The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 22, 1882, Image 3

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The Columbian.
Correct Rnllrond Time Table.
Trains on th Philadelphia & It. It. Icare Itupcrt
M follows I
Hontn. south.
18 a. m. n 45 a. in,
4 o p. m. 43 p. tn.
Trains on tho D. I.. ft W. It. It. Icaro Iiloomsburg
as follows t
T M ft. tn.
SO M a. m.
8 25 ft. m.
n 45 a. in.
s si p. in,
SI n.
4 si p. m.
Tho 1 1 4J train south connects with the l'lilla
delphla Heading at Itupcrt, and with tlic
Northern Central at Northumberland,
The s: a. m train connects at Northumberland
with :39 train on Pennsylvania road reaching
Philadelphia, at b: p. m
The ll:4traln connects with Philadelphia And
Pending roal at Ituport at U:S0 reaching Phila
delphia at Stoop, m.
Tie 11:45 train connects with Pennsylvania
roal at Northumberland at 1:49 reaching Philadel
phia at TiSS p, in,
The4:JTp in, tratn connects with Fennsylvnnto
road at Northumberland at 8:03 p, m, anu reaches
Philadelphia at S:55 a. tn.
L. Gross Is In tho city buying new goods.
W. tt. Tnbbs Is In l'lilliiilclplila this
0. W. Miller, Esq., Is conllneil to the
houso by sickness.
Col. find Mrs. Frcczo returned from Low.
Is' Lake last Friday,
Mrs. W. Ncal and Miss Annlo tiro In
Philadelphia this week.
P. E. Wirt, Esq., has been confined to
tho houso since Saturday by Illness.
Mlas Ucssto McKclvy will nttend school
at Chestnut Hill, near Philadelphia, the
coming year.
Mrs. W. II. McKlnncy and Miss Ella
spent n few weeks at the Elmlra water
cure, recently.
Hev. Mr. Bannister and family, of
Wilkes Barro wero thu guests of Kev. L.
Zahncr last week.
S. N. Walker recently acted as court
stenographer at Montrose, during tho Illness
of the regular reporter.
Miss Mame Hellas, of Philadelphia, who
lias been tho guest of Miss Maine Sloan
during tho summer, went homo on Tucs.
ltov. J. McA.Hnrdlng, formerly In
charge of Ht. Gabriel's church, Sugnrloaf,
was In town on Wednesday, on his way to
Benton. He Is now Rector of All Saints,
Bruce Wells, who expected to enter the
Sophomore claBS at Lafayette College, was
unable to go at the opening of the term, by
n severe illness. Wu hope he may soon be
ablo to enter upon his course.
The CnmiialKii Columbian.
We will send tho Comjmiiun to any ad
dress In tho county, from now until after
the fall election for 80 cents. As this will
be an unusually interesting campaign every
Democratic voter should tako a paper and
keep himself posted. There Is not a man
In tho county who cannot uflord to take the
Columbian at that price, and wo hope to
receivo many orders- Postage stamps can
be sent by mall.
I. W. McKelvy has bought the Red
Mill in Hemlock township.
B. P. Hicks has just completed a fine job
of graining in our store room.
The Iiloomsburg Journal enters upon its
eighth volume this week.
Spectacles and eyo glasses, to suit all
ages, ut L, Bernhard's Jewelry store.
Tom Thumb gave an entertainment to a
large audience at Harrisburg last week,
Tho largest stock of boxed writing
papers In town, ut tho Comjmiu-an store.
An Infant son of George Thomas, who
resides on Iron street, was burled on Mon
day. G. A. Potter, editor of tho Jouriutl, has
met with bereavement In the loss of an
infant daughter.
i Kuorr & Wlntersteen are putting a
steam heating apparatus In their building.
E. B. Browcr has thu contract.
The Band has recently procured new
fatigue dps of white duck. They are
neat, und much lighter than tho regulation
G. W. Sterner lost a valuable cow last
week. She got in somebody's barn mid
ate too much chop, from thu ellects of
which she died.
Tho Montoursville school board Is lu an
apparently hopeless dead lock, and theru Is
tulk of applying to the court to disentangle
them. 'Die schools have not yet opened.
Dr. I. L- Rubb has placed in hit dental
olllce a gas apparatus, to bu used in ex
trading teeth. Parties desiring artiflcal
teeth can havo I he use of gas free of charge.
Buckaluw Brothers have made an ad-
ditlon to their stable by raising the car.
rlage house another story and putting in
an elevator. They keep up with thu times
lu everything.
Tho members of thu Eut Post, G. A. R.
accompanied by the Band went to Danvlllu
on Saturday afternoon to attend tho camp
lire. They returned about midnight by
special train.
The M. E. congregation of Espy, are re.
modelling their church. They propose to
enlarge tho present building and erect a
steenlo. W. H, Carter lias thu contract
for thu work.
Strayed away on thu 7th Inst., a yellow
cow with short tall. A suitable reward
will bo given for any information in regard
to her. P. M. Mki.ick,
I.igl.tstrcet, Pit,
There will be nn adjourned court on tho
Cth day of October. All aliens who desire
to bu naturalized must do so at that
time, as It will bu thu only opportunity
beforo the election.
Tho Grand Jury very properly recom
mended that thu county pay for the use of
tho telephone at thu jail, bhcrUT Ent put
it lu at his own expense and has thus far
paid for It, but as It is much more, for thu
convenience of tho public than for him
self tho public should bear thu expense.
Now that the Republicans havo nnmlmi
ted n diulhlatu for Sheriff, Stephen II,
Wolfe's last hope Is gone. His object in
becoming an Independent caudldatu was
to secure tho Republican vote, but It did
not work.
Just received a r.ew lot of Elgin, Wait
bam, Springfield and other make of watches
lu open und hunting cases, warranted from
two to five years.
Also silver plated teaspoons ouo dollar a
set, tablo spoons two dollars a set, at L,
Bernhard's Jewelry Store. 0 0-tf
Tho Independent nlno of this town
ploy thu Catawlssa club a return iramo
basu ball on tho Fair Ground on Sat inlay
ntternoon nt a o'clock, It will bu an Inter,
listing game, mid all lovers of tho
should witness It, There nro a number of
good players In our nine.
