of jDY,EtTisirq iu ou nu u lr OOtPMBUlmioCfUT, STIR OF Till! NORTH, anil CO. i.umbun, Consolidated. ImiipiI H'rrklj, erery 1'rtdity .Homlns, nt DL00M8IIUK0, COLUMMA CO , Pfl., ATTwonou.iiw per year. To subvrlbers out of "p rojinty tho terms aro Btrlctly In Advance. t i7!2 P.W lls:"l!JIil except lit tlio option of the publishers, until nil arrearage aro paid, but long continued credits wilt not bo given. ' ono nch aoo taw) M moo woo, Twolnches soo 4ro 601 800 isop, Tlirofj inches 4 oo eoo 700 11 oo 18 no Izmir ltulii- 500 7 00 9M 18 00 SO 00 Ouarter column. O'O 8 no 10 00 isco 25 m Half column looo 14 00 17 oo oo moo onorolumn soon fiJOO sow BOOO loooo l.i i A.irniiAn,a nntiihinmuirfrrlv. Tran I'i.ut wiiv ui mo nuuu ur ill llistnill noRI JfJJSf" must V P,1"'1 ,or advance, unless a res pon .... i'.ivio m;ui uilk Ul VI10 OUIlOUr IO tllStnill PORt kfTlPAM (niiat tui ti.lil fn.tn ......... ...... 1 . sient atfvertliementii mut bo pnldforlxiforo Insctt i'd excent where rartl-8 have accounts, Vij. i II tuuuij assume-; to par tho autacrlnuon duo on demand. ' In tho "l;ino,unKer,!XI,ctCl1 '"in lAibscrlbers tiral advertisements two dollars per Inrh i foi( Ihreo insertions, nnd nt that raw for additional! rt 1 i i inscnions wnnuui reicreiuu w ivhsh.. Hxecutnr's,AdmlnWrator'fl,nndAudItornotlccs JOB PRINTING. The Jobblni Department ofttao Colombian ti very SSR.h !h"l0,K,JoP 1'r'n"BWIllcoinp.irofavor. ator tholnrfro clllra. All work dono on Bhort notice, neatly and atmoderato prices. Transient or Ixicnl notices, ten cent ft line, resfii- lar advcrtnemcnts halt rates. J S BITTENBENDEn,;"""0"' BLOOMSBUUG, PA., FiUDAY, AUGUST 4, 1882. THK C0LUMU1AH, VOL. XVI, NO ill COLUMBIA UKMOUIIAT, VOL.XLVI, NO SJ cards the 'Business Directory" column, ono dollar car for each line. doltui"bikq. i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, omco In 1st National Hank building-, second floor, nrt door to tho right. Corner of Main and Mar ket streets, llloomsburg, I'a. U.PUNIC, r ATTORNJiY-AT-tfAW. omce In Knt'a llulldlne. BhOOMSIllJRfl, Pi, Q 11. & W. J. IIUOKALEW, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. DioxajCRO, r. omco on Main street, 1st door below court Houio. JOHN M. CLANK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. IIIKD18BCH0, Vl. ;MOmca over Schuyler's Hardware Store. pW. MILDER, 'M3TTOnNKy-AT-.!A., HEfe oWo In Drowcr's bulldlnK,9eoond'noor,ri om No, 1 AO Ilfoonuburg, Pa, . r FilANK ZAIIB, -' ATa'01lNKY-AT-LAW. Bloomsburg, I'a. omco corner of Centre and Main Streets. Clark's Building. Can bo consulted In Oerman, Gr EO. E. EL WELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. New coujmbun iiuilsino, liloomsburg, Pa. Member of the United States Law Association. Oollectlons made In any part of America or Eu ;tope , .pAUL E. WIUT, Attornoy-at-Law. omco In comjubuh boilpino, itoom N. second i 1 floor. BLOOMSBURG, PA. UY JAOOBY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSMMO, Omco In II. J. Clark's liuliolnir, second floor, llrst door to the left. Oct. e, -so. JOHN C. YOCUM, Attorney-at-Lawi .11 CATAWISSA, I'A. . .Omce In building formerly occupied by II. J. Ileo '! I der. " Member of tho American Attorneys' Associa tion. Collections made In any part of America, Jan. e, 1SS3. IffAf'K.iOSWALD, !; J ATTpRNEY-AT-LAW. k Jackson' Building, Rooms 4 find C. May e, -SI. BERWICK, FA. II. RHAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. I i y Catawlssa, Pa. Office, corner of Third and Main streets. I. KN0KK. L. B. WINTSKSTXEN. Notary I'ubllc KNORR & WINTERSTEEN, Attorneys-at-Law. Dnic InTst'Nattonal Bank bulldlnir, socond floor, "llrst door to tho left. Corner ofMuln and Market BtreeW Btoomsbure, Pa. t&"Pennons and Bounties Collcchdi J H. MAIZE, " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. omco In Mrs. Ent's Bulldlngf, third door from Main street. May so, '81. w M. L. EYERLY, A.TTORNBY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Fa. 0'iectlona promptly made nnd remlttod. omco opposlto Catawlssa Deposit Bank, em-38 Ah. FRITZ, Attnrney.at-Law. Office , In Columbian Building, Juno 34, "81. D BUCICINGnAM, Attornoy.al.Lnw. lAi.onice, Ilrockway's Building list floor, BToomsburg, Pcnn'a. may 7, 'su-t t li. BARKLEY, Attorney-at.Law. . omce In Brower's bulldlnsr, 2nd utory.Ilooms " B. McKELVY, M. D.,8urgeon and Phy . slclan, north Eldo Main atreot,bclow Market. D R. J. 0. RUTTER, PUTSICIAN & HDHQKON, omce, North Market street, Uloomsburc, Pa. OR. WM. M. REBER, Siirfieon mid Physician, omco corner of Hock and Market it. T R. EVANS, M. D., J , PhyBlclan, (Omce and Resld itroet. Sureeon and enco on Third MISCELLANEOUS. p M. DRINKER, GUN & LOCKSMITH Hewuie Machines and Machinery of all kinds re paired, OriKi Uousi Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. I) AVID LOWENBERO. Merchant Tailor If Una St., above Central Hotel. y H. HOUSE, DENTIST, BjX)OMsiiURa,Coi.uJiiiiA County, Pa. All styles of work dono In a superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tkktu Kxtkict id without Pain by the use of Gas, and free of charge w ben artlflclal toetb are Inserted, omce oror Bloomsburg Banking Company, 7o be open at all hourt dunng the day, NoV,8-ly EXCHANGE HOTEL. W.R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BLOOMSBUnO, FA. 0PP0SITK COURT HOUSE. Iuge and conronlent sample rooms. Bath rooms hot aud cold waterand all modorn conveniences JAMES REILLY, Tonsorial Artist. Is again at his old stand under KXCIIANdE HOTEL, and has as usual a l'lKST-ULAKS UAUBBRSHOP. Ho respectfully solicits tho patronage of Utsoldcuatonierbatid'of tho publlo generwur, juiym, aou D R. I. L. RABB, PRAOTIOAL DENTIST, Mala street, opposlto Episcopal Church, Bloomigurg, Pa. ir Teeth oitractod without pain, oct. l. ww. Y"AINWRIQHT & CO., ! WHOLESALE OIIOOEJIS, 1 Philadelphia, tkab, syrups, coffee, suqait, molasses, mc, sricis, bicirbboi)1,4o., 4o, N, E. corserecond and Arch streets. ! HTOrdoni will receive prompt attontlou SPEING. AND SUMMER OLOTIIINQ. J. EVANS, The uptown clothier, has lust received a lino lino of Now Goods, nnd Is ptcparcd to mako up SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS For Men and Boys In tho neatest manner and La test styles. