The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 14, 1882, Image 5

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The Columbian.
FRIDAY, JULY 14th, 1882.
Correct Kiillroiirt Time Tnlilo.
Trains on tho Philadelphia 4 II. 11. leave import
as follows i
18 a.m. 1149 a.m.
4 o p. m. 6 43 p. m.
Trains on tbo D. L. & W. It. It. lcato Moomaburg
as follows i
Its a.m. 8 23 a.m.
10 rs a. m. U 45 a. m.
51 p. in. 4 st p. m.
The 11 train south connects with tho 1'hlla.
delpbla & Heading at liupcrt, and with the
Northern Central at Northumberland.
The 8:s a. m train connect at Northumberland
with :SJ train on Pennsylvania road reaching
Philadelphia at :o p. in.
Tho 11:41 train connects with Philadelphia and
Reading road at Itupert at 11:50 reaching Phila
delphia at e:00 p, m.
'lito 11:49 train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumberland at 1:45 reaching Philadel
phia at 7:15 p. m
The 4iS7 p m. train connects with Pennsylvania
road at Northumberland at 8:05 p. m. ana reaches
Philadelphia at :M a. m.
I. II. Mauser, of this place, has accepted
ft position on tho Nnntlcoko Chronicle.
Mr. and Mrs. K, It. Ikcler and sons went
to the North mountnln on Wednesday.
Miss Delias ol Philadelphia Is spending
the summer with Miss Mnmc Sloan.
I. W. McKclvy Is In Philadelphia this
Miss Annie Bloan Is In Scrnnton visiting
Miss Fannlo Senrles.
Mrs. F. II. Jenkins, of Eaton, New
York, Is visiting relatives here.
Mrs. C. Unangst Is at homo to spend the
Miss Lizzie McGowrm of Heading Is tho
guest of Mr. nml Mrs. P. E. Wirt.
Miss Martha Drinker expects to go to
Virginia next week on a visit.
Mr. William Neal and party relumed
from Co)u'9 on Tuesday.
John 0. Yocum Esq. of Catawlssa has
been offered a professorship In Lebanon
Valley College.
Miss Mame Frlck of Danville lias been
visiting her relatives hero the past two
Mrs. Maggie Gold, daughter of Clark
Brown, of Harrlsburg, Is visiting friends in
this place.
Mrs. Thomas Barton started for Three
IMvcrs, Mich., on Tuesday last to visit her
Ex-Sheriff Carter of Tunkhannock has
been here for some days pushing the. Inter
ests of the Osborne machines. He Is just
the man for tho business.
Mr. Asa 8. Kcelcr, of Ktelershurg, for
merly a hludent ut the Normal school, Is a
law student In the olllce of Alex. Fnmliam,
Esq., nt Wilkes Barn'.
B. P. Yannntta has been assigned to
school No. 2, in Berwick.
C. A. IClclm has sold his resldenco
Main street to T. J. Vnndcrsllcc.
John S. Phillips is assisting In tho Regis
ter and Recorder's ofllcc.
Farmers will do well to call at F. 8.
Klnports' Grocery Store,
C. W. Miller Esq., is repairing and im
proving his residence on Centre street.
The Berwick Gazette wants a Board of
Trade for that village. What would be
done with it?
Ten Gross of fruit jars just received and
sold ut the lowest price at F. 8- Kinports'
The Ashland Advocate gels oil tho worst
pun of the season in this shape; Eat beef
hash if you would beef hashlon able.
BoAKDiNa.-Afew boarders can be nccom
dated at Mrs. W. II. Jacoby'a ou Centre
street, one-half square below Main.
John Viumalta's new jewelry store nt
Berwick Is a very nice one. As John is one
of our town boys we are glad to hear of his
enterprise and success.
Peoplo who wonder why F. 8. KinporU
can double his trade may bo satisfactorily
answered by calling at his grand grocery
storo and pricing his goods.
Colonel Plollett, the veteran granger,
was thrown from a wagon near Towanda
a few days ago and sustained very serious
Frank P- Woodward, a well-known news,
paper man in tho Wyoming Valley, has
purchased n half Interest lu the Lackawan-
ua Democrat und assumed charge of the
business department of that paper.
While In Lock Haven on the Fourth we
bad tho pleasure of meeting Mr. George
Eilert, now engaged on the Daily Erprcas of
that city. He Is a graduate of tho Coujm.
man ofllcc, and Is a live newspaper man.
Ilock street is being graded at tho en
trance to the cemetery. A new iron fence
Is to bo greeted there, aud It Is reported
that a neat fountain will bo placed In the
cemetery grounds.
ltcuben Hess of Unpen snowed us
several stalks of timothy raised on his farm
which measured flvofect and eleven inches.
He says tho entire Held Is proportionately
large, und would avexngc four und one
half feet.