United Stales Court was lu session nt
WIIHamsport this week,
The work on tho now Catholic Church nt
Milton Is rapidly progressing, The corner
stone was laid a few weeks ago,
Rev. John Hewitt has been Induced to
recall his resignation and will contluuo In
tho duties of the pnslorato of tho Episcopal
Church of Bcllcfonte.
Tho County Commissioners arc having
the brick out building back of thu court
houso removed, and will erect a convent
enco thcro that will not bo a nuisance. Tho
public will commend this notion of tho
Agamoof base bull' between tho Dan
ville nlno and a nine from this place came
u on the grounds of tho former on Batur-
lay, and resulted In another victory for
Bloomsburg, Below Is tho scoro by In.
Danville. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 11-0
Bloomsburg. 1 0 0 1 3 1) 7 7 x 21
An Inspection of tho two recently discov
ered Zinc mines near Sunbury has been
made by tho editor of the Sunbury Aries
who pronounces them very rich. The one
cln Is three feet thick, ami thu other four.
The mines are only a few miles from Sun-
bury and probably Zinc works will bo built
In that place.
Died at her home tn Mlllvllln. Emma.
f F
wlfu of Rev. C. W. Cooper, aged 22 years.
iV post mortem examination held bv Drs.
Swisher and Heller, showed that death
was caused by Internal hemorrhage. The
remains were taken to Dnuphtn county,
the homo of her parents, for Interment on
The Delaware peach trade Is now at Its
height and the Pennsylvania railroad Is
taxed to Its utmost capacity to handle tho
thousands upon thousands of baskets that
aro offered for transportation. This Is one
f thu causes of delay of thu trains. It is
said that onu hundred and fifty cir loads of
peaches per day are run to New York from
There Is some talk of organizing nn In-
dustry here to be known as the "Standard
ubo works." It Is for the manuTacturo
of Iron tubes to bu used lu bridges, nnd Is
represented ns being a good thing. If tho
works should be started here they will
have a capital of three hundred thousand
dollars, and employ several hundred men.
Such an establishment would give Blooms
burg nn Impetus that would soon double
our population.
Tho Winona Fire Company hereby ten
der thanks to J. for the use of tho
no Weber piano used at the concert, also
to William Werkhelser for hauling tho
same to the Opera House, to thu Blooms
burg Cornet Band for their excellent music
on tho street beforo the concert, and to
everybody else who in nny way assisted In
making the entertainment of last Friday u
success. The net receipts were niiout
sixty dollars.
We omitted to mention last week the
death of Michael Brobst, of Catawlssa, one
f the oldest citizens of the county, being
uely years of age. He was born In
Berks county in 1703 and two years later
moved to this section with his parents.
Ho was married in Bloomsburg in 1814.
As a citizen he was identified with all tho
business interests of his town, and was
lonored and respected by all who knew
The stock holders of the Muncy Creek
Railroad met at Hughesvlllo on the 31st ult
and re-organized by electing Benjamin I..
Welch president. Tho following directors
were also chosen : De Witt Bodine,Hughes-
llle ; Robert England, Thomas B. Reeves,
W. J. Paul, John II. Dyo nnd Nathaniel T.
Barr. It was decided to call it the Wil
llamsport and North Branch Railroad here
after. The stock has been fixed at $1,000,.
000 ami thu directors will meet in a few
weeks to make the Issue. Efforts will now
bu made to havu the road extended Into
Sullivan county at once.
Ciivcu Away.
A valuable stylographlc pen is given
away with every quart bottle of Caw's ink
sold at tho CouiMiiiAN store. Tho ink is
tho best quality, and sells at $1.00 a quart.
Cull soon and secure a bargain.
Temperance Convention,
In accordance with tho notion of the last
convention of thu temperance people of this
county, and also the request of tho temper
iinee people, all friends of the cause, with
out regard to sex, In Columbia county, who
believe thu manufacturu and salu of intoxi
cating liquor as a beverage a crime which
ought to be prohibited by political action,
and who are also lu favor of placing beforu
thu people candidates of known temperance
iriiiclples, to fill thu several offices in this
enmity at thu coming election in November
next, aru urgently requested to meet in thu
hall of Ellis Eves & Uro,, at Millvllle, on
'riday, September 20, nt 2 o'cleck, p. in.,
for thu purpose of making such nomina
tions, and to transact any other business
which may bu deemed proper when pre-
senteil. Aaiuis Kkstkii,
Mordansvilh', Columbia Co., Pa.
The CoiiKreHHloual Conference.
Danvh.i.k, Sept., 10th, 1882.
Mit. Kiinoi: :
Dear Sir : Will you allow me through
thu medium of your journal, In justice to
Mr. John A. Gorman, to say that at no
tiui during the conference or any other
time, was his name used or his conferees
n his naiiiu In way of purchase or salu to
me, nor did ho offer any conditions to me
hut what were perfectly honorable and leg.
Just beforu leaving Mauch Chunk I did
seu Mr. Gorman at tho sldu of thu American
Houso off from thu .Main street lu conver
sation with onu of his conferees, holding
money curelcssly In his hands. I remarked
to Mr, Sldlcr to Btep that way which ho
did, I could not say what amount ns
merely glanced that way nnd passed on. I
feel It my duty to wrltu this much
as I find my namu used In connection with
an article criticising Mr. Gorman without
my consent.
i ours ivc,
F. L. Mll.Hr).
In our article of hist week wu meant to
quote Mr, Milcj as authority only for thu
statement immediately preceding Ills namu
concerning thu roll of money, and not for
thu allegation of an offer to tho Mou
tour Conferees. That somebody offered
thu nomination to Montour county fur
1000, Is admitted. Our statement was that
it was by a person who consulted Gorman
.Mr. Miles personally Informs us that It was
not madu by or for Gorman, and ho ought
to know, as he Is tho person to whom thu
offer was made, and who Indignantly ro
jectcd It. But our statement was madu
on what wu considered good authority,
that thu mnu who madu thu offer was scon
conferring with Gorman immediately after
thu proposition had been madu, and this
allegation Is not contradicted by Mr, Miles'
explanation. Thu question now arises wAo
was it Unit offered to sell out HIu richly de
serves punishment to thu full extent of thu
At six o'clock this Friday evening com.
indices the eicatcsl nnd most solemn of
II the Hebralo fasts or holidays Yom
Klppur, or the Day of Atonement,
A brakemnn on thu D. L. & W. R. R.
wns knocked from tho train In passing tin.
der the brldgo nt Rupert on last Friday
evening and tiled In a short time. Ho was
taken to his homo In Sunbury.