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 1-IatSi Gaps. &o i Always on hand. Call nnd F.xamlne. EVANS' BLOCK Corner Main and Iron Street!, BL001YIBBU1G, rL. PLUMBING, GAS FITTIHTG, STOVES AND TINWARE. E. "3- BEOWER Has purchased tho stock nnd Business of I. 11ft ifonbuch, and Is now prepared to do all kinds pf work In his line. Plumbing and (las Fitting a specialty. Tinware, Stoves, In a great variety. All work dono by EXPERIENCED HANDS. Main Street corner of L'ast. ni.OOMSIIIUtU, PA. N. S. TINGLEY. Announces to tho public that he Is prepared to do all kinds of Custom Tailorizig, promptly and nt reasonable prices. Now Is the season for a NEW SUMMER SUIT And Tlngley's tho placo to get a proper fit. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop 3rd door Columbian Building, Main street, BLOOMSBUUG, PA. ffl. C. SLOAN & BRO., IJLOOMSliUHfi, I'A. M tnuracturcrs of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, SLEIGHS, PLATFORM WAGONS, &C. First-class work always on hand. KEPAlllIXa NEA TLYDOXE. Prices reduced to suit the times. W. KC- CAETEE. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOK BUILDINUS, runrjisHED. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to All work warrantctl to givo satisfaction. feb 3d '82-om AND PAPEB HANGING. WM. F. BODINEi IRON ST., BELOW SECOND, BLOOMSBDItO, I'a. Is prepared to do all kinds of nouns PAirjTiiMo Plain and ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTH DEC0UAT1VE AND PLAIN. All UIimIm orFnriiittirc Rciuilrcd and made as poo1 sin iiuw. NONE BUT FlltST-CLASS W011UMEN EJIP LOVED. Hatimatct IVTado on all Wort, WM. F. BODINE, BLOOMSBUR& PLAKING MILL Tho underslcned haTlnir put his Planing Mill on Kallroad street, In tlrst-ciass condition. Is pre pared to do all kinds of woik In his line. FRAMES, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, MOULDINGS, FLOORING, Etc. furnished at reasonable prices. All lumber used Is well seasoned aud nonu hut skilled workmen are employed. ESTIMATES FOR BUILDINGS furnished on application. Plans aud spcclncn uoos prcparcu uy an experienced uraugaismuu. CIIAKLUS KRUC, lilooiiiNliurfir, I'a. Bt F. SHAEPLESS, FOUNDER AND MACHINIST, WEAR L.& B. DEPOT, BLOOMSBUaO, PA. Manufacturer of Plows, stores and all kinds of Casttugs. Lnreo stock of Tinware, Cook stoves, Koom stoves, Stoves for heatlnp storcs,school houses, cuuicncs, m: aiso, urfu hiock oi re pairs rorclty stoves of all ktnds.w holesalo and 1 ctall .such as Flro Brick, Urates, uav.centrcs, &c.,stovo Pipe, Cook Boilers, Spiders, cako Plaies, Larire Iron Kettles, Sled Soles, Wagon Boxes, ull kinds of Plow Points, Mould Uoardi, Bolts, Plaster, salt, 7LiYVi MAA UJlJi, A-C, feh St-f I7HKAS IIHOWN'S INSUHANCB 1 AUKNOV, Moyer'a new hutldluf, Main sueet, llloombburb', Pa. Assets. lltna Insurauco Co., of Hartford, Conn, JT,T3,Sil hoyal of Liverpool,,,.,. 13,5011.0(10 i.uni:usuiru Flro Association, Philadelphia PhuMilx, of Loudon , l.oudou Lancashire, of England Ilartforlof lUrtford Springfield Flro and Marino 1U.U U,UHJ 4.105,717 6,Vfill,'JTi l.Tnu.om 3,VI3,0Uil As the aeencles aro direct, policies nro written for tho Insured without auy dolay In (he onice at Blooinshuri;. Oct, i$, 'sl-tr. JpiRE INSUKANOK. C1I1U8TIAN F, KNAPP, BLOOMSIirjIlO, I'A, BUITISII AMEUIOA ASSUHANCE COMPANY. OEHMAN FIHE 1NSUKANCE COMPANY. NATIONAL FII1B INSUHANCK COMPANY. UNION INSUHANCB COMPANY. These old coxroRiTiOHS nro well seasoned by ago and nax testbd and have never yet had a loss settled by any court of law. Their asset aro all Invested In solid escvuiriiisand aro liable to tho hazard of nun only. Losses raourrLY and iionistlt adjusted and paid as Boon as determined by Ouhistiik F, UNirr, tricoL Auint and Aujcauia Bi-oous. unua. Pi. The people of Columbia oounty Bhould putron- and paid oy ono of their owncltliens. PK0MP1NESS, EIUITY, 1'Allt UKAMNO, LEGAL BLANKS, ALWAYS ON HAND AT THIS OFKJCE 1'orllytpcpftla, Oost Ivonoai, Sick Headache, Chronic Dlnr rhaia, Jaundlco, Impurity of tho ltlood, lcvorand .tunc Mntnrln, unil nil Dtneniics rnimril 1y Do rniijicuiciit of Liver, llimoln nnd Kldnc)-. symptoms or a i)isn.sr.i) i.ivr.it. Bid Urcathi Pln In the Side, mmttlm the f Ain U fill under the MmuMer-tiUde, inhtalen for theumatUm (t general tn of appetite ; Bowels Kenerally costive, sometimes Altetnatlnft with lax the head Is troubled with patn, Is dull nnd heavy, with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which ought to have beendonei a slight, dry cough and flushed face Is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken for consumption: the patient complains of weariness and debility; nervous, easily surtled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exercise would De bene, ficlal, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude U try It in fact, distrusts tsery remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but few of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the Liver to have been extensively deranged. It slimilil ho ttsod by nil person, old and young, whenever nny of tho above njinptiims appear. l'oramia Traveling or LhlnR In Un. Iiraltliy Irficnlltlm, by