji- I lived than trees twloo ns old. Indued, wo havo seldom succeeded woll with trees more than two years old. Somo years ago, wo went to a nursery for somu two dozen of pear and cherry trees, and In tho hurry of writing tho order, not being able to go n.tcr tho trees personally, nothing was said about the ago of them. Wo only said, 'Send good trees, well-branched." Wo never saw a moro perfect lot of trees, but thov woro at least four years old nnd somo of them nino feet high. They woro planted carefully mid cut back severely, but only moderately nt first, tosavothem. Tho spring could havo not been moro favorable for transplant- ins, and when tho dry whether set in thov were frequently watered, which a! doubtless saved tho majority. Fivo of -1.1 .!!...! nr.. . . I.,.- I uiu mil iiiuu. T u uu uui, iuiuuiiiuv;i i losinir a smull treo. Wo ronoat our conviction, therefore, that vno and two year old trees aro better in tlio end than thoso older : mid though wo may havo to wait sometimes (not always) lonirer to iret fruit, tho trees aro far healthier and inoro jiroductivo and give moro satisfaction. Wo may add that sovcral of theso pear trees were pruned wiinin iroin six to ten inches of tho main stock, rcsem- bling when done a half-closed upturned hand, and it not only saved them, but thoy aro at tuts time in periect neallii, crowinc finally. All fruit-trees, to af ford tlio best satisfaction, should bo of the ago hero indicated, and if properly planted and cared for, will bo more hardy, vigorous and lougei-livcd than trees f older stock. Tho desiro some neoplo havo of irettint: fruit as quickly as possible is not always realized by planting older trees ; nnd from tho very fact that thoy may bear earlier, will bo at tho oxpenso of the health and growth t i . of tho tree. WHEAT OK0W1NO. """""f" , . . in growing wheat n io last fow years should Tho success in growing Wheat n 1'cnnsylvania tno last low years should sumuiaio us to raise a greater nverago per aoro than has been the case in many portions of tho state. Wo notice that ns much as tho average of thirty bush els has been obtained this year in somo of tho western states ; and wo aro well awaro that the yield has been increased this year in Pennsylvania in somo special instances over forty bushels per aero havo been obtained. Of courso there aro various causes influencing suc cess. That which might bo an aid at ono point might bo an injury at another. But there aro ono or two matters that wheat growers aro apt to forget. Tho first is, that as a general thing it is well understood that manure must ba liuor ally applied to induce a good crop j but many parsons plow it under, hence, it is not until tho plant has set its roots deep down into tho soil that it derives much benefit from manure. But if the manure is so placed that the young rootlets could push at once into it on germinating, it would get an early start on its vital course, which would establish it firmly against any future urawbaoks.l In tho sciond place fow persons have any idea ot how manure operates in making roots, it wo bury a shovellull oi manure some d'stanco Irom a ttinlty tree in eanly spring, and examino it again the ensuing tail, we mid the lump whilo tho earth in other parts con tiguous has but a few struggling ones. somo people tnink that tho roots attracted to tho spot by tho manure but it is not so. Thoy aro actually croated by tho manure. A leading root sucks into tho rich mass, and lind ing plenty to eat, at onco sets to work to increase, and multiply. Contact witli tho manure, therefore makes roots; and tho principle in successful wheat culture Bhould place tho grain nnd the lood as closo together as possible, it wo would encourage it to start. Wo all know very well now this is done with COrn. Manuring HI tllO lllll IS qtllte a universal practice : but where it is not, tho result is well known. Wo repeat, tlierelore, givo thotrops an early start. It has a wonderful intluenco in its ef forts in after lifo to como out well. KEEl'INO As tho timo is near at hand when tho work of picking and putting up tho ap- pie crop for the winter and spring will hnvn tft hn nttnnilorl tn if w i-i 1 tUnt. I the methods preserving this valuablo fruit should bo considered. Wo havo hitherto on frequent occasions dis cussed them, and pointed out what wo conceived to bo tho best method to pursue. In brief, wo would, therefore, icueuv hi ouuBuiiiue, hm iuiiuws : jhi, ri"PI le8: T8t bG F,00'1. 1keCSC,rS' ,rC xiuui uiui.-ivs VI UIUIUIBII. UIUV I Iwi a..,.no,l nt 1,1 .,,.!. .i .1 i ii.... , "t eu u uarniM, ami kciu in an aimospncro otirom torty to htty degrees, better from forty to fifty-five, aud at a tem perature as equablo as possible. Some cellers aro just tho thing and prcservo inem beautituiiy. uthers aro too moist Where this is tho cas'i a fow bushels of stone lnno should bo used. Sliding sneives, six inones apart, latticed bot torn with a singlo layer of fruit, aro ex tremely convenient, as they allow of constant examination without disturb ing uio iruit. a mend lntormed us some years ago that with a large stand ui wituu t-iieivL-H in mi ixiiur. wuii a lew inches nt lime Oil tho bottom Of tho cellar, ho kept his anplcs into May in perfect condition and good flavor. .ii Yium, in uju cellar, Kepi cioseeu, but with some ventilation, frequently answers admirably, as wo know from ........ 