The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 29, 1882, Image 3

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The Columbian.
FRIDAY, SliPTKMBEU 29, 1882.
Correct Knllrnnil Time Tnble.
Trains on tho l'liltadclphtn R It. It. loavo ltupcrl
m follows :
it 4in. ra.
6 s p. tn.
. ft W. H. II. Icito Moomaburg
e Ida. m.
Trlns on tho D. I,
ns follows i
hoktii, sootn.
t us a. m. 8 2J a. m.
30 wa. m. II 49 a. in.
SI p. tn. 4 21 p. m.
Tho It 4S train Bouth connects with tho I'lilla.
del phi a ft Reading at ltupert, and with the
Northern Central at Northumberland.
Tho 8:s a. m. train connects at Northumberland
with 9:93 train on Pennsylvania road reaching
Philadelphia at 8:tn p. tn
Tho Ui4 train connect with Philadelphia and
Heading roM at import at 11:00 reaching I'lilla
dolphla at:00p. m.
tie 11:45 train connects with Pennsylvania
roal at Northumberland at 1:4! reaching l'hlladel
phla at 7:3 p. m. ....... .
Tho 4:T p m. train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumberland at 8:03 p. m. ana roachoH
Philadelphia at tM a. m.
Col. 8. Knorr has licen In Hrlilgcport,
Connecticut, lately.
J. C. Ruttcr, Jr., ot tills olllco will take
a trip for tho benefit of his health.
Mr. awl Mrs. George Slovens of Townn
da, aro visiting friends In Catawlssa.
Ij. B. Wlntcrstecn, Esq., awl several
others of our townfolk, attended tho organ
concert at Danvlllo on Tuesday evening.
Mr. Fred Eycr and fnmlly of Danville,
expect to move back to Bloomsburg next
week. Their mnny friends will welcomo
them back. Mr. Eycr hns been connected
with tho Asylum for several years.
Miss Iksslo Pardee, daughter of Hnzlc
ton's mllllonalro coal operator, 1ms been
wedded to Mr. A. 8. VanWIcklc, Btipcrln.
tendent of the New York and Ohio Coal
Company, of Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. Frank Cooley and Miss Kuto F.
Drodrlck were married last week, Tlitirs
dny nt ono o'clock In tho afternoon, at tho
rcsldcnco of tho bride's father, Hon. Thorn
nsBrodrlck, Mayor of Wilkes-Ilarrc. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. H. L.
Jones, Rector of St. Stephen's Church, only
tho relatives and closest friends of thobrldo
nnd groom being present. Tho affair was
thcrcforoa quiet, unostentatious one. But
many there aro to congratulnto both of
these young people, and the wishes for
their happiness and prosperity will be of
tho slnccrest sort. Mr. Cooley Is a journal-
1st of long experience, now engaged upon
thi! Surulau Nacn-Dealcr, of Wilkcs-Barre.
iScrcmloa lltpublican.
Mr. Coolev Is well known In this county,
1,-vlni. lmn nn tin' editorial stall of tho
ColtjuuiaN for sovcral years. Wo tender
our warmest congratulations, and wish Mr.
nnd Mrs. Cooley a long life of bliss.
" 00 empty bnrrcls and half barrels for sale
at the Exchange hotel.
J. L. Glrton has lately put out n, m
sign In front of his St. Elmo restaurant.
Autograph albums at tho Coulmdian
store. New styles.
Jacoby will open his "Oyster Buy" on
Friday tho 20th.
Geo- l.nycock of Rupert, caught a sun.
flsh In the creek on Monday, that weighed
pno half pound. It was nine Inches long.
Holmes & Schuyler have it now advertise
ment In this Issue, to which tho attention
bf our renders Is called.
Mrs. Jerry Gross hns given birth to n
eon. Her husband went to Philadelphia
last week to seo them.
Neat stoves havo been purchased by tho
commissioners for tho several olllccs In the
court house. Tho old ones were too large,
nnd not nt all ornamental.
Geo. 8. Lcnhart of tho Berwick Oatette
hns secured a position with tho Easton
Daily Argus.
Tho monthv Gosncl Tomneranco meet
ing will be held In tho Lutheran church on
Tuesday evening October 8rd commencing
at half past seven o'clock.
Tho first Buckwheat flour of tho season
was offered on Monday. Tho prlco nsked
was $4,00 n hundred- As the crop promi
ses to bo good, there will not bo much sale
for It at that price.
Tho Commissioners havo placed a heavy
foundation under tho safo In their office,
nnd have opened flues In tho wall to ventil
ate tho cellar, both of which were needed.
The foul air In the cellar makes the olllccs
damp nnd unhealthy.
nor ims censed nt 1110 licrwlcK car
shops for tho present, nil their contracts
having been completed. They will hot bj
Idlu long, ns they will no doubt bo able to
secure other contracts soon. It throws
sovcrnl hundred men out of employment.
Do not forget that Saturday October 7th,
Is the last day of paying taxes. If not done
,liy that time, your vote 13 lost. See that
'your own Is paid, nnd thennsk your neigh
bor If ho has paid his. Not a single Demo
cratlc vote must be lost, this fall.
Tho fair wjll open on Wednesday, Octo
ber 11th, nnd continue four days. It proml.
,scs to bo a lino exhibition, and every one
should do all they can to 'help it along. If
iyou have anything that Is wprtli seeing,
enter it at thu fair and give the public tho
benefit of it.
Tho whole amount required, fifty thous
and dollnrs, has been subscribed for tho
new bridge works, hero In town. All that
Is nccessnry now Is for tho other parties to
show their ability to carry out their part of
tho contract which ts to raise $160,000,
nnd tho now works will bo an accom
plished fact.
Tho organ recital at tho Mahoning
Presbyterian church, Danvlllo, on Tues
day evening, was a rnro treat to musicians.
Tho organ Is a now ono presented to tho
church by Mr. Thomas Beaver, at n cost
of $3,G00, and Is a noble Instrument. Mr,
D. D. Wood, tho blind organist of St,
Stephen's church, Philadelphia, was tho
performer, and ho dlsplycd his wonderful
gifts to tho best ndvantngo. Tho pro
grnmmo consisted of selections from Men
delssohn, Beethoven, Hnndcl, Bach,
Rossini nnd other masters, and though
rather heavy for n miscellaneous audience
was greatly enjoyed by thoso who could
comprehend It.
