The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 08, 1882, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. muT? nni itmdt a t 0. 2. ELV7ELL, VMm BLOOMSBURG, PA, FltlDAY, SEPTEMBER 8tli, 1882. Notice to Democrats, Last tiny for being assessed nntl reg' islcrctl ThurBil.iv. September Ttli. Last day for paying taxes Saturday, October 7th. Last day for being naturalized Sat unlay, October 7th. Tlio only two newspapers published by colored men in tins staio ny tno in dependent republican flag. The Dcor directors of the Stato will meet in convention at Somerset on tbo 11th of September. Hotirv M. Set lev. Esq. has been at) pointed" by Gov. Iloyt as tho Presi dent Judge of tho Judicial district composed of Way no and Pike coun ties. As wo go to press we learn that on tho lourteenlli Hanoi oi tno uonL'rees iotiril Conferees at Maueh Chunk, tho vote stood j Brodlicad, 0 ; Uuckalew, 4 ; Gorman, 3 ; Jules, C j Lowis, 2. Tlio result of the Garland-Addison duel trial in Virginia Beems to bo on a par with tho verdict in tho celebrated Mallcy case in New Haven. There was somebody murdered, but the court was tiuabio to aecide mat mo man wno uiu tho killintr was cuiltv of murder. Tho law must bo charged with another fail ure. D. W. Connollv has been nominated for Congress by tho democrats of Lack nwanna county, and Luzorne county will nrobablv ratify this action. With only ono candidate in tho field tho do inocraoy of that district ought to oleot him, and givo ocranton a nacK seat. Tho Star Itoute trial is Btill m pro nresa at Washincton. Tho evidence was closed, and counsel have been ad dressing the jury for about two weeks. While there is no question as to wheth er the defendants ought to be convicted, there is some anxiety lest tho jury may acquit. The Lewisburc Chronicle which has been encouraging the independent tick et, has hoisted Heaver s name, the isoss cs having got tho upper hand of tho editor 1 ho closinc reason given tor tho chango is that the paper may lose somo subscribers by not supporting tho rect' ular republican ticket. That paper's heart appears to be reached through its pocket book. The chairman of tho National Labor party of this State has sunt a comma mention to the chairmen of the Dora ocratic, Republican, and Independent committees, respectively, asking them to name ono or moro speakers to meet men whom lie will name, m a series ot joint political discussions throughout tho state. As JJeaver has not yet ac cepted Stewarts challenge, it is doubt lul whether ho will comply. The Philadelphia Almshouse officials have at last come to grief. They have been carrying on a system of plunder ing for somo years, and their pecula tions have just been discovered. Major 1 hipps lias absconded alter being ar rested, and over $7,000 worth of goods have been found in his possession that wero bouLdit with the niiblio monev Ho is stiliin hiding but tho officers are alter him. There will be somo aston ishing developments before the storm blows over. The congressional conference is now m si-snon at jMauch Uluitik, Mr. istiuka lew and his confrees, Messrs. Lowen berg, ( lyrus MoIIenry, and JTocum be ing in attendance. Mr. Buckalew has every reason to expect the nomination, Ho has theconforees of Columbia and Lackawanna, and ono at least from Lu y.orne, and the Montour and Monroo delegation arofavorablo after their can didatcs aro off. We expect to hear of Mv. Jsuekalews nomination without much of a contest. It is likely that Jay Ilubbel's black mailing levy on tho otlico holders will cost more than it will como to. Tho Philad'a Press thinks that "at such juncture, to insult the moral sense of tho country and estrange its own indo pendent voto by chasing down unpaid nueiwments iu Department corridors at Washington is one ot those political blunder which approach the weakest ot all cniuf'8 suicide, It is ot opin ion that "a genuine servico will be done the hopeful Republican leaders on the congiessional committee it their collectors are kicked out of the depart ments, and tho scandal ceases out of tho laml. Nor can tho administration do moro for itself thau by doing right in this matter. Ono class, it is true. will always be in favor of assessments the thieves and strikers. It is not of course, truo that every man in favor ot assessments is a thiel ; but every thict is in iavorot assessments. Dor soy, wo know, believes in them, and probably every man indicted with him does, too." MAHONE'S TIGHT IN VIRGINIA. The straightout Republican State Committee met at Richmond last week, Thursday, and put John W Woltz, of Fredericksburg, in the Mold for Congress in tho l'irst District against Mahono's candidate. Th committee also designated a number ot prominent colored and white speak cis to canvass the State. The Anti Mahone Republicans, under the direo tion of tho Democrats, aro making preparations for a vigorous opposition to iUalionos continued supremacy in that btate. In all of these movements the hand of ex Secretary lllaino is plainly visible. Ho is in daily commu - nirntion with the straightout loader and it is believed is lurmshing somo means with which to conduct tho fight against Mahone. Several prominent colored politic inns, who have been the political fiicnda of tho Senator from tho very inception ot his movement, luwt within tho past few days deserted him and are now making war upon htm Some of his conservative white leaders, too, aro rostivo under his arbitrary and tyrannical modo of conducting tho canvass. Nearly all tho Muhoneito candidates for Congress havo been Boleetcd with an eyo to their tractabil ily by "Ross" Mahone. Tho claims of munv of tho best men in tho various districts wero disregarded for thoso Mahono could moro easily inllueiice. The Senator has scoured an immense campaign fund, and will lavish it tipou . . ... . ... doubtful districts. The Assistant Stalwart Oaniliuatc. Thomas A. Armstrong, tho guberna torial candldalo of the commercial greenback coneerii, is on his travels p . . ..... . ... In democrntlo districts doing wnai no can to help Hoss Cameron by endeavor ing to draw votes from Pattlsoii. llu mado n speech at Reading on Wednes day night and will of courso perambu- lato tho mining regions wncio no nopes