The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 11, 1882, Image 3

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The Columbian.
FRIDAY, AUGUST lltli, 1882.
Correct Rnllroncl Time Tntilo.
Trains on tho Philadelphia A It. It. lcavo import
u follows I
vobto. sotrtii,
la a.m. 11 45 a.m.
i w P. m. 49 p. m.
Trilna on tho D. U W. It. It. 1oto nioomsburg
aa follows i
I as a.m.
la 69 a. m.
8 23 n. ra.
11 45n. m.
a si o. in.
4 ST p. m.
Thn II 41 train south connect with thn Philn.
dclphta & Heading at Hupcrt, aad with tho
Northern Central at Northumberland.
The Bits a. m train connect nt Northumberland
with t-.n train on Pennsylvania road reaching
Philadelphia atS:m p. m.
Tho 11:4! train connects with Philadelphia and
Heading roa1 at Ituport at ll:50 reaching Phila
delphia at :oo p, in.
Tho 11:45 train connect with Pennsylvania
roM at Northumberland at 1:49 reaching Philadel
phia at 1:13 p. tn,
Tho 4:27 p m. train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumberland at 8:03 p. m. anu roaches
Philadelphia at J:55 a. m.
W. L. Stunning, of Jackson township,
left on Tuesday last for Rochester, N. Y.
Miss Fnnnlo Scnrlcs of Bcrnnton is visit
ing Miss Annto Sloan.
. J. II. Dcltcrlch of tho Berwick Oaitttc
Called at this ofllco on Tuesday.
Miss Anna Sclmnhci unci Miss Ida
Hutzcl, of Fhlladclphln, arc visiting C. F.
Mr. E. W. Drinker Is home for a two
week's vacation.
Miss Drinker of Bcrnnton, Is visiting her
relatives here.
Miss Eva Itupert mid Miss Kiln McKIn.
nuyleft on Wednesday for Clmutautiua
Lake, Now York, where they will spend
several weeks.
Miss Wndsworth of Luzcrno county Is
tho guest of her cousin Mrs. L. E. Waller .
Mr. E. It. Ikelcr, being called to Plilln
delphia on business, left town onThurs
day morning taking with him his wife and
two sons who Intend spending a week or
ten days of pleasure on the Bca shore, be
foro returning.
J. M. Frcck, formerly of Ccntrnlla, but
now living In l'ottsvlllc, was In town on
Monday on business. Mr. Frcck spends
much of his time in Arizoua where ho has
some Interests.
The CumpniKit Columbian.
Wc will send the Coi.umman to any ad
dress in tho county, from now until after
the full election for 30 cents. As this will
be an unusunlly Interesting campaign every
Democratic voter should take u paper and
keep himself posted. There Is not a man
lu the county who cannot afford to takothe
.Columbus at tliut price, aud we hope to
recclvo many orders- Postage stamps can
bo sent by mall.
Tho Benton Band will have a new uni
form soon.
'Tho new five dollar bank notes it is said
will contain a portrait of the Into President
Pens, pencils, pen holders, Ink, rubbers
mucilage in grent variety at the Columman
G. E. Myers had Ids telephone placed in
his new ofllco on Tuesday. He will prob
ably move tho Item Into its new quarters
tho lust of the week.
Thcro will bo n trot between four and
flvo year olds, at the Fair Grounds on
Saturday, August 10tl, for a small purse.
An admission of ten cents will be charged.
Tho Zion Sabbath School, of Oranguvllle,
will hold a festival In tho grove of Mr.
John Znncr on the afternoon and evening
of Saturday, August 12th.
Complaint Is made that n disease is af
fecting many of the. maplo trees throughout
tho State. The leaves wither up similar to
the blight on pear trees.
11. F. Sharpless manages the co-opera-tlvc
store near tho depot. The enterprise
is formed by the Grango of this county.
They keep general household supplies.
Tho Wyoming Valley hotel nt Wilkes
Ilarre, which was recently damaged by
tire has been so repaired as to nccommo.
date guests.
Mrs. G. W. Helfsnyder, of Cutnwissn,
hud a fall on Tuesday and was considerably-
bruised. Wo are glad to lourn that
her Injuries will not prove serious.
Tho Wntsontown pcoplo nrc complain
ing of tho scarcity of butter, and many
of tho mcrchnnts nro sending to Bradford
county for their supplies.
Wo nro sorry to learn that Mrs. Dr. W.
U. Itobins, of Cutnwissn, was very
seriously injured by a full on Monday,
She Is in a critical condition.
Philip Appleman of Fislilngcreek has
shown us sovernl stalks of Timothy, ono of
which measured six fect six and a quarter
inches, This is tho highest grass that we
hare heard of this season.
John J, Autcn has again taken the edi
torial management of his old paper, tho
Watsontown Record, The paper has been
recently purchased of J. A. Everett by
Oscar Foust.
Thu new steel mill nt Bcrnnton, Is about
finished. The engines nnd machinery nro
now being put up. When in full operation
It will be ono of the largest nnd best mills
In this section of the state.
Tho employees of tho Wllliamsport
Sun ct Banner will play a game of base ball
with the employees of the Qatette it Bulletin
on Bnturday. It will probably bu an ex
citing contest
A bill has passed thu United States Sen
ate modifying tho money order system by
tho Issuing of a "postal note" at a charge
of three cents for tho transmission through
the mails of sums of less than flvo dollars.
Tho Espy Cornet Band will hold a fes
tlval lu Espy Park on Friday and Saturday
evenings of next week, August 16th and
10th. Several bands will bo present. A
good time is expected. s.
A man named Harris was committed to
jail by Justice Maize last week, Thursday,
for steullng four blankets and n surcingle
from tho stable of John Glbbs, Tho man
sold them in town for 41.50 and got drunk
on the money.
Wayne Camp Meeting will commence
next Tuesday, August 10th and continue
ten days. Boarding can bo had on tho
grounds at six dollars for tho term, or forty
cents per meal. Tents rent from tlireo to
ten dollars.
O, J, Smith, a licensed peddler of Wilkes
llarre, Pa, who has been disabled by rhen
matism, drove through town on Friday last
with it team of dogs hitched to a small
wagon. Tho dogs travel about fifteen miles
a day.
Tho Friendship Firo Company will hold
a fair and festival In their hall, Browrr's
building, on the evenings of Friday and
Saturday. Auiruat 25th und 2fllli. On
Monday oveulug August 28th, they will
,ljlvo a social hop. Tho putroungo of tho
public Is solicited.
Paul E. Wirt, Esq., of this place Is tho
inventor of a fountain pen upon which ho
received a patent on August 4th.
Stephen H. Wolf nnnouueed his nnmo
ns a cnndldato for sheriff in two llcpubll
can newspnpers and then asked tho dem
ocrats to support him. Of course he was
Paper bngs from lb. to 10 lbs. nt tho
Cot.UMniAN ofllcc
A. W. Brungard, of Lock Haven, has
been elected chairman of tho Clinton coun
ty Democratic committee. Ho is a gradu
ate of tho Normal school here, and has
mnny acquaintances In town.
