THE COLUMBIAN AJSTD DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COtTNTY, PA. The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, OOT01H4K 13tli, 1882. Correct Rnllriiiitt Time Table. Trains on tho rhllttdolphla It, It. Icavo Hupcrt aa follows t HOOT It. KOOTIt. 9 l . m. II 45 ti. m. u p. m. a 4.1 p. m. Trlns on tho D. L. 4 W. It. It. lcsve Iltoomsburg u IoIIowb t NORTH. ROCTIt, 7 sn . m. : ft. m. 10 Ma. m. II 45 n m. 6 61 p. tn. 4 IT i. lu. Tne114S train south connect with tho Phila delphia Heading Rt hupert, and nllh thu Northern Central at Northumberland. Tin 8:4a a. m train connocta at Horthumborland with 0:!5 train on 1'nnnsjlvanln road reaching l'bliadeiphlalit 1:30 p. m Tbo 11:41 train connects with riilladolpliln and Heading roat at Itupert at 11:50 reaching I'hlla delpbta at :00p. m. no 11113 train connects with Ponnsylvmilt ronl at Northumberland at ins reaching I'hlladol pbla at 7:39 p. m. Tbo 4:M p tn. train connocts with Pennsylvania road at Northumberland at 8:09 p. ra. anu reaches rhlladolphla at 9:C9 a. m. Public HlltCH. Administrator of Jacob S, Hess will rcII rcnl estate In Sugnrloaf, October 10th, nt 2 p. m. Executor of Geo. Glrton will sell rcnl cs. tato In Greenwood, November 4th, nt 10 n. m. John Bluiman will sell his Eipy farm on November 2nd. 8co advertisements. I'crsonal. Mrs. J. II. Llnglo nnd Miss Lottie Powell are visiting at J. J. Hrower's. Miss P. Adclo Senrch of Bhlckslitnny was In town on Tuesday. Hev. J. M. l'cck, recently of Danville, has becomo rector of a church at Bridge watcr, Massachusetts. Mrs. Dr. McKclvy and Miss Hnttlo who havo boon In tho west with relatives for several months, returned home on Mou day evening. Ex.Blierlft Carter of Tuulthannock Is on hand at tho fair, exhibiting thu celebrated Orbornc mowers nnd reapers, for which he Is general agent. Mr. J. I). Hunt, who has been nt his homo In New Jersey for sovcrnl weeks past, Is in town this week. Ills railroad tie business has been completed. Rev. L. Zahner nnd E. II. Drinker at tended the Episcopal convention at Head lng on Tuesday. ' . am Washer Three girls to do general home work. Inquire at this ofllce. Mottoes at D. Lowcnberg's store : Best materials, Superior finish, Latest styles, Perfect fits nnd Popular prices. Quite a number of persons had business In Sunbury on Tuesday. It is a singular coincidence that Barnum's show was there on tho same day. Communion servlco at the Evangelical Church next Sabbath evening. Hev M. E. Detwcllcr of Lowlsburg Pa will prach the sermon. J- G. Ilamsdell, 1113 Chestnut St., Phila delphia, will mall any of our lady readers a copy of thclatcst "Metropolitan Fashions." gratis, receipt of address. Ono of the many attractions during our county Pair will bo the large and well assorted stock of clothing now on exhibi tion at the store of David Lowonberg. If the man who stole Col. Free.e's peach es on Friday night of last week, will plant tho stones ho will be able to raise peaches for himself hereafter, and not be under the necessity of stealing them. This is no Humbug, call and be con vincedsee for yourselves ask your friend's advice, get your wife, or sister, or brother and they will tell you the right place to buy your clothing, ready-made, or made to order, Is at D. Lowcnberg's. October 1st being the closo of out year, statements have been sent to everybody Indebted for a year or more on subscrip tion. If any have been slighted wo will gladly rectify it by sending them a bill, If they will call our attention to it. Just received n new lot of Elgin, Walt hain, Springfield and other make of watches In open and hunting cases, warranted from two to Avo years. Also silver plated teaspoons one dollar a set, table spoons two dollars a set, at L. Bombard's Jewelry Store. 0 IMf Puiiuo Sale of School Desks. There will bo sold at public outcry, at the Rupert School house, in Montour township, Col. umbla county, on Saturday tho 14th day of October 1882, at two o'clock p. m., about sevonty-tlvo second-hand school desks, all in order and ready for use. By order of Montour School Board- J. G. Quick, Secretary Tho Friendship hose carriage has been very handsomely decorated by 51. C. Sloan & Bro. It has new iron scroll work In front to support the now silver lamp, and tho reel is covered with a drum on which is an eagle and the namo and num ber of tho company. Tho carriage Is painted black with gold bands, anil makes a very rich and elegant appearance. The Friendship boys always try to keep ahead. Judge Elwcll read an opinion last Fri day morning, setting aside thu report of viewers of n county bridge over the Sus quehanna river at Blooinsburg. The re port was not in thu form required by statute In several particulars, any of which were fatal. Tho bridge question should not bo allowed to drop hero. There should bo an application for another view at the earliest possible moment. Don't road this It Is only intended for the man who wants to buy full value for bis vumcy and you can always get It nt the popular clothing storo of I). Lowcn berg. There was a very pleasant gathering at the residence of Daniel Miller in .Mala township on Saturday, September 80th, the occasion being his birthday, A sur- prlso party was nrranged by his children, ami about ouu iiuuiireii