THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. rniTi? rim mf m a t 1ILU JULlUMDliUX, J. K. BITTENBENDER,y BLOOMSBURG, PA. . I'M M DAY AUGUST IStli, 1882 Notice to Democrats, hi, tiny for being assessed nntl reg hsjfjil Thursday, September 7tli. Last day for paying taxes Saturday, October 7tli. liast day for being naturalized Sat urday, October 7th. Such men as C. It, honor to Congress. tin. Huckalew arc an Gazette & Jlulle Tho Wilkcdnrro llccord concedes the rcnoiniiialion of Heprcsontative Soi nil ton in tlio Xllth district. iMigland Inn sent 10,000 troops to Egypt to u r ipicr Arab! Pasha. Arabi has been given an opportunity to lay down his arms, and if ho docs not comply ho will bo declared a rebel. It is cited as a singular coincidence that tho adopted son of Aaron Burr died in Now York only two days after tho sou of Alexander Hamilton expired in the samo city. Senator James Gay Gordon expresses tho opinion that Controller Pattison will meet tho Stato on election night at the county lino with a majority and that ho will have a plurality of over 20,0 j0. Stalwart editors now call tho writ ings of their brethren of tho Independ ent persuasion, "vanoriugs''. Strange what a change a difference of opinion makes 1 And yetthese editors havo all been riding together in tho samo boat for tho last twenty years, and havo just found each other out. .Tudgo Elwcll having been renomin ated ho will bo re-elected, of coiiim Ho is recognized as ono of the ablest as well as most clear headeo. president judges in tho state. Tho people of Columbia and Montour counties will honor themselves by re-electing him by acclamation. Gazette D Bulletin. Congress adjourned last week. It has always been tho custom to pass a resolution of thanks to tho speaker at the close of a session, but tho conduct of Kicfcr has been such that even his friends dared not prescut such a resolu tion as thev knew it would bo openly opposed. This is the first time that a Speaker of tho House has been dismiss ed without a "thank you' and tho treat ment was well deserved. Candidato Stewart has challenged Candidato Beaver to meet him on tho stump to discuss the issues between the two Itepublican factions. This places Beaver in a bad lix, for if he accepts Stewart will talk him out or, his one shoe, and if ho declines he will be call ed a coward. Quay evidently antici patod the situation when he wrote a letter saying "Dear Beaver. Don't talk." A Roman Catholic bishop lias created quite a sensation by forbidding tlio ladies under his jurisdiction to wear bangs. Ho also forbids them to play any music that is not "classical." Some of the clergy think the bishop is going too far in prescribing for women what they shall wear, as they arc sup posed to be tho best judges as to how their personal attire shall bo made up. The State League, an organisation of colored men, working in the interest of the Stalwart candidates held a ses sion at Williamsport on Tuesday. Tho chairman delivered an address in vhicli ho urged all colored voters to stand Uy Beaver. Chairman Cooper and his eommittco no doubt paid the expenses of tho convention. Chairman Stowart should now look after the colored breth ren. According to the St. Louis .Repub lican, tho intrinsic value of the bronzo medals bestowed upon tho Old Guard if OlIG's about thirteen cents apicco. They are made of Borne cheap compo sition, and enclosed in a thin covering of bronze, on which tho figurehead of Grant and tho other devices are stamp ed. Is this tho reason Beaver does not wear his medal when ho appears in public 7 Tho DanVillc Intelligencer com mends tho Coi.umiiian for its effort to prevent unlawful nominations, and joins us in tho good work by offering a roward of fifty dollars for "the convic tion of tho first rascal found using money to buy votes fcr tho Itepublican party tins tail. The newspapers arc guardians of honest elections, ami it is through their iiilluencu aloiio that bribery and fraud can be defeated. The Philadelphia Times has sent out a circular to congressional nominees in tho stato asking for an answer to tho tour toiiowing questions winch aie es oected to come before the next congress! iiu yuu in uivur vi riuuuiiig inu in ternal revenue tax except on whisky and tobacco t Aro you opposed to political assessments on federal ollice holders? Do you favor retrenchment in the government expenses? and aro . r i i.l .i , . i you in juvur ui uuuiisuiiig uiu iiiieruiu revenue olhces. Tho votoof tho Democratic Dclegato election was ono of the largest ever polled in this county at tho primaries there being 2752 votes cast. Tho nom inations tally with the popular vote, vanderslico receiving M40, JJryson 12 .51, Dewitt 857, Hamlin 700, Fox 287, for Representative. For Sheriff Mouroy received 1477, Swank 821, Wolf, H87. There is not tlio slightest ground lor complaint, with tho noimii ations, llrt,becauso nearly three fourths ot the party took part in the election, and second, becauso the nominees are those who received tho highest noimlar vote. Any talk about fraud is tliero- fore entirely without foundation. Tho icsult of tho convention was governed by the voice ot the people Tho Democracy of this county aro not ashamed ot a single nomination mado by tho recent convention, not withstanding the abuse of tho Phila delphia Times, of one of our candi dates for tlio Legislature. McClure, tho editor of tho Times, has begun a systematic persecution of every mem ber of tho last legislature who refused to veto for his pet genome, the Delhi quciit tax bill. Because ho could not forco men to act in accordance with liis wishes ho now calls them "roosters" and "jobbers." Tho membeis who havo been renominated will bo elected, and McClure will tlnd as the result, tho people of this county havo more confidence in their candidates than thoy have hi tho Times. Republican Testimony. Tho Columbia-Montour Congression al district being hopelessly Democratic, it is consoling to know that ox-Senator lsiickalcw s calling and election as tlio next Iteprcsentativo is now certain. Mr. Buckalow Is n Bourbon nfter the Btraightcst sect, but ho believes In old lasutoncu honesty in politics, and that is what is sadly needed at Washington theso days. Besides, ho is a man of ability, experience, and national reputa tion, and will ndd to tho dignity and iiitlucnco of tho delegation. Philadel phia Evening Telegram. Figures that Speak. Tho annual appropriations for ten fis cal years, as oflfcially reported by tho treasury department: 1873- Reptibllcnn Congress,. ...