Tito llnrvcnt Moon,
Tho September moon fulls on tho 27th at
12:20 lu tho morning. It Is thu beautiful
harvest moon nnd possesses special claims
to distinction, For, owing to tho position
of tho ecliptic In regard to thu equator at
this season, the moon rises for several
consecutive nights with only a compara.
lively small Interval between tho success
Ivc rhtngs. Tho short autumnal days
seem thus to bo prolonged by tho floods of
silvery moonlight that maku thu night
beautiful as day. Tho phenomenon Is as
easily explained ns tho nxlal rotation of the
earth. But In tho older times, when man
was nearer to nature, the harvest moon was
considered a direct Interposition of I'rovl-
cucc to assist the husbandmen lu gather
ing In tho harvest. Thu waning moon Is
n conjunction with Neptuno on thu 2nd.
with Saturn on the 3rd, with Jupiter on
the Cth, nnd with Uranus on tho 12th The
new moon of the 12th Is In conjunction
with Mercury nnd Mars on tho 14th and
with Venus on the 10th, passing a degree
and a half north of her.
fUatitetl C.liiHH.
In making stained glass windows, the
coloring matter red, green, flesh color, or
whatever It may be Is first stirred with
the glass lu Its molten state. When It Is
rolled Into sheets and cools It comes out
thu brilliant hue desired, Next, lm.iglne
nn old fashioned patchwork uullt. whero
thu llttlu blocks or leaves aro cut out by
means of paper patterns and sewed together
to make the comploto figure. There you
havo the Idea of thu stained glnss windows.
iVrtlsts who aro adepts make a large design
of thu painting wanted. Different small
parts of It are transferred from this, ar.d
pasteboard patterns mndu from these like
the patchwork quilt. The glass Is cut Into
the shape desired with a diamond. Then
the pieces arc Joined together Into the per-
feet whole. The edges are united by means
of solder and lead, whero the patchwork
bits would be sowed with a needle. Thus,
making a stnlncd glass window Is about as
much mechanical as artistic. Rare and
line work, such as the human face and
parts of the human figure, nro painted upon
tho glass, requiring the touch of an ar
tist. Hmart WIcIoivh at HaratoKa.
Saratoga Letter In the Chicago nter-Ocean :
It was a Chicago lady who won ilOO with
which to buy bonbons, or bonnets, which
ever you like. Ladles are getting to be
very fond of betting and they nro always
pretty safe In their ventures, since they
never pay If they lose, and several of them
have inrde some "lucky hits" already this
season. It Is the fashion now, not only
for ladles, but the children also have their
betting books, and aro as expert In making
entries therein as any follower or the turf.
It took a Chicago widow to inveigle a be
witched old widower Into betting a pair of
thoroughbreads against a box of cigars.
The widow won, as they usually do, and
while we write Is this moment dashing by
behind the thoroughbreds on her way to
the lake, with another man by her side.
These widows arc Indeed the most artful
of creatures, and Saratoga Is full of;them.
There is one pretty and lively woman of
this species here who has two engagements
on hand at the present and several others
mpendlng. She wears two engagement
rings on her little finger, which would be
embarrassing to most feminities, but not to
this sly widow. When lover No. 1 sits at
icr sldu it is Ids ring which glitters softly
upon her finger. The other ring Is tucked
nugly away in her belt. And if she has
not tlmu to remove tho ring she turns it
artfully around so that it appears an inslg-
nificant rim of gold to which nobody could
object. This widow, as may be supposed,
has a numerous correspondence from love
smltten youths, and her collection of orlgl-
glnal love-letters U something unique. The
other day she dropped a package or letters
from one of her sweethearts and a rival
lover picked It up. This was rather
troublesome for the widow, but, as usual,
she found her way of escape. There chanc
ed to be another woman with thu same
name as her own in the place and she de
clared thu letters belonged to her and nc-
ually sent them to her, having first, how
ever, arranged with her imniesaku by milk
lug her n valuable present.
Tlie Concert.
A. brilliant audience greeted the Berwick
Y, M- C. A. Orchestra at the Opera House
last Friday evening, tho occuslon being a
concert for the benefit of the Winona 1-ire
Company. The programme was well per
formed. The orchestra, which has been
organized but six months, has madu re-
markable headway, and now plays with
accuracy and expression, quito difficult su.
lections. The following ladles and gentle,
men assisted the orchestra: Mrs. Glenn,
Mrs. Evans, Misses Search, Smith, Dora
and Sue Thompson, Messrs. Dlstlehurst,
Ruch, B, Vannatta, Reed, Mcllck, Prof.
Harrison, Adams, Pooler, Gro'zlcr, and
Mite. Miss Search has a very powerful
voice, with wonderful range. Shu sings
with expression, and her high notes nru
full and clear. Two encores weru accorded
her, nnd she was the recipient of three
beautiful bouquets. Slip has justly earned
a reputation as a tine vocalist. Miss Smith
too, captivated the audlencu by her sweet
voice, In singing n duet with Mr. Reed. If
shu had been on the programme for another
song it would have been warmly received.
Professor Harrison Is a tine elocutionist
and his rendition of "Thu Bells" was
heartily applauded, In responso to which
hu gave a humorous sketch. Hu has many
high testimonials to his ability as an In
structor in elocution, nnd has done a great
deal of work at county institutes. Will
Melick, In his character songs, brought the
house down, Mr- Pooler was highly coin
pllmented on Ids playing. Wo cannot
speak paitleularly of each one who took
part, but bu content with saying that all
did (belt parts well, a fact that was appar.
ent from the hearty applause of the audi-
ence nil through. To Mr. A. G, Klinberly
of Berwick, thu actlvu secretary of the Y
M. C, A. belongs nil thu credit, of organiz
ing tho orchestra, managing the concert,
and giving thu people of Bloomsburg a
pleasant entertainment. Theru Is no reason
why mnru Intimate social relations thoulil
not bo established between thu two towns,
and such occasions ns these nro calculated
to bring about such n result, At tho close
of thu concert, Geo, L Elwell' president of
thu Winona Flru Company.returnod thanks
to thu Berwick people for their services, to
the or, licstra for a beautiful bouquet pre
sented to thu company, and to tho people
of Bloomsburg and vicinity for their liberal
patronage, An informal reception wns
held ut tho Exchange Hotel after thu con.
