The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 28, 1882, Image 2

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E. ELWELL. I m...
FRIDAY, JULY 28th, 1882.
Tiik Coi.umihan will iny n reward of
fifty dollm-a to tho first person or kt-
boiib who will furnish ovidenco to con
vlct any candidate or other person in
this county of n violation of the act of
Assembly relating to election expenses,
in tho present campaign. Whoever
secures the county nominations must
obtain them fairly, and not by tho use
of money. If there is any truth in tho
charges that arc made every year after
the county convention, it is timo the
alleged practices wero stopped. Kcform
next year will not do.
Judge Pershing is a candidate for
re-election in Schuylkill county.
Professor Gcoruro V. Atherton of
. UiitL't'i's collece, ISew Jcrsov. will suc
ceed General Beaver as president of the
agricultural collego near iJellefonte.
Tho headquarters of tho Democratic
otate committco have been established
by Chairman Ilonsnl at tho Girard
House, Philadelphia.
Tho Philadelphia Press is carefully
minting nrraugeinenis 10 jet down on
tho Heaver sido of the fence. I3cforo
tho campaign is over its editor will be
making stalwart speeches through tho
Tho atrocious crimo of being a young
man is wuai mo stalwart organs aro
charging Pattison with. Walpolo ao
cused Pitt of tho sarao crimo some
years ago, and Walpolo got tho worst
01 iu
In a speech at Bristol last week
General Beaver said that "Don Cam
crou is not a big man, ho is a small
man. Ho afterwards explained that
ne meant pnysicauy, ot course.
Attornoy General Brewster has ren
dered an opinion to tho effect that the
political assessments made by Ilubbcll
aro not illegal as Hubboll is not an of
ficer of tho United States. Being a
member of a stalwart administration,
Brewster was compelled to filo a stal
wart opinion.
As announced some timo ago, Judge
Elwell has consented to bo a candidate
for renomination as President Judge of
the 20th district, and his name will
therefore go before the pcoplo of this
county at tho delegate election on
August 5th. There is no other candi
date in tho field.
Tho officers of the delegato election
should bear in mind that tho law re
quires them to be sworn before entering
upon their duties. A failure to com
ply with this law may not only exclude
tho entire vote of a district from tho
convention, but may be punished on
convicton by n fine of two hundred dol
lars. If congress does not soon adjourn its
members will not be able to take an
active part in in their dis
tricts.' Tliis would be a blessing to tho
districts. Gazette & Bulletin.
Yes, a good thing for tho districts, but
as it is a republican congress the longer
they remain In session tho worse it is for
tho country.
It would bo a great blow to tho
Demoeraoy if General Beaver's friends
should succeed in persuading him to
Btoi) talking. The farther he travels
and tho moro ho talks tho greater aro
the chances of Pattison's election.
Tho Democratic state committco could
afford to pay Beaver's traveling ex
penses just to keep him on tho road.
Tho Democratic candidates wero
notified of their nomination on Friday
of hist week, by W. II. Snowden, chair
man of the committee appointed for
that purpose. Tho delay in sending a
formal notice was caused by the mem
bers living in different sections of the
State and tho document was forwarded
from one to tho other for their signa
ture and then returned to tho chairman.
It was signed by William II. Snowden,
Malcom Hay, II. E. Packer, J. A.
Coohran, Hnrman Yerkes, J. M. Thomp
son and Georgo M. Dallas.
Last week by accident, a squib from
tho Philadelphia 1'ress on Sir. Storm
ot Monroe county, found iu way into
our columns without the comments
which wo had intended to follow it.
Its point of complaint against Mr.
Storm was tho common slangy one
mado against ovory publics man who
does not go to extreme lengths in his
views upon taxing imports, namely, ho
was a free trailer. Mr. Storm served
some years sinco iu Congress with much
credit to himself and his district nnd
whenovcr occasion shall require, can
fully vindicato his voles while there.
At present, ho needs no defense against
tho Press or any other Republican
journal, whether of tho Stalwart or
1 1 ill f-breed persuasion.
On Saturday, August th, tho demo
crats of this county will elect delegates
to tho convention to bo held on Tues
day, August 8th, to name candidates
for tho several couuty and district of.
tices to bo filled this fall. It is impor
tant Unit every member of tho party
should attend this election and cast his
ballot for tho candidates ho desires to
have nominated. It is too ofteu the
case that many fail to vote at delegato
election, and after the nominations aro
made, these same men find fault with
tho nomineos. Every voter of intclli.
iron eo lias, or ought to have some pro
fereuco among the candidates, and it is
his duty to himself and his party to jjjo
iu iiiu iiiiiuui y uiuuuui: unu express ins
choice. In tfiU way only can the con
vention represent tho voico of tho poo
plo. When only n fow voto for dele
gates, it makes tho party merely a ma
chine govorned by a minority.
Another reason why thcro should bo
n full attendance is thnt under tho rules
of tho party, chapter II, rulo IX, where
thcro is a tio vote in convention, made
by instructions, tho candidate who has
received tho highest popular voto shall
1)0 nominated. If woexpect to get out
n full voto at tho general election, wo
must begin to work now, and thero is
nothing that will holp along tho good
cause, by exciting interest iu tho cam
paign, moro than by polling a big
voto on August Alb. It will show that
tho democracy is still alive, and means
Robert E. Pattison has addressed tho
following letter to tho committee of
tho democratic state convention an
pointed to notify him of his nomina
tion ns acandidato for the oflloo of gover-
Dei'aiit.mknt City, I'iiii.a
iim.i'iiiA. July 21, 1882 Gr.Nri.KMKN
I have lust received vour letter of Jul v
21, advising mo of the action of tho
democratio state convention. I accept
tho nomination for governor, aim it
chosen for tho oflico by the people
will strive to perform its duties to their
Respectfully yours,
Roukut Ii. Pattison
Tho success of tho campaign depends
greatly upou tho energy and activity
of tho standing committee. None but
livo men should be placed on the com
mlttee, men who will seo that clubs aro
organizcd,thnt all democratic voters nro
registered, that proper places nro pro
vided for holding public meetings, and
that no democrat remains at home on
election day. To do all this requires
timo nnd labor, but when it is done, tho
result is that our majority increases.
