The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 08, 1882, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. i The Columbian. blomurqTpa., Fill DAY, SKPTEMUKU 8th, 1882. Correct Kallroiul Time Tnlilc. Trains on tho Philadelphia & H. 11. leave Itupcrt as follows i HOST It. ROCTIt. 6 is ft. m. n 49 ft. m. ihj p. m. o 4.1 p. in. CI rrttn on tho I). I,. A W. It. II. lcavo ll'ooiiisrjiirif ui follows i VORTIt. T 83 ft. ra. !0 M ft. in. SOOTH. 8 2J a. m. 11 49 ft m. (1 Dl p. 111. SI n. 4 91 p. In, Thrill 43 train BOiilli connect wllh thn I'hllii. dclphla 4 Heading at Itupcrt, ana with thu Northern Control ut Northumberland. Tho 8:li a. m train connects al Northumberland wllh M train on Pennsylvania road reaching rnliadeiphla at 8:ft p. m. Tho tint train connects with Philadelphia and trading ron lat ltuport at UuV) reaching I'hlla dclphla ate:oo p. m. The lins train connects wllh rcnnsylv.inln rial at Northumberland at 1:43 reaching Philadel phia at 1:39 p. m, Tho 4:27 p m. train connects with Pennsylvania road nt Northumberland at 8:03 p. m. ami reaches Philadelphia at 1:55 n. in. IcrHonnl John Ilutter, of tills ofilce, lins been con. lined to the house this week. C. E. Wolllvcr of Milton spent Sunday In town. O. flruco Wolls will begin a courso nt Lnfnyctto College, Eftston, next week. Jllss Ada Browcr Is visiting her sister In Ilcllcfontc. Miss Martlm Drinker returned from Vir ginia on Tucsdny. Mr. & Mrs. D. Q. Bertsch of Mnuch Chunk are guests at I. S. Kuhu's. Prof. Wilbur returned last week nftcr spending a very pleasant vacation In New York State. Mr. Conkllng and family have removed to Orange county, New Ttork. Mr. & Mrs. Freas Brown returned from tho sen-shoro on Monday. 0. B. Jackson, IV T. Thompson nnd A. K. Oswald Esqs, of Berwick, were InJ at tendance at court this week. Supt. D. A. Harman of Ilnzlcton was in town last week looking for some teachers for tho Hazleton schools. Miss Annlo Van Busklrk of Wnitninsjiort Is visiting Miss May Barkley. Ed. Hummel and Art. Trexlcr of Hcllns grovo wcro visiting friends In this place on Sunday last. Harry BUlmcyer went to Philadelphia on Wednesday, where he will attend lectures during the winter at Jefferson Medical Col- lege The CnmpulKu Columuliui. Wo will send the Coi.umihan to any ad dress In tho county, from now until after the full election for 80 cents. As this will be nn unusually Interesting campalgnevcry Democratic voter should take a paper and keep himself posted. There Is not a man In the county who cannot afford to take the Columbian at that price, and wo hope to receive many orders' Postage stamps can be sent by mall. An Independent Hepubllcan club has been organized nt Sunbury. Spectacles nnd eye glasses, to suit all nges, at L. Bombard's Jewelry store. Evening services will be resumed at the Episcopal church next Sunday. A picked nine of Bloomshurg will play tho CntJiwhsa club at CutnwUsii on Satur day. Hon. S. P. Wolverton Is the choice of the Northumberland county democrats, for Congress. Railroad car wheels nro now made of compressed paper, with steel ties- They cost $109 per pair. Wanted. A good shoemaker. Address Theodore Mencer, Muncy Valley, Sullivan county, Pa. Beys. J. It. Dlmn and E. A. Slmrretts will be present to take part In the services at the reopening of the Lutheran church on Sunday September 10th. Tho Wllliamsport Oazettt it Jlullelin says Mr. Philip Eyer, of Bloomshurg, now In the 93d year of his of his age, Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Willits, of that city. The enormous sunllower which was ox. hlhlted In o ur window last week, was rats on the premises of Itev. Dr. Mitchell. It measured fifteen inches across the seed por tlon of the flower- The attendance ut the Opera House at tho performance of the Wallace-Vilhv com binatjon was small, no doubt owing to the rain. The play of "Miss Multon" which Is very similar to East Lynnc, was well rendered. "Clndeialla," the after piece was very funny. They deserved a large audience and would have had It If tho weather had been favorable. "A child of tho state" will bo presented nt the Opera House on Tuesday evening, September 12th, by nn excellent company, embracing the Itussian Countess, Zclniu Vnldlmnr. Miss Emma Stokes, and Mr. J. A. FUz Patrick. Tills la a new dra ma for this section, nnd as It is very highly spoken of by the press wherever It has been presented, there will no doubt be n full house to witness It. Scats Bccured nt Den tier's. Prices, SO, 85 and 2.1 cents. Tho concert to be given in tha Opera House on Friday evening, tin lflth Inst, will bo n grand affair. All who will parti cipate are cultivated musicians, and wecau confidently promlso those who attend, a rare treat. The price of admission has been fixed nt the low sum of 25 and 85 cents, so that it Is within tho reach of eveiy body. Tickets can lie obtained at the Cou umiiian ofilce, Dentler's store, nnd of mem bers of tho Winona Firo Company. Democrats all over tho Stato have rea son to be proud of tho re-iioinlimtloti of Hon. Win. EUvell, for President Judgo of the 20th district, and citizens of Columbia and Montour counties, Irrespective of party lines will esteem It a pleasure to endorse by their votes tho nomination of a man who never has soiled the judicial ermine by even the suspicion of a wrong act, and whoso decisions are universally accepted ns sound law by the highest tribunals in the land. Wilkttbanc Record, Tho Ent Post (1, A. It. has been present ed witli a beautiful pair of guidons. They are small Hags of dark blue silk, bordered with' gold fringe, and on each one is print cd in gilt letters "Ent Post 250 Q. A. It." They nro hung on staffs terminating in gilt spenrs, Mrs. General Ent was tho donor. Tho following resolutions were tendered Mrs. Ent by the Orand Army i WiiEiiiiAB, Gen, Ent Post No. 250 Grand Army of tho llepubllc, have this evening received two handsome 'Guidons' from the bands of Mrs. Gen. W. II. Ent, therefore