taking a dose occasion, ally to keen the LUer in healthy action, will avoid all Miliaria, lllllnus itttnrkis, IJItzinest, Nau. sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc, It will Invigorate liken glass of nine, hut is no In toxicating beverage. If Ynu Imvo ratcn nnythlni; Imnl ot illROotlon, or feel heavy after meals, or Mi'pp. leds at night, take a dose and you will be relieved, Tlmo nnd DnctnrV llllln will ho saved by ulwajd kccplni; tho Itcgnlator In the llonsel For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly afe pnriratlve, nlli'iiillvi, and tonlo can never be out of place The remedy Is harmless nnd dues not lnlrrfiTci stltli business or plenstirv. IT IS l'UIlIlLY VIlOirTAIlLK, And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or (Juinlne, without any of the i.,jutiuus after cllccts. A Gov, nmr'M Ti'stlinniiy, Simmons Liver Hcgulator has been In use In my family for sime time, and 1 am satisfied it Is a valuable addition to the medic d science. J. Gill Snoutm, Governor of Ala. Hon. Ali'xiimlop If. SIpjihriH, of Oa says: Hasc derived sonic benefit Irom the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. "Tho only ThlnR- Hint never- falla to Itollovii." I have used many remedies for Dys pepsia, Liver Affection and lability, but never have found anything to bcnct'.t ine to the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to (leorsis for it, nnd vi onld send further for such a medicine, and would advise nil who are sttn. llarly pfficted to give It a trial as it seems the only thing that never fails to relieve, P. M. Jakney, Minneapolis, Minn. 'f1-' T: V ,,11,"1 say i From actual ex perience hi the use ol Simmoi s Liver Regulator in riy practice I have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe It as a purgative medicine. Sf"Talf only the Genuine, which always has on tho Wrapper the mil Trnde-Mnrk andSlBiiattirn or ,J. II. ZI1ILIN & CO. rORJSALE BY ALL DltUCGISTS. That's a common expres sion .ind lias a world of nicaninrf. I low much suf fering is summed up in it. The singular thing about it is, that pain in the back is occasioned byso many things. May be caused by kidney disease, liver com plaint, consumption, cold, nervous debility, &c Whatever the cause, don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as Hkown's Iron BiTTKRS.and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and mak ing the blood pure and rich. Logansport, Ind, Dee. l, 1880. Tor a long time 1 have been a suiierir fiom stomach and kidney dtseave. My appetite was very pocr and the very sni.ul amount 1 aid eat disagreed with me. I was annoyed vciy much from nuii.rctention of urine, I tried many remedies with ro success, until 1 used Brown's Iron Litters. Since I used that my stoaiach does net bother me any. My appetite is simply immense. My kidney trouble is no more, and my general health Is such, that I feet like a new man. After the use of Brown's Iron Ilitterifor one month, 1 have gained twenty pounds iu weight. O. B. SAttuCNT, Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend Brown's Ikon Bit tkrs. It has cured others suffering as you are, and it will cure you. DR. J. B. KfiAROHISi. disco VEiiBit lov"nk. AUCniBI'S CATETOLSCOSM, A POSITIVE CURE FDR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Tlila remedy will act In harmony with tho IV. malo fjetem ot all tlmc, nnd aim Immediately upon tlm abdominal aud uterlufl tuu'clef, andru storothcmtoaln'oltliy f.i.d ttrong condition. Dr. 51 trclilel'rf t'lcilnu t'lithollcuu Mill curu fall hitf of tho w.imh, Louciirrliiea, Chronic Inflamma tion ami I'Iccrall'in nt tho Womb, Incidental IImorrlia'r'o or rioodlnfr, Painful, Puppri'a"ed a..4 Irregular MriiilritMlon, Kidney Cumplalut, Barroniiom iitidlsirpci tally nduiilrdtolbo clmtiN ofUfe. Soud for pamphlet f ice. All lelltru nl liinulryfrci'lynuwwd. Addren n iilm'. Pur ..lu by ulldrucrlsu. Neirtle SI prrl.otllr, )ldlu yl.od. Be tnro nnd axle lor Dr, Mur chlsl'a UtcilioCalhcIli.ou. Taltanoollicr, Moj'ci Brim., Wholesale AgeUM, Blooiath irj Pa, Juno S3-ly. IS A SUf'iE CURE for nil tllecnaoB of tho Kldnoya nnit It baa i ocUlo action ou thla most Important or. ai 1 las H to throw otr torpidity and 1 , 1 OmulaUns tho healthy aeoreUou of tU l;Je, aud by keeptne tho bowel In fre uoiuUUou, erToctlue ita regular discharge, rijlsil Ifyounroauffcrlnefrom ItactlCtlliUii laalarla, liavo tlia cbilla. aro bilious, dyapeptlo, or oonstlpatod, Klduoy Vort will uly rcllovo and Quloltly euro. In tho Spring tocloauaelhoCyjtcia, ovory ouo ahould UVo a thorouch ooumo of It. SOLD BY DllUUUlcJTU. I'riceni. Sf) 1 0 !fi20l,cr nioma, amplea worth 15 u 10 'Putreo AdlicsuHTlNai N .t Co' Port. iiuivh ul, -ly MyBack DaiiEliters, Wives, Molhersi POETICAL THE BROOK, Llttlo hrook I I.ltllo hrook I Yott hao Biich a happy look Such a N cry merry manner, o jotl swerveand curve and crook And your ripples, one and one, Reach othera hniid'Biind run I.Ike lattirhln little eh liron In the nun. Llttlo brook, Hint; to mo j Slnit nbottt a Imintiletieo Thattnmhled from a llly-holl and tfriunuted mum Wlnir, llecaii'so ho wet tho illm Of hU wlnvpi, nnd had to swim, Whllo the water utiipi raced round and laughed at him. Llttlo brook, slnjf a sonp; Ot a leaf Hint sailed along Down tho ffoldcn-hralded tentre ot your citrrvlit enlft amlKtrong; And a dragon fly that lit On the lilting rim of It, And rodo away and wasn't Beared a bit, Llttlo brook, laugh nnd leap, Do not let tho dreamer weep , HlnghlmnlltheBongd ot summer till he sink In Hottest sleep ; And then sing soft and low Through his dreams ot long ago Sing back to him the rest ho used t know, ,rimfa HVii'toimli llilty in