The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 06, 1882, Image 3

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    The Columbian.
Correct Ritllrond Time- Table.
Tralni on tho rhliadolpula & It. H. Icavo Itupcrt
an follows i 1
north. booth.
515 a.m. 1149 a.m.
4 04 p. m. 45 p. m.
TrlM on tha D. I,. W. 11. 11. leave liloomsburg
as follows 1
T 38 a. m. s is a. m.
50 68 a. m. U4i a.m.
e M p. m. 4 si p. m.
ThoIMS train south connects with tho I'hlla.
(lelphla Heading at Itupcrt, and wltU tho
Northern Central at Northumberland.
Tho 6:93 a. m. train connocts at Northumberland
with 9:15 train on l'ennsylvanla road reaching
Philadelphia at 811 p. m
The 11:4 train connects with Philadelphia and
Heading roal at ltuport at 11:50 reaching Phila
delphia ntt:oop. m.
Tho 11:43 train connects with I'cnnnylnnla
roal at Northumberland at 1:41 roachlng rblladcl
phla at 7:35 p. m.
Th 4:T p m. train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumberland at 8:05 p. m. ana reaches
Philadelphia at :55 n. m.
rulillc Halcfl.
Administrator of Jncob S. IIcss will bcII
real estate In 8ugnrloaf, October ICtli, at 3
p. m.
Executor of Geo. Glrton will sell real es
tate In Greenwood, November 4tli, nt 10
n. m.
John Bhumatt will sell his Espy farm on
November 2nd.
See advertisements.
J. E.Vannntta, tho Berwick jeweler was In
town last Bfttnrdny, seeing his mnny friends.
Miss Ella Frleble of l'cnnlngton, N. jTTs
visiting Miss Ada Ilnrtmnu.
G. W. Sterner nttended tho Allcntown
fair Inst week.
Dr. A. L. Turner carries his left hand In
a sling, being aflllctcd with one of Job's
Mrs. George Krcamcr 1ms returned from
Philadelphia, whcrojlie has been visiting
Mr. John Lowell nnd famll'havo been
visiting friends at Allcntown.
O. 15. Jackson Esik of Berwick was In
town on Monday.
William Bry son Esq. condidato for tho
Legislature, and O. B. Millard of Ccntralla
spent n few hours In towu Wednesday.
D. F. Curry, the genial Ccntralla landlord
was In town last Saturday. Ho brought
over a fast horse to place It In charge of
Samuel Prentiss.
Messrs. A. G. Klmbcrly nnd C. II. Zehn
dor, of Berwick took an active part In the
convention of the Y. M. C. A. at William
upon. Ed. Hartman Is taking In New York
nnd Philadelphia and will bring part of
both of them to show tho people who come
to the Fair next week
Judge Hughes of Catawlssn has so far re
covered from his recent accident as to be
able, to get about with tho assistance of
Bead N. J. Hcndcrsbott's advertisement.
Wasibd. Three girls to do general
house work. Inquire at this oftlcc.
A. Sollcdcr keeps constantly'on hand nil
kinds of boots, shoes, and gaiter uppers,
M. C. Woodward desires us to say that
ho Is not n candidate for sheriff on any
Proceedings have been commenced in
court to havo tho old Episcopal burying
ground lemoved.
You can do better by buying your
groceries of F. S. Kiuport's than any other
place In town.
Barnum's Show will be at Willlamsport
on the 9th Inst, and at Sunbury on tho
Mr. DeemerBeldlemnn has been secured
by tho Wilkcs.Barre Y. M. C. A. for gen
eral secretary. He entered upon his
duties October 1st.
Economy is the secret of wealth, so al
ways go to D. Lowenbcrg's nnd buy your
clothing. You can always get the best
value, latest styles, and reliable goods.
Mrs. M. E. Ent Is improving tho outward
appearance of her building by painting,
and penciling the brick work.
The members of the Willlamsport city
council are under nrrest for not keeping
tho streets in repair.
When you come to the Fair don't fall
to call and Bee the splendid Stock of
Keudy-Mado clothing at 1). Lowenbcrg's.
Nineteen buildings were destroyed by
fire at Illdgwuy, Elk county, last Friday.
They have noflro protection but tho bucket
Peter Herdlc, whoso ai rest at Willlams
port was mentioned last week, was dls
charged after a full hearing before Judge
J. O. Moorhcad and Dr. T. C. Hnrtcr of
Espy havo dissolved partnership, C. W
Kline has purchased Dr. Hnrtcr's Interest
In the business.
1 Tho Whlto sewing machluo sold by J.
Saltier, Bloomsburg, received tho first pre
mlum nt tho itlngtown fair, as the best
machine, and for the best work done on
tho grounds.
Edward A. Ilnwllngs has purchased of
tho cslnto of the late William McKclvy, the
lot adjoining the Columbian building, and
will erect n brick Btoro and dwelling there
on. Tho finest Una of wedding and party In
vitations ever exhibited in this town will
bo opened next week at tho Columbian
store. This Is tho only office In tho county
that keeps such goods In stock.
Header, have you paid a state or county
tax within two years? If not, to-morrow,
Saturday, October7th, Is tho last day to pay
it, and unless paid then you will loso your
People who havo not yet seen tho comet
should not miss tho present opportunity.
Tho same chanco may not occur In a life,
time. Tho comet Is now visible nt flvu
a. 111., nnd Its brilliancy Is beyond de
scrlption. Get up and see It.