Slvcn Awiiy.
A vnlunble stylographlc pen Is given
nwny with every (mart bottle of Caw's ink
sold nt tho CotUMntAK store. Tho ink is
tho best quality, nnd sells at Jjl.00 n quart.
Cnll soon and secure a bargain.
HiKltlcti Dentil.
Sheriff Dccgan, Sullivan county's candi
date for State Senator, who was taken sick
nt tho conference at Danvlllo, died sudden.
ly at iiugiiesvllle, Lycoming county, on
tho 24th while on his way home. He was
sixty three years of nge, nnd for n number
of years has been prominent in tho politics
of Sullivan county. He was a genial gentle
man, nnd a good citizen, nnd hU untimely
death will bo mourned by a largo circle of
friends through the State.
Mlllcrn' Htnto Convention.
The fifth annunl convention of the Penn
sylvania state millers' association will bo
held In llarrlsburg, nt tho Lochicl hotel, nt
10 o'clock a. m.,on Tuesday October 10th.
Sir. J. M. Hall, Piano Tuner from the
old nnd reliable house of D. S. Andrtis &
Co. of Wllllamsport Pa., will bo In town
,Oct. G, and will attend to all orders left I Millers and others interested .In thu milling No history Is better worthy of n place in
Among tho candidates for favor with the
music loving world Is thu Ims k Pond
These Instruments rcprtscnt a llfe-llmc
of study nnd practical experience. Mr.
Wm. II. Ivors, who has brought IhW piano
to Its acknowledged high slnlc of pet fee.
lion, Is without doubt one of tin most
skillful nnd scientific plnno mnkci In thu
In 1847, ho as a young man, enteted the
factory of the celebrated houso of Chick
crlng & Sons, nnd for twenty-fivo years
held Important positions In thovnilnus
departments of that very successful house,
thereby gaining n comprehensive and ex
tended knowledge of piano making.
In 1870 he began business for lilnnclf,
nnd tho merits of his Instruments were at
onco recognized. Wherever these Pianos
hnvo been introduced, they havo made
rlcmls and found admirers, and have uni
versally maintained their icpututhm for
great durability, lino finish, tone, mid other
desirable qualities.
No better evidence of their tnetlt could
be given than that they have been selected
for U80 in the New England Conservatory
of Music at Boston, where they are made.
That the management should purchase
fifty Pianos of this make Is conclusive ev.
denco of their confidence in the Instrument.
Had they entertained the least particle of
doubt as to the durability nr perfection of
tho Ivkus & Ponii Pianos, they would havo
acted more cautiously and purchaslid a few
of theso Instruments for trial. But this was
not tho ca9cj they weru entirely satisfied
that the Ivbiw & Posti Piano were as
nearly perfect as could be made, and hav
ing arrived nt that conclusion, adopted
them for use at their conservatory.
J. Saltzcr of this town ,U agent for these
pianos, nnd has them on exhibition at his
ware rooms. From personal examination
tho writer is satisfied they ate just what
they are represented to be.
IittcrcHtliisr HtHtory.
Tho very beautiful and wonderfully
cheap cdltltlon of "Grccno's Large IIIs
tory of tho English People," which is pub
lished by tho Useful Knowlcdgo Publishing
Co., Now York, is most deservedly finding
a place in thousands of home libraries,
It'ir tfttaa i1-l1ia imanintivna tit Its a rtm nm I
omer utess goods no to J.utz cc Sloan's.
C. C. Marr pays 00 cents for Butter.
:1s for Eggs mill lllets for Lnrd.
s unod rlttar ns can be found In town
nro kept nt W. B. Allen's East end gro.
eery. nprll 7-tf
Ladles rendv mado coats and dolmans
all now, 110 old ones, nt Clark & Son's.
C. C. Mnrr wants Butter. Ettas.
Chickens, Dtlcd Fruit nnd Oats-
iwith Mrs. M. E. Nuss. On
date. All work warranted-
Tho largest stock of boxed writing
'pnpers in town, nt the Columbian store.
Tho Sullivan county Democratic conven
tion made the following nominations: Sena
tor, James Bccgan, of Laportej Representa
tive. B. S. Collins, of Dushorc; District At
torney, A. Logan Grim, of Laportej Jury
.Commissioner, John Mullen, of Elklnnd.
The mission hold at Centrnlla last week
attracted nn Immense number of people
nightly. As tho crowd was gathering one
evening an alnrm of fire was sounded nnd
eight hundred pcoplo rushed pell mcll to-
nrds PcifTcr's Hotel. The alarm proved
to be false and was raised by some parties
ho saw largo volumes of black smoke
issuing from the rear end of tho house. It
was, caused by tho lighting of a wood firo
n the kitchen
er beforo that I trado are cordially invited. Excursion
rates will he mado by thu respeetlvo rail
road companies, and orders for tickets at
excursion rates cad be had by nddresslng
B. F Isenbeig, Secretary, Huildlngdou,
Wasted. Three girls to do general
house work. Inquire nt this olllce.
There aro fifty-two
Luzerne county Jail.
prisoners now in tho
Spectacles and eye glasses, to suit nil
ngca, at L. Bombard's Jewelry store.
The season for shooting deer will com
mence on October 1st and end January
It is a long tlmo since we havo publicly
called the attention of subscribers to their
accounts, nnd wc ask indulgence only for
few words now. On the 1st of October
there nre a number who will owe us for
one year or more, and wo earnestly re
quest all who aro in arrears to scttlo up.
Statements will be sent out during Octo.
bcr, in the papers, and wo liopo that all
who receive them will promptly glvo them
their attention.
Regular meeting of Winona Fire Com
pany next Monday evening at 8 o'clock
The capital stock of the Central Pcnn
uylvanin Telephone Company has been in
creased from $100,000 to $200,000.
(. W. Stcmer's ofUco is ono of tho neat
est In the Court House, slnco it was newly
papered nnd painted.
Thu Danvlllo papers speak very highly
of the music mndo by our band while In
thnt borough rccontly. Theru nro few
better ones.