tUJhston Transcript, OLD MEMORIES. There's not a human heart but feels At limes a longing for tho past, When Homo fond memory o'er It steals, And some old spell U round It cast, It may be some forgotten bliss That filled and thrilled It long ago ; A dither's smllo a mother's kiss, A hitter's lovo th it made It glow. Perhaps, In happier days gone by, A deeper love was then enshrined, Which gao a lustro to tho cje, An Impulsi) to tho youthful mind i 'Till like a llower loo early chilled, The don rone pined and passed away, And anguish deep that bo-)m Illled, Which lovo had thrilled u brighter dy. Tho faces that In childhood's homo Had grown fatnlll.tr to the eye, A row Hit us still where'er o t oam, Vhatocr scenes around us He j Tho melodies we love to hear In other lands, when llto was young, And he.ird again by fancy's ear, In all tho charms ot mother tongtto. Where'er on earth wo may sojourn, In frlild zone or torrid elltne, Our thoughts through llfo would fondly turn To other days endeared by lime. And thus, at times, the heart 111 feel An t nriitvjt longing tor tho past , When some fond memories o'er It steal, And some old spell Is round It cast. Patrick I'. Durkan. SELECT STORY. TOM'S 0H0I0E, Wuhiul iust linishuil hrertkfast. Tom lititl down the uLC-spoon lio hail been playing with iiiul lookptl nuross at mother. "Aunt Anne, I think I'll take a wife," lio siiitl, exactly in ho mirht have said, 1 think 1 11 tuko aiiutliiToni ot coiiec. "Take a wife'?" reiii'iUed mother, by no means lueeiving the, in formation us tranquil as it hail 'been given. "What tur'f "Well, I don't know," answered Tom, thoughtfully. "It's a notion I've got iu my head somehow. . "All noii!.uiise ! sain mother snaipiy. "Do you think so?" said Tom, appar ently doubtful, but not in the least put out. "Think so. I know it. What in tho world can you want of a wife? After all these years we have lived so com- l'irtalilv together to linnj' home some body to turn the house upside down ! Ami then, what is to come of that poor child " Tho "poor child" that wax I red dening at being brought into tho argu ment in this way, was about to speak fur herself, when loin interposed, warmly. "1 in suio .May knows 1 wouitl never liavo any wife who would mako it le?s a home for her don't you May 1" "1)1 coiiim', saitl J. "Ami I'm Hiui' she knows nothing cf tho sort," persisted mother, "nor you, either, Tom Dean. How can you an t-wer fur what a wife may lake it into her head to do, mice you get her tixeil hero 7 You can't expect her to forget, iw you do, that May has no real claim on you. "i hat 1 have no real claim on her, 1 suppose you mean, ma am, loin put in lor a second tune, just as 1 was thor oughly iineomfoi table. ''I'mt, for all that, I intend to help her that is," added Tom, with one of his short-sighted blinks sideways nt me, "as long as she'll stay with me, eh, Mary t And whoever ha, anything to say against that arrangement will have to go out of my lini'o to say it not that I'm uliaiil ot any such result in this case aud, one the whole, Aunt Anne, I should liko to trv the experiment." Mother smiled m'iuilv, but Tom was so evidently bent on his "experiment," as ho ealloii it, that sho gave up the nr "iiiiient." "Vou can diineo if you aro ready to pay the piper," she said shortly. "Anil pi ay, how soon tlo you mean to bo mar ried r Tom's fiusu IVll a little, at this ques tion. "Well," said he, "I can't say exact , 1 suppose we'll have to be eimat'eti first." "What !" said mother, opening her eyes; "why, you never mean to say, Tom, you haven't spoken to her yet?' "iSotyet, answered I inn, cheerluly, 'Time enough for that, you know, af ter I had spoken to you,' "Well," she said, "if it was anybody else, I should say ho was cracked; but you were never liko other people, and 'never will be, Tom Dean. Hut. at least, you havo fixed upon tho lady f " un, yes," jausivereti Tomj "but it you will excuso me, Aunt Anne, I would rather not say an) tiling about her just yet i for if if anything should happen it wouldn't bo pleasant for either party, you know.'' With which veiled allusion to hU possible rejection, Tom took his hat and left tho room. Our household was rather queerly put together. There is no paiticular reason why 1 should havo been of it at all, lor 1 was not really related to Tom, or even to "mother," in I called her, though 1 nin sure wo were as dear to each as any mother or daughter could be. She was tho second wifo of my father, who, liko most ministers, had been richer iu graco than In goods, ami loft us at his death with very little to live on. Then it was that Tom Dean had eonio forward and insisted on giv ing a hoiuu to his aunt and to ine, whom ho hail soaieely seou a do.on limes in his life before, That was ex- nctly like Tom "queer Tom Dow," as his friends were fond of saying, "who never did anything liko anybody else" I suppose, In spite of his clear head for business, there U no denying that ho was whimsical; but I am sure, when I think of hU unfailing generosity and delicacy, I can't help wishing there were a few more such whimsical people in the woild. Naturally, at tho time I am speaking of, my opinion had not been asked; all I had to do was to go where mother went, and, while sho gave her energies to tho housekeeping, give minu to growing up, which by this time I had pietty well accomplished. Hut perhaps for that very reason for ono sees with different eyes at 12 and 18 for my posititin in tho house had already begun to seem unsatisfactory to me; autf the morning's words put it in a clearer light, since it bad been used as an argument against Tom's marrying. I knew that mother had spoken