to advance the interest ot uamcron uy llvidinc tho anti-machine vote. Let Mr. Armstrong's pilgrimage bu traced on tho map oftho stato and it will bu seen that he is giving tho greater part of his time to points at which the dem ocratic voto is heaviest. Ho is attempt ing to repeat tho Mason game of 1878 which was played throui'houi miner tho direction of M. S. Quay. Arm strong is a stalwart republican, never voted a deinooratio ticket in his life, hates tho very namo of democrat and his nrt'tended championship of the causo of labor is simply intended to di vert voles lrom ruuison in uuiur iu strengthen tho stalwart candidate, Rea ver. Ilia canvass is iu tho hands of politicians who have been tlio tools of Cameron in tho past and who were en gaged in tho plot by which the labor voto was betrayed to the boss in 1878 through the candidacy ot Jiason. uno of these delectable politicians, Leo Crandall, of Washington City, traveled over this stato last full on the pretense of reorganizing tho greenback faction but in fact to deliver as many green back votes as possible to General Rally, tho stalwart candidate for stato treas urer. Frank Heath, the chairman of tho Armstrong stato committee, prints a newspaper at Corry, which sails un der greenback colors but piraie-iiKO trains its guns upon tlio opponent of the boss. C. N. Rrumm, of Schuylkill, who was sent to congress through the manipulation of tho republican vote by denutv boss Losch, Secretary Quay s chief clerk, is another of Mr. Arm strong's trusted lieutenants. Tho ear marks of Cameron aro too plaiuly visi ble in tho organization ot tho green back stato committee tor Armstrong to succeed in deluding any body with his pretense of equal hostility to both tho democratic and republican parties. Ho is simply and solely an assistant stal wart candidate, put out as a decoy to aid the bosses in bagging his game, All his demagogy ' about building up a class party, ull his fino speeches about the rights of tho peoplo whose votes ho seeks to coniroi tor tne ndirect benefit of tho stalwart maelnno will fail to deceive intelligent men who will investigate his political antecedents and surroundings. 1'atriol. Heading's. Uig Mortgage. Tho Philadelphia Record of tho 1st inst., says that tho largest mortgage over recorded m this state, and perhaps in tho United States, has been entered in tho office of tho recorder of deeds m that city. Tho exceptional document is tho blanket mortgago ot tlio I'tnia dclphia and Reading railroad company devised by President Gowen for tho relief of the company, and is tor alou, 000,000. Tho loan is in the form of a 5 per cent, consol, and is a joint mort gago by tho lailroad and coal and iron companies, and is executed to the I'cun svlvania company tor insurance on lives aud granting annuities. It covers 200 pages of legal oap, and is a most formidable looking instrument. Au officer ot the railroad company says that but ten copies ot tho dooti mcnt had been printed, and they wero forwarded froxi Loudon, but that others would probably arrivo by tho next in coming steamer. There was informa tion that Mr. Gowen had a favorable offer for $-10,000,000 of tho loan, and that he bad several large individual subscriptions. Tho inoitgago was not recorded until neariy 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The contents are familiar to the general public, as a pretty elab orate prospectus of the loau was pub lished prior to the election of the Bond management of the road. It was dis cussed at length iu the couits, aud an injunction was issued by the United States court against the loan, as it con tained certain legal informalities. Tho petitioners, among them the Messrs. McCahnont, stated that the loans were not desired by the inn jot ity of the bond and stockholders, and for this reason mainly tho Court granted tho injunc tion. At the election for president of the company, iu January last, Mr. Gowen's triumphant victory was completed by a majority vote of tho stockholders sus taining his financial schemes, among which was tho present loan. Follow ing this camo tho withdrawal of ail op position and the removal of tho injunc tion by the court. Mr. Gowen at once procee'ded to negotiato his deferred bond loan for $3 1,000,000, tho requir ed instalments upon which up to dato it is declared by officers (of the com pany have been paid. His absence in Europo now is upon tho blanket inoit gago, or five per cent, consol mortgage, which was tho one recorded yesterday. This mortgage covers all tho property of tho company covered by the income mortgage, which includes all the rail roads and household estates of tho company at tho time the mortgage was executed, and does not include tho leas es of the Hound Hrook and North Pennsylvania railroad, which havo been included, howover, in tho securi ties of the present mortgage. All tho real estate of the company is also in cluded. All tho propei ty of the coal and iron company is i.lso included, which, how over, is subject to two prior mortgages, ono for $25,000,000 and another for 810,000,000. Tho total of mortgages on the railroad is $70,000,000, and tho $3.,000,00 on tho coal and iron com pany makes tho total upon the two companies $105,000,000, and it was supposed that this covered everything tho companies owned or over expected to own. Hy making the blanket loan for such a largo amount as $100,000, 000. Mr. Gowen proposes to retire the $00,000,000 general mortgage bonds, $100,000,000 iucoinii bonds, $12,000,000 coal and iron company's divisional mortgages, and about $00, 000,000 general mortgage bond!", $10, 000,000 income bonds,$12,000,000 coul and iron company's divisional mortga. ges, and about" $00,000,000 of tho bonds and stocks of leased lines. Tho balance will bu appropriated toward the now tailroail extensions, necessary improvements and tho redemption of oallateral pledged or tho floating debt and unprovided for by the deferred bonds. Tho cost of recording the mort gage i.j this city will bu $150 and the total cost recording it iu all the conn- ties through which tho lines of the coin pany run will bo about $25,000. Tho Arkansaio Traveler's aged col ored person says : "My idee of ilo bet ter worl' is war dar is a election goin' on all do lime, kaso deu do white folks is always perlight.'' "neuau oniiats." Clears out ruts, mice, roaches, flics, ants, 1 UikUl i,o,i-btiirs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 10c. Druggists. Not an OfTlco Becker. Mr. Puttlsoii hai pursued n dignified, manly courso since ids nomination, giv ing tho same personal attention to tho dulled of his otlico that he had bofoio his nomination for govornnr. 