The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 13, 1882, Image 2

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mm? riAT ttiidt a t
FRIDAY, OUTOHUIt 13th, 1832.
a gain op ten con
gressmen conceded.
Our Rooster intujts on crowing, hut
as ho will need all his strength for
next month in our own suite, wo re
strain him. Ohio, ouo of the strong
holds of Republicanism, has fallen into
the Democratic column. Doomsday
has come for tho Stalwarts, and the re
sult in Ohio on Tuesday has mado
Pennsylvania suro for a Dcmocratio
victory. The news comes too lato for
further particulars.
Tho notorious Harry Iluhn, clerk of
the House, whoso personal compensa
tion is $3,972 per annum, and who has
charge of tho disbursement of nearly
811,000, besides for "contingent ex
penses, etc, is an earnest supporter
of Beaver. lie well knows that tho
wholesale jobbery that, has made Pcnu
svlvania a by word ana a reproach a-
montr her sister states will cease with
the election of Robert. E. Pattison.
General Beaver is getting worso than
over. In addition to his awful mix in
delivering tho wrong speech, he is now
terribly mixed in his arithmetic Ho
is reported in tho West Chester Record
as saying that " it took 5i3,uuu to get
29.000 votes lor tho lnciepemleut tick
ct in 1831." Unless General Beaver
is strangely misrepresented in his own
organ, no should bo presented with a
copy of The Times Almanac and
a table exhibiting the simple rules of
additon and multiplication. In the first
place tho Independents polled -19,988
votes in 1881, and expended less than
$4,000 for all sorts of campaign expen
ses. If General Beaver's political cal
culations for the campaign aro no bet
ter than his knowledge of the history
of last year's campaign,it isn't surprising
that ho still dreams of his election to
the Gubernatorial chair. 1'hila.
Mr- Fattison will dome Out and Speak.
Chairman Hensel confirms the state
ment that between now and election
day Mr. Pattison will go out into tho
State. Ho will not exactly "take the
stump," nor has there been any change
in tho programme laid down by the
Stato committee at the outset of the
campaign when it was announced that
Mr. Pattison would bo seen and hoard
at different points in the state during
tho campaign. He will visit Mr. It.
A. Packer, of Bradford county, this
week, in pursuance of an invitation
accepted months ago, and besides visit
ing Towanda, tho terminus of his trip,
ho will meet tho people of Hazleton,
Drifton, Mauch Chunk, Wilkes Barro
and Scranton. Tho week following
will bo tho occasion of a short trip to
Erie, which will tako in Clarion and
tho oil towns, Corry and Warren, and a
night at Erie. Later in the campaign
ho will go to Pittsburg and intervening
points, ami some of the cities nearer
Philadelphia will bo visited at conveni
out times. There may bo meetings at
some of these places to bo attended by
Sir. Pattison, but at others thero will
bo social receptions and other informal
occasions mado to afford him an oppor
tunity to meet tho people of tho repre
sentative sections of tho state.
A Disgusted Badical.
Tho Pittsburg Dispatch, tho leading
Republican nnwspaper of western Penn
sylvania, has become disgusted with tho
campaign that tho "Christian states
man Beaver and tho chattering Bro
8ius is runniug and says :
To sensible pooplo such arguments
as those which aro advanced
day after day in the samo monotone by
lieaver and isrosius must seem oxtreine
ly silly: and tho spectacle as two men
who are supposed to posses somo degree
of honesty arguing ostensibly for tho
Republican paity when in their h raits
they know that they aro pleading for
tho perpetuation of Boss Cameron's
machine, must sewn very humiliating.
The sneer of General Beaver, relative
to the howling of tho Independent can
didates for oflice, comes with bad
graco from that gentleman, ns ho has
been howling for oilico for seven long
years and never could get tho shadow
of a chanco till he misrepresented his
constituents at Chicago at thu behest of
Senator Cameron. Then ho got as
ids reward a nomination which merely
doomed him to certain defeat. As for
Sir. Brosius, ho was opposed to bossism
in a weak way till he received a noun
nation at tho hands of Urn bosses, and
then ho became ouo of tho most servile
advocates ot the machine Yet all In
dependont Republicans will echo his
hope that every-man will voto to tho
satisfaction of his own conscience. If
every Republican votes as his conscience
dictates tho Independent ticket will uo
el"cted and Messrs. Heaver and Bro
sius and thoir associates will be left
with only tho bosses, their lieutenants
tho chronic officeholders mid chronic
The Latest Stalwart Move-
In its last extremity tho Stalwart
stato committee has placed M. S. Quay
in chargo of tlio campaign, aud his
latest strategy lias just coma to light.
For several weeks ho has had Dclnuey,
Gallagher and a number of other Irish
politicians who aro in his pay, in dif
ferent sections of the State, verbally
circulating tho falso Pattison speech
against tho Irish, and getting tho names
and addresses of every IrWh voter in
tlio State. Priests have been applied
to in several instances for theso names,
but without being informed of tlio real
U80 to bo mado of them, and Quay now
linu tho name mid addressof somo forty
thousand Irish voters in the State, to
whom a circular will soon bo sent, con
taining tho falso speech that Quay has
invented to bo circulated as 1'attiHon's
speech, saying, that tho O's and Mo's
must go to tho rear, oto. They will
liavo tho circular appear to bo sustained
by Dcmocratio authority, and it will bo
in tho hands of tho forty thousand Irish
votcis within tho next ten days. Dela
ney is also expected to havo this falso
speech published in tho Now York
Tablet, a end nu Uatholio lournal, ami
If that can he effected, n lnrgo edition
of tho paper will ho obtained and a
copy sent to o.uili of tho names on
Quay's forty thousand list. Delaney
hopes to use tho New York Tablet in
this matter as ho used tho Catholic
Standard of Philadelphia in 1878,
when tho Standard was deceived by
tho Dill Know-Nothtng falsehood. It
is regarded tn doubtful whether the
Tablet can bo imposed upon by a false
speech prepared by Quay, when tho
purposo to deceive Irish voters is so
This trick will recoil with fearful
vengeance on tho paity that has at
tempted it.