honest ly, believing that such a step would not be (or his happiness; but was he not the best judge of that? I know him, if reflection should bring him round to her opinion, to be pel fedly capable of quietly sacrificing iiis own wishes for ely sake, who lutd not the shadow of a maim on him; so it must be my part to prevent his own kindness being turned against him now. Still, it was not so easy to sec how I was to provide for myself in case it should become advis able. What could I do ? Draw and sing aud play tolerably, but not in a manner to compete with tho hosts that would be in the fields ngainst me. Iit eratuioT 1 had read so many stories whose heroines, with a turn ot the pen, dashed into wealth and fame. That wouitl bo very nice, only 1 was not the least bit literary; I had never even kept a journal, which is saying a great deal for a girl iu her teens. The "line arts," then, being out of tho question for me, what a remainder! Thero was some clerkship, or a place in some fam ily, and and there was Will Hroom le'y! That may seem like going away from the point, hut it was not. I was matter-of-fact, but I could see well enough what was going on right under my eyes, and I had a pretty clear idea of what was bringing Will to the house o often us he had taken to coming late ly. Thero Was a "situation" then that would give mo the homo lite I liked best, and felt myself best suited for; but would it answer in other respects? I overcast tho long seam I was sowing twice over, I was bo busy trying to make up niymind whether Hiked Will Hroomley well enough to pass iny whole life with him; and even then I had not come to any decision, when I was called down stairs to Letty Wal ters. Letty was tho prettiest, I think, of all my friends, and certainly tho liveliest, Tom called her "the tonic," and used to laugh heartily at her bright speeches. I stipposo it was this that made mother fix on Letty as his choice. When I came into the sitting room I found a kind of cross-examination going on. It was amusing to anybody in tho secret, as I was, to watch mother's artful way of continually bringing the conversation round, as if by chance, to bear on what she wanted to know. Hut it all amount ed to nothing, either because Letty was too good a fencer, or because sho really had nothing to betray. Hut, when Tom came home, mother took care to men tion that Letty had called. "What, the tonic ?" saitl Tom. "Too bad I missed." "Hut for your choice being already made," said mother, with a covert scrutiny of his face, "I dare say you might have as much of the tonic as you liked " "Hut I go on the homupathio princi ple, you know," answered Tom, with a twinkle in his eye. After that mother's belief in Letty's guiltiness wavoml. Her suspicions were transferred from one to another of our acquaintance, but always with the saint) unsatisfactory result. "It passes my comprehension," sho said to me desparingly ono day. "I am positive I could tell the light opo by Tom's faco in a minute, and yet I havo mentioned everybody we know." "Perhaps it is somebody wo don't know," I suggested; "some friend of his we have never seen." "What! a perfect stranger?" said my mother, sharply. "Never talk to me, child; Tom's nut capable of that." I was silent, for I did not want to worry her; but that wits my opinion all tho same. Tho sumo evening it was rather more than a week sinco Tom had hurl ed that thunderbolt of his at us moth er beijan about it openly. "When are you going to introduce your wifo to u, Tom? I suppose you have coma to an understanding by this time." "Oh, there's no hurry," Tom said, as he had said before, but this time did not speak quite so cheerfully. "Tho fact is," ho continued, "there there's a rival iu the case." 'A rival!" repeated mother, with un feeling briskness, "Yes, a yoiinu fellow younger by a good deal than I am," and Tom's face assumed an absurdly doleful look, "He is always there now, I confess I don't see my way clear; I'm waiting for her to make up her mind." 'Ami she's waiting, most likely, for you to make up jours,'' said mother, forgetting iu her propensity to right matters, that sho was playing the ene my's game. 'There's something in that that nov or occurred to me," said Tom, his faco brightening. Mother saw her mistake, and made a counter move at once. "Hut the ways of my timo aro old fashioned now; young ladies, nowadays, tako matters into their own hands. If she cares for you, you nny bo pretty suro she would n't havo waited till this timo to let you know ittliat is, I judge by tho girls 1 am in tho habit of seeing; but if this ono is a stranger to mo " (hero mother riveted her eyes ou Tom's face; oh, dear, my unfortunate words "if she is an entire stranger, I cannot pretend to form nny opinion of her, of courso." "Of course," replied Tom, absently. "Not that 1 havo any such idea," ro. sinned mother, Krowincr warmer. "I Iiavo said, nntl may say again, that to uriug a perieci stranger minor this roof Is not mv opinion of vou. Tom." 1 I felt mother's words like so many pins and noodles; for Tom was lookltio meditatively across nt me. and. thnuurli that was just a way of his, it seemed now as if ho wero reading in my face that tho opinion was mIiio nud that I ine concern mo. I felt myself, for Very vexation, getting redder every moment, till it grew Intolerable. "It is so warm hero," I said for an excuse, turning toward tho French window. "I am going to get a breath of air," I went out Into our little strip of garden ground; Tom followed. I thought I should never havo a better opportunity to say what I had to say, so I waited for him by the bench under the old pear trco. "Sit