THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLOMBIA COUNTY, PA. About Swine, Manamkmknt of Sows. Without tlio hog our formers would lie short of many atlollarlhoy now possess. fThiiro uro many waste products llint could not bo jirofitiUiely used othorwlsii thnn ns a food for this animal. A good breeding sow is vnluablo property, and should not bo sent to tho butcher until nt least threo years old. The pigs from old now aro stronger, for after tho mother's growth is made, nil tho bono itinloiin, in her food can go to her off spring, instead of beinjj used to enlarge her own frame. Two litters n year can bo grown without crowding matters, and a sow that brings eight to ten nt n litter will pay better than for fattening. Thoso which do not provo to bo good, careful mothers should bo thrown out. After thrco years old, sows nro apt to become cross, or unruly, and may then be turned over to fatten, which they will do readily nt any time after wean ing n litter of pigs. IJitnp.i.s or Swish. Tho following information about some of tho breeds of swino will bo interesting to our rea ders : 'Tho Suffolk is one of tho small, white breeds, originated in England, whoro pigs cssoutially tho same aro also called Yorkshires, or, Small Yorkshires, and have boon in times past, if thoy aro not now called York Cumborlands. Sidney speaks of tho Uumbcrlands or 'Middle Yorkshircsns having been orig inally somewhat larger, but says thoy have been continually intermixed, with mutual advantage, and pigs of exactly tho samo form, tho result of crosses, aro constantly exhibit od under tho name of Yorkshiro or Cumberland, mi cording to the fanoy of tho exhibitor. That tho improved Suffolk, tiio Mid dlesex, tho Colcshili, and tho Prince Alberts or Windsors of England were all founded at tho Yorkshiro Cumbcr laud stock, and some of them nro merely pure Yorkshires transplanted and rc ohristencd. That branch of stock bear ing tho namo of Middlesex was priuci ply bread and exhibited by a Mr. Bar bcr, of Buckinghamshire, who won prizes with them nnd tho Smithfield shows from 1811 to 1850." Management of Swine. In discuss ing tho management of swine, Profes sor Kuapp, of Iowa, says : "Perhaps tho radical chango should be less in tho food than in tho propor tion it is fed. Corn is healthy enough when given in small quantities ; wheat is considered a healthy food, but hogs can bo injured upon that as readily as upon corn. Tho hog has an appetite boyond his capacity to digest, and so long ns that is tho case ho must not bo given full rations of concentrated food till ho is within a few weeks of tho pork barrel. There arc two practical methods. First, in case tho farmer has no roots or pasture ho can grind his corn and mix with it wheat bran. Half bran and half corn meal by bulk mako a rjood mixture for all kinds ot stock. For pigs add a little salt and oil meal, for pigs under 100 pounds uso some milk j older than this water will do. Second, tho purchaso of largo quantities of wheat bran is expensive tor tho general farmer ; corn and clover aro tho profitablo crops to bo fed In such cases tho cheap food to go with the corn is sugar beets in tho winter nnd clover in the summer. No food can bo raised on tho farm that will answer a better purpose than sugar beets for tho main dependence of store hogs during tho winter, and with sin t tablo machinery and soma knowledge low crops can uo produced at greater prolit." Tribune 0 Farmer. Something About Blights and Insects. Many a popular impression proved in time to bo wrong had yet a grain of truth in it. For instance, it was onco belivcd by some of our advanced aim cultunsts that fuugi and insects only attacked diseased vegctatiou ; that they were in somo respects scavengers whoso duty it was to sweep away tilings nlrcady doomed moro rapidly from tho Kunaco or the earth, iiut wo had nil to abandon tho position. Though sometimes thero wero fungi and insects jiibt suited to diseased conditions and no others, as a rule it was hot so. Tho healthiest would be attacked nnd suf fer with tho rest. Insects, especially were bound to get a living, and it made but littlo difference to them what were the conditions of health in which they found tho plants they prepared to feed on. If there wero any left who doubt ed this, tho era of the Colorado potato beetlo must havo fully converted them. To a potato beetle, all in tho shape of a potato stalk is "fish that comes to net." Still tho grain of truth in this caso was this. Tho healthier .n plant and tho faster it grew, tho moro likely was it to escape insect ravages ; and so it often did seem that a healthy plant escaped serious damage, while tho un healthy ouo would succumb to the enemy. Its conditions of life already weak, a plant of