Agricultural Societies are making nr.
rnngemcnts for holding their fairs this fall.
There nro one hundred nnd two In tho state.
It Is likely all will mako extra efforts to
havo a good exhibition, as tho largo crops
will demand it.
O. A. Prentiss has made many Improve
ments by the enlargement of his building
and adding of new machinery. He Is now
prepared to do all kinds of; repairs, or
manufacture new machines. His olllcc is
on Fourth street, near East.
Vennor says "I cannot but think that
August will ho another month of storms
nnd unusual rainfall, with onu or two re
markably low curves of temperature. 1
expect snowfall will bo recorded lu ex
tremo western aud northwestern sections
and cold rains at more southerly stations
shortly after the middle of the mouth."
Tho Standing committee met upon the
adjournment of tho Convention nnd elected
Hobert Buckingham Chairman, und (l. A.
Klelm Secretary. No better selection could
have been made ns both nrc active and en
crgctlc geutlcmcn, nnd they will no doubt
look nfter tho interests of the party zealous
ly. The man who played an acenrdcon with
his hniids, a bass drum, triangle and cym
bals with his heel, ww In town Inst week.
About the same time camu the scissors
grinder, the organ grinder anil monkey,
anil tho Turks with their bears. They
seem to travel In droves.
The Hupcrt Camp meeting Is still in
session und has been well attended. Thcro
are able preachers and good singers In at
tendance, nnd excellent order is preserved.
The m'eetlng'wlll continue until after noxt
Sunday, on which day a large number of
visitors Is expected.
Just received u r.ew lot of Elgin, Wnlt-
ham, Springfield and othermake of watches
In open and hunting cases, warranted from
two to live years.
Also sliver plated teaspoons one dollar a
set, table spoons two dollars a set, at L.
Bcrnhard's Jewelry Store. (i D-lf
Most of tho candidates who wcro de
feated for nomination to county offices
were gentlemen who would have given
satisfaction if they had been chosen. As
politics is a lottery in which some must
draw blanks, those who were the unlucky
ones this time wilt no doubt pocket their
defent gracefully, and cheerfully lend their
assistance this fall In piling up n big ma
jority for state and county ticket.
There will bo a lettlug for a bridge over
Cole's creek in Sugarlonf township near
Minns Cole's mill, at the Commissioners
ollicc on Monday August 21st, at one
o'clock. As the county commissioners
have seen lit to put the advertisement in
two papers that havo no circulation in
Sugnrloaf township, wo insert this notice
gratuitously for tho benefit of the residents
of that portion of the county.
M. M. Hllliard's circus nnd menagerie
was lu this place on Saturday last. Quite
i large crowd was attracted. The verdict
seemed to be that It was a pretty good
show for Bloomsburg, especially ns It was
only the second show that has ventured to
pitch its tent here. Bloomsburg citizens
are not much us circus goers, nnd the
travelling troupes nro Indifferent about
stopping. Millard's show was us adver
tised, a pretty good twenty-llvo cent show.
One half of their animals were Hons.
Last Suturdny afternoon J. F. Caldwell's
horse which wns standing in front of tho
bake house on Centre street, hitched to tho
wagon und untied, started off on a little
excursion of his own, and delivered tho
bread box and its contents in front of Bill
meyer's store, badly damaging the box.
The wagon turned over in making tho cor-
uer, aud the horse broke loose, from it, but
was caught at the Exchange Hotel. At this
time of year when Hies nro so nnnoylng,
horses should not be left untied.
,Vn elTort was made on Tuesday morn
ing to secure thu election of county com
missioner Charles lteicluu t ns chairman of
tho standing committee, but failed, und
Hobert Buckingham was elected by a vote
of 12 to 7. It has always been the prac.
tlco to select thu chairman from the coun
ty seat, and us Mr. ltelchart resides in
.Main township, it was considered unwise
to make a change at this time. Mr. Buck.
ngham hns all the necessary qualifications
for mi efficient officer.
Farmer's and property owners should
bear In mind that they are required by law
to cut Canada thistles on their properties
before they go to seed. For a neglect to
comply with this law they are subject to "a
fine of fifteen' dollars, one half to be paid
to the county treasurer, and the other hnlf
to the use of the person suing for thu same."
Any persons considering themselves ag
grieved by the neglect or refusal of the
property owner to cut the Canada thistle
may enter upon the premise, cut down
thu thistles nnd recover from the owner of
thu property compensation for his services
at tho rate of two dollars per day.
Anna E. Kressler, aged 29 years, com-
mlttcd suicide by hanging herself to an
apple tree early on Tuesday morning.
Shu resided between Bloomsburg and
Llghtstreet. Her sister, who was Bleeping
with her, missed her about four o'clock In
the morning, nnd upon going to look for
icr, found her hanging to thu treu. She
was a daughter of Georgu Kressler, who
was Insane for ninny years, onu brother Is
now lu tho Danville Asylum and another
brother died somo years ago, who was
Insane. While her mind wns not perma
nently ultcctcd, sliu lind at limes acted
strangely. An; Inquest was held by J. II.
Maize, Esq., on Tuesday morning nnd tho
verdict of tho jury was that sho commit
ted sulcidu while laboring under a tem
porary fit of insanity.
Curl Zerrahn, Conductor of the Handel
and Haydn Society of Boston, aud onu of
tho Leaders of tho Great Musical Peacu
Jubilees of Boston lu 18(10 aud 1872 has
this to say about tho Treasury of Song,
"It gives mo great pleasure to statu that I
havo looked through Treasury of Song,
and examined tho Index of the same, It
contains a great variety of musical matter
from tho classical to thu most popular, und,
lu recommending It to the public, I cannot
do better than to repeat tho words from its
title page, that thu different pieces arc
'chosen expressly for their eminent fitness
to promote happiness In every home,'"
Sir, J. P. Owen Is now canvassing tho
town for this book, and lovers of music
' should by nil means secure a copy,
McNarra, n swindler from Belfast. Ire
laud, has been traveling through this stato
defrauding clergymen by falso representa
tions. His method was to represent him
self as n member of tho samo denomina
tion ns tho clergyman ho called on, and
then by telling a very plausible story, to
borrow money from him "for n fow days."
In his peregrinations ho struck Blooms
burg, nnd cnlllng on ltov. L. Zahnor,
stated that ho was n member of the church
of England, that ho had but recently nr.
rived In this country, nnd camo to Scran
ton to visit his brother. Upon arriving
thcro ho found his brother had cone to
Tyrone, this state, nnd ns ho had only
money enough to bring him to Blooms,
burg ho concluded to stop oft hero and
borrow sufficient to carry him throunh.
when ho would return tho monoy. Ho
iisked Mr. Znhncr for twcnly-flvo dollars,
but got nothing ns Mr. Z's suspicions wcro
aroused. Ho then went to Hcv. Dr.