It docs not appear that tobacco Is so 1m
povcrlshiug to tho soil us has been supposed
Tho Rockwells, of Ulster, havu a piece of
wheat wiiicu stands six feet in height, on
ground planted with tobacco for three con
secutlvo years. Twmnda Review.
Mr- and MrB. William Hulmc of Benton
township celebrated tho twenty fifth ani
vcrsary of their wedding, on tho 20th ult.
A largo number of guests were Invited, and
many useful und handsome gifts were pre
Tho Treasurer of Bloomsburg Statu Nor
mal School will pay tho interest duo to
March 1st 1883 ou the Bunds, upon pre
sentation of Bonds.
II. J, Clark Treasurer
at II. J, Clark & Son's store.
The Vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal
church havu decided to have all tho, dead
removed from the church yard. All per
sons having friends burled thcro aro re
quested to remove them ns soon ns possible.
This Is u inovo lu tho right direction.
Tno old burying ground has long been an
yesoru to the public. The expenditure of
a small amount of money would make the
grounds nn attractive spot.
Tho work nt the Methodist church Is
progressing rapidly. Tho first floor lias
two class rooms partitioned of! by glass
partitions, which can be thrown all In to
ono room when desirable. Tho library is
ery conveniently arranged. Tho church
has been handsomely frescoed throughout
and back of tho pulpit is a panel of light
blue sky witli gilt stars; over this Is tho
sentence, In red and gold, "The Lord Is lu
His holy temple." Mr. II. Rclnhold of
Philadelphia, Is now at work changing thu
windows to stained glass by means of
Lum Smith's imitation, and It will havo u
very beautiful effect. The gentlemen who
have tlicso repairs in charge hav exhibited
good judgment nnd excellent taste. Thu
entire building Is to be licuted by steam.
Tho freight rates on tho D. L- & W. It.
It. havo been reduced about one-half.
Amandn llusscl, a servant girl of Amos
Buckalew, fell from a cherry tree on Wed
ncsday afternoon and sprained her wrist,
J. II. Malzo Esq., has been making somo
extensive Improvements to his resldenco
on Fifth street
Hcmcmbcr F. 8. Kinports docs n Whole
sale nnd Retail business In Groceries and
Rev. Dr. llcckman ot Cincinnati, former
ly President of Hanover College, Indiana,
will preach In tho Presbyterian Church
next Sunday.
Laportc, Sullivan county, Is to havo a
new paper to bo called tho Democratic &nli-
ntl. W. II. McCarty will be the editor and
proprietor. If the promises made in its
prospectus aro carried Into effect It will bo
an excellent paper.
Bloomsburg, Pa., July 11th, 1882.
Mn. Editoh.
Capt. Samuel Waters, lato
of Co. A. Oth Pa. Reserve Corps, (Iron
Guards), before his return to his adopted
home In Nortli Carolina, desires to meet
his surviving comrades at Bloomsburg, Frl
day July Hth In reunion. Inow Guaeiw.
Paper bags from lb. to
10 lbs. nt the
Columiuah ofllcc
James Thornton, of this place, employed
In the stable of tho Central Hotel, was
kicked by a horse on Wednesday evening.
The horse was owned by Jas. Rclhl of Dan
vlllc. Mr. Thornton had put the harness on,
tied him in the stall, and iwas passing out
of the stall when ho was kicked on tho left
check, fracturing his jaw bono and loosen
ing several teeth. Whcn'.found he was lying
upon his face, with the blood flowing from
his mouth. Dr. Gardner dressed tho wound.
Tho latest styles of ornamental fountains
arc made of Terra Cotta. They aro gotten
up in neat designs, aro reasonable In price,
and as durable as Iron. There arc two In
town, one at the Normal school, and one In
tho yard of II. C Hartman. T. L. Gunton,
tho marble cutter, has the solo agency for
this place, and will be pleased to show
designs, and give prices. Those desiring
to beautify their lawns can do so In no
better way than by erecting a fountain,
und Gunton can give you just what you
Catawlssa, Pa., July 11th 1883.
Gentlemen : I have
been informed by different parties that a
candidate for Sheriff has been representing
to the peoplo in various parts of tho county
thut I Intended to withdraw from the cam
paign and thai I would make an Announce
ment In the Columbian of this week to
that effect. I hereby deny all reports of
this kind nnd respectfully solicit tho sup-
port of the Democratic voters of the county
for ofllcc of Sheriff for which I am a can
didate. Very Respectfully,
Kinports, the Grocer, has just what you
want at bottom prices.
At the regular meeting of the Blooms
burg Water Company held Tuesday even
ing July 11th, 1883. Tho Board upon call
of the yeas und nays, passed unanimously
the following resolution, viz :
Renolved : That the meaning of the rcsolu
tlons passed by tho Water Company at
tueir last montuiy meeting in reference to
Arc protection was and is. that if the town
council would offer to apply to the Court
to have the price fixed, und with that end
in view would request the Water Company
to repair the fire plugs and furnish imme
diate Arc protection, the Water Compan;
would comply witli such request, or wit'
any other reasonable request that the
town council might make to enable them
to get the question of th price for tire
protection before the Court; aud having
made this oiler we feel that we have done
all that is necessary to free the Wutcr
Company from blame in case u lire should
occur In Bloomsburg while in Its present
helpless condition.