courso tho more easily gives way before an additional injury, that a moro healthy ono would live through. This fact has been turn cd to good advantago in tho raising of somo farm crops. The turnip is sown on as rich a piece of land ns wo can get, primarily because the richer tho laud tho belter tho whole crop j but in no small degreo becauso wo want tho plants to keep ahead of the turnip-lly. Wo know well that tho slow-irrowini' plants of poor soil soon givo way to tho uin-uiy mill ,iiu emeu enuruiy up soon nfter tho plants appear -, but on rich ground, no matter how abundant mav bo tho insects, wo nro bound to havo a good crop for all. But this fact so well known to turnips and somo other things, has not neen as thoroughly recognized throuah nllfarnung nnd gardening operations as it might be. Wo spend a great deal of mouguton remedies against blights and bugs, nnd it is right that wo should givo Borne attention to this subject s but ut uiu Biimu iimo an excellent nut is in tho superior health and the luxurianco of thu farm crops. Wo sow thick, manure light, nro different to drainage, and havo no caro for hosts of littlo things that go to mako up tho character oi ino nest cultivator, nnd now and then nature comes in with a favorable season nnd wo get good returns for nil our indifference But nature will not always work for us at this liberal rate. 'lho timo comes when oven she strikes for higher wages, and then unless wo turn to and do something of it our selves, wo have bad crops. Wo blame mildews nnd tho insects, when if wo lind been moro careful to npply tho rules of good practico wo should havo got through tolerably well. It was a primal condition that man should not liavo anything nt nil to ent unless ho worked for it. IIo was to water things with tho sweat of his brow. It is not on the record, but it was no doubt a n condition also, that all these littlo pests and nnnop iiuces were sent to mako him employ his beat eiloits, instead of his poorest ones. Qermantovni Tele-trapi. Tho New. Devil. Iluinnu imagination nnd human per vcisity hnvu nt one timu nnd nnuther turned nlniost everything into a devil. Perhaps this fact Is to day tl.o strong est real argument in fnvor of total de pravity t though ho must bo n bravo man who, in this weather, would fol low that lino of thought to its theolog ical consequence. Ouu man said the devil wn' a snake. Adam Ulink s ml thu snnku was nil npo thai had dipped somewhere and lost its l'g. Darwin said tho npo was n man or a manikin, and so science brings the world hack again to the rougher side of Eden. It is doubtful it Shakespeare believed in theVdovil. Perhaps lie knew him too well, lint whoever nas spent mo mid night hours over "Fnust" need not bo told that tho black poodle was n new in carnation ot Impdom and tha lioetho had certainly been with Adam Clark's npo nud teamed of him. ihis Is all typical of human progress, Tho poodio is as superior to a siioko or nn npo ns Grant is to Washington, or a woman to n man. There is snap in a poodio, or in sonic poodles. But I.!.. 1 ' .11 1 1 , 1 . . imiiiKimi, especially womauKiuo, does not want too much of him. And per haps there is somo ground for tho anxiety expressed by a recent writer on tho "alarming increase of p iodles." llo intimates that tho political devil nnd tho whiskey devil aro harmless ur chins compared with tho po'idlo; nnd ho waxes eloquent over the imminent peril with which poodles menace all that is softest in thu heart and weakest in tho brain ( f omen. On every hand, ho says, the evil is spreading, till already is theio witnoised a virtunl immolation of tiio affections and intel lect of thousands of the sex on tho Idolatrous shrine of six-ounce puns, Tho wisest philosophers have always neiu mat women were natural idolaters, but it was left for tho ladies of ,thq nineteenth century to "catch on'' tb.a dog. Phila. Times. A Hint About Weeds. Says tho American Atricultitrist : In harvesting Indian Corn' and Wheat, wo cut them long before tho grain tho seed, is ripe. When tho grain in oitlier is fully formed, the stalks are cilt ; ex perience has shown that tho ripening process goes on ; tho stalk contains suf ficient nutriment to perfect tho grains, and it does this nfter tho plantiis cut away from tho root. Indeed, thd grain thus treated often comes to greater per fection, than if the plant wcro left until tho seed is fully ripi'. What takes place with these uiop plants, also occurs with weeds. Many woods, if cut up while in flower, still have nutri ment enough in their stems and leaves, to perfect nud ripen a crop of seeds. It therefore happens, that the mere cutting up of many weeds, and leaving tnem to dry upon the ground dots lit tle towards their extermination. Tho common Purslane or "Pussloy,'' for oxample, has remarkable vitality, its very succulent stems will rcmuii nlivo for weeks, nud oven continue to grow after thoy have been depiivcd of tho root. It is one thing to cut up Weeds with tho hoe ; it is equally important, and it should always bo done in car- dens, to gather up the weeds by tho uso of rake, and carry them to aibrush heap, where thoy will ultimately bo Durnetl. THE PUREST AND BEST. Uemeily liver .11 ail p. it Ix (.'uinuundel from IIuiih, alult, liuctiii, .Hun. drnkr, ami Dnmlcllon. The oldest, beat, most renowned ami 'val uable medicine in the world, mul hi Addi tion it contains all the best mid most of. fectivu curative properties of all other re- mi'illne. linlni. tin- irn.ntnat lti-.i- blood puritler, midlife and health restoring UgUUl Ull IU11I1. It gives new life nnd vigor to the ngcil iuul liiilrni. To clergymen, lawyers, liter nry men, ladies, nnd nil whom sedentary Blood, fatomach, Bowels, or Kidney's, or wnu icquiru mi appetizer, tome, anu mild aiiuiuiiiui, 11 is luvuiiimne, uciiiu; itigiuy curative, tonic and stimulating, without belli,; Intoxicating. Ho matter what your feelings or symp. toms are, or what the disease or ailment is, imn ITnn Rllri'rS. Finn't i-nlf until ..nt, Sick, but if VOU OIllv feel lmil nr tnleprnMn use tho hitters nt once. It limy save vour nr.. t, i i i - . - mi.. jiiiimruiiH iiuvu ui-i-n saved uy so tlnlne. nt il tnnili'i-iitH t-n-jt Auh ntur iImi. 0, ... - ............ ..... .... J Jill UI UL- LM8t or lillVRlpim. Tin lint ulifTtir O 1 J ...... ' " - . '".'- . or let your friends suffer, but use and urge 111. tn ...... IT., 1,1.. llil.111 llf 1ISU 11UJ, JJIUUIS. ii vou nave lameness in tlm inina. win frequent pains and aches j numbness of tllG Ilmrlt KPIint V.llillnflll mill frnnr .llo charge of urine, tilled with pus, nud which will turn red by standing! n voracious np petite nnd unquenchable thirst : hnrsh anil 0 -V Skill ! nllllnmi- tnnrriln. nftnn ,lirM, luiii-u , Bwuiicii anu iniianieu gums : urop. sicai swelling or the limbs; frequent at tanks nf hlrrmnrli , I urine, nnd great fatigue in attempting it j uu uiu piim-ring iruin euniu lorm ot Kiel, nuv or Urlnnrv ('nmnlutnt hup li m llnmiirb lIlSHANtt llf till- L'lflni.V-a Qtrim, m- t.i Itn ... .n tlon of the bladder, gravel and rriial calcu li, maui'ii's, Hiraiiguury siriciuru mm re tention of till- lirlnp nnd Tlnr, lltlluru la only remedy that will permanently cu.-o you. ltcmember, Hop Hitters is no vile, drug, trod, drtinkon nostrum hut tlm m, ..., n...t best medicine ever made, nnd no person or IllillllJ BIIUlllll UV WllllUUl 11. jjon i nsK uny oi ino Highly lauded atuhT Willi tl-RtlllUltllllU nf l.r.Mir iillrim l.i., -el. your neighbor, druggist, pastor 'or physi. iuiio mini iiuiua una aiui cill) (10 lor you and test it. Aug. LYL5JA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE OOMPOUND. In n l'niltlvfl Cure " For nil lho I'utarul Complalnti '! wtakneuM a uiiuia la our boat fcauiU popuUtloa. A Jlcillclno for Worn m, Inrrnteit br Wonjin. 1'repareil Ij a Woman. TtaCr.,1.,1 Jfo41iaJ lllutirrr SUN IW IHw ot llliUrf. tflt roTlrc. lho aroopint iplriti, Imliioritoo nd btnaonlioi tho oricojUo f uuciloaf, sir elutlclt unl flnunwito tliattep.nutorutlionitturslluilr to tho tie, and UuU oo tho palo chock of woman tho (nan rosea ot uto'a fprlntt anil tarlj auramer lime. rrPhtilclani Ui. n and Preicriba II Fre,,.-c II remoif falntneu, tlatuleuer, deatrora all crailag. for tlmuUi,t,arulnUrwtakiieMpf lho jtomach. Tlial ( llooflK-ailijilovn, ca'ulim pain, weight an 1 boi-kacho, li alvr pormanent' curo-l If !t uie. for Ilia euro or KUoijr Complatala oftllkor aex IliU Ciaipt,tiii4 If tiyaurfnaooil. I.YIHA V. I'lNiritAjTi 11101)11 I'DUIVIKU will ir.iJ.cilo rrj T..1I.-0 1,1 liunuro from iLa' .Uluo.1, iul ulro toiio and .trtwth to tha ajatcni. of uaimoiuauorchlM. in-iloloa liavlairlt. tli Conipounilaoil UlooJ I'urUkr aro preparol at ami nt Wu,uri Atonao, .jnn, Uaii. ITU-oof alllior, U 8I kolllm for i Bent Ij mall Utho form of pUK or of loaururra, on receipt of prior, $1 per boa forclthor. Hra, rtukham f roel auawari all lottara of Ijiqulrr, Encloaa Set atorap. SnJ for vampMot, LIVKU 1'lUA Tbrr ouio coli.tlpallou, LUIouaaoaa. audtorpluitof tUollTor. a) coulo per boa. -rioIJbr ullDrugglata.