bo It. Itttohed i That tho thanks of this or ganization arc tendered to their generous donor, Jinolved i That this Post will ever cher ish a kind rcmemberance for thu lamented dead who fought for his country's porpu. tulty, Utiohtd i That us these mementoes recall heroic deeds of the past, they may Inspire us tofortltudo and heroism In the future battles of life that wo may Jail become con qucrors In tho end. Christian Lorson, formerly money clerk In tho Wilkesbarro postolllco has been nr. rested for stealing sixty-dollars from tho of fice in May last. Ho admitted his guilt. Oliver Watson an old resident of William sport, and President of tho First National Bank of that city, died last Friday, aged 71 years. The conviction of James Conner should be a lesson not only to him, but to nil men of his kind. Tho law will overtake tho of fender, and the fullest penalty la generally Imposed. Tho attention of farmers lu called to tho advertisement of Messrs. Baugh & Sons, In another column. Tho reputation of their Phosphate 1 world-wide. Send for Circa Inr. A survey of tho Sustiuclinnnn rlvcr from Plttston to tho Stato lino has been provld ed for, and the expenso will bo met with funds appropriated for surveys generally and disbursed at the discretion nnd on tho recommendation of tho Secretary of War. : The Normal School opened on Tuesday, and the prospects arc that it will bo one of the most prosperous terms tho school haB had for some time. There nro nearly two hundred pupils, nnd over seventy of them nro boarders. Just received a new mi of Elgin, Walt- ham, Springfield nnd othermnke of watches In open nnd hunting cases, warranted from two to five years. Also silver plated teaspoons one dollar a set, tablo spoons two dollars a set, at Ii. Bombard's Jewelry Store. 0 0-tf That "Blew Tco" affair, whatever It Is, will take place this Friday nnd Snturdny evenings nt Knorr and Wlnlcrstccn's halt. The procccds.urc to go towards the erection of a chapel for St. Paul's P. E. church. It will cost only live cents to go In and llr.d out whnt n "Blew Tee" is, and you can spend ns much more na you feel Inclined after you get there. During a recent visit to Knchcster,lt wns our pleasure to meet E. A. Me.Math Esq, formerly n teacher at the Normal School. Mr. McMath has been successfully engaged in tho practice of law at ltochester, but owing to falling health, has been obliged to give up his practice, an d Intends to go west. The M. E. church at Chestnut Grovo, ltohrsburg circuit, which was to have been dedicated on the 27th. of Aug. but prevent ed by rain storm, will be dedicated Sundny next, Sept, 10th, Hev. H. C. Pardoc and others will bo present. Services nt 10, A. M. and seven P. M. The services nt the re-openlng of the M. E. church of this place, Sunday next, Sept. 10, will be very interesting. In the morn ing at 10 o'clock Hev. J. II. MeOurriih, will preach. In the evening at 7 ;80 o'clock the services will be conducted by Itev. It. E. Wilson, Kevs. W. W. Evans and the pustor.Bev. J. A. Donahue will assist in the services morning and evening. Eckley B. Coxc has just given a fresh Il lustration of his humane Interest In his worMngmcn by fitting up n commodious, handsome and thoroughly equipped bos. tiltal. designed for tho treatment of thoso who become disabled in the mines or other wise while In the employ of his firm. The new institution was opened September 1st, for the reception of patients. The body of a mnn was found on the new railroad last Saturday. An inquest wns held and the jury found a verdict of death from natural causes, as Dr. Willits said there were strong Indications of cholora morbus. It Is believed the man died from want of proper attendance. His name was Barn, nrd Shellenbcrg, and his residence in Ger. ninny. Abram Whipple who was covicted of larceny on Wednesday, was married on the afternoon of that day. After his conviction lie asked the sheriff if he would go with him to a justice's ofilce and on the way there they met a woman who was a witness for Whipple nt the trial. Proceeding to Esquire Maize's ofilce the couple were there married hi the presence of the sheriff, his son, J. D. Bodlne, uud a few others. After the ceremony the groom was escorted to jail, and the bride went her way. 491vcii A -way. A valuable stylographlc pen is given away with every quart bottle of Caw's Ink sold nt tho Coi.u.MiiiAN store. The Ink is the best quality, and sells ut $1.00 a quart. Cull soon and secure a bargain. Tlie Gniuc fluaHoii. The season for hunting gamo Is now fast approaching. Woodcock has been In sou- son since July -1, and will continue until January 1. Squirrels will be In season from September 1 to January 1 ; pheasants and grouse, from October 1 to Jammryl j rabbits from November 1 to January 1. Tho season for killing nil guinu protected by law expires January 1. The laws are severe ou trespassers, who hunt or fish without tho permission of lund owners or who damage their property while ou ex. curslons, A Cltlld of tlie Htate. Notwithstanding thu heat of last even ing u flue audience assembled ut the Park Theatre to witness tlie beautiful live act drama of "A Child of tho Stnte" by Mann ger F. J. Pilling' carefully bclected drama tic company. The play abounds In strik ing situations and In many parts develops tender and beautiful sentiment. Tho "(leilraiule" of Millc. Zebna Vludemlr was a strong conscientious effort in Ii ch tlie audience wns not slow to recognize, nnd upplaud. Her fetyle of acting Is very pleasing and of a character calculated to carry the houso with her from her first up. penrnuco to the fall of the curtain. Miss Emma Stokes as tlie young Child of the State, was perfectly nt home in her part, and did Indeed manago to "keep things lively." Sho Is u pretty, vivacious and very clever actress. The "Count Maurice do liiiuccy" of Mr. J. H. Fltzputrlck proved him to bo a finished actor of the old school Tlie "Gros Ileuo" of Mr. J. H. Moroso was admirably rendered and drew forth fie. quent npplauso and laughter. Other parts weru ably sustained by Miss M. E. Fltzput rlck, Miss Kate Biirllngumo uml Messrs. J, K. Wilson nnd Edwin Browne. Each lady us the enters the theatre Is presented with a beautiful souvenir pullctto upon which is depicted In colors, one of tho most strlk. Ing scenes of the play. Neuark lleii'ter, Sept. 