down here, Tom," I said, "I havo something to say to you." "Ilnvoyou?" said Tom; "that's odd, for I well, never mind that just yet. What is it, Mav? "Tom," I safd, still surer now he had misjudged me, and more resolved to set him right, "I want a place." "A place?" repeated Tom, puzzled, as well he might ho by this sudden and indefinite announcement; "what kind of a place?" "I don't know," I said, for indeed, my ideas were of the vagueit. "I thought you might, being in tho way of those things. Now, pray, Tom," I went on quickly, "don't fancy I am dis contented or anything of that sort. The truth is, ever since I loft off school I hayo wanted t something to do, and had it in my mind to speak to you about it." With this I looked at Tom, fearing ho might bo vexed; but ho did not look vexed; only preoccupied. "1 tlo know ot a place, as it happens, .said, aftor a while, "only I'm not ro how it would suit you." ho suro .t.vi, uuu DVVH, DltiU Jt If lltllO it like?" "Well, it's a sort of of general use fulness " "Why, it must be to run errands," said I, laughing "And where is it, Tom ?" "Well," said Tom, hesitating again, "its with inc." "How very nice 1" I exclaimed. "How soon can I havo it?" "The sooner tho better, so far as I am concerned," said Tom, and with that he tinned and looked at me, and direct, ly 1 met his eyes I know somehow, all in a moment, what it was ho meant: ami I knew, too, both that I could not have passed all my life with Will Hroomley, and why I could not. I am suro Letty Walters, who inter rupted us just then, must havo thought my wits were wandering that evening, and, indeed, they were; for I was com pletely dazed with this sudden turn tilings had taken. Hut Tom, who had the advantage of me there, took it quite cooly and laughed and talked with Let ty just tho same as over till she wont away. It was pretty lato when wo went in. Mother sat where we had left her, knit ting in tho twilight. "Wasn't that Letty Walters with you a while ago?'' she said as wo came in. "Yes," saitl I, with a confused feeling of an explanation or something being necessary; "sho just camo to bring the now crochet pattern she promised me.'' "H'm 1" said mother, as much as to say sho had her own ideas as to what Letty came for. Tom had been wandering about the room in an absent sort of fashion, tak ing up and putting down in the wrong places all the small objects that fell in his way. He came up and took a seat by his mother. I became of a sudden very busy with the plants in the win dow, for I know ho was going to toll her. "Wish nio jo', Aunt Anno," said ho, "it's all settled' "Settled, is it ?" said mother in aivy thing but a joyful tone. "So it's as I suspected all along. Well, you havo my best wishes, Tom; perhaps you may bo happy after all; I'm sure I hope so." This wasn't a very encouraging sort of congratulation and Tom seemed tak Qftrtfl cnnii " am1 T ItWMint la en aback by it. "I'm sorry you aro uot pleased," ho said, after a pause; "I had an idea somo- how you would be. "I did not know from what you indir- ed. Hut, there, it's no use crvincr over spilled milk. You'll bo married direct ly, 1 presume. 1 must bo looking for a house," and mother stroked her nose reflectively with a knitting needle. "What for? said Tom; "J thought of keeping on heie all tho same." "1 never suspected otherwise, said mother. "Of courso I did not expect to turn you out of your own house." "Hut what is the need of looking out for another then?" "Why, for myself." "Kor yourself?" repeated Tom in a tonu of utter amazement. "CJoing to leavo us just now ? Why, Aunt Anne, 1 never heard of such n thing. "Now. Tom,' said mother, speaking very fast, and making her needle fly in concert, "wo might as well come to an understanding at onco ou this subject. I am fully sensible of your past kind ness now just let me finish I say I appreciate it, aud have tried to do my duty by you in return, as I hope I Bhould bo always ready to do. I wish an goon to you and your wife, anil shall bo glad to help her if I can, but to livo in the samo house with her is what would turn out pleasantly for neither ouo of us, and, oneo for all, I can't do it. "Aunt Anne," said Tom. mishinrr back his chair and staring in mother's excited face, "either you or I must bo out of our wits." "It's not ine, then, st any rate.'' re torted mother, getting nettled. Amusement and a certain embarrass ment had kept mo a silent listener so tar, but there was no staudint: this: I niv.il iu sjiuiin, uut cuttiii nut, luriatlgll "I think you aro all out of your wits n.uu iuuuilt, muting suui piy. it nni nus mo oiiiiu v it s no laughing matter. "You don't understand each other." i gasped; "oh, tlearl it s not Letty of oh, dear!'' and relapsed niraln. "Not Letty? repeated mother, turn- ingto iom, "then why did you tell mo so i "I never told you so," Bitid Tom. "Why, yes you did," persisted niotl er. "You camo in nnd told mo you wero going to bo married." "Yes, so I am," said Tom, still at croas-purposes. "Now, Tom Dean," Bald mother ris ing and confronting him, "what do you meant Who is irolnu to bo vour wife?'' "Why, May, of course," answered Tom. "May 1" ami thou, aftor a nauso of 4 liioxprcssiblo astonishment, it was moth- er's turn to laugh. "Do you mean to say, Tom, it was that child you wero think- ng of all the while?'' "Why, who else could It bo ?" said Tom. Sharply, "Well, said mother, "I ought to isivo remembered vou never did do any thing liko anybody else. Hut, still, why in the world ditl you go to work in such a roundabout way ?" "i wanted to seo how you took to my ilea," said Tom. "And how do you suppose wo wero to guess your