-b 0) -li FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF , CONSTIPATION. Ko othar dlaaaa la to frraTalant In thla eoun-l 'Itry aa ConaUpation, and no remodrhaa aTorj. : aquauaa in. oaiooraica juanoy.wori aa an Jour.. WIutnTTtt" lho oiw,tiowovor obotlnato i tno oaao, tnia I nEl Till II oiatreaiinff oom-i Blla B0 O talalAt la very arjt to bel- JoompU ca tod with ooiutl pa tlon. Kldnej.Wortr tatrenfftnan. the weakened parts and qiilcVljj Jouroa all klnda of Filea oren nben phyalolanal j i ana meaiaince ner. ucioro iauea. I u- iFTJrounT.winaroxuirB. trtmbiea 'iPRIoailil U8E I DruMlet. Sell! ZtaTHminerHl Tho wliout hnrvest is over nud your burns nro now lillcil to tticir utmost capnuity, with ono of tlio lnrgext crops of wlicnt thnt lias boen grown for somo yenrs, nnd to thoso wlio hnvo used Unugh's Ammoninted Dis solved AiiimMUonoa tins been proscutcd nu opportunity of testing tlio merits of tills vnluablo fertilizer. A good fertilizer will not c.vliaust its efforts on tlio ouo crop but will bo seen on tho succeeding plantings. TliU result we claim of Uaugh's Ainmonintcd l)is solved Aniinnl Hones, nnd you will lind I to your ndvnntagoto.c'n'gago n supply for your Fall yccding, Asl your dealer for it nnd if ho does not li.ive the article do not bo put off with any Other "said to bo just as good," but send direct to us for it. Prices and information furnished upon npplicnliun to us. Get in your orders early as from tho present outlook the demand for this popular brand will bo greatly in excess of that of former years. BAUGH & SONS, 20 Hotitlt Delaware Ave., PHILADELPHIA., July si -3 v ADVEKTlSKUSl send for our t'elect Matbf Vo oal Newspapers, (leo. 1. Howell Ki'.o. t spruce tiUi N. Y. 1u)14,4w I tlm stnmacli nu jiniK vi inn uini, n m uimiii , its tnalD support! tlio nprves ir.i,meiinKcr3 t-tli -,'IUO Downs, tho klilnojs uml the poms tw nntii-uarils Indigestion creates a vl ilent revolt araoni; thesn atuenns of tho renal ork'im; and to brlnif,theso baelc to lliolr auty, there Is noililnu hkati; tlun l4t.tn7. IIMrlfvlnrr In vlirnr itlno . . hn r.. iff. ft TARrllNT'il NKLTZmi APKhlENT It renOp'TlllluD eyaii m ami rcsiore.i to iitmiin own tne "rarcs tue the mlt il. body ai-d solo 11Y Ai.h nni'iioisi s. Juy 14, 4-w. r IOWA AND MINNESOTA LANDS On tho Chicago, Uilwaukco I: St. Paul Bailw&y Cheap Prices.Lone: Tiuif.Low Interest .and Debates fcr Iniprovcaients. For map and lull particular,' atldrius WILLIS DllUMMONI), J11., Ijind Commissioner, Milwaukee, S'la. .July 14, 4 w. r TT A OKFITSTOW N 1 NSTTTUTE. BEV. GEO. H. WHITNEY, D. D. President. Fall In rm opens Sept Lmlles' CoHoki), l're- Sara You, y Men lur Colloh-e. liest lacllltlea for luslc, Art and Commercial branches. Thorough ness In crery department; nest bulldlic ot Its class, with Btenm-heat, gas, hot and cold water, etts. close attention tomanners, morals and health Catalot'iio free. Terms low. UACKKTTSTOWN, N.J. r July Slim. N modi OTICE TO INVESTORS! Flrnt .IforlKHKC Ural Cntule laUiiiitt mode and (lunrmiiuf il by tiio NeMaLoaD and Trust Couipauy, IIASTIXfJS. K I14.SKA. School Donda and Munlclpil f)curlUas ror, sale, llestof nferunces fiirnlhi"l. wnu for full partic ulars. .IAS. U. IIkAIII WELL, Pres., K O.'Wkb 8Tkk, Treas. djuly 83 4iv CVE'S DAUGHTERS: 5re?;,!T;: L..H11I1I, WiriMiiiil ,)lui li, r, by Marlon llnrland, author of -'Lommon Senso In the Household." etc. Highly commended by tho I'rois us the best book over published in tho Interests of her sex. No cx pertmeutlu, I (Id 00(1 coplrrinnlernlliy Akiwiih In Hilriinreofpiiklii-iitlaa. LOily and gcntlemou canvosiers maKln from tu to HO fr week. i: i ry I'nuilb wunu It. Llneral Inducements to smart canvassers. Anulv ut onco for terms and choice terrllory BTVSNS & II .LL, I2U K, Tth Bt. Philadelphia. ulya3 4w d VOICE BUILDINR BY MAIL! VOOAL DKr'EOr success! illv treated, lmiK-d ments of speech rem ived and tho voice tntelllKen ly and s'iccessfully cultivated through lessons b mr'i. Incredible results both In slui;lng au speaking. Com ass of voice extended several notes, volume moro than double. Quality ot voice mede absolutely pure and resonant, through out tho entire compass. Fur Miium, the advan tages are almost iioynnd numberinc INililio Mpeiilura, Itmulern nnd Acium train from their increased compass such nelilv miidiilated Inflec tions, and from their enlarged volume of tono such striking contrasts of power, that tin grand faults of monotony and mnnnerum give placu to a varied and ertcctlVii delivery. Tu Trarln-rn ni l lie Voice, whether ror slnglug or, these lessons afford a thoroughly illttested plan f r assailing all radical faults of throat or respir.itlon, besides giving dennltely the fundamenul principles upon which artlstlo vocal eirort must be based, Circu lars ortull piirtt ulars free. Miiaple lessons ono dollar. It. i;i.l,li)T('i.AitKi. Voice Specialist. ISM Cheatllllt I'lilliidt'liillln, I'll. 129-4 U Thlaqldnndw.ll trlnd fin. a Kemeay lt i proven In all Jjscaaca frcia Imintra or Jmim'tr. ishal ticrrf. ula.r.tomMtiim. 111. fwolllnm, ByphUlUo Nodca. liono Dlfcasos, cto. nffl?u4 IS Oencral Oebillty and dtooanea of dobUltr of th. aired. A rich rvrup. coutalnlntr no Injurious Intrreilitnta. No oilier Ilfioedy baa NClTattCUesMiuluiua. (Sold by all Drutviata. July as 4W. d .atf ion t.