'id. Ono of the most complete surprises was given Mrs. Bodlne of Catawlssa ou tlie 25th of August, It was her seventy.thlrd birth, day, and her children, William Bodino of llloomshurg, Itev. John Bodlne, of Mill, vllle and J. ! Bodlne of Maluvllle, had purposed gathering tho friends together, to make a Joyous occasion for the old lady. They sent her uwuy on Wednesday ami ou Friday morning the friends began to assemble, until noon there were about eighty guests, and tlie aged mother was brought homo to this company, completely surprised. Tho friends hud prepared an excellent dinner, and nil enjoyed themscl. ves. After dinner a presentation address was given by Hev. Dlcner, and replied to by It, E. Wilson. Op Intkhrst to LANnt.nuns. A enso of grent interest to thoso who keep boarders wns decided before Judgo Hagciimnn tills week. William Boycr boarded with Peter High, but left without paying ids board nnd taking his baggage with lilnii Mr, High prosecuted him criminally under thojnet of 1870, which makes It a misdemea nor to abscond from a boarding houso or a hotel without paying (lie board duo. The cso turned upon tho construction of tho word "absconding" m used In tho act of assembly. Tho court held that to nbscond n mnn must cither leave tho Jurisdiction of tho court or Bccrctc himself so ns to avoid tho service of process, and ns tho defendant hnd not left town nor secreted himself, tho Judge charged tho Jury that ho could not be convicted under the art, but that they should return to their room and dispose of tho costs. Korrutfnm Ilegiiter. Local church conventions under the auspices of tho Methodist Episcopal church, nnd In chargo of Hev. M. h. Smy. scr, P. E., assisted by ministers nnd lay. men of the Danville district, will be held ns follows i Mifflin charge, Hev. J. Horn lug pastor, at Lime Hldge, Snturdny Sep tcmber 0 Buckhorn chnrge, Hev. G. V. Savldgc, pastor, at Buckhorn, Tuesday September 12 1 Jcrssytown charge, Hev, N. H. Smith pastor, nt Eycrs Grove, Wed- nesday September 13 1 ltohrsburg chnrge, Hev. J, F. Kerlln pastor, nnd Ornngevllle chnrge, Hev. E. M. Chllcont pastor, at Orangcvillc, rhursdny September 14 1 Espy nnd l.lghtstrect chnrge, Hev. H, C. Chcston pastor, nt l.lghtstrect Friday Sep. tember 15 nnd Benton charge, Hovs. G W. Dniilnp and E. H. Wltman pastors, at Hamlin on Friday September 22nd. These conventions will have thrco sessions each, viz I 0 a. m., 2 p. m. nnd 7i30 p. m., nnd aro open to the public, who are Invited to attend nnd participate In the exercises. A full programme is prepared for each convention. DccilH Kccortlctl. Tho following deeds have been recorded since those last published : George Holly and wife to Mnry L. Jones, Berwick. Samuel 1). '1 aylor and wife to Susannah Buckingham, Derwick. David Walsh and wlfo and ('. G. Mur phy to Edward Hegerty, Ceutralla. Mary Chapman to Maria Hegerty, Cen traliu. Albert L. Turner to I.aforest A. Sliat tuck, Bloomshurg. Henry James and wife to James C. Brown, Main. James C. Brown tn Charles M. Bitten bender, Main. Joseph D. Thomson and wife to Wei- llngton Williams, Berwick. Frederick Crouse to Susannah Hiinslnger, Beaver. Thomas P. Cherlngtnn to M. ti. Hughes, Catawlssa. M. G. Hmjhes to Virginia F. Kline, Catawlssa. G. W. Adams and wife to Holandus Herblne, Locust. Wm. Watts and wife to J. T. nnd Eliza. both 1). Boeder, Franklin. Georgo W. Huth and wlfo to John Fes. ter, et nl. trustees, Berwick. U. II. Kut, sheriff, to Simon H. Carl, Locust. Henry and Jacob Kline to Simon H. Carl, Locust. J. H. Vastino and wife to Georgo Wlinry, Locust. PeUr Kiisc and wife to Hnrriet Knse, Benton. A New Hiiuree of DcllKlit. One of the most delightful works Issued in many a day is the "THEASUHY OF SONG," Prof. D. H. Morrison, editor, Hub. hard Brothers, Publishers, Phihi. It would be difficult to detail all the merits and beauties of u book so full of creations that touch the heart and revive memories com mon to all. The old and familiar sonirs that have been dear to every homo and tho tirlglitest, sweetest, new songs that nro becoming Immensely popular, are here found grouped together In a most beautl. fill book tor tho parlor table. The work gives more joy thau u hundred concerts or operas, tor it comes dally Into the fain- lly, where all can enjoy It, and where such n book has long been wanted. mis collection embodies the widest diversity in tho character of its contents. Including compositions which nro praise ful, patriotic, martial, descriptive, dldac tic, sentimental, humorous, nathetlc and devotional. It is believed that no phuso of sentiment, and no set of circumstances, will fall to be appropriately met in the use of this book. Because of this snlendid fullness, all tho Inmates of the home, from granufutlier to baby pet, may feel that the music of tho homo circle is truly a feast of fut tilings. There is not a sonc In the en- tire collection that could lie omitted with out marring tlie completeness of the book. Indeed the world's greatest Basso. M. W. Whitney, of Boston, gives it his "cordial endorsement . , , as a most desirable book for the Home Circle." His opinion is con currtd In by multitudes of equally eminent musicians. Dr. J. H. Vincent. Superintendent of thu great Chautauqua Assembly School, was so pleased with this book that he secured three copies as prizes nt the competitive Normal examination of that institution. Memorial. Died in Greenwood on September 2, of typhoid fever, Miss Corn Belshlhie, aged 18 years, 0 months and 20 duys. Tlie deceased ut the age of fourteen yours made a public