persons were present Jto enjoy It. Tho father was pre sented with n handsome chair, nnd thu mother with a lino silk dress, besides many other gifts. Economy la tho secret of wealth, so al ways go to D, Lowcnberg's and buy your clothing. You can always get tho best vuluc, latest styles, and reliable goods. A number of bodies havo recently been removed from the Episcopal burial ground by friends of thu deceased, and there are a great many more that ought to bu remov cd by friends during tho winter, and not left to bo taken up at the public expense, When tho church lot Is improved, us It will bo after tho dead are all removed, It will bo a great advantage to that part of the town, nnd will undoubtedly Increase the value of all surrounding property. Hie finest Hue of wedding and party In vitutlons over exhibited In this town will be opened next week at the Coi.umiiian store. This Is tho only office in thu county that keeps such goods In stock. BO empty barrels nnd half barrels for snlo at tho Exclmngo hotel. Twenty five thousand pcoplu nttended Barnum's show at Wllltamsport on Monday. Wanted. Anldtelllgcnt young man (o learn the retail Drug Business. Address Hiieum Blooinsburg Pa. When you como to tho Pnlr don't fall to call and sco tho splendid 8tock of llcady-Mndo clothing nt D. Lowcnberg's. Locnl correspondence has been crowded out Inst week nnd this by tho unusual amount of advertising. Boys cry, children sulk, nnd old men get mad when they cannot get to Blooms burg to buy their hats, nt 1). Lowcnberg's. Tho meeting of Independents nt Cntawls sa on Tucstlny night, was well attended. Speeches wcro made by Wolfe, Merrick nudMnrttn. Our school suits are just what parents aro in wnnt of, made from good wenr-re-slstlng fabrics, suitable for school or jilay. Bring the boys to tho popular Btoro of I). Lowcnburg nnd buy their fall suit. Elk county ultonls n poor field for lawyers- No prisoners In jail and only two suits have been commenced In tho county courts during the last four months. There la nothing that Improves the ap pearance, address and looks like ouu of thu Pnll Stylo hats you can buy at D. Lowcnberu's. Nino railroad carts, with horses and dri vers, the property of tho Collinses, stopped In town over night on Monday. Tlicy were on their way to Snow-Shoo when they will work on a rllroud. The place to get artistic and Anato mically cut clothing made up by skilled workmen, Is at D. Lowcnberg's, Merchant tailor and Gent's outfitter. Forsythc nnd Kockafellow of Espy, keep nil kinds of the celebrated Nantlcoko coal constantly on hand. There is none better In tho market. Orders may be left with them at the canal grocery, for any quantity from n wagon to a car load or more. Just as soon ns the Bicyclo race is over at the Fair ground, crowds will rush at once to buy their Fall and Winter clothing at D. Lowcnberg's. While putting In a blast preparatory to making a pier in the Fishingcrcck near Light Street, there was a prcmaturo oxploi ion on Wednesday, injuring Amzy Whlte nlght and John Pulllu. If George Washington had ever come to Blooinsburg ho would certainly have bought his clothing at the reliable store of D. Lowcnbcrg. Caw's Black Fluid is the only known ink that is positively non-corrosive to steel pens. Flows freely j does not tnlcken by ex posure, and has the decided advantnge of writing black at first. It will not fade or mould ; deposits no sediment, and Is not injured by freezing. The best ink for use in fountain pens of all kinds. For sale by Ehvcll & Bittenbcnder. A Henator ZSoiiiliintccl. Tho senatorial conference met at William sport on the 5th. Lyman B. Speaker was the candidate of Sullivan county In place of James Deegan who died. A great many ballots wcro taken, and several adjourn ments had until Tuesday afternoon when tlie candidates released their conferees from instructions and W. W. Hart of Lycoming was nominated on the iiSStli bal lot. It Is no uso talking, says Brown, when I go to tho Blooinsburg Fuir I am going to buy a good overcoat at the popular cloth ing store of D. Lowenbcrg; he can nlways suit me and give me satisfaction. A correspondent writes the following from Espy: Workmen arc busy rebuilding the Methodist Episcopal cl-urch In this placo. Thu old church will be taken down except the bare frame. This will be enlarged by plans furnished by Jucob Snyder, archi tect, Akron, Ohio. Wm. Carter, Blooms burg, Is thu contractor. If the builder gets a clear conception of the architect's idea, and realizes It in the building, we will have ono of thu most complete churches for preaching, social and Sab bath school services, nt thu same time one of tho most beautiful village churches In the State. The crowd during Fair will bo found looking at thu Fall and Winter goods at D, Lowcnberg's. Mimiu Ileum. The potato crop is a good ono through here, Somu of thu farmers, however, complain of a rot starting In. Mr. John Williams Jr., of Nescopcek, nnd Miss Frankio Creasy of this place, weru married on hutnrilay ny Itcv. .lc. Cutcheon. May their joys bu many. .Mr. A. C. Snyder of Chicago, spent a few days at his old homu last week. Fourteen years ago he left this place, then being twenty years old. After clerking nearly n year at Wctherly ho went to Now Haven, Conn,, wheru ho