The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 04, 1882, Image 3

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The Columbian.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1882
Correct Rnllronil Time Tnlilo.
Trains on tho Philadelphia & n, II, leave Itupert
u follows t
Komii. ROUTII.
18 a.m. ll 41 a, m.
4 M p. m. 45 p. ni.
Trains on tho I). h. A W. It. II. loaro Uloomsbure
M tOllOWl I
1 lli.m,
!o M a. m.
8 iu n. tn.
11 45 a, m.
a si d. tn.
4 si p. m.
Ttaa 11 43 train south Mntiprlji with thn 1'hlliv.
dolphla k Heading nt Kupcrt, and with tho
northern Central at Northumberland.
Th s:93 a. m, train connects nt Northumberland
with t:U train on Pennsylvania road reaching
rbPadeiphla at t:tn p. tn.
The 11:41 train connects with rhlladelphta and
Heading roal t Itupert at 11:50 reaching Phila
delphia at :00 p. m.
The 11:49 train connects with Pennsylvania
rani at Northumberland at 1:4 reaching Philadel
phia at i:ss p.m.
The 4:!T p m. train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumberland at 8:03 p. m. ana reaches
Philadelphia at S:S5 a. m.
Democratic Cottttty Convention.
Tho Democratic voters of tho several
districts of Columbia county will meet nt
tho usual places of holding tho general
election, on Baturday, August Clh, 1882,
between tho hours of three iiml scren
o'clock In tho afternoon, nnd elect dele
gates by ballot to represent tho districts In
tho county convention, to be held In the
Opera House, llloomsburg, on Tricsilny,
August 8th, nt 11 o'clock n. in. to place In
nomination two candidates for Representa
tive, ono candldato for Sheriff, one candi
date for President Judge of the 20th dis
trict, ono candldato for member of Con
gress, and one caudldulu for Stnte Senator,
nnd to transact such other business ns the
interest of the Democratic party may require-
Also ut the same time and places,
nnd In the same manner, the Democratic
electors In each district will elect one per
son to servo as it member of tho county
standing committee, which will meet Im
mediately after tho adjournment of tho
By order of tho Standing Committee.
G. A. Iliir.iiixo,
Apportionment of delegates according to
tho voto for Governor In 1878.
Heaver 170 11 Delegates.
Berwick 115 2 "
Benton 177 3 "
Bloom, cast 105 U "
Bloom, west 100 2 "
Brlarcrcek 88 2 "
Catnwlssa 178 -J ."
Centrnlla 43 2 "
Centre 1B9 2 "
Conyugham, N 21 2 "
Conyngham, S. 11 2 "
FIsulugcreek 220 4 "
Franklin 54 2 "
Urccnwooil. 147 2 "
Hemlock 130 2 "
Jacksou 103 2
Locust 22G 4 "
Madison ICQ 3
Main 112 2
Mifflin 178 3 11
Montour 81 2 "
Mt. Heasant 88 2 "
Orango 75 2 "
Pino 09 2 "
Boarlngcrcek 07 2 "
Scott, east CO 2 "
Scott, west 50 2 "
Bugarloaf 157 3 '
George Chamberlin of Plymouth is visit
ing with his cousins.
Mrs. J. H. Lingle of Bellefonte is visit
lng her parents.
Mrs. Bentley of Honcsdalt wa3 the
guest of Mrs. Dr. Ruber recently.
G. W. Hirleman, Esq., of Benton, was
In town Monday on legal business.
Miss May Barkley U at the seashore with
her mint,
Capt. Tubbs drives Millard's flnq "bronze"
colt while his black maro Is taking a sum
mer vacation.
Mrs. Gould and daughter of Philadelphia
arc tho guests of Miss Sloan nnd Mrs. liisli.
J. P. Peacock nttended tho meeting of
tho Independent Republican committee in
Philadelphia last week.
Bev. and Mrs. D. J. Waller Sr. were
summoned to Honcsdalo last week by tho
very serious Illness of Hon. Charles Wal
ler. Mrs. Geo. n. Brown and Blanche Bill,
moycr, arc taking a visit to our large cities.
They started on Thursday morning.
Robert B. Little, Esq., of Bloomshurg,
and Distrio t Attorney of Columbia county,
together with his wlfo nnd son, visited his
relatives hero on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Ho is a nephew of our townsman, 11. R.
Little, Esq. Tunkhannock Democrat.
The Campaign Coluiiililaii.
We will sond tho Cot.UMniAN to any ad
dress In tho county, from now until after
tho fall election for 30 cents. As this will
be an unusually Interesting campaign every
Democratic voter should take a paper and
keep himself posted. There Is not n man
In the county who cannot ntlord to take tho
Columbian nt that price, and wo hope to
rccelvo many orders- Postage stumps can
be sent by mail.
Blackberries arc selling for two and three
cents a quart In Snyder county.
Jurors for September Court were drawn
on Saturday.
Democratic convention next Tuesday nt
11 o'clock.
There arc several gas posts In town that
have no lnmp3. Why Is this thus ?
The Democrats of Montour county will
hold their convention on tho 21st of Au
gust. A valuable inulo belonging to William
Thomas of this town died last week. It
was worth two hundred dollars.
A Wiscousln boy won a wager witli a
pi a) mate by holding Ills foot longest on tho
rail ahead of n locomotive, but ho will hob
tile on crutches the rest of his life.
One of the legal fraternity went Mslilng
last Tuesday, and didn't get a bite, There
must have been something tho matter with
tho bait.
llaln commenced falling on Tuesday
night ami continued steadily through tho
night. It was much needed nnd will help
tho corn nnd potatoes along wonderfully.
All tho summer resorts are filled with
guests, The mountains nnd tho sen shore
vlo with each other In offering attractions
to the tourist.
We call attention to J, Saltzer's now ad
vertisement on the fourth page. People
needing anything In his lino can do no
better than to give him a call.
A boatman fell from a canal boat In the
dock at Espy ono day last week, nnd In
Jurcd an arm so that ho was obliged to go
to his homo nt Liverpool, Pa., to recover,
J. H. Maize and O, W. Miller are having
steam heating apparatus put in their resl
dences. Holmes is Schuyler have tho
Turn out at the Delcgnto election on
Paper bags from lb, to 10 lbs. nt the
Cof.OMiiiAN office
Tho Rcscuo Hose, Hook fc Ladder Co.
will give n ball during tho evenings of the
week of our county fair.