Tho Philadelphia le$tot Friday woek
contains a long article on llloomsburg.
There aro some errors In statistics, but In
tho main tho nrtlclo Is correct, aud woithy
of reproduction. Wo print portions of It
below. After describing the location tho
writer says t
Tho town of llloomsburg win lnld out
aud named as early ns 1803 by a German
settler named Ludwlg Eyer. In 1840 It
became tho county-scat of Columbia, after
a long and bitter fight with Danville, which
Unci previously been tho capital. In order
to deckle tho question tho Legislature
passed an act authorizing n vote on tho
question of n relocation of thecounty-seat,
and It was decided by n popular votn to
rcmovo It to Bloomsburg, the latter placo
furnishing tho land and erecting tho build
ings, tho money for that purposo having
been raised by public subscription. This
was in 1845, unci it was thought that peace
ord quietness would now reign after tho
county-scat qcstlou was settled. Hut such
was not the case. In 1849 another bitter
light aroso about tho formation of a new
county, out of ports of Columbia, to bo
called Montour, with Danvillo as tho
county-scat. Tho latter placo still smarted
over tho victory of Columbia in taking tho
county-scat away from her, and her peo
ple sought to havo a county of their own.
On tho 3rd of May, 1850, tho new county
ot Jlontour was formed, Danville was
mado the capital, and It was thought that
peace was finally restored between the two
belligerent districts, as both now stood on
equal footing, but such was not tho case.
Another fierce contest arose as to the re
peal of tho act of 1850, which finally
resulted in tho passacc, on tho 16th of
January, 1853, of nn act to straighten tho
division line between tho two counties, by
which a portion of tho acquired territory
was reannexed to Columbia. And now,
after n lapse of nearly thirty years, the
fierce strife has been almost forgotten, and
peace and quietness reign between the
people of the two counties. Columbia
- ! .. 1 inn . - mllnn .1 mn
cording to tho census of 1880 sho had a
population or yy.ius, wuicu nas prooaoiy
been Increased 500 since that time.
When Mr. Ever cave tho settlement tho
name of Bloomsburg lie was doubtless im
pressed with tho beauty of the location,
and felt lliai incro was uu pmcuiniuai
region where a town could bloom more
luxuriantly, and he straightway gave It
the title of which it is now so proud. For
many years after It was named, and par
ticularly during the contest with Danvillo
(which was then coming into prominence
6u account of its iron manufactories), it
was scarcely ever spoken of by any other
title than that of ,:Bloom," and that was
generally applied derisively. Bnt it con
tinued to grow and bloom on Its hillside
location, until it has bloom-ed Into a
thrifty, active, enterprising bura, and it Is
now accepted by oil os tho lovely Blooms
burg, destined, before many decades roll
away, to dovelop into n full-fledged city of
twenty or thirty thousand inhabitants.
Tho town is supplied by water pumped a reservoir on an elevation high
enough to give sufficient pressure to throw
a stream over the highest cli irch steeples.
Tlio water is very pure and healthy, as it
tlows from me mountains, uown a stream
that lias become historic since tho rebel
lion. Tho reservoir and works, which are
not far from tho town, cost $40,000. Tho
court house is an antiquated structure in
tho old part of tho town, but it will either
bo greatly Improved soon or a now build
ing erected. A now Jail south of the
railroad was recently built at a cost of
$00,000. The front is of Farrandsrlllo
stono and presents a fine appearance.
Thero arc ten churches In which the popu
latiou of 5000 worship, embracing Presby
terian, Methodist, Uiiptlst, wcisn uaptiBi,
Reformed. Lutheran. Evaneellcal. Episco
pal, Catholic and African Methodist, Tho
church property is valued at about 80,000,
Bloomsburi; lareelv owes Its present
prosperity to Itev. I). J. Waller, who came
hero more than a third of n century ogo as
the pastor of the Presbyterian C hurcli.
lie is uu ardent disciple of Calvin, a mau
of broad and liberal views, far-seeing,
active, energetic, sagacious and progress
ive. For a third of a century lie admlnls
tered tho Word of God in tlio little church
of unpretending appearance, which still
stands on the nnncinal streot. Finally ho
retired from pastoral labors, to devote his
attention to a clltrercnt lino or duty, al
though lie has not entirely relinquished
the mil nit. which he occasionally fills.
With the sagacity so characteristic of the
man ho iorcsaw a uriillnnt iuiuro tor me
place, and he made heavy purchases of
valuable lands on tlio outskirts oi tne
town, and laid it off into lots, had tine
broad streets surveyed, and held out In
ducements to purchasers that were so
tempting that many availed themselves of
thu bargains, and thu result was that tho
town commenced growing. Ho donated
tho land on which tho Jail Is built. Muny
lino dwellings havo been erected on lots
which lie sold, and many more will soon
go up. His own solid brick house, onco
out of town, is now iu the centre of tho
Thero is considerable manufucturlnir at
Bloomsburg, and the Indications aro that
it will Increase rapidly. Among tho oldest
enterprises may be mentioned tne lilooms.
burg Iron Company, which operates two
furnaces, owned mostly by tustorn csp-
f..if-.- . ri I nrtn
uauBia, iuiwuuu auu nun w uiuu uru
employed. The furnaces wero started In
ltH-l on a capital oi szuauuu. mien uotu
stacks aro In blast, about 12,000 tons of
Iron are turned out per annum. Tho
iron Is ncarlv "neutral." and is ot superior
nttalltv. C. It. Paxton is president, and
E. It. Drinker, manager. Next in order
comes tho Bloom furnace, the building of
which commenced In 185'J, and It was
successfully "blown in" In 1851, under the
Arm name of Mclvelvy & Ncal, and con
tinned as such till January 1, 1870, when
Mr. Mclvelvy retired and tho business was
continued by William Ncal & Sons. They
employ from 150 to 200 men, and tho
annual production is about 8000 tons of
very superior forgo and foundry iron. Tho
amount of capital Invested Is from $150,.