Wrapping paper printed or blank kept in
stock nt the Colombian olllce.
At u meeting of Winona Fire Company,
last Monday evening the following ofllccrs
were elected for the ensuing year:
President, Geo. E. Elwell.
Vice President, E. B. Clark.
Foreman, O. F. Woodhouse.
1st Assistant Foreman, J. 0. Fltzpatrlck.
2nd " " A. A. Clark.
Recording Secretary, P. E. Wirt.
Financial " J. F. Peacock.
Trustees, 0. W. Funston.L. Lowenbcrg,
Chas. Jones.
Pipeinen, W. B. Allen, 8. F. Peacock,
W. C. Sloan, F. 8. Kinports.
The following resolutions were adopted i
Remkul. That the thanks ot the Winona
Fire Company be tendered the ex-flrcmen
of Lock Haven for their kind Invitation to
visit thnt city on the Fourth of July, and
for the pleasant reception and courteous
and gentlemanly treatment while there,
also to Mr. II. S. Harvey for the beautiful
basket of flowers presented to the com
pany ; and we do hereby express our ap
prcclatlou of the hospitality ot the citizens
of Lock Haven so freely extended to us.
Rttokcd, that wo especially recognize
and fully appreciate the successful efforts
of Mr. E. A. Fnncher, and other members
of the committee to make our visit plcasuut
nnd one long to ho remembered,
Readcei, that a copy ot these resolutions
be forwarded to the er.flremen of Lock
A vote of thanks wus also tendered the
Bloomsburg Cornet Band for their excel
lent music on the occasion and their
willingness to play whenever requested,
notwithstanding the rain.
Just recetveu a new ioi of Elgin, Walt
ham, Springfield and other muke of watches
in open and hunting cuses, warranted from
two to five years.
Also silver plated teaspoons one dollar u
set, table spoons two dollars a set, at L.
Bombard's Jewelry Store. fl 9-tf
llohrHliurir. item,
; Mr. Frauk Bogert, who was seriously
kicked by u colt a few weeks ago, Is able
to be out again,
Blind Charlie (Prof. Johnson) gave one
of his concerts In tho M. E. Church at tills
place on June 20th aud 27th. The attend.
ance was not as largo as it should havo
been. He Is truly u master of music.
Joseph DeWllt's daughter, Gertie, died
of whooping cough recently. It appears to
he epidemic in tills locality.
Our new J, I', does not appear to be over
run with business. But he Is an efficient
officer, hence it tells very well for thu
quietude of thu place.
Thu winter crops look unusually well
thus fur. if nothing happens them yet there
will he u heavy harvest.
Why havn't we u Telephone t All our
neighboring towns have one. Itolirsburg
seems lu some things to bu retrograding
Instead of udvanclng. We haveatrl-weckly
mull, hence it takes two days, the shortest
possible time, for a letter to get to Blooms
burg from here, a distance of ten miles,
while wu used to have u dally, How und
I why Is tills? Will some of our business men
explain f Oiistuvmi,
If you are in need of uu Ice Crcum freez
tr cull at F, 8. KinporU' Grocery,
A number of young ladles plcnlccd In tho
woods at Rupert on Tiusday, and were
quite successful nt fishing. Among tho fish
ctilghl was n good sized vet.
Joseph Snyder ot Rupert hung himself
ou Wednesday afternoon about three
o'clock, Tho family heard a noise on tho
garrctt stnlrs nnd went up to sco the cause,
whan they found him upon tho stairs dead,
with tho ropo broken but tho nooso tightly
drawn about his neck, Ho had tied tho
ropo nt tho top of tho garrctt, then pushed
himself off, so as to hang In tho stnlrwuy.
Tlicro was somo difliculty In tho family
which lead him to this act. He had mado
several attempts nt Inking his life beforo
this time, but has nlways been detected.
Ho was nbout 65 years of ago.
Just received Fresh Canned Clams, PcaB,
Fresh Oysters, Sauced Mackerel, Canned
Soup, Baked Beans, tho largest and latest
canned Fruit In tho market at F. S. Kin-
ports' Grocery.
Tlic WlitottnM In Lock Haven.