Tho Agnes Wnllaco Villa Combination
will nppcar nt tho Opera House on Thurs
day evening, August 81st.
The understanding among subscribers to
tho telephone was that Berwick was to ho
in the "exchange." Why Isn't It dono?
It Is rumored that Rev. John Hewitt
has resigned his parish at Bellefonte, nnd
will soon tnko charge of St. Gabriel's,
Rules of tho Democratic Party of Colum
bia county can bo obtained nt tho Count
niAN ofll'cc, In pamphlet form, nt 10 cents n
Tho Suubury News ha9 doubled its size
recently, and wo havo no doubt that it will
soon do tho same with Its subscription list.
It Is n bright paper nnd deserves success.
It Is snld that no woman over answers a
cnll by telephone without smoothing down
Iter hair, working up a smile, nnd trying to
make a good impression on the trnmsmltter.
Mr. R. S. Knt, of Berwick, has been
sctlously 111 tho past two weeks with
spinal meningitis. At latest advices lie was
growing no worse and the doctor thinks he
will recover.
John Zhnmerm nil, who fell from n lnd-
dor while painting Mrs. Purscl's house on
Market street a few weeks ago, died on
Thursday of last week. He was hurled in
the cemetery on Saturday afternoon.
On Monday afternoon while Mrs. John
Gray, who lives near the Bloom lock at
the canal, had ;nue to her neighbor's for a
few moments, n thief entered the window
and carried oil all valuables that ho could
(hid, Including ten dollars in money,
Tho Bloom Band nttended the festival at
Afton last Saturday night- The Buckhoru
band furnished music for the festival of
the Rescue II. & L. Company in Hnrtmnu's
hall the snmo evening.
n excursion truin came down from
Shickshiiiny nnd Iatitleoke on Sunday
over tho now railroad, bringing about fifty
persons, who dined at tho Exchange Hotel.
They returned about threo o'clock in the
The family of Lawrence Keller of Arm
strong township, Lycoming county, was
poisoned last Saturday by eating canned
beef. They were very Sick for a time, but
all recovered.
W.lilnr Mnnlniu-S4 nf till! Willlallisnort
Gazette & Jlulletin was in town n little while
on Tuesday. Wo are glad to sec that he
hns retrained Jils health, nnd is looking
quite hearty again-
After this week tho labors of tho cnndl-
date will bo over. There will bo several
gentlemen in tho county next week who
will feel that life is but vanity, anil tho
promises ol tno near people- uui an
empty mockery. Such Is modern poll-
We nro pleased to note that I. W. Hart-
man 1ms taken In business with himself
his son K. V. Hnrtmuii. The linn will
bo known hereafter as L W. Ilartman &
Son. Mr. E. V. llartinan has been with
1j is father for a number of years, uud un
derstands the business.
While moving a portion of Mr. Tnstin's
frame house on the foundation for his new
building, on Thursday nftcrnoon of last
week, tho comers were not properly sup
ported and tho building tumbled. It was
greatly shattered, and is a heavy loss for
Mr. Tuatln. Fortunately no one was hurt.
Red ants may bo banished from a pantry
or storeroom by strewing tho shelves with
a small quantity of cloves, either whole or
ground. Some use the former, as not being
so likely to get into food placed upon tho
shelves. The cloves should bo renewed oc
casionally, as after a time they loso their
strength and efllency.
John Kingsbury, of Muhlcnburg, a farm
er, while attempting to cross tho Delaware,
Lnckiiwaiimi nnd Western railroad near
Shicksblnny, July 20th, with a team and
wagon loud of produce, was struck by tho
train, hurled into the air and instantly kill-
ed. Both horses were injured and were
shot to relieve them from their suffering.
The attention of farmers is called to tho
advertisement of Messrs. Baugh & Sons, In
another column. The reputation of their
Phosphate U world-wide. Send for Circu
lar. Just received a new ioi of Elgin, Walt-
ham, Springfield and other make of watches
In open and hunting cases, warranted from
two to live years.
Uo silver plated teaspoons one dollar n
set, table spoons two dollars a set, nt L.
Bcrnlinrd's Jewelry Store. tl 0-tf
There are several gutter crossings in
town that are dangerous and ought to be
put In different condition as soon as possible.
We refer especially to one at Main nnd
West streets, and another on Fifth street
at Catharine. They tiro so deep that there
Is danger of breaking wagon springs or
pitching the occupants of wagons out of
their vehicles In crossing them. If any ac
cidents should occur at those places at
night tho town would undoubtedly have to
pay damages.
Wo call your attention to tho advertise
ment of Simmons. Liver Regulator, which
appears iu the paper of to-day. This stan.
dard remedy, tho only genuine of which is
manufactured by J. H. A-llln As Co., and of
which they urn tho solo proprietors, does
not deserve to bo classed with the many
"patent" nostrums so liberally advertised
throughout the country. It is one of the
very best preparations in use, and Is recom
mended by the regular practitioners of
medicine. It has a largo sale in this town,
and can bo found In nil our drug stores- A
bottle or package should be found In every
family, as Its judicious use is almost sure
to prevent u bilious attack if taken when
tho symptoms first show themselves.
We fully ngreo with the remarks made
last week by one of our cotcmporarles
on the condition In which tho cemetery Is
kept. Little or no money Is spent In beau
tifying the grounds, though the corporation
Is abundantly able to pay for nil the labor
that would be necessary to muko It an nt
tractive- spot, In this connection, there Is
another matter that will have to bo consld
ered within a very few years, nnd that Is a
new cemcteiy. Roscmont Is rapidly till
lug up, nnd before long all the available
spaeo will bo occupied. A new ground.
further from town, larger In size, and mora
favorably located, should be secured, and
laid nut in an attractive, manner so that
when any of us are called upon to bury our
dead wo may not feel that we are obliged
to put them away In u neglected meadow,
"Wells' Health Renewcr" restores healtl
und vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence,
, exual Debility.