Mitchell's whero ho represented himself ns
n Presbyterian nnd gnvo a different name.
Wot long ago ho wus nrrestcd In North.
nmpton county nnd Is now In Jnll nt
Easton, for prnetlclng the samo game.
Ho will bo convicted, and If all the clergy,
men whom ho has swindled throughout
thu state should nppcar to testify ngalnst
him It will probably be a good many years
before ho dupes another one.
Ilrlur Creole NotcH.
Miss Stella Keller of Kingston, Is spend
big a few weeks among friends here.
Mr. G. M. Quick and wife, C. Gunton
nnd Miss Bhllcman, of Bloomsburg, spent
Sunday with G. P. Learn.
Miss Delia Gruvcr, of Nantlcoke, Is visit.
lng her uncle, A. B. Croop.
Mr. E. Hlsewick, of Wilkes Bat re, paid
some of his friends n Hying visit on Mon.
A. B. Croop nnd D. L. Hess attend.
cd convention at Bloomsburg this week
Chester and Wllllo Marr nro very sick
with typhoid fever.
Murrs returned mucli pleased with the
Guss and Delia make n fine nppenrance
when out horseback riding. They under,
stand holding the rein.
Mr. Hughes has one of thu nicest houses
along tho river road.
G. P. Learn has exchanged horses again.
HtiuidliiK Committee.
The members of the Democratic county
committee elected hist Saturday nt tho pri.
mary elections are us follows:
Beaver Jesse Hittenhouse.
Berwick W. T. Snydrr.
Benton James Wlrcman.
Bloom, E. It. Buckingham.
Bloom, W. C. A. Klelm.
Briarcrcek Chas. Heed.
Catawlssa W. L. Eycrly.
Centralia David Welsh.
Centre Stephen Pohe.
Conyngham, N. Chas. Haggcrty.
" 8. John Monroe.
Fislilngcreek L. M. Crcvellng.
Franklin Samuel Loreman.
Greenwood Wesley Morris.
Hemlock William Glrton.
Jackson James W. Kitchen.
Locust Holandus Herbcln.
Mndlson-C. H. Fruit.
Main Chas. Reichnrt.
Mitllln-C. W. Hess.
Montour O. A Stunger.
Mt. Plensiint Elins Howell.
Orange O. A. Megargell.
Pine-P. W. Sones.
ltoaringcrcck James Knlltle.
Scott, W.-O. P. Helghard.
" E. John Wutters.
Sugarlonf C. L. Moore.
Ml 111 I II ItClllM.
Sirs. Joseph Gearlmrt died on Tuesday
evening nt the age of ISO. She was buried
on Friday.
Many of our people are preparing for
Mountain Grovo camp meeting.
Laura Croll, who was living for some
time nt Airs. Isaac Snydei's returned to
her homu on Saturday.
Erosions U tho happiest man about. It
13 u girl, and a very nlcu onu too.
John Yohe, Jr., has lu his possession a
hen's egg that weighs just four ounces.
Delegate meeting passed off rather quiet,
some of thu boys got "boosy."
Do some of tho parents know how their
boys are conducting themselves along thu
river whilo in bathing? Tho Ungungu
used so near thu ferry while ladles and
gentlemen are crossing, is certainly very
shameful. It should be stopped.
Supt. Grimes held an examination at
this piuco on Suturdny. There were two
(2) applicants examined. Prof. H. W.
Sterner and lady, and others visited tho
John It. Yohu lost a horse some days
ago. This 13 thu third onu bu lias lost
Mr. E. O. Jones, of Berwick, one of last
winter's teachers paid n visit to his old
homo on Tuesday.
A "VVIcUert Tramp.
A fellow who gives his nnmo as James
Conner wni lodged In Jail on Wednesday
morning on thu charge of attempting to
commit a felonious assault. Tho facts of
the caso are ns follows: On the 1st day of
August W. J. llldlenian of Montour town
ship employed n man to help in harvest
ing oats. Mr. Bhllcman has four daugh
ters who all slept In a room together, aud
a room was given tho mnn In another part
of thu house. Some tlmu utter midnight
one of tho (laughters was aroused from
sleep by a queer sensation nnd thu liu.
pressloii that there was some onu lu thu
room besides her sisters. On looking
around she saw a man, and gave an alurm
which brought her father to their assist,
mice. As the man left he asked thu girls to
excuse him ns hu had got in thu wrong room,
Mr, B. was so alarmed at thu screams of
thu girls that hu rushed Into thu room
without stopping to look after thu man.
Tho man went to hit room and dressed
and disappeared, In tho morning a bottle
of chloroform was found near one of thu
beds and somo of it had evidently been
administered to ono of the girls, but not
sufficient to render her unconscious and
hence thu Intention of thu villain was
frustrated. Search had been mailv for
him hut without success until Tuesday
when it wus discovered that hu wns In
Centre township. Accordingly constable
Woodward und chief Freus weru dispatch
cd at twelve o'clock at night, and they
succeeded lu capturing the fellow In thu
baru of Ellsha Ilngcnhuch near Hldluy's
chinch. Hu was lodged lu jail, and on
Wednesday morning had u hearing beforn
J, II. Maize, Esq., who committed hliu In
default of $500 ball. This is onu of thu
boldest as well as ono of tho most heinous
attempts that a man could make. Hu du.
serves to hu punished to thu fullest extent
of thu law und undoubtedly hu will re
ceive It,
"Wells' Health Henuwer" a-storus health
mid vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence,
sexual Debility.
New styles of culling curds und curd
typo Just received ut tho Colvmuian olllcc.
Democratic County Convention.
Tuesday, August 8th being the day ap
pointed by the rules of the Democratic
party for holding tho annual convention
for nomination of district nnd county
officers, tho delegates who wore elected on
the Gtli, met at tho Opera House on Tues
day at 11 o'clock. Tho meeting was call
ed to order by G. A Herring, Chairman of
the county committee, and the following
officers wcro elected: Chairman, E. 11.
Ikelcr; Secretaries, Dr. L.J. Adams, of
Ilrlnrcrcck, Dr. C. A. Haines, of Beaver
Heading Clerk, F. P. Bllhncyer. The list
of delegates was called over and they an
swered to their nnmcs as follows i
Beaver John Shell, Dr. Haines, Henry
Berwlck-D. W. Vniinttn, J. H. Diet-
Benton Thomas McHcnry, E. B. Bcish-
llne, II. F. Everett.
Bloom, E. Ell Jones, G. M. Lookard,
James Lcnnou.
Bloom, W. E. It. lkeler, O. II. Sterner.
Brlnrcrcck L. J. Adnms, H. H. Sltler.