1 to never sought tho office for which ho is now a , I ! - ...! -! 1.1. cammiaie, nun ins actions hhicu iiih nomination show him to bu n believer in tho doctrine that the peoplo should be nllowcd to make their own choico from niuong tho candidates in the field. Tho honor coiilerred on nun by the Harrisburg convention did not turn his head or make him turn his back on tho trust tho peoplo of Philadelphia con fided to his care, and the good sense ho has bIiowii since he beeaiuo the Demo cratic standard bearer has "won him golden opinions from nil sorts of peo plo" If hols elected governor , of which there nppears now to bo no doubt, it can bo said with entire truth of him that tho office sought tho man and not tho man tho otlico. Jiaston Argus. New York State Campaign. If tlio Democrats act wisely this fall, their chances for carrying tho Stato aro about as good as when they elected Mr. Tildcn Governor in 1871. The Republican party iu tho Statu is rent by bitter fciidi. Lb two factions arc bent upon destroying each other. The party is heavily weighted with tno prolligato record of Congress. The Republicans controlled each House, and are responsible for their misdeeds. Tho party is seriously damaged by tho proceedings m the Legislature ia win ter nnd spring. The Cornell deal with Tammany made this the most unpopu lar Legislature for the past forty years. Except in one or two places, the Democrats ot tho State aro thoroughly united. With harmony in their coun sels, and a strong ticket and a full vote, they can win a victory at tho polls in .November. i. l . dim. Dr. Bliss' Olaim. Dr. D. W. Bliss lias written a letter to tho Board of Audit appointed to set tle the expenses of the illness of the late President, in which ho sets forth in detail his claim lo remuneration. Ilo asserts that his receipts from his prac tice at tho time when he was called to attend the lato Presidont weio about $1,500 a month, that this praotico was to a great extent broken up by the en grossing nature of his duties at tho Executive Mansion, and that the direct pecuniary loss resulting therefrom and from subsequent ill health caused by long continued nervous strain and over exeition, amount to about $15,000. Ili thinks he should receive as compen sation for his losses and his services to the late President the sum of $2 000. A SKILLFUL 1'JtIiPAlUTION Composed of roots, barks, ami plants, that net In harmony, and arc a pleasant nnd cfTectlvo medicine, constitute iJitraocu Blood Hitters, of which highly commend ntory reports nre being constantly received Price 81.00. POWDER Absolutely Pure. luu ijunun .alien. v i.i'ii oi ui pui ii,j, strength and h Jlesonienes. M.ire economical than trie ordinary kinds, and cu, uot ih sold In lompetltlon wuli tho multitude oi low test, short weltht, aluui or phosphate oowdrs. bold only in cans, koyai. iiakinu i-owdek uo.. lira wau-si, N. Y. uugll-ly. Democratic State Ticket, For Governor, ROBERT E. PATTISON, OK l'llIl.AlllW.rillA. For Lieutenant Governor, CHAUNCY F. BLACK, oi-' Yom;. For Judge of tho Supremo Court, SILAS M. CLARK, OP INDIANA. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, J. SIMPSON AFRICA, (IK IIUNTINODON. For Congi essinan-nt-Large, MORTIMER F. ELLIOTT, ., or TIOtlA. COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, RON. C. R. BUCKALEW. Subject to decision ot Conference. President Judge, HON. WILLIAM ELWELL. Stato Senator, HON. E. J. MoIIHNHY. Subject to iloclilon of senatorial confercno . Representatives, HON. T. J. VANDERSLICE, WILLIAM BRYSON. Sheriff, JOHN MOUREY. Coroner, JOHN P. II ANN ON. Jury Commissioner, GEORGE W. DEUU. OPERA HOUSE. TUB EVENT OP THE HKAHON. Tuesday Eve'ng Sept. 12th. Engagement tor one night only of the famous child or m imi mm I'ronounced by the Press of tho entire country, as the most perfect aud evenly balanced dra. mailo organization truvellui.'. Tho distinguished uustiau Aruue, uio Countess Zelma Vlademir, The Charming Little Soubrette. MIhh Emma Stokes, and the talentod actor MR. J. A. PIT2PATEICK, Aislsted by a ronipanv ot acknowledged ablllt; First time in tins city ( Dram f George lloey'n Komautlo A CHILD of tho STATE. Produced with NEW ANI KLA1I ) ItATB BCKN BUY, I'HOl'BltTiea AND OJaTUMBH. I'OPULAlt I'HIOKS-W, 85 nndV) conU, Holts on sale at iwntler'u. W flROYACCSSWlf 1 LIST OF PREMIUMS TO ll K AWAlllIKU II V THE HnnUa Conaty Aerlcnltnral Society AT TIIKlIt 27th Annual Fair, TO UK II KM) AT BLOOMSBURG, PA., Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, OCTOBER ll, 12, 13 and 14. CLASS 1-ltOltSKS. DIVISION I STALLIONS. ,Iudffcs-Vin. t.. Freas, SupM Wm. It, cox, B. cleaver. lient blooded stallion 10 CO Second best i I lest stallion for all work K oo B x Host amnion colt not over 4 years 4 mi second best 3 tio DIVISION S-DBAl'flllT 1I0KKKS AND MAKES. Judzes F.rnstus llcndcrrtiott, Hunt.! Wm. V. HowtT, Daniel Z:rr. licstpMr draught Inrses or mares, stjrlo ana sirencin lo do lesicu in uurucsa nt iirdiy It o'clock Ifioo Second best w DirutoNSi-CAHiitAaK lionsss and maris. Judecs .Ino. H. Mcnsch, Bupt.j Jacob Zcltsolf, Jl, Lonif. lest pair carrlago horses or marcs $ lo 00 econd best " 00 IrstKlnirlo oi Second slnelo 3M DIVISION 4 COLTS, HHOOD MAKES AND MULES. Judzes-John Wolllver. sunt. I Oesree Getty, lillslu ltlogroso. licat brood maro. colt by licr side I s oo Second best 4 no Tblril best 00 Ucst liorso or mare between lurec ana lour tears B 00 Second best 1M Doit mare or geiaine Dciwcen two ana three vp.ire... B00 Second best IW Uest Horse or raaro colt between ono ana two years 8 oo Second best 1 CO llest hone or mtro colt under ten months 8 oo Second best 1 to Host pair match colts under 4 years Dronen tn harness , . B oo Second best w llest pair or mutes 8 oo yecondbest 2 BO Tho commlttco otthis class will carefully notlco nil meritorious spans or teams, not mentioned abovo nnd roport tho samo to tho Hovtslntr Com mlttco lor premiums, viz s Teams of ponies, goats, dogs, ftc. exhibitors under this class will havo their horses on the ground by ten o'clock Thursday morning, when they will bo examined. CLASS II CATTLE. .Tudzcs Luther Kycr. Sunt. ; John Hartman llenry Lazarus. Pedlcree must bn furnished tho Secretary at tho tlmo of making tho entry, with a referenco to the register In the herd book. Uest bull ono year and upwards f 15 (-0 13 00 S ("I 8 HO cow uiree years uuu upwiuus cow or heirer under three years... cnlt under 13 months WITHOUT l'EDiaKEK. Uest bull three years and upwards 8 01) 4 00 1 oo 3 CO 8 00 1 SO Second best bull three years and upwards llest cow three years and upwards Second lest cow three years and upward! liest heifer between 0 and 13 months Second best belter between fi and 13 mos. DKVONS. 