Mr. F. H. Rogers nnd Miss Ella Eslilc
man wcro mnrrlcd nt tho residence of tho
bride's mother in llloomsburg, last week
Thursday, by Rev. Dr. Mitchell. Onlv
member of tho family were present. The
young couple took a wedding Journey from
which they linvo Just returned. Wo wish
them a happy life.
Tho Siitekshlnny Hcho of last week says
that tho agent nt that placo has not henrd
of a reduction In freights over tho D. L. &
W. road. Notwithstanding this, It Is n fact
ns stated by tho Columhus that tho rates
to llloomsburg have been reduced nbout
one half. LIt Is tho competition here that
makes tho difference
There 19 now n prospect of having a lino
building In tho slto formerly occupied by
A. M, Rupert ns a tin shop. Mr. James
Barton who recently purchased tho proper
ty of M. Wynkoop, hns torn down the old
frnmo building nnd Is now preparing to
make n substantial structure. Such enter
prise Is what llloomsburg wants.
On Thursday attcmoon of last week, an
empty boat and tho dredge boat met under
the bridge nt Rupert, in the effort to pass
each other the bridge was struck by the
dredge boat and carried oil the piers. A
new bridge Is being forwarded from
Wlkes Barre, and In a few days will be re
placed. Travel over the wagon road by
way of the river Is Interfered with, ns
there Is no way of crossing the canal.
A colored man employed on tho new rail
road was killed nt tho Cntawissa switch on
Tuesday. Ho was silting on the engine
and ns they were making n running switch
he was thrown oil and the car that was
being switched, ran over his leg. Do was
probably killed by the fall, as ho died In n
very short lime. Ho was from Wnrrenton,
Virginia, but wo were not able to ascertain
ids name. The remains wcro burled hero
on Wednesday-
Tho Soldiers' Orphan "Slxteeners" wilt
hold their second annual reunion nt Harris
burg, on August 10, 17 nnd 18, 1882. There
nro over 10,000 "Slxteeners" of the various
Soldiers' Orphan schools of Pennsylvania.
They first organized last August, with
over 330 members, nnd It W their purposo
to havo us ninny attend this yearns possible.
Railroad rates over all roads leading to
Ilarrisburg will be reduced to two cents
per mile, good for ten days. Tickets can
be secured from Maj. H. F. Splcer, 23rd
Parrisli St., Philadelphia, who has solo
control of all railroad ticket orders.
Mrs. W. R. Tubbs, ot the Exchange
Hotel, Is taking an extended trip with Col.
Fitzpatrick and a party of ladies from
llazleton, visiting some of the prominent
summer resorts. When last heard of they
were "doing" the Thousand Islands and
St. Lawrence riycr. The guests of the
"Exchange" wcro favored on Wednesday
evening with fish for supper caught by
tho cxcursionist?,ono caught by tho Colonel
weighing ten pounds and measuring over
three feet- They will visit Montreal, Lake
George, Long Branch nnd Saratoga before
A Lycoming county member of the Leg.
islaturo proposes to introduce the following
bill at tho next session. We most heartily
join in recommending its passage.
To emancipate the peop'e from bondage to jmli
ticians and preserve the elf reipcct of candi
dates for ojjice.
Suo. 1. Be it enacted, etc., that hereafter
no candidate lor imbue olllcc sum . iv him
self or any authorized agent, nor shall any
person ior nun, pay or promise any money
appointment or other tiling of value to any
elector for his suftriiL'e or sunnort at uiiv
primary, party or general election, nor for
iiiu uiicniiiincc or expenses 01 any elector
in niicmuuir nnv sucu election or nt uuv
party convention.
Suo. 2. No candidate for public ofllco
shall treat any elector to liquor or other re
freshments, or personally solicit the suf
frago or support of any elector iu any pri
inary, party or general election, or party
convention. Provided that this shall not
prevent tho presentation and ndvoeacy of
tho claims of candidates or discussion of
their merits in the public newspapers or in
public meetings of the people.
Sko. 3. Any person offendim; iisjiilnst tho
provisions of this net shall bo deemed guil
ty of u high misdemeanor, und on convict.
ion thereof, slinll be .sentenced to pay a line
not exceeding one thousand dollars nnd
undergo an imprisonment not exceeding
three years.
Tho Danville Record says that a large
number of Rev. J. M llton Peck's friends
assembled at the rectory on last Thursday
evening for the purpose of expressing
their esteem and assuring the rector of
their appreciation of ills labors dining his
sojourn there. James Scarlet, Esq., had
been chosen to present the rector with a
purse, which had been contributed,
amounting to $300. The address of Mr.
Scarlet, iu tendering this testimonial, was
pathetic and beautiful, nnd iu rare good
taste. .Mr. Peck made nn earnest and af
fecting response, assuring them that ho
left tho parish with the most cordial feel
ings towards nil that this gathering, upon
the eve of Ids departure to new fields of
labor, would bo remembered ns ono of the
brightest moments of his life. Ho thank
ed them for their great kindness, nnd the
speaker for his noblu words, uud assured
them that he would bo stimulated to
brighter hope nnd greater work. It was
u treat to all who attended, uud In the
way of n surprise and presentation, u
brilliant success. Mr. Peck und family
left for Fall River, Conn,, on Friday,
where they will visit his pnrentB before
looking for a now field of labor. It Is the
sincere wish of Ids parlshoners und many
friends, that his visit and ministry may bo
ever bright, nnd that God's grace lie
always upon him.
Nut a Ciiiullilnte.
We urn requested to stnte that Miner Hile
has withdrawn ns a candidate for sheriff.
Ills name should therefore be stricken from
the ticket. Mr. Ilile authorizes this an-
l'titnl IlurtiltiK at llcrwick.
.Mrs. Alpheus Feiistennaker, who resided
at Foundryvlllc, two miles from Berwick,
arose from bed at four o'clock last Saturday
morning nnd attempted to blow out n ker
osene lamp, when It exploded, scattering
the burning oil all over her person. Her
set earns awoke her husband who went to
her rescue, but too late. She was burned
in such a terrible manner that sho died in
tho afternoon after suffering great ugouy.
The ;rcat ClrciiH Hay.