(u" ,.ics5,.,T.:0t July us 4-w DI1LXR IN Silverware, Watchos, Jowolry docks. Ali kinds of Watches. Clocks and Jnirnirv nr ly repaired and warranted. may n, j-u B. F. IIAimiAN KirKSSINTS Til. rOLLOWINd AMEHIOAN INSUHANOH COjfl?ANlKSi Lycoming of Muncy I'ennylvanla. North American ot rhlladulphla, 1'a. Franklin of ' Pennsylvania of Farmers ot York, I'a. Hanover of Now York. Manhattan ot Now York, onice on Market street, No. S, niootniburir, oct. si.If-ly fifia woek la your own town. Terms and $5 out. $Uunt troy. Address II, iliLLKT ic Co., Portland, name. march m -ly : .d ik .i.trt i'V .lrO" S HRT : iriEKS 1 Jfro BSS Cures Scrofala. Enslnelns, Pimp Ion and Faco Qnibs, niotahas. Dolls. Tumors. Tot' ter, Humors, salt iuioum,i. Hcaia nana, uoros, mokwi. Diseases, Fomalo Wealtnors and Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss of Appatlto, Juandlce, Aflections ot tho Liver, Indi gestion, Biliousness, Dyspep sia and Oonoral Dobllity. A count of IlunliKk Mood llitttra will aatltfr th. mm.. .L.1..I. .1 ,ti,, I, 1. Ih. I....I.. HKhhI I'u.lti., nn eanhl R"I1 ty liU'llctno ikalen OTerjfhrfe. jjilctllom In cle.oii Unsjuafel. 1'KICR, f ijao, fOSTCR, MltnUriN CO., Prop'i, BulT.'o, N.Y. , r-nikU ComplAlhl' , tl nlt-r tht, A toro kcrpeta irli It July 14-4Wd To Kervcas Sufferers The Oreat European sr. j. B.siursox's srxciria hedicinb. Dr. J. 11. Simpson's Specific Medlclno Is a posi tive cure for overwork of body or briln ornxcess of any kind, such as weaknoss and nil diseases re Nervous Debility, Irrltablllty.Mentnl Anxiety, Languor, Lassitude, Depression ot Hplrlta and functional derangements of the norvons sys tem itencrahy, rains lu the uacK or ciiue, iX)S3 aroai, irru. or Memory, l're mature oiu age nddlsentes thut lead to eonsmpt lou, Insanity AoO early grave or both. Mi matttr bow shattered the ivbtem may w ro -I uxcesses or auv klnu. a saort course of this meuicine wiu restore in. iosi iiinciions anu pro cure health and happlnebswhero before was de spondency and gloom. The speelflc Medicine Is be ing used with wonderful success. l'amphlota sent freo to all. Wrlto for them and get full parttlcuiar. Price, Specific fl.oo per package.or six packages for J3,(j. will be sent by mall on receipt of mouey Address all ordeTS, .1. 1). MlMPSON's MEDICINK CO. NO.3.-J04 and.VloMfilQ street, Jttfffalo.N. Y. .VoileibytJ. tI-KtNr0HT8, niooun'mi g, Pa. feb ai8I-ly STAM)tltD FOOD FOR PLAETS 0UUIII.E8H. Kor produilngllowcrs nnd vigorous growtli It, lias :no niual. lias stood tli.i test for years, nnd always does all claimed for n. Is epoclnl iy adapted tor house plants and gardening, giving a healthy growth and nbund nntilonvrs. (ivit imywu packages sold In ISO, Awarded the medal at the mechanics' fair In lioston. Put uo In packages at 10 and For sale nt THE 25 cents each. COLDMUIN OFFICK. The Backus Watei Motor, IS THE MOST Economical Power Known -FOlt- DRIVING LIQJ1T ilACHINEUV. It takes but little room. It never gets outotmpalr. It can not blow up. Itnecdo no fuel It reeds noenglnoer. Thero lsnodeliy; no tiring up; no ashes to clean tiway; no extra Insurance to pay; no repair ing necessary; no coal bills to pay, and It Is always ready for use. It Is luvaluable for blowing Chuich organs for running printing Presses, Sowing .Mnchlno-i. Turn lnsf Lathes, Scroll Saws, Grind Stones Coitne Mills, Sausago Machines, I'eedCuttors, Corn Mills, Leva tors, etc. Four horso power at 40 pounds pressure of It 13 noiseless, neat, compact, steady, and abovo all IT. IS VERY CHEAP. Send for circular to the llack'is Water Motor Co., Newark, N. .1., stating numii of papir you saw ad vertisement In. Price, $15 to 300. Sept. so (f FINE WXMB8 uat lotlf.f Ih 4 Trtur, III! PtffM.J. , rourrti, ! of j?)y "S T.'sTAf.aifio K ,( i 'imxitiaMWU" Bt lt . l t,, Ml. I Rij RlPt -inMa,H Nffif IniCrl, nnuiuul m iVijW ""' 4' I Ml?1 ' Jill' BLOOMSBURG, ?A. WEEN FDMD ME A PTE OF THE RIGHT PLACE TO GET A SPRING OR SUMMER SUIT IS AT DAVSD LOWENBERC MUKCHANT TAIXC&K. mjJMh WMJ! MaMe) motMng AT THE EXAMINE THE FINEST STOCK OF YOUTHS' BOY'S ami Mud's. CLOTHING. BUSINESS AND DRESS SUITS HANDSOME PATTERNS. PERFECT FITS, AN IMMENSE STOCK OF SPRI1TG aOODS OBI HAND. B100MSBUKG STATE N 0 H M A L SG HO SIXTH NOHMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Rov. wiMuiiiiitfin, nu nMuiHt innKtlltit.i1. ndprM llulldlngsspac"lous. Inviting nud commodious ; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by LocatlonicaUhf ui, nnu cosy of access. Tnacheiecxperlencod, efilclent, nnd nllvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform nnd thorough Uxpetiief moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all exacting to teach. Students admitted at any time. Ilooms reserved when doslrcd. Coutsca of Btudy