000 to 200,000. From the furnaces, one
turns to tho car works of G, M. Si J. K.
Lockard, which give employment to 250
men. Heretofore thuy have been averag
ing thirty-six eight-wheel cars per week,
besides mine cars. Tho firm have been
enlarging their works from time to tlmo
and uru still contemplating further Im
provements. Tho capital employed Is
fully ijiJOOjUOU.
Hero follows a description of tho Normal
school, with somo well deserved compli
ments, but tho facts given are too familiar
to all our peoplo to need repetition.
Among the wealthiest residents of tho
nlacu is Itev. David J. Waller. His wealth.
it is conceded, which consists lurgcly of
real estate, is fully a million of dollars. In
Its acquisition ho has labored hard, and
made ventures, tho very boldness of which
surprised people, and there wero plenty ot
predictions oi laiiure, uui inrougii guim
management and sagacity lie lias succeed
ed. And there aro few but wish him con
tinned success, as ho has not only benefited
himself by his bold operations, but given
thu town a boost win -u uas sent it uoom.
lug along thu highway of Improvement.
Tho next mau of wealth Is Matthias S.
Appleman, an extensive owner or oro
lands, who is worth fully half n million
Then comes I. W. Mclvelvy, tho merchant,
who Is set uown as worth tysou.uw,
David H Iron i). un ludustrious aud acquis!
live small dealer. Is worth $100,000. The
Mover Brothers, oxtcnslva wholesulo and
retail druggists, aro worth fully $100,000,
having acoulred their wealth within a few
years, Thero are others whose fortunes
range from $50,000 to $75,000, but tho
foregoing wilt sufllco to show that Blooms
burg, although small, has within her
borders man of creator wealth than are
often found In larger and more pretentious
places ami inai a prosperous inturo evi
dently lies before her.
BlooniBburg has a number of representa
tive men, also, who aro distinguished for
their abilities as statesmen, Jurists anil
politicians, who should not bo overlooked
In this sketch. Tho first deserving atten
tion Is the Hon. William Elwcll, president
Judge of tho Twcnty-slxin Judicial district,
composed ot tho counties of Columbia and
Montour. As an advocate ho early dis
tinguished himself at tho bar, and when
elevated to tho bench he did not disap
point his friends, who claimed lor Mm
superior qualifications for that high
position. For years Judgo Elwcll has
been regarded as ono of the ablest com
mon pleas Judges In tho State, and no well
satisfied are tho pcoplo of hts district with
him that he was renominated unanimously
a few weeks ago and will ho supported at
the polls Irrespective of party
As a politician and a statesman, the
Hon. Charlc3 H. Buckalow, who also
res'des here, stands deservedly high. Ho
served with success and ability its n United
States Senator, as well as the representa
tive of his government to one of thu South
America republics. He Is a lawyer of
ablltty and long since mado hts mark at
tlio bar. Ho ran for Governor a fuw years
ago but was defeated. Among the lit
erary men of tho town may ho mentioned
Colonel John O. Freeze. Ho Is uUo a
lawyer, but his mind runs largely to
literary pursuits, and ho has recently pre
pared an exhaustive history of Columbia
county, which Is ready for the press.
That it will bo a valuable work ovcrybody
admits, hecauso tho Industrious and care
ful author Is not likely to have omitted a
single Item worthy of being embalmed In
history. Among tho representative men,
too, may bo mentioned tho members of the
press. Bloomsburg has thrco excellent
weekly papers. The (Wiim&iVm, conducted
by Elwcll & nittenbemler, Is nn able ex
ponent of tho principles of Democracy.
The ofilco is neat, well equipped, and
Colonel Frccze's grcnt local work will bo
printed there. The Republican, conducted
by D. A. Bcckly, and James C. Brown, Is
tho Republican organ of tho county, nndja
paper of ability.
Absolutely Pure.
ThU powder haver varies. A marvel of nurlty
strength and wholeaomancss. More economical
thin the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold In
competition with tho multitude of low test, short
weigm, aium or pnospnuie powaers. aaiu umy
In cam. Kotal Daiino Powoik Co , lot: Wa!l-bt.,
N. Y. augll-lv.
NnMcn is linrchv trlvr n that the Sheriff Of Col
umbia countv haa been notlned of tho existence
of such contrivances for the catching ot UsIihs
are commonly known Ainsb baskets, eel weirs,
klddlea, drusti or f isclne nets, and other perman
ently set moans of taking nh, In the su?qtihan-
na river ana risningcreeg wiiuia nis uuuwick.
1 do hereby declare tho said contrivances to be
common nuisances, and order them to be dis
mantled dv the r owners or manazera witntnien
days, so as to render thara no longer capable of
taking or Injuring the flauos ot the strotms ot
whatuver kind. If this order 13 not obeyed. 1
shall croc ed tt the expiration of ten dajs to
Destroy ine aula contrivances nccoruing id iuo' An
oi Assemoiy in suca cages mauu uuu pruvmeu.
U. Tt. ENT.
Oct ll,'S2-9vr ShorllT of Columbia County.
To John Kelchner, Jacob Kelchner brothers, aud
George Kelchner who died leaving Issue third or
f ah vaa ra oi n on nnrl thocilufn IVithnrtna lufm-
marriea wuu ono manes tienry r rcuencu, ana
who died (utter her said husbuud) about nine
voara since leaving 1BSU3 to-wlt : sa r Ann. in-
hernial 1 luu ni.u mw viu. uuu i uatuiuif nv vuw
cltvof Allontown. In thU state : Maria Intermar
ried wun rump ninteruieen ; cnarioito, inter
married with Ira Hinds, now residing at Thomp
son Centre. Susquehanna countv. In this state ;
Houhli, Intermarried lUi Asa Howard, now n
siding near South (ilbsou In luu same county
ot tusqueh iniu; Lydla, Intermarried
with Charles Urown : Mar v. win was In-
tormarrlei with lllram It Urown but died abou'.