1 T f ..II.. i ijumwuui L-Ajitufuiii-, ii uareiuiiy pueK- ed in clean, naked barrels, tho head forced down in order that tlin nmu - - " bo quite solid, and the barrels placed under an open shed until lato in No vein ber, but before hard freezing comes on, and then bo removed to a dry cellar, whoro tho tempaturo will range about wiiui, m nuuuu uuuvu, wiuiu win ue in- tin .1 n .. r. .. nf .1... T....!. . 1. i uu uunui ui uiu jiuii. uoi Keeping through tho winter and late into tho spring. Indeed, wo havo known it to Keep lintiuune. Lfermantown Tdc- graph. TT A. I T1 I T rt. . j 1 raw w uianij xaruiBrs uoys uonienieu. . , . Let us supnoae that a boy is to bo a farmer. It is notorious that boys in invnu "ujn uu uui. umu miiuiy iu uiu larmers lite. What is the reason t Is it thnt the farmers grains aro slow, or that his labor is severoT These reasons partly oxplaln the facts, but neither of them" is thu strongest reason. Tho lotio line of tho fanner's lifo is a weightier .colisiderntion. Tho girls and boys now Throwing up, whetlier in tho towns or .Jjilhp'country, do not like tho isolation land solitude of tho farm. Thoy would rather live in less comfort, and work harder for less net wages, at more dis agreeable labor iu tho fnotory villages and iu tho cities, because they like to bo in a crowd. Thoy depend on out side oxcitements. '-There is nothing going on in tho country." That is the uniform .reason given for prcfcrriugllfo In tlio citv. Tlio llrst thing to do In "fitting" a boy for Uiu lifo of n fanner Id, therefore, t0 tret this notion out of his head. Tlio reason whv lifo U so lonelv in thocouu try is that his mental reson rccs aro so small, and his own knowlcdgo of tho . ' .1 .... it . ?!!...!.- i oUJCCtS I'OUIHl ftUOlll llllll aro HO lllllllfd. If wo could civo tho bovs who aro ilestlned for such life as this a kind bf trainlnc which would enable them to fCcl that there Is something going on In tho country all tho while, something of n marvelous and llirilllntr intoroft, that would help greatly in fitting thorn to their work. Would not tins result bo scoured, at least in Dart, by civinir a nortion of tlio vears now spent in tho overlastinir grind of arithmetic and irnomnnhv to tho study of natural hls- 0rv. the materials of which aro under tho farmer's feet and on every sido of J,8 j,nth, and in tho air all about him ! Would not somo knowlcdgo of tho minerals, tho plants and animals of his own neighborhood, and somo entliu nam In nroteotintr his studies ntiioniz them, wonderfully broaden tho farmers j ' , i . . , r I.- 1 I!..-.. nt( mitl mspei I11UCII 01 lis lOHKiIiiusa I Tt would bo easv to show how tho study, in somo elementary way, of theso aw perhaps other seioncos of naturo would do the samo sorvlco for those who aro to spend their lives on other iniliutrinl nnnmlts. onlarcintr their ho rizon, multiplying their resources t nnd showing them how to oxtract from tho world about thorn a higher enjoyment tnan is to bo lounu in uio inversions) allu diss'nmtions on which tho multi- tudes aro tsying to feed their cravings. -Juno Century. The Poultry Yard. Tho timo is approaching when every breeder should bco that Ins fowls aro provided with ureeii food for winter use. .Fowls, as well as otner animais, reouiro a certain amount of coarso and S . .. t .. i retuso matter to Keep mem ireo iroin constitution, indigestion ana otner kindred complaints. Tho prudent and ireful poulterer will take "timo by tho fr..rtrtl " nnit hnfnv.l Vr i IIP dot O 1H Will storo away cabbaue, turnips, rowen, on- ions and potatoes for his fowls. C batio is undoubtedly the very best s cipcstVrreo,, f00,l that cariTJo h batro is undoubtedly the very Kest and cn.pCst green food that canto had. It ; - , i,cccasarv nor economical to ,,un,haso .)rimo heUia for their use, as Hnf, i,' ,1ju.i1;i1 rn . marketable tho soft hcads.which aro not marketable oro just as good,, and thoy cost ono half less. Tlio same with turnips ana pota toes : thev can be had cheap by purch asing from farmers tho small or refuse uart of the crop.- Theso articles ca.i bo stored in a drv cellar, and will be found very uselul during tho lour or nvo months of winter, when tho fowls re quiro good feeding in variety to make them lav at all during the mgtu term or to incite them to commenco their work early nthe spring. Iho lawn mowings and clover heads can be saved and stored away in coffeo sacks in a dry, cool place until needed for use, and bv steaming or cooking tho vege tables with meal or potatoes there is no waste, and during cold weather it is a great need that must not bo lost sight of if the breeder would do his stock justice and see them thrive and lay well in early spring, when their eggs aro most valuable for securing early broods. Drops in Oontintntal Europe. Tho Vienna jPrme, in a review of ,,. rnn nrnsir.i in rjnntinnntnl V.. rope 8aya Spain will again havo a bad iiarvest ti,u year. Italy has also a weak harvest. The French crops are not satisfactory as regards quality, tlio heavy rains having materially-injured the character of tho wheat. According to estimates, thoicrops will reach about 112,000,000 to 115,000,000 ot hectoli ters, while the requirements will amount to nbout 118,000,000. There will there fore, bo a deficit of from 3,000,000 to 0,000,000, which will havo to be cover ed by imports. In Germany the rains have severely miured the crop m tho south, nnd less severely in tho northern provinces, iNorth Uermany counts upon a full average yield of low quality, whilo Southern Germany will have a eonBid- nr-lhl,. .Wrnnan in t) vinlH Tlio im. ports, it is estimated cannot be less than in previous years. Kotimauia and Servia havo both average crops, tho Servian yield being of finer quality than tho Roumanian corn. Both countries produce more than thoy require for home consumption. Jiotli will havo a fair surplus for export. Reliable do- inlla f !.....,!.. ..,. 