prescribed by the State : I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary, IV, Classical. T Ailtitnpt ritimp.i! Ai-.nlemlc. II. Commercial. III. Course In Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course in Plivflicat Culture. The Elementary. Sclcntlllc and Classical coursos nro I'liOFKSSIONAL, and Students grndualng followlbg corresponding Degrees s Master ot mo uieineuiH; siasior oi mo sciences ; Master ot lho Classics, uraauates in tnu other couraos receive Normal Certificate their attainments, signed by tho Ofllcersof tho Hoard of Trustees. Thocoursoof stud y prescribed by tho state Is liberal, and thusjlentltlcand Classical courses arc not Inferior to Ihoso of our best Colleges. Th,. Htotnroniiirnan htiriier order ot cltlzcnslilD. The times demand It. It Is oue of the nrlmu oolncu nrthia School to hem to hecuru It. bv furnish ing intent gentand efilclent Teachers for her Schools. Improvo their lime and their inicnts, as nuiucnis. labor after leaving Mcnoni. Knr imniogue.auurusa HON. WII.I.1A.II i:iiU'i:i,li, l're.lilcnt lloiiril 0;t.), i.- The following properties from Vnrlously locuteil in IJI.O-OMSIlUHCi nnd other places, itllnrdliig clicup huincs or prof liable Investment. A Frame Dwelling In good condition. ASPECIALUAliOAlN. Sovoral Small FEAME DWELLINGS. Deslrublc cheap liomes or good investments. A number of liKrrilit Dwki.iimis Pleasantly Looatko. -33RICK DWELINGS,-- from CHEAP to HEST nt various loctitlotis. BUILDING LOTS n lu nily nil streets nt vn rious rlcct. Coxiisaoth JIauk io ltt PUAME OU llltICK HUlI.DlNCiS of tiny iluscrlplion, to bu iluno promptly nnd satisfactorily, I'A RIMS VOU SALE In liloom, licnton, Fisliliigcicek, Ilemloch, .MiidUou, Mllllin, Jlontour, Jtickson Pine, Cutuwlisii iuul Centre townships. Thu above at nil prices nnd cmbrncing hind ior FarmingrQrazing, Truckingand Tobac co Raising. Also several good TlMHKlt TUACTS and SAW MI1C1LS. Alo HfslNiM LooA-iioNS with trade, estab lished, including a Woolen Rlill, in Good Condition and Location, Carriage Mamifactcry, Coal Yard, Lime Stone Quarries, and Kilns. All the above can bo bought at fair prices nnd on reasonable terms. For particulars, "P1,lyt0 JOHN A. FUNSTON, PAUL E. WIRT. UTTHS3 GUT! Wehavostoreslni5 leading Cltlos, from which our ul-cuU riitJlii tliu'r nippUoi! iiuli-Mr. Our I'licturlen ami I'l liirliml (llllfi's aro at llrle. Pa. Send for our eiv C uliiluKtle and Ujimi tJUK'onu Addronb tin .1 I iVJ7!l 5 3l2LacknwannaAve Mi iS LUSLLL BCIIAHTON, PA. March SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN. S2.00 A YHAU. Mt JMQW0B8, L.olumbia L.ounty, D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., the verv best faetllttea for Prnfnaalnnfll ornt r!1i,pn. To this end It Bollclts young persons uf good iu Hiiaueu u promises aia in uuveiopisg tuuir powers, ana auunaant opportunities ior wen pam mu i nnuipui. of Truateca. V. V, lllLLMYEH, uJOmOBBBBBM;. .1 TP . . jjjvcry istey uryan Oold Is made fii: Eaunl tl till it 11. and Send for Illuitratcd Catalogue. . & . . K . . CELEBRATED And other first class Piancs, ami, a largo lot of MUSIC YIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, BAIMJOS? MUSICAL MCrUIIEffl: VIOLIN STRINGS, Ami vvvvything J"- SALTZEB, MUSIC ROOM, FIFTH STORE BELOW MARKET STREET, BLOOMSBURG Pa. WEBSR-H PIA1TOS, FIN 15 INLAID FUKNUII WALNUT CASE OKOAN, 9 STOPS, $90 OASII. Eiiny Tonus. SutlHf'aciloii Gum tint n ti. 3i5A.OOISr'S ROOMS, MUSIC HALL HLOOK, WXX.&BS-SARRB. PA Back Ache POSITIVELY CURED Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. Koason-t Wiiy they mo Vrvferrcd to All MUii-v l'uiuu Vlahlrl'il or I'.xU'rual lUinrAlrsi Itccanao thrf wrra nil tho merit of the atrriiKiheiiliig .oriHi plumr, ami contain In ail. clltloii tlien lu tin, nuwly iHaiovt'inl powerful and itctHmrgctahlt'i'omliliiiulon whhli aria wliU In. I'H'Hsnl .rulM-fuck-iit, bI liutilt iiiir, ndatlvo aud counter irritant rtfodr. Svrniiil, llooauin thry arc a fi'iinluo ihannr.ri'iillcal prrp. arullon, anil an ttcognliwl by tho Ti)fcnalou, Tlilril. Ilecauio Ihcjr nro the only iiLuiint that relieve palu nt oncv, I'oiirlli, Ilccausa thejr will iHwItlvcly euro dlicaaej which ether rciocdlea will not ntn relluve. Elf III. Ilecauae over C0O0 li) aUlnnaanil dmcglita hare TOlumnrlly teellfleil that ll.iy nruauierlurtuall other (ilaatera or incdliiuca lur external uec, -Slxtli. Ilccamo tho maniifnciiin'M 1mm lecelvod the ouljr uicdala ever yivi-n for par on. (ilaitera, Benson's Capcine Porons Plaster! SEABURY ii JOHNSON, , Maiiufactuiinij tlliemlna, New York, AHUHIt Hli.lliaiV AVI, ANT. l'rltuKBcu; MEAD'S Medicated COKNmJ BUNION PUSTER. Novi' SUBSOHIUK NOW FOU THE COLUMBIAN $2-00 A YKAli. Pennsylvania. Principal. Innrnlnir. gas, and furnished with a bounttfui supply of