ntteen years hi nee, leaving to survlvn her hus
band aud three children, namely i .Mary Cathartn
Intermarried with John lionnor, and now residing
near Kouth albson In the above mentioned county
or susqueiianna; Augustus, wuo resiaoq, wnen
last heard from. Dear i lie bjrouga of Milton, In
this state, ana Aaron, wno resiaos at somo piaco
unknown In the ttato ct ouio:
also Daniel Frederlca, who now res des at the
citr of scranton in this statu : ,'Silab Kredricl.
who resides at the borough or Plymouth, Luzerne
county, and Joslah 1'rederlcl, who re -Ides at
Elizabeth city. In the aC.lo of North Carolina
Tho children of me aoove earned ueorge iteica-
ner. brother, are as folio s: Blizibeth intermar
ried with Joseph ueai Mart; Mary, intermarried
with Samuel Oeartart; Rebecca, Intermarried
with Ueorgo Fetter; Catherine, who was Inter
married with one Ureher, but is now do id (and
her husband also) leaving Issue, namely : Matilda.
Intermarried with Edward Fisher, and now re
siding at Mahonycity, In this stato; and Clara
who resides at tho fcainu nUce; also Ljdla, thu
remaining daughter of said Ueorge Kelchner, who
was lntermarriel with William Ash, but Is now
deAd, (and her husunnd also) leaving Issue,
nam-ly: Oeorgo Abh and Wtllam Ash, whoso
places ot residences are unknown. And William
Ash. who together wuu uu those Deroro mention
ed whoso placo ot residence Is not btatod, resides
in this county: Uneal desccnda-its of William
Kelchcer, deceased, and to all other persons In
terested, ureett.g; You aud each oi you are
nereoycitca tooouna appear ueioro tuojuoges
ot our Orphans' Court at an orphsns' Court to tw
heid at Uloomsbu-g on the Itrst Monday ot De
cember next, then aud thero to accent or retuso
to take the real estate ot said William Kclchier
deceased, at the appraised valuation put upon It
br the tnnuest. dulv awarded bv the said Court.
and returned by tho Sheriff, or show causo why It
Mian not uo soia.
oct. 13 4 w Sheriff.
WusRitii, at an Orphans' Court held at lllooms
burg, in and for the county ot Columbia, tho
Fourth day tt September A. I). 1 si before the
uouorau u wi l am Jtiwc I i-res aeni. ana Lisas.
soclates, Justices ot tho said court, tho psi lti. ii of
UAmei imuer a orotner anu a- lr at law oi 1 lien s
sa Uallor late of Montour township In said county
aeceaseu, was prvseLtea, selling lortu mat uio
saia TueretBH ntunr ui.m on or uujui mo iuui
day ot Soptcmbor A. I). 1811 latest uo unmarried
ana kiwi .ut issuh ceize in ner uemesno as oi len
of aud lu a certain lot ot ground bltuat" in said
township of Monlour bmndedby lands of Peter
lie nbacn and Josian lugger, contain n.. one half
of un acre more or leas, wli hum appurtenances,
leaving to survive tier tho following brothers and
Bisiers anu ine cuuaren oi aeccuso'i uroiuTS ana
sisters at het heir, viz .- Daniel linllor u brother to
the petitioner, residing In Cooper townxhln.
Monlour county, l'a.; HI Uallor, a brother, re-
Bluing m sum cooper lowasuip; reir uaiior a
Dioaier. residing in iiauoning township.: jion
to ir count Pa.; Jonathan Uallor a brother, re
slalne tn sad CooDer tnwnslun: Samuel bailor a
brother residing at Howe t'ost-omco In thu state
oiumo; KiizaDcm ueinoacu, asiner, iniennur-
no i wun ruier jieinoacu. reniuing iu sam sion-
log on and d .ughters of David bailor, a deccas
e i brother, viz : Alport IKltor, a minor, who has
Wlhum nunday as bHgutrdlan, residing In said
Mahoi.lng township; Joslab Uallor, a minor,
Itno. ri llall it, a minor and Jauo Uallor a mluor,
wuu unvu lur inir guaruiaa ues43 aui'ii irmin,
rrsldlugln said cooper township; the following
tons and daughters ot John i-ulior a deceatod
brother vlzt Daniel It. Bailor rosdlng In add
Montour township; Isaiah Uallor, residing in
the aimu nlaco : Elizabeth Wertman. Intermarried
with Hll Wertman, residing In NorlhumberLuid
county, l'a., una noun iiauor anu jonn nauor,
each residing at Howe I'Oft-onice, In the stato of
in: tuu uuowinkT iso as anu I'lauiruturs 01 id
O, Uaiior a deccsed brother, vizi Leander Bailor,
Jkhn Uallor, Daniel T. Iiillor. itachael M. Uallor
and Mary M Uallor, nil residing ut Indiana, lu
Indiana county, l'a.: and the fjllolng son and
daughters of Sarah Ho nbach. u deceased s ster.
vizi Adam llelubacb, residing at New Clair City,
Wisconsin : Elizabeth elz intermarried with
luvldlietz, residing In Pottsgrovo, Norlhuinber-
land county, ra., ana tnuuuo r.rwiue, intermar
ried with James Erwlue, residing utMlltou,ln
said Northumberland county.
All persons above named will tako notice that
In pursuance of a writ Issued out of the Orphans'
vourt 01 iiumiu cuuuiy 1 win, on
between the hours of 9 o'olocl: a. m aud 4 o'clock
r. m., on the premises, mako nartlilou of iho said
ractot land t'i uuduinong tho heirs uudrenre-
pnimlvea of aatd deoudent. according to law. or
If It cannot bj ulvlded without prejudice to or
annum? the whole, then I will causo Hie lunuost
to value aud appraise the wholo of said real estate,
atwmcn time uuu piuco you urn uiieuu u you
tuinn proper, u. 41, aai,
oct 13-4 w bherlu.