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, files, nuts,
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers,
loo, wruggisis,
Letter from I'lillntlclplilii. -
(IIIAItf PANC'IKS 1 1IK tlltKVT lllll,
Pltll.AtlEI.I'IIIA, Scpl, IT), 1882,
It Is pleasant to kli6w
that a crocodile Is supposed to be nt largo
In thu Schuylkill river. This beast escap
ed from thu "Zoo," a few days ago and
took refugo tn thu mud of tho Schuylkill
where ho Is ns much at home as hu could
bo In his native river, tho Nile. There Is
not much danger that ho will get out mid
prowl nbont tho dry land. The boys who
keep tho boat clubs aro a little nervous lust
Mr. Crocodile should want to race with
them nnd possibly glvo them a whack with
his tall.
Tho past few days have seen some of the
most active bouncing tip and dowuof
stock values that havu been known for
months. Ono of thu most ineiciirlal of the
funcies has been Reading, There Is such
delightful uncertainty In Heading railroad
affairs that the price of the stock changes
from hour to hour In such an elastic man
ner ns to suit thu most enthusiastic specu
lator. Mining stock hold their own, and
aru not as lively as the others. Thu grain
speculators have been having brisk nnd
busy days. Thu wonderful fall In corn
has been tho most startling feature of thu
truffle- In a few days. It has tumbled
nearly ten cents a bushel. This discom
fits thu bulls who lu the fneu of a large
crop were predicting famine prices. Yet
It must be remembered that the squeezing
of thu shorts during the last days of
August, ran thu price up to a dollar a
Our project of a passenger railway on
posts seem to slumber for lack of the
needed enterprise to keep It going. Mean
while the massive structure which brings
tho great railway down Filbert street. Is
the prldu of tho city lu tho way of a most
useful and magnificent enterprise. On
this admirable pleco of road centers all the
railway business coming from the East,
West and South over thu rails of the
"Pennsylvania." At the station theru aru
eight passenger tracks and four for freight.
Tho total number of trains passing In and
out is over 1100 a day. Thu big map on
the inner walls of tho station Is thu largest
geography lesson In tho worl d.
Tho season for weddings and wedding
festivities approaches, which reminds us
that thu nuw wedding silver at Baily
Banks & Riddle's Is magnificent, ami com
prises a great many articles of altogether
nuw design. The constant demand for
now ideas and remarkable objects Is amply
met by this house, u large company of
designers and artists being constantly em
ployed for the purpose, and kept very busy.
Those who prefer wedding presents of tho
new porcelain just arriving from Europe
find ample facilities for making their
selections either in small nnd comparative-,
ly Inexpensive articles, or those which arc
larger, more elaborate, and more costly.
Largo or small, every article, whether In
silver, porcelain, jewelry or fancy goods is
marked at Its lowest and unvarying price.
The llttlu book on "silver" just issued
by Baily Banks & Biddlc is a very reada
ble little thing. They send it to any ad
dress on application.
Quick, conipletu cure, all annoying Kid
ney, Bladder ami Urinary Diseases. $1.
The WlltlH of Hull! vim Comity.
Wumluring among these mountains day
after day, in a dreamy, llstlvss sort of a
way, I comu ucross many curious things,
and among them, largu quantities of stonu
fence not that kind which is madu by a
judicious mingling of whiskey and water-
but tho genuine sort, madu ot rocks and
boulders which nru so largo and seem to
have been in place so long that they must
have been put theru inthe days of tho
giants. I may say there nru miles of them.
They run off into the woods they are halt,
or almost entirely, buried m grass nnd
sod covered with laurel, beautiful with
rhododendron, softened witli tender and
variously tinted mosses, and altogether
looking like nn undent breastwork, thrown
up by the Sons of Auak.
When I saw this place first, years and
years ago, of the many buildings then here,
but onu remains, and that so changed
that it could not bu recognized. The
ruins are still here ruined thu old walls,
soinu with marks of fire, others of mere
decay, are standing, lying or tumbling
about; and thu various visitors day after
lay go poking among the ruins as it hiint-
ng fur thu supposed piles of money that
old Lewis lost there. But alas 1 there are
no diamonds among thu shining bits of
glass which you turn up with your staff,
though they nru brilliant in the sunlight
no silver dollars aru found under the vltrl
fled stones, and nothing Is now here lu its
pristine perfection except thu glassy lake,
and thu beautiful white sand which lured
Lewis to his destruction. And they say,
what could havo induced the man, more
than three quarters of a century ago to
comu up to this wild country to manufac
ture glass? And no man now, can answer
thu question fully.
But thu old Englishman had an eye to
thu beautiful, thu plcturcsquu ami tho
romantic. I havu just been taking a ram.
hlu over thu situ of ids mansion, slncu
burned down, and in wliatever direction
you look your eyo rests upon laku or
mountains, or opening breaks Into valleys
sunribo mid sunset weru lu full view
from the grounds, mid It is curious that no
ono lias yet built a collage, or a moru
substantial residence thereon.
Occasionally you find a tree lu thu forest
already-yielding to thu cold, nnd dressing
its leaves in purple nnd gold. In a couple
of weeks moru thu mountains will bu dot
ted with tho variegated follagu : and thu
evergreens alonu will defy thu efforts of
thu Storm King. Even now, tho north
wind sweeps o'er laku and fell, and
whistles among the trees and around thu
gables, nnd you Hhlvcr lu anticipation of
thu coming winter. Tho mosses and thu
ferns and thu ground pines hide them
selves under leaves anil snow, and the
frost laden bhow sweeps over them mid
does no harm to thu tender growth,
And so wu leave them, confident that
when the spring comes they will ids i comu
again, nnd soften thu look of thu rocks,
and beautify thu slopes of
I'crHoiuil t To SIc-ii Only I
Voltaic licit Co., Marshall, Michigan, will
send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltalu
llelts and Electric Appliances on trial for
thirty days to men (young or old) who nro
afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital
Ity, and niunhood, and kindred troubles,
guaranteeing speedy relief and complete
restoration of health nnd manly vigor.