ido'a meant May?" moth er asked. "Who else could it bo?" repeated Tom, falling back ou what ho evident ly found unanswerable argument. It was no use talking to him. Mother gave it up with a shako of tho head. "And you won t want another house, hen. Anno?" said Tom. suddenly. That set mother off again; Tom joined wun nor, and altogether I dont' think wo ever passed a merrier cvcniiiL' than tho one that made us acquainted with Tom's wife. How we Digest. To make the process of ditrestion simple, let mo say that It begins in tho mouth and ends in the liunrs. A man swallows a mouthful of bread. Wo folio it down tho lesophatrtis to his stotnash. It now. bv a peculiar motion of tho stiiinach, and ns it touches here and there, gastric juice starts out, liko sweat upon the forehead, and wets tho bread. After a couple of hours rcvolviinr about within the stomach, tho bread is changed into something that looks ike buttermilk. This is chvme. Now tho gate at tho riuht end of the stom ach opens and lets this chvmo nass throuiih the (list parts of the intestine. There two new liquids aro poured in, ono from the liver tho bile tho other from the pancreas tho pancreatic uice. These induce certain changes n tho litiiiid bread which makes it re semble milk. Now it is called chvle. Innumerable little mouths, which open within tho intestine, suck up this milk or chyle, carrying it to a small canal ami thoracic duct which lies upon the backbone, and through it runs up tho upper part of the chest and is poured into a larixo vein iust under the left collarbone. Through this vein it reaches the right side of tho heart, and is tlion forced into the lungs, when it coined in contact with the air. Now a wonderful change comes over it. This is produced by the addition ot oxygon to tho milk like fluid. For a given quantity of this chyle, a still larger quantity of oxygen is added, and the compontid which comes of this union between the bread and tho oxygen is the nutriment which supplies tho wants of tho system. What takes place in lungs is more important than anything that precedes it, iu the process of di geslion. l'or example, a man may live on fried salt pork, hot saleratus biscuit and strong green tea (I don't know of a worse dose), if he lives on the West ern plains and breathes pure air, he will have a purer blood, healthier skin and will bo freer from humors, than another man who lives upon the choic est grains and fruits, but who constant ly breathes the air of a close, furnace heated house. In other words we may truly say that, in considering the great tuuction ot digestion, tho lungs really play a more important part than the stomach itself. It is really vital that tho first and last step in digestion should be well Llone. I' ust, chew well, and last breathe well. If those two duties aiu well performed, a substantial contribu tion will bo made to our welfare. Jlv Dr. Dio Xmcis. A nusband's Preparations. The other morning when a Detroiter seated his wifo in a car on the Miohi- au central to mako tho iouruey to Chicago alono he took a look around him and said to her; "Now, love, if you should want the window raised hero aro a dozen gentle- nen who will break their necks to ac commodate vou." "Yes dear." "If you feel lonesome and want somebody to talk with about affairs in lt,gypt, Noahs ark or tho ice period. don't hesitate to call upon any of these gentlemen. "I understand. "You won't know enough to leavo the car at noon nnd get your dinner, and yott had better ask some of them to accompany you. If they offer to pay for your meal don't bo squeamish about it. "Of course not." i ou want io read to pass away time, it so, any ot those gentlemen will bo only too happy to purchaso you half a bushel of tho latest books and magazines. He careful to save 'em for mo to read when yon get home." "Anil you say to them we havo been man led four years; that wo do not live happily together; I am a domestic tyrant; you have strong thoughts of procuring a divorco: vou feel that vou could love the right sort of a husband ; you like oranges and peanuts ; you aro innocent and confiding; you have never traveled; you aro afraid of get ting lost in Chicago, and you will bo over so much obliged to any ono who will get you a hack, seo to your trunk and pay all your expenses, (tood-bve. , i, - love. "Good-bye, darl." And wasn't it strango that not ono siuglo mini iu that car even spoke to tnai lany in a nun ot three hundred miles? how's tiik. n.vnv. "i low s tno nauyv "ills croup is better this morning, thank vou. Wo gave him boiiiu of Thomas' Kelectric Oil as you advised, doctor, and shall give nun somo more iu an hour or t-o, Next day tho doctor pronounced the youngster cured. A lady whoso husband was tho champion snorer of tho community in which they resided, confided to a female mend tho following painful intcll L'cncc: "My life has not been ono of unalloyed delight. I havo had the measles, tho chicken pox, tho cholera, the typhoid luvet, nun iiumiumatory rnciiinutisni lint 1 nover know what real misfortuno was until l married a burglar alarm," Care-worn persons, students, weak nnd overwovkid mothers will find in Hrowu's Iron HiIIhim which gives strength mid tone to tho whole system. Oil Scouts. When an operator goes into an unde veloped field nnd puts down a test well ho naturally desires to havo tho profit of his riek. It costs him something liko SG.OOO to put down that wildcat well, for which, in most cases, ho gets no return, for the majority of wildcat wells produce nothing. If ho finds a rich sand, however, nnd can keep it a secret for n while, ho has a fortuno in his hands. Ho can sell oil short, knowing that when it is known that a now field has been discovered the price will go down. His most direct oppor tunity, however, is to lease the land in tho neighborhood of his well, to bo sold again at an enormous profit as soon its it is known that it is productive terri tory. So ho gunrds his secret with every npplianco he can invent. His most dangerous enemies aro tho "scouts." They arc paid to discover whnt ho is trying to conceal. Almost every prominent oil broker has a "scout" regularly employed to keep him posted on tho latest doings at tho front. 