WANTHI). salary
and expeiibes
paid, t'l.Alci. iv ami inc.
iltoitt:, Nurserymen, Boston, Mass,
r oct. ti-4 w.
whtmAiL at nn OrnhanV Court held St tllooma-
bunr, In and for the county of Columbia, tho tnth
nay oi ay, A. ji. wiore me nuuurnvio
Horn Klwfli, ITOslctentJuilCT, and hU nnocliue",
juitlcoint tho salil court, tlio potltlon ot Hnmtiol
lfnlrhnftr. a mnn ann hplr nf KllTAhnMl KMClinfT
litnff Ihnlnwnthlnnr Mlmln In ftiilrl nnlinLV do-
ceiiBi'd, wns rrescntol, Rottlnc forth that Uio sal'I
Kllzabeth Ki-lchner Ulwl on or about too day
of .inly, tsi Intostato, sctteil In her demosno as of
foo, of una In a certain lot of ground, slumtn In
Miniln township In tlio town of Minilnvllle bound' d
on inu uurvu uy reuunu oirettui rum uinii, un
caituv lolof M.K. Church of Minilnvlllo on tho
south by lands of tho heirs of Samuel Crcaiy, and
on Ilia west by tot of Hamuel lildlcman, safdlrt
bolnn about is foot wldo on said Second street and
nhout sou feot dop, with houso and barn and np
purtcnancm, leaving to survlro licr a liuiband
Jacob Kelchner who is now deceased, and tho fol
lowing children a d grand children and ono (treat
SMndolitld! laaie Kelchner. a son residing at
ntrcTlllo, Columbia county, l'a Harah, n
daughtor intermarried with Uaorgo Arz, reaming
nt Nanltcoko, Lurcrno county, l'a.;
Samuel Kelchner, a son to tho putltltlonor. ro-ld-lng
at Nantlcoke, I.uicrno county, Pa Jacob Kelch
ner, a son residing at Minilnvlllo, Columbia
county, l'a.; John Kelchner, a son renldtngin
-Monigomery county, juamnnu; jiiarKarm, u
aauguur intermarried wun
Intermarried with llobcrt Pattorson
residing at l.ightatrct, Columbia county, 1'o.j
'tho fullowlnir irrandchlldren tlio children of her
deceased son Klciizer Kclcbncr to wlti Ciaronco
Keicnner, William Keicnnor, jonn Keicnner ana
U9tln Kelchner, all residing at Minilnvllle, Colum
bia county, Pn., also tho following grandchildren,
tha children of hor deccated son WlUlam Kelch
ner to wit i KmmoKolchner residing at Uerwick,
Columbia county, Pa.; illnnto Hosier Intermar
rled with lloyd llosler residing at Uerwick, Col
umbla county, Pa. ; Charles Kelchner, residing at
.Minilnvllle, Commbla county, Pa., and two other
daughters ot tho sild William Kelchner whoso
names aro unknown to your petitioners residing
at, Minilnvlllo, Columbia county. Pa., alsotio
following grand-children, tho children of her de
ceased daughter Mary, who was Intermarried
with (lldeon (leorgo, who Is now decoasod, to wit:
Jacob Oeorge, residing nt White Haven, Luzern"
county, Pa.; (lldeon residing somewhere la New
Jersey, tho placo unknown and
agreat-grandihlld whoso name and placo of res
idence Is unknown, whoso mother was HH;n
(leorgc. deceased, who was a daughter ot the said
Mury Ueorge, deceased. , .
Alt persons abovo named will tako nottco I bat
In pursuance of a writ, issued outot tho Orphans'
court of Columbia county 1 will, on
between tho hours ot 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock
p. in. on the premises, mako partition or the said
tract ot land to and among tho hclraand repre
sentatives of said docedent. according to law.
or If tt cannot bo divided without prejudlco to or
spoiling the wholo then I will cause tho inquest
to value and appraise tho wholo of Bold real estate
at which tlmo and placo you can attend if you
think proper. ..
Nov. 13, 1SS1, U. U. BNT.
oct 18-4 w Sheriff.
Attorney-atLaw, Berwick. Pa.
Can bo Consulted In German.
HTOfllco with the Uerwick Independent.
The undersigned auditor appointed by tho or
phan's Court or Columcia county, to makedlstrl-
UUUOU UI U1U UUIUIieu JU luu uauus Ul illU CAtUUWI ,
to and among tho parties ontlt od thereto, "111
perform the duties of his appointment at his
tfflco In llloomsburg, on Friday November loth,
at. ten o'clock a.m., when and whero all personB
Interested must appear and prove their claims
or be deoarrcd from any share of said fund.
Oct. 13-ta Auditor.
A. .... ..
Tim iiniirri.nrrt auditor annotated bv Ornhan3'
court of Columbia county, by conseutot parties
lQicrestea. on exception? lumusceuuu uuuuuui
account of N. Uredbender, Jr., administrator of
Jacob Shearmw, deceased, will sit at his onica In
llloomsburg on Saturday, November ttth, 1S8J. at
tono"ciockln tho forenoon to perform hla duties,
when ail persons interested will attend if they
think proper. OEO. it. KLWELL,
Tim iinrinrclfrnpri nmlltnr nnnnlnLed bv tlio Or-
E bans' court of eolutnma county, to aismuuuj
dance In tho bndds of tho aurvlvlng Bxecutor In
tliaestatoof Canlleld Harrison deed, of lllooms
burg, will attend to that duty at UU onieo In
nwnti- it, tho rnmnfuiii. TOhpn and where all rjer-
s us having claims upon said fund are requested
to pressnt them or bo forever debarred from coin-
in? lu on saimuiiu
Oct. c, ta.
TtiA tmrtoMlirnori anrlltnr nnnntntpd nv 1110
Orphan's Court of Columbia county tomakndia
trloutlon of tho fund In the hands of the adminis
trator ot aatd decadent to and among the pariles
entitled tnereto. wm penorm tne amies ui mai-
pointment ar, me orace oi nnurr w iuickuuu
In nioomshurir. l'a . on Saturday the ssthdayof
October, at ten o'clock n. in., when and whero an
persons having claims upon said fund sr re
quested to present them or bo forever dobarred
ii om coming la on saia tunu
oct 1 -ta Auditor.