Thomas. A. Armstrong.tho labor candldute
for governor, and Hon. Charles Harrison of
Baltlmoro will speak In the Opera House
on Baturday afternoon and evening, Oc
tobcr flth. at 2:80 and 7 o'clock.
Tho condition In which lloscmont cem
etery Is kept Is not creditable to tho com
pany nor to tho town. Thero should be
well kept walks and closo mown lawns
instead of high grass and weeds. It adds
to the sorrow of thoso who loso friends, to
bo obliged to bury thcra In so neglected a
Don't read this It Is only Intended for
tho man who wants to buy full wlue for
Ids money and you can always get it at
tho popular clothing store of D. Lowell
berg. Duffalorobes, fancy robes, lap robes
nnd blankets, at C. S. Fiinnriti's.
Tlicro will bo a largo attendanco at tho
fair If tho weather is favorable.
Chickens wanted nt F. 8. Klnports' In
either trado or cash.
All who attend the fair next week should
patronlzo tho Ent Post No. 250, G. A. II.
who havo chnrgo of the dinner stand on tho
You can buy canned goods of nil kinds,
at F. 8. Klnports'. Call nnd sco how
cheap ho sells them.
An nrtlclo on Bloomsburg, written by a
correspondent of tho Phlladolph'a lu
was In typo for this Issue, but Is crowded
out by other matter. It will appear next
The Journal appears this week In Its now
form. It Is printed on good paper nnd is
very neat In mechanical make-up. Dr.
Schuyler will, 110 doubt, make It an inter
estlng paper.
B0 empty barrels and half barrels for salo
nt the Exchange hotel.
The Independents of Catawlssn will hold
n meeting In Masonic Hall on Tuesday
evening tho 10th Inst, which will bo ad
dressed by Hon. Clms. 8. Wolfe, Major
Merrick and E. K. Martin.
There Is nothing that Improves tho ap
pcarancc, address and looks like ono of
tlw Fall Stylo hats you can buy nt D,
The Lllllo Hall Burlesque Combination
at tho Opera Houso this Frldny evening,
will draw a largo crowd, as It h said to be
ono of the best variety troops on the road.
The Norrlstown 3Vmj of Tuesday, speaks
very flatteringly of them.
I. W. Hartman & Son appear with an
attractive announcement In this Issue,
They are among our most enterprising
merchants, and deserve tho largo patron
age which they enjoy. Call and sco them
during the fair.
A new brusscls carpet has been laid In
tho law library, and elegant new chairs
placed therein, both of which wore needed,
Tho county commissioners are displaying
good taste and judgment in tho work
about the Court House.
The place to get Artlitle and Anato
mically cut clothing made up by 'skilled
workmen, is nt D. Lowenbcrg's, Merchant
tailor and Gent's outfitter.
At tho Y. M. O. A. Convention nt Wil
llamsport, Mr. A. G. Klmbcrly of Berwick
read n paper on "Libraries and Bending
rooms" which is highly spoken of by the
press. A resolution was passed by the
convention directing it to bo priuted for
general circulation.
We said last week that the Itecorder's
office was the neatest In tho Court House,
but this Is 110 longer tho case, since the
Commissioners have been giving all the
offices a general overhauling. The Sheriff's
and Prothonotnry's offices have been paper
ed and painted, nnd it is now a pleasure to
go In thcin.
The foundry and machine shop of Har
mau & Hasscrt ought to have been included
by the lress correspondent among the lead
ing industries of Bloomsburg. They have
recently enlarged their facilities, and are
turning out a large amount of work. Wo will
give an extended account of thclrlmprova
rncnts soon.
Just received a new 101 of Elgin, Walt
ham, Springfield and other make of watches
in open and hunting cases, warranted from
two to five years.
Also silver plated teaspoons one dollar a
set, table spoons two dollars a set, at L.
Bcrnlmrd's Jewelry Store. G 0-tf
Mr. J. S. Beit!", will open a new cash
meat market in the Knorr & Wintcrstccn
building, next door to 1st National Bank,
on this Friday, Oct. 0. He will keep fresh
meats of all kinds, nnd poultry in season.
Mr. Iteitz lias had an experience of over
fifteen years in the business nnd knows
how to do up meats to please the taste.
Punt-io Salic op Soiiool Dei ks. There
will be sold at public outcry, at the Kupcrt
School house, in Montour township, Col
umbia county, on Saturday the 14th day
of October 1882, at two o'clock p. m.,
about seventy-fivo second-hand school
desks, all in order and ready for use.
By order of Montour School Board-
J. G. Quick, Secretary-
Mottoes at D. Lowenbcrg's store i Best
materials, Superior finish, Latest styles,
Perfect fits and Popular prices.
Wo are Informed that thero Is some talk
of having the run on Fourth street between
Market and Centre, covered with a stone
culvert, and hope that tho project may be
carried out. The town authorities could
not spend money in any way that would
add more to tho ndvantago of tho people
The run is a natural outlet for sewerage,
and no doubt will some day be utilized as
a drainage for at least half the town.
A now use has been discovered for pota
toes. They can be converted Into a sub
stance resembling celluloid by peeling
them and after soukinc In water Impreg
nated with eight parts of sulphuric aeld,
drying and pressing between sheets of
blotting paper. In Franco pipes are made
of this substance, scarcely distinguishable
from meershnum. By subjecting the mass
to great pressure billiard balls can bo made
of it rivalling ivory in hardness.