'Daring, cautious, patient, untiring, unscrupulous, and honest, the scout must add to the experience of a driller the subtle judgment of a broker and the keenness of an operator. In the shadows of tho night he cams his salary lurking about in tho neighbor hood of a now well out of gunshot of tho guards about derrick ; lying often in tho snow or in the swamp for hours with his uoso and ears stretched above tho shelter of some friendly log to catch the smell of gas or the gurgle of flowing oil ; sneaking up to the tank houso to get a peep in it possible; watching tho motion of tho walking beam ami estimating the depth of tho tools thereby ; ready to bribe a driller or exchange "shots with a guard at a moment's notice. IIo sometimes spends weeks watch ing ono particular well. 11c studies the habits of tho men working on it, notes if any of them aro likely to suc cumb to tho temptation of his brandy flask, jots down the hours when each one takes his nap, marks which way their faco3 are mostly turned in thoir rounds, and if ho catinut court thur favor, doviscs somo scheme to get in side their guard and at their secret. In tho gray ot tho morning ho rules away to the nearest telegraph ollico and com municates with his employer before tho market opens. It is a mystery when he sleeps. Alnust any time of the day io may bo seen loitering noout wner- over there is a crowd, picking up ac quaintance with the few drillers ho Iocs not already know. The emoluments of tho work are oc- casionly of a size to compensate for any iimount ot hardship, l'or instance: "Si" Hughes, who got the Anchor oil company a pointer on 610, has been taken into the company with the ollico of superintendent and a cloar tenth of their profits. His spring's work will net him not less than S1."0,000 ; but there is a well-defined path circling through tho woods around G-tC, worn by tho leet ot those who worked as hard as ho and got nothing but their salaries, llow Hughes got his itifor niation is still a mystery. IIo is said to claim that he lay under tho derrick for nineteen consecutive hours, but tho prevailing impression is that ho bought tho secret lrom one ot tho guanis. In the course of an experience ineet ng the other evening with Captain Peter Grace, one of tho men who put down tho CIO well in this district, lio told me the true story of the mystery. Much has been written about it, more probably than was ever printed about in oil well be I ore, but tho captain told mo a lew tilings winch wero now. This wonderful Cherry Grove district owes its development to tho misfortune of George II. Dimmick. IIo had been wieeked financially over in the Coal creek legion, and Captain Grace s"t him to work out this way rather to give him a chance to recover than irom any other motive. Land could be leased for a dollar an acre, and tho experiment was not very costly. "When the tools broke through the shell of the sand about 10 o'clock on the morning on tho 1 1 th of March," said Captain Grace, "wo know wo had touiid wealth. The oil filled up a bun ked feet before wo could get the tools out. The pressure on us was tremen dous Wo drove a tight fitting wood en plug !l feet long to the bottom cf thu well, poured the hole full of oil, screwed iu the casing head, anil set tho tools, which weigh not loss than a ton, on top of it. Even then when the well flowed it blew tho casing head off and sent the tools a Hying up tho derrick. "Ono trick wo played to dicehe the scouts I think has nover got into print. I took a torpedo man into a room in the hotel at Warren ono day very mysteriously, but took good caro to havo a scout "seo 'me do it. Of courso thu scout immediately hid him self iu tho adjoining room. I told tho shooter, with my voice trembling, that I had put my last dollar into tho Gift venture and had found no oil. I must get some Appearance of grease iu onl r to sell my lease and get out whole. 1 arranged with him to go out that night and torpedo tho well. Well, wc went out with a nnike-beliovo torpedo fiil ed th wnter. The scouts wero at our heels, of course, and watched every motion. Wo went to tho well iu tho dead of night, and thero went through the lorin of shooting the well so accu rately that even thu guards about thu well wero deceived. The noxt morn ing thoy complained that tho smell of dynamite had given them tho headache. Sharp as they were, tho scouts wore all taken iu and did not find out tho trick until weeks afterward. llradford Stttr. ii'.si'isi:i. Uy unthinking, Hurdock considered a weed, mid its growth, unpleasant smell, has boon luxuriant oto, has reutiereii u, tnono "not knowing its virtues," a nuisance, and yet tho root has long been acknowledged by sa vants as most invaluable ns n diuretic, aiierient and blood puiilier. Hurdock Hlood Hitters embody all its good qualities. Price Si. 00. "Is there such a thing as luckt" nskn a correspondent. There is. For In stance if you go homo at two o'clock iu tho morning, after promising your wifo to ho iu early, nnd find her imhop mid don't tumble over nnv ehnl i luck, but it isn't to ho depended on Oil City Jhrrick.