therein, tecclvo stato Diplomas, conferring tho abilities and good purposes, thoso who desire to Secretary. Every buyer should Select an Oryan (That yuarantce.K yoml Every day work and Year of service. J. ESTF.Y & CO., Uruttlelioro, Yt. 9 BOOKS, T1' a WEBER runs in iSic Music line. ARDMAW Junol J. SALTZER'S General Sewing Machine Depot, Fifth Store Below Market St , BLOOMSBURG, PA. GeleW White Sewiog Machine, New J)uvis Vertical Fi'eil Sow ing Machine, Now Homo Sowing Machine, nrMTSCTn,4-Rcwing Machine, Fstoy Sowing Machine, Genuine Finger Sewing Machine, Singer Pattern Sewing Machine, Si,"116,?18' b;st Sow'f? Muclilno Oil, ami Nee. dies for all hewing mnchTuc3. Sowlne Macnliies made ftr cash. Kvtry inaclilne purchased from 1f"""'J W bo kept In good runrang order for live years free of chaw nd thorough In. ?,trru,c0',!, 8lv?n. Km Usually operator in this part of tlm a ate freo of Kxamlue my stock of machines before purchasing, FRUIT niustratod Catalogue Free Nfftjuosboro, I'a, RAILROAD TIMETABLE IHVSaknaSoTlkRaiarH loaaVLrMaHhlBHBVB 'DENNSYhVANtA i.'A'IhltOAD. 1'IHL. I t,f mill t. Irflftr II 1, TMIftCn.. rhlladelphlA and Krln Jtntlroad Division anil Noriliern Central Hallway. nu BUJIMKlt TIJtE TATJLE. IccfTcct Jun'otlb. 1933. trains lenva Mnrti,,,.... bcrland. XA8TWARD, B.s.1 a. m soa Bhoro Kxprcss tar sunbtiry, tlar. rlaburif and Intermcdlato stations, Lancaster I'hlladelphla, New York, llaltlmoro and Washing ion, arriving hi. ruiiaueipnia p,m, New York, 0.16 p. in, llaltlmoro, i.lo p. in. Washington 0.47 p. m., making closo connoctloBs atrniladel. phla for ail Hen Bhoro points. 1.4J p. m.-l)ay express for Hunburr, Ifarrli. burg and Intermediate stations, Lancaster, Phil, adolphla, Now York, llaltlmoro nnd Washington, arrlvlngat I'hlladelphla 7.85 p. m. Now York, iu.oj p. in. i uimiiuui i-, u. in.; nasningion, 8,47 p.m. rullmnn I'arlor car through to rbllidel. phla and passongcr coaches through toThlladcl. phla and llaltlmoro. 8.o p. m. williamsport Accommodation for Hunbury, lUrrlsburg nnd nil Intel medlato sta tions. Lancaster, Philadelphia .and, Now York arming at I'hlladelphla .65 n. m. ; Now York o is a. m. sleeping car accommodations can bo secur. I'd nt Harrlsburg tor I'lillAdelphta nnd Now York I'hlladelphla passengers can remain In sleeper unl disturbed until 7 n. m. ljiS a. in. Krlo Mall for Hunbury, Harrlsburg and Intermediate stations, Lancaster, I'hiladel. phla, Now York, llalllmore and Washington, ar riving at Philadelphia 7ooa.m.j Mow York, ii.ij n. in. llaltlmoro T.45 a. m. 1 Washing, ton, 9.17 a. m. Through Pullman sleeping cars aro run on this train to Philadelphia, llaltlmoro and Washington, and through passongcr coaches to Philadelphia and llaltlmoro. ra WE3TWAHD, a. m. Krlo Mall for Erlo nnd all intermediate staUons widi through Pullmnn Palace car and through passenger coaches to Krlo. For Cunnndslgun and Intermediate stations, ltochester, Ilurrulo and Niagara Falls, wan Pull man Palace car nnd passenger coaches through to ltochester. 1.4S p. m. Niagara Express for Kane and Inter mediate stations with through passenger coaches to Kano. Por Canandalgua nnd principal inter mediate stations, llochcst-or, uutlnlo ana Niagara Palls with through parlor carlo Watklns and through passenger coaches to llochester. 6.BJ p. m., Fast lino for Lock Haven and Interme diate stations, and Etmlra, Watklns and Interme diate Btntlons, with through passenger coaches to Watklns. THKOUOII TRAINS FOU NOItTIIUMllEIlLAND F1IOM THE EAST AND SOUTH. Niagara Express lenvos New York, 6 so a. in.: Philadelphia aad a. m.i Wr-shlngton, 8.07 a. in.: llaltlmoro a.m., arriving fit Northumberland 1.43 p.m.. with through Pullman I'arlor car from Philadelphia and through passenger coaclies from Philadelphia and llaltlmoro. Fast Lino lontcs Now York T.55 a. m.': Phlladel n. m. Washington, n.07 a.m.: Haiti more, 10.C0 a. m., arriving nt Northumberland e.8sp;m., with through passongcr coaches from Philadelphia nnd llalirmoro. Krlo Mall leaves Now York; Philadel phia, p.m.; Washington, 0-67 p. m.; llaltl moro, 11. so p. m., ntrtvlngnt Northumberland LSI n. in., with through Pullman Palaco sleeping cars from Philadelphia, Washington and llaltlmoro and through passenger coaches from Philadelphia. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY. On and at Wr February Hth.lSSl.tralns will leave Sunbury as follows : NbnxnwAHD. Noriliern "Express 0.80 n.m.,nrrlvo Elmlra pm Arrlvo at Cauandnlgua 3.2s p. m. " HochesUir 4.40 " " ' Niagara. 