consecration of herself to God by uniting to the Heformed church at St. James. Though young In years her character was christian and womanly, she was an obedient and dutiful child, mid her life was a ministry of peace and cousoln tlon. Since the coming of her family to tills place, sho has been a constant mem her of the Pino Grove Sabbath hoIiooI, and all had learned to love, honor and respect her. Ami since It bus pleased nn nil wise Providence to remove her from our midst, we bow submissively, saying i "Thy will be done." Wo nil hope to meet her In tho 'Sweet Bye and Bye." She leaves a loving father and mother and two brothers, besides many friends, to mourn her loss. Surely our loss Is her great gain, therefore our hearts are com fortedt may herdealh bo sanctified to tho good of tlie bereaved family circle, church and Sunday school. "Thou we rt not formed for living here, So linked thy soul was with the skyi Yet, nb, we held thee nil so dear, We thought thou wurt not formed to die." Tho funeral services were held In the Mt. Pleasant Church to which placither remains were followed by u largo concourse of sympathizing friends. Her pastor, Hev. A. Houtz, preached the ser. mon from the text ot her own selection i "Let your affections bo on tilings nbovc, and not on thing on the earth." Col, 8, 2. The sermon was listened t with much Inleiest. The pall bearers were six young , ladles of her Sunday school class. By older of committee, Mm. M. Kitumhn, Miiu. II, Thomas. Miss Ida Cox. "III'CIIUPAIIIA." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kid ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1, Druggists. Court l'roccctlliiaH. Tlie September term of rnnrl opened nil Mnndny, September 4th, all I he Jmljjc on the Bench. Constables of the several township made their returns, M. E. Cox, W. W. Barret ami 11. Shutt were appointed tipstaves for first week E. M. Klsner and M. E. Cox for sicond week. Auditor's report In tho estate of La Ilia Mlncagli, confirmed nisi. Heturn of sale In estate of Francis Kos tonbauder, confirmed nisi. Order of snlo continued In estate of W. N. Brown. Hcport of nudltor making distribution of proceeds of sale by sheriff of real estate of A. M. Itupcrt, confirmed nisi. Hcport of nudltor In estate of Thomus Stackhouse, confirmed nisi. Heport of auditor In estate of John Bos. ton, continued nisi. Heturn of snlo In estate of .Mary II. Horn, confirmed nisi. Heport of viewers of n road In Flshhig- crcck near Ell renter's, In favor of toad, confirmed nisi. Heport of viewers of u road in CalawlsBii township near Bernlnger's mill, in favor of road, confirmed nisi. Heturn of Inquest in estate of Jacob Trlbalplccc, confirmed nisi. Heturn of side In cstnte of Benjamin Bulime, confirmed nisi. Heport of viewers of a road In Pine and Greenwood near Centre school, against a road, confirmed nisi. Heport of auditor iu estate of Orvllle Harrison, confirmed nisi. Heport of viewers against a county bridge In Greenwood near r. B. Mather's, confirmed nisi. In the matter of the bridge over tho Susquehanna river, petition for review nnd exceptions to report, filed. Chas. A. Shuiuan appointed gunrdian of Jacob Baker. Accounts of executors, nnniliilstrators, &c, presented, confirmed nisi. Widows' appraisements confirmed nisi. Petition of Mary Iteppart for subpomn In divorce, citation awarded. Alias writ of partition awarded In cstnte of Elizabeth Kelclmer. Partition awarded In estate of Jacob Baker. Order of sale continued in estate of Elizabeth Wcnner. Salo of real estate ordered hi estate of Elijah Yocum. Heport of side In estate of David Sltlcr confirmed nisi. Heturn of inquest in estate of William Kelclmer, continued nisi. Partition awarded In tho estate ot The resa Bailor. Heport of commission In lutncy of Surnh Miller filed. Sale ordered in estate of George Glrton. Hcport of viewers in favor of n road near Yocum's saw mill confirmed nisi. Commonwealth vs. Willtam Edgar, noil pros, allowed on payment of costs. Commonwealth vs. Charles McKohl, fornication nnd bastardy, a true bill. Commonwealth vs. Abram Whipple, larceny. A truo bill. William Jackman naturalized hi open court. Heport of auditor In estate of Benjamin Wintersteen, confirmed nisi. Order to viewers of a road in Sugnrloaf near J. W. Diltz continued. Alias order of salo made in estate of Elmer A. Eves. Commissioner appointed to tnke testi mony In mutter of specific performance in estnle of Martin Lunger. Stephen Pohe appointed guardian of Alfred .Miller. Heport of viewers of n road In Catawls sa township near creek bridge, confirmed nisi. Report of viewers of a road in Franklin township near Artlcy's and Ilower's, con firmed nisi. Return of inquest In estate of Lewis Fonlk, confirmed nisi. Hcport of sale In the estate of W. H. Orange, confirmed nisi. Bond tiled in estate of C. F. Hurder, a lunatic, return of salo confirmed nisi. Bloom Poor District vs. Orange Poor Overseers. Appeal filed by defendant. Report of road In Orange near C. Mcar's confirmed nisi. Heport of vlewors of a road lu Centre township, near Levi Fester's and Whit- mire's store set aside. Opinion filed. Commonwealth vs. Mlllvlllo Valley Grunge. Opinion filed in favor of appel lant. Commonwealth vs. Rohrsburg Orange. Opinion filed in favor of appellant. (This opinion will be published next week. Commonwealth vs. J. R. Jamison. A true bill. Commonwealth vs. James Conner. At tempt to commit a rape. A true bill. Christian Small, Henry Gablo and Jncob Yeuger appointed viewers of u road in Franklin township. S. B. Dlenier, Chits. Sharpless, and Geo. S. Gilbert appointed viewers to view a bridge over Catawlssa Creek In Beavrr twp Commouwealth vs. Benjamin .Miller. Case heard, and defendant sentenced to pny !fl.OO a month and costs of prosecu tion. Commonwealth vs. James Conner. Case tried. Verdict guilty. Common wealth vs. Asa Y. Hess. Bur glary. A true bill. Commonwealth vs. J, R. Yohe. Not a trim bill. John IUuterliter to