Just as soon as the Bicyclo rnco Is over
at the Fair grounds, crowds will rush at
once to buy their Fall and Winter clothing
at I). Lowenbcrg's.
Caw's Block Fluid Is tho only known Ink
that Is positively non-corrosive to steel
Flows freely 1 does not tnlcken by ex.
posurc, and lias tho decided advantage of
writing black nl first. It will not fade or
mould ; deposits no sediment, nnd Is not
injured by freezing. Tho best Ink for uso In
fountain pens of all kinds. For Bale by
Elwell & Blttenbcnder.
Meyers, tho young man who killed
Hufnaglo at Nescopeck last July, an nc-
count of which wo published at the time,
was scutenced at Wllkcsbarre, on Friday
hist, to pay a fine of if 50, and costs, aud a
term of six months In tho county jail.
His previous good character, tho recom
mendation of the jury to tho mercy of tho
court, nnd It not appearing that thoro was
any intention to do serious injury, led tho
court to Impose this light sentence.
Democratic MccMmkh,
There will bo 11 meeting of tho Democro
cy at tho Opera Houso In Bloomsburg on
Thursday evening October 12th, ut half
past seven o'clock, which will be address,
ed by Gen. William McCandlcss of Phlla
dclphln, and Hon. C. It. Buckalew. Also
ut Catawlssa on Friday evening, October
18th, ut half past seven, when Geu. Mo.
Cundless and other speakers will bo pres.
ent. Turn out, for Pattison and Reform.
This Is no Humbug, call and bo con.
vlnced see for yourselves ask your
friend's advice, get your wife, or sister, or
brother und they will tell you tho right
place to buy your clothing, ready-made, or
iiitulo to order, Is at D, Lowenbcrg's.
A nlfr ItHtnlillitliiiiciit,
Wo recently dropped In tho popular
clothing storo of David Lowcnberg, and
wcro astonished to find such a largo and
well selected stock. He carries as many
goods ns many of tha large city stores, and
his prices compare very favorably with the
lowest. In addition to his stock of cloth'
Ing Is n flno assortment of cloths, cassl,
meres, beaver, melton diagonals, Trunks,
robes nnd overythlng that can bo found
anywhero In the largo clothing houses. Mr,
Lowcnberg Is ono of our most enterprising
citizens and his large trade la well deserved.
A Painful Accllent.
J. D. Bodtne of Mainvlllo met with a
very painful If not fatal accident last Satur
day evening by the explosion of a gun,
Tho weapon had been loaded for some time,
and the chargo was drawn all but tho pow.
dcr. Several caps wcro used In an attempt
to discharge the powder, but tho weapon
hung fire. Bodlno then placed the muzzlo
In his mouth to blow Into the barrel when
the explosion occurred. His mouth and
throat wcro badly burned, and It was feared
for a ttmu that his throat would swell shut,
but according to lato reports that danger
has past, nnd tho doctors have hopes of
lils recovery. Mr. Bodlne Is well and favor.
ably known through the county, having
served ns Mercantile appraiser, nnd also
through the statu as Gland Marshal of the
Patriotic order Sons of America. Wo hope
to hear soon of his rccovciy.
It is no uso talking, says Brown, when
I go to tho Bloomsburg Fair I am going to
buy a good overcoat at the popular cloth.
ing store of D. Lowcnberg; ho can always
suit me nnd give mo satisfaction.
lXmlcl SIlHtooIclilH JInu.
Berwick was the sceno of a spirited tus
sle tho other day. D. F. 8eybcrt attempted
to compel a girl who had been working for
him to change her purpose of leaving. Sho
had taken tho train for Wilkes-Barre when
Seybert reached tho depot, He look her
from tho car and was maltreating her when
a Philadelphia drummer camo to her res
cue- The drummer was too much for Dan
lei and forced him to let the girl go on her
way. Tho next morning the man of many
lawsuits nppcorcd at the depot with tho
avowed purpose of punishing the ''commer
cial tourist," who had remained In town
over night- The man of the grip-sack was
there to take tho train and Daniel, pulling
off his coat, squared for the fight. He let
one of his fists fly at the drummer, but
failed to hit his antagonist, but on the con
trary was floored lilmse f. A desperato
struggle ensued In which Daniel was so
badly hammered that his most intimate
friends didn't know him. The drummer
proved to bo game and escaped without be
ing hurt. Tho affair drew quite a crowd
nnd has created a sensation, SMchMnny
Our school suits are just what parents
are in want of, made from good wear-resisting
fabrics, suitable for school or play.
Bring the boys to tho popular store of D.
Lowcnberg and buy their fall suit.
IlcrwIcU IlltH.
The Jackson & Woodln Co., havo a con
tract for 800 cars and arc not likely to
suspend work except for sufficient time to
make repairs.
The work of grading streets is being
pushed along rapidly and our town will
soon present a rcspcctablo nppcarance in
that regard.
The Y. M. C. A- lecture course opens up
next Thursday with a lecture by Prof.