Every voting district shotild select a
member who Is capable and willing to
undcrtako tho labor of tho position, nnd
not be satiHhed with a man who will
take no interest in the matter, and who
acta only as a figure head to fill tho re
quired number of members. It is cer
tain that the democratio nominees of
this county will boelccted oven if thero
wore no standing committee. But the
work thnt is to be dono has an object
bovond the county limits i it is tho
election of the state ticket. With vic
tory more certain than it hns been in
twenty years, this is no timo for trifling.
Notwithstanding the dissensions in
tho ranks of our opponents, tho Demo
cracy must work without ceasing.
But "the standing committee cannot per-
form all that is to bo done. They must
havo tho earnest co-operation nnu assis
tance of every citizen who desires tho
ovei throw of republican misrulo and
the establishment of an honest stato
By our county rules of nomin
ation, delegates aro required to
come to Conventions with instruc
tions for count) officers, except Cor
oner and Auditors, touch nro the only
instructions required by the rules, but
other instructions aro allowed and if
given nro to bu carried out and enforc
ed iu Convention. The only limitation
in regard to voluntary instructions is,
that tho majority of the voters of a
district present, aro to participate in
tho proceeding of voting on suoh in
structions. It has been the practice to voto in
structions upon all the principal offices
for which nominations aro mado in
Convention,and slip tickets for the dele-
ate elections aro prepared accordingly,
o tho sheet or slip ticket for tho present
year will contain names lor 1'resident
Judge, Congressman, Senator and Rep
resentatives, in tho same manner as if
they wero county officers.
For all theso offices, except tho last,
thero will bo no contest in the county
(so far as we aro informed); not because
they are not very important ones and
calculated to excite ambition, but be
cause public opinion settled down early
m tavor ot oue particular person tor
each, to be endorsed by tho county.
Mr. MoIIenry having been chosen Sen
ator two years ago to fill a vacancy,
and having served at but one session,
presents a reasonable claim upon the
county to bo recommended by it for re
nomination by the district conference.
Senator Bucknlew has urged no claim
upon tho Congressional nomination, but
will bo prtseuted by this county be
causo the nomination ought to claim
and command him into tho public ser
vice. Such men aro needed at Wash
ington, men who havo had experience
in public business and can be trusted
to do honest public work. Tho nom
ination of President Judge is unopposed,
nnd we must bo permitted to uso tho
languago of another and say, that his
conlinuaiico upon tho Bench will honor
tho district as much as it will honor
him. In advance of tho convention wo
say nothing of contested nominations
to be mado by it, nor will wo anticipate
results in our Congressional and Sena
torial districts; but upon the wholo we
havo reason to anticipate tho ultimate
formation of an able aud honorable
district and county ticket for tho sup
port of the people.
Democratio State Committee
Tho recontly appointed members of
tho democratic state committee, iu re
sponse to a call of W. U. Hensel, the
now chair man, met in tho room of the
Jefferson association, llarrisburg, Tues
day. Chairman Hensel called tho meet
icg to order, and E. P. Kisner, secre
tary of tho old committee, acted as se
cretary. A call of tho roll showed
forty-nino members present, the absen
tees being from Pittsburg aud Alle
gheny. Tho eommitteo then took action
upon the contest of Messrs. Doyle aud
Matthews for representation from the
Second district of Philadelphia. As
each man had received tho voto of three
delegates from his district nt tho stato
convention, tho difficulty was adjusted
by placing each on tho eommitteo with
the privileges ot a halt vote each.
Tho following resolution, offered by
Mr. Burchfield, of Clearfield, was un
animously adopted :
JJWra. Tlmt the secretaries tills iluv
chosen shall bu the olllcers ot this commit
ted when In session, nnd the clmlrmun of
tho statu committee shall have power to ap
point such secret nrles, stenographers unci
agents ns he may deem proper to iilil him
in Ins personal work In ehargu of cum
palgn. '
Mr. Blackford, of York, offered the
following, which was adopted without
a dissenting voice:
lltiolvttl. That tlio Cliiitrmim of the state
committee shall have exclusive charge of
the campaign. Ilemuy nppnlntsuch llimncc
mid executive committees ns his Judgment
approves, ami hu may employ una pay spe
cm I agents to iiid iu stato organization In
any section or county in tho state.
It having been known by tho eom
mitteo thatChauncoy F. Black, J. Simp
sou Africa and Mortimer F. Elliot,
candidates for lieutenant governor,
secretary of internal affairs nnd con-gressinan-nt-large,
wero iu this city, a
committco was appointed to wait upou
tlicso gentlemen and invito them to the
meeting. Upon their arrival oaoh made
a briof address relative to tho jampaign,
nnd nfter informal rcporU had been re
ceived from tho dlfferout counties as to
tho outlook, which wero of a very fa
vorable character tho committee ad
journed, At the Republican conference in tho
Forty-sixth Senatorial district on Fri
day last, tho meeting was adjourned
without making a nomination. Thero
was a fight between Allison and Ag-
now. Another conference will no held
nt Pittsburg August 15.