joined a whale fishing crew- From New Haven the crew went to Greenland where they spent eighteen months. On coining back to New York ho clerked In tho New York tea storu for somu time ; from theru he went to Chicago where hu has been In the fruit and produce commission business for thu past ten years, doiug a great deal of travelling nnd has been In all thu states east of tho Rocky mountains. In this time ho has been to his homu n few times but this Is tho first tlmu since thu death of his father, Isaac Snyder. X largo crowd gathered at tho Lutheran church on Sunday evenlnn to hear tho tarewell sermon uf the pastor, Rev. Mr. McCiitcheoii. Ho Is, without any doubt, onu of thu most able and best educated ministers that havu ever been here. Ho moved Tuesday to Dausville, New York, where hu has been called. Music denier, W. S. Keller, of Catawlssa, bought the leaving minister's span of ponies. They nro good travellers and Keller has a nobby team. David Hurpstcr, who formerly lived at this place but has been ubbent lioni.hls family for seventeen years, made his up pearaucu a few days ago, Ho looks much older than when ho left. Hu left thu same day. His son Christian is onu of the best far mers this township contains, I'crHoiml I To Men only 1 Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Michigan, will send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Elcctro-Yoltalo Ilelts nnd Elcclrlo Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who nro Hllllcted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital. Ity, and manhood, nnd kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy relief and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address us above. N. B. No risk is in. eurred, as thirty days' trial Is allowed, Oct. 28, '81-ly Anybody can catch n cold now. The trouble Is to let go, like the man who caught tho bear. Wo ndvlso our renders to keep it bottlo of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup handy. llagi, Bags, Hag. Flour sacks, all sizes, store. Buckwheat and nt the CoLUMUiAN Court proceedings of October Oth will np pcar next week. Tho Grccnback-labor meeting last Satur day wns meagrely nttended und excited no Interest. Spcctnclcs mid cyo glasses, to suit nil ngea, nt L, Bcmhard's Jewelry storo. Tho Central Hotel has been painted dark green with red window caps. Michael Tracy met with n painful nccl dcntntNcnl's furnace last Saturday, by stepping lu abed of hot Iron. Ono foot was badly burned. Don't forget tho Democratic meeting nt Catawlssa this Friday evening. General McCandlcss Is an ablo speaker and no onu should miss the opportunity, to hear him. A Pattlson club was organized nt Benton last Thursday evening. Chalrmnu Buck. Ingham and Capt. C. B. Brockway weru present nnd nddrcssed tho meeting- Rohr Mcllcnry was elected Prcldent und J. J. Mcllcnry vice president. At a meeting of tho stockholders of tho Water company held Tucsdny, thu follow ing persons were elected directors for thu ensuing year i D. J. Waller, J. A.Funston, M. S. Appleman, It. O. Ncnl, H. J. Clark, L. N. Moyer, E. II. Little, I. S. Kuhn, nnd I). A. Creasy, J. A. Funston was elected President and F. P. BUlmcyer, Secretary nnd Treasurer. A. Sollcder keeps constantly on hand nil kinds of boots, shoes, nnd gaiter uppers. 2 w A I'rofeNHloiialCntireHHlon, THE tJXUSUAl. KXl'KWBXCE OF A MAS MADE l-nnuo. I'ltOMIXEXT The following article from thu Democrat and Chronicle, of Rochester, N. Y., Is of so striking a nature, nnd emanates from so reliable a source, that It Is herewith repub lished entire. In ndditlon to thu valuable matter it contains, it will he found exceed ingly interesting. To the Editor of the Democrat and Chroni cle: Silt : My motives for the publication of the most unusual statements which follow are first, gratitudu for the fact that I havo been saved from n most horrible death, and, secondly, a desire to warn all who read this statement against somu of the most deceptive influences by which they have uver been surrounded. It is a fact that to-day thousands of people nro within a foot of the grave und they do not know it. To tell how I wn caught away from just this position nnd to warn others against Hearing it, are my objects in this communi cation. On the first day of June 1881, 1 lay nt my residence In this city surrounded by my friends and waiting for my death. Heaven only knows the agony I endured, for words can never describe it. And yet, If n few years previous, any one had told me that I wns to be brought so low, und by so terrible a disease, I should have scoffed at tho Idea, 1 liail always been uncommonly strong and healthy, bad weighed over 200 pounds and hardly knew, in my own experience, wnat pain or slcuncss were. Very many people who will read this statement renllzo at times that they aro unusually tired and cannot account for it- They feel dull and indefinite pains in various parts of the body and do not understand it. Or they nru exceedingly hungry one day and en tirely without appetite the next. This was just the way I felt when tho relentless mala. dy which hud fastened Itself upon me first begun- Still I thought it was nothing that probably I had taken n cold which would soon pass nwuy. Shortly after this I noticed n dull, nnd at times a