As fai iw our advices reach, everybody
is on llp.toc, with eager und well-founded
anticipations of u day uud evening full of
wonderful bights und worlds of fun, on
Saturday August fith when M. M. Hllllurd's
grand nnd popular Menagerie and Circus
will make Its grand entree Into Blooms,
burg and open Its countless treasurer for
the education, edification nnd dellirlit of
all. The proprietors of this famous under
taking seem to have exhausted every re
source und reached tho very verge of
furthest limit In perfecting a Held enter
tulnment a genuine family show of most
liberal size, variety and Interest, and If
they uro ever surpassed It will not bo until
new species of animals nro crcuted uud
miraculous powers accorded to aspirants
for equestrian mid gymnastic laurels.
llnckttorit ItettiH.
Mr. Frank P, Harris hns gone to Phila
delphia where he has nccepled n position
In n largo drug store,
Mr. Martin Pooley has gone to N'uutleoke
to try Ids hnnd ns n typo 1111 the N'nntleokc
Chronicle. Martin Is n young man of talent
nnd will be missed hero.
Dr. O. Lenkcr of Schuylkill Haven spent
a few days in this community with Ids
many friends.
W. H. Shoemaker nnd wife, Thomas
Jones nnd wife, of Shenandoah City, paid
our vlllago a visit.
Miss Col. Ilartman hns returned from
Schuylkill Haven.
Mr. A. B. Vnniiuw lias just painted his
now store.
iV number of our people will tent nt
Mountain Grove during camp meeting.
Our band played for tho Hook & Ladder
Firo Go's, festival at Bloomsburg 011 Satur
day evening, nnd the boys nie loud In
their praise of the entertainment received
nt their hands.
IlolirHliitrif IlcitiH.
Rev. Kerline, pastor of tho M. E. Church
at this place, who was recently married,
lias returned with his wlfo from 1111 ex
tended wedding tour. May tlietrmatrlmonl
nl life boa long and pleasant ono is the
wish of their many friends.
There wns a party of our young folks
spent Saturday nnd Sunday last at Guno.
ga Lake, or Long Pond as commonly call
ed. They report having 11 very pleasant
trip and one well worth the time. Mr.
Rlcketts you will find to be a very accom
modating gentleman.
Mr. J. B. Follmcr proposes opening a
select school at lids place, August 7th. He
has taught several terms hero already. He
should be patronized.
The farmers of this valley became some-
what excited over the now harvesting
machines. The Roycc and the Ruwson
agents were lively and the farmers didn't
know hardly which they did want.
Gotleib Ilartman is building a tine
dwelling house on Ids lot nt this place.
There has been quite n chango In the
demeanor mid conversation of Dr. Vance
since "that boy" took up his residence
with him. OnsF.uvEi:.
A ICIhh Apiece All Hound.
Bo it remembered that the thousands
who rldo up nnd down In tho elevator on
the house side of tho cupltol every day
owe tho luxury to that delighted old entle
man, Robert Kioto of Mnuch Chunk.
Everybody in Washington (everybody, I
suppose, in Pennsylvania) knows and likes
the plump, comfortable looking, auburn
haired statesman from the Eleventh dls
trict, nnd of course everybody knows that
he tips the scales in the vicinity of 300
pounds. Last session, by judicious ngitu
tiou on nnd oil the floor, he got through an
appropriation for the construction of nn
elevator, and tins session comes no more
Into the House in the condition of a super.
heated locomotive approaching a station.
He was an occupant of tho "lift" the other
morning, together witli three more or less
ecstatic girls, nnd listened delightedly to
their hearty commendations of the conven
ience, ns it shot rapidly up to the gallery
lloor. "Why," said one of the damsels en
thusiastically, by way of climax, "the man
who put this elovntor here ought to hnve n
monument." "A kiss apiece all around
would satisfy him," said the gallant author
of the elevator, laughingly, with rather 11
paternal air und then, us the girls stepped
out into the corridor to the music of their
own laughter "but not this morning; some
other" nnd here the elevator shot down
again. I verily believe Hint the rosy conn
tennnco of our friend would have been
kissed by the ruby lips of his companions
bad he been as willing as his word. Wash
ington Corr. Phila. Ilecord.
interustlnK to TettantH
1 lie courts at one time were disposed to
construe the law as between tenants nnd
owners in favor of the latter, but recently
their decisions havo been much more lib
eral to the tenant. Once It wns under
stood that whatever improvement was
added to a property by u tenant could not
bo removed. There has been a decided
modification of decisions on this subject of
late. As n general rule, whatever a ten.
ant puts Into ti dwelling or erects on the
premises for his own comfort, without the
intention to permanently annex it, he may
remove at any time before the expiration
of Ids lease. This would include such
things us cupboards, shelves, coal bins,
nnd even a stairway has been held to be
within the rule. All trade fixtures and
temporary structures, whether frame or
brick, and without regard to their size,
may be taken down and carried oil by the
tenant who erected them. Even a dwell
ing house Is not 11 pait of the reality if the
right to remove it is reserved. All tho
landlord can legitimately demand Is to
have his property reitored to his possession
In us good condition us it wns received by the
tenant, ordinary wear mid tear excepted.
Whatever the tenant puts In of a movable
nature he may take away, but Ids carpen
ter work must not Injure or permanently
alter the property. All these decisions
concur that these removals of fixtures
must be made within the term of the
lease. All that is on the land after the
lease has expired reverts to tho landlord
Ilarrisburg Patriot.
Capture or a IIothc Tltlcf.
Abram Whipple, of Northumberland
county, notorious as a horse thief in tills
state, was arrested nt Wilkes Buriillast
Saturday night. When ho discovered that
officers were after him, he attempted to
make Ids cscnpe b it was overtaken. He
had In Ids possession a horse and three sets
of harness, supposed to have been stolen
between Wilkes Barre and Ilarrisburg. At
a hearing Sunday morning ho was commit
ted to jail for a further examination. The
prisoner was ono of a gang of notorious
thieves who were arrested near Sunbury in
Juno last, among who was William Whip
pie. His brother, William, nt the time re.
Mkted arrest, nnd wns shot by nn olllcer,
receiving a wound from which ho died.
Abram was tried on that occasion but was
released for lack of evidence, Alfred
Irvln of Montour township recently lost n
double set of harness, and so on Wednes.
day constable Woodward went to Wilkes
Bane and arrested Whipple after ho had
been discharged there, nobody being able
to Identify the goods, und brought him to
llloomsburg. Irvln found his harness nnd
blanket, nnd Whipple was committed to
Jail to wait tho action of the grand jury.