8 45 ' Niagara Express p, m. arrlvo Elmlra o.os p m arrlvo Canandilgu.i 8.35 " Rochester ' 0 45 " " Niagara 12.6(1 mu Fast line 6.15 p m ari lvo Elmlra p m V i Watklns 11.10 pm 80UTHWAHD. Southern Express 1.32 a.m. arrive Ilarrlsb'g 8.15 am arrlvo Philadelphia t.oo " " New York 9.3s " llaltlmoro , , " Washington K22 a la Lock Haven Ex 10.50 a m arrlvo Ilarrlsb'g pm arrive Philadelphia fi.oo p ra " Now Y'ork 8.45 " llaltlmoro 5.20 " Washington 0.47 Bay Express l.supm arrlvo Harrlsburg 8.3 p m " Philadelphia 7.05 " Now York 10.00 " " Itaitiuiora 1 7.00 " Washington 8.17 Erlo Mall l.os a. m. arrlvo narrlsburg 8, do a. m " Philadelphia 7.0 11 " Now York 0.35 " " llaltlmoro 7.00 " Washington s.22 J.n. WOOD, (lenoral Pasaongor Agent. FHANK THOMSON, General Manager. pHILADELPIIA and HEADING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Juno 20, 1S82. TK1IN3 LBAVS BUrKKT IB fOLLOWB(80MDi V KXCErTiP. For Now York,Phlladelplila,nendlne;potUvllle Tamaqua, sc., 11,45 a. m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 4 f 0 and 7,20 p. m. For WUUamsport,o,16 s,60 a. m. and 4,0a p. m. T1UINBF0H norlBT LEAVK AS FOLLOWS, (SDKDAT kXCKPTSD.) Leave Now York, via. Tamanend 9,00 a, m. and via. Hound DrooU llouto 7,45 a. m. Lcavo Philadelphia, ,4S a. m. Leave Heading, ll.ts a. m., Pottavllle, 12,s p. w and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. in. Lcavo UituwLsaa, 0,10 8,10 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Lcavo Williamsport ,9,43 a.m,,oo p.m. and 4,30 p. in Passengers to and from New York, via. Tama nend and to nnd from Philadelphia go through wlthoutchango ot cars. J. E. WOOTTlMt General Manager, C. Q. HANCOCK, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Jan, iu, l!st tf. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WKsTEHN ItAlLKOAl). BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. NOHTH, STATIONS. SOUTH a.m. 11 m. scranton.... 9 80 2 10 t 17 ........HOllL'VUO. . 0 22 Taylorvlllc, 0 45 2 20 6 27 ...Lackawanna- 9 62 2 27 e 84 Plttston.... 9 63 2.31 (I 41 .. West Plttston 10 03 2 39 40 Wyoming.... iu 03 2 41 0 61 Malt by 0 SS Bennett o sx Kingston.... 10 18 2 M 7 02 Kingston.... 10 13 2 61 7 lo .Plymouth Juno 7 17 ....Plymouth... 10 20 3 02 7 22 Avondalo... 3 00 7 .10 Nantlcoko.. 10 31 3 10 7 37 llunlock's creek 10 42 3 18 8 00 ...shlckEhlnny. 10 65 3 83 8 25 ....Hick's Ferry. 1107 4J 8 40 ....lioach Haven. 11 13 9 61 8 60 Berwick .. 11 20 3 67 9 00 Hilar creek.. e 00 ...Willow Orovo, 4 07 8 05 Llmo Hldgc.. 4 12 8 10 Espy.. ..i ll 39 4 80 8 13 ...llloomsburg., 11 45 4 27 8 25 Ituport II 61 4 33 8 30 Catnwl'a II ridge 11 63 4 33 8 85 Danvllla..,, 13 is 4 60 8 52 Chulosky,,. 9119 .....Cameron.., 5 09 9 04 Northumberrd 12 45 5 25 9 20 p.m. p.m. a.m. . W. p. HALSTBAH.Hupt. t'8 offlce, Scranton. Feb. 1st, 1SS2. p.m. p.m. a.m. 0 15 U 09 V 03 8 60 8 43 S 42 8 37 a 4a 9 43 2 30 2 29 2 22 2 15 2 10 9 37 9 80 9 21! 9 19 14 8 25 8 25 2 00 1 50 1 42 1 85 1 25 1 18 1 03 9 04 9 04 8 10 8 65 8 07 B 00 8 47 8 7 40 12 It 7 33 12 25 7 SO 12 IS 7 20 12 00 7 13 11 47 1 09 11 40 7 (5 11 32 51 11 10 5 CI 10 C3 0 45 10 60 0 37 10 44 0 13 10 22 0 10 10 1)9 0 04 10 00 6 45 9 40 8 tS 8 17 8 12 8 00 7 60 7 52 7 44 T 33 7 33 7 S9 7 11 6 45 p.m. a.m. u.,m HAIR B&Z&SxM. vSlKN. ' " J ly """'0 i' feW1' l'tan,wdii,ioai y f WtiR.P:'''!nii'1r .rl'o, oil lu. t, ' wfi, ,f "it1'"' i if it cu a nutciuiit f only II...I nic U hlI. l il I tu lho ai-1;. tuul I ,r i nu.lrU'.v i i Rettores tiie youthtul Color to Crcyorradcdllair 5 , .... r. . - . . j nair naisam it nncly iictluitiuj 11ml 11 warranted to prevent falling c.r lira luir mul . re. nwyeuanurullanililcliliig, llikvbY R ( 9 . N.Y. fcj ovK. ouu 1 1 n,, ot d.kl.ri Indruk'au4 nWulu.. 0 GIN0EIIOI1 A Superlative Health and Slrjnjth pettorer. It you are a inerlianic or fanner, worn out with ?v?'0'.' nrn nintlur luniWn Iv niiiillyorlioaio. nold duuet Iry pAKKBk'H (Jisglu '1 iimc, I f you aro n law yer, mlni.ier or man ex liauited by mental strain or anxiout carea, da not taVa lntoxicauiigniniulant,LutusePaiUr'aGiiicrTonij Hyou liavo Couiiiinpiion, Dviir,iila. Uneuraa. lim, Kidney Contnlaimi, crunyilixmltroflheluucj, atornacli,lioeli, Lloodor iivitet.PakKaii'a Oiw.iii PoNic will euro yo.t. 1 1 lathe Cireatctt llloo,! purifier And the Ceil and Surest Cough Cure Ever Died. If ou aro watting away fromtige, duiipalion or any duease or eaknot and rennii a a tt'uuuUnl tako jiHOtH Toxic ot mho i itwilllniieoraie end build you up from the firat doo tmt will never Intricate. It hat taved hundred! of liei it may iao youn, CAU1 ION 1-B.fu.e oil iiil.tlluUi. Purk.r'i Gln.rTel; U ootu) of tlio U,tru.aii.l oaviti In II,. wu,l l.ouj U.btlrly aiflrmel fpwm t.rrrratloii of gTii. cr olca., KvuJ Ivr ilrkuUr IIUco A Co., N, V, lOe. 4 1 1 lf,, at J.1.M la Jiii.-,. GREAT 6AYI.VO PUVINQ POI.LAR SIZE. It. ri. I. n., e 1.-. 1. .1.:. M .-"."'I. ,,.l;i..iiv .to iimu, iitM ianolliiug ilkelt. Intittuiron laving Fioaus. mu frt, , ,. r r v. vvbuun. ilu iuuk iur oiuaiuro VI Mtnn lotUt. Aojr dienM or JI.r la fuir Juno U, 6w. March S, '82 ly.