Catawlssn Gideon Haldeman, Win,
Berkhlmcr, Lloyd T. Miller.
Centralia Patrick Curran, James Brady.
Centre J, S. Mnnn, Benjamin Stlncr
Conyngham, N, Charles Dougherty,
Henry Gerlty.
S, Thomas Madden, A.
Fislilngcreek E. P. Bender, M. A. Am
merman, T. H, Edgnr, J. A. Karns.
Franklin Jacob Artley, AVnshlngton
Greenwood A. J. Dcrr, S. F. Bcringcr.
Hemlock Scth Shoemaker, James Glr
ton. Jackson Geo. Wngncr, Clinton Lewis.
Locust Daniel Stlne, J. S. Scott, Hen
ry Beaver, Ohadlah Yocum.
Mndlsou-T. F. Wclllvcr, W. J. Allen,
Itobt. Fruit.
Main C. E. Fisher, J. Bauma n.
Jllfilln J. E. Snyder, Samuel Nuss, C.
W. Hess.
Montour Peter Helnbach, II. D. Dar
Jit. Pleasant Amos Wnnlch, Joseph
Orange Win. Flcckenstlno, John Sins
teller. Pine P. W. Soncs, A. E. Glrton.
ltoaringcrcck H. C. Helwlg, Jacob
Scott, W.-C. C. Trench, J. Tcrwllllgcr.;
Scott, E. F. W. Hcdeker, William
Sugarlonf I). H. Stedmnn, John A.
Kline, W- A. Kile.
The rending clerk then read olf thu vote
as cast by each township for tho several
candidates, ns shown lu tho tablo printed
At 12 in. thu convention adjourned un
til 1.30 p. m.
Convention met at 1.30 p. m. After cull
ing the list of delegates Mr. E. B. Bcishlinu
of Benton township offered tho following
resolution which was adopted:
Resihed that Hon. John G. Freeze and C.
B. Jackson Esus., be appointed conferees
for Columbia county, to meet similar con-
icrees ironi nioniour county, to nomlnnte a
candidate for Prcsidcut Jmlire of the 20th
Judicial District of Pennsylvania. And tho
said conferees are hereby instructed to use
all honorable means to secure the nomina
tion of Hon. William Elwell for the said
Dr. L. J. Adams offered tho following
resolution which wns adopted:
ResnW. That James M. Dewitt, and 11.
D. Darlington, Esqs. be and lire hereby up.
pointed Senatorial Conferees to meet with
similar Conferees of this Senatorial District,
with instructions to use nil honorable
means to secure thu nomination of Hon. E.
J. McHcnry for State Senator.
F. P. Blllmeyer read the following reso
lution which wus adonted:
Rooked. That Cvrus B. Mcllenrv of
Fislilngcreek, David Lowenberg of Blooms.
uurg nniidonn u. locum oi uatnwlssa be
thu conferees for this county to meet in
district conference to nominate n candidate
for Kenrcsentative in Cousrress with in
structions to support C. It. Biicknlew and
wtin power to depute or substitute other
Conferees to serve in their stead.
.Mr. Bclshline stated that ho wns author
ized to withdraw the name of Isaac Gib
bons us candidate for thu Legislature. In.
structions were then read off by tho rend
lng clerk resulting on the first ballot ns t'ol.
Dewitt 25 Gibbous
Vnnderslicc 40 Fox
Hamlin 18 Bryson
Dewitt 2(IJ Bryson
Vundcrsllco 401 Hamlin
T, J. Vanderslico having lecelved more
than 45 votes wus declurcd duly nominated,
niiui) hallo r,
Bryson 4!! Hamlin 10 5-0
Dewitt 12j
Mr. Bryson was declared nominated.
-Mr. Blllmeyer rend the following resolu
tion: Readied: That this Convention stioncly
condemns the. lavish appropriation of public
money by Congress, made nt the late ses
sion, and also the keeping up of war taxes
lu time of peace, and heartily npprovo tho
course of lion. Hobert Klotz, our llcpre
sentatlvu In Congress, In opposing the
Hlver and Harbor bill mid sustaining thu
President's veto thereon.
Thu instructions for Sheriff were rend
with the following result:
Monry 37 Wolf 8
Swank 22
.Mr. Moury having received moro than a
majority of voles wus declared nominated
for Sheriff.
John P. llunnon and D. 11. Column weru
named for thu office of Coroner. A ballot
wns taken and Hannoii wns nominated,
W. A. Kile named John A. Kline, for
Jury commissioner, and C. W. Sterner
named George A. Dcrr- Dcrr was chosen
ns nominee.
it. I). Darlington offered the following
Wiikueas the Democratic State Conven.
tion recently held nt llarrUburg udopted
new rules for the government of tho party,
which rules profile that after Janunry 1st
1883, thu Statu Central Committee, shall
consist of ono member from each county,
to he elicted under tho rules of tho local
organization, thereto! o
Rt ii Retained! That the tntrl member
of tho State Central Committee for Colum
bia county bo elected each year at thu Dem
ocratic County Convention, und the person
receiving n majority of all tho votes cast
shall bu declared elected.
Geo, E, Elwell was elected member of
the State Central Committee, and tho Con
ventlon adjourned. Thu meeting pnssed
olf quietly. Owing to the fact that many
farmers nro busy getting lu their oats, and
tho extremo heat, thcro weru not ns many
peoplu in town us usual,
The delegatu election In town last Sat
urday, was largely attended nnd hotly
contested. Thu fight seemed to bu warm
er on committeemen than on candidates.
In the cast wind Hobert Buckingham nnd
G. A. Herring weru thu candidates for
standing committee and Mr. Buckingham
was elected by u voto of 140 to 89. Tho
general tcellng seemed to bo that Mr.
Herring who was Deputy county treasurer,
President of tho town council, chairman of
the county committee, mid delegate to thu
statu convention, had been the recipient of
' about as many honors us It was necessary
, to bestow on ono man nt one time. In tho
west wurd tho contest for committeeman
was between O. A. Klelm and W. J. Buck
nlew, Mr. Klelm being elected by u ma
jority of 20 votes. Hu was a member last
year, und filled the position ot Secretary of
standing committee very satisfactorily,
and has been reappointed to the fciuiio
position tills year.
A number of foreigners, with nine benrs,
and several poor horses nnd ponies passed
through town on Thursday of last week.
They were the most wretched looking party
of hiimoii beings that ever made their np-
pcarnnco in this section. There wcro
half dozen women nnd fourteen children,
the latter being carried cither In bags
hung across tho saddles or nt tho mother's
back. Though their chief business seem
ed to be begging, they had quite an
amount of money, nnd applied nt tho
banks to get bills for small change. Tho
party were said to bo Sclavoninns nnd havo
been In this country but n short time.