Arabl's Letter to Gladstone.
Arnbl Pnsha wroto tho following let
ter to Mr. Gladstono n fow days beforo
tho bombardment of Alexandria, but
Mr. Gladstono did not recolvo it until
after tho bombardment :
"Tho Koran commands us to resist
if M'nr is waged upon us. Hence Eng
land may lest assured that tho first gun
sho fires iu Egypt will nbsolvo Egyp
tians irom all treaties. I ho control
will cease, tho property of Europeans
will bo confiscated, tho canals will bo
destroyed and the Johnd bo preached
in Syria, Arabia nnd India. Tho first
blow with which England strikes Egypt
will cause blood to llow through the
breadth of Asia and Africa, tho respon
nihility for which will bo on tho head
of England. Egypt is still reauy to bo
fast friends with England nnd keep her
road to India, but sho must keep with
in tho limits of her jurisdiction, hinnlly,
England may rest assured that wo nro
determined to dio lor our country.
Thrice Branded.
During n discussion in the IIouso of
Representatives on Thursday last,
aecor Robeson referred with a sneer
to tho deafness of W. E. Robinson
Reprcsontatlvo of tho Second District
of New York. Mr. Robinson was
absent from tho House, nt tho timo.
Tho next morning Mr. Robinson rose
to a personal explanation, nnd said :
"I acknowledge, Mr. Spo.iker, thnt
Providence 1ms seen fit to afilct me. not ex.
actly with deafness, hut with hardness of
hearing. 1 know of only one gentleman
more to be puled limn l, nmi unit is a cer
tain gentleman who hns had fastened on Ills
liciiiftlic chnrges of liar, thief, nnd pcrjur
cr, nnd wns the only member who did not
hear them."
This terrible retort, which stamped
infamy on tho forehead of tho man
against whom it was directed, and
which wns repeated for the third time
within a fow weeks, produced no visi
ble effect on Secor Robeson
What must bo thu moial and tho
political condition of a partv that ac
cepts nnd honors as a leader a man
who beforo tho civilized world nnd in
presenco of his associates has been
publicly denounced Jthreo times as a
common felon by respect ablo and re
sponsible members of the House?
iht-rn was a time in the lite ot the
Republican party when great and hu
mane principles inspired its action. If
a foul reproach like this had been fast-
cued on n Republican leader ho would
have been tried by drumhead court mar
tial without delay and whipped out of
camp at tho tail of a cart.
.Not so now. This man, publicly de
nounced as a "thief, liar, nnd pet juror,"
is tolerated by the party lieeaus-i it is
known that ho owns the Speaker, and
treats him as a personal chute!; be
cause he controls appropriations; be
cause he is still powerful iu tho Navy ;
because he disposes of patronage; be
cause ho boasts of being a lovnl ami
radical Republican; and because ho is
rich with ill gotten gains. A7! Y. Sun
Political Assessments.
Tho opinion of Attorney General
Brewster on tho subject of political as
scssments is generally treated by the
press as if it wero a judicial decision.
It simply amounts to an interpretation
of tho law bv the cabinet attorney for
the guidance of officers of tho United
States government. It is altogether
ex itarte and does not at all settle the
legal questions involved in tho matter.
Tho conclusions am ved at by tho attor
ney general may be correct, but his
opinion has no binding effect upon any
body. If ho had decided that a mem
ber of congress is nn ofiicer of tho
United States within tho meaning of
the statute ho was called upon to inter
pret, Mr. Ilubbell might stQl have gono
on levying and collecting his assess
ments with perfect impunity. Tho
courts nnd not tho nttorncy general aro
the constitutional and rightful interpre
ters of tho law.
But tho opinion of tho attorney gen
eral, though worthless ns a judicial do
('nation, serves to point a moral. Con
gress, it seems, has prohibited all other
official representatives of tho United
States government oxcept its own mem
bers irom receiving contributions from
federal officials for political purposes.
The attention of congress is now called
by an official paper to this important
omission in tho law. Thero is yet timo
beforo tho adjournment of tho present
session to correct tho matter. A sup
plementary bill should at oncobo passed
to bring members of congress within
the purview of tho act. A measure of
that kind, with no ambiguity or uncer
tainty iu its phraseology, would bo
worth all the opinions of all tho nttor-
noys-general, past, present and to como
Tho republicans of Peunsylvauiashould
seo to it that congress is at once strong
ly petitioned for tho passago of such a
bill. Both tho stalwart and indepen
dent wings of tho party havo pronounc
ed by solemn resolution against politi
cal assessments. They havo mado Hub
bell a political issue' in this stato aud
that issue can best be settled by congress
in tho manner just indicated. Chair
man MoKeo will, of courso favor this
proposition from pure principle nnd in
order to Btnko a blow at the "(iiant-Artliur-Conkling-Guiteau
Cameron Stal
warts. Chairman Cooper will support
it because it would prevent the repub
lican congressional committco from
poaching on his manor and would
enable him to conduct his own black-
tnailing operations with greater success.
In fact it would seem that such a bill
ought not to meet with any opposition
in congress or out of it J'utrtot,
Ex-Senator Buckalew.
what iik niiBKs or Tin; political
A representative of the Wilkesbarro
Union-Leader recently interviewed Ex
Sonntor Buckalow witli tho following
result :
Corr. "What is your opinion Sena
tor, of tho ticket tho democrats nomi
nated at their recent slate conven
tion t"
"I think it an excellent ticket," win
the response. "Tho convention could
not well havo mado a better ticket."