Address ns above. N. 11, No risk Is In
curred, ns thirty days' trial Is ullowed.
Oct. 28,
Hlack, blue, carmine, green and violet
Ink In any quantity, from a live cent hot.
tlo to tpia rts, at tho Columwan storu. Tho
mrgest stock and lowest prices In town.
Cheap lleef.
Tho subject of shinning dressed meat
from Chicago to I'nslcrn cities has been
hroiight Into uotlro through the action
taken hyihe- llalllmoro butchers tn devise
means of pioletllon against tho loss of their
trndo through tho large Introduction Into
that city of Chlcago-ktllcdbccf, transported
In refrigerator cars and sold there much
cheaper than hoinc-klllcd meat. Inquiry
was madu among tho leading ship
pess of Chicago In referunco to this com
paratively new branch of trad . nnd its ef
fect upon thu prlcu of beef in Eastern cities
It was found that thu shipping of beef by
tho c iroass was confined to about three
firms, nnd that togetherthcy were shipping
to the Eastern elites not less than about
forty carloads a day, or nbout 1,500 dress
ed cattle- They wero all shipped In refrige
rator cars soinu by express and others by
freight and the meat was being delivered
as fresh and sweet as It was when It came
ft mu thu slaughter house. It was found
also (hut ihu trade was rapidly growing,
and the rouseqiicncu wns that the shipping
of live cattle and cut ments was falling olf
inMrM.uliniiilltti.1. tinit llttt t,tillitf Intta U'nrt
that at some not distant day all the meat
supplied by thu West to tho Eastern cities
would bu killed and dressed In Chicago.
Autograph albums nt the Columiiiak
store. New styles
The Hematite Ores
of Clinton
The following is n letter from Mr. James
Wolfenden, of Lock Haven, to tho editor
of tho .Imiri'ciia Railiwtd Journal, published
in New York. It appeared In that journal
of thu Oth Inst., also In last Issue of the
CUnlnn Democrat. It will explain Itself t
EniToit Amkiiioax Raii.koad JotlltNAl.I
Dkak Silt i In your valuable contribu
tion of railway, mine and mill views of thu
20th ult., 1 notice a statement that Iron
manufacturers complain of a scarcity of
good hematite ore In Pennsylvania, naming
Centre county as having eoino fine speci
mens, but stating that they nre not rich
enough to warrant manufacturers In pny-
ng freight on ttictn, nnd that the best
magnetic ores used In Pennsylvania are
now brought from Spain and Africa. As
tho assertion docs not name tho works or
glvo figures, your renders nro unable to
form even an approximate estlmatu of the
cost of handling the New Jersey magnetic
nnd the Pennsylvania hematite ores, or
of bringing them to this section, Judging
by my observations I should say that the
works wero located by the "tow-path"
rule, depending on wagon feeders from
thu mines to the railroads, which would
cost not less than ten cents per ton for
each mllo ; and thu difference in wages
in this country from those In the countries
named must ali-o bu taken into account.
The Central Pennsylvania hematite ores of
Clinton, Centre, Clearfield and other
counties havo a hundred-fold greater
acreage of stratified mines than arc now
worked, but their development Is retarded
by thu trunk lines of railroad, which tap
thu surface-wash ores, neglecting thu
mining district of Sugar nnd Nittauy
valleys, which contains superior hematite
ore between tho limestone, and in jmying
quantities, certainly yielding fifty per cent,
of iron In a blast furnace, and that too, of
n 1 quality, for tin phitu stamp iron or tho
finest wire, etc. And in Clearfield and ad
joining counties westward wu havu ores
in plenty to cheaply feed several Cambria
or Johnstown iron and steel works. AVhat
is needed ate railroad facilities the ore is
there. Respectfully, yours,
James Wolfenden,
Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa.
September 0, 1882.
'Wells' Health Reuuwer" 'cstores health
and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence,
sexual Debility.
I'roin Ccntrulla.
Much excitement was caused at Centra.
1 In. on the lSth inst, by the clrcluatlou of a
report that the surface over the workings
ot I,. A. Riley & Co'sCollicry hnd caved in,
taking a tenement house witli it. The colliery
olllclals were promptly notified, nnd Supcr-
ntemlent Edward Reese hurried to the
scene anil found largo cracks opened on
tho surface around the dwelling of Recso
Davis, which had already moved a foot
out of place, causing tho plaster to fall in
nearly all tho rooms. Mr. Reese says that
a pillar of coal commenced to break, caus
ing two breasts to run into one, und hav
ing no support for twenty-llvo yards made
It unsafe. The house might go down nt
any moment, mu assures extend over
thu surface forty yards to another tenement
house, occupied by George Cope, Evans
Williams and George Madara, all of whom
havu moved out.
Pour weeks ago three men came to Ccn-
tralla, representing themselves as coming
from the Geological Survey Department to
take a map of the town. They went from
hotel to Bhebeen shops and drug stores
sampling thu beverages and Indulged In an
occasional cigar without arousing thu
slightest suspicion on tho part of thu pro
prietors, On the evening of the 12th, how
ever, Joseph Kalbfus, of Mauch Chunk,
Deputy Collector of tho Fifth division,
Twelfth district of Pennsylvania, nnd
Marshal L. H. Martin drovu Into town,
having In their possession warrants for the
arrest of seventeen illegal dealers for non.
payment of revenuu tax. Adam Mensch,
juweler j Joseph Milllngfon, druggist ;
Joseph btauilenmelr, baker, and Thomas
Gerilty, tavern. keeper, wero arrested and
taken beforu United States Attorney Wilson,
who was at Mount Carmel waiting for the
deputy's arrival. All weru held except
Mensch, whose arrest wus a mlslnke. A
man mimed llrunnan, Is wanted In his
blend. Hu was released, Hu then Institut
ed proceedings against thu deputy for
swearing on false pretences. Kalbfus nr.
rived in town again uecompanled by tho
threo membeis of thu Geological Depart
incut, who hnvo turned out to bo three de.
teetlves, named T. J
Flstar, J, E. Van-
horn and illlam Southward. They havo
warrants for .Mary McGulre, Robert Quar.
ret, .Mrs. Terrenco Mane and Michael liar-
rett. 1 hu iilfnlr has caused great excite.