Hi- will be very apt to go to Philadelphia
next fall to Btay 11 few years.
Acres of cabbage nro to be seen this year
and unless the worm Is entirely too destruct
Ive, there Is no doubt that the cabbage fain-
Ino which prevailed In this section last year,
will be followed by n season of super a
bundaiice, This news will be Joyfully re-
reived by lovers of tho savory vegetable,
who will welcome It back to their hoards
iu the shape of sutler kraut, stows uud
slaws with u happy heait. The season has
been very favorable thus fur for the growth
of cabbige.
New styles of culling cards and card
type Just received ut tho Colvmuian olllce.
To tlte Viililtc.
Mlt. ElHTOIt.
Somo maliciously dispos
ed person or persons havo been circulating
11 story to the effect Hint thcro exists nmong
tho merchants of Orangovtlle a combina
tion to put up prices of goods nnd keep
down the price of produce. Now ns far ns
we nro concerned the report Is absolutely
Joist, ns we are not a party to uuy such
combination nnd havo no knowledge ot It;
on the contrary, we will sell goods ns low
as any other storo In tho county nnd will
pay the highest market price, either mcr-
clinudlsc or cash, for all kinds of country
produce. Wo nro beginners In tho town
nnd will not be undersold, as tho following
prices will prove 1 calicos from 4 to 8 cts,
oil calicos from I) to 11 cts, lawns 0 to 12
cts, glnghnms 8 to 11 cts. We sell Ron-
frcw nnd Cnnton ginghams (the best dross
ginghams In tho market), for 10 cts per
yard, and havo numerous pieces to select
fromj buntings, all colors, from 12 to 20
cts, muslin, bleached and unbleached, 5 to
13 cts, Ticking 12 to 25 cts, and a full line
of Debclgos, poplin lustres, mixed goods
nnd cashmeres ranelne from 10 cts to
I&1.35. Mens' nnd boys' wool nnd fur hats
from CO cts to $2.00, mens' and boys' straw
hats 5 cts to iJtl.OO, sugar from 8 to 11 cts,
coUce 12 to 20 cts, ten from 23 to 75 cts,
soaps, splecs, Iron, fish, nulls, Ac, at cor
respondingly low prices. Now to you who
nre purchasers wo havo only this to say,
icfore you give any credit to stories
Hint may be lu circulation, come nnd see
us nnd prove our words truo or false. The
above list is only a specimen of our prices,
we sell everything else equally as low.
Now to you having lumber to sell wo will
buy it and give you tho advantage of these
low prices In exchange for your stock or
pay you cash. And to you who may want
to buy lumber wo say we aro dealing In a
full stock of lumber that at our prices will
pay you to visit our yard before you pur.
chase elsewhere, nnd now to nil who nre
led to giving us a cnll by rending this card
will give you n box of toilet soap contain
ing iiirec cakes, ir you win give us 11
trial we guarantee you satlsfnotlon-wo
nro closing out nit our white goods nt cost.
1 ours Respectfully,
LlLI-BV & Slkppt,
Orangcvllle, Pn.
How to Treat IloyH-Tltc Hccrct of
Huccchh Willi Tlictu.
It should not bo expected, says a well
known writer, that a boy will become a
man, and bo nblo to do a man's work well,
without receiving Instruction from those
to whom lie has a right to look for advice,
urn a great many lauicrs who are very
particular nbout their work, think n boy
ought to know Instinctively how uork
ought to be performed. They have for
gotten that they had to learn how to do
things. To plow a field as It ought to be
plowed may seem n simple thing to a man
who hns done that kind of work for years,
until he has become so familiar with it
that he has to give It no special thought,
but tho novice finds many things to learn.
He lias seen It done, but when ho comes to
do it himself he finds that seeing a thing
dono is ono thing, nnd doing It is another.
'I he man who is wise will not find fault
with a boy for a failure of this kind, but hu
will exercise patience, nnd explain to ltlm
wherein ho fnilcd. Ho will not treat the
boy ns if ho were n man, or ought to know
how to do such things as well as a man
who has had experience, but ho will make
a pupil of him, nnd lead him on, step by
step, until lie has overcome each dllllciilty
By taking pains to explain things to him
he will arouse an interest in tho work,
and the boy will bo anxious for further
Tho way to make men of boys Is to treat
them as you would a man In many ways,
.'show them that you do not hold their
opinions iu contempt. Encourage them to
act and think for themselves, and let them
feel that you trust them. It gives a boy
a very manly feeling to know that a grown
up man considers his opinion worth some
thing, and has faith in his ability to act
without constant supervision. Put a re-
sponsibillty on 11 boy's shoulders and he
will be proud of it, and generally do him
self credit iu tho way he carries It,
When your boy earns something, don't
put it all In your pocket and none In his.
Let him have spending money. You can
advise him how to use it, but don't make
him feel that all his work lias been for
some one else, nnd that ho is to earn, but
not spend. Talk with him about using
money foolishly nnd sensibly, and show
him wherein ho can lay out his spending
money to advantage, and ho will uot be
likely to squander a great deal of It.
He will doubtless make foolish ventures
he would be n peculiar boy If he did not
but these will be useful lessons to him.
A boy can sec wherein ho docs a foolish
thing us well as n man can, and he gener
ally prollts by Ids mistakes. I have great
faith in tho boys. Treat them like men
nnd they will not disappoint you In grow
ing up to bo men.
Mr. J. P. Owen will belli llloomsburg
next week to canvass tor a book called
Treasury of Song, We havo examined tho
work and find It to bu nn excellent collec
tlon of good music. Thu following testi
monials have been given It by eminent
musicians ;
From Eben Tourgee, Director of tho
New England Conservatory of Music,
Music Hall, Boston, Mass., and one of the
choral leaders lu the Musical Peace Jubl
lee of 1872 1
"I havo examined Treasury of Song. It
gives mo great pleasure to say that It up
pears to bo what its title Indicates, a col.
cllon of real gems. I am sure It would
find a hearty welcoino in every home In
the land."