Corr. "Then you nro acqual nted
with tho candidates."
Mr. ,B. "Yes, I know them all.
Each i9 well fitted for tho station for
which ho has been named. Mr. Pat
tison has Hindu a most excollent record
and dovoloped no weaknesses, Mr.
Black has much of tho force of char
acter and other elements of his father's
strength. Mr. Africa has been tried
nnd not found waiting. With Mr.
Clark nnd Mr. Elliot I sat In constitu
tional convention, where I came to
know them both intimately. Mr,
Clark's father was James Clark, also
of Indiana county. Ho wns o member
of tho constitutional convention of 181)8,
and therein did oxccllont service. Ho
was also a canal commissioner, and left
the board with credit, something not
a fow of those who held that position
failed to do. Tho son was highly es
teemed by his colleagues in tho '73 con
vention. Ho is a first-class lawyer,
nnd if elected, ns ho ought to be, will
mnko n universally satisfactory iudgo,
Mr. Elliott is what thoy call down cast,
n 'smart man, by whioh I mean, not
only book learned, but n man of power
ful intellect, bright by nature lie is
man who would mnko his influence felt
in congress, and I shall tako great pica
suro in givi .g him my support "
Corr. "You nro not then. Mr, Buokn
lew, among thoso who believe that Mr.
Pattison being n young mail will be
against him T You nro a veteran iu
party nnd public service nnd should
know whether any of tho older clement
ot tho pnrty will ret use to support him
on that account.
Mr. B "Not nt nil I not at all 1 Mr
I'nttison is nil right. If ho is a young
man ho has accomplished n great deal
of good, tor which ho deserves to bo ro
warded. I havo yet to hear the first
democrat, old or young, say ho will
voto against him on any nccount. Iu
fact nil seem, not only satisfied, but cs
peoinlly well pleased with his nomina
tion. In this county tho party is en
tirely harmonious nnd hopeful, Wo
shall as usual beat tho enemy two to
one when tho polling day comes, and
perhaps do belter.
Corr. "How is the split in the repub
liean organization, ns you view it, likely
to eitect tho result r
Mr. 11. "It will enhance, or rather
has enhanced, tho chances of Demo
emtio success ; tint bo much because
thero is reason to bclievo thnt tho vote
of tho Independents will bo n very
largo vote, ns on nccount ot the .Dem
ocratio hopes inspired by the demorali
zf.tion in tho ranks of our opponents,
and out of which will como a fuller
Democratio poll than could otherwise
bosecured. When I was a candidate for
Governor there wero forty thousand
Democrats who would not voto for
Greeley nnd henco failed to como to
tho polls at all. Had I received those
forty thousand votes I would havo been
Corr. "Do you believe then that
thcro aro enough Democratic votes in
tho stato to win, if thoy can bo proper
ly organized and held to their duty!
jir. u. "l do. uertainly do.
Frequent defeat has disheartened
many of our people. The Republi
cans corrupt others, who could not,
perhaps, bo corrupted did they not
feel, though wrongly, thnt voting tho
Democratio ticket would bo throwing
their strength away. Thero is moro
hopefulness this year, nnd less proba
bility on that account, of this class of
our people being brought away from
us or entrapped into sido movements.
With first rate organization all over
the stnto nnd a vigorous c.mipaimi. we
have an excellent chance of electing
our ticKct.
Uorr. "What is your belief as to
the likelihood of the two wings of tho
-A - - , 0 -L- ...
each other and coming together?"
Kenuulienns iialchiuu- mi a ih-uck will
Mr. ju. "iheio is no apparent indi
cation of tho'r being nblo to do so, at
least in so ur as my observation goes.
Both wings have made their beds, and
ns they aro made they will probably lie
in tncni. Tho regulars will undoubted
ly rely(i because thoy must rely, upon
fight. First, the use of money nnd
patronage, which they havo reduced to
an almost perfect system. (Arthur and
Cameron aro birds of a feather and
will stand together through thick and
thin. Tho former will help the latter
by every means within his power.)
Aud second, 'persistent partisan and
personal appeals to every old-timo
Republican voter not to let the Dem
ocrats win simply because their own
party is not just now what it ought to
Corr. "Havo you any fixed views
as to what sort of a campaign we
should prosecute on our side '
Air. JJ. "1 have becii too busy with
privato and business matters lately to
uevoto mucn thought to tho subject.
Wo must make an earnest fight and
extend it into every corner of the stato.
The party press should not for a single
; n . i .1 i
issue reiax us eitons aim tno candi
dates should tako tho stump. That
much, at least, is clear to mo. We
have seldom had a better opportunity.
ana i nm trusttui that we shall bo wise
enough not to sacrifice it."
Main facts.
1'ieumns that no not i.ik taxi-ayuus
I ho Kepubhcan party came into
power in this stato in 1801, and tho cost
to tho stato government then was $947.-
JU,8d, exclusivo ot interest aud reduc
tion of debt.
Tho Republican administration of
Governor Curtin, even with all his enor
mously increased expenditures of war
and the highest inflation of values
known in this ngc, increased tho stato
expenditures to only Sl,531,48G,07 in
Iu 18GC tho Cameron machine en
trenched itself iu tho Republican cita
del and for fifteen years it has been su
premo in every channel of Republican
power iu tho state. With it came reck-
css profligacy ; tho creation of offices for
favorites ; tho lavish waste of publio
money to reward partisan henchmen.
and the absolute subordination of inte
grity and manhood to tho cohesivo
power of public plunder.
fn 1H7LI, alter tnrce years ot machine
rulo in tho state, the annual expendi
tures in timo of peace, had grown to
2,228,870,27, being an incrcaso of 81,.