Sheppard, subject: "Why did she marry
him ?" The lecturer has a fine reputation
and a big houso will greet him hern over
one hundred and forty season tickets were
sold on the day the diagram was opened
A. W. Dickson one of our young mer
chants leads to the altar, Miss Sallie Freas
on Thursday next. Singular, us the lecture,
at night will expluin "why sho married
Thu bishops of tho M. E. Church will
hold a cor'crence here some time In next
Pay-day was very quiet last Thursday,
the boys seemed to hold on to their dimes
somewhat afraid that work would be
scarce, but the prospect is favorable
and our people breath easier.
Berwick people are pleased to learn of
tho Improved outlook for Bloomsburg In
the establishment of the new Industry and
universal congratulations are freely offered
to her enterprising citizens who havo been
the means of securing so desirable an ac
One of tho many attractions during our
county Fair will be tho large und well
assorted stock of clothing now on exhlbi
tion nt the store of David Lowonbcrg.
Council lroceecll'iKH.
Council met at 7 o'clock p. m., October
4th. All members present except Mr.
On motion the Secretary was ordered to
purchase six chain police nippers and ono
of Phillips' patent nippers.
In the matter of the removal of tho dead
from the old burial ground of St. Paul's
E. church, it ws referred to thu Prcsl.
dent and town solicitor for Investigation.
On motion a committee was appointed
to examine the run on the north Bide of
Fourth street with a view to covering It
with a stone arch, and report at next
A petition was presented asking tho
coucll to tako some action In regard to
proner drainage and sewcrago for the
Street commissioner wus Instructed to
notify property owners 011 north side of
Main Btreet near Normal school, to lay
their pavements within tun days.
rown Surveyor wos directed to fix tho
grade on First street between Market and
It was ordered that a slnglo crossing bo
laid on second street from Fcttcrinaii's
building to Isaiah Hagcnbuch's.
On motion it was ordered that here
after no parties bo allowed to clean cess
pools, without a permit from the Town
council, nnd that no persons or parties
be allowed tho privilege to clean cess
pools except between tho hours of ten p.
in., and four a. in., and only on application
for permit from President of town council.
Albert Hcrbine was appointed police
Tho crowd durlnrr Fair will bo found
looking nt thu Fall and Winter goods at
D. Lowenbcrg's,
I'crHonull To Mcu Ouly I
Voltalo Belt Co., Marshall, Michigan, will
send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Electro-Yoltaic
Belts und Electrlo Appliuncos on trial for
thirty days to men (young or old) who arc
aflllctcd with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital
Ity, and manhood, and kindred troubles,
guaranteeing speedy relief and complete
restoration of health and manly vigor.
Address as ubov. N. II. No risk Is In.
currcd, ns thirty days' trial Is allowed.
Oct. 28. '8My
If Georgo Washington had ever como to
Bloomsburg hu would certainly havo
bought his clothing nt the reliable store of
D, Lowunborg.
Among tho candidates for favor with the
music loving world Is tho lvers & Pond
No belter evidence of their merit could
bo given than that they hnve been Rclected
for uso lu tho New England Conscrvntniy
of Muslo nt Boston, where they are made.
That tho management should purchase
fifty Pianos of this mako Is conclusive evl.
denco of their confidence In tholtiilrtnnent.
Had Ihcy entertained tho least purl Ida of
doubt as to tho durability or perfection of
tho Ivmts & Pond Pianos, thoy would havo
acted moro cautiously and purchashd a few
of these Instruments for trial. But tliU was
not tho case; they wcro cntliely cntlxilcd
that the Ivitru & Pond Piakoh wcro as
nearly perfect as could be 'limde, and hav.
Ing Arrived at that condition, adopted
them for uso At their conservatory.
J. Snltzcr of this town Is ngeut for these
pianos, and has them on exhibition nt his
wnro rooms. From peisonnl examination
thu writer Is satisfied they are Just what
they are represented to be.
Boys cry, children sulk, nnd old men
get mad when they cannot get to Blooms,
burg to buy their hats, ut D. Lowenbcrg's.
nl.Ceiilciiiiliil Notes.
That tho people of our county may know
tho many ultractlnns of tho celebrntlon In
Philadelphia, we will nolo from time to
tlmo tho main features of the various days.
Tuesday, October 24th, Is set apart for
the representation of thulundlngof William
Pcnn at Blue Anchor Inn, now Dock Street
wharf Philadelphia. (Dock Street runs
from third Street between Chestnut nnd
Walnut south-easterly to the Ddawaro
Blvcr j tho wharf being between Spruco
nnd Pino Street, the second nnd third
streets south of Wnluilt.)
Tho Decorations of river and ocean craft
will be of n magnttudo without parallel In
tho hlf tory of Philadelphia ; and on the
samo day tho civic processions will be on n
scalo of unusual grandeur.
Firemen, with apparatus, tiomparlng tho
different Bystcms of years gone by with
tho present, from tho old bucket and hand
englno to the steam-engine, nnd its plug
and suction connections, will form the
second grand feature of tho day.
FIro companies from nil parts of tho
State, and many from adjoining States,
will take part in the procession, and the
display promises to bo larger and finer than
any firemen's parado which has ever taken
Look out for later announcements of
cheap excursions to Philadelphia from the
various points on the Philadelphia & Bead
ing Bnilroad and do not miss seeing tho
finest series of processions ever inaugurat
ed. Grand display of fireworks In the even
ing. Wednesday, October 2.1th, trades' dis
play nnd Welsh singing societies ; moving
tableaux throughout the streets In tho even
ing, Thorough description of Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday processions will be
given in subsequent numbers
Get ready to go, and do not forget the
days and their attractions.