H11.1.111MK HiitiKLi.. At tho Reformed
parsonage, on September 14th, by Rev. O.
H. Strunck, .Mr. Franklin It. Hlllhlmo of
Turbotvllle, to Miss Caroline lllrtell of
Cii.u'fkk Maiiaikiei.. At tho resldenco
of tho brldu's mother, In Lalrdsville, Sep
tember 12th, by tho Rev. H. C. Miner,
Dr. Francis ClmlTeu M, 1)., of Forksvllle,
and .Miss Annlo V. Magargel.
KEsrEii iKKi.Kii, At tho resldenco of
tho brldu's father, In Jit, Pleasant, Sep.
tember Hlh, by tho Ruv. H. O. Muuro,
Mr, biunuel y. lvestcr and .Miss Annlo L
Cunokhman, On tho 18th Inst, at Afton,
Nathan Cllngeriuan, aged 02 years ami 7
Flour and feed can always bu had nt
Allen's Ensl end grocery. nprll 7-tf
f.itt. & Sloan havo their Ladles'. Gents'
and Children's underwear In and nre selling
them cheap.
W. B. Allen has Just opened n lot of new
goods, embracing fine groceries, glass
ware, imlnteil clilnn. nueenswnre, xc. All
of the best, and at the lowest prices.
nprii 7-ti
O. O. Marr has n
full lino of goods and
sells cheap.
Klnport's Compound Asiatic Balsam, or
Dlarrha-a cure. A remedy that has never
fulled In dlarrhu'ii. It also gives Instant
relief In colic, cramp, or pnln, In the stom
ach. Prepared and sold by ,L H. Kinports
Evans' block, Mnin St., Bloomsburg Pa.
Aug. 4th Sin
0. C. Marr wnnts butter, ecirs, lard,
chickens, oats, dried fruits ami geese
Addison's Liver Renewcr, or medicine
prepnred foi dlsenses of the liver; dyspep
sln, sick nnd nervous headache, constipa
tion of tho bowels, colic, sour stomach.
heartburn, fuvcr and ague, dropsy, Jaun
dice, ifcc. nrenared from roots ami herbs
strictly vegetable. Prepared only by J, II,
ivinporls, llloomslmrg,
Aug. hu urn.
For white red crev
or other flannels
go to Lutz & Sloan's.
As cood clears as can bo found In town
arc kept nt W. B. Allen's East end grocery-
nprll 7-tf
Go to C. C. Mnrr's for tho best vinegar.
Llllcv A; Slcnnv. Oranccvllle. will receive
n car lond of unit this week. Parties wont
ing salt will do well bv calllnc on them
beforu purchasing elsewhere.
Dress cloths of all
the new shades nt
W. Hartman & Son.
Timothy and clover seed
for sale at
scp 8-3 w
Llghtstrcet by Sllns Young.
Floor and table oil cloths at C. C. Marr's
Columbia county Fair will soon be here.
nnd I. W. Hartman & Son's new goods
will be on exhibition at their store. Call
and sec them.
Lllley & Sleppy have received fifteen
cases or boots wtilcli will he sofu at very
low prices.
Hvu you seen
I. W. Hartman & Son's
now satlne calico?
0099 pounds of nice dried raspberries,
8888 " nice dried pitted cherries,
7777 cood sprint: thickens,
CBOO " fat o'd hens,
r55 " uecse and ducks,
4414 " live veal calves. 1
3333 " fat lambs,
nnon ll ll l,
1111 "saep.
0000 old sheep bucks, and old roosters.
All of thonbovc wanred rieht alone, ot
Light Street, by Silas Young.
jury yi-.'m
Have volt been to I. W. Hartman tfc
Son's thxcu thu new arrangements? They
havu no elevator In their store, but they
have clevated.thu standard of their goods
for the Fall trade.
Wool and cotton
carpet chains nt C. C.
Lutz & Sloan have all tho now Shades in
Colored Cashmeres.
Farmers dcalincr at W. B Allen's can be
accommodated with stabling, apr. 7-tf.
I. W. Hartman & Son are the first In the
market with new Fall goods. Go nnd see
Want a lot of teams riirht
along to haul
miles above
out lumber from about four miles
Rohrsburg where Clint Lewis is sawing,
near Mathcw McIIcnry's or John Rantzs
to Hloomsburg and Ilcrwlek, $5,00 per
per thousand to llloom, nnd ,(l,50 per
thousand to Rerwlck. through July, ugust,
and September. give all kinds of store
goods, Hour, meat, clover and timothy seed,
co , lime, harness, llv-uets &c. at Silas
oung's Light Street. Pa. July 28-8w
During cicht years my attacks of dvsncn.
sia were so terrible that I often had to stop
business- Parker's Ginger Tonic built mu
up from almost a skeleton to tho perfect
health I now enlov. J. Jeroloiuan. Law-
ycr, N. Y. City.
P. A. Scratch, drueclst. Ruthven, Out..
vrlt;s: "I havo tho greatest confidence In
your Burdock Blood Hitters. In one case
witli which l am personally acquainted
their success was almost incredible. One
lady told mo that half a bottle did her moru
good than hundreds of dollars' worth of
medicine sue Had previously taken." I'rico
John Hnvs. Credit. P. O.. savs that for
nlno months he could not raise his hand to
his head through lameness lu the shoulder,
but by thu usu of Thomas' Eclcctrlc Oil ho
was entirely cured.
"fciVery truth has two sides: look at
both beforu committing yourself to cither."
luum-yii iiriuiiiuiuuKCN mu closest scrutiny
of Its ingredients audits grand results. It
has nothing to fear from truth. Doctors
may disagree as to the best methods and
remedies, for the euro of constipation nnd
disordered liver and kidneys. Hut thosu
that havo used Kidney. Wort, agreu that It
Is by far tho best medicine known. Its
action is prompt, thorough and lasting.
v omen that havu been bedridden for
years havu been eomnlctelv cured bv tho
use ot Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com-
Mental depression, weakness of the mils.
cular system, general 111. health, benefited
uy using urowirs iron Hitters.