$1il4,310,?61 1874- Uepubllcim Congress 173,200,700 1875- llepubllcftii Congress 155,017,758 lHTO-Rcptituicmi Congress 147,714,010 1877- Democrntlc House 124,122.010 1878 Democratic House 114,000,483 1870-Democmtlc House 172,010,811 1880 Dcmocrntlc House 102,404,047 1881 Democratic Congress 154,118,212 1882 Democratic Congress 177,889,214 Average for ten years $153,880,053 This year's appropriations, as stated by the chairman of theSenato commit tee! 1883 Robcsonlan Congress.. ...f 204,203,007 Well, what arc you going to do about itt A Strong Candidate. A 1'ltlKND OK T1IK WOllKINOMBN AND I'AIt.MKHS. A Correspondent wiiting to tho Far mer's Friend ib Grange Advocate, tho official paper of tho Grange in Pennsylvania, published at Median icsburg, Cumberland county, speaks of Hon. Silas M. Clark as follows : Ho owns and cultivates a largo farm adjoining the borough of Indiana. Al though not a member of tho Grange, is tho friend of tho farmer and working man. Such men arc seldom nominated for office, and tho farmer and working men afforded an opportunity to secure a representative, lie has been lor several ycais, and now is, pro sident of the Indiana County Arjricul tcral Society, and devotes timo in tho improvement and encouragement of tho interests of tho agricultural class, He is president of the Stato Normal School, and has acquired a reputation through tho State as an educator and benefactor. Is a clear, methodical and logical rca soncr, with a broad, comprehensive, and discriminating and judical mind. Is ono of the ablest lawyers of tl.o Btate, and engaged in a varied and exten sive practice for twenty-fiyo years. The Fleshy Perquisites of the Supreme Court Judges, For high toned perquisites, piivile ges aud luxuries, tho jolly old owls on tho Suprimc Comt bench would lake tho premium at tho world's fair they would take tho cake, tho oven, tho ba ker and tho farmer's wheat held. In the first place every one of tho Judges has a room in his house furnished by tho Govermm nt luxuriously a perfect library in itself. The walls arc cover ed with book cases filled with lawbooks of value and usefulness, tho tloors aro richly carpeted, a great, massive desk occupies tho ccntro ot the room, moroc co lounges and easy chairs invito you to repose, and tho body servant is just without the door awaiting the tinkle of the silver bell. These, in cluding the body servant, aro paid out ot Uncle bam s pouch. It you go to dine with a Judge, or Secretary, mi Assistant Secretary, or an assistant any thing, or a Senator, behind your chair you will probably una a waiter, paid for by the Government as a messenger or a laborer, mcli Jticlgo has his own man. 1 ho Supreme Court has moro officers and men than any similar in stitution in the world thrico over. Ono thing tho .Indues have not, except on days of ceremony,and that is, carriages. iU.itiy indcid, nearly all ot them, drive; their own private carriages, but in all other respects they are about liko Ca binet officers, except more so, Witli ten thousand dollars a year and pen sion when they retiro ; with a library, a body servant, three or six months va cation every year, and tho respect of all mankind, tho iauprctno Court Judges can walk along the llowcry paths lead ing to old ago with tho jolly idea that they aro lucky as well as wise. Washington JMter fuladelpua J'ress. Why lit Legislators are Needed. The Democratic party has made its pledge that (in tho event of its success) u win give 10 inu people oi mo state "an houost, just and truo congressional and legislative apportionment." In this, as in every other promise of our plat form, wo must bo as good as our word. Hundreds and thousands of Republi cans will voto our ticket this fall, for tho hist tune ; and they will do this becaus.i they believe that the Demo cratic party lu.s taken a step, and n long step, on tho road to governmental pforni i and for tho selfish reason that wo desire theso men to remain with us, and for other and higher reasons, wo must demonstrate that wo deserve to go into power in the state, and that wo can bo trusted with the control of the affairs of tho commonwealth. For tho accomplishment of theso great ends let tho word be passed along tho lino that none but tho best and purest men aro to uo named lor legislative honors, When such men are nominated let tho canvass bo conducted on tho distinct pledge that their election means not a partisan triumph, but tho selection of men earnest in the cause of good government, looking to a tair and hon est administration of tho affairs of the whole people, 'Iho time is at hand when the professional politician, low grado and high grade seeking the welfare not even of his party, but of ono faction of it ; corrupting tho ballot box j bargaining for pardons ; robbing mo taxpayer nnu tne commonwealth must givo placo to tho patriot. Men will hold no parloy witli ringstcrs nnd rounders, in tlio white-light of to day. Good men and tiue