From II. A. Clarke, Proffctuor of Music
in the University of Pennsylvania, Phlla.
"I have looked through the collection of
music called Treasury of Song, und urn
glad to bear my testimony to the excel
lence and variety of the selections It con
tains. I hope it will meet with success
that the evident care spent In its compila
tion und Its beautiful typography deserve."
Pens, pencils, pen holders, Ink, rubbers
mucilage In great variety at tho Coluuiiian
Farmers dealing ut W. 11 Allen's can bo
iieeommodated with stabling, apr, 7-tf.
As good cigars as can bo found in town
are kept nt W. B. Allen's East end gro
cery. nprll7-tf
Flour and feed can always bo had at
Allen's East end grocery. npril 7-tf
1)009 pounds of nice dried raspberries,
88S8 " nlco dried pitted cherries,
7777 good spring chickens,
11(10(1 " fut old hens,
fi5M " ireeso und ducks,
4411 " live veal calves,
IWa " fat lambs,
2222 " turkeys,
1111 " sheep,
0000 old sheep bucks, and old roosters.
All of the nbovo wanted rluht iiliimr. nt
Light Street, by Silas Young.
July 21.3m
W. B, Allen has Just opened a lot of new
guuus, eiuuruciug nno groceries, class.
ware, nnlutcd china, oueensware. &n. All
or the best, ami at the lowest prices.
( upril 7-tf
In tbfl nhAftnrn nf John Wrtlf. fnrnmra
wnntlng farm machinery will plenso cnll nt
W. B. Allen's. nnrin-tf
If tho lady who reads this enrd whbn in
want of Spool Cotton will nsk
for the
"O. N. T."
she will obtnln the very best thrend mndc.
Ask for Clark's "O. N. T " Cotton ami
sco that you get It.
ror sale by nil lending dealers.
ten -tin
Quick, complete cure, nil nnnoylng Kid
ney, Bladder nnd Urinary Diseases. SI.
"hodoii otfnATs."
Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants,
Cd-blica. skunks, chlmnunka. i-nnl.i.ra
18c. Drutrelsts.
Want n lot of teams rloht nlnnw tn limit
out lumber from about four miles above
Rohrsburg where Clint Lewis is suwlng,
nenr Mnthew McIIcnry's or John HnntzM
toBloomshurg nnd Berwick, 5,00 per
per thousand to Bloom, and ftll.eO per
thousand to Berwick, through July, August,
nnd September. I give all kinds of store
goods, flour, meat, clover and timothy seed,
coal, llinc, harness, fly.ncts &c, nt Silas
1 oung'8 tilglit street, Pn. July 2S-8v
I'crHoual! To Men only I
Voltnlo Bolt Co., Marshall, Michigan, will
send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltale
Belts and Electric Appllnnccs on trial for
thirty days to men (young or old) who are
afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital
ity, and manhood, and kindred troubles,
guaranteeing speedy relief and complete
restoration of health and manlv visor.
Address as nbove. N. B. No risk Is In
curred, ns thirty dnys' trial is allowed.
Oct. 28. '81-ty
Why do so many people we see nround
us, seem to prefer to suffer and bo made
miseralilo ny Indigestion, Constipation.
Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of
the Food. Yellow Skin, when for 7fi ru
wo will sell them Shtloh's Vitnlizcr, gunran.
teed to cure them. Sold by J. II. Kin-
ports. may 5-eow
Biiaon'tf OATAiiiui ltKMBDV. A marvc
lous euro for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker
mouth, and Head Ache. With cacii bottle
there is nn Ingenious nnsal Injector for the
more successiui t.eatment o these com
plaints without extra charge. Price COcts.
Bom ny j. ii. Kinports. mayo-cow.
This is beyond (iticstlon the most success.
ful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a
few doses Invariably cure tho worst cases
of Cough, Croup, nnd Bronchitis, while Us
wonderful success iu tho cure of Consnmn.
tlon is without a parallel In the history of
medicine. Since its first discovery it lias
been sold on u guarantee, a test which no
other medicine can stand. If you have a
Cough we earnestly nsk you to try it. Price
10 cts. and $1. 00. If your Lungs are sore,
Chest, or Back, Lame, use Shfioh's Porous
Plaster. Price 23 cts. Sold by J. II. Kin-
ports. may 5 cow
Both Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound nnd Blood Purifier aro prepared
at 23U and 225 Western Avenue. Lynn.
Mass. Price of cither $1. Six bottles for
SO. Bent by mail in the form of pills, or of
iczuuges, on receiptor price, lyi per box
ior euncr. Mrs. rmKiiam ireely an
swers all letters of inouirv. Enclose 3c,
stnmp- Bend for pamphlet. Mention this
J. M. Mltrht. Svrascuse. N. V.. writes:
"When I first commenced uslnir vonr I!ur.
dock Blood Bitters I was troubled with flut
tering and palpitation of the heart. I felt
weak and languid, witli a numbness of the
limbs: since using, my heart has not troub-
led me nnd the numbing sensation is all
gone." rnce gi.uu.
We have a speedy and positive cure for
catarrh, diptheria, canker mouth and
ncminciie, iu Sliiloli's Catarrh Ilemedv.
nasal injector free with each bottle. Use
u 11 you desire health and sweet breath.
rnce ou cents. Hold by J. II. Kinports.
may 12-cow.
TFast, brilliant and fashionable are the
Diamond Dye colors. One packago colors 1
10 ma. 01 gooas. iu cents ror any color.
A good medicinal tonic, with real merit,
is urown-B lion jiiitcrs, so nil druggists say
Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents
to free yourself of every symptom of these
distressing complaints, if you think so call
at our store und get a bottle of Shlloh's
Vltnllzcr, every bottle has 11 minted lruur.
antee on it, use accordingly and If it does
you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold
by J. H. Kinports.
may 12-eoW;
Ladies prefer Floreston Cologne because
they find this lasting combination of ex.
quislto perfumes a delightful novelty.
Will you heed tho wnrning. The signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your
selves If you can alrord for tho sake of
saving 60 cts., to run the rhu and do noth.
Ing for it. Wo know from experieuco that
bhiloh's Cure will cure your Cough. It
never fails. Tills explains why more than
a Million bottles were sold tho past year.