Spectacles and eye glasses, to suit all
ages, at L. Bombard's Jewelry store.
"Wells' Health Bcnower" restores health
aDd vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence,
sexual Do blllty.
I will pav unv person $10,00 who will
conscientiously say, that ho can buy cloth
ing as cheap at any other establishment in
the county.
Li. ukoss, I'rop. n. 1. Store.
Di'.cd apples, blackberries, cherries,
peaches, huckleberries, raspberries. &c
fcc., wanted nt I. W. Hartman & Son's.
W. B. Allen has Just opened a lot of new
goods, embracing fine groceries, gla9s.
ware, painted china, queenswnre, &c. All
of the best, and nt the lowest pr'ce -.
apru mi
More black and colored dress silks at
Clark fc Son's. Also a full Una of black
and colored silk plushes and velvets.
nt,l vn ann tin, .,!. a,, It rtf nlntlma n t
Gross' N. Y. Store, Bloomsburg for 5,-
L. E. Wharv has enlarged his store, and
has on hand a largo stock of stoves,
heaters, and ranges. Cellar heaters put In.
A new lot of bird cages Just received,
Prices low. Call and examine. Main
street, below Market, Bloomsburg.
oct u-a w
Moro black and colored cashmeres this
week at Lutz ifc Sloan's.
Flour and feed can always bo had at
Alleu's East cud grocery. aprll 7-tf
Gross the N. Y, Clothier has a
stock ot fall and winter hats.
Butter and eggs wanted nt I. W. Hurt-
man ifc Son's.
Lutz & Sloan will have more underwear
In this week.
Go to I. W. Hartman & Son's for dishes.
glussware, lumps, &c, at lowest prices-
For black or colored dress silks co to
Lutz & Sloan's.
Black silk dolmans and fur lined clrcu.
lars at Clark & Son's very cheap, it will
pay you to iook nt iiicm.
iV full line of the latest nnd nobbiest win-
ter clothing, for men, boys nnd children,
At Gross' N. Y. Store Bloom.
Klnport's Compound Asiatic Balsam, or
Dlurrhcca cure. A remedy that has never
failed In diarrhan. It also gives instant
relief In en'le, cramp, or pain, in the stom
ach, Prepared and sold by J. H. Klnports
Evans' block, Main St., Bloomsburg P11.
Aug. 4tn am
More black and colored cashmeres at
Chirk & Son's, with n full line of other
dress goons,
Don't wait for another Invitation to 1.
W. Hartman & Son's, but rush in next
week nnd see their goods.
A lady wishing to mako a coat or dolman
will find a full line of cloths, plushes und
trimmings nt iuz oc uiontrs.
Boys suits for 14,00 at Gross' N. Y.
Store, Bloom,
A look at I. W. Hnrtmnn & Son's new
shades of dress cloths will convince you of
your need.
Lutz & Sloan expect to gut a full llnu of
single and double shawls this week.
Ladles' shoes from ,2. to $4. nt 2.1 hit
cant, less thuu cost at Gross' N. Y. Store,
If you want to mako up 11 cloth or plush
coat go to Clark & Son's for It, they huvu
the goods and any quantity of trimmings
for them.
Lllley & Sloppy, Oriiuguvlllu, will receive
a car load of milt this week. Parties want
ing salt will do well by calling on thum
before purchasing clsowheru.
Ladles'. Misses', aud Children's eossn.
men, 1.05, S1.75, $2.00 up to $3.00 lit
I. W. Hnrtmnn Ss Sou's, Look nt them
when you come to the Fair.
Lutz & Slonn havu n largo stock of the
latest styles of Ladles coats and dolmans.
To bu opened on Saturday, at I. W.
Hartman & Bon's, 60 beautiful winter
shawls. Beo them next week.
For silk or wool phuh for couts or
trimming, go to Lutz & Sloan's.
Overcoats lu great variety ut Gross' N,
Y. Store, Bloom,
Funcv bordered handkerchief ut Chirk-
& Son's.
Ladles', chlldrcns' and men' underwear
ut Ch-'k & Bon's. Awny down.
As good cigar as enn bo found In town
uru Kept nt w. 11. Alien's wast enn pro.
eery. nprll 7-tf
Tho rush will bo next week nt I. W.
Hnrtmnn & Son' In sco nnd buy the new
LUlov & Sti-iiDV havo recolvcd fifteen
cases of boots which will bo sold nt very
low prices,
jjiii'j tv .iii'iiii iiuvi-j umi 110 uuu .11111
largo n stock of Dry Goods as they havo
Farmers dealing nt W. B Allen's enn bo
nccommodntcd with stabling, npr. 7-tf.
1t1l1n nlntl, Inmllnr. rtnlnra n1di n 1in
gain It- Gilbert's B-4 Rutting flannels nt 75
uenis 11 jam, worm n 3 more, uinrK iv Don.
Parties nttcndluir tho fair, so deslrlnc
ran have teeth extracted at Dr. I. L. Babb's
by tlic use of gas.
11 ) ihi warn, iu uuy n j'uuuuu, cum,
paletot nr. Jacket, ladles, go to Clatk &
i:.,.,-., in.,. i.,..i, i -::,
When you come to tho Fair call at F. ff.
Klnports1' nnd sco his lnrgo stock of
Cotton, wool and merino hosiery for
mines ami children, nolo domestic and
foreign, nt Clark & Son's.