Private Sale.
The underslguod will sell at private sale tho
farm of ltlchard Demott, lato ot Madison town
shin. Columbtt county, deceased. Tho said farm
1 located near Jerseytown and contains a
f ramo hou3f, frame barn, and outbuildings, plenty
of fruit, land well watered. And contains
167 Acres of Land,
About 60 acrei ot which Is timbered.
For particulars Inquire ot the undersigned at
White Hall, Vontour county, or ot Jasper Demott
on the premises.
Agent for heirs ot ltlchard Demott.
Oct. 13-3 inos.
By vlttuo eta certain writ of execution to me
directed, there will be exposed to publlo sale, at
tho Court Homo, In Bloomsburg, oa
Thursday, October 2G, 1882,
at 9 o'clock In Uio forenoon tho following descrtb
odreal estatos Tho undivided ono-half part of
alt that certain lot t f ground situate In tho town
ot Ca'awlssa, Columbia county, btate of Pcnnsyl
vanla, bounded on thn east by Front street, on
the west by N. & V. II, It. It. Co., on the south by
landot Bayer, on tho north by land of Casper
llhawa; fronting ou said Front strcot 105 feet,
and extending In depth to said railway feet,
whereon is erected a two-story
large frame barn and out-bulldings.
Seized, taken In oxecutlon and to bo sold as tho
property of Frederick smith,
u. It. ENT,
Khawn, Att'y. Sheriff,
Oct. c, 4t.
Kcal state ! !
The undersigned executor of tho last will, ic,
otfleorgn Olrton, lato of (Ireenwood township,
will sell on tho premises on
Saturday, November 4, '82,
commencing ut 10 o'ctKk In tho forenoon, alt that
certain real odatu sltuato In Oreenwood town.
ship, In the said county of Columbia, bounded and
descrlbod as follows, to-wlti On tho north by
lands ot Daniel Harrington and others, on tho
east by land ot Peter II. Olrton and Abraham
lirlbolblss, on the south by lands ot David Albert
sou and John (I. Olrton and on tha west by lands
of Peter Cole and others, containing
and M perches, more or less, whereon aro erected
a tn o-Btory frame or
a frame barn and other cut-bulldlngs
TtCHMH OP 8ALK.-Ten per cent ot ono-fourtU
ot the purchase money shall bo paid at the strlk
tag down or the property, thn ouo-rourlb less the
tn per cent at the confirmation of sale and the
remaining three-fourths In oto ;cir thereafter
with Interest from confirmation nisi.
Oct. o, ta.
iLatett and Best Headings. Dialogues and Tub.
1B.U1I, .Many entirely new, and collected from
uio vm wriiers lor tuo nrst urao. rost-paiu
aac.1 U OtU. lai.t OI t. Ml. Nilllunnl Mrlmiil
Klocutioii fc Oratory, Mill and 11IK Chestnut
ni. (-1HII.I1CIIIU1U, ra. auuN 11. uiviiTxi., oecty,
ToDoJouc(wort'uu'JK icvaiu: co.
SOUnd. We lUHImoro Btruel.r '
No. llJl'Kih Avcuui', Now Voik.
r w,
tfttcra of Administration nn tho ratal o nf I v I
Minor, lato of Centre tw'p., Columbia county 1'n ,
dnccascd, havo been granted Ly tl.o tleglsler nf
said county to Htenhcn Polio, f.lino Itldiro. and
Philip l Miller. Union Corners, Northumberland
rnunty, administrators. All persons Having
claims against tlio estate of tho decedent aro
reiiuesuju iu present ineni lur Beiuriiiuiii. iinu
thoao Indebted to tha eatato to mako payment to
th undersigned administrators without delay.
HTRPIIRN POIlIt, Mmoltldge.
rilIMP 1.. MIl.I.KU, union corners. NorthM Co.
Tho undersigned Auditor nroolntod by Iho Or-
B nans' court of Columbia county to mako dlstrl
utlon ot tns bal, In thn hands of .1. Handcon Laza
rus, administrator, will sunt tlio onice of Freeze,
Eyerly & White In Bloomsburg in said roiintr
1 I ucsoay, 1110 sisi nay 01 uctonor isa, ni
ell u vine ii, 111 , ui nuiu unj, miuit uuu mfie ml
artleslntercsted In said estate must attend or be
orovor debarred from any sliaro of said fund.
sept 29-ta Auditor
TI10 underslencd nt)DOlnt-d An the
Orphan's court of Columbia county, to make dls-
nouuon to nnci among hid pnrnei" cuiiuea iii' ro-
oiinc uaianni in mo uinus or uio executor
said estate, will attend nt his onico in UK oms.
burg, on Thursday, October 5(1, 1M2, nt ten o'clock
In tho forenoon, tor tho purposes of his appoint
ment; when and whero all persons having claims
on said fund aro requested to present them, or bo
debarred from coming In on said fund.
unu. Ai.i;i.Aiut
sept 2Ma Auditor.
Letters testamentary In tho estate of Cnrollno
Mnnn lam of ll-'aver twp, Columbia county,
a , deceased, have been cranted by tho Register
f Bald countv to the undcrMuned executors. All
per sons having claims against the estate of tho
decedent aro requested to presentthem for set
tlement and those indebted to the estnto to make
pay racnt to the underslgnol executors without
delay. .I.S.MANN,
A, vt Jiaisn,
e'ept OT-f-w.
Letters'.testamcntary on theestnteof Sarah Ann
Stlnc. lata ot Locust township, Columbia county
Pa. deceased, havo been granted by tho Iteglstcr
of said county to ueo. w.stinc, rnumiaiacoiumoia
Co. All persons having claims against tho catati
of Lbo decedent aro rcaucslcd to present them for
settlement and those Indebted (0 tlio ostato to
mako payment to 1110 unuersignoa excuutor with
out delay.
augisc-w Executir.
Real Estate, Trust, Investment,
ml Collection OlTice, Bloonis-
inrg, Oolunibia County, Penn'a.