Jacob Weaver, Wm. Gelse, JohnFortncr,
David Hollingshead, and Agustus Rollings.
head of Catawissa, and Peter Blllineycr of
Bloomsburg, were arrested on Tuesday by
B.i F. Dallmau, llsh commissioner, for vlo.
lating the fish laws. They wcro arraigned
before Justico Maize, who, after hearing
the evidence, discharged them all except
David Hollingshead, who was fined twenty
live dollars, or allowed tho privilege, of ap.
peariug at next term of court by entering
bail. He gave bail for one hundred dollars
and will have a hearing before Judge El-
well nt December court.
William Mastellar of Madison township,
has purchased the homestead farm of the
lato T. J. Vaudcrsllce in Hemlock, for
Tho report that thero will be a camp fire
on Saturday evening of fair week Is untrue.
The Grand Army wish it understood that
there will not be a camp firo at that time.
Tho convention of the Dio cese of Central
Pennsylvania will meet nt Reading on the
10th of October to elect uu assistant bish
op. The members of Ent Post G. A. R. will
havo chargo of tho Dining hall on tho fair
grounds during tho fair, and respectfully
ask the patronage of the public.
There is no more artistic paper hanger
ond painter hereabouts than W. F. Bodlue.
He does his work rapidly and skillfully.
Many of the finest residences iu town show
the result of his handiwork.
There were four Infants baptized at tho
Episcopal church last Tuesday afternoon,
ono ot them belnc tho daughter of thu
Rector. Rev. Mr. Swcntzel of Honesdale,
.assisted in the ceremony.
Mr. James Barton's new store room and
dwelling on Main street, below Market,
aro rauldlv approaching completion. Ell
Joucs lias tho work In charge.
F. E. Brockway, candidate for prothon
otary In Luzerno county, had tho highest
vote in tho convention on tho first ballot,
but on tho second was defeated. Ho
would have mado n good ofllccr.
Unless it is tho Intention to haul away
tho heaps of dirt along tho gutters, It seems
useless to pay men to clean tho gutters out
The heaps nro left until the first rain comes,
when the dirt Is all washed back into tho
cutter. This does not look like good
management on tho part of the street com.
JiiBt received a new 101 of Elgin, Walt.
hum, Springfield and other make of watches
lu open and hunting cases, warranted from
two to llvo years.
Also sliver plated teaspoons one dollar a
set, tablu spoons two dollars a set, at I,
Bernhardt Jewelry Store. 0 l)-tf
Mr. Lewis Gross, Proprietor of tho New
York Clothing Store, left hero on Monday
for Now York and Philadelphia to select
his fall ami winter goods. Look out for a
flno lino of Mens', Youths' and Boyi
nobby suits 1 also a fine lino ot hats and
caps, and n stylish lino of furnishing
Tho editorial management of tho Journal
will chnngo next week when Dr. J. Schuy.
ler will tako charge. G. A. Potter if 111
contlnuo as publisher, and tho establish
went will be known as tho Journal Com
pany, Tho form of tho paper will bo cluing
c'd and enlarged to a seven column folio.
It will continue to udvocuto Prohibition
nnd Temperance reform, ami glvo more
space, to general uuws. Wo wish tho nw
firm success,
There was considerable excitement on
the street on Monday night, caused by an
attack made by Frank Brewer, on another
colored man from Wilkesbarrc. As the
latter was passing Klnports' drug store
Brewer hurled a largo stone at him, but
missed the mark and the stone went
through one of thu heavy plate glass show
windows. Brewer then drew a revolver
and llrcd at his retreating foe, but missed
igaln, when he ran down an alley and es
caped. The dilllculty is said to havo grown
out of an alleged Intimacy ot tho Wilkes.
larre party with Brewer's wife. When
rank is captured ho will probably learn
that he took the wrong method of redress.
tig his Injuries.
Mr. Frank N. Turner, of Rcndevillc,
Ohio, and Miss Ada II. Eshlctnnn, were
married on Wednesday morning, Septem
ber 27, nt tho homo of thu bride's mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Eshleman, on East street.
Mr. Frank Watson of Philadelphia, was
groomsman, and Miss May Whitney of
Pottsville, bridesmaid. Misses Annie and
Vlda Miller and two sisters of tho bride,
Edith and Lulu Eshleman, were llowcr
girls. Tho ceremony was at ten clock,
and shortly after thu brldo nnd groom took
thu train on thu Rending road for Potts-
villo where they remained but a day and
then left for their homo lit Rendvlllc, Ohio.
largu number of presents were
Voter Heretic In TroutJlc AkoIii.
Mr. Peter Herdl j has been arrested nt
the suit of David Rcld and his wife, and
taken before Judge Cummin, where lie
gnyo bond in the sum of 1,500 for his ap-
pearance this week, to answer thu allega
tion of plaintiffs nnd abide further order of
court. It is charged that Mr. Hcrdlc got
possession of a noto for $1,000 made by
Gcorgn Luppcrt In favor of Mrs. Reld, and
that Mr. Hcrdlc got the noto cashed and
appropriated thu money to his own use.
Ripe ToinntocH In tlic Winter.
It may not be generally known by farm.
crs, truck patch owners, gardeners and
others, but It is nevertheless n fact, that
where there are vines still full of unripened
tomatoes remaining in the garden In the
fall of the year when tho frost comes, thnt
If the vines aro carefully pulled up by the
roots and placed In the cellar or In tho gar
ret the green fruit on them will continue to
ripen until it has all matured, and thus In-
stead of a great many tomatoes remaining
in the garden and going to waste, for thuy
will not ripen in the natural manner after
the season for frost has come, you may
continue to have ripe tomatoes until late in
tho winter season. Tho vines should be
raised before the fruit is frost bitten. Tho
drver the place the more favorable to tho
ripening process.
A Hint To Tenclters.
Thero aro innumerable cases In which the
failure to learn is not the fault of the child
but of the teacher who does not know how
to Impart Information. There are many teach
crs who spend most of their educational ef.
fortd on making tho children sit up straight
refrain from talklug and In other respects
conduct themselves with docorum. To en
ter a school kept by such a teacher tho impres-
slon conveyed to the mind of a reasonable,
beholder Is that tho children arc posing
with a vlow of having their photographs
taken. When such a teacher carries such
children through a recitation, it is as when
a parrot is under training. The parrot fol
lows with rigid exactness what it is told to
say. So do the children. They receive
merit marks for parrot.likc recitations. Iu
spltu of this process, they sometimes man-,
ago to pick up 11 little knowledge. Phita.
even tno smallest library, and, tiiougu
formerly published by the Harper's at 810,
It is now easily within the reach of any
one, the prices varying In tho several
forms, from $1.00 in ono volume, octavo,
cloth binding, to S2.60 in C vols. Elzevir
edition, half Russia binding. It nlso
forms a part of thu Cyclopedia of History
which Is publishing by the same house
For salo In this town at tho Comjmman
, For dlarrhrca nnd dysentery get Dr.