1.... it ,,...- ,,' , ... ... .. 1 - . ' - rJ provmco ot Uherson, tho average will about be reached, aud al ready the oxpoits of wheat and ryo from the ports of tho North, tho Baltic, and the Mediterranean seas aro pro ceeding in full swing. Hungary has a lull averago crop, Austria a week aver- ,, ,i ,,, "i:,.. :ii.i.. t Port is estimated at 3,500,000 centners f ...!. m i Liinnnnniin Ul WI1BUI. IIUIIIIUUI, VUIIIUU III 1U,UUU,UUU uumuui wi ivu muiu ia Biiiiuus ui j. Qoo n00 nle,ur;c(,ntI1(!ra ;, lle for 7.()0().000 m.hlm,. Oat will yield about 3,000,000 to 3,500,000 meter-centners for export. Faded hair recovers its youthful color and soft, silky texture by tho uso ot Parkers Hair Balsam. Setting Apple Orohards- Apple treo planting in orchards has been a subiect of much controvcrav. but needlessly so wo think. An npplo treo will t ir vo nisi as iinv ntlmr trii if well oared for. anil it w II nnt if nmt. Jccted. Wo should prepare tho ground for an orchard as wo would for a corn iicia or a garden, and would keep it cultivated for a fow years, or till the trees had nearly covered tho ground I ., . t 1 . r ..... uy mcir snauo Aiier that tliero aro several methods, either of which I ..-ill l,.;..,. .mn.1 .-...lio 'IH... l l ..,.. ,,.). t5 (jvuu .u-.un, . IIU litllll Uliljr bo scraped or harrowed over lightly or it may bo seeded down to grass to re main in enuancntsod. In either enso manure or other feitilizer must be an- plied liberally, if heavy crops of good mm are expected, it tho glass bo an I 11 . . . . . nuauy cm ami cairied olr, inoro mnnuro will bo required llinn if tlio grass bo allowed to lio and rot on tho ground A great many norsons seem to think that grass exerts some sort of a poisonous elfect upon orchard trees, 1 1 . , . . ' uui a'o navo never seen heavier or handsomer crops of apples than grew in orchards that were never nlouihcd afler coniiug to maturity, but were ma- nured iioaviiy overy year. Annlo trees will nUo irrow and wroduco well if in ueids which can bo iited for pasture for swine or Bheop. Theso animals will consumo much of tho wormy fruit mm inns destroy tho insects which cauo so muoh harm to tho crop. til .1 P. n jriuune v wanner. AN lMVOKTANT D1SCOVEKV Has been mode whereby a successful vegetable combination has been Intro duccd, which acts upon tho bowels, thu liver and the kidneys, and at tho samo timo imparts strength and vital ity to tho entire nystcin. Burdock Blood Bitters constitute this important discovery. rnco$i.oo. A Bonanza in Potatoes. Tlio potato harvest is Over in tho South, nnd it has been a big and profit able ono. A SouthensloYn Virginia .. ..... 1 i . n't.. ....... h vt'i i in j mji iuuii w novo: .i uui, umii, iv marked General Roberts, pointing out a man in thocrowd,"sold 80,000 worlh of Irish potatoes this year, every ono of wiitoii ho raised on his own place." That sounds incredible, nnd yet it is true. Tho man alluded to was Am brose Lindsay, who lives on the coast, near Uio Carolina lino. VI this enor mous crop I havo no doubt $.50,000 was clear money. Sol Haas told mo of a man nt Norfolk who cleared $3fi, 000 on raising potatoes this year, nnd paid n debt that threatened to ruin him. 1 his Is tlio best year lor potatoes over known. Tho Inst crou was short and poor, nnd tliero was no stock to start tho season with. Tho high prioo of irieat nnd bread increased tho con sumption of potatoes, nnd tho heavy crou ot this vcar was taken at hiun figures. Potatoes that dragged at $2.00 a barrel in Now York last year brought $6.50 a barrel on tho Carolina coast this year. How to cook Hick. It is a matter of surplso that so few peoplokuow how to cook rice, or tako any caro in cook ing it, when there is nil tho dilterenco m tho world between -well cooked and badly cooked rice. Wo do not wonder that it is little used nt the JNorth, as wo seldom see it in any other iorm than ft miserable- pasty mush. Tho following directions "como from an expert: In preparing it, only just enough cold wa ter should bo poured on to prevent tho rice from burning at the bottom of tho pot, which should have a close fitting cover, and with a moderate uro tho rice is steamed rather than boiled until it is nearly done t then tho cover is taken off, tho surplus steam and moisture allowed to escape, and the rico turns out a mass of snow-white kernels, each scparato from the other, and as much superior to tho usual sog gy mass as a fine mealy potato is supe rior to tho water soaked article. nnnish