'roporties for Salo in Columbia County,
C3 ocres In Madison township, largo house.framo
barn and out-bulldlngs ; good fruit, water and
Ir quality land. Iteasonablo prlco and terms.
Owned by Mrs. Esstck.
to acres In Benton township, n nr Now Colum
bus. A very deslrablo and productive farm with
good buildings, fruit, water Ac. Prlco tnooo.
Terras easy.
in In Plullnn,,n,aL' Inwnahln mntl-'Slnn
church. Brick dwel.lng, barn and sheds, good
water, two orchard and othe.' fruits, Prlco and
terms rcasonaoic.
22 acres in Jackson township, small faun
cleared, with farm buildings A stvv mill and
dwelling. Also a largo quantl'y of plno and hem
lock timber.
150 acres of excellent land In -Miniln tiwnshlp,
on road between Berwick and Miniln, owned by
John Wolf, usq., on N. & W. II It. 11. Brick
house, farm buildings, orchard, water, no., and
sulUcleiit supply ot timber. A valuable property.
12.1 acres In Madison township, near Jersey-
town, (lood frame house, barn, water, fruit and
timber. Will be slid cheap and on good terms.
acres in Madison township near Van Horn's
school hou30, with frame bouse, stable and good
cs ucres la Hemlock township near Evan's .Ml 11.
Framo house, b ink barn, young orchard of choice
fruit, good meadow, running wa'er, &c.
112 acres ot excellent farm lan 1 1 miles west
ot Bloomsburg. Farm buildings and two tenant
loo acres tn Ptau township, near Pino Summit
Farm buildings fruit, water and considerable tim
s acres of limestone with three kilns In Centre
A3,vstory woolen mill with lull sot of machin
ery, a good natural water power, all In good work
ing order with good trade. Also a largo dwelling,
irn and out-bulldlngs. Also 20 acres of land on
Llttlo Flshlngcreek, Smllos from Bloomsburg.
Also ten other farms In vailous localities.
roperties in Bloomsburg and Else
A large, comfortablo and nearly now thrcostory
brick residence on South Market street, with
Mansard roof, gas, water, cold or hot, rangd. b ith
room, heater In cellar, stable, well, choloo fruit,
&c.,all In tlntrato condition, Prlco reaso.nblo
nd terms easy.
A carriage manufactory with tools and tr de,
desirably located on Iron street, below Main,
Two pleaiantly located brick resldiuos on
Centre street.
Two largo framo dwellings on Third treot,
West Bloomsburg,
A neat framo residence on Main street, West
Bloomsburg, with stable, good water and fruit
Oroutids and building In best condition.
A very desirable brick on Main street, Btiltable
lor business aud losldeiico combined.
A doublo brick residence on East Mplu street,
desirably located. Terms easy.
A framo houso on Sixth street near Muiket. A
brick and also a framefdwu ling on Fifth street,
both tn good condition. Pleasant homes.
Two small framo dwellings In East Bloomsburg,
cheap. Two Ir.ime dwellings on Iron street, cheap.
A largo now brick residence at thu corner of Third
and West streets,
A very deslrablo tramo dwelling on Fourth
sireet.Cntawlssa with nablo, water, fruit, to.,
also at catawlssa, a coal yard with siding, largo
bed of good sand, dwelling on premises, part of
which can bo used us building lots.
Also, other properties not mentioned, and do-
slrablo building lots located on Market, Finn,
west and other streets,
Strict attention paid to the examination ot titles
ana;to convoyauctng, and all matters submitted
promptly attended to at lowest rates charged by
real estato agencies, For particulars apply to
Tht undersigned administrator of J to bE , Hess,
lato of Sugarloaf township, daceased, w II cxposo
to publlo silo on thoprcmljtson
MOiNDAY, October IG, '82
at v o'clock p. m. tho following tracts of land, sit-
uati tn Sugarloaf towithlp.
No 1. Bounded on tho North and East by tund
of J, P. Fritz on lbo South li a publlo road and on
the Wttt by land of Hinuih Fritz, outalnlng
moto or Ion, Hi) saae bring Improved land.
No, 2 Bounded on the North by land ot J, P.
Fritz on the East by land ot J, J, Mollonry nu 1
ltlchard IIes3, oa tho South by tin 1 of Shadrack
Hess and on tho West by u public road, contain
more or less, thn same being pudl Improved
land. This trie tot land ojntalns a gujd orchard
and sugar caup,
TKItMH op HALE -Ten pur cent, of the onc
fourtli of tho purcluso moaey to bo pall at the
striking dowu ot ihs property; the ono-touril less
tho tn percent, at tho counrmitton otsale; and
Hi a remaining three-fourth 1 In one year tliertj
after, with luterest from continuation nisi,
a l. rum, JliSHr! IIKS,
Attorney, Administrator,
Sept sa-ts Central,
Till 1 water. proof inatcrUl. roembllng line leather.
Is used for rood, outside wails and lunlde la place
ot olaster, catalogue aud Hainples free.
W. H FAY & CO. W
a BepuMw
Strangers passing through
thu city arc cordially invited
to visit the store, and make
frrt! use of its conveniences ;
leaving their luggage under
elh ck at any of the doors, or
in the Luggage Room In the
Di partmunt of Public Coin
foi t.
iically we meant to ha'2
tL i important department in
full operation before every
body got back from sea and
mountain. It is made for
sti.ingers; and they seem
to enjoy it, so far as it has
got. It consists of a free
R ading Room for gentle
men, a free Resting Room
for ladies, free writing-faci i
tlt s in both, closets.and other
little conveniences; a soda
and mineral-water fountain
that isn't free ; and a lunch
room to be added.
We make the great public
welcome there, oeyond the
wont of any other house, so
far as we know. We think
it will pay us to look after
Public Comfort a little, as
a means ol advertising.
There's nothing sly or crook
ed about it. We want vis
itors to Philadelphia .o have
a good time, and lu tOu.ieet
our store tvi It ii.
New things are coming,
and fall tu 'e is already
begun. Ni u things do not
come all together. They
come in a steadystrciin :' om
now till Christmas. And
they go in the sat .o v. ay.