They have been driven out of many places,
because of the rumors that there wns
small pox In the party. Somo of them
spoko French nnd German besides their
own tongue. They were perfect sped
mens of pure and unadulterated Bulgarian
gypsies, whoso chief virtue Is never
to nllow their bodies to come in contact
with sonp and water.
Farmers dentine ut W. B Allen's can bo
accommodated with stnbling. apr. 7-tf.
As good cigars as can bo found In town
nro kept at W. B. Allen's East end gro
cery. nprll 7-tf
Flour nnd feed can nlwnys be had nt
Allen's East end grocery. nprll 7-tf
0900 pounds of nice dried raspberries,
8888 " nice dried pitted cherries,
7777 good spring chickens,
0000 " fat old hens,
G555 " geese nnd ducks,
4444 " live veal calves,
3333 " fat lambs,
2222 " " turkeys,
1111 ' " sheep,
0000 old sheep bucks, nnd old roosters.
All of the above wnnted right along, at
Light Street, by Silas Young.
july 21-2m
W. B. Allen has just opened a lot of now
goods, embracing lino Groceries, class-
wnve, painted chinn, queenswnre, Ac. All
of the best, nnd nt the lowest prices.
nprll 7-tf
In tho nbsence of John Wolf, farmers
wnntlng fnrm machinery will please call nt
w. u. Alien's. aprii 7-tf
Quick, complete cure, nil nnnoylng Kid
ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1.
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flics, ants,
bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers.
15c. Druggists.
Want a lot of teams right along to haul
out lumber from about four miles above
ltolirsljurir where Clint Lewis Is snwinrf.
near Mathew Jlcllcnry's or John Itantz's
to Bloomsburg and Berwick, $5,00 per
per thousand to Bloom, nnd $0,50 per
uimiwiiiu 10 iicrwicK. mrougii July, August,
nnd September. I give nil kinds of store
goods, flour, meat, clover and timothy seed,
coal, lime, harness, flv-nets
ivc, nt anas
1 oung's Light Street, Pa.
july 28-8w
l'crtionul t To Men Only 1
Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Michigan, will
send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic
Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for
thirty days to men (young or old) who nro
afllictcd with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital
ity, and manhood, and kindred troubles.
guaranteeing speedy relief and complete
restoration of health and manly vigor.
Address ns nbove. N. B. No risk is in
curred, as thirty days' trial is allowed.
Oct. 28. '81-ly
A fortune mnv bo sncnt in uslnc ineffect.
ual medicines, when by applying Thomas'
Eclectrlc Oil a speedy anil economical cure
can be effected. In cases of rheumatism,
lame back, bodily ailments, or pains of
every description, it auorus instant rcilcl,
Who that has ever lived any time in the
country must have heard of the virtues of
Burdock as a blood purifier. Burdock
Blood Bitters cure dyspepsia, biliousness
nnd nil disorders arising from impure blood
or uerungeu liver or kidneys..
Containing all the essentials of u true
tonic, nnd sure to give satisfaction, is
Brown's Iron Bitters.
V"Do boldly what you do at nil." Boldly
do we nflirm that Kidney-Wort is the
great remedy for liver, bowels nnd kidney
diseases, rheumatism and piles vanish be
fore it, The tonic effect of Kidney-Wort
is produced ny us cleansing una purifying
uciion on tne wood. Where there is a
gravelly deposit in the urine, or
milky, ropy mine from disordered kidneys,
u uiways cures.
This Is beyond question tho most success
ful Cough Medicine wo have aver sold, a
few doses invariably euro the worst cases
of Cough, Croup, nnd Bronchitis, while Its
wonderful succoss in thu euro of Consump
tion is without a parallel In the history of
medicine. Since its first discovery it lias
been sold ou u guarantee, a test which no
other medicine can stand. If you have a
Cough we earnestly nsk you to try It. Prlco
10 cts. und $1.00. If your Lungs uro soro,
Chest, or Back, Lame, usu Shlloh's Porous
Plaster. Price 25 cts. Sold by J. H. Kin
ports. muyScow
HTTho Diamond Dyc3 nlwnys do moro
than they claim to do. Color over that old
dress. It will look like new. Only 10 cents.
Hruuxani von mind anu hodv.
Thcro is moru strength restoring power
in u bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic than
in a bushel of malt or a gallon of milk.
This explains why invalids find it such n
wonderful Invlgornnt for mind nnd body.
A family want, and I wonder how we
ever got ulong without Parker's Ginger
Tonic. It cured mo of nervous prostra
tion, and I hnvu used It since for nil sorts
of complaints In our family. .Mis. Jlncs,
Thc term hydra may bo used to represent
any manifold evil. If you would battle
successfully with this niany-hended mon
ster of dismse you will find it expedient to
keep Mrs. Pinkham's Ycgetnblu Compound
nlwnjs at hand, Dr. Banning.
Wo have n speedy nnd positive euro for
catarrh, dlpthcrla, canker mouth and
headache, In Shlloh's Catarrh Hemcdy. A
nasal injector free with each bottle. Use
it if you desire health and sweet breath.
Prlcu 50 cents. Sold by J, H. Kluports.
may 12-eow.
For twentv-llvo years I have been severe-
ly ullllctcd with Hay Fever. Whilu suffer.
ns: intensely i was iimuceu, iiirouim .nr.
Ticheuor's testimonial, to try Ely's Cream
Balm. The liiimediatu effect was marvel,
nus. I huvu been enabled to perform my
pastoral duties without the slightest incon.
venleiice. Havo been exposed to heat,
draughts mid dust, und have esenped u re.
turn uttnek, I pronouueu Ely's Cream
Dublin curu for Hay Fever. . William T.
Carr, Presbyterian Pastor, Elizabeth, N.
Messrs. Mills & I.acey, Grand Kaplds,
Mich. Dear Sirs llnvine: used Elv's Cream
Balm for Hay Fever and experienced grent
rciici iroiu ns use, i niosi corniuiiy recom
mend it us the best of nil the many reme.
dies i iinvu irieu. i ours, kc., l. u. Jcnks,
Lawyer. Prlcu 50 cents.
Apply Into nostrils with little finger.
Addison's Liver Henuwer, or medicine
prepared foi discuses of tho livers dyspep
sia, sick and nervous headache, constipa
tion of thu bowels, colic, sour stomach,
heuitbiirn, fever nnd ngue, dropsy, Jiiun
dice, Ac,, prepared from roots und herbs
strictly vegetable. Prepared only by J, II.
ivinpunn, juouiusuurg, ru.
Aug. 4th 3m.
Is it not worth thu small nricu of 75 cents
to frcu yourself of every symptom of these
distressing complaints, If you think so cull
at our store unit get u bottle of Shlloh's
Vltnlizer, every bottle has a printed guar,
untco on it, usu accordingly und if it docs
you no good It will cost you nothing. Sold
by J. 117 Kluports.
may 12-cow,
117 Ttrtuo ot sundrr wrltn Issued out ot Mo
Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county and
to mo directed, will bo exposed to public sain at
tho Court Itouao, In Uloomaburg, PennsjlTanln,
at two o'clock, p. m. on
MONDAY, SEPT. 4, 1832.