Teeth extracted by the uso of gas at Dr.
I. L. Babb's.
Now open, a full lino of slnirlo nnd
double shawls awny down, nt Clark &
If you are In want of any queenswnre or
glassware, go 10 r. . Kinpori'S.
Canton and wool flannels, blankets,
sheetings, Ax., now open nt dark & Son's.
"HTA pint of tho finest Ink for families or
schools can bo mado from n tun-cent pack
age of Diamond Dye. Try them.
Physlclnns stnto that the Port Wlno that
took the premium ut the Centennial, pro
duced and oifercd for salo by Mr. Alfred
Spcer. of New Jersey, Is n wine that can
be! safely used for medicinal purposes,
being pure nnd free from medication,
nnd Is more reliable than other Port Wines.
It Is especially recommended f r wenkly
females and tho nged. The deep color is
duo to the Iron from tha brown stone shnlo
rock on which the grnpes grow, which Is
rich In Iron. For sale by C. A. Klelm.
For I havo used It extensively. I regard
Parker's Ginger Tonic u most excellent rem
edy for kidney, lung aud stomach disor
ders. It invigorates without intoxlcatine.
J. Frnncls, Beliglo Philos, Journal, Chica
go. Oil, WHAT A COCOH 1
Will you heed the warning. The signal
pcihans of thu sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your
selves If you can afford for the sake of
saving CO cts., to run the risk aud do noth
ing ror It. We know irom experience that
Slilloh's Cure will cure your Cough. It
never falls. This explains why more than
a Million bottles were sold the past year.
It relieves Croup, and Whooping ('ough, nt
orce. Mothers do not bo without it. For
lamu back, side, or chest, uso Slilloh's
Porus Plaster. Sold by J. H. Klnports.
may ly-eow.
Mrs- Sclgfrlcd, Marlon, O., says Thomas'
Eclectrlc Oil was triumphant in her case ;
she used it for a severe cold and pain in
side und was relieved in n few minutes.
Is It not worth tho small price of 75 cents
to frco ; irsclf of every symptom of these
distress' complaints, If you think so call
at our storo and get a bottle of Slilloh's
Vitalizcr, every bottle has a printed guar
antee on it, use accordingly and if it docs
you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold
by J. H. Klnports.
may 12-cow.
Is to be found in Burdock Blood Bitters.
As an antidote for sick headache, female
weakness, biliousness, Indigestion, consti
pation, nnd other diseases of a kindred na
ture, these bitters nru invaluable. Price
Persons whoso blood has been corrupted,
and the circulation deranged by foul sec
tions thu result of the disordered chemis
rctry of the body-need for their purification
something like 'an Inward baptism at the
hands of Mrs. Lydia Pinkham, whose lab
oratory is at No, 23a Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mass. Her Vegetablo Compound is
fairly Inundating tho country as with a
river of llfo.
Want a lot of teams right along to haul
out lumber from about four miles nbovo
Bohrsburg wheru Clint Lewis is sawing,
near Mathuw McIIenry's or John Bantz's
to Bloomsburg nnd Berwick, $5,00 per
per thousand to Bloom, and 40,50 per
thousand to Berwick, through July, August,
und September. I ivc all kinds of storo
goods, flour, meat, clover nnd timothy seed,
con', lime, harness, fly-nets &c, nt Silns
Young's Light Street. Pa. July 2S-8w
I limped nbout foryears with a cane, and
could not bend down without excruciating
pain. Parker's Ginger Tonic effected an
astonishing euro nnd Keeps mo well. It is
infallible. M. Gullfoyle, BInghainton, N.
Wc have a speedy and posltlvo euro for
catarrh, dlptherln, canker mouth nnd
headache in Slilloh's Catarrh Bcmcdy. A
nasal injector free with each bottle. Uso
It If you dcslru health nnd sweet breath.
Prico CO cents. Sold by J. H. Klnports.
may 12-eow.
Arc you troubled with such symptoms of
dyspepsia as belching, tasting of tho food,
heart-burn, etc. ? Brown's Iron Bitters will
euro you,
Seo 11 wo.nan in another column, near
Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which Spce -'s Port Grape Wlno Is made,
that Is so highly esteemed by tho medical
profession, for tho usu of Invalids, weakly
persons and the nged.
Sold by Druggists. sept 22-ly
Ely's Cream Balm reduces Inflammation.
Sores in thu nasal passages nru healed In a
fuw days. Catarrhal headache is dissipated.
senses 01 smell, lasie una Hearing uru re.
btored. Prico GO cents.
Apply Into nostrils with little Anger.
Messrs. Johnson, Hollowny& Co., whole
sale druggists of Philadelphia, Pa., report
that some time ago a gentleman handed
them 11 dollar, with a great request to scud
11 good catarrh curu to two army olllcera In
Arizonn. Becently tho snnn gentleman
told them that both thu olllccrs and thu
wllu of Gun, John C. Fremont Gov. of Ari
zona, h I been cured of catarrh by tho two
bottles Ely's Cream Balm.
"Necessity Is tho mother of Invention."
Diseases of the liver, kidneys and bowels
brought forth that sovereign remedy Kidney-Wort,
which Is nature's normal cura
tive for all those diru complaints. In cither
liquid or dry form It Is u perfect remedy
for those terrible discuses that causo so
many deaths.