neuralgic, pain i n my head, but as It would come ono day and be gone the next, I paid hut little attention to it. However, my stomach was out of order and my food often failed to digest, causing at times great Inconvenience. Yet I had no Idea, even as a physician, that tneso tilings meant anything serious or thata monstrous disease was becoming fixed upon mo. Candidly, I thought I was suffer ing from Mnlaria and so doctored myself ac cordingly. But I got no better. I next noticed u oeculiar color and odor about the fluids I was passing also that theru were largo quantities one day and very little thu next, and that a persistent froth and scum appeared upon the surface, and a sediment settled In the bottom. And yet I did not realize my danger, for, Indeed, seeing these symptoms continually, I finally became accustomed to them, and my sus picion wns wholly disarmed by tho fact that I had no pain In tho affected organs or in their vicinity. Why I should havo been so blind I cannot understand. There Is a terrible future for all physical neglect, und Impending danger always brings a person to his senses even though it may then hu too late. I realized, nt lust, my critical condition and aroused myself to overcome it. And, Oh ! how hard I tried 1 I consulted thu best medical skill in thu laud. I visited all the prominent inln oral springs In America and traveled from Maine to California. Still I grew worse. No two physicians agreed as to my malady. Ono said I was troubled with spinal Irrita tion i another, nervous, prostration J nnolh. cr malaria j another, dyspepsia i another, heart disease ; another, general debility : another, congestion of thu busu of thu brain i and so on through n lonu list of common diseases, tho symptoms of nil of which I reully hud. In this way several years past during nil of which tlino I was steadily growing worse. Myco million had really becomo pitiable. The s light symp toms I at first experienced weru developei Into terrlblo nnd constnnt disorders tho little twigs of pulu had grown to oaks o agony. My weight had been reduced from 207 to 130 pounds. My life was a torture to myself mid friends. I could retain no fond upon my stomach, and lived wholly by Injections. I whs a living mass of pain My pulso was uncontrollable. In my agony I frequently fell upon tho floor, convulsive ly clutched tho carpet, and prayed for death. Morphine had little or no effect In deaden lug the pnin. For six days nnd nights I hud the death-premonitory hlc. coughs constantly. My urlno was tilled with tubu casts and albumen. I was strug gllng with Brlght's Disease of thu Kidneys In its lust stages. While suffering thus I received a cul from my pastor, the Rev. Dr. Foote, rector of St. Paul's Church, of this city. I felt that It was our last interview, but lu the course of conversation hu mentioned remedy of which I had heard much but had never used. Dr. Pooto detailed to mo tho many remnrknblu cures which had como under his observation, by means of this remedy, anil urged mo to t ry It. As practicing physician mid a gradu atu of tho ! schools. 1 cherished tho prejudice both . natural and common with ull regular pruo tltioncrs, und derided the idea of any mcdl clno outsldo the regular channels being tho least uenoiiclul. So solicitous, however. was Dr, 1' note, that I finally promised I would wntvo my prejudice and try tho remedy ho so highly recommended. I be gun Its uso on tho 1st day of Juno and took It accrodlng to directions. At first It tokened mu i but tills I thought was n good sign for mu In my debilitated condi tion, I continued to take it the sickening sensation departed nnd I wusuble to retain food upon my stomach. In u few days I noticed n decided change for the better as nlso did my wlfo nnd friends. My hic coughs ceased and I experienced leu ptln than formerly. I wns so rejoiced at this Improved condition that, upon what t had believed but a fuw days before was my lying bed, I vowed, In the presence of my family nnd friends, should I recover I would both publicly nnd privately make known this remedy for the good of huinii nlty, wherever nnd whenever I had an op portunity. I nlso determined Hint I would give a course of lectures In tho Corinthian Academy of Music of thW city, stating in full the symptoms nnd almost hopelessness of my dlscnsu and tho remarkable means by which I have been saved. My Improve ment was constnnt from that lime, and In less than three mouth I hud gained 2(1 pounds in flesh, hocuuio cut I rely free from pain and I believe I owe my life and pre sent condition wholly to Warner's Safe Kidney nnd Liver Cure, the remedy which used. Since my recovery I havo thoroughly ro- uvcstlgated tho subject of kidney difficul ties nnd Brlght's (Usenet', und the truths developed nru astounding. I therefore state, deliberately, and as n physician, thnt believe that more than one-half the deaths which occur in America are caused by Brlght's disease of the kidneys. This may sound like n rash statement, but I am pre. pared to fully verify It. Brlght's disease mis no distinctive symptoms of its own, (Indeed, it often develops without uny pain whatever In the kidneys or their vici nity), but has the symptoms of nearly every other known complaint. Hundreds of peo ple dio dally, whoso