All that certain piece or parcel of irround altuata
lying and Mag in cast Illoomsburtr. Colombia
county, and Btate of Pennsylvania, tho same be
ing two town lots and numbered In tho general
plan of said town by numbers olKhty-ono and
etgntr-threo, and further described as follows, to-
wit t ueglnnlng at a stAk comer of Pearl street
and Applo alloy and running thonco along said
street soutnwoatwardly fect to lot number
sovcnth-nlno.thencj along said lot northwestward
ly one hundred and ninety foot, moro or loss to
crooked alley, theneo along said alley northeast-
waraiy rcet to Applo alley aforesaid, and
thenca atom? satd alloy southeastward!! one hun
dred and ninety fect more or less, to t lie place of
Seized, taken In oxocutton at tho suit of James
llarton against Wra.Yarr with notlco to Samuel
Knorr and Jano B. Drown wife of Qeorgo II. Brown
tcrro tenant, and to bo sold as tho property of
vm. yarr with notlco to Samuel Knorr and Jane
B. Drown wlfo of Ouorge It. Drown terro tenant.
rem, Attorney, Lov. Fa.
Tho undivided ono-half of all that certain tract
or pleco of land situate In Locust township, Co
lumbia county, and stato of Pa., bounded on the
west oy Thomas Ullllaeton. on tho south br land
ot Thomas and Mary Itushton, on tho west and
norm oy lands of Lewis Leo, Isaac Lewis, Dcoja
mln Camp, Jacob Kcrshoor and others, contain
loir four hundred and thlrty-ntne acres and four
Ono other certain tract sttuato tn Locust town-
ahlp, Columbia county, and State ot Pennsylvania
bouadol on tho wot by lands of Michael Stlno,
ana otherwise bounded by lands of Lewis Lee.
John llllllg and others, and by the aforesaid tract,
containing ono hundred and clghty-nlno acres
and C3 perches.
Belzed, taken In execution at the suit of C. U.
Hrockway's uso against J. Miller Itaub and to bo
soidas tho property of J. Miller Itaub.
Dbocxw ay, Attornor. Voad. Kx.
The following described real estate situate lu
Denver township, Columbia county. Pa., bounded
on the north by lands ot Goorgo Krvln, on tho oast
by Unds of Charles Slusaer and wlfo aid Samuel
Johnson, on the Bouth by lands of Smucl John'
son, and on tho west ky lands of Ileuben Owens,
containing fourteen acres and eighty pcreles
more or less, on which aro erected a ono and a
half story dwelling houso, log barn and other out
buildings. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of L. ti,
Creasy against Charles SInsser and to be sold as
tho property ot Charles Slusser.
K. W. Attorneys. Ft Fa,
All thoso two messuages or fcsaemontfl and
tracts of land lying and being In Iloarlngcretlt
township, Columbia county, ra., tho flrtt thereof
bounded and described as follows! Deglnnlngat
a atono ana running thenco by land of John Yca
ger north clgnty-clght and a half degrees east
fltty-ono and nve tenth perches to a Btone, thenco
by land ot George Drlesbach toulh six degrees
west slxty-nlne and one- tenth ot a perch to a pine,
uience oy iann o f Samuel Ilouck south eighty-
eight and a quarter degrees west fourteen and
two-tentus perches to a stone, thence south twen
ty degrees cast nvo and nvo-tenth perches ton
whlto oak, thenco by land lata of Adam Cable
south nfty-four degrees wost fourteen and two
tenth perches to a pine stump In tho road, thenco
south twenty-eight degrees west twenty-nvoand
lour-tentn perches to a post, thenco south eighty-
Boven degrees west fourteen perches to a post,
thence by land of Oliver Evans and Mary Fenster
mochcr south ten and one-half degrees east forty
turoo percues to tno place of beginning, contain
ing nineteen acres aad threo perches strict meas
uro. Tho second thereof bounded and described as
fol ows : Beginning at a stono on land of Frank
lin Yocum and late John Relss north eighty-eight
ani mreo quarter aogroes east sixty-six and sev
en tenth perches to a stone, thence by land of
mines uyer south ono and one-quarter degrees
west thlrty-threo and sixty ono hundredths of a
perch to a alone, thenco by land ot Mayberry Sny
dor south elghty-ntno and threo-quarter degrees
west sixty-six and seven tonths perches to a stono
thence by the same north one and a quarter
aecroos cast tnnty-uireo and sixty ono-hun-
areotns or a perch to tho.placo of beginning, con
taining fourteen acres more or loss. Belna tho
samo premises conveyed by 'William Bcllg and
who to i-eier noner or deed dated May J, 168.
Seized, taken in execution at tho suit ot Lucas
Fahrlnger executor of tho last will and testament
ot Adam Gable deceased, against Peter nower
and to bo sold as the property of Pttcr lloner.
Freeze, Kyerly and Whlto, Att'ys. Lev. Fa,
All that certain lot of ground wlih tho appurte
nances situate In Malnvllle, Main township, Co
lumbia county, Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows, to-wlt: Beginning In tho public road run
ning through the town of Malnvllle aforesaid at a
point opposite tho mlddlo of an alley or passage
lying nnl being between this lot now being con
veyed and a 1st adjoining tho samo on the north.
and belonging to Goorgo und Iludolph Shuman,
nnd running from thenco by the aforesaid public
road south eighteen degrees cast torty-nlno and
a hilt feet, thenco by land ot Isaac Yetter south
seventy-six degrees west ono hund-ed nnd forty-
two feet to a post, thenco by land' ot tho samo
north eighteen degrees west ntty-nlno and a halt
feet to a post, thence by land of the said George
and Itudolph Shuman north seventy-six derocs
oast ono hundred and forty-two feet to the pfaco
of beginning, whereon Is erected a two story
framo dwelling house.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot Reuben
Miuman and John T. Shuman executors of Jacob
Shuman, deceased, against Samuel Shumno, Wra,
Shuman admr.;of Martha Shuman, deceased, and
J. D Dodlns guardian ad litem of Clara Shuman
and Jordan Btiunun, children and heirs ot Martha
Shuman, deceased, and to bo sold as tho property
of Samuel Shuman, Wni. Shuman admr. ot Mar
tha Shuman, deceased, and J, D. Bodne guardian
ad llton ot Clara tliuman and Jordan shuman
children and heirs ot Martha Shuman deceased.
Littles Att'y. Lev. Fa.