It relieves Croup, and Whooping Cough, lit
once. Mothers do not bo without it. For
lame back, side, or chest, use Shlloh's
Porus Plaster. Sold by J. H. Kinports.
may 12.eow.
Because it is beneficial to the scalp and
adds to personal beauty by restoring color
and Iiiitro to gray and failed hair, is why
Parker's Hair Balsam is such u popular
dressing. ,
N. Slclteu, Wycbrldge, Ontario, writes:
'I have sold largo miuntittcB of Dr. Thomas'
Eclectrir. Oil; it Is used for colds, sore throat,
croup, etc., and, in fact, for any airectlon
of tho throat It works like magic. It is a
sure euro for burns, wounds and bruises."
"By asking too much we may lose tho
little that wo had before." Kidney. Wort
asks nothing but n fair trial. This given,
It fears no loss of faith In Its virtues. A
lady writes from Oregon 1 "For thirty years
I have been afflicted with kidney complaints.
Two packages of Kldncy-Wort havo dono
mo more good than nil thu medicine nnd
doctors I havo had before. 1 believe it is a
sure cure."
By Plusters cliiiimng to bo nn
improvement on ALLCOCK'S
ALLCOCK'S is the Original and
only genuine Porous Plaster
all other so-called PntmiR
P la S t G rs 111-0 imitations,
Beware of them.
Sec that you get an ALLCOCK'S
PLAhTER, which wo guarantee
has effected more and quicker
cures than any other external
eb 1 lit- eow
Somo yearn nijo wo lenrncd tlio lea-
Hon tlint fanners, could hot nlTonl to
pay liiuli prices for Fertilizers, that
a lirst-clnss I'hosplinto properly nrntno
nlatod, must lie produced for nearly
linlf tliu price of tlioso then in the mar
Necessity, tho mother of invention,
was upon us, and our cltorts ot years
wns about to ho triveti to tho public in
the Hliaim of our TWENTY-FIVE
This article combines nil tho necess
ary elements to produce n good crop of
U'l, o.,.l f..,1 .!, ;i ni,,i;,ii
if iitav) nun ivun iiiu null titiiiv4iiinjr
for tho grass which is to follow tho
next year.
When tins nittelo was first introdtic
d it wns said that it could not bo pro
duced at tho ptico nt which wo wcro
Belling it, but thanks to the cash buy-
ng public who have favored us with
constantly increasing orders which has
enabled ut to produce iu a largo way
Mint which nannot bo dono in any
July !-!-3 w
Strangers arc invited to visit store, when in Philadel
phia, to leave packages there,
and t ) make a convenience
of it generally. It is a handy
place, right by the new City
1 hill, at the very center of the
city. It answers our purpose
to welcome you, and to pro
vide for such of your wants
a i we can.
The store is about twice
a-; large as it was two or
three years ago; made so by
digging under ground and
building overhead, and by ex
tension on Chestnut street.
Parts of the store are about
as comfortable as any place
can be; and one of the most
comfortable parts is now be
ing got ready for the rest and
refrcshmrnt of strangers.
One of the pleasant things
about the store always has
been the fact that you can
walk all over it, either alone
or with a guide, without ever
being asked to buy a thing.
We know wry well that most
of you come to us for a good
share of your supplies; why
should we spoil your visit by
intruding goods upon your
attention, when you come to
soe the place ?
Hut perhaps you are not
coming to Philadelphia just
now. Very well; take a cool
er time. It's cool enough in
th-j store, when you get here.
You can write for any goods
that you may happen to
want; and get them, proba
bly, just as well as if you
were on the spot. Any how,
you know, you can return
whatever you get that you
don't like.
We sell more sorts of
things than we can put into
an advertisement. So, what
ever you want, suppose you
drop us a line. We'll help
you if we can.
John Waxamaker.
CheMiiui.TliliUtiilli nrul Mnrkot
kiii'iov, uud city-hull tiiuare,
Further Proof that tho "Hiieeltil"
Is absolutely uiirlniled.
The folIoiTliipr ImTO been lakcn
since our Inst btateinent or rnllmp.
They nro but 11 few. Wo ean ulitnv
many more from our Hook of Hating?
quite as uccurnt''.
Wtch No. Kan. Variation".
81,626 CO day, 12 soconds.
81,684 94 days, 18 aeoondt.
83.873 120 days, 10 seconds.
68.711 28 days, 7 second).
63,009 20 days, i seconds.
61,893 121 days, 17 rcconds.
61,026 100 days, 16 seconds.
61,700 10 days, 1 seconds.
88.712 09 days, 18 seconds.
63.874 1)2 days, 10 seconds.
5?'522 ,10 day-' -5 tecends.
48,287 (niinuto repeater
and perpetual calendar)
THEI'IUCIIoftlio '! j.i'flt.1" hut
least 20 jut cent. Ioi.. than that cf
ny other wutch of mitlitiir Hko
equal grade.
Watches sent on approm!.
Correspondence Im itcil.
Twelfth mxl 'lustiiut S
ATARI? H E1ys' Croa-Balm
Illio passages ot
Catarrhal virus, cuu.
Ilni healthy bocrelloim
rtlljVH lnll4titnit!lnn
I colPMnn 1 protects tho mc-ml
brane from additional
I cold8,completoly he Is
i mo sores auu restores
mo sense 01 USUI tud
Bintll. llleueilclal iv
kuiu ale realized by u
few applications. A
thorough treatment
will cure catarru, hay
fever. Ac t neiiualeS
iur cuius in inu nead
Agreeable lu use. An.
Agreeable lu use. Ap-
rbVER Into the .nostrils, un
v tri.,!,. 1 yceoiciiiiw n pucmge ior sale
sW B KT7 Sk& fts
ELY CltEAM HALM CO.. Oswego, N. Y.
rutin Fitinllv I'nlnlA rcnilv for tio nro
tliu mnut convenient nrtlclu of tho kind, nil
shntlc nml colors, put up In i, nml pint
cans. Wc furnish n can of paint nml brush
for 2! cents.
Baxollnc Petroleum Jelly, used for bums
scalds nnd sores of every kind; It Is cood
nnd cheap. Snxollno I'omndo for tho hair,
highly perfumed, 25 cents.