are the hope ami reliance of our people. Every man on tho Demojratio stato ticket is of this high character. Tho Democracy must supplement theso nominations with their best men for tho Senate and House. And when tho glad hour o victory comes it must bo held as a sacred duty tho slightest neglect o which will bo treasonable aud disgrace ful to ubo tlio power bo gained in tlio interests of tho wholo jieonlo first. So used power win 00 added to power until wo shall havo redeemed thu com monwealth wholly from tho control of tho spoilsman and tho bocs. And so will dio nut forover within our borders tlio heresy that tho public service is tho private property of whatever nartv or faction holds power in tho state. Jxincaster Jntetllgencer, Destructive Tornado in Maine, Banook, Aug. 1 o. The most de structive tornndo over experienced in this vicinity Visited Bangor this even ing. Tho wind blow w itli tcrriflo ve locity,Jand rain fell in sheets converting tho stiects into roaring streams, tho wholo accompanied by incessant thun der and lightning. Tho destruction of property is very great, nnd will nmoiint to between $.)0,U00 and 100,000. A Voluntary Contribution. "How did you eotno to get in jail I" asked a gentleman of u uegio he saw behind tho bars. "Dey put mo in lieah for borrvln' mnnov from a friend." "Why, thoy can't do that; it's no crimo to borrow money." "Yes, boss, but yer seo I had tor knock him down wid n club Bovcral times before ho would loan it tor me, nn' den I had tertako it outcn Ills pocket myself." That was what Hubbell would call a voluntary contri bution, Texas Sitings Bold Bank Robbery. Ivevvankk, III., Aug. 1 o. Yesterday afternoon two men called at the First National bank hero and left their satchels. They called for them at six o'clock, while Cashier Pratt aud Miss Palmer, a clerk, were alone in tho building. The lady opened tho door tor them and was knocked liiscnsiblo by one of the men, while tho other mshed into the olhco nnd stunned 'ratt. They then placed tho lady and Pratt in the vault and decamped with 820,000, 80,000 of which was gold. Miss Palmer and Pratt managed to re lease themselves in about an hour. Up to midnight tlio robbers had not been caught. The Republicans of Pennsylvania Doomed. There is nothing in tlio political Bit- nation in Pennsylvania calculated to af lord Republicans much pleasure. Sen ntor Cameron docs not appear to realize that ho and his system are doomed, although everybody else does. We say everybody else does, in spite of tho epcated announcement that Uhairman Cooper is "sanguine of suece" and las already hgured out General Bea ver's election. We do not, believe that Mr. Cooper Is quite so absurd -a person as ho seems anxious to appear to be. Victoiies on paper aro always easy, and anyone can have all ho has the latiencc to lignre out. Mr. Coopers figures are simply preposterous, and thero is no reason to suppose that ho is deceived by them. the plain tact is that there aie two Republican tickets in the held, and there aro not enough Republican votes n the State to elect moiu than one. Indeed it is a notorious fact that a iint class'Republican ticket, satisfactory to both Republican factions, could be elected over Mr. Pattison, thu Demo cratic candidate, only by hard work. No patty can breed a quarrel like that which Mr. Cameron s management has caused in Pennsylvania and not lose sticngth by it. In addition to this, tliero is Mr. Pattison's independent re form record, aud the fact that thous ands of Republicans in Philadelphia havo voted for him as Controller and havo seen no causo for regretting it. What they have done onco thev will find it easy to do again. it is absurd to say, therelore, that General Beaver has any chauco of be ing elected. He could not be if the Independent ticket were out of tho held, lie simply blocks the way. Tho Independents say ho represents Bos- Bism, against which they aro lighting, and that so long as he stays in the field they will stavC Upon him lests tho responsibility of the threatened disas ter. Senator Cameron put mm in tho field in tho face of tho Independent irntest; because ho did not believe tlio Independents would dare to continue their opposition. He has found out now that he miscalculated, but, rather than retreat, lie will defeat the party. Let tho responsibility be put where it belongs upon the lioss system. iv. 1 . Tribune. Mrs. Margaiet Sanderson, relict of tlio Jate Colonel Henry S. Sandeibon, and tlio lady who made the ilag for Fort MoIIenry which inspired Francis Scott Key to write the "Star-Spangled mnner, died in Mew Vork aged eighty-live. At the timo of tho bom bardment, in 1812, Mrs. Sanderson, who was only fifteen years old, made the Hag out of costly silk with her own hands and presented it to Colonel George Ariuistead, tho commander of tho fort, just before the IJritish appeal ed in tho bay. NEWS ITEMS. The yellow fever acourco is racing in Texas and Mexico. Many now oases aro oocunng daily. Theru is considerable excitement in York, Pa., over tho appearance of small pox 111 tliat city. A now disease is rapidly spreading among tho chickens in Crawford county. ino 10 wis aro dying very last. Cleanest and purity make Parker's Hair I5als.nn the favorite for restorting tlio youtlitul color to gray liatr, Schuylkill county is getting too largo tor somu people aud a proposition ha? been made to havo it divided. Tho operators of tho Pennsylvania colliery, near iMt. uarmel, havo volun tarily advanced tho wages of their miners. Altornoy.Geucral Lear told a New York Jferald reporter that Beaver could bo elected onlv by tho aid of Democratic votes. It is said a weed, growinc; in abun dance, which is far superior to oakum, for tho purposes for which that is used, has