1'ed'grees must accompany tho entries. Best bull ono year nnd upwards $16 oo cow uireu years uuu upwuius.. iz u" cow or heifer under three years B oo calf under 13 months 3 oo WITH iUT I'EDIUKBK Uest bull throe years nnd upwards oo Second hest bull three years and upwards 4 60 lii'st. cow three vears and UDivardi.. .. 7 00 Second best row three soars and upwards. 3 B0 llest hi-lh-r Lctweoa C nnd 13 months. 3 0 Second best heifer between 0 and 13 mos.. 1 60 JERSEYS. Pedlgreo must accompany tho entries. llf. hull 1 vi-ar and unwards - t.S O-l cow ajeuraimu umviiru-, w coworneuer unuero ycure 6 uo 3 00 calf under 12 months.. WITHOUT rBDIOKKE. llest. hull 3 vears and unwards..... $1 00 4 00 7 00 3 B 3 111 1 GO Second best bull 3 years and upwards Host enw 3 J ear. una upwards Second best cow 3 ye.irs and upwards. ... llest heifer between (1 and 13 months Second best heifer between o nnd 13 mos.. AI.DEHNETH. l'edlcrees must accompany the entries. Tlest bull 1 venrand unwards f 15 00 cow 3 years ami npwarus iz u" cower heller under 3 years 8 Oo calf under 13 months 3 oo WITHOUT rEDUIKEKS. Uest bull 3 vears and upwards ts 00 Second best bull 3 years and upwards 4 oo llest cow 3 ytais and upwards 7 on Second best cow 3 years and upwards 8 60 Uest heifer between Gaud 1J months 3 00 Second best heifer between o and 13 mos.. 1 60 OUEKN3EYS. Pedigree must accompany the entries. Uest bull 1 year and upwards (16 00 13 1,0 6 00 3 00 $9 00 cow .1 years ana uparas cow or better under 3 years calf und jr 12 months WITHOUT TEDfOKEE. llest bull 3 years and upwards Second bebL bull 3 years and upwards llest enw 3 yoirs and upwards Second best cow 3 years and upwards llest heifer between nnd 12 months Second best heifer between c and 13 mos.. 4 l0 7 00 3 60 5 00 1 60 UHAEEb STOCK, llest bull 0 00 3 00 2 00 Second bst uest bull unuer lo monius best cow 2 years and upwards 4 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 6 1-0 2 60 Heal belter under 3 years NATIVE STOCK. llest bun Second best IJOft cow Second Lest Exhlbltjrs will have their stock ready for tho Judges to examine by ten u'clock a. m.. on Thurs- ay, uuu iu remaiu uuiu i t u ciuc uu aiiiuiua. CLASS HI SWINE. Judges F. M. Ilcss. Sunt,: Wm. II. Merlcle, Jno. li-llg. Uest brood sow and pigs, G or more (11 OS 4 00 B Oil 3 00 6 eo 2 60 4 HI 2 no second best llest boar Second best llest brood sow second best Uest lot of pigs, 8 or more, unter weeks Second bett CLASS iv-shki:p. Judges-J. P. Dowttt. Sunt.: It. it. Watklns. W. K. Sands. Uest buck t oo 4 00 4 00 3 00 ft 00 4 00 second best nest ewe soeond best Uest lot of lambs, not less than eight,. Second best ct.Ass v-roiiLTity. Judges A. u. Sharnless. Sunt.: II. F. Hicks. Ar thur Creasy. Uest forty pound turkey Win nalr of turkeys.. 2 on l to Second best ,. CIllCKrNS. llest trio Leghorns 1 oo - itranmas i lllack Spanish 1 to Hull cochin 100 " Plymouth Hocks 1 to DU.KS. llest nalr 1 no to Second best. IIKKSE. Uest.pnlr 1 0o second bebt to I'lllKONS, llest and largest display 2 00 CLAS VI-(lltAIN, SEEDS AND FLOUR. Judges-Wm. llcers, Supt.; Win. Ivy, Jostah uaycocK, llest fifty pounds wheut nour.. 2 00 Second best 1 00 liest I ftv Dounas buck wheat uour i oo Second best.: 60 Uess half bushel clover seed l oo second best 60 llest bushel Martin wheat i oo Second beat u 60 liest halt bushel timothy seed l oo Second best 60 Uest bushel white wheat 2 oo Second best 1 in liest bubhel rod wheat -co Second best 1 00 Uest bushel no 1 oo Second best 60 llest bushe oats 1 oo Hecona oe.t cu uest uubnei corn, a lerent varieties an " " DucKwneni i uu " twrlvo stalks and corn, loo CLASS V1I-VECIKTUILES, Juducs-Fraiik llazcubuch. SUDt.: Tbos. Sea born, W, J. Illdleinau. Uest and largest display of potatoes, halt bushel of eueh variety tl 00 second bent , l 00 uest imMiel potatoes l oo Second best. 60 Uest half bushel sweet potatoes, raised by cAiuuuur , ,,,, ,,,, Uest buhcl held turnips " half bushel rutabagas " ' " sugar btets " " " mangle wurzel " " " beets..,,, ,,,, " ' " carrots " " " parsnips , " " " onions " pick hons 1 00 60 dozen mangoes. pick tomatoes., ua fiair dozen vegetable oisteis... iiaii uuteu squusues , half dozen heads or cabbage,, llv-M pumpkins half dozen citrons three bunches celery , tour egg plants,, ., two dozen peppers,, two iiuurts lima beans 1 two riu iris butter beans " two dozen radlsues., " three waier-mclaus' )( peck peas , peck onion sets ' cactus ,,, l no lemon or orange tree 2 oo 14 three heads cauliflower.., 60 Persons competing for premiums on the largest turn uuai uieJiny ui jnjiuiuva will uok ue UUOWCU U premium on iuu naiue ejiuruieiy, CLASS VIII-FIIUIT. DIVISION 1, JuJgcs-E. ll. Drown, supt.; Oliver Evans, K. ll. iittnumu, AITLKH, liest duplay of winter, not less than 6 va rtetles. oof each... ,,,,,,, ,, U oo Second best ,,,,,,, 1 oo 1 00 60 1 00 I 0-1 I ml Ml ( Second best Dost keeping winter nppies, uusnci...... ' fall apples, not- loss than M bushel .... " navored peck fall or winter apples.... " quart yellow Siberian crabs .. .... , 11 iiunrt rca Siberian crabi I'EARS. Uest display dwarf or standard, flvo va- neue, six m t-uvu. ...... . .,,,,,,,,, . w Second best. l uu ro 60 Host looking, any Kina, nan dozen " flavored moat Juicy half dozen... " largest half dozen, dwarf or standard, fall or winter I'EACIIES. 