ill health, nervouynuH. vuxa tion, fietfulnesa, etc, by using Brown's Iron Jiittcrs. Tho Bad and Worthloss Aro noTcr imitated orcotmtereu'ed. This is especially truo of a family medicine, nnd it is posi tivo proof that tho remedy imitated is of tho highest valuo. As soon as it had been tested and proved by tho wholo world that nop Bitters was tho purest, best t nnd most valuablo family medicine on earth, many imita tions sprung up and began to steal tho notices in which tho press and people of. tho country had express ed tlio merits of II. B., and in every way trying to induco Buffer ing invalids to uso their stuff in stead, expecting to mnko monoy on tho credit and good namo of H.B. 1 Many others utartcd nostrums put up in similar stylo to II. B., with variously cunningly devised names in 'which tho word "Hop" or "Hops" wcro used in a way to induco pcoplo to bcliovo they woro tho sumo as uop Bitters. All such prctendedremedies or cures, no matter what their stylo or namo is, and especially thoso -with tlio word "Hop" or "Hops" in their namo or in any way: connected withi'tlicm or their name, aro imi tations' or counterfeits. Howa'ro'of theni. Touch none of them, but: Uso nothing but genuine nop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on tho whito label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers aro warned against dealing in imitations or counterfeits. A NOTVII 1IDT UNTITLED WOUAN. Vrura the Ooiton Oiob4. 1 1. mWvu U a irooj ltlcrnois of Mrt, lydW Pint Ikiiii, vt Lynn, Uu., La tbore all other Uunun bolnjf may Ui truthfully citJli-ltha "pear rrlend of WomAn," b4ioin of her romiBponddiit lore to call br, Bti I lettltAuty deTotod to tor work, which lithe outoomtt of llfc-ktudy, find U obliged to keep tlx Udy UtiuiU, to liolp hir nniwer the Ikrge comepoBdenra nich vlily iour la upon her, e&ch bowlnjf lti epeclal burden i-f ku:fvrinfr, or Joy nt rolo&aefrom It, Her Yiw'ttftl-U Compound Ua mediclno for good and not eril i-ur)-te. I bare personally InTtatlffatwl It aod tun atujl(l of the truth of thla, Oifti;ciui.t of ItM pro en ! recommended an) preeerlbed by thebfJt phylclLni la tho oountryt Oue my it "It worki like a charm and mt much pain. It will cure entirely the wont form of falling cf tho utoniH, LrucorrhtxA, lrroful&r and painful JItiutruatlon.aU OroxlanTrouhlui, Znflammatloa and tJlceratlon, HooJlnr. allPliplaetuutnte andtheeoa ae)uentplu.tuiAkneii,and U rapeclaUy adaptod to the Chanire of Lite," It permr orery portion of tho lyitem, and bItm new life and vigor, It reiOTOi falntneei, flatulnc7t destroy all crating for etlmuUnte, aid reUerei weak new of thoitomaeb. It curci Dloatinjr, Headache, hVrrousrroitratton, General Detlllty, Bloepleeeneief Poprtiuoitandlndlfeetlon. That feeling of tearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, U alway pennanf ntly cured by It use. It wlU at all time, and undir all clrcumitancee, act In tanuocj with Uie law that gorema tho femalo lyitem. It Cdsu only $1. per bottle or U for and U Kid by drugglita. Any tulrlce required m to epecUl cuej, and the nauien ot many who hare been restored to perfect bealthbythauMof tho Vegetable Compound, can bo obtained by addrta-lng Hr. V., with etamp for reply( at her home in Lynn, Uau, For Kidney Complaint of eitKer ex tUi compound U unaunasiea m abundant teetlmoniabJ ahow. "Hn. Ilnkhjua'e Uer nil," aayi onewTlWr, "ar thstttl in th world for tho euro of ConiUpatlon, UlUouineai and Torpidity of tho llrer, ller Blood IurLflerworki wondon In it ipeclal lino and bide fair to equal the Compound la lu popularity. AU must reepvet her a au Angel ot Mercy whoae olo amuuon u 10 do good to otbem rbiladelpUa, 1. W Un. A, IL U FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. If o otnar dleeaw It to prevalent in Uda ooun-I I try aa Cuiutlpatlon, and no remedy haa ewrl. equalled th celebrated Kidney.Wort ae a I cure. WliateTer the cause, ho w over obetlnate i too oaee, uuh remeay wiu overcome it. I Bll ETQ Tina OUtreaalnv com. riMiaai vlaint la verv ant tab ; complicated with ooujUpaUon. Kidney.Wort ' , etxengthena the weaaened parte and quloalyl I oureo all kind of met even whoa phjalolanej tt XrU youhaveeiuieror theee troubiee CPRI0I.U3E Druggliti Belli USE yAiNWHiairr & co., WHOLESALE OJIOCEKS, PllH.AnEI.l'IIU, fKAB, HYltUl'S, COYVHK, HUUAIt, HOI,ASijBJJ, mci, sricEs. motna soni, 4c, Ac, N. E. Corner Bccond and Arch streets. rPrdcr9wlll receive promptattenllon DRUNKENNESS & Opinm EATING. 0.0. Peers, M, I)., Ic Son, 4.11 Kourth avenue, nnvr i urt, liHiD .tuuTni luuigmug iui iudhu qviis, 'inouuanaj curea. uau or senu stamp for i.ovi. a Oct. , 4 w. WvmuriL Cares Scrorala, Erysipelas, Pimplos and Fnco Grubs, uiotcncs, nous, -minors, u oi ler, Humors, Salt lihoum, Scald Jload, Sores, Morcuri,! Diseases, Fomalo "Weakness and Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss ot Appetite, Juandicc, Atloctions ot tho Liver, Indi gestion, Biliousness, Dyspep sia and Gonoral Debility. A courie of Itunlock Moo1 Diner will Mttr the movt ikemli ill thtl It ll the (Ireeteit lllowl 1-utlher on tirih. slil l.y me!! the deilerl ttttf-liere. Directions In elcren Iknguagei. rules, FOSTER, MIlBUtN 4 CO., Prop'i, Buffalo, N.Y. Pcb.nir. m BLOOMSBURG PLANING MILL The nnaerslimpil havlnc nut Ills Vlftnlnir Mill on Hiitlroad Htroot, tn nrst-cmsa condition. Is pre pared to do all kinds ot work In his lino. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished nt reasonable prices. All lumber used is wen seasoned anu nono out SKinea workmen &ro employed. for buildings turnlahod on application. Plans and tpeclflca tious prepared by an exporlCDCtd draughtsman. CHARM! KIIVO, ItlooitlMlitli-K, I'lt. j. j. CARPETS BLOOMSBURG. PA. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE. Used In tho Churchos tor Communion purposes: Excellent for Ladies and Weakly Per- sons ana ino Agoa. i Specr's Port Givipe Wine I FOUR YEARS OLD millS OELKB1HTED NATIVE WINE 1-1 lliacla I 1 from the Juice o. the oporto Orape, raised la tnis country, us invaiuauo Tonic and Strengthening Properties aro unsurpassed by any other Native Wtno. lie intrtheipuro Julco of thodrape, oroauce'l under Mr. HDOcr'u own personal supervision. Its purity and Kenulienoss, aro guar jut:ed Tho ounK0st child may partake ot its ireuo.-ous qualltleH, and ino weaKOKiinvaua usoit 10 auvanmiru. itispar tlcutaily benctlclul to the nucd and debllitatcit, and suited to the various ailments that arrectth weaker sex. It 13 lu overy respect s. WINK TO SPEER'S P. J. SSacrvy. Tho P..I.anmiHY Is a wine of SiiDrlor Char actor, and Dartukes of the ilch dualities of tlio I grape from which it Is made. For Purity, inch, ncss, Flavor and Medicinal I'ropertlos, It will bo luuua uuexrcueu. SPEER'S P. JT. Brandy. This Dli.VNI) V stands unrivalled In this Country ueiny tur superior rur meiiicuitu purposes. . ..... . IT IS full distillation trum the grape.aud con. tains voluaole medicinal Dronvrttes. It has a delicate Uavor. similar to that of tho grapes, from which tt is distilled, and is la great lavur aiuuufcr unit-ciAss ittmmeB. Bco that the signature of ALKItKD SPKKIl. 1-as. i . . . . . . . i . . . ....... naic , j , is over we uurx ui uuuu boiue. SOJLD BY O. A. KLEIM. and iir DnuaaisTS kveuywukuh, sept. 92, 'nt. l-y. To Norrom Suffsrers The Qrttl European DR. J. B. BIMPSOM'S aPSCiriO HIDICINX, Dr. J. II. rllmpion's Bpccltlo Medicine is u uusl tlru cure for overwork of body or brain ornxcess or any xinu. sucu as weakness ana an diseases re. suiting from Nervous Debility, Irrltablilty.Mentnl Anxieiy, Languor, uissuuoo. Depression or hd ana tuncuonai aurangements oi tno nervons svs tern uenerauy. fains in tho -iiiacx or eiae, loss ui iuvmury. rre- mature old ur Und diseases that i ieaa to consmDt. ' lon.lnsaultv tin early grave or Iuoiu. jvo matter now shattered the system tnav h.. from excessns of any kinu, a nuort course of this ineuiciue win restore ton lost iiinciions and pro cure health and hannlneawhero hnfnrR wna i!h. spondoncy and gloom. Tho Specltto Meatclno Is be ing usea wuu wonaeriu success. i-amnn ets sent free to a i. writo ror them nnii get iui parincuiar I'rlce.SpeclHo l.oi)perpackage,orslx packages for t5,N). will bo sent by mall ou receipt of money i Aiiurest un orars, j, u, niMr'rrs mkdjcin CO Nos 101 and IKMnln street. Iluffalo, N, V. Kor salo by J. II. KlNl'OK I'S, Illoomsburg, Pa. feb siSMy liT i Ct T 0 II 1 SK T T JllAOUH M HAM j LIN nnnflnlP1"1 certainly best, having IIKIvllrd 4uucu du ueurej.i ul every Uliun U""'" vturiirK iiiii. ilrlul ComiM'iiiioii fur hUieeii Veri no other Auv rt can organs having been found equal ut any. Also cheapest, htjlij 100; Si oeta-t-s; suillclent oom. pass and power, with best qualitr, f r popular Iouviuu nu'i Bruumrinusiu in &CUUOM or lamiues, at only tfii. One hiinilri'.l oilier lylea at I3H M, joe, in, its, f 9J, tto4, 1114 to 5oo and un. Tho larger styles aio wholly unrivaled by any other urtfuus, aiou i r easy payments, new HlUMrai ed Caialojtie free. en i;uiaiu2ue rreo. PIANOS! i nis uomDinv nave commpne .ed iho manufacture of lli.rlul.i fi.ruiMi riiiniia, iniruuuciug Important luiurovements: adding to nowerand beauty of toua anu durability Will not require . no mull, ua wuiir rinu.JS. Jr luairuiril I lrl"llnr Klir.l.. Tim .MASON A-IIA III. IV llrmni .....I I'l.n To . let Tr'inont bt., lloston; it K. nth tit . Now York; us Wabash Ave., Onlcago. d sept 'Mw AGENTS Wanted .fte.HnK httt l"w tn pikti ellme ?iti mvtil if rvrhrei IJbrrMlUimt. Vra41fi bMriUwe a ( Ui N t rtli bt., rmU'tcltia, i t. I. L. IIAUB, PHAOriOAL DENTIST, Main Street, opposlto Episcopal Church, llloorut urk', I'a. Teeth extracted without pain. Oct. 1, 1ST9. BROWED I imu. irm. BLOOMSBUUa SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D,, Principal. THIHSCItool, as at nrcsont conslltutod, oilers thotery best faelltttcs for Vroft-3stonal and Cln!sii llulIdlnKSspiclous,lnItlnKanduoinmoaiousiCfimiletelyheaU-dbystcam,vcnvt-ntU n.i..:r. ' 5 ........ . ..,..... n..nnUn. - Kxpemcf moderate.' Fltlv cents n week deduction uourses of siuay prcscriocu oy iue niutu I. MoJel School. II. Preparatory. III. hlementary. IV, Classical. In. n.nomnipriM.iL LL'I. CtJiiMo in AIihIp. IV. (mr,w tn Ti,nnn.;nr,fnM. utmniinp nmi r ahhIpa Coiners following correspondlnjcDcRreca; Masieror tna lntr inlelll sent and cnicldntTcachcrs for Her sciiooU. To this end It Hollclta yountr persons of good ivbilltlea n.d pood PjrpoHC,-tlioso who desire i to Improvotlietr timo and studontH. To ilMuch It promtnert atdln developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for woll paid uuornrirrieavin(rrcnooi rorvumn -iniiurH) OCtO. l( 'Sv.