been ton ml 111 Florida. Thero is a probability of four Stato tickets beiiiK put in thu Held in Xebras ka this year Republican, Democratic, ureetioueK and iToiiiuiiiou. It is intimated 111 somu (piattcrs that Candidato Stewart means well but ho don't know. Certainly hu cannot havo forgotten tho mystto message ot Ouay ; 11 .!... ll. ' -irui ijuavui iun i, iuiiv. The Ohio Democrats are now claim ing that thoy will carry thirteen con cressional districts in October. Tho delegation at present stands fifteen lie publicans to live Democrats, owing to the infamous gerrymander of tho stato jierpetrnted by tho last ISepublican Leg lslature. Attempts to boycott tho products of Chinese workmanship in San Francisco nro not entirely Hiieeessful. Whilo Chiueso cheap labor is vigorously do iiouuccd. practical experience shows that when it comes to tho actual pay ment of coin, tho wares that cost least . nt tho samo quality are tho ones liur. chased; When Chliieso niado shoes nro placed beside others that white work- men havo manufactured, aud aiosold fifty cents a pair cheaper, thoy aro j nearly always preterrcd. On Saturday last, while Hiram Neis winter and Robert Parker wcro cnioy. ing a pigeon shooting near Shenandoah one ot the pigeons llew towards t'ark or when Nelswinter fired nnd shot Parker,tearii(g tho top off his head nnd scattering his brains around for several yards. IIo died in a few minutes. On Sunday nftemoon about 2 o'clock the barn of Samuel N. Wetzel in the eastern nart of Lancaster eltv was de stroyed ly Incendiary lire. Whilo the llro was in progress, tlio county Insane asylunni, situated near the barn was discovered to be on fire, and was en tirely destroyed. Loss about $70,000. There .wcro 1 1-1 inmates, all of whom were tuved. The origin of tlio firo is in doubt. An Frio telephone operator was standing in front of tho board during a thunder storm. Suddenly a tlash of lightning illuminated tli,- sky and thu whole telephono room Bcetned to be tilled with sheets of flame. Tho oper ator was turned coniplctely around by tho shock, nnd so affected by it that ho was sick for an hour. England seems just to have discover ed what America learned twenty years ago. A board of military experts have decided that stono masonry is literally useless before heavy artillery, whilo earthworks can "stand tho storm" with a reasonable degree of compos ure. Tho region on tho west side of tho Mississippi, between Vicksburg nnd the Gull, gives a good idea of the Egypt through which the British will have to operate from Alcxanihia. It has tho same feature of an nnntinl rise of tho river above all the country, which there begins in July, reaches its height in tlio latter part of August, nnd subsides through the autumn months. It has the same features of banks of the main river and of all the branching streams higher than the country, with tlio addi tion of canals, nnd of more complete banks, so as to Hood the lands at will. All theso may bo mado tho means of obstruction and defence. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nnver varies. A marvel of purity, strength nnd wlnlnsjineness. .More economical than tne ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with tlio multitude ot low test, short wclsht, aluinor phosphite powders. Sold only In cans, ituvn. IHmno .'owdeii Co., 100 Wall-st., N. V. augll-ly. Yni- II. SNYDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Orangeville, Pa. onico In Luw'd Dulldlng, second lloor, .second door to the left. Can bo consulted In German. aug IS '81 TN SOLVENT NOTICE. "Tate notice that 1 havo applied to tho Honor able tha Judg. s nt tho Court ot common I'leos tor the county ot Columbia for tho benetlt ot the In solvent Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania and ihey havoappotrted Monday the fourth day ot September next at ton o'clock A.M. to nave uih auu my creanors atiue uomi nouau iu tho t iwn of llliomsbursf when and where you may attend if you think proper, AU 11-JW IIODEKTP. UOWELL. "YyiUOWS1 Arrit.AISKM.ENTS. 1. Wldowa' aDnral9omcnt In tho eatato of Jacob s. lleas, dee'd. Personalty tn sd ueauy ?m :i riiw w 2 WIdcws'anDralsement In the cstato of Dyer o. Moss, deceased. Personalty so 10 a Widows' anDralsemsnt in tne cstato of Thomas Davlidiceased. Itealty tta M 4. Widows' annralsement In tho estate ot Samuel Smith deceased. Personalty jaoo 00 Will be conllrmed nisi on tho Ilrst .Monday of September, issi, and unio3i exceptions bo men wiuiln tour days thrtiuatter thu samo will bo con llrmed absolutely. H.'.l. UltlUKll vu.n, cierK o. C. August 11, IS3J. CQfTho time has 01 uw when Farm ers must practice strict economy in all their purchases tor articles needed on tho farm, and none will rcquiro more atten tion th.nithesiibji'otof fertilizers. Why should you pay tho high prices demand ed by some tor their goods when you can buy a reliablo wheat manure at $25 per ton ol lbs., delivered on cars or boat in Philadelphia, Tlio analysis is guaranteed to every purchaser and is also plainly printed on ovcrv ba'. Wo say to you buy BAUGH'S TWENTY FIVE Mlar PHOSPHATE. Send for circular showing guaranteed analysis. 15AUGII it SONS. 20 Son tli .Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. august ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VALUAHLK Ileal Estate ! In purs lancu ot an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, I'eiin'a., Iho undersigned, guardian of Iteuoen Orauw, minor child of (Win, II, Orau?e, deceased, "II oxp lse to public sale, on the premises, In Catuwhm, county und state aforesaid, on SATURDAY SEPT, M, S'i, at loo'clock a. m., tin following described rr al estate! Alt that undivided onc-tuird Interest or that lot of ground situate In the town ot Cuta-' wlssa, Htale and county aforesaid, bounded on tho east by Second street, on the west Vy land ot cs tato of Wm, II. orange, on the uortu .by land ot Win Ej er's cstato and on tho south by mi alley, v hereon Is c reeled a Two Story Frame Dwelling House. Thu lot being In dept'a from nald second street losraet, and fronting on Second btrect S3 feet, more or less, Term i and conditions mado known on day ot B'Ue, w. II, iiiuwn, i LINTON KIW, Attorney. tluardlan. N, 11, At the tamo timo ami placo Iho remain, lug undivided two-thlidi Inleiest in the above described pronmy will bo sa'd. Aug ll-lw Juneso-ly aid SSI (Milk Practical LI fo . J i'..:, ,iv. sf'.-ft; Duo pp. t'lrvr liur. lurat binding and lllii.trnllo'ni. Democratic Stato Ticket, For Governor, RORERT E. PATTISON, or rim.ADr.t.i'iiiA. For Lieutenant Governor, OHAUNOY V, 11LAOIC, OF YOltlf. For Judge of the Supreme Court, SILAS AL CLARIC, Of INDIANA. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, J. SLMPSON AFRICA, 01 lltJNTINdPON. For Congressman-at-Large, AIORTIAIER F. ELLIOTT, or tioiia. COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, HON. C. R. RUCIvALEW. Subject to decision ot Congressional Conference. President Judge, HON. WILLIAAI ELWELL. Subject to decision ot .Judicial Conference, Stato Senator, HQN. E. J. AIoIIENRY subject to Scclslon of Senatorial conference. Representatives, HON. T. J. VANDERSL1CE, WILLIAAI UltYSON. Sheriff, JOHN AIOUREY. Coroner, JOHN P. IIANNOX. Jury Commissioner, GEORGE A. DICRI!. MARKETJREPORTS. llbOOMSUUHG MAHKBT. Wheat per bushel i.on Kyo " si Corn, 11 i of oats " " oil Hour pit barrel a Clovrt,eed 8,r,u uutusr Ram -id Tallow ui 'otmoes Dried Vpples oo Hams ia Sides s Shoulders nys chickens iiS Turkeys 13 Lira por pound .in Ilayperton . 1000 uwswax 25 PIIILADKtil'HlA. .MAItKETS. oomtKorun wkkki.y. FI.OUU The inaiket wasilullhiu steady; super fine (ITS 14 J on,- outran !'). 4 iw; Pennsylvania family 1 ."M4 5 60. KYK Kl.oOK-$3 75 4 00. wilitAi The market wa unsctllttl; Pelawaro nnd I'eni sylvanla r-'d 1 11 (4 1 li; DeUwure nnd Peniisjlvihla mubi-r$ taw I 13 OjltN 'I he 111 irlcct was llriu lo'al use. OATS The market was dull nnd easier. ItYE r.5c for new, I'ltovisioNS-The nnrkct was steady with Job blnRdeinind. L.AH 1 Tlio market was quiet. IllJlTEIt Thu market uut nuler, nnd rather weak; creamery extra s.i ts!,'.c; creamery eood to choice it a 5lc; rolls dull; conns Ivanla and West ern IB a lie. Kuns '1 ho majket was Urm. -OK VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! Tho subscribers, oxecutora f tho last will of Thomas J. Vandcrsllce, deceased, will offer at public salo on tho premises la utinlcrk township, Columbia county, Pa , on Friday, September 15, 1882, ut 10 0VI0, k a. m. the follow log described real es tate, to-wlt: Tli AC r NO;.!. Bounded on thelnortu by lands ot (icorgo llusscl and susquthanna slate Company, on the east by land of James JlcMuhon, on the south by lands of no oMaleot T. J. Vnndersllce, deceased, ar.d on the west ty laud of John iletz, containing. 37 Acres and 65 Perches, whereon aro it, c led u good Frame House, Bauk Bam and otho necessary outbuildings. Tliero Is also a good bed of limestone, two lima kilns, a young appie orchard, a good well of water at tho barn and n good spi In g at I he house. TlUCl'NO. u.-llouuded on tho north by land of T. J. Vnndersllce, deceased, oa the east by James M 'Mahon, ou the south by Mrs. A, J. Brans and laud or T. J. Vandorslico, deceased, and on the west by Samuel Ohl, containing 59 Acres and 129 Perches, whereon nro erected a good BRICK HOUSE, HANK 1IAUV nnd other necessary outbuildings, There aro also two Limo kilns, a bed of lime stono, ajoungnpple orchard, a grapery tnda good water-power connected ulth ihls tract. Also n good wuter-power with tract No. 1. TIIACTNO. ii.-isounded on the north by lands of Samuel Ohl and T. J. vandcrsllce, deceased, on the cast by Mrs. A. .1, Evans, on tho south by Mrsl A. J, IXins and U. F, Krult, and on tho west byl jouu Kisuer, containing 22 Acres and 150 Perches, whereon nro erected a FRAME HOUSE, HANK 11 VHN, asmall TENANT HOUSE and other outbuildings. 'I tier Is an abundance of trull of every description on this tract, aud also an excel lent well ot water ut the door. THACT NO. 4. A lot of ground bounded ou the north by Tract No. 2, on tho cast by Ulg Fishing creik, onlnosoutn b land of Thoa. IIopklnN heirs, and on the west by public road, containing perches, whereon Is erected a PHAME DWKI.L- INO HOUSK. Oil' Saturday, Sept. IG, '82 at 10 o'clock a. m. tho following described real es tato: THACT NO. 6. Slluato In lt. Pleasant town snip, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by lauds John Wnnlch, Kilns Drlbclbls ami others, on tho vast by lands ct John Krcsder and Samuel Shaffer, on the south by lands of Samuel Shaffsrand llernhard Stohncr, and on tho west by Little Flshlngcrcck, containing about 90 ACRES slxty-tlvo ot which aro cleared nnd In a good state ot cultivation, and on which are erected u FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, HANK ll.VHN und TENANT HOUSE. TltACr NO. o.-situato In Hemlock township, Columbia county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by laud ot John and Daniel Wanlch, on thn cast by Little Flshlngcrei k, on thusoath and webt by lands of (Uo. llusscl. contalulng 18 Acres anil 80 Perches. tAII or Hid ubowi tracts aro In a good stato of cultivation, aud desirably located. Possession glu'ii April I, Um.i. TEHMsl OF SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth ot tho purchase money shah bo paid ut the strik ing down of tho property, Iho ono-tourih less tho ten per cent, lu thirty days utter sale, and tho balance In one year thereafter, with Interest on tho Bame from the Ilrst day of April, A. D IStt, !