60 llest, display ot any kind, live varieties, six of PlICII llest navored and most. Juicy M doz llest and lluest looking lulf dozm. .. .,, llest nnd largest varlctydoz each ..... 2 no 60 60 60 1 00 60 (JCINCEK. llest dozen , second best , IIRAl'ES, llest display, wild or cultivated, (hot homo excluded.) II vo varieties 2 00 1 00 60 Second b.-et.. llest six cluster! of Concord or unaware ' ' of Clinton . 11 11 of sabclla 11 " " of Hartford Proline .... ' " " of lona " " " of Adlrondao " ' " ot Kcbecca " " " of York Madeira " n.UMfl. llest dhplay, not lean than two varieties, ono uozeneneu r.u IIASrnEIIKlRS. Uest display any kind, not less than two varieties oo DIVISION 2. Judzos Ono. A Gordon Sunt.. Miss Susan Hart- man, Mrs. Jno. uellg. CHESTNUTS, Uest quart , 60 DRIED FRUIT, llest quart dried apples,,, 60 puurtf. , quinces peaches, chcrrtcs, pitted cherries, unptlted,,. raspberries, blackberries, uewDcrncs. " " whotleberrics. flums wetchcrs,. prunes Tho fruit not to bo removed until tho cloio ot the exhibition, nnd particular caro to be observed by ull persons that tno same Is not Injured. CLASS 1X-WINES AND LiqiJOUS. Judecs-Wra. Kilckbaum Siipt,, Itohr Mcllcnry. (I co, w. Ileltsnyder. llest quart currant wlno 60 " " ' blackberry win- " '.' " " grape wlno " cuerry wiue ryo whlskoy elder vinegar any other kind CLASS X-DOMKSTIO MANUFACTURE. DIVISION 1, Judges Mathlas Mooro Snpt., Miss A. K Smith, Mrs. Jacob Yeater. Host loat of bread ti oo second bo lott ot bread i 60 llest ro 1 of butter, 3 lbs. or moro 1 6u Second best 1 t,o llest applo do 6n " peacnplo " " pumpkin or (.quash pie " inluco p c " " lemon pin " " grape pie " " pie of any other kind ' " rolls " " biscuit " " stionzd cake . " " coconnut cako pound cake " Irult rnko " ginger cako , " cako ot any other kind CLASS X CANNED FUUIT, io. Divism 2. 1 oo 60 1 on 60 CO Judges Daniel Mess, Supt ; Mrs. MntlldaSwnnt, -nrs. .i. u. ppuneuuerger. llest canned fruit, different kinds (not less than ono quart each) new llest cucumber pickles, new " variety pickles, new " cured h mi ... " samples jcast " hard soap " soft soap 41 gallon maple molasses 60 60 1 00 t 00 60 1 00 CLASS X-JULLIES.llUTTHItS AND PUESEUVES. DIVISION 3, Cower, Supt.; Mrs. Htrnm Uess, .-nrs. r.. Kosionuauaer. Uest sample fruit Jelly, new.. rresTves. new.. butter, new CLASS XI-IIOt'SKIUIl.D MANOFCTUIIK-J. Judges Joseph Knotty, Supt.; Mrs. Emanuel .azarus. Mrs. J. Kostenuauuer. llest ten yards llunnel $i 00 ten yards woolen cloth.. 1! oo 3 10 ieu yarus carpet, ten yards plain linen knit wool Htocklugs 1 oo f.o knit cotton stockings.. knit woolen mittens ' homo made chemise 1 00 l lb. or more, lampiestrckinz yarn t lo. or moro, fauey colors, yarn Ucst pair woolen blankets ' " linen sheets " " hand mano night dress " patch quilt by girl under 13 years 2 oo CLASS XII NEKDLEWOltK AND E.MBItOIDEUY DIVISION 1. Judges It. D. Darlington, Supt.; Miss Ella Fox, ,,U33 11UUU UOUU1U9. Uest knit quilt " tidy " suit of cUthes " tettlng work " silk cmbioldcrv , " eoiton embroidery mi ' worsted embroidery t oo " hand made laco " counterpane " worsted mat " cotton mat 60 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 worked suppers fancy pin cushion.. ueau mi ess Best afgh n or lap robe sainpu needle work, stiver tntmbio. CLA.S XII-OItNAMKNTAL WOKK. DIVISION 2. Judze Thos. Ulneles. Sum : Mrs. o. V. Cher. lnglon, Miss Anna Leldy. llest specimen boad work $t oo tueii wurK ., burr work leathor work hair work wax work moss work Secoud best specimen of above, each 60 CLASS XIII FINE AIM'S, PENMANSHIP AND DKSIONS. DIVISION 1. Judges Prof. o. K. Wilbur. Sunt.: Mrs. D-. jicara. .lira. u. a, ncuy, llest oil painting - (3 oo Heconu oust , i 60 Host ur.iw mc 3 oo Second best l to Uestfepcctmcn penmanship l oo uuuk Keeping " " wood graining " " lettering on marble " " sign painting ' display ot printing " transparent painting CLASS XIII-FLOWEItS. DIVISION 2. Judges A. H. Croup.: Mrs. Solomon llelwlc-.Mlhs jcnniu neiter. Uest dlsnlav ot flowers t3 GO 2 00 1 OO Second bebt hlrd best Uest collection ot dahlias 60 snec. house Dlants in bloom 1 00 60 Ucst hang, basket with growing plants. . CLASS XIV-VEIIICLES, Judges John Anulcman. Sunt.: Hcnrv Klsner. w, ,ii. juuoroe. liest phaeton t l 00 fa mil. Uy cam ago.. a in, 2 oo ....... 3 no ' oneu i ouggy.... " top buggy.., farm wugon , " spring wagon for farm uso, ' " ' " pleasure " wheelbarrow " sleigh " sulky " skeleton wagon s oo 2 00 ........ 2 00 1 00 ... 2 U) 2 00 , 2 00 CLASS XV-AOHICUL-TllItAL IMPLEMENTS, MACIIINEUY, 0. Judeea-Conrad Krcaincr. Sunt,: M. V. Mo- lienry, Christian smau. est right hand plow din " left hand plow dip " right and left hand plow dip " corn plow - dip " BUUdUU piuiv , , uip " gquaro drag dip ' one-horse cultivator din two-horse cultivator alp " two-horse corn-planter dip ' one-horse corn planter dlD 11 thresher and separator combined dip 11 mower and reaper dip 11 hay fork dip " portable cider press dip " clover hullir dip ' sausage grinder dip " washing machine dip clothes wringer dip gruuniDg nou " set miner's Dicks, " pair of four and hind horse shoes 1 uo 11 ax handlo 60 " grain cradle dip " roller dip 11 fanning mill dip corn shelter dtp " straw and todder cutter dip Harvester - ai hay tender dip Any new or meritorious Implements exhibited ananotproviueu lor in tno loregumg uiura, uiu Judges may report tho merits of the same (or pro HitUmS IU 1110 JIUVU1UK I.UU1IU11U.-U, CLASS XVI STOVES, TINWAItK, E UtTII- ENWAltB, AC. Judgos-W. J. Knorr, Supt.; Stephen Ilhawn, A. si. Muneri, llest cooking atovo with tlxtures 2 00 parlor stove with tlxtures 200 variety tinware 2 00 " variety earthenware 2 00 set arttnclal teeth 2 00 display ot marble work 200 CLASS XVJI-CAUINHrWAHE, SHOEMAKERS, TAnnr.iiB, c Judires-Harvey t lloas, sunt.; L'lmih-s 1'fahler. llett bet double draught harnosa..., canHge harutss, single carriage harness , " pair calf boon iulr kip boots pair miner's shoes 11 bureau dressing stand .. , cablnetwiiro 11 hct Windsor chulis , " bet spring seat chairs bettre rocking chair 11 half dozen brooms , , , 11 two sides sole leather, 11 two sides kip leather 11 two calf bklns 11 sample brick ... , Frank Wolf, $3 00 6 00 a t 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 1 00 B 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 t 00 1 00 1 00 w Host looking peck ot fait or winter apples... CUM XVIII-IIKES AND HUB HIVES, toilers 11. w. Aonlcmansunl, Daniel Uonabcr- ger, J. n. Mcllcnry. Ilet swarm 11 Allan bees - 13 oo second best a no no swarm iiiacx bees , boi neconrt best too est display n n to Clover noney l uo necona ict. 60 llest dlsnliy buckwheat honey., 1 00 (0 (11 38 1 10 Second best , ,. tlest J ir extracted honey Second best , best box honor. 