burluls are authorised by n physician's ccrtlllcato of "Heart Di sease," "Apoplexy," "Paralysis," "Spinal Complaint," "Rheumatism," "Pneumonia," and other common complaints, when in onllly It wns Brlght's Disease of the Kid neys. Few physicians, and lower people, realize the extent of this disenso or its dan gerous and insidious nature. It steals Into tho system like n thief, manifests its pre sence by the commonest symptoms, nnd fastens Itself upon the constitution before the victim is aware. It is Hourly ns hercdj- tnry ns consumption, quite ns common nnd fully ns fatal. Entire families, inheriting it from their nnccstors, have died, and yet none of thu number known or realized the mysterious power which wns removing them. Instend of common symptoms ll often shows none whatever, but brings death suddenly, nnd as such Is usually sup posed to bu heart disease. As one who ins suffered, nnd knows by bitter experi ence what lie says, I Implore every one who reads theso words not to neglect thu slightest symptoms of Kidney difficulty. Certain agony nnd possible death will be th suru result of such neglect, nnd no one can afford to hazard such chances. I am awnro that such an unqualified statement ns this, coming from me, known ns I am throughout the entire land ns n practitioner and lecturer, will nrouse thu surprise nnd possible animosity of tho medical profession und astonish nil with whom I nm acquainted, but I make the foregoing statements based upon facts which I nm prepared toproduco und truths which I can substantiate to thu letter. The welfare of those who may possibly be suf ferers such ns I wns, is an ample Induce ment for me to tnkc the step I have, nnd if I can successfully warn others from the ilnngcrous path in which I onco walked, I un willing to endure all professional and personal consequences. B. J. HENION, M- D. Among the candidates lor favor with the music loving world Is the Ivers &, Pond piano. No better evidence of their merit could bo given than that they have been selected for use lu the New England Conservatory ot Music at Boston, where they are made. unit tho management should purchase fifty Pianos of tills mako Is conclusive evi- nee of their confidence in the instrument. Had they entertained the least particle of doubt as to thu durability or perfection of the Iveim fc Pond Pianos, they would have acted more cautiously and purchashd a few of these Instruments for trial. But this was not the case; they were entirely satisfied thnt thu Ivkiis it Pond Pianos wero us nearly perfect as could bo made, nnd hav ing arrived at that conclusion, adopted them for use at their conservatory. J. Sultzer of this town .is agent for theso pianos, and has them on exhibition at his ware rooms. From personal examination the writer is satisfied they nro just what they aro represented to be. SKINNY MEN. 'Wells' Health Rcnewer" restores health und vigor, cures Dyspepslu, Impotence, sexual Debility. ll itpm li , .TMCT MARRIAGES. MuIIknuy KtssNUi:. At the homu of thu bride's parents, Mlllvllle, Columbia county, Pa., on Thursday, October Cth 1883, by O. W. Cooper, Mr. Guylord Mcllcnry, of Eyers Grove, Pa., to Miss Mnry Klssner, of Mlllvllle, Pa. Eves Siiultz. At the residence of tbo bride, In Sugarloaf, October Bill, by Rev. N. Spear, Milton Eves of Madison, to Miss Emily Shultz, of Sugarloaf. The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over allothercough remedies is attested by the immense popular djsmand for that old established remedy. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Croup, Asthma, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient t-onsumption ana lor tne relict ot consumptive persons m advanced stages of the Disease. Tor Sale byall Druggists. Price, 25 rents. LOCAL NOTICES. Overcoats in great Y. Store, Bloom. variety at Gross' N Do not forget that Olurk & Son's have the largest stock of cashmeres both black and colored nicy navii ever shown, Gross tho N. Y. Clothier lias stock ot full and winter hats. gran d 15 pieces ladles cloaking just received ut Chirk &; Son's with full lino of trimmings 1113V Ut.199 UlUUISi A full lino of thu latest und nobbiest win ter clothing, for men, boys und children. at uross- s, . moru iiiooni, W. B. Allen has just opened ntot of new goods, embracing lino groceries, glass ware, painted china, queenswarc, &c. All of the best, nnd nt tuo lowest prices. L. E. Wliary li.ii cnlnrgcd tits store, nnd lias on bund n lnrgo stock of stoves, heaters, nnd ranges. Cel'ar heaters put In. A row lot of bird cages Jusi received. Prices low. Call nnd cxntiine. Slain street, below .Market, Bloomsburg. oct 0 iJ w Klnport's Compound Asiatic Balsam, or Dial rhu-a cure. A remedy that has never failed In (Uarrl-rcn. It also gives Instant relief In colic, cramp, or pain, in tho stom ach. Prepared and sold by J. H. Klnports Evans' block, Main St., Bloo nsburg Pa. Aug. 4th 8m Flour and feed can nlwnys bo lind at Allen's East end grocery. nprll 7-tf Try one of tboso $1,75 whlto counter panes nt Clnrk fc Son's. They nro genuine bnrgnlns. A new lot of tablo linen, towels nnd napkins nt Lutz & Sloan's. Fanners dealing nt W. 11 Allen's can bo nccommoduted with stabling, npr. 7-tf, Bnrgnlns In dress goods, black silks, sat Ins.sllk plushes and velvets