C-f" With Diamond lives imv ladv can tret
as good results as the best practical dyer.
j.yli.v uyu iv.iiinmcu iruo 10 namu ami
Thu President and a Committee from thu
1'iirmer's Club, of tho American Institute.
have visited Sneer's Vinevards and Wine
ueuars, ami lliey report that tho Tort Grape
Wlno of Alfred Sneer, of Passaic. Now
Jersey, is tho most reliable wine to be ob.
tamed, it is now being used by I'hvslclans
win) nru ll o most cnuicc ill i no se cction ot
wines for convalescent patients. Tho nrln
clpal hospitals In New York havo adopted
wus wine, it is lor saio uy u. A. ivielm.
Tills Is beyond question the most success.
fill Cough Medicine wo havo ever sold, a
few doses Invariably euro thu worst cases
of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its
woiideriul success m tno euro of Lonsumti.
lion is without n parallel in tho history of
medicine. oiucu us nrsi discovery ll li
been sold on n guarantee, a test which
oilier medicine can stand. If you havo
Cough wo earnestlv ask you to try it. Prtcu
10 nil ,im11()(l If vnnr I in,,,. 0,0..
Chest, or Hack, Lame, use Shfioh's Porous
Prlcu 25 cts.
Sold by J. 11, Kin
may a cow
0 havo a speedy and positive euro for
catiirih. dintherhi. canker mouth ami
headache, lu bhiloh's Catarrh Remedy
nasal Injector free with each bottle. Usu
it if you lieslro health anil sweet breath
rriee oil cents, tjoiu uy J. 11. Kinports.
may 12-cow,
Is It not worth tho small nrlco of 7fi cent
to frco yourself of every symptom of these
distressing complaints, if you think so call
at our storu ami get a bottlo of Shiloh'i
Vltallzer, every bottlo has a printed nuar
anteu 011 It, usu accordingly and if it does
you no good It will cost you nothing. Sold
by J, 11, ivluports,
may rj-cow.
My wlfu said I was a fool when I brought
homo a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic.
Rut when it broke mi mv coimli and cured
iter neuralgia ami niiuya dysentery sho
thought it u cood Investment. N. Y. Tal.
lor. ,
- Sei! a woman lu another column, near
Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
widen bpecra rort Urapo wino Is made.
nun is so nigiiiy esteemed uy tno medical
pnuession, ior tno usu 01 invalids, weakly
persons and the aged.
Mom uy Druggists. sept 22-ly
Wheal per hurt el .,,
live- m
Uuru, i (o
Oau ' in
Flour pet barrot , ?,o
CloTirsccd t.M
liutlor i .si
Kiwi so
Talk) 0
rotitocs ,, ,., , ,4)
nrlctl vtiplcs t
Hums 1
Hides A Shoulders 1A
ohtrltens ... -.. is
TUrltC fS,H,M.,HNI...MM ................ .......
i.iru per ponna .-iv
llii per ton low
liiosw.n , , , ,,,, si
PUiltlt Tho market wns dull but stendji super
DnMt 73 M 1 00: ritritt 9 a H Is- rriinsTlrnnln
Mmllr$.i-(r, U.
ltYK KLOLMt-ms (S 4 00
WU HAT Trie market, was steady, but Ihar.tltp,
No.) western nil ti.or a nt losi Uelawaro
and Pcnttsylronla red 11 01c 1 1 ; lonubcrry and
amftrr 11.11 s I.U.
uuiin .mri-kci wn. nun and lower tor local use;
snll yellow soc ; do rolted 79c; No. 3 do Kc.
tMTH-.Mnrkt as quiet and lU-adv; No. 1
whtio sue : No. s do it 43c : No. 1 ml ion 8Sc
1'KoVlnIONS Steady with fair demand.
LAIt'l Market was ttcady ! city kcttlo 1
live; looso butchers' U.Wc: prime 8teaniUB7
1IUTTBK Tho market was quiet nnd fancy
grades wnntod creamery extra Bu m tc;do Rood to
choice JO a ssc: Ilradford county and Now York
extra ui,
F(l(is)-nc4:e and wanted) Pennsylvania Vfl
M;c; western M(soo.
letters ot Administration on the estate ot Levi
Miller, late or O'ntre tw'p., Columbia county, l-a.,
decnaaed, havo been granted by the Itcgtstcr of
said county o Stephen I'ohc, Lime Itldgo, and
Philip I. .Mlllrr Union Corners, Northumberland
county, administrators. Alt persons bavlnc
claims against the estate ot the decedent are
requested to present them for fcettltment. and
those Indebted to the estato to mako payment to
the undersigned administrators without delay.
RTK"I1ES POIIE. Llmellldgo, 1,. .MiLLEit, union c
fornera, North'J Co.
sep 8-0 v
c;il Instate I
Tho undcrsUnod administrator ot Jacob 8. Hess,
late ot Sugarlout township, deceased, will expose
to public silo on the premises on
MOiNDAY, October 16, '82
at i o'clock p. m. tho following tracts ot land, sit
uate la sugirfoat township.
No. 1. Hounded on tho North and East by land
ot J. P. Fritz on tho South by a public road and on
tho West by land ot lUonali Fritz, containing
more orles the aiao being improved land.
No. 8- Hounded on tho North by land ot J. 1.
Fritz on tho East by land of J. J. Mcllenry nnd
Illchard Hess, on tho Houth by land of Shad rack
Hess au3 on tho West by a publlo road, cuntatn
more or less, tho samo being partly Improved
land. This trtctot laud ontalnsa good orchard
and sugar camp.
TERMS OP SALTS Ten per cent, of the ono-
fourth ot tho purchase monoy to bo paid at tho
striking down of tho property; tho ono-tourth loss
tho ten per cent, at the confirmation of sale; nnd
the remaining thrce-fourthi in ono year there
after, with interest from continuation nisi.
A. l. fiutz, J ESSE IIESH,
Attorney. Administrator,
Sept J2-ts Central.
CamA within the enclosures ot tbo under
signed, In Sugarloaf township, on or about tbo
sota of September issi, a rd heifer about two
years old. with a slit under t ho right car, the
owner will call and prove property, pay charges
and tako her away or she will be disposed of ac
cording to law. E. S. Pltl 1 Z.
sept. S'z-3 w
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Wheru wc have no agent.