6 lbs. or mora.. Second best Tho bees And the houov to hive boon tho nrn. ducu of tho exhibitors CLASS XIX- MUSICAL INSTIIttMENTS AND BKWINCI MACHINE-". A suitable nlnce In the bulldlrir will bo pel. nnart for the exhibition of articles 1 ntercd In Dili Uass. No premiums. UliASa A. UAlliltfl. Judges Mrs. W. M: Monroe. Sunt.: Mr.- Amelia Dennett, Mrs. Ilutfh Linden, Mrs. John, Kves, Mrs. Dr. Low, Prettiest baby under ono year . in 00 Second , 6 00 CLASS XXI-MUSIC-. llest band In thacountv. ti in Second 10 00 1 aim engaged bv 1 in soc etv not lo r-nmnii. -ontestto m on Frldav. Cnmnplpnt. IihIvm will be sel. cted. Not less than three to enter. ibllllUHCU II.U f I w. CLASS XXII-EJUF.SHtlANISM. Jildeef Daniel W. Harris, hiitit., Miox vrir i Monruo, Miss Sado KeHtcr. llest frmale equestrian ., ,, tin 00 Second best s ou Saturday at ten 0 c ock. Not in iinn Hm, m start. CLASS XXIII. Judges Wm. Urnbst. Sunt.: ll.ivlil A-lillm a Truckenmlller. Foot raco Thursday at s 0 clock. Uest ;, $;o 00 Second best 5 00 once around tinck, Not less than three to start. CLASS XXIV. Judges John (Ubbs. Sunt n. w. nuctjin linn. lol Humble, Itunnlng Mule Itaco, Thursday 8 o'clock. X mile heat, not less than four to stai f, no person lu iiuo iinumi juu,u,iii,u iuu inuie mat, comes In last to rccelvo tho prize (5 no CLASS XXV-TIHALS OF SPEED. Judirrs .loslnh HAlatan. Mnnt n. n .T. HuMmr Daniel Morris, Samuel llagcnbuch, Dr. It. II, Little. COUNTY srOWTINd LIST-TIIUKSDAY AT 1 O'CLOCK. Ilotf, trotting horsoor mnro tn tho county that can 11 UI, I. II1I1U iu 11 uuua-,, iu v luiuuies......... uu second be9t is 00 Third b-ot 10 00 FRID4Y, 10 O'CLOCK A, M. Uest coll under 4 ears lu tho county. Hi .t can trota mile 111 harness In 4 mimiN-i... no 00 econu uost 6 00 Third best 3 00 minimis' list iiuihy 1 o'clock p.m. Best horse or mare In the county, that never was on any track b. fore $35 10 S"coud best 10 IX) Third b. s 6 00 SATL'UDAT 1 O'CLOCK, OI'KN TO ALU Uest trotting horse or mare - ilio 00 Second le.11 00 00 Thlid best, 25 00 All entrance foes must be bald before tho entry will be made. Entrance feo ten per rent of purse. i.u. .ua, iu iuiii i-miit-o iu uijii raw. All trials to bo decided bv tho hrit threu out uf tivn heals. t'orse3 trottlug lu the I'uriiier's Trot,wllI bo eligible to the free tn nil. Horn's eligible 10 the County Spoiling Llit can enter in the treetonll. The entries to tho Farmer's Trot, will detent 18 o'clock Friday noon. Entries to Saiur.t.j'araci win 1101 Kuiurua) tit 12 otioek noou. In tho free to all 2:40 inuit be made or lo premium will bo awarded. CLASS XXVI. Bleyclo race Saturday 12 o'clock. Judges-Frank Drinker. Sunt.. It. W. .1. It. Schuyler. Best tta 00 Second bebt 10 00 Third best 5 uo MI e heat. Not less thau four to enter and thn-n to start. Entrance feo ten per cent of purse. CLASS XXVII. Judges I,cwl3 ltartman. Sunt: Win. Winter- steen, Wm. Masteller. MISCELLANEOUS. Articles not herein beforo named will bo entered lu this class, aud the Judges will examine nil suen as havo ntorestor value mid award such premium as they deem proper, subject to tho revision by the Board ot Manag ers. A premium of fS 00 will bo nid to tho coudIo or couples that Ret married ou tho ground during tlio Fair and the society will furnish tho Minister. Tho Secretary must bo notlllcd by Wednesday evening tho 11th. HULF.S ANDJIEaULVTIO.N'S. 1. All persons having articles for exhibition or competition must seem 11 Exhibitor's chicks 01 the Association oeroro enienntr iuem. 2. Minors can beevme exhibitors when their parents nave iixiuoiiui checks. 3. The Held of comiwtltton tsonen to all Per sons from other counties and States can becoino exhibitors ou inosuno terms as citizens otthis county. 4. au articles onereu ror coinDetui n must be owned by the competitor for 30 do b. Fruits, veg- tiuui n, uuiTtio, ,vu., uui, umnu u, lilt? UUU1 pi-uiur. uuu uu m-inuiauiureu urucies inuiii, ue inauo oy tno coniootiior. n no norso or mare win oe engiDio to enier Farnicr'sLlsl or Countv Soorllnir List. under trial of speed, unless owned by the competitor thirty uuj s pi nylons iu uiu e dir. u. au hwck euiereu iiiur 00 wuatit is repre sented to be. or oremlums will bu forfeited. 7. All urllcles tor exhlouton or competition must be entered bv nvo o'clock v. in . on Wednes. dav tho 12th, and 110 animals or articles entered ror exhibition can 1 0 taken awav before the close of the Fair, oxcept by permlsston of Committee, uuu uu premium's win ue puiu oil viuiauin 01 tins rule, except exhibitors ot horses, mares, or grid IntrH. shall not bo renulred 10 keen Ibelr animals on tho ground nt night, during th Fair, but must hve tLem on the grouad y 8 o'clock each day. n. ru iruiiiuiMiT or camo or c iance 01 an, Kinu whatever will be ullowod udou or In the vl. lnltv of the fair grounds. And for the purpose of preventing iuu uuiiimmuu ui mij perbuu iu tue grounuwi u games of chance, and to provide for the expulsion ui uui- iyiiu uuu uy any meaus gain auinisMju, 1 icrc win uu a 1 connu i-rania 111 uu nprsons on. terlng with cxhlb Hons, or for th-5 purpo-e of hu- uig uuy unities, uy uio i.iorarian 01 ine Associa tion, at 1113 discretion ir tno obiect or admission la lawful and proper, upon the payment uf such sum ns ho may determine, which 11 sense sh ill be forfeited and tho holder Ihen-of dilvm from the grounds Immediately upon the ditecttou by the Librarian, or upon Information given him bv anv pers 'n, of tho practice ot uny gume ot chance or gumming uy me person uouung sucu license. Mid without license as arnrmnld. 1111 nHmnn will bo permitted to tlvo an eihlbltlou of any klud for uemuuai pruut, or expose any article lersaie upon the grounds. v. no uceuse win do granted to stan is mat sou spirituous or mall liquors. 