(lalo'fl cholera specific. It Is the best nr
tlclo. It never fnlls to cure. It nlwnys
proves satisfactory only 25 cents.
Sen Lulz & Sloan's
wear for ladles gents and children.
display of tinder-
Llllcy & Blcnny havo received fifteen
eases of boots which will bo sold nt very
nw prices.
Now Is the time to clear your feet of
corns, bunions nnd callouses, ur. uaies'
corn euro Is warranted. Money refunded
If not satisfactory. 20 cents per package.
Butlerlck'i October Fashion Books and
Patterns at C. U. Mnrr's.
Our stock of cloth, hair, nail, shaving
and tooth brushes contains bargains which
customers will not fall to appreciate.
Black and colored cashmeres, nnd lots of
oilier dresi goods nt Clark & Son's.
Lutz it Slo.111
ladles' coats nnd
havo their now stock of
Dolmns In tor fall nnd
Men and bovs'
Very cheap.
Boots nt O. O. Mnrr's.
Hcnntorlnl Conference.
Tho Democratic conference for the 24th
senatorial district, met at Danville on
September 21st nt 2 o'clock p. m., nnd or
catilzcd by olectlug Hon. Thomas Butler
president, and M. J. Phillips, of Sullivan,
and R. D. Darllng-on, of Columbia, secrc
tarles. W W. Hart, of Lycoming, E. J,
Mcllenry, of Columbia, W. II. Bortz, of
Montour, and James Dcegan, of Sullivan,
were placed In nomination, and after taking
twenty-ninu ballots the conference adjourn
ed, without making n nomination, until
Friday morning at 0 o'clock, when eighty
seven ballots wcro taken without a nomin
ation, and tho conferenco adjourned to
meet at Wllllamsport on Thursday October
5th, There nro two conferees from each
county, making a total of eight, so that it
requires five to nominate.
It is probable that the conference would
havo continued in session at Danville, had
not Sheriff Deegan, of Sullivan county,
been taken sick, nnd he was anxious to re
turn home.
Oil, WHAT A COUaill
Will you heed thu warning. The signal
perliaits of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your
selves If vou can afford for tho boko of
saving fit) cts., to run the risk and do 110th-1...-
i t. ...... t ....Atn .1....
uiK im 11. ,,1; ivimn 111,111 uajivi iuiiuu limb
Slulnh's Cure will cure your Cough. It
never falls. This explains why more than
a .Million bottles were sold tho past year.
It relieve Croup, ami Whooping Cough, nt
once. Mothers do not be without It. For
hime hack, side, or chest, use Shlloh's
I'orus riaster. Hold by J, 11. Klnports.
may 12-cow.
What every ono should have, and never
be without, Is Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. It Is
thorough and safo in Its effects, producing
me most; wondrous cures 01 rncuiuatism,
ncurnlcln, burns, bruises, and wounds of
every kind.
Durlnc elcht vears mvattacks of dysncn-
sia wcro so terrible that I often had to stop
business- rorkers Ulnger Tonic omit mo
up from almost n skeleton to the perfect
health I now enjoy. J. Jcrolomon, Law
yer, N. Y. City. ,
This Is beyond question the most success,
ful Cough Medicine wo have ever sold, a
few doses Invariably cure the worst cases
of Cough, Croup, nnd Bronchitis, while its
wonderful success in the cure of Consump
tion is without a parallel In tho history of
medicine. Since its first discovery it lias
been sold on n guarantee, a test which no
other medicine can stand. If you havo a
Cough wc earnestly ask you to try it. Price
10. cts. nnd SI. 00. If vour Limes nro sore.
Chest, or Back, Lame, use Shiioh's Porous
Plaster. Price 25 cts. Sold by .1. H. Kin
ports. may 5 cow
"HTEvcry color of the Diamond Dyes is
perfect. Seo thu samples of the colored
cloth at thu druggists. Uneq tailed for
The President nnd a Committeo from the
Farmer's Club, of tho American Institute,
have visited Specr's Vineyards and Wiuu
Cellars, and they report thnt tho PortGrnpo
Wlnu of Alfred Spcer, of Passaic, New
Jersey, is the most reliable wine to bo ob.
lained. It is row being used by Physicians
who nre the most choice in the selection of
wines for convalescent patients. The prln.
clpal hospitals In New York havo adopted
this wine. It is for salo by C. A. Klelm.
Don't forcct It I Hendcrshott'fl Germnn
Liniment Is n whole medlclne-chest In
Itself. It relieves pain nlmost Instantly.
It is nn Internal nnd oxternnl remedy
which can bo tnken or applied for almost
any disease of man or beast. Large
bottles CO cents.
For n certain nnd pcrmnnent euro for
ngue, chills nnd fovcr, dumb nguo mnl
nrlal fever, &c, get llcndcrshott's Ague
Tonic. It is a specific for all those tils
tresslng diseases arising from exposure to
stagnant water, bogs and nil marsh.mlns
matlc influences. Pint bottles $1.00.
Fnmlly medicine chests something en
tirely new, In two sizes; No. 1, IU bottles,
No. 2, 24 bottles. They nro just what
every farmer should hnvo call nnd bco
We keep well stocked with tho best,
strictly pure, spices of all kinds also
flavoring extracts. Borax In packages,
nnd the best of Laundry soaps.
N. J. Hendershott.
Wheat per btuhi'l
Hyo "
Corn, "
oats " "
Flour oer barrel
Cloversecd 5.50
muter M
Potatoes 40
Dried V.'plcs- .06
Which promises to exceed in numbers of pcoplo and attractions on
exhibition anything over held in our county. If so, while hero wc
wish to call your attention to our large and complete stock of
Hardware and House Furnishing Goods. When :
not on the grounds give us a call whether you wish to buy
or not, and see the many interesting and useful articles we keep in .
Some of you may know we are going out of tho stove business,
but others may not. We never bought anything but the best aud
latest improved stoves, and our present stock which is not large
we are closing out at very low figures.aud the early callers will se
cure the bargains.
ltam .