at Clark & Son's, For single or double Brocho or Paisley shawls go to Lutz & Sloan's, As good cigars as can be lound In town nro kept nt W. B. Allen's Enst end gro cery, npril 7-tf I will pny any person $10,00 who will conscientiously say, that ho can buy cloth ing us cheap nt any other establishment in thu county. L. Gimss, Prop. N. Y, Store. Lutz & Sloan have u large stock of sin gle and double shawls If you wnnt u cont, Dolmun, jacket, fur llnett circular, silk dolmnn or wrap of any kind go to Clark & Son's. Large stock nnd lowest prices. Did you see the nice suit of clothes nt Gross' N. Y. Store, Bloomsburg for !5,. Do not fnll to see Lutz & Sloan's stock of Indies' conts nnd Dolmans. Tho la-cest line of buttons, braids. gimps, ornaments, loops, etc., Isnt Clark & Son's. Lowest ensh prices. Go nnd see. Lndlcs' shoes from $2. to $4. nt 2.1! per cent, less than cost at Gross' N. Y. Store, Bloom. For silk, satin, velvet, plush or any other kind of trimmings go to Lutz & Sloan's. Boys suits for $4.00 Store, Bloom, at Gross' N. Y. BUSINESS NOTICES. "A coward can bo a hero at a distances presence of danger tests presence of mind." Presence of disease tests tbo value of a cura tive. Kidney-Wort challenges this test nl wnys and everywhere, so fnr as nil com plaints of the bowels.liver nnd kidneys nrc concerned. It cures nil, nor asks any odds. NEW JEliSEY 1'HE.MIUM WINE. Physicians state that the Port Wlna that took the premium nt the Centennial, pro duced nun 'or snle by Mr. Alfred Speer, of New Jersey, is a wine thnt can be! safely vscd for medicinal purposes, being pure nnd free from medication, and is more reliable than other Port Wines. It is especially recommended for weakly females und the aged. Tho deep color is due to tho Iron from tho brown stone shalo rock on which tho grapes grow, which is rich in iron. For salo by C. A. Klelm. DEAF A8 A l'OST. Mrs. W. J. Lang, Bethany, Ont., states Hint for fifteen months she was troubled with n disease in thu car, causing entire deafness. In ten minutes after using Thomas' Eclcctric Oil she found relief, and iu a short tlmo slio was entirely cured nnd her hearing restored. I KNOW WIIEIIKOF 1 Sl'EAK. For I have used it extensively. I regard raruer's i onic a most excellent rem edy for kidney, lung nnd stomach disor ders. It invigorates without intoxicating. .1. Francis, Rellglo Phllos, Journal, Chica go. SIMLOH'S CONSHM1T10N ODUE. This is bevoni' (.uest'on the most success. ful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure tiie worst cases of Cough, Croup, ami Bronchitis, while its wondcitui success in mo cure oi i;onsuini tion is a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you havu a Cough wc earnestly ask you to try It. Prico 10 cts. and 81.00. If your Lungs nru sore, Chest, or Back, Lame, use Shiloh's Porous l'liister. rncu ao cts. sold uy j. ll. Kin ports. may 5 cow KKA1ILY A MIIIACLE. E. Asunlth Hall Blntrliamnton. N. Y.. iltes : I suffered for several months with i dull nain throntrh lett lung nnd shoulders. I lost my spirits, appetite nnd color, nnd could with difficulty keep up nil day. My mother procured somo Burdock Blood Bitters ; 1 took them us directed, and havo felt no pain since thu first week after using them, und am now nulte well." Price 1,00. Want a lot of teams riclit alone to haul out lumber from about four miles above Rohrshiire where Clint Lewis is sawinir, near Miitlicw McIIenrv's or John Rantz's to Bloomsburg and Berwick, $5,00 per per thousand to Bloom, and 0,50 per thoiunnd to Berwick, through July, August, und September. I givo all kinds of storu goods, Hour, meat, clover and timothy seed, coal, lime, harness, fly-nets &c. at Silas Young's Light Street. Pa. july 23-8w CiT Explicit directions for every uso i given with thu Diamond Dyes. For dyeing jiosses, urasses, r.ggs, uair, x. Both Lvdla E. Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier aro prepared at yaa and m: y cstern Avenue, ijynn Mass. Price, of either, SI. Six bottles for 5, Sent by mall in tho form of pills. or of lozenges, on receipt of prico ijl per uox lor eitlier. iurs. I'lnunam rreciv nn swers nil letters of Inquiry. Enclose 8c. stamp. Send for "Guide to Health and Nervu Strain." A SUri'EIIEl! FIS0.M WIKllMAT A!, I limped about for years with a cane, nnd could not bend down without excruciating pain. Parker's Glnirer Tonlo eltected nn astonishing euro and keeps mu well. It Is ituallllile. .n. uuilioyie, Jllngliumton, is Y- ANSWKlt THIS QUKSTKI.V, Why do so many people wo seu a round us, seem to prefer to sulTer nnd bo made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coining up of mu i' ood, leiiowBKin, wneu lor id cts., we will sell them Shiloh's VltalUer, euarnu. leeu 10 cure litem, eoiu ny j, 11. Kin ports, may 0-eow No mutter what your ailment is. Urown's iron Hitters win surely Denim you'ri o.Vl'Allllll liEMKliY. A inarvo lous emu for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, und Head Ache. Willi each botllu there Is un Ingenious nasal Injector for the more suecessiui treatment 01 llieso com plaints without extra charge. Price COcts, Bold by J, II. Klnports. mny C-cow. - See 11 woman In iinother column, near bpeer's Vineyards, nicking grapes from which bpeer's Port Grape- Wlue is made, that is so highly