On Friday of last week n dispatch was
received from Lock Haven Inviting the
members of tho Winona Fire Company to
participate In the celebration of the Fourth
of July In that city, The Invitation was
accepted, and on Monday afternoon twenty
seven of them left by way of Northumber
land, accompanied by the Bloomsburg
Cornet Band. Through the intluenco of
W. B. Poust nil tho necessary arrangements
were made for transportation, so thnt a
special car was assigned to tho party all
tho way through, and the Hoso carriage
was provided with a separate Hat. At
Willhunsport there wan a stop of about half
an hour, during which time the Capital City
Hand of Harrlsburg, which accompanied
the Paxton Firo Company of that city,
played a tuno on tho platform and were
followed by tho Bloomsburg Band, tho
latter receiving hearty applause. This little
tournament gavo our band encouragement,
nnd from that time on they never played
better In their lives. At Lock Haven the
party was met by Messrs. Fnncher, Brown,
and other members of the committee of
reception, and escorted to their head quar.
tcrs at tho Eagle Hotel. By tills tlmo rain
had commenced to fall and the prospects
for the patade on the Fourth were gloomy.
The rain continued all night, and most of
the time until noon next day, so that the
parade which was to have taken place nt
10 a. m. did not come off until 2 p. m. It
was an Imposing spectacle, there being nine
bands, nine Are companies, fantastics,
number of other organizations, wagons
representing the industries of the city,
carriages with city officials, &c. Tho tramp
through the mud was a hard one und the
route was cut short ou this account. At
one o'clock there was a meeting at the
Court House when the Mayor made an ml
dress of welcome to the visitors, but there
were none present but the bands nnd Are-
men from Bloomsburg and Rcnovo. After
supper the Winona boys with the band,
serenaded the Mayor, Judge Mayer, nnd
other prominent citizens, nil of whom made
very complimentary speeches. At eleven
o'clock nt night the party Btarted for home
reaching here Wednesday morning. Tho
Wiuonas were the guests of the Ex-Firemen
of Lock Huven, and were treated with the
greatest kindness nnd attention not only
by their hosts, hut by the citizens general
ly. The following comments are clipped
from the dully papers of July Cth.
"The Winona Hoso Compnny, No 8, of
Bloomsburg, guests of the Ex-Firemen,
were as line a set ot ccntleinen us ever pa.
rnded our streets, and the general remark
of tho public was. that with their gray ca.
det uniforms and gentlemanly deportment
they made the finest appearance in the
parade." ICrprus.
"The Winona hovs. of Bloomsburir, rep
resent the wealth and culture of the place
and behaved well while here. Their uui
forms cost about $211 each, and consist of a
whole suit ot gray, i lie ltlooinsburc liana
is looked upon as being one of the best in
the Interior." Journal.
This is what tho Brtalfatl Tallehat to say
"The Winona Firu Company aud Silver
Cornet Band of Bloomsburg passed through
this city on Monday intent, on their way to
Lock Haven. While waiting at the depot
the band discoursed some excellent musin
on the platform. It was conceded that the
Wlnouas and their band were superior to
any thing else in tno parade."
A Lock Haven correspondent ot the
Willlamsport San and Ranncr says :
"Honors arc showered thick and fast, so
far as praises iro at least, upon vour nsicli
bora of Bloomsburg for furnishing the best
band nnd best fire company of the occasion,
Their music and marching wero perfec t
throughout the day and their conduct was
at all times marked with propriety und gen
tiomiinl) (limcanor.
Our band received special attention and
wherever they appeared on the streets their
splendid music attracted largo crowds.
They were acknowledged by all unpreju
diced minds to bo the best band lu the pro-
All the boys enjoyed themselves. Every.
body was full of fun nnd mischief and
there was not a dull moment from the sturt
till ths return. "Prize fights" "Buttaliou pa.
rades," "Spectre danccB" and many other
amusing incidents occurred which would
not seem funny in cold type, but wero ex
trcmely laughable to behold. It was a trip
louir to he remembered, nnd the Winona
Firo Company ami Bloomsburg Band havo
won for themselves a high reputation in
Lock Haven for their fine music, gentle.
manly bearing nnd tho propriety with
which they conducted themselves through.
out. Some of the Wlnonas called ut tho
Mayor's oflice nnd enjoyed the Interview
Iluckliurn iteniH.
After iui nhaence of boiuo yenrit In
Mr. Jcbsc Wllaon has returned.
ltclativcs of Dr. J. Montgomery, of I'ottu.
grove, spent ouiulay ween Here.
Mr. O. I.. Hartmau haa placed a neat
veranda In front of his resldenco.
Mr. K. I), I.elily has painted ids house.
Miss Bade Drcluharh Is vlsltlui; at
Mr. John llloclier ot Heading spent tho
4th with Mr. Henry Hummers.
Mr. Ed. Hack and Mrs. Klla Kelfer of
Hnghesville were the guests of K. II. Hart-
mail recently.
Mr. Frank P. Harris and Miss Anna
Kemp of Ilainhurg are visiting ft lends in
this community.
Messrs. T. W. Purse, II. I). Mcllrlde,
William Ivey and II. W. Appehimu have
made repairs to their hulldiugs.
llev. U. V. Bavldgu has returned from
the trout streams, and reports one hundred
and filly as thu result of one d iy's wnrU,
Mr. N. M, llurtinnu and wife ol Niuitl
coke paid short vlxlt to llila plaeu recent
The M. K. Sunday school of thu valley
held their celebration on thu 8th.