281,058, II, over the expenses when
the party assumed power, and an in
crease of S707,130,C0 over tho expendi
tures under Gov. Curl in, with the ex
traordiuary demands of war to meet.
But tho protligaoy of boss government
was not content with tho expenditures
of 1870. Tho Auditor General's re
port shows that tho cost of the stato
government for 1880,including its share
for the Legislature, foots up the enor
mous amount of $l,OC2,10.'i1.r)9. Being
more than thueutiro cost of tho govern
inent in 18fi0, when tho Republican
paityfirst attained power.
This expenditure does not einbraeo
either interest or principal of publio
debt. It is simply the regular annual
exjKMidiiure of the stato government.
There is u legitimate increase iu
schools and judiciary, mado by tho con.
stitiition, but that is little moro than
half a million, and tho other expendi
tares aro mainly or wholly tho orention
of machine legislation.
The people of Pennsylvania havo
lately been carefully reading nnd con
sidering thu record "mado by Contioller
Pattison iu Philadelphia, and they havo
learned that his entry into tho control
ler's offico dated tho boginning of tho
practical reform that has changed tlio
city from a 82,2.1 tax rato and thrco
millions annual incrcaso of debt, with
little or no iinprovments, to n $1,05
tax rate, and annual surplus of u mil
lion, and substantial improvements in
every depaitmcnt, nnd thnt is just tho
sort of an administration thoy want in
Tho now piers for tho railroad bridgo
across tho Susquehanna on tho Cumber
laud Vidley Railroad at Harrisburg
will cost about $1,000 each when com
pleted, j
More Kiotous Italians,
On Thursday thcro was troublo on
tho now railroad near Jersey Mills.
Messrs Kane, Bakor and llatchclor
drovo out n half milo from Jersoy Mills
to nay off, for tho month of June, a
body ot one;iiundrcd Italians. Tho con
tractors had with them nbout $,000,
md when they wero on point of
commcicing to pay out tiio Italians do
manded their pay up to tho date.
This bolng refused a peculiar brigan
dish whist lo wns given, when every
ninn knocked his pick from tho handlo
nud rushed toward tho contractors, who,
seeing their danger, drovo off to Jersoy
Mills, whoro tho Italians wero paid for
tlio month of June. It is tho intention
of Messrs. Baker, Baoholor nnd Knno
to pay theso fellows off nnd get rid of
them by bringing into their plnces Hun
garians. Married to a Negro,
Wii.KKsiiAimi:, Pa, July 25.
A good deal of excitement was
caused to day in certain social circles
by the nows of tho arrest of a hand
some young white woman, not more
than twenty, on n chargo of bigamy,
her second husband being n big, burly
negro, ns black as night nnd one of tho
most ignorant of his class. The charge
was mado by the woman's mother.
About two years ago Anna Seibcrt
was wooed nnd won by a well to do
mechanic, named Morgan, of this city.
Some fow months since Morgan moved
to Pottsville, taking his wife with him.
The latter used to come hero frequent,
ly to see her mother, aud during these
visits she met nud fell desperately in
love with tho negro, wiio was n com
mon laborer in tho employ of a tar
roofer. Tho darkey's name is Sam
Taylor. Ho knew that tho woman
was married, but on the 3rd of July he
induced her to go before a colored
Methodist preacher in this city, named
Evans, who married them. It is be
lieved that Evans was not awaro of the
previous marriage of tho woman.
Wlien tho matter camo to tho moth
er's knowlcdgo sho pleaded with her
daughter to Fcavo her second husband
aud return to her homo. On her refu
sal to do this promptly tho mother had
her arrestedjupon tho chargo of bigamy.
Sho was taken before Magistrate Bulk
ley, but beforo any proceedings wero
had she repented and agreed to leave
the negro aud go home with her mother.
The mother is nenrly disti acted, while
intense excitement exists among the
friends of the daughter, some swearing
vangeancc upon the negro for marrying
her. Thu girl is young, pretty and in
telligent, aud it is said that she will go
back to her colored husband at the first
now to savi:.
All hard workers are subject to bil
ious attacks which may cud in danger
ous illness. Parker's Ginger Tonic will
keep the kidneys and liver active, and
by preventing tho attack Have much
sickness, loss of timo and expense
Detroit Press.
Harrisburg talks of forming a bicyclo
club in that citv.
sensiblo ndviso to General
"My Dear Beaver don't
Beaver :
As a comio man General Beaver is
beginning to cut out Mr. Mnrriott Bro
sious. A calf fro:i the Jcrsov cow ""
owned by John Patterson, of Chester
county, was recently sold for 82,500.
On Saturday last Congress mnilo nn
appropriation of $75,000 for a publio
uiuiuiiiy in OUI.IUIUII.
Columbia lias nrr .inlzpil !in Tndmipn.
dent Reiniblican dub. Tlin miiiM-in.
tendents of both tho rolling mills and
Senator Kauffmau are members.
A firo occurred in Pliiladelnhia nn
Sunday evening destroying tho entiro
souare of four acres bounded bv Front.
Brown, Beach nnd Poplar streets.
Three hundred men and hnvs. mnnW.
ed at tho Keeley Run colliery, struck
on Tuesday for an advanco of twenty
five cents per day.
Ex noitmaster Smith of Will.-ia
Barre has resigned the chairmanship of
the Republican committee of his dis
trict. Elizabeth Barth of Ashland, in kind
ling a fire, on Monday used coal oil.