"ilOCait ON ItATS."
Clears out ruts, mice, roaches, files, nnts,
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
15c. Druggists.
Addison's Liver Benewer, or medicine
prepared lot uisenses 01 tnu Hverj dyspep
sin, sick und nervous headache, constlpa.
Hon of the bowels, colic, soi-r stomach,
heartburn, fever und ngue, dropsy, jaun.
dice, Ac,, prepared from roots una herln
strictly vejretnb'e. Prepared only by J. H.
Klnports, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Aug. 4th 3m.
Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kid.
noy, Bladder nnd Urinary Discuses. $1.
MlNBi'itKN teuciu'is uml loctuiura, spocuitiis
i iu uiui ui',uiuiuum. luorougu una njbiu
IlllltlO CUltliro 111 Voire. Kiiuiii'liill.iii nml il...
lu ihelr appllcatloj to I'onvcmtloo, llecltatlon
and oratory. Chartered 1S76. llrauts diplomas
I'all Term opeiiH octoiicr 1. Bend for
I nrn Imriiit 11 ml riiiuniuiiuu .
1, II. IIicciitkl Secretary,
14l and 14li Chestnut. Htieet, HillaUelphta,
bopt, w, K-w,
For dlarrhirn and dysentery get Dr.
Gnle'11 cholera snrdflc. It la tlin licat nr.
tide. It never falls to euro. It always
proves satisfactory only 'm cents.
Now Is tho ttmu to elenr your feet of
corns, bunions nnd callouses, Dr. Gales'
corn cure Is warranted. Monoy refunded
11 not suusinciory. vu cents pur pncKngc,
uur slock or cloth, nnir. nail, shaving
and tooth brushes contains bargains which
customers win not inn to appreciate.
Don't forget III Hcndcrsbott's Germnu
Liniment is n whole mcdlclnc-chcst In
Itself. It relieves pnln almost Instantly.
It is nn Internal nnd external remedy
which can bo taken or applied for almost
any uiscasu 01 man or ucast. Largo
bottlcA 50 cents.
For a certain nnd pcrmnncnt cure for
ague, chills and fever, dumb ngue mni.
nrlal fever, Ac, get Hendcrshott's Ague
Tonic. It Is a specific for ull thosu ills,
trcsslng discuses arising from exposure to
stagnant water, bogs and all marsh-mlas.
mntlo Influences. Pint bottles $1.00.
Pumlly medicine chests something en
tllely new. In two sizes ! No. 1. 13 bottles.
No. 2, 24 bottles. Thoy aro Just whnt
every farmer should have call and sco
Wo keen well stocked with tho best.
strictly pure, spices of all kinds also
flavoring extracts. Borax In Dnckaircs.
nnd the best of Laundry soaps.
N. J. Hendershott.
Wheatpor bushel.
1 to
10 00
Corn, " .,
oats " " .,
Flour per barrel ..
Tallow ,
Dried Apples
Sldca & Shouldors ..
Turkeys ,
u&ra per pouna
liar per ton
KLOlltt Thrt mftrlfpt. wn.qrtii1lhuf.Rlnflriv- miner.
dne H 76 i J 00; oitr$125QS 15: Pennsylvania
tamllrts -pixbII.
UYK PI.OUlt-$t75 a 4 00.
hkai Tiiomamotwas steady, out inactive,
No. 2 western red M.07 3-1 fa. nt i ntt- npiawnrn
and Penrsyivanturedtl 01 a"l us; longberry and
amnerfl. lie 1.14.
cults Market was dull and lower for local ubo:
sail yellow soo j do mlied "9c; No. S do 76c.
OATS Market was quiet nnd ttcady: No. 1
whit 6O0 : No. 3 do 4i Q 430 : No. 2 mixed SSc
PROVISIONS Steady with fair demand.
I.AKD Market was steady : city kettle 183
18VC: looso butchers' 12tc nrlmn ntnnm til 37m
HUTTKIt The market was quiet and fancy
grades wanted creamery oxtra 8U 9 atcjdo good to
choice 26 28c; Bradford county and New York
extra 26 a2S.
KQOS scarce and wonted: Pennsylvania Sow
!S7c; woBUirn 252cc.
Tho understsrned auditor anoolnted bv the Or-
fihans' Court of Columbia distribute tho
und la tho hands ot John Lazarus adminis
trate rot said cstato. to and among-the turtles
entitled thereto will perform thu duties ot
ms nppoiaiiiioni. at onico or rreezo.Kyeriy wnito
In Illoomsburir on Tuesday. October Mat. 1832.
at ten o'clock a. m., when and where all persons
having claims; upon said fund aro requested to
present them or be forever debarred from com-
Sspt22ta. Auditor,
Immense New Stock
A Gtsum! Iiine
Gents'" Furnishing
Fall Novelties
3333 ao3sr-vi3sraET3.
Which promises to exceed in numbers of people and attractions on
exhibition anything ever held in our county. If so, while here wo
wish to call your attention to our large and comp'ele stock of
Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. When
not on the grounds give us a call whether you wish to buy
or not, and see the many interesting and useful articles wc keep in
Some of vou mav know wo aro
but others may not. We never bought anything but the best and
latest improved stoves, and our present stock which is not large
we are closing out at very low figures,and the early callers will se
cure the bargains.
house mmmi imb
In addition to our stock of
builders, farmers, blacksmiths, and our variety of tols for rae
chnnics.we have.owine: to a growing demand of house wives made a
specialty of collecting useful articles for household use. Plain,
f orcelain and tin lined Hollow
Iron Ware, Wooden Ware, Baskets, Retined Stamped Tinware
and the largest line of Table Cutlery, and spoons in the county.