( agreeable to the punha&er, threo thousand dollars of Iho purchase money to bo secured by bond und mortgage, In tracts No, 1 and';, payable at tlio death ot Manlm Vunderbllce, O. M. VANDKUHLICE,! p,.,., JOHN IU.vri.KII, 7 EuulU,rs' Aug, S,Mi, IH , L I F WnUR AN 8l EN T G In I'liniis.vnuuU. in Huso wliuii4t had expert, ence and havu noon s iccessful as solicitors, good OJiilracts will be given as Uenerul AgeiiW lor a number otcouatlrs Inexperienced men will bo aldid and lustruetud I s special Ageuu. Address .11 tN.MUill, Hub i!,UU3, N. V, foot (llllre, uug is. i ui r Books & Bibles !' la iikrwlling uti. lHUdttilnii Liberal Icnu, tlri4lf j. lrnUua A lw., 14, h, I uunlt bl., -llUli4,U, I't, Junoso-ly aid NEW LUMBER YARD At Orangeville. Tho Undersigned ltavo Opened a LIME YARD. IN CONNECTION WITH T1IE1II MERCANTILE BUSINESS nnd propose to deal In ALL KINDS OF LUMnER THK illUIIKSTCUIlUKNT THICKS will 1112 PAID, nnd we will sell nt tliu LOWEST PRICES. All persons linvlng 1MB Ell TO SELL, nnd thoso desiring to purclinsc should Vistt out Yard! And Consult our Prices. before KKM.INO or UUYING elsewhere. LII.LKY&SLEPPY, Oranirtivillc, Pa. I'XKCUTOR'6 SALE Of VALUAULR MM ESTATE t ! The unrteiiilKm d executor of llw last will and testament, of Samuel Drum, 1 ite of Main township, dee'd, will expose to public salo on tha premises on Saturday, August 2G, '82, at tn o'clock n. m., all tho following described renl estate : All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of Und Mtuato In tlio township of Main county of Columbia, stato of Pennsylvania, bound! ed and described as follows, to-wlt: Heglnnlng at a stono corner, lands ot Charles Shunian, nnd running from thence by land of Wm, isttner south St di-grces west no porches to nst'ino thence along land of John Kelfcr north B degiees west U7 perches to an ojk ; tlicueo along land of Ilarraan John north sl, degrees east IK) porches to an oaV : thenco along laud of Ellas Shumau and Charles Shuman ajulli t; degrees ms'. uopviches to placo of beglnnnlng, containing 117 ACRES more or less, whereon Is erected a larg ' and com modious two story Frame Dwelling House. a new bank barn, and nil necessary out-lulldlngs. Tho farm Is under a lilirli state ot cultivation aud contains a largo orchard ot all kinds of trult. Wa ter Is supplied from n cool never fa'llng spring nenr tho house. Terms and conditions made knnvn on dnyot sale by J.NO. K. HOIIIVS, W II. Huawn, Atty. Executor. Catanlssa, July 29, ts. 1 KOISTKll'S NOTICKS. utlce la hereby clven to all leiratprs. creditors and otlmr persons lnterestol in the estate-t ot tho respective ueceiienis nna minors, mat mo follow ing administration and guardian accounts havu been tiled In the ofllcu ot tlio Itegleter ot Columbia county and will to presented for contlrmatlon and allowance In tho Orphans' Uotirc to he held In llloomsDurg, on Mondiy sepUmb. r 4tn, at two o'clock p. in. on said day : 1. Tho tlrtt and final account rt .fames N. Pen nington ono of the administrators of Jos eph O. Less, late of Denton towushtp, deceas ed. 1. lrst and tlnal account ot I'lnrlts Lee and hoeco fnlrmau, Administrators of David Lee, late of Scott township, deceased. 3, Final accountof Stewart Cornell on, guar Han 0, Lilly a.cCanu, a minor child of John Mc Caun, aimed by tils administrator, Andrew lluulok, 4. First and tlnal account of S 1). ltlnard Execu tor ot cunarmo Oetchy, law ofC'atawH a township, deceased. 6. Firs aud tlnal accountof John Loncenucnrcr Administrator of William Longenborger, late ui ueuver wwnsnip, aeccaseu. 0 Flrbtnud llnal account ot.M. A. i.lrton.Ad mlnlbtrator ot Caleu Olrton, lato ot Hemlock uwusmp, ucueascu. 7. Tho account ot willUin Uartllno. Admlnli tuitor of Jane llroidt, late of Midlson town- 8. Tho second and llnal account of Nathan Bred benuer, Administrator ot Jacob bherman, lato ui neater townsnip, aeccaseu. 9. The first and tlnnl account of Jesse U. Young and John w Lvans, Executors of Sarah If, vouug, late ot the liorough ot lierwlck, de- eeu&i-u, lu The ilrst aud tlnal account ot Herman Fun ringer, AdnilDlsl.-aUir do bonis nou cum testa- meuiu anuexu or ticr .Mauser, lute oi Locust lUVWlaUip, uiccaM.'u. II. The ilrst and llnal account of L. S. Winter steen. Administrator ot Sarah KOblnhojd, lata of .Miruiu lu.vnMilp, a .'ceased. U. Second and final account of DIUInger Harrl sou, surviving executor uf Cautlcli Harrison, late oi ino town ui uiooinsuurg, uectasea. 13. The Ilrst and llnal account o.' Claric N . KUuo executor ot Mary Klloe, lato of Oreenwood lotvnsuip, ueeeascu. 14. First and llnal accountof Joienh Uroach and K. M. T'cwksbury, udulnlstiulors uf Isnuc ureacn, late or uaiawissa lotvusiup, uoo-cus ou. 1. The Ilrst and llual uciouut ot J. F. Kressler, executor or nana hrcbiicr late ot scon lown blup, deceased. 10. Tho ilrst account of John L. Kllno, executor oi jouu ivuue, lulu oi loousi luwnsuip, an- ceaseu, 17. The first and Una! account of Svlvest ,r Al bertson, administrator do bonis non ut Sam uel K. Albertsou, late ut Denton township, do oeaseu, 13. Tho llnal account ot John It, Alknun. admin Islrator ol Margaret Alkman, lato ut Ccntro rmnauip, ueeoasou. lt. The tlnal account ot John Waiti guardian or Aaron tv, Nuss, llenjamln J. Miss and Ainanua rtuss, minor cuuareu ui iieujamiu nuss, I ate oi .Maiu i,ownnipt uoccatcu. uo. Tho first and tlnal account ot aeorgo W, lllrlcman.admmrntor of Samuel Ubone, lute oi rumuKcrceK towusuip, utceaseu, 21, Tho account of Abraham liurtllno, executor of sarau regg, lauoi aauisou townsnip, ue- ceasea. Si. Tho Ilrst and nnul account of Reorge W, Correll administrator do bonis non cum tela. mento aunexo of Kcuecca Palmer, late of tuo town oi uiooindourg, neceatea 2J. Tho second account of II. W. McKoynolds, executor ot J hn Mcltoynolds, late ot the town oi uiooinsuurg, aeceasea. 