- o. is. savage, LEAI.KII IN Silvorvyarj, Watc'ne:, Jowsly. Oloclts. All kinds of iVatcUes. C1')0A3 and .l.iclr, ncnt IS repaired and warranted. may u, is-u BLANK BOOK M4NUFACTURER, PAPER RULEE?. AND GENERAL BOOK BINDER. BLANK BOOKS OF ALL DESVJUr. TIONS MADE TO OllDEll. PERIODICA I.S HOUND IN ANY DE- S1IIAULE STYLE J. XT. IIW.IDV.U, ,10 & 112 MARKET STHEKT, WILKES-BAERE, Pa. OTICE TO INVESTORS I Flrht .HorruttKu ICcul lNlulu Iuiiiih made and (iimrimiiMMl by tho Nna Loan and Trust 53 ny, School Ponds nnd Municipal Securities for sale. ileal, ui reierences iurniiiu'i. write lor run ptiruc ulars. .IAS. II. UltAHTWKLl,, 1'ivp., K V. Wkb- stkii, Trcas. dsept224w $10 $20,00 Inlcgitlmrite )udlcl0' spicilittnn In drain, Pro visions iiiiu nioi'Ks on our p-'rieeu 1 p'au, 3 eius sure monthly i.roilts 10 largo and snull lav stors. Address, for'full pirtl'Milus, It. I'. K lull .V- t'11., Com'n. Merchants, ITIAU'J Lit H tlio St., Chicago, III. r Oct. tn w. A E tl TG. W A S T E D..AhIS i 1 inuiiuy lajuuij ncuuit; vur riu vY nUUK I AND OUSLIOHT FhOWlrnun tlio Naw York of fo-Atw. ullh It iinlnrri. lt ciodtdtlioroughfares, ita ninhfnjr cIoratHi trulni, Ha countloi ftigrht j, lti m bU. ry.lia dark crimej fliul terrible trivMllcs, Hb charities, mv In fnct tery rhaijor lifo in ilieirieat city. Ion't wato timo BMIinK (low books, but tend for circular ptvlnir full tablo nf conUntJ, tciimto Apeiitu, Ac. l'rtf pectus now uady firnl territory Inprrat (itrnAnd. AiMrcm D0UOLAC3BKO2.,63W,Bvfintli Bt.,l'bUaaelj)liia,Pa Sept 22, AAY THAN V.VVM. 1IUAVKN. 4.0 b"ft authors, l'roso nnd Poetry. In'roducllon byT. I. Cuyler. 1. I) This elegant Homo book mailo morn beautiful. Ilevlscd 01st Thousand. Kntlro niw pities 40 prjes aided W new authors. $173. on tills. IUIiI-h aud our now Cyclopedia, fine month to Agents. m j, iiuAi, 1 ('.iiisuei, nut. turK, Oct. C, 4-W, tl T T il L -L JJ 1- Trees, (irane Vines, Shrubs, Hoses, Ac. (1 .01) haiawhs mid Kxpenscs paia. Aauress at onco. .1. r. i.eui..Min nochestcr, N. V. u uct. 0, J.W. CUT THIS s i ArSTE3S15ToS4wPErcV Wolmvo8toroslnl5 loadlntr Cities, from which our Bifeut4 ot.tnlu thel r mpi IIch ipili V ly. Our l.iclorle a'td l'rim'iiml llll.reh uru ut Hrle. I'.i. Scul for our New t'uliiloaiie nut tcriut UavtiUU AdiUua ftS VI I fllf iTM 3l2Lncknrai.nnAko lm ivi LuOLLL scrantou, pa. Match S-ly Tfhnted AGENTS ! ai:kts: agists j For GEN. PODGE'S bran' now book, entitled Thirty-Three Years Among our wsiD mmmt Atruerecordoftheiutlior,irAi'efv-77iir Yeart Pertonal ixncwn amonj our JuJuuu, CyAVith aa oLIe latroJucUon By Gen. Sherman. Thli new work vu at once lubicrlbcd for by Vrtrihnt AiTDVE tuul ttUirt Oi'-ihtt, and by Gcu. Sherman, Geiu Grant, Oen. Shtrldan, ?,n. If.mcocl; and thoujian'ti of Em locDtMtQ. CHk, GMKrnjr i "l U th Ut boot on Imtian li4 txtr v;nUH.,, Uisnop Tilkt (Methodlit.) ttjn"Jt u a book of tiiwnM t uw. It U the only authentic account of our Indians tvtr pubKihfd, fully rercaliog their "Inner Ul,"iecrct dolnji, oi4olt, etc. ItU rrnUWwith thrllllog tiperlcncciof th Author, and of famous Scouti, Trajan, Cow boy i, Minen, Uordcr ltuftiaos, etc.,TlTldly portraying Llfa la th Great Wct aa It now it. -lSd thoutanj tn pre. With eteel Eogravlova and Suprb ChromoUthoeraph X'laUl la IB colon, from fhotograj'hi made by tha U S. QoTcrnmcot exprwly for tU $rtU uorl; AOENTHI TMi rrand book li now out-tailing all othen lOtol, l?a cawjictttUm. AftnU aTerago 10 to SOordert aday. We want 10lt more agtnta at once, Excturiv Ttrritory awt &jecUU Terms given. Our large clrtuUra with full iiaitlculara artf tee, A fine Sftcbntn I'late aeot in mJJitton for 3 cent aUmp. Addren tht tola publlihen, A, V, WOUTIUNQTUX CO., lliBTroun, Conx, bt'pt Si 4 til B. 1 V. IIAHT.MAN KKPRKSKNTS TIIK KOl.IOWINIl AJIHWOAN INSUitANOK COMl'ANIKSi Lycomli.gof Munoy I'oiinylrauta. Norih Amerlcuuof I'hllsdulphtj, I'a. Franklin of " " 1'eunajlvanla of " " Farmers of York, I'a Hanover ul New Yin It, Manhattan of Now Yoil;. urri'o ou Market btn'el, No, n, bloomsburg, on. tt, Iti-ly vUUnt (rev. Add runs II, IUli.kt & l'o 1'u tuiud, Maine, march 31 -ly STATE NORMAL SCHUGL n nt.T . ..nlnlpl.t. ntiit nllvn fft th.l wiirlr to all expecting to teach. Students admitted at any uru lmiuitkmhiunal. una Mtudcntft trrrniiifiiriL' Kiuiuemi; .n.icror mo wciuncos i Ma-iior ot iouia?sic3. uraumuca in uiu uiucr vouracs rcuuiye Tl.ftltni.adMinninl If It. m nnn nf t hn tirl m,. ni.WtQ iiihiii.i'i, Every Estcy Organ Sold is made rJ?liroughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. I HI jl W 1 n ra PIANOS, And other fust class Pitmos, and a large lot of -MUS3C VIOLINS, ACCOEDEONS, BANJOS, MUSICAL (WRDIIIf f E, VIOLIN - CT. SALTZER, MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STORK BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG PA. PIA2STOS, FINK INLAID FHKNCH WA1..MT i:nsy Terms. SiillNfUctlou Ciunrnntcoil. UAOON'S XJTSTO WARE ROOMS, MUSIC HALL IH.OOK, eware 3 J si a 1 V ( H f HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And thoir oxcol'ont roputntion in Jurotl by worthless imitations. Tho Publio nvo cautioned ncainst buy ing Plasters huvintj similar sound ing nam03. Eco that tho word O.A.P-C I.K.E i3 corrcotly spollod. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Aro tho only improvomont ovor mado in Plastors. Ono is worth moro than a dozon of any othor kind. Will poaltivoly euro whoro othor romcdlos will not ovon rollovo, Prieo 25 oonts. Bowaro of ohoap Plastors mado with lead poisons. SEABURY& JOHNSON. Minulaclutliig ChemUt, New York. VkiikTs UiiS'iiinV A'f'i.AKl'. irric25ctr. A MEAD'S MuJIcated CORN mi BUNION PLASTER. N0Y4'8I .ly , Tn.ui.vTfiitmtnimsM 1 ruMrniNiM WlU, W0 Llltuullfylnii tkeCumpleslon. Itl'inluHB or AUTKU UUlId. u.. .... U.I U..UUL. ft.. k.l UiUl K.IWM, lu WMMlC l to; un to Ui Urt vl Umm lU UUI 1U I U HIIm Ims r l.l If kukl vt tPtnoUii 1 ViAt ftO tmi a BENS1 0 SOW'S FLUSTERS mm Hi JWfc 1 ailcarnlDg. tvltli a bountllul suomy of Tllapltillm ntsclpilno, firm but kind, uniform and thnrouth time. itooms ruserveu ituuii uuairuu. Vrt. V. Courtto In IMivn.ciiI Culture. tiicrwn. it'CLMo inv i u uiim. cumernnt: mo nt thU Hclinol to hnln to CGCUro It. bV fumlSh- Every buyer shotthl Select un Oryan Hhat guarantees good JEvcry day work and Years of service. J, ESTEY & CO., Brattloboro, Vt. BOOKS, - STRINGS, -1 T9nr . . 1; . 0ASK 0HGAN, 9 STOPS, $1)0 CASH. WIIiKBS-BARRB, PA June! J. SALTZER'S General Sewing Machine Depot, Fifth Store Below Market St , BLOOMSBURG, PA. Ceiratefl White Sewioe fflachiue, Now Davis Vortical Feed" Sew ing Machine, New Homo Sewing Machine, Household Sowing Machine, Estoy Sowing Machine, Qenuino Singer Sowing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Srnchino, Attachments, best Sewing Machine oil, and Nee dlemor alt towing machines, tiewlnir Machines Bold on monthly paynvntB- Liberal itiaeount madrr eah. Every uiichine purehued irom me Is warrauti'dtibo Kent 111 tfood rumilntr order lor live yeiir fire nf h ml ihnrou .1, tn. Btructlons given by tho best lady operator lu tbU iw.ui me nmo inu ui ui.irKti jtxuimno my SftR in t!QnP'-'r day at homo Samples worth v ,vii,uWl Audreys otinmon , Co l'ort E WEBER HAMS luurtu ui, l.y RAILROAD TIME TABLE KNNSYliVANIA ItAlMtOAIi. PHIL. AUKblMIIA A KU1K It. It. DIVISION. Phlladelnhta nnd ICrln Italtroad Division nnA Northern Central Hallway, SUMMUK TIMB TABLE. Id effect Juno (th, 18SS, trains lenvo Nortimm. bcrland. KA8TWAH1), us a. m. sea Khoro Kxptessfor Sunbury, llar rlsburg and Intermediate stations, Lancaster. I'hllailelphla, Now York, llalttmoro and Washing. ton, arriving at, ruiiaueipuia n.m p.m.) New York, 0.15 p. in. llaltlmore, 6.10 p. in, : Washington o.4T p. rn , making closo connections at l'hllaasi. puia lor an oeu nuuru j.imiis. i.4 r.m. Day oxprcRS for Hunbury. linrria. burg and lntcrmcdlato stations, Lancaster, I'LII. aaeipniu, iiow iuih. j.iuLiiuuru uuu vosninglOn. arrlvlngnt rnuaiieipuia T,85 p.m.; Now York, 10.9) p. in,: iiaiumorc, i.xu p. m.; wnsnington, R.4T n.m. l'lillman Parlor car through to rhlinnm. phla and passenger coaches through to I'hlladcl. PUIUUIIU l.HllllllUIU. 8.03 p. m. witllamsport Accommodatloa for Hunbury, Uarrtsburg nnd all Intel mediate sta tions, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, arriving at Philadelphia Mi n. m. ; New York a. m. nieeping uur ecuuminuuaiiuns can DO SCCUr cdatllarrlsburgror Philadelphia and New York, l'hlladelphlapassungers can lcmaln In sleeper un. disturbed until 7 a. m. l.M a. in. Krlo Mall for Sunbury, Hnrrlsburg and Intermediate stations, Lancaster, I'hlladei phla, New York, llaltlmoro and Washington, ar riving at, Philadelphia ? so a.m.; New York, 11. is a. in. llaltlmoro 7,49 a. in. : Washing, ton, .17 a, m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on murrain to rnuaaeipnia, uaitimoro and Washington, and through pas&engcr coocIicb to I'hlladclpula nnd DAHlmore. WL'STWAHD, o.r.s a. m. Krlo Mali for Brie and all tntermedtnto stations with through Pullman Palace camnd tnrougn passenger coacnes to uno. For Cannndalgua and lutermedlato stations, Ilochestcr, Ilurfaloand Niagara Fabs, with Pull man Palaco car and passenger coaches through to Ilochestcr. 1.45 p. m. Niagara Express for Kano nnd Inter mediate stations with through passencer coaches to Kano. For Canandalgua nnd principal Inter mediate stations, Rochester, liutluloand Nlagnra Fulls with through parlor car to Watklnu und through passenger coaches lo Ilochestcr. .1.35 p. is., Fast line for Lock Haven and lntcrmc dlato stations, and JJtnlra, Wntktns and Intel me diate stations, with through p.vgcngcr coaches to milKUlH. THIlOUmi TIIAINS FOU NOHTI1UM IIEIILAND FHOM TIIK KAbT AND hOUTII. Niagara Kxpress leaves NetvY'ork, 0 80 a.m.: llalilmore D.liO a. in.! nrr'lvlng at worlliumberlanil 1.45 p. in., with through Pullman Parlor car from i-jniaueipiiia anu tiirougu passenger coacnes irom k'hlliidelnbla and Baltimore. Fust Lino Icates Now York 7.65 a. m. : Philadel phia, 11.05 a.m.; Washington, .37 a.m.; Balti more, 10.60 n.m., arriving at Northumbetland 6.83 p. in., with through passenger coaches Irom 1 iiuuueipuiu unu uuuiinurc lirlo hall leaves New York 7.65 p. m.; Philadel phia, 11.20 p. m.; Washington, vol p. m.; Haul more. lt.M p. m . arriving at Nnrthumbcrlands.S a. 111., with through Pullman Palaco sleeping cars iruiu ruuaueipuin, wnsuingion ana iiauimoro and through passenger poaches from Philadelphia, N OKTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On nnd nfter February 19th.lssi.trnlns will leave Sunbury as follows: NOIlTIIWAItD. Northern express 0.30 a.m. .arrive Elmlra 19.30 pm Arrive at uananaaigua 3.2a p. m. " Ilochestcr 4.40 " Niagara Kxpress 1.60 p. in. arrlvo Elmlra COS p m urn cananuaigua .d '-. " Itochester 11 45 " " Nlarrara n m Fust lino 0.16 p m arrive Elmlra 10.20 p m ivatKins ii.iupm SOUTHWAltD. Southern Express 1.32 a.m. arrlvo llarrlsb'g 3.15 am arrive rnuaaeipnia i.uo " ' Now York 9.35 " " Baltimore 7.00 " Washlnrrtnn f-.22 a m Lock Haven Ex 10.60 a m arrive llarrlsb'g 19.65 pm arrivu I'unaaeipnia o.uu p m " Now York 8.45 " " Baltimore s.!0 " Washlncrton 6.41 Day Express 1.59 p m arrlvo Ilarrlsburg 8.s p m. l'nunaeipuia " New York 10.00 " " llaltlmoro 7.00 ' Washlntrton 8.1T rlo Mall 1.05 a. m, arrive Ilarrlsburg 8.00 a. m ruuuueipum .uo " " Now York 9.35 " " Baltimore 7.00 1 " Washington 8.9a J.Il. WOOD, General Passengor Agont. FRANK THOMSON. Ooneral Manager. pHILADELPHA and READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno 20, 18B2. TKilKS LK1VK KCFKKT IS F0LLOWB(SUNDAT KXCCPTkP. For Now York.Phlladelphla.lteadlug.Pottsvllls Tamaqua, c, 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 u. m. 4 CO and 7, '20 p. m. For WlUlamsport,6,15 8,60 a. m. and 4,05 p. m. TRAINS yOR KOrSKT LK1VK AS fOlLOli, (SCMDAT tXCXFTXO.) Loavo Now York, via. Tnmancnd ,oo n. m.and via. Bound Brook Kouto 7,45 a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, 9,43 a, m. Leave Heading, u,65 a. m., Pottsvllle, 18,89 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. Leave Catawlssa, 0,10 8,40 a. m. and 4,00 p. tn. Leave Wllliamsport ,9,45 a,m,2,oo p. m. and 4,30 p. m Passengers to and from Now York, via. Tama- nend and to and from Philadelphia go through without change of cars. J. U. WUUTTiSN, General Manager, C. G. HANCOCK, General Passenger aud Ticket Agent. Jan.10, urn tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WEiTEIIN KAILUOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION, NOHTH, STATIONS. .. ..Hprnnti.i . .south p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.n V 15 i 43 9 45 9 80 0 17 6 22 fc 27 6 34 II 41 411 8 61 0 65 0 68 7 02 7 10 7 17 7 22 1 to 7 37 8 00 U IW Ucllevue. . 9 Oi 8 69 2 311 2 29 2 22 2 15 2 10 9 37 laj'iorvnie., ...Lackawanna., 0 45 9 12 9 Si 2 2i 9 27 1 84 2 39 2 44 9 SO 8 43 8 42 9 21 .... riiuion.... West l'ltiston ...Wyoraintr.... Maltby Dennett ... Kingston. ,. Klnt.sfnn. . 9 19 10 0J IU 08 8 37 9 14 8 25 8 25 2 0.1 1 6U 1 42 1 95 1 25 1 18 1 03 9 04 9 04 10 13 10 18 10 2ll 10 34 10 4 1 M 2 64 3 02 II Oil 3 10 3 18 3 S3 .Plymouth Juno 8 10 S 66 8 47 8 39 8 Ui 8 17 8 12 8 00 ...i lyuiuuiu,,, Avondalo... KnntlpAl.-.. 8 07 9 00 Hunlock's (.'reek ....Mhlf.lrahlnnv 7 40 12 42 7 S3 12 25 7 25 12 15 T 20 12 00 7 13 It 17 7 09 11 40 7 06 11 32 67 11 10 C CI 10 (8 0 45 10 60 0 37 10 4t 8 18 10 22 5 10 10 08 04 10 00 6 45 9 40 10 65 11 07 11 13 11 20 8 26 ....IIlck'B Ferry, 3 45 8 49 .... notion uaven. -Berwick , Ilrlor Creek.. ...Willow (irnvH. 3 61 8 60 3 57 V 00 S 00 8 05 8 10 8 18 8 !( 8 SO 8 SS 8 69 9 00 9 04 V 20 7 M 4 07 4 12 4 20 4 !7 4 33 4 S3 4 60 5 (0 6 25 7 62 7 44 Lime Htdpo., espy..., ...Uloomsburt 11 E9 11 45 11 M 11 65 12 IS 7 38 7 83 7 29 Catawl'a Midst 7 11 uanviiio..,, Chinas ity.,, Cameron... Nortuumbcrra 6 45 12 4S p.m. a.m. a.,m, p.m. p.m. a.m. , , ..... w. p. iialstemv sunt. superlntendont'3 onlce, scranton. Feu. 1st, 1939. PAIIEEIHH HAIR BALSAM. U picfcrnl by ioliavci:scdit, to any itiintiUr rn tic Ic, on aci f-juiuiit tf iu sunciior cIwulii'eMUiul purity. It CQi.taitia materiaW tu the scalp and tair Reitorn I'atlitr'. Color to Crcy or Faded Hair ......w mmuiuiwuiui IU Ul fcjf UJ T IUCU lldir :rt HAr Baliam Is finely iicrfumeil aud Is nled to prevent falling urtlioltair ond to re. dandruff BtidIiJd'i. llucox &Ca , N.Y, warranted muve dandrurrati.lli, l.l,,, 0c. .H4 j ilm, i foiUr, III ihugt Rn4 oi.Jkla PARKER'S mm ionic A Superlative Health andStrength Rettorer. If you tire a mechanic or fjrmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or home, bold duiiei try 1'akkek's OiNr.ea Tunic, If yoiimnlaiiyer, minister or buiinesi mn op iiaiHird ly".'"ali,trainoraiuioucarci,dorK)ttali lntoicatiiisnmmlanis,butuse l'arker'iainserTonlo Ifvmt luio toii.uinption, Dypila, Kheumi. Urn, Kidney loniriUuiu, or snyilisoiderofthelungJ, lomach, ljoeU, blood or nerei,l'i.KEB' Cmca Ionic will cur you. lllilheGreatett Wood Purifier Ad the Beit and Surtit Couoh Core Ever Uied. U you arc waiiint; away from ce, diuipation or any diseaie or weakneii and renulro a (Umwlant lake. t.iNoau JOMCatincei it wluinvlsorate and build voii up from tlm fine 1om but wilt never Intoiicate, uiia taved hundiedi of liver, it may lavo youti. CAUTION l-K.(u. all lulilltuUi. V.ii.r ' aiiprTtiilo ll o'poJcllLt,..lmidl.l.f,.liBtl1l,tj .luJUwiUnlT Jllia 4 C11., N. V. 0e, 1 l tlio, it i.C4 In dri. ontAT 8AVINQ UUVINQ POILAR UZE, lllti(.h ami Is.t.n f. I. . . .1. .kl. aelighirulperlumeckceediiicly popular, liter In nutlilng (Ike It. lniiit upon havini Yiamu TOM Colll.hlR an.l lub tn .In,.,.,- -r -.'....... , J. .IH.IUJC vi ou rj lolUa, At dnnl,t or ilul.i Ui rnfluutr ulu.s fmiMi nrvivo iie. sue. m V March 8,'sviy,