All that certain messuago and lot, pleco or par
cel of land sltuato In east Bloomsburg, In tho
county ot Columbia aforesaid, marked In the gen
eral pun ot said town number twenty six Ifii) and
further described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning
at a porner of lot No. 23 and Main street and run
nlng tkencs along said street south thirty and
one-half degrees cast fifty feet to lot No. OT,tuence
along sutd lot south titty nine and a bait degrees
west ono hundred and ninety eight feet to bock
alley, thenco along said alley north thirty and one
half degrees wost titty feet to lot No. M, thcico
along sald lot north ntty-nlno and one-half de
grees east'ono hundred and ninety-eight feet to
thoplaeo of beginning, being tho same premises
which William and Eliza his wife by deed
dated tho tlitrty-nrst day of December A. I), ism,
tttlzcd, taken In execution at the suit ot K. V.
Luch and Magglo his wife to uso of said wlfo
against Geo, Yv, Stlnoman and to bo sold as tho
property of Geo, W. Btlneman.
smith Att'y. Lev. Fa.
Tho undivided one-half interest tn a tractor
pleco of timber land situate In Briarcrcek and
Fislilngcreek townshlpj. Columbia county, ra.,
bounded and described as follows, to-wlt Bo
ginning at a stone, formerly black oak, It being
an original corner ot a survey In tho warrantee
namo ot Nathan Beach, and another In the name
of Daniel F. Seybort, tluaco along said Beach sur
vey south elghty-one degrees west four hundred
andtty-threo perches a stone, formerly a chest
nut oak, thenco by the samo south nine degrees
east lltty-lrto perches to stones, thenco by tho
same south eUhty-unu degrees west sixty-two
perches to stones, thenco by survey In tho war
rantee numa uf Samuel J. l'eater north twenty
degrees, ono hundred am twenty six perches to
stones.thenco by land In warr.intoo name ot John
Allegtr, thenco by the saint aorta seventy two do-
crccs east three buudrcd und eighty perches lo a
black ouk, thenco by land warranleed to Perry
uucKuiow north seventy nvo degrees east ono
hundred and thirty two percbes to a post, thence
north eighty six and a halt degrees cast ntty ono
perches to a chestnut ouk, thenco north sixty
two degrees east eighty Uur porches to a post,
thenco south degrees west one hundred and ntty
eigni percues to tno piaco ot beginning, contain
log four hundred acres ot Und strict measure.
seized, taken lu execution at tho suit otthb
Bloomsburg Banking company against A, B. Pear
son and to bo sold as tho property ot A, D. rear-
Wirt Att'y. At. Vend. Ex.
The following described real estate sltuato In
Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa., bounded and
described us follows, to-wlt i On the north by
lot Dciobging to tne iiioomsburg Banking Com
pany, on tho oast by lot ot Mary Lewis, on the
soutn by lot of Mary Lewis and ou the west by
iron street ot said town, containing so feet on
Iron sir- et and 40 feet In depth, moro or less, on
which is erected a framo church.
Seked, taken in execution ut tho suit of William
n Prlco against Win. U. Price, trustee ot the Welsh
Cablolstlo MollioJlbt and Congregational church
or iiioomsburg, I'd, und to bo sold as tho property
of win O, Price trustee ot the Welsh Caltlnlstlo
Methodist and Congregatloual Church of Bloonit
burg, Pa.
Wirt Att'y. vu F,
U.U.ENT, shentf
Somo yenrs rtgo wo learned tho lcg-
pon i" it, inrmcrs couki not. niioru t0
inv '''ft'1 prices for Fertilizers, tmt
n firRt-clnsa Pliosplmto properly nnim0.
tiinto'Ji innstbo produced for ncary
linif t'io price of those then in tho mar.
Necessity, tho mother of invention,
wna upon us, nnd our cfforls of yenrs
wns nbont to bo triven to tho nublio In
tho shnpo of our TWKNTY-FIVE
This nrticlo combines nil tho nccess-
nry elements to produce a pood crop of
wnnu, niiii iced tno soil nlniml.mtly
for tho grnas which is to follow tho
next year.
When this nrticlo wns fust inlrntlnn-
od it w.18 snid that it could not bo pro
duced nt tho prico nt which wo were
Helling it, but thnnks to the cash buy-
niK public who havo favored ns with
constantly increasing orders which has
enabled us to produce in n largo way
that which cannot bo done in any
July "-S w
.'Vrt njers nrc invited to visit
r store, when in Philadel
i!i:a, to leave packages there,
iinl to nuke a convenience
of it generally. It is a handy
plai'e, right by the new City
1 lall, at the very center of the
city, h answers our purpose
to welcome you, and to pro
vide for such of your wants
as wc can.
The store is about twice
ai as it was two or
l :trec years ago; made so by
digging under ground and
building overhead, and by ex
tension on Chestnut street.
Parts of the store are about
as comfortable as any place
can be; and one of the most
comfortable parts is now be
ing got ready for the rest and
refreshment of strangers.
One of the pleasant things
about the store always has
been the fact that you can
walk all over it, either alone
or with a guide, without ever
being asked to buy a thing.
We know very well that most
of you come to us for a good
share of your supplies; why
should we spoil your visit by
intruding goods upon your
attention, when you come to
set: the place ?
Hut perhaps you arc not
coming to Philadelphia just
now. Very well; take a cool
er time. It's cool enough in
thi store, when you get here.
You can write for any goods
that you may happen to
want; and get them, proba
bly, -just as well as if you
were on the spot. Any how,
you know, you can return
whatever you get that you
don't like.
We sell more sorts of
things than we can put into
an advertisement. So, what
ever you want, suppose you
drop us a line. We'll help
you if we can.
John Wanamaker.
CUrium Tltti Ic i-ntli and Market
Muit. iiiul C'liy-huli Hiuarc,
Further Proof that tho "Special"
Is absolutely unrivaled.
The follonlupf liavo been taken
ilnce our last statement ot" ratlngi.
They nro but a few. Wo can blioty
niaur more from our Ituok of Itutlngj
quite as accurate
Wsteh No. Han. Variation!.
61,630 eo dnyj, 12 conds.
61,834 94 days, 16 seconds.
63,B78 120 dayi, 16 tecondi.
68.711 28 dayi, 7 lecondi.
63,009 28 dayi, 4 lecondi.
61,693 121 dayi, 17 lecondi.
61,626 109 dayi, 15 lecondi.
61,700 10 dayi, 1) lecondi.
68.712 09 dayi, 18 lecondi.
63,874 92 dayi, 10 lecondi.
63,069 10 dayi, 1 tecondi.
48,287 (minute repeater
and perpetual calendar)
TIIE THICK of tho "Spcclul Is nt
least 20 it cent, lees limn that of
any other watch or anything llko
qiial trade.
Hatches sent on approval.
Corrcipoudcnco IuWtcil.
Twelfth unit Client nut Streets,
Ycung L. dies. E071 & Young Mn.
Hlruill(l Kcliouls In l)plliiriil l.m-ulluiu,
(FIo lulnuU'H' vtulk apart).
bpi-rlnl Itnlca lur Urolbcr uud M.U'r.