21. Tho ilrst nnd llnal account of I.K. Krlckbaum uxecutor of Calharlue Drink, lato ot lleuluu luwiisiui), uuicasuu. 25. The account of John A. Funston, adinlntstra tor ot Augustus .vakon, laluof the town of liioomsuurg. aoceasea. u. Tho second and tlnal account ot Peter S. .Mill administrator of Sarah Kelthllne, lato of thu Dorougn ui iiorwicic, ueeeascu . 7, Trothlid and llual account ot Joshua Fotlnr mau and Aarou drover, administrators uf nucuaei urovir, laiu oi inu ion ui uiooms burg, deceased. ss. Tho Becond and llnal account of Henry 8 Keay. vxcciilor und S'isaLna .Milne, execu tilx of William .Mtincs, late ot Scott township, uoceusvii. ', Accountof James Drofee, administrator of l littip llrofee, lato of Looust lonuililp, do ceased. 30, The ilrst and llnal account ot Morris II. Kit. tiiihouse, oxecutor ni Ann llltteuhouse, lato uf Ceutro township, deeeubed 31, Tho first and partial account of William lielune, Administrator of llenjamln Delano Jr 1 tto ot Locust township, deceased, 31. I'list and tlnal account ot John P. Chatilo, administrator of Mary lis re, lalo ot Fishing creek township, deceu ed, 83, First and partial account of Peter J Wuivcr, administrator of Augustus W, Weaver, lato of Flsulngcreek township, deceased. St. First and llnal account ot S. ir. Miller, guar dian ot Martha dross, u minor child nt Zucu. Ion P. dross, lato of tho town ot Dloomsourg, deceased. lloglstcr's onice, 1 Illoomsburg Aug, ll Vi.l 0. V, STEIINKIt, Iteglster, XEOUTOR'S NOTICE. KSTATR Of SIKill AHN STINK, DKCKASKU U-ttersltcstameularyrntlHi estate of Sarah Ann stlno, late ot Locust township, Columbia county Pa, deceased, have been granted by the Iteglster ot said county to (leo. W. Mine, Numldla Columbia Co. All persons having claims against thu estate ot the decedent are requested to present them for settlement uud thoso Indebted to the estate, to make payment to the undersigned executor with out delay, (IKO, W. STINK, nugistl-w Executor, For Autumn Wear. Our Bargain sections offer many lots of Clothing for men and boys, well adapted for Fall wear, at an average of forty per cent off from the low prices established at our June Upset Sale. You may save the cost of a journey to the city, and perhaps much more, on a single suit of clothing. Wanamaker & Brown. Oak Hall, Sixth and Market Philadelphia. lOURT PROCLAMATION- WHEKKAS,tlielIon. William Ei.weli. President Jtidgo of tho Court of Oyer nnd Terminer nnd (lencrnl Jail Delivery, Court of Quar ter Sessions of the Pence and tho Court ot Common Pleas and Orphans' Court In tho netti Judicial Ills trlct, composed ot tho counties ot Columbia nnd Montour, and tho lions. Jamct Lake and F. L. Shuman, Ass'iclato Judges of Columbia county, havo Issued their tirecept,bearlng date the 9th day ot May In tho year ot our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and elguty-Uo, and to ino directed for holding a Court of Oyer nnd Terminer nnd General Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common leas nnd Orphans' Court, 111 Illuumsburg, In the county of Columbln.on thu Ilrst Monday, being tho 4th day of September next, to continue for two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to the the Jus ticca of the Peace, and the Constables ot the said County of Columbla.lliat they bo then and tliero In tlielr proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said 4th day of Sopt. with their records lnqul sltlons nnd other do thoaetthlngs which to their ofllces appertain to be done. And thoso that aro bound by recognisance to proseaute against tho prisoners that aro or may be In tho Jail of tho sa!0,county of bo then and there to prosccuto them as shall be uit. Jurors are re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Illoomsburg tho 3rd da of ug. In tho year of our L. S. Lord one tlinunaud eight hundred and , I elirlitv.twonud In tho ono hundred and suventli year of the Independence ot the United states of America. Sherlil'somce, u. u. knt, Illoomsburg, Aug 4 ta Sheriff. 1ST or CAUSKS KOU septkmber TEKM, lSi. Isaac Yo'tcr vs. Solomon shuman Qeorgo II. (lordner, atslktnce, vs Oldeon ttols. OranecvllloM.S. F. & L Association vs. A. II. ltorrlng Illoomsburg Hanking Company use, v. Samuel .Mollenry. James Lamon's administratrix vs. Joseph Lu- mon. Curtis S. llonks vh, Noroiun uf Danville, Martha l. Vanderslico vs. Hobcca Vandcrsllce, administratrix. Wilson cox vs. wiiuam Hroost. Kill. 8. stoker vs Henry Cope. c. Wldeman vj llenry Summers. Daniel llarrlman vs. Catharlno Heller. llenj Miller's adinrs. vs.deorgo Strieker. Daniel llarrlman vs Jamei lleller's admr. L. s. Wlnterstcen,, ic , vs. 11. M. Fowler. W. F, lllbby vs Fiennnlng lacoby. W, F llltiby s. Isaac 11. secsholtztt al. Isaiah Doner vs. Daniel Drader, W, L. Kieily vs. ,1, cob v eager. Commonwealth ot Penn'a. etal. vs. W. II. Ab bott et al. I'. K. liomboy et ux vb. M. o. woodward. Ma'garet A. Dobei's trustees vs. Jl. C. Wood ward -Michael T. Ohl vs. Ellis Utt and Anna Utt. Charles II. Haines vs. Jonathan A. Novlngor. Wm. F. Keller vs. The N. W, 11. It. Co. Slnjcr Manufacturing Co. vs. Martha Delias. G HAND JUKOKS FOU SEPTEMBER TEHM.IHB. llentnn L.11. Stilus, I K. Krlckbaum. Dloom E C. Dundy, John dalllgan. catuwlba Charles llartman. Centralia James Daly-Ccutro-stepben Poho. Flshlngcreek Wm. Mcara. dreenwood John Vanhorn. Hemlock Albert llenry. 1). W. Harris. Locust Lloyd Earnest. Jonathan Denver. It. H. Carl. Madison wm. Mcnriae. Main Jimes Dtshop, Wm. T. shuman. Winiln Mephen (iearbeart.M. II. Heller. Montour lloses t'olburn, ?, s. Karshner. Oiange Nathan Fleckenstlne. sugarloaf curence Laubach, Or&n Parks. T HAVEHSE JUHOltS SEPTEMBER TEHM, H8. I'lKST WliEt, Derwlck-Wm. C. Uarnes, Mil s Maiteeney. Heaver Peter Knecht, Charles D. Troy. iteutou j. i;. 