Sides .tSUoalders
Lard per pound ....
Hay per ton
In addition to our stock of Hardware, Paiuts, Oils, &c., tor
builders, farmers, blacksmiths, and our variety of tols for nic
chanics,wo have,owiug to a growing demand of houso wives made a
snecialtv of collecting useful articles for household use. Plain,
0"" Porcelain and tin lined Hollow Ware, Galvanized and Marblci.ed
nUVT?Mulrod,l0l( 1W: I0"berry Bna Iron Ware, Wooden Ware, Baskets, Retined Stamped Tinware
and the largest line ot lable Lutlery, and spoons in tnc county.
To call, seo and price our goods, places you under no obligations
to buy.
iiuhc null.
Black, blue, carmine, green nnd violet
Ink In any quantity, from a live cent bot
tle to (marts, nt the Columbian store. Tho
argest stock and lowest prlcus in town,
By the act of tho 24th March, 1817, nil
bets on elections in tills Statu an; declared
null and void. By the act of 2d July, 1830,
any person making n bet on an election or
ollerlng to mako such bet, forfeits three
times tho amount bet or offered to bo bet,
nnd nil public oillccrs and grand Juries are
required to commenco proceedings against
any person known to bo guilty. It is also
made the duty of election ofliccrs to reject
the voto ot any voter who has made a bet
on thu election or who is Interested In such
a bet, and It Is mado thu duty of thu Dlrec.
tors of tho Poor to suu for aud collect for
thu use of tho poor of the proper district or
county all moneys wagered on elections,
They enn recover It from jlther tho stnke.
holder or tho winner. Bco Purdon's
Digest, volume 1, pago 501,
Miss Bertha M. Hagcubttch of Orange.
vllle, was married on Thursday of last
week to Mr, Geo. A.Erlegof Wllllamsport,
Tho ireilMl 'Aibte sayst
Tho wcddlni! ceremony was performed
iu Oranguvlllu at 0 o'clock h the morning
uy ucv. i;iiucoat oi imii piace, ami it was
an occasion long to do napnliy remember.
cd by tlio friends and relatives wlio wcro
so fortunate as to bo present. Tho pres.
ents were numerous and costly. Mr, and
Mrs. Erieg nro now absent on their wed
dlmi tour, vlsltlnc New York. Phlladel
phla nnd other eastern cities i on their re
turn a picasani iiome, lurnisueu uy tnu
groom's father, and uenr their plaru of
business on Pino all eet, awaits thu happy
couple. Miss Hagcnbueh, thu bride, Is it
charming young lady, held in high esteem
by the pcoplo of her native piaco. Mr.
Kncir. till) urooin, Is thu truvellnir renru
bentallvu of his father, John O, Krleg, the
steam cracker baker, and his trade on thu
road proclaims the young man nn cucrgct
10 uusiucss jiami.
CSdH ICxploHloil nt I'lyllioutll.
Last Monday tho Dodson shaft at Plym
outh was tho scene of a disastrous explos
ion of gas by which two men, Thomas Cape,
lire boss, and John Race, miner, were In
Bluntly killed, nnd Henry Barnes, miner,
scrlouBly and perhaps fatally burned. It
seems that on Sunday night several breasts
in thu upper vein caved in. and next morn
ing about 4 o'clock three more gave way,
As a result of tills tho ventilation in that
part of the mlno was greatly Impeded nnd
thu gas collected iu considerable quantities
About 0 o'clock the lire boss entered the
ralno with a naked light nnd a fearful er.
plosion followed, resulting ns above stated.
Tho explosion caused a further cavo In,
and about lOo'clock a large strip of ground
In tho Immediate vicinity of tho breaker
nnd along the llnu ot the Delaware, Lacka.
wanna nnd Western railroad sank about
thrco feet, while for nearly one acre on
each side of tho track tho ground was
covered with cracks and crevices, reaching
nn ono sidu almost to tho main street of thu
town. Trains wero delayed considerably,
and It was not until 3 o'clock P. M. that
they wero suffered tn pass without unload
lug the passengers. Ono of tho operators
g;ivu It as his opinion that there was no
apprehension of further caving, as thw
sinking of the surface had not been gradual,
but tho wholu space had gone down at once,
Tho miners, howover, nro ot a different
opinion, holding that a cavo in was liable
to occur at any moment near tho foot of
thu shaft. Much excitement was occasion
ed in tho town concerning thu accident,
nnd hundreds of pcoplo rushed to the
sceno of tho disaster, while around tho
breaker tho men nnd boys employed there
in collected in groups and speculated on
tho prohnblo consequences. Tho accident
Is attributed to tho.curclessness of tho lire
On last Saturday afternoon a gnmo of
base ball was played on tho fair grounds
between a nine from Catawissa and ono
from this place, resulting In a score of 7 to
0 in favor of the visiting club. At thu
opening of the game our boys had tho
Held and were hindered by tho wet grass.
Boice, the pitcher, could not control tho
ball, and the baiting club received their
first bnsc on called balls nnd made their
runs on passes thu ball being thrown en
tirely out of tho reach of the catcher. Tho
gamo was well played. A return game is
expected on either Friday or Saturday of
next week.
The following is tho score, which, If
studied carefully will illustrate how well
the clubs wero matched,
Gorman, lb
ltrtiison, it
Maloy cf
1'islier, rr
Woodhouse, ss
Eisely, c
Jacoby, 2b
iiageiuiucu, .)u
Uoyce, p
Randall, ss
Owens, 2h
Gordon, lb
Manhart, !Jb
Oiger, If
Rishcl, c
Margarum, rf
liangnart, p
Horner, cf
l'LotlH The market was dull but steady; super-
family js (Ht 13.
ItYB K1.0tllt-$I75 (? 4 00.
coil n M irket wai dull nnd lower for local use;
sail j eilo h 80o ; an ml ted toe; No. 3 do Tec.
OATS Mark, t us quiet and ttoady; No. 1
white 600 ; No. 3 ilo 4J Qt, 43c : No. 4 raised sse.
l'llUVlsiONR Steady wltb filr demand.