Uur hand has taken steps to reorganize.
Have secured Ihu service of Mr, Thomas
Metherul as their lender, ami when wu
consider the general inaku up of thu rest of
the boys, wo ussuro you good inuslo In
short order. A number ot now Instruments
will bo purchased.
Wells' Health Hcnewei" restores heullh
und vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence,
,exuid Debility. $1
Ilnty oftlic Town Council.
The act of 1831, Hectlou 2, provides that
tho corporato ofllccrs shall havo power,
"To make regulations relative to tho cause
and management ot (Ires, nnd within
such limits within the borough ns they
may deem proper to prescribe ;
to appropriate money for the purchase of
firo engines, &c."
Tho law Incorporating tho town of
Bloomsburg, provides for three rates of
taxation; the highest rate for the built up
portion of the town, two thirds of tho
highest rate for tho suburban portion of
tho town and one half of the highest rato
for tho agricultural portion of tho town.
Tho built up portion of the town Is most
exposed to danger from tires, nnd nlso
pays the highest rata of taxation, and
hence Is entitled to such protection
against danger from fires as can reason
ably bo provided. When an Act of
Assembly gives corporato officers power to
do any act and to use tho public money
for Bticli purposes, It signifies thereby that
such Is their duty so far ns;ls reasonably
practicable. It might not be the duty of
the town council to build water works, or
go to like extraordinary expense to fur-
nlsh protection Bealnst fires, but whero
tho citizens of the town by a stock com
pany hare already Incurred such expense
for the sake of such protection und the
town authorities have once commenced to
nvall themselves thereof, it would bo a
clear neglect of duty on the part of tho
town council If for any private reason of
their own, they Bhould cause all protection
against fires to be cut off. Wc say for any
private reason of their own, because the
water company by a resolution have 6ffcr.
cd to do whatovcr the town council may
rensonnbly desire, to get the mnttcr before
tho Court of fixing the price for fire pro
tection, in case tho town council would
npply to tho Court. But the town council
nt n meeting called for the purpose have
refused cither to agreo with the water
company, or to apply to the Court to have
the price fixed. The public welfare there.
foro cannot be the real reason tor their
action. Their reasons are private, but so
far as the President of the council Is con.
corned his reasons nro generally under.
stood and publicly expressed. He cannot
trust tho Courts, Is ono of thorn. Ho got
justice once and cannot trust the courts
again. So wc have n case where notwith
standing nn nmplc firo protection already
provided In our town, it Is shut off by the
action of the town council ; and the town
in caso of a Arc is helplessly at tho mercy
of the flames without so much us a street
sprinkler tojlmul wntcr, or ft place to haul
It from. It Is a clear neglect of duty on
tho part of tho town council, and If per-
sistcd in It will sooner or later cause dam
:ige by fires. In such case would not tho
town be llablo to pay the damage ? Whar
ton on the Law of Negligence, page 1, de
fines negllgenco thus: "Negligence lathe
omission to do something which a reason
able mini, guided upon those considcra
tlons which ordinarily icgulntc the con
duct of human affairs, would do, or doing
something which a prudent and reasonable
man would not do."
It might be argued that the duty of the
town council to provide for protection
nguinst tires in this enso Is discretionary,
and they can do It or not, as they please.
So It might be nrgued that their duty to
'regulate the roads, streets, lanes, alleys,
courts, common sewers, foot walks, pave.
mcnts, &c," Is only discretionary, for the
act ot assembly Is the same in both cases ;
It gives them tho power, but In no place
does it expressly require them to exercise
that power. And there is no doubt but
the town would be lluble to pay damages
if they should neglect to repair bridges,
pavements, strcetB, &c, nnd horses or per.
sons should be injured in consequence of
such neglect. As the town council nro not
willing to come into court voluntarily to
have the price of fire protection fixed, there
may be a fine opportunity in case of a fire in
town to bring them into court against their
OrniigcvUle Academy.
OraiiKCvllle, July 3 1883.
Mit. Editor. It was our privilege to
attend the commencement exercises of the
Orangcville Academy, which began on
Friday, June 30th, and wo thought a brief
account of them might not be uninteresting
to your readers.
Notwithstanding the blow which the
Academy sustained when the small pox
plague fell upon the town, and from which
It Is lust beginning to recover, there were
llireu members In tho graduating class. Th
final examinations were held on Friday
June SiOth and were conducted by n com.
mlttec which is appointed annually. Wi
were not present at the examinations, but
the chairman, -Mr. J. E. ltohins, reported
that the committee had examined the grad
anting class, and also their papers or pre
vlous examinations, and, while they found
a few errors, none of them were serious.
and that In the opinion of the committee
the members of the class could be graduat
cd with credit to the Institution.