BtilrUrders nnd inquiries bv Mail or
Telcpliono receivo thomit attention
MontoiirWMti? Leatl Zinc &ColorWorks
HENRY S. REAY, Proprietor,
May so .cm
A Hue
In tho town ot Kipy, lately repalrod, In good run.
uuik "(urr, wuu u kuuu irttuu. v;enirdi iocauon.
wnuip una on easy terms.
of siiiur s
, with good largo buildings tf acres ot
, 1 wdls. in a good stttoot cultivation,
on a 1'iHillo run J m miles from Ornm'Httlln
nuuv.iuiiu. ,c,i.
bo ra r on risiiingcrrck Also ono of V ncrts
X iii from Uglimtreet, With plenty of fruit,
water huildlnijs, timber, Ac.
Al'i one 'f no acres on Jersoytiwn bill, along
publui load from Ulooinsburir to Jersejtown, In
good Ntaio of cultivation, buildings, water, fruit,
of K, acres lx miles from ltloomsburg, build
lugs, fiult, plenty of water, splendid locullon.tlna
inuu iui wuitlUK villa)',
A Grist Mill
on I.l'tlo Vlshlugcrcclc 3 miles from rlloombburg
Turbli e wheel, full water poer, dwelling bouse
Including a icres of laud, with a palng tradj
Terms to s ilt purchaser,
A la'xn brlcx resldenco on Necond street, cor,
ncr lot, all coovtnlruecs. Also 000 on Kant si .
with btable, fruit, well and Uouuo lu present
Aho large frame dwelling
houso on Host tt,
ti ulnntv rtr rruit
on a rtoiiblo corner lot, with plonty ot fruit
all conveniences, well
suited for retired life.
A frmo dwelling home on corner ot Fourth, and
West mrects. for sale cnean. ono on Tth Mreet.
corner lot. Terms, part dawn and balance In
monthly Installments, Ono on trd street, price
A dwelling bouio on Centre street, lino fiult,
well, ntnblo, giqundt and building lu best of or
der. Terms to butt purchaser.
Apply at the law onice of Wm. Chrisman
Jloycr's llulldlng, llloombburg, 1'a.
August , U,
O.sborn's Family Paints ready for use nro
thu most convenient nrtlclo of tho kind, all
shades nnd colors, put up In i, J nnd pint
cans. Wo I timisli a can 01 pnun nnu urusn
for 25 cents.
Saxollnu Petroleum Jelly, used for burns
scalds nnd sores of every klndi It is good
d It Is good
and cheap. Saxollno Pomade for tho hnlr,
lilgliiy perliimed, ho cents.
Ulvccrino Lotion. To ladles nnd children
or nny person with n lino sensitive skin nnd
whoso complexion Is nITccted by tho weather
causing redness, roughness nnd chapping
tins 1,011011 is invaiuamc. An excellent np
plication to tho face after shaving. Large
bottles 2.1 and CO cents.
Our Stock ot Hair and Toothbrushes has
been replenished and contains somo g"ood
Wo enrrv n complete nnd well selected
stock, nnd competent persons nro always In
attendance to supply tho wants of our pat
rons. Wo study to plcnsc, and bcllcvo we
enn supply you with everything In our lino
economically, satisfactorily nnd In n manner
calculated to Induce to Join In tho verdict,
that our store is the place to trndc. Hoping
to seo ninny readeia of the Columiiian nt
our place of business shortly nnd soliciting
n share of your esteemed patronage, we re
main Very Truly Yours
N. J. Hendershott.
A Good Article.
For the past four years tho
well known house of J3augh &
Sons, 20 S. Delaware Avenue,
Philad. have been onerinc; to
our fanners their superior phos
phate lor wheat, tobacco, corn
and other crops. This was the
first firm to learn that farmers
could not afford to pay from $40
to fcGO per ton for a fertilizer and
they set to work to manufacture
an article for less money, but
to contain all the virtues ot tho
high priced article.
11103- !U'e now manufacturing
and selling a phosphate for 25
per ton on cars or boat in rhila.,
which has been tried and found
just what tho farmers need.
Large numbers of farmers have
used it and recommend it to
their neighbors. For circular
showing guaranteed analysis ad
sept, s, t-m.
D- & J. J. Jl'HENRY
being engaged in tho
Manufacturing of Lumber
havo constantly in stock tho following:
2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x8
ot vnrlou; leiutlis (or llullillng rurposnj.
200,000 feet Hemlock Boards,
14, 10, 18 and 20 feet, ranging in width
from 10 to 20 inches.
5, 0 and "Inches, 1(1 feet long.
50.OOO White I'inc Boards, Fauol.
40,000 Feet 2 in. Plank, Pine,
AlSO '
Largo quantises ot common plno boauls etc..
quantities ot tho above can bu baa at tno Lum
ber lard or
J- J. McllKNUY, Iienton Pa.
For turther particulars address
Ronton, Pit
aug S5 nm
Stra V-jers art: invited to visit
our storo, when in Philadel
phia, to leave: packages there,
and to make, a convenience
of it generally. It is a handy
place, right by the new City
1 1 all, at the very center of the
city. It answers our purpose
to welcome you, and to pro
vide for such of your wants
as we can.
The store is about twice
as large as it was two or
three years ago ; made so by
c"kr'ng under ground and
building overhead, and by ex
tension on Chestnut street.
Parts of the store are about
as comfortable as any place
can be; and one of the most
comfortable parts is now be
ing got ready for the rest and
refreshment of strangers.
One of thu pleasant thines
about the store always has
been the fact that you can
walk all over it, either alone
or with n guide, without ever
being asked to buy a thing.
We know very well that most
of you come to ns for a good
share of your supplies; why
should we spoil your visit by
intruding goods upon your
attention, when you come to
sec the place ?
But perhaps you arc not
coming to Philadelphia just
now. Very well; take a cool
er time. It's cool enough in
the store, when you get here.
You can write for any goods
that you may happen to
want; and get them, proba
bly, just as well as if you
were on the spot. Any how,
you know, you can return
whatever you get that you
don't like.
We sell more sorts of
things tlmn we can put into
an advertisement. So, what
ever you want, suppose you
drop us a line. We'll help
you if we can.
John Wanamakeu,
Chvfctimi il.lrtctiitli aul Market
ttrwU. and Cits h dl niuarc,