esteemed by tho medical proieision, tor tho use of invalids, persons ami the uged. weakly bold by Druggists. sept 22.1y "nouaii on hats." Clears out ruts. mice, roaches, illi-s. nnt. bed.bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. "''Kb''' Addison's Liver Rcnewer, or medicine prepnred foi diseases of thu llvnr, ,k-n,.,, slu, sick and nervous headache, constlpa. Hon of tho bowels, colle, sour stomach. heartburn, fever and ague, dropsy, jaun. ..w, i ..i.iiiiiu iiiiiii roots iinu nertu sinuuy vegeiiiinu. I'repurcd only by J. H, Klnports, liloomsburg, Pa. Aug. -Hli !)in. "HUCIIUI'AIUA." Quick, oomplelK cure, all annoying Kid niiy, maimer ami I'riuury Diseases. l, Druggists, For dlarrluca nnd dvsenterv net Dr, Gale's cholera specific It Is tho best nr tlclo. It never falls to euro. It always proves satisfactory only 85 conts. Now Is the ttmo to clenr your feet of corns, bunions nnd callouses, Dr. Gales' corn euro is warranted. Money refunded If not satisfactory. 20 cents per package. Our stock of cloth, hair, nail, shaving nnd tooth brushes contains bnrtrains which customers will not fall to appreciate. Don't fortatflt! Hcndershott's German Liniment Is n whole medicine-chest iu Itself. It relieves pain almost instantly. It is nu internal nnd external remedy which can be taken or applied for almost any disease of man or beast. Largo bottles CO cents. For a ccrtnln nnd permnnent cure for ague, chills nnd lover, dumb ague mal arial lever, ivc, get ucniicrsiioii's Ague fonlc. It is a specific for all tboso (lis- tresslng diseases arising from exposure to stagnant water, bogs nnd nil mnrsh-mlas-matlo Influences. Pint bottles $1.00. Family medicine chests something en tirely new. in two sizes : No. 1. 13 bottles. No. 2, 24 bottles. They aro Just what every farmer should hnvo call and sco them. Wu keep well stocked with the best. strictly pure, spices of nil kinds nlso flavoring cxtrncts. Borax in packages, und the best of Laundry soaps. N. J. Hendershott. MARKETREP0RTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheat per bushel M.oo Itvo " 80 corn, " 1 to Oats ' j Flour per o&rrei Clovcrseod Ceo muter . .30 U 0-1 , 40 OS IS 15 .. IS 18 18 10 00 IS Ktrre Tallow 'outocs Dried Apples Iltms sides Shoulders Chickens Turkeys .... i.arurwr pouna .... liar per ton Ueeswax PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. OORIIEOTED WEEKLY. FrxilIH ThH market, wns dull hut steady: suner- nnr$U5M3O0; oxtratlss 16; Pennsylvania ramtlr.vio as u. ltYKKI.OIIII-1175(i4 00 W'lIHAT Them&rketwnii stcadr. but lh&ctlvt. No. 2 western red ti.o? 3-1 a at Ion: Delaware and Pennsylvania red f 1 01 1 Ml; longbcrry and umer i,u (4 1.14. CORN Market was dull and lower tor local use; sail 5 olio w &00; do mixed 19c; No. 3 do 76c. OATS Market was quiet and tteady; No. 1 white two : No. 3 do 42 430 ; No. 3 mixed SSe. I'ltovisiONS steady with fair demand. LAUD Market was Hcndv cltv kettlo 13a 13vc; loose butchers' 12tfc; prims steam $U3T H.M. BUTTKR The market was outer, and fancy irrades wanted creamery extra W 3 31c;do good to cLuiue2i w kjc; uraaiora county aua new norK extra 9 C4 H. Kuus-scarco and wanted: Pennsylvania Kit 327c; western 353300. UDITOR'S NOTICE. or ORiNOE TOwHBnir. Tiia underslzncd auditor nDDOlnted br the Or phans' Court of Columbia distribute the fuud in tuo hands or jouu izarun adminis trator ot said estate, to and among U10 parties entitled thereto will perform the duties of his appoiatmont at ofllce ot Kreezo,Bycrly & White liloomsDurtr on Tuesday. October 31st. 1893. at ton o'clock a. m., when and whoro aU persons uavin? claims; upon saia iuaa are requested 10 present tnem or 00 torevcr acoarrea irom com ing In on said fund. J.U. M. ULAllli, sept 33 tn. Auditor, ITS ME" AND WE HAVE GOT IT. AIM Immense New Stock of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, and A Grand L.iuc OF Gents' Furnishing GOODS. Fall Novelties AT PRICES THAT WILL 1ST0NM YOU CAUL, AND BE coisrviisraBiD AT D, mm mm tof TO THE Which promises to exceed in numbers of people and attractions on exhibition anything ever held in wish to call your attention to our Hardware ami llotisc luriiisliiiiir Cxoocls. When not on the grounds give us a call whether you wish to buy or not, and see the many interesting and useful articles we keep in stock. STOVES, Some of you may know we are but others may not. "VVe never atest improved stoves, and our present stock which is not large we are closing out at verv low figures.and the early callers will se cure the bargains. In addition to our stock of builders, farmers, blacksmiths, and chanics.we have,owing to a growing house nuum ma lecialty ot collecting usetul articles lor household uso. JrJain, 'orcelain and tin lined Hollow Ware, Galvanized and Marbloized ron Ware, Wooden Ware, Baskets. Retiued Stamped Tinware and the largest line of Table Cutlery, and spoons iu the county. 0 call, see and price cur goods, to buy. HOLMES & -l-uni:- READY-MIXED AND PASTE, LEAD PAINTS & ZINCJ M COJIlllNEl) WITH URE LINSEED Oil, AND FIKTE COLORS, NO UNPLEASANT ODOR. Satisfaction Guaranteed on MONEY REFUNDED. DELIVERED FEE OF FREIGHT Whero we have no ugent. tOrdcra and inquiries by Mail or Tolephono rcccivo i'uomit attention. -ADDUH8S.