Tho oil ignited and sho was burned so
severely that sho died Tuesday after
A wager of $1,000 was made on Fri
day of last week at tho St Nicholas
notei, JN. 1. that Hobert li. Pattison
will bo elected governor of Pennsyl
vania at the noxt election.
Our Agricultural College is to havo a
now President. A change is consider
ed necccssary. This does not speak
well lor umi. Heavers official services
as a leading member.
Mrs. Garfield is said to have been
served tvith onoof "My Deai-HubboU's"
circulars, informing her that sho is as
sessed two per cent of her late hus
band's salary for campaign purposes.
hherman JUilIer, a hotel keeper nt
Millerstown, Perry county, wns killed
on last Saturday night, while trying to
quiet a row. llo was shot byotiu Wil
ham Wagnor, n desperate charaotor,
the shot taking cltect immediately,
Wagner mado his escape.
Georgo P. Marsh, tho American min
ister, died suddenly at Vnllambrosn,
alonday, 1 ho Italian government ex
pressed its deep sympathy with tho
widow and telegraphed to Washington
an expression of tho sympathy of the
i union uaiiou.
A Philadelphia dispatch states that
six ot tno i email internal machines,
manufactured by Georgo Holgate, of
No 150.' South Juiiipir stret't, aud
shipped lo Liverpool, are now in the
lossession ot a government detective
ii that city.
Another sparring mutch has been ar
ranged for August 1 lib, between Sul
livan nud Wibou. Sullivan is lo givo
Wilson $i,uuunud halt the gato money
if ho does not knock him out in four
thrco minute rounds,
Solomon Kenitnerer, nged about forty
years, an industrious iron ore teamster,
residing near Macungie, Lehigh county,
was found nbout 7 o'clock Monday
evening hanging in his bam. Ho had
n serious quarrel with Ids son-in-law,
named beiburt, m the atternoou, which
resulted iu n fight, during which ICom
merer wns somowhnt injured, After
tho fight Selbert left threatening to
havo his father-iu-lrw arrested. It ap
pears that this preyed upon tho poor
man's mind to such nn extent that ho
committed suicide. Ho leaves n wifu
and threo children. fTho Times.
According to into Hong Kong ad
vices thero is great nctivity among the
Chinese coollo ngcntH, Several steam
ers havo been hastily filled in order to
reach America beforo August -lili.
It is said that new drawing room cars
arc boing built for the Philadelphia nnd
Rending railroad. Thoy will bo sixty
feet long, not including platforms. Tho
main apartment will sent forty persons,
and smoking rooms at cither end will
ncoommodato twelvo men each. Each
car will bo provided with n wash room,
nnd will rest on two six wheeled trucks
a now thing on the Reading road.
vaots st'KAic ron Tiu:Msuiri:s.
C. It. Hall, Grayvlllo, 111., writes; "I
never sold any medicine in my life that
gavo such universal satisfaction as
Thomas' Eolectrio Oil. In my own case
jt cured n badly ulcerated throat, nnd
in threatened croup hi my children It
never failed to relievo."
According to tho Ropublicr.u organs
everybody is paying up tho contribu
tions. Thcro is no compulsion nbout
tho matter. And now circulars nro
about to be issued to those who hav
en't paid. If all have paid why do
thoy issue now circulars. If contribu
tions aro voluntary, why ask for them
nt all ?
rorut.Ait Kvr.iiYwiiEiu:.
"Burdane," tho French namo for Bur
dock, is as popular in Franco ns in
America. As nn nnti-scorbutic, nperient
and diuretic it cannot bu too highly ex
tolled. Burdock Blood Bitters combine
"in a condensed form" all its good pro
ertles. For gout, cutnneous disordeis
and kidney troubles they nrcunequalled.
Price $1.00.
Monday seems to havo been a hard
day for fires. At South Warehani,
Mass. tho Iverehaui nail Company's
works valued tit $21,000 wero destroy
ed. At Trenton, N. J. the pottery of
Ott ifc Brewer was destroyed. At Bay
City, Mich., a firo occurred iu the centre
of thu city, loss nbout $20,000. At
Grand Rapids, Mich., a large quantity
of lumber, and six dwellings, all valued
at $100 000. At Springfield. Mass,
tliu glu.ed paper company's establish
ment valued at $50,000 and the Was m
Car Company damaged to thu amount
of $50,001). At Presno, Cal., fifty
houses, the total loss will reach $200,
000. At Minneapolis, Minn., thu lum
her of the Minnesota Mill Company
worth nbout $50,000. Iu all making
tho loss by lire for one day reach over
half a million of dollars.
Democratic State Ticket.
For Governor,
or rim.Aimi.i'iiiA.
For Lieutenant Governor,
or voiiK.
For Judge of the Supremo Court,
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
For Congresstnan-at-Large,
parsons whoso names aro announced In thli
column, ara nleiiifcrt to nbidi by tlio decision ot
the Democratio Convention.)
Wo ftffi nullinrl7i(l tn nnnnnnrn I lin nnmn rt v
J. McUENHY of FIshlnKCreek township, im a can-
umaco lor iaio senator, suDject to tno action of
thu nnmftnriilip. flmintv i-nnvontlnn .indiiii. u,.n.
torlat conference ot the Twenty-fourth district.
FOIt SlIEttll'l-'.
Wo nro authorized to unnounco tlio namo of
MIMIlt UILK, ot CataLs.a, as a candidate for
tlio onico of -licrtir, subject to tho action of tho
Democratic county convention
Wo are aro to announce the name of
JOHNMOUIlttYot iloarlngcrcek township, ns n
candidate for tho ofltcoof shcrlil, subject to tuo
action of the Djmocratlo county convention.