10 CAUTIO.M-AII articles exhibited, whether eaiaoies or not, must i resDected as nnvato diod- erty ; and any persou detecied In purloining or injuring iiieiu, win ue u-ait wnu accoruingin law. II. J.'dires annulnted toexamtno Uui iiin, classo, will conter a favor on tho Association by t umuli u- iuu ri i;i ui.irj Ullicu early ou luurs U.1.V lllurillUK LU liuiaiu 1I1SI ruLllons. ix. i ue reporu 01 ine several Juugos must be passed upon and approved by the Uevlstug Com mltlee before orders will bn drawn fo premiums. 13. Premium awarded to nersons rfslilliiir nut or H13 town or illoomsDurg, will be paid on the afternoon ot the las. dty ot the Fair, by tio Treas urer, on presentation of their proper orders. on Wedn-'sd ly the grjimdi wltl ba open to the public ana continue open tour days. No person w 11 be permitted to voto at the next annual election of the Association without produ cing his membership ticket. Exhibitors will confer a favor on the socljiyby sending a classed list of the articles they wlsl to exhibit, to the Secretary, as early as possible, that iiiuy muy uo i-uieieu previous to ine nrst aay or tlio fair, orleavethem at tho onieo ot T. J -it. vunderollce, where thev will be called tor. A n.MINISTIU'IOU'ti NOTICE. KUTATK OKI.KVI SULLKR I.ATB 0 CBNTKK TOWNSIIII', imcetSKD, Letters of Adinlulstratton on the esUito of Levi,.;, , miv v. i-iitii, i.n i,, ,uiuuiuiu vunui,, 1 1... deceased, have been granted by tho Register of said county to Stephen Folio, Mine Hldge. and Plilltu L. Miller. Union Corners, Northumberland county, administrators. All persons having claims against tbo estate of the decedent are requested 10 preaent mem ror settlement, and thoso Indebted to tlu estato to m ika paymont to the undendgned administrators without dslay, STEPHEN I'OHE. Lime Hldge.' L. MILLEIt, Union Cornels. North'd Co. sep8-a Administrators A DMINISTHATOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP JOHN I.KWI9, LATH OP SUOAltLOAr TOWN SHIP, DKCKA8SD. Letters of admlnlstritlon on the estate ot John Lewis lato cf sugarloat township Columbia county 1'eun'a., deceased, havo been granted by the litgister of said county to John Ashelman, ad mlulstator. All persons having claims Hgulnst tho estate ot tbo decedent are roqucnted to pre sent them for settlement nnd those Indebted to tho estate to make payment to the undersigned administrator without delay, A. L. HIITZ, JOHN ASUELMAN, Attorney. cambra, sent 8-tl w. Administrator. A lino HOTEL STAND in the town of Espy, lately ropalraj, In good run ning order, with a good trado Central location. Cheap and on easy terms. IK FARM ot 82 seres, with good large buildings, CW acies cf woodland, 2 wells. In a good stato ot cultivation, on u piibllo road. 2K miles trcm Orauceville. bo rders on Ftshlugcreek, Also one at tl ucres V"lli from l.lghtMreet, With plenty ot fruit, water, buildings, timber, Ac. Also one 'if no acres on Jersey Dwn hill, along publto road from llloomsCiurg to Jerseytowu, tn good state of cultivation, buildlugt, water, frulf, plenty of tlinuer. A LOT of UX acres IV miles from IlloomsDurg, build ings, fruit, plenty ot water, splendid location, noe laud lor trucking. Cheap, A Grist Mill on I.title Flahlngcroek 3 miles from nioomsburg, Turblno wheel, full water poer, dwelling house, IncPidlng tt acres of land, with a paying trade. Terms to a ilt purchaser. A Inrce brick residence on second street, cor. ner lot, all conveniences. Also one on East st , with, blable, fruit, well aud house lu present ttyloi Also a largo frame dwelling houo on East tt ca n double corner lot, with plenty ot fruit, out-kltchon, stable and all conveniences, well suited for retired life. a frame dwelling houio on corner of Fourth and West streets, for sale cheap, une on 7tb street, corner lot. Terms, pirt down und balinoe In monthly Installments, one on Bid street, price low ana terms easy, A dwelling house ou Centre street, tine fruit, well, ntablv, gioundaud building In best of or der, Trrmu to ult purchaser, Apply at the law ofllce of win, ChrUman la Moytr's lluildlog, llloomeburg, l'a, August 4, If, For Autumn Wear. Our Bni-gain section!? offer many lots of Clothing for men and boys, well adapted for Fall wear, at an average of forty per cent aiF from the low. prices established at our June Upset Sale. You may save the cost of a journey to the city, and perhaps much more, on a single suit of clothing. Wanamaker & Brown. Oak Hall, Sixth and Market Philadelphia. looNow bom?mMm white mmmmammmmmmam every Adrainlltrttlon from WASHINGTON to the present time, with over mmbhmmS Years o BtMl I'ortmlU of Ladluol of the Homei of tkr rretlJenu, iWENin HArlTKIF, send lor utrcuiars, witn full ntrtlcuun, UKAULKY A CO., 00 W. Vourih Street, I'hlUJeJphU. FeDtember, ut Public Sale! OF- VALUABL3 REAL ESTATE! The suhscrlbers, executors ;of tho last will of Thomas J. Vandersllco, deceased, will oiler nt publlo Bale on tho premises In Hemlock tow nshlp, Columbia county, l'a , on Friday, September 15, 1882, at 10 o'clock a. m. tlio following described real es tate, to-wlt: TK ACT NO;.l. uounded on the north by lands of George Husael and Susquehanna Slate Company, on tho east by land of James Mcilalion, on the south by lands of tie estato of T. J. Vandersllce, deceased, acd on tho went fey land of .John lletz, containing, 37 Acres and 65 Perches, whereon aro erected a good Frame ' louse, Bank Barn and othe- uecossary outbuildings. There Is also a good bed ot lime stone, two llmo kilns, a young apple orchard, a good well of water at the barn and a good spring atitho house. Til CT NO. 8. Uounded on tho north by land of T. J. VandersUce, deceased, on the east by Jimes M'Malion, on tho south by Mrs. A.J. Evans and land ot T. J. VandersUce, deceased, and on the west by Samuel OhI, containing 59 Acres aud 129 Perches, whereon are erected a good BRICK HOUSE, DANK 1IAHN and other necessary outbuildings. Thero are also two Lime kilns, a bed of lime stone, a young apple orchard, n grapery uda good water-power connected with this tract. Also a good water-power with tract No. I. THACT NO. I1. Hounded on the north by lands of Samuel Ohl and T. J. vandersllce, deceased, on tho east by Mrs. A. J. Evans, on the south by Mrs A. J.Kvans nnd 11. P. Vrult, nnd on tho west by John Itlstler, containing 22 Acres and 150 Perches, whereon aro erected a FRAME HOUSE, 11ANK llAltN. asmall TKNANT UOU8K and other outbuildings. There Is an abundance of fruit ot every description on this tract, and also an excel lent well of water at the door. TKACT NO. 4. Alotot ground bounded ou the north by Tract No. 2, on the east by lilg Fishing, creek, on the south by land of Thos. Ilopkln' heirs, and on the west by publlo road, containing n perches, whereon Is erected a FUAUK DWELL ING UOUSIi. On (Saturday, Sept. 16, '82 at 10 o'clock a. tn. tho following described real es tate: TUACT NO. S.