Send for Catftloguea. Address:
UKV, WM. UOWKN, A. M , Uordeutown, N. J,
nug li-iw r
'Po ltatoa for advertising
-Lin 1,0110 noo.l nepatert! sent free. A(T.
dress tiliO. J', llOWKI.L it CO.
Oahorn's Family Paints ready for una uro
the most convenient nrticlo of tho kind, nil
slmdes niul colors, put up In , J nnd pint
enns. Wo furnish a enn of paint nnd hrmh
for'-M cents.
Snxollno Petroleum Jelly, used for burns
senilis nnd sores of every Kind; It Is cooil
nnd cheap. Snxollno l'omndo for tho Tinlr,
highly perfumed, 25 cents.
Glycerine Lotion, To Indies nnd children
or any person with a lino sensitive skin nnd
whose complexion is nffected by tho weather
causing redness, roughness nnd chnpplng
this Lotion Is invaluable. An excellent np
tilicntlon to tho fnco after shnving. Largo
bottles 25 nnd CO cents.
Our Stock ot Hair nnd Tooth brushes hns
been replenished nnd contains some good
Wo enrry a complete nnd well selected
stock, nnd competent persons arc always lu
attendanco to supply the wants of our pat
rons. Wo study to plcnsc, nnd belluvo w
enn supply you with everything In our line
economically, sntlsfnctorlly nnd in a manner
cnlculnted to induce to join in tho verdict,
Hint our store is iht place to trnuc. iioping
to see many renders of the Coi.UMntAN at
our piaco of business shortly and soliciting
n slinro of your esteemed patronage, wt rc-
mnin Very Truly 1 ours
N. J. Hendershott.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Where wu havo no agent.
SSrOrdcrs and inquiries by Mail or
Telephone receive iiiomit attention.
WM. E, B. DAVIES, - - SUP'T.
Stay sti -cm
will lio held nt tho Court House In llloorasuurc
on Thursday tne 3lst day ot August, Ivst atlu
o'clock, a. i, agreeable to the provisions of Acta
ot Assembly In such cnsei main mill provlrteil nil
tho right, title nnd Interest acquired by tho snlrt
commissioners lu tho following lots, pieces, and
Earcds ot unseated lauds, herctororo purchased
r them at Treasurer's salo aad held for a period
of moro than nvo years: tho d,iy of redemption
having gono by, unless by tho original owner.
400 Ilrown Nathaniel IMS
100 Young John 15(
no Kisher Jonath'n ism
15 llarplno luvld 1SS2
go KrelshT John, sr. "
Millard Wm. "
60 Whitman Abram " 'w
809 Cook John, lr "
675 caltns Charles "
loo curry Patrick IsM
5 Seoti Samuel lsJl
25 Ash Samuel 1S6
4)1 UoachN.H. U. l
401 do do isitf
10 Keelor Ebenewr
10 lioiver Solomon "
80 lkeler Wlillam "
n Mccall Heirs "
ion Wagner Philip "
a Oman John "
Catawlssa $5 C2
ltoaringcrcck Si 63
Heaver 4 41
ltoarlngcieek 3 97
do 5 37
do 6 21
do II CI
do out
llrlarcreck 9 03
ltoaringcrcck 43 07
Pf no 8 82
Klshlngcrcek s it
XI t Pleasant
M ndlson
13 41
13 00
4 73
4 07
6 71
4 47
1 (11
4 37
4 57
33 13
83 13
45 83
21 71
40 51
O-'i HI
3 17
3 S3
18 21
32 07
8 07
2 03
3 SO
4 44
E 70
0 7$
0 28
4 OS
4 04
0 07
12 27
32 2(1
15 Hobblns .losoph "
6j l.eoo Henry "
70 Lyons Hobert "
343 norron John, )r. "
:443 llenson I'eter "
121 names Thomas "
104 Lemon William "
loo Appleman I'ulnics "
to lilttel Samuel issi
loo "
sou Cowsart James 1853
lion Miller roller "
40 Yohe Jacob "
in drover Michael "
loo Miller & Poller " 'C2
ISO DeoblerC. 'J. "
ISO Hoffman Harriet "
200 Woortsldo Frlck "
40) Delhi Hobert 1830
60 Ash William "
Central a
o Trnugh Henry
60 crevcilng Andrew"
M Smeck a llrcbst 1S02
1 lot Callahan James 1370
1 ' Konsterma'h'r J 11 "
1 " James Kdwurd "
1 " Kllnu Caroline "
1 " Kline John "
l " Murphy Thomas "
1 " MlnlhanJohn "
1 ' Meehan James "
1 ' Novln Mlchail "
soo Gearheart Wra. "
Joshua KiirTuitMA.x.S.c
County Cora.
11. r. r.lMlAU. )
commissioners' olllce. liloomsburs;, July 10, '62.
rt 0 will oiler for salo what Is known as tho old
Jail property, on Thuradav, August 3lst., 1842. at
10 o'clock, a. m. at tho Court Houso In Uloomsburg
nil that certalu piece of land sltuato In tno town
if Iiioomsburg with, n front on Ceutro street of
2I4 feet ana a front on Kirst street ot 132 feet ou
stAblo xml other out-tnilldlnrs.
Conditions can bo seen 111 mo omcc.
uiiAitl.KS HKloilAltnA county Coins
11 K. EDUAH, J . .
Attksti Jonn U. Casoy. clerk. Commissioners
omce, Ulooinsburg, July 10, is2.
lly vlrtuaof an order ot tlio orphans' Cou,t ot
Columbia county, the undersigned, Administrator
ot tho esUito of David Sltler late of Centre town,
ship, deceased, will expose to Public Sals on tho
premises on
at ten o'clock In Hie ;torenoon, tho following de
scribed real usuto to wit,
A certain messuago and tract ot land ultuato lu
lua township ot Centre In the county ot Columbia
aud Htalo ot I'enus) iranta, bounded and described
ns follows, to wit : Un tho North by land of r'reas
tc Hoffman, ou tho Kast by land of Ira Latter, ou
tUa south by lamlot James Koclur and on tho
West by Und ot William Houp, containing
More or less with thu appurtenances on which
aro erected a
And outbuildings.
Also a certain tract, pleco or parcel ot land sit
uate In Urlarcrcik township, county and SUto
aforesaid, bound' d on tho Noith by land of Kman
uel Yost, on tho Kast, South nnd West by land o
(ieorge lluss, containing
Eleven AereH,
More or lebs with the appurtenances,
'i'EUMS OV HALK. Ten pu cent .of one-fourlu
ot thu purchase money shah be paid at the strik
ing down ot the property, tha ono fourth lots the
i ten per cent at tno coutlrmatlou absolute, aud tho
vm ,rur uuc
matlon ulsl w Ith Intercut frcin that daio.
remaining thrc fourths In onu year after connr-
i. aug IMW
July HI H'2. ts