They have to. You may
easily believe it, v! n you
see our house full a.l the
time, of goods and of peo
ple taking them a : y. It
would be hardly worii. .peak
ing of so obvious a '':.'-t, but
for the mora! ; w ch is :
Buy when you find , hat you
want; for tomurro . f-o c
body else ill be after it.
New things will crowd
upon us now for mention
every day. Only a few can
get into the papers, except
in the most gem.ral way.
It will be fair to come for
whatever you w..nt, and
expect to find it.
New foreign wraps have
come. There are jersey
coats, jersey ulsterettes,
pelisses, and others. The
writer of this hasn't even
seen them. He has only
heard of the flutter they
are going to make.
Wonderful silks havo
come. But we must say
more about the least ol
them than we have time for
We have neither time nor
knowledge today to go into
particulars. This is only an
early notice that the store is
filling up with goods for fall.
We need to say further to
you who live at a distance
that you needn't go to the
city every time you want any
thing. We take so much
pains to send you what you
want, that you ri .k little in
writing for goods. Let us
know, as nearly as you cap,
what you want, and we will
send you samples and prices,
or take other means of find
ing out exactly what you do
John Wanamaker.
Chcilnut, Thirteenth "J Market
lUuU, and City-hill tcpuie,
D- & J. J. M'HENRY
being engaged In the
Maniifacturing of Lumber
havo constantly' in stock the following:
2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x8
cf various lengths for Building Purpose.
200,000 feet Hemlock Boards;
14, 10, 18 ami 20 feet, ranging In width
from 10 tu 20 Indies.
I)),))) GiUljiSO BOARDS,
5, 0 and 71nches, 10 feet long.
ftO.000 White I'lnc Boards, Fanol
40,000 l'ect 2 in. Plank, Pine,
Lnrgo quantities ot common plno boards etc..
quantities of th) aboe can bo had at tno Lum
ber ard of
.) J. MallKNHY, llentnn l'a,
For furtlur particulars address
SScuton, Pa,
uug its Bin
Tim undertlgncd auditor appointed by the
Orplun's Court of Columbia county to distribute
tho balance of the funds In the bands of thn ad.
mlnlstrator of talddoeolent as shown by bis first
and Uuitl account, will bit In the discharge of bis
umiesui, ins uiiiuu iu uiujiiisui k uiiuu luu iiu
aay 01 uciouer lev ui ien u ciock in tne lorenoou,
at which nlaco and time all parties Interested tr
Bald estato aro required to attend or be forever
ueouriea iroui any snare 111 sua tuna.
Beptss-ta Auditor,
Came to Uie premises of the undersigned known
asth Moore Cievrllng firm 011 beiitembervuth
1MJ, a white sholn ol about months old, weigh,
lug iiubAbly leu iKiuuds Tno owner will plcam
call, prove iiruin riy, pay costs uiid take It uwuy or
IV "III u ''W t U UllUIUIUU iv la T
B ptM-JW ' D.HNVOUlt,
ISlooiiisburg, lSle,
arc oflcriiiK Attractive GoocIh and Clone
Prices for Fall and Winter to CASH
Colored Cashmeres
ono yard wido at 60c n yard.
Browu, Gurnet, Maroon,
Bronzes, Green, Bluo, Car
dinal, Navy-blue.
Honpareil Velveteens-
The best finished mid value
iu thu market.
These shawls weigh 4 to G oz., more than any other mate.
They are nmde of the fiucst wools and styles unequuled.
About 8 will he on exhibition at the Fair.
LADIES' and Misses' Handsome line of
Lais LACING KID GLOVES I3est Germantown Wool
at $1.25 per pnir. at 75 Por Pound'
Aro fully guaranteed. New- Zephyrs, Saxony,
est style of Caslimcrc Crewels, Embroide
and Lisle Thread GLOVES ry and Knitting:
to mutch suits. Silks,Canvasses.
LADIES' & GENTS' ns' Ladies' and Chjldrens'
Large stock of Stationery,
WOOLEN HOSIERY Autograph Alhums,
Photograph Allums,
Gold Pens, &c.
tcr, Eggs, lricl Fruit, &c.
Htintf mbor. 1st
Hnrf nuimii. v. tu. nunH...h
rhi un leralirood Autltnr appointed liy the Or.
piiaa 8 court of ColumbU county, to make dls
Inbutiou ot amouut tn u ndi ot I Wiitcr accord,
to dlrectlont ount Un ed In the last will and .tenta.
ment of satd 'leceased, will uorfonn tho dullos of
hla appolntmunt ut hla omco In tlloomaourif. oi
Baturday, Oct., si, 1W, at ten o'clock tn tho fore
noon, when and whero all beraoni lnterjated
inutt appear aud proro their claliuior be de.
barred from any aharo of end fund,
Por steop or flat roofs. Applied by ordinary
workmen at ouo third the cust of tin, Circulars
anl garnplea free, Agonta wautod. T, NBW.lll
John, New York, '
a Oct. e, 4-w,
JMtiin iwid Fancy
from Si. 25 a yard down.
at all prices to $1.00 per
all wool at $1.00 per yard.
uiVHis, m HWMWWB
S montlu.
.wit.tS!?c.'ia?mlnUtrttUonontheeBUt of lam.
if.2?7berl'latu ' 1,0011 towD8hlp,
LSISi60 HraJlt011 ln8 ltetrtster of aald county to
fi? a? r.?!1 .A" PuraonauavlDir clalmaacalnat
eatato of aald decedent are requested to pre
aent them tor settlement and thoM Indebted to
mili 10 undorslicnod admlnutratrl
'Notion IS herehv irlvpn thAt lha flpm Uiw.
head & llarter has been dissolved on the V9th day
pfBepteniber.lBsa. t.O. llarter having eold Ula
Interott tn tbo buatness to u. W. Kline. Moor
liiutd Kline will be responsible for all bills of the
lato nrm.and will collect all outstanding, ocoountu,
tia thouifh do chuugo had occurred.
T. O, lUUTKlt.