I.All!-J! was steady : city kettlo 13tf&
I3c; looso butchers' n4c; prlmo steam f 12 87
HUTTEIt Tho market was nulct and fancy
grades wanted creamery extra su 9 31c;do Rood to
choice M 2Sc; Bradford county and New York
extra sa 21.
kqos scarce and wanted; Pennsylvania JOtf
The undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or
Dhans' court of Columbia distribute tho
fund In tho hands ot John Lazarus admlnts-
110 W NOW) what is it?
Tho great system renovator is Burdock
Blood Bitters. Try it and bo convinced.
Price 4)1.00.
a b r lb p o a
5 1 3 10 0
5 18 4 0
G 0 0 0 0
(5 0 0 0 0
5 0-1 0 5
nan oi
5 0 0 2 1
4 2 111
4 12 l :i
43 7 15 27 11
nb r lb po a
(i 1 1 1 11
0 12 2 0
5 0 0 1) 0
5 12 11
5 3 1 10
5 11 8 2
5 2 110
5 0 1 4 4
5 10 0 0
47 0 9 2710
2 3 4 5 (I 7 8 9
2 0 0 0 3 1 0 0-7
1 2 0 0 1 0 0 2-0
Woodhouse, Hanson
Bloomsburg, 1
Cntiiwlssu, 3
Two baso hits
and Owens.
Left on bases. llloomsburg 9
" " " Catawissa 4
Umpire Hugh Buckingham.
Time of game 2 hours, 2 minutes.
Scorers E. P. Curtis and John Gilbert.
"Wells' Health Renewer" restores health
and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence,
soxual Dublllty.
Flour and feed can nlways bo had at
Allen's East end grocery. nprll 7-tf
Black and colored silk plushes, velvets
and cionuing piusnes nt UlnrK cc boirs,
For Gimps, fringes, or any other kind of
trimmings go to i.uu & siouirs.
W. B. Allen has just opened a lot of nuw
goods, embracing line groceries, glass
ware, painted china, queeuswure, &e. All
of tho best, and ut thu lowest prices.
nprll 7-tf
If you want trimmings of any kind go to
uiarK a ton's, i.urgo assortment
Klnport's Compound Asiatic Balsam, or
uiarrntea cure, a remedy tnai nas never
failed In dlnrrhtca. It also gives Instant
relief in colic, cramp, or pain, in thustom
nch, Prepared nnd sold by J. 11. Klnports
livans' uiock, .uiuu ni., iiioomsourg rn
AUg. 4111 uin
For llannels of nny
LuU & Sloim's,
description go to
XcrHoiial 1 To Men Only I
Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Michigan, will
send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Electro-Yultalo , niack and colored dress silks at Clark
Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for ' Bon's.
thirty days to men (young cr old) who nru '
nflllcted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital-'
Ity, nnd manhood, nnd kindred troubles,
guaranteeing speedy relief nnd complete
restoration of health and manly vigor,
Address as above, N. B. No risk Is In
curred, as thirty days' trial Is allowed. I
Oct. 28, '8l-ly I
Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents
to free yourself of every Bymptom of these
distressing complaints, if you think so call
at our store and get a bottle of Shlloh's
Vitalizcr, every bottle has a printed guar
antee on It, use accordingly and if it docs
you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold
by J. II. Klnports.
may 12-cow.
want a lot oi teams rigui niong 10 uaui jnon sa)a taDii
out nimucr irom auoui iour mues noove
Rohrsburg where Clint Lewis is sawing, sept M-tn
near Jlatlicw JUcuenry's ordoiin llama's
to Bloomsburg and Berwick, $5,00 per
per thousand to Bloom, and $0,60 per
thousand to Berwick, through July, August,
and September. I give all kinds of store
goods, Hour, meat, clover and timothy seed,
conl, lime, harness, llv-ucts &c, at Silas
oung's i.ignt street, rn. juiy sj-sw
Why do so many people we see around
us, seem to prefer to sutler nnd he mado
miserable by Indigestion, Constipation,
Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of
the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75 cts.,
u will sell them billion a V ltallzer, guaran
teed to cure them. Sold by J. II. Kin
ports. may 5-eow
Persons whose blood has been corrupt
ed, und tho circulation deranged by foul
secretions tho result of the disordered
hiitiislrv of the body need for their purl.
flcation something llku an inward baptism
at tho hands of .Mrs. Lydla E. Pinkham,
whoso laboratory is at No. 233 Western
Avenue. Lvmi. Mass. Her Vegetable
Compound Is fairly inundating the coun
try ns with a river of life.
SIIILOU'S OATAltltll uemeiiy. A timi'vc-
lous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker
mouth, und Head Ache. With each bottle
there is nn ingenious nasal Injector for tho
moru succcsstui treatment ot tneso com
plaints without extra charge. Price OOcts.
CJ..1.1 1... I IT ....... K
oum uv f. it. iiiuiiuiis. int., u-uun,
The best euro for diseases of the nerves
brain and muscles, is Brown's Iron Bitters
My wife said I was n fool when I brought
lionio a bottle ot rarncrs uinccr ionic.
But when it hrokoiui my cough and cured
her neuralgia and baby's dysentery she
thought It u good Investment. N. "i. Tai
"Slow and steady wins tho race."
Steadily, but not slowly, Kidney-Wort is
distancing all competition tor universal
popularity and usefulness, This celebra
ted remedy can now uo ouituneu in tnc
usual dry vegetable form, or In liquid
form. It is put up in thu latter way for
tho convenience) of those who cannot
readily prepare it. It will bu found very
conceniiaicd and win act wun ctiuai
elllclcncy in either loiin. Jlend advertise.
See a woman in another column, near
Specr's Vineyards, picking grapes from
widen opeer's t'ort Urnpo YViuo Is mailt,
that is so highly esteemed by tho medical
profession, for the use of Invalids, weakly
persons and tho aged.
Mild ny urugglsts. sept va-iy
"itouon ONKATS."
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, tiles, ants,
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
joo. uruggisis.
Addison's Liver Renewer. or medicine
prepared fot diseases of tho liver; dyspep
sla, sick and nervous headache, constipa
tion of tho bowels, colic, sour stomach,
heartburn, fever and ague, dropsy, Jaun
dice, &c prepuied from roots nnil herln
strictly vegetable. Prepared only by J, H.
Klnports, jiioomsbtirg, l'n.
Aug. 4th 3m.