Olvccrlno Lotion. To ladles and children
or any person with n lino sensitive skin and
whose complexion Is nfTccted by tho weather
causing redness, roughness nnd chapping
this Lotion Is Invaluable. An excellent ap
plication to tho face nfter shaving. Largo
bottles 2.1) and 50 cents.
Our Stock of Hnlr and Tooth brushes hns
been replenished nnd contains sonic good
Wo carrv n complete am1, well selected
stock, and competent persons aronlwnys In
attendance to supply tliu wants of our pat
rons. Wo study to please, and belle ;o we
can supply you with everything In oar Pno
economical! v. satlsfactorll v and In a manner
calculated to Induce to join in the verdict,
mat our store is the placo to trade. Hoping
to sec many readers of the Columiiian nt
our placo of business shortly nnd soliciting
a sharo of your esteemed patronage, we re
main Very Truly Yours
N. J. Hendershott.
& ZINC- win i
Satisfaction Guarauteed
Where wc have no agent.
CfiyOrders ami inquiries by Mail or
Telephone- receive rnoaii'T attention.
May ti -Cm
Will no held at tlio Court IIouso In llloomsbiire
on Tliursilny tuo aisl day of August, im at. lu
o'clock, a. m. agrcoablo to the proMilom of Acts
of Assembly In such cases mado anil provided nil
the right, title aud Interest acquired by tlio sail
commissioners lu tlio followlni lots, pieces, and
parcel ol unseated lnndj, heretofore purchased
bv them at Treasurer's saio aud held for a period
of more tli in five years; the d.y ot redemption
having koiic by, unless by tho original owner.
ion lirown Nathaniel ISM Catawtwa fJ i:
-109 Younir.Iolin
1 I
so l-'l.hcr .lonatli'n
is iiarpln-i invu
60 Uielsh'T .Tohu, sr.
Heaver 4 41
ltoarlngcieol: 3tiT
do r s;
do 6 si
do 14 01
do or
llrlarcreck o o:i
ltoarlni;creeli4l or
I'f ne 3 B'J
l'lshtngcrcck 8 17
Demon 13 41
do 13 1,4
do 4 7:1
llrlarcreek 4 07
I-'l3hlnL'0-eek 511
n Mliiard wm.
to Whluuna Abram " 'W
sco cook .lolin. Ir "
M5 Callus Charles "
10O Cuiry l'strlek I'M
5 seott Smuel 1SS4
25 Ash Samuel ism
4 II Deacli N. U. U. 1-.-0
401 do do lh-W
10 Keeler F.benezer lsMl
10 nower Solomon "
so Ikeu-r WUIam "
22 McCnll Heirs "
loo Wapncr l'lilllp "
0 Oman John "
15 Kobblns .losepli "
62 1.000 Henry "
70 Lyons ltobcrt "
343 liorron John, Jr. "
!U3 liensou l'eter "
124 liarnea Thomas "
134 Lemon Mlliam "
too Applemanl'hlna-3 '
60 liluel Samuel 1S51
loo " "
Jit ricasant
4 47
7 08
4 21
4 01
4 37
4 67
33 13
33 13
45 S3
21 71
40 51
II 17
3 S3
11 37
13 11
7 IK)
32 117
3 97
3 SO
4 IS
11 03
5 4
II ss
4 US
9 07
200 enwsart .lames 18.13 Locust
sou .Miner x reircr " Minim
40 Yohe Jacob " do
in nrover .Michael " Main
loo .Miller l'elfer "'02 do
1M DeoblerC. II. " l'lno
120 HolTiiian Harriet " do
200 Woodstdo A- Prick " Hmrarloaf
4i)i Delhi Robert 18G0 Heaver
50 Ash William " Drlarcreek
o Trough ileiiiy " do
50 Crsvelintr Andrew" Main
ao Smeck Ilrobst 1H2 I'atawUsa
1 lot Callahan Jumes 1670 Ceiitral-a
l " l'ensterma'h'r J II " do
1 " James Hdward " do
I " Kllno Caroline " do
1 " Kllno John " do
1 " -Murphy Thomas " do
1 " lllnllian John " do
1 ' Mcelmu .lames " do
1 " Novln MIcha-1 " do
sou (learheart Win. " Sugarloif
county com.
ii. r.,
Commissioners' olllce, llloomsburff, July 10, V.
o will oiler for Bale what Is known as the old
Jail property, on Thursday, August aist., lb2. at
lo o clock, a. si, at the court House in IliaottHtninr
all that certain pleco of land ultuato In the town
it llloomsburg with n front on Coutro street o(
211 W feet and a front on First. Mrn-i nf ti: n-oi. nn
which are erected a brick dwelling house, 011 lall,
stable and other out-bulldlngs.
conditions can bo seen at tho ortlec,
ciiAiti.tis HEICHAHD, County coins.
11 r, LIHIAIE, )
Hy vlriuo ot un order ol the orphans' cou. t of
Columbia county, iho undersigned, Administrator
of the estate ot David sit ler late ot Centre town,
bhlp, deceased, will expose to Public Sale on tho
premises on
at ten o'clock In tho ".forenoon, tho foUowln do.
scribed real estate to wit,
A cortatn messuayo and trart ot land f Ituito In
tho township of centre In tho county of Columbia
and Htato of renusjlranla, bounded and described
as follows, to wit i On tho North by laud or freas
IlofTman, on tho Hast by land or Ira Latter, on
the South by landot James Knebir and on tho
West by land of William lloup, containing
More or less with tho appurleuntces on which
are erected a
110 USH, BARN.
AUJ out buildings,
Also a certain tract, ploco cr parcel of Uruittlt.
ualoln Hrlarca-ek township, couutv andHtotn
aforesaid, bouudi d on the Noi th by land ot Uman.
uet Yost, on Hie Goat, south and West by laud o
(leorge Hess, containing
Eleven Acres,
More or less with the appwenauoei.
TUItMaoi'SALK.-'a-nre cent ofonwouillt
of tho purchase monoy stun bo paid at the strlk.
lug down ot tho projierty, the ono rourih lost tlio
ten per cent at tUo confirmation absolute, and the
remaining tbren fourths in one year after cowir-
mat! ill Mat with Inter -t mm th it OuU
Jul). 16SJ. HA1'1 - "iS