'luoos. Dloom K. C. Ent. F. M. Everett. Joseuh Oanl- son, David Hunt, Peter Jones, w. O. Hlchart. i.aiawissa ueo. a. unnert, Miner line. Centre Albert Shaffer. Centralia Daniel Dougherty, Franklin Danl'l Lorman. Oreenwood-Eliu Sves, D. P. Cnger. Hemlock eii (ml. Jackson-D. F. Fritz. Ixwusl Edward Kreamer. Madison Jasper Demott, Isaac McBrlile, Isaac Wagner. Main Peter Hartzel, II. d. John, Wesley John. Montour tleo. Meant, John McCloskey, John Uoadarmel. John Walter. Mt Pleasant. Wm. Crawford, John Wanlch, orange John Cadman. Pine John Chamberlain. Sugarloaf floo. Lewis. SKCOND WKIK. Denton Wm. Young, 8 p. Krlckbium. llerwlek-Lahman F. Dower, deo. D. Ki-stcr. Dloom -John Urobst, Frank Deutler, C. a. Uar dor, 11. W, Mclteynolds. Catawlssa-A. 11. Cleaver. Centre i.'eo, A. llartman, Wm. Voho. conyngham-Kdward Dompsey. Flshliiicreek-L. ,M. Crevellng, David Doty, Hen ry Fulmer. Orcenwood-F P. lives. Johu If. Parker, It. L. Hlcu. J. K. WetllVi.r. Hemloik-u. II. uulld, Scth Shouinaker, Chas. , ,i i.iieiner. JiClisoa EiuantiM lieinlev. Minim Isaac Andrews, John Lutx. Montour P. A Kvans. Mt licasant Hiram crousc. Orange Aoraham Kline, Wm, A. Dobbins, Jesse ii uiusit'uer. Pine-wm. A. Hunter. scott ltceco Falnnan, II, F. HIco, J. II. Town send. sugarloaf Frank N ujlu Itoarlngcrcrk .Mlcbatl lloucu. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUADLK REAL ESTATE! In pursuance ot an order ot the Court ot Colum bla county, the undersigned, commltteo Ui the es tate and person of C. F. Harder, a lunatic, will exposo to publlo salo on tho premises, In Cata- wlssa, Columbia county, Pennsylvania on Saturday, August 26, 1882, At ten o'clock In tho forenooi. tho following described valuable property i All that certain lot of ground lying and being situate in Catawlssa, county and Stato aforesaid, bound ed and described as follows, to-wlt: On the north by land ot J, F. prattler, on tho west by Third street, on the south by Greenwood Cemetery and on the east by the Frlonds Ilurylng Oround, the samo being lu depth elghty-four feet, and front ing on Third street ninety-two feet, morn or less whereon Is erected nsw two-story FRAME PLANING MILL, o x ou feet, with basement, containing one tweho horse power title en horse power boiler, one sixteen Inch pony planer, ono door-panel ral ser.ono circular saw table and saw, ono Jig-saw, ono tenout machine, ono mortising machine and one sandpaper macli'no, hit nltli fixtures com plete. Most ot the abovo machinery Is new and In good order. Thero aro alj i erected on the said lot, lumber sheds and a wagon shed. A tcood well or water In basement ot mill. This property Is so located and constructed Unit It Is well adapted to earning on tin lumber yard and planlng-mlll business aud Is the .only mill acccsilblo to the Burrouudlng community, thereby commanding a ltrgo patrouaito. TEH MS OFSALE.-10 per cent, of the one-fourth of the purchase money hhall bo paid at the striking down ot iho property; tho one-lourtb less the ton per cent, at the confirmation of sale, and the re maining three-fourlhi In oue-rcur thereafter with Interest from confirmation nut. (!. ELLIU, W II lthawn, Atty. Committee. Caiawlssa, Aug, 1, Is, $10 $20,00 In legitimate judicious speculation In drain, Pro. visions aud slocks ou our perfected plau, yields sure monthly proms to large and .mull invt btors, Addresi, for .full particulars. It. K. Krmlull A Co., Com'ii. Merchants, Ut ITU U Hollo tt., Chisago, III, r uuglMw Sts FOR vSAIuE. A FARM OF 82 ACRES, on Flslilngcrcek, public road leading from Illooms burg, with good largo buildings, 0 acres of wood, land, all conveniences, Easy terms, A large Brick Dwelling House and prop -rty, 7 rooms on second lloor, located on a principal street near Market square. Al jo properties oa Centre, Second, Third and Seventh streets, on reasonable rates and terms. Apply at tho law onice uf Wm. ChrUnian In Moyer's Duildlng, Illoomsburg, Pa. August 4, tf, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KSTAI X OF MiKdlllET Id 1.1)1 NK DKCKlSlin. Letters of administration on tho cstato of Mar. garet DI dluo. lato ot Denton township Columbia county, deceased, havu been granted by tha ucgisicr ui saiu county iu uiu unuersignea aumin 1st ra tor. All persons havlni; claims airalnst tun cstato of said decedent are requested to present meru lor settlement anu in use indented 10 tuo estate to rnnko payment to tho undersigned ad ministrator without delay, c. w, MiLi.Eit, F. P.D1LD1NR, Attornoy. Benton PostODlce, august 4 6-w Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE kstati or josint bntdkk, dbcbibid. U'tteraot Administration on the estate ot Job eph Sny dcr late of the town of Dloomsburg.colum. bin county, Penn'a,, decu ised, have boen granted by the Kcglsterotsold county to tlio undersigned Adm'r, A'l persons having claims against tho osta'o of the decedent are requested to present them for settlement and thoso Indebted to the cstato to make payment to the undersigned Administrator without delay, JOH (I QUICK, august 4, 6-w Administrator. jgXEOUTOR'S NOTICE. ' KflTATK OV WILLU1I BBLI.KS, 1IHCKISHD. tetters testamentary In the estate of William Hellas laio of Orange twp. Columbia county, I'k deceased, have been rranti d bj the Iteglster ol snltl county to the undersigned e.euutors. AH per sons having claims against the estate of US deeedent nro requested to present them for not tlement nnd thoso indebted to the estate to mak pay ment to the underslgnol executors without delay. KuIZA DKLLB3. D. K.SLOAN. Uxecutor, Aug. 4, 0-w. J. J. CARPETS BLOOirlSBUPG. PA. W.1 .-(f 1 1 :'.: iy i' 4a i. ii nvt y BOTE! m h o a 4 o m Il m 0 I H O 1 g Q Z