Quick, complete cure, nil annoying Kid
ney, Bladder and Lrlnary Diseases, ifl,
.a 1 1 1 i i u i iviiwivid mivi HuiuivrB, Bpeciuiiutg
1 In their departments. Thoruuirh and syste
matic culture In Vulrr, CiiunrliiiliHi and Anion,
lntlielr appllcattoi tu conversation, itecltatlou
nnd oratory. Chartered 1875. Grants diplomas.
I'aii rerm opimih iiclolier a. tJcndfor
trator of said estate, to and among tho parties
entitled thereto will perform tho duties ot I
his nppotRtment at omco oi rreezo.Kyeriy a wnuo
In llloomsburg on Tuesday, October Jlst, 1SS2,
at ten o'clock a. m., when and where all persons
Having claims; upon saia runa are rcqucsica to
present, mem or oo torevcr aeuarrca irom com-
lncr in on satu tuna.
Beit 22 ta. Auditor,
Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or-
E nans' uoun ui uoiumoia county to aisirt
ut.o funds In hands of ceo. A. Dotv. administra
tor, d. b. n.. will attend to the duties ot his
appointment at ms omco in iiioomsnurg. on
S iturday. Nov, 4th at 10 a. m., where parties
having claims on said fund are requested to
present them or bo f orover debarred from coming
I.llley fi Slcppy, Orangevllle, wlllrccelv
a car load of salt this week. Parties want
ing salt will do well by calling nn them
before purchasing elsewhere.
Wool and Cotton
carpet chain ut C. O.
Farmers dealing nt W. B Allen's eun
uooouimoduted with stabling, apr, 7-tf,
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or-
Ehan's Cuurt ot Cuhimbla couuty to make dlstrl.
utloo ut the balauee In hands of the administra
tor or Si a estaiu to ana amonifst tuo parties cn
titled thereto will sit in tho onleo ot Freeze. Kyer-
ly K White In llloomsburg on Saturday the asth
uay ot October wi, t iu o'clock a. m. or said day,
when and where all parties Interested in said 03
tatn mu-a attend or bu forever debarred from any
snare oi sum tuuu
n.v. WDITB,
Sept 88 ta Auditor.
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho
orphan's Court of Columbia county to distribute,
th! balanco of tho funds In the hands of the ad.
mlnlatrator of nald decedent at shown by his nrst I
ana naai account, win mi in me aiscnareo or his
duties at his omeu in llloomsburg upon the Ktli
(lav or octoDrr HV1 at ten O'clock in the forenoon.
nt. which place and time all pnrtles Interested In
said estate are required to attend or bo forever I
aeoarrea from any huaro in said lunu.
8cpt 2S-tn Auditor.
lead r i tuiro
'i he undorslgned Auditor appointed by the Or-
pinn a uuun oi uuiuuiuia icuuniy, uj maKU uia
irlbutiou of amount In bands ot Kiecutor accord-
to directions contained In the latt will and 'testa
ment of said deceased, win perform tho duties of
his appointment at bis olllco in liloo i.Bburg, on
Saturday, Oct., '11, ivli, at ton o'clock In tho fore
noon, wnen aua wnero nit persons interesica
mui appcur uuu prove ineir ciuiuu or uo ue
uatTuu truiu any euaru ui a uu iuuu
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Cnmrt within the enclosures of tho under
signed, In Sugarloaf township, on or about the
suth ot Hoptcmber lssi, a red belter about two
years old. with a silt under tho rlzht car. the
owner w 111 call and prove property, pay crargca
ana uute uer away or sue win oo utsposea ot ac
cording to law.
bopt. fi-3 w
E. 8. KItlTZ.
Letters of administration on tho estato of Sam
uel ityburt,Ute of n:ou township, Col. co., deceased
luvo been granted by the ltegtster of said county to
Susan Seybcrt All portions having claims against
the estate or said dt cedent nro reouested to nro-
sent them for settlement and those Indebted to
mako payment to the undcrBlgncd administratrix
wuuoui uuiuy.
Kept SO Administratrix.
Loiters of administration on tho estate of John
Lo wis late ot hugarloat tot. nshlp Columbia county
ruuuu.1 iii'uuiiM'u, jmvu imuu gruiiivu uy uiu
Itfirliter ot said county to Johu Asselmnn. ud-
mlulstrator. All persons having claims against
tno euato ot tno decedent, uro renuesied to ore-
sent them for settlement and those Indebted to
tno estate to mavo payment to tho undersigned
nuinimairuiur wiinoui ueiay,
Attorney. Cam bra.
Ben" 9-0 w. Administrator.
Wlieru wo have no ngent.
BiorOrderfl nnd iiuiuincs bv Mail or
Tolqihono receive rnoMrr attention.
-AKniu; hh.
MoatourWMtB Leafl Ziuc &ColorWovlcs
HENRY S. REAY, Proprietor.
May iiJ -Cm
A Good Article.
A Ono
In the town of Espy, lately repaired, In good run
ning order, with a good trado. Central location.
uncap unu un eaay leruia.
of S! acres, wltb good largo buildings, ax acres cf
woodland, li wells, tn a good state of cultivation,
on a pun lie roan, tx mues irem urangcvitio,
bo rders on Flsblngcreek, Also ono of 9i ncrts
Xroiu irom uguistreei, mm plenty ot iruu,
water, uuuomgs, muuer,
Also ono of do acres on Jcrseitown Mil. nlontr
public road from Tiloomsbtirg to Jerse.vtown, In
good state ot cultivation, buildings, water, fruit,
Plenty oi uuiuur.
of 14jf acres x miles from llloomsburg, build
ings, nun, pieniy ot wnior, gpienuiu iocaiion,uno
land for trucking. Cheap,
A Grist Mill
on Llttlo Flsblngcreek 3 miles from Bloomsburg
Turbine wheel, full water power, dwelling nouso
Including is aerosol land, with a paying trada
Terms to suit purchaser. .
A large brlcK resldenco on Second street, cor
ner lot, all conveniences. Also one on East St.,
with Btnblo, fruit, well and houso In present
Also a large frame dwelling Houso on East St.,
on a double corner lot, with plenty of fruit,
out-Kitcncn, siamo ana
suited tor retired life.
, iTUU Ul-llLJ. UI IIUII.,
all conveniences, well
A frame dwelling houso on corner of Fourth and
West streets, for salo choap. tine on 7th street,
corner lot. Terms, part down nnd balance tn
monthly installments, one on 3rd street, price
low and terras easy.