At tin suggestion of many f r!o'u through the
county, I have concludjd to oiler myself tn tho
Dcmociots of Columbia coum,y u3 a candUato for
tho onico ot SIIEUIFF, subject to the action of
tho County Convention to bo held tho second
Tuesday In August, I respectfully ask the support
of the Democratic party, and It nominated I will
perform uio duties of tho onico with ndellty,
Minim Townhlp.
Wo aro autliorlied to announce tho name of
CUA11LES U. UUOUKWAY, of Uloomsburg. as a
canaldato for member of tho Legislature, Mibject
to tho action of tho Democratic county conven
tion. Wo are authorized to announce tho name of T
J. VANDEIISLIL'E as a candidate for ltcprc
sentatlve, subject to tho rules of the Democratio
We arc authorized to announco tho namo ot
JAMES T. FOX, of Heaver, as a candidate for
member of tlio Legislature, subject to tho action
ot tho Democratio County Convention,
Wo aro authorized to announce tho nameot
MAIII.ON HAMI.I.V, ot CMtawt-fsa. as a candidate
for member of tho Legislature, bubji-cttothntc-tlon
ot tho Democratio County Convention.
We aro authorized to announce the name ot
ISAAC A DEWITT, of (ireoanood, as a caudldato
for ltepresentatlvo In the Legislature. Subject to
tho rules ot the Democratio party.
Wo nro authorized toanoounce thonnmo ot
ISAAC OIUBONS, of Denton, ns a candidate for
Iteprescntal'vo In tho Legislature. Subject to the
rules ot tho Democratic p.uty.
Wo are authorized to announco tho namo ot
WILLIAM DilYSON.ot Centrnlla as a caudldato
for member of tho Legislature, subject to tho
action ot the Democratio County Ccmcutlou.
Wo are authorized to announce that HEN.
CUAULES Jl. BLAKElt, of Denver township,
Is a candidate for Itepresentatlro tn the Legisla
ture, subject to the action ot the Democratio
County Convention.
He will not travel to solicit votes,
Wheat per bushel
Ityo "
Corn, "
Oats " " ,
Flour per banul
Cloverseed ,,
l iii
cr ii
nutter , ;,
Dried pples
Sides Shoulders
Lard iwr pound
Ilayperton ,
u.eswax ,,
ooitiiKiriKU nw:i:i;i.y,
I'ut'ii-Tho market was Uu'l and weak
Hys KiOPtt ft
WiiBAT Dull and weak ! No western red I,1U:
Delaware and 1'enrut Iv tula red l.0i 1.V3.
I'OHN-tjutot, but limn bteatntrvucn(Wjo; sail
yellow ma; do mixed vie ; No. S mixed ikk.iUOmc.
Oats Market was scarce and wanted ; No. 1
white I30 No. Io No. a do Tlo; No. a mixed w
1 00,
I'KOVtsiom-Tlie market ns steady t mess pork
lis oo3.oo j beet liams j8.WM.:i o.
I iM-M(iiket was Annuity kettle IBlfc looko
butchers' isoi prime steam 18c
Henna Tho market was firm with a fair de
mand j creamery extra SCc
Lum The market was steady j Pennoi Ivanla 21o
webtern livo.
juerewlll boa letting for the building of n
school houio In Hemlock township, ut John KIst
ler's. Uuckhorn. ou Saturday Auirust 12th at u
o' lock. Specifications may bo seen at John Ktst
ler's. A. J. EMMET!',
juiy xt w secretary ecuooi noaru.
rlTTTfPP A TTI complete Lite, trial and Kxocu
UUiJliilUltlon. Coutatni Fao-siinlle Let
tent tuu Assjwdu lo tho rublisher. Agents do
Ing Immense. I'or terms, address WM. FLINT,
Philadelphia, 1'a. '
July H, 4r, r
a mm word.
Aiiy thing (hat can reasonably, bo asked for in summer clothing
for men and boys awaits you at Oak Hall. The prices on both
thin stuffs and woolens are fixed or readjusted on tho scheme of
our last month's upset sale. ' ,
Wanmaker 8c Brown,
Oak Ham, Sixth and Jlnrkd, t'liiln.lclplilil.
Willi safetv from tlin dangers of stnnyulatlon and without tho Injury trusses Inflict. Those wlshlte
proof should send lo rem a for hliimolc, containing likenesses ot bad cases before nnd af tor cure, also
endorsements of professional gentlemen, Ministers, Merchants, Farmers nnd others who have bee
cured. Truws anil rupturo soon-.-r or later nrtect tlio nervous and mental systems, bring on organ's
diseases, Imnoteno, destroy energy nnd social desires, makln? tin young oln and the oldus-lesi,
Ofllcps.tiSl lirnartay, N. Y., 02 Walnut St,, I'ldld. Dajs for consultation, each week New Yorl ,
Mondays, Tuestlars, Saturdays; I'blia, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, during Decembci,
after that every other week. April so -iw
Blooiiisbiii'g, sBiiHi'rfsiiy, August 5.
.Menagerie, Museum, Oyrnnabli-m Aipiarlum and Hurapty Dumpty Troupe.
A Rare Collection of Animals.
Elephants, Lions, Hyenas, sea Lions, Oimels, Monkeys, itaro lllrds, Elk, Tigers, Crocodiles.