-Sltuata In Mt. l'leasant town, ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by lands John W&nlch, Ellas Drlbelbls and others, on the east by lands of John ICrosiler and Samuel SharTor, on the south by lauds of Samuel Shatter and llernlmrd Stohner, and on the west by Little Flshlngcreck, containing about 90 ACRES sixty-five of which aro cleared and In a good stato ot cultivation, aud on which are erected a FRAME DWELLTNG HOUSE, HANK II vltN and TENANT lluUstt. TltAOTNO. dSltuato lu Hemlock township, Columbia county, l'a., bounded ai follows, to.wlti On the north by lunch ot John and Daniel Wunlcu, outhnensr, by Little Ftshlugcreek, on the south and west by lauds of tleo. Ktusel, containing 18 Acres and 80 Perches. Is-All of ths above tracts are tn a good state ot cultlvitloo, and desirably located. Possession given April 1, !Ss3, TKIIMi OF SALE. Tea per cent ot one-fourth of tho purchase money shah bo paid ut the strlk. Ing down of the property, the ono-tourth less the ten pet cent, tn thirty dnys afiwr sale, and the balance In ono year thereafter, with Interest on the same trom tho llrst day of April, A. I) Mi. If agreeablo to the purchaser, three thousand dollars ot the purchase mouoy to bo secured by bond and mortgage, In tracts No. 1 und '4, payable at the death of Martha Vandorsllce. C. V. VANDBltSLICE,! Vr., JOHN KISTLWt,, "MUtors. Aug, 13, IBS J, t 8 Juneto-iy aid fjto Atltenlaera.-Lowcst Hates toradveitlslng 1 In I, ono nooil ueHspapers sent frco. Ad dress UKO. p, HOWELL CO., lOHpruco St,, N. V, auffiww r WSk Practical Life. nXulWtK 1 l Itiiii,, 4Ji5, C. MiLUKtiy J Cu", f, Z'tSlMi. Tt Sts., $s, lie While Hog. p. with ltwief miDT Thli It the mott taUble book published 3 month. DMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. , BSTATK OP JOSII-n 8SVDKK, SECKASID. Letters of Administration on tho estate ot Jos eph Snyder late of tho town of Moomsburg.Colum. bla county. I'enn'a., deceased, have been granted by the ltegtstcrof said county totho undersigned Adm'r. All persons having claims against the estate of tho decedent are rf quested to present them for settlement and those indebted to th estate to make payment to tho undersigned Administrator without delay. joiin a. (juick, august 4, C-w Administrator, 'jgXECUTOu'S NOTICE. KUTATK Of Wll I.IAU USI.I.KJ, DECKASkD. Letters testamentary In the estate ot William Iielles la'e or Ornng twp. Columbia county, l'a.. deceased have been cranted by the lteglsttr of said county to the undersigned exeuutors. All per sons having cl.ilm? against th estato of tht decedent aro requested to preseuUhem for set tlement and those indebted to the estate to mak pay ment to the underslgnot executors without delay. E-1ZA UELLES, D. K. SLOAN, Executor, Aug. 4, 0-w. DMINISTlUTOIfS NOTICE. BSTATK OF MAIUUHKT Wl.tUNH nKCKABBD. Letters of administration on the estato of Mar garet Dl'dlne, late of Kenton townsulp Columbia countv, ileccaxed, havo been granted by tho lteglster ot said county to tho undersigned admin istrator. All persons having claims uzalnst the estate ot said decedent are requested to presont them for settlement and thoso tndobfeoto tho estato to make payment to the underslgnod ad inlntstrator without delay, C. w. MILLS a, F. I. D1LDINE, Attorney. Ilonton I'.istofllce, august 4 o-w Administrator. A FINE FARM FOB SALE! Situated In Orange township, about a mile from Orangcvlll.. Contains about 134 ACRES of wen cultivated land, a Dwelling House, Large Barn and all necessary outbuildings, liprlng of good water at the house. This farm was formerly owned by Charles Loo, and Is now tho property of the undersigned and tho lato Joseph Weaver For terms and particulars Inqulro ot I. W. McKELVV , , . llloomsburg l'a. Sept 1 tt SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE'S Academy forYounE Men and Boys, MILES t'HUA PHILADELPHIA. SCHOOL YlIAlt OIMIXS SI'l'T. IU. Fixed price covers overy expease, even books .to. Nu extra charges. No Incidental cxpeusm. No cxanlnaton fur admission. Thu teen experienced teachers, ull inoi and all graduates. Special op. portuultles tor apt students to ndvan.e rat Idly Special drill for dull and backward baj s. Patrons or tudenw may select any studies or cnooso tho regular English, selentltlc, liulueHs, Classical, or Civil Engineering Course, students lilted ut Mo dhi Academraro now In Harvard, Valo and tea other Colleges and I'oljtechnlo Schools. Media tusituvcn churchos and u tmp.;rance character which prohibits the salo ot all Intoxicating drinks For new Illustrated circular address the l'rlnclpa. and Proprietor, su'lTlli.N v. siloitTMlilitt,, a. .11. (Harvard University Uraduate), .Umlln, 1'eiiii. J. J. CARPETS BLOOiSBURG. PA. Agonte Wanted BI," IIISk, TREASURY 0F SONG For the llOMK OIHCLK. A rich volume of 800 twH lved oems chosen from the whole realm ot Nulq. Usual cost, uri Here, only KM), no hook Ilk,. It. No Competition I Bale Is Immense I LinlLoi.t citizens say : "A treasury of pleasure tor every nomi." o. II. T.tTany, D. 1). "a perfect marv 1 1 of excellence and cheapiiess.,'tl. A, 1'elU !! Jf" 01 Kenult,u ttcms. "-F. U Hobblns, 1) I). "I like It.'1 w. ll. uoane, Nus. Dir. "n meets a real household want." -A, J, tlordon, I). D. "Its contents will bring genial sunshlui to the home." l'i of W. F, Hcerwlu, l have exam. lnoUhiss'iinptuou9Vhluinowltli groat delight. J. 11. Wuceut, li. I). t should oo In ovary household la tho Und:" Prof U. o. Case. Thro., million homes want It. heuce It Is a grand chai c,, to coin money, sample pages, to., trco, Addies: lllUUAltl)liltos.,i'iiliaJelphla,l'a1 8 8ept.8,.w, MOWER