To call, seo and price eur goods,
to buy.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Whero wc lmvo no ngent.
8Orilors anil inuh'ii'H by Mail or
Toleiiliono rcccivo imiomi't attention,
MonlonrWbite Lead Zinc &ColorWorks
HENRY S.REAY, Proprietor.
May !0 .Cm
A Good Article.
For the past four years the
w.oll known houso of Baugh &
Sons, 20 S. Delaware Avenue,
Plnla'il. havo been offerinc to
our farmers their superior phos
phate lor wheat, tobacco, corn
and other crops. This was tho
first firm to learn that fanners
could not afford to pay from $40
to (j0 per ton for a fertilizer and
they set to work to manufacture
an article for less monoy, but
to contain all tho virtues of tho
high priced article.
Thoy nro now manufacturing
and selling a phosphato for $25
per ton on cars or boat in Phila.,
which I1113 been tried and found
just what tho farmers need.
Largo numbers of farmers havo
used it and recommend it to
their neighbors, For circular
Bhowing guaranteed analysis ad
dress 13AUGII & SONS,
20 S. DlililttVAHE AVH.,
wpt. 6, i-m.
point? out of thu sfnvn hnsinrss.
Hardware, Paints, Oils, &c, for
Ware, Ualvanized and Marbleized
places you under no obligations
In tho town of lpj", lately repaired, In good run
ning order, with a cood trade. Central location.
im-ap anu on easy lerins.
of sj acrea, wltli pood largo buildings, sjf acres of
woodland, 2 wells. In a good utato ot cultivation,
on a public road. 2 miles from Orangevlllo.
bo rders on Flslilngcreek. Also one ot 92 acres
Xrolla from Ltglitstreet. With plenty of fruit,
water, buildings, timber, &c.
Also one ot 8J acres on Jercyfjwn bill, along
public road from llloomsburg to Jeineytown, In
good stato ot cultivation, buildings, water, fruit,
plenty of timber.
of 14jf acres ljf miles from llloomsburg, build
ings, fruit, plenty of water, splendid loeatlon.llno
land for trucking. Clieap,
A Grist Mill
on T.tttlo Flshlngcreok 3 miles from llloom3burg
Turblno wheel, full water poer, dwelling houso
Including so acres ot laud, with a pa Ing trada
Terms to suit purchaser.
A largo brlcs residence on Socond street, cor
ner lot, all conveniences. Also ono on East St.,
wlin stable, fruit, well and houso In present
Also a largo f rnmo dwelling house on East St.,
on a double corner lot, with plenty of fruit,
out-kltchen, stable and all conveniences, well
suited tor retired life.
A framo dwelling homo on corner of Fourth nnd
West streets, for s,ilo cheap, lino on Ith street,
corner lot. Terms, part, down nnd balance In
monthly Installments. Ono on Urd street, prico
low ana terms easy.
A dwelling houio on Ccntro street, nno fruit,
well, ntaUle, grounds and building In best of or
der. Terms to suit purchaser.
Apply at tho law ofllco u Wm. chrUman In
Moyer's llulldlng, Uloomsburg, Pa.
August 4, tf,
Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or
phans' Court of Columbia county to distri
bute funds lu hands of Ueo. A. Doty, admlnl9tra
tor, d. b. n , win attend to the duties ot his
appointment at Ills olllco lu llloomsburg, on
H.uurday, Nov, 4th at 10 a. 111., whero parties
having claims on call fund nro requested to
present them or bo forever debarred from comtng
lu on said fund.
SeptSMa Auditor
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or-
Ehau's Court of Columbia county to mako rilttrl
utlonot the balanco In hands of theadmlnlttra
tor of said cstato to and amongst tho parties en
i Itled thereto will sit in tho omce of Freeze, liyer
ly & Whlto In Ulooinsburg on Saturday tho isth
nay ot October l&si. at in o'clock a. m. of said day,
wbeu and whero all parlies Interested In said cs
tato must attend or be forever debarred from any
sharo ot Bald fund.
Pept 88 ta Auditor.
mill, I'hlKAS&P.
Letters of administration on the estnte (if .Inlin
Lewis lato cf sugarloat to v. oshlp Columbia county
l'cnn'a., deceased, havo been granted by thu
lteglster of said county to John Asbolman. ad
ministrator. All iersons having claims against
iuu usiaiuui me uet'eueiu art) reiiuesiea 10 pre
sent them for settlement nnd thoso Indebted to
the cstato to make payment to tho undersigned
administrator without delay.
Attorney, cam bra,
B6D"8-aw. Administrator.
The undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or
phans' Court of Columbia county l'ecnsylvunla to
distribute balanco lu hands of uilinr. of said
decedent as per account confirmed absolute Kept.
8 1SS4 will sit for tho discharge of the duties ot
his appointment at Ills ofllco In llloomsburg, la
said county on Friday October villi iss-i at ten
o'clock In the forenoon, at which time nnd placo
all parties Interested In Baldestuto aro required
to uttend or bo forever debarred from any ill aro
of said fund,
Septss-Sw Auditor.
1.50 A YEAR.