Every day nr. l P. M., MonOV. A. Baxter, performing Feats never be.oro attempted, BO'mlnglyan
Impossibility, marvelous and Incredible, et It Is positively performed each and every day. rain or
sblne, with tho meat Show. It Is worth a da) 'a Journey to seo it. "
Every day at ten A. M., Introducing all the V'amous Mardl-gras Cosnmes, 1idles and Knights In GUt
f?i.rl E T",mti-. T he Lion, "Wallace." w 11; his Keeper, riding on top of Cage. Camels and Elephants,
beautlfiillj caparisoned, thorough-bied Horses. Decs cf Animals. Prof. Coomer's Oolden liind in
, ,iuiu.,iiu ..mi tunumui mi.., muuj ut;uie3 never ueroro luirodncea
Parades of 1 raveling Sho a s. Don't fall to too it and satisfy your elf that It Is as rCDreented
. Trained Horses, Acrobats, Tiapezo Artists, rnutoinlmlsts, Trick Dogs, The Vt oman witii i
Jo and a complete company ot specialists.
Two Performances Daily. Rain or Shine.
tlicdshowsa at 1 and 7' 1'erforra:lnce3 cominenco one hour later. One ticket, one price to all advor-
Letters ot Administration on tho estate or Wil
liam Mowery.latcof Catawlsaa tw'p.,culumbla co,
l'enna, deceased, have been grained by tl.u Regis
ter of said county to Maiiraret Howcra admin.
IstrutrU. All persons having claims against tho
c-iuiu? ui iuo ueucuciib are reriue-siea 10 presen;
them for settlement, nnd tnoso Indebted to tho
estate to mnko payment to the undersigned ad
ministratrix without delay.
Attornev. Ailmlnlstmlrlv.
Juno -3 '8M)w Cutawlssa.
tsotlce Is hereby ghen, thatlu pursuanco of tho
petition of Jebslu s. fisher ot Oiaugenile, In the
county ot Columbia, (a daughter ot William Klstier
and Itebecca hh wife of ihe same place), tiled In
I ho Court of Common l'leas of said county, ut Feb.
ruary Term, 1SS2, tho said couit did on the gird
day of June, isssr. order and decree that the name
of the satd Jessie s. Fisher b changed to Jessie
s. Conner, und directed that notice of the said do
creo should be published for four bucccrslvu weeks
In the "Columbian" newpapcr pub.lshed at
uloomsburg, which Is now done)
WM. KltlCKllAL'M, 1'rot.
a, M. (jcicx, Deputy,
Julyo, 4w
Ing to purrhase ilrst r-.'as articles of
Threshers and Separators,
also one nod two-h-m) Tiead Powers, with
lhreshei8i.ndSltukers,wlll do well to callonor
f ifAll wmU warranted' Fend fonuicetaud
glvome atrial No bMier Maelunes tiro Maim
factured for this kectlou of tho country.
Juno to, -m,
Tho Uloomsburg Iron Company oifer for sale at
ft low prlce.tholr furuacos and all their real estuto
and mining rights In Columbia and Snyder coun.
ties, renn'a., with or without their chartered
rlKlits. Also, such parts of their ttcck, and other
personal property as purchasers may desire. For
further Inforuiatlcu apply to
c. H. I'AXTON, j-res't,
Juno 9. U Uloomsburg, I'a
' h -.'l - jfifjtk.
fV-nni . l
In tho
tho Iron
II Firm .Hortuiiiiu ltt-ul U.lnle l.aniia
mado aud f.imrumi'ril by the
Hetala Loan and Trust Company,
school Honda and Municipal Sicurltlos for sale.
Uest of references furnished. Wilte for full partlo-
s'S-Tre8, ""AOTWttU VTU..X oPweS
Ireos. djuly 83 4w
IU.HuIiI, vviri nm! Adulter, by Marlon Ha
nine fur
aillhnrnf .U-nmmm, , :,7 1".".'.""'
r. hV MnHnn ItA.lnni,
Highly commended by the I'rojs oa tho best book
ever published in tlio interests ot lior sex. Noex
perlmentlng, 1 oil ooo copi,-. Ur.lro.l by AiieSi.
In lulvaiici-ol piiblli uiloii. Lady and gentlemen
canvassers uialilug from m to no per week.
l.ery l'miilly uuiL . Lloeral Inducements to
smart canvassers, Apply at once for terms aid
si tE 8'VK! II ALL, ISO N. UlT
at , Philadelphia. July ss 4w d
,n.r..l . nuwaiuiiy ireaieu, impt-ui-
ina.lll-,incr,e.dlb, result! bbtn lu singing "aftd
notes. Volumi mol-o" thw double? (iualltV o
Z C"'"" absolutely puro and resoninf turougS.
put the entiro compass. For HliiVer the advin
tages ore almost beyond numbering Publio
.siicnlu-r, Ki-iidi-raaud Ariorgaln from their
ncreased compais such richly modulated innec-
whether lor blogiug or olocutlon, theso omjus
SASV?' Pu" 'r falling all
collar. It. III.I, ID'l' CI.AltUI . Vnlpu Hnl,illur
l,il I I lit-Miim hi., l'lillmirlplil,,, !, V.I..4 d
This old nnd wH
, tried Rumudr
lint nrnvnn
Id All diHoaHei frolu jn.uu, mnl
Ula.ltheuiuaUlln. 111.
...I Dl,..t L... .
'K? f"d- A. rich avrun. ooutainlmr
Jroaftei aSi, ..'S?";nu- Ko other tetuedy hu
irOWVediucliTOcoittliinii. Sold by all Dru-laU.
j -j a j in i
-Hi ...
JulyW4-w a