A dwelling house on Centre street, flno fruit,
well, ntable, ground! and building In beft ot or
der. Terms to tult purchaser.
Apply at tho law omco ot Wm. Cnrlsman la
Moyer's llulldlng, llloomsburg, l'a,
August i, tr,
For the past four years tho
well known houso of Batigh &
Soiih, 20 S. Delaware Avenue,
rhilad. havo been oflerinK to
our furmers thoir superior phos
phate tor whent, tobacco, corn
and other crops. This was the
first firm to leant that fanners
could not altera to pay trom s-iU
I'llft lini1lrM!(.rifi(l nuilltr nnnrtlntml h. tha f
plans' Court of Columbia couuty I'euusylvatila to fn ftftf) npr ton fnr r fnvtili7Pr iitul
distribute balanco In hands of admr. of said w s,l,v' luu ,ur u lcl lu't-1 illnl
decedent as per account connnned absolute Sept. tlipv oiit tn wnvlr to mnnnfiiptn ro
t) 1SS1 will elt for tho dlseharuo of tho riutlna 'nt L,lJ S-L W WUJh. IV ItlUIllUtlLUlI 15
his appointment nt his onico In llloomsburg, u I n n nrtiolft for lncci motipv lint
said county on Friday October VTtli mi at T tiin uu ,1UL, lul 1La IHUUJfi UUb
? '."?i?"".0J,R! .c.?"u!eJ?u p ??? to contain a t 1 10 virtues ot tho
iofsa!a,fun0duororovcraebarr'''1 trom ttny tl"u"0 high priced article
Sept S9-3W
Cataloguo aud puisiweius to
l, II. iieciitel Secretary.
1411 and His Chestnut streot, Hilladelphia.
O AT A RR HElys'CreamBa.m
llw nasal passages ol
wuiurruui virus, caus.
Ing hoilthy secrotlong
aiuys imiammation,
protect the mem
lrau4 from additional
colds. coiimletflv ho. In
tho sores and restores
tl.o sense ot taste and
smell, illenenclal re-
Notice Is hereby L'lven that the nnniinl
meeting of tho (stockholders of thu mcmmHimri.
Water Company will bo held In llloomsburg Oc
tober Uth lsviat thu onicoof v. i limn) er.
Treat., K'twceu the hours of two and four o'llock
lu thi ultcrtiuou, lor the l uroohoot electing n
Hoard of Dlrectois tot-ervo tor tno msuiuzseur
and for the transaction or nny other imilueti of
vuo wiuym. tunil r, IIIMJUKYISK,
s,Puo Bccr,itary'
They arc now manufacturinc
and selling a phosphato for 25
per ton on care or boat in Philit.,
which has been tried and found
.just what tho fanners need.
Laro numbere of farmers havo
used it and recommend it to
thoir neighbors. For circular
"Siraj I showing guaranteed analysis ad
thorough treatment
will cuiu catarrh, nuv
fever 4o I'neciualed
for colds lu tho beau
Agreeable to use. A p.
ii fri-S pi)' by tho little rlneor
n" rui E-rC .iioat nis. un
receipt of mty ccnts.wiU mill a package for Mo
by alldfiigglaui.
ELY'S t'HKAM HALM CO., Oswego, N, V,
For CF.N, nODOF.'S biaa' new boolc, tntitled
Years Among
A true record of tho Author! Thirty Tkrte Year rtrtonal E
tTVnce ujAony our JitUtum. CnMVUIi nn able Introduction
By Gen. Sherman
ThU new work wm at price nih-crlbcrt for Ly Vrcrilcnt
Abthuh crn-i n iWiwt ul ,y Qea, Sherman, tim.
Grant, (Jen. SAtrtJ.w, (. n tftiuroil, end thoutarufi gf Jim
IntntMcn. (Hw. Uium " - It U t txit book on InJun
Lifttitrvritltn." liieiior VI iLkT (,) Itj-i '(
Uabookpf intuwnM valut." It U the only tuthentia account
of our In dim i ivcr ul.lUhfd, fully remling their "loner
Hf e,' Mcrrt dtilnji, csit"!U, etc. It It rtplcta with thrUlloe
experience! cf the Author, end cf fimotie Scout, Trpper
Cow.boyi, Mmcr. ltorder liuffiaoi, etc.,rlTUUjrortrtjlDjf
Life la the Great Went a It now is. 484 thuiuami in rt$$.
With FUel Kneraring and Superb Chromo-Ulhofrnph
I'latei la K colors, from photograph! made bjr the U, 6.
Government tTfrxtlffvrthUgrtat worl,
AGE.Yl'rtt ThU grind book ti now ouUelllni all other
10 to 1 iVo comjietitiotu Agent areraee 10 to SO order
adajr, K want I0OO more anla at once, Zjcu-hw
Ttmtory awl rial Ttrrn ptrcn, Our larffe circular! with
full pellicular! '! nt, A fine Bpeclraeu Tlate ent in
aJJuion for a 9 cent tamp, Addreii the eole publlthen,
A. D. WOUT11WOTOX CO., lltmoiD, CO a.
sept 'it 4m
sept. 6. im.
thowlntf up tlieKt w Vor . of it lv, with Iti paUcta, It
r uwdd ttiorii;hir , Ka rufthlntr eloTatcd train, It
count lc light. ta roinauw.lle mj tcry. tu dark crtinea
an lUrrittlo trajredlea, Ha rharltlca. and tn fact e-Turjr
ilifttoof llfointhocrvatetty, lHjrVt vato time actlliiK
Mow book, tut tend fur clrtUUrs eUina full tabid vt
content, termito Apt-ut. Ac Prof rs.u now rvadjf
and territory In meat demand. Addrtw
DOUOLAt3aJR0363 NtBeventh8t,FMWebliia,F.
Bcpt, tit 4-w
4 Ma mm M kiAtm is mi tritTit
f rvuuu.m uu, tuiTuRtny akd
11TT Alt lA Uuiui Lmi muiuLii t
tlxttMlbbll (Wc4.1 tww bMKtitiai.
UirMuat-4 ftttt "ItauM I'mi1,u4
I I m tk taluhMidl ll u Jwd4 tM.
1 1. L WL 1 ll 1 KAtLLkki lw rw.yd tj
.Bftrkt vt w eliii. Oklj Hi tun 4
4111,1 U r (.Hlruatiw a VrtVnr
fcopt.iw, 1-y