On Friday evening Prof. W, H. Owen
Adjunct Professor of Oreek nt Lafayette
College, delivered the commencement ad
dress In the Union Church. His theme wns
"The Practical results of a Liberal Educa
tlon." Any extract or synopsis that wo
could give of It, or any comments that w
might make on it would not do it justice,
To be appreciated it must bo heard, nnd
we aro sure that all who heard it wero
highly gratified. Tho Trustees of the Acad
ciny have requested a copy of It for publl-1
The graduating exercises took placo on
Saturday morning, July Ut, nt 10 o'clock.
They were prefaced by "Anniversary Ex.
erclses" consisting of Music, Kecitatlons,
ami Declamations by tho members of the
lower classes, all of which were of a very
high order of merit, and gave evidence of
th fact that these branches arc receiving
their proper attention at tills Institution.
Tho first oration from tin. graduating class
was by Mr. Steward F. Custard of Strouds.
burg, Pa. His subject wus "Our Great
Men. "His oration showed maturity of
thought, and wns delivered with earnest,
ness aud force.
Mr. Frank I. Smith of Alhn, Pn,, follow.
cd with an oration on "llrlcks." It
abounded In wit and wisdom, nnd wa's
enjoyed by all who heard It. The last
orator was Mr. Dallas O, Orover, of Wap.
wallopen, Pn. Thu subject of Ids oration
was "Suckers." With keen satlro and
well chosen words he portrayed those who
go through life leaning upon some one
In tho afternoon at S o'clock the Alumni
Association held their meeting nt thu
resilience of the principal. A sumptuous
banquet followed, aud after relieving the
groaning tables of many of their rich viands,
the tin (Xmmwuwi, Mr. J. M. Frit of the
class of '70, called ou thu members to re.
spnnd to various toaets, and thu. afternoon
passed pleasantly away.
In the evening a literary treat was given
to the public In thu Union Church by Ihu
Alumni Association. The following was
thu programme i
Muslo) Oration, "The Future," J. M.
Fritz, Jl) Select reading, "Death.bed of
Benedict Arnold," I,. P. Sterner) Muslci
Essay, "Living Letters," Miss M. II.
Welsh, 'Si Oration, MRcmtntsccnccs of
schoohdnys," J. II. Mcndenhall ; Music
Essay. "Beyond the Alps lies Italy," Miss
Lllllo Megnrgell; Declamation, "The
Bewitched Clock," John J. Nclsslcr'81
Muslot Oration, "The Ideal and the Real,"
A, J. Hcisster, '?8i Music; Benediction.
Thus passed tho fourth commencement
f tho Orangovllle Academy, and all who
are Interested In the institution have good
reason to feel proud of It. Twcnty-threo
persons in all havo been graduated from
the Academy during tho last five years.
Of these, one, Mr. W. Oman, has entered
tho U. 8. Nnvy; two, Messrs. Wm. R.
Campbell and J. M. Fritz, nro now seniors
lu Lafayette College. Easton. Pn. i one. Mr.
J. Hclssler, graduated tills year from
Muhlenberg college, Allentown, Pa., and
his brother J. J. Hclssler Is n Junior In
Hint college ; nnd G. L. Jolly Is attending
a medical college In Baltimore. Many of
tho other Alumni of the Academy hav
entered the teacher's profession, nnd thus
nil, In ono wny or another are shedding
lustre upon their much-bclovcd Alma
Wo aro told that tho fall term of tho
Academy will begin August 14th nnd wo
hope It will receive tiio hearty support it
Wo should also state that three young
men, graduates of this Academy, Grovcr,
Sterner, and Bobbins were examined for
Lafayette College, by Prof- Owen, and
passed without conditions.
Yours truly, J. P. W.
IcrHonnl t To Men Only I
Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Michigan, will
send Dr .Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic
BclU nnd Electric Appliances on trial for
thirty days to men (young or old) who are
atlllctcd with Nervous Debility, Lost Vital
Ity, and manhood, and kindred troubles
guaranteeing speedy relief nnd complete
restoration of health and manly vigor,
Address ns nbovc. N. B. No risk Is in
curred, ns thirty days' trial is allowed.
Oct. 28. '81-ly
If you want good celery plants cheap
call at James Commons, near tho Bloom
ferry. Ho will not he undersold.
Flour nnd feed can always
be had at
Allen's East end grocery.
nprll 7-tf
C. 0. Mnrr Is paying 21 cents for eggs
ana o cents tor uuuer.
Farmers dealing at W. B Allen's can be
accommodated with stabling, apr. 7-tf.
Calves, lambs, large shotes. fat sheen.
corn, oats, rye, hay, oak and hemlock bark
nnd wool wanted ut Light Street, by Silas
Young. June 10 0-w
C. C. Marr wants butter, eggs, lard.
side, shoulder and ham.