- MontourWhite Leafl Zinc &ColorWorlcs RUPERT, PA. HENRY S. REAY, Proprietor. F. B. HARTMAN, SALESMAN. May SS -Cm Public Ssilc! OP VAI.UADLU FARMING LAND ! ! The undersigned will oiler at publlo Bale on tho prem'sf s on Thursday, November 2, 1882, at 1 o'clock p. ra., tbo farm situate at the lower end ot Espy, Scott township, containing about 72 ACRES, mora or less, all under cultivation, There Is a largo brick dwelling house, largo barn, sheds, and all tho nccesiary out-bulldlngs on tho premises, all In good repair, rienty ol fruit of ill kinds. It la a very desirable property. At the same tlmo ana placo will bo sold the Excelsior Vinegar AVorks with good frame buildings, and about ONE AURE OF LAND. Terms made known on day ot sale. JO'.l.N S11UMAN, Kspy, ra, Oct, , 4rW Tp STRAY HOQ, Came wlthtu the euclosure of the undersigned In Hemlock towubhlu. on or about ihn uiih ,r ah. gust, ISs. a whlto hour about s mouths old, The owner will call, proo propjrty, pay cliurgesand t&v utu, huh, v. MO ,1 UV HI UUCUrUlUg U. 11, UOMUOY. OCU6,J-Vf' .i" mwm FAIR ? our county. If so, while here we large and comp'eto stock ot STOVES, going out of the stove business, bought anything hut the best and Hardware, Paints, Oils, &c, for our variety of tols for me- demand of house wives made a places you under no obligations SCHUYLER. FOB SAIiE. Aflno HOTEL STAND In the town ot Espy, lately repaired, In paod run ning order, wltli a good trade. Central location. Cheap and on easy terms. A FARM ot S3 acres, with good large buildings, ov acres ot wooaianu, z weiiH, in a gooa &i&ic 01 cultivation, on a public road, in miles from Orangcvlllo. do rders on Fishingcrcck. Also one ot 01 acres ,M rslte from Ltghtstreet, With plenty ot trult, water, buildings, timber, &c. Also ono of w acres on Jerseytown hill, along publlo road from Dloomsburg to Jorseytown, In good state of cultivation, buildings, water, fruit, plenty ot timber. A LOT otlltf acres ys miles from Bloomsburg. build ings, fiult, plenty ot water, splendid locatlon.flna land for trucking. Cheap, A Grist Mill on I.lttlo Flshlngcreck 3 miles from liloomsburg Turbine wheel, full water power, dwelling houso Including 20 acres ot land, with a paying trade Terms to suit purchaser, A largo brlcK residence) on second street, cor ner lot, all conveniences. Also ono on East St., with stable, fruit, well and houso In present Btyle. Also a largo framo dwelling houso on East St., on a doublo corner lot, with plenty of fruit, out-kttcben, stable and all conveniences, well suited for retired life. A framo dwelling house on corner of l'ourth and West streets, for sale cheap, uno on 7th street, corner lot. Terms, part down nnd balance In monthly Installment. Ono on 3rd street, price low and terms easy. A dwelling houso on Centre street, Uno fruit, well, ntable, ground and building in best ot or der. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply at tho law ofllce of Wra. Chrlsman in foyer's Building, Bloomsburg, ra, August i, tf. A UD1TOU S KOTICK. ESTATE OK 1ISNUV KINUSDl'KV. IIICX1SKD. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or. Ehans' court ef Columbia county to dlstrt uto funds lu hands of ueo. A, Doty, administra tor, d. b. n . will attend to tho duties of his appointment at his oillco In Bloomsburg, on (Saturday, Nov, ith at lua. m., whore parties having claims on said fund aro requested to present them or bo forever debarred from coming In on said fund, C. B. BROCKWAY, sept M-ta Auditor UDITOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF BENJ. HA1IMK, DECEASED, LOCUST TOWNSlllr. Tbo undersigned auditor appointed by tuoOr- Ehan's Court of Columbia county to mako dlstrl utlon ot the balance In hands ot the administra tor ofsalde3tato to and amougst tho parties en titled thereto will sit In tho onico of Freeze, Kyer ly Whlto tn liloomsburg on Saturday the teitli day of October lt8, Nt 10 o'clock n. m. of said day, when and where all parlies Interested In Bald 03 lata must attend or bo forever debarred from any share of said fund, H.V. WU1TK. Hept 88 ta Auditor. jDMINISTH.VTOU'S KOTICK. ESTATE OF JOUN LEWIS, LAI X OP Bl'UAKLOAl' TOWN- BUU, 11CCKA3KP. Letters Of administration on tlin pututn nf.tnhn Lewis late of Sugarloaf to nshlp Columbia county l'enn'u., deceased, havo been granted by tho m-giawr ui Dam cuumy ui iouu AHneunan, ad ministrator. AU persons having claims against the estate ot tho decedent aro requested lu pre sent them for Bctlleineut nnd those Indebted to mo estate to muse payment to tuo undersigned administrator without delay, A. L. J-BlT, JOHN ASIIEI.MAN, Attorney, cam bra, Ben"8-6 w. Administrator, A UDITOH'B iNuiIOK. IN TIIE HATTER Of TUE E8TATE Or Al'OCSTl'S UASON, PECEA8EP, Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or- S liana' court of Columbia county l'ennsylvuula to lstrlbute balance in hands ot admr. of Bald decedent as per account continued absoluto Sept. ISSi will sit for tho discharge of tho duties of his appointment at his ofllce 111 llloomBburg, In Bald eouuty on Friday October with Mat at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at which tlmo and place all parlies Interested In Baldrstatu aro rcuulrud to attend or be forever aobarred irom any share ot said fund, u CIIAltl.KS 0. BAKKt.KY, septw-sw Auditor, BUBSOHIHK VOU THE COLUMBIAN, $1.50 A YKAH.