pay costs. Commonwealth vs. G. F. Harris, A truo bill. Commonwealth vs. W. G. Crcvcllng. A true bill. Commonwealth vs. A. Whipple. Case tried. Verdict guilty. Commonwealth vs. John lliuterlilcr. A true bill. Commonwealth vs. Nathan Evert. A true bill. Salo ordered In estate of John Snyder. Petition of Robert F. Howell for bene- fit of insolvent law presented. Order of sale combined In estate of Sam- uel Hutchison, Inquest nwarded lu estate of W. H. Orange. John Fisher appointed gunrdian of D.m- lei Fisher. Commouwealth vs. Asa Y. Hess, On trial. Commonwealth vs. James Conner, Cnou tried. Verdict guilty. There Is at present going tlie rounds of the press a suggestion that, though simple, seems to have the endorsement of many as having been effective as a cure for various ailments. Tho remedial ngent Is drinking hot water by tlie tumblerful, lathe morning after rising. Ills claimed that tills will relievo dyspepsia troubles, that it tones tho stomach and relieves the system ot impuri ties. Tho local editor of tlie New York Dispatch says ho has tried thu hot water cure for slckhcuducho, for ud wards of three months, ami that lie has not had un attack of the dlsoase since, although before Its uso he was iitlllcted with thu stckhcudacho almost weekly. He is now a (Inn believer n the hot water cure. 1 . There will bo a frstlvul wllh warm supper ut tno urango Hull Iu Centre Township on Saturday afternoon ahd evening September 10th. lCiiKlcHtuere. LKrritu ruoM cou fIikrzr. The mlaunn which creeps nlong II o river bottoms nml low lying valleys Is loo heavy to ilso lu the alinosphere to the mountain tops upon which hang the rain clouds. So far ns I know ll has not yet been de termined id what altitude n Hay Fever victim l rcllffid fioni his sufferings. This point, which Is said to be twcnty-llvo hundred feel high, I presume above tide wuler, U of n siilllclent height to answer the purpose, I have just enough of the genuine symptoms of Hay Fever hero to show me what I would bo suffering at home. The objection to the place Is Its Inaccessibility from Bloomshurg, across tlie country, forty miles, from Muncy twenty.two miles, from Hiighcsvlllc seven teen miles. Of course, the certnlnty of eiw from suffering, and rest from labor, enables a man to endure some Inconvc nlencles, but I can easily conceive what a crowd of visitors a railroad, reaching the lake, would bring to Its delightful shores and walks. Some of the conveniences of our late civilization are here nlrendy. A telephone to Laporte nnd Dushore. where you rench a telegraph line, brings you Into contact with the wicked outside world but owing to the peculiar way in which Uncle Sam uel carries his malls, It takes about three days to get a letter from Bloomsburg. We aro therefore sent back to tho times when a newspaper a week old was news; the British army might be drowned in the Red Sea for a week before we could hear of It or Stewart nnd Beaver might bo belaboring each other, with McClurc holding the sponge ; or tho Kilkenny Knt light of Konkllng nnd Korncll might bo ended for ninny days before the echoes of Eaglesmero could resound with shouts for the victors, or sighs for the vanquished. However, to people who do not desire nny such excitement, tho days pass quiet ly, nnd the long August and dreamy September aro the nfter-math of child hood and youth, when neither cares nor sorrows nor business vexed the long day, nor disturbed the sound sleep of the in creasing night. Tho days of the week and oven of the month seem not to Impress themselves upon your attention, they come and go nml make no sign, and leave no mark upon the progress or business of the world. There are persons here from Hiighcsvlllc, -Muncy, Wllliamsport, Mllton( Bloomsburg, Catnwlssa, Philadelphia and New York they come and go they walk and boat, and take excursions upon the steamer and battoe, and say good bye, and wo sec them no more. For myself I have been busy giving the Inst touches to the first part of my "His tory of Columbia County," uml which I send you herewith to be put Into the hands of the typesetter. In the Intervals of that labor I have been amusing myself trying to read Molliere's Dramatic works, but have found it not so amusing as I expected. French comedy Is not to my taste. Thcro are a good many amusing scenes, ns there ought to bo in over thirty plays, but ns a whole they arc disappointing. Of the lake I can add nothing to what 1 said a year ago, Tho ruins of glass works are still standing, but storm nnd frost will before long, tumble the ruinous walls, and the beautiful hill which they now crown will give place to soni'i residence, which it is to be hoped will do honor to its mug nlllccnt location. As I said, Its inaccessi bility Is Its great drawback. But cngl neerlng skill may yet enable u train of cars to scale the mountain tops, nnd if so, I fear the quiet dreamy life wo aro now leading will be gone forever. Why should the scream of the locomotive fret the rocks of quiet, sunny, sleepy Eaolusmki:!:. Tlie itally liraplile. Saturday, July 29. WAI.T WHITMAN'S I.KAVES OK (USANS. The edition of Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass," about which so much lins been written on account of the abandonment of Its publication by a Boston firm in conse quence of Mr. Anthony Comstock's allega tions that it contained objectionable passa ges, has been Issued by Rees Welsh & Co., Philadelphia. The book contains so much true poetry, so many passages which stamp their author as a true poet of a high, though certainly not of the highest order that it is a pity that Mr. Whitman's own good senso has not moved him long ago to cut out tho "Children of Adam," words and lines, which add nothing ut nil to the beauty of his work and which certainly nro not structural and vital to it. The author of such a poem as "O Captain, My Captain," does himself Injustice! and puts himself at a dlsudvuntngo most unnecessarily and most cruelly by flying iu tlie face of decent public oplnioip Wait Whitman's person alily Is too sweet uud soundnud clenr to bo put by a mere piece of Injudiclousiiess at so great a disadvantage as that under which n few expressions lu his poems wantonly and wilfully kept there against tlie advice of Ids best filends cause him to labor. He will not epungu them hliu self,and therefore he must pay the penalty) but after he is dead they will bo blotted out of editions, for lovers of the good man will be sure to do for his fame that which he himself has wo are sure, foolishly re fused to do for It. I'erHounl I To .Hen Only I Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall. Mlchiirun. will send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Electro.Voltnic llelts and Llectrlc Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital. ity, and manhood, and kindred troubles. guaranteeing speedy relief and complete restoration of health ami manly vigor. Address us ubove. N. B. No risk Is In. curred, us thirty days' trial Is allowed. Oct. 28. '81-ly To Rest. A room ou tlie second floor of tho Coi.iimiiiav building, lighted by gas and heated by steam, Possession given any time. Inquire at this olllce. 'SKINNV MEN', "Wells' Health Renewer" 'cstores health nnd vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, sexual Do lillity. Tiik Law ok PnorANirv. As to profanity In the State, the following is the law, which seems to bo absolutely ignored! Tho punish, ment for a profane word Is fifty cents lluo or four days' Imprisonment In the county all, If the offender Is more than fourteen years of nge. lu enso the offender Is less than font teen years of age, tho parent or master shall pay tlie line, or It shall be col. lected by tho salo of their goods. Accord. ng to this a manufacturer is responsible for all the bad language used In a mill by employees who have not attained their fourteenth year. Lydla E. l'inkhain's Vegetnhlo Com. pound cures till female complaints by re moving the cause. DEATHS. Died lu Centre township, on AiiKiist 27, Eldora Frances Siller, aged 17 years, t month and 12 days. M11.1.KU. lit Mlllortowii on September 2, Frances M. .Miller, nged 20 years and 20 days. BifisiiuNii. In Greenwood on Septem ber 2, Cora Belshllne, uged 18 years 0 months and 20 days. LOCAL NOTICIiS. Flour and feed enn always bo I?7.llf at Allen's East end grocery. nprl You must go soon If you want to get any of those good ginghams for 8 cents at Lutz & Sloan's Fall goods being received dally nt I). Lowcnberg's. In the absenco of John Wolf, farmers wanting farm machinery will plenso call nt W. B. Allen's. nprll 7-tf Farmers dealing ut W. B Allen's enn bo nccummodnled with stiibllng. npr. 7-tf. 01)00 pounds of nice dried raspberries, 8883 " nice dried pitted cherries, 7777 good spring chickens, (1000 " fat old hens, 5555 " geese and ducks, 444-1 " live venl calves, irm " fnt lambs, 2222 " " turkeys, 1111 " " sheep, 0000 old sheep bucks, nnd old roosters. All of the above wnnted right along, at Light Street, by Silas Young. July 21.2m A now stock of black nnd colored cash, lucres nt Lutz & Sloan's. An elegant line ot fall clothing now opened nt D, Lowcnberg's. W. B. Allen has just opened a lot of new goods, embracing fine groceries, glass, ware, painted china, queenswurp, iVc. All of thu best, nnd nt the lowest prices. nprll 7-tf Klnport's Compound Asiatic Balsam, or Diarrhoea cure. A remedy that has never fulled In dlnrrluca. It also gives Instant relief In colic, cramp, or pain, In thestom. uch. Prepared and sold by J, H. Kinports Evans' block, Mnlu St., Bloomsburg Pn. Aug. 4th 8m More colored dress silks this week nt Lutz ifc Sloan's. All llm new styles of soft nnd Bllff lints at i). Lowcnberg s. Addison's Liver Renewer, or medicine prepared foi diseases of the liver; dyspep sia, sick and nervous headache, consllpa tlon of the bowels, colic, sour stomach, heartburn, fever ami ague, dropsy, Jaiin. dice, &c prepared fro n roots una herbs strictly vegetable. Prepa-cd only by J. H. Kinports, Bloomsburg, Pu. Aug. 4th 3m. As good clears as can be found In town nro kept nt W. B. Allen's East end gro cery. nprll 7-tf , Want a lot of teams right along to haul, out lumber from about four miles above' Rohrsburg where Clint Lewis Is sawing, near Mathew McHcnry's or John Rnntz's to Bloomsburg and Berwick, 5,00 per per thousand to Bloom, nnd if 0,50 per thousand to Berwick, through July,Augist, nnd September. I give nil kinds of storo goods, Hour, meat, clover and timothy seed, coal, lime, harness, lly.ncts itc. nt Silas Young's Light Street. Pu. July 28-8w A new stock of ladles cloth, for dresses, at Lulz fc Sloan's. The only place to get the mottled hat Is at I). Lowcnberg's. NOTICE Persons attending court arc invited to cull and see the fall styles nt D. Lowcn berg's. Lllley & Slcppy, Orangeville, will rcceivo a cur load of salt this week. Parties want ing salt will do well by calling on them before purchasing elsewhere. Lllley & Sloppy have received fifteen cases of boots which will be sold nt very low prices. Timothy and clover seed for sale at Lisditstrect by Silas Young. sop 8-8 w BUSINESS NOTICES. A true strengthening medicine uud health renewer is Brown's Iron Bitters. hll!t.Oll' C'OXMI.MmON CW.E. This is beyond questi''1i the most success, ful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, n few doses liivniiably cure, the worst cases of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success In the cure of Consump tion is without a parallel lu the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it lias been sold on n guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough wo earnestly ask you to try It. Price 10 cts. and ijl.OO. "if your Lungs are sore, Chest, or Buck, Lame, use SI ill oil's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cts. Sold by J. II. Kin ports. may 5 cow a law run's testimony During eight years my attacks of dyspep sia were so terrible that I often had to stop business1 Parker's Ginger Tonic built mo up from almost a skeleton to the perfect health I now enjoy. J. Jerolomon, Law yer, N. Y. City , DYSPEPSIA AND I.IVEU COMPLAINT. Is It not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symptom of these distrcssiui: complaints. If you think so cull at our storo and get a bottle of Shlloh's Vitnllzer, every bottle has a printed guar antee on it, uso accordingly and it ll does you no good It will cost you nothing. Sold by J. H. Kinports. may 12-cow. A (IOOI) INVESTMENT. My wlfo said I was a fool when I brought liomo a Home ot ranter s uingcr ionic. But when it bioke un my couch and cured her neuralgia and baby's dysentery she thought it a good investment. N. "i. Tai lor. , HTNollilng so simple and perfect for coloring ns the Diamond Dyes. For car pot rugs, better und cheaper than any other uye.stuiis. We have n speedy aud positive cure for catarrh, dipthcriu, canker mouth and headache, In Shlloh's Catnnh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health uud sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by J. H. Kinports. may 12-cow. ,"Do not grasp at the shadow and lose tho substance." Kidney-Wort Is able to convert you from a shadow of your former self Into the substance of established health- Said u sufferer from kidney trouble when asked to try Kidney-Wort for a lemedy : "I'll try it, but it will be my lust dose," It cured 1dm nnd now ho recommends It to nil, If you have dls. ordered kidneys don't fall to try It. MARKETTEP0jm BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wlieat per busliel. Itye " .. .se Corn, " .. oits " " l o .41) CM ii to .IH 1,411 .OS 14tf K u .is l 'lour Ber Barrel ., ClOVTMTil nutter Tallo v L'S IWUD3 Dried V)plcs Ham situs .t shoulders , Chickens I uriccj s I.-uit por nnina .... Hay per too Uueswax .IS io oo 25 l'lIILADKLl'HIA. MARKKTS. COKllHOTKI) WK1CKI.T. 1'I.OUIi Tho market was dull but htendv: miner nne f 1 tm 3 oo; oxtrt)4oy4 00; I'eniuylviinlii l.tmny in moah KYK Fl.0l)lt-UMS13 15 WHK.VI Theinarki-t was unsettled; Ucliwaro nnd Pennsylvania Md (1 11 (3 1 14; Uelawuro and rennsjlvmita amber f 14 1 I IT. MHN Tho market was llrm local uso. O vru Tho market wus dull andeatler. HVIC cm tor nw. I'KOVIhidns Tho market was steady with Job blng demand. LA It The market was quiet. ltllTTEIt The market was quiet and rather weak; creamery extra Twutc; creamery good to choice w 4 lite; rolls dull; I'ennsjlvanla und West ern is M lie, jtutiH TI10 market was firm. ATARR H E1ys' Croara Ba- uncctual y cleanses 111HI.USUI passages 01 Cutarrlul virus, caus. Ing healthy secretions uiidjs iniiammuiion, protects tho mem. brana from additional colds.completvly he Is tho sores and restores tho benso ot taste aud smell, lllenenclal re sults are realUed by a lew applications. A thorough treatment will cure catarrh, hay fever AO I'nequaled for colds In the head Airreeable to uso. An. HAY-FEVER ohnosVus'.,n receipt nt llfty cents wfliiinall a package for tulo by all druggists. KLY'tl CllEAM BALM CO., Oswego, N. V. IO SHERIFFS SALE. Ii)' virtue of sunJrr writs Issued out of the Court o( Common I'loasof Columbia county and to tno directed, will bo inposertto public snlost tno court nouso, In llloonMburg, Pennsylvania, at two o'clock, p, m, on SATURDAY, September Dili, 1882. ats p. m., the following des lueu properties! A certain lot or piece rf cround situate In tho town Of liloomaburtf, county of Columbia nnd Btstsr.fl., leing about ntly feot In front on Third street of sildtinn and about two hundred foct In depth, bounded on tho north by said Third street, eiist by lot ot Charles Tlttls, south by an alloy, running along the north sldo of ttio Fair (iround and west by lot of Caleb llarlon.lon which is erected a ono and ono-hslf Mory frame Uwoil Ing Louso with ono story framo kitchen or back building. The main building bctntr about IS fect In f'ont by IS feet In depth, nnd tho back building is feet In depth by 10 feet In width. Helrcd, taken In execution nt tho suit ot Michael F. In trust for Kilns Mcndcnhall against Sylvester Cross owner or reputed owner and contractor and to be soil as tho property of Sylvester Orjas owner or reputed owner and ion tractor. Ilarkloy, Att'y. Lev. Kn. ALSO, A lot or plrco of cround situate In tho Town of iJlooinsbure, county of Columbia nnd f-Mo of I'cnn'a. belLg about ntty feetln front on 'l bird (.troet of said Town and about two hundred fect In depth along Mnrj 's alley of tho Town, bounded as follows: on tho north by Third street aforessld, Hast by Mary's alloy aforesaid. South by an alley running along tho north sldo of tho Fair Ground, and West by lot ot Sylvester dross. On which Is erected a one and ono half storied frame dwelling houso beln nbjut slttecti feet In frontby sixteen feet In depth. Seized, taken In execution Insult of Michael F. Kycrly, Assignee In trust tor Ellas Mcndcnhall against cnnrlcs Tittle owner or reputed owner and contractor nnd to bo sold ns tho property of Charles Tittle owner or reputed owner and con tractor. Ilarkloy, Att'y, Lev. Fa. U. n. ENT, Sheriff E XECUTOR'S NOTICE, K8TATK OF SARAH ANN ST1NE, UKCBASKD I!ttcre8tamcntaryonthec9tJiteof Sarah Ann Htlne, Uto of Locust township, Columbia county Fa. deceased, have been irrauted bv the lteirlster ot said county to Oeo. W.ftlno. Numldla Columbia uo. ah persons uaving claims against tno citato ot tho decedent aro requosted to present them for settlement nnd thoso Indebted to the estate to make payment to the undcrslgnoa oxecutor with out delay. UEO. W.NTINB, augl8ft-w Executor. Invitation. biM v.ers are invited to visit q r aloro, when in Philadel p:a, to k'ave packages there, and t- make a convenience of it generally. It is a handy place, right by the new City 1 Kill, at the very center of the city. It answers our purpose to welcome you, and to pro vide for such of your wants as we can. The store is about twice as large as it was two or three years ago; made so by digging under ground and building overhead, and by ex tension on Chestnut street. Parts of the store are about as comfortable as any place can be; and one of the most comfortable parts is now be ing got ready for the rest and refreshment of strangers. One of the pleasant things about the store always has been the fact that you can walk all over it, either alone or with a guide, without ever being asked to buy a thing. We know very well that most of you come to us for a good share of your supplies; why should we spoil your visit by intruding goods upon your attention, when you come to see the place ? But perhaps you are not coming to Philadelphia just now. Very well; take a cool er time. It's cool enough in the store, when you get here. You can write for any goods that you may happen to want; and get them, proba bly, just as well as if you were on the spot. Any how, you know, you can return whatever you get that you don't like. We sell more sorts of things than we can put into an advertisement. So, what ever you want, suppose you drop us a line. We'll help you if we can. John Wanamaker. CIii-i ir. TI l-tccn'h and Market Hrect,', Mid (lily-hull niuarc, I'liiuutai'iiiA. THE "SPECIAL" WATCH. SEE THESE RATINGS. Further Proof Hint tho Special" Is absolutely ntirlraled. Tho followlnir linvo been Inkcn Blnco our Inst statement of ratings. They nro but a foiv. Wo can bltow many moro from our Book of Hating qulto ns accurate. Watch No 61,620 61,084 63,873 68,711 63,000 01,603 61,626 61,700 68,713 63,874 Han. 60 daye, 01 days, 120 days, 28 days, 26 days, 121 days, 100 days, 10 days, 00 days, 02 days, Variation!. 12 seconds. 16 secondi, 16 secondi. 7 seoondi. 4 secondi, 17 secondi, 16 secondi, 1 locondi, IB secondi, 10 secondi, 63,000 iu aays, 1 secondi. 48,287 (minute repeater auu perpetual calendar) BAH 25 DAYS WITHOUT VARIATION. THE TRICK onito " Social Is nt least 20 ict cent. less than that of any other natch or anything llko equal grade. Watches Bent on npproral. Correspondence Imited. TweirtU und Chestnut KtreeU, t l'miiADELPIIIA. Diddle: Osborn's Family Paints ready for use aro the most convenient article of the kind, all shades and colors, put tip In i, J and pint cans. Wo furnish n can of paint anil brush for 25 cents. v. used for scalds and sores of every Bverv kind! it Is coon . 1 . . . and cheap. Saxollno Pomade for tho lialr, highly perfumed, 2.1 cents. Glycerine Lotion. To ladles and children or any person with a tine sensitive skin and whoso complexion is afTcctcd by the weather causing redness, roughness and chapping tills Lotion is Invaluable. An excellent up. plication to tho face nfter shaving. Largo bottles 25 and CO cents. Our Stock of lialr and Toothbrushes has been replenished mid contains some good bargains. We carry a comnleto and Well selected stock, mid competent persons nro always In attendance to supply tho wants of our pat rons. Wo study to please, and believe w can supply you with everything In our lino economically, satisfactorily and In a manner calculated to induce to join In tho verdict, that our store is the place to trade. Hoping to seo many readers of tho Colu.miiian nt our place of business shortly nnd soliciting n share of your esteemed patronage, we re main Very Truly Yours N. J. Hendershott. EEAY'S -I't'UK- READY-MIXED AND PASTE, LEAD PAINTS & ZINC J COJIIIIMll) WITH PURE LINSEED Oil, AND FIKTE COLORS, NO UNPLEASANT ODOR. Satisfaction Guaranteed on MONEY REFUNDED. DELIVERED FEE OF FREIGHT Where we have no agent. CSyOrdci'8 and iniiuiries by Mail or Telephone receive ikomit attention. -,viimi:sH.- 'MontonrWUte LsaA Zlnc&GolorWorfcB RUPERT, PA. WM. E, B. DAVIES, SUP'T. Mny tM -m A Good Article. For the linst ibur years the well known house of Baugh & Sons, 20 S. Delaware Avenue, 1 hila tl. have been oiiermg to our farmers their superior phos phate for wheat, tobacco, corn aud other crops. This was the first firm to learn that farmers could not afford to pay from $40 to 60 per ton for a fertilizer and they set to work to manufacture an article for less money, but to contain all the virtues of the high priced article. They are now manufacturing and selling a phosphate for $25 per ton ou cars or boat in Phila., which has been tried and found just what the farmers need. Large numbers of farmers have used it and recommend it to their neighbors. For circular showing guaranteed analysis ad dress BAUGH & SONS, 'JO S. DHLEWAKE AVE., PHILADELPHIA. Sjpt. s, l.m. AEcnLWnnlf!.TIicCiilni!nntln;Trliii.iili HOW to LIVE! A complete Cytlopf SI t nt liouiehnld k ntvlpitn for lh tnaisei: now ready, Nnllilnfflllii'ltt Uoliieniatt Iaw priced. Uluilrated, iiiif(iifilet la authorship. Send for l'reiinottceiand full particular! now. Outfit and Instruction howtosell, rri to actual ak'enti. Rue cess iruaranleed faithful wotkera Slate experience. If I'ubllaUrr, m Arcti Stnel. l'hlladclpbia. I'u. Sept. 8. Urn. ea WORTH SENDING FOR. Ir. .1.11. .sllKNC'K. of I'hll.uti'lnnla. haa lust published a boot: on "lllsi:si:s (II' Till! I.I.MiS AMI IIUW TIII'.V I 'AN in: :i!in:i," whlcli H offered I'm, noatnfil. toanannliciinm. It contains valuable information for ull wlici sill) i)03 themsolvcB mulcted with, ur llitiln tn. nny itLscaycM ot the throat or lungs. Address UK, J. II. KCIli:.NCK & SON, coo Area St. I'tuladel- D- & J. J. M'liENRY bclnc oasacoil In the Manufacturing of Lumber hare, constantly la mock tho following: 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x8 HEML00K BILL STUFF, of vnrlom l!nj tUs forlluliatug rurposm. 200,000 feet Hemlock Boards, 14, 10, 18 uml 20 feet, ranging In width from 10 tu 20 lueliiH, 100,000 GAUGED BOARDS 5, (I und "Inches, 10 feet long. ."O.OOO Whlto Pino Boards, Tanol. 40,000 Feet 2 in. Plank, Pine, ALSO Largo (ruantlitesof coiutnou piuo boards etc. Quantities of tliu auovo can bo Lad at tno Lum ber urd vt J-J.MolIKNHV, llenton 1'or further particular ud dress Q.&J. J. M'HENBY llenton, Pu, UUg S Sill