Lumber, lots of it for sale. Pine boards
, 14, aud 1G feet long, pine plank 12,
14 nnd 10 feet long, hemlock board 12, 14
aud 10 feet long hemlock plank 12, 14. 10
and 18 feet long, joists 12, 14, 10 and 18
feet long, 2x4 rails 12. 14, 10 aud 18 feet
long. Shingle lath, celling lath, shingles
iso. l, and u. ncKeis aim aiding at
l.igiitBirecl uy blias l oung.
may lu-a m
C. C. Marr Is buying geese feathers.
As good cigars as can be found in town
are kept at W. B. Allen's East end gro.
eery. april 7-tf
Nice ginghams 10 cts., and calicoes G
cts., at U. U. Marr's.
In tho absence of John Wolf, farmers
wanting farm machinery will please call at
w. u. Alien's. april 7-tt
The J'ittsuurg JJyo Company have ap
pointed William it. uingrosc. west street.
second door from Third, as their agent for
this county- urders can he sent to his re.
sldcncc, and will bu promptly attended to
uoou worK guaranteed. aw
W. B. Allen bus just opened u lot of new
goods, embracing fine groceries, glass.
wore, painted clilnn, queensware, itc. All
of the best, and nt the lowest prices.
npril 7-tf
If the lady who reads this card when in
want of Spool Cotton will ask
for tho
"O. N. T."
shu will obtain tho very best thread made.
Ask for Clark's "O. N. T." Cotton and
see that you get It.
For sale by all leading dealers,
lob s -em
Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kid
ney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1.
A delightful fragrance of freshly gather,
ed Mowers and spices is the distinguishing
charm of Floreston Cologne. .
Puny, weak, nnd sickly children, need
Ilrown's Iron Bitters. It will strengthen
and Invigorate them.
The beauty and color of the liair inav ho
safely regained by using Parker's llalr
Balsam, which is much admired for its
perfume, cleanliness and dandruff eradl-
eating properties- ,
a siiDirr ltoAD to im.u.rii
To nil who nre suffering from boils,
ulcers, scrofula, carbuncles, or other oh
stiuntu diseases of thu blood and skin, it
course of Burdock Blond Bitters will bo
found to bo a short road tr health. Price
Insist upon obtaining Florestons Cologne,
It Is pru.eml.nently superior in premuilen.
co and rich delicacy of fragrance.
A.NSWKIt this qtmaTio.v.
Why do so many people wc see nround
us, seem to prefer to suffer nnd ho made
miserable Uy IndiiscBtlon. Const nation.
Dlz7lncss. Loss of Aimetlte. ComiiiL nn of
.1... i.. i A.. ,i ..? t - TL
uiu ruoa, i enow own, wnen lor 73 cts,,
...II, ... II .i nt ,. . . .... ..
wu win sen ilium Diuion s viiaiuer, guaran.
teed to euro them. Sold hv J. II. Kin
ports. may Ceow
All beds seems hard to the rheumatic.
men inirKen yu peevish sullerersl Ap:
ut. i nomas- ivcieciric uu to your aching
juimo mm lunacies, neiy upon it mat you
win experience speeily relief. Such, at
least, Is thu testimony of those who have
used it. i no remedy Is likewise success,
fully resorted to for throat and lung ill
senses, sprains, bruises, etc.
81111.011'S OATAIIltll 1IEMKDV. A nilirVC
ions cure for Cutnrrh, Diphtheria, Canker
mouth, and Head Ache. With each bottle
tuero is an ingenious nasal Injector for tho
iiiiuu siHxcssiiu ireaimeui oi theso com.
maims without extra charge. Price 50cts
Doui uy j. ii. Kinports. may O-cow.
Faded or gray hair gradually recovers 1U
tuimiiiii wumr nun msiru ny me usu or v
ker's Hair Balsam, nn elegant dressli
aumired ror its purity nnd rich perfume,
This Is buvonil question Hie most success,
fill Cough Mcdlclno Wu havo fvir Hfihl .
fuw doses invariably curu thu worst cases
of Coul'Ii. Croill). aud llrminhltW. whlh. li.
wonderful bucccss In thu cure of Consump
tion is without a parallel lu tho history of
medicine. Since its firct discovery It hui
been sold on a guarantee, a test which no
other incdicluo can stand. If you have a
Cough wu earnestly ask you to try it. PrUe
10 cts. and 1.00. If vour I .llni'H urn unr.
Chest, or Buck, Lame, mo Shfioh's Porous
riasier. rnco cts. bold by J, II, Kin
i'"""- may o cow
'eosilv ou
tla adavathnmn rniivmirii
Augusta, Maine,
wuvi.v liw, THUS & LO.
uarcu si .ly
Oshorn's Family PalnU ready for uso aro
tho most convenient article of tho kind, all
shades and colors, put up In , J and pint
cans. Wo furnish a can of paint nnd brush
for 25 cents.
Saxollnc Petroleum Jelly, used for burns
scalds nnd sores of every kind; It Is good
and cheap. Saxollnc Pomade for the Tialr,
iiigniy pcnumcd, m cents.
Glycerine Lotion. To ladies and children
or nny person with a fine sensitive skin and
whose complexion is nucctcu uy tnc wciimcr
causing redness, roughness nnd chapping
this Lotion Is Invaluable. An excellent ap
plication to the faco nfter shaving. Largo
bottles i nnd ou cents.
Our Stock of Hair and Tooth brushes has
been replenished and contains somo good
Wc carry a complete and well selcctod
stock, and competent persons are always In
nttendanco to suppiv the wants oi our pat
rons. Wo study to please, and believe w
can sunnlv von with cvurvthlntf In our line
economically, satisfactorily nnd In a manner
calculated to induce to join in tuc veruict,
that our storo is the place to trade. Hoping
to see many readers of the Columbian at
our place ot business shortly and soliciting
a snaro or your esteemed patronage, wc re
main Very Truly Yours
N. J. Hendershott.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Where we have no agent
IfirOrders and inquiries by Mail or
Telephone receive pkomit attention.
Mar IM
will he hfa at thf Court House la Bloonubure I
on Thursday the list dax ot August, imi aiiul
o'clock, a. v. agreoauie to ins proruiuiu ot Aou
ot Assembly In such casus ruado and proTlded an
tho right, tlue ana interest HOiuima oj tho &M
commhwlooerslu tb9 followioir lou, plecos, anil
garcela oi unbeaten tanas, cereioiore purcuoaoa
r tht'in atTrouurvr'sssla asdheld (or a period
ot morn than Utb yuan; thu day nt redumption
having Kune oy, union uy uu original owner.
4(6 Drown Nath. 1313 OaUwlwa t It
tot ToungJonn iw i(oanngcreic aj ea
se rliner jonaiu a ie uvuvar ai
li llarotne David
Itoarlnircieclc sl
(0 KrolHhT John, sr.
do t it
do t ai
S3 Millard wm.
M Whitman Abraia
do 14 1
st Cook John. )r
M3 Callus Charles
tot curry Patrick
do il
llitarcrtxik in
lloarlnircrotk 43 oi
23 Aah Hainuel
I'tnu s is
flsblngcreek I U
UemoB is 41
441 lloach N. 0. 11.
401 do do
d'J II 04
do 4 73
llrlarcrtsk 4 il
lo Kei'iar HDenexcr
10 ltower Solomon
soillceler WMlam
Mt Pleasant
4 41
21 Vct'all lldlra
IM Wagner Philip
s umanuoau
is Kohblns Joseph
si I-eoo llenry
70 r.vons Hubert
4 91
4 1!
941 liorron John, r.
M lienson l'eter
Csntral a
&i IB
as is
114 names Thomas
14 IB
184 Lemon wiuiain
400 Atiplomanl'hlnus
w iuium aaiuuet
I tl
4 SI
9ou Cowsart James
soo Miller relier
40 Yohe jaeoD
in llroier Michael "
11 IT
IS i
91 IT
a vi
m Miller I'ellcr "
im Deonter C. II. "
uu Hoffman Harriet
soo Woodsldo .t Krtek "
40J nlhl Itooert 1S1
M Ash William
TrauL-h Henry "
I us
to CreToiIng Aadrew"
24 Sraeclc BrobsC 1M
lot Callahan James is?
" Fcosternia'n'r J U "
" James ildward "
" Kline Caroline "
" Kline John "
" Murphy Thomas "
" Mlulliau John 11
' Meghan Jmi-a "
" .Nerln Mlcnal "
4 14
4 SI
o Uearheart Win. "
SI 2
u. r. kuuau. j
Commlfcolonora' office, Bloomsburg, July II,
1 lA.eauUdrVreorn.C0NSU3iPn0N
chills. Orders from medical uiuii.lor uiu
wonderful cu'c como lu from all nrer tho couuUry.
rnce rrr unuu ai.on. i an oe sail ny errinwi to
any address. III. C. ItUNNEUBIt CO., Uax
wuiiamsport, ra.
a JIBS m, w.
ve will offer (or sale what II Itnoifn an the old
jaUiiroprrl)-, on Thursday, August int., Ut, at
10 o clock. A. il. at tho Court ltouso la Hluiiuuburir
all that certain piece ol land situate In the town
it llloouiburg with a trunt oa Ceute stroot ot
SI4V feet ami a front on Pint ilreetof 111 fnoten
which are erncled a brick dwelling house, oil laU.
conduiuns can seen at the ofneo,
U r. EDUAlt. I
ArrnsTi Jonn 11. Carer, clork. ComwUilr.njn'
By Plasters claiming to bo an
improvement ou ALLOOOK'S
ALLCOCK'S is the Original and
only genuino Poroua Plaster;
all other so-culled Porous
P la S3 1 e rs are imitations.
Beware of them.
See that you get an ALLCOCK'